I liked the finale. Overall, nothing felt out of place, and it was well paced without any real boring or unnecessarily slow parts. Lots of "oh shit" moments. Apparently its ok to show Twilight getting slammed through a mountain but not ok to show Twilight punching Tirek in the face. My prediction that Discord would either join Tirek or get jobbed by him were BOTH proven correct! Discord was either intentionally playing the fool to help Twilight (giving her the clues for the keys + not telling Tirek about the magic transfer to Twilight until much later + giving her the last key) or he really was that much of an insecure child to fall for Tirek's manipulation. I think it could be argued either way... he is powerful and clever, but he's never really been portrayed as wise. And his friendship test antics in Three's a Crowd reeked of insecurity. I get the feeling it was supposed to be one way and then got changed to the other way halfway through the writing process.
It was very exciting and fun. The only thing that wasn't good were the mane 6's super-forms, which while I could see toy-wise how they were designed (Lots of hair for more brushing/braiding/styling), didn't seem to look very good from the character design point of view. It reminded me of when the old Marvel comic made a transformer look 100% exactly like his toy model, and it looks really awkward.
I remember /mlp/ did a straw poll and 80% of the folks liked the episode, even though the thread was full of complaints. Just goes to show you can't really judge the reception of the episode by who posts about it. But good job on dragging me back into the show, Season 4.
The Rainbow Powers seriously did not look good. Their manes were ok in a glam rock 80s sort of way, but the random cutie marks everywhere was offputting.
Considering that it defeated Tirek with 4 alicorn magics + Discord's magic + magic of all of Equestria, it seems to be several factors more powerful than the Elements of Harmony; I hope the power creep doesn't become DBZ level ridiculous. Or maybe it's too late.
>>227999 Word so far is that its going to be another who has worked with her on past networks. Moreover she's stepping down due to some personal injuries that she sustained a few months back than anything else. Also Hub has been trending up steadily since the start so I don't see any real danger of a network shutdown. Hopefully more content both original and licensed.
OH RIGHT! I forgot to talk about the mirror arc ending.
On one hand its is the anticlimtic "elements of hamrony saves the day again" reslution I was fearing BUT because its ends on a bittersweet note I'm okay with it.
And one can have a laugh anyone that gets butthurt over "EVIL" being a physical thing and all the other moral problem this poses.
>>228654 It's ridiculously overly complicated, considering its for little kids (?). It has more finicky rules that interact in interesting ways than M:TG so it could potentially have more depth, but its still more shallow because of the current limited card pool. Before the recent release of the Canterlot Nights packs, the game meta basically had three or four decks that beat each other in a rock -> paper -> scissor fashion. It doesn't help that very few people play it. I wish there was a free online version to practice on.
>>228675 I actually enjoyed the way the Elements of Harmony was used for once. It wasn't just "zap zap enemy dead", the way they used it was pretty clever. Also, the idea of good and evil being tangible physical things is a common high fantasy trope, and ignoring the inherent moral problems about it is part of the suspension of disbelief.
>>228676 Indeed, thats why I did not rage about. More a "aw thats sad" reaction. And hype for the inevitable follow up given that Evil Mane 6 did jack all. But the poker splash page making light of that made up for it. It was not a story about them anyway.
Oh and Trixie: Diamond theft? arc if off to a pretty weak start. Think it mostly the art not being FUCKING AWESOME as when Andy does it along with some plot problems. Like where is Sweetie Belle, home with the folks? Thats okay, but the way the cops show up and start dumping expostions is just dump...
>>228726 Man, the only really new one is that Luna sculpt. Dr. Whooves and Vinyl are "new" in that they're show-accurate colors instead of that atrocious Rainbow Power coloring. Everything else you can get already.
>>229722 They didn't even use real words, what kind of gibberish is that, I joke. So its just fluff nothing insightful like Animator talks, historical stuff about the property name lineages and things. Things that made Disney Adventures good before it turned into a piece of garbage and just cancelled outright.
>>229732 Expand their horizons mainly. Bring a bigger understanding of the whole process and maybe guide their interests into the field. Maybe they could include a few of the prints of the older comic stories in that mag.
Image:140956821900.jpg(1.05MB, 1988x3056)My Little Pony - Friends Forever 008-000.jpg
>>229733 All I knew is that I feel bad they get this barely preheated garbage when get this artistic feast.
This is the best issue so far, yes better then my beloved Rarity micro issue. (Mostly because its like the same but with more applejack, and thats fun) Speaking of, funny how on of my fav comic gets the WORST REVIEW OF ANYTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN! http://blip.tv/vigalovescomics/vlc-mlp-rarity-micro-series-6904166 ARHHHH IT BURNS MY SOUL!
>>229769 Equestria is a weird world of anachronisms. Proxies of modern day cities in the same country as fantastical mountain-birthed castles, wild west towns with highway robbers, and Tartarus. Flashlights and other modern conveniences along with firefly powered lamps, military using spears, and pony-driven carriages (and briefly, pony driven trains). Non-pegasi flight technology seems to be just starting, with hot air balloons and Wright brother level rotor planes.
Ponyville didn't feel out of place in the series premiere because of its quaint podunk nature, it just seemed like a typical sword & sorcery village. Imagine if it was a bustling metropolis right next to the Everyfree forest that had to deal with sleeping dragons, cockatrices and parasprite infestations.
>>229776 I find it interesting of how it works. We go to the frontier to the bustle of Manehattan and other than the usual city elitist snobbery things just flow from one to the other. I think it helps that all the ponies coexist in these places but that also it is quite the trip from one to another and magic is stronger in some places than it is in others.
>>230006 Not as AWEMAZING sure, but it still had tons of fun stuff like Grany Smith being racist to oranges and berries. >>229971 I know right, its like they could only go up or something. (just kidding, it could totally get worse) Also AHHH (poor) Flash, forever alone, because your cruse is in an other dimension flirting with an other you. Who may be getting an Alicorn upgrade by the looks of things. Or its just one more for the fuck up pile. But that page was to big so check the preview instead. http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=23438
>>230011 Not not really. Its actually more like Fox Kids now. Which is a good thing really. Just wish it wasn't on a super premium channel. but overall I think this is a better deal. Its something Hasbro should have gone into to start instead of trying to program a whole channel. They've actually got enough stuff they could pack the whole 9 to 3 area with some good cartoons. Like what Cartoon Network was in its fledgling days.
>>230220 That was a billion times better than the first movie. It had better pacing, better songs, the villain's plot actually made sense, it tied in with canon Twilight's insecurity about being princess, the conflict and band drama were slowly and steadily built up believably until the explosive fallout, and it furthered Sunset Shimmer as an actual character. Would have been nice if the villains were called kelpies instead of sirens to match up with the IDW comics, but whatever.
Not to say it was perfect. There were some subplots and details that didn't go anywhere. Like the Dazzlings trying to corrupt SS; who actually thought she'd betray the mane6? That seemed unnecessary, we already knew she felt left out with all of the previous "subtle" hints. But actual betrayal, that was never a real dilemma or inner conflict for her and it just felt phoned in.
That sleepover scene where Twilight almost asked SS for help but didn't... I wish that scene was longer. It would have been nice to see Twilight and SS talk about Equestria, their apprenticeship under Celestia, anything to connect them closer..
So who's hyped for the third movie with EG Twilight as a scientist?
>>231411 Ah yeah, thats an old PS1 ad for the multi-tag I found. Oh u 99-00's. (hope i can find a hi-rez to post on v or cog later)
Anyway the back cover sucks, stock render of Rainbow Dash and real lame text. But if thats the worst one can say it a pretty good comic. Having the backup storys would be nice too...
>>231424 Hasbro walked out of negotiations with Dreamworks Animation. Apparently Dreamworks counter asking price was too high given their track record.
>>231538 Yea they also had a recent deal to give Hasbro their Princess line business. Which is kinda a big break with Mattel. Also can't have one of your main producer of merchandize in the US become competition.
Which probably is better for Hasbro. It took decades of work to get their current stable in order, no pun intended. Having to do that with Dreamworks stuff I don't think would work as well.
>>231624 A little? It's dangerously levels of adorable.
Apparently the artist didn't know much about the show and Hasbro/IDW didn't send him the show bible, which is why Ponyville looks wrong in the beginning/ending.
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mweoq_the-cinema-snob-nudies-rudies-crudies-midnight-screenings-my-little-pony-equestria-girls_shortfilms HAHA! FOUND IT!
>>231893 >hipsters hating on hipsters >jailbait jokes >not understanding SS switched the crown with the EG crown so Luna had no reason to think it was different, and Luna hid the crown so Twilight couldn't just steal it
Typical. The movie was shit, but these two didn't understand basic story plot that little kids could understand.
Friends Forever issue 12 was an AMAZING treasure trove of reaction faces. I love the art. Hickey's style is cute and clean like Price's, but waaaay more expressive. I hope she does more issues.
>>232364 I agree with that griffon guy. It was really sloppy writing. It's like they wanted to do two things (make an AJ story about a western town, and make a story about Twilight using legal shenanigans instead of magic) and it just doesn't work. Either they should have made it more serious, like the Nightmare Rarity or other major story arcs, or write Twilight out and focus on AJ.
They could get into the nitty gritty of exactly why Twilight doesn't use her magic (now that she's a princess, does she feel her actions have the weight of the state behind it instead of just her own beliefs and actions? Were the numerous crimes the bulls committed not bad enough to require direct intervention from royalty?). Or just say she's busy doing princess work and the rest of the ponies have to save the town without her.
It's one of those problems that both the comics and the show itself has. A lot of writers are afraid of writing out Twilight when her inclusion just adds bizarre issues to the story. Sometimes it makes sense why she doesn't use her magic, like when she's panicking and forgets she can teleport. But in this comic, she's thinking clearly and witnessing multiple crimes and still not doing squat except legal paperwork shenanigans. Personally, I think it ties closely with the fact she's been growing more and more powerful magically and politically. Becoming so powerful and also a princess should have shifted and changed the stories she's in, but the writers still tend to use her as if she's the "college student unicorn" character she started as.
Griffon guy forgot to point out this was thematically supposed to be an AJ story, but in the end all of her plans failed and it was Twilight who saved the day with a last minute contingency plan.
http://blip.tv/diamanda-hagan-lecher-bitch/special-review-equestria-girls-sd-7141482 So, Diamanda Haggan just did an Equestria Girls review. Thanks Patreon!
>>232711 >although I would rather they made them TV episodes. Eyeroll.gif
I was going to talk about how suriprise I got founding out that the Vinyl Scratch repaint Neon Lights was a dude when reading the his bio card but then I read his wiki page, dudes been around and I never noticed. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Neon_Lights Extra glad to have him now. And man are the Breezies bio cards lame! They all say the same thing about how they love visiting ponyvill. Way to make us give even less of a shit about them Hasbro.
Also speaking of Hasbro. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/01/friendship-games-includes-motocross-and.html#more HAHA, Oh wow! Da crossover~
>>232757 I'm a tiny bit sick of people snuffing the comic of the show and thinking that TV shows can get away with the same stuff comics can. And we all (should) know that the show is made to sell the toy. Do most of the villains have any toys? No, so they dont get any focus outside their two parters. With some exceptions ofcoures.
Angry TL;DR ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, I KNOW IT, YOU KNOW IT, SO DONT EVEN BRING IT UP, it just makes me mad inside... Even if it would be cool.
Also yes, I dont like comics better then shows, in general, so I can take in things at my own pace.
>>232619 And more to come it seems. http://channelawesome.com/mlp-vlogs-friendship-is-magic/
Also I do love the idea of Nerf Rebelle. Girls needs there toy guns too.
It's a little disturbing how many talented artists, animators and music artists I see that have so much talent, yet do literally nothing but pony stuff.
>>232830 The fact that they are unwilling to do ANYTHING ELSE.
I understand if you focus on a particular series. I understand if you have a comfort zone. What I don't get is the unwillingness to branch out to literally anything but ponies. Even people who had this same type of obsession with Sonic did different things eventually.
I have both a voice actress friend and talented artist/musician friend. The former is absolutely amazing at both singing and acting, yet has never auditioned for a single non-pony project. The latter is again a great singer and makes some sweet remixes, and is a pretty damn good artist that's made a killing off commission work. But again, he's never done anything that's not pony-related. It's a phenomenon I've never seen before in my life.
>>232847 That's different. Furry means they stick to a particular theme and artstyle. Ponies, however are locked in their own world, lore, designs, even writing style.
>>232833 Eh. It's still as Nøpe said; They do what makes them happy. They enjoy ponies, therefore they revolve their work around them. They'll branch out when they want to branch out. Until then, do what you love.
It can be a pretty limiting crutch, though. Even if she doesn't have much time for Lackadaisy Cats, Tracy Butler can shift in and out of the style pretty easily, and she's got industry work, too.
Some people, though?
Well, it's second-hand knowledge, but a friend of mine knew one of the guys behind Fighting is Magic, if anybody remembers that. When they started really putting time into the project, all of his previous stuff and goings-on with the Furry fandom fell of the earth. This includes commission work and other previous engagements that people had already paid him for.
Apparently the whole team was fully convinced it would make money and be huge, so when it got big enough (and ad revenue landed in their hands from interviews) they got blind-sided by Hasbro shutting the whole thing down. So months, possibly years, of dedicating time to Ponies went up like a fireworks factory in a napalm strike.
Okay, IDW issue 27, what you got! >Everfree is attacking Awesome, cant wait to see where this goes! >Deer people at the heart of it Just like Faust talked about back in the day. >it goes full ferngully >my face
Just watched Rainbow Rocks, and it's quite an improvement from the first one, from the plot to the songs. And Sunset Shimmer was so adorable. Also, loved the arts from the credits.
I miss that dorky OP princess. Hell I'm actually missing the show. Need my Digital fix. And fuck Discovery being a shit and pulling MLP because as part of their contract dispute with Netflix.
Image:142385570900.jpg(46kB, 446x793)Shadowbolts MLP Friendship Games Doll.jpg
>>233159 On the plus side, girly doll with WEAPONS! Friendship games huh? Hmm~ What other bow and arrow related "games" do girls like? Hungry ones~ Cant wait for the youtube home vids of baby girls playing that with these!
First more toy pics: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/02/piles-of-equestria-girls-friendship.html#idc-cover But still no Flash toy, shown~
And I do kind of like this Twi, she finally gets her horn and her wings look like a magic energy cape and thats cool! Colors could be better. Hope Sun & Rare gets horn masks too.
Image:142395714100.jpg(89kB, 640x640)Equestria Girls Friendship Games 2015 Toy Fair Setup.jpg
>>233162 Look who is in the top corner. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/02/toy-fair-2015-hasbro-floor-giant-apple.html#more Also I hope that cap is my size...
>>233694 For me, everything after the 12th season is the last seasons a.k.a. zombie Simpsons. But anyways, what's the deal with "Equalia"? Does it goes horribly wrong?
http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/03/official-hasbro-ebay-store-selling-pony.html And I'm out of cash ofcoure... Eh, me moving fuck up my paypal so I could not buy them if I wanted to. You dudes knock your self out doh.
Cults, sleep deprivation torture, psychological manipulation and indoctrination in my pony show? That was creepy shit. I like.
I can't think of any criticisms of this premiere, it's pretty good. Once again they upped the animation quality... at this point, season 1 episodes just feel so static and stale in terms of animation.
One of the few times they managed to really tie in the episode's moral with the plot -- emphasizing the idea that differences can make friendships stronger by having the four new ponies save the vulnerable mane6 at the end once they get their special talents back.
Tease for more roadtrip episodes, tease for a recurring villain, tease for an "eastern" land and those 8 magical artifacts... I hope season 5 actually continues being this good.
Nice first episode for some new writers. Predictable but also nostalgic, it felt like a season 1 episode with all the bickering and banter.
I did like that they thought laterally. Instead of just filling the castle with books, which was what they were hinting at, they made a much more thoughtful addition. That memory chandelier might serve as this season's end-of-episode morality filler, which would follow the show's episode 3 pattern.
I know I'm super late to the party but I finally watched Rainbow Rocks. Way better than the first EG but that's not saying much. The Dazzlings' songs were fucking good though I just wish Trixie's full song had made it in.
I like Sunset. Everything about her, design and storyline, seem to be made to appeal to a (slightly) older group of girls. Like this: //youtube.com/watch?v=XqnbYUG6Bn8
And yeah, that S5 is going pretty good. But it feels like the long hiatus has curbed a lot of the fandom.
>>234938 > But it feels like the long hiatus has curbed a lot of the fandom.
The only downside is less fan music and other fanart. It's about damn time the overall fandom calms down.
And speaking of design, check this:
Her color palette was changed for the recent "My Past Is Not Today" music video. Compare it to her colors in Rainbow Rocks, or her pictures in the second screenshot. Her colors were slightly changed to better match with the rest of the mane6. It's most obvious in the yellows of her bacon hair.
>>235135 Actually the Game of Thrones line was a real life reference, since people said "winter is coming" for millennia before television was invented.
>>235147 This is like those Frozen Flash games where you perform magical Cesarean on Elsa, or magical brain surgery on Elsa, or magical dentistry on Elsa.
>4 Celestia seems taking this with too much easy. Makes the conflict weak sause... >5 We are ending on a strong note atlest. 1 and 5 are the most haves.
Well then. "Life fucked you over and you're untalented, so you should settle for second best" is a decent lesson for people who can handle it, but it's a bit heavy for little kids. What the hell Polsky.
>>235326 Nothing was raised (except maybe my dick). The show was terrible since season 3 and noone admits it. Because the last bronies are desperate because they're about to lose the only friends they ever had: Other bronies.
>>235516 Its short for "Wrecked". Even the target audience for retarded memes is too retarded to understand them. Just like when rage faces became popular or when pedobear was thought to be just a funny bear.
So I looked up wtf a Arimaspi is and found this gem: >Arimaspi and griffins remained stock images associated with the outlands of the north: the Aeschylan Prometheus Bound (ca 415 BC?), describing the wanderings of Io, notes that she is not to pass through the north, among the Arimaspi and griffins, but southward.[3] Herodotus, "Father of History", admits the fantastic allure of the edges of the known world: "The most outlying lands, though, as they enclose and wholly surround all the rest of the world, are likely to have those things which we think the finest and the rarest." (Histories iii.116.1) Ignoring the scepticism of Herodotus, Strabo and Pliny's Natural History perpetuated the fables about the northern people who had a single eye in the center of their foreheads and engaged in stealing gold from the griffins, causing disagreements between the two groups.
Peter Davison's Son is apparently voicing Doctor Whooves (the standard Brown One) Funny. Maybe they can get Sean Pertwee to voice the one that looks like his dad (the Blue Unicorn with the white hair)
>>235909 I like how they both do good electronica and not just the "wub wub" (that's not even dubstep) the fandom is so obsessed about, and how Vinyl is like the mute one of the duo, which fits well with their character dynamics.
>>235926 But their lesbianism will be as well? Nah, but it would be cute.
Late to the party, but... I find it utterly bizarre that M.A. Larson participated in the "bronies react to season 5 premiere" video. Especially since he wrote it.