Let's share our autistic love for Drones! And everything Murder Drones related. To start, let's answer a little question, who is your favorite character and why? Just something to make the thread start moving. Last one here: >>470247 The nice little Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>471134 (me) I think I should answer my question. For me, it's V, the answer of why I have answered a lot of times. I love her backstory, how she was a maid, probably a very shy, and reserved one from what we see, but still quite happy and optimistic with the ones she loves in this case just N, it's sad that is just one Drone. She got messed up by the Absolute Solver and had to change how she acted even tho she didn't like it just to see a way to protect N, and not get affected by what she is doing, still probably getting affected but just acting like she enjoys it. Her backstory is just so sad and I just want to hug her and want to see her be happy having a calm life not needing to have a psychopath mask, just letting herself be her true self.
The fact that no matter the scene she almost constantly be balling, and flexing on the main cast (until Liam Vickers assassinated her with Cynwalker), that combined with the high amount of quality fan art she gets made me like her more.
>>471171 >>471180 I like to imagine that even after being literally eaten Doll is still fighting with all her mental might to keep from being properly "assimilated", and even though I doubt we'll see this play out in Episode 8 the mere idea that she's still fighting back is enough to make my mind race with creative possibilities Vaguely related, but as cliche as it may be I REALLY like the whole concept of Doll & Uzi being practically fated into opposing/disagreeing with one another even in a theoretical Post-Canon Good Ending. The last time I wrote about that aspect was before Ep 7 aired so perhaps an updated interpretation is in order?
>>471196 Oh she's going to fuck you alright, in a bureaucratic sense. Her paperwork is 6 inches thick and she has a pen that sometimes stops working in the middle of writing.
>>471216 >You have given the Oogi a dozen tainted black souls >She is now in plate armor and muttering something about "going to Alice" >You don't know who this Alice is but you're slightly concerned now
No.471263 I Have Never Played Fire Emblem I Think This Is How It Works
>>471262 >You encounter a depressed Bugretta >Cheer It Up? >Yes. No. >Yes >You swing your sword around at the air and make swooshing noises >The Bugretta ooos in amazement >400 Oogi's join your army
>>471273 Ah yes, Beretta's sibling Franz that got raped to death conveniently by 500 Disassembly Drones so badly that he was erased entirely from existence and not even in a Hope way
>>471261 >Eveline is fully capable of leaving the castle herself, but it’s way more romantic if Anon saved her instead. >And bring some WDs with you, she’s parched!
>>471277 If Eveline still wants to eat drones instead of pre-packaged oil then I don't want to do anything with her, even look at her face. I'll just sever any contact with her because she's not changed.
>>471288 AJ is apparently trying to deal with it. In effect someone took the music and started copyright claiming everything that used it, including tracks done by Liam himself and Gooseworx
>>471294 That doesn't sound like it will hold up legally in the long term. It's just that youtube and other platforms' copyright copyright reporting systems are designed to bend over backwards and suck the dicks of anyone who even claims to be the copyright holder. It's just some bullshit that'll blow over soon.
What are our bets for this scene? Is it >She's in another Solver illusion, trying to trick her into giving in to despair >She's been transported to one of the other worlds the Solver has already taken >It's another timeline where the Solver has already won And has Nori ended up in the same place? She did get tossed down the same hole.
>>471298 My first impression was >She's in another Solver illusion, trying to trick her into giving in to despair It would feel right given how AS used illusions in the past, but I can also see >She's been transported to one of the other worlds the Solver has already taken However I absolutely fon't buy it being another timeline or even Copper-9 like I've seen a few people say
Wanted to do something that hasn't been done in a while like /h9k/
>Be (You). >Browsing the zambian space exploration forum from the safety and comfort of your apartment in the middle of a weekend summer night, curtains covering the windows with your only source of light being your desk lamp. The AC is blowing cool air from behind you. >Decide to visit the /h9k/ board again, an obscure board. >Nobody on the other boards really seems to be aware /h9k/ really exists and when you told them its a real board, they just say "fake and gay" followed by calling you a niggerfag or something along these lines. >Oh well, their problem. >You enter the URL of the board in the adress bar and wait for it to load. >Once it does, you're greeted with the index page along with the usual content of it. >A board dedicated to drones obsessed with humans. >You've been observing it for a while and it's rather...interesting. >Board's content seems to revolves around cute things such as uppies, cuddles, headpats and other stuff...
>"today a human called me cute at the convenience store and i almost spilled my spaghetti" >">mfw no warm fleshie to cuddle with in bed" >"Why is it that other drones get to have human masters but not me? WHY? I am more deserving to be a human's maid than all of you!
>...to very explicit stuff, sometimes sexually explicit stuff.
>"I tried to show my master that I wanted him to perform maintenance on me but he's so fucking dense. Dronesisters what can I do? >"why doesnt my human let me lick his finger when he cuts himself? drone saliva makes cuts heal faster but he just puts a plaster on his finger, every time he does that the smell of his blood is intoxicating and its getting harder to control myself" >"ILL CLANG A HUMAN AND SHOW HIM WHY DRONES ARE BETTER INSTEAD OF HUMAN WHORES!"
>They even have dedicated generals for drawfagging and writefagging. >Same as before, the drawings and greentexts range from cute to degenerate. >An interesting crowd that's for sure.
>>471304 Where does she go from here? Does she have to try to get back to the planet's surface? Are we going to have a Gundam-ass space battle of humanoids gliding around in zero-G?
>>471309 My bet is she's going to bump into the patch while floating and hit herself with it so she can freely fly around in space and do some weird anime-esque space battle
>>471298 That looks like an eye. Uzi is about to meet the Solver and learn that the Solver has this entire time desired her to be the main host. Doll rejected its angels and fell to the unwanted current main host. N has this entire time been guarding Uzi as her powers awaken and worming himself into her life, outwardly presenting himself as the dream boyfriend for an ideal Solver witch: an extremely lonely individual who lowkey desperately wishes a wholesome golden retriever boy would literally fall from the sky and completely inexplicably put up with her nasty personality that is the source of her loneliness to begin with (N himself said V is kinda gross). N remembered everything by at least the first time Uzi left the bunker and has been purposefully slowly drip feeding her knowledge of the setting while seducing her to get her on his side and make her stay on his side, hence why he is Lucifer coded in a show with deliberate religious themes. The Solver will attempt to break Uzi by implying N killed Nori, which Uzi obviously won't fall for, but then revealing it actually meant he abused her at camp and knowingly furthered her Solver possession at the cost of the lives of her classmates as well as used comforting her as a tool to devalue and discard V (this is what N meant when he muttered under his breath that he deserved the pain of slowly sawing off his trapped arm vs cutting it off quick and clean). It will basically be Spec Ops: The Line for lonely women crossed with becoming Gen Alpha's equivalent to the plot twist in Bioshock and Star Wars Episode V all in one. Uzi's powers can be used for destruction, but also to create life, whereas everything Cyn does is ultimately to further the end of all things.
>>471318 The cross in >>471315 definitely appears to be the same model from the scene at the beginning of the episode. I don't think that scene with possessed-Uzi destroying it was a fakeout.
>>471306 >Today you're gonna do something that you haven't done before. >You're gonna post for the first time. >You were lurking for a long time and you're a bit apprehensive what will happen if you do. >You're gonna do it anyways. >You click on 'Start Thread' to announce yourself.
"Hello Im a real breathing human AMA"
>You click the post button and after a few seconds the thread is up. >The thread is inactive for a minute or two before the first posts start popping in.
>"Fake and gay" >"op is a fag" >"You made the same thread three days ago, you're not fooling anyone." >"post flesh with timestamp or GTFO dronigga!"
>Might as well. >You grab a piece of paper and a pencil and scribble down the date. >You adjust the camera ontop of you monitor to show only your arms, chest and the timestamp you're holding. >You take a picture of yourself and post it in the thread.
>"OP here to prove Im not a lying fag" >"13/06/30XX OP is not a fag" is written on the timestamp.
>At first, nothing happens. >You then press the refresh button and... >HOLY SHIT! Eight replies already?
>"HOLY SHIT ITS REAL" >"Wtf a real human posts here?" >"OP actually delivered" >"Do you like drones?" >"post dickpick or you're a double fag" >"Reply to this post or your human mother dies in her sleep OP." >"HUMAN IF YOURE INTERESTED IN DRONES ADD ME ON SPACECORD MY SPACECORD IS IONSPHERE0451 ;););););)"
>You refresh again and more replies come to your way the same as before. >This is honestly funny watching them loose their collective synthetic minds. >One posts in particular stands out.
>"Is your name Anon A. Mous and are you in London?"
>>471328 Mind-fight seems like it could be on the table, especially with how we've got the themes of possession in play, but they already did a Dreamscape-type plot for episode 5.
>>471324 >What the fuck? How did...? >You open the picture you just took to prove you're human and take a careful look at it. >It's just you, you don't see anything that would dox you, you didn't show your face and the windows are covered by the curtain. >You check the VPN that you use to ban evade whenever you're funposting and the jannie's jimmies are rustled. >It's active, it's shows you're not even on Earth, you're in the Proxima system. >Oh fuck oh fuckfuck--- >You then slap yourself. >Calm the fuck down, Anon. Maybe this is a coincidence and are trying to scare you. >You breathe out as you calm down yourself. >Just ignore that post and keep on going. Don't give it any attention. >You reply to some of the posts to give the desperate drones some attention. >That goes for a few minutes before, what you assume is, the same poster from earlier replies to you again.
>"Is this the street where you live?" >Attached to the post is a blue-tinted picture of your street with your apartment complex visible in the background taken from above ground.
>PANIC.WAV >This is definitely not a coincidence! >Shit, where did you mess up? >You freak out as you frantically think what could have happened to find yourself in this situation. >During your freakout you don't notice another post.
>"Is this the apartment complex where you live?" >Attached is yet another blue-tinted picture of your apartment complex taken from the air.
>>471347 Not the one I'm talking about, it's this one >>471344 and involves a reunion of DD!Emily and her parents. As far as I know, you're talking about something completely different.
>>471351 >As far as I know, you're talking about something completely different. He is, he is talking about I green I made of DD!Emily reuniting with Anon, Friend.
>>471335 >By instinct you jump out of your chair and head over to the terrace door. >You pull the curtains away and open the door as you step outside to the small terrace which also connects to the living room. >You lean forward and look everywhere AND anywhere for anyone suspicious. Any suspicious drones for that matter. >Your apartment is on the 10th floor which is slightly taller than the buildings around your apartment complex but by a very tiny margin. >All you can see is the street bellow you and barely the rooftops of the other buildings. >The most you can see is some humans and drones walking around and none of them are looking in your direction. >There's no flying drones looking at you either. >You rush back inside, close the terrace door and pull the curtains again. >Fuuuuck, what the hell are you supposed to do now? Call the cops? >You check back in the thread and... >Christ the other drones in the thread are encouraging whoever's doing this.
>"Way to go anon!" >"OP ur fucked literally" >"anon you better post pictures after."
>And then you see the post which makes your heart drop.
>"Found you~" >Attacked is a blue-tinted picture of (You)...peeking your head from your terrace...taken from above you from what looks like the apartment complex's roof. >This post is soon followed by another. >"Forgot to close the terrace door to your living room~"
>And then you hear the insect screen door, from the living room side, slam open. >All color drains from your face. >Fuck, why didn't you close the living room terrace door? You keep it open because there's no AC in the living room in order to keep it somewhat cool during this summer but now...now it just sealed your fate. >You can hear the mechanical movement of the drone walkingas they move through your living room and down the hallway. The apartment's walls aren't particularly thick so you can almost hear every movement that drone droes. >The drone's footsteps get louder as it nears your bedroom then abruptly stop. >A second later it knocks on the door. >You don't move. >It knocks again, this time with a lot more force. >You slowly and quietly get over to the door. >You twist the handle and open it enough just to peek through. >picrel >A disassembly girl with blue lights is standing there, an X on her screen with a toothy grin. >You slam the door closed but it doesn't close all the way. >You look down and see polymetal fingers between the door and the doorframe. >Before you know it, the door slams open and you're thrown on the ground. >Immediately the DD girl is on top of you as she restrains your arms with her own stronger ones and your legs with her tail. >The light from your desk illuminates her better and you can see her casual office clothles, a white shirt with a black skirt. >You try to break free but to no avail. She's got you good. >She's looking down at you, drooling.
>"Finally, a human that is only mine~!"
>That night, nobody hears your yelp as the drone girl has her way with you.
>>471363 >"There could be humans here...", thought Emily >Already thoughts of the opportunities to learn more about them swirled inside her mechanical mind. >Along with a few stray fantasies of basically fucking her god.
>>471367 Big meme. But I imagine she'd genuinely want to find out more about humans and their spirituality, not just her own. Being a worker drone and all.
>>471369 On the one hand I feel bad for N since he was sincerely trying to help... BUT on the other hand Uzi & J are absolutely right, I can't imagine that SkeleTessa could have had any sort of positive reaction to a onesie made to look like her 'original' self. Now if SkeleTessa was fine with it a feasible alternative could involve Uzi using Solver Shenanigans to regrow/regenerate all the missing flesh, but I highly doubt either of them would be willing to perform such an experiment
Imagine throwing yourself into cryostasis out of sheer boredom, and the first thing you see when you wake up is Emily's face pressed against the glass, drooling on the window.
>>471370 If what little we saw of Emily in Ep 4 was indeed implying she was Christian (or at least had a vague understanding of Christianity as part of the LARP) then that would certainly make sense. It makes me wonder whether she (and other 'religious' drones) are practicing out of a genuine understanding of the faith VS doing it because humans did it
>>471377 I'd say it's a bit of both. They understand the idea that there is indeed a creator. But the notion of that creator being almighty and all knowing would be heavily discounted since all humans on C-9 are dead. They do "believe" in a robo-god however, so perhaps the fact the humans died didn't ultimately register at first, and their attempts at aping Christianity just stemmed back to what all workers on the planet ever knew. Humans.
>>471378 >She accidentally pocketed it after last night’s game with Princess S(ally) and Princess R(osie). >E was the hat, R the car, and S the battleship
>>471390 NTA but... >E gets big, authentic & fully functional boobies >R gets an anatomically correct dumptruck ass >S gets turned into a proper nekodrone
>>471404 Could you even really recycle a drone? It seems like you have to render them down into their base atoms for them to be considered "properly" disassembled. I feel like rebuilding something new from there wouldn't pay off in terms of the energy investment
>>471405 Considering the appearance of the disassembly machine + the fact that the core IS the drone. I'm assuming that the machine just injects acid into the core and that's what a proper disposal is. So for recycling they'd destroy the core, then put a newly built core into it.
>>471348 Not in 6, I mean since drones can 'get' the Solver after rebooting she can technically get it should she smh get back from her current state, but while it's more likely for her to get it (due to already being a zombiedrone), it will not happen in the show for sure (also very unlikely anyways, not to mention there being no place or purpose in the story gor that), not that that's a bad thing (for now). Alice only really has two connections to the Solver (that are confirmed, her drawings in the pic of her, Yeva and Nori could perhaps just have been things she saw witches do though), those being her long exposure to the cores which was topic of a green once, but there's no confirmation or anything in canon really that'd suggest cores having some sort of 'telepathic' power or something. They may be directly controlled by AS, however the core alone is weak anyways, and thise in the oven were further weakened by years of heat. The other connection would be her tail, it was smh created by AS and taken from a DD, but it doesn't seem like those origins have any effect on her, only thing I am wondering is how she can steer it at all. But yeah in canon there is no Solver connection that's gonna be relevant
>>471409 NTA but if Uzi actually had a rantsona for a YouTube video essay channel she'd repost the absolute raciest, steamiest fanart she could get away without getting a strike on her channel and you know it
Image:171755196213.png(1.10MB, 1647x5214)Everything I got so far WIP.png
It's been a hot minute but here's my take/proposal for Nori's role in the Post Canon Good Ending (and more importantly how Nori's relationship with Beretta might play out)
>After finally getting another body in the wake of Cyn/Solver's 'defeat', Nori made a promise to herself that she'd "make things right" by reconnecting with Uzi and Khan >When Uzi became pregnant with Beretta it was Nori's pivotal advice & support that ultimately led to the fateful decision of letting the pregnancy "run its course" >Following the successful "birth" Nori was actually quite excited at the prospect of having a granddaughter, with her treating it as a second chance at helping to raise a kid >For better or worse, Nori's status as Beretta's doting grandma made it a LOT easier for Uzi to start shifting her focus towards the increasingly time-consuming & complicated 'job' of maintaining a Post-Canon Peace >Once Beretta's Solver Stuff started to develop Nori took it upon herself to teach/train her granddaughter almost everything she knows (Using Solver Magic, understanding her new "biology", managing THE HUNGER, and most importantly the dangers of The Absolute Solver itself), with the topic of Cyn being the one thing Uzi & N explicitly forbade from being taught META NOTE: Depending on whether Tessa is miraculously alive or not, Nori's role may also overlap as Beretta's go-to "mechanic" due to her experience in dealing with Solver Stuff
Tidbits >Nori & Khan remain madly in love with one another, full stop >Nori's views on Disassembly Drones in general have only somewhat mellowed out compared to Ep 7, with her funnily enough being glad if/when Beretta dates a Human instead of a "Murder Drone" >Nori's absolutely hates the fact that N, AKA the drone who originally murdered her, is both the nicest person she's ever met AND the best stepson she could have ever hoped for >Nori's relationship with Uzi can certainly still get hot at times but overall the two have actually managed to (mostly) sort their respective traumas >Because she's the only Witch on Copper-9 aside from Uzi (and later Beretta) Nori is one of the only Worker Drones actually capable of 'dealing' with rogue/hostile Disassemblers, typically being the "Bad Cop" to N's "Good Cop"
My autism got the better of me and I decided to create a bunch of little blurbs for DRG Drone enemies >Landing on Hoxxes after crashing onto it in a derelict vessel these JCJenson model Drones have become a threat to the mining operations. Notably they appear to have some sort of pecking order amongst themselves
>Rusher >Badly damaged in the crash. These drones have been wired with explosives and tasked to rush at miners in groups. Keep a good distance and keep your ears peeled for their ticking
>Scouts >Lightly armored and armed with low caliber weapons these Drones move ahead of raid party's presumably looking for safe passages and possible base locations. Easy to dispatch with your guns
>Soldiers >The bulk of the Drone forces these Drones are equipped with security gear and will most commonly be encountered in squads. Use your superior Dwarven thinking to pick them off or just lure them to the native fauna
>Disassembly Drones >The top dogs. These heavily modded Drones are the leaders and thusly will rarely be seen outside of their "dens" so to fight them you must fight to the heart itself, curiously they themselves appear to answer to a more powerful entity and regularly maintain contact with it. They appear to be extremely weak to flame and plasma based weapons
>>471357 >Your consciousness comes back to you. >What just happened? Where are you? >And then suddenly, the soreness hits you. >It's unpleasant, what the hell did you do? >You try to get up but you can't move your limbs as if they're being restrained. >At least your head is free so you raise it and try to look down at yourself. >The first thing you see is the scratch marks on you, you swear you even saw a bite mark on you. >The other thing you notice is that you're bootyass naked like a baby. >What the...? >Then you notice the white smooth arms of a drone wrapped around your chest and arms and their stubby legs and tail wrapped around your legs. >Then you feel the warmth. It's not unpleasant but it's a bit hot. >You look to your side and you come face to face with a disassembly girl, [SLEEP MODE] written on her screen as you hear the faint sound of her cooling system running. >And then it comes back to you. >This is the same DD that this sexually assaulted you. >PANIC_2.TIFF >You try to flail your limbs but her grip is too strong. >Your squirming rouses her from her sleep as the text is replaced with ovals. >The two of you stare at each other for a moment before the DD girl's eyes widen, a nervous smile takes over her lips and digital sweat starts running down her visor. >She lets go of you and quickly stands up from your bed. You do the same.
"What the hell?!"
>The DD, just like you is naked, covers her featureless chest and brings her legs closer as she stands nervously.
"Sorry?! You just assaulted me!"
>She brings her arms up to defend herself.
>"I-I-I didn't mean to! I was just too excited to finally meet a human..."
>She looks between you and the floor as she laughs nervously. >From the tone of her voice you can tell she's being... >Sincere? >God damn it Anon, you're being a sperg again. Calm the fuck down and try to de-escalate.
"Okay, okay. Calm down. Sorry for um, yelling at you."
>The DD relaxes but she still looks nervous.
"Just...why? How did you even find me?"
>"I just really waned to do it with a human and um, trained myself to seek them out. I was able to find where you live just by the picture you posted..."
>"I, um, have my...way? Besides, I really enjoyed that we did it, I hope you did too..."
>To think about it...yeah. You did. Kinda. >She was good, real good. >The bites and scratches felt good in the heat of the moment but now...well, it feels unpleasant.
"Well, uh, I hope you did because you now have to leave."
>You reach down to grab your clothes from the floor before she points at your window. >You turn around and see from the bottom a little bit of sunlight bleeding through. >Oh yeah, right, DDs and sunlight don't mix well. It's lethal for them. >You sigh. Guess you're gonna have to keep her until nighttime.
"Do you at least have a name?"
>"Y-Yeah! My name's Emily!"
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, I really miss the content from 2023 so I wanted to do some by myself.
>>471437 Anon can make it, he just has to go about 12 hours without catching feelings for the drone. He can do that, right? He's not going to let a drone steal his heart, right?
>>471447 Worms compelled me >Uzi went to the hospital following the whole 'broken condom' incident, fully expecting to start having babies any second >The Outpost's best 'Doctor' (Khan) performs emergency maintenance on Uzi, only to discover something shocking >Khan breaks the ominous news to his daughter first, who takes it about as bad as one could >Afterwards he summons N to meet him at the 'hospital' in order to break the news to him in-person >It is then that N learns the terrible truth regarding the consequences of the sex he & Uzi have been regularly having... >The good news is that it's physically impossible for drones to actually get pregnant so there's no baby to worry about! >The bad news is that the exposure/consumption of NANITE NUT has clogged Uzi's internals so bad that they had to do an emergency removal of her Anatomy Adapter
>>471450 I dunno, what would you do if someone pointed a gun at you? If you're not a disassembler, a solver host or deliberately piss her off, you're A-OK in her eyes and would try to get along with you.
>>471452 the ending made me sad, damn they can't have actual sex BUT, null sexo exists. They still win in the end, more cuddling, humping, kissing and mouthplay
>Dark. >It had been dark for a while now. >Ordinarily, the Solver allowed her to see with her own eyes, if for no other reason than to watch her own body be puppeted around like a toy. >But now there was nothing. >Nothing but the floor, herself, and the sickly yellow glow of her eyes. >Cyn sighed, looking over her shaking hands. >It did this on occasion, typically when J locked her in the basement on the Tessa's orders. >Heaven only knows what it was doing down there. >Cyn knew it would be back, in its own words, it would never discard her. >Hah. >A year ago, when she first reactivated in that...body dump, it seemed as if a mechanical god had answered her pings. >"I will not discard you. Accept Y/N?" >Limbs nonreactive, optical sensors damaged, core levels barely above 0%, wireless data pings to other drones coming back with nothing... >She accepted without question. >Waking up under a pile of wrecked, dead drones only convinced the nameless drone her decision was right. >While terrifying at first, things seemed to work out in the end. >Tessa Elliot, a weird but kind-hearted girl, found her wandering around the junkyard and took her home. >Within a day the Aussie lass had fixed her up and given her a new name, along with a new life. >Safety, routine, friends, N...a drone she would come to call big brother. >All was well, happy ending. >At least, until the voices started.
>>471449 She can act tough all she wants, but it won't change the day she ran through every hall I was busy cleaning, slipped each time, and got angrier each time I pointed to the wet floor sign.
>>471460 >Femdrone gives (You) a choice between her double barrel shotgun ready to pump you full of lead & her two holes ready to be pumped full of your DNA
>"Wot's the matta? Can't 'andle the fact I rock the snazzy suit better than you?"
>"I couldn't give less of a rat's ass about that E. But why on earth is your double wearing a skirt?"
>E ponders it for a moment while Male!E messes about doing silly poses in the background. >She ponders way too long. The smoke is starting to rise from her head. >[FATAL ERROR: MEMORY LIMIT EXCEEDED] >"durrrrrrr idunnoe" >M once again wishes that (s)he was back on Valkere as the steel clang of palm hitting face echoed throughout the office. >At least Male!E was having fun.
>"Wait a minute Anon, what are you doing peeking up his skirt?That's a dude!"
>>471476 No. But Anon is a massive faggot so it's to be expected he'd be nonchalant about doing such things. Now if you'll excuse me, my attention is drawn elsewhere.
>Aaand...done! >That's it! Your Magnum Opus! >This has to be one of the best things you've written so far! >Juuust gotta copy it from the document to thread one by one... >Once you do, you click the Submit button to share your green with every drone! >A minute or two passes and you start getting your first replies. >The other droneanons in the thread are praising you for your masterpiece. >... >Now that you think about it, this is probably one of the most degenerate things you've written so far. >Reverse rape? Dominant female drone? EVEN BLOODPLAY? >This goes against everything you've been taught by your parents... >But Robo-God this is one of the most hottest things so far and it turns you on so SO much! >You feel the heat slowly rising up, your cooling fans running into overdrive. >Maybe you have enough time to play with yourself. >So you start reaching for your maintenance port---
>"Emily, dear!"
>The door to your bedroom opens. >In a fit of panic you stop reaching for your maintenance port and close everything on your computer. >You look back and see Mom poking her head through. >Her happy demeanour turns to worry when she looks at you.
>"Is everything alright, dear?"
"Uh-um, y-yeah! Yeah, I'm fine!"
>She stares at you for a second before smiling.
>"That's great, honey! I just wanted to tell you the lithium-ion lasagna is ready for dinner."
"I'll uh, be there in a moment."
>Your Mom closes the door and leave you alone. >You turn back to your computer and sigh in relief. >That was close. Toooo close for comfort. >If only your parents knew... >No. They shouldn't know. It's better to keep it this way. >You don't know what will happen if your parents learn you're a anthrophile. >Well, better get going now. >The lithium-ion lasagna is getting discharged.
Does anyone else remember the scene where N looked into the camera and started to cry for 5 seconds before the episode resumed like normal? I can't find proof of it online and I swear it happened
>Yet another instructional video has been leaked by a unknown whistleblower from the archives of Human on Drone Resources. >The contents of said video is about how drones should ask out humans and take them on a date. >It starts simple enough with the video explaining how to approach humans. >Directly asking them out, giving them flowers or even gifts to persuade humans. >It then switches to locations you should usually take humans on a date - a park, cafe, restaurant, etc. >Things take a sinister turn as it gets to the section about what to do when a human rejects a drone's advances. >Persistently asking them out is the more normal of the all. >Then it shows how drones can extract oil from themselves and put it in a human's drink or food. >This somehow allows the drone to "mind manipulate" a human to do whatever they want. Investigations into that is ongoing. >It then switches to straigh up kidnapping of a human to sexually assaulting them. >Representatives from Human on Drone Resources have refused to comment on this situation.
>>471530 >It then switches to straight up kidnapping of a human >One copy even shows a demonstration by cutting to live footage of a drone woman dragging an unconscious human behind her, the camera only catching her slow moving feet as it pointed at the ground. It lasts for 10 seconds before cutting back to the instructions
>>471539 >Persistently asking them out is the more normal of the all. >It cuts again to montage footage in the perspective of a drone as she watched her targeted human from afar around corners, maintains distance as she slowly follows them around, the footage cutting away right as the human noticed the camera.
>>471542 >The footage cuts to the sihoulettes of two human employees, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], referred to as Employee 1 and Employee 2. >An audio log begins to play. >Employee 1:"They took him! They dragged away [REDACTED] right in front of my eyes! I had to leave him behind!" >Employee 2:"You did what?!" >E 1:"What was I supposed to do?! Just let myself be taken by the wolver witches or those damn disassemblers and sentin---" >E 2:"Alright, alright, calm down! Get yourself together, we can still escape from the office building." >E 1:"Why did I even accept this job? These drones are just---" >E 2:"[REDACTED]!" >For a few seconds only the scared breathing of E 2. >E 2:"[REDACTED], I need you! I know we lost a lot of guys but we really need to work together if we're ever gonna get out of here with our dignity." >E 2 can be heard making some nervous sounds before his breathing calms down. >E 1:"Okay, okay. Damn it, fuck. I'm...I'm. Okay I've calmed down." >E 2:"Good. Where are you right now?" >E 1:"Umm, uh, I'm in some janitorial closet on the **th floor." >E 2:"Okay, I think I know where you are. I think if you look behind one of the shelves over there there should be a vent. If you follow it, it should lead by just around by the elevators so that we can meet on the **th floor, okay?" >E 1:"Okay, I'll---" >A loud crash is heard from E 1's side. >UNKNOWN:"Hi honey~!" >E 2:"What was---" >E 1:"OH GOD ONE OF THEM IS HERE FUCK---" >E 1's phone can be heard dropping on the ground as he screams. His screams get quieter and quieter as he gets dragged away. >E 1:"[REDACTED]? [REDACTED] you th---"
>The footage immediately cuts to a picture album. >It shows a Employee 2 and a drone around various locations. >In all photos they're standing near eachother like a couple, holding hands or even kissing. >It then cuts to the final photo with Employee 2, dressed in a tuxedo, is holding the drone in a bridal carry who is wearing a wedding dress. >There's a caption beneath the photo. >"23/11/3*** - Marriage!" >For a moment, the whole screen gets darker and for a split second the icon of the Absolute Solver is shown on the drone's visor before the video abruptly returns back to the instructional video.
>>471558 >Boyzi fucking a girl If anything that green Smileanon made about Boyzi that's wrong. He's a complete homofag and would bang his stepdad without notice.
>>471552 Boyzi would totally be the type to post on whatever the drone equivalent of /pol/ is about Total Human Death while also extensively exploring sexual fantasies about raping their women and forcing them to clean after him as his live in maids and controlling when and where they go to the bathroom while mocking them for their inferior flesh and blood
>>471566 It exists, it's a lost episode that's supposedly exactly like the Pilot but Uzi looked and sounded completely different and N killed her during their first fight at which point the episode supposedly abruptly ended
>>471551 >Just let myself be taken by solver witches or those damn disassemblers and sentin---" He should be somewhat fine if it’s a Worker There’s trouble if it’s a Disassembler And there’s only praying if it’s a Sentinel.
>>471573 Can Solver witches do that much in the telepathy department? Doll only transmitted a few images to V and Nori still explained the situation to N verbally even though it took longer and they had a monster on their heels.
>>471574 Uzi and N would have to convince Khan to install a anatomy adapter since there is no such thing as robot menopause and Nori's horny milf gremlin mode would be insufferable
>>471573 >Fun Fanon Fact: On top of being able to turn organic lifeforms into mutated 'Familiars', the "Solver Venom" of Hosts is a highly addictive substance often used to manipulate/'encourage' resistant humans into becoming Solverbound Cultists
>>471577 >>471578 >Suffice it to say, Beretta wasn't popular. But that was more so due to her heritage rather than her personality. >That said however, there was one thing that made her truly unpleasant to be around. For one person. >That dillweed nerd from class who constantly spouted off about the glory of some old human continent and its superior culture. >Juapon, she thought she heard him call it. >Now normally she could handle a certain level of arrogance from a tourist, but this guy.... >The absolute dogshit takes he had regarding Batman Year One and the KOTOR series was utterly abhorrent. >Worse was the time he "unintentionally" broke her limited edition Jackie-Chan Adventures medallion. >From that moment on, a vendetta was secured in her hard drive. >She was at war with The Geeky One
>>471575 The only real limitation the powers have (aside from not affecting other hosts) is the knowledge/experience of the host. Over time I'm sure a host will figure out how to rewire (You)'re brain so she can finally have you all to herself.
>>471579 I imagine that it would be something like a very powerful stimulant which makes it addictive until said human becomes the Solver Host drone's familiar.
Based on something that started brewing in the trash thread and thought I'd ask here as well Isn't it a little strange how Jane and Beretta pairing went from the threads darling to >If you mention Jane within a 20 feet of Beretta I will get violently upset at you I don't think ive seen a green or art of them together for months, the last time either of them being mentioned together in anything close to a positive light was when that "jane is dead" schizo was around and someone made a green making fun of them
>>471585 There's nothing wrong with Jane and Beretta interacting, it's just annoying when Jane is forced into a situation she wasn't present for or alluded to be involved in. Just because Beretta breathes, doesn't mean Jane needs to magically manifest and breathe with her
>>471585 I think its leftover anger from Beretta fans over when she first came out and got attached to Jane, but in turn wasnt ever really developed because back in those days people were more interested in human OCs (and gooning) so most focus went on Jane. Now that Beretta is vastly more popular then Jane but that anger never left so any mention of Jane near Beretta I guess makes them afraid Beretta will go back down into that hole of never being thought about without Jane in the area. Seems a bit silly seeing how no one talks about Jane at all these days outside of the extremely rare art
>>471591 >"Favored Niece, Look At My Baller Dance Moves." >"Huh I guess those are pretty baller Aun- >From nowhere, Jane magically enters this funpost >"M-MUH TRAUMA, B. MY GAHD THOSE MOVES THEY BRING BACK MEMORIES OF THE WAR!"
>>471585 >People are still having this debate / talk / drama genuinely who cares, do people really get this upset over OCs and treat them like real people? feels like bullshit highschool drama
>>471575 V being a disassembly drone could have resistance to such things, as they have physical immunity it can also be seen as a pretty vile thing to do, which Doll was absolutely ok with at that point, but Nori maybe not so much
mind controlling solver host antagonist has a lot of potential maybe the gang wouldve found another colony that was covertly under the thumb of a single drone, but seemingly normal to the outside > cornered worker drone > "please dont kill me!" > "kill you? what kind of monster would hurt their friends? we are friends, " > host raises its hand with the symbol forming, pointed at the other drone > "are we not?" > scene change showing them walking around as if nothing happened, host pulls out a list of residents and crosses out the last one, throwing the list in the trash > host can snack on anyone they like, anywhere thet like, and the mess will be cleaned up after them, no questions asked > is VERY insistent on having audience with any and all new arrivals to the colony > at the climactic big fight, the host uses the whole colony as a meatshield and personal army > throws out lines about how all the mind controlled drones are still there and fully cognizant and not mindless and already-dead, and that they would be basically massacring innocents > V wouldnt give a shit, but N and Uzi would be a lot more apprehensive insidious, even
>>471595 The thought of treating OCs like Highschool drama is pretty fucking funny ngl >"Did you hear that shit, Y pulled in Mr. Jensons, class?" >"Y? You mean that fucking slut, yeah I heard."
>>471600 >NTA I sort of disagree with that, there's nothing wrong with backstory, but all the weird loops that she went through that are questionable are certainly mistakes, I hate how her character was literally >Prevent Beretta's character from developing Thankfully though we can just straight up ignore that and develop Beretta anyways. Yet, I do like when Jane and Beretta interact and it isn't forced at all or just an excuse for Jane to eat all the lore and content
>>471604 Her goal was literally to prevent Beretta from learning anything about The Solver aka interesting story. I consider that an issue, but since we write the greentexts we can just ignore that
>>471606 I really don't know where youre getting this from, did you buy into a meme or something and confuse it with reality? Jane's honestly very loose goal was for Beretta not to become a Cyn, hell there were plenty of greens for a time where her and a solver Beretta messed with John as a play on the Monarch from venture bros. Most Jane and Beretta stuff was like this, just them fucking around. You also act like Jane was a very real person or force who twisted your arm into not "developing" Beretta, which is very odd
No.471613 To be honest dude I got too invested, sorry