This has been a slow year for us furries, didn't have to start a topic all year. But then again, much of the new reveals happen at the obscure anthro character discord nowadays.
Just posting her about a godsend I received recently - I have been trying literally for years to get Mutant Rampage: Bodyslam to work on a Philips CDI emulator (yes, that infamous system - and yes, that same company who made the creepy Zelda animations made this game). Well, that still didn't succeed, but the next best thing did, a guy I found on spriterresources managed to extract the sprites from the game! So now I can finally check out the naked Centaur and Cheetah ladies, topless Rakshasi, and sexy swimsuit Gazelles and karate-robed Lionesses up close, not to mention the boss of Animorpha Roma, Tina Felina!
>>473535 Still a terrible strategy, all that tough enamel wears down, and if you hit a tree or a rock, thing fucking breaks off. And unlike a broken bone inside of you, 0 chances it ever heals. It's super rare in nature for a reason.
>>444975 Dethklok and Baby Metal have toured together. Just thought about it when it popped up while I was browsing metalocalypse stuff on youtube.
Funnily enough I could see them in Metalocalypse, with all the supernatural stuff in their 'lore' being easily real in that setting and would be what saves them from dying like most bands (or anyone else) that come into contact with Dethklok during an episode.
All they breakable weapons in a Zelda game was such a retarded idea, its not just like when you had the Deku Stick (which exists more to solve puzzles that need a torch to burn things) or the fake Biggeron Sword.
I'm feeling nostalgic, let's have a Simpsons thread. It can be for anything, just wanna post funny bullshit related to the series? Want to wax lyrical over the good old days when you loved it? Want to bitch over how fucking terrible it is now as a lumbering zombie of a series? Go nuts!
Gonna storytime this fan comic as a starter, cuz its not bad at all.
Image:143803053700.png(677kB, 768x576)Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist - S01E09 - Annushka's Winter Tale.mp4_snapshot_02.05_[2015.07.27_22.52.28].png
I think it's hard to find download links here, so from now on, post your links to any hard to find or obscure stuff here. ;)
Let me start with one right off the bat - Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist. I managed to purchase a 6-DVD-set of it - and luckily it had czech AND english audio tracks. Oddly enough DVD1 starts with Episode 9, so we'll see what's in there.
Episode 09: Annushka's Winter Tale!ccBUQRxa!dMq7Clhg7I7GlYmkPEpo37AxbUu2s6CsV8rZp4GBBL0
>>448728 Since someone has been asking about Adventures of T-rex. These are the current links Episodes 01-11: Episodes 12-16 | 28-30: Episodes 17-27:
>>473506 Never even heard of this one... Looks like some CalArts stuff so it must be recent. Isn't it american by default? Cannot find any torrents but the / sign does not make it easy to search for. If this was a dub, what is the original title?
Its time we had a Mango thread on plus4chan. If for no other reason so that other people can experience a classic moment of content creation in the future.
>>473429 I'm confused, wasn't this canned? Are they releasing it now or not?
>>473436 1 white, 1 african and 1 asian is Deedee and her two friends from Dexters lab. Powerpuffs are supposed to be identical aside from their color and personality. But I guess you have to put a token minority in everything nowadays.
>>473437 Its not being released, someone just put up the trailer that was originally shot for it. That's why the youtube channel is called >Lost Media Busters
As the title says. This is a general Disney thread. Where we will talk about: (mini)series, movies, comics, etc... Past, Present and Future. Accepted: Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars. And crossovers (including non). But less content. Don't forget to post fanart.