I've no mp3s for you, but you guys should definitely check out this book, as it has some really interesting interviews with Alan Moore and Robert Crumb. It's not perfect, I'm afraid; the writer called Millie the Model a "western comic", and makes a reference to "Fat Alfred".
Another, far more well-edited book is The Cartoon Music Book, which has some amazing interviews and essays to make up for that boring, boring title. I finished it a few hours ago, and damn is it good. The discography at the back has some interesting suggestions; LPs, cassettes, CDs, the lot.
Image:144358605600.jpg(65kB, 700x700)Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido.jpg
>>238959 The Baby I s You is a Homestuck album that only true connoisseur of Homestuck can appreciate. But my personal favorite is Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido ==> http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/album/mobius-trip-and-hadron-kaleido
I feel that there is a huge amount of untapped potential in Homestuck rock operas or concept albums that have a semblance of a narrative. In the case of both The Baby I s You and Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido, the narrative is there, but in true Homestuck fashion is schizophrenic or on the obtuse/sparse side.
Oh, guess this'd be more appropriate to put it. The Powerpuff Girls: Heroes & Villains: Music Inspired by The Powerpuff Girls >https://mega.nz/#F!8QZSgDxI!ixLCLEl9TB5O_qt3pX6XWA
Audio:152499580100.mp3(267kB / 0:00:13 / 162kbps, 48kHz)Ed, Edd and Eddy - Every Which Way But Ed - [hidden song].mp3
>>417723 Very nice indeed, but can you beat a song hidden in the show? Episode "Every Which Way But Ed", before the childhood flashback, when Ed runs backwards through the flashback as Edd is yelling "Ed, wait!". Slow down to 0.1x speed (and remove the right channel to take out some of Edd's yell).
>>441256 Not qualified to answer, since I am picky as fuck. But the background music in, say, Nu!Carmen Sandiego and Infinity Train is very high quality. Movie are a different beast entirely, and those tend to always have a good music budget.
>>443334 It was a movie made from a fake trailer. Being strange is the only way it could possibly exist. I heard the guy that originally depicted the Hobo in the trailer was so scared of not being able to carry a whole movie of the concept himself that he was actively avoiding the producers for ages, eventually they were able to chase him down and consoled the dude by accepting it and giving him a smaller role.
>>446746 The classic Superman theme is great, very fitting and uplifting.
Though how many of the classic Superman movies are actually good? I can barely remember watching them as a child, and any movie series that keeps carrying on for a long period of time is going to suffer quality dropoff.
>>238959 You know the story behind that, right? The official forums for the webcomic had self-righteous tyrants for mods, and would ban for posting things that already appear in the webcomic, or whatever was the sin-du-jour. So as a joke, Toby Fox along with other people doing official music for the webcomic wrote an opera that included everything that was forbidden from talking about in the forums.
>>447213 Its amazing anyone that based could have existed within the sphere of Homestuck, that shit grew like the worlds largest cancerous tumour and seemed to attract just the worst sorts of humanity.
>>233505 The series should have ended with Greg driving his van (filled with explosives) off a ramp directly into the crystal of the fused-diamonds, ala Independence Day
>>456062 Aladdin. Alan Menken wrote a great, highly polyphonic score that added extra voices and instruments to make the songs more complex as they went on, and Robin Williams was great at singing.
>>444975 Dethklok and Baby Metal have toured together. Just thought about it when it popped up while I was browsing metalocalypse stuff on youtube.
Funnily enough I could see them in Metalocalypse, with all the supernatural stuff in their 'lore' being easily real in that setting and would be what saves them from dying like most bands (or anyone else) that come into contact with Dethklok during an episode.