Hello my Friends! I guess we are numbering them now? Let's talk once again about Murder Drones! Since we love them a lot. How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine! I hope I can hear you Friends talk about MD, the Threads, OCs, etc! The INCREDIBLE Booru: https://dronebooru.co
That's right! Someone not Smilefriend made a main thread! I've decided out of curiosity to number this one, if you hate it feel free not to number the next one. Anyways, talk about Drones, post greens, art; etc.... The Booru: https://dronebooru.co
GOOOOD MORNING FRIENDS. How are you doing? I hope great. Let's talk about the Drones to make the day even better, don't you think? I hope you are having a nice day! The breathtaking Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Good morning, noon, afternoon, or night, here we go again, Friends. Shall we speak of Murder Drones once again? And the Threads, and anything related to that, like every day, for every day. You know why, because we love the Drones, and everything related to them. I hope you are having a nice day, Friend! The spectacular Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Image:172477115037.png(2.76MB, 2568x3413)I want them to be happy.png
Murder Drones! Let's talk about the Drones again! Talk about the Drones, the Threads, MD, theories, etc. like always. Hello, by the way, I hope you are doing well, Friend. The phenomenal Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Hello again! Let's keep talking about the Drones, the amazing Drones, the Threads, Murder Drones, etc. Let's have fun theorizing, talking, re-watching, creating, and more. The incredible Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Hello once more. You know why we are here, to keep talking about Drones, Murder Drones, the Threads, I think you understand where I'm going to. Let's have fun and keep talking about these topics, my Friends. I hope you are having a nice day. The EPIC Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Discuss, theorize & fanwank over all things involving the Post-Canon Ending Here are a number of possible discussion points to start things off
>What do you think can/will happen to Copper-9 now that Uzi is the 'Primary Host'? >Will Nori remain a disembodied core forever, or will she eventually get a new body? >What's going on elsewhere in the universe now that The Solver has been 'beaten'?
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Hi Friends! Let's talk about Murder Drones, and the Threads too. Today and tomorrow, I feel like these threads are going to get a lot of replies. Let's have fun, and I hope you are having a good day! Kind of hard not to use this image, for many reasons, one of them is that it looks really cool. The impressive Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Hi again Friends. You know what I'm about to say, so let's jump straight into it. We are going to have a fun talk like always. And have a nice day! The exemplary Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>27397 alright working on Pixie now, let me know if there are any changes or additions you'd like to see and which pose / weapon you'd prefer (or if you'd rather some other option entirely)
Hi once again Friends. Let's talk about MD and the Threads like every day. You know, Friend, Woker Drones, Disassembly Drones, some humans, the Solver, etc. Let's have a nice talk, and a nice day. The splendid Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Hello once again, Friends, it's me. Here with another thread for the lovely show that is Murder Drones. You know the drill, let's talk about MD, MD Threads, DDs, WDs, Humans, SDs, Solver, Solver Wars, etc. I don't think I need to mention every single topic. Let's talk! And have a nice day. The magnificent Booru: https://dronebooru.co