Hi my Friends. It is me again, requesting to talk about Drones once more, and I hope you can talk about Drones with me, my Friends. I hope you are doing well this morning, noon, afternoon, evening, or night. Anyway, let's keep the good talk. The magnificent Booru: https://dronebooru.co The wheel of the outstanding OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/8hc-stc The last Thread >>118299
>>119248 I love this image of DD Emily so much. It's like she's already made up her mind and is absolutely certain to have sex with you, because even if you're against it... bro, she's a genocide machine, are you sure you can get far away from her with your meat legs?
I heard that apparently my local McDronald's is keeping all of its drone employees on duty for the all 48 hours of Christmas Eve through Christmas day. I can't get them out of there, but is there anything I can do to help them get through it?
>>119288 Start a gofundmybrokeass and appeal to the softer side of humanity Or pretend they're dying puppies when you do that >>119290 Have you never heard of verbal reprogramming?
>>119294 >Cici unintentionally sells out the shooter because her manager can just playback her visual feed >reward goes straight into his pockets >immediately gets used to give Cici more mods
>>119266 Yeah i remember a bit of that too, hence why i want to ask PA about a possible solution, even if it only 'slows down' the degradation long enough for some progression to be made.
>>119303 >Her manager gets the credit as well when the local news wants to interview him >A few days later, an angry mob enters the restaurant and shoves the manager's head in the deep fryer until he dies >Now she has to dispose of the corpse >At least one of the mob emptied the vat for her, fueling their state-of-the-art car with it
>>119312 >Cue Anon having to be restrained by the ESR team, as he’s flailing and yelling something about seeing a little maid out of the corner of his eyes.
>>119315 I've never broken something in anger. I've been mad enough, but I remind myself that it won't help and just cost me money. I would fucking brutalize a masochistic DD, though. Zdrada ruined me.
>>119331 >He appears in EVERY episode even in the flashbacks >Cyn is genuinely distressed and disgusted by his mere presence >Somehow he manages to survive literally every attempt to kill him, including being converted into a DD
>>119331 >>119337 >Tessa is minding her own business when suddenly Chris-Drone bursts into her room and immediately begins pepper-spraying her eyes because she drew Sonic with blue arms
>>119235 I am in fact a pretty big Armored Core fag, and approve. There are a couple ways that come to my mind regarding how you could get a Sentinel Drone's core program to work on other platforms. The obvious one is just to make something meant to be a berserker, point it at an enemy and let it go to town and then self destruct. Another thing you might be able to do is incorporate the Sentinel mind into the mech's combat programming, but keep it's level of consciousness low. Lets bring in some AC and Eva inspiration and say it needs to be linked with an enhanced human pilot, someone who is compatible with the Sentinel personality enough to work in synch with it. The Sentinel personality that actually drives the Mech acts as a sort of Id hindbrain, it can react reflexively and instinctually much faster than the human pilot, but the human acts as the forebrain, they make the decisions, direct the actions, and provide the stable part of a unified personality matrix. If the connection is severed, or the pilot is knocked unconscious, or dies, then you have a big problem.
I imagine their tech would be something like a cross between RRI and Schneider, sleek and built for speed with little consideration for survivability, but also reliant on very experimental power generation techniques and modules. Ranged weapons would probably be overwhelmingly powerful energy weapons for ranged engagements, light weight kinetics at medium ranges and a variety of both physical and energy melee weapons for close range.
You might see weird configurations outside of the normal 4 weapon loadout, like compartments with powerful single use weapons exceeding that total, or a superheavy long ranged weapon that gets dumped when it overheats or if an enemy manages to close the distance, no conventional weapons at all but some kind of large scale Subjugate Solver device that allows the mech to project vector blades, stuff like that.
>>119342 Paperwork Reading a book Reading a manga Painting a figure Watching YouTube essays Wishing she could talk to somehow as she prepares a speech and listens to 24/7 study music Spying on Jane and B through binoculars in a garbage can or box
After Hunting soldiers Stalking people from afar and watching them Collecting worms Making bone statues Reading mangas covered in blood Listening to the voices “Playing” with food
>>119355 >abby, curled up into a blanket, alone in her bed surrounded by plush animals, in the dark only illuminated by her screen, drinking a hot coco, at 3am watching “The worst game you never heard of”
What is your Cryo-Drone/Holiday Drone doing? Mine is currently experiencing the joy of seasonal depression, they've encased themselves in a ball of ice and haven't left
>>119042 >>119086 Both of you are correct, the goal of these example mechs is to both show all the potential shapes/sizes thes things can come in, as well as each example uses references from different mech gernes:
You already know what im referencing with this guy, and i already stated earlier im using AC for PA's mech, can you guess what the other 2 examples are?
>>119343 Thanks for the quick responce. The "Make it a berserker" is was probably something I would've done if no other ideas worked, even if it worked for a short period of time, having a chassis you can just slap a bunch of ordinance on and let it go apeshit before it eather dies or kills itself wouldn't be a terrible idea for just absolutely laying waste to an area, however that's less of a character at that point and more of a "environmental hazard".
As for the sentinel mind idea, i was tempted to incorporate some for of neural-link system for the pilots, adding a greater connection for the mechs to occur. I did also have an idea that the neural-link system would actually help stave off the personality degradation of the drone, at the cost of the pilots own mental integrity, leaving the pilot much more impacted by things like battleshock, fateuge, and emotional issues, as hes functionally taking the brunt of 2 peoples emotions (guess the best example i can give is if master chief kept cortana stable by sacrificing his own integrity.)
ill keep working on a fitting wep configuration for your mech once i get back to it, got the other 2 to redraw first.
>>119304 Think she has any other preferences than cowgirl? I mean Alice seems energetic and freaky enough for one, but then again one cannot beat perfection...after all she needs to repopulate with you effectively
>>119400 I headcanon the war as having started at some point in 3002, with Earth being consumed over the course of a couple months. I also headcanon the war winding down in the 3060s due to humanity being all but destroyed from the prolonged conflict
>>119400 If what I pieced together about canon is right, then at earliest from 3020 (Elliot manor) until its definite end in 3051 with the core collapse on Copper-9. So 3020-3051 from start till humanity's end, and 3020-3071 from start to Solver losing all influence again
>>119400 If you want a serious answer, we don't exactly know, we know what year the series takes place in, what is their present, but as far as putting a date on the past, I think we can't. We can theorize by seeing the technology of things, but that's flimsy at best. Haven't rewatched the series in a while, so maybe I'm wrong.
>>119419 >>119421 The Cabin Fever camp was founded in 3002, but the Cabin Fever Labs came later and retrofitted existing facilities to serve its needs, as can be seen from the signs on the underground cathedral in Episode 7.
The tape about Zombie Drones cites a statistic from 3020, but given that said tape is playing on an abandoned TV in a junkyard, it's probably also pretty old. I would estimate that the Solver shit happened anywhere from the late 3020's to the late 3040's, since at minimum the Copper-9 core collapse had to have happened in 3052 at the latest.
>>119441 Do you have a vore fetish or something? There's literally only one way that relationship ends and anyone who says otherwise is a human roleplaying
>>119469 I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the "Ship AI" is just a regular worker drone hidden in a secret compartment on the ship. JCJ cheaped out.
I still think out of all the weapons ive drawn for these mech, this "half hand/half dronechipper" idea is by far the most brutal thing ive made yet.
Like imagine being the poor fucking bastard thats this things target, one second your vibing, the next second your grabed by anger incarnate and turned into your primary materials before you can even think. Its rated for "disassembling" drones, but you can shove just about any fucking material in there and ill chew it.
>>119472 >"THE SHIP IS SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL!" >"Don't worry! I'll fly this thing manually!" >Captain Anon bravely reaches for the controls! Only for the carboard illusion to collapse beneath his fingers >Underneath sits a Drone eating a subway sandwich
Festive Grunt Drone Fact: >around Christmas time, it is popular among human troops to dress the grunts up as Rudolph, with their singular glowing eyes serving as the "shiny nose" >the grunts don't really understand why their human comrades find this entertaining, but are happy to help boost morale
>>119484 the roombas never gonna give us up, never gonna let us down, they are never gonna run around and desert us, never gonna make us cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt all of humanity
So if Cyn agreed to the Solver's magical girl contract before Tessa found her, would Tessa have known Cyn was full of eldritch meat from opening her for repairs?
>>119509 Cyn did agree before Tessa found her though. The only reason Tessa didn't know is because Cyn possibly regenerated beforehand, remember she was fully conscious and awake. So I'm pretty positive Tessa just found her like that
Let’s play >God I wish that I was a soldier during the solver war in Janes squad As long as I keep my head down and don’t die, I keep access to all the hottest humans on the planet
>>119512 Being a basic grunt in Janes squad would be terrible anon. Not only are you a red shirt always about to die, but no woman would have you. Jane and Bonnie would be “busy” and the only other option is Abby. Fucking Abby.
>>119521 >Anon never heard of the “morale boosts” Bonnie does and forces Jane to do >Anon disregards Abby I’m so sorry you lack vision, you will never have a place beyond the pearly gates.
>>119512 God I wish that Liam had been put on the ADHD or maybe just ADD medication he needs so that he could have committed to a multiseason story for Murder Drones. And finished Design and Internecion Cube before that.
The following are interviews of USMC personnel assigned to the 3rd Quick Action Platoon, Golf Company conducted between 3002 and 3003 regarding a Jump Duty certified enlisted (cpl) known as Julian Albrecht [REDACTED], [UNKNOWN/REDACTED] service number, more commonly referred to as “Stone” by his peers. The sole officer who has conducted said interviews has asked to remain Anonymous.
Tape 1 – Start\\ ERROR; VIDEO CORRUPTED\\ Interviewee 1: Sergeant Washington, 2nd Squad\\ >“Sergeant, what can you tell us about Cpl. [REDACTED]?” >“[REDACTED]… [REDACTED]… Oh, you mean Stone?” >“Yes, Stone.” >“Well, he’s a calm, quiet guy. A bit odd, but pretty easy going. He’s nice to the drones, which he gets ribbed for a lot, and his music’s garbage, but I don’t mind him.” >“Why do you consider him odd?” >“He’s just got this.. Aura about him. Something’s off, you know?” >“How?” >“He just is too quiet sometimes, and he has this odd ability to blend into the background. Always scares you when he talks and you weren’t aware he’s there. Oh, and he’s always so calculating with things, like he had whatever just happened planned the whole time.” >“Would you say he’s a warm person?” >“..He presents himself as someone warm, caring. But he just feels cold.” >“How much interaction have you had with him?” >“Nothing past some games on some old system he brought onto the ship. I heard he threatened the mail officer so he would look the other way about the smuggling, but I just don’t see him doing that.” >“Can you describe his appearance off the top of your head for me, Sergeant?” >“Uh, sure. Lets see, he’s got a scar. Maybe a strong face? I think his hair is grey? Or was it red? No, wait. He definitely has a weak chin, and black hair, blue eyes and a sleek nose.” (Shuffling sounds can be heard as the Interviewer opens an envelope, sliding a piece of paper toward the Sergeant.) >“He looks like this? I swear he was uglier. I couldn’t forget such a handsome face.” >“No, Sergeant. This is how he looks.” (The Interviewer can be heard putting the picture back in the envelope) >“Now, Sgt. Washington, describe Cpl. [REDACTED] for me.” >“Man, you literally just showed me a picture of him. He’s got a huge face with, uhh… Blue eyes! Yeah, blue eyes! Wait, no… He’s got- oh, my head hurts” (Sgt. Washington can be heard breathing heavily, panicking.) >“Why? Why can’t I remember him clearly? What’s wrong? What are you doing?” >(A steel chair scrapes on concrete as Sgt. Washington stands) >“Who are you!? WHY!? WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME!? WITH HIM!?” >“Calm down, Sergeant.” >“NO.. NO FUCK YOU. YOU DON’T GET TO TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM? WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER HIS FACE? HIS NAME? WHAT IS HE!?” (The door unlocks, heavy bootfalls run into the room. Safeties can audibly be heard disengaging on at least three rifles.) >“Sergeant, please sit down.” (There is a loud, guttural scream and then a pop. A subsonic tranquilizer round is fired, disabling the Sergeant.). Conclusion to Interview 1: Anomalous nature regarding Cpl. “Stone” is considered. Sgt. Washington is thrown in brig, when he awoke, he had no recollection of anything regarding the interview or any events. He was convinced that he got black out drunk and was thrown into the drunk tank. Further interviews with Washington deduct that his mental fortitude is very lacking. More interviews regarding Stone are ordered.
>>119537 ERROR; MISSING FILES DETECTED, SKIPPING TO NEXT AVAILABLE\\ Interviewee 5: Pvt. Luce, 3rd Squad\\ Preface: New questions and strategies have put in place following the incidents during Interview 2, 3 and 4. [REDACTED] will, from here on, be referred to solely as Stone, Corporal or Julian. >“Hello, Private.” (Luce sighs, annoyed.) >“Do you remember why we’re interviewing you?” >“’Course I do, just don’t want to talk to ya.” >“We just have some questions to ask you about Cpl. Stone. How well do you know the Corporal?” >“I know him well enough to know you don’t have anything on him, and yer gonna be hard pressed to get anything out of me.” >“We don’t have a case against Cpl. Stone, Luce. We just want to know about your relationship with him.” (Audible silence persists for at least two minutes. This has been shaved down to five seconds for an airy, cinematic pause.) >“Stone’s a nerd. Shirt tucked in, pocket protector, shove in locker nerd. If he wasn’t six two and heavier’n hell, he would’ve been bullied a lot more. Hell, that’s why he’s named Stone. I don’t mind him, but I don’t care for him. He ain’t that important to me, just some sap that helps techies train their fodderbots.” >“What do you think about Stone and his humanization of machines?” >“It’s weird. Grown man like that being so kind to a robot meant to die to defend us. It’s like giving cattle a name ‘fore you shoot ‘em. It’s not normal.” >“What do *you* think about drones.” >(Another silence, a tapping is heard. Luce becomes more agitated.) >“They’re an affront to god.” >“How much do you know about the Europan War?” >“Fought in it, shed blood for the Union there, won’t go back again. Hell, don’t even like thinkin’ bout it.” >“Why were they fighting?” >“Some bullshit, I dunno. Something about the freedom of religion and paganism. I didn’t stop to ask many questions.” (Tapping speeds up, Luce appears to be sweating.) >“Did you see an obelisk with drones and people around it when you were fighting in Eden?” (The tapping stops, the private is now staring at the interviewer with an angry gaze.) >“Lets say I did.” >“They were said to be beacons. Entrances made to invite the ‘Drowned God’ into our reality.” (Luce appears disturbed.) >“How many did you kill, private? Did you relish in the massacre?” (Luce enters a stare. Her body seems tense.) >“Did you get anything on you? In you? Oil? Blood? Did you inhale any of the smoke from the incense?” (Pvt. Luce starts coughing, a corpsman escorted by three guards run into the room to render aid. Luce begins coughing up a black substance. She is promptly escorted out to a field hospital.) Conclusion: Stone’s anomalous nature appears to be directly related to Luce and [DECEASED]’s anomalous conditions, possible relationships or copulation may have led to Stone contracting some sort of memetic disease that renders his appearance and last name incomprehensible from memory. Luce was treated for ECS and put onto medication. A Martian Theopracticioner is being consulted.
>get new drone neighbor at your apartment >she's really mousy and sweet, likes tending to plants >a bit clumsy and shy, but that just makes her cuter >help her move groceries and potting soil and stuff sometimes >(she can lift everything easily but it saves her a few trips back and forth) >you don't see her every day but you think you're decent friends >last week, her boss made her and her coworkers all go out drinking together as a team building experience or some BS like that >she got absolutely plastered, and called you to pick her up >you swung by, had the courtesy not to deck her boss in the face, and brought her home to her apartment >(it was a bit messy, but all the greenery gave it a cozy feeling) >she was a little clingy and reluctant to let you leave but you made sure she was doing alright and sent her off to bed >since then you've been having really raunchy dreams about your neighbor every night >you feel a little guilty, but think little of it otherwise >one night, wake up in the middle of dream to find your soul is being sucked out through your dick >can't really move, something is pinning down your lower half and your body feels all weird and sluggish >look down and see something under covers, glowing yellow, bobbing up and down like a jackhammer, and making obscene noises >DD butt is wiggling off the foot of the bed, tail flicking through the air >long tongue wraps around your dick with a squeeze making it physically physically impossible not to nut >explode >the succubus in the sheets pulls her head back still sucking, releases your dick with a pop >don't know what she'll do if she notices you're awake so you shut your eyes >hear her walk towards the window >whisper "see you again tomorrow night~<3" in what's definitely your neighbor's voice >and fly out
>>119565 MD does not have appeal unless you want to fuck robots. I've talked to several people about Murder Drones and every time they go "eh, it was alright". Generally, their complaints are that there was no time to flesh out the cast and grow attached to them and thus no reason to care about them, or that the plot moves too fast.
It sucks, it means I can't talk about the show anywhere but here. One of those people liked Cyn's design, but they didn't like Cyn's design and I didn't want to become a pariah.
do you think if you put N (adult male drone) with me (adult human of the opposite sex) in close proximity (roommates) for a substantial amount of time (a month or so) he would eventually instinctively desire intimacy with me?
>>119584 that makes sense considering my similarities with pomni include being short, anxious, female, white, an adult, having eyelashes, vaguely human shaped, sentient, and female
>>119307 >>119304 At the same time I feel so proud of Alice and so sad for what she got, she needs headpats (maybe very careful till alls healed) and hugs Really, just give her ease and comfort, positive company for once in her life. Poor girl just tp her out of there before she gets boolooped.
>>119565 Because it's a show made for people with a very particular and acute strain of severe crippling autism, made by someone suffering from the same strain of severe crippling autism.
>>119596 Rhis is the last coloured thing I made 9 or 10 days ago, I just need to draw again, not only Alice. I will try as many as I have time for tomorrow, plan on 2-4 hours realistically. But don't make yourself any hopes, I never managed to fulfill more than three requests at once.
>>119607 That one is very convenient, was practicing Amda's hair earlier this week cause I wanted to draw her and Alice, but couldn't come up with something
Something I'll finish later. Also figure out that fading effect that you see in y2k art and the solution for it was so simple. It was literally using the gradient layer button. I feel so dumb
The best part about playing the Solverpede aspect of post-eating the Solver black hole thing Uzi all the way up is how all the things that made the Solver-in-Cyn's body stomach churning and nightmarish make Uzi wretched and heartbreaking.
>>119670 I don't know, I didn't think that far ahead. >>119673 You will, anon. You will. >>119674 Probably, maybe we'll get like two newfags but other than that nothing
>>119719 >Pick up your drone (solver abomination?) gf Beretta and put her on her bed >She blushes, thinking you're about to get steamy >Instead, you start rubbing her tummy >She's a bit surprised, then a little amused (or perhaps annoyed) >"What are you doing?" Rubbing your stomach until you spit out honey >"Anon, only those little bug things do that." Oh. Should I stop then? >"Don't you dare." >You continue to rub Beretta's tummy for a while after that
Image:173425999205.png(61kB, 448x448)The drone refuses to rouse from their recharge state.png
>"And I wub you, Bet, mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah!" >"And I WUB you even more, Q, mwah mwah!" >"Beretta, what the fuck are you doing?" >"Oh, hey Jane, I'm playing with my dolls. Want in?" >"Aren't you like, 14?" >"And?" >"...Alright, whatever. What do you got for me?" >"Mr. G gave me a bunch of new plushies for free again, I think he really appreciates me. Look at this one, isn't she cute?" >Jane picked up the plush offered. It appeared to be a worker drone with fluffy black hair, red eyes, and highlights...a Halloween themed drone? >"He always gives me the ones he thinks "time has passed" for...and then there are the ones he charges like $50 for. Luckily, I have Mom's purse." >Jane looked around Beretta's room, utterly stacked with plush toys from head to toe. In her closet, on every shelf, on her desk, on the window sill, on top of the TV. There had to be over a hundred. >"I think you have a hoarding problem, or at least an addiction to these toys, B." >"I lub lub you, Switch!" >"A-and I love you, Y! Let's make out!" >The dolls unnerved Jane. They all seemed to be staring at her, from all corners of the room, calling out for her. For what, she couldn't know. >German dolls. French dolls. English dolls. Swedish dolls. Dolls with no other discernable character traits other than "rape". Dolls with creators of questionable ethics. Dolls created by users who were clearly underaged at the time of interest. >A whole quarter of the room seemed to be filled with sentinel drone dolls, of untold stories and undelivered promises, lost to abandonment and disinterest from those that were >It was eerie, like a graveyard at night. >But there they all were, sitting in silence, having nothing to do but to witness and partake in the scenarios of the girl who seemed to be the only being capable of caring for them >It was a cruel fate, damnation to all eternity, in memory of tho- >Something caught her eye >In the corner next to the laundry basket >A...human plushie? >"Uhh, B, I'm gonna catch you later. See you at school...yeah." >"Huh? You don't want to join in on the BLEEP-H-Lily vs BHL orgy?" >"N-nah. I'm out." >She checked for Beretta's attention, and quickly swiped the doll that caught her interest. >It was a featureless, beige plush, with long blonde hair, and a wide, stitched smile. Black paint covered it's upper face. It didn't have any clothes. >Yes...this would do just fine. >Jane would never be alone again.
Oh wow its snowing here. Just that its not snow but silica particles, its toxic to breath in. Wear your gas masks guys! I haven't been here in some time. Anything new? Anything fun?
>>119747 >OCs that don't receive regular content I wish I could make regular OC content but I've been burned out this December because of finals and the holidays coming up so I've decided I'll just take it slow this December.
im still sick, but the drive to finish this and write the lore dump for it exceeds it.
i probably woudve been finished it by now if like half way though it i had a SINGULAR THOUGHT, about setting up something for that one system map project and accidentally autism'd a system into existence. That ill probably start working on next weekend if i can finish this shit quickly enough.
Also at some point between now and when i post the final dump, im morally obligated to play titanfall 2
>>119753 Unfortunately I love reading Autistic debates here. I laugh my ass off every time. I remember laughing so hard when I came here from /co. There was a Discussion about the greentext where V rapes Thad and it was so unhinged I cried from laughter.
>>119756 I wish to experience a sleep paralysis with a demon. I have bee n trying for years on and off but nothing really works. I know /x/ is probably a place for this but they are a bunch of placebo retards
>>119762 The light grey in unfortunately, one of the front hatches used to enter and exiting, besides a light rubber coating, its rather hard. HOWEVER, the dark grey sections on each side serve the same purposes as the tummys on regular drones, and as such, are very squishy.
>>119766 To get spooked. To experience it. To see what it is all about. I don't expect to have a "le funny Anon gets pinned down and raped by a hot female thing" experience.
>>119769 She's probably wearing opera gloves which can go all the way up to the upper arm depending on the style. So yes it would be a sleeveless gown/dress with very long gloves.
Idea for a Solver War monster, will probably elaborate more on this later - Spawnling >Basically a small lump of skittering Eldritch flesh in the shape & size as a disembodied Solver Core >Can passively spawn within Solver-warped environments OR be actively spawned by a Solver Host >Possesses a singular bulbous eye on the 'front' >Decently fast and agile, and capable of traversing walls & ceilings >Natural 'weapons' consists of a singular claw tipping each of its 3 appendages and a small 'beak' on it's underside >Relatively easy to neutralize/kill if in small numbers and is little more than a nuisance on their own, although they become exponentially more dangerous when swarming (typically in groups of several dozen) >Will seek out corpses (human AND drone) to nest within, resulting in the creation of a "Hermit Husk"
>>119777 >Both she and Tessa are wearing short dresses with lower legs exposed >Both wear gloves, concept art Tessa is self conscious about her bare hands being held >Getting Tessa alone at a dance >Stripping off one of her gloves as she turns increasingly red >Entwining fingers with hers, she won't make eye contact with you but shuffles close to press against you >Raising her scarred wrist and placing a kiss against her skin >She swoons against you almost causing both of you to fall
>>119758 I would've prepared for that next night with doll. And i wouldn't have kept my eyes closed either. She'd learn that i need her loving just as badly as she needs mine
>>119785 You can make this without explaining what a "Hermit Husk". Also Why Hermit? So this is basically a Solver Core without all the cool magic and core properties? But it can still go trough wars for some reason.
I really wanna get something more out this month but this month has been draining me and every time I write and draw I just end up being unsatisfied and delete it.