To keep things separate and organized, anything related to the booru goes here. If you have any questions, suggestions, or find anything odd in there, discuss it here. Technically, the forums can be enabled in the booru to keep discussion there, however, since this exists for now, that feature may be left to be enabled for the future.
One thing I'd suggest when posting greentexts, you don't NEED to post the big image, you can separate them out in several images, make a Pool with a title of the greentext to make it easier to identify than the tags, and with Pooling, you can make it so that each post comes after the previous one, so it builds suspense, loads the images faster, and looks like a proper chapter/section.
if the guy who has all the greens saved could make a giant fucking catbox or mega and upload it that would be great, thanks its imperative to catalog this shit before its lost out of disinterect
>>105 Also, you don't need to delete the combo image of all the greentext posts. Just separate them into different images, post them, add a description if you want, then go to Pools -> New -> and give it a title, description, and then order the post numbers as its pages. So greentext 1/5 goes first, separated by a space, following the other post numbers. Importantly, if you have an image for the cover page (or the combined greentext big image), you can put this post as the first number. Then make sure you select "Series" if you want it to display the first post as its cover image. If you select "Collection" it will only be seen in the "Listing" section or when you search. This will only have a title as text, and not a cover image.
This will make it easier to search for greentexts by title, hence why I went with this software, but you Anons keep just combining all the posts together and posting a one big image. Searching these by tags are a little hard.
In addition, if you want to just give it a title for now, you can make the Pool, give it a title and perhaps a description, then keep the post numbers just one, which is the combined big image of the greentexts. Maybe later some Anon would separate them if they want to. This way, at least your greentexts would have a title and a description, and can be searched for via the Pools page.
>>105 >>276 I see, this should certainly be doable. I'll see about making up some kind of proof-of-concept soon(ish) As for the actual separations/chapters what would you personally recommend? >Each individual part is it's own image >Each part is split up into images containing (X) number of posts apiece >Case-by-case basis based on what makes the most sense for each story
>>106 >>293 Apologies, I had attempted to update my MEGA but unfortunately the way I went about it ended up killing the link. Hoping next time I update it I'll not make that same mistake
>Important note Anything in folders listed "PROCESS" are things I haven't had a chance to personally upload to the booru (as of the time I last updated the MEGA). While I would recommend starting there if you plan on uploading, just know that there's a chance some of the stuff in them (particularly art) has already been uploaded by someone else
>>307 I was thinking more along the lines of like, an Anon comes and writes a greentext that has let's say 3 parts, but this is done in one thread. So, Pool Chapter 1 has 3 images consisting of each individual posts. Then the Anon comes and continues it in another thread or something, and it has 5 parts. A new pool gets created, in the Pool description, you can link the other chapters. Unfortunately, this software doesn't have parent/child pooling that e6 does. But in the title it'll be like Pool Chapter 2 for instance, consisting of 5 image posts.
If you've bulk uploaded images, please go to the Uploads page and then check your Unposted uploads. There are several images that are not made into "posts" yet.
>>475 Go ahead, the idea is to basically keep it /co/ culture related in a sense if you get what I mean. So not EVERYTHING MD related like, random artists from random places, since that might be odd. Usually whatever gets used here/in-the-culture, so reaction images, mostly-used-images, artwork, greentexts, etc I'm assuming other artwork can come in too, but you gotta credit the artist. It is kind of finicky, since I don't want anything weird happening. There's DMCA in the site, but avoiding that would be ideal
With an opening in my IRL schedule coming up in the next couple days I figured I'd try for transparency as far as work on the booru goes. I'll try to provide progress updates on a (hopefully) regular basis - There are two areas in particular that I am planning on tackling for this coming week >Work through the existing backlog of greentexts amongst my personal collection >Work through the existing backlog of tabbed threads across the usual boards for uncapped/unsaved greentexts While I do plan on giving both of these a considerable amount of attention, I'll most likely be prioritizing the former over the latter for the immediate future on account of seeing comments/requests for "missing" greentexts. My minimal goal is to get 50 uploads by the weekend, with an 'ideal' goal of 100~ if time and availability permits.
As far as long term goals go there is the prospect of fulfilling the request here (>>276) regarding the use of pools to help make a more ideal browsing/reading experience. I still plan on making a 'proof of concept' before going full steam ahead, but I do have a number of candidates already in mind (although I am of course open to suggestions!). Relatedly I am still debating on whether to simply edit existing caps or to try and re-cap straight from desuarchive; the former would definitely be much faster although the latter would probably both look better and give me an excuse to go about trying to (re)cap a number of older & incomplete greens
I want to make this a little clear about uploading: >copyright:murder_drones Involves canon characters >copyright:original_character Has MD OCs You can have images with both tags. I don't think people realize that the copyright tags mean anything.
>>636 I know there's already a page dedicated to explaining the basic rules of tagging, but I'm wondering if a tag infograph (similar to the one I made about capping a long while back) might help clear up some of the ongoing confusion
On the topic of copyright tags, is there any specific tag for crossover/3rd party content (Warhammer, Dead Space or Internection Cube for example) or would just a general tag denoting the series be sufficient?
>>675 I think a general tag or adding the name of the 3rd party content would be sufficient, trying to be as specific with the tags for easier searching
>>778 The only issue I'd have with AI is someone comes and dumps like 5000 different shitty iterations of one pose over and over again. If the generator spends time and generates one good image, I'm OK with that. So far there's one image it seems.
>>105 >>276 >>356 The proof-of-concept of this idea had been completed
A couple notes >Went ahead and included a rating disclaimer in the title as an additional precaution >Tags for the individual posts are copy & pasted from the original post
>>1104 >>1105 Actually a fast way to do it is to put everything in the Pool, then go to Pool -> Select your pool -> Click on "Posts" -> Select the "Mode" dropdown to "Edit" and as you click each image, it opens the tag edit of that post, so you can update it fast that way, instead of loading each post one by one.
>>1104(me) Alright, the first batch of 'refined' greentexts are now complete. Gonna focus on general capping & uploads for now but in the meantime I am open to requests as far as which greentexts to 'refine' next
Transparency Update - The good news is that I managed to achieve a satisfactory number of personal booru uploads, and thanks to the awesome effort of other based booruanons there are now as of this post just over 2100 total posts!
The bad news (at least for me) is that headway into the massive backlog of threads, currently dating as far back as a little over a month old now, has been coming along far slower than I would have liked. As such I will be making rectifying this my top priority for this upcoming week, albeit at the expense of actual uploads in the short term.
As far as other things go I still intend on making up a helpful tagging infograph in hopes of explaining & further emphasizing the finer points of the tagging system (namely the importance of the distinct copyright tags along with some other high priority metatags). Relatedly, I am also interested in potentially some of the basic OC descriptions from the deck made a while back ( to their corresponding tags on the booru's wiki
hey what does the “sensitive” rating mean? i understand general, questionable, and explicit as far as sexually explicit content goes, but what’s “sensitive”?
>>2782 My interpretation is that Sensitive covers content that sits between General & Questionable; Content that isn't necessarily sexual but could still be considered a tad much for General.
Admittedly I only put that story under sensitive as a precaution. While I personally feel like it would be fine under General I am not 100% sure if others (particularly those who consider 4chan in general to be "too scary to browse") would feel the same way. I'll make sure to ask one of the site admins for their judgement call later (unless they chime in here of course)
>>2782 I would apply it to things like on-model nudity. The characters don't have anything inappropriate to see, but if they got no clothes on maybe it's not exactly "general" but also not "explicit"
>>2933 If it is pending approval then you'll unfortunately have to wait for approval before being able to edit. It's admittedly annoying but it shouldn't take too terribly long for someone with powers to approve it. IIRC the booru admin has said that approvers should be able to view & approve posts from other users in an upcoming update so that should definitely help with this
>>2782 At least, I use when I don't think it would be nice if someone just watch over my shoulder and saw 'x' thing. They wouldn't say something bad to me, but they would look at me weird, and when is not something exactly explicit.
>>2935 >IIRC the booru admin has said that approvers should be able to view & approve posts from other users in an upcoming update so that should definitely help with this I hope it comes soon.
>>2972 Yeah I know, the fixes shouldn't be that difficult to do, but last time all my work got deleted due to some odd technical anomalies, and I just gotta re-setup my environment. I have the most recent code backed up, but it's just annoying to setup, cause I know it's gonna happen again. I'll setup this weekend to do it, and setup an update notice for Tuesday or something. or just push it stealthily, cause downtime is like around under 5-10 minutes.
>>3529 Anyone can edit any post Friend, I normally edit many posts to add some tags or source if I have it, there is also the tag "tagme" if you don't know what more tags should be added.
Transparency Update - Not a whole lot new to report from this past week. As of now I am roughly halfway through the current archive backlog with an optimistic prediction of being fully caught up by the turn of the month
I also have a partially completed tagging guide that I'm hoping to finish up & share within this coming week once I've accomplished (or at least reached a significant milestone) my archive dive. Regular booru uploads will also resume around that time with both general uploads and 'refinement' of a handful of existing posts being my stretch goal for this week
(Picrel is one of the noteworthy compilations I've made from the backlog thus far)
Proposal for a new tag: artist_request If you're not sure of the artist for a given piece of work, add that tag when you upload it to make it easier for people who might know to find your post and apply the proper tag
>>4499 You can add any tags, I can place it under the artist category. Let me do it right now. I need to dedicate some time to working on this soon though. Going around, organizing and such
Transparency Update - I managed to get further caught up on my archive backlog but unfortunately IRL happenings over the weekend have brought my hobbywork to a crawl. Hoping things normalize on my end soon so I can actually start uploading all the new stuff I've capped so far
On a brighter note I did finally finish the tagging infograph!
>>6258 I should've bought the .com as well, just so someone doesn't accidentally go there... Now if you want to try to buy it, it's being sold for $1500 aftermarket
Question: Has the booru got some sort of NSFW filter or something on it? I noticed that some tags give much fewer hits than their links indicate. (For example, the link for everything tagged with "chair" says that it should have 9 entries but only 7 images appear when clicked). Are they hidden in some way?
>>8607 I made it so you gotta login to see explicit content, just to make sure nothing weird happens. Just make an account, you don't need to use an email. Just don't forget your password (if you do, just make another one hahaha)
Alright Anons, sorry for the delay. I'm working on the updates tonight, will probably get something rolling by next week! Let me know if anything is weird and needs changing. Also, if you have any drones holding signs, upload it here, and I can put it in. Doesn't matter what number, it rotates at random! Dimensions are 84x143. You can submit a bigger image in similar dimensions, the site will shrink it. So don't worry if you don't want to do pixel art.
It's back up, took a little longer. You can now search with up to 32 tags at once. I didn't know this was restricted to 2. So mix and match however you want. Drone holding number 3 fixed. (I need some more, these placeholders are boring) Some other internal bugs fixed Some of the site behavior is changed, visibility-wise to anonymous and members. (Just make an account, it's no big deal. Just don't forget your password, and no need to use an email, since it doesn't even do anything with it)
If you find anything odd, let me know in the site or here.
>>13746 I mean, it would be boring but it won't be hard to tag al writefriends most of them do not have known names, so, 200-300 from the 700 green texts that are in the booru? I could do it, it would help Anons find greens from the same author I don't know if it should use the same type as "artists tags" since artist could refer to the most classical meaning of someone who draws, paints, etc. or the meaning of someone who creates art in general that includes people who wrote, create music, etc.
>>13765 Well if you're only tagging greens made by named fags then it shouldn't be the hardest task. Since they're so few in number. I thought you were talking about trying to tag and group ALL greens.
>>13726 I do remember the topic of artist/author tagging for greentexts coming up once before back when the first booru had just been made. IIRC it was determined at the time that it'd be easier for greentext authors to simply tag their own stuff rather than have someone else run the risk of accidentally mistagging
I personally wouldn't be opposed to having the tags of named writefags fall under the 'artist' category (I'm pretty sure that actually ended up happening to my namefag-tag on the old booru), especially since at least a couple writefags also make art. I also don't see an issue with tagging greentexts with the name/tag of the writefag that originally made them, so long as you're absolutely certain it's the correct author & the author themselves want to have a name associated with their work
>>13933 If I can put my 2 cents in, Friend, I think it would be nice, it has happened before that I try to search for a green by the author before, but since none of them have an artist tag it took longer than it should. WAnon is an easy one to tag his greens, most of them, since he adds his art to it, so I'll go and do that, maybe later I will do the same to my greens!
>>13937 (me) After some looking, I was able to just put tags on a few, many greens are made by nameless Friends, or Friends that somehow are still not named, dang. I think later in the day I will tab my stuff, to keep a tab on what I have created.
>>14445 Sorry, I misunderstood you when you said you wanted the numbers 0-9 when I asked if you wanted different numbers OR drones. (I did think it was strange that you wanted 0-9 for the same character and pose).
>>14659 >>14660 >>14661 >>14662 >>14663 >>14664 >>14665 >>14666 >>14667 These are very cute Anon! Apologies for not being specific. I'll get these in for the next update and use them as the base templates for now. I'm working on a baseline template for these, like number 6 blank drone, but I haven't gotten to drawing drones for a while, been busy with other drawings.
>>18404 Nothing is standardized, meaning different anons will put the source in different ways, put I guess is inconvenient when you want to search the post
Since the topic of sources is being broached, here's an incredibly simple proposal/idea I had for sourcing specifically greentexts for future reference
>Backtrack to the source via the post number (pluschan should be a non-issue, although /co/ & /trash/ will require a trip into desuarchive) >In cases of multi-post greentext compilations or stories, simply link back to the first post on the chain
Right now I still have a massive backlog so it'll probably be a hot minute before I get around to actively doing this, but it's at least food for thought!
Alright let's settle this once and for all. Is the Booru meant for THREAD ONLY stuff? Being incredibly biased here and saying that this makes the most sense, I keep seeing off-site slop being posted.
>>39311 I raise my hand for thread stuff only. It's not meant to catalogue off-site art imo. I know there's some off-site art already there, to which I say give it less priority than thread creations in the future. Don't care if writefags/drawfags/modelfags are slow, these things take time. The booru should mostly be for thread stuff and not personal favorite collections.
I'm personally unbothered by off-site art being on the booru. Some anons can't tell the difference at times anyway (especially on stuff like reaction images or memes). We should obviously focus on thread creations foremost, but archiving off-site art of note or quality would help in the long run. As far as artists the threads like who have nuked everything go, I have an archive of Tirkas's art on my drive. I also recall some Korean artist the threads liked nuking their stuff and much of it was lost, but I personally don't have any of it. Preventative measures is what I suggest on artists the threads like. Even aside from off-site art, I think the threads could make more of an effort to pitch in with uploading art and greens from threads. It's just the same few anons going over hundreds of posts per day and I can't imagine this being an easy task.
if offsite is allowed, then thread creations/ artists need a special signifier people are primarily expecting thread-only stuff to be there so having an easy way to filter for it is a must offsite stuff already has their own easy to browse galleries on where ever they were taken from but the threads dont have that, which is why the booru exists in the first place
>>39421 >I think the threads could make more of an effort to pitch in with uploading art and greens from threads. I don't upload to the booru or tag my works because I felt it would be a bit narcissistic, but I could (~17/192 of the artist_request works are mine) , if it would be helpful. >>39476 Or reverse it. Off-site should be specially tagged. With the production of greentexts and giggles, off-site stuff should be the minority of the content, and that would be easier than doing the reverse. And with it primarily documenting board creations, board stuff is normal and normal doesn't need special markers.
I personally don't mind off-site art as long as it's uploaded sparingly, and only the higher quality stuff, for example no shitty meme edits from reddit. I agree with >>39476 that special tagging to separate them would go a long way to help with that too.
Honestly I'm indifferent to the idea of off-site art being on the booru (so long as it doesn't actively threaten to bloat overall server capacity, of course). That being said I do like & support the idea >>39421 brought up regarding the archival of off-site content that's been wiped/nuked from their original source. These particular posts could even be tagged with something like "lost_art" as a compromise to both make it easier to find for those looking for it & to make it easier to filter out for those not wanting to look at it
>>39603 "lost_art" should definitely be a thing. Or something equivalent. If the Twitter lynch mob descends on some poor artfag and they wipe all their stuff, who's going to save it if not us?
if tirkras is uploaded, which i’m not opposed to considering the circumstances, the precedent for thread/non-thread content kind of goes out the window anyways. as long as all the recently uploaded shit is tagged instead of sitting there as it is now
Serious question, no shade towards the guy uploading stuff to the booru since a lot of people weren't uploading anything, but what's up with the mass uploads with zero tags?
>>39802 >nta Got no problem with uploading stuff in bulk but wouldn't it make more sense to do the upload without actually approving the post until it's tagged?
>>39820 sorry man the whole process is kind of getting informal nowadays it's essentially me and a few buddies working on this thing, shit got lax quick
>>39820 nta but if the idea is to get more people participating in the booru then just putting a post up with approval, where everyone can see it (and more importantly, edit the tags) seems like the way to go. Just put the image up and let people who know more than you tag it.
>>40117 If thread art is meant to be the 'default' then I don't see any need to make a tag for it. Art that isn't explicitly thread content could be tagged with something like "off-site" or "non-thread"
Whoever "tomoetomoe" is can you stop being such a fucking faggot and dumping random art from reddit and twitter into the booru? I don't see what the point of archiving off-site stuff is, it just makes it harder to find stuff specifically from the threads. Checking all the new uploads there's like 1 piece of thread content for every 20 uploads. If it's allowed then at the very minimum tag it with off-site or something.
>>39559 yeah I think it makes sense to make the booru specific to the chans. Makes it easy for anyone that missed a thread or two to catch up >>39603 and archiving art from deactivated/deleted accounts also seems reasonable
>>40167 What's your reasoning for dumping off-site art into the booru? Checking the rules it says: >Please keep all posts related to Murder Drones, pertaining to the board culture as much as possible. >Outside content is not alright, unless it is applicable. The stuff from twitter and reddit is not applicable to the board culture, it's outside content If there are plans to relax these rules then there should be a vote to decide what's going on, as there are clearly a lot of people who want it to be thread only, myself included
>>40170 not to set precedent, but in other boorus, especially concerning the previous one you sorta just dumped everything you found in the threads as long as it pertained to the franchise. only in hindsight we are free to try and regulate just what goes on there, and you're not wrong in your views. besides that though, even if it wasn't personally produced by an anon or art fag, many of whom actually post their art off site, think grimahlnik, i'm privy to save the many reaction images and memes; most of them actually go under the radar, hidden behind the masses of oc doodles, it's a damn shame. it's really up to the searching user to find exactly what they want via tags, our apologies for the as of current untagged blob currently clogging the front pages, we're working on it. fortunately, since the series is on hiatus, we can afford to invest time on catching up on previously posted images. things will become more orderly in time.
Image:172627638166.png(143kB, 440x343)what the hell are you talking about.png
>>40175 This is what happens when you leave one dickhead running and tagging the whole booru by himself. Nobody's regulating shit and when he gets lazy and goes off the rails all we can do is watch.
>>40191 I doubt the site owner even gives a shit one of his own mods is breaking the standard he imposed. I doubt there was one enforced in the first place. Fuck it, the booru just looks like this now, I guess. As long as they don’t delete it randomly again.
>>40191 >Yeah I'm confused exactly as to what's going on Check the most recent uploads. A massive amount of off-site art is being uploaded to the booru. Probably 1 in 20 images being uploaded are actually thread content right now.
>>40191 Here is a summary >A booru moderator has been making mass uploads >The posts are mostly untagged and consists of off-site art, random screenshots, and occasional thread content
>>40195 Has anyone tried contacting the site owner yet?
>>40290 If you really want to gauge public opinion you could try making a poll but given that it's a moderator behind the offsite uploads I don't think the results will actually matter
Hey sorry been away from this for a bit (I will update the site soon to reflect on the new drones holding numbers by the way...) I think the way to think about what to upload is like: 1. Does the image consistently get posted in the threads? 2. Does the artist participate in the threads / 4chan culture? 3. What will happen if a normie artist learns about this? Will they react badly?
Main goal is to avoid DMCA claims. So keeping things thread-culture only is good enough. There may be exceptions, but that's up to you. If you want to upload one, crediting the artist is important, because we can see that it may be an outside piece, and who it belongs to. If the artist does not like it, it easily connects it to them to show that we can remove it. But like I mentioned, try to avoid an artist getting mad and coming and requesting a takedown, if you think they might be like that.
Another goal is to try and keep the site private, but eventually it won't be. There are more than 200 users now.
Lost art is nice for a tag, as long as you are sure that the artist is completely gone/anonymous. However, they will eventually be found.
Also, since we have the mega Anon, I think you can keep things there as well, such as any sort of art. I need to work on releasing the whole backup dumps soon, just in case I leave some day, so it retains the tagging and such.
>>40561 >Also why was Springlockanon's stuff nuked? holy shit what i mean they are still viewable, click the 'deleted' in the bottom left of the page, but still
Nothing odd was deleted, it was mostly art that he uploaded as a batch, but ended up removing the ones that were not thread related. Again, I personally have no issue with exceptional off-thread art, but you have to make sure to credit the artist. But mostly, the place is to have thread related things mostly. No meltdown is happening, no need to panic about it. I respect if people want to remove their stuff, but the system itself is kind of odd to work with. Need more modifications. I will get to it right now. We have have the mega, and you should also download things if you like. I do keep backups daily of everything, so if we have someone going crazy, I can just restore.
>>40684 I think screenshots might be OK if it's some lore stuff, or a cool looking one. Just need to tag it right. And yeah, I wouldn't post anything from the Glitch Inn stuff that is not public, and yeah posting the entire episodes is a bad idea. Youtube is good enough. The non-thread stuff is more like "Will the artist get mad and request a DMCA?" "do we see this posted as a reaction a lot?" etc
>>40693 >guys we don't want to get sued for reuploading art! >anyway, time to reupload art from randos online who made the conscious decision to take it down, no we're not going to ask for permission
>>40699 Oh if it was deleted by the artist itself, that'd become a DMCA material in the future. I think that'd be better suited in the mega, no? I was referring to twitter art for example, that gets posted. If the artist is credit, in addition to if the image is being overly posted in the threads. It CAN work, but crediting the artist in the tagging would be ideal to make sure if the artist comes for a DMCA later, the process will be easy. Perhaps that may not be a good situation. Sticking to thread-only images is better, hence an admin was removing some things that was bulk uploaded from previous threads. "Lost Art" I take it as an Anon posting something a long time ago, and not around anymore, or hard to find. Not actually going and uploading pieces by artists that took down their things. I respect that action.
>>40708 This as well. I mentioned something a little more loose in >>40724 , but sticking to thread-only and thread-based artists are better. I doubt random artist images get posted in the threads anyway to be deemed as "regularly uploaded reaction images" If there are any exceptions, it will probably be too popular to be uploaded in the booru, or Anons would have it already downloaded it.
Site's updated: 1. + and - added to tags. 2. New drones holding numbers! Let me know if there's anything odd, or you want to submit a drone holding a number.
>>41217 >>41231 >The recent few posts by regular users has more effort put into tagging them than all the recent posts by tomoetomoe combined I guess being an admin allows you to get away with being lazy
>>40817 How much does it cost to maintain your booru? My community had an independent one and we got DDOS'd to death. Wondering if anyone else has this issue with their boorus.
>>41922 Moralfags and normies. NSFW was supposed to not be visible unless you made an account but some dumbasses didn't enforce that rule strictly enough and people have a super ultra giga hateboner for our fandom already so of course we can't have nice things.
>>41920 Message me from the booru, I can talk to you about what I've thrown at the backend. But the server itself is a 25/mo box. I could go with the 5/mo, however it's not as fast or good bandwidth-wise
What do you guys think about putting non-MD art by noteworthy thread artists on the booru? Such as drawing of other Liam Vickers or Glitch Productions shows? Or maybe even other things?
>>42872 Isn't Liam's stuff on his site? I think that's good enough. The booru's to contain collect "our" well, "culturally", related works. Posting official things may open the door to "official people" coming in, which may be kind of awkward
>>42872 >What do you guys think about putting non-MD art by noteworthy thread artists on the booru? If it's something like crossover art or "MD character (canon or OC) as a CUBE or Ben10 alien" then sure. Otherwise I don't think it would be appropriate unless you explicitly transform dronebooru into something else (which I think is safe to say would be a VERY unpopular decision)
>Such as drawing of other Liam Vickers or Glitch Productions shows? Again, as long as it's tangibly related to Murder Drones then I have no problem with it. If it's JUST unrelated Liam stuff or TADC then it would be better off in a LVAbooru or GLITCHbooru
>Or maybe even other things? So long as it's drone-related
>>43240 The mod is pissing me off. Dude I get it, it's your site and we're grateful but you're fucking destroying it. You're posting off-site art, not tagging it, and now you're posting Non-Murder Drones related shit after we explicitly said that you shouldn't AFTER YOU ASKED US OUR OPINION? What the genuine fuck are you retarded?
>>43241 tomoetomoe is a fucking menace. At this point I hope we get someone better to take up the reigns for this booru things because it's genuinely frustrating how something that was supposed to be OURS has gone to shit and no amount of vocal opposition is doing shit
Hey Anons, I know you guys are taking this a little too seriously, but I feel like it isn't that big of a deal in a way, but I'll discuss it with the staff to narrow it down. I know having let's say, non-MD related (but Liam's other works) posted is kind of a weird situation, since a lot of times let's say, cube gets posted in MD threads, which is not a drone, but art that is appreciated. I feel like it would be fine if you post, let's say cube, but there should be a drone among the fanart. However sometimes if let's say this fanart or meme gets posted a lot in the threads, and has no drone within it, I feel like that MAY be an exception? Since technically it falls under the "keep things thread related as possible" scope. Just don't go overboard and upload like, 1000 images of random cubes, or cordies. THAT is off topic in a sense. Once in a while is fine, BUT the catch is, it HAS to be an image that's been uploaded by the Anons in the MD threads from time to time, or has MD related themes, or characters in the image itself. The booru is huge in a sense where you can just filter things out and all, but it does add up to the backups that are done daily. Currently we have around 4.2GB of files in total, not counting the other things that run in the back-end of the site. We are under 50% capacity. But if let's say there are more than 30GB+ of images soon in the future, and we end up having more files uploaded in about a year or two, this will mean I have to upgrade the server to have more space, which will cost a little bit more. So keep that in mind when uploading. I don't mind it THAT much, but make sure it's images that are posted within the threads.
>>43265 If you want to avoid DMCA's then wouldn't it make sense to just ban all outsider art? Unless you're reaching out and contacting all the artists for permission to upload their stuff.
>>43267 Yeah that's something I gotta work on in a couple of days. Not sure why the artist tags are not completed with their names, since that narrows it down to who they are. Instead we have something called off-site, and artist-name, which feels like an "indirect" way of crediting them. My idea was that, if let's say an outside art is deemed OK to be posted, at least put the artist name as the tag. Sure I'd rather not have random drone fanart up here to avoid DMCA in the future (unlikely, but you never know. The idea was to avoid them from seeing this exists, since this is 4chan related, ie, less people the better?) But sometimes people post it anyway.
However, let's say a fanart from the outside gets posted in the threads a lot, that's OK to post, but you better credit the artist with their name as a tag, until a DMCA happens. Otherwise, don't post random fanart _if you can help it_
>>43265 I'm fine with other things bleeding in so long as it pertains to thread culture. Although I don't think legitimate screenshots from the show should be posted there
>>43273 Yeah for the screenshots, I'm KIND of OK if it the screenshot looks cool, or can be used as a reference to draw things, or shows some lore that's there for a split second (since the show is more of a watch several times to find things), or a screenshot where it shows a character in full light (since the show is a little dark)
What I don't want is 1. excess amount of random screenshots that may not be useful. 2. screenshots that don't show lore, full body characters that can be used as references, random shit. 3. Glitch Inn stuff (their paid content) NEVER post this shit. 4. Actual episodes (I think if you post a screenshot for reference, or lore, you can add a link to the episode on youtube and post a timestamp in the description)
But again, I'd rather not have too much screenshots. Only important ones, and high quality ones. Screenshots kind of "ruin" the idea of a booru
>>43570 Front page looks fine to me, so no clue what that anon is freaking out about Unless they are just referring to some of what's been going on this past week, in which case they are kinda late to the party
We've heard the reception, and due to a variety of factors, one almost entirely being my own exhaustion of having to capture and individually tag every image, day after day, I unilaterally intend to begin dispatching my personally uploaded offsite content. Unless otherwise stated, this purge will begin around 9 AM US Eastern Time, September 22nd, 2024, so if you want anything I intend to delete, save it while you can! Thanks.
Note: EVERYTHING I HAVE PERSONALLY POSTED THAT FALLS UNDER THE PARAMETERS GOES. If you don't see, for example, your favorite image of V pregnant, or a particularly cute artwork of J from an offsite artist, it'll have been your own fault that you didn't save it. Otherwise, PM me via Booru messaging if you want something for whatever reason. Exempt to the rules are of course, are artists whose artwork can be found nowhere due to their own personal content purge, such as Care or Kitsch. Once again, save what you can, if you want.
snow here. Seems like the "Hot" page is giving an error if you use it. I will fix it soon. If you search for the tag "order:rank" it breaks it if you view a post with it. If you want to open something from the "Hot" page, just remove that last part from it.
And as for the off-site stuff, give it a week or so. We'll see what happens. Some artists are OK with it. I just gotta go through and tag their names in there as artist tags, just so we have a record. They aren't taking that much space, but it's not something written in stone. We can remove or keep later. But for now, they'll be here for a bit, to make the final decision. It's just that, most of them were found in the threads. Gotta retrospectively go back and check if any artist has removed their stuff, to make sure they are also removed from here, to respect their decisions. Do remember that the mega exists, but the booru is good to have things tagged all nicely.
All I suggest is better quality control for some of the things posted there. Less offsite memes and less legitimate clips and such from the show, other than that I don't mind
Was trying to figure out how to add a description to a post. Almost about to modify the code, but then I saw where it was: "Add Commentary" is the edit option that allows you to modify the description, in this case "Artist Commentary" Under the "Original description" box we can put links or other notes from an image, or greentext (Maybe copy paste it if you want? I was trying to OCR some of the greentexts, but it just kept failing. Need to try again later) We can also add titles under "Original Title" and you can give your greentext a title or summary in there as well perhaps. However, we cannot search by title it seems like. Only if it's a pool and has a title.
I've made an image scraper for plus4chan, however their API is kind of odd. For example, I cannot reach old threads, there's no pagination, I cannot create a greentext harvester, like I have done for 4chan threads, and I cannot grab audio files and spoiled. I gotta make it into an HTML scraper instead, but maybe next time.
>>48569 There is a small discord that the scraped stuff goes to, even collects greentext from 4chan, but haven't really made an effort to collect all the damn greentext with screenshots. But this means, that it's in text form. If you wanna join it, just message me in the booru (snow) and I'll send you the link to it. Not really mandatory. Just to organize things
I'll be updating the site probably tomorrow night. Fixed a buncha stuff yesterday night, just testing it locally before shipping it. The Hot page will be fixed in this iteration, in addition to adding images in comments and wiki pages with the syntax: * !post #1234 Currently, it does not work. I got it figured out, but gotta be careful pushing the update this time. Other things might be broken too.
>>52249 There will be an update later today. I'm still running some tests before it is fully deployed. I'll be taking it offline to test things though, for like 30 minutes, or less. Don't worry about it
I tried to load the greentext, but the system reports that there is a similar post #5890, but when I try to find that, it's not. Booru also didn't give me the option to tag it, but sent it straight to pending.
>>53574 Can you not tag the post if it's under approval? I'll have to test that. I approved it, but haven't tagged it, since I haven't had the time to read the greentext. Let me go ahead and approve the other images real quick and see if I can tag em, but feel free to tag the "tagme" posts. I tagged a bunch, but left the "tagme" in just to get others' inputs
>>53574 >>53586 Ok all queued images have been semi-tagged and approved. I'll try to make it so the pending post pages work, but hide the images, just in-case we have some spam. The goal was to have this in place to avoid any odd images being spammed, but so far, there hasn't been any issues with that. I'll see if I'd change that feature in the future. But I'd like to at least allow you Anons to tag even if the image isn't visible, since if you upload the same exact image, and it's in progress, you know what it is, and at least can tag it. Let me know if there are any other issues with stuff like that. The pending thing, I had to modify from the original code.
>>53588 Thank you, the post appeared, although it is still listed as uploaded by me, even though the Uploader column says tomoetomoe. If anything, tomoetomoe uploaded the post a few hours earlier, I have no complaints.
>>53609 Yeah one issue I keep seeing is that, it doesn't stop you from uploading a dupe, but if the image is already posted, it takes the file in, and doesn't prompt you to the "make this image a post" page. I gotta look into to see if it saves the duplicate file or not, and delete it eventually to save up space. Currently, the whole thing is 4.8GB, and the server has around 30-ishGB left. I'm assuming eventually in 5 years, it'll reach that limit, I'll have to upgrade from $25/mo to $50/mo
>>53633 I spend around $50+ back-end on another server to make sure there's nothing weird going on. I have a lot of stuff in the back-end of the servers. I can throw more money at it and make it more "professional" but that'd be insane for something this small. Or, I can keep it at a $5/mo, but that would be very slow, and a shitty experience. I can test it on April 1 next year though :^) It's a good hobby. Though, if you're interested in the progress, source code stuff, and statistics, message me and I can give you the discord that is connected to the booru. I'm thinking of enabling the forums on the next update to keep track of changes, instead of putting it at the top of the site.
>>53637 I wouldn't do anything worthwhile with that information, but thanks for the suggestion. Thanks again, I really felt strongly about our community in past, but now I am calm.
By the way, can you tell me how to save greentext as an image? I want to start posting greentext too, but I don't know how to do it's readable.
>>53649 Just take a screenshot, or use one of these browser plugins that take a screenshot of the entire page, then modify it in mspaint. Make sure it's readable. Also, you can copy paste the text in the "Commentary" section of the post. This way, you can copy it later on, instead of typing it out manually. But do add the source. Oh also, in the discord server, we have a 4chan scraper that grabs any post that is a greentext
>>55202 Sign ups are disabled due to spam in the threads. I will re enable them next week. If you want an account though, email me and I can see what I can do. You should be able to login fine though. Go to
>>55241 Problem is I don't have an account, didn't register before. I just wanna upload my Michel survivor greentext along with some other drawing I did.
>>55302 No need to email Anon. Let me enable it real quick for today. I monitor everything happening in the backend, so I doubt there will be any spam so far.
>>55828 Eeh, give me a bit. I'll push some small updates for the site, might as well. I need to figure out how to do this hotpatched instead of pushing an entire update to enable sign ups.
>>57301 >offsite content spam No clue what you're talking about considering that the first ten or so pages appears to be thread content. Perhaps you should post a link to the offending posts?
>>61835 Protip: Any user with an account can add, edit or remove the tags on live posts. Should you come across a post missing a tag I'd recommend simply correcting it rather than raising a stink about it
>>62099 >Complains about posts missing tags >Has the power to easily correct the issue >Refuses because "We're not your personal janitors" You ARE aware that the responsibility of ensuring that posts are properly tagged is a collaborative effort, right? If you notice that a post isn't correctly tagged just fix it and move on, it's not that big of a deal
>>62099 It's simple Anon. >view image >tags don't look right >press "e" >add or remove tag >Ctrl+Enter
Or, for your case, search for "-off_site" and it will show anything that is thread related. Now, if you see anything that doesn't belong, you can just add that tag.
>>62450 >>62568 Try to make sure the ratio is right though, make sure it's 84x143, but you can make it as big as you want. Just keep that same ratio. This one is a little wide. Perhaps add more height? or just make a 84x143 canvas, then make the canvas bigger
Would it be possible to get tags for FemN and thalia They're practically separate characters, and I don't want to see pictures of N's huge dick when I'm trying to find wholesome FemN clanging
>>65907 Let me approve them all untagged, then search for the "tagme" tag and tag as appropriately. I've kept the "tagme" tag in there for older posts, for double checking, but after it's complete, you can delete the "tagme" tag
my stuff keeps getting put as modelanon. could my stuff be moved back to anonymous artist please? Asking since I'm pretty sure if I did it myself it would just get disapproved.
>>76256 >It was just a prank bro I earnestly can't tell whether you're a natural gadfly who enjoys rocking the boat with antagonizing '''antics''' or just someone with a crippling inability to behave tactfully, but either way this has frankly been making things needlessly more frustrating than it needs to be. You gripe about a lack of willing contributors yet fail to see how stunts like this actively turns people away from wanting to work on this booru, both with and/or under you. While there's certainly no doubt that you indeed have good intention towards preserving the overwhelming amount of content produced (especially given the sheer level of work you've personally put into this), I legitimately worry that overtly disruptive behavior like this is threatening to seriously undercut what we are all trying to accomplish here. If you are truly serious about the long term health of this booru we've got going I'd seriously suggest cutting this crap before you end up pissing more people off
>>76336 if i were to give you insight, the switch image and the mrshyguy ref are all inside jokes composed a long time ago among a select people with select grievances with switchanon, and that’s a group you’re not apart of. there is no problem, there are no antics, there is no drama. what are you talking about?
>>76379 >the switch image and the mrshyguy ref are all inside jokes composed a long time ago among a select people with select grievances with switchanon Yet you still chose to share this "joke" directly to the threads and onto the booru itself without sharing any of this insider context, only coming clean when it inevitably caused people to raise a big stink about it
>there is no problem, there are no antics, there is no drama. Clearly there is something going on, given that this isn't the first time you've done something that's caused an unnecessarily disruptive ruckus
All I'm asking is that if you're gonna pull some le ebic funpost "jokes" like this in the future, you should at least have the common courtesy to ensure that it doesn't end up blowing any animosity back against the booru that several of us have sunk considerable time & effort into curating
>>76411 i guess this is my cue to give you some advice: have some self esteem, hold what others say in regard but carry on with passion this is seemingly what most people lack nowadays, they lack the passion to do stuff without praise and yous. i don’t do all the work on the booru because i expect people to call my name, i do it because its a personal mission and it just has to be done. anons are gonna cur my name because of this switch thing. great. they’re still going to use the booru service 5 minutes later and view the content that i’ve uploaded. it’s a project of my own passion, you ought to find yours son
Hey Anons, been a little busy, will do some updates around November. If there's any features you want added, I can try making them, let me know here, or the forum in the booru.
>>76415 Duly noted. Now let me repay you with some advice of my own It is not a binary choice of "doing it for the passion" & "doing it for the publicity". If any of us were truly worried about strictly positive recognition then I think it'd be safe to say we wouldn't be doing this in the first place. I, much like you, do this because I'm passionate about seeing this mission/hobby/what-have-you grow & prosper regardless of whether I get recognition or praise. Unlike you, however, I recognize & adhere to the pragmatic reality that such a public effort actually entails You may not agree with it, but the pragmatic reality of being a recognizable figurehead for any sort of ostensibly community-run project is that it requires at least some modicum of discretion when publicly interacting with the community at large. You may not care whether random faceless anons cur your name over this or that, but the pragmatic reality is that it only takes publicly pissing off one wrong hyperautistic & vindictive anon for this passion project to become an unnecessary target (or in the absolute worst of scenarios a casualty) of a spiteful internet feud If nothing else I do hope you can at least recognize the nuance in all of this
>>76502 no faith in the levers of power i see you’ll be good my boy switchanon will be good we’ll all be alright now if you have any real issues to discuss, bring it up to snow via the messaging system.
>>76931 What am I meant to do, nigga? Just let this massive post spam just rest without tags? Tomoe might be a bit assholeish, but the booru is still a community project
Tomoe’s the kinda guy I’m not really comfortable with having my location information. He seems spiteful and unpredictable. I’m probably just paranoid, though.
>>77034 As the owner, I see IPs Anon. My only worry is bots hitting the site and malicious activity trying to break the site or things like that, which will just result to a block. Same with that context, banning users, which we haven't gotten any yet. I've tried to be as privacy-friendly as possible by not requiring emails -> which means you can't reset your password (just make a new account if you forget your password) An IP address won't show exactly where you live, only the city you're in. It's not accurate at all, does not tell the whole story. I will discuss this
probably mind over thinking it. but worth it to ask
it's okay If I upload reaction images I know have been used in the threads. even if they haven't been used very recently right?
I know I downloaded dem from the threads. will also tag dem as off-site. just checking that It's allowed since people seem to be weird about offsite images being posted to the booru
is there a way i can, rather than having safe mode make sensitive, questionable and explicit posts completely disappear, make it just blur them instead? i wanna be able to see them if i choose
>>85177 I've thought about something like this, I think there's something built in, but haven't figured out how to enable it. I might make a custom one if I can't find it, but for now you can use search filters such as: -rating:e -rating:s -rating:q or just look for rating:g
Alternatively, I see that it's simpler to add it as a blocklist:
Go to "My Account" -> "Settings" and scroll down to the "Blacklisted tags" and add "rating:e" (notice there is no minus)
Then once you save it and head to the main posts page, you can see this: "Blacklisted (help) rating:e 2 Disable all"
It will display how many "explicit" rated posts there are in the page (in this case, 2), and if you click "Disable all", it acts as a toggle (changes to "Re-enable all"), and previews the thumbnails of the rating:e content.
just had a mini-breakthrough on how to do a custom cap o_o the possibilities are nearly endless, so if people want greens capped in a particular way it might be possible to screw around with colors, bolding, italicization, size, etc.
>>106803 Right click on the reply you want to modify, select inspect element It should show line by line the makeup of the reply, so greentext is listed as "quote" while spoilered text is listed as "spoiler" To remove the spoiler block just delete that word from the quotation marks - however, if you want, you can then type in the text type you want that text to be instead For ex. if you type "ban" it'll give you the larger thicker font for banned text You can then fiddle with the font size and color in the panels to the right
Heading out to a week long field exercise, going to be away from the computer. Posting will slow down dramatically obviously. I'll still have internet connection so I'll be tagging a bit but until further notice there isn't going to be much uploads
>>102 I wonder how fast people work. Drawfags, post a drawing and how long it took you to draw it, please. Also do you do anything else while drawing? Do you find that music helps or hinders you?
>>109642 Sometimes you don't want music to not influence the mood/style. Otherwise you get stuff like this. I sketch pretty quick, if I need to "finish" something, it needs to be a decent sketch, or something I'm OK with sinking some time finishing up. As for doing anything else, maybe afking a game in the background, but sometimes that causes hindrance. Just close everything, close your doors, and have all the privacy you want to finish something.
No.113576 I'd Do It Myself But I Don't Have Good Connection
Negev needs a wiki page, I remember only seeing her first two greens, but alot has happened since then so I have no idea. All I know are these things >Negev is the only Drone able to see Uzi's true Solverpede form >Uzi sent Negev to an Asylum to keep her from hurting herself and others
>>109642 This one took me from start to finish without counting interuptions maybe two or three hours. I can 'sketch' something pose and proportionwise good if I'm lucky in twenty minutes, but getting from a pencilsketch to clean linework takes easily 70% of a drawings' time if I don't have coloured background. If I instead just use a fine brush and blackpaint over the sketch it speeds it up by factor 2 or3. >Anything else Depends, 50/50 I need quiet during sketch and before, let the idea clarify in my mind and then draw, but I usually think about most drawings already a few days before making them, sometimes an image just spawns and needs to cook a bit to become drawable. During painting/detailing I always listen to music tho
>>116003 first you need to identify yourself and prove that you actually did write the green in question. i’m not sure how you’d do that, but we can’t just bump texts written by anonymous individuals like we could artworks for obvious reasons
>>116711 >Any ideas on how I can prove I wrote what I did? Given the completely anonymous nature of non-tripped posts I honestly don't see any feasible way someone can definitively prove they were the original writer. May I ask what greens you want removed & why you want them removed?
>>116796 I'm afraid there is only one way I can see a request like this being guaranteed to work >The post is made with a trip >The owner of the trip explicitly requests that they be on a DNP list >The owner of the trip verifies their DNP request via a DM or forum post on the booru itself
>>116796 Why? If the work is anonymous and unattributable, why does its presence/persistence matter? If you're done with it, just do a 360 and walk away.
>>119445 >nta The matter has already been addressed here (>>116807). Any requests for greentext removal that fails to meet all of the listed criteria will be deferred to moderator discretion and judged under a case-by-case basis
>>119445 Anon, if you posted a green as anonymous, who's gonna know it was yours? Did you show it to someone IRL? I mean, I don't mind removing it, I really don't care. If you want to talk about it privately, message me
>>119726 This community has changed and so has my role in it. My greens were inspired by and intended towards the old community. I want to have the option to take my own work with me in case I decide to walk away on bad terms or if I feel the community has changed so radically that it no longer resembles what inspired my stuff (which is very close to being the case). I didn't use a trip because it would lead to drama. I have not uploaded my work on dronebooru, or made any statement of permission, or made an account so far. I don't believe my stuff being removed will have any noticable impact on it or /md/. I have no confidence that pleading my case to moderators I suspect to be petty and malicious from our interactions in main, who won't even identify themselves so they can be looked up on the booru, and who are outright opposed to my wishes will treat the matter impartially. I think everyone is tired of this conversation, so unless the admins have something to add this will be my last post on the matter here.
>>119757 I didn't give a reason so far because the matter is between me and the people running the booru.
>>119781 >It's a "I wanna leave the community and take my greentexts with me" dramapost Okay. Well this is all the more reason to verify that you actually wrote the greentexts you want gone. If you want us to seriously consider this request then you have to make an account and DM snow. Otherwise feel free to leave at any time.
A unilateral judgment has been made: the burden of proof (of identity) falls on the individual who seeks to have the content removed. Failure to provide will result in a strict refusal by us to implement deletion.
>>119420 You can change your name from the settings, if you got more questions about it, lemme know. >>119781 Anon, you gotta consider the fact that I pay for this site out of pocket and ask for no donations (yet) but this was made to replace the old booru which died suddenly. The goal is to keep things anonymous as possible, since it's a 4chan-based "community", however the DMCA request for identification is to remove content of drone art that does not reflect the community. For example, a twitter artist sees it, and does not like 4chan, they can request the removal. I respect that. Sure this is a little loose in a sense, since some images from twitter artists are used in the threads and get posted here, the option is there. A lot of times what happens is people post it, but when I see the twitter artist name, I make sure to ask if they are OK with it, etc. Before, the DMCA had more invasive identification request fields, which I removed. However, it makes things a little harder too, because how would you know if someone is requesting removal of content with the intent of manipulating the situation, and removing things they do not like and own? Anything posted Anonymously is going to be an odd case (even though that is the philosophy of the project, to keep things as anonymous as possible), since let's say if you have a AO3, you can message the staff from that platform to confirm. The DMCA part is kind of a weird situation for an anonymous-driven community, we both have to expose something when conducting this. But to be honest, in the end, it's just how you feel about it. If you feel strongly that you want it off, but as in this case it seems where you don't post your content anywhere else, or are in contact with any of the Anons in other platforms, it's going to be a difficult situation. Sure, I don't care, I can just delete it, because there's more greentexts, but do remember that you posted it anonymously (which I'm not trying to be hostile at you) and it's there, because people were going back to sort and organize things out from desuarchives. You cannot stop people downloading, copying or uploading things not only to the booru, but to other places as well. The booru is supposed to have these things accessible with tagging. For example, you can go back with desuarchive and find all the greentexts, but it would be difficult to find, since they are not tagged as such. Are you also requesting them to remove your greentexts from desuarchives as well?
As for the community changing, in my opinion, it's not about where the community is at right now, but the fact that you may have an old piece of art, showcases the "good times" when the community was as you observed it. Also, this isn't a "murder drones"-first community, it's for the /md/ threads from 4chan and here. Outsiders are welcome, but this one is made for Anons by Anons.
As for malicious intent from us, I really don't know what you have in mind. If you're worried about me seeing your IP address, it doesn't tell the full story of who you are and where you live exactly. Sure it might show me your country, but do you really think I'm going to send you pizza for free? That would be more damn involved and a waste of time on my end. And the risk of getting my credentials ruined. My goal is to stay anonymous as possible, since I had to show personal info to run this site. In short, I don't care what your IP is, because the only times I look at info about IP addresses is when certain processes notify me about potential bot activity. For example AI training bots that try to grab everything, or other types of malicious bots. Heck, if you want you can make an account with a VPN or something, and make a random username. Just make sure you don't forget your password, since there is no "Forgot password" due to emailing being turned off.
planning to start doing a greentext capcrawl either tomorrow afternoon or saturday, really just depends how quick my brain regains function after anesthesia i know there are at least twenty or so greens so i'll probably be taking the process in chunks if anyone knows i've missed something, ping me here or dmail on dronebooru with a link and i'll get it
>>126618 I've tried getting the system to auto tag copyright stuff like, if you add uzi, it would tag murder_drones, but shit didn't work. Gotta mod it extra harder. However, if you have multiple images, you can use something called "tag scripts" Look at this image, all you gotta do is click the drop down, and select tag scripts, add the tags you want, and with a minus, the tags you want removed. Then if you click an image thumbnail, it will apply this to it immediately. So, search the tag you want first, see the results. If you want some things added pretty fast, without going into each image one by one, do tag scripts, place the common tags you want to add per image as the result, then after it is setup, click on each thumbnail, and it will apply.
>>126622 I can do this for you, but I'll let you have fun a bit if you want. I'm sure there's a more automatic way to do this, via the "Request alias/implication" feature, however this is a bit more "permanent" in a sense. But that's what failed me, because you can't make an implication tag in different categories, which is kind of annoying. If something gets implicated, it allows for multiple tags to apply if you add a single tag. Aliasing means that if you let's say shorten the tag "uzi_doorman" to "uzi" both tags would work, but the main tag would stay as "uzi_doorman" but you can get results by searching just "uzi" I think for now, just use the tag script, eventually I'll figure this out and get it fixed some day (tm)
>>126622 >>126627 It was a lot easier than I anticipated, accidentally created a new tag in my folly, but I got it all in the end. Pretty cool, especially useful.
>>126666 Very nice Anon, you can just remove the new tag with a subtraction symbol, or just delete it in edit mode, and it will go away if there's only 1 of it.
I'm going to do a crawl/upload in the next week or two, just tricky to sort out while visiting my family (I really don't need someone walking in on me with MD lewd onscreen, y'know?)
>>134890 Tomoe is away for now man, he might be back eventually but u til then we'll just have to sit on our hands If he and MA are the same I doubt it's that deep, just enjoy the ride
>>135417 Nah, I'm pretty sure he's a different guy He's got a different name and everything fr though it's best to stop poking and let it slide, I'm sure he has his reasons
>>135849 You can do this yourself if you want, but I can do it in a bit or after work. Use this feature to remove the old artist tag, and make a new one this way >>126622 However, if you want to keep your existing artist tag "switchanon" as well, you can make an alias to it as well, so if you search for both, it attributes to you
>>135854 How do I make Switchanon an alias? I really don't know how to use the more advanced booru features like this because I never really needed to before and I'm afraid I might screw something up by doing it wrong.
>>135857 Tag one of your artwork with the new one, perhaps add the _(artist) at the end, since crystal_kingdom seems a little broad, (might be a show like that?) but up to you. Then I'll handle it.
>>135849 Here you go Anon, I've created an alias seen here: Observe the image, you can see all tags are now under crystal_kingdom_(artist), and if you search for switchanon, it rewrites it as crystal_kingdom_(artist) However, if you want "switchanon" completely gone, I can figure something out.
just checking, i think 12/10 was the last time greens were meaningfully comped and uploaded (not counting the smattering around the 17th/18th) so i'm starting there if anyone realizes i'm missing some from the last month, mention it in this thread or dm me on the booru and i'll try and get it
>>138165 haven't uploaded everything i capped yet, some still has to be set properly and i don't have time this morning will continue grinding ahead later
>>147662 I tried with VPN on and off and the VPN seems to be the problem. I'd send a screenshot but I can't take one in Incognito Mode. The error I get is "THIS SITE CAN'T BE REACHED. The webpage may be temporarily down or moved to a new web address." I have a suspicion what the problem is. I'll try again some hours from now and let you know.
>>147681(me) tl;dr shitty internet speed. The long answer is that the VPN interferes with my internet speed. And my internet speed at home is like 15kb until all the motherfuckers in the neighbourhood have gone to bed. The error message I got trying to load dronebooru was the same message I get when I try to load pages with my data turned off.
>>147889 Hey Anon, lemme try doing something and see if that might work. For VPN, try coming from the US and see if that works. If it works from VPN, message me and we'll get a way to allow you in without a VPN
Would an artist drawing in another anon's style be Tagged as both anon's similarly to blucat's renders with Blenderanons model? or would it be tagged as just the artist adding in description who's art style it's copying?
>>164196 wait this is really confusing. let me reword that,
how would I tag PotatoSalad's Drawing in other anon's styles. would I tag it as both potato salad and the artist who's style their attempting? or just use the og title and og description feature to say it's her drawing in someone else's style?
>>164196 >>164200 Just put it in the description if you want to mention it. If the second artist did not work on it, then they should not be tagged. already is a case of that, and only has the artist who drew it tagged.