Would you like a Hot Dog anon? keep talking about Drones, since we love them so much, and I hope we keep talking about them. I hope you are having a nice day. The fabulous Booru: https://dronebooru.co The wheel of the so, so, so many amazing OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/8hc-stc The last Thread >>117270
So after all is said and done and things go back to normal-ish, how's Beretta's view of herself going to be affected by knowing she's a Brundlefly in drone skin?
>tending to my garden >there's a new visitor >it's a grey, slippery, slug-like thing >not quite sure what it is >it glides along the ground, occasionally stopping to touch some of my tomatoes >curious, I watch as it's head slowly expands over the vine-ripened tomato, slowly consuming it >the tomato travels down it's slick mouth, forming a visible bulge before sinking into its depths, forever >weird, but kind of cool >it keeps eating the low-hanging fruits >I don't really care, most of the ones close to the ground have been licked or bitten by oogis and I've already written them off- not wanting to put my mouth on something the filthy things have touched >speaking of oogis, I walk over to the hive that developed a few months ago to check in >the place is a ghost town, gum wrappers and other assorted shiny scrap blowing in the wind >did the slug get them? >that's pretty cool, I never really liked the buggers anyways >go back to the garden >the slug has eaten its fill, visibly bulbous, it rests and warms itself in the sunlight >I hazard giving it a touch >it's warm and slimy, slick to the touch, but not unpleasant >still, it secretes a goop that I don't want on my hands >go in to wash my hands off >by the time I get back, there's a N unit in my garden now too >"There you are, little buddy!" he says happily to the slug >oh, so it's his >he picks it up, it's heft visible in his hands >then, he angles it towards his crotch >there's a whirr and a click as it settles in place, resting heavily against N's thigh and hanging nearly to his knee >N turns to me, his smile widening as he laughs >"Don't you hate it when your penis runs away like that? I hope he didn't cause too much trouble" >mfw
>>116951 >you resist the urge to pat her head, instead patting her consolingly on the shoulder well... I know I wouldn'ta made it through the night on my own. I'm still kickin' 'cause of you. >Lady lifts her head a little, eye darting to glance at you with a quiet whirr. >"for now." she looks away again. "I might get you killed, too." you won't, alright? as long as we take off before dusk we'll be fine. >she nods, but you can tell she's not quite convinced. >in truth, you're not convinced either. this was the only town for miles, and even if you managed to make it back to civilization before nightfall, there was no guarantee you could get word to command for evac. >it was all you could do to get as far from here as possible and hope to god those things couldn't track you– or failing that, wouldn't bother to. >but to do that you needed a car– the truck was fucked and trying to escape on foot would only mean you'd die tired. >you breathe in a lungful of frigid air, trying to push the gnawing pessimism from your thoughts. okay, maybe I can't say that for sure. but I'm damn sure that I'm better off with you by my side– >with the vote of confidence, she stands a bit straighter, shaking the slight slump from her frame –an' if we do go down, we go down swingin'. >you give her a playful slug in the arm. >thankfully for your hand, her uniform cushions the blow that's something you lil buggers do better than any human ever will– >scenes from last night flash through your mind >the image of a shotgun held in broken, shaking hands –fightin' 'til you can't no more. >her eye lists downward again, yet somehow you feel that it's not out of sadness. more... contemplation. >you walk a short ways toward the next car in silence >"Jitters." Lady somberly squeaks. >you look to the little white drone, her chassis dappled with grey-brown camouflage >"we called her Jitters. she's... she was a bit of a scaredy-cat. always nervous." >it doesn't take long to click with you just who she's talking about. >"she would shake like hell any time we started taking fire. she always did her part, though. scared as she was, she always did her part." >"but she wasn't so good at long range– we worried they'd haul her off for being defective." >her voice brightens ever-so slightly. >"but in close quarters? nothing could stop her. 'specially if someone else's life was on the line. anything fool enough to scare her, she'd put holes in it 'til it stopped being so scary." >Lady chuckles softly, >"it was a sight, seeing her shakin' like a leaf, like she was gonna turn tail and run– and instead go charging headlong into danger, guns blazing, just tearing through like a runaway train." >her eye faces forward, but the way it drifts about tells you she's somewhere else. somewhere louder and lot less lonely. >"Jitters was... really something." >you can almost hear the faint smile in her voice.
Just learned that the Mario Movie actually had an entire original soundtrack that got replaced at the last minute by some executive shithead, they had to fight just to keep the Star Power music during the Bowser fight. Could you imagine if Murder Drones did that? Like all of the shows original music was replaced by 80s-90s pop music?
>>118337 Losing BITE ME and FOREVER: fuck no Losing Endless Dream: Liam turned that beautiful song into pure emotional blueballs by having V not only survive without a scratch but end the series the same murderous BPDemon she started it as without realizing that's what he wrote her still being, and I'm one of those rare people who thinks it's better to have never loved at all than to have loved and lost Losing the rest: the rest honestly never stood out to me, but I guess losing the prom fight theme would suck
>>118173 >>118174 I'll give Inkscape and Alpaca a look. I'm currently using paint.net. What features do the more expensive tablets have that the cheaper ones lack?
>>118274 Security Carl is good for unity, mainly because his Pathetic status draws most of the ire from everyone else and increases the rest of the teams cohesion
>>118367 They could, but almost all normal workerdrones act like the most soulless NPC imaginable. I mean in the end it's just an in universe explanation for Liam not wanting to flesh out background characters but the further I get with the rewatch, the less I like everyone except a handfull of people
>>118348 I'm a bit tired of these threads, so many months of sitting here, from morning to night, pretty much all my free time. It can get tiring sooner or later. But I'll start funposting again soon, don't worry anon.
>>118387 >this style It's a bastardized version of the Sonic artstyle with Liam and my own personal touches to it >how to find a style Look up some "how to draw" videos or books and learn how other people draw. Then you pick and choose based on what feels right to you. You can develop multiple styles this way
>>118391 I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease; make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.
I am dejected over drawfaggotry. It will take years to sketch at the level I wish I could sketch but I don't feel like I have years. I am older than I feel a pressure to spend more and more time making money or networking.
Fellas, if all the stalls at the office bathrooms are occupied, can I use one of the drone restrooms? Why are there even specialized washrooms for drones?
>>118414 I have this idea that one of the sentinel handlers was a human version of him and that's where Beau got the hat from. And yes, Amda had an unrequited crush on him.
>>118387 >What is style anyway? Some things feel easier to do, or more attractive, or you're more familiar with them, and so you tend to replicate them. Then when you notice the patterns that you tend to insert, there's often a conscious leaning-in to them, amplifying the effect. >>118406 >the level I wish I could sketch What level is that? I needed ~three months (inclusive of hiatuses and breaks) to get to a level where I didn't instantly bueno when I finished a piece. >I don't feel like I have years The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (onto an airplane). If you're working on sketches, just jot one down every now and then when you have time. It doesn't need to be a full-on commitment.
>>118413 It's only for perspective, it should help with 3d imagination if you have issues with that, as well as making stuff look less flat. Depth is necessary even if you don't do a background at all
>>118424 BASED do you plan on making Alice one day? If yes you should totally use the vid pic rel is from for reference on it since Alice's hair is dark in dark environment and onscreen a lot of details were hidden due to that
>>118427 No plans on my end, but someone did already make an Alice. They already made a Yeva too (That's where I got the hair and helmet for my model).
>>118413 The world. It helps with angles, it helps with straightness of line, it helps with creating forms (breaking more complicated objects into collections of simpler ones). Squares are also useful for getting perspective and orientation correct.
we don't really know anything about Yeva personality-wise, do we? we can assume she was a loving mother, given how far doll went to avenge her– but beyond thar we don't have much.
>>118435 I think it is called vanishing point in English, I don't use it but it does create it very easily and shows how perspective comes together with very few lines already. Use it for practice but not if you try make stuff realistic, it doesn't work for that, not enough space. Basically you set a point somewhere, which would beet's say the end of a hallway, every edge that doesn't border a surface facing you should be lined up with that point. (Assuming ones only uses cubes and so on) Maybe that is just for perspective but I think it should work with depth too
Image:173413478924.png(132kB, 766x832)Screenshot From 2024-12-13 16-04-45.png
>>118394 Item #: 44144 Object Class: Keeter Special Containment Procedures: >SCP-44144 is to have a set of dinosaur figurines available to it at all times. The figurines must be scientifically accurate or else SCP-44144 becomes upset and refuses to cooperate. SCP-44144 must also receive regular headpats, or else [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-44144 is scheduled for a bath once a week, personnel assigned to this task are to be rewarded with [DATA EXPUNGED] in compensation. Electronics are not to be within 100 feet of SCP-44144 aside from a Foundation-cleared television set. Description: >SCP-44144 is a humanoid creature of robotic origin. It possess a dark, ashy-grey, skin and bright purple eyes. SCP-44144 wears a black jacket, black shorts, and a set of arm and leg warmers in an alternating blue stripe pattern. It wears a black helmet and a pair of black snow shoes. It features an unusual number of eyes, a set of two on its face and a set of 5 across the top of its head. SCP-44144 also has a multiple-pronged tail and a small set of bat-like wings. On its back is a black-and-blue backpack with a cartoon dinosaur design.
>>118440 She is also more collected than Nori, she must have been able to deal with a Uzi-like personality pretty well. She wasn't happy inspite pf it all, but she didn't break from it either. Definitely not a very impulsive person, mostly quiet, at least around those she doesn't care for Between Nori and Alice she doesn't have much from either of them, the three are all very distinct from what we have seen. CFL episode would have been so good man
>>118455 What’s wrong with it? I’m just trying to find what each drawfag’s special thing they do the best out of everybody is. >>118456 That doesn’t count.
drone who is incredibly, vocally anti-human to the point she thinks they're only good as furniture, slaves, and fuel, and but also desperately wants some human dick
Fourth episode is better than the last one(I really liked the scary Gangl moment, it was what I expected from episode 3, too bad the episode itself wasn't horror), but it feels like it's missing something. Like half of the episode was cut off.
Fuck, I felt similar in episode 8 of MD and last episode, why the fuck are Glitch rushing things so much?
>>118466 >why the fuck are Glitch rushing things so much? because they found a money printer and the longer they go without a new episode the more of their zoomer audience loses interest
>>118471 there are two routes this could take: >1. she's racist to begin with and finds as many ways to make her hatred known while working her 9 to 5 >2. she became racist when she was put in a role and/or given corporate-mandated mods that make her worse off than Cici
>>118446 I think Yeva must have had both a sense of duty and fairness, given she chose to repay Mitchell for hiding her at the church and stop Nori's rampage rather than just bailing
>>118475 >Anon asks her which TV is the best >"And I guess all you fleshies just think I know that because I'm a drone, right? 'Oh, let's ask the drone, she's made of metal too!' You guys are such racist-" I'm asking you because you WORK HERE. Idiot. >She looks a little embarrassed now
>>118488 I don't even know that I'd call TADC a money printer given that it's confirmed to be a single season thing. There's a hard point where the gravy train stops. A money printer would be something like Star Wars or The Simpsons, where they just keep milking it until the original fanbase has come to revile it but for some reason they keep showing up and spending their money anyway.
>>118494 >the original fanbase has come to revile it but for some reason they keep showing up and spending their money anyway. But that's not what happens with Star Wars. The Mouse killed the original fanbase's interest.
>>118496 When N is feral, his digestive system functions at insane speeds to make room for more and more. Also, since he’s generating his weapons and wings, the energy is used up quickly, leaving him hungry for more. When N is peaceful, his digestive system functions more slowly, like a human’s. The last thing he ate will stay in his stomach for a while.
>>118345 I was honestly thinking of the idea of Lizzy showing N and Uzi a message V made for them (As it's implied that V is in contact with her in episode 7), which is basically her dialogue in the hallway scene in episode 8 as a post-mortem sort of thing. I think it can both have V confessing about working for Cyn and knowing about it and apologizing to N for mistreating him, while also still committing to V actually dying without the whole "lol she's alive and survived the sentinels" bs.
>>118504 I still think the best approach would be having V respawn in Uzi, since she's her admin now and not the Solver, and take over Uzi's tail. Keep V around without walking back 6's ending: she died, but DDs can't stay dead, but Uzi doesn't know how to put her in a fresh body so V's just her familiar for the foreseeable future.
>>118507 >N removing your kidneys >N opening up his abdomen and extracting his own >N placing his kidneys inside of you as a replacement >N always being there with you >feeling your kidneys jump with joy whenever N is near >N slowly replacing all your organs with his own so you can be together forever
>"Aye, fair enough." >Cue a worker with blonde bangs desperately trying not to get murked by solver abominations whilst fighting off her own corruption.
>>118507 >Insomniac Izz trying to eat raspberry jam in the dark but spilling it all over herself >N hears her snacking and goes to the kitchen, using his sensor spheres to light the scene >as the helpful drone sees his barely-cognizant master covered in jam, he unfurls his claws, wiping away the sticky substance down to a nanometer's length away from her shirt, saving her the embarassment of having stained clothes >N uses his gentle mouth to remove the jam from Izz's skin, letting some spill out of his mouth so the human doesn't feel so embarrassed by being clumsy
>>118517 Having Doll either apologize to V, realizing how futile revenge is or just have the two bicker in Uzi's head for all eternity would be interesting. Knowing Liam, I'd probably expect the latter
>>118502 fixed typo >the Solver War happens in the domestic AU (nevermind the fact that it already happened and the humans won in that AU) >one day N-11X110110 and U+1F913 start to feel and act a bit off, but they themselves are just as confused as to why >that night, the two of them enjoy a nice father-son bonding activity of tearing apart and eating their wife/mom and son/brother while those two desperately try to do anything to bring back the N and U+ they know and love >until they finally go silent, and the two drones stay there for a bit until they’ve scarfed down every last scrap of meat the corpses have to offer, then finally move on to the neighbors
>N replaces baby Jesus with a live pillbaby in the manger scene in the front lawn >this attracts the attention of the local religious with nothing better to do >they start protesting outside your house at this obvious desecration >the protest draws media attention >millions are debating what N means by this >some people think it's high art, others some religious or political commentary >N finally notices the news chopper and gaggle of people outside >the world waits with baited breath as N exits the front door, cameras flickering, news reporters sticking their mics out and shouting questions >wordlessly, N walks to the manger >"Thanks for watching this, guys. I was just saving it for later." >he pops the crying pillbaby into his mouth and swallows as millions watch, before patting his belly and walking back inside
>>118521 I'm gonna tell you to take a number and step to the back of the line. it's not that long it's just the handful guys in front of you have some strong opinions so they're probably gonna go on for a while
>>118528 >The landing craft is not detected by the dogs, who have currently evolved into a 1960s-esque society >The dropship lands dead center of a city called New Bork, crashing into an apartment building and destroying the entire upper floor >His landing is taken as an alien invasion, everyone is up in arms against the sudden intrusion >When he finally gets free from the cryochamber, he walks outside in full combat equipment only to shot by a sniper somewhere in the city >It doesn't kill him, so he they capture him and take him to an Area 51 analog >He is then tortured and questioned for a decade afterwards by dogs
>>118466 There was clearly supposed to be an arc for Gangle but they basically set up "hey you're a dick when you're forced to be happy" ended it on a gag and then never had any kind of satisfying payoff with that or Pomni's gator fetish.
After seeing that drawing by Switchanon with Martha and Louisa arguing, what is their theoretical relationship with their mother? Did she prefer one or the other? Was she kind or strict?
>>118482 You travel to the intergalactic tech fair and head over to the JCJ booth, finding Elf manning it. The product she is meant to show off to potential investors is actually herself. How would you proceed in order to make the experience as good or as bad as possible for her?
>>118563 er, just to clarify, I imagined this specifically as a parody of that poster, so same post, colors, etc., but maybe for a banner it wouldn't be suitable. So, just you do you.
I personally want to know how microscopic the voice acting budget was. Probably explains why Doll doesn't talk in episode 6 and Thad and Lizzy barely had any lines.
>This art request is so secret, even the developer knows nothing of it. See, power shifts quickly in plus4chan. >Take your strongest tablet and draw art of Tanya from Red Alert as a Disassembly Drone.
>>118571 If you are right that would mean the VAs should be relatively cheap right? So not like 1000 per ep or Do you have any knowledge of costs in that field I have no idea but if it is cheap enough I could use it
Here's my opinion on SDs vs DDs >There are 300 SDs >There are countless DDs >Named/numerical DDs that have characters are strong compared to "Fodder" DDs
>>118391 >”I’ll have one Stupid Burger pleaz, extra sauce!” >The customer says. Eve rolled her eyes and sighed before turning to Sally and Rosie in the kitchen. >“Oi, lasses. One Stupid Burger, customer here wants extra sauce” >“Augh, can’t Sally make it this time!? The stupid sauce goes horribly in my systems!” >*hisses* “It’s your turn for food prep, I was freaking out the last time that stupid sauce got on me, I nearly turned the manager into a scratching post!”
>>118595 kinda bad 3d image so the posing is shitty and stiff. not use to the V model's rig and the model Of the terror drones didn't have a Rig making me have to cut the mesh up manually to pose it, Some other anon will probably do better just thought the idea was cool
>>118595 >>118598 Yeah, it's either the lightning, or the character proportions being completely different from what I thought, but this doesn't really work. It's really impossible to tell what's going on from the thumbnail and a banner would make it even worse. I guess the heads are too large for the terror drone to cover it like a facehugger.
Awesome job otherwise though, I'm impressed.
Maybe someone else can make something else, for now I'm shelving this under good execution - bad concept.
>>118606 Ive just had a shit day, plus i usually post only when working on projects (usually happens in the mornings), or asking dumb questions (usually requires some activity)
I guess i can ask about more information about those fridge drones, something about how simple of a concept it started out as getting as freaky as it did as fast as it did, im almost tempted to draw the funky little things:
Whats the difference between the normal Fridge drones and Minifridge drones besides size? are they both based off of WD chassis or are the normal fridges more DD-based?
Whats the "standard Capacity" of these things? i wanna know so i can compare to my non-drone minifridge in terms of how many 12 packs of soda i can stuff in em.
Besides the "squishy tail" any other real visual differences compared to regular drones? (dunno why but i somehow got the impression the "rubber" parts on the drones where replaced with an almost transparent material that feels like those stress toy sleeves like (pic rel).
Where they purposefully made little freaks? or is it just a side affect of weird clients and weird drone personality's?
>>118610 I have no involvement with their lore but from a technical viewpoint they should have WD legs, feet at least. WD legs can carry a massive load and can move while inder stress, they were made for that purpose. They also have wider range of movement than a DD's legs, not to mention fem DD's peglegs. Fridgedrones shouldn't be all that heavy now that I think of it, mental image was a massive common fridge with WD legs,but with wetness around you wanna have these profiled feet even more. Or you wanna have failfridgedrones, then give them peglegs Idk honestly
In episode 1, >One more buzzword and I will do it Did J realistically have a chance there at all? Think Uzi would not have shot had J held still and said nothing?
What are things from season1 that could easily have fit the show's tone (without derailing the overall plot), which you would have liked to see, had we gotten more time? Stuff like the consequences of Uzi finding out N killed her mother and such stuff
>>118610 I'm baffled as to how a shіtрost I made weeks ago has resurfaced like this, but I'm not complaining. don't take any of this as word of god, do whatever's fun, this is just my sleepy brain's two cents: >Whats the difference between the normal Fridge drones and Minifridge drones besides size? I'd say the normal ones would be normal drone size, maybe a little bit bigger, mini-fridges would be around half the size of a regular drone give or take >are they both based off of WD chassis or are the normal fridges more DD-based? I started thinking about squishy tails because of picrel so DDs I guess, though >>118613 makes a good point about the feet >Whats the "standard Capacity" of these things? i wanna know so i can compare to my non-drone minifridge in terms of how many 12 packs of soda i can stuff in em. going off some of the recent stuff they don't really have a hard limit so long as they "train" their bodies to expand the capacity, but by default I'd say roughly 24 cans and 2 2 liters is the max for a mini. for a regular it'd be a little over double that to start. >Besides the "squishy tail" any other real visual differences compared to regular drones? maybe some kind of insulation? or some kind of seals around their moving parts to keep the cold in >(dunno why but i somehow got the impression the "rubber" parts on the drones where replaced with an almost transparent material that feels like those stress toy sleeves like (pic rel). definitely squishy. by default theyd be like a smoky, translucent black. like a bit of light would pass through when not in use but once there was a drink in there the translucency would be a lot more apparent. JCJ probably wouldn't miss the opportunity to sell them in a range of colors, though. >>118621 that would be cute, though you'd wanna balance it with enough standard drone elements so it's still clearly a JCJenson product
>>118622 kinda imagined the drones where functionally hollow, and besides the drone limbs, where essentially squishy sleeves full of some sort or refrigerating gel that would just eat/regurgitate drinks, if size became an issue, the tail could store dosens of cans in a row without cramming the main body. (plus vorefags always make vore bulges look fucking disgusting, so i wanna steer away from that as much as fucking possible)
>>118631 >the tail could store dosens of cans in a row without cramming the main body. yeah aside from thinking it'd be cute that's why they had tails in the first place
>>118631 >spoiler haha... yeah... why, god, am I cursed with this horrible fetish? I know the bulges are grotesque to any decent person, so why PP hard, goddamn you?
>>118631 They do get some stomach bulge from bottles and stuff, but I assume those are small objects. You'd have to ask the guy who made them, I just want a little drone to cuddle I was going to put something more sexual here but it feels wrong. This is so weird, I think I'm actually done being horny.
>>118624 >uzi founding out N killed her mom, like you said >cabin fever labs episode, more nori/yeva/alice backstory and characterization >N, V and J mourning tessa, or even just acknowledging the real tessa at all after they found out space tessa was cyn, J’s relationship with tessa (honestly would love to just rewrite J in the finale entirely) >more of worker drone society in general, the stuff they do when they’re *not* dealing with killer vampires or eldritch horrors >what >>118626 said >more of the solver war maybe? if liam could handle showing a second more of that without giving in to the urge to slip in some kind of joke or gag instead of leaving it completely serious
>>118643 While im not the biggest fan of them shoving everything up their ass, it does add to the shock factor. We can compromise and say both mouth and rear port are usable .
>>118642 >This is so weird, I think I'm actually done being horny. me too dude except uhhh it might just be the fact that i’m going through anticipatory grief that’s shutting off my sex drive and that i was usually not that horny anyway…
>>118636 On the same boat as ya bud, i get your pain. Dosent help it seems to follow you everywhere ya go, tainting everything it comes across.
Ive tried getting away from it for years, i still hate 99.999% of the art that's posted for it, but then you remember something posted from half a decade ago that hit all your switches and your right back where ya started.
By the way, I habe veen looking more for Alice, Alice's VA is Amber May Glitch has old series namely sunset paradise, there are the main character voiced by the VAs of Amda and Alice. Sadly Alice's VA uses a very different voice, 95% sounds off if Alice wouldn't sound squeamish af suddenly, but anyways
>>118640 Yeah Liam is confused af, most lore-stuff he added was likely not intentional, I wouldn't be surprised if the ovencores were just something to make Alice be more threatening, literally 'bodies in the closet', I don't think he intended or ever thought about her having saved Copper-9 by doing that, intentionally or not (on Alice's behalf) In any case it's an amazing design and character
>>118644 >J mourning tessa She knew the whole time. That's a big part of why she wants the Solver to let her die and stay dead. >worker drone society It's a copy of human society because the drones don't have any other reference points for what a non-fictional (in their universe) society should look like. Presumably they do the same things we do.
>>118664 (me) actually wouldn't it be fucked if N joined her because he loves doing anything, and he tries to support her but him seeing Tessa as a total stranger just makes the pain worse because J is the only one in the universe who gives a shit about her >>118665 quiet, you.
>>118665 No one being shown giving a shit is directly downstream from Liam not giving a shit. What Liam had written would absolutely mean they'd give a shit, but Liam couldn't be assed to write it because Tessa had given him the robot in a skinsuit reveal he created her for.
>>118644 Ahh I am seeing this too late, 7am again think I agree with all, CFL and Solverwar would have been great as their own full 25 minute episodes or via flashback, they could have used present time Alice way more for that, we could have seen the cathedral and testing, but still limited by what Alice got to know, means the final Noritest and eventually Nori's survival and return to CFL wouldn't be spoilered. Perhaps do episode 6 differently (or add an entire episode to the 6-8 we got), with Alice not getting taken out by a Sentinel and memoryholed immediately, her staying around with the protags longer would have made for very interesting interactions. Could have worked so well considering her knowledge of everything (even if it is not complete as we saw in 7, Alice's POV would have helped a lot, not just retelling what we got but adding more human interactions in a flashback and so on), in a longer season there would be room for that. Or her eventually meeting awakened N, sad we never got to know wether they talked (if he woke up while she strapped him down, perhaps?). >Solverwar Could be done similiarly, either an entire episode or flashback. I honestly never cared much for it, but since I got the idea of it having taken place in the SW pacific (Australia up to Singapore) due to the AH64(heli in episode 7) being used in Singapore, closest location to Australia, I have been thinking that the environment would have been great for not just war but also the DDs being proper horror characters. Imagine the thick equatorial rainforest (Indonesia/Moluccan islands/New Guinea maybe) at night, or fog at dusk or dawn, with characters as sadistic as V with her many different visiontypes. Not to mention the DDs also killed civilians and children, it would give some of what we could have needed in the show on Copper-9 for example to drive home what a threat and terror these things can be. We know, but normal viewers cutify them a lot, not that they cannot be but anyways
>>118679 What you gonna do when my gf's small, like one inch tall? You won't see her coming at all When she crawls into your ear late at night Yeah, you heard me right motherfucker, sleep tight And you think she's just another bad dream But she's a tiny little drone in your bloodstream Little hands hold an artery shut Yeah, that's right motherfucker, then what?
Image:173415817323.png(692kB, 1000x1300)It's about dem details.png
>>118491 No I didn't rush it. Just didn't add the retro filter to it. Here a zoom in on the differences of a work of mine with said filter vs the one without it
>>118641 >Alice going from shorter than you to taller >teasing you about it >sneaking up and hugging you from behind, resting her chin on top of your head >picking you up and carrying you to bed to snuggle >and maybe more...
>>118719 I don't want to write about Abby, she doesn't interest me in the slightest. >>118717 I guess it's over....BUT BEFORE I GO! >Makes (You)r Drone Permanently Infertile
>>118628 The funny thing is, it would really fit into the plot of the show and fit the character of Uzi. But Thad is too cool to run after that gremlin.
>>118734 No anon! That's how she gets you! She reels you in by being adorable and then when you least expect youre being dragged into a flesh hole never to be seen again. She does unspeakable things to the anons she grabs..
>>118704 >"Intern, mankind is on the brink of extermination, the enemy is getting closer, and we must mobilise all forces to win" >"So shut the fuck up, and go fuck that surly Russian drone before she fucks us all."
>>118718 Posts like these literally make me to just give up on drawing considering how shit mine is compared to yours and how little people seem to see mine.
>>118779 Attention is earned with skills. Skills take years to develop. Pursue the craft not because of attention, or burn yourself in short order. Your call.
>>118765 Man Renegade was so damn good. It was an action hero movie in videogame form. A C&C videogame to boot! All those buildings we used to see from high up? We got to see them up close and inside! The beach mission was based on the first commando mission in the original game. My only two issues with the game were that one, there was only one mission available for single player skirmish and two, the Nod military wasn't a mishmash of third world militias and mercenaries armed with WWII tanks bought off the black market like in the original. Instead they went the Combra route and had the Brotherhood armed with thematic arms and vehicles, which only made sense for the Black Hand. But damn if they didn't end up looking good. I'm happy they went with Havok instead of the initial protagonist and with the commando instead of the exosuit.
>>118789 >>118788 >Be me >Go to McDanks >Order a chiggy sammich >Ask for ketchup >They ask me if I'm gay or straight >confused.jpg >Weird, but okay >I'm a straight guy, so they point at a booth on the right >Go in, lock door behind me >Just this shy female drone >...oh God no >Get the sauce I need from her >There's no way this is cheaper than just having a normal dispenser, right