Howdy, this is the first and hopefully start of many Canon Only Threads. Now you may he asking, what exactly is the point of this thread? I'll explain, basically no OCs, this isn't done out of malice or hatred or any sort of nonsense, it's purely just to easily categorize show discussion, greens or art featuring our beloved main-cast! This doesn't mean you're not allowed to get creative, just don't leave the shows setting is all.
I created this place with good intentions, but it seems that already Anons just want to cause and stirr shit. I'm not sure why you're all so self-destructive, but damn. I didn't intend for this to start an argument in the main thread with a raging ponyfag.
>>113791 Some anons are absolutely tweaking and snapping over each post they feel to be offensive, nothing to do about it but ignore and post what you are interested in. 0attention to niggers is the most effective and easiest way to deal with this, it always worked, no idea why some seem to have forgotten how to deal with dramafags and attentionwhores
If murder drones got a do over with 8 more episodes. how would you all distribute the new episodes and what would you change about the already existing episodes?
>>113908 Well I think they did alright with the output of episodes, it certainly built-up hype. Although if I change something, I'd finally put in the N killing Nori story bit that seemed an afterthought along with having V ACTUALLY redeem herself
>>113908 Agree with >>113922 But I would also let more characterisation for side characters grow, have all episodes after the first two stretched at least 5-10 minutes and make things like episode 4 massacre and Uzi reacting to it more impactful. Also don't waste Alice
>>135113 Unironically canon, even if offscreen. Maybe Uzi would have been even less likeable had we seen more slice of life stuff, even with what we see in canon Lizzy and Rebecca's attitudes seem understandable at least.
>>135165 If she were not the main character she would have gotten the Rebecca treatment I'm sure, Lizzy isn't too likeable either and I can't stand her >Haha wouldn't it be funny if she always survives BS meme creating genuine plotholes (missile explosion/surviving the motherfucking sentinel for what?30 seconds? A minute?), but this 'trope' or whatever to call it wouldn't have worked with Uzi. Strip away her MC status, and look at her solely concerning personality, then she is worse than most. Definitely worse than Sam and Emily, Braiden did nothing wrong either really. And all this, even with us getting to know so much background info about Uzi, ugh.