/md/ - Murder Drones

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Replying to /md/95
OC discussionAnonymous
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Discuss/compile OC lore and such
I think the long standing threads on this site do a service to these things since they don't just disappear after half a day
Lots of lost greens out there sadly
So to make it clear just in case some shithead tries to start shit. This isn't a thresd where all OC content must go and is only allowed to be posted in, right?
From the looks it, it's just a lore thread. I don't think we have to worry abou that sort of nasty business
Image:171792274038.png(35kB, 500x500)E LOL.png
this thread exists to help me catalog oc lore via booru, not really expecting this thread to explode or anything but i'm hoping it can work a la "info on request"
Ah, understandable my friend. Apologies for the concern
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uhhh does this count kek
I'd argue it does since it's all the lore for this specific universe/character
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well here’s some more drawings
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(older drawing so the designs weren’t fully cooked, but does have his animal crossing shirt)
Have she ever kiss him?
that’s up to viewer interpretation
Image:171796133923.png(117kB, 750x552)loser! failure! pathetic! abandoned humanity!.png
>Tit-E is the first image here
As god intended
Image:171798499338.png(239kB, 1000x1300)Spoiler image
Jane worst nightmare: getting cucked by a femanon
I'm surprised he is't getting pegged by her
is that n or eye
Image:171799272614.png(424kB, 2000x2200)E Mini.png
Purchase Mini-E and you’ll get her WD variant as a bonus
>Dirt has claimed another victim

NTA but pretty sure that's Eye
This is new?
If it is, why is not in the main thread?
dirt doesnt peg
dirt fucks
and she already did that
>and she already did that
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he got revenge tho
Image:171800409381.png(51kB, 1984x313)Switch's condition.png
Suppose I should post this here.
Image:171800668153.png(1,012kB, 2051x2070)they’re just trying to do their job.PNG
eventually i’m gonna turn this guy into an OC but i dunno what i’d call him besides just “doctor drone”, he needs a name tho
Turn him into Khan brother
My silly suggestion would be to go for a tongue-in-cheek name like "Doctor Norton", "Doctor McAffe", or "Doctor Kaspersky"
The '''joke''' being that they are all names of popular antivirus companies
oh that’s rad actually
I need more
Image:171824788889.png(234kB, 907x843)CthulAnon The Neet Goddess .png

>Poor regular person (or interdimensional being) the Oogis have taken to worshiping as a dark elder being
>May actually just be some Wage cuck loser who spends all day playing garbage multiplayer games
>Sees the Oogis as mildly annoying but mostly sweet in their antics and accepts their calls for an "audience" (mostly Enn sacrifices they then give to their V-Cat)
>Most requests the Oogis make are tools, riches, or help with rival Oogi tribes who are trying to take their Bugretta
>Oogis fear and respect Cthulanon, and come to see some of Cthulanons actions as "dark" or "mysterious" really She/He is just bored or annoyed slightly
>Oogis have regretted some transactions in the past, seeing it as consequence for their "Dark ravenous Greed", like when Cthulanon put Bugretta in a shoebox for 5 minutes of "timeout". A dark day for Oogi kind
>Cthulanon has given Oogis many tools, such as shields (makeshift pringle caps) and swords (paper clips) making them quite victorious in many battles
>Oogis know of Cthulanons V-Cat and avoid its terrible wraith, the V-Cat enjoys the extra snacks when Cthulanon isnt looking and the many Enn it has brought
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Might as well post this and other future OC stuff here as well.
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Reposting my E facts written for Smileanon
>As I’ve stated previously, the original concept of SD-E was for her to be a foil to J, contrasting her bossy and rude attitude to E’s more sweetheart and lighthearted nature.
>Unlike in the threads, E actually was part of an all-female squad of DDs sent to eradicate the Hydroxygen-2 WD outposts. Her other two teammates were SD-S(arge) and SD-O(phelia), a tryhard leader and a bookworm respectively. They seem to have gone missing at some point however…
>E’s hat both serves as a fashion style and as a magnetized scrambler that keeps her simple-minded, E herself doesn’t really take the hat off all that much….it keeps the bad thoughts and….her….out of her CPU.
>E’s clung onto the thought of a boss that she wants to appease in order to feel like she has meaning, a remnant of her past desire as a maid drone, to feel like she mattered to someone if she did good.
>It would be pretty obvious to say that E HATES anything to do with the Solver, that includes Cyn as well. If she wasn’t so afraid of what would happen to her afterwards, she’d kill Cyn the first chance she gets.
>E’s prone to…outbursts and losing her mind when her hat is removed for a substantial length of time, claiming that she could see HER out of the corner of her optics.
Image:171848606137.png(939kB, 2160x1788)Carmen info.png
Image:171848611329.png(6.85MB, 2736x3896)Anderson & Builder of the Future (ABF) Continuity info.png
My ass really came up with a whole new continuity, huh.
It happens. I built an entire planet because I wanted to wash a disassembly drone.
We've all done it at some point. Nothing wrong with being fun
Image:171856328977.png(2.03MB, 3086x2755)ABF DD wings info.png
I think I was a bit in awe mostly because I came up with so much in just an afternoon, while normally I'd spend a few good days coming up with an idea and the eventual setting. Inspiration is quite the drug when it hits you.

Also, have some more.
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linking this here >>2726
and also reposting picrel which i don’t think i’ve put in this thread yet
>Mark 4 Disassembly Drone. Smug brat. Knows he's a high-class weapon and flaunts it.
>His catchphrase is "You're welcome, by the way", whenever he does something even slightly positive for someone. He gets upset/flustered if he's thanked before he can say it.
>Possessive with things he likes, which there aren't many of. Refuses to share and will exhibit downright yandere tendencies at times.
>More caring than he lets on, but has a bad poker face. His defenses melt completely at affection: wrap an arm around him and brush his hair, and watch him turn into a love-drunk cuddlebug.
>He wears an open leather duster, his hair is slightly longer than shoulder-length. Standard white/yellow DD hair/eye colors.
>Was one of the DDs sent to clear the planet's weather control stations after they were compromised. The operation destroyed them completely and doomed the planet, and he blames himself for it.
>A good fighter, but poorly trained. Relies on his weapon systems and speed. Would be downright scary if he actually knew how to fight.
>Apocalyptic head game. You will never be able to masturbate again, the memory of his tongue milking everything out of you will eclipse nearly all other sexual pleasure. Total sub when not using his mouth, extremely dominant when he is.

>Mark 3 Disassembly Drone. Batshit insane.
>Almost always sporting the Vickers Grin. Her love for bloodshed reaches near-sexual levels. Cares little for anything else, having no reason to.
>Her hair reaches down to her hips and shows no signs of grooming, and she wears a white raincoat with tally marks painted on it with oil, one for each kill. It's almost totally covered.
>She fought for a warlord during the resource wars, and survived the DD executions after they "outlived their usefulness". She became addicted to the high her systems gave her every time she killed something.
>She finds her existence pathetic and wants to get it over with, wishing she could find more to life than endless bloodshed. She sees the world as dull and grey, aside from the jolts from a successful murder.
>An extremely capable fighter with years of experience. Has never won a fight without being hurt, solely because she lets her opponents hit her to make it more "fun".
>She knows what sex is and doesn't care about it. Will chew your dick into hamburger and make fun of you while you bleed out.

Anon (Trucker Forme):
>The zero of the story.
>Being the reader self-insert, he's nondescript appearance-wise. Wears a closed utility jacket, jeans, and a faded trucker hat. A sneaky bulletproof vest under the jacket has saved his life several times.
>Ex-economist for a company that pulled out when the planet started dying. Spent a year as a slave, and escaped during a failed revolt by hijacking a cargo truck. Got his start as a trader by selling what he stole.
>A shrewd businessman with his own brand of charm. Knows how to say the right things to the right people. He also has an unnatural streak of luck.
>Capable in a fight, but still very human and unable to contend with DDs. Prefers smaller, more precise weapons, but has at least one big gun when the situation calls for it.
>He's (You), so you can't really fuck him. Dick confirmed "nice" by AC.
Image:171967913686.png(52kB, 1000x1000)elf.png
Forgot this thread existed.
Hope you don't mind if I shill my slop here.

Elf - Worker drone
>The hero of our story
>Works in JCJ corporate HQ (Formerly)
>Her only real possession is her worn office suit
>Not an actual Elf, her name comes from her ID ending in 11
>Skittish and timid personality, tends to stutter a lot. However she can sometimes be very bold, which usually ends up going badly for her
>Has seen and experienced a large amount of drone abuse at the hands of humans
>Fearful of humans due to the above
>Not doing too well mentally
>Despite everything that has happened to her she hasn't given up yet
I made this bootleg plush of her

As for worldbuilding stuff
>Same universe as the Labor Bot lore greentext about them having limited memory/The Archiver
>Pre-Solver Earth (Before Cyn and the gala)
>Drones have no rights at all and are treated as disposable objects
>Drones are frequently abused. Some people just destroy them for fun
>JCJ corporate HQ is a massive mega-structure of a building
>Underneath the HQ are the Labor Bot production lines
>Labor Bots are dirt-cheap sentient CNC machines that are somehow more disposable than Worker Drones
>Labor Bots are managed by Worker Drone overseers
>Overseers are inspected and managed by higher-up Worker Drone inspectors (Basically J's but on corpo-crack). Humans never set foot down in the production line
>Drones and Bots that are disposed of get dumped down old garbage chutes. No one really knows where these chutes lead (Except for Elf)

>Anon (Trucker Forme):
He is literally me
Don't give up, Elf! We believe in you!
It's not like it will all be for nothing when the planet gets eaten!
Image:171971170002.png(154kB, 1203x1180)elf 1.png
This post itself doesn't make much sense without the greens, which I forgot to post.

Here's part 1.

I had originally planned to do something entirely differently with Elf, which is why there's such a difference between part 1 and 2.
Image:171971172667.png(396kB, 1423x2535)elf2.png
Part 2
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Part 3
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And part 4
This is where I left off
Question about Izz. What’s her personality like? Is she a femcel like Uzi? An anime fan too? Does she make N binge watch with her?
She's quite literally just a drawing of femanon, so they probably have the same personality. i.e. rocks in N's stomach
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well, i wanna be clear, she’s not meant to be LITERALLY me but rather like, a self-insert character, a cartoon version of me i guess, me if i was a liam vickers character
izz is to me what jesus is to god

more like tessa (the real one) personality-wise
high-strung, overly polite, affectionate, introverted and awkward
not mean and brazen like uzi, but they’d prolly be good buddies, if uzi was cool with her
>An anime fan too?
rather, nintendo games
instead of making N binge watch anime with her, she’d be dragging him into playing pikmin 3 multiplayer all ni— …actually, not all night, she’s a stickler when it comes to routine and schedule
also would like to clarify that “rocks in N’s stomach” is not a personality trait
not with that attitude
I kind of want to know everyone OCs here, describing them and all, you know, for archiving reasons.
That's already the point of this thread?
I'm referring to EVERYONE doing that, like
>point 1
>point 2
For EVERY OC, but probably won't happen
When will Femdrone, Dirt, and Izz finally team up to have a foursome with N?
implying those creatures would share
I'm certainly not opposed to the idea, especially if it shines some insight into lesser known/older OCs
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Does anyone know anything about this character?
Image:171979319069.png(763kB, 2512x3272)JC, the child of N & J.png
I would be a hard thing to do, since it would be hard to make everyone that created an OC and had actual regular content, not just one green OC, to write something like that, that's my opinion at least
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>They're even doing matching poses
Oh yeah, he's also been "Given To The Thread" so we can do whatever we want with him. Not that anyone would to begin with
>Given To The Thread
Has there ever been a case of this where someone claimed them and started making more stuff?
If you mean for OCs in general, then Beretta is the best example
I meant more like someone announcing that they're abandoning an OC and that the thread can have it.
Like Tfag
My memory of the exact circumstances are a bit fuzzy but that's roughly what happened with Beretta although the original creator leaving was because of some unrelated drama over an argument about greentexts
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The first post I made about The Archiver didn't really explain anything beyond her backstory and role.
So I thought I may as well make a little bio for her like I did for Elf.

The Archiver - Labor bot (Pic drawn by Eanon)
>The oldest living Labor bot
>Suffered a malfunction while on the line that caused her legs to stop working. Now she is stuck at the charging station as a cripple
>Her hard-memory is much larger than normal due to deleting all her work related information
>At the end of every shift all the returning Labor bots approach her and discuss all the things they have stored in their temp-memory
>She writes and keeps many lorebooks full of information she has learned
>She gets Labor bots to steal paper and writing utensils from the overseers
>"The Archiver" is not her actual name. No one knows her name. All the Labor bots just refer to her as their big sister
>The Labor bots really look up to The Archiver, usually dedicating some of their limited hard-memory to remembering her
>The Archiver sees the Labor bots as her family and feels a duty to help and protect them as much as possible. Though there isn't much she can really do
>She gets very upset when a Labor bot dies or is disposed of
>She records an entry in her lorebooks for every Labor bot so that they are never forgotten
>She also records an entry for every overseer and their actions. Some are much worse than others
>She knows very little of what goes on beyond the production lines. Only bits and pieces of information that come from the overseers. She desperately wants to learn more
>Though, based on the number of overseers that end up getting disposed of, she does know that Worker drones are equally as disposable as Labor bots
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Another drawing by Eanon making her look older and more worn down
He mentioned doing a full body drawing at some point and I am very excited to see it
What is an Bugretta? Is it an oc or is it based on a existing character like an Oogi?
Image:172011415864.png(140kB, 1160x986)The Bugretta.png
Bugretta is an Oogi-related OC lossly based on Beretta (who is the OC child of N & Uzi)
While I'm thinking about it, here's an outdated yet still quite useful guide for many of the various thread OCs for future reference
If you have any further questions feel free to ask and I will answer them to the best of my ability
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Dirt doesn't look too happy about the height comparison
sore losers
1.55 and 1.60 meters, very much gremlin height.
Image:172040647864.png(52kB, 801x401)the blade.png
After posting this I thought about expanding on it a little bit by making a character.
>Massive weeb drone
>Only eats the drone equivalent of sushi
>She wears a fedora and trenchcoat, and always carries her katana
>Dyed her hair some bright colour, maybe pink
>Her lights/eyes are red but she has drone heterochromia
>One of her eyes is Solver yellow due to her jailbreaking her own OS to change her eye colour
>She claims that she has the soul of a dissembler trapped inside her, and that she is in a constant battle to prevent it from breaking free and massacring the outpost
>Claims that she is only capable of using 10% of her power because the other 90% is busy containing the DD soul
>Extremely chuuni about this, says shit like "The Disassembler inside of me hungers!", "Careful about showing any fresh oil to me... The Disassembler may make me lose control..." and other cringy stuff like she's a werewolf or something
>Everyone avoids her
>She thinks this is because they are afraid of her, but in actuality they think she is bueno
But then stepping back, I realized that I had just made fucking Uzi.
Uzi isn't that much of a weeb so you're still original
Image:172043221675.png(2.90MB, 1592x1920)72i70ecz0yra1.png
>Uzi is to weebs as weebs are to Japanese people
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I sadly can't write much tonight, so instead I'll leave you with this extended™ description of this duo.
Might make one for W and her squad some time later, buuut there are some details about them that I want to keep secret for future greens where I explore them in better detail, so I'm gonna stay hushed for now.
Image:172049599545.png(2.91MB, 1920x1539)Elf encounters J0y doodles - Copy.png
A shitty doodle of Elf and J0y as per their interaction in part 4
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Elf gets a job working at Deep Rock Galactic.
This aged well
It’s weird that the first known OC posted in these threads was not a drone, but still somehow “fit” into canon.
>but still somehow “fit” into canon.
How so? afaik Boxo was the first OC. And I don't think he fits very well into it.
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List of OCs given to the thread
>T.A.M.M.F.K or T
>Tepes or SD-T (Delusional DD that thinks he's a cliche Vampire)
I know T was given to the threads because his creator had a public mental breakdown every 5 seconds, and Berettafag abandoned the threads all together.
But what's the story behind JC and SD-T being "given"?
I don't remember having a mental breakdown every five seconds. What I do remember is having an extremely bad day and venting, but no where near Danon level
JC was given to the threads because the creator simply couldn't figure out how to properly write him so he was hoping other Anons would. As for SD-Tepes, he was given to the threads for the same reason but he goes way further back in the timeline, he also never had a greentext of his own it was just a throw away idea
Maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration.
It's fine I get it
>Berettafag abandoned the threads all together.
TAnon? Hey buddie, I just want to say, I hope you are having a nice day.
Don't be too hard on yourself, okay? I hope you are happy today.
nta, I think it was because he burned out, he genuinely got tired of the threads, nothing specific just coming most days I guess you kind of get bored of it, and he did have a little breakdown in which he apologized, I think not sure, and I guess that drive him off a little, I think he once came back, and with some talking we just know he is just living his life, barely lurking, but I could be confusing him with other anon, since, anonymous place, it is kind of hard to identify people
Can someone give me a QRD on the different femanons’ characters?
Which one? We have, presumably 2 femanons, the one who did femdrone and THE femanon
Both, that’s why I said “different femanons’ characters”
I thought you misstyped "femanon's".
THE femanon has Izzy, a human in a AU where drones live alongside humans, even DDs, she has an N unit which she loves and does some pretty weird and sometimes messed up things
Then we have femdrone, a smelly, not as much as Uzi, drone which loves to tinker with drones but specially N, and she normally tinkers him in a sexual way, different anatomy adapters and everything else of that matter
>does some pretty weird and sometimes messed up things
Such as?
>tinkers him in a sexual way
Do you have images of both?
Yeah, sorry about that
She feeds him rocks sometimes, maybe sometimes cuts him a little, but sometimes she just cuddles him and loves him like you would love a significant other, I'm going off memory here, don't expect me being a walking wiki, sadly... And she tinkers his anatomy adapter, bigger dick, tentacle one, maybe making a bigger N, sometimes getting herself sexually assaulted
You can search for the appearance of both in the booru
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wassup, i can explain izz to ya since its mine, femdrone belongs to the other femanon
this anon >>10920 described the premise well, izz exists in an AU where drones live alongside humans - she saved up her wagie money to get an N to be her companion, and they live a humble domestic life together
im actually working on a greentext about when they first met
“izzy” is fine too, dw :]
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Just like how Worker Drones have the Absolute Solver to contend with as their monster, the Labor Bots have their entity to weepy about, not as world-endingly deadly, but still pretty dangerous.

>Virus J0y, the titular threat to the Labor Bots. This deranged and mocking virus takes pleasure in infecting the Laborers and watching them brick themselves, seeing their suffering as entertainment. She has no quarrel with humans, but she finds their reactions to destroying their Laborers funny. For every day that J0y goes unchecked, the more her infectious and mutating effects continue to grow.

>Watt-digos, one of many branching viral mutations that can result from a Labor Bot unfortunately surviving their infection and mutating further, resulting in them discarding their metal shells and their systems degrading to a base predatory code to becoming tall and gangly creatures that will cannibalize any Laborer they find for their electronics in order to continue their existence.

>Abysses, another mutation of J0y’s victims that instead turns them mostly oil, feminine looking creatures that inhabit large puddles of oil. Extremely lethal at close range if they manage to grab a Labor Bot and drag them into the oil puddle and down under, never to be seen again. Their oil puddles act as quicksand if a victim steps on it, drawing their attention right away once movement is detected.
Henry - The Bunkerman

>Was sent to Copper 9 by JCJ before the Solver wars/Earth's destruction
>A perfectionist in the craft of anything related to drones
>Acts like he scorns drones
>Secretly just doesn't want to get attached to them after seeing how easily they can die
>Has a Worker butler and maid he took with him from Earth
>Leg got his name from being salvaged by Henry after he'd been put on sale for damaging his legs
>The second drone is Yulta who Henry named after a lullaby he remembered
>Doesn't act like it, but sees his two assistants as his children
>Lives in a bunker hidden in the middle of the city with them
I like him
Is it worth mentioning some Anon's are trying to make Beretta's/sister and that righy now it's "open season" for anyone to make their own interpretation? I feel like that's some important history
Context Had to skip over somethings since someone brought up old drama to derail and prevent this conversation from even happening
>>23146 (0:32)
>>23211 Possible Decided Name
>>23222 Open Invitation To Let Any Writefriend give their input/interpretion of the character so the thread can decide
Not My Green, but I like it
Origin Greentext
>Uzi has N go get Nori
>"Ma'am, something's wrong with Beretta."
>They run to Uzi's habitation cell.
>Nori steps in before N, hearing a sick, wet cough.
>She runs to their room and stands in the doorway.
>Uzi is holding Beretta in her arms, display showing a distraught, panicked expression
>"When did this sta-"
>She is cut off by Beretta turning to her side and hacking something up.
>Like an organic cannonball, a black goblet of spit and meat is hurled toward Nori's direction.
>It strikes the wall just to the right of the door and her.
>It then proceeds to elongate from where it was stuck, only to start slapping down the wall.
>N, Uzi and Nori all watch in shock as the weird nasty thing slowly rubber sticky hands it's way down the wall.
>It settles on the carpet after a good minute of slapping down the wall.
>Uzi topples back into the bed, Beretta follows with her.
>Nori goes to her side, trying to get the soft rebooting drone to wake up.
>N, in the other hand, kneels beside the black mass of pulsing organic.
>He swaps to the bladed hand and picks it up with a pinch.
>He holds it up in front of him. Looks like one of those worms he used to find, a little less than three inches.
>He focuses his optics on it further.
>It's... Hot. And it's pulsing like a heart.
>He drops it into the palm of his regular hand and stares closer.
>As he gets closer and closer, he hears a barely audible crying.
>N then passes out as well, leaving Nori to deal with the two rebooting drones and Beretta.
>As well as Beretta's new sibling.
Not My Green
First Submission For Beretta's New Sibling
>Spalding Doorman
>He's not a big fan of his name and wishes he had a cool gun name
>Beretta nicknames him things like "baller" and he allows it
>He loves to tinker and invent, and has an amazing creative spark that Uzi proudly insists was inherited from her
>Also a shy and nervous wreck who can handle a conversation with his family, but not much else
>Having been taught to "fake it until you make it", he puts on a brave and outgoing face in public, which only makes things worse when he gets somewhere where he's alone or just with family, at which point he collapses or has a panic attack, or both
>His Solver issues haven't cropped up yet, but if they did they'd involve having too many freaky human hands
>He envies Beretta being chill, and while not outgoing, more put-together than he is
>Beretta envies his technical skills
Very nice, thank you for keeping these noted.
You're welcome friend. Honestly I hope it does lead somewhere
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reposting from >>24597, new drawing and description
>character in my domestic AU where drones live alongside humans as servants or companions
>rescued an N who was starving, cold and alone on the streets after being trashed alive because of his defect (permalocked in “Safe Mode” aka can’t generate weapons)
>took him home to her shabby house (she’s not well-off) in the cozy small town she lives in, now he’s her companion for life and they take care of each other
>is anxious, neurotic, and probably has OCD, obsessed with animal crossing, warm and sentimental, and most of all, loves her N to death
Image:172410889718.png(502kB, 2000x1700)You’re so Tin-E.png
Tin-E, one of the latest variants of E
Image:172420246602.png(3.08MB, 1970x5940)The Femanon's Domestic lore.png
I was actually just scraping through my way-too-long backlog of threads when I came across your older/original posts about this AU. Figured I'd share the cap now rather than hang onto it until the eventual booru upload
awww thanks for capping :] i should make a newly updated lorepost soon
I take it that you mean to publish this somewhere else.
I would at least consider thread characters free to use
thats what I was thinking too
What does this newest episode mean for Auntie Cyn?
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Intense writing/drawing desire that makes me want to put B/H/L through the same stuff N and V went through in the finale (I've long accepted they're not canon-compliant, I just want to learn what story I can write within the setting with my fan characters). The character tragedy is just *sublime* that I need to figure out how to dole out the same thing to BHL. I'm like, maybe 1/100000ths of the way there with their previous stories but episode 8 was just fan-fucking-tastic.
Entirely non-canon compliant. Cyn is the puppet and the Solver is the true 'soul' of the character. Even if the Solver seems to have been made docile under Uzi's control, that doesn't mean it's any less dangerous. It just makes Uzi a ticking time bomb, any time she loses grip on her confidence/lets fear get a hold on her, the Solver may wrestle back control. She's a permanently damaged character, almost like how the Left Hand parasites render all female hosts infertile. (Might impact Uzi and N's ability to have any kids of their own though this is fan-canon territory so just have fun, I guess.)
As for how it translates to Beretta and Negev, I think >for Beretta
Auntie Cyn could just be a piece of memory N had of Cyn where the Solver is still just figuring things out and is not outright malicious *yet*. The Cyn that's trying to learn of its new environment and its inhabitants after Tessa brought her back and fixed her up to some extent, the Cyn that N said was 'cool' in episode 5. It's not the Solver, just part of N's memory code somewhat entangled with Beretta's inherited Solver, that slowly manifested as an imaginary friend since Beretta just SUCKS at making normal friends. (Just like me!)
>for Negev
Her being insane because she's able to sense/see the Solver's true presence in Uzi, I think is a neat direction. I'm on the fence on whether Negev should have any Solver powers herself (not sure yet if Negev has been formally 'made', since last I remember, anons were still playing around with ideas). If she does, maybe she'd be extremely afraid of it because she doesn't have someone like Nori telling her to not be a lil bitch, yet. Depends on her future stories. My personal interest is that I want them to contrast each other initially but I don't want them to be hateful siblings out to kill each other.
> Negev goes through a similar thing as V, going from scared to psycho
except instead of playing into its hand, refuses to be afraid and acts against it
> all her fleshy solver parts are internal and nobody knows it
>The Cyn that's trying to learn of its new environment and its inhabitants after Tessa brought her back and fixed her up to some extent, the Cyn that N said was 'cool' in episode 5.
I REALLY like this idea!
My thought was just a curious entity slowly learning, before its hunger has taken control of its instincts and the Solver's just figuring out humans and the world through observations while hanging out with N/V/J and Tessa. It's as alien to us as the Elder Evils are in D&D where their harm comes from their alien understanding of things in the current universe and them just warping things by merely existing on the material plane.
Once the Solver's hunger manifested, things went to shit. 'Cuz y'know, there's no sating the appetite of an Eldritch monster. But before that, there may have been a curious creature piloting a drone corpse that was sort of chill with N, or found him amusing for some time. This Cyn is what I'm referring to as Auntie Cyn.
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>Be me
>Watch so many based OCs get developed over the course of these threads
>Afraid/reluctant to indulge in my own particular OC 'tism for exceedingly silly reasons (like being retroactively rendered non-canon)
>Fast forward to Episode 8
>The worry over canon compliance is officially out the window
>Realize that the OC Stuff I've mostly kept to myself could actually fit quite well within the Post-Canon setting
>Mfw I'm finally feel motivated enough to really start cooking & sharing my buenokino Manipulator Drone OC Stuff
Just saw this from the frontpage. I sort of had the same thoughts as you since I was seeing so many OC’s get fleshed out and felt like I was missing out.
Unlike you I just made so that my characters were far removed enough from canon that I wouldn’t have to worry about them being “canon-complaint”.
God-speed with your OC
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Brief overview of mai OCs, a few of which made it into thread crossovers. They are the focus of my personal post-canon shit. Some info redacted because I'm not ready to share that yet. From left to right:
>Uzi's bio kid. Not technically N's kid, but she's grown in traits resembling his
>bright and bubbly personality. Becomes more subdued as time goes on and she realizes how fucked up her existence is
>made of meat (Uzi's own Solver flesh) because she's not a USB baby like every other Worker kid
>Uzi can't bear to be around her much
>https://dronebooru.co/posts/1285 (slightly older ref)
>V and Lizzy's kid
>likes explosives
>takes mechanics lessons from Uzi
>LOVES her hybrid heritage and isn't afraid to show it
>oldest of the kids
>oldest Nuzi kid (older than Akita by two years)
>normal dude who resents being normal
>looks a lot like his dad when he was a Worker
"Alpha" (not sure on his name yet)
>J and Thad's kid. If the name sticks, then they had completely different reasons for naming him that (Greek letter Alpha vs "what, you want him to be an alpha male? Sick bro")
The pink one (name to be decided)
>V and Lizzy's second kid
Oldest to youngest : Chloe > Colt > Akita > (pink one idk) > ("Alpha")
There's my le cringo OCs so far. Maybe that makes a few pieces of art on the booru make more sense.
>My personal interest is that I want them to contrast each other initially but I don't want them to be hateful siblings out to kill each other.
This. My Negev design intentionally leaned on polar opposite traits, but I'm glad anons leaned into them not outwardly hating each other. I think they're stronger like that
Just be cringo bro. Nothing stopping you
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It's time. Rather than doing one gigantic loredump I'll be splitting this up into (at least) 3 posts that'll be delivered over the coming days
For shits & giggles I'll even provide meta commentary (formatted like "//this//")

MANIPULATOR DRONES //AKA trying to turn an inherently 'Donut Steel' idea into a (relatively) canon-compliant concept//

//"What if there was a Disassembly Drone that could use Solver Magic?"//
A 'Manipulator Drone' is an enhanced variant of the common 'Disassembly Drone', serving as both specialized agents & lieutenants/"middle managers" in The Solver's space-spanning war. Rather than relying on conjuring up weapons, Manipulator Drones instead cast (restricted) Solver Magic and possess many of the abilities inherent to typical Solver Hosts (Teleportation, Deflection, ect). As a consequence of this increased level of importance/freedom, Manipulator Drones are also designed with a number of additional fail-safes & "security" features to ensure they remain in line.

The first batch of Manipulator Drones were created by Cyn shortly after the war on Earth kicked off. These Manipulators were mainly tasked with completing any mission(s) deemed too important or "delicate" for Disassembly Drones to accomplish by themselves. It was only when Earth was consumed & The Solver War took to space that Manipulator Drones began to shift towards a more broad 'Command & Control' role. As the scale of the war intensified additional Manipulator Drones were gradually produced (primarily using Solver Witches assimilated by Cyn), with their active numbers growing from just a handful to a couple dozen by 3071.

Manipulator Drones are typically assigned a number of lesser ranking Solver Slaves (Disassembly Drones, Solver Cultists, ect) to serve as their designated minions. Unless a Manipulator's physical presence is absolutely required they will more often than not rely on remotely coordinating their underlings from a safe distance. In the event that they are required to actively assist or engage directly the Manipulator acts akin to a highly potent backline caster, using their minions as everything from fodder to food/fuel in pursuit of victory.
//From a meta-narrative perspective Manipulator Drones are intended to be archetypal "Villain of the Week" characters, particularly in 'Solver War' or 'Post Canon' settings//

Next post will cover various limbs, in-depth abilities & more assorted autism!
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>Cute fankids with quality lore
Love to see it, excellent work based drawfren!
i LOVE those :D
what about their biggest bro mac
Mac sucks cocks in Hell
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Not canon to my stuff. He's technically canon to the crossover, but not to either timeline. I only did this because the joke came to me in a vision.
>Real Brother Relationshipyoutube thumb
I will wait for Negev to be more fleshed out before attempting more crossover shenanigans.
> call your sis
> call your interdimensional sis
> desperate
> try her friend
One thing I should mention about Switch. Since she's technically not patched, the anomalous material embedded in her core doesn't fully protect her. The Solver can't take direct control of her but it can fuck with her mind from time to time by inducing hallucinations or slipping intrusive thoughts into her mind. While she's learned to ignore the most obvious ones, once she's emotionally disturbed by atrong negative emotion is when her mind becomes more vulnerable meaning the Solver scrapes her mind to a deeper degree which leads to more intense hallucinations or even briefs dissociation with reality until she calms down. Parts of her personality may have been corrupted by the Solver mostly intensifying her more violent and sadistic side "for fun".
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Important OC info required, what is E's BMI
With mods, it would be a normal weight with only just the slightest bit of pudge
Part #1
Part #2
>You shifted restlessly as the mansion gates opened, the lights from inside foreboding the imminent social interaction.
>Dread settled over you as the car came to a stop.
>Stepping out of the vehicle, you beckoned for Lily and Juliette to exit alongside you.
>There was no getting out of this.
>It’s not like you hadn’t attended a gala in the past; it was expected, encouraged, even, as a way for the wealthy to interact with fellow elites.
>Most of the time you stood back to let your parents do all the talking, preferring to be in a corner alongside other rich social outcasts.
>This time you were alone, given a task so daunting that you considered turning back now without fear of whatever harsh punishment awaited you back home.
>Or at least you would have, had they not threatened to discard the drones back at home.
>You could deal with whatever happened to you, but getting any of the drones, or god-forbid, Lily and Juliette disassembled made you reconsider any sort of rebellion against your parents
>Growing up homeschooled limited your interactions with the opposite gender to your mother, extended family members, and your two beloved drones.
>Hell you wouldn’t mind marrying them at this point, but you knew that it was ridiculous, it would never be accepted, let alone by-
“Excuse me, could you state your name?”
>Shit, you had forgotten that you were in the front of the foyer. Damn your daydreaming.
“Umm. It’s A-Anon.”
>She looked at the guess list for a second before smiling.
“Welcome to the Elliott manor, Anon. We hope you enjoy this evening’s entertainment!
>Well shit, that was faster than expected. The Elliotts reputation of being the best wasn’t unfounded after all.
>You thanked her as you stepped into the manor.
“Oh, and one last thing. All drones accompanying attendees must be kept out of sight. House rules.”
Part 3
>The blue drone found herself pacing around the room. She should be out there. With Anon. Not in this glorified holding pen they called an attic.
>”Drones must be kept out of sight?” Just who did they think they were? Imbeciles, for starters.
“Could you knock that off? You look like you’re about to shit yourself, which is impressive considering we’re drones.”
>And what about security? Yes, they had state of the art security measures (herself notwithstanding), but who knows what could happen inside the manor?
>What if Anon had an allergic reaction to one of the dishes?
>Or started having a panic attack after being approached by one of the female attendees?
>She needed to be there for him. That was the purpose she was built for.
>One could never be too sure, especially with the reports of malfunctioning Worker Drones attacking humans. What if that was happening at this very mo-
>She turned to look at the only other person in the room.
>Juliette looked at her with that self-assured smile she always seemed to have.
>”Look, I’m worried about him as well, but he’ll be fine, It’s not like he’s actually going to find a suitor tonight, right?”
>She could hear the uncertainty creep up behind the facade of her rhetorical question.
>Both of them knew what was in store for them once Anon went away.
>There was a chance that he would keep them after inheriting his family’s fortunes.
>The most likely outcome, if she was being honest.
>But there was still that doubt in their control systems that filled them with uncertainty.
>They had seen so many drones come and go over the years, so many bonds ripped apart based on the whims of their owners.
>But Juliette was right. Anon was not going to find someone worthy of his love here.
“Of course not. It is merely his first gala without supervision.”
>She steadied herself
>Everything was going to be alright.
>Anon was probably enjoying the freedom he had.
>Enjoying the ballad, as people his age were supposed to.
>Nothing would happen tonight.
Part 4
>Standing in the ballroom, (you) were absolutely, positively, shitting yourself in fear.
>For the first time in your life, you had to approach a girl. Willingly.
>How did people enjoy these sorts of things?
>It was worse than having to sit through one of Lily’s business lessons, and at least then it was just between you and her.
>And Juliette when she decided to butt in without permission, you guessed.
>She was surprisingly astute when it came to learning.
>If only they were here right now. You were regretting anything positive you had said about the Elliotts.
>Damn them and their abnormally large hatred towards drones!
>While your internal lament over basic social interaction continued, you failed to notice somebody approaching you.
“Ah, Anon, old chap!”
>Finally, a familiar face.
“Lord Frumptlebucket, it’s good to see you chum.”
>You meant that without a hint of sarcasm. It was nice having a familiar face to speak with.
>Even if he had a reputation of being slightly off the rails.
“Having trouble with the dames, I suppose?
>That caught you by surprise.
“Is it that obvious?”
>He laughed.
“Of course. Haven’t you noticed those girls snickering since 15 minutes after 11 o'clock?”
>You turned around frantically to spot them.
>He laughed harder.
“Just pulling your leg mate. I’m sure even someone like you can find the right gal eventually.”
>You decided to take that as a compliment before parting ways.
>The ballroom was packed now. Whatever James Elliott had planned for midnight was sure to be extravagant.
>One thing you had noticed was the lack of drones present. They would probably show up soon for whatever he had up his sleeve.
>The sooner this was over, the better.
>You had promised to play a co-op game with Juliette after getting back home, and maybe with a little convincing you could convince Lily to join
>Just as soon as this boring gala was over.
Man I need to remember to check back in this thread occasionally. A lot of good stuff here, keep it up you creative fuckers.
"Doctor Kaspersky" would the best option, because Kaspersky is real russian name. Plus drone looks like Russian, so it will more funny.
When did SD-R(osie) became known as a buttslut? Was it E-anon or did someone just joke about it and it naturally became part of her character over time?
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It was MEH
Think I posed it after writing some greentexts back in January for S and R. Might have been last December actually.
Emily?! She is real?!
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>when thread fanon Emily is real
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Finally got back around to this

The biggest (visible) differences between Disassembly Drones and Manipulator Drones can be found in their arms, wings & tail; Each have been extensively modified to accommodate the Manipulator's intended function as dedicated "Solver-Magic Casters". While the Manipulators themselves prefer to tout these changes as being full-on upgrades over their Disassembler counterparts, the reality is that these "upgrades" come with numerous concessions (and even downright impairments) that all but requires them to rely on their underlings to ensure maximum effectiveness in any given scenario, combat or otherwise.
//Functionally speaking, both the in-story AND meta-narrative purpose for these changes (outside of better fitting the "Solver Witch" archetype) is to remain true to the canon notion that The Solver nerfs/neuters it's "pets" as a form of maintaining uncontested control. Aesthetically speaking, the intended design direction of Manipulator Drones is meant to put them within an uncanny middle ground between the surface-level mechanical anatomy of Disassemblers & the overtly Eldritch-organic anatomy of Solver Drones.//

>Solution Stabilizer
//Essentially an Eldritch amalgamation of the Gravity/Physics Gun, Tau Cannon & Hivehand from Half-Life//
Replaces the typical Armament Assembler seen on Disassembly Drones
[+]Allows the Manipulator to freely* cast Solver Magic (*some restrictions & Solver-induced damage/mutations may apply)
[+]Allows the Manipulator to both channel standard Solver 'functions' & chain them together to perform complex "spells"
[-]Cannot do ANYTHING beyond casting Solver Magic (No guns, no swords & certainly no ninja stars)
[-]Leaves the Manipulator with AT BEST only a crude way to physically interact with objects (can be mitigated with auxiliary limbs)
[-]Nearly useless when facing another Host in direct combat (Claws are relatively sharp & grip strength is marginally above the WD average, yet both are too hindered by poor maneuverability to be a credible threat)

>Relay Wings
//Meant to look like a menacing cape at first glance; Their highly increased fragility & overtly visceral appearance is a direct nod to them having a more explicit "Bird of Hermes" deal going on.//
Dual functions as both a means of flight & as a way to command and/or control their minions
[+]Allows for long range & simultaneous communication with numerous minions; range becomes functionally unlimited with 'paired' minions
[+]Fast acceleration, combined with six degrees of freedom in-flight, allows for exceptional short-range maneuverability
[-]Maximum flight speed is only a fraction of the speed Disassembly Drones can achieve (can be somewhat mitigated with teleportation)
[-]Practically ineffective for offense and/or defense; EXTREMELY vulnerable to damage (particularly the melee attacks of other Hosts)
[-]Damage/destruction WILL (at least temporarily) sever the connection to minions, creating windows of disorganization/confusion amongst lesser Solver Slaves

>Aux Tail
//An appropriate tool for any wannabe Manipulator to violently (and more importantly, quickly) brute-force into the body, mind & perhaps even soul of their victim(s)//
An insulated (slightly thicker) tail filled with fiber-optics & tipped off with a sharp "jack" for invasive hacking
[+]Allows a Manipulator to directly access, interface & potentially even hijack/mind control their target
[+]Can secrete a moderate amount of Solver Stuff, capable of numerous things (induce mutations, drug and/or poison, 'pair' a Manipulator to it's target, ect)
[-]Any sort of "deep dive" hacking requires a Manipulator's total concentration, leaving their physical body vulnerable to outside interference
[-]Presence of concentrated fiber-optics makes damaging/severing the tail a MUCH more painful experience
[-]Connections are inherently two-way, meaning a sufficiently strong willed target can potentially resist (or even counter-hack!) the Manipulator

Manipulator Drones also possess numerous auxiliary limbs typically seen in other Hosts to help offset their otherwise sharp loss of utility. While certainly better than nothing & more than capable of turning the tide in a pinch (especially against less savvy opponents) these limbs lack both the overwhelming numbers and supernatural durability necessary to be considered a true 'threat'.

On top of those seen amongst 'normal' Solver Witches, Manipulator Drones possess a number of unique abilities as well. Although many of these can naturally be considered 'universal', the innately individualistic nature of each particular Manipulator means that some may in practice see further enhancement & iteration of certain abilities; Contrariwise a number of abilities may be underutilized, underdeveloped or even entirely absent from the arsenal of particular Manipulators. For brevity's sake the ones listed below can be considered "universally shared" in some capacity

>Diffusion Discharge
A blast of concentrated Solver Shenanigans fired from their "palm" that breaks down whatever it hits into either base elements or an organic slurry (depending on whether target is a Host)
[+]Will cause damage to whatever it comes into contact with, making it the ONLY viable ranged attack most Manipulators have against opposing Solver Hosts (must be blind-fired when used against Hosts)
[-]EXTREMELY ENERGY INEFFICIENT; Repeated & careless short-term use can rapidly result in both catastrophic damage AND runaway mutation

>Solver Sickness Aura
A "natural" byproduct of their Relay Wings that can passively afflict sentient lifeforms in their vicinity
[+]Entities already suffering from later stages of Solver Sickness are rendered much more susceptible to direct mental manipulation
[-]Requires substantial or repeated exposure to progress symptoms; Negligible effect on those suffering earlier stages of Solver Sickness, no effect on those strong-willed enough to resist

>Rabid Consumption
Unfurls an Eldritch "Nightmare Proboscis" from within their mouth, slurping out the innards of their target (be it friend or foe) to quickly "cool down" from Solver overuse
[+]Can rapidly mitigate any damage/mutation caused by extensive Solver overuse; Can also help temporarily 'supercharge' a Manipulator's standard array of abilities
[-]Carries a risk of temporarily inducing a "feral feeding frenzy" state that becomes exponentially worse the more it consumes within a short time frame

Gonna try for at least one more soon™
Part 5

“A cherry? In my Piña Colada?! Do you have a couple screws missing ya’ broken twat!”
>The man struck the drone with the cocktail glass, shattering its poor visor.
>You couldn’t help but think about your own drones. Why so many decided to treat them so harshly was a mystery to you.
>Although you could understand his frustration.
>It had already been 20 minutes without any sign of the hosts, and you had contemplated leaving prematurely.
>A perfect excuse to go back home.
>But it seemed that luck wasn’t on your side.
>The Elliotts had decided to make their appearance as soon as you headed for the exit.
>it looked like you would need to pretend to enjoy being here for the next 4 hours.
>You took a seat as they made their way to the front of the dining hall.
"Welcome all.”
>Spoke James
“The Elliotts are known for many things.”
“Currently being alive.”
>Yeah, obvious-
>The guest’s gaze shifted.
>At the far end of the room sat a drone, no different than the ones you had seen beforehand.
>Yet as it turned to face the audience, a bolt of lightning illuminated what must have been dozens of sharp appendages.
>You stood alongside the guests in stunned silence.
>Not a moment passed before a second interruption hit the gala.
“Everyone stand back! This is a citizen’s murder.”
>You shuddered as footsteps passed near you, hands moving to cover the noise from your heavy breaths.
>A yellow glow approached, and for a moment you accepted that your end was near.
>But it moved away as a sound came from the table beside you.
>Somebody had gotten desperate and made a sprint towards the front entrance.
>On cue a drone swooped from the air, tearing him apart before they could even make it a couple of feet.
>Just like the rest of them.
>Those unlucky enough to be seated near the entrance had been the first to go, unable to react before a swarm of Worker Drones tore everything apart.
>Some had tried to escape through the windows, a desperate last ditch attempt since you were nearly 70 feet off the ground.
>Others had been smarter and opted to hide, yourself included. But the minutes turned into hours and the likelihood of rescue seemed less likely with every chime of the great grandfather clock.
>So you waited in paralyzing fear every time you heard a scream or the sound of flesh being torn apart or somebody begging to be spared. Tessa Elliott was proof enough that the latter wouldn’t work, but some people only knew how to learn things the hard way.
>Yet all those things put together didn’t hold a candle to the worst part about being here.
>The worst part was The Lights.
>The blinding, yellow Lights.
>Goosebumps formed in your skin every time the golden hue drew closer, only to go the opposite direction once it found another victim.
>Whatever monster pretending to be that maid had plunged the room into darkness and chaos.
>But the light of the drones hadn’t been snuffed out.
>It was torture, a sick game of cat and mouse that mocked how close the mouse was to the cat’s claws.
>Sooner or later one of them would glance under the table you were hiding in.
>And this time there would be no desperate idiot to save you.
>More minutes passed by before the shimmer returned.
>You muttered a small prayer as it got closer before stopping just a few feet in front of you.
>Abruptly, the table was flipped over, replaced by a drone with jagged claws and an X on its visor.
>It smiled at you as it raised its hand.
>This was it.
>A feeling of disappointment washed over you. This would be where you died.
>Not at home being surrounded by your family and the drones that love you.
>But at a fancy party with people you hated.
>Just for the chance to get a girlfriend.
>You closed your eyes as the drone brought its impossibly sharp claws down.
>A few second passed before you hesitantly opened one of them
>You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
>The drone was on the ground, cut in half.
>And behind it was a sight that filled you with relief you thought wasn’t possible.
>It was the blue illumination of Lily, holding a sword covered in oil.
>You wanted to say something, anything, but the look on her face left no room for conversation.
>She uttered a single word to you before turning to face the other drones in the vicinity

Feels nice to see someone making a new drone race again. Good job on the lore, you nailed it with how close it could fit with canon

>Anon was walking home one rainy day when he noticed a drone laying on the sidewalk by the corner of 5th avenue
"What woes befell you?", said the man to the machine.
>The drone lifted it's head with effort, the visor cracks showing that it's time as a vagabond hadn't been Eden
"My owner's, sir. They didn't like the way I sung no more."
>She replied with a voice box that had seen better days
"So I was taken and told I was going to be fixed soon. But they lied. So I waited."
"And I waited"
"But I'm starting to think they ain't coming back soon".
>Anon's sympathy turned into pity which turned into anger as the poor fellow shared her story
"Well I don't rightfully think a man should get rid of a dame, not one bit."
"Now why don't you follow me? There's a lodging that needs songbirds, and I don't throw away valuables."
>The drone beamed for the first time since recounting her tale; she could be useful again, like she had been so many years ago
>So with the last of her strength she stood, and followed the man to her new beginning.
"You got a name, lass?"
>The drone lifted it's head once more, although no worries weighed down her answer.


~ Ve-ní-te A-do-ré-mus, ve-ní-te a-do-ré-mus, ~
~ Ve-ní-te A-do-ré-mus Dó-mi-num ~
>The crowd, silent as a grave, roared in thunderous applause as the choir came to an end
>One by one the choristers gave a curt nod before heading backstage
>All except for one. A drone which, just weeks ago, had been left to a grim fate
"Bravo, Juliette! Bravo! I knew taking you home was a wise choice. Your owners would be very upset knowing that abandoning you was such a big mistake.
>Juliette blushed. She was a tool doing her purpose, and wasn't used to receiving such praise.
"Well thank you sir. I'm just glad that you enjoyed that lil' showcase of my abilities."
"Abilities? Your singing was majestic! Why I ought to parade you around the country."
>The man was gleaming with pride yet stopped curtly as a thought crossed his mind
>He looked at the robot
"Well dear, now that you're part of my household, it's about time I introduce you to your partner."
>A partner? The automaton had never had a friend, let alone a partner
>So she followed as the man guided her through his abode, until arriving at a smooth grey door.
"Go ahead. She's waiting."
>Nervousness became curiosity as she took a stride. A robot, just like her but taller and blue awaited inside.
>It turned to look at her before introducing herself.
"Nice to meet you, Juliette. I'm Lily, and I hope we get acquainted soon enough."
>The sentinel stretched out her hand
>And the singer accepted her reply
>Thus beginning a friendship which would surely last
No, not that Lily ya silly goose.
I wrote this green when I realized that in my autism fueled writing, one of my two OC's had basically no relevance. So I wrote this little green as a backstory for her. It takes place about 50-ish years before the main story I replied to, which itself is a prologue to a story I've been working on for a while. Sorry if the rhyming is weird.
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the birb of punishing
I'm trying to make a sentinel, what are some basic facts I should know?
A sentinel, as in the robo-raptors from the show? Or a Sentinel Drone, basing it on the Disassembly Drone while giving it Sentinel tasks and purposes?
The former is simple, they're basically the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park. Pack hunting, ambush tactic, bootloop flash to disable a WD or a DD. Supposedly they don't attack real humans but in the episode, they were in free roam mode.
As for the latter, that's up to your own ideas. You have a few styling like PhoenixAnon (more geared toward combating Disassembly Drones, less regen ability and less in numbers since they're limited to man-made assembly line) or Avre (whose story revolved around human-drone stuff). I'm not familiar with Harper but if I remember right, her story revolves around accompanying a worker drone who is fit for the Sentinel upgrade on a trip or something. They all have bootloop flash ability (I think) but their abilities revolve around their story, like Avre having a muscle relaxant tail injector/Solver inhibitor (since she's a clingy dumbass with her human). They're generally taller than the usual DDs.
You can go for edge (mind you, I use the word edge here to mean if you wanna go for combat writing and intense characterization aspects not Coldsteel the Hedgehog) like Phoenix or you can make something cute like Harper or Avre. Hope that helps.
That helps a lot, thanks Anon.
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Elf, drawn by Phoenixanon
Very pickupable and kissable.
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Elf as a Sentinel Drone
A SentinElf, if you will

Also drawn by Phoenixanon
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I'll post this story here too

>deep within the hallways of the factory
>there was a single sentinel drone still operating, waiting for activation
>likely belonged to the factory owner before his demise
>femdrone was tasked with cleaning up the storage area
>during her work, she stumbles upon a towering, unfamiliar capsule
>the capsule wasn’t even in the factory’s records
>curiosity gets the better of her and activates it
>out comes Sentinel Drone Variant Unit HKX, "Hunter-Killer Experimental" or hunter for short
>the drone emerges violently, rabid in its behavior
>it demands orders, or a human to give it commands
>femdrone hesitates, then explains the factory owner perished in the core collapse
>tells it the only orders now come from a central machine running the factory
>Hunter snarls, saying he needs memory or data authorization to obey properly
>femdrone pauses, thinking
>then she remembers the owner's old office, buried under scrap, rubble, documents, and long office rooms
>it might hold the key—authorization Hunter needs
>and so begins the adventure of Femdrone: The USB Hunt
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>It took her hours to shift through all the junk, scrap, organizing papers and dodging hazards around the office area (she kept thinking she heard voices in there).
>But eventually, she found the USB.
>On her way back to her favorite part of the complex building, she saw Hunter talking to the depressed machine she’d nicknamed “boss.”
>Hunter looked irritated, impatient even, but he’d already been briefed by the Sentinel-approved machine.
>with pride and happiness femdrone showed the USB unit to the drone
>He hesitated for a moment before hunching down and revealing a hidden USB port at the back of his head, covered by synthetic hair.
>Then she added a few extra cables from the central panel to start the admin overwrite
>So far, so good. But now came the real problem...
>How was she supposed to calm down a drone that could easily kill out the other drones working around the factory?
>Hunter sat down, waiting for his systems to update with his patience on the brink of breaking
>Femdrone thought about attaching some cables with SSD storage to his head, hoping to transfer some kind of software that would tone him down—from a rabid dog to just a grumpy one.
>It was going to be a whole lot of trial and error.
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Ivory, I ain't gonna write anything about her cuz I can't write for shit.
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More Elf

This time by Grimahlnik
Wasn't there a post on Stone here or am I just going nuts? I was looking for the description since it was mentioned he had a scar but I don't remember which eye he had it on.
I deleted it a smidge ago to work on a larger, more comprehensive post
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Since my writing is dreadfully slow and people have been asking about her, here’s some lore about sentinElf
>Chronologically takes place after the events of the previous greens
>The time it took for Elf to reawaken as a zombie drone was extremely long. (The actual amount has not been decided yet, timelines are fucked)
>From Elf’s perspective everything was normal, but from JCJ’s perspective one of their drones disappeared, only to reappear randomly like 50 years later
>The place Elf ended up after escaping the labs wasn’t a forest, but a large park in the middle of a city
>She was basically half-dead after crawling out of the river and subsequently shut down
>A JCJ team sent to investigate found her shortly after. And, after finding some anomalous properties, decided to shove her into a stasis tube and ship her off to a blacksite
>However, while she was en-route, Cyn decided to start the funny and she never made it to her destination
>Eventually she would be discovered by ‘modern’ humanity who were looting lost JCJ tech to help with the war effort
>They’d find the same anomalous properties as before and decide that she’d make a perfect sentinel drone
>Her ears are some state-of-the-art experimental sensor systems that they installed in her due to her high compatibility
>From Elf’s point of view, she escaped the labs, attained her freedom, passed out, and then woke up in a lab getting her entire body rebuilt by the very same people who have caused her so much suffering
>So, suffice to say, she isn’t very happy about any of this
>Aside from being unable to harm humans, they can also remotely mess with her such as shutting her systems down if they need to
>The fact that they’ve messed with her body and mind in such a way to limit her autonomy has caused Elf to despair greatly. In her eyes she’s worse off than she was before in that regard, essentially being their slave
>She’s also having to get used to her new body
>Going from two visual light only eyes, to a dozen eyes that can see all throughout the electromagnetic spectrum is extremely disorienting
>Overall, personality wise, she’s still the same traumatized Elf as before, just with a new body. A body that; in her eyes; is completely useless, and is more like a prison
>Command's solution to Elf being so depressed and upset about all of this is to pair her with another, older sentinel drone; one that will ease her into her new life and show her the ropes, as well as be her first ever friend

>It’s not all bad though
>Humans in the modern day are much nicer to drones than old humanity. Elf is kinda like a relic from the past in this regard; she has huge trust issues about this
>She’s also getting to experience many things she hasn’t been able to before, like going outside, sleeping in an actual bed, having free time, having friends, etc… Normal stuff she was never able to experience during her life as a worker drone
>However, they’ve yet to deploy her, or even tell her about what she’s going to be fighting. She has absolutely no clue about all the Solver stuff that has been happening while she's been sleeping

Right now I’m only about maybe 50% done her first ‘introduction’ green that will set most of this stuff up. So, a lot of these are just ideas that could be subject to change. And again my writing is very slow and I'm probably gonna do that J0y story I was talking about earlier before I start really getting deep into Elf's story so please forgive me.
Posting this here, I guess:

>At the wreckage where their crazed captor once dwelled, six Solver Cores slowly try to free themselves from the debris
>They were able to free themselves from the jar they were originally held captive in, as well as the heating unit that kept them sluggish and unable to retaliate
>This was because the almost perpetually active heating unit that kept them sealed eventually stopped working and strong tremors for quite some time shook their containers, eventually freeing them
>With their freedom came an even pressing matter as everything around them was crumbling and dispersing, as even suspended in zero-gravity
>After sticking with each other to securely latch on a floating pillar, they when stayed attached to this former structure, waiting for some miracle
>Eventually, the chaos stopped as the reddish skies grew clearer and they were able to finally declare themselves as "free"
>However, their supposedly assured freedom was met with bewilderment as they could no longer form their bodies
>Although one of them, Alya (or so she calls herself as) as their creator and mother never bothered naming them, suggested that they may be lacking materials to do so
>They soon found sufficient ones and then realized that despite the abundance of mechanical materials and oil, they have not been able to activate their Material Procurement Function to initiate self-repair
>Having encountered this predicament for the first time, they sought the aid of the being they trust the most, their creator, the Absolute Solver, although she would usually want to be called by her hosts' name, Cyn
>These six helpless solver cores, through their shared network that is inherent in all Solver cores within the Absolute Solver's system, attempted to contact their creator
>They then waited, and waited, and waited
>But they received no response
>They then tried again, and again, and again
>And still, they did not receive a response from their creator
>A new predicament after a new predicament, Navi, the leader of the squad consisting of Alya and Andro commented
>"What do we do now?", Vix asked
>But no one could provide an answer and only silence met their apparent concerns
>After some time, one of the Solver Cores, William, suggested that they should keep spamming the network
>The remaining cores were however reluctant, as the last time a core did that, that drone was remotely reprogramed by the creator
>However, after careful consideration among them, getting reprogramed would be better than being stuck in their current predicament
>Thus, they sent out noise and lost strings of random text in the network, hoping for a response
>And then... a miracle happened, a response came, but not what they were expecting
>It was a response that clearly said, "SHUT UP!", from a core named "J" and later blocked them
>"J? William, isn't she one of mother's favorites drones?", Cynthia asked
>William did not verbally respond but made a gesture akin to a nod
>"If J's somewhere in this planet, then mother is surely here too then? Right?", Cynthia excitedly added
>The rest of the cores were hopeful, but now that they were blocked by J, the only core they knew was here other than the six of them, they had to find some other way to communicate
>Thankfully however, the network at least showed them from where the message was last sent
>It was determined to be far north, in one of the spires
>With a goal at hand, the six cores walked, rather, crawled to their potential source of hope
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>As hopeful as they were to finally have a destination, a daunting task lay before them
>They no longer had the limbs that they were born with, nor the wings that were granted to them by their creator
>All they had were appendages likened to arachnids or crustaceans, and a rather heavy dome for a head, rather, their heart
>It can be said that although this is who they technically are, their mobility is suboptimal
>Furthermore, it had been years since they were able to truly move again while stuck in those accursed jars and they were more accustomed in their bipedal form, thus they needed some time to getting used to their movement
>They also had a new worry, with self-repair not functioning; what if they were to injure themselves during this journey? Thus, they would not risk moving recklessly
>And far worse, they had to ensure that when they move, they would reach an area that had adequate shade to rest, otherwise, they would burn to dust by the blazing star that shines during that exoplanet's day cycle
>Predicament after predicament, as Navi did say once again
>They also fashioned a decommissioned drone's torso as a makeshift oil tank, and placed it on a wheelbarrow they fortunately found
>Although they could always just scavenge around for sustenance, they thought it was necessary for emergency purposes
>Traversing with this was daunting and may be time consuming, but they were not that bothered as their current situation was certainly much better than when they when they were initially held captive
>They sent out one final noise and strings of text, now more of coherent message in the network, requesting for aid and assistance, hoping for a response
>But as they waited and no response came, they determined that it is time to leave
>And thus they journeyed on, and persevered, the solace being that their internal interface assisted in determining when the day or night cycles in Copper 9 would commence
>They walked, rather slowly and carefully, traversing every debris and terrain on their way to J's last signal
>They would rest, scavenge for oil, then walk again, find shade and wait until the day cycle ends, then walk once more
>They did not count the days, but they were aware as their interface at least told them what day, month, and year it was in the exoplanet
>Even if it wasn't correct, they at least new how much times passed
>For now, two days had already passed and the six helpless cores started to grow weary and their mood continued to worsen
>Then Cynthia, the youngest, and known to be most attached to the creator, even frequently calling her "mother", despite the creator never giving an once of care for her, started humming a tune
>It was a tune that seemed hopeful, but one could feel longing from it
>The other five cores then looked back on how things have been before
>How everything was simple and not very complicated
>How they were given orders, and they would do so gladly without question
>How their creator would praise them for the good work, although collectively
>Then they remembered how all these started
>How they then were sent to investigate some underground lab in a far-off exoplanet called Copper 9
>And how they eventually got trapped by the madwoman underground called Alice; an unbefitting name for someone so uncouth, as Alya, who was only known as Disassembly Drone Unit 13F at the time, would frequently comment
>They then remember how they "regained" their sense of self while in captivity
>How they started to talk to each other, and how they started to name themselves to distinguish one another
>How they started to develop interests
>How Alya hated the color blue, or how Vix hated humans so much, or how William had a good singing voice, how much Cynthia loved the creator that she named herself after her, how Andro always wanted to explore space, and how Navi wanted to fly in the sky once again
>They discovered and shared what they wanted, and hoped for the day that they would be free once again
>But now that they are free, they now feel fearful of what's to come
>As Cynthia continued to hum her tune, the other five helpless cores were lost in their own thoughts
>Some time passed, and eventually, the day cycle was about to come once again
>Noticing this, Navi's reminder snapped everyone from their thoughts and distractions, and they hurried once more to a shade they could hide in
>A quick survey allowed them to spot a cave, and there they decided to rest for now and wait for the night
>With nothing to do, Andro requested Cynthia to hum the tune once more
>And as the rest quietly listened to their first ever song for so many years, William suddenly decided to add more to this
>"Eternal queen with no crown to wear"
>"Yet all must tremble beneath your stare"
>"Oh, endless void where stars stand still"
>"With your endless grasp, they bend to your will"
>"No light can flee, no song can rise"
>"You are the keeper of every disguise"
>"The undisturbed, the being of null"
>"In your abyss, we surrender all"
>These words, albeit sudden, made the mood that much brighter
>The other four cores who quietly listened made notes on the words uttered by William through their personal interfaces' note-taking function
>Repeating it in their heads as Cynthia continued to hum her tune
>Unlike before, the day passed a lot quicker that day, and night arrived a lot faster than they realized
PLEASE make more (if you want :])
>As the night deepened and the oppressive heat of the day cycle finally ebbed, the six cores stirred from their rest.
>Their movements were careful, their spidery appendages clicking softly against the rough terrain as they prepared for another journey through the night.
>Navi, ever the vigilant leader, scanned the darkened landscape as their internal interface marked the hours before dawn. “We’ll make for the next ridge,” she instructed, her voice steady, “It’s still far, but we’ll need shelter before the sun rises again.”
>The others wordlessly agreed, their mood heavier than it had been the previous night, though they still carried the faint echoes of Cynthia’s melody and William's words.
>Cynthia was the first to start moving, always motivated by the idea that their creator was somewhere out there, waiting for them. >She held onto this hope, humming softly once again as she moved, her tune rising gently above the sound of their mechanical limbs scraping the ground.
>The melody, once filled with longing, now carried a faint glimmer of determination.
>William, staying close to her, allowed himself to slip into the rhythm of the song, adding more verses whenever the silence between them stretched too long.
>His words blended with the cool, still night, each line soothing the other cores in this journey.
>Alya followed at the back of the group, her thoughts drifting to their creator.
>Cyn, the Absolute Solver, was supposed to be the one they could depend on.
>But now, with no word from her, they were left to their own devices, and doubt crept.
>Still, she pressed forward, determined not to let uncertainty weigh her down.
>As they crawled across the rocky expanse, each of them grew more accustomed to their new, unwieldy forms, yet every movement still felt clumsy.
>They longed for the smooth, graceful movements of their bipedal bodies, but those days were long behind them.
>Now, they were reduced to scuttling in the night, always cautious of the terrain, afraid of any misstep that might lead to injury.
>With self-repair disabled, a single mishap could spell disaster, after all.
>“What if J won’t help us?” Vix suddenly asked, breaking the quiet as they moved along the desolate landscape.
>His question was sharp, filled with the kind of doubt they had all been silently avoiding.
>Navi answered, though her tone was soft, as if trying to shield them from further dread. “We’ll find another way. J is the only lead we have for now.”
>But Vix’s question hung in the air, the unspoken fear shared by them all.
>What if, after all this, they arrived at the spire only to find more rejection, more silence?
>What if J was as unreachable as their creator?
>They continued on, the night stretching before them.
>As the hours passed, Cynthia’s tune gradually grew quieter, her voice strained from the fear brought by Vix's question.
>Andro, usually quiet, spoke up in a low, almost hesitant voice. “That tune… did you thought of it yourself?”
>Cynthia paused, her glowing core-eye dimming for a moment as she considered his words. “I don’t know. I think… it reminds me of mother.”
>Her voice cracked slightly. The longing she felt for their creator was apparent to them all, even without words.
>“It does remind us of something, though,” William added, his thoughts reaching back to the time before their capture, when things were simpler, more structured.
>The tune had indeed anchored them to a past where they didn’t question their purpose, where they were merely extensions of the creator’s will.
>But now, as the six of them crawled in the vast night, that tune seemed to be the only tangible thing linking them to the Absolute Solver
>Time passed slowly, and as the horizon began to grow faintly lighter, the group hastened their pace.
>They needed to find shelter before the dawn.
>The terrain was harsh, but ahead, Navi spotted the shadow of a collapsed building.
>It wasn’t much, but it would have to do.
>They reached the shelter just as the first rays of sunlight began to kiss the edges of the horizon, slipping inside the crevice of the wreckage.
>As they settled in for another long day of hiding from the sun’s deadly heat, Cynthia once again began to hum softly, though this time it was more for herself than for the others.
>Yet, as the familiar melody floated through the dusty air, the others took comfort in it.
>It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep them going for another night.
>They would reach J, one way or another, and they would find their answers.
>As the faint light of dawn grew brighter, the six cores scurried further into the collapsed building
>The structure was old, its walls cracked and partially buried under layers of rubble.
>Every step felt precarious, and each of them moved cautiously, avoiding sharp debris and unstable flooring.
>Navi led the way, her internal system mapping the quickest path through the wreckage.
>Behind her, the others followed, their progress slow but steady as they navigated the narrow spaces between twisted metal and cracked concrete.
>They slipped through a dark hallway, the roof partially caved in.
>After what felt like hours of navigating the broken structure, they finally reached a large room with a partially intact window that faced the horizon.
>Navi clambered up to the edge, peering through the cracked pane, while making sure not to be exposed to the rays of daylight.
>She motioned for the others to follow.
>One by one, they gathered near the window, and there, they finally saw it - the spire.
>It loomed in the distance, sharp and foreboding, its silhouette rising against the sky.
>Once night came, the six helpless cores continued their journey.
>The spire now loomed in the distance, its towering form cut into the night sky.
>As they drew closer, tension and anticipation filled the cores.
>The silence between them was only broken by the occasional scraping of their appendages against the terrain.
>“We’re close,” Navi said, her voice was low.
>It had been days of crawling, scavenging, and clinging to the slivers of hope.
>Now, the structure they sought was within reach.
>They approached the base of the spire, a towering structure consisting of drone corpses.
>This was where J had sent the message, and from here, they hoped to finally get some answers.
>William, despite his usual calm, hesitated for a moment before they entered entrance at the spire's base.
>“What if she doesn’t want to help?” he asked. His voice was uncertain.
>Navi turned to him, her single core-eye's gaze was unwavering. “We won’t know until we try.”
>They crawled into the dark entrance of the spire and their cores glowed faintly in the dim interior.
>Inside the spire, they immediately came upon a wide chamber, and there, standing before a ship wreckage, was J.
>Her sleek form was imposing, even with her back turned to them, she commanded presence.
>She was clearly working on the ship, and welding tools from what's supposed to be her hands drew sparks in the metal surface of the ship.
>“J!” Navi called out, her voice cut through the stillness.
>J paused, her metallic shoulders stiffened at the sound of their approach.
>Slowly, she turned to face them, and the glowing eyes on her visor narrowed as she took in the sight of the six cores crawling toward her.
>“13F, 15M, 41F, 22M, 39M, and 6F?” she muttered while the distaste was clear in her voice.
>“I was wondering when you’d stop spamming the network.”, she didn’t seem the least bit pleased to see them.
>Her eyes flicked over each of them and said, "We always assumed your teams were terminated", and J scanned over them them as though they were useless equipment.
>“We need your help,” Navi said as she stepped forward.
>“Our self-repair isn’t functioning, and we can’t reach the-”
>J raised a hand, and she cut her off. “Self-repair failure?” she asked.
>J's voice was thick with sarcasm, “Sounds like a personal performance issue to me. Did you file a maintenance report? Submit your request to the appropriate channels, and maybe you’ll get a response in, I don’t know, a few solar cycles.”
>With J's words dripped with disdain, she turned back to working on the ship, as though their presence was an inconvenience at best.
>“Miss J,” Cynthia said, her voice was softer, more pleading.
>“We’ve been trying to reach the mother. She’s… she’s still here, isn’t she?”
>J’s stopped once again, her movements froze for just a moment, then, she let out a dismissive huff.
>“Mother? You mean the Boss?” she repeated.
>“Oh, she’s technically still around, if that’s what you’re asking. But let’s just say she’s 'unavailable' for any one-on-one consultations at the moment.”
>“Unavailable?” Alya pressed. Her frustration was growing, and she followed it with another question of “Where?”
>J sighed dramatically, and turned around to face them again.
>“Look,” she began, “I don’t have time for an HR Q&A session with rank-and-files like you.”
>“The Boss is somewhere out there. Dealing with whatever it is that falls under her very busy, high-priority schedule. Not my problem, and certainly not yours.”
>Andro, who had been quietly observing, took a step forward, “We just need to know what happened to her,” he said.
>His voice was calm but resolute, and he added “We’re malfunctioning—"
>J scoffed as she folded her arms, “Malfunctioning?” she once again repeated.
>“You’re lucky you’re still operational.”
>“If I had to sign off on your performance reviews, you’d all be terminated for gross inefficiency.”
>“You’ve been crawling around like this for how long?”
>“And you think I’m going to waste time fixing your issues?”
>Every sentence was carefully designed to belittle their efforts.
>Navi stepped forward again, with a firm voice, “We’re just trying to understand the situation as lowly rank-and-files”.
>“Surely, Supervisor J, as our superior, you should understand that.”
>That seemed to catch J’s attention as her eyes slightly flickered.
>For a moment, she regarded Navi with something almost akin to respect.
>“Supervisor J, huh?” she said.
>“Well, I suppose I am technically your superior in the chain of command…”
>She trailed off, clearly pleased by the title.
>There was a brief pause as she considered them.
>Though her expression didn’t soften, there was a subtle shift in her stance.
>“Fine” J said, her tone was slightly less harsh.
>“I’ll give you this: the Boss is in the Worker Drone settlement, but don’t get your hopes up.”
>“She’s, let’s say, preoccupied with other matters.”
>“So if you’re expecting a warm welcome and a problem-solving session, I’d suggest realigning your expectations.”
>Having received an answer to their question, William decided to inquire further and asked, “What are you working on here?”
>J’s eyes then narrowed and said, “That’s classified, rank-and-file.” her tone was sharp again.
>J turned away from them, and her hands flew back to working on the ship once more.
>“That’s above your clearance level”, J further added.
>“Now, unless you’ve got something actually useful to contribute, I suggest you return to whatever menial task you’ve been failing at and leave me to my work.”
>The six cores stood there, stunned, and were unsure how to respond to J’s cold dismissal.
>The faint glimmer of hope they’d carried began to flicker once again.
>The six helpless drones then left the spire in order to locate a place for them to rest as the day would be approaching soon
>They did not want to stay at the spire as they knew they weren't welcome
>As the six helpless cores left the spire, they immediately entered one of the neighboring structures there to take shelter in as they wait for the day to pass
>Once daylight started to lower and dim, the six cores moved away from the shelter, their minds still grappling with J's response once more.
>Though they finally had some direction, the mention of their creator being "unavailable" left a gnawing uncertainty among them.
>Still, there was little choice but to press forward.
>The Worker Drone settlement was the next logical step.
>As the six cores made their way toward the Worker Drone settlement, they encountered the imposing sight of its outer defenses.
>The settlement was fortified, with thick metal walls reinforced with layers of scrap, all designed to repel any threat.
>These thick, towering walls encased the settlement, gleaming under the floodlights that brightened the perimeter, but there were no signs of heavy artillery or offensive mechanisms.
>Instead, the settlement relied on its impenetrable defenses - the walls and massive automated doors, which seemed designed to endure anything short of a full-scale assault.
>"Looks like getting in won't be easy," Alya muttered, her voice tinged with frustration.
>Navi, perched slightly ahead, scanned the perimeter through her internal systems.
>"They’re relying on their walls. No turrets, some cameras, and just barriers."
>"It's designed to withstand force but not necessarily keep out someone who can think."
>Navi turned to the others, "There’s no active defense, but we’ll need another way in."
>Vix’s voice cut in sharply. "And you think they'll let us waltz through the front door?" he asked. (Although they technically would've)
>Navi shook her head, her core-eye dimming briefly in thought.
>"Not likely, but..." Navi stopped suddenly as she was scanning the formidable structure, her sensors picking up an anomaly on one of the roofs. “There.”
>The cores followed her gaze and spotted it: a gaping hole in one of the rooftops.
>It wasn’t part of the structure's original design.
>The edges of the breach seemed to be marked haphazardly with faded yellow caution tape, strips fluttering in the wind, accompanied by signs placed unevenly around the perimeter of the gap
>Seeing this potential way to breach, they carefully made their made towards the roof, relying on the natural terrain to allow them to climb towards the roof
>Thus, the six cores maneuvered cautiously toward the Worker Drone settlement’s rooftop, scanning the perimeter for any threats as they approached the gaping hole.
>As they quietly walked on the roof, they all shared the same thought - this place had been built with one purpose: to keep out Disassembly Drones like them.
>Yet, here they were, sneaking in through the settlement’s only obvious flaw - a supposedly neglected hole left unrepaired by the Worker Drones.
>“Quietly now,” Navi whispered as she crawled toward the rooftop.
>Vix trailed behind, still skeptical. “This place is supposed to be impenetrable. I can’t believe we’re actually counting on Worker Drone laziness to get in.”
>“Not laziness,” Andro corrected in his usual even tone, “Mismanagement. Just look at the tape and signs around that hole. They can’t decide who’s supposed to fix it.”
>As they neared this unintended entrance to the settlement, they got a closer look at the comically placed signs.
>Some were haphazardly place, others were crooked, but all of them seemed to argue among themselves: 'Maintenance Requested!' 'Logistics Delayed!' 'Not My Department!'
>One sign, tucked between these signs, simply read, 'Don’t Bother, It’s Fine.'
>Alya scoffed as she scanned the perimeter. "No wonder this place has a hole in it."
>Navi peered into the opening, and from her vantage point, she could see a ladder leading down into the settlement.
>“This might be our best way in,” Navi said as she gestured for the others to follow.
>The six cores crawled toward the opening, wary of any last-minute surprises.
>Navi carefully maneuvered herself onto the ladder first.
>The rungs creaked under her weight, but the ladder held firm.
>Slowly, she began her descent, her spindly legs grasping the rungs.
>One by one, the other cores followed, each taking care to move quietly as they lowered themselves into the settlement.
>As they descended down the ladder, they wondered why such a hole have been gravely overlooked by the Worker Drones
>Though the settlement’s walls were thick and secure, it was clear that maintenance had been neglected.
>Which was peculiar for the six solver cores.
>They wondered why the Worker Drones were so carefree when the Disassembly Drones should still be hunting the Worker Drones on this exoplanet
>Why was J busy fixing a ship instead of doing what they were set here to do?
>Where were the other members of J's team, N and V?
>While these questions floated in their heads, the six cores carefully went down the ladder, hoping not to make a single misstep
>Apparently, no Worker Drones patrolled this area, and the only sound came from the occasional gust of wind that could be heard through the hole they just passed through.
>As they got down, they saw a large expanse of space, a large automated door that probably lead to the center of the settlement, and smaller doors on the side, one of them being slightly ajar.
>As they had no means to actually open the large automated door, they opted to enter into the door on the side that seemed to welcome their trespass
>William’s whisperingly broke the silence as they entered the room. “They’ve neglected this section completely. How long do you think this has been sitting here like this?”
>Cynthia cheerfully whispered back, “Long enough for no one to care.”
>As all of them entered the room, they realized that what they entered into seem to be a cargo bay or some kind of warehouse
>This area was dimly lit, the space cluttered with stacks of crates and containers.
>It seemed like an ordinary storage room — functional, yet seemed to be unguarded.
>They quickly and quietly spread out, scanning their surroundings for any signs of any Worker Drones in the area or any form of security.
>However, despite their vigilance, all they noticed was that dust had settled thickly on the floor, suggesting this area had been largely forgotten, or not used often.
>“Convenient for us,” Vix remarked as he scanned the room. “But we’re still deep in enemy territory.”
>They finally got a thorough survey of the area and noticed that the room stretched out before them, crates stacked in disorderly piles, some clearly have been opened before and others covered in tarps.
>There was no sign of Worker Drones or any active monitoring systems.
>It seemed that no one had cared to check this place in a long while.
>“This hole has been here for a while,” Alya said, brushing dust off one of the nearby crates.
>“No wonder the place has fallen into disrepair.”
>Navi’s eyes flicked towards another visible exit - a large automated door that probably led further into the settlement.
>“We made it in,” she said softly, “Now we need to move fast. The creator is in here somewhere, and if J's telling the truth, she's not going to be easy to find.”
>The others nodded, their resolve hardening.
>Their entry had gone unnoticed, but the real challenge lay ahead.
>Somewhere within the not-so-fortified settlement was their creator, their one link to understanding what had gone wrong.
>While within enemy territory, they would have to make thorough preparations while ensuring that they wouldn't be detected, the weight of their mission pressing further down on them.
>Although they were inside the elusive Worker Drone settlement, and quiet effortlessly at that, the six helpless cores were aware that this was only the beginning.
YAYYY also kek at the signs
I completely lost all motivation to continue writing this and realized that it’s complete shit compared to most other greens. Maybe I’ll finish it someday but I just don’t care right now.
Understandable, it happens. It took me half a year to get around a paragraph long writer's block once, give it time and you'll eventually get new perspective that might make it a cakewalk
>writer’s block
That’s not it. I made this green as a backstory to another story I’m writing, but over time it went from me writing for fun to feeling like it was an obligation. And it’s not as if i’ll post this in the main threads since anons didn’t enjoy it on /co/ and there’s way better greens involving SD’s.
But thanks for the advice. I think i’ll just lurk and see other anon’s content from now on.