Hello, my good Friends! I hope you are doing well, today I bring you Drones, because they are amazing. All of them are, I love them all, I love Drones. The humongous Booru: https://dronebooru.co The intriguing wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The very meticulously constructed OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character
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>>168130 >Yeah N keeps getting on me for not cleaning my room >Sometimes my chassis leaks this weird goo, I don't know what it is, and I just wipe it off on the wall >There's a colony of roachbots under my bed, they eat my leftovers
Guys this is a real scene from season 2 I’m not kidding https://dronebooru.co https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>165164
Friends, and Friends, we are here once more, and I hope you are doing mighty fine, are you? While you tell me, we can talk about the amazing Drones that we talk about every day, every hour, and for some of us, every minute. Let's keep having interesting talks about the Drones. I know it's not Christmas but the drawing is good. The massive Booru: https://dronebooru.co The fascinating wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf
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Good morning my Friends. I hope you are doing well this day, I hope you feel awesome, because today we are going to have some fun talking about Drones. The giant Booru: https://dronebooru.co The interesting wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The very well documented OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character
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To keep things separate and organized, anything related to the booru goes here. If you have any questions, suggestions, or find anything odd in there, discuss it here. Technically, the forums can be enabled in the booru to keep discussion there, however, since this exists for now, that feature may be left to be enabled for the future.
>>164196 wait this is really confusing. let me reword that,
how would I tag PotatoSalad's Drawing in other anon's styles. would I tag it as both potato salad and the artist who's style their attempting? or just use the og title and og description feature to say it's her drawing in someone else's style?
>>164196 >>164200 Just put it in the description if you want to mention it. If the second artist did not work on it, then they should not be tagged. https://dronebooru.co/posts/8693 already is a case of that, and only has the artist who drew it tagged.
Image:173975149208.png(300kB, 950x1108)SD-I look like exodia.png
Friends, the olds and the news. I think you are beautiful. Drones, let's talk about these little criaturas, shall we? I hope you are having a nice day. The magnificent Booru: https://dronebooru.co The improved wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf
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The formidable Booru: https://dronebooru.co The modernized wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The educational OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character
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Image:173957010748.png(112kB, 1000x690)Doll and Thalia fighting.png
Friends, here we are in a new Thread. Somebody asked me about getting some Drones. That take a lot of work, I want you to think about thinking smarter, not harder. You can take a sign saying "free hugs" or "free human". The formidable Booru: https://dronebooru.co The modernized wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The educational OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character
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I nabbed this from Kevin temmer’s hard drive trust me he’s my uncle Find some art here: https://dronebooru.co/ Spin the wheel here: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf Also with modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf if you wanna know more about a certain oc https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character
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Hi my good Friends. Today's subject: Drones. The impressive Booru: https://dronebooru.co The very modern wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The academically full of knowledge OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character
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Hey Friends, hope you are doing well. I welcome you to a new Thread to talk about the Drones that we love so much. Yeah that pretty much it, you know we are going to talk about Drones so why delay it more. I hope you are doing well. The exceptional Booru: https://dronebooru.co The almost magnificent wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf
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>>159407 >you fall asleep drunk right as your drono dwarfus retardius growths were about to drop off >the drono dwarfus retardius versions of you are also asleep drunk a la the Godzillamen that were budding off ShinGoji's tail
Hello my good Friends. I'm here with another Thread. I hope you enjoy your stay, he gave Drones of all type and shades of white, DD white and, WD white, SD white too. Anyway, I hope you are doing good. The remarkable Booru: https://dronebooru.co The completely incredible wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf
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I didn’t know drones had an afterlife, or souls for that matter. Booru here: https://dronebooru.co Wheel here: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf wiki here: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last thread:>>155653