Hello Friends, it's me again. I think we should talk about the same as before, you know, MD, MD Thread related, Drones, Disassembly Drones, Worker Drones, Solver, Solver Wars, Humans that lived, etc. Because we have so much fun talking about it! Have a very nice day. The impressive Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Hello Friends! We are here again to talk anything MD, MD Thread related. Drones, Disassembly Drones, Worker Drones, Solver, Solver Wars, Humans that lived, etc. I think you know why we do this, because we find it fun and amazing and you know it. Have a very nice day. The fantastical Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Good night, or morning, Friends. Let's once again talk about the cute Drones, Threads, Murder Drones, Disassembly Drones, etc. It's really fun to talk about that, so let's do it! I hope you are having a nice day. The imposing Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>22178 I made a post to that tune as a joke once and immediately regretted it because "it was all a dream" is such a godawful way to end most stories that I still felt bad.
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Good night, morning, or afternoon Friends. I hope everyone is doing fine. You are going to do fine since we are going to talk about Drones! Drones, the Threads, Murder Drones, Worker Drones, Disassembly Drones, etc. Like we always do, let's have some fun talking about them. The grand Booru: https://dronebooru.co
GOOD MORNING ONCE AGAIN FRIENDS! Today's subject, Drones, and why they are so important to our lives. Besides that, MD, the Threads, OCs, and everything to be honest, like every day, so let's start this beautiful with more Drone talk! I hope you are having a very nice day, Friend. The majestic Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>20070 Imagine after eating the universe, Cyn creates her own personal universe to act as her playroom. Forcing her “family” to be with her forever, but she can make them live the way SHE wants to.
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GOOOD MORNING FRIENDS! Shall we speak about topics of Murder Drones and the Threads once again? I think the answer is yes, let's do it once again, like always, like we have been doing for a long time. Let's talk about anything related to MD, Drones, the Threads, etc. because it's really fun. I hope you are having a nice day. The impressive Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Good day, Friends! Let's continue the talk about MD, Disassembly Drones, Worker Drones, and the Series in general. We can talk about anything you find interesting, MD or Thread related, as always. Let's show our love for MD. I hope you are having a nice day Friend. The incredible Booru: https://dronebooru.co
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Good day or night Friends. As always, let's talk about Drones, Worker Drones, Disassembly Drones, OC Drones, Canon Drones, anything related to Murder Drones and the Threads, since it's so much fun! I hope we have fun, but I don't need to hope that, we always have fun! The alluring Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>17888 >one is about to sperg and call James a faggot cock sucker >the other has to quickly cover their twins mouth >this causes them to also be about to sperg out and call James a motherfucking son of a bitch >now they’re both sweating and covering each others mouth so they don’t get a fork in the eyes
Image:172213424615.jpg(196kB, 1280x1280)V gives J a new hairstyle.jpg
HELLO, my beautiful Friends. Let's keep talking about our beloved robots that we call Drones, Worker Drones or Disassembly Drones, because we love them so much. We need to speak again about Murder Drones and anything Thread-related, because it's fun! Let's have fun as always! The fascinating Booru: https://dronebooru.co
Discuss, theorize & fanwank over all things involving the Solver War Here are a number of possible discussion points to start things off
>How long did it Earth actually last before getting gobbled up by The Solver? >What kind of weapons/creations/creatures did The Solver & Humanity employ? >How did each system end up ultimately succumbing to The Solver?
... message too long. Click here to view the full post.
Hello my Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day, an amazing day, a good day. Let's talk about Drones, shall we? We must talk about Drones, how lovely they are, how much they deserve love. And we also should talk about Murder Drones and anything Thread related too! Let's have so much fun as always! The SENSATIONAL Booru: https://dronebooru.co
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This thread is for the posting of potential banners or future ones. >You can give criticism but don't be a complete jerk >If someone gives you criticism don't be a complete jerk back >Thank you.
Good day, my Friends! I hope you're doing well. Let's keep talking about everyone's favorite, the Drones. Let's talk about Murder Drones, all the types of Drones, everything that is Thread related and much more! This is going to be fun, as always. The remarkable Booru: https://dronebooru.co