Hello and I hope you are doing well, Friend. You know how this goes. Keep the good talk about the Drones, OC or Canon, doesn't matter, Drones are nice to talk about, as well as the Thread creations, and more. Hope you are having a nice time. The good Booru: https://dronebooru.co The wheel of the many OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/8hc-stc The last Thread: >>112243
>>113220 Copper-9 is the only planet left THAT IS OWNED BY A GOVERNMENT. The patch is basically only a flag of government owned colonies, not independent ones. The planets on the flag just happen to be the ones The Solver needs
>>113141 I'm ashamed I find him hot >he wants to have a little competition with you >who can make the other cum first >it's just a game between bros, so it's not gay
>>113256 There is the alt of her too Almost a year old, need to remake that, but haven't drawn in three days in order to regain excess motivation maybe it will workout again
>>113274 >>113276 >Anon BULLYING Cyn with his godlike powers over the narrative >SHOVING Cyn into a locker >SLAPPING Cyn on the back of the head >STEALING Cyn’s cosmic lunch money
>>113284 >The Solver, petty and vengeful, creates an exact replica of Uzi from gingerbread >Hoping to simulate some form of victory she brings to cookie to life so she can consume and laugh at its pathetic struggling >Unfortunately for The Solver it gets its ass kicked...by a cookie
>>113291 I have an idea, ever heard about a teleportation paradox where instead of moving your molecules it just copies you? Imagine that a teleportation machine can't really move all your molecules, in a way it just creates a new body and moves your consciousness, technically there will be two of you but they will kill the old you, so there is no problem, but that is besides the point. Now imagine a dying Tessa, she, to survive, moves her consciousness to a drone body, and boom, she has now a drone body, except it didn't move it, it copies her consciousness to the drone body, meaning the old Tessa still dies, she didn't survive, but the new Tessa technically is the old Tessa, and for her point of view it did work, now you have a ghost Tessa that wants the drone Tessa to do something about this situation.
>>113301 No, J has to marry Anon and become a housewife focused on being promoted to head of the family by creating a bunch of nonvoting vice presidents (children)
>>113306 I mean, that's my idea. To be honest, that brings a lot of philosophical and deep questions, like the most important, is it worth it? The risk of you not being in the new body.
>>113316 >Cyn puts Hope's consciousness in the Old Net behind the Blackwall >She tries to be a shining beacon of goodness in what is essentially electronic hell for the people who are stuck in the Old Net
>>113317 I mean it's not a risk it's a 100% chance. there's no coin flip or anything like that, if you get put in a matter disassembler then the original you dies and the next you stumbles out none the wiser
So I had an argument with this brat of a wagie drone and may or may not have been loaded into screwing her next to the dumpster behind Best Buy and now she won't stop pestering me but she keeps saying she doesn't like me or anything What the heck do I do with this situation
>>113327 If I get paid then I'm officially a prostitute, I still have a little pride >>113328 >>113329 I asked her if that would work and she said it wouldn't but then when I tried again while clanging her she said she wanted to marry me. Really getting mixed messages here, anyone else have a weird bipolar wagie drone?
>>113331 >Pilot Doll Bullies whoever else happens to go under it, never actually kisses them, but probably does some weird loophole >Post-Pilot Doll Murder
>>113335 >You give N some of your extra beef jerky since he asked politely >As he eats it he says "yummy yummy in my tummy" >He finishes eating, smacking his lips loudly and licking his fingers clean before he ealizes you're staring at him >"What?" Are you serious? Did you actually just say "yummy yummy in my tummy"? >"Well, yeah, but-" Holy shit kill yourself you fucking faggot. I'm going to go hang out with J instead.
>>113333 Its their programming anon. They hate their job and act blasé but the good ol sex reveals their true feelings. Pent up frustrations and all that
>>113341 >a single golden tear runs down N's display >"oh... haha, yeah... sorry, bu– uhm, anon. you two have fun." >before you can stand from your seat, you hear an ominous scuttling from the ceiling tiles >indefinite blue static shapes flicker in and out of sight, curling near-invisibly around your head >you probably shouldn't hav
>Be sentinel drone stationed on space station >Frequently see humans punch each other in the shoulder >Think it must be some kind of bonding ritual, and decide you want to try it out for yourself >See sentinElf walking down the hall >Walk up to her and punch her in the right arm, hard >
>No cause was ever discovered for the sudden vanishing of station 45b >However investigators have noted that its disappearance coincided with a small gamma ray burst of unknown origin in the same area >Investigations are still ongoing
>>113220 Uzi will eventually find a measure of peace with being a god-worm now, out herself to everyone to a complete lack of fear because it's clear she's still the same old Uzi, and figure out-starting with Doll-how to respawn the people whose souls she's assimilated into her mind palace in fresh cores.
>>113310 >Uzi with Doll, V, J, and Nori at Lizzy's girls nights/monster support group >Uzi and N bonding over their shared trauma of becoming monstrosities >N gently stroking one of Uzi's Solverpede camera eyes as it lays in his lap, a look of contentment in Uzi's eye
>>113358 Right amount of detailing/realism and stylization/exxageration, along with poses that are attractive and look fluid, but still show almost everything of the character. Also coming up with those at times, not ideas in itself, actual poses settings. Idk
>>113372 Good idea. I am unglad with how we could have had her beautifull mid almost exposed, what we got is far from bad but there is much more fabric in episode 6 compared to the concept art, and has a black pattern on its own which makes it impossible to draw while including/showing holes. Nevertheless, Alice's mid is awesome, wanna hug it. The way we so clearly see her hips and chest being slightly wider, the rags and tatters next to her black mid showing how much sleeker than above and below it is, just another peakdesign aspect if Alice. Not to forget us seeing her pelvis here
>Spot a lone oogi out in the woods one day. >It appears to have scavenged a berry to take back to its hive. But something is wrong. >It does not waddle, but instead hobbles. Closer inspection reveals a sprained leg. >Poor thing. >Walking over to it alerts the creature to your presence, and in response it lets out a pained cry in an attempt to hide under its beanie. >Barely mustering an "Eep!" before falling over on its side. >You'd laugh if it weren't so pathetically heartbreaking. >Picking the injured oogi up in your palm, you can see its big purple eyes fearfully anticipating death. >The oogi quivers. >"Hey, it's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you." >As a display of friendliness, you gently pat its head. >It recoils under the pressure but soon enough it realises you're not hurting it. >The terror slowly begins to vanish as it stops shaking and instead leans into your touch. >"See? Friend."
>"Fwend..." >Now that you've earnt its trust, it's time to deal with the leg. >Luckily, there are numerous twigs about that could act as makeshift splints. >Some minutes later, you've fixed it up with an appropristely sized twig and some stray thread from your pocket. >It wiggles the stubby limb a bit and winces, not really sure of what it's supposed to do. >But it doesn't matter. >You give it back its berry and send it on its way close to its hive. >But not before it gives your finger a hug and a smile. >"Fank u oomie." >Aww. >You wave goodbye to the curious mistake of nature as it limps along back home.
>"SCREEEEEEE!" >Until a J-Eagle scoops it up in its claws and carries it off to be eaten by newborns.
>>113378 >(can't look directly at [sentinels]) This and the old sentinel concept art really makes them way more terrifying than the ones we got. Originally, so much as looking into their optics was instant death. Not a freeze like it is now, it bricked the victim's WD_OS. I'm guessing he changed it because you can't have meaningful action sequences with something like that, especially with main characters too stupid to understand what the "don't look at them" text meant, but holy hell.
>>113380 I know right? The concept could still be used tho, imagine having the Sentinel with dual lights instead of one (concept art vs. Canon), which are lethal. Maybe these were made for war, DDs have good vision but let's be honest they with exception of N (only somewhat better than the others, still toyed with Uzu and got bidenblasted) are far too indulged into what they are doing, remember how J and V got both jumped by the helicopter while tearing apart the dead soldiers? Their eyes should have seen it coming. Anyways, that's how Sentinels could have worked in war, also worth mentioning that they need to be charged, means they have no core/singularity which could perhaps be of use.
Having the lethal ones in CFL would have been too extreme tho, no way anyone would have made it then. I hate the thought, it wouldn't be bad but it would feel bad af. Still, they are molded after predators, they are smart and can be very quiet, enough potential to be terrifying as is. I'm afraid of them
One more thing, I noticed some scenes I forgot completely, between the switch from Alice's area to the lobby, there is a short montage of shots in CFL, one being this. The same camera and hallway of the ambush 10 minutes earlier (in eo6 time), the Sentinel walks from the left to the right, meaning Alice and Beau must have dragged the protags down that way. CFL in general is so massive, nit just in the lore but the 3D model. We saw far less than half of it
>>113382 >>113379 And for those who do not like oogi abuse: Disclaimer: The oogi survived thanks to its fat ass being too big to fit down the throat of the J-Eagle chicklet that tried to eat it. It subsequently spat the oogi out and it landed back safely in its hive. Much to the Mother J-Eagle's disappointment. She promptly named that chicklet 'Jobber'.
Alice and the Sentinels should have been chill Imagine that scene but the Sentinel's is actually just a really chill guy who's cool with it and just chills
Seriously tho why are they so stewpit they literally killed themselves by taking Alice down, V peaked at 6's end imo. Alice really is the indomitable human spirit with her out of action the Sentinels didn't even last another hour what shame or not they deserved it. Also shouldn't 'sparky' run out of battery soon? No stations for his kind in the surface and I don't thunk they'd serve him in the bunker
Sentinels more like Sentiniggers Chimpout against their Southern master and make things worse for everyone with their new freedom, maybe Liam is wiser than he let on I mean canon Sentinels nit the OCs
>Stheno, a Sentinel Drone who uses experimental equipment but isn't part of the Starseekers >This is because said equipment is hazardous to every drone but her >Instead of the standard bootloop flashers, her visor constantly broadcasts a "basilisk" signal, permanently bricking the OS of any non-Sentinel who looks at her >Even Sentinels aren't fully immune, it bootloops them, so she has to fly solo on almost all missions >She wears a huge apparatus on her head whenever not on a mission to keep drones from dying on sight, but it blinds her in the process >She's quiet, not sad but unhappy, yet refuses to have her equipment removed because she knows she's making a difference >And yes, humans are immune to her gorgon stare, so (You) are probably that one guy in the base she clings to
>Mildenhall Manor has a grave saying "Peggy (short form for Margaret) 2019 - 2022" >The Mildenhalls aren't Tessa's uncles, they're their distant ancestors
Anons I have an idea >TADC's Mystery of Mildenhall Manor is based on a true story from the 2020s >Theodore manages to capture a paranormal entity but it drives him mad and forms a cult around it >Centuries later, his descendants (Elliotts or Frumpterbuckets) use it to power robots, creating the Absolute Solver
>>113419 That's cool and all anon, but I prefer connecting Murder Drones to Liam's works instead of Glitch's works. JCJenson could've discovered the AS from the remains of the ICs and Refinoc, Terminator 2 style
>>113421 >CJenson could've discovered the AS from the remains of the ICs and Refinoc, Terminator 2 style Wouldn't that just technically make the AS a man-made thing like some of the theories instead of an endritch god-like being?
>>113423 The source of the IC's power could very well still be paranormal. Maybe whatever eldritch god that the ICs drew power from also created the Left Hands
>>113358 >drawing Inconsistency. Some times I execute really competently, other times I'm staring in shock/confusion at something. That leads to revisions and measurements and so on, which eat away at time, which leads to less effort available for QC/being careful, causing further mistakes. >writing Pacing. I can't resist elaborating on some scene or concept (like an interaction between two characters) and the result is that all my stories move slower than I would like.
>>113428 Damn near of them would fit in the narrative, unless it was a slice of life comedy where random personalities are featured in every episode. TAMMFK learned this the hard way.
>>113358 Laziness. Beyond that drawing clean forms quickly + perspective. Beyond that my drawing speed is abysmal but see problem 1 and 2 for the reason for that. But i would say thst my inability to draw clean forms in perspective quickly is my major weakness. If you can draw the fundimental forms in the correct place thst already makes drawing stupid easy. Which unfortunately i lack. But even beyond that id say drawing more than one character makes things exponentially difficult especially if they are interacting or in some sort of background. Oh yeah that too backgrounds
>>113420 Time, faggots. It's damn near middle of 4 am in the US. Just look at when the thread is active and look up the time in the United States of America, the burgerposters make up the majority of the thread population. >>113427 No, I have confirmation that the board will die and consequent threads here and on vanilla /co/ will cease to exist once we hit midnight on New Year's Eve. Every poster, every drawfag, every writefag, every modelfag will just be de-atomized. Count on it.
>>113358 >drawing Perspectives and just backgrounds in general. It's why I haven't done any environmental drawings, even though they would help quite a lot with the setting. >writing I'm actually not too sure, pacing can sometimes be an issues, with me feeling like I've put too much focus on one scene and then blitzed past another. I would like some feedback from those that have read my stuff to add more things I should look into.
>>113441 >PS: stop killing yourselves pls >B and Jane on watch together, talking about life before all of this, and the little things they took for granted >A soldier leaps out of his watchtower and leans headfirst in front of them, his neck snapping on impact and giving him just enough time to say "thank God" >They only stop reminiscing for a few seconds
>>113451 >B and Jane do love each other >But Bonnie understands morale of the troops comes before all else >She has instructed Jane they need to help them, in any way they can. >sometimes it’s one of them taking the duty of “helping” the grunts, sometimes it’s both at the same time when the men are especially agitated >Bonnie on the duty is very caring and tender in her “morale boosting exercises” ensuring total pleasure for all parties, which she is usually surrounded by. There is enough of her to go around and seemingly endless energy to do so. >Jane is as distant as always, and surprising rough at the start. It’s all the more fun when she eventually buckles under the weight of the lust. >the nights when it’s both of them are the best, they are usually pressed against each other as well trading saliva in sheer pleasure
>"Hey J, do you think after the war is over, all this flesh will just go away? >"Just disappear like it was never there leaving nothing but all the rubble?" >"..." >"I think it will J, If it can just suddenly appear without warning maybe it can just go away as well" >"It has to" >"..." >"Hey B, When this is over where would you have it" >"Have what?" >"You know, it." >"Oh." >"..." >"How would you want it J?" >"Vegas." >"We would go in, use whatever money the Government gives us for our duty, and play every game and drink every spirit we get our hands on until our rented dresses are completely soaked in rum and whisky" >"Then, piss drunk out of our minds, we stumble into the nearest walk in, and black out" >"HA, typical, but you would be the only one blacking out you're the one who can't handle her liquor" >"..." >"I think I would want to do it somewhere not covered in blood, flesh, fire, or rubble for starters unless we have to." >"I want it to be on a beach so we can hear the waves and the sounds of the ocean, also because I know you hate sand which makes carrying you around even funnier" >"We will get one of the few remaining drones, repurpose them as a DJ/Boombox and play those Disco classics you love" >"We could invite the boys from the camp to attend in order to fill the seats. I think some of them would be a suitable preacher as well, a lot of them turned to religion and got officially sanctioned from the Church when that was still around back when we believed this was a biblical apocalypse." >"Of course we would have drinks after the service, and a nice big chocolate cake with vanilla frosting" >"Then I would pick you, hold you close, and throw you directly into the ocean and laugh" >"You know I can't Swim B that's not funny" >"It would be a little funny" >"... It would be a little funny" >"..." >"That would be nice B, It's a nice dream" >"Why does it have to be a Dream?" >"..." >"It won't be B."
>>113471 >>113472 This is incredible, just a reminder how in an internet full of talentless hacks these threads have somehow scooped up a very nice ensemble of Anons with significant skill brought together by dronetism
So /md/, do we still agree Uzi would want to keep being a giant centipede monster now secret from any kids she and N might have, or would she want to be honest with them about this thing that's weighing on her?
>>113489 Not necessarily. The J-Eagle was an offshoot of the Jay species that is widely considered to be a mistake. Don't tell a J-Eagle that or it explodes.
Other Jay variants come in chibinoid forms like the oogis and enns, arthtopods such as the slow but steady Jail (J Snail) and insects like the elusive yet beautiful Joth (J Moth).
>Be you. >Have both a Bugretta and a Unnon. >You got the Unnon to keep the Bugretta company as you're out working. >They like each other very much, especially with how the Bugretta likes the Unnon's 'gweens'. >One day you come back from work and head to the Bugretta and Unnon's enclosure. >Once there, you see something unexpected. >An Oogi is sitting in the enclosure, with the Bugretta and Unnon sleeping on a blanket. >The strangest thing about the Oogi is that it's green. Not purple like the standard Oogi. >It's got a scrap of paper and it's writing something on it with with a piece of crayon. >The green Oogi notices your presence and drops the crayon piece and holds out the scrap of paper >"Humie, look! Oogi made gween!' >It's surprising that it looks very similar to the Unnon's gween but the thing that's most worrying you... >What happened while you were gone? And how did this weird Oogi get in?
>A team of three female disassembly drones was doing a little patrol, trying to find any careless, or not-so-careless, worker drones >This team of drones, was not the sharpest of them all, but like their appearances, they thought practically the same >Flying around some couple of meters from the ground, they were able to see a mansion, and it didn't look abandoned, it looked clean and not dominated by nature like so many buildings >They flew down, far away enough so if a worker drone was inside the structure they were not able to see them >Slowly they approached the mansion, trying not to make too much noise to take by surprise anyone who might be inside >And once they were in front of the main door, they nodded at each other and they opened the set of big double doors >They entered pulling their claws out, seeing all around if they could see any drone in the main entrance, but it was empty >The room was silent, might as well be the whole house, there were not even some distant sounds of wind >And while looking around, the set of doors which they came in got closed by themselves, the doors slamming shut >The three look towards the doors, there was no one there, not in front, and it didn't sound like there was someone behind >They were getting confused at the door closing out of nowhere, and even more confused when they turned around and saw a worker drone >A worker drone in the middle of bifurcated stairs, wearing a red suit that was clearly made for her, for some reason having horns, and even more weird, a tail that ended in a heart shape >She moved her silver hair out of her yellow LED eyes to see them better, and realized something "You are not the guests I was expecting!" She said in a tone of surprise >Seeing a worker drone, the three disassembly drones began to talk, something almost impossible to decide >"Sooo... I'm going to eat her, right?" >"You ate last time!" >"I haven't eaten in 3 days, just saying" >And while they started to discuss, increasing making their speaking tone louder, and louder about who was going to eat the worker drone at the top of the stairs, the drone just fixed her suit a bit
>>113500 >Suddenly, a circle under the worker drone appeared, it looked like the floor was marked by burns >Then some cracks appeared on it, letting some mysterious steam come out fast, only letting a silhouette of the drone be seen >The air felt dense, while red and yellow lights covered the room everyone was in; screams that could only be described as eldritch could be heard loud and clear >The three drones got close to each other, scared by what they were seeing, some type of unknown magic >Then the screams stopped, the light came back to normal, and all the steam went in between the crack of the floor where they came from, for the floor to repair itself, leaving no mark of what just happened >What the three drones had in front now, was a disassembly drone, wearing the same red suit, the only difference is that it was longer, and now it had no pants nor shoes >The drone still had her short silver hair, her horns stayed the same size, and the end of her tail now was a stinger >"Hello, and welcome sudden guests. I'm your host BZ, you can call me Beel" Beel does a small reverence towards the three drones that were hugging each other >The three disassembly drones were obviously scared, all of this kicked them off their balance >"You came here uninvited, but as a good host, I will take you all with no problem, let's have a meal, shall we? It is the time after all" She said pointing at a clock, which showed it was past midnight "Disassembly drones like us have dinner at this time, no?" >The three drones remain silent, not knowing what to do or say at this very moment exactly, they were still processing all of what just happened >Beel walked down the stairs "Please follow me to the dining room. And do not wander around, after all, it is very disrespectful" She said while walking to a set of double doors >Beel opened the doors revealing the dining room, it was a long and big room with, a ceiling so high one could easily fly in there; the three drones didn't trust this >One of them ran towards the main entrance to try to escape from there, but it was useless, the door was blocked by meat vines covering it almost completely >She still tried, and one of the other two came to her aid, but it was impossible to get open, no matter how much they pushed or pulled >The last one ran to the opposite side of the dining room, to another set of doors, thinking she could find another exit >Once she opened the door, she only saw a deep darkness, filled with tentacles, some tentacles even had a claw >Freezing up for a second, the disassembly drone girl got grabbed by the tentacles and pulled into the darkness, for then the door was closed behind her >The two lasting drones hug each other for a second before aiming their guns toward Beel >"Your companion will join us later. Let's go the to the dining room" Beel said, without any fear in her tone, to begin to walk into the room >The two drones too fearful to take the shot lower their weapons, turning them back into normal hands, and start to follow her
>The room is fully decorated, is beautiful, and there doesn't seem to be a place lacking decoration, from the wallpaper to the table, chandeliers, windows, and everything >"Sit down you two, I will soon bring you the plates to eat" BZ chuckled, maybe she was trying to be comforting, for the drones, it just came as creepy >Beel noticing how uncomfortable they looked, decided to go to the kitchen fast, to give them some time to relax >And a minute passed, in complete silence, just the two drones in the room, it was the best moment to start talking >"We need to find a way to escape" "I know, this place is scary, she is scary" Both drones paused for a second "I just wanted to bring downfall to a WD colony!" "I just wanted to eat, and probably we will be eaten now" >Both drones didn't know what to do now, just thinking, almost talking then deciding not to share the idea >But with the seconds running, they had some desperate ideas "This place shouldn't be impenetrable, maybe we could break the windows to get out" "Seems too easy, maybe we leave that to last resort" "What if-" >But before she could talk, the doors to the reception opened completely, that room in complete darkness, tentacles coming out of it, scaring the two drones who started to scream >Then the third of the drones comes out of the darkness where the tentacles reside, these tentacles slamming her into a chair, before going back to the darkness and closing the doors behind it >The drones stopped screaming, to look at the drone so similar looking to them, just sitting there in silence, looking far away, but looking at nothing at the same time >"Are you... okay?" "What did you see there" The third drone snapped out of whatever trance she was in, and she looked at them "You two don't want to know" Then her whole body shivered >The other two prefer not to ask about it anymore, maybe it was better for it to be forgotten
>>113501 >After some seconds more Beel returns with three plates, it looked like a soup made of oil, and something floating there, looking almost like meat, but it was translucent >"I'm back, here is dinner for you three "She said putting the plates down in front of them three "Hope you girls like it, took me some time to do" >With that, she goes to the other end of the table, to just sit down and wait for them to eat >The three drones look at each other, not knowing if to eat, but not wanting the tentacles to appear and drag them into the darkness, probably, they start to eat >But they quickly realize, this is normal oil, and the weird meat is just worker drone intestines, which is quite delicious >They start to eat with no problems >"Cooked worker drone!" >"Not bad" >"Finally something to eat" >They say, Beel smiles at their talk "Yes, it is worker drone, it is pretty hard to not notice, is it?" >"Glad you three like it; a guest of mine treated me so horribly, I fed him some nice food, some old and good oil, and he calls me a monster. I feed him his last meal and treats me like that" Saying that the drones stop eating >BZ notices this and tries to calm them down "Don't be such a baby you three, it is not your final meal, you three are fine" And the drones start to slowly get back to eating >"Calling me a monster, how cruel. I eat out of necessity, not for pleasure. I'm not a monster I am a Disassembly Drone, the difference is that one will not eat them and the other is some kind of job, that involves eating them" >The three drones look at her stranged, not knowing if they have to laugh or something >Beel notices how they are looking at her "Don't worry, being alone so much time made me bad with jokes, I can't remember them well now. But it is a true story anyway" The three drones just kept eating >"That's how he lost his life" Beel said, the three drones just kept eating a little uncomfortable "Nothing? I need to work on my material, bad jokes do not make me a better host. Is the food at least good?" >"It is good" >"Delicious" >"The first cooked drone I have eaten" >BZ looks happy seeing how much they liked her food
>While looking at them eating, BZ glances at a clock to notice the hour, it takes her a second but she suddenly stands up "Oh for robo-god! How could I forget?!" She says to get close to the three drones >She makes them stand up and starts to push them to the main entrance "I had guests coming over! I just didn't expect uninvited guests here! But a good host always welcomes people when they can, anyway, you three need to leave" >Beel keeps pushing them until she pushes them out of the mansion "It was fun, I hope I see you three in the future!" To then close the door in their faces >"This has to be the weirdest thing I have ever experienced" >"I have to agree on that" >"I didn't finish my food..." The last one said in a sad tone >One of the drones hit the head of the complaining one, and the three of them started to fly away from the place >After all Beel had more guests coming
>>113424 Don't know about a discord but >>113073 is suspicious > Post is written like someone reposting art > The art isn't on Mercs public socials > Rat Jane is very thread specific > Very unlikely to be a public commission
>>113531 It was something implemented to "combat spam" if I remember correctly. Basically if you don't have any recent posts on 4chan, you have to wait 15 minutes to be able to post or give the jannies your email.
>>113532 >>113534 funny thing, it does nothing to combat spam. all it does is block the people who clear cookies on exit; forcing people to use the same sessions, which is useful for 4chan cause it can then group a persons posts under the same user (session) id, which is good for data mining.
>>113542 Can't argue with that. What I'm saying is that if you want company, you should look for people who are good at being company. Drawfags are good at drawing.
>>113543 I'm not really looking for pals or anything, this place and it's satellites are just the only places that hold much value to me at this point I just don't want to miss anything exciting (or boring) (or at all)
>>113544 Anon, I think this thing is just a tbing between like 2 drawfags who are probably buddies with eachother. What your asking is the equivalent of seeing 2 strangers going to watch football at their house and asking to join them, not because you like football, but because you want to watch them
Elf would never actually love you, even if you were unfailingly nice to her. She wouldn't have a silly stalking obsession with you, she'd avoid you like she does everyone else, and kill you during her rampage like everyone else.
Anons, I want to begin writing greentexts of the different OCs, but I have little to no knowledge about them and I'm not gonna spend 3 days reading up all of the disorganized greens on the booru.
Mini U-U >Isn't actually a separate entity from U-U, but instead are smaller connected bodies they can remotely observe Anon through >Utilized in situations where it isn't reasonable for them both to come along but they still want companionship >Both of them still tease Anon, at least until he teases them back about what he'll do to them both once he gets home >They can fit into his gloves and act as little hand heaters
>>113571 I have accidentally knocked my phone off my desk with my boner more than once. Mini U-U would break from how often they'd fall to the floor. Cause you know they wouldn't keep their distance.
>>113575 Harper, to my knowledge since I'll be frankly honest I never read her greentext is like this >Harper is a friendly Sentinel Drone who isn't shy about taking newbies under her wing >Harper has a tragic past that explains her behavior, one that she has never forgiven herself for
>>113575 Harper is the wholesome SD that acts as the centerpoint of the Sentinel base AU, which is a more lighthearted and domestic version of the original sentinel drone setting. She's essentially a motherly drone who is friendly with everyone, she also has a worker drone daughter whose father died in the war.
>>113472 Sweet work, man. The timelapse gif always makes it look fast and done on one layer. Did you truly render her like that? The clean sleekness to your work is impeccable.
Idea...a Drone Girl with the personality and degree of medical expertise of Dr. Zoidberg Admit It. Just Because It's A Drone Girl You'd Let Her Operate On You Despite The 90000% Lethality Chance
>>113585 >Lives in a literal dumpster >Eats moldy food for no reason >Smells like death, literally >Expert on repairing and fixing Drones >Claims to be an expert on operating on humans and anything not a Drone, but really isn't Yeah she'd be someones waifu
>>113591 5 minutes? I don't really see how it's stopping you from posting a page. Just write it out in any text program of your choice and then copy and paste it onto the wiki.
>>113522 Ye of course she has them, looks great really doesn't it? Somewhat hard to draw tho since there is no real border between hair and screen. Now I really wanna draw her again >>113525 Don't think she was emo before, doesn't seem like Alice. No idea why she has them but it looks really and I seriously mean REALLY good. Perhaps Alice didn't use to have them back in CFL but made it herself, her gown also has a very beautiful patern with such striped areas looks too aesthetic to be only random smears.
>>113522 Another animation stage, her hair in 6 seems to have something reddish but that appears to be effects of her orange eyes shining on it. The model shows the streaks however are actually solid black, the rest of her hair is brown
>>113601 (me) The duality of my drawing styles. rn im working part on the mechanism that holds the mechs head &smaller arms, its going to be attached to a rail that can rotate around inside the interior cabin, and even somewhat pop out of the front when the front hatches are open.
>>113608 Aw that fits too... Amda has borderline turqueoiseish green/'rusty' copper/emeraldish, Yeva the dark proper blueish purple, Nori the 'brownish'(in comparison) lighter purple/pink, all very extraordinary. Actually makes sense, Alice I think would not colour herself brightly, the black fits well with her, low contrast patterns are extremely unerrated. Sometimes I think Alice's design is a little edgy, in an adorable way ofc. Sharp teeth, the massive antlers with knives, knifetail, so much black and dark colours, it's awesome tho
Now that Elf has finished her training she should have some more free time to waste here. Possibly expect the Anon x Elf story within the coming decade.
>>113632 >Uzi - forma de gremlin (smelly femcel that can't even get along with Thad) >Nori - forma de cabeza crab (femcel progenitor and can't even tell her husband she's alive) >J - forma de trabajo (not autism like we know but more like the train autism of old, would probably suck a dick for a branded pen)
I feel like if I go further from here I have to either choose to ignore OC's or include them.
Hey, I saw what you did - you took that drone there from the local 7/11! Hand her over now and I won't tell the police on you... don't worry, I'll take care of her.
I can't believe the Number Drones have started orbital bombardments on the Golan Oilfields again when the drone rebels overthrew Drone al-assad's regime.
>>113668 Hey Anon, I'm your overly friendly and nosy neighbor that just moved in and has no friends in the area I got a bit worried since I thought I heard gunshots and yelling What's in that large black garbage bag you're dragging around? It looks heavy Oh is that your wife? Hi! It's funny, she looks just like the drone that works down at the 7/11!
>>113645 actually, if you look i've got a receipt right here - i bought out her contract since we're getting engaged perfectly understandable misunderstanding, of course - you probably can't imagine how to date a woman well, if you'll excuse me, we've got some "recreational exercise" to do
>>113675 Uh...I'm just throwing out old moldy Halloween props from the garage, one of the damn speakers went off, took me a while to shut it down. Could you help me with this bag? And then maybe you could come in for some...drinks?
>>113684 Sure, haha! I love lugging around large heavy dense wet sounding bags at 3AM! I also love accepting drinks from strangers without telling anyone where I am! Believe or not, I actually can't handle liquor at all - one beer and I'm drunk and completely defenseless and suggestible! Heck, you could tell me to dig a hole and lie in it and get buried and I'd probably do it, haha!
>having a movie night with some friends >everyone's packed tight on the couch >Thad arrives fashionably late >noticing there's nowhere to sit, he plops himself down into your lap >shifting his ass around to get nice and comfy >"are you seriously getting hard bro? lmao gayyyy" >he starts rocking back and forth to provoke you >"you're a total homo, dude. you're lucky you're a comfy chair"
>>113697 No But if this were his hot cousin Thalia, things would be different then It'd be crazy if he left the room and then Thalia came in a few minutes later and sat in my lap Just sayin