Image:172014418606.jpg(57kB, 564x770)She is happy to see you.jpg
Hello, my wonderful Friends! It's the time to talk about Drones once again, like every hour of every day! You know how this goes my Friend, let's talk about Drones and everything related to Murder Drones and the threads. I hope you are having a wonderful day, and let's start. The incredible Booru:
>>8361 A manic rapist with customizable anatomy sounds like a thriller villain I could read about. But after reading about this Joe Dirt character, I don't understand Dirt.
Idk which trash thread to post in. I will chill here. >You are sitting down and feeling depressed >Dirt walks towards you with a slouch and joins you >It looks at you >Dirt likes it when people are horny or scared or unsuspecting. Especially unsuspecting, oh yes >But not sad
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Hello beautiful Friends! Let's once again talk about Drones, any type of Drones that is related to Murder Drones or the threads, because it's really fun to do it! I hope you are having a great day, and even better now that the Drone talk continues. The lovely Booru:
Hello Friends! I hope you are ready to keep talking about Drones! I know I am. Here we talk everything that is Murder Drones related, since we love this series so much! Let's talk anything that relates to the threads too! Like how much Drones would you like to have? Let's talk about Drones my Friends! The lovely Booru:
>Hello Anon. I want to play a game. >You've made many posts about wanting to have sex with Disassembly Drones. Lusting for the Absolute Solver. >In front of you is a pencil sharpener.
Let's talk about Drones and how much we love them, Friends! And let's talk about the series and thread Drones too, I think we should talk about a lot of things, but anyway, let's show our love to this beautiful series! And the beautiful Drones! The Pilot to the series: MURDER DRONES - Episode 1: PILOT The incredible Booru:
I think this name is good enough. Let's continue with the talk about our favorite and beautiful show, Murder Drones! Share anything Murder Drones and/or Murder Drones Thread related, like how much you love Drones, I love them very much, and I love V a lot. Since the other threads did it. The Pilot to the series: MURDER DRONES - Episode 1: PILOT The amazing Booru:
The Main Murder Drones thread for General Drone like discussion of all things Murder Drones N saw what you posted edition Link to the Series: MURDER DRONES - Episode 1: PILOT The beautiful Booru:
The Main Murder Drones thread, or General Murder Drones Thread Welcome to /md/ edition Discuss all things Murder Drones Link to the Series: MURDER DRONES - Episode 1: PILOT The beautiful Booru: