ITT: discuss /mdrpg/, potential ideas, issues, homebrew, don’t be afraid to ask questions, I might not answer immediately but I probably will eventually ;)
>>77240 Just did a skim through the PDF. Seems quite well thought just from the first glance, although I'll try to give more in-depth feedback once I've really dug into it Depending on just how well I can wrap my head around this I might just end up making an effort to translate thread Stuff into this system!
Image:173083961157.jpg(30kB, 516x516)tfw dad found the nanite jar.jpg
>>77240 Alrighty, so I've given this a more in-depth read. I'll list my more notable observations below NOTE: My personal experience with TTRPGs, both as a player & a GM, is just a couple ticks above 'normie' but shy of what I'd consider 'average' so naturally take anything I say with this in consideration -
>From what I can tell just from looking at the breakdown for 'Attributes', 'Sub-Attributes' & 'Skills' everything appears to be in good order (or at least is 'mathed' out reasonably) >Combat looks to be pretty simple & to-the-point (certainly easier to comprehend than something complicated like GURPS). The re-roll of initiative for each turn is a pretty neat way to keep players on their toes, although the current lack of any critical hit system is a tad disappointing >I really like how thorough the trait system is at this point in development, especially considering that this is designated as version (0.1)
Keep up the good work anon! I'm particularly looking forward to the "quick start chart" for creating NPCs & Enemies!