>>425687 Its nice when devs actually support people making their old MMOs playable rather than holding it to ransom despite never planning to do anything with it ever again (but they 'might' so fuck the fans)
Necroposting a bit here but my favorite MMOs would have to be Tibia, the one that started it all for me, old Runescape from back in the day, and RO (Ragnarok Online). I can say the most hours I've sinked on these games would have to be Tibia and RO. I don't play them anymore but I played Tibia back in 2021 for like 2 months maybe.
Not even worth the necropost but all gaymin is dead there's nothing but the games award show and its shit, even more shitty games. Whatever happened to the 4chan /v/idya awards anyways? There's nothing but shitty Steam-like awards and stuff that arent even relevant.
This is the Friday Night Funkin' General. Discuss the game, fan-made creations, & series that have crossed over with Friday Night Funkin': >TANKMEN >Pico >Madness >Spooky Month
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So taking all bets, taking all bets on "Redfield," I wanna say it's revealed he was his brother the whole time but that seems too logical for Resident Evil.
Also, the game is really good. i mean, not 100+ dollars (if you include the season pass) good, but good.
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TBFP plays Resident Evil 4 is more hilariously terrible than The Last of Us.
Pat & Matt for some bizarre reason are under the absurd impression the TMP is useless and sell all of it's ammunition despite it being one of the most useful guns in the game.
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Guys I'm at an impasse. When the Game Grumps lost Jontron I quit watching them. Then Max and Matt did attempted a playthrough of Super Metroid on his YoVideogames channel but seemed to abandon it. Now I'm jonesing for a playthrough. Should I watch the Game Grumps Super Metroid Playthrough.
>>187254 Looking back and seeing this thread (unfinished even) made me sad. Miss the days of LPing and the big LP figures, streaming just isn't the same somehow.
>>187283 >"I like that the LP thread is only filled with TBFP"
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Discussion of all things Monster Hunter What's your stance on the current MonHun Games? What would like to see Return or Cut? What is your current Armor sets? What was your First experience with MonHun and how did you find this series?
Travis's double lightsabers are cooler. Though his signature 'pole' lightsaber is more unique and the heavy multi-beam version of it.
Shame the series went to complete shit though, its like japanese writers can't help themselves when it comes to escalation. An otaku assassin engaging in underground bloodsport had no reason to be going all DBZ and fighting alien invaders as the hero of earth.
As the Subject line indicates this is a thread for mentioning and discussing vidya that have explicit sexual, erotic and overall pornographic content.
I feel they've become much more mainstream in more recent years with things like porno games with actual budgets and gameplay appearing on heavily used digital marketplaces like Steam.
Corruption of Champions is a mostly text-based erotic game and CoC2 appearing on Steam is an instance of something that caught me extremely offguard considering the degenerate content of them
Image:172553119465.png(805kB, 828x974)One shall stand one shall fall.png
>>420300 Subverse development has been drawn-out but is finally gonna be leaving early access it seems? https://steamcommunity.com/games/1034140/announcements/detail/4607832777536999054?snr=1_2108_9__2107
Picture mostly unrelated, but funny considering recent events elsewhere.
Randomly started playing a porn rpg called Odyssey of Giana, transformation isn't particularly my bag but I'm enjoying it alot.
One of the gameplay gimmicks is some of the transformation status effects work as additional classes, with ones you can level them up allowing you to learn abilities that may carry over in other classes. Also you use your whole party in battle, 4 at a time. If someone gets KOd or otherwise disabled the next one cycles in and its just so refreshing compared to most rpgs.
Warhammer Non-Specific: a thread for all things Warhammer. From fantasy to 40k. Vidya to roleplaying. Post it here. Especially miniatures. If you have 'em, post 'em. Other peoples cool models is fine too.
>>426244 Was surprised when a bunch of DoW stuff appeared in my library. Dark Crusade, Soulstorm, etc. Which I think have all been delisted from Steam now.
>>426229 Fuck nintendrones more, when the company goes out of its way to fuck them over in terms of not making old media readily availible while hounding anyone using emulation. Just a bunch of asian dinosaurs thinking they are electronic emperors.
What do you think of the Mother trilogies entries? Last month, I played M1 for the first time, and I have mixed thoughts. On the one hand, it feels a lot like a prototype of M2/Earthbound, and on the other hand, almost all the stuff that wasn't carried into the sequel is pretty great. I hope either of those remakes comes out they might let me enjoy the good parts of it more.