Hello once more. You know why we are here, to keep talking about Drones, Murder Drones, the Threads, I think you understand where I'm going to. Let's have fun and keep talking about these topics, my Friends. I hope you are having a nice day. The EPIC Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>Cyn pinning your arms down with her hands >Her hands are also pinning your legs down >Another pair is holding your cheeks, another on the back of your head, while she licks your face repeatedly
I want to do things to Harper. Things that would make her say "It was all worth it". However I am not such a man. I am the kind of man who would pick up the ball after Cyn dropped it.
>>29770 As someone currently writing a 10k+ fic, I understand the feel. There were times when I stopped writing for weeks because I just didn't have the motivation to keep going. At several points I kind of considered stopping altogether and kept going because, after all, I might as well finish it what i've started.
I don't know if you're writing a short green or a multi-part series, but I recommend just taking a short break if you run out of ideas. They always pop up eventually no matter what.
>Post-canon good ending >N is getting freaky with Uzi *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* >"OH BUSCUITS UZI, IM ABOUT TO- >"HNGHHHH" >N pours his nanites inside her >"Did that feel good?" >Definitely, big brother N
>>29779 Ultimately yeah. He would have to use his own money and good will with Glitch so he can waste all the ideas for a season 2 on something too short to satisfy.
>>29780 >Liam doesn't get another project and has to fall back on his one success like the showrunners he looked up to are doing rn >He remakes MD >It starts off the same, then things go off the rails >Uzi did something stupid with the Solver during the final battle, resulting in it's gravity-manipulating properties bending time into a circle >The cast is trapped in a loop, only there are some subtle differences building up each time, like when a Hot Wheels car circles a loop so much that it gets worn down >Stuff happen that end up breaking the loop, but with a different outcome to the present series >Uzi is dead, Khan ends up with Alice, N ends up with Emily the popular girl >Fans are fucking furious
>>29778 thats how i finish all of my art work lmao. I've already drawn the sketch i guess ill line art it. I've already line it i guess ill flat it, i already flatted it i guess ill render it
Just got rejected by a human guy. Saw him hanging around this group of stacies afterwards. >Picrel Dronesisters why do I always get rejected? I'm 4'2 btw
>>29794 >J jumps onto your head and shoves her crotch in your face while dragging you away from everyone >Once you're far enough away, Cyn pounces you >By the time everyone else finds you, you're an incoherent mess on the ground, covered in unidentifiable fluids
I enjoyed the ending of the series, although it felt too short. However, no Sentinel Drones appeared throughout Episode 8. Therefore, I give this episode a >1/10.
The extra point is for the regular Sentinel that did show up
>>29752 Totally understandable, she has such a fun design and her reveal in episode 7 was extremely impactful for me. With the new episode showing more of her with different poses and expression, it's just great!
>>29835 Current consensus seems to be that they want Liam to abandon MD outright My theory is that theyre a soyjak party retard still upset over the fact that their glitchx raid got fucked
>>29837 Is it that same gaggle of retards on YouTube that keep spamming Glitch's comment section? Those fuckers tried framing Micheal Kovach as a pedophile.
>>29838 You already said you won't, but please don't. I'd imagine Liam is keeping his fans several lengths away for a reason, as we're seeing right now, for instance.
>>29835 Speculation on my part but they're looking for attention. You don't post the part with Liam's info if you just want to show some accounts that are doing this shit. If they really did come from sharty, chances are they're still miffed their attempt to raid GlitchX was intercepted months back (again, just speculation). Or they just see this as a chance to be in the spotlight again. Whatever the case, it's moronic. >>29808 She's reinforcing my Liam Vickers-tism in character design and I am all for it. >>29756 God she had so many fun poses in the fight scene, I know extra limbs means extra work for models and animation. It definitely makes choreographing a fight more difficult but imo, they managed it and she's just full-on Vickers kino. If I could hug and buy pizza for the animation and VFX artists I would.
>>29847 I dont see why adding each other on twitter would give them less of a reason to come back They probably just want to have a name attached to their work
>>29846 I won't post flesh, not yet anyways, but I think saying you're Cheesed to meet someone will only work if you're a birthday clown or you already know them well.
In what setting did you meet them? At work? Randomly in the street? For a job interview? Something else?
>In what setting did you meet them? I saw him walking alone at night and recognized him from school. I just approached him and said that. Afterwards he started speedwalking away. I don't think he recognized me the day after.
>>29856 I see. Well, humans aren't well-adapted for night. We instinctively try to find a safe place to rest once the sun goes down, so someone we don't know talking to us will naturally make us feel some degree of unsafety.
Cheesed to meet you is also highly unusual, so it likely set off even more alarms in the man's head. Combined with him wanting to seek solace from the night by heading home, he probably thought something was wrong with you or you might've been dangerous.
Want to practice here? Or at least try thinking of a more 'normal' phrase to introduce yourself with.
>>29859 >try thinking of a more 'normal' phrase to introduce yourself with. I was thinking between introducing myself with "cheesed to meet you" or >What's your favorite anime? Mine's Serial Experiments Lain. But I saw him wearing a One Piece shirt so I figured he was a normie.
>>29854 >Y's mission list disappears >She gets a purple system message saying that her entire life was a lie, she was working for an evil super-god the entire time, the god is now "basically dead", and to "have fun I guess, kthx" I don't think she would take it well.
>>29865 Honestly she'd probably continue with her impossible "take over the world" mission thinking that the message was a weird bug until she was ultimately snatched up and stopped, debrainwashed and set straight lmao
>>29863 Remember drone, always assume that the people you meet are normies unless they are making it as clear as possible that they're really not.
Lain's a good choice I'll admit, but most probably wouldn't have even heard of it. Is there any normie shit you have at least some fondness for you could use to relate to normies, or would you rather avoid the normies?
>>29872 I wonder if Liam was in the animation room making weird demands again. >"This scene's good, but can you make Cyn sexier?" >"W-what?" >"Make her tearing N's core out more erotic, you know?"
>>29873 I see. I think even guns might not be considered normie shit unless you can find someone who has a lot of passion for them.
Why not try starting out with, "Hey [name]? How's it going?" first, then see if they're interested enough to continue the conversation. It's what I do when I talk to drones.
>>29879 >"Hey [name]? How's it going?" I’ll try asking him this tomorrow after class ends. I don’t know his name even though he sits next to me but i’ll eavesdrop. What do I say to him if he responds? Do I ask him what his favorite Invader Zim character is?
>>29882 Well, no. You have to know if he even likes Invader Zim first. Either he'll tell you something he enjoys as the conversation progresses or you can ask him if he has any show or game recommendations.
Good luck! Oh, and disable your automatic facial stress indicators for this interaction. We can see when your core's about to explode out your chest because of all the sweat icons on your visor.
>>29865 That depends if she has support from her squad.. I like the idea too though, it's like a nice sendoff from a canon character to DD fan characters who were written to be on Copper 9 somewhere. I like it though I want to put BLH through the emotional and physical wringer first before they get anything like that. They might somewhere farther than Copper 9 but still, it's like a heartwarming idea to play with. >>29872 Yeah. I'm definitely taking notes from Cynwalker to apply somewhere in their story. The sequences and choreography were inspiring. No fuckin way I can think of anything like that Callback Ping sequence to write for them but the violent parts and nightmarish flashbacks sparked many ideas.
>>29885 Human courting videos? Are you talking about dating guides? I'd honestly suggest you throw out everything you learned from those. Most of them are bullcrap. I know from experience trying to court humans and drones.
>>29887 >most influential drawfag ITanon. Created arguably the first popular OC’s, BOXON not withstanding. >most influentual writefag No clue. It depends entirely on what OC’s you follow or if you prefer seeing greens about canon characters. Overall, Harper has the largest green by a HUGE margin, but it’s just one guy and if you don’t like Sentinel Drones then you probably don’t care about it. So take your pick I guess.
>>29896 True. With Artists, it's much easier to judge, but with the writers, virtually impossible since most probably won't read what they made and those that do probably won't comment on it.
>>29897 I was going to choose whoever came up with H.A.N.D.S which worked off greens about human/drone relations, but HoDR was (?) a bigger setting with more writing, so who knows. I don’t think there’s a definitive answer.
>>29898 Apologies, I should have waited for you to post before giving my incorrect opinion
>>29899 Pocketsteaks and Droneanon came in too late, and fugue rarely posted any art if i’m being honest. I still remember the thread where he got his name lol.
>>29904 The entire situation surrounding him is so funny to me. I stopped lurking the threads around the same time he showed up, and everyone was being so supportive towards him. I came back months later and everyone spoke as if he was the antichrist and I thought he had done something horrible IRL
>>29917 Oh, what'd he do? Unless it was just this self-pittying to the point that it got on everyone's nerves and they just couldn't tolerate it anymore.
>>29919 Sorry for deleting post, spelling mistake I don’t really know since I never bothered looking at the archives from when I left. I guess he was just being giga annoying with his self-loathing about his art.
>>29919 The self-pity part did get annoying after 2 months and it only got worse, then started fights with other Writefriend/Drawfriends, when he got called out he resorted to calling others him which led to many threads getting derailed.
We all make mistakes, horrible ones too, but the difference between better men and normal men is that one can forgive themself, look beyond the past, and seek to improve.
Maybe I'm just overthinking this though and am being super philosophical tonight.
>>29810 These niggers should kill themselves, sharty is embarassing as hell and they lost everything they ever tried so far, fuckin hate how they attached themselves to Ongezellig and ofc it got cancelled a few months later. Even God must hate these subhuman losers
>>29862 This looks amazing! Great work Anon, I don't want to sound like an asshole, but I was wondering, did you intentionally draw T with a normal mouth or? Sorry
>>29823 Planning, I need to think of better poses settings fir a few requests than just smearing them to get em done. Got a few weeks left till uni, wanna finish two dozen Alice's till then. Did nothin showable today tho, just collect reference and plan them in my heas
>>29941 Worry not, my friend. Simply use the long-series-writer-tactic of creating an entirely new character to express the new idea you have you wished you'd implemented 20 books worth of content ago.
>>29943 The part that gets me stumped is that I plan on introducing a character from a previous green, but realistically it would just add useless shit even though I “planned” to add her from the beginning.
Have you considered creating a subplot that converges with the green's main plot through her? It gives even more potential for development too, though, it could be stressful to manage so many characters.
>>29887 Hard to say, I guess for the threads it's either the Chad who drew Cynwalker and Eye earlier today and or the other Chad who drew pic rel. Writefag I won't even try findin I can't keep up with them anyways, too many cooks. For me fav drawfags are the two above, as well as the one who drew the french Alice and maid Alice variations. Fav writefags are a lot, Emilyanon, the original truckeranon who wrote the Alice-Beau-trucker green, the forageranon green, the femanon that wrote Alice trying to and eventually giving up vivisecting N, the one who wrote the comin home to cow-bikini Alice one, the Alice taking care of a vet one, the WH40K one, as well as everybody who wrote one of the many Alice shortgreens. Also smileanon, he writes good things (usually anything I decide to read that isn't Alice is his in the end) and wrote the Alice deer green
Just curious, but does anyone have any style of green written? Something about a particular topic or even piece of lore either from the canon or this place's collection of minds?
>>29951 >creating a subplot that converges with the green's main plot through her? That’s what i’m planning on doing, but here’s the thing: I’ve only been writing from two characters’s POV that are close to each other. Adding her will force me to write about a Solver side of the story, but I guess it’ll be worth it if I power through it. Thanks for the advice, will probably write thousands of words where only a couple hundred make it after editing/deleting them.
>>29953 Shit, I should have stuck around but life was kicking my ass. I also know nothing about 90% of OC’s made during that time, it would do me good to see when they were made.
>>29957 That is good ti know, thanks for having written what yiu wrote, also I forgot to mention the anon who wrote the dead-Beau Solver Alice one in December, guess sad things are repressed
Not going to lie, rule of cool is a classic reason to incorporate anything into a character. I like it when something is as simple as that rather than having a deeper reason (not that I dislike the deeper or thematic explanations for things).
Once I hone my art to levels it won't burn the eyes out of its viewers, I will at last create Jack.
>>29964 Thank you for reading my greens Friend! Even if I do them mainly for me most of the time, I can't stop feeling nice and happy knowing people read them, and even more when they liked it.
>>29964 Pretty face of Alice Not sure wether it was mentioned here ever, but she got a little blackstreak indeed, you can see it on the reflection on her hair as well as the marked area in pic rel, not all sure but it's amazing
>>29815 >>29828 >>29829 >>29826 If something like this happens please notify me in the /baw/ feedback thread, this board moves too fast for me to track.
>I wake up to banging on my door >Opening it, I'm met with Uzi >"Get your pants on, we're going Rogue AI hunting!" >She tells me striking a pose >"What?" >N told me about an AI named CYN, one which when I tried to look up anything on my laptop, I was locked out of. [DATA CLASSIFIED] it said >Grabbing my sub-zero suit, I ventured towards a run down power station >After descending down, we split up to check the area >N clung to me as we travelled through the barren offices and halls >Doors were locked so me and her searched for anything useful, like a worker card >I opened the drawer and >Holy shit, it was a Quake CD! >Taking it, I smiled- but wait. How was I going to play it? >Scratching myself with the CD, I was struck with an idea >Turning to N, she sat on the desk, swaying her legs >"What is it?" >"Bend over for me" >"Okay!" >20 minutes later >"Nailgun, hell yeah" >I was interrupted from my massacre by a call from Uzi >"Yeah?" >BZZZZT "WE NEED HELP! WHERE ARE YOU!?" >"Just playing Quake" >"WHAT!? GET OFF YOUR MEATY ASS AND HELP US!" >"Fine" >I pressed N's chest to eject the CD and took it from between her legs >Grabbing a piece of paper to clean it, then putting it in my backpack for later >"Uzi and V need us. Come on"
>>29985 I was just wondering, the made my day better made me think somethin was off but it's very good to know youvare akright. Gn for then, LL tomorrow afain I guess o7
Basically I can't contain my autism and want to share something to toy around with >Stunt Drones >They look similar to Worker Drones, only slightly thicker. These Drones were built to take severe punishment, being shot, stabbed, light on fire, and thrown into Sea water. They're not invincible of course, just durable. >These Drones were built for the sole purpose of not dying too quickly since park guests would get bored if the fights didn't last longer than 4 seconds. >At Fortuna-3 these Drones are kept behind a massive shield for park guest safety, unaware that they're being watched/broadcast to guests as to provide a "realistic experience" of what Pirate life was long ago...for merchandising of course! >In regular instances, however these Drones are often used in Galaxy Pictures! TM, movies. Think of them as a re-usable prop
idea that got a little out of hand, needed to sketch something else to loosen up a little. Bite Me is my current earworm and i'm waiting for AJ's official channel to release the track. i liked thinking about the main vocal being Uzi's while the screaming parts were done by Cynwalker, with Core Nori being the audio sampler (like Craig Jones), V on guitar/Thad on bass, Khan on drums. >YOU SHOULD LET ME GO >I'M NOT WORTH SAVING >WE WON'T LET THEM KNOW god this track fucking rocks
>>29937 going to preface this with the fact that many of these were of course collabs with other anons, that or they were unintentionally inspired by my doings. everything was, i just feel like know for the most part exactly how much influence i had on each of them good influence: >propelled the jane/beretta dynamic with my greentexts, inadvertently made danon give up beretta, her influence need not be stated >shaped a general narrative of the solver war from jane's perspective, (also wrote b the human while in a drawpile because pocketsteaks jokingly asked about her). jane's popularity and the effects she alone had on the threads is just one of those things you need to examine in depth >actively worked to revive oc's that would've otherwise been forgotten, especially concerning group-6a, osmium-4, and much of w-anon's works >crafted a good portion of the post-good ending narrative with the first exploration of the drama between beretta and her family and her auntie cyn (i'm not the only guy who's contributed to the PGE, obviously). the greens surrounding the circumstances of beretta's birth are some of my best works in my opinion >oc deck creator, saved a good number of characters from the bow, organized the thread collective memory so people would stop asking for "all the ocs" as common those days >outpost-6 shaped by much of my ideas and greens from the christmas day thread, helped conceptualize sd-u-u in the EXACT same thread >explored the concept of laborbots in depth >booru organizer and poster before it went down the first time, still work on it today >made the og nanite nut joke >sent liam the $20 hmofd joke during glitchx >uzi puncher bad influence: >made a good bit of nuzicest when it was happening >wrote the beretta incest green as a joke, went out of control >mac corrupted by above (i tried to write him normally when he first came around, it was too late though), tis why beretta siblings aren't really a thing >linked jane and beretta a bit too much in my works, causing the "kill jane" debate few things i also forget, because i've been posting md for over a year. yeah most of these are oc related, and yes technically i'm cold bragging
>>30003 The arguments mostly consisted of fuck offs, calling others dumbass, telling them they have to be 18+ and something about doomposters. There may have been a kill yourself there too. It was at the end of the last thread.
Not exactly civil, but it wasn't a raid, and some vitriol is expected when the board goes this fast.
>>29994 Cont. >Star Drones >These Drones are localized entirely within Galaxy Picture Parks aka Galaxy Parks! >They're similar to Stunt Drones except for 2 details, one they have no default personality/true learning matrix. Instead they're pre-programmed to take on the role of whatever character the park demands them to be >They often take on the role of historical figures or an imaginary character made by the Park >Secondly, they have an emblem resembling a star upon their chest instead of the usual Worker Drone logo
>>30012 Solid List. Only thing is that you seem to have mostly influenced Jane/Beretta, which while popular, are just two OC’s. Could make the same argument with PhoenixAnon and his involvement with Sentinel Drones
>>30017 Can’t believe there’s anons here who weren’t around for GlitchX. But his reaction was nothing. He (or most likely Glitch) chose to respond to the lease offensive questions and I doubt they knew what hmofd was
I like how darkly hopeful MD was throughout its run.
An insurmountable, imperceivable foe made mortal and overcome, even if in a way that still leaves plenty of room for their interference in the state of things.
The reforging of broken bonds.
The forging of bonds that felt fated to exist.
It's all really quite beautiful. Maybe I'm just feeling very reminiscent now that it's ended though. I'll remain for a good long while. I love the show, and I love the fandom.
>>30015 >>30018 to clarify, i didn't actually go against danon, nor did i participate in the debate over "long greentexts". after i had written the jane/beretta greens, the issue with danon had already been ongoing. eventually, some other guy came over accused danon of being a poor writer, using my work as an example as to how he'd "mistreated" beretta by failing to expand upon her.
>>30023 That was the only thing that made Danon give up and maybe some personal life issues >>30025 I don't remember it much, but it was pretty long and pretty much called out Danon & Droneanon who was still innocent at the time, for making long greentexts and that they were ruining the threads by doing so
>>30028 Oh, I see. To be honest, in my view, thinking that long greentexts ruin the threads when it's the creativity that gives these threads life is a bit retarded, but opinions are fair to the ones who made them I suppose.
Gonna be honest I don't even remember half of the dramas, I just concentrate on wanting to do the drones, talking about drones, do the drones want to do Anon?
>>29988 I’m going to write Elf x Harper friendship stuff. >It had been terrible for Elf. All the constant anxiety, all the poor luck, all the horrid things that had come her way, and now here she was, injured by some ungodly thing and impaled by a piece of scrap she fell on, losing oil and waiting to die. It wasn’t fair how she struggled so much only for things to turn out like this. In fact, if she still had the energy she’d sob in futile rage, but alas, she didn’t have the strength left. All she could do was die alone, away from everyone, in this random pile of scrap metal. Unseen, unheard, unthought of. >Abruptly, a noise caught her attention. Sounded like footsteps. Maybe she didn’t have to die alone, but maybe whatever was approaching would be worse. Either way, she was screwed. She sobbed in fear a little bit at the thought of it, but what happened next was something she wouldn’t soon forget. Blue lights emerged from the darkness, and the being they were attached to was something else. It resembled one of those Murder Drones, but slightly taller, tinted blue rather than yellow, and with a few parts being different in shape. The Drone turned to meet Elf’s gaze, and it’s eyes widened right before it sprinted over to Elf, who prepared for the horrid death that would surely come her way. >But that didn’t happen. The Drone quickly analyzed Elf’s wounds before sighing in a female voice, almost as if relieved. She placed the tip of her tail near the wound before dispensing drops of a blue liquid substance from the aforementioned tip right onto the wound. It hurt initially, but it hurt much less moments afterwards. Elf looked in astonishment as her wound slowly began to close up, as if her surface was being given back to her. She had lost a lot of oil, but at least she wouldn’t lose any more. The Drone abruptly scooped Elf into her arms before walking into the open and taking flight, as Drones of her type do. She flew for probably 10 minutes, before landing in front of a facility Elf had not seen before. It looked recent compared to the run down state of the rest of the place where she lived. The Drone stood in front of a sliding door, which opened for her. The interior was pristine and well-lit, with beds full of injured humans and groups of Drones that huddled together, as if afraid. Elf didn’t know what to make of it until the Drone carrying her entered a room with a woman wearing overalls and holding all kinds of tools situated across from the entrance, fiddling with something. The Drone spoke, her voice soothing and kind, yet strangely firm at the same time. >“I found another survivor, Brenda. You mind fixing ‘em up? I stemmed the oil loss, but I think this one has some internal damage considering how weak it feels.” >The “Brenda” woman turned around to look directly at Elf, like she was scanning her body and soul. >“Considering the clothes and expression, this one is sentient. Alright, put ‘em down Harper.” >This “Harper” gingery placed Elf down on a table before speaking directly to her. >“So, what’s your name?” >Elf could barely stutter up one word >“E-Elf…” >Harper smiled >“Elf, huh? Bit of an odd name, but not to worry. Tell you what, when Brenda’s done fixing you up, I’d love to talk to you. Sound good?” >Elf nodded, to which Harper gracefully left the room while Brenda began to gently engage maintenance mode.
>>30027 And on a similar subject. HoDR or Human on Drone Resources. It was founded by Cyn/the Solver and it aids drones who wish to bond more closely to their human coworkers, might even spark some new couples here and there.
It got extended here and there to now becoming the go-to place for drones wishing to be with a human. I think there was also an analog horror phase for this at one point.
to compensate for offing danon, as i'm now accused of, and a bunch of other wise guy stuff, i'm going to now fill the thread with a massive paragraph about negev. the thing is that i know nothing about her, so i'm willing to take pointers
>>30040 There is little stuff that has been forgotten or stop being talked about 100% thanks to Anons archiving stuff and preserving history, and some stuff never stopped being popular
>>30038 I give apologies for any rushed judgment from me. I don't believe in forever being 'bad' (unless you truly did something atrocious, but I doubt most of us here have if any).
>>30042 >I lack the confidence to write it well myself. Dude go crazy lol, I used HoDR as an excuse to write myself being sexually harassed by Sentinel and Dissassembly Drones. (And write a hierarchy about them as well I guess) It was basically. >Anon works at JCJENSON >But JCJENSON now Drone dominated after Cyn took over! >What will happen to (you) now???? >Hint: Drones want to get intimate. There's no real limits unless you want to insert your own OC's into the mix.
>>30005 I find it funny that people act like the Worker Drone that Tessa would later named Cyn is not in any way her own character when we know from both her and Uzi being noticeably smaller than other Worker Drones, the Cynwalker concept art depicting her holding a knife similar to Uzi's concept art, the Bite Me track, Uzi proclaiming herself as God and the whole "The Solver of the Absolute Fabric, the Void, the Exponential End!" bit that they're deliberately intended to be mirrors of each other.
>>30049 Might as well shill my own shit now that we’re here Here’s something I wrote that is exactly about that. https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/139800892/#139806364
>>30012 I don't know if our brainworms came from the same batch or what, but it's kinda funny seeing how closely intertwined some of our work was in hindsight >Coming up with the "NANITE NUT" name in a reply to your original post >Writing a sizable bit of 'lore' regarding Uzi's Eldritch pregnancy & Beretta's bizarre birth based off the initial idea of her being 'traditionally' conceived >Working on/with both boorus
>>30062 Here it is (posting pic again lol) /// The HoDr Analog Horror: “Eve” >(The tape opens with a drone in static darkness. Jo Stafford’s “No Other Love” distortedly plays in the background as text appears onscreen.) >”Hi, I’m Eve :)” >”Do you remember me? Because I do for you.” >”Ah. My core already warms up just thinking of you. I’m know we only met once, but I can’t help it.” >”My owners don’t really treat me all that well. There’s cracks on my face…” >”That party is when I met you. You treated me differently, you treated me…with care.” >”I didn’t know how to react, but now…I just can’t stop thinking of you…” >”I was..told…that this was…love…I felt….” >”I like it. I know this might be too soon for you…but I hope I get to see you again…” >”I just know we have this connection, you and I….” >”I’ve searched up many ways to make a human happy….” >”I hope you feel the same for me….I….love you so much…” >”Hehe, it makes me more warm just saying it there….” >”See you very soon!” >The tape ends, the last thing on screen are the drone’s piercing white optics looking right at you.
>>30068 Technically, can't the Oil Ghosts form genuine physical bodies beyond keeping their drone-like forms barely solid at best and the consistency of half-set jelly at worst?
If they acquired the proper Worker parts I mean, assembled them together, and then used that as their shell to attempt to return to some level of 'normalcy'. It'd pretty much be like an actual ghost wearing a skinsuit of themself though, so still not the same as the original body.
I like how it does genuinely feel like an interaction that could occur between a kind human and a hurt drone who's finally been shown genuine kindness by another, and how wrong it can go (or right? if the recipient is into it that is).
>>30073 >I'll never have a horrifying supernatural entity hell-bent on universal assimilation look at me like this, but in a loving way and not an "about to disembowel me" way
Does anyone else have any greens or fics they've made and wish to share with human & drone dynamics playing a large part in it? I'm curious to explore the board's writing even more than I have. The Booru is very good, but I've realized it can't catch all the stories that people make. Some do go missed.
>>30080 There's the trucking story. It's gay. Some people like it. Wish I actually submitted their MS Paint image to the collage request so they'd be in it, but oh well, I'll only beat myself up about it until I forget.
>>30081 I understand, friend. No reason for me to fret over it though. Either I'll create my own when I build up the confidence to, or, patient waiting will give me all the reading material I want. Both are ultimately for the better than lamenting it.
>>30085 Same to be honest. I've realized that one of the flaws in my own writing was not exploring the drone side of the dynamics and focusing too heavily on the humans.
>>30083 Damn, I love shilling my own content, don't I? Solverless AU. Anon, a trucker on a shithole desert exoplanet, has an encounter with a Disassembly Drone (AC) during his route. It leans more into worldbuilding than it should, but I'm a worldbuilder at heart. https://dronebooru.co/posts/3194
>>30091 >N & Uzi are laying in bed, exhausted from their world saving adventure >N smiles, knowing that everything from now on will finally be oka- >*CRASH!* >From no where an Ice Cream truck smashes through the ceiling, crushing Uzi into a thick oily paste >N screams in agony, falling to his knees wondering what cruel God could do such a thing
>>30096 Yep. From the original Anti post: >Presenting: SD-J-Anti. >Complete J personality reversal. >Pigtails point up (how)(forbidden tech) >crop-top suit >total bro >will sabotage anything corpo she can find >lazy bumfuck when doing literally anything else >Fuck you Tessa >Fuck you (positive) SD-N and SD-V and Uzi >Non-OSHA compliant individual
>>30100 Yep. She’s just kind of a chill lazy bum of a bro (the opposite of normal J) when she isn’t making you commit corporate sabotage or doing it herself.
>>30107 >Suddenly, (you) awake in your bed. >Under the covers, (you) can’t move. >Sleep paralysis takes hold, your body unmoving. >And then you see it. Something that wil haunt you for the rest of your days. >Looking up at your ceiling, (you) a black… something. >It drips down, slowly forming into an oily blob, black as the very void itself. >You still can’t move, frozen either by sleep paralysis or fear. (You) can’t tell anymore. >The black goopy blob starts to form into a vaguely humanoid shape, stretched down from the ceiling to your face. >And then (you) see it manifest. >Blood-rex eyes, and a crooked mouth of the same color. >It red maw opens, speaking. >”Я тебя люблю.” >Russian. You have no idea what that means. It makes you feel even more frightened, in fact. >The blobs smile quirks up into a grin as it slowly rises back up to the ceiling. >It disappears. >Whatthefuck
> “Also did we just become discount Aoi and Haruka?”
Most of the Skeletessa gags I wrote were just her being crabby about her lost skin but generally being on good terms with everyone based on the assumption that all the drones worked together to defeat the solver. After what we learned in episode 8 Tessa would probably like J a lot less making the overall dynamic worse for J.
I mean it was sorta implied that the Solver bullied/tortured J into obedience as it did with V. Sadly, unlike V, J did not get a half-assed redemption arc that totally made up for all the horrible things she KNOWINGLY did for the Solver.
>>30124 (Me) I love how the wider fandom still hasn't caught onto that the Solver never actually wiped any of their memories and the implications that has.
>>30128 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/141113184/#141117651 Notice how the scene in 8 where N warns V reeks of atoning for what he considers to be past mistakes even at risk to his own life, and that Cynwalker showed him that specific memory.
>>30155 Bring a magnet, chicks dig magnets. Also bring a burlap sack, women love sacks. Also make sure to make direct eye contact and slowly approach her from several feet away to show your a confident man
*Tape insertion sound* *Royalty free elevator music starts playing* *grainy JCJ logo pops up on the screen*
>Part 1 – introduction >”Hello, and welcome to the JCJensen family!” >”As a production line overseer, you will be in charge of an entire manufactory line; ensuring that quality JCJ products are produced on time and without issue” >”This instructional tape will help guide you through the many roles and duties you will perform as part of your new position”
>Part 2 – duties >”Toiling away tirelessly on the lines are our state of the art Laborer bots” *panning shot of labor bots on line* >”But despite all their hard work, sometimes they make mistakes or malfunction” >”As overseer, you must perform and report hourly inspections of the lines to ensure all the bots are working efficiently” *cartoon depiction of malfunctioning labor bot being approached by worker is displayed* >”In the event a bot isn’t performing up to the JCJ standard, simply use you company issued stun baton and █████████” *Entire screen glitches out and plays looping loud noise for a second before showing the labor bot lying on the ground blacked out by censor bar* >”Great! Now the production line is up and running at maximum efficiency again!” >”But we still need to properly dispose of the old machine, to make way for the new” *Cut to shot showing one of the large garbage chutes* >”To help clean up any messes or obstructions on the factory floor; we’ve installed trash chutes all around the building to quickly dispose of anything unwanted” *Music suddenly stops* *Shot continues to linger on the chute as the top of it slowly opens up, revealing only darkness inside* *Abrupt cut back to normal as the music starts again* >”Now that you know the duties expected of you, you need to learn how to keep yourself safe on the production line”
*screen gets all fuzzy and covered in static* *Music becomes distorted and spooky* >Part 3 – threats >Screen abruptly cuts to black, before cutting to the POV of a drone >The drone is panting hard, running through dark and rusted corridors >The camera shakes wildly as the drone runs from something unknown; twisting rapidly around sharp corners that all look the same, like she’s stuck in a maze >Abrupt timeskip cut forward shows the drone running into some side maintenance room, shutting the door behind her and plunging everything in black except for her own hud >The drone tries to calm her breathing as everything goes mostly silent >This lasts for several seconds until slight footsteps are heard on the metal floor >They’re far off in the distance, but slowly growing closer and closer >The drone tenses up and starts to hold her breath as they draw near >Suddenly the footsteps stop >The drone continues to hold her breath for several seconds, everything is completely quiet >Suddenly the door starts to creak open causing the drone to scream >The door flies open and the camera cuts once again *cut to a black screen with two black and white pictures on it, one drone one human, both ID photos* *Text pops up* >The following is a radio transmission between >*Human overseer: John* >*Worker drone assistant: S2311* >”Hey Elf, it’s John. It’s been hours since you last left for your inspections, where the hell are you?” *silence for several seconds* >”Hello—John… E—L—F—Is—coming—soon” >”Alright well hurry up. Corporate’s gonna be pissed if I don’t file those reports soon. How much longer are you gonna be?” *silence for several more seconds* *Sudden loud door knocking sound that cuts through the static* >”H—E—R—E… Open—UP” >”What? You forget your keys again? Alright hold on” *Loud knocking again, faster this time* >”Yeah yeah I’m coming” *Key fiddling sounds* *Loud knocking again, even faster than before* *Door unlocking sound* >”Jesus have some patienc-“ >John suddenly screams really loudly as the static intensifies, completely earraping you *Worker drone picture pops up in the middle of the screen with a distorted jerma-face on it as a jumpscare* *Sudden abrupt cut back to normal* *music starts up again* >”Thank you for choosing JCJensen!” >”We wish you the best of luck on your new career!” *JCJensen logo flashes again*
Writing this at 3am; the witching hour. Should easily get two dozen in-depth lore analysis videos by horror youtubers
>>29292 sure, you can do whatever you'd like with my art, treat it as yours. I don't have a handle to go by, you can just credit me as an anonymous artist if you wish
>>30164 >S and R are taken aback when E kicked Adam with so much force, he was literally sent into the sky, all the while E was pissed off, yelling at him. >”I already have a love, ya fuckin’ heaven bastard!”
>>30158 >Not HoDR but still analogue-slop >Should easily get two dozen in-depth lore analysis videos by horror youtubers This made me not want to read it.
>>30158 With Laborers being the focus, it makes me wonder if it was a Watt-digo that got Elf, unless it’s not and it’s just some monster that got her and John. >>30182 Ok, but can you stop placing your bed next to mine?
Negev. The newest fan child of N and Uzi, and the next interpretation of a Beretta sibling, following a long line of failed attempts. Propagated by many, denounced by some, explained by none. It's about time that she be properly introduced, as a new chapter in the post-Good Ending emerges. Beneath the Sands of the Negev. >As it were, oil had once been the source of which ancient Human civilization had built itself upon. It had hoisted him into the globalized era, and propelled him into the stars, until the day it weren't. >In much the same way, such a source of energy would again be the fuel of which a new civilization would be constructed. One of machines. >The era of peace heralded by the defeat of the Solver would leave the situation of Copper-9 more unpredictable and ever evolving than before. >The battle between the Solver and the heroes of Outpost-3 that had so scarred the planet would uproot the tens of thousands of beings inhabiting the planet's far side, their homes destroyed, their livelihoods devastated. >And so, they began to migrate. Workers, seeking a new life away from the devastated surface. Disassembly Drones, now choosing to follow their former prey which they were quickly weaning off, no longer driven by genocidal directives from above. >It was this hardship which would drive them all towards the deserts of the Negev. >The land of Negev fields, which held the ever so expansive fields of hydrocarbons previously harvested underneath the surface of Copper-9. >It would be this promised land in which a number of those workers and disassembly drones, unified in common cause, would found their nation, so bountiful in fuel, within the facility walls of the former TexonMobile refinery. >They would call this new nation Galilee. >... >I remember when she first showed up at our house. I think I was four and five at the time, not really giving a shit about the world. >I was more fascinated with play dates with Mrs. Lizzy's son and watching television than reading the situation of the planet, big surprise. >She was way older than me, this teenager my mom had let into our house. >At first, I guessed she was some new babysitter. Mom was always busy, and Dad was off somewhere doing his WDF shit. It wasn't unusual. >She didn't speak much, not even when Mom tried to talk to her. She didn't say hi to me, she simply went off to the guest room and didn't come out for hours. >I didn't get teenagers, why were they so goddamn rude? >"Beretta. Mommy would like you to be nice to this girl...she'll be staying with us for a while." >I don't really recall understanding the gravity of the situation. All I knew was that there was another cunt in the house, that was that. >But knowing what I know now, I can't give her too much shit about how she chose to act in those first few days. >They teach us in school alot about what was going on in the world at the time, especially in Galilee. >We hear alot about what Dad and Aunt V did to save others, how Mom made the peace at the end, and all the heroes and tales involved... >...But I'm not gonna lie. I don't really like history...I just can't stomach it sometimes.
>>30189 To be honest, in a universe where many of them would likely be abused or worked to death, this is pretty alright if you're just buying drones to take care of.
>All that oil in the ground below Galilee alone could fuel the appetites of all the Murder Drones and all the workers in the world for five hundred years. >Despite this, we somehow managed to fuck it up to the point that the people of Copper-9 lived in a perpetual state of scarcity. >I guess we drones were all just figuring out this whole "society" thing for the first time. >Disassembly drones across the world had calmed their urges and integrated into their local worker outposts and civilizations, helping their former prey build and grow like never before. >I imagine it must've been nice for the few worker drones and murder drones who had secretly fallen in love to reveal themselves, trust me, I know they were happy. A little too happy, even. Maybe to the detriment of their offspring...but that's another story. >But all of this peace was fueled by what was underneath the ground. The oil. >As long as they all had the food they needed, they wouldn't go around killing eachother to survive. >But nobody asked what would happen if the fuel beneath the ground ran out...and nobody wanted to answer because they all knew what would happen. >And god forbid you force a Disassembly drone father to feast upon his own family to feed his primal urges. >It was a scorpion and frog situation. Nobody wanted to make that crossing. >And when one Outpost needed food, and found another with bountiful supplies, you can guess what happened next. >Somehow, the era of peace my Mom had founded turned into an era of scarcity...which lead to an era of war. >War. War for the first time since the humans had died off the planet. Murder drone against murder drone. Squads against squads. Worker infantryman against his fellow worker. >They weren't fighting for selfish causes, or a need to hunt, or a desire to conquer for prestige. They were fighting for survival. Survival of themselves, survival of their newly founded families and communities, survival of their hopes and dreams. >Galilee was no exception. It was never going to stay at peace, not where it was located. >... >I tended to avoid the girl, who I learned was named Negev, and she tended to avoid us. >For all intents and purposes, she was just a stranger. One who happened to scream bloody fucking murder in the middle of the night, waking the whole house the fuck up. >I asked my Mom, "Why can't we just kick her out? She keeps scaring me!" >Perhaps I expected a genuine response, a direct "yes" or "no" as I'd gotten used to hearing from Mom. >But on this, I don't ever think she gave me a straight answer. >"Baby...she has to be here...she can't go home, not right now. One day when you're older, I'll tell you why." >"I don't want to live next to a MONSTER! Mommy, just tell her to go! She's a grown up!" >I didn't want this freak in my house, one, because she genuinely creeped me out. Always alone, always breaking down, always so aloof. >Two, I didn't like the fact that Mom put so much time and attention into her, yes, I was a jealous kid. She spent hours a day trying to talk to her, for no reason. She gave her more food, more affection, more motherly care into this grown girl than I had ever seen. >I figured I might as well put in some effort myself to get rid of her.
>>30188 >No personality Probably just have them do things I suck at, and talk to them despite the lack of personality. >With personality Zero self-worth means I'd probably put them above myself. There's a good chance they'd be the one lazing around while I perform menial tasks, depending on personality.
>It was simple, one I'd seen in a TV show...and also one I'd seen in real life. >I would go in there, and play with the lights. Maybe cast a few screams, a few bangs. >Maybe I'd project a ghost or two, it was that little voice in my head egging me on. >I would use my creative capacity to convince her the house was haunted with an oil ghost. >I reasoned, if I scared her off, she would leave. Simple one-two thinking. It was genius. >And so I put to plan. Lights, camera, astral projector. >It went...really poorly. >I executed the lights and FX perfectly...I just didn't expect this girl to act as she did. >It took a minute before Mom bust through the door, to the sight of this girl swinging a pole wildly, thrashing about the room in a fury, nearly about to put a massive dent in the side of my head. >As I expected my Mom to comfort me, she immediately ran towards Negev and gave her a hug. >And there I was shocked, confused, angry as all hell. >"NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE, YOU FREAKING FREAK! GO BACK HOME...BITCH!" I screamed. >"Get out of my life, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN FAMILY!" >I think I said more swears in that moment than I'd ever heard my father use my entire life. >But it did nothing in the end. Because Mom rushed towards me, presumably to shake and scream at me. >Then Negev stopped her. >She stopped. >"Uzi...we can tell her." >"Negev, she won't understand. Are you serious?" >"Just listen to me..." >"...she'll understand. Not now, but one day." >I was expecting to get my ass beat, or something. I waited fearfully, waiting for the inevitable punishment. >But it never came. >Instead, what I got would prove to be one of the biggest revelations I had gotten to know in my short life. >"Beretta..." my mother began. >"She's..." >And so Negev picked up. >"I'm...I'm your...I'm your older sister. Your long lost older sister. I'm a little crazy, Beretta, please don't be mad at me." >"..." >"Holy moly fuck." I said. >And so for the next few years, I would have the somewhat insane, wise, caring older sister, I never knew I needed. >I guess it was better than just talking to an imaginary friend.
>>29823 Gonna star working on that thingamajig I've been planning for a while. Dunno when it'll be finished, but I feel like it's going to be interesting. Spoiler might give away what I'm planning on doing.