>>43488 The above link is now dead, because I killed it. Here is the replacement: https://mega.co.nz/#!yhZRUAiC!tkTMm2JgKIsZV9k56MTyGZLrb0ch7NeOirFGJnwSJ9o
Coveted due to it being the uncensored version that contains a not-very-G-rated wardrobe malfunction that was subsequently "digitally corrected" on DVD and other formats.
I remember seeing a bit of a fad at one point for making fake trailers that intentionally gave the wrong impression for films, like making The Shining a heartwarming romantic comedy and so forth. Was some funny stuff. This was years ago though so don't have any links on hand.
ITT we display movies that deserve a second chance, either because there was poor marketing, bad timing, misunderstood, ahead of it's time, has found a cult following later on or for any other reason.
My nominee: Underwater. It was a fairly good action/horror that was unfortunately released just before the pandemic hit.
Marvel General: I love the Powerglove, it's so badorAfter The ApocalypseEdition Previous thread ==> >>46850 Remember to use spoilers. Is it all down hill from here? Has Disney's Marvel cinematic universe set the bar too high? Will audiences ever reach peak super hero fatigue? Is anybody actually watching the Marvel television series?
>>417867 Why can't Tesla or whoever just license the Pontiac Firebird Trans-am car design, cram all their self-driving car tech inside, and put it on the market like that as a KITT replica? It would be nothing less but the dream car for hundreds of thousands.
>Originally, Mankiewicz had wanted an unknown actor for Batman, William Holden for James Gordon, David Niven as Alfred Pennyworth, and Peter O'Toole as the Penguin. A number of filmmakers were attached to Mankiewicz' script, including Ivan Reitman and Joe Dante. Reitman wanted to cast Bill Murray as Batman, Michael J. Fox as Robin, and Eddie Murphy as The Joker.
>The original script was written by Tom Mankiewicz, an on-set writer for the Superman movies. It bores little resemblance to the final movie, and was made to keep the project alive as directors and creatives looked at it and either showed interest or passed it on.
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>BATMAN UNCHAINED is the unproduced sequel to 1997’s BATMAN & ROBIN. The script featured Batman fighting crime alone once again after Robin leaves Gotham due to disagreements about Batman’s methods and Batgirl returns to England to complete her studies. Meanwhile, biochemist Jonathan Crane, who wants revenge on Bruce Wayne for cutting his research funds, joins forces with toymaker Harley Quinn, who wants revenge on Batman for the death of her father, the Joker, and they expose Batman to the fear toxin and lock him up at Arkham Asylum.
>At Arkham, Batman is put on trial by hallucinations of his past enemies – the Joker, the Penguin, Catwoman, Two-Face and the Riddler – but ultimately conquers his fears and manages to escape. He then makes amends with Robin and they join forces to prevent Crane, now calling himself “Scarecrow”, from spreading the fear toxin through Gotham. Harley, who doesn’t want to hurt innocents, betrays Crane and helps the heroes stop him. Crane and Harley are arrested, and Batman leaves Robin – now calling himself “Nightwing” – to protect Gotham while he goes on a spiritual journey to the Middle East.
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>Lee Shapiro and Stephen Wise submitted a spec script called "Batman: DarKnight". In it, Bruce Wayne has abandoned the identity of Batman, while Dick Grayson attends Gotham University, where he meets Psychology teacher Dr. Jonathan Crane and Biology teacher Dr. Kirk Langstrom. Crane is the head psychologist at Arkham Asylum, and creates a fear toxin, using the inmates and his students as test subjects. Once Langstrom finds out about this, he confronts Crane, who throws him against a series of chemical products, including an experimental formula based on DNA of bats that Langstrom had developed to cure genetic deafness.
>The chemicals turns Langstrom into the murderous vampire Man-Bat. Shortly afterwards, Crane's criminal activities are exposed and he is fired. Infuriated, Crane adopts the identity of the Scarecrow and controls Man-Bat through the fear toxin, forcing him to eliminate Crane's superiors who wronged him, while Crane descends into madness and decides to spread the fear toxin through Gotham.
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>>417505 Nah, the law got him and he proved to be a cowardly little bitch who snitched on all his pals for a reduced sentence. Somehow his street cred survived being the very embodiment of "everybody is a gangasta until..." and is still selling his music, but hey I guess if you are a fan of a guy like him you can't be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Watched the Cloverfield trilogy the last few days.
First movie is... a monster movie but with that goddamn stupid "shaky hand cam" style like the Blair Witch project. I consider this a horrible idea, especially when I was hoping for a monster movie. It's not bad as a movie though, there's suspense, catastrophe and bloodshed. I just don't like this direction style. And the movie kind of has no ending whatsoever.
Second movie (Cloverfield lane) is much better, and makes for a good thriller, even if it is somewhat predictable. The aliens in the end kind of ruin the movie sadly, they should've played a bigger role earlier on. Goodmans character could've had proper radio and some cameras set up too in his bunker, not just a VHF radio that wouldn't detect anything. The apocalypse scenario of it all should have been more emphasized, because without that the ending felt really out of place. The main character goes from a fashion designer to fighting aliens with Molotov cocktails in a span of ten minutes.
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>>417495 Very. I remember reading the comic in the 00s, and the last volume was yet to have been released when the movie was made (and had a different ending).
Image:141116171100.jpg(115kB, 400x400)rf Roger Waters is not sure how to feel.jpg
Since nobody comes to this place anyways, what better time to make a new thread? Share the great and the valuable fan recordings and unreleased songs from the great musicians who lived at some point in history.
To keep the FUN going, please refrain from posting links to material that is commercially available.
I'll start with the overall greatest recording of the Radio KAOS tour by Roger Waters: https://mega.co.nz/#!n5oHBQ5Q!eBkiGSxvlNNaSIqkqL4D2FjMmjBJ9sMEMKfO6uAjuvM
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>>417485 >>417484 Also you might want to consider checking the site first, since it seems to be already dead. URL only shows a "temporary unavailable" message.