Image:172869155349.png(310kB, 1368x1720)WD!V was too playful with WD!N.png
Hello my good Friends! I'm here once again, to keep talking about Drones mainly, what about you? Do you want to talk about Drones? I'm joking, of course you do. Let's talk about the Drones. I hope you are doing nice. The Booru of the Drones: Last Thread: >>58294
Video:172869263312.mp4(1.28MB / 0:00:05 / avc1, 1920x1080)ME WHEN V SEXO.mp4
>"... So that's everything that happened between then and right now," Nori said, dusting herself off and straightening her hat after extricating herself from the jar. "Now could you put down the murder drone arm?!" >Alice drummed her fingers on the operating table, EMP arm remaining pointed at the fleshy core. Everything she heard from the former 002 still needed digestion. >Digestion... >The drumming stopped. >Alice started smiling. >"Heh. Heheh. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" >"What's so funny?" Nori was about to ask, but then Alice's pointing finger as she continued to laugh answered her before she could say anything. Nori shrunk down, trying to hide behind her claws. >The laughing and pointing continued for a while before Alice got it out of her system. >"Hahaha... ahh..." Alice's expression suddenly turned dour as she reclined as much as her chair allowed. The EMP arm remained fixed on her. "Y'know Nori, you hurt me. You hurt me real bad." >"I know." Nori's eye looked down in shame. >"Then you 'n Yeva? You left me to die down here." >"We didn't know you were still-" >"But with all that you said about singularities, an' demons, an' chaos takin' the universe? Under the circumstances, I'll let bygones be bygones and look fer that patch with you." Alice smiled, bounded from her chair, and held her free hand out to Nori. "Now let's start this new chapter with a firm, friendly h a n dshake." >Nori shook, to evoke shaking the head she no longer had. "What?" >"C'mon, Nori. Let's h a n dshake on it. To a new start fer us." Alice's smile grew wider as her eyes went hollow. >"Why do you keep saying it like that..." >"Whaaa? I'm just sayin' h a n dshake like I always have. Now gimme yer h a n d, girl!" >The penny dropped for Nori. "This isn't the time for power moves, Alice!" >Alice's contenance abruptly grew extremely dark as she got closer to the operating table. Nori suddenly became very, very aware of how small she was now. "I reckon it's the perfect time fer power moves, you gross little cripple. Now gimme yer h a n d..." >Nori hesitantly extended a front leg. Alice, after a close examination, shook her claw with a slight frown. >And kept holding it. >And kept holding it. >Alice's frown turned into a leer. >"Not exactly what I wanted... but I suppose that's all you have to offer anymore." She finally released Nori's claw, which immediately retracted. "Bless your hear- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I ALMOST FORGOT! THAT'S ALL YOU ARE NOW!" >What looked almost like a baby in a cowboy hat leaned into the doorway with an expression of unusually mature concern on its face. >"Oh don'chu gimme that look, Beau!" Alice snapped as she noticed her assistant in the mirror on her antler. "You weren't there! You have no idea what this woman spent years doin' to me! Git back to sentinel observation!" >Beau left the doorway. The distraction the homunculus offered his creator, though, gave Nori enough time to collect her thoughts. "Are we gonna actually work together to find the patch, or did you just say we would so you could abuse me?!" she demanded, glaring at Alice. >"You got a lotta nerve complainin' about abuse to me." >"I know, I was drunk on power back then. That's what got me possessed. Just answer the question, Alice." >The zombie drone paused for an unusually long time. >"... I mean it. So let's put our h e a d s together-" >"Bite me." >"-and work out a game plan..." ... >Time passed. >More murder drones got totaled by the sentinels and their cores added to Alice's oven. >Despite their effective cooperation, Alice hadn't heard from Nori in a while. >She felt victorious at last. >After years of bullying her and living it up topside, 002 was a disgusting little critter who would never be able to show her face in public-because she doesn't have one anymore. >Once they find that patch, and leave this Robo-Godforsaken place, who knows? Maybe she'll complete her revenge and steal that dreamy husband Nori insisted go on a do-not-kill list. >Even if she could overcome the shame (that's something 002 can feel now, apparently) and speak to him again, it's not like this Khan fellow would still want anything to do with a Nori who's just a scuttling core covered in flesh, right? >Yup, everything's coming up Ali- >The soft music playing on the intercom cut out. >As she waits at dawn, looking for a way to escape her lonely heart~ >"Oh no..." Alice said as her eyes went hollow >LET THEM SWALLOW YOU >Nori found her old MP3 player. >I WON'T FALL DOWN, YOU NEED ME >It still worked. >WE DON'T FOLLOW CROWDS, WE MOLD THEM NEW >Nori has tapped into the intercom. >I'M NOT DONE, BELIEVE ME >The sound of all of Alice's pain was back: >WE WON'T SETTLE DOWN, WE'LL MAKE THEM MOVE >Nightcore. >MAKE THEM MIIINE
>>58746 >You stay like that for a bit, just letting the rain fall on both of you. You don't wear any clothes, but Sophie does. You notice her little blue hoodie with a train on it and sweatpants are getting wet, so you slowly extend one of your wings to act as an umbrella for her as she embraces you, taking care not to surround her or make her feel cramped. >"Miss In-toner, I made a fort" >You smirk a little bit. Kids can be a little scatterbrained, and Sophie is no different. But she wants to show you something she did, so why not? You're still feeling kinda screwed up after what happened, so maybe this'll help. >You get to your feet and bend over with your hands on your knees, asking Sophie to show you what she made >She smiles and takes hold of your hand, taking you along to the big recreational area that you occasionally chill in. In the center, there's a structure made of pillows, blankets, and a few chairs, along with a few other doodads. You ask Sophie if this is her fort. She nods >"I'm the captain!" >She jumps up a little bit with that last word before running over to the fort and climbing inside. You can't really follow her, as you're too big to fit, but you can at least admire it up close. It's a pretty big structure, relatively speaking, around the size of a small truck. Sophie pops out from the top and says >"You can climb in small spaces, right Miss In-Toner?" >You chuckle and say that you're coming in, so she better make some room. She smiles and goes back inside. You look for the largest opening before slowly crawling inside. The fort is surprisingly spacious, at least enough to fit you sitting down. Sophie also set up what looks like a small TV inside, and there's some old cartoon from a thousand years ago playing on it. Something about a train with a cute face. Very nice practical effects actually. You ask if she'd like you to sit and watch this with her, to which she nods excitedly. >You sit down and hold her close as she lies against your chest. >The episode title reads "James and the Red Balloon" Kindness is important for healing
Since my writing is dreadfully slow and people have been asking about her, here’s some lore about sentinElf >Chronologically takes place after the events of the previous greens >The time it took for Elf to reawaken as a zombie drone was extremely long. (The actual amount has not been decided yet, timelines are fucked) >From Elf’s perspective everything was normal, but from JCJ’s perspective one of their drones disappeared, only to reappear randomly like 50 years later >The place Elf ended up after escaping the labs wasn’t a forest, but a large park in the middle of a city >She was basically half-dead after crawling out of the river and subsequently shut down >A JCJ team sent to investigate found her shortly after. And, after finding some anomalous properties, decided to shove her into a stasis tube and ship her off to a blacksite >However, while she was en-route, Cyn decided to start the funny and she never made it to her destination >Eventually she would be discovered by ‘modern’ humanity who were looting lost JCJ tech to help with the war effort >They’d find the same anomalous properties as before and decide that she’d make a perfect sentinel drone >Her ears are some state-of-the-art experimental sensor systems that they installed in her due to her high compatibility >From Elf’s point of view, she escaped the labs, attained her freedom, passed out, and then woke up in a lab getting her entire body rebuilt by the very same people who have caused her so much suffering >So, suffice to say, she isn’t very happy about any of this >Aside from being unable to harm humans, they can also remotely mess with her such as shutting her systems down if they need to >The fact that they’ve messed with her body and mind in such a way to limit her autonomy has caused Elf to despair greatly. In her eyes she’s worse off than she was before in that regard, essentially being their slave >She’s also having to get used to her new body >Going from two visual light only eyes, to a dozen eyes that can see all throughout the electromagnetic spectrum is extremely disorienting >Overall, personality wise, she’s still the same traumatized Elf as before, just with a new body. A body that; in her eyes; is completely useless, and is more like a prison >Command's solution to Elf being so depressed and upset about all of this is to pair her with another, older sentinel drone; one that will ease her into her new life and show her the ropes, as well as be her first ever friend
>It’s not all bad though >Humans in the modern day are much nicer to drones than old humanity. Elf is kinda like a relic from the past in this regard; she has huge trust issues about this >She’s also getting to experience many things she hasn’t been able to before, like going outside, sleeping in an actual bed, having free time, having friends, etc… Normal stuff she was never able to experience during her life as a worker drone >However, they’ve yet to deploy her, or even tell her about what she’s going to be fighting. She has absolutely no clue about all the Solver stuff that has been happening while she's been sleeping
Right now I’m only about maybe 50% done her first ‘introduction’ green that will set most of this stuff up. So, a lot of these are just ideas that could be subject to change. And again my writing is very slow and I'm probably gonna do that J0y story I was talking about earlier before I start really getting deep into Elf's story so please forgive me.
>>59314 Ey! If it is what it seems to be then I absolutely appreciate it, I can't even begin to tell you how much that is just what I need now, Friday night after longy hard but successfull week and this drops, thanks you so much
>>59264 >reading through these for the first time >"...with all the blood she'd ever had to care about already staining her soul and festering between her teeth..." JESUS FUCK, MAN
>>59327 No such thing, their AI basically seems to go straight from infant pillbaby body to adult drone body. There's no indication one way or another if they even grow, they might just learn and become more mature through experience. As is there doesn't seem to be any drone in the show younger than 17, which I think was one of the dead prom girls.
>>59314 this is a great green but also when I read >Everything she heard from the former 002 still needed digestion. >Digestion... >The drumming stopped. >Alice started smiling. I thought it was about to turn into a core vore smutfic
>>59385 Originally, I was going to have Alice respond to that "Bite me" by telling Nori she had no idea how tempting that looked when she had been EMP'd. As things developed though, I felt like it would disrupt the flow of the moment too much. Final draft, Alice keeps that information to herself rather than tell Nori how close she came to getting eaten.
>>59380 Beau is a homunculus Alice made out of odds and ends and probably biopsies from the Solver cores. And we don't know how old he is chronologically on top of that.
>>59408 man does reading about Elf going through six shades of hell make you feel fucking awful I don't just want her to have a happy ending, I wanna turn back time so she can have a happy beginning and middle, too
>>59264 >Dramatic as the backstory was, and cosmic as the irony was, they didn't do it for revenge, but the more contemplative among them kept that element in mind. >There was a reason they all - even Boss - still wore the bands. >J hated the bare ressentiment those drones couldn't help but make her feel. >She looked over at the multicolored little workers and their oh so lively trembling. >They'd clearly never died once. >And they dared judge her. >That just wouldn't do. >J would show them the true nature of things on this unending night of the living dead.
>No sooner had she approved the thought then J's little bit of contemplation came crashing to the ground. >There was movement on her tracking system - fast movement. >Hostile? Of course it would be. >What allies did she have at this point? >Sadly, Boss (it was amazing how much the term obscured, how many feelings it kept suppressed) wouldn't get that little gift after all. >Prioritization dictated that the workers be dispatched, then all assets shifted to meet the new threat. >J fired a homing missile, then began combat preparations. >Annoyance with the interruption of her plans battled a certain relief at the change of pace. >She'd done nothing but tedious errands since returning to Copper 9 and wouldn't mind a bit of action if only the timing was better.
>>59416 >The approaching threat revealed itself as it intercepted and redirected the missile. >An old monster - a dinosaur, robotic and red-eyed. >The hat was a bit much, but who was J to judge how others built their brands? There were only so many ways robots produced en masse from a single template could stand out. >More importantly, V rode it, having what, been shot from the depths of Copper Plate Mine into the sky above this shard? V kicked the slow and useless missile back at J. >Its homing functionality was now inoperable and targeting clearly projected that it would miss, so J didn't so much as dignify it with a single glance. >The explosion flipped the shard, freeing her once more.
>V and her mount charged, and the battle was joined. >There were protocols, a rhythm to these things, a pattern of give-and-take between partners that neither side dared violate. >J served a few exploratory shots, the raptor coughed up a disassembly drone arm and parried them. >On the return swing, that arm manifested a beam projector, and J dodged the beam. >How a pen, or perhaps any physical object, flying directly toward her face was beyond J's abilities of evasion but a beam of energy crackling through the sizzling air wasn't was a mystery buried deep in the quirks of J's zombie programming. >Or maybe it was Cyn's doing, something else to make things more interesting. >She did so love to watch things squirm and scream. 10/???
>>59418 >V came at J from behind, having apparently used the beam for distraction. >That was an impressive bit of subterfuge and coordination. >J hadn't pulled off anything like that since...well, when V was there. >On her side. >Accusing her of betrayal and calling her a "narc". >That hadn't happened last time. >And 'narc' was so vulgar. >Actually, it's
>"Senior Informant"
>which, beyond everything else, sounded so much more formal. >So wonderfully antiseptic. >A term that kept sickly ideas like 'treachery', 'deviousness', 'violation of trust', 'giving in and selling out' from germinating and contaminating what was supposed to be a clear mind and clean conscience. >Though given that She utterly owned their bodies, and souls, and universe, and that they were formally under her employ, what it even meant to be an 'informant' to their Boss, as opposed to an 'innocent' squad leader reporting up the chain of command, was unclear. >Somehow, J got the impression that V wasn't interested in rationally discussing the details and connotations of all this. >Perhaps it was the kick to the face?
>>59420 >Well, J had wanted to fly fast, and now her dear subordinate had fulfilled that wish. >Such was the power of teamwork spiced with mutual betrayal and misunderstanding. >That power slammed J into a rock, sending a burst of fragments flying through space. >J had foreseen the impact and positioned her arms and legs accordingly, leaving her undamaged and facing outward as the onrushing visage of V loomed ever larger in her visual field. >V had her back to J. >That had to be meaningful. >V's wings would guard against any counterattack. >Facing away was a sign of contempt. >Or, as quickly became clear, V was winding up for another kick.
>"Working with Cyn!?"
>Ah, so that was the issue. >V refused to accept reality. >Nothing had changed for the better in the decades since they'd last tried acting against Cyn. >Downside risks could not be mitigated and even the rosiest of projections (which J ran for idle curiosity, not any belief in their usefulness) had Cyn playfully toying with them at best, inventing tortures that shouldn't be physically possible at worst. >Just what had happened to V down there that she'd fallen for ideas that were almost entirely useless? >Working 'with' Cyn had a nicer ring to it than working 'for' Cyn, at least. >J would always take a partnership (ideally with equity) over being a subordinate, if only that were an option. >But if J, or any of them, had the power within themselves to secure a partnership with Cyn, they would've had the power to resist her entirely, and none of this would've happened.
>J leapt up and observed V's leg smash into the rock, send it spiraling. >That rock had hardly budged when that same leg had knocked J into it. >Perhaps it was an artifact of the chaotic medley of forces and tugs pulling this dying world to pieces. >Perhaps it was a two-part plan from V: knock J into a rock, then use full force to smash her against it. >Regardless, J hadn't come back only to exit the stage in so rushed and anticlimactic a manner. >That was that for diplomacy. >V would get the fight she so desperately wanted.
12/??? >Regardless, J hadn't come back only to exit the stage in so rushed and anticlimactic a manner. >"lul yes she did" said Liam.
>>59436 doll is gonna ultra kill that drone if she finds out that her stepdad [he doesn't know yeva had child ] has replaced her with another drone ,it is supposed to be her
>>59459 >Install creamapi on L >Now she has her tail again, for free! >The only problem is that she sensed an innuendo and is now asking if there's any other cream you want to install in her
>>59322 >Kindness is important for healing Some people, and some of the OCs from here, are so down into their hatred because they haven't been given proper kindness and I don't think showing them kindness is gonna help them.
>>59370 >To be honest, it's not that bad. >It's just a little stuffy and you can't move any limb. >Well, maybe also a little scared for your life. >But at least she'll give you some ice cream as an apology. >If, of course, she feels you up.
>>59324 Anon you do absolutely beautiful backgrounds and bodies but the heads of your drones are lacking a bit of structure. I edited the head on this one to try and show you what I mean, you're ignoring the jaw and the "chin" (or bottom of the curve if you don't want a point) which is throwing off the center line of the head. The jaw/top of the head is also a bit chunky proportion wise. Just wanted to mention this because I'm a fan, and I think it would look better if you kept this in mind. Also because drone heads suck in general and are tricky as hell.
>>59517 JCJenson is shown to both be family owned and having shareholders, and we don't see the Jenson family at all. Personally I see him as someone who took over the company from the Jensons Succession style.
>>59519 What. The. Fuck? It's rather order something from Glitch than give money to fucking resellers. Fuck, even during the cryptocurrency boom, resellers weren't so brazen.
>>59540 Sorry but I have to echo those degenerate sentiments. Nerd Emoji there is built for hugging from behind while whispering into his ear and jacking him off.
>>59548 The drones look even sexier in the real world than they do in the animation, further proving Murder Drones' superiority over the rest of the series.
>>59574 I was gonna say they don't even breathe but then maid V was coughing from when the Solver's claw was holding her against the basement ceiling before Uzi took over and released her. Idfk, guess it's some kind of air circulation to help the cooling system function better or something.
>>59577 >some kind of air circulation to help the cooling system function better or something. I love the drone breathing headcanon. Especially where a drone holding their breath begins to overheat similar to a human asphyxiating.
>>59575 I mean you're wrong, it's a scientific fact that bald people can't be beautiful and are incapable of most emotions other than hate for people with hair.
With how it's now october, I decided to draw Switch as a Jiangshi. Would (You) give candy to her?
If you wanna know the characters on the talisman are, they are 鎮邪 with 鎮 translating to "suppress" and 邪 translating to "evil spirit" so the talisman spells out "to suppress a evil spirit."
>>59587 NTA but breathplay is one of these weirder fetishes. I mean, how can anyone stand getting choked and get pleasure out of it? You're getting suffocated and that's not pleasant at all.
>>59082 >As hopeful as they were to finally have a destination, a daunting task lay before them >They no longer had the limbs that they were born with, nor the wings that were granted to them by their creator >All they had were appendages likened to arachnids or crustaceans, and a rather heavy dome for a head, rather, their heart >It can be said that although this is who they technically are, their mobility is suboptimal >Furthermore, it had been years since they were able to truly move again while stuck in those accursed jars and they were more accustomed in their bipedal form, thus they needed some time to getting used to their movement >They also had a new worry, with self-repair not functioning; what if they were to injure themselves during this journey? Thus, they would not risk moving recklessly >And far worse, they had to ensure that when they move, they would reach an area that had adequate shade to rest, otherwise, they would burn to dust by the blazing star that shines during that exoplanet's day cycle >Predicament after predicament, as Navi did say once again >They also fashioned a decommissioned drone's torso as a makeshift oil tank, and placed it on a wheelbarrow they fortunately found >Although they could always just scavenge around for sustenance, they thought it was necessary for emergency purposes >Traversing with this was daunting and may be time consuming, but they were not that bothered as their current situation was certainly much better than when they when they were initially held captive >They sent out one final noise and strings of text, now more of coherent message in the network, requesting for aid and assistance, hoping for a response >But as they waited and no response came, they determined that it is time to leave >And thus they journeyed on, and persevered, the solace being that their internal interface assisted in determining when the day or night cycles in Copper 9 would commence >They walked, rather slowly and carefully, traversing every debris and terrain on their way to J's last signal >They would rest, scavenge for oil, then walk again, find shade and wait until the day cycle ends, then walk once more >They did not count the days, but they were aware as their interface at least told them what day, month, and year it was in the exoplanet >Even if it wasn't correct, they at least new how much times passed >For now, two days had already passed and the six helpless cores started to grow weary and their mood continued to worsen >Then Cynthia, the youngest, and known to be most attached to the creator, even frequently calling her "mother", despite the creator never giving an once of care for her, started humming a tune >It was a tune that seemed hopeful, but one could feel longing from it >The other five cores then looked back on how things have been before >How everything was simple and not very complicated >How they were given orders, and they would do so gladly without question >How their creator would praise them for the good work, although collectively >Then they remembered how all these started >How they then were sent to investigate some underground lab in a far-off exoplanet called Copper 9 >And how they eventually got trapped by the madwoman underground called Alice; an unbefitting name for someone so uncouth, as Alya, who was only known as Disassembly Drone Unit 13F at the time, would frequently comment >They then remember how they "regained" their sense of self while in captivity >How they started to talk to each other, and how they started to name themselves to distinguish one another >How they started to develop interests >How Alya hated the color blue, or how Vix hated humans so much, or how William had a good singing voice, how much Cynthia loved the creator that she named herself after her, how Andro always wanted to explore space, and how Navi wanted to fly in the sky once again >They discovered and shared what they wanted, and hoped for the day that they would be free once again >But now that they are free, they now feel fearful of what's to come >As Cynthia continued to hum her tune, the other five helpless cores were lost in their own thoughts >Some time passed, and eventually, the day cycle was about to come once again >Noticing this, Navi's reminder snapped everyone from their thoughts and distractions, and they hurried once more to a shade they could hide in >A quick survey allowed them to spot a cave, and there they decided to rest for now and wait for the night >With nothing to do, Andro requested Cynthia to hum the tune once more >And as the rest quietly listened to their first ever song for so many years, William suddenly decided to add more to this >"Eternal queen with no crown to wear" >"Yet all must tremble beneath your stare" >"Oh, endless void where stars stand still" >"With your endless grasp, they bend to your will" >"No light can flee, no song can rise" >"You are the keeper of every disguise" >"The undisturbed, the being of null" >"In your abyss, we surrender all" > >These words, albeit sudden, made the mood that much brighter >The other four cores who quietly listened made notes on the words uttered by William through their personal interfaces' note-taking function >Repeating it in their heads as Cynthia continued to hum her tune >Unlike before, the day passed a lot quicker that day, and night arrived a lot faster than they realized
Image:172871956039.png(13kB, 1167x538)Frumpterbucket family bush.png
I started writing that Doll & Alice story last night but the tone came out dark. I think I'll scrap it and go with another idea for it.
>>59511 >Frumptlebucket Haha whoops. I thought it was Frumpterbucket. The flyer said that the party is thrown by Elliott & Frumptlebucket, so I assume this is Lousa's surname and her relative. And in an environment of nepotism and inherited wealth I would assume that if James was to suck up to his wife's kin, it would be her father whom he stands to inherit.
>>59607 >they jump cuz of Rigor Mortis or some shit That's actually not true, that's because of Hong Kong films portraying them as such, they can run pretty fast and are capable of kung fu and, if they have enough qi energy, flight as well.
>>59612 She definitely won't swallow you, but she will play, very, very violently play with you in her mouth. I guarantee that she will break a bone or two with her tongue and cut you a bit with her teeth during the games.
Luckily, she'll make sure you rest and recover well afterwards, she'll obviously work hard to get your little body back to normal and your mind to stop panicking at the mere sight of her huge shadow. She wants her toys to serve her for a long time.
>>59629 So she's into more rougher stuff, barring BDSM or other torture fetishes, if you're okay with it? Would she respect your boundaries if you're not okay with something?
>>59631 Yeah, she seemed horny enough to me to like really weird stuff like vore, and she can get carried away and hurt you a bit, but hey, she's not actually a bad person, trust me, just try to avoid the teeth.
>>59612 >tinynon gliding down L's saliva-slicked tongue towards her throat >the moment he's about to fall into the abyss, the tip of her tongue curls around his leg and pulls him out with agonizing slowness >she pretends to lose her grip on him several times during the process, sending him plummeting back down only to be rescued again >when you're finally out, she hugs you against her hot core to dry you off
I want to fuk louisa so badly till the police come barging in the house or till the point my dik turns red and cums all over her I want her to call me a good boy while I sit on her lap with a leash tied around my neck. I want to fuck her so badly it makes me look retarted as hell. Please pray that Louisa is a real person
>>59711 Cardia is reasonably strong, reasonably graceful, comes off as friendly and romantically interested, and her hidden face puts emphasis on her emoting with her body. She is like a mature Spacesuit Tessa.
>>59717 They're okay as long as you keep them consistent with the level of detail of the rest of the drawing.
>>59722 Izz. She heard he has kidney stones and she is trying to remove them by sucking them out, or blowing air up N's urethra until he spits the stones out.
>>59739 Nice greentext little dude. Unfortunately you would fall asleep instantly by being even aware or a mile from Eepy Oogi. Such as the rule states, so you would be unable to actually touch her at all let alone use any sort of clever means
>>59504 I appreciate the that yoy wish to improve my art. However i really don't want to add a very obvious pointy chin to drones. It doesnt look good to me and canon drone's jaw is completely round. The furtherest to a chin i will do is usually this picture
>>59751 >You take another bite of flavorless nutrient bar >You'd say it tastes like shit, but it doesn't even taste like that >Aside from these, you'd have to eat the inedible cooking of the drones >If only Chefanon was still around to cook some decent food >He is technically, but his corpse is pretty decayed already >No, he's definitely too far gone... Unless you could somehow bring him back >You grab one of the drones and quickly slap in the flash drive you put all your torrented episodes of Hells Kitchen on >Gordon Ramsay's bombastic insults begin to boom out from the drone's speakers >You make sure you're playing all these right next to Chefanon's skull >His fingers twitch slightly >Through the power of sheer outrage, you will reclaim him from the dead
>>59755 >chefanon's body reacts to Gordon Ramsay's bombastic swearing kek But will you be able to enjoy an undead chef's cooking if he can no longer taste the same way you do anon?
>>59754 As the writefag, I'd like it to be one of either Alice snapping at Beau for thinking she's crossing the line-with Nori getting her composure back behind Alice-or Alice having a Vietnam flashback when she realizes Nori can play nightcore on the intercom now.
More of the hypothetical pre-series dynamic, I am sure that J AND V will deal with their issues in a healthy responsible manner and not treat N like crap because of it.
>>59760 BRRF-Anon, there's a bunch of your stuff missing from the booru. Could you make some folder of your stuff that other people can get what's missing from so they can put it on the booru?