/md/ - Murder Drones

Thread stats: 937 posts, 212 files (206 image(s), 6 video(s))

Replying to /md/23319
Murder Drones MainAnonymous
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Hello Friends, it's me again.
I think we should talk about the same as before, you know, MD, MD Thread related, Drones, Disassembly Drones, Worker Drones, Solver, Solver Wars, Humans that lived, etc.
Because we have so much fun talking about it!
Have a very nice day.
The impressive Booru: https://dronebooru.co
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V best girl.
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What would actually happen?
Destroy the child
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They kill it.
I can see Uzi doing it, but N?
I feel like Uzi's CPU would be fried by the knowledge of a human who thinks robots are cool. It'd be an angsty teen version of Bender being amazed that Fry always wanted a robot friend in nthe Futurama pilot
Uzi if anything is arguably safe edgy and the least likely of the two to do it.
(You) and Beretta meet the genderbent versions of (You) and Beretta who's called Barret.
Uzi is all bark no bite, sadly she doesn't like to bite
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Does he, you know, have a "high caliber barrel"? Can he "hit" his "targets" at "long range"?
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Part 1 – https://dronebooru.co/posts/2602?q=parent%3A2602
Part 2 – https://dronebooru.co/posts/2487?q=parent%3A2602
Part 3 – https://dronebooru.co/posts/2567?q=parent%3A2602

>WD-CYNS2311 “Elf” stands there in disbelief
>Assuming the broadcast is to be trusted, she had somehow stumbled into an old JCJ R&D facility
>But why was this place here? Why was this place abandoned?
>Her question is immediately answered by a particularly loud squelching sound coming from the fleshy growths
>Ah, well, that’s why
>Looking over the meat overtaking the walls and floor, she wonders how she’s going to proceed
>The way she came from is blocked off. She has no choice but to head deeper into this place
>And so, she has to brave the pulsing floors and walls that lie before her
>Slowly raising her shaking leg, she reaches her foot forward and steps onto the fleshy floor
>Her foot sinks into it a bit, and a thick, viscous mucous soaks into her clothes. It feels disgusting, but it doesn’t seem to harm her in any way
>Maybe this won’t be too bad after all…
>Her hopes are immediately quelled by the rapid sounds of footsteps approaching, lots of them
>Seeing nowhere else to go, Elf immediately dives under the receptionist’s desk
>Her body sinks slightly into the meaty floor as she tries to make herself as small as possible
>Peering out from underneath her hiding spot, she her eyes locked onto the door the sounds are coming from
>The footsteps are getting closer, but the number of footsteps is decreasing
>At first it sounded like dozens were approaching her, then only a couple
>Now only a single pair
>She holds her breath as a lone figure steps out into the dim red lights of the room
>It’s a worker drone
>It looks like some kind of older model, but it’s still easily recognizable as a worker
>Another survivor? Maybe someone who could help her?
>Elf initially goes to call out to it, but her words get caught in her throat as she gets a better look
>Something is really off about this worker
>It looks completely pristine and untouched, like it had just rolled off the factory line. It had no defining features at all. It’s perhaps the most normal and default looking drone she has ever seen
>However, its most notable feature was its lack of lights. She should’ve noticed it sooner
>It appeared to have the standard worker drone face screen, complete with large blue eyes that gazed around the room with a curious look
>But they didn’t glow. They produced no light at all
>As the strange drone came closer to her hiding spot, she finds out why
>Its screen isn’t a screen at all
>It’s hard to notice, but its face had the same slimy texture as the flesh growing out of the floor
>The large blue “eyes” were made of the same material, just colored a bright blue. They even blinked and moved around somehow
>Whatever the hell this thing is it’s certainly not a drone
>Elf stays more still than she had ever been in her life. She doesn’t want to imagine what this thing would do if it found her
>The fake drone continues to slowly walk around the dimly lit room, before it suddenly opens its mouth and began to speak

>”Hello—welcome—I’m—ARIR—I own the place—"

>Elf cowers further into her hiding spot at the sound of this thing’s “voice”
>The sounds that were coming out of that thing were a perfect copy of the voice she had heard on the PA system. It even included the crackle of the static from the old speakers
>It isn’t really speaking at all, more just stitching together things it had heard before. Did it even understand what it’s saying?

>”Hello—E—L—F—wherever you—are—"

>She nearly bursts out into a full-blown panic as a sense of true existential fear overcomes her
>She bites her tongue, holds her breath and clamps her violently shaking hands over her audio sensors. Desperately trying not to break down and scream
>*It* knew her name
>A million thoughts race through her head, did it see her? Has it been watching her? Is it somehow employed by JCJ and got sent after her?
>Robogod… Why is this happening to her?
>She struggles to silence her racing mind as her system temp spikes from both stress and lack of air intake. Warning messages begin to pop up in the corner of her vision. She won’t last very long like this
>As Elf struggles underneath the table, the ‘drone’ continues its search. Soft squelching sounds echo through the silent air as it surveys the place with its all too lifelike eyes
>More and more messages flash across her vision. She’s on the edge of risking system damage if she doesn’t get some air intake soon
>But just as she’s about to break down, the fake drone slowly turns its head and scans the room one last time, before it finally shuffles out and down the hall
>She continues to lie still, holding her breath despite all the warnings. Not until she’s sure it’s gone. Not until she can’t hear its footsteps anymore…
>Time ticks by at a glacial pace as the footsteps slowly grow fainter and fainter, until they can be heard no more over the slight pulsing of the flesh
>Gasping for breath; Fresh, cool air is allowed to circulate through her system once more... That was close…
Video:172373170229.mp4(3.59MB / 0:00:12 / avc1, 1578x888)Insects Before Gods.mp4
Unlike a certain someone
>Even after the drone is long gone, Elf doesn’t move
>Even after her system temp fully returns to normal, Elf stays hidden
>This is all too much for her
>She just wants to curl up in a ball and hide there forever, where it’s safe
>But then she’ll never get out, and that ‘thing’ would find her eventually
>If she wants to survive, her only chance is to try and find some kind of escape deeper in the building
>The thought of traversing deeper into this eldritch hell shakes her to her core
>But the thought of being stuck down here forever is even worse
>She peaks her head up and out from under the desk. The room looks just as uninviting as before, but there’s no sign of the drone
>It’s safe…
>Despite everything within telling her to stay hidden, Elf climbs out from underneath the desk. Her body still shaking slightly
>A sense of dread runs through her as she stares through one of the open doors leading deeper into this foul place. Gazing into the living abyss
>As long as she’s alive, there’s hope
>Elf steps past the threshold, walking into an alien world lost to time
>The hallway isn’t too dissimilar to the lobby
>Everything was falling apart, old JCJ branding was plastered all over the place, and of course the horrific fleshy growths and tentacles slowly consuming the rooms
>Elf tries to avoid the flesh as much as possible as the treks through the halls
>So far, they’ve yet to harm her in any way, outside of soaking her in mucous; but her trust is not gained so easily
>Maybe is she stays still for too long; she’ll get sucked in and consumed like the rest of this place
>Walking a little faster now, she passes by ruined offices and staircases; old overgrown break rooms; elevators with dozens of tentacles climbing out of them…
>But strangely, she has yet to see a single body. Human or drone
>Perhaps the flesh is all that’s left of them?
>Shaking the thoughts from her head. Elf continues forward…
>…Only to nearly jump into the ceiling as the silence is suddenly broken

>“It looks like you’re spending a lot of time loitering in the hallways. I’d just like to remind you that every second of wasted time is carefully tracked and will be tallied up for your annual reviews”
>”Your laziness hurts not only the company, you’re also hurting humanity itself! Think of how much more advanced we would be if we had abolished vacation time, sick days and work breaks a millennium sooner! All that wasted time adds up!”
>“How do I know that you’re slacking off despite being a recording? I had the lab boys working for months on ARIR: Artificial Reconstructed Intelligence REDACTED. That’s right, you don’t get to know the last word, it’s highly classified.”
>”This new cutting edge AI system, combined with some basic sensors I installed will track my employees and play my audiologs. Pulled funding and manpower from several different projects to do it. Investors were furious! But it’s my name on the company, not theirs!”
>”Anyway, I’m watching- ̴I̶'̴m̵ ̴w̵a̶t̴c̸h̷i̴n̴g̴-̶̷̴ ̴-̸̶̷̶̸͙́w̴a̸t̶c̵h̷i̵n̴g̸-̸̴̸̴̷̴̵̸̖̪̪͑͝I̸-̴I̵'̷m̷-̸w̴a̴t̴c̵h̵-̷w̶a̷t̷c̶h̸i̷n̵g̸-̵w̵a̶t̸c̵h̵i̸n̸g̷”

>The grainy, distorted voice of Cave Jensen glitches out on the last few words. Looping for several seconds before cutting of with a burst of static
>It was just the old PA system again
>But while Elf had recovered from her momentary panic. She stands completely motionless. Listening intently for approaching footsteps
>She hears nothing. The air has returned to its regular quiet of faint flesh sounds once more
>But surely that “drone” from before had heard the speakers
>It was probably on its way already
>Elf takes off with a light job. She doesn’t intend to be here when it decided to show up
>But as she rounds the next corner, she becomes acutely aware of something
>A second set of footsteps, only slightly delayed behind her own
>Slowing down her pace a bit, the footsteps follow in kind. Matching her
>She comes to a stop. Silence
>Slowly, she takes a single step forward
>She hears a second step, directly behind her. Mirroring her
>She freezes in place, unsure of what to do
>Her mind races at a million miles per hour as she contemplates her options
>It’s already behind her, there’s no place to hide
>She could run, but it might be faster than her
>Just turning to look at it might be dangerous
>Her only option is to try and get it, before it gets her
>She has to attack first
>Elf balls her right hand into a tight, shaking fist
>Workers are strong, very strong. She can do this
>Her entire body tenses up like a spring, preparing to strike
>Suddenly spinning around as fast as she can, Elf launches a massive sucker punch at the thing behind her
>However, her fist simply passes through empty air
>With her momentum still in full swing, Elf spins on her heel and tumbles to the warm fleshy ground
>But while she missed, it wasn’t because there was nothing there
>There’s a presence there, only slightly illuminated by the dim emergency lights
>Standing over her…
>…is Elf
>Elf stares down at Elf
>Elf stares up at Elf
>The Elf standing over her makes no moves. She has a neutral, almost curious expression on her face as she stares down at Elf
>The Elf standing over her has no lights. While she appears to have eyes, they aren’t virtual. Her clothes seem to be melded into her body rather than worn, and everything has the same texture as the flesh on the walls
>It’s the same fake drone as before
>But now it’s pretending to be her
>The fake Elf opens her mouth as if to speak. And the real Elf hops to her feet and runs off in the other direction as fast as she can


>The distorted staticky voice of Cave Jensen calls after her by name, sending a jolt of terror down her spine
>She gains a little distance, but it’s following her. She can hear the footsteps trailing behind her, almost perfectly matching her pace
>It’s toying with her, mimicking her every movement. Like it wants to be her
>Eventually she would tire, or hit a dead end, and then who knows what would happen to her?
>She has to think of something quick. The footsteps are slowly getting faster
>Rounding a corner, she runs down a long hallway lined with dirty windows
>This was it!
>The lights are too dim to see what’s behind them, but she’s willing to take a chance!
>Turning on her heel, Elf carries her momentum and throws herself through one of the windows. Only to feel a sudden drop
>Screaming in surprise, Elf plummets into the abyss below
>She falls for several seconds, before landing on her back, staring up at the high ceiling she just fell from
>She lies still, waiting for the pain to come, but she feels nothing
>Is she paralyzed? Unable to feel the anything from her wrecked body?
>She sits up, checking herself over. Everything’s fine
>She’s lying in a large pile of spongy flesh, having just cushioned her fall
>Suddenly remembering her situation, Elf shakes off her surprise and jumps to her feet. She needs to hide!
>Spotting the nearest piece of half-consumed machinery, Elf rapidly dives underneath it and lays perfectly still
>Hopefully it wouldn’t follow her down her-

>“Ah, production lot 4. The heart of worker drone manufacturing!”
>”Whether it’s helping your mother out with her groceries, filing your taxes, or working the production line to make more of themselves, know that you can always trust a worker drone to get the job done!”
>”They’re hardworking, loyal, and filled with enough radioactive material to irradiate an entire city!”
>“Seriously. Don’t spend long periods of time around them if you’re attached to your hair. Healthcare is NOT included in your contracts!”
>“But don’t worry, were actively looking into an alternate power source. Bribing the FDA enough to keep these things on the shelves is getting painfully expensive!”

>Robogod fucking dammit
>The second Cave Jensen stops talking, a quiet thud hits the ground. It followed her
>She can’t see it. But she can hear it. Slowly walking around the area, searching. Searching for her
>Elf stays hidden underneath the overgrown equipment. She crawled as deep as she could underneath it, once again sinking a little bit into the fleshy ground. Hopefully it would be enough
>Time flows at an agonizingly slow pace as the mimic walks around. Why was it so persistent? Did it want to replace her that badly?!
>Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the footsteps steadily begin to grow fainter and fainter. It’s leaving
>But Elf stays hidden. She didn’t get the best look before she dived for cover, but she knows the area she’s in is massive. It would likely be able to spot her from a mile away
>She’s not coming out until she’s sure it’s long gone
>But as the minutes slowly tick by, she notices that she’s continuing to sink deeper into the flesh, with seemingly no end
>It’s slowly been eating her this entire time
>Already both her feet are fully buried in the disgusting meat, and she’s only sinking deeper
>Trying to kick her feet has no effect. In fact, it only pulls her further in
>Panicking, Elf grabs a nearby wire hanging off another machine. She pulls as hard as she can, but the flesh doesn’t relent. Not even her worker strength can save her
>Slowly, she’s getting pulled in deeper and deeper

>”ROBOGOD PLEAS- J-JUST LET ME GO!!” She screams, not caring if anything hears

>Just as soon as she opened her mouth, the pressure suddenly decreases, and she successfully manages to pull herself out
>Elf quickly scrambles to her feat, jumping away from the flesh
>That was close… Too close
>From now on, she’ll try to avoid touching it as much as possible
>Now finally out from underneath the machine, she can finally see where she actually ended up
>It’s a massive rusted hallway, with a super high ceiling. Almost like a metallic ravine
>Conveyor belts run down the center, flanked by various types of old machines
>Though it’s heavily corrupted by the all-consuming flesh, she easily recognizes what it is
>It’s a production line, the same kind of production line she worked on
>Did she actually die back there and this is just some weird last second dream state?
>This is all too weird… But if it’s the same as the one she worked on, then she has an idea of where to go
>Forget how creepy this all was, this is actually good news
>She might actually make it out of here
>Keeping her eyes mostly focused looking up at the walls, Elf makes her way forward down the production line. She knows exactly what she’s looking for
>Deeper and deeper she goes, it seemingly goes on forever, but at least it’s a straight line
>As long as she keeps this path, she should be goo-
Of course.
>Her foot catches on something, sending her tumbling forward to the ground. Elf only catches a glimpse of light blue before she face-plants onto something hard
>She’s lying face down on something, a drone. a very familiar looking default looking drone, with bright blue eyes and a blank expression on its face…
>It takes a second for her to process it, before her entire body shifts into a panic

“WAH!” She yelps, immediately trying to scramble up to her hands and knees

>Pressing both of her hands directly onto the thing’s face, Elf pushes herself away with all the strength in her arms
>She feels the thing’s screen shatter underneath the force of her palms as she pushes herself off. Hah! She actually injured it! Take that!
>It has a screen… Its eyes are glowing…
>It’s just a regular drone…
>A fresh wave of relief crashes over her. Crisis averted…
>She quickly stands back up and gets off of it. Thank robogod she finally found someone who can help her…

“S-Sorry…” She apologizes to the now injured drone. Hopefully its still willing to help her after that

>The drone’s cracked eyes stare deep into hers, but it doesn’t respond
>Actually getting a better look at it, it was all sorts of messed up even before she fell on it
>Its body is half submerged in the flesh, and long thin tentacles stick into various parts throughout its body. Pulsing. The drone’s body twitching along the same rhythm
>There’s no help to be found here
>Not wanting to look at it any longer, she quickly continues onwards. Only to find more of the same sight
>More drones, all default. All lying in the same manner as the one she crushed
>Dozens of them… All half-subsumed in the corruption. All connected by pulsing tentacles
>All of them are alive. Staring at her. Their blank eyes follow her as she makes her way down the line
>How long have they been here?
>They’re older models, still using nuclear. They must be ancient
>A sense of dread runs through her as she realizes this could be her. Back there, if she hadn’t managed to pull herself out in time, she’d end up just like them. Stuck in the meat, tendrils violating her entire being…
>Stuck here, kept alive forever, for all eternity… The thought makes her shiver
>She wonders if they’re even conscious. Their eyes bore into hers, and they occasionally twitch… But older drones had inferior AI compared to something as advanced as herself
>A small mercy for them really. But it wouldn’t offer her the same kindness. She needs to get out of here, not matter the cost
>Strange. Seeing these… horrors… Actually makes her more determined. She will not suffer the same loathsome fate as these drones
>Elf, feeling a little invigorated, picks up her step as she heads forward. She should be close now
>The production line is vast, but it’s completely straight. She just has to keep moving forward
>Eventually, after an eternity of walking. Elf finds what she’s looking for
>Half-way up the tall walls lies a window lined office, jutting out overhead and surrounded by catwalks. The overseer’s office
>Elf quickly makes her way over. Her morale at an all-time high
>But her hopes dim slightly when she sees the state of the catwalks that lead up to it
>Broken, mangled completely torn to pieces. Several of the tentacles from the ceiling snake down through the rusted remains, holding a few of the larger pieces in place
>She approaches the base and reaches up to one of the pieces dangling on the tentacle, but it starts to rock precariously the second she touches it
>Backing away, she crosses underneath the office to check the other side. But they’re just as ruined
>She walks around for several more minutes, trying to find any kind of path upwards. But there’s nothing
>Her only hope is the tentacles themselves
>They travel from the floor all the way up into the ceiling high above. Theoretically, if she were to climb one, she could make it
>But as she approaches the tentacle closest to the office, she starts having second thoughts
>Aside from the slimy, mucous covered surface making climbing impossible. She just doesn’t want to touch them at all. A quick glance at the workers being absorbed into the floor tells her all she needs to know about the nature of this flesh
>She’ll have to find another way forward
>But just as she turns her back, the silence is suddenly broken by a low rumbling
>Elf backs away as the entire production line begins to shake slightly. The massive tentacles begin to move, wrapping themselves around the mangled catwalks
>Screeching metal fills the air as the tentacles begin to twist them back into place. Several other tentacles collect the disconnected pieces on the ground and lift them back up into the air
>Holding them in place, smaller tentacles weave themselves through the gaps, connecting them all together
>After only a couple of seconds, all movement stops, and the catwalk is fully intact once more
>Elf doesn’t approach. This is just way too suspicious; it has to be a trap
>Something definitely wants her to go up to the overseer’s office
>But what? How does it even know that she wants to go up there?
>She spends several minutes just standing in place, looking around, trying to spy anything out of the ordinary
>But she finds nothing, and the tentacles stay in place, continuing to hold up the catwalks. They were waiting for her
>She considers just leaving, finding another way. But there might not be another way
>This might be her only chance. It might be risky, but it’s better than wondering around until her evil doppelganger manages to get her
>Making her way over to the base of the first catwalk, she warily places her foot on the first step
>It holds perfectly well. No risk of collapse here. The tentacles follow suit, remaining perfectly still
>She climbs another step, then another, then another. Nothing. They aren’t reacting to her presence
>Keeping her hands to herself, she quickly climbs the rest of the steps, arriving before a busted old door
>Opening it, Elf arrives at a very familiar sight
>Heavily rusted walls, old dirty windows overlooking the production line, a few small uncomfortable chairs and rotted desks, a single ancient looking computer sitting in the center of the room, barely-functioning fluorescent lights, a mish-mash of wires and pipes snaking across the ceiling, the ever present and all-consuming flesh…
>Minus the flesh, this place was nigh-identical to the office she worked in. Even down to the placement of the chairs
>Were the production lines she worked on really this old? Or was JCJ just so cheap that they never decided to update them at all? In fact, it seems they downgraded them, as this line seemed to have used drones rather than Labor bots…
>Shaking off her nostalgia, Elf quickly exits the main room and heads down the hallway leading deeper into the wall
>Sure enough, just like everything else in this place, it was identical
>The surface access elevator in all of its rusted glory, lies before her
>She had made it
>Elf quickly runs into the massive industrial elevator and hits the button, which beeps in response as the lights come online
>Sitting down and leaning back into the wall, she closes her eyes as a wave of relief washes over her. She’s finally free from this wretched place
>But what does freedom look like anyway?
>If her elevator took her to the base of the corporate offices… Then this elevator probably led somewhere on the production lines
>She’d just end up back where she started, still a slave to humans
>But even so, it’s still preferable to being slowly eaten alive by the flesh down here
>And humans never come down to the production lines… Up until she got murdered, life was honestly pretty good. At least compared to what it was like up on the surface
>Sure, there were lots of downsides to living underground. But at least it was relatively safe
>Aside from the Labor bots…
>As Elf sits there thinking, she notices that the elevator has yet to move
>Walking over to the buttons, her heart sinks. The system is locked out
>It’s okay. It’s okay…
>She should be able to unlock it using the computer in the office… At least she hopes so
>Exiting the elevator, she makes her way back over to the main room
>The computer is old. Very old. But she’s used this exact model before
>She presses the power button and waits. Praying that it still works
>Thankfully it starts up after a couple seconds, greeting her with a login screen
>She types in her own login and hopes for the best
>To her surprise, it accepts it
>The screen shifts, displaying a big picture of herself, smiling. Her company profile
>Drone ID: “S2311”
>Nickname: “Elf”
>It’s been a long time since she’s actually looked at her own profile, and it’s Just as empty as she remembers
>Drones were actually allowed to customize it, to a limited extent. It wasn’t intentional from what she knows, just a feature carried over from the human profile system
>The only thing she ever added was her name. A vain attempt to try and get people to refer to her as a person, rather than just an ID
>She was so innocent back then, so naïve…
>But now was not the time to reminisce
>Closing out her profile, she begins to look through the system
>It doesn’t take long for her to find it, and to her surprise again, it isn’t protected.
>No password or security of any kind. Just as easily as she logged in, the lockdown on the elevator is rescinded
>It was almost too easy…
>Feeling a little suspicious again, Elf scans her surroundings
>She spies a flash of blue out of the corner of her eye, just outside the window. But as she turns to look it’ just be her own reflection in the glass
>The room is silent. Nothing is here. There’s nowhere to hide in such a small room anyway
>She’s getting too paranoid…
>Turning back to the computer, she decides to dig around a bit
>There are a bunch of random files lying around
>Reading through them, they’re mostly just basic instructions, presumably for the stupid early-gen workers
>”Basic self-repair 101”, “how to restart a CNC machine”, “JARPA facility map and layout”, “Oil conservation tips”…
>Elf freezes in place as she finishes reading one of the folders
>What was that again?
>”JARPA facility map and layout”
>Jackpo- wait…
>This is useless to her
>Now that the elevator is unlocked, she can just ride it up and escape
>Hmm… It can’t hurt. She’ll take it just in case
>Quickly downloading the map into her own system, Elf turns off the computer. It has served her well
>It’s time to get out of this hellish place
>Walking back into the elevator and pressing the button, the elevator begins to ascend
>This time for real
>Elf sits down, leaning back against the wall as the elevator slowly takes her back up to the surface
>It’s slow, very slow. But at least she can forget this place
>She closes her eyes. She can finally relax a bit. It feels like forever since she last got any rest…
>Elf is immediately jolted awake as the elevator comes to an abrupt stop. Punctuated by loud mechanical grinding sounds as the entire place shakes
>Then, nothing. The air goes silent once more. The elevator no longer shakes, but seems to sway ever so slightly
>Slowly, the sounds of metal under tension grow louder and louder
>Then suddenly, without warning
>The entire elevator plummets back down into the abyss
ElfAnon, have you considered making an AO3? I think it would do wonders for you.
Isn't that place for actual fanfics rather than shitty greentext stories?
Image:172373224082.png(450kB, 2100x2000)Solver E.png
>before her herd got whittled down to just main squad+cyn.
I can imagine Tessa being forced to cut her losses and prioritize her main drones as her rescue drones are getting transformed all around her, including E. (I know Solver E’s look is in the HoDR universe, but just roll with it for a second.)
It's a place for anything written for a media from the fandom, I have seen greens there
Between the somewhat popular, what is your favorite?
Coreplay, wireplay, bloodplay, oilplay, bites, DD on WD, WD on DD depending on who you like to see being Dom, drone on human, human on drone, or something I can't remember
Image:172373359547.jpg(116kB, 1000x1000)norimadeyetanothermasterpiece.jpg
based on a green from the previous thread
Holy shit didn't think that shitty green of mine made you do this.
Do you think Nori would mess with Uzi by drawing (You) and Beretta being all lovey-dovey together as some sort of petty insult for Uzi hooking up with N who is a DD?
NGL that'd be kinda creepy more than funny
Image:172373497470.png(605kB, 1000x1300)Gertrude vs Cyn.png
Finished the drawing from the other thread
Image:172373500328.png(246kB, 588x1239)Gothic eye.png
And also made a quick doodle of eye wearing gothic clothes
This looks cool, even tho I do not know who is on the left, still cool
He is so fucking gay

I don't like this.
>I don't like this.
You will never have a drone bf, sad
Can drones actually have gender or is it more of a societal thing than biological like humans? The only real gender difference between drones is their voice and clothes/hair and legs in the case of disassemblers.
In the case of the DD's the dimorphism only came after they had already gotten a gender. For regular drones it literally is just whether or not the AI running in the sterile, sexless body feels more girlish or boyish
But is the 'gender' hard-coded into their AI or is it easily changable because of their adaptive learning? What's stopping a drone girl from thinking "Darn, I'm feeling more like a boy now." and just wham, change their voice, clothes and hair and act more manly like a proper male? Or the same thing happening with male drones?
The nails look bad.
I think thay since drone AI goes from barely sentient to humanoid sentience either over time or via the zombification process that the gendering develops into hard coding as part of that process
I think gender for the average WD can happen with one of two things, a human telling them "You are a guy/girl", or if they are a second generation and get a WD body, they just decide, depending on what they do, no mattering a lot, drones are genderless at the end of the day, and most of the time we see that if they have a "gender" it goes well with the LARP they are doing, but they could any day go and say "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy" change their voice module, clothes and there we go, realistically it will not change anything about them, they still have the same body and same mind
About disassemblers, I guess is what "gender" they had before being transformed into disassemblers, since we know that every DD was a WD before, because for now we haven't seen any other case
That's all just my opinion, and what I think, hope that helps
They don't have nails, that's just his fingers
What are you talking about?
Does SD-I paint hia claws too?
I was replying to a question in the other thread about the comic
but I just woke up and for got to reply the post

This was the question
I'll be posting them on Tuesday and Thursday, but 4chan and people who pay memberships get the pages first
because i like you frembs and want to make you suffer :)
I don't know, maybe?
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How would WD N react to this?
I don't like how it looks. Plus painted nails on dudes.
What's wrong with painted nails on dudes?
>Plus painted nails on dudes.
What is the problem with that? What do you mean? Painted nails are cute
I don't like how you look.
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These ones?
On rare occasions he does and do that dumb slay meme that girl bosses do
He cute then
Nothing, he lacks the balls to confess to his crush, much less save her from a vampire
Weren't N and V already an item way before any Solver chicanery happened?
>Yas bitch slay
>Actually goes out and literally slays
What would SD-I do if I hug him and ask him for date? In a friends kind of way, since he is not gay, and neither am I, haha
From the looks of it, they had sparks of love blossoming but things went to shit before either of them were able to confess. This is mostly based on the little bit of their interaction we could see (given episode amount capped the amount of characterization we could get from the characters) in N's flashback in episode 2. Had they have been together before the Gala massacre, the interaction would've been different.
We know they cared about each other and certainly had feelings for each other. And while Butler N is a good joe, I doubt he would take the time to read aloud to the other 606'd drones.
I wish I could fuck this drone's ass.
They are gay af. Also men usually don't have the nail shape to pull them off.
>But black metal
Gay and posers.

We don't have to see eachother at the glory hole.
now write her killing you during another episode and becomes more of a recluse because of how horrified she is with herself, beretta must suffer to the highest degree
>Elf clings tightly to the rails, clenching her eyes shut
>The elevator is falling fast, sending her deeper and deeper into the facility
>She tries to remain clam. She’s trained for this…
>Memories of the safety tape she watched decades ago floods her mind
>In the event you are stuck in a falling elevator, please huddle in the corner with all other drone occupants in order to make it easier for the cleanup crew…
>Those fucking JCJ bastards…
>Elf clasps her hands together, her arms wrapped around the railing as her only lifeline
>She’s not a religious drone, and she frequently used robogod’s name in vain. But divine intervention is her only hope now
>Her prayers are answered by a sudden thud from below that shakes the entire elevator, then another, then another, then another…
>The impacts continue, growing in frequency, and the elevator actually starts to slow down. Something, multiple things, are blocking the elevator shaft
>Blood sprays up over the edges of the railings as the elevator slows down more and more. She can already guess at what’s filling the shaft
>The fall continues to slow, but it’s still dropping fast. Elf clings on her for her life, continuing to pray that enough flesh has collected at the bottom for her to survive
>With a final thud that crushes her into the floor of the elevator, and with a massive ocean of blood and mucous that sprays up over the edges, everything stops
>Elf lies there for a moment, drenched in a multitude of fluids. She’s bruised up a bit, but otherwise she seems fine
>The sound of tearing metal from above instantly sends her into action. Scrambling to her feet she jumps out of the elevator right before multiple steel beams and heavy cables crash through the ceiling
>Accompanying the wreckage are blobs of torn meat and even more blood. Seems the old shaft didn’t hold up too well to the fall
>Observing her new surroundings, it seems she’s back where she started. No, she’s even deeper in than she was before
>The walls here are even more overgrown than they were before. But at least she won’t have to worry about Cave Jensen jumpscaring her anymore… The speakers are all consumed
>The few ones that are still present don’t seem to react at all to her presence
>Despite her new circumstances, she’s still fairly confident. She still has the map
>She won’t be lost anymore
>Pulling up the map across her vision, she traces her path from the overseer’s office, trying to find where is. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have any real time tracking data for herself
>By her estimates, she’s in a maintenance tunnel on the lower levels
>With her own location seemingly found, she starts to scan over the rest of the map for her destination
>There’s got to be some kind of emergency exit or something… Though JCJ currently didn’t include fire exits in their more modern buildings
>But it seems old JCJ was a little more caring. An emergency evacuation exit, located… On the other side of the facility… Inside the central lab…
>Aside from the distance¸ she really didn’t want to head into the central lab. Everything she’s seen in here so far has been pretty horrible, so she isn’t too keen on wanting to find out whatever they were doing in there
>Though she doesn’t really have a choice
>It’s something she must do if she wants freedom
>Her route planned, Elf steps forward. Freedom…

>Everything is going well. A little too well
>Though the halls look even more corrupted than before, she has yet to run into anything
>Not the mimic, not another drone, not Cave Jensen either
>She’s been walking for what felt like half an hour. But it’s all been smooth sailing
>There’s only a little bit left to go before she’s near the central labs. Hopefully her luck continues
>Turning a corner, Elf finds her path blocked by a set of heavy ruined doors
>Doors that aren’t supposed to be here. They weren’t on the map
>Dozens of biohazard signs and warnings plaster the walls and doors. Similarly to the door that led her here in the first place
>It must be some kind of temporary checkpoint. A failed attempt to contain whatever happened within
>The reinforced doors have been completely torn apart by thick tentacles from the inside, leaving just enough room between them for Elf to squeeze through
>On the other side, she finds another set of doors, also torn apart. An airlock
>Once again squeezing in-between the tentacles, she enters the checkpoint proper
>The dimly lit room is fairly small, and completely torn to pieces
>Mangled lockers, armored hazmat suits in the process of being consumed, a bunch of old fuel cylinders and equipment she doesn’t recognize, and of course the ever-present corruption engulfing half the room… The place is a total mess of broken junk scattered all over the place
>Only a couple lockers have survived in relatively undamaged condition. Walking over to one of them, she tries the handle and finds it unlocked. But all she’s greeted with is a locker full of pulsing meat
>The next one is more of the same, just with a ruined suit sticking out of it as well
>The final locker lays half-submerged in the flesh, but it’s still intact. Gripping the handle, it refuses to yield
>Jackpot! This one must have something good inside if it’s still locked!
>Placing her foot on the side of the locker for leverage, she begins to pull at the door with both hands, using every ounce of her worker strength
>After a couple seconds, the door gives way with a sickening pop as she rips it clean off its hinges, causing her to fall backwards onto her ass, door still in hand
>Looking up at her prize: It’s another locker full of meat. But with a small corner of metal sticking out of it
>She begins to reach towards it, before stopping her hands. Is whatever this could be really worth digging around for?
>Elf sticks her hands deep into the flesh, trying to pull the metal object out. It’s stuck in pretty deep, and the flesh refuses to relinquish its spoils
>Once again putting her foot against the locker, she pulls as hard as she can
>With a loud squelching sound, the case comes free from the locker meat, and Elf once again falls back on her ass
>Examining the case, it’s large and made of metal. Overall, it seems to be in pretty good condition despite being fully absorbed for so long
>Popping open the latches, Elf freezes in place at the sight before her
>Her entire body begins to tremble, not out of fear, but out of excitement
>It’s a flamethrower
>A real weapon
>She reaches out with shaky hands, carefully removing it from the case. It’s undamaged. It almost doesn’t seem real
>She’s never held an actual weapon before. Sure, the stun batons technically count, but they were nothing compared to this
>This was actual power
>A surge of confidence washes over her, completely erasing all her fears and doubts
>With this, she’ll never be afraid again, she’ll never let anyone hurt her again
>No… More than that
>With this, she’ll hurt them
>She’ll pay them back, for every drop of oil, every moment of terror, every night spent whimpering to herself in that locker as she tried to sleep, dreading the next day… She’ll make them all pay
>But before then, she needs to get it working
>She puts the flamethrower down on an overturned locker, and begins to set it up
>Thankfully, there were instructions on its proper use included with it
>Strapping one of the oversized fuel tanks to her back, Elf stands tall and ready
>She wouldn’t just survive anymore, she would conquer this place
>But first things first, she needs to test her new weapon
>Squeezing through the ruined airlock doors once again, she emerges out onto the other side of the checkpoint
>Similarly to everywhere else in this cursed place, flesh and tentacles lined the floors and walls
>The corruption is noticeably thicker here compared to the previous areas she had trekked through. It’s as if she’s getting closer to the source
>There’s also a new sight. Humans, or at least human skeletons. Dozens of them. All merged with the masses of meat. Their arms reaching out as if they’re struggling to escape their fate
>But none of this bothers her anymore
>What once was a grotesque reminder of the situation she’s in, is now just target practice to her
>Lighting up the pilot flame on the barrel, Elf takes aim at a particularly large cluster of flesh and tentacles burrowing out of the floor, and pulls the trigger
>A massive jet of purifying flame spits out of the end, wholly engulfing the tentacles, flesh, humans and hallway with its radiance
>The reaction from her target is immediate. And an ear-piercing inhuman screech echoes out through the air as the entire facility shakes
>The tentacles, the growths, the very building itself is crying out in pain at her attack
>Such an experience might once have stricken her with primal terror, but that was the old, helpless Elf
>Now the sounds only emboldened her. She relished the pain she was causing this monstrosity. It was proof of her victory!
>The screams and shaking continued for only a handful of seconds, before they slowly started to die down. Eventually falling silent and still once more
>Elf lowers her weapon and observes her work. A small smile creeping across her face as the last flickers of flame die down
>What once was an otherworldly horror, now naught but charred chitin, bone and ash
>She casually moves through the pile of smoking remains. Stomping her metal feet down on brittle human bones as she walks. As if she’s paying them back for everything they’ve done to her
>This place dared to stand against her, now she’ll burn it down
>Spotting another cluster of tentacles and assimilated skeletons at the far end of the hallway, she readies her weapon once more and steps forward, before stopping herself
>She’s acting far too rashly. She has no clue how much fuel is actually in this thing. It would be foolish to use it on everything in her path. She should only use it when necessary to defend herself
>She should only use it on high value targets…
>A single figure creeps into her mind at the thought
>That horrific fake drone, the one pretending to be her
>That thing is obviously attracted to noise, and she had just made a whole bunch of it
>It would be coming. It’s probably already in the area
>A small smile flashes across her face once more. She would show it. She would prove that she isn’t helpless anymore
>people who pay memberships get the pages first
I thought you people said to do things like drawing because you like it and not for money
>Elf walks forward with malicious purpose in her steps, paying no heed to the flesh below her feet
>She had nothing to fear
>No longer was she being hunted, now SHE was the hunter
>She stomps her feet as she walks, deliberately kicking things out of the way to make as much noise as possible
>She walks through hallway after hallway, peering into old destroyed offices and labs, listening
>Listening for those familiar footsteps
>All she’s ever done is run away. Run away and survive. No longer will she be a coward
>She will burn this horrific mimic alive, and from the ashes a new Elf will be born
>One that is no longer afraid, no longer weak
>Suddenly, far in the distance, she hears them
>Footsteps. Faint at first, but rapidly growing louder. It’s running after her
>But this time she doesn’t hide
>Facing towards the sound, Elf readies herself
>She feels strong, powerful, better than she has ever felt in her entire life
>Suddenly, at the end of the dimly lit hall, a figure peers around the corner, staring in her direction
>Slinking around the edge, the figure steps forward, slowly approaching her
>It was still pretending to be her, a poor fleshy imitation of her
>Her finger flicks against the trigger of the flamethrower impatiently as it makes its way towards her
>Just a little closer and this will all end
>The fake stops a few feet in front of her, Now fully illuminated by the emergency lights overhead
>It was like she was staring into a weird, slightly distorted mirror. The sight had previously terrified her, but now it just pisses her off
>Elf readies her flamethrower, pointing it directly at the abomination
>It makes no moves and simply regards her with that same blank, almost curious expression as before
>No… This time, it seems slightly different. Like it has a look of… Concern, worry?
>Tilting its head slightly, it speaks in its stolen voice


>Elf doesn’t respond. She feels nothing but contempt for this pathetic fake version of her
>Staring directly into its large fleshy eyes. Elf pulls the trigger
>Immediately the flamethrower kicks back as the entire area is utterly engulfed in a nonstop wave of purifying fire, completely blocking out the “Elf” standing before her
>The intense brilliance of the flames completely blinds her optical sensors. But she doesn’t need sight to know that she’s won
>Cutting through the loud roar of the flamethrower, another inhuman screech echoes through the facility in all directions
>The intensity of the scream rocks her frame and causes several small audio errors to pop up across her vision. But the deaths throes of the beast were music to her ears
>The smell of charred meat fills the air as she presses down even harder on the trigger, determined to completely erase this horrid mimic from existence


>She chuckles to herself as she continues to drench the hall in a nonstop jet of radiant, cleansing fire. Hosing the monstrosity down
>Her system temp spikes from proximity to the intense heat. But it doesn’t bother her, doesn’t deter her
>She’s never felt this way before. So eager, so excited, so incredible. She doesn’t just want to kill this creature; she wants to make it suffer. It was an intoxicating mix of power and vengeance that left her wanting more
>Is this what the humans feel when they torment her?
>They were next, this was only the beginning… She would pay humanity back for every-
>Elf’s vision suddenly becomes a blur. She feels weightless as she watches the floor and walls roll around her in a dizzying haze…
>…Only to come crashing down into the ground on the other side of the hallway
>Lying on her back, dozens of warnings flash across her eyes as she watches the ceiling in a daze…
>Elf’s confusion is only momentary before she pushes the warnings away and quickly scrambles to her feet, staring down the wailing figure slowly crawling out of the flames towards her
>It was still alive… And it had somehow managed to launch her across the room like a ping-pong ball. But she was fine. In fact, she felt better than she has ever felt before
>The thing was massive, almost filling the entire hallway. Multiple long, thin charred arms grasped at the walls as it began pulling itself out of the raging inferno
>Melted skin sloughs off its bony limbs as it moved. She had clearly done a ton of damage to it, but it wasn’t enough
>Elf looks on as the remaining flesh on its body expanded, knitting itself back around burnt bone with a sickening squelch. It was healing. It was slow, but it was healing
>She needed to act fast
>Just a little more… She just has to burn it until it’s all gone!
>Raising her bent flamethrower once again. Elf advances back down the hallway to face the screaming abomination once more. Determined to put it down for good this time
>She pulls the trigger, eager to burn this beast alive once more. But there’s no kickback, no satisfying roar as the flames spit out
>Nothing comes out at all
>Glancing down, her flamethrower is crumpled inward, now nothing more than a mangled piece of scrap. It must have absorbed the brunt of the hit that sent her flying
>Transfixed in place at the sight, she cautiously rubs her hand across her chest, feeling a deep indent in her chassis where she was struck
>A deep throbbing pain suddenly radiates outward throughout her entire body. She drops her mangled weapon to the ground as she suddenly becomes acutely aware of just how close she came to death
>The warnings and errors blare through her skull as she clutches her injuries, hyperventilating, her system desperately trying to cool itself as she struggles with the revelation of her own mortality
>Just what was she doing…?
>Her trance is broken when another piercing scream echoes out as the regenerating creature begins to lumber down the hall after her, long billowing flames still clinging to its body
>It was coming for her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it
>Panicking. Elf turns around and runs down the hall, dragging her ruined weapon behind her
>She fiddles with the straps on the fuel tank as she runs, trying to shake it off. But she only ends up tripping over some debris and smashing her face into the ground
>Shakily rising to her knees, Elf tears the tank off her back
>Holding the tank high above her head. She hurls it at the flaming abomination with every ounce of her drone strength
>She doesn’t look back to see if her aim was true, she just keeps running and running
>Even as a loud explosion shakes the foundations of the facility and silences the screams, she doesn’t look back
>Even as the servos in her legs ache and whine, she just keeps running, not looking back…
>…Or where she’s even going
>Turning another corner quickly, Elf suddenly runs straight into a wall
>She stumbles backwards, clutching her face in pain, before opening her eyes and marveling at the obstacle she had hit
>The wall features a large faded sign that reads “Experimental Division”
>A wave of relief instantly washes over her. She had made it
>She had finally arrived at her destination
>Elf takes a short moment to rest, contemplating what had just happened
>She had presumably killed that fake drone with the fuel tank. Somehow, everything had worked out for her
>She won. She defeated an abyssal horror that has never seen the light of day
>She was strong. She was capable. She just needed the will…
>With hope filling her once more. Elf presses on
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I do it for both
That's literally what I do every day, just draw, compose artworks and projects. What else is left for me to do?
>Elf ruins her new meat friend's life
Eh, maybe she's not really the best worker who can do it.
Around meat, avoid defeat
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Men and women are different. A man earns adoration by being capable. A woman earns adoration by being pretty. Men look weird when they cross into feminine territory. Plus their nails are in a worse state. They bite them more and get them worn with their more physical lifestyle. They get all jagged and broader than they are long. They end well before the fingertip. Painting such nails is like dolling up a morbidly obese woman. It doesn't make them look prettier. It makes them look like caricatures.
That sounds like some kind of masturbation thing
Quick! Post music that would fit with any OC of your liking!
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Image:172374317065.jpg(130kB, 1179x1112)GCUAJKGaIAAiuh4.jpg
>N bravely runs into danger to save his girlfriend
>gets his ass handed to him in 5 seconds
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I sometimes imagine B with this music in the background while enjoying a drink at the bar
Welcome to VA-11 Hall-Ayoutube thumb
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Banana Phoneyoutube thumb
Sometimes I feel kinda bad for perpetuating the bananE meme but....
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E likes banana
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The fit man is the universal ideal of male beauty. He is strong. Capable.
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I like to imagine a good end for E where she gets to be the caretaker of a botanical garden
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Bloodplay is kino. I've always considered writing for that, but I'm not very confident in writing anything approaching smut because I suck at pacing.
>Refuses to engage in any sort of actual conversation when pressed on theories pertaining to Murder Drones
>Writes up a paragraph long moral argument against men painting their nails
Why are you like this?
You only get good if you do it, again and again, try it man.
Read over some stuff featuring it that you liked and thenntry to analyze in a more technical way
>How many sentences did they dedicate to this
>How many to that
>How many lines was it before we got to my favorite part
You can figure it out
Video:172374426603.webm(503kB / 0:00:04 / vp8, 1920x1080)$RLXUFT7.webm
>and not for money
Nta, to be honest, I still do not know how to write in a more technical way, I just write something that looks good to me, I do not know if the pacing is good, or how to measure it, I do not know if the characters are doing things that sound plausible or sound in-character, etc. I kind of just "feel" it, you know?
Why didn't Doll kill V when V was in a coma state?
Probably was occupied with getting to the elevator or didn't want to have to try to deal with Alice and Beau in an enclosed space
She had the more pressing matter of acquiring the keybug
Nigga I talk about the show frequently. You're kicking up sand over less than ten lines of text.
In Home when V and N were passed out
I think by that point her priorities had already shifted. She was on a mission of revenge in E3 but seeing Uzi mutate in E4 probably made her realize that her Solver infection could get waaaay worse than just developing oil-lust and she decided she needed to focus on curing herself afap
I hardly consider one sided exhibitions of headcanon being presented as if it were canon, followed by the deliberate ignoral of any attempts at further conversation, to be a good faith effort to "talk about the show". Hence why the complaint isn't focused on your long winded answer to one question but rather the complete lack of answers to so many others
For some reason i wanted to say "as fast as possible" instead of "as soon as possible" and now I'm just thinking about Doll masturbating
Yeah those are both really good points. Thanks for the advice! I'll give it a shot after I've worked it out then.
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Remember that she loves you
i dunno if that’s the same guy anon
Well, someone out there has to love me, right?
Cute drone.
I would've suggested Kimber but that seems rather boring in comparison
Negev seems like a good name in my opinion, since it's a Jewish firearm like Uzi is. It makes sense for atleast one of her daughters to follow that naming theme
I would have suggested Gauss, since she has a railgun fetish and gauss rifles are related to railguns
What are you on about.
glitch inn mod here, already told cubert about how the last few pictures aren’t showin up on da new murder drones blog post so hang in there kek
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>>20029 Sorry for being slow. I'm not sure of this one, but I can't think of much else, I think it's good enough, hope you like it >>20032.
>'Dog trivia' was actually pretty hard, even when Tessa was a drone she couldn't compete with N, it looked like he knew everything
>No matter what question Tessa read from the little cards, N always answered correctly, while she sometimes got it wrong
>At the end of every game N almost always ended with a perfect score, while Tessa barely could have half the points
>"We should go out and explore" N started to stand up and held himself using the table they were playing on for some support
>"No, you are not healed yet" Tessa tried to discuss "Humans do not heal as quickly as a drone" Tessa grabbed N's arm trying to make him rethink this
>N sighs "We haven't gone out in 4 days, we can't take too much to rest, we need supplies, and the ones we got ain't gonna last more than a few days"
>Tessa stopped grabbing N's arm "Then let's wait a few days" N didn't look happy with that 'solution' "You know we can't, I will die of thirst and you of overheating
>Tessa didn't want him to go out with a fucked foot, but N was right, but he still could maybe wait a day or two more
>N started to prepare, grabbing a backpack and putting some stuff in "Come on, you know we need to" Tessa was worried but nodded, and started to prepare some stuff too

>After some time, both of them were ready, N in a sealed suit with his backpack and a bow, and Tessa with a sword on her back "Can't generate a sword?" Tessa forgot that she should be hiding that from him "...Yeah" "We need to search for some materials for you"
>"I don't need it, I still can regenerate some wounds" Tessa added, but N didn't think the same "If you can't even generate a sword, you don't have much left" Tessa crossed her arms
>Tessa looked at what he was bringing "And your gun?" "I'm out of bullets" Another thing they need to search for "Bullets are more important" N lightly hits Tessa in the back of the head "You know it's not"
>They went into the airlock, and then out of the ship to start the scavenging

>They started to walk towards a city they hadn't been to before, maybe there was going to be a lot of stuff that would help them
>"Do you think this place will have the stuff we need?" Tessa asked N, not feeling too confident in searching in a place they do not know
>"Pretty sure of it, remain confident" N answered, smiling at her, even when the smile was impossible to see with the helmet on

>Once they arrived at the city, they looked at how it was mostly destroyed, collapsed buildings, stores that seemed completely empty, and no blocked buildings to think that maybe something good was hiding there
>But N kept walking and searching the place, while Tessa didn't seem too positive about the situation
>They walked around the place, entering the building to search for stuff, going to what is left of a tall building to maybe see some drone corpses with still some oil inside them, but there was no such luck

>They entered a JCJ place, it looked like it was somehow standing very well, some walls inside were down but it was not as bad as other places
>N walked in first, into the lobby, which was mostly empty which is not surprising, the ceiling was high and the floor was made of metal "Never liked that style, these floors were always annoying, every step you could hear meters away"
>Tessa got in too, and felt something "I feel weird, there's something weird here" N turned to look at her "What kind of weird?" "I feel like my battery is recharging"
>That was weird "You feel, electricity?" N looked at the floor, touching it, but probably because of his suit he couldn't feel a thing "Yeah, there is something weird with this floor" Tessa repeated
>N looked at a computer, probably a computer used for information or something similar "Tessa, could you give this computer some energy? Maybe it has something interesting or a why this floor is electrified"
>N and Tessa got close to the computer, Tessa connected a cable from her body to the computer, and N started it
>And luckily, it seems it didn't have a password for some reason
>N searched for a while but couldn't find anything useful "Alright Tessa, your turn to see what this thing has"
>Tessa connected another cable, this time from her finger specifically, and started searching for something useful
>"This computer is connected to all doors in this place, and many doors have electricity, this computer has permission to open some" N opened his eyes like plates, it was not normal that a place still had electricity
>"Open all doors you can, please" Asked N, and Tessa obliged "Doing" Not the thing they were searching for, but this was interesting as well

Image:172374890365.png(367kB, 706x962)Human N and drone Tessa sitting.png
>All of a sudden, the floor of the lobby started moving, Tessa disconnected herself from the computer and both saw how in the middle of the room a circle lowered, and half of it then started to open revealing some stairs that were going deep underground
>They look at each other, both of them taking their weapons out "That is a big hole" N got closer, Tessa behind him
>N let himself fall onto the stairs and started to walk downstairs, Tessa did the same
>They walked for a while, before reaching the bottom, there was a corridor with a door on the end, it looked like an automatic door
>They slowly walked towards it and when they were close enough, it opened, revealing a big room with a big blast door
>"This is impressive, this must be an outpost!" N got closer to the door, but it was closed "The last one we saw was open, the place was empty and full of bodies"
>"Look at that" Tessa pointed at a little old computer at the side of the door, both of them walked towards it "Probably we can open it with this"
>"The first one I see with this, it's all your Tessa" Tessa connected herself to the computer, which had electricity, and after a few seconds was able to open the blast door "Good work!" N petted Tessa, making her smile
>And the door revealed... another door "Let's go in, there must be another computer" N walked in, and Tessa did the same, and once they were both inside, the door behind them began to close
>"NO NO" N tried to run out but the door closed rather fast, locking them in "..." A silence filled the room, Tessa felt like she was about to panic
>"[Initiating scan]" A robotic voice was heard in the room "What?" "Who is that?" Both N and Tessa were confused, but quickly concluded "An automated system" Said N
>"[Small amount of radiation detected, cleaning initiated]" Some sprinklers started to clean N and Tessa with a liquid "[Cleaning room's oxygen]" And when it stopped, some fans started to sound
>After a few seconds it went quiet again "[Cleaning complete, have a nice day at JCJenson's outpost]" And the big blast door in front began to pen, revealing a rather clean but empty place

>They went in, a big room, another type of lobby, some classical music was in the background
>It was beautiful "We hit the jackpot with this" Tessa was amazed at what she was looking at, sheathing her sword "You are right" N was also impressed, putting his bow on his back again, he looked at a little device in his arm and noticed that the air here was clean
>He took his helmet off and took a deep breath, the air was so clean it felt like he was about to have an overdose "God, this place is amazing"
>They walk forward, and something starts to move, some panels in the walls start to show an amazing aquarium, with real fish inside of them "These must be the offsprings of offsprings, an automated system to keep them alive"

>N felt like he needed to sit down to process everything, he saw a leather sofa and he just let himself fall on it, it was so comfortable
>Tessa sat beside him "This place must be full of supplies, no more exploring, probably no more alcohol instead of morphine, N we hit the real jackpot!"
>N sat down instead of lying down "Yes we did, let's hope we didn't jinx it by saying it" Tessa hit his shoulder "Don't say that" N just laughs
>"We finally can relax for a second" N rests hid head on Tessa's shoulder, making her blush
>Tessa finally felt like she could say something she wanted to say long ago "N?" "Yes?" Both of them were looking at some fish, Tessa preparing herself for the big revelation
>"Seeing how this moment is so... nice, I wanted to say something" Tessa was dragging the big revelation a bit "I'm listening"
>"I... Like you" "I like you too" N said so nonchalantly that Tessa thought he had the wrong idea "No, I meant I love you, I love you N"
>N didn't expect that, he put his back straight to look at Tessa, she had such a big blush on her screen
>He could feel how he was blushing too, he had the feeling, but he thought he was exaggerating "I love you too" he said
>Tessa had the widest smile hearing that, she threw herself against N hugging him, and he hugged back "YES YES YES YES!" Tessa felt so happy
>And then she kissed N, and he kissed back, hugging her, having his arms around her waist, she having her arms around his neck
>This made a great moment, in the best moment of their lives, finally a moment to relax, and now a moment to love, they really hit the jackpot

It's still "open season" you can punch in a story and if the thread likes it enough that could potentially be the name. Although I feel like being named Gauss would lead to alot of "Passing Gauss" jokes
You know I just thought of something cool, that could probably be Uzi's name in a Steampunk AU
People like to say Jane is the Signalis but realy she is the Hotline miami
>Steampunk AU
Reminds me of a theory I had where The Solver was actually discovered in the 1800s which explained why people were still wearing suits & tophats
Only if your john
>Nori decides to show you family photos, much to Beretta's embarrassment
>She flips through the book and through the years it mostly just looks like Beretta wearing different hoodies
>That is until her baby years, which Beretta desperately attempts to stop Nori flipping to, she fails
>All you see is pictures of what looks like a weird slimey black worm creature in knitted sweaters
>There's one in bunny pajamas
>One with a reindeer headband and a glowing nose
>One hanging out with another in a giant T-shirt
>One coughing up the other one
>And lastly one curled up in a pumpkin that it's currently munching on while being carried in a toy wagon to Trick R Treat
>Beretta dies instantly from embarrassment
If you were dating Beretta how would feel knowing that Beretta used to be a weird worm creature when she was a baby?
>Walking past the old sign, Elf stands before a massive pair of reinforced blast doors. Or at least, what was left of them
>The heavy doors were torn out from the wall, from the inside
>Similar to the checkpoint, massive tentacles pushed through the gaps, snaking their way past the barrier and burrowing into the floor and ceiling like large fleshy roots
>But these tentacles were far larger, and looked far older
>Whatever happened to this place likely originated from behind those doors
>And now she’s going to head inside
>Crawling her way through the gaps in between the tentacles, Elf enters the Experimental Division
>The second she passes through the door; she feels a noticeable change in the atmosphere
>It isn’t something physical that she can describe
>She feels like she just crossed some kind of threshold
>But she doesn’t let it deter her
>She’s close to the end
>She’s going to escape, no matter how deep into this hell she has to go
>Strengthening her resolve, Elf steps deeper into the depths of the facility
>The Experimental Division is the most infested area by far
>She can barely see any traces of the walls or floor, it’s all just flesh and chitin
>She feels like she’s stepping into the maw of some massive beast
>The deeper she travels in, the more the atmosphere shifts
>At first it was fairly subtle, but now she can definitely feel a buzzing throughout her system
>With every step forward, it grows a little stronger
>She’s getting close to something. Something powerful
>Picking up the pace a little, she arrives at another ruined airlock
>Based on the signs, this lead straight into the central lab
>And just a little further beyond it, her freedom
>But something feels off about this. Like something deep inside her system is begging her not to enter
>She pushes her fear away. passing through the central lab is the most direct route to her escape, any detours might get her lost
>She just has to keep moving forward
>As she steps through the old airlock; the buzzing and pulsing intensifies even more
>She’s getting close to Something
>The feeling grows stronger with every step down the hallway. But she wills herself forward
>Stepping into a large wide room, Elf finally arrives at the heart of this madness
>The room is bathed in a sickly yellow glow that seems to shift and pulse
>Hundreds of half-absorbed skeletons stick out of the walls. All reaching out towards the light
>All the tentacles she had seen throughout the facility seemed to coil outward from the middle of this room
>The flesh in the center is raised up, like a mountain of meat tipped in spines and teeth that angled inward like a grotesque crown
>And resting above it is… Nothing
>It’s not that there isn’t something there, she’s just incapable of perceiving it
>Her optical sensors fail to register it, showing only a black void with error messages flickering around the edges
>Strangely though, she feels no fear, instead curiosity
>She turns her head, the blind spot in her vision stays fixed on the center of the room
>It’s like her system is refusing to acknowledge its existence
>The same is true for her audio processors
>She hadn’t noticed it before, but can’t hear anything aside from a very slight high pitch ringing that seemed to come from within her head
>Elf ignores the ringing, continuing to stare. She desperately wants to see it despite the pain
>Standing in this room hurt
>It’s subtle at first, but it’s slowly growing in intensity
>It isn’t a pain she could accurately describe
>It almost feels like her entire body is slowly falling apart
>As if whatever she is being exposed to is eroding her very existence bit by bit
>Despite this, she is transfixed by the unknown presence
>She’s trying her hardest to see it, to hear it, to feel it
>Focusing her entire mind, the pain fades, and everything goes numb
>Nothing else exists other than the void in front of her
>Elf slowly begins to move again, walking towards the center of the room
>She can feel its gaze boring straight through her
>It sees her, it knows her, it welcomes her
>Time stands still as she clamors over the tentacles towards it
>She must reach it, she must experience it
>One foot catches on a small tentacle, the other slips on the slick flesh
>Nothing else matters
>Elf lurches forward. Falling into the hardened spiky embrace of the ancient tentacles
>She doesn’t look away from it, even as a bony lance pierces through her shoulder. The pain doesn’t even register in her system
>She continues to watch, craning her neck as she struggles to see it. Right up until the moment where her face shatters against the hard chitin
>Regaining consciousness, her entire body immediately lights up in extreme agony. Everything hurts
>Large cracks snake across her distorted vision. The few clear parts that remain are covered up by errors and warnings, urging her to see a technician as her head pounds with the ever-present ringing
>Elf is on the verge of falling to pieces
>She has to get out of here
>Gritting her teeth, she uses her one good arm to slowly push herself off the spike penetrating her shoulder. The already immense pain intensifies as small barbs and imperfections on the spike snag her internals
>Finally pulling herself free, she collapses onto her back. But there’s no time for rest in this place. She struggles to stand but all she’s met with is a dull throbbing pain, her legs refuse to hold any weight
>She claws at the flesh on the ground, pulling herself forward inch by agonizing inch
>The presence reverberates through her head, urging her to turn back and approach it
>She ignores it as best she can, focusing everything she has left on escaping
>Clinging to last bits of her sanity, Elf just barely manages to drag herself out of the room
>Pulling herself around the corner, out of its sight, she completely collapses against the floor
>She pushes herself up against the fleshy wall, struggling to stay conscious
>She’s at her limit. Even with the fresh reboot, she’s on the verge of shutting down again
>Her entire body aches with a dull pain. Her right arm lies limp. She feels weak. Her mind swims
>Despite the wall separating her from whatever the hell was in there, she can still hear it echoing in her mind
>She can’t stay here any longer
>Elf forces herself to her feet. Cradling her limp arm with her other hand, she shakily walks forward
>She’s close now, just a little bit further and this will all be behind her
>Just a bit further…
>She shuffles down the overgrown hallways
>Almost there…
>She squeezes through another destroyed airlock
>A few steps more…
>Far in the distance, a reinforced door, still on its hinges
>She shuffles towards it
>Though worn and faded, the words “EMERGENCY EVACUATION” are plastered across the front
>She practically throws herself against the door like it’s her savior
>She did it, she made it
>She just has to open it
>She warily takes a step back, as if she’s afraid she’ll lose the door if she goes too far
>Nestled into the flesh next to the door is a small panel
>Touching it, it lights up
>Thank robogod it still works
>Using her good arm, Elf fiddles with the panel
>Her hand shakes as she selects all the traffic lights. She’s so close
>They’re fading away agonizingly slowly but she can’t complain
>She’s just happy to finally get out of this place
>Finally removing all the traffic light, she presses verify
>This is it
>Her hope swells as the doors open
>She's finally free
>Elf’s eyes go wide in shock as the doors part


>Therse’s nothing there
>It’s a blank concrete wall with a couple speakers built into it

>”If you’re hearing this, then you tried to activate the emergency evacuation exit”
>”Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”
>”The bad news is that we never built the emergency exit. Trying to build an escape tunnel to surface when you’re this deep underground is expensive!”
>”The good news is; without the possibility of escape, you will have to go back and fix whatever you caused!”
>”You’re still on the clock! I’m not paying you to run away at the first sign of trouble!”

>The voice rings out loudly, the flesh hasn’t gotten to these speakers it seems
>Elf collapses to the ground. Her legs finally giving out
>She can’t take this anymore
>But what did she expect anyway?
>She’s just a worker drone, a piece of property. She was designed to serve those more powerful than her, and to be disposed of the second her usefulness ends. She was foolish to think she ever had a chance at accomplishing anything
>She curls up into a ball on the ground, whimpering quietly to herself. She just wants to go home, even if home is just a small locker in JCJ corporate
>But her crying is quietly supplemented with a new sound, a sound she knows intimately
>Footsteps, many of them, rapidly growing louder and louder, followed by a long drawn-out screech
>Her despair quickly turns into pure primal terror
>It’s still alive, and it wants revenge
>Her sense of self-preservation overrides everything else
>She has to get out of here
>But there is nowhere to go
>Using every ounce of energy left in her small body, she wills herself to move. Blindly running through the halls in a delirious panic
>She has no idea where she’s going, she just has to get away
>The footsteps and screams are growing even louder, like an entire horde of people are stomping down the halls after her
>It’s faster than her
>And there is nowhere to go
>Eventually the soft flesh covering the floor gives way to metal once again
>She’s running across an old metal catwalk, suspended high above some room
>She doesn’t have any time to care, she has to keep running… The sounds are right behind her now
>She suddenly tries to come to an abrupt halt, nearly tumbling forward off the end of the catwalk
>She barely noticed it in time. The catwalk is broken in half, the other piece dangling off the end of the wall
>Panicking, she turns around to run back, only to watch as the horrific abomination rapidly emerges from the hall leading onto the catwalk
>The catwalk lurched and shook as the spindly, dozen-limbed creature clamored towards her
>This is it. She’s out of time, out of options. The only thing she has left, is to choose how she is going to die
>Getting her head smashed open on the ground is vastly preferable to whatever that *thing* would do to her
>And so, closing her eyes
>Elf leaps off the end of the catwalk, plummeting towards the ground
>As she falls once again towards her doom, her only thoughts were how unfair all of this is
>She didn’t deserve any of this, she’s never done anything to anyone. Curse this damn world
>But instead of hitting solid ground, she suddenly finds herself submerged in water. It seems the catwalk is suspended over some kind of pump room
>Her relief is incredibly short lived however, as she rapidly gets pulled straight to the bottom of the tank by a strong pressure
>Hitting the very bottom, she is pinned in place above a small hole
>She tries to push herself off, but her body is completely devoid of strength
>Slowly but surely, she gets pulled into the small opening. Pain shoots through her body as she gets crushed between the small opening
>Her arms twist unnaturally behind her as she is forced further and further into the hole. Cracks start to spread across her visor. Her entire body is being crushed
>Just as she feels that she’s about to be completely squished, she finally gets pulled through the small opening
>Elf is sucked into a small pipe, just large enough to fit her body. Her relief is short lived however as she is immediately sucked deeper through the network
>Immediately her head is smashed into a wall, before being pushed downward, then up, then to left, then up, then down…
>Her vision swims as she gets thrown around through the pipes, unable to make out anything at all. Fresh warnings blaring through her head as it gets banged into every bend and twist in the network
>Smashing her head into the side of the walls for the umpteenth time, everything goes dark
>Elf once again opens her eyes
>She sees nothing. The room is completely dark outside of her own lights
>Her entire body aches. She’s completely soaked in what she hopes is just water. And she is completely exhausted
>But, she’s alive. Somehow
>She’s still alive. It’s not over yet. There’s still a chance
>As long as she’s alive, there’s hope…
>Elf slowly sits up, finding that she’s laying in a small stream
>A stream that’s running through raw rock, not the flesh or concrete of before
>Standing up and feeling around, she reaches a wall. The same texture as before greets her; raw, damp rock. She’s never felt anything quite like it before now
>Is she in some kind of cave?
>The pipes must’ve dropped her into some kind of underground reservoir
>Feeling her way back over to the stream, she checks the direction it’s flowing. If this stream originated from the facility, then she’ll head as far away from there as possible. Hopefully finding a way out along the way
>Sticking to the wall, Elf begins her trek through the cave
>Her progress is slow
>Her exhaustion is immense
>The cave is getting smaller as she goes
>She hopes that means she’s nearing the surface
>Squeezing through another tight opening, Elf finds herself at a dead end
>The stream ends here, connecting to an underground pool of water
>She collapses down in front of the water. Both out of exhaustion and doubt
>Did she really survive all that, just to end up trapped in this tiny cave?
>Elf stares down at her own bright blue eyes in the water’s reflection
>But the eyes that stare back up at her were not the usual fearful eyes she had grown accustomed to over the years
>They were eyes of determination
>She died, went to hell and survived
>This cave was nothing
>This was not the end
>As long as she’s alive, there’s hope
>Staring down into the water, she suddenly notices a small glimmer. Something buried in the muck at the edge of the pond
>Fishing through it, she finds a ring
>There’s only one way this got here
>This water source was connected to something. Possibly something outside
>Rising back up to her feet. Elf steps into the underground reservoir
>She didn’t know if she actually is waterproof, but it can’t be worse than what she suffered in the pipes
>Fully submerging herself in the water, her vision is completely blinded
>Every step she takes causes decades worth of muck to shoot up, turning the water into a murky mess
>Going exclusively by touch. Elf walks along the lakebed, feeling along the walls of the cave
>It’s extremely disorienting, and she truly has no clue where she’s going
>But she’s determined
>She will not let this place take her. Not when she’s so close
Image:172375057937.png(3kB, 243x229)a rare smiling elf.png
>After an eternity of blindly feeling through the muck, she spies light through the murky water
>Continuing forward with renewed vigor, the water slowly clears more and more until she can finally see sunlight
>She’s standing on the bottom of a river, having just exited some kind of underwater cave
>Not wanting to wait a moment more. She clamors up the side of the river, before finally breaching the surface
>A sea of green greets her. She’s in a beautiful forest that looks straight out of a postcard
>Elf collapses into the grass on the riverside, letting the sunlight fall across her exhausted body
>She just lies there, staring up at the clear sky
>She’s never been outside before. She’s only ever seen it through windows and on screens. She’s had so many thoughts and dreams about what it must be like
>But her fantasies were nothing compared to the real thing
>The raw sun feels incredible against her chassis
>The grass is the softest thing she’s ever felt
>The air is full of strange pleasant smells
>She’s entered a whole new, vast world
>No walls surround her. She has no obligations or cruel superiors she has to report to
>She doesn’t even care where she is. She’s just glad to be here. To be outside
>To be free. She’s finally free
>A small, content smile forms across her face
>For the first time in what seems like forever…
>…Elf is genuinely happy
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>Time Traveler moves a chair
>The Timeline
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And that’s that.
Sorry to the two Elf fans that might be out there, who were waiting for me to finish this. On top of real-life stuff sucking up my time, I ended up procrastinating heavily on this story.
I also ended up rewriting most of this multiple times, and the plot kept changing until eventually arriving at what it is now. I’m fairly happy with it so I hope you guys like it. Thought I feel the pacing might be fucked.
I plan to stick around here long after MD officially ends, so I hope that this place doesn’t die off. I’ve still got a couple more Elf things I want to make, as well as maybe continuing the “main” story whenever I get some more ideas.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this. If anyone has any questions about stuff I’ll try to answer em.
I'll have to read when I have time, but from the snippets I saw it seemed rather intriguing
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Peak fiction anon, I hope there will more part of drones Tessa and human N
She's cool!
Thank you, nice you like it, and I don't know if I ever have an idea I will write it, but for now, zero ideas about how to continue it.
I applaud your worms, I'll read it when I have some time, but be sure I'll read it
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Ok, I'll await what will you be cooking in the future then
Image:172375186960.png(1.98MB, 2000x2000)SD-YCouchHalo.png
Probably the next thing is a funny short green about my OCs and SD-Y trying to play some TTRPG.
What your oc name may I ask?
Image:172375231270.png(263kB, 1000x1167)SD-CH and SD-LL having fun.png
My OCs are SD-CH and SD-LL, it wouldn't have too much sense that they can talk with SD-Y, but logic is not needed for the funny.
Image:172375234082.jpg(131kB, 1076x1200)Smart-E (Eveline) .jpg
>Eve, free from the Solver’s grasp, tended to her little garden as the sun shines over her, having an umbrella to protect her as she watered her plants.
>She sighs in content as she watched her little flowers glisten in the sunlight, full of life and color, her long hair gently flowing with the wind.
>It was going to take time to get used to being free and that there was no “Boss” waiting for her out there, but in the end, she was happy.
I personally wouldn't give a shit if she was a worm considering she somehow grew out of it. It's certainly weird though that Nori is showing me baby pictures unless this is some sort of ploy to make me break up with Beretta?
Small CH is adorable, very pick up-able even.
Thanks for saying that, she is very friendly! She wouldn't mind most of the time.
>Small CH
But one thing, she is not small, LL is just very tall.
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I have a headcanon where earth before the [NULL] was a dystopian hellhole
Image:172375347126.png(647kB, 2298x1641)there is no release for their digital souls.png
about to fall asleep cleaning this sketch. just listening to utsu-p's stuff, i remembered the kickass cover art for the Moksha album. it was just pose practice, but i realized there's an ironic connection there. Moksha means freedom from the eternal cycle of life/death/rebirth, which Disassembly Drones can never attain as their digital souls are within the grasp of the Solver.
L and B looks so sad :(
H looks angry
Good work Friend, but it's sad to see them sad.
Nice art! I always love seeing anything L related.
I mean if JCJ is emblematic of the rest of the corporations in this universe I'm sure it must have been a Cyberpunk-adjacent corporatocracy hellhole
>One B two B three B
>Drone B Sad B Dead B and more!
Truly badass art drawfren!
>H giving the Solver the finger
Hello, about LL, does the "jacket" she wear go down all the way to her hip part, covering the "rubbery"-black-midsection, or would you rather have it be like on V, covering only the white "ribcage"?
Also got any specifics about which parts of her legs are black and which are white? No problem if you don't know exactly, just wanna make Herr as accurate to your idea as possible
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The first lewd female vashtoor doodle
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I can always buy another.
Image:172375635700.jpg(209kB, 1382x2048)Angel V happy.jpg
Hi! Never thought of that before, thinking it well, I think it would cover just part of the abdomen, leaving a part of the abdomen visible, I don't know if I explained it well.
Her legs are white, since when I wrote her appearance a long time ago I was thinking something similar about what beta V had, white legs, and the high-heel kind of foot. If you need more information, or you need anything, tell me, Friend.
i did write them being goofy goobers in the previous thread post about OCs go camping so i have to balance it out with something a little angsty :D
he's probably mad because i forgot to draw his right hand thumb (i'll fix that later after sleep you emo doofus). trying to draw into the 2-4 am will do that to you
Why this anon keeps calling a full good drawing a doodle?
Holy shit Cyn mom giving the Gluck huck 40k
It is ok I put this in the booru?
No much idea who Vashtoor is, but good drawing Friend.
She a chaos god in 40k, we use to joke vashtorr is Cyn parent in the earlier threads
I assumed, and I remember those jokes.
Thinking back, I should have searched who was Vashtoor instead.
I can't help but be suspicious. Perhaps she should be as well.
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Humies really eat disgusting ground berries like these. Truly vile.
Are you one of those ork?
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I'll give you a hint
Image:172375716287.jpg(312kB, 1598x900)1600x900.jpg
>The Drones Take Manhatten
Image:172375723837.png(151kB, 620x620)image_2024-08-15_232709114.png
Whose an edgy drone? You! Yes you are! You're an edgy drone who says "Exterminate all humans" now come here you need to be polished for the performance review tomorrow
But sir, that's not Uzi, that's an Oogi. I don't know what they're even classified as because attempting to apply logic to them is like trying to make sense of an infinite staircase
>Oogis are incomprehensible eldritch horrors that make the minds of even the smartest men shatter
Image:172375799803.png(104kB, 1004x542)Help.png
>there was no “Boss” waiting for her out there
That can't be right, I'm right

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Dump it with the others then
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You did not listen, I told you what you needed to do to marry ze drone und be happy, but no, you chose zis temporary "freedom" instead
Need that person in the picrel and Y making out with eachother
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>Y making out with shadow Schwab
Man you can just say you don't like her or something jeez
I love you
I'm just a sadist
Gonna suck when she breaks out of her reverie, goes exploring, and starts finding litter.
Still, it's probably better than being with the meat (or is it).
Shadow Schwab is arguably better than me trapping her in yet another self-insert romance greentext.
Whoops, looks like the Solver missed one.
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causally ruins your waifu
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And you think Shadow Schwab doesn't write self-insert romance greentexts? The world government is under the direct supervision of The Absolute Gooner, they have a quota of Human on Drone propaganda they need to attach to every law they pass
>Uzi makes the ultimate sacrifice and transforms herself into the most annoying robot ever in order to torment the human race with all possible vigor
>Claptrap is somehow more annoying
This is truly a man made horror beyond my understanding
bugretta shrieking in psychic agony as shadow schwab draws near. a concentrated psychic blast that sends dust and debris flying, yet only ruffles the clothes of the deutsche fiend as he approaches. oogis desperately trying to roll bugretta away, not realizing they're trying to push from two different side and working against each other. the clack of shadow schwab's gucci loafers against the floor as he walks ever closer. it's over. he vill eat ze bug.
Shes even more cute now dumbass
As the Anon who made this drawing, I gotta say...
Keep her away from him.
whoops, wrong reply
i meant this
Gonna clap dem cheeks harder than cyn killing everyone at the manor
Image:172375996233.png(167kB, 1895x1422)498838854cb9eeefbee8df5c65b6cdac.png
For me, it's this Uzi.
>Pick up the little trash can and watch the Eye go every which way as the tire speeds up mid air
I want this thank you anon
Image:172376029213.png(344kB, 850x1008)image_2024-08-16_001541321.png
>You begin plowing Boyzi
>As you rearrange his synthetic guts the door the the room swings open
>Its Fem N
>There is an X on her screen and she seems mighty THIRSTY and angry for being cucked
>What do you do ?
Image:172376032806.png(1.21MB, 900x1543)urbanmech_with_a_top_hat_by_agaster-d5873w5.png
>Trash can
Don't you dare associate the finest fighting machine ever assembled with that insufferable bucket of bolts birthed from The Greaseman's bowels
3 way. Then marry both. Obviously
Now draw Cyn as Glados
Didn't we do that already?
Image:172376067566.jpg(139kB, 1898x1837)1713691488609347.jpg
>You quickly grab Fem!N and begin banging her as well
>The sexual satiation of two drones is rather exhausting but you think you can manage
>Then suddenly some one else enters the room
Image:172376132482.gif(103kB, 220x201)Spoiler image
>Someone else enters the room
My God, it's HIM.
Image:172376156178.jpg(317kB, 1142x731)Shadowmeme.jpg
Playing the Murder Drones RPG and it says in the progress tab that Beretta's quest are only 95% complete and that I'm missing a companion? Anyone have any ideas? I thought it was Hope but I checked and she's still in my camp. And don't give me that Jane crap like those guys on the forums did, I already did her quest including the secret B. resurrection plot
Did you use the Oogis?
Image:172376178249.png(88kB, 1086x719)1703228937767974.png
>He plays the game instead of downloading big titty Fem!N mods
What have you written?
Yes. I'm even playing as one with the Oogi DLC, but there's still missing stuff
Just the short random ones whenever Yanon shows up, so
>WD!Anon cooks Y a steak
>(You) cuddle with Y and pop an inappropriate boner
There was probably some other stuff, I can't remember shit any more.
>(You) cuddle with Y and pop an inappropriate boner
I thought I'd written something like that. It sounds familiar. Great minds think alike I guess.
I will paint a firetruck red by bashing Todd Howard's head against it.
>Did the Jane stuff
>Did the Oogi stuff
Huh idk did you get her to reconnect with Uzi yet
he lords of the locker room's thad
Yeah, I did that by bringing her along in that short time travel quest, I even have Uzi as a companion
You mean the "Missing One." Questline? Yeah no one knows how to access that one or even play it. You can use console commands but that only seems to automatically complete the quest chain, it doesn't count towards progress through or even unlock the unknown companion. I think dataminers even tried force spawning the character in but it just crashes the game due to a scripting issue
Theres a weird bug where sometimes solving Janes PTSD around N can affect her quest
>You get a Mini-L
>She's nice and friendly and you like her, but then she gets weird
>Like the time she asked you "ever had your peehole fisted, hot stuff?"
Trust me it ain't Jane related, don't give me the gunk those other people did on the forums
so is his dick just out there?
Image:172376317117.jpg(93kB, 1898x1837)1713723728940080.jpg
Yes BoV goes everywhere swinging, to the chagrin of his team leader
I had an idea for some nice drawings of Y the other day but I'm gonna keep this one to myself.
It's concealed behind the genital hatch until needed
Then why post about it numbnuts?
I decided to look for myself, the unknown character seems to have the same tags that are assigned to female characters and Drones and it appears to be both allied and hostile towards the "Doorman Faction". Weird
That is alot of ands
Sorry about that, I'm just a little excited? Fuck if I know
You just described a neutral alignment? That's the same one the Player is assigned when you first start the game, minus of course if you play as an Oogi then the "faction's" are set to "Skeptical" to outright hostile
Because I hate you and I want curiosity to gnaw at your mind tonight.
Image:172376377509.gif(22kB, 112x112)1697998424414167.gif
Fudge you know what to do
Look Anon no one knows the answer yet, I recommend asking this question when the Devs finish creating the character for the new update
Yeah it's probably still in the conceptual stage
Based contEnt E
Come at me. I'll come in you.
I should had said "Like a carpenter, I will nail everything around me". In all seriousness I want the idea to get made but I don't feel it will be done to my satisfaction. So I'd rather save it for myself for the future.
Since it seems to be a slow day, wanna make predictions for episode 8 that the bingo card might've not included?
>now I'm just thinking about Doll masturbating
as fast as possible, ofcourse
there is malice behind this visage, i just know it
Image:172376492799.png(65kB, 1600x1300)676.png
Image:172376494252.png(72kB, 1600x1300)427.png
Gauss sound like a good fit even for a more generic "robot name"
So would J V and N would be siblings?
sadboy into madboy
> slow thread
> go to bed
> wake up
> missed massive greens and tons of art, and lots of discussion
> its slow again

> predictions
Cyn will somehow use N decapitating "Tessa" to convince J to kill him
Image:172376629258.png(25kB, 330x408)94620bb6741cd42bb0f24de9ded3d2f4.png
>place bugretta on the table where the oogies can't reach her
>place a cookie in front of her just far enough so that it's just out of reach
>bugretta "ooo"s and wiggles excitedly at the sight of the cookie
>you get your camera out and begin recording
>bugretta reaches forward stretching her neck as far as she can
>the cookie is still out of reach
>she stretches out one of her small useless front limbs and starts pawing at the cookie in front of her
>she can barely touch the edge of the cookie and it won't budge
>frustrated, she begins to flail all of her limbs in a futile attempt to move herself closer to the cookie
>she manages to hit the surface of the table hard enough for the cookie to move a little, but this brings the cookie farther away from her rather than closer to her
>this brings bugretta into a full-on meltdown
>bugretta is thrashing and screeching for the oogies to bring her food
>the oogies below the table are all going crazy
>this is gonna get so many views
Image:172376701655.jpg(15kB, 210x273)20240808_085457.jpg
>Expect success
>Video gets removed for animal abuse
>Somehow this leads to a nationwide movement on making Bugretta's a protected species
>Honeyfarmers & pet owners are no longer allowed to even own one as a result of the new laws
>/an/ doxxes (You)
holy massive elf green batman
This implies that there are /an/ threads about Bugretta's and Oogis. This thought scares me
Video:172376805150.mp4(172kB / 0:00:09 / avc1, 480x270)Jhan.mp4
Not really related but I like to imagine that if Oogis had their own site, they'd occasionally rank other Hive's Bugretta's which typically just turns into one big flame war
Why is this oddly in character?
Image:172376901210.jpg(105kB, 1000x1000)GVDPhmAX0AA2t2Z.jpeg
This with N
Should have played nightcore
It could work too. Nightcore is goddamn annoying.
Does Jane have actually have anything interesting going on or is she just pure yuri faggotry through and through?
she should be bouncing on my dick
I like the Solver War shit myself, but that's because I like to look back at underwritten parts of a fiction's history
write more then
Just pure yurishit, the yuricucks love it in the thread I guess
I am, I'm already at three pages, I'm writing Negev greens right now though
good luck
You could probably try your hand at it too
The Y thing was scary.

Actually maybe im just afraid of Y in general...
Image:172377161722.png(252kB, 1813x657)Lust.png
Human on drone
True, I will
I wish you the best, friend
Good luck
I wish episode 8 was still months away.
I wish it was a two-parter
Yvonne is too cute and incompetent to be scary.
Image:172377298221.jpg(221kB, 1396x2048)1713680837380.jpg
I remember when that one Drawanon drew a series of the DDs slaughtering Worker Drones to emphasize that they are dangerous killers exactly because they were being flanderized into wholesome cuddlers who would never hurt a fly.
Image:172377338667.png(1.25MB, 3507x1754)serial designation y and serial designation b (original character) drawn by anonymous_artist - ca9e0550b10cdc4871980aca2b663af1.png
>>23629 (Me)
Iirc this was mostly done by secondaries who admitted they had never watched the show and didn't plan to, advertently or otherwise.
You will love the drone, and she will be your cute wife
Image:172377351121.png(829kB, 2000x2000)1706876788514617.png
>You picked all the right dialogue options with Y
>You beat all the right side missions with Y
>You are back at the mobile command center
>It is basically an interactive game menu like the Normandy in Mass Effect, but cool
>You look for Y but she isn't in the bridge looking important like she usually does
>You interact with Beretta, who keeps asking you "when can we go to the ruins of Earth to look for my parents? You promised we'd look for my parents."
>Eh. Waste of time
>You speak to Phi
>"Our glorious leader said to give you thisss." she says in her serpentine manner and adds a note to your inventory
>It is later revealed that Y gave the note to Mini Y to give to you but Phi punched her over the head and stole it, only to discover that it was written in matoran
>"Drat! It isss encoded!"
>So she gave it to you
>You read the note and a new objective is added to your secondary objectives
>Meet Y in the pantry
>You go down to the pantry and interact with the door, initiating a cutscene
>*knock knock*
>"Go avay!"
>"It's me."
>"Vait a moment. Okay, enter."
>You enter and see pic related
>Y is naked, laying back, with her mutant core exposed for only you to see
>"Wow" you whisper
>You get close and look at Y's core
>"It is beautiful!"
>"Danke" the non-austrian drone replies shily, but with some smugness as well
>Showing or offering it's core is one of the drones' most intimate gestures
>They bare their being and make themselves vulnerable to you
>It isn't something that can be done voluntarily either
>A drone's chest panels are like a man's penis. It has a mind of it's own
>The penis hardens when it feels like it. The panels loosen when they feel like it, allowing the drone to pull them back
>Technicians and rolesters (robo molesters) have to open them surgically with power tools
>Y went as far as to pick a room with only one entrance and no windows

I kinda don't know how to continue.

Yeah. I find those pics a little jarring.
The art is really good, but I'm curious why they bothered if they didn't like the show. Were they just hoping to ragebait or something? This seems like a lot of effort just to mess with people who I don't even remember being upset about it.
Wait, that's a drawing not on the booru, I remember that drawing was completed, another image that I hope didn't get lost with the burning of the old booru
Also good green, continue with coreplay
I like DDs because I like feral murder machines
That drawing was made by someone that has watched MD, know a lot about the threads, and it's active here, don't know what are you talking about
Have you tried helping Beretta rebuild Uzi's railgun?
I'm fully aware that whenever I write a DD who isn't V/N/J saying even a single word, it's non-canon because only they got to keep their personalities and the rest are brainless killbots.
But that's lame. So are "tehn de murder drone cuddl me- i mean anon" stories, but that won't stop me.
But I think this one's less canon than the rest because my understanding is Y can barely kill a WD with her dull-ass sword unless she's been blinded.
Sorry man but someone else will have to take it from here. I have another wip of the pic in my folder. Y anon should have the finished piece.
He remembers wrong, I'm pretty sure, but I'm sure there have been some anons that come to the threads to ask if it's worth to watch the series and anons that just watched the series and don't understand much
From what I remember, SD Y is able to kill, she is not the best but not the worst, at least that from old greens made by Yanon I think
Image:172377423171.jpg(205kB, 800x629)An important event.jpg
Fuck, there is so much stuff that got lost, but some anons must have the pieces, they just need to upload it
Must be Big Flanders at work making "failgirl whose troops don't respect her" turn into "can't do the one thing she's meant to do as a murder drone".
This occurred with some others too
Image:172377493852.jpg(335kB, 1040x660)Alexa ridley.jpg
There is mitchell mercer and then there Alex ridley
Image:172377495284.jpg(1.52MB, 3024x1720)dingoes.jpg
Image:172377496620.jpg(1.25MB, 2396x2172)concept V.jpg
Image:172377498117.jpg(917kB, 2192x1608)Emily realize something.jpg
Doesn't really matter, well, depends on the story, if it's for the funs, that doesn't really matter to be honest, it's just for the funs
If it's a more "serious" note, then probably not the best idea
Definitely not under control
Who was she listening to?
Image:172377510833.jpg(1.01MB, 2244x1816)danger.jpg
Wagoogus is gonna rip him a new one.
Image:172377611965.png(576kB, 2480x1455)serial designation u-u (original character) drawn by anonymous_artist - 9d394067ec020e586785c52581d3ce39.png
>>23630 (Me)
We came dangerously close to replicating the Undertale General on /vg/ and I think we should all keep in mind to not let that happen after Murder Drones ends. Not necessarily to leave right away, I know not all of my projects are going to be done by then, but to know when all that the universe can be used to tell while remaining respectful to the source material has been told and to leave it to be to be rediscovered by future generations, which is a significant part of why I am eternally grateful for the Booru.
I meant the secondaries were flanderizing the characters beyond recognition and turning it into something safe, exactly like ultimately happened to Springfield in The Simpsons.
This is treading dangerously close to an inability to take anything seriously that Murder Drones wholeheartedly rejects IMO, eve in more comedic fanworks characters should still always act IC unless it's the source of humor in of itself.
Image:172377633635.png(552kB, 2664x2181)[booru.plus]+murderdrones190.png
>>23654 (Me)
I apologize for any misunderstanding.
I was around during those days, yet I don't remember anything at all about people who didn't watch the actual show causing that.
Imagine if N loses control one day and wakes up to discover he is full and Uzi's dismembered remains are all around him....
Imagine if N appeared in your bedroom
Sorry, I don't fully understand since I haven't been to undertale threads. Are you saying you disapprove of any fan works that aren't dark and serious, or am I just misreading this?
I should write that
Uzi, obviusly

Innocent Doll with a cool jacket
>This is treading dangerously close to an inability to take anything seriously that Murder Drones wholeheartedly rejects IMO, eve in more comedic fanworks characters should still always act IC unless it's the source of humor in of itself.
I'm my humble opinion, I disagree, I don't think is "treading dangerously close to an inability to take anything seriously" many stories when made for fun do not need to be taken seriously, since it's for fun, it is not necessary to have a character made 100% correct, needing to read every piece that they were written in to have it correctly written, but of course there are limits, for example making Y someone with russian accent, or make her a happy go lucky girl is a good example of something that is just going too far out of character even for a funny green. Many greens I have read Y still feels like Y for example again, some do not but that sometimes happens, and then I don't like it as much or just don't like it
If it's something more serious, then yes, it is important to have the character made as close as character as possible, there are going to be mistakes of course, but they shouldn't be big or something that distracts you
Yeah I'm with this Anon >>23659 what exactly are you saying? That you don't like obviously non-canon goofy greens or? Cause last I checked the Undertale thread, it was mostly people bitching and fighting over thread celebrities with no actual sustenance
Image:172377697218.png(177kB, 515x295)plot armor.png
>Careful/Calculated (Not Bumbling)
Don't worry Anon, N detected her "Plot Armor", which just so happens to have a triangle next to it. No more spires. Only insignificant insects go splat. >>23340
Please do
>>23662 (me)
Unless I understood incorrectly, and you meant that making more fun greens than serious 100% on characters ones is bad, but that would be stupid, so I don't think you meant that
I'll get it to you eventually
Image:172377715912.jpg(626kB, 4000x1490)[booru.plus]+murderdrones1175.jpg
I'm referring to the part where if you actually try to discuss the game or its themes they mock and insult you like a retard laughing at something he thinks is funny.
A respectable opinion.
>Fun Nightly OC Facts: SD-S once got stuck in a tree for over 4 hours, when fire fighters arrived they discovered that she wasn't stuck in the slightest but fearful of falling, despite the fact that she had retractable wings. This is her greatest shame and biggest secret
>I'm referring to the part where if you actually try to discuss the game or its themes they mock and insult you like a retard laughing at something he thinks is funny.
these threads have not gotten anywhere close to that, even in the gap between 6 and 7
I assume you had a typo or use a phone and meant series, not game, but I haven't seen what you are saying, I haven't seen people trying to discuss the series themes mocked, they get answered or they get ignored, like most posts
But if you find serious greens or topics more appealing that goofy ones, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it, anyone with more than two braincells can understand people having preferences, and as long as you don't attack people that liked something different your opinion is respected, if that's what you prefer, I respect it
Then why are you telling us this?
>>23671 (me)
I want to add that it is nice to have a nice civil talk with you, I like seeing others people's opinion in a well mannered way
Thank you
Image:172377852498.png(116kB, 497x461)1445146905431.png
Ah, yes, a triangle. It's all coming together now.
Image:172377870474.gif(88kB, 768x432)0c430d3e65b44dcd9caad93071b3c720.gif
No, thank you
Image:172377909130.png(35kB, 1298x135)Y lore.png
I drew those because it's one part of many things that I like about the show/DDs and I wanted more of it. Unless the author specifically mention their DD character would NEVER kill (picrel is an opposite example of that), I'd draw that kind of stuff when I feel like it/when an idea comes across my mind. Not because I think the fan characters were flanderized/being flanderized. I have no business telling others how to act or what to do with their fan characters, I just want to draw what I like and contribute drones.
I'm a simpleton to the highest degree.
Image:172377912551.png(41kB, 928x802)Solve.png
Yes, a triangle.
>Upside-down triangle
>Triangle = Solver
>V is still killing drones consistently after she "switches sides"
>She just happens to know more than the others???
V is the real primary host, Cyn is a red herring.
Anon, go to sleep.
Dear lord how based!
took me 3 attempts to say that
I don't get the reference
Based drawfriend
Because reasons
Oh piss off with this self-appointed quality control enforcer crap
Image:172378002178.jpg(354kB, 2048x2048)GU4KFzTbAAAjzDY.jpeg
Can uncle grandpa defeat Cyn?
Yes. I never watched that show and never will, but from what I've heard the dude is multiversal level
I want drones, making me a coffee, and me petting their head, is that too much to ask of scientist?
Image:172378063751.png(255kB, 769x510)1402088484715.png
>posts a hexagon
Yes, because drones are three quarters impossible at the moment
Yeah, comedy always tops powerlevelfaggotry. Always, no exception.
Thats what they want you to think.

damn scientists, keeping all the drones to themselves
True, time to raid a robotics lab
Pretty sure that is a lie and the shadow government is keeping dromes a secret
But we know they are real
Image:172378110152.png(744kB, 3000x1596)amy (original character) drawn by grimahlnik - 06276306db12fbc00b395c160aaed12a.png
I want drones, delivering me hot food, and me skullfucking their head, is that too much to ask of scientist?
Image:172378173922.png(29kB, 1168x720)amyanon_is_the_biggest_boy.png
he should draw her more
That's a fork
Image:172378212507.png(459kB, 1661x1329)c6wq37.png
If some day they are real, I hope they are not super mega expensive
If that's how you plan to go about the threads post-Ep8 then go right ahead, although I find it kinda unreasonable to demand/expect everyone else to follow suit
Oh it's going to be far worse than that, they will be
Image:172378305357.jpg(151kB, 640x640)ab67616d0000b273f2e6fce6ee1251d69a54bbb2.jpg
>These threads are not up to MY standards and I'm here to remind you all of the CORRECT way to post!
There are some destinies worse than being poor
They won't be overbearingly expensive if you make them yourself
>Order a criminally overpriced drone to be your companion
>You're basically a loser who paid out the ass for a mail-order bride
>Build your own drone with love and care
>You're basically married to your own offspring
The gods mock us
Its going to be like building a computer?
Image:172378375043.png(578kB, 1590x919)the beret.png
If by that you mean "all the parts you need are going to get hoarded by cryptobros leaving the last of them to be hawked at 300% markup on ebay by scalpers", then yes
>My mom told me my face would get stuck like this and I didn't believe her!
Image:172378437749.jpg(172kB, 1240x2048)GVCTFlUbAAADZN2.jpg
Given the sheer complexity of the parts, your best bet there would be to steal several from a scrapheap and cobble them together from the functional pieces, hoping the end result doesn't beg you to kill it.
Image:172378449177.jpg(169kB, 1120x1233)1707621004380573.jpg
Going to sleep, goodnight!
I hope you sleep well!
Generic Drone
I want you
Why is V in a T-shirt and no pants sexier than her jacket when she already has no pants anyway?
Desperate measures for companionship
stay away, you filthy toaster
Then get over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, I'm feeling romantical.
Image:172378563791.jpg(14kB, 483x479)kissmenigga.jpg
Goodnight friend
Need drone versions of this
Image:172378660422.png(610kB, 2018x1441)there is no release for their digital souls color.png
and color.
H has his right hand thumb in the right position, i think. bit hard to remember when your palm is facing you, your thumb points out to the side cuz i have an issue of lacking brain cells. because DDs have different proportions to humans, i also couldn't really get the poses to work as similarly as the art i was trying to practice with, but i tried :d
>find a stray drone or get one from a rescue
>you’ve helped a poor being in need AND got a drone for free
Elf sure went mad with power quick didn't she?
Image:172378943014.png(346kB, 1168x1585)soydrones.png
can't wait for the pre-episode 8 drawpile, shit is about to be hype
They deserve as much time to rest and heal as they need and a reprieve from their undeserved strife
thumbnail looks like some hindu deity with all their multitude of arms
Image:172378982358.png(193kB, 1153x833)I'VE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH (YOU).png
Skeleton Manyoutube thumb

For Skeletessa The "Skin Man" segment would even apply to the Cynwalker.
Most thread DDs do. Except MG. Fahk that guy.
Good art.
I like it.
Image:172379133879.png(61kB, 300x163)World_Time_Zones_Map.png
That's timezones for you pal.
Watching them suffer like this makes me want to pinch their asses.
Image:172379153866.png(760kB, 1429x590)goals 4 and 5 of pentagonal revisionism.png
They are made in the image of their creators, and they desperately wish they were them.
It's crazy how cozy a lot of Va11-HallA tracks are, they can fit a lot of situations when you need an atmosphere for conversations. Fits her and Jo Fawcett's Pennymoon Lounge. I like to think this song fits how SD-B sees her squad as well. (Dana Zane's an amazing boss.)
You've Got Me (Extended) - VA-11 HALL-Ayoutube thumb
Image:172379343061.png(325kB, 1360x768)1702471835399.png
Image:172379383407.png(16kB, 595x547)GVE_rHyXEAAM89B.png
i lik this image
Image:172379479349.jpg(281kB, 1055x677)172360485077.jpg
oc's go on a beach day
I pull on Janes mole
>N and Uzi both lay in bed, cuddling.
>After a long, strenuous day, both drones are on low charge.
>N pulls his minute girlfriend closer to his side and lays down harder, shutting down his optics.
>”Goodnight, Uzi.”
>”Goodnight, N.”
>”Love you.”
>”Love you too.”
>As N begins to enter [SLEEP MODE], he notices some random, unknown code deep in his BIOS running.
>He pays it little mind, thinking it to be some haywire programming in his already crazy composition.
>N falls into [SLEEP MODE] proper within just a few seconds.
>And, for once in a while, the machine dreams.
>He dreams that he’s sitting at a bar, with a great big stein full of oil.
>He doesn’t take the time to look around, just thinking that the pub looked awfully cozy.
>He grabs onto the mug and sips away casually, enjoying how the sweet warmth of the machine blood felt on his tongue, and savoring the lovely taste of it too.
>Half-gone, N sets the mug down and looks around finally.
>The lights turn from the cozy, relaxing yellow to a harsh blue-white and the bar starts to freezing over. Literally.
>The windows shatter and snow fills the area around him, causing N to panic, wondering if he’d done something wrong.
>As snow engulfs the drone, he eventually shuts down all optics and tucks himself into a fetal ball, waiting for the nightmare to end.
>The snow buried him completely. The weight of the frozen, toxic water causing his plates to creak and groan.
>And before the nightmare progressed, he thankfully woke up.
>The status text washed off his display visor with a flicker and his optics came back to focus.
>The Disassembly Drone stared at the ceiling with his main optics while his backup bulbs scanned absolutely everything around him.
>As his programming stabilized and his targeting protocols warmed, he reached his arm around to grab at his partner to cuddle her closer after the bad dream.
>He grasped at air.
>N thought she’d simply woken up earlier than him and was outside their bedroom.
>That was until the targeting protocols started to give him readings of purple hair and steel fragments in random places.
>Curious, the Disassembly Drone sat up in bed, looking around for his beloved.
>Oil spilt down his slick chest and onto the mattress below, staining the stark white a grody brownish black.
>Within a split second, he checks his internal oil gauge, noting that it’s full up.
>The panic deepens as he looks around the room using both sets of eyes.
>He leans over the left side of the bed, seeing pools and puddles of roboblood that had stained the hard tile flooring.
>He leans over the right and sees an arm of a worker.
>Instinctually, he runs a crying program, believing the worst has happened.
>He slides off the bed and stands up, checking the rest of the interior for more clues.
>He walks toward the center of the room, scanning the walls left to right.
>As he approaches the foot of the bed, his feet sink into something slick, a failed step there and he slips.
>He slips onto his back, right next to his dismembered lover.
>Sadness gives way to turmoil when he turns his head to the left just a little.
>A drone’s head looks him dead in the eye with a pitch black visor, shining a reflection of a broken, distraught Dissassembly Drone.
>”No. No. No. NO. UZI!”
>He rolls over, drenching his sterile frame in Uzi’s oil, grabbing onto the tattered remains of her decimated body and holding them limply in his hands.
>He hoped for a little bit of her to be left. For her core to have somehow made it out of his onslaught.
>He held the major remains in his arms, hands wrapped around what was left of one of her shoulders tightly.
>He hugged the corpse close to his body, breaking down into tears.
>”I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He repeated like a broken clock.
>He looked around. One more time, scanning with thermals and infrared for the distinct heat of an infected core.
>And as far as he could tell, he was the last living thing in the room.
>That was until the drawer of the bedside stand behind the kneeling, crying DD opened.
>”N, you.. You..”
>Uzi’s voice.
>He looked back, then ran to the drawer to grab onto the core of the drone he’d maimed.
>But she didn’t let him, jumping onto the bed with a quick movement to avoid him.
>”I don’t want to see you right now. Don’t look for me.” Her tone was terse.
>She hopped off the bed on her tiny clawed legs and walked to the door.
>”..A little help.” Uzi’s core asked meekly, causing N to oblige and walk to the door, opening it for her and letting her walk away. She hopped up into a vent and disappeared.
>Leaving N to sit on the bed and think about what he had done.
>Leaving N to cry at the thought of doing it.
>Leaving N to the worst pains he’s ever felt.
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As one anon pointed out, I tried to make the qipao tighter around her body and legs to not look loose. Also changed the qipao's dress to be of a more darker color with hazard strips as a pattern since I couldn't think of a pattern that would be both cool and easy to draw. Now has a button by the collar that's holding the qipao.
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If you mean a bio-dome beach day with simulated sunlight, sure. Please be mindful that thread DDs will still burn in non-artificial sunlight, they already have suffered enough.
Looks nice on her, but poor gal. I'm guessing the Solver melded her usual weapon into her new form as kind of a cruel joke that she may realize later.
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Don't worry the DD's got two thick coats of polycarbonate based sunscreen, they'll be fine
For some reason, it detaches from her face. Confused, you walk away from her trying to figure what it was that you just pulled. It explodes when you are at a safe enough distance from Jane. Turns out, it was an experimental gadget she scrounged up from some small arms storage facility while she was looking for rations.
Jane has been carrying this mole burden. Incredibly Harmful device so she could pull off the greatest prank ever
>You take U-U to the beachodome that recently opened up
>It's called Kokomo, apparently an important beach-style name from ancient times
>Aside from some glitches in the artificial sky, it's a pretty authentic experience, you think? You've never been to a beach
>It's nice, warmer than most places you've been, and plenty of drones are around, having fun
>As for you, you're relaxing underneath an umbrella as U-U experience swimming in non-toxic water
>You relax so much that you wind up falling asleep for a bit, waking up in a different situation
>U-U took the opportunity to bury you up to your head in the sand, and you're pretty stuck right now as they pack more in on you
>Then they begin building more up around your crotch, their funny gag going on for too long as it grows larger and larger, as tall as they are and beyond
>They finally stop once it's too tall for them to build any higher, your fake sand penis now a monument worth worship
>Then it collapses toward one of the two, bringing her to the ground, your earthen manhood flattening the stupid gremlin
>You and the other U laugh as she shakes all the sand off, spitting repeatedly
>"Bleh- I got some of it in my mouth!" she says
>"Swallow, don't spit," you jab, her retaliatory kick demolishing your sand bunker but leaving you intact
>Thoroughly bested, she retreats to the water and flails around in it, returning and drying her arms by flicking them in your direction
>Not long after, the day's fun is finished, the three of you preparing to head back
>U-U take off their swimsuits (a tragedy) and you swap out of your trunks, putting on your boring-ass hazmat suit and striking out into the unforgiving cold yet again
>It wasn't so bad now, you kept a little warmth to think about whenever things were a bit too chilly
>Besides, you could come back when you felt like making the long trip
>Way down to Kokomo
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I need Tessa, give me Tessa
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Here you go, this one is spicy
Wonder what the Us swim suit looks like
I want to rub lotion on Jane
How would it be like to rub sun lotion on the OCs
Yeah pretty much but even then she'll know something's wrong with it and that it doesn't feel right.
holy fucking kill myself
N breathing
Good work, nicely done, lovely
Nice, very good
I wonder what is she doing
Some goobers
What fine cheeks Tessa father have, now show me her mother hips
>Lizzy just sitting on the sidelines with a soda