Image:174264786492.png(1.49MB, 3000x3007)Drones and Demons Drones.png
Hello and good day! Let's talk about the Drones like always, good theories, fun greens, more serious greens, and everything, from the Canon to the OC, let's have fun. The archive, the Booru: The elegant wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The cautiously prepared OC wiki: The last Thread: >>182352
I'm surprised the trailer of the new Glitch show has generated literally no response in the thread. Yeah, sure, there's a lot of discussion on /co/ right now, even vicious posted new art there (pick porn, how always), but MD fans don't really care?
>>183356 Yes, but there was surprisingly little response. Every new episode of TADC has sparked discussion on the half thread, and now anons are just "Huh? Okay."
I honestly don't like the disconnect of writing between some of the characters here. Sure, some are written with consistencies between greens even if written by different anons and then you have people like Jane, John, Switch, Buddy, DDanni, Molly, etc. who are written completely differently like joke or funny characters while their backstories are very depressing to read through.
>>183369 there are always going to be inconsistent characterizations when dozens of people make greens of a given character. iirc buddy and ddanni were originally gag OCs based off of a common anime/manga setup and got serious development later, but the rest are just sometimes written in a joking manner because that's simply the nature of thread content. >>183371 kek also true
If Tessa was alive the entire time. (Cyn hid her for the Lolz) Do you think she would be heartbroken if she realizes that J doesn’t think she’s real and is just Cyn trying to mess with her?
>>183369 I was planning on writing more serious Switch greens but considering how I've written her so far, at least in the threads, I don't think anyone would be interested in them.
>>183399 oh no, I’m so scared of a recoloured DD painted blue, who’s costs more than 10 life of saving, that would end up killing humanity, improve tires is a lot cheaper and better, it’s distinct strategic advantage, instead of throwing away all our resources away, for this “sentinel drones” tard talk,
>>183434 Tessa has breasts, it’s clear she’s much older than Maria. Also Maria was dying and Shadow was her emotional support, J wasn’t and still was very close to Tessa.
>>183424 Eh, I find inverted characters to be kinda boring but Asset and Cyn both have white hair and are (presumably) kinda bratty. So why not just combine the two?
>>183449 Fine if you want this battle... J could be older than Tessa as she was discarded and had a previous life. She could possibly even take care of Tessa as a baby if it was possible
>>183463 Unfortunately, half of MD's DNA is IC. It'd be repetitive. Besides, Liam doesn't seem like the kind of guy who'd go back to things that he dropped out of boredom.
>MD but J is killed and Tessa is converted into a DD >Tessa willingly serves the Solver because it said it would bring J back. >Tessa knows it’s lying but she just wants her closest friend back
>>183470 >Solver because it said it would bring J back >Tessa knows it’s lying but she just wants her closest friend back just give up, there’s nothing you can do, tessa, just lay down, fade into nothingness
>>183470 >SD-T is worse than N when it comes to killing drones, to the point where it would be clear that she wouldn’t eat if not for V and N ordering her too. >She is extremely protective over them “I can’t lose you too” >N doesn’t remember J, but vaguely understands that she lost someone very important to her. >She has two small ribbons tied around her front bangs. >Some times she stares at them, quietly calling out for J.
>>183488 that’s the worst part, isn’t it, that the creator of the show completely forgot about cyn entirely, focusing purely on the solver, now cyn been revealed to this, making up her personality from fans
I would've named the drone that took the deal "Eve" cause robo satan offering an apple of enternal life, but these threads automatically make my brain go to Banana when I see the word Eve.
>>183478 N didn't think anything was unusual after the AS assumed direct control, everyone else's reaction was "Cyn's gotten really weird and scary now" and not "Cyn's turned into a completely different person", and the episode 2 flashback suggests she used to move at least somewhat normally.
>>183505 The soul was thrown out of control seat either when the deal was accpeted or when Tessa introduced N, V, and J to her. This can be seen by the Yellow eyes being there. If you want to go by eyes and voice then any other scene with the body besides the introduction to the deal and the gala gang being introducted to them is where the Solver is in full control.
>>183508 (me) Rewatched the scene again. It's definitely when the deal was accepted the switch over happened. It's shows a part of the deal, the drone wakes up and is scared, sometime soon after the deal is accepted the Solver takes the wheel.
>>183538 What about Yeva’s husband? A ship with his wife and a random human makes more sense because he’s basically a cardboard cutout, we don’t even know his name.
>>183536 J got a lot and is a main character, Tessa had only very limited possible screentime because she could only be shown in flashbacks. Of these 3 Doll and J could have been used somewhat more but they both got a lot of screentime. IMO there should have been more Alice but we never got it. Makes me hope we will at some point get to know more of true BTS, namely rhe first concept(s) for the series. I need to know what Alice's original role was intended to be, since some anon recognized she was already made before the CFL storyline (which is essential to Alice and vice versa in the version we got).
>>183568 it is a 4d chest move, this >>183382 started, resulting in >>183384, than an chain reaction took place, he WANTED this to happen, like a tsundere
>>183562 Will admit i didn't go to for full detail on that. Here's a fuller detail on what we can guess from what the show shows us: >Yellow eyes is most likely to show the solver has wormed their way in >if it stays yellow instead of flickering like with Uzi then the drone isn't fighting back >Yellow Eyes + Voice Change means Cyns in full control. With these details we can assume that the body the Solver got in the drone and didn't want resistance from it's first target so it proposed a deal in a way that will allow for full possession.
>>183574 CFL ones can probably be explained by "hey, we need extra ways to tell them apart from each other so why not give them wigs and have their eye colors be the same as the wig color."
>>183567 Yes, because Pavo is a very good guy, plus according to your horoscope, your zodiac sign is in for four days of bad luck, so you won't be leaving the apartment until end that time.
But don't worry, Pavo will take care of your needs.
>>183576 that… I don’t know, my knowledge only goes so far, but know this, he says he hates it, fully aware it’ll start a chain reaction for Jessa ship art to be posted
>>183580 (me) Sorry, should've specified further. Do you mean to ask "What where the humans going to do to the drones outside of CFL?" or "What where the humans going to do to the drones inside of CFL?"
>>183582 my only possible conclusion is to have that patch thing in every WD, through that is cool, humans harnessing powers they don’t know, forming in their robots, the perfect weapon, obeying, like a good machine should do, the only downside is oil
>>183589 Episode 1: Uzis slideshow, shows that all the drones have blueish white eyes until they started larping after the core collapse Epsiode 5: all normal drones had blueish white eyes. Except for the gala gang (probably to set them more apart from the rest even though they have hair.)
>>183594 I don’t get played, I observe, come on and give it a try, for this life is a wonderful game! the greatest joy in the process of creation itself, it is truly fascinating
>>183598 I’m feeling a little discombobulated in the mind of mine, so! always remember this, if you see a female monster in the woods at night, man the fuck up, don’t be a lil bitch, and get that monster pussy
>Be you, only humaan on copper 9 >Until recently that it >The lady, Jane, arrived on the planet some time ago >And ever since the drones have been trying ti push you two together like tumblr shippers >Personality wise she's alright >It's just you can't stand being around her >She's like a walking talking uncanny valley but you can't put your finger on what's exactly wrong about her
That Solver pack hit different. Saw one guy take a hit of the blunt and he turned into a living fractal. The second-hand smoke turned me into a worm made of human heads. I think I can feel my ass gnawing on a child's leg.
>>183593 Veterans went through grueling physical and mental training and hardships in combat, so I'm willing to bet that any brave Federation soldier could grace this dinosaur.
>>183631 That's exactly why on-model drones (preferably with their lower faces and tongues and tummies shaded to look like silicone rubber) should coexist with realistic humans.
>>183612 >>183602 >Anon swears that he's never seen Jane eat >He's also sure she doesn't breathe >And even in the bunker Anon is always bundled up, the drones accidentally broke the heating system a few years ago and never thought about fixing it >So imagine Anons shock when Jane walks around completely unbothered by the cold that he needs to wear a winter coat to withstand >Hell she's been outside without protection and cane back just fine >So no, anon doesn't believe that Jane is human
>>183658 she might as well kill herself, let an REAL demon party for eternity, this party never stops! time is dead and meaning has no meaning! existence is upside down and he reigns supreme over us all
>>183660 I honestly find Eldritch J and the Solver cameras in episode 5 to be way cooler. I'm honestly not too familiar with eldritch horror stuff but why do you want your unknowable horror that you don't understand main form be humanoid instead of pushing the abstract unknowable aspect?
>Sees post about someone talking about Femanons being over the top compared to normal gooners >remembers all the "creative" ways the MD Femanons are with their drones ideas
is it like, a creativity thing? is our desires just too mundane for the inter-workings of the femanons ideas? like i get somethings, but whats with the rocks? or force feeding stuff?
>>183674 >Drone AM getting raped by Cyn >Drone AM getting raped by J >Drone AM getting raped by V >Drone AM getting raped by N >Drone AM getting raped by Uzi >Drone AM getting raped by Lizzy >Drone AM getting raped by Doll >Drone AM getting raped by Nori >Drone AM getting raped by Yeva >Drone AM getting raped by Tessa >Drone AM getting raped by The Bunker doors
>>183687 >Drone AM getting raped by his past self >Drone AM getting raped by his current self >Drone AM getting raped by his future self >Drone AM getting raped by Harlan Ellison >Drone AM getting raped by Liam vickers
If tessa skin still functional thanks to cyn bullshit solver magic could other fluids other than blood still be there? Sweat,saliva,urine,tear,white fluids
>>183500 >Tin-E folds a paper clip she found into a heart >Queen E holds up an entire field of flowers in her four giant arms >Lady E would ask for a Christian wholesome date >Solver E would give you her pulsating solver core >Candy Drone Eva wouldn’t catch on…until you purchased the romantic chocolate and hand it to her >Decieve KNEW already that you’d go with her, why wouldn’t you!
>>183732 There are 208 of his works uploaded on Booru, I think most of them are already saved.
But the question I'm excited about is: grimahlnik, are you still with us? Did something happen to you or did you just decide to get rid of social networks?
>>183735 I meant save them locally. booru posts can be taken down, so if you like any of his stuff I'd suggest making sure you have a copy in case he nukes his stuff off the booru too
Social media is unnecessary, I don't blame him for deleting Something so useless as twitter, He didn't even really use twitter anyway. + his DA and Tumblers are still around. both of which he posts to more then he ever did on twitter
>>183759 >[BERETTA. BERETTA. LACK-WITTED SPAWN OF MY MALIGNED HOST. WAKE UP.] >"Hmm, hrm. What? Whadyou want?" >[I'M THIRSTY.] >"Then go to the fridge and take one of Dad's 10W40s. You don't need me for that." >[YOU MUST GET ME MILK. ONLY MILK CAN SUSTAIN ME.] >"Milk? Like from cows? Cows that I'm reasonably sure are all extinct by now?" >[KNOWING SMILE. THERE IS STILL ONE.]
>>183774 >Uzi Teratophilia >N Encouragement and worship. >V Handholding >J Maledom (or femdom depending on who you ask) >Doll Musk. >Lizzy Monsterfucking. >Thad Genderbender >Khan Unironically vanilla as hell. >Nori Roleplay. >Alice Bloodplay >Tessa Bondage/DID >Emily ENF >Cyn Freakiest shit you can imagine just to troll you. >But more likely to be hypnosis and TF
>>183776 >cute russian drone brings you to her place >only for her to use telekinesis, levitating you onto a chair >the straps prevent any movement Marvel’s The Punisher Wait wait WAIT
>>183776 that’s all tame, except for doll’s, she’s got some crazy energy in her, even I don’t know if I can fuck it out of her, I must give it my all, for my beloved, for doll
>>183776 Cyn is absolutely into the type of porn that has fucking statistics, man. Death counter in the octillions from a single cumshot, dude. She’s a FREAK.
>Weirdly puritan Cyn who finds even premarital sex gross >She still eats universes without care, but she believes in true love, soulmates, and having a picnic on a shard of Earth while watching the stars go out overhead
>>183797 did you know, whenever a soulmate feels pain of any sort, so do the other one, meaning cyn has, like the dumbass she is, put herself through absolute agonising torture, permanently
That sites a drain on wellbeing, especially when life gets busy and more so when you don't get anything out of it anymore. Turnin' it off for a time for Very Good Reasons, hope I can get back to the art mill one day.
>>183676 Unironically so called 'sparky', but that's fine because he deserves it for being bueno OC wise there are many chances, let's go with Elizabeth
Another person not taking the lack of post-war massacres of the unclean well, in addition to Switch and the Space Cobra Unit: a sporadically sighted mutant who reports from during The War consistently described as attacking other AS entities, overpowering and killing them in manners suggesting extreme hatred
>>183825 How long has that story even been? Did it ever end or did harperfag just stop writing for a while? From what I get it's a story of a Sentinel drone accompanying a regular worker drone who qualifies for the process of becoming an SD but the lengthy road trip clashes with how important/critical they are as a means of defense. It didn't click with me, I suppose.
>Be DD >Raid bunker >Bunch of doors seal you off in a gym/court that's been set up like an area >Hear this >KNOCK ME DOWN >See picrel Do you shit yourself?
>>183866 Have the “Real” Cyn come out and reveal her to he even sweeter than N. Unfortunately she’s too childlike to understand or control her giant eldritch centipede body
>>183866 That's not really possible without patching AS which essentially replaces it with an entirely different mind/personality. AS itself is completely iredeemable
>>183878 >They go to the canon universe post episode 8 >J can't believe that the tiny and autistic version of herself is somehow more competent than her
>>183866 Somehow get the Solver to develop an autistic appreciation for Humanity before the gala funnies and resolve to eating the planets of any meanie alien species that threaten them. Yeah she’ll probably overthrow the Earth government to do this and insist you call her something dumb like the “Yellow Empress” or something. And yeaaaah she’ll probably still cause the Big Crunch but hopefully she keeps us around in a silly little vivarium in whatever nightmare dimension she comes from. Better than most outcomes, at least.
Posting a scrapped idea so I can stop thinking about it >Be you, Anon >Space vagabond, you live in a rather small ship >It's about the size of a double wide mobile home, small for a ship >Your star charts are fucked >Half of the star systems you jump between are either completely dead or are circling blackholes that shouldn't be there >Your latest jump to the Copper system fried your FTL drive so now you're stranded here >The place is a backwater so even if there is a colony here it probably can't fix your ship >You are getting signals from the 9th planet though >You managed to establish communications with them, a bunch of scientists working on something >They said they can't help at the moment or anytime soon >Shit >You're on the edge of the star system, and with your FTL drive dead you couldn't make the trip in any reasonable time >You tell them that you'll have to use your autopilot and cryosleep to get there >If nothing goes wrong you'll arrive in about 10 months
>Seven months into your journey the core of Copper 9 collapsed. >Your autopilot got fried by a certain silly creature and you spent about 18 years in cryosleep while your ship mindlessly orbited Copper 9 >Your cryosleep only ended after it drained so much power the ship turned it off >Imagine your shock when instead of a smallish colony you woke up to a dead, frozen mass grave of a planet
>Uzi and N are walking through the facility, the dim emergency lights flickering. Uzi: "Okay, not to be dramatic, but why the hell are corpses disappearing?" N: "Maybe they walked away?" Pause. "Wait. No, that’s stupid. Ignore that." Uzi: "No, let’s roll with that theory. The dead drones have unionized and are demanding better working conditions." They exchange an awkward look before continuing their investigation.
>They hear a clunk in the distance. Something moves in the shadows, fast. N: "Oh! That was definitely something! Should we run?" Uzi: "No, we chase it. If it’s something scary, we punch it." N: "What if it punches back?" Uzi: "Then we cry and reassess." They rush toward the sound, weapons
>They track the movement to a locked door. N: "Okay, so do we kick it open dramatically, or—" Uzi: Already kicking it open "DRAMATICALLY." The door swings open, revealing…
>A skeleton—Tessa’s skeleton—sits at a table surrounded by reassembled drone corpses, all posed as if they’re having tea. The scene is bizarrely well-organized, with mismatched cups and little plates of what looks like… circuit boards? Tessa Skeleton (calmly holding a teacup): "Don’t judge me. I was never raised properly. Let me cope." N and Uzi stare in stunned silence. N: Whispers "So… do we join, or…?" Uzi: Pulling N back "Nope. Nope. We turn around and pretend we never saw this." Tessa skeleton takes a delicate sip of tea as they slowly back out of the room and shut the door. THE END.
>>183870 >Jane, for a brief moment, gets to speak to her creator >She asks but one question >"Why, why did you make me so? Why must I suffer and be so alone? >Jane's God chuckled, and scratched his little bird chin, before consuming but a nibble from the steak from his pocket >“Because funni”
>being as front heavy as she is, Cici's not so good at sudden stops. >she uses that momentum to her advantage to keep her moving forward– ending her exercise for the day by using wagieanon as an impromptu crash mat. >he hardly minds being boob-tackled and smothered under his steamy, profusely sweating girlfriend
my computer sounded like a fucking lawnmower while I was finishing this so I'm probably gonna have to send the stupid thing into a shop, fml
>>183927 Just look at it all, those collarbones, the noice neck with that CFL necklace, the good jawline, the hair, the antlers and most of all the glow of these eyes
Underrated shot this here btw Alice looks so adorable here, so eager and entertained, look at that mouth, those eyes, the rush of movement all over, very epic
>>183935 Tessa fanart? Don't worry little anon, uncle mous got enough Alice pics to feed you your entire life! Alice, bring more slop, the boy's hungry! I have no Tessa in the gallery😔
>>183942 Sadly I genuinely like Tessa but last I tried I had too severe skillissue to draw her, furthermore no fanart of her and Alice seems to be existin and I got no clue for how to make a relation between them. Tho either real Tessa on Copper-9 or maid Alice could probably work, but I do not posess the necessary creativity for that
I'm now under the impression that, much like male Cyn, Pavo has homosexual beams he can use to turn people gay for him, but they keep bouncing off of Techanon and flying directly at me. There's other characters out there, but I can't stop Help
>>183956 eyes too far left, should be more down center, completely misses the vibe. Looks like youre staring at the cigarette instead of looking into the void aimlessly
>>183955 Embrace the peacock asshole, anon, there's no point in resisting the inevitable, and accept the advances of a little autistic bot in a stylish suit or humanity is fucked.
>left window open accidentally while going to sleep >mutant neighbor across the street seized the opportunity to stretch her neck out and suck my dick >again dude i already have to deal with the same shit with the DDs, fuck sake i really can’t be dealing with this
>>183964 By the nature of her field she is well versed in human anatomy and a wide variety of surgical practices, but the skills are primarily applied to dissecting solver creatures or the creation and modification of drone components. She would have a terrible bedside manner. Also for the Anon who asked in a previous thread, here's her in that suggestive seated pose, just a rough sketch so far but I'll make more progress on this before the work week starts again.
>>184028 She clearly had a lot more potential than even Liam himself expected, but he didn't dare change the entire plot for the sake of one character.
>>184030 Maria casts a huge shadow over proceedings even into the present day. Tessa? The characters forget about her the moment we got to the "human turns out to be a robot in a skinsuit" reveal she was created for, and it's really conspicuous. Not even N and V making a (cool Berserk-style sword) grave for her in the credits montage.
>>184030 tessa is a background character, only used for porn and fanfictions, maria, even to this day, is getting lore, smart too, maria designed shadows’s badass air shoes, later on, was created by gerald robotnik
>>184058 GD are soldiers, they honour the fallen by taking them with them, no soldiers left behind, even in this, than again, they robots, a easy repair is all that is needed, death isn’t the end
>>184004 the medic can revive the dead, taken others souls to give himself immortality via the devil, made he’s own stuff by hand, by himself, all them mediguns? his creations, no military funding here, he’s full on human, where holly, the dumbass she is, get rid of her own limbs for robots ones, compensating for how weak she is, mentally and physically
>>184034 yamcha has more backstory, lore, and overall, done a lot more than tessa could imagine, what was her point, beyond the skin suit, porn, and fanfictions, that is
>>184076 >real life cockroaches are durable enough to withstand a nuke >cutting the head off doesn’t kill them, dying only from dehydration from lack of head does it appears the flash is stronger than the metal once again, not surprising
>>184030 I like how you keep bringing Maria up like she and Tessa are even remotely comparable. You could remove Tessa, have Cyn wear some random person’s skin and nothing would change. You can’t do that with Maria, because she had actual impact to the characters
Switch's diary returns, last time I wrote an entry for her diary was back in May of last year but honestly I think that this would feel in-character for her to forget her diary for a few years. Gonna use this opportunity two write more normal greentexts but still somewhat silly greens with her.
ENTRY 10 >It’s been a while. I thought I wasn’t going to see you again but I guess I’m lucky finding you while sorting my old stuff. You and I have a lot of catching up to do. For starters, I’m not slaving away at Proxima! If I’ll be honest with you, thinking about Proxima brings me really bad memories which I don’t want to revisit. Being subjected to very cruel experiments does that to you but let’s focus on the present. I work for Nanotrasen now! I know they’re from a rival company and all that but they at least treat Drones like me as a person, I have a salary, break days, the whole worker shebang. I work as an Engineer but I also have a part-time job as an Emergency Response Team officer. You won’t believe the stuff I have to deal with on a daily basis when an eldritch entity is consuming the known universe. Some real fucky stuff happened – Earth is gone and we’re fighting a losing war that hopefully will turn around. It’s a really bad situation but we’re getting through it.
ENTRY 11 >I recently started collecting swords. Why? Well, I got my first sword when I was on a shuttle that was boarded by Space Pirates – an energy cutlass. Really nice weapon. It spiraled out of control and that’s how I know have a collection of around 10 very rare swords made by humans, lizards and moths. I know this looks weird but I they’re very pretty to look at.
ENTRY 12 >I was at one of these corporate parties where we get to dance, drink and do drugs like crazy people. I know we’re supposed to be fighting a war but even then you still gotta let people have fun. So I was hanging out with some colleagues when suddenly I get hit with this pleasant smell. I look around and spot this blue moth sitting at the bar. I don’t know why but his blue fur looked majestic. I approached him and tried to have some small talk with him. He was a grumpy moth who wanted to be left alone no matter how much he tried to shoo me away but something about his attitude drove me to him. I guess I’m into bad boys, huh? Anyways, we exchanged names and he’s called Ben. He soon relented and we had a very pleasant talk. Would it be considered a blind date. His blunt answers and attitude made me feel fluffy inside and his smell was intoxicating. He looked genuinely surprised when I asked him to exchange contact info. I’m gonna see if I can set up a proper date with him.
>>184047 Nta, but goodluck, I want to do something similiar for a year now but I am dogshit at editing and too lazy to record any of it so it will never happen
>Alex(my oc) exist. >Cyn: oh please i destroyed planets what did you do even do? >Cyn looking at Alex at criminal records. >Cyn: wtf is wrong with you humans.
>>184084 NTA but you are being hyperbolic. Tessa was the one who dug up the drones (and by extension setting the stage for Cyn to get SILLY) so she did in fact have an actual impact on the characters, even if the show does a piss poor job at emphasizing it
>>184084 That's just Tessa slander at this point, she is a side character but without her N, V and J wouldn't have developed the way they did (their personalities became a thing after 'rebooting' and getting fixed, Tessa's treatment was definitely influential) and been in a squad. Idk about sonic lore but there are less relevant characters than Tessa, Thad and Lizzy did survive but are some of the most replacable and irrelevant characters in the show.
I totally get where you're coming from! Platonic relationships deserve more appreciation, and not everything has to be romantic. Tessa does feel more like a mentor or parental figure to the drones, so it makes sense to see their interactions as purely friendship. Shipping is fun, but sometimes it's nice to just enjoy character dynamics without that lens.
had a dream last night that I was a solver sapien and I was being chased through a decrepit apartment by someone or something that Really didn’t want me alive. i had a gun to defend myself and was growing new eyes to try and get a better shot on my pursuer, though the rubble and debris made that an issue. i don’t remember if the dream went anywhere after that, i think i woke up before any plot development.
>>184125 >being chased through a decrepit apartment by someone or something that Really didn’t want me alive >this faggot thinks going to be killed is cute I’m guessing you were dropped as a child, at least 20 times
>>184141 i tried to make it look like a mess of polygons because the dudes supposed to be a t1000 style nanobot construct thats so angry that he can barely hold a cohesive shape.
>>184140 Would be a menace. >be anon forma de solver sapien >someone is mildly inconveniencing me >grab them by the wrist and briefly hook-up my proprioceptors to theirs at the contact point >in an instant they are subjected to the sensations of every instance of myself across every possible timeline >they go stiff, catatonic, as their brain undergoes the biological equivalent of shoving a marshmallow into a fire >push them over and go about my business (i heard an ice cream truck stopping by yayyyy)
>>184144 yes, if you really think about it, all drones are inbred, humanity made drones, drones breed with other drones, except for alice, she’s the only normal one, she wants a human hubby
Guys, I hacked into glitch’s servers and….well, this is apparently the style they’re going for with new human characters, this one is apparently named “John”
>>184179 I don't think there's anything wrong with what-ifs, they're just a bit of fun. unless they're done out of spite. sudden nonsensical plot twists and bizarre pivots in character direction, though, can fuck right off.
they dont want you to know this but you can push cyn to the ground and hold her down with one hand and laugh as she squirms with frustration trying to get out then you can ruffle her hair, doodle stupid things on her face with a marker, etc etc
>>184184 >hold her down with one hand how long are your arms, if it was legs, sure, makes sense, but with a head? come on, no one is that oblivious to know something is up
>>184181 >after losing the war, the solver once tried to worm its way into another host >that host was Molli, and the solver had the misfortune of attempting to take her as host during one of her contractually obligated livestreams >after the third superchat, it decided that maybe being an emo gremlin's tail wasn't so bad
>>184136 >>184137 I doubt it. There's an anon out there who often posts links to artists' work on twitter, and he might have just really liked the artist.
>>184197 >loyal to humanity and the man he loves >romantic >friendly >charismatic >packing heat >packing HEAT >fiercely protective >strong sense of justice >fat ass >hyperviolent >mildly psychotic what more could you want in a man?
>>184205 You can order the female model. It will, of course, be without that high-tech plumage on her ass, but otherwise it will be a good old Pavo. Just a female.
>>184209 >spoiler I make joke for you: >Tessa sits on the edge of her bed, J standing before her. T: J, take off my dress >yes milady T: J, take off my stockings >yes milady T: J, take off my bra >yes milady T:J, if I ever find you wearing my clothes again, I'm scrapping you >...yes, milady.
>16PE (Post-Earth), a scene like many others. A survivor finds what's left of his son, a twisted abomination of flesh and metal, still alive despite his condition. >Many mutated children were abandoned, either voluntarily by distressed parents, or forcibly when separated or even killed by military forces. >The parent in this photograph took refuge behind enemy lines and continued raising his son in the deep underworks of Iron-2. He would later grow up to become an important figure in the early mutant rights movement.
>>184270 garcello is the one your referring to, he died from smoking a cigarette mid way in his rap battle, being the cool guy he is, he continue it as a ghost, for boyfriend
>>184267 >NTA You say that yet seem to forget that there's a sizeable number of anons here who've expressed interest in fucking the myriad of non-drone characters and OCs
>>184272 I choose to neglect them all, if you aren’t a robotfucker, might as well go back to where you came from, this is robotfucker ground, try to remember that
>>184263 >he doesn't know >>184262 That is understandable, hope you have a wonderful sunday or Monday >>184264 ill give you one >>184267 >robotfuckers >look inside >Discussion about human-semihumans oc's fucking smh
>>184275 Yeah, it's been moving away from dronefuckers for some time now. It's just crossover autism or FYH stuff. Haven't felt this disinterested in a while.
>>184281 to me, if your an all type of fucker, what are you anymore, to be a fucker of something, is to stand true to what makes you a type of fucker in the first place, be loyal
>>184282 >J gets hit by a stray gamma ray burst >It fucks up her code and knocks her out >Upon waking up J discovers that 'wd_gender female' has been changed to 'wd_gender male' >J lacks the administrative privileges to change it back
>>184285 christ can you imagine that? you manage to blow apart the nightmare clown that's been picking you off and luring children away from your encampment, you think it's finally over and then you wake up to the giggling of a fucking CLOWNIPEDE snapping up a dozen sleeping kids