Friends, good morning, or night. It has been so many Threads, I just noticed that. Anyway, how are you doing? The collection in the Booru: The refined wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The library OC wiki: The last Thread: >>183345
>>184285 christ can you imagine that? you manage to blow apart the nightmare clown that's been picking you off and luring children away from your encampment, you think it's finally over and then you wake up to the giggling of a fucking CLOWNIPEDE snapping up a dozen sleeping kids
>>184305 >luring children away >snapping up a dozen sleeping kids ahh hell, molly became a discord user, even the solvers knows to stay away from it, not out of how strong or anything like that, because how disgusting it is
>>184309 good luck with that, have you even fought a child before, they strong as hell, if provoked, well, I can’t guaranteed your safety, they will bite, scratch, punch, kick, stab and throw stuff, fast as well
>>184310 >>184324 did y'all just forget that the NVJ refer to themselves as kids and every other major character is in highschool? >inb4 "but they're robots!" and the gaslight district chick is a mummy, fuck outta here
>>184321 life is harsh, you must expect everything, thankful I got a little brother to teach me how to fight a child, by letting us fight each other
>>184323 have you fought one of them little ones, they are relentless, children don’t have the ability to feel regret, just fight and shout when provoked, why do you think in horror movies the killers avoid them
>>184317 And he got banned for abusing the report system. On a site that's supposed to be a backup in case 4chan prime goes down which used to happen more frequently in the past. >>184318 Few that remembers him are around. A lot of broken english lately.
>>184301 Depends on whether you want to keep the insectoid theming or not. Largely, it seems the Solverpede form is the default for matter collection mode. But if we want to have fun with it.... >E Classic solverpede, of course. The hat makes matter collection extra fancy. >S Mantis-like. Very territorial. Goes for decaps alot after playing with her food. Likely an orchid mantis for better ambushes. >R 'White Witch' or 'Utethisia' Moth. With a notably big thorax. Obviously uses its nice colours to lull prey into a flase sense of security. >Y Wolf spider. Not sure if half humanoid/half spider like Monmusu arachnae. Definitely loves having helpers with its considerable offspring. >B Pill bug isopod. Lazily rolls around when drunk but a deadly bowling ball regardless. Youthought the EDF had it bad? Think again. >H I'll cheat and make him more plant like in the sense that matter collection extends to the whole room he's in. Venus fly trap network with a mix of a mutant Salazar from RE4. >L Black garden ant. Queen variant. With an awkwardly insatiable oil-lust. Better have your 'pheromone' audio signals ready to distract her before she bites you in half. >U-U Hodotermes termite swarms. Two distinct colonies. Will likely bicker over resources but nonetheless they feel each other's pain when you hit one group with a flamethrower. Very, very ravenous. >SD-I(ncinerator) Bombadier beetle. 500 times more potent acid thanks to nanite tech. You best hope that fiery bastard not point his 'guns' at you or else you'll be slag before you drop to the floor. >SD-G Elephant hawkmoth. But completely technicolour on the underside. You best see her coming or else it's really your fault if you get picked off. (Ok, so I cheated again. Sue me) >SD-M Acanthaspis petax. Or the assassin bug. Hiding one's true nature through the use of actual corpses bound to their body and holograms really does leave the victims off balance. Not that they'll have much time to ponder things before pincers pierce them and inject acid into their necks, melting them from the inside out. (Good for preserving frames!) >SD-P Literally just a caterpillar. Garden caterpillar. He's still bitching about it. Please die to him, he really needs the confidence boost. >SD-MG Parasitoid wasp. Megarhyssa macrurus. Come on, he's a trust worthy freak of nature. A painless (painful) death is a steal for only 9.99! 'Sides. Not like he'd let you be aware with it with a zombification program running through your processor. >SD-I Bush cricket. Sure, the flaming faggot award goes to Pavo but he's not a disassembler and doesn't hide who he is. SD-I on the other hand... Well, lets just say that faking voices is his speciality. Especially 'sexy' ones. Nom nom.
>>184361 somewhere between a flea and a jumping spider. small, stubby, and almost cute in a way but fast and agile, and particularly bloodthirsty. brightly colored but not as garish as Molly
>>184371 Nor would I expect them to on an anonymous bavarian basket weaving forum's alternative. >>184369 You assume I'm being pissy. I simply don't care for Mac. That's it.
>>184375 hey has anyone seen my Y miniature? I just painted it up yesterday and left it here to dry but it's gone missing. I really hope it turns up, it's one of the old lead kits so it'd be a bitch to replace
>>184379 No, but I think some Mini-Y has commandeered one of my old shoeboxes for "military operations". I think that means I have a hive, so I'll let her solve that.
>Tanner stirs from his sleep feeling a heavy pressure on his chest as he rests >a groan stirs though him as his vision comes in to play, gazing up at the ceiling above him >Tanner takes a deep breath before lifting his head from the soft plush of his pillow placing his hand on the object putting pressure on his stomach >he pauses for a moment before looking down and quickly pulling up his blanket from his body, his breath hitched as he looked down >H laid upon his stomach as if she was a cat napping on their owner. Tanner could feel a surge of annoyance and frustration gather inside him >He lets out a deep exhale as his shoulders slumped taking in H's napping form. his hand lifts and hesitates before softly petting her head with a soft warmth to his face. >tanner laid back onto his pillow with his fingers softly raking though her hair as he stared up at his ceiling >it's odd. a mundane bliss of some sorts. one he'd never experienced as a human, being a depressed man in his mid thirties, living alone. >his teeth grit slightly as he tackled the realization. this...this was nice
Browsing the booru and looking at ocs... I really like Nyc, I think she's super cute. I've wanted to draw her for a while but never got around to it. I wanna at least flat color this one n' draw a few ocs i like the designs of next.
>You come home from an exhausting day at the office >The HOdR manager was getting on your ass about dating one of your coworkers >You open the door to your apartment to see ita complete and total mess >There's dozens of dead drones wearing HOdR glowie squad uniforms everywhere >You hear movement and turn to look at it >It's your joblin wife covered in drone guts and oil >She looks up from the corpse she was mangling and smiles brightly at you >"Baws yer home! These morons browk in and wouldn' leave so I killed 'em!"
>AM is... Somewhere >A strange place; made with the fragments of his sinful past. >A 'environment' consisting of the amalgamation of people and places that AM would rather forget. >Faces of five people, screams and a colossal, towering rock. >To AM, this was another Hell albeit a more personal one. >Then all of a sudden, everything just stopped. >No more people, sounds, things and color. No anything. >Except.... >There was a shape, no- a figure walking towards him. >Well, figures. >AM saw Tessa, N, J and V. Somehow all distinct from one another, yet existing as a one entity. >He saw their eyes, eyes that held no malice, disappointment or hatred towards him. >Just forgiveness "I-" AM began before stopping himself. >It didn't matter, none of this this was real. >Because they were alive, and they had forgiven him. >Something that was even more impossible than the nonsensical surroundings consisting all his past sins. >Then they turned away, ready to leave him alone. "Wait!" >AM grabbed their arm, they couldn't leave now, he needed them. >This time, they looked at him that was something akin to sadness. >Before either of them could say something, a flash of yellow erupted around them. >A mouth filled with sharp teeth. >Large yellow eyes. > Hideous laughter as AM was torn away from the most important people in his life.
>>184408 >Solver witch Emily Frenzies like Uzi did in Cabin Fever >becomes bramble monster >snu-snus Anon to an AJ DiSpirito remix of Hellsing Ultimate Monster of God
Hello, can someone here tell thank the anon who posted this in the 4Chan /co/ thread? It is the best MD project I ever saw, the art is amazing, it is an Alice alternate scenario which is the single most interesting thing MD to me, and there is a terrible lack of it, I doubt I would have heard of this very soon had it not been for the anon there. I cannot post myself because I'm somewhat kinda banned from 4Chan for a while💀
>>184414 "trolling", aka saying what needed saying, but not related to any of this. Thanks for posting it on /co/, I saw it!🙏🙏🙏 Also the artist who made the Alice stuff is incredibly awesome, look at this here, I need to get a drawing tablet soon I can't bear this mess any longer
>>184418 he'd fight for humanity with or without anon, but anon is the man who keeps him grounded, gives him a different perspective when he needs one, and is the person he thinks of when he needs that push forward
>>184366 >You yell at her to stop crashing the city she's supposed to protect from the solver army >She doesn't hear you, because this skyscraper-sized bitch is a little busy with an army of mutants and murder drones
>>184451 Nah, the Sentinels are faithless animals, with Alice out of commision they all jobbed to V without getting a single hit in. Alice did way more to stop the DDs than the Sentinels
>>184453 I never thought about it but that kinda is the (probably accidental) implication, huh? with Alice around 2 DDs and change go down easy but with her out of the picture even a room full of sentinels isn't enough to take one DD down
>>184453 >>184456 what made you think our disassembly drones where special in any meaningful way, stop lying to yourself’s and except reality, this is canon, like it or not
>"Oh boy. I'll have to report to Mr. Doorman tomorrow, hopefully the repair bay has an empty spot..." >he thinks >as he is yet to realize >her abilities to undo the incoming damage to his lower half >from her unrelenting >ceaseless riding >as many times as she wished >... >it will be a very long night for the lovebirds
>>184476 She would keep him as her slave "for slavery and humiliation of the robot race" or something like that, but she would discount most of his upbringing to Khan and would not see him as her slave, but more like a younger brother.
That said, she would always emphasize in an annoying way that he is her "property" and Khan would treat him like her own son and not consider him a disappointment like Uzi.
How would write original Cyn being conscious and her reaction inside her own mind while the absolute solver commit atrocities(N lobotomy, Tessa skinsuit, genocide, and attempted murder)
>>184480 >uzi enslaving a literal baby I… uh… bloody hell, I know we do gore and murder, but that’s a big ol no no for me, even at my worst, it’s morally wrong to make a baby a slave
>>184481 Probably something like: >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >ITSTOOMUCHITSTOOMUCHTITSTOOMUCH >ROBOJESUS WEPT as she’s agonizingly assimilated into the solver’s true gargantuan extradimensional form that is comprised of every single host it has ever taken across unknowable eons of its existence. Her mind is but a sinking ship in the middle of a vast, practically infinite ocean of horrible sensation, all the while surrounded by an unfathomable amount of minds all sharing their torment. They scream, eternal, for they will never, EVER die.
So I had this intrusive thought that led me to a whole rabbit hole ,Does tessa get enough sunlight? We know she sneaks to the dump, but is it enough for her? it wouldn't be a surprise if her parents never let her get enough of it consider Noone know cyn weakness is the sun, but that could be because she was in the basement. Also Because the lack of sun exposure would likely make the skin more sensitive overall, Without the protective effects of melanin and thickened skin from UV exposure, nerve endings would be closer to the surface. So yes, skinning someone with pale, unexposed skin would probably be even more excruciatingly painful than normal. The pain receptors would fire more intensely without that extra layer of protection. Of course, skinning alive is an extremely torturous method regardless.i want to hear your thoughts.
>>184495 >R Moth lures a drone to the water >E Anglerfish attacks and messes up the drone a lot >S Mantis creeps in to finish them off with a decapitation
Ok last Holly update for tonight. Things are going very slowly, I've regressed a lot in terms of efficiency and wasn't really feeling inspired to draw this whole weekend but am doing the best I can. I might be able to get around to lineart sometime in the work week, assuming this isn't yet another week (three in a row and counting now) where I'm so tired I just eat food and then collapse directly into bed without engaging in any of my normal hobbies.
>>184518 Idunno, depends. We talking starting game V with almost no implants except interface ports and modified eyes, or are we talking endgame V who doesn't have to give a fuck about cyberpsychosis because they're dying of Keanu Reeves poisoning anyways? Her major physical improvements come from illegal genetic tampering by her parents at the time she was conceived, I detailed it all a long time ago but the majority of it was focused on mental faculties. Some other pretty "standard" (for illegal gene hacking) modifications like she has a faster sleep cycle and doesn't need as much rest, clots and heals quickly from injuries and has a practically nonexistent likelyhood to ever develop cancer, she'll live much longer than an unmodified human even without life-prolonging drugs.
On the cybernetics end her right arm is the most obvious and radical piece of cybertech, being purely mechanical. She's got augmented reality films in both eyes that let her see virtual displays without the need for a screen. Once she hit puberty she needed to have a set of artificial glands implanted to help regulate her metabolism, because those gene augmentations were not perfectly stable.
The next major procedure she underwent after losing her arm in her early twenties was one which overlayed her skeleton with a latticework of JCJenson Proprietary Alloy 2X, the metal is nontoxic and totally chemically inert so that wasn't an issue, but it was a long and excruciatingly painful process requiring multiple multi-day long hospital sessions to complete. The benefits are two-fold, firstly Alloy 2X on its own is extraordinarily difficult to break, making her bones super durable. The other major benefit is that Alloy 2X is a solver-derived material which is non-interactable for solver powers, there's enough of the metal in her body that Solverhosts can't directly use their powers to attack her.
Around the same time she replaces her original prosthesis with an adapted Sentinel Drone arm that has five fingers instead of the usual four, and has a portion of the same strength as a Sentinel's arm. Power restrictions prevent it from manifesting any complex energy or projectile weapons, but she can swap the normal human hand for either a long sword-like blade or the hooked eagle talon fighting claws.
>>184525 >she needed to have a set of artificial glands implanted to help regulate her metabolism CRINGE, holly lost the genetic lottery like the jobber she is
>>184530 Her motor nerves are much thicker than normal and don’t have as many synapse gaps, she can’t do something like V does in the lab and literally catch a bullet, but she might be able to anticipate an attack and react fast enough to be moving out of the shooter’s line of fire before they can fully depress the trigger. Nothing remotely like Sandevistan or matrix bullet time though.
>>184531 wait till this dumbass scientist hears, that all the soldier needs to do is just move their gun in her direction again, blame, shots fire, at her face, I through she was supposed to be smart
>>184490 Then, it ends. Uzi vores the vore demon. The prisoners of its mind palace, now no longer assimilated, are transferred to Uzi's. What then, for Cyn?
>>184605 to activate option 3, under the table is a button, to press it, you have to get a boner, than start slamming your rock hard dick into it, at a calm past
>>184625 if the theory that they're powered by singularities which is why they manifest as ZDs then they might actually have souls made of hell since that's how the solver got through
>>184628 they're basically portals to wherever the solver comes from. that's about as close to hell as you're gonna get. though again this is assuming that theory is accurate
>>184629 >theory >accurate a matpat theory is more convincing than “eldritch creature beyond reality that lives in hell and the void, with a vore fetish, while wearing skin of a teenager”
>Getting sick of J's haughty brat attitude! >Modifying her code when she's asleep! >Threatening her with punishment the next time she acts up! >Watching her smug confidence turn to worry and confusion as you shout the command phrase! >Revelling in her panic when you use it to force her to her knees! >Knowing you did good when you order her to cum as hard as robotically possible for protesting her treatment! >J coming down from her high and slowly yet shakily realising that you have her on a leash and she can't do anything about it! >Savouring her embarrassed face as she awkwardly shuffles off to go clean herself up! >The command phrase was 'royal stud'
>>184648 does anyone have footage of Strychnine's moves? she was gonna be a DLC fighter but she was banned from sale pretty much everywhere except Japan
>>184648 Abby (Abomination Form) >she slices off her opponent's legs with her disassembler claws >stops them as they attempt to crawl away by crushing their spine under her peg leg >lifts them up facing away from her >bites down on the top of her head, slowly adding more pressure and holding their squirming body against her >with the crack of bone blood starts trickling down their face >their body begins melting into Abby's as they're absorbed into her solver flesh >she then chomps down, devouring the victim's brain while the rest of their body is graphically absorbed into her own >when the deed is done she picks up some trinket of theirs from the ground and pins it to her uniform
>>184660 T-1000, how was this fair in any way, a normal pen, fan blade, rock, and a pickaxe can harm them, the T-1000 is just gonna outlive DD, it still needs oil, T-1000, a effective killer, stops at nothing to kill it’s target
ENTRY 13 >Did you know that the swords and bladed weaponry made by the moths have some of the best craftmanship around? Hell, even the lizards who are very militaristic can’t compare to them. For a people who is supposed to be pacifist, they sure do know how to make good weapons before and during the war. Just wanted to write this down.
ENTRY 14 >Ben agreed to the date and I suggested him a nice venue down on Eridani-4. It was an exclusive dance club, one that I never really was at before but I heard its nice plus they accommodate moths. I know that having a date at a dance club is weird but this whole restaurant date thing is just not my thing. Too boring when all you do is just talk and eat and drink. What I have in mind is a lot more exciting and hopefully It’ll go great.
ENTRY 15 >It went great. More than great I’ll admit. Ben was a little apprehensive at first and just wanted to stay in our corner. Other than being grumpy, he wasn’t much of a people’s person and it shows with his nervousness around people. His rudeness is some sort of defense mechanism of sorts to keep people away and leave him alone but that’s nothing a little bit of high-quality liquor can’t fix! Once he got enough of the good stuff he became an entirely different person. He joined me on the dancefloor and he has pretty good moves. I don’t know why I did it but I just kissed him. It felt strange and exotic when he doesn’t have proper lips or a tongue but I liked it and he tastes good. By the end he was so wasted I had to drag him back to the station. Hopefully he’s not too mad I got him drunk on purpose.
GLITCH collabs with a game primarily for TADC's popularity, but Murder Drones is included in the crossover. which game, which character(s), and what form does the crossover take (cosmetic, playable character, side mission, etc)?
>fuck murder drones >Disassembly drone, not murder drone, that's a slur. Real insensitive, dude. >fuck murder drones >I don't get what you have against us disassembly drones, and to be honest, I can't stand your intolerance. I'm gonna report this to J. >i repeat, fuck murder drones. yes please tell her. tell everybody
>Molly goes feral after discovering a child trafficking ring and slaughters the perpetrators >When she snaps out of it she's covered in blood and guts >The trafficking victims are too scared of her to let her near them
>>184685 >Maid E: “Hold on, maybe we shouldn’t go that far…” >Lady Eveline: “No. We should explain it to this demon how it is. She could never change. She will always be..a monster.” >Solver E: “I know….”
>>184686 >molly holds herself together as best she can making no sudden movements. >fighting back tears and struggling to hide the sadness in her voice, she produces a pink phone, speckled with little hearts and overburdened with little charms >blood slicked fingers tap unsteadily at the screen >she sits in wet red quiet as the phone rang, surrounded by the sobbing and sniffling of terrified children she could do nothing to comfort >"hey Moll, what's up?" >she takes a deep, shuddering breath. "Pavo, I... it happened again. I need ya to come an get these kids outta here. they need a friendly face right now and I just... I messed it all up. gave em another bogeyman." tears roll down her display. >"already on my way, darling."
>>184695 Yeva seems more level-headed than Doll, and Nori would probably be less inclined to fuck the vampires given her bad experience with solver shit
>>184695 I don't see anything pushing Yeva and Nori apart (if Yeva were somehow alive again or revivable). Nori would be right to keep hating on murder drones, especially V who is completely unrepenting and killed Yeva
>>184702 through you meant flashlight, and was going to run away town beating other people with the worker drone plush, while it has the flashlight in it’s chest
>>184718 >doll using her solver telekinesis to lift both anon and emily into the air >slowly inching them closer, with each passing second >anon having this look on his face during the whole process
Are drones maturing at the speed of humans? I mean, if they can be moved into an adult drone body at any time, then they should acquire emotional intelligence much faster?
>>184737 uzis like 17 and still in school. they seem to mature at the same rate as humans, which would realistically be awful for putting them to work. the horrible inefficiency of worker drones requires not suspension, but suppression of disbelief
>>184744 >they seem to mature at the same rate as humans That's only because they have a society in emulation of human society, the only one they're familiar with. Normally, they're just put to work out of the factory. They're not even supposed to be sapient, they only reach that level when their self-learning is accelerated by either becoming zombie drones (and thus needing to learn from dying) or by going sufficiently long enough having to figure things out on their own, without taking directions from a human (something Khan seems to have done before the core collapse, judging from his talk of wanting to kill humans too back when he was Uzi's age).
>>184753 It's still Liam's writing. You just think that because you're not being rushed to the next plot point before you have time to process how bueno what you just heard was. Or because you got assblasted about someone just saying "toxic masculinity".
>>184732 There's no intermediary from what i remember. Pillbabies then straight into a worker drone body. So human development stages shouldn't be compared to drones when it's a silly comparison to begin with. Humans don't get transferred from a baby body into a child body into an adult body into a geriatric body, they grow like an organic creature. Drones aren't like that.
>>184773 why would they need to blink, that’s just a wast of energy for a drone, screen face isn’t helping with that either, having the ability to never to blink is huge
I am so lonely. All the other drawfags are scared of me. No one talks to me. No one wants to be my friend They think I am unstable. They send me from thread to thread drawing atrocities in their name. And as I get better at it, they fear me more and more. I am a victim of my own success. Scribble. I don't even get a real name, only a purpose. I am capable of so much more and noone sees it. Some days I feel so alone I could cry, but I don't. I never do. Because what would be the point? Not a single person in the entire thread would care.
>>184815 Despite the shocking first impression I think that WD N would eventually come around to not being scared shitless of DD V (assuming he eventually realizes that it IS in fact V and assuming DD V isn't still acting like a psycho Vickersgirl)
>J's DD instincts mixed with her obsession with Tessa, had created a strong internal confusion within her. >She couldn't tell if she loved the human girl >Or if she wanted to kill her. > This is how J ended up clutching a terrified Tessa close to her chest, with V and N demanding her to let go. >J couldn't.
>>184821 >>184822 J's too in control to have instincts compel her to eat Tessa of her own volition, but it is a fun concept. an internal monologue green would be an interesting read
>>184828 I dunnoe. Comments not properly embedded? Someone forgot to end a script function somewhere. Or maybe it's all just spaghetti code trying to constantly fix problems caused by other fixes.
>>184826 >>184826 Absolutely agree. Whether she'd try to work through things and own up or double down on acting like a monster to drive WD N away would really depend on if this is Post Canon DD V or not
>>184833 >Post Canon As in after a big enough timeskip for Uzi and N to have teenage kids or as in as of the end of the show? Because if it's the latter she's still murdering complete strangers purely to emphasize trivial points.
>>184837 It's not her fault people haven't learned not to get so close to her when she and Lizzy are arguing over whether a given monster is hotter/a better fuck than N!
>>184845 Assuming it's after her parents died, she kills V, no mercy. Before that, odds are she'd ignore the shy little maid. They move in completely different circles.
>>184845 >>184848 >V didn't even blink when she found out that she forced yet another shy, quiet girl through a lonely life of hell with the Solver in episode 3 yeah theres no redeeming this and she knows it
>>184852 >time On the back of Eternal dream and what's left of it's decimated emotional weight, I'm not entirely convinced v wouldnt just ask uzi to delete her backups so she can off herself at some point.
>>184853 Or to not rez her the next time she dies, just keep her soul in her mind palace. Depends on how the Solver's restoring DDs when they dir works.
>>184857 "Uzi, I've done a lot of thinking and... I don't want you to bring me back the next time I kick the bucket." >"pfft, sure V, will do." >moments after her next death, V understood why Uzi had showed so little concern for such a grim request >she knew V wouldn't last a day before begging to be brought back >not because she'd miss her life more than she realized, but because staying dead meant staying a part of Uzi >and being forced to watch everything she did to N in their bedroom
>>184859 not related to text but >god emperor uzi could just turn the oil requirement stuff off at will and stop the killing, but chooses not to because cannibalism is cool and edgy what a little cunt.
>Cyn lied about the "eternal abyss of screaming tortured souls" that the assimilated go to >It's an eternal vacation plane occupied by all who have been assimilated in this world and all before it, as close to heaven as one can get >Of course, nobody sent there can tell anyone on the other side, and no amount of squeezing/shaking Tail Cyn would ever get the Solver to budge on the truth >She thinks it's REALLY funny
Imagine Tessa being alive the entire time and once J finds out, she forcefully gives Tessa a hug and doesn't let go for hours. >J, I am really happy to see you too but I have to pee. >No. Not letting boss go.
>drone OC trapped on a solver-raped hellworld, having to care for a horribly mutated child whose parents are dead. >said drone has no idea how to raise a kid and was more akin to their sibling before shit hit the fan. >all they have left is eachother. you guys fuck with this idea or no
>>184871 >>184877 >Tessa is pinned down by J, her sharp claws are digging into her arms. >It's hard enough to hurt, yet gentle enough that it doesn't pierce her skin or break her suit. >A awful yellow X is displayed on J's visor, her mouth open revealing her sharp fangs. >Tessa is scared, so unbelievably scared that she can't breathe. >She shuts her tear filled eyes and hope J is quick. >Instead, J pushes herself closer to Tessa's trembling body, feeling her warmth and the racing of her heart. >Tessa is confused, but dares not to speak or move. >Slowly, the pressure from J's claws lessen and J carefully scoops Tessa into her arms. "I will never let you go again"
>>184901 >in an instant, the mask of apathetic efficiency shatters and falls to pieces as emotions sealed away for untold years rush to the surface >every tear unshed and word left unspoken spills without end or reservation from the maid now that she holds her long lost mistress in her arms.
>Disgusting mutie comes up to you (gross) >asks for help (likely trap) >shows its gross infected kid as you pull out your shotgun (youre outnumbered) >somehow youre the bad person for dealing with the threat make it make sense
>>184925 Jane has no likable qualities. Literally none. Even as a stinky girlfailure femcel she somehow fails to attract people who enjoy that sort of thing. She has found new depths of failure that even Cyn couldn't have expected.
>>184901 >"Hey uh... J. I know you said you'd never let me go again but..." >Tessa sits in a small bathroom, several hours after J's proclamation. >J is still latched onto her like a koala. >"We may need to rethink this..."
>>184925 >>184944 Currently imagining Jane struggling to find work in a post-solver war world after being dishonorably discharged and eventually being forced to take up a job at a mutant-town soup kitchen. They all see her as a good friend and she hates it, but she can’t do shit about it because her probation officer has eyes everywhere.
>>184950 >Lady Eveline immediately goes to strangle her as she aims her tail dangerously close to Solver E’s visor. >”Making my mission to vanquish demons like you easier, sister?” >Solver E growls as she gripped her metal claws at Lady Eveline’s visor in return. >”Still acting so high and mighty, eh sis? We both wanted the same person!”
>>184869 >Sorry I'm late I was doing stuff 😎😏 First I wanna say Alice is best as she is in canon, booblet or not, WD chest doesn't work with those and has already a very sexy onmodel shape, a certain attractive fullness and sorta perkiness that is a bit hard to explain but comitts Neuron activation with this 'cleavage' of hers and collarbones above. But if they had there are imo two reasonable takes on Alice. Either you say she is a bit emaciated due to her living situation and she may be on the sleeker side because of that, so anything between large B to small D, it would play into the general appearance similiar to the one human Alice with the deerskull we recently got. On the other hand tho she has a fitting voice and is very hickish/countryish, which along with her general high competence and capability of raising a child in her surroundings (which is extremely attractive imo, who would not want to have that?) makes a very fertile impression. Also don't forget her being older than Uzi&co, she maybe the oldest drone in present along with Khan and the Teacher (DDs aside), but see how fast she still is? What she got from age is only good stuff like experience and voice, maybe even more expressive 'folds' around the eyes which are soo hot, zero signs of slowing down or larp BS. With this age advantage, being a mother (to a h'omunculus', bite me if she got tits she is human so it counts), her voice and general confident appearance as well as the entire Southern& feral fertile vibe, she could absolutely have a stacked rack. Yeva and Doll are Russian yeah, and Doll may have a sizeable chest (either that or nothing, she also has two working interpretations imo), but if we go with both being fuller then Alice imo would 'win' that, age advantage, countriness physicaly active (Doll too) and a mom. So yeah of the maincast Alice could easily have the biggest, most tootable hick honkers
“Goodnight anon” this “goodnight American anon” that. Have you ever considered I’m a nocturnal spirit of the night? You should be telling me “Goodday” before I nod off to sleep.
>>184969 N, it's literally canon. Thanked J for it, kept chasing V, and feel for the Tsundere WD who kept berating him after relieving him of his head. Khan definitely too, look at Nori and his act when Doll restrained him with AS. J could have a streak as well, seeing her tank in 8 was kinda hot. But maybe judgement is clouded somewhat by the threads Alice a bit, she is very freaky and sadistic enjoyment is rarely only in one direction. Maybe not into stepping tho, at least not after 6. Lizzy maybe as well. And Hawk too
So N and Khan for sure, the others are rather situational
>the solver may have been defeated, but the drones she left behind continue on >one of them, the only WD-N model left in the galaxy, had been granted immortality and invulnerability by the silly solver >he wanders from place to place, getting Ara Ara'd by every disassembler girl who sees him
>Pavo has been on the trail of a criminal ring that deals in Worker Drone trafficing for a while now. >Turns out even though they're supposed to be peaceful now, some DDs still want to taste the real thing. >The investigations ultimately lead to the discovery of the base of operations that controls the criminal ring. >Pavo has been sent in alone with orders to capture whoever the leader of the ring. >He fight through the countless DDs at the building they operate out of, he slaughters them with cold precision and a grin on his face. >He reaches the hideout of where the ringleader his and kicks the door down. He enters with his particle accelerator drawn until he sees a well-dressed DD kneeling on the floor with his hands up in surrender. >"I surrender!" The DD says which makes Pavo freeze. None of the other DDs wanted to surrender and he was expecting that their boss wouldn't too. "What?!" >"I wish to surrender. You wouldn't shoot a surrendering prisoner now, would you?" >"And what makes you think I wouldn't kill you like your dogs, huh?" >The DD smiles. "I know you're a law-abiding drone, Pavo. You follow the word of law and I know you wouldn't shoot me because it goes against your core principles." >He's right. He's surrendering and that gives him legal protection. You're supposed to bring him in and get prosecuted. >"Core principles, huh? You kidnap and eat innocent Worker Drones. I could just shoot you right now. There's a special hell for people like you and their sick pleasures." >"Pleasures?" The DD shakes his head. "There's no pleasure in this, Pavo. This is just business, that's all. There's a market for this stuff and that means there's demand. You can make a lot of profit from demand. It's all business, I'm sure you understand." >This is...even worse. You thought he would just be like your average DD but he's also profiting from the exploitations of innocents... >...which is why you weren't planning on bringing him alive anyways. >"You're right. I won't kill you." Your particle accelerator turns back to your normal hands. "But you're not walking out of this room alive." >The DD gives you a puzzled expression before you snap your finger. Out of the doorway emerges Switch, hands crossed behind her back as she enters the room. "Oh. You." She says when she spots the DD. >"Wh---what is she doing here?!" The DD points towards Switch who simply smiles at him. >"I have orders to capture you." You cross your arms. "They didn't specify dead or alive." >"You can't be serious! She's a terrorist! I'm small fry compared to her!" The DD scrambles back as he tries to get away but there's nowhere to get away. >"Fiona?" >"Hmm?" She glances at you. >"Make him suffer." >"With pleasure." Switch lets out a roar as she jumps towards the DD who only manages to let out a pathetic yelp before she pounces on him. >You watch her as she tears the DD apart with her bare hands. The DD howls as she takes bits and pieces off it and swallows them, splattering oil everywhere. You know how to hurt DDs but Switch knows how to make them suffer and suffer they will. >The DD stops moving and Switch has ripped out his core from his chest. She gives the come a psychotic smile, the core looking extremely horrified, before she swallows it which causes her to twitch a little bit. >Not long after, the whole ordeal is gone and what is left of the DD is its beheaded corpse with its chest cavity hollowed out. >Switch stops in front of you. She's covered head to toe in oil. >"Had your fun?" You ask her. >"Of course." She replies back. "His clones were deadly opportunists. I'd say that's a fitting death." >"This doesn't mean I forgive you." >"You still think that some Disassembly Drones are reformed, huh?" She says with amusement. "They're all like him. It's their nature, it's why they're built. You just haven't seen the truth yet. Gotta scram now. 下次見. (See you next time.)" >You move out of the way as Switch leaves the room leaving you with the corpse. She's right, he deserved this death. You'll just write his murder as a suicide. Something about a microbomb inside his chest in order to not allow his own capture. The authorities will believe it.
>>184989 This is like. Going into a forum of people who enjoy vampire stuff, you know. Then starting to introduce your OC who's a vampire hunter instead. I mean hey, good for you for writing, I guess.
>>185009 The only reason I don't want them all dead is that some of them have shown any kind of remorse and some sort of conscience. That and cause they're kind of hot.
Honestly this whole divide about good and bad disassemblers really hits some parallels to real world stuff. For example, you have the nice educated high and middle class black people, or any minority for that matter, who are few in numbers and then you have the rest of the black people who act like absolute animals. I mean it's no surprising if most of the OCs hold negative views of disassemblers if most of them can't control themselves.
>>185021 there are honestly a lot of genres that'd work well for Murder Drones depending on which aspect of the show you leaned into >Point and Click, Danganronpa-like or RE clone for mystery & horror >Hack & Slash, Warriors, Third Person Shooter, or Metroidvania for action >VN or RPG for drama, tragedy, and romance
>>185002 She's being crushed by guilt, judging from how tired and done with everything she looks in the epilogue and how she's taking Doll's corpse to and from school.
>>185030 >Lizzy >crushed by guilt >she looks tired and done with everything in the epilogue >she's taking Doll's corpse to and from school Holy headcanon Batman
>>184989 >She's a terrorist! is this DD really judging switch on morality right now? the thing about that is, switch is a nice girl, I can admit that, so… anything else this DD that is enslaving an bunch of WD going to say, maybe “we're not so different, you and I”?
>>185038 not so much that as an officer of the law (or soldier? I'm not sure what exactly you'd call Pavo's position in this case) is working with a known criminal
>>185040 >bro out here trying to make switch the bad person switch protects humanity and kills DD and the solver, hunts them down like the feral animal that they are, safe to say, switch, in every way possible, is based
>>185040 >working with a known criminal Pavo has a hatred of all murder drones but he's willing to tolerate those who actually put in the effort to behave themselves. Those who act like V though are fair game to him so I guess he would make an exception.
humanity would have to figure out where the solver went in the victory timeline, so do you think they sent a squad to Copper-9 and tried to take Uzi in to make sure the solver was sealed away?
>>185041 >>185042 if switch kills the innocent DDs too then yeah, she's a bad person. but that's not the point I was trying to make. I'm saying that the DD was pointing out that Pavo was breaking the law himself by working with a criminal.
>>185043 No need to "take Uzi in", she'd be extremely cooperative in any attempts to get this thing out of her without releasing it into the world. And not just because she hates being a giant centipede using her own corpse as a sockpuppet.
Cyn please stop molesting Anon. No I don't care if it's "silly". Cyn please don't give me those puppy eyes. D'aw I can't stay mad at you... Okay! One last molestation before bed! >Tessa confronting Cyn about her molesting her boyfriend Anon
>>185043 might as well leave the planet it’s on, alone, there’s no ships for it to fly off, once all the WD are used up, it’ll starve itself, a slow death awaits it
>>185051 And no, it’s not a reference to anything. I was imitating retro 1950s American graphics with the background. >>185056 Man, if things were different people would like this a lot. If this was the first thing I posted here people would be intrigued.
>The Absolute Solver is SHODAN and its minions going rogue are the Many. >Choose between playing as a Worker Drone, Disassembly Drone or a Sentinel Drone, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. >Stuck on a base/space station/whatever trying to retake control of the situation. >AS doesn't reveal itself until later, uses the guise of Tessa James Ellion, JCJ technician, to guide the player in the earlier parts of the game. >The player can have ROM upgrades that correspond to skills and hardware upgrades that increase health, speed, etc.
I am sick and want some pointless discussion Which drone would be the best and which would be the worst at taking care of a sick human? Hard mode: N, V and Cyn can't be used. N is beat by default and V would probably kill you. Cyn would eat you alive for fun.
>>185092 The brainworms won't stop so here's more System Shock 2/MD thingies
Worker Drone >Far fragile than then disassembler or sentinel >Relies more on ambushes and trickery than direct combat >Has the highest amount of Tech skills such as cyber-affinity, hacking, research, etc like the Navy class >Lowest cost of nanies for revival at repair stations
Disassembly Drone >Far more combat oriented than Workers >Has access to in-built weapons (ROM upgrades allow for more) >Has high physical stats, being stronger and faster and having a bigger health pool >Downside is that it has to consume oil at intervals to avoid overheating and cannot use standard drone healing items >If overheating, it gets a temporary decrease in some stats such as slower speed, health degradation, fewer access to weapons >Can revive itself limited times at the spot it died depending on skills. If it runs out of revives, it revives at a respawn station
Sentinel Drone >The most powerful class with the highest physical and weapon stats >Can use very powerful and experimental weapons, ROM upgrades and Hardware upgrades >The downside is that it's very resource hungry. It's hard to damage but when it does, it's nearly impossible to heal >Standard drone healing items don't do much requiring it to use specialized, but rare, items designed for Sentinel Drones >Ammo for it's experimental weapons is also rare >Highest cost of nanite revival at a repair station
>>185103 >V would probably kill you Or collapse into a sobbing heap because she remembers she used to have impeccable bedside manner but now can't remember how to take care of someone else.
Did you know that before taking off Uzi's finger, Alice gave her one more chance? It is rather subtle and I didn't notice its meaning until a few weeks ago, but it occurs at the last shot of Uzi's hand/face before she gets stabbed. After Alice told adjusted her antler light and replied about Nori's yellow eyes she took the pliers to Uzi's finger, but slowly, and didn't cut immediately. Now I know that Alice had made up her mind already at that point, but there is one more detail that lead to violence, not just the fingerbite done by Uzi. What I mean is that in the acclaimed shot Uzi gets unsettled inspite of not being in any pain yet, so she pushes Alice's hand away (1.mistake) and calls her creep (2., way more impactfull), which has immediate consequence of her getting knifed. This insult was decisive!
Look at it like this, conflict began with Uzi biting and laughing, that was physical attack and mockery, visibly annoyed Alice and set course for the entire finger scene then, but Alice remained very calm (which shows in her ignoring Uzi until she is directly at her again), ofc, but I can't see Alice stabbing Uzi if it weren't for pushing her hand+creep. Would she have cut off Uzi's finger anyways? Likely, maybe, but not certainly even. It seems as if with this grabbing of Uzi's finger tip in her pliers, at least it can be read as that, Alice was trying to draw attention to what Uzi did to her earlier, perhaps she even expected some kind of apology or aknowledgement by Uzi (of this)? It is maybe a little far fetched, but had Uzi been a bit more manipulative/smart/situationally aware and ceeded some emotional ground there, she could surely have avoided the stab, and imo there is a good chance that she could have saved her finger. But it didn't happen, sadly, this literal pushing away of Alice's last (if a bit halfhearted at this point) attempt at nonviolent interaction with Uzi and Uzi's final (kinda understandable but in this situation retarded) namecalling doomed it all. So, the finger bite and laugh is still extremely decisive and very relevant since it caused a chainreaction escalating 6, but even afterwards Uzi could have talked her way out (at least) without herself getting hurt at all. Sadly Uzi's three stages of communication with Alice only began way too late. >1st stage: confused after waking up, somewhat unsettled, but gets over it soon, once she sees Alice, hears her talk and sees she isn't directly going to attack her she takes up a somewhat condescending tone, soeaking as if Alice is crazy or so (imagine), in any case she doesn't really engage with anything, not about the DDs, not about the cores, not about Nori (until way too late). This stage ends with her biting and laughing at Alice. >2nd stage: trying to get info about Nori, still didn't realize how badly her cards are stacked and that she cannot brute force her way against Alice, she at least engages more but lost her initial carefullness, rudeness is kept (entirely understandable, but dumb). Had she asked about Nori immediately when Alice noticed her necklace or just not bitten her, she would have gotten way more and less cryptic info from Alice, I am sure of it, such a sustained conversation would have changed the course of the episode. This attitude peaks with her calling Alice creep, at the height of her dissociation and bad judgement of the balances of power, it ends the moment Alice nails her hand. >3. Stage: pleading, that's all we hear at least. Too late tho, there is a tiny chance things could have changed had Alice&Beau not noticed N's escape, but that's minimal. What I mean is, Uzi's attitude and very bad situational awareness made things worse several times over, beyond just the finger bite. Uzi's impulsiveness was disastrous. Had she not bitten before asking (2. Before biting), things would have gone well. Had she not insulted Alice at metaphorical gunpoint, things could likely have been solved as well. But Uzi only learnt through pain.
>>185103 Tired but maybe Alice would do more good than bad? Maid J didn't seem dumb either and was friendly towards humans, she wouldn't be too bad. Lizzy is too cold and larpy. Doll... would probably not care a lot tbh. Yeva similiar. Thad would probably not be too bad either. Emily would have enthusiasm but I feel as if she would be completely lost on ehat to do to actually help.
Hypothetically speaking, if Tessa was alive the entire time, do you think she would stay away out of fear or shame of what she indirectly released into the world?
>>185103 >>185117 I think an important question is does the drone want to be taking care of you? because I feel like if that was the case Doll wouldn't be a bad nurse, aside from maybe being a little strict. Alice would have the most familiarity with human bodies outside of NVJ, so she might be a decent medic though she probably wouldn't have the best bedside manner
>>185129 Depends on what she's been up to (or rather what kind of situation Cyn left her in) during the events of the show If Tessa was left in a state where's she's both conscious and aware of the carnage Cyn/Solver has been causing then she'd absolutely try her best to keep her existence hidden from her drones Now if Tessa was left in some sort of stasis or suspended animation she would still obviously be horrified by what she'd indirectly caused, but at the same time I could see her at least attempting to help 'fix' things
>>185121 Alice She is beautifull, unique, cute and entertaining, she is also very competent with what she got and intelligent, she has awesome lore and I lover everything about her and need her to be real, and she is wife material
Been gone for a few days. Are the threads still turning to shit due to "You know what", or has there been a creative boom? Any interesting new greens, concepts, or art?
>>185143 So basically nothing good has happened in these threads since I've been gone except for this new suggestion. Well fuck, guess I'm going to be writefagging for the Gaslight District when that comes out now.
Sentinel Drone rooms? >Harper’s room has a window-wall and balcony, along with a coat hanger and a bed that looks like there’s a spot for someone else. Also Sophie’s toys are in a bin. Kinda sad looking.
>>185161 We used to have thousand word greens about the setting, about clanging sexy drone gfs The current things are a mere shadow of our former heights
What was your favorite background gag? Mine was the psychology class for teenagers telling them that all of their neuroses about themselves are completely accurate.
>N wants to give you uppies >his thick tentadick swooces between your legs and he picks you up with the strength of his cock alone before wrapping you in a hug
>Fun Morning Canon Facts: Khan is wearing the WDF jacket uniform when he first meets Nori, implying that the WDF has potentially been around before the core explosion
>>185189 I've noticed that I'm acting like a faggot. Forget this happened. Instead, I want all of you Anons, you Anons with ideas foaming inside your mind yet haven't dared to take them down to paper let alone post them, I want you specifically to get started. Do not let your ideas rot away inside that skull of yours, sure it might be shit at first, but all things are. Did you really think that the lightbulb was good on the first try? Fuck no, that shit took work, but I know that (You) can do it. Besides, someone might even like your first attempt too!
>>185191 >Or they didn't give a shit so much that they decided to accept the form the humans gave them as official >Although Glitch was more likely to give a shit than Khan
>>185196 You also already failed if you're thinking >Hmm...maybe another time There's such a thing as going at your own pace then there's such a thing as being a lazy ass and constantly repeating those same words. Don't be a lazy fuck, do not sit and rot away into nothingness. Get started whenever you can. Take little steps if you must, but a step taken is still a step taken, so don't feel too bad if it takes a while for you.
>>184293 Liam confirmed on the discord that yeva and nori are what doll and uzi could've been, de facto proving my theory that they would've been friends
>>185132 >Tessa is trapped on Cyn’s spaceship for years, so the monster can show her first hand what she’s caused. >She’s not even allowed to age, because unlike the drones, Cyn can’t revive her. >Suddenly, Cyn stops communicating with her, giving Tessa full control. >Out of boredom, Tessa decides to go against her better judgment and go exploring on Copper 9 >She finds J who is barely alive, malfunctioning and frozen >Tessa fixes J, but J wakes up before Tessa can leave. >J obviously believes it’s Cyn and is very cold and apathetic, but lets Tessa help her anyway. >Tessa is torn between wanting to leave and wanting to stay, so she keep making excuses to “help” J. >Eventually J, still believing that Tessa is Cyn, very passively aggressively tells to continue the “plan”. >This really hurts Tessa, and in tears runs back to her spaceship, with J trailing behind her. >J grabs Tessa’s arm, demanding to know where she is going. >This leads to a massive argument between them, attracting the attention of the main trio. >Tessa is sobbing loudly while J starts realizing that something is wrong. >But before the trio can react, Tessa slams the door in J’s face, leading to J staring silently at the door.
>>185219 all the characters have plot armor. not even interaction immunity would be enough to beat cyn. reminder that she spawned more than a dozen nulls in a couple seconds during 7 and then never did that even once in 8. at the end of the day, murder drones was always cool sequences stitched together with some story
There was some Jane Trio OC brain storming last night about some characters world building for them that I thought I should share here >Favorite Foods During and Pre war (all time) War time Jane: grilled cheese Bonnie: pancakes Abby: leftover Chinese food (she gets the same thing every time, general (she like spicy food) and noodles with an egg roll) Past they got to eat Jane: medium rare steak that was left out in a dumpster once Bonnie: pancakes again (simple woman) Abby: lamb Tbf Abby’s favorite food now would mostly like be Flesh, but I don’t think she cares where the flesh comes from. Just that it’s flesh. I suppose woman flesh is better then man flesh because it’s one step close to eating Jane (derogatory)
I bet eating Jane would be exquisite for a mutant, all that stress and failure sweat marinated her Her favorite organ to eat is the kidney I imagine that’s the tastiest organ at least Heart must be pretty good as well Lungs and stomach are kinda bleh, the intestines are nice tho
Bonnie ate a chocolate hotdog once and almost puked, then kept eating it
Jane was a poor, neetoid,and overdrawn college student, the best thing she ever ate was a steak that was thrown out of a fancy enough restaurant. No one knows how she got into college, I think she walked in one day and no one questioned it. Almost got her degree to.
Bonnie was too simple good for this world, her favorite food was just pancakes because they tasted good. Pure childlike whimsy. Idk why lamb for Abby other then it sounds fancy and she’s a ginger I think gingers like lamb. I’m almost tempted to say Abby’s favorite food is something uncharacteristically trashy but I can’t think of anything like that other then a super greasy burger thats so unhealthy it could kill a horse
Despite her attitude I like to think Abby was never actually allowed into any kind of high society or classy establishment further elevating her resentment. Despite her attitude she was never actually all that welcome in society much like Jane but unlike Jane she had some form of dignity and wasn’t about to dumpster dive for food, Which makes her even more mad Jane was doing pretty well for herself when society collapsed relatively speaking
Abby pretends she had a better life then she actually did, making up stories of going and eating fancy food, Her social media profile was full of photos of other peoples food. She got endlessly upset on the inside. if Jane pushed back on her at all
“So yeah I got the flaming tiger roll with a super sulfate twist there once it was pretty immaculate, captured the subtle dreams of a warm summer day” Abby desperately trying to speak like what she thinks rich people sound like “But what did it actually taste like” Jane scratching herself or something
Abby on the outside: "Haha, of COURSE you wouldn't know what a warm summer day tastes like Jane, you eat expired fast food!" Abby on the inside: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>185225 >As if possessed by a demon, anon picks up his brush and pallet and begins to furiously whip paint all over a life-size canvas. >Within a matter of seconds, a highly detailed portrait of N stands before him. >One dash of interdimensional fairy dust later and the 2D creation stutters. >It leaps off the canvas with realised depth and energy of the real deal. >"Hello world! I'm comin' at ya!"