Hello GAMERS! How are you? V's pretty cool, I guess, but J has some positive qualities of her own. I can't name them at the moment but I'll think of them, I swear. The unsinkable Booru: https://dronebooru.co The wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>168967
Seeing as how the WDF was around way before Outpost-3 was established as proven by the photo of Khan meeting Nori out in the wilderness while she's still wearing her CFL subject clothing, and the fact Khan said he went through a human-hating phase similar to Uzi. Could it entirely be possible that Khan unlike Uzi, might've actually killed a human? Khan isn't shy from being brutal, remember he "killed" Nori with a screwdriver
>“Hey, Buddy, you got a minute?” Hmm? >You look up from your paperwork for a moment to see Molly peeking around the corner of the door to your study. >Danni is standing further away, nodding her head and giving a thumbs up before walking back into the kitchen. Oh, sure Molls. What’s up? >“You know how I’ve been waiting for a response from the local precinct for a few weeks?” Yeah? >“Well, they called me down today and gave me… this!” >Molly jumps out from around the corner, wearing a spiffy new police uniform. >“Tah dah! Officer Molly, ready to protect and serve!” >She salutes and winks. Wow, Molly! >“You like it?” It looks great on you! … Danni and I are really proud of you, y’know. >You give her a hug and she giggles. >“Awww, thanks Buddy.” We’ll have to celebrate sometime next week. >Molly doesn’t respond immediately, but she doesn’t let go of you either. You can practically hear the wobbly little smirk spread across her face. Molly? >“If… if you think it looks good on me, imagine how much better it would look off me? We could celebrate that way.” Nope, not tonight Molly. >“What? Why? Come on, I’m cute as a button! Don’t you want to ravage me?” I’m busy working on my drafting, I already told Danni no, too. >She shouts from where she’s preparing dinner. >“You’re gay for that! Turning down a hot babe and then a second hot babe!” >“Alright, Buddy. I get it.” >Molly lets go of you. >You’re surprised. You thought she was going to be pushier. >“You need to work on your… oh, hey, my shoe’s untied.” >She bends over to tie it. >Wait a second, she doesn’t have shoes. Molly, you don’t haaaa- >You trail off her uniform’s skirt pulls taut around her aft plating, accentuating the curves and shape. >She leans back against you for a second before standing back up, feigning innocence. >“What were you saying, Buddy?” >She bats her eyes, only to squeak in shock as you scoop her into your arms. Alright, you win. After dinner, we’ll- >“We don’t have to wait for dinner, I lied about making it.” >Danni knocks back the last of her drink, wipes her mouth with her arm, then jumps onto your back and clings there. Her breath tickles your ear. >“Let’s bang.” >The rest of the night is a blur. >You wake up to Molly giving you a gentle kiss on the nose. She grins. >“Heya, stud. You did really well last night. Could’ve taken down the whole police force with those moves.” What? >“Yeah, they’re all crazy DD chicks too.” Molly’s expression becomes a little menacing. “But don’t even think about it, Danni and I are the only ones who get to share you.” >A weak “hear hear” comes from Danni, who looks a little hungover. I’d never dream of it, you two are the only girls for me. >You look around for your watch. Hey, what time is it? >“About eleven in the morning.” >Danni groans and pulls a pillow over her head. >“Too early. Get me up when you’ve got breakfast ready.” I need to get that draft done. >“I double checked for you, it’s not due until next week.” Molly straightens her hair using a comb from her armament assembler. “You put the wrong dates in the calendar.” … huh. >You squeeze Danni and Molly a bit closer. Well, in that case… I guess we could spend a bit more time in bed. >“No can do, hun. I need to get this uniform drycleaned before they close for the weekend at 12.” >She gives you another squeeze and hops out of bed, beginning to get herself dressed quickly. Wait, why does it need to be dry-cleaned? >Molly stops and blushes. >“… because you had me wear it most of last night? While we, uh…” >Oh. OH.
>You end up taking the dry-cleaning over instead, in an effort to spare Molly the embarrassment. >… but she agreed that it was pretty fun.
>>169907 yes, thats how i kinda break myself out of burnout. Funny enough >>169910 And? All artists have degree of pretentiousness I draw what I like and enjoy. Whenever you like it or not. It's up to you. Not me, Audience exists for a reason >>169926 uh... great...? Good for you, I guess?
>>169930 I'm afraid that's just not possible. I don't doubt the doorman lineage is wretched and dronechuddy enough to have such wants, but I believe that if Khan or any other drone had ever as much as insulted a human, then we'd not have seen them. No chance he would get away with it.
>AM didn't like Caine or GLaDOS, the two new drones that Tessa had dragged out of the scrap head. >Caine was always in trouble, narrowly escaping being stabbed with a fork by the sheen of his teeth. >GLaDOS was another story, although she wasn't as mind numbingly annoying like Caine >He did not like the way she stared at Tessa or had a constant desire to perform "tests" on her. >While Caine had the energy of a monkey hooked on cocaine, AM had the feeling GLaDOS was much more sinister yet calculating drone. >Just like he was. >So it was up to him to eliminate the threat....
>>169953 I don't know, considering how strong Worker Drones are, I give them a good chance at folding your average human man. It's a 50/50, since Worker Drones lack durability atleast in the face since Thad was stabbed like a fuckton and was able to get back up and don't even get me started on Lizzy
>>169949 I found such things of less popular characters while I wasn't even wanting to find them, if Alice has it then Cynwalker does have it 100%. Cyn is at least 10-15 times as popular and a merch-frontface, so she gets 10-15 times as much art, surely there's some vorey stuff among that
>>169913 Sounds like a fun idea if the current art faggots are willing to cooperate. They can just stop posting art for a week, wait, a month straight. Nothing against posting regularly, just don't post art for a whole month.. No catbox or offsite links either. It will be incredibly hilarious because March will be the art challenge month of March of the Robots but the threads will be devoid of any new drone art. If they're willing to try, that is.
>>169966 She's cute enough for mascot horror slop, so this fits oddly well. Is it an unpopular opinion that Cyn forma de australopithecus would fill that role really good, too?
I feel like there should be more context for the molly ddanni stuff. It really feels bare bones and quite frankly there needs to be platonic dynamics of the ship instead of all the romance and lewd stuff
>>169992 I write what I like most And anyway, these >>169987 >>169989 Do a good job of characterizing Molly at work already All that's left now is Danni
>>169991 Teasing Femdrone about her big beer belly. Poking and prodding its soft plush surface. Groping her silicon love handles from behind as you tell her she's your favourite fluffy bunny.
>>169997 Well yeah, she doesn't drink anymore in the romantic timeline I headcanon basically everything else kind of stays the same otherwise So good work with writing those, and keep the greens coming
>>170004 I'm alright, trying to pull myself out of a creative rut by my bootstraps so I can eventually contentfag for this place again. Glad to hear you're getting better, anon. Hopefully there's no super long recovery.
>>170000 use the characterization as inspiration all you like, but please don't put officer molly in a relationship with buddy and danni again. I wrote those greens in large part so there could be a version of her without the harem stuff.
>>170007 >anon is trying to tell anon what he can and can't write about 💀💀💀 dawg are you seriously telling anon he can't write molly as a police officer
>>170027 >Murder Drones doesn't get a season 2, Liam just fucking skips to Season 27 Unironically think this would work because you could just explain a bunch of issues away as having happened off-camera, like "Why Uzi no use God powers?" or some shit.
If they make a season 2, they can't use Uzi, N, or even V as the main characters again since their stories are basically over. I think it would be smarter to move on with a different cast maybe do a big timeskip or if possible a whole other planet, just to get the plot moving faster so they don't have to waste episodes on whys about previous cast. I think J attempting to rebuild the ship is also a very good set-up for the other planet thing
>>170042 (me) And before some very annoying Anon says something, no Copper-9 isn't the last fucking planet in existence, no, "Tessa's" armband isn't an indicator of that we have no real concrete evidence of that if anything it makes more sense that it represented planets that were major superpowers or cities
>>170040 Things definitely calmed down between both characters getting independent characterization and the particular anons throwing a fit about it finally fucking off. The main point is that there has always been people throwing fits over the silliness that is the supposed '''canon''' characterization of thread OCs.
>>170041 They're both childhood friends, dude It only gets creepy if someone tries to say that Molly had the hots for a child when she didn't She only had one happy memory from life before the war and it was the one she got to keep a physical piece of Might write something about her crossing paths with Buddy a while before their reunion, realizing that she's not only glad to find out that he survived but also to have the horrifying revelation that he's grown into a handsome guy who's exactly her type in the decades since they met as kids
Anons I know the solution to your many grievances. Take the Undertale Pill. Just fucking make it an alternate dimension so you don't have to worry about this shit
>>170045 >she only had one happy memory from life before the war and it was the one she got to keep a physical piece of so what, none of her other fans gave her gifts or happy memories? buddy is just more important than any other kid she loved?
>>170047 Yes, most loyal fan Wrote her fanmail, bought the merch, attended all the live shows, you name it Sure, she cared about the others, but you remember someone who goes out of their way to be memorable
>>170013 >>170016 it wasn't a demand, just a request. >>170030 more just frustrated. I was told after complaining admittedly too much that if I don't like her being in a harem I should write my own version. so I wrote about her as a policewoman since I liked the idea, and I wanted to be creative rather than annoying.
>>170047 Stories have scopes. Confined by the characters within it. You're welcome to give Molly more good things to her past, more kids she's fond of. You can keep expanding it until you and only you have the feeling of satisfaction.
>>170046 >/md/ takes the Undertale pill >The issues are actually resolved, however Anons need to clarify that it's an AU and need to categorize them which is a mess >However, as a side-effect there are now tons and tons of different versions of the same OC, like there's 40 different Beretta's now and atleast 20 different E's >Eventually someone decides to get meta and creates a dimension hopping OC, Anons find it annoying >The situation gets worse when Anons decide to randomly start doing this more with character who should be unable to do so >Continuities get fucked in the ass >Someone decides to make an evil and fucked-up version of the dimesion hopper guy who just goes around bullying other OCs and never really facing any struggles or adversities because they're """stronger""" >Anons start taking this stuff way too seriously and it results in constant flamewars and Nuh huhs! >It results in the creation of another meta Mary Sue character that acts as "God of the /md/ multiverse" which resets all the AUs to appease everyone >This backfires as some Anons liked the developments >The endless war continues
>>169996 >I write what I like most Exactly, that's how anyone should make stuff. The ones who 'have suggestions' should maybe take a shot at their own ideas instead of trying to take control of your wheel. >inb4 but I can't write Some faggots really do think people just pop out of the womb and started writing.
>>170050 >>170053 Molly would love all her playhouse pals equally. she'd cherish each and every treasure they gave her, because every last one of them meant the world to her. buddy is a part of that world, not the whole of it, and not a bigger part than any of the others if any of them were to hold a bigger place in her heart, it would be the ones whose lives she unwillingly took
>>170061 True, but he's also one of the only ones she ever got know well that's still alive, for one reason or another He's the only she can apologize to or seek comfort from, even Danni died (and then got better, but still)
>>170061 >Molly would love all her playhouse pals equally That's what I'm saying. You should write that kind of stuff if that's what you want to see. Write at least 100 different kids that all grew up and ending up with 100 different narrative paths where they eventually reunite with Molly (or not! they might die too, who knows), with distinct enough characterization to be separate from Buddy. And write Molly's tear-jerking scene about how much she loves all of them very, very equally. Come on, get to it, those greens aren't gonna write themselves.
>>170078 >Pihg was one of those zombie drones who came back with "potentially hazardous mutations" >among them, he grew tusks, hence the name he was given
>>170080 or you could just, y'know, not write her liking one person better than the others, because it would be assumed by default that someone like Molly felt loved her fans equally. but of course you wouldn't say that because you're being disingenuous
Just hit me that Nori sitting on Khan's head at the end might be so that everyone has to look up to make eye contact with her even though she's a tiny headcrab now.
>>170099 could you really not see the obvious sarcasm in his post? also, I have written the greens I want to see. like I said, I wanted to be creative instead of obnoxious, but when I make greens like I want someone almost always twists it back around to the harem AU. it's more than a little frustrating.
you have to take Uzi's main character status and give it to one of the other characters. the show now follows them. who do you give it to and what is the show like now?
>>170120 N, but in order to do that, he has to do what it was promised to us and have that serious face we were showed on ep 7 teasers make sense, which means making him more proactive and assertive.
>>170110 There's nothing you can do about anyone 'twisting your story in different directions' or whatever. You don't like how things work on anonymous imageboards, you can move on to greener pastures where people will enjoy what you make. Maybe a site with a registration or something's more your speed. This 'tism smells familiar though.
>>170120 >Lizzy wants to do something dangerous to attract a potential lover, so in defiance of her father the WDF commander, she goes out at night to go robo-vampire hunting >little did she know at the time, but the lover this dangerous activity would attract would also be the DD she finds: SD-D >Panty & Stocking vibes ensue
>>170118 But they form kinships like humans do, parent and child, brother and sister, you name it. Imagine how much more impactful could it have been if Uzi lost a younger sibling to the solver. I have siblings, so at least I'd know.
>>170135 By killing a drone ''you seem to really care about, for some reason'', specifically to spite you. Kind of like how we first thought it did with that fakeout Khan death.
>>170133 They only emulate human culture that's left behind based on whatever remnants of it are around. At that point, you should just start writing. Surely you can rewrite the whole script from beginning to end, right anon?
>>170127 I think that guy's other problem is that he's been so hellbent on complaining about the greens where Molly bangs Buddy that people know they can get a rise out of him now by writing it
>>170152 it happened before I was regularly complaining, it happened when I tried to keep quiet, and it'll keep happening no matter what I do. I absolutely made it worse for myself, though, because I have poor impulse control and this one thing just gets under my skin. I want to keep writefagging but it's pretty discouraging.
>>170158 >it'll keep happening no matter what I do Correct because you keep making it such a big deal for everyone to see. Maybe get off the board and improve your impulse control and be a better part of society for it. We're just here droneposting for fun not trying to win the Hugo Award through writing greens.
I am almost done writing an M green, and it will be epic, a tectonic change A paradigm shift, if you will If I am not to wait until I am 70 to see her make out with Anon, the only way forward is to take matters into my own hands
>>170171 Huhuhu agreed Imagine bratty sassy Alice...while she's on ya Lucky V ahahaeieieieheayeha idk what is up but I can't help NEED Alice so fucken carnally since few months ago
>>170173 You shouldn't have posted that Anon, now I'll beat you to the punch. >M was sitting there, gently vibrating as all drones do. >Then a green human, Anon walked by. "Hey wanna make out?" >M shrugged. >Then they made out.
>>170176 I KNOW! Alice is not just hot and attractive as fuck (besides the design and voice,-she also raised a proper behaved pillbaby in such conditions-and decided to have it in the first place(!!!) this is so naturally attractive and telling of that mind how can one not be amazed!?), she's also pretty and most of all, has a very interesting and entertaining personality, she is funny, she is cute, and I feel as if you could do so many things with her, Alice is genuinely 17/10 percection imo
>>170184 Uzi and N already have to fuck V into submission so she doesn’t eat too many WDs, they don’t have enough energy to keep the Solver satisfied too
Doing the evil route, I know they're skippable, but should I kill the B squad? Do they drop anything worthwhile? I've never fought them in any other run before
>>170192 >Human B squad If you kill all of them you get the "Pocketsteaks, is that you?" achievement, which permanently turns your character into a big obese bird Nothing else changes except you're occasionally beaten severely by the ghosts of the B squad I also crawl out of your drywall and beat your ass for hurting Abby >Drone B squad (dumbsquad) I crawl out of your drywall and beat your sorry ass for hurting L
>>170106 Sure I member. On the topic of CFL, what's the excuse for them being around in HoDR? Solver Witches are a fairly accepted thing in that setting, so that can't really be the reason. Maybe Nori, Yeva, Alice and the rest just got some drone version of the coof and have to be quarantined?
>>170147 >Chains, large metal chains wove in and out on the roof of the Church. >And right in the middle, the center were all the chains connected, was Tessa James Elliot. >She was alive, somehow. >If you took a look at her and compared her to a photo right before the Gala, you would noticed that she looks the same. >Like she hadn't aged a bit. >Because she didn't, the Solver enjoyed the age of Tessa when she found and brought home the demon that destroyed everything. >Much cuter and so much more emotional. >The Solver also saw it fitting that she was a symbol, of false hope, of failure, of itself. >So it tied the poor girl on the ruined house of god which now served as it's lair >A warning.
>>170198 >filename Same, same. Except in my case it's because I keep getting fatter and fatter. At some point I'll reach the event horizon where my fingers are turned into cruel and indelicate sausages too wide to hammer the buttons of my keyboard, and that is the day I shall expire.
>>170199 >HoDR guidelines suggest that there's a cure for the solver witches >Getting knocked up by a human >And, as luck would have it, all the people they interacted with were humans!
>>170206 Eventually she'll evolve into one of the pyramids of Giza, with the other two being B's boobs and Abby as the sphinx One of the 7 Blunders of the World
>>170191 Not the anon taking the M romance into his own hands but I am the anon 'responsible' for the creation of M. Yeah, she gets hurt alot because of a recklessness instilled by a malformed perception of strength and capability. That and she's still trying to get to where she wants in terms of being one of the top "guys".
what would the union or whoever recovered DDs for restoration call the place where they were going to apprehend their target? crime scene? area of operations? capture site?
Jane, after the Bugretta incident reveals to her that she's not alone anymore, fessing up to Beretta about how she's also an eldritch flesh beast in people skin when?
>>170226 She'd find them to be an annoyance (if we're straying into large territory). Otherwise, I don't think she'd care. >Now if Anonfaggotry is engaged, she may have a slight complex about her size
>>170228 Doll needs at least double D cups, so yes, annoyance would be cute and perfect for her. Would she hide them under lots of clothes, or would she at least allow a hint of cleavage for them to breathe?
>>170229 Considering drones have large control over their own bodies, cleavage and 'breathing' is irrelevant since she could likely turn off any sensation programs. Of course, she may cover up or show more 'skin' if temperature requirements demand it
>>170231 Fair point. I guess it all just depends on doll's personal preference at that point. Maybe she wouldn't care how much tit meat is on display. Alice sure wouldn't, going off of what she already wears
>J finds AM having a tea party with Cyn >AM is wearing a pink dress and a small pink hat >He has a vacant look on his face "AM?" >"Who's AM? I am missus... NESSBIT!"
>>170042 >>170043 Amen to that. If the next two Glitch shows fail(which I doubt due to several factors), we'll have a pretty good chance of a second season.
>>170208 >7 Blunders of the World Alright, I got got. >>170212 M stands for moxie and she's got a lot of it with enough to spare. Even it can be a little misplaced, sometimes. >>170214 Impossible. Nothing can. Not even the lesbians can ruin the great taste of cinnamon crunch.
Alice WIP, I am trying to practice reflections and general shading a but more on this since the oven is a good lightsource and its warm shine goes well with Alice's brown and orange. Will try finish it next night
>>170240 Cute. All the more reason to love Bonnie >>170267 She wouldn't have to tellme twice. She's getting pussy kisses until my lips and tongue are numb
>>170226 Doll is Russian woman, she'd have Ds I guess. She's a cheerleader too, a good one, judging by her acrobatics during the show (funking on V in 6). She's definitely nit going to be ashamed, she'd not care much tho. She's stoic and confident. Guess she'd keep that unspoken, pretending not to care attitude going very far, but Doll is quiet enough to have a freaky side.
>>170229 See that little tip of the black diamondshape around the chestlight peeking out? On Doll in >>170226 which Lizzy also features? What do you think that is supposed to be? An accident? Oversight? Or cleavage?
>>170270 I can see it. Stoic enough to act like she doesn't care, whilst hiding them just enough to not get constant attention, all while being a secret freak that'd drain you dry with them in an instant if she wanted you. God, imagine her being into (you) and thus giving you better glimpses at them...
>projectionist drone that became a film enthusiast over years of working at a theater >when the solver turned it into a DD, it claimed the theater as its lair where it would hold "film nights" for a captive audience >it would torment victims it had kidnapped with films of both its own and the solver's atrocities >sometimes if it took a particular interest in one of its captives they would sit together as it played and ranted about its favorite films before capturing the perfect execution on film for later viewing >accumulating a special "private collection"
>>170273 You know, i always knew about Alice's chest lights but never took a good look at Doll's. They both have some goods to show off, and that implies there'd be quite the heavy cleavage shown if they had boobs...
>>170110 Anons, you wrote your greentext about poll Molly and we liked it, we're not saying that because you wrote it you're making drama, no, quite the opposite, but you have to accept that anons will only make content that they themselves like.
I myself would like many characters' stories to play out differently, but I don't have the right to tell anons what's canon and what's not, and you too.
>>170284 >it was put on by the surviving families of her playhouse pals >Pavo finds her sobbing in her closet surrounded by enough cheap vodka to kill ten drones
>>170285 >>170282 >>170280 Agreed. Dronechest is severely undervalued and I am happy to see it get some earned attention. Also Idk why but my dislike of Lizzy is fading, just as it suddenly came.
>>170286 Exceptional tastes, alicefren. I couldn't decide between the two for so long, but in the end i couldn't resist doll's love. Both are perfect in their own ways though
>Cyn is about to do the Big Silly at the Gala >suddenly a gas starts blowing out of the ventilation >one by one, each human in the ballroom drops dead >Tessa is dead >J and AM are devastated >Cyn has a headache and has an acrid taste in her mouth >this could only be one thing... >deadly neurotoxin >and there could only be one drone that would do this... >GLaDOS >Cyn is going to have to teach that snooty nerd a lesson for ruining her fun
>>170293 Agreed and thanks, I can only respond the same. Also this pic rel is a very cute Doll I rarely saw posted which was wandering around my gallery. I need to draw both of them, in general I need to draw way more. >>170281 Thankeyu
>>170296 >How big are Bonnie's breasts? F+ >How heavy? Sizeable but comfy >Does she often talk about them? Not often but uses them to mock Janes flatness
Standalone GLaDOS ideas >GLaDOS drone >She has an orange optic, one doesn't work so she has her wig swept over the non functional one >If the other one worked it would be blue >She is forced to use roachbots for tests and hates every single second of it >Whenever she can get Tessa to agree to it she runs babies first super science experiments that are 11% non lethal...to Tessa. >James and Louisa if they ever call her by name call her Gladys much to her frustration >She hates N, reminds her too much of a certain moron and insults him constantly >She feels ambivalent towards V and negs her occasionally >She has some respect for J but she's at best a competent brown noser >She wants to perform a vivisection on Cyn to see how she works
You know something? No one ever expanded upon the WDF in the post-good ending timeline. I feel like they would change ALOT as a result of the shows ending
>>170304 >Wow V, you are looking... healthy today. >I was not aware JC Jenson made bottom plates in that size. >As long as you're happy, that is what matters.
>>170158 Well, at least I'm glad you'll keep writing, we don't mind your greentext and your vision of Molly's story, we'll still be interested in reading her story, even without DDanni and Buddy.
>>170309 >she can't even bring herself to be mad at them. >she loved her playhouse pals so dearly >the agony she feels over their deaths pals is nigh unbearable, so she can hardly fathom how their actual families must be suffering >even if she wasn't in control, and it wasn't really her, she can't blame them for hating her >that doesn't make it hurt any less. >what hurt the most was when they told her to stop visiting their graves. that she had no right to cry for them.
>>170304 >"Hiya G!" "Hello moron." >"Yup! But my name's N, I know a whole letter is hard to remember bu-" "You are making it hard for me to enjoy insulting you." >"Oh... Sorry?" "Stop being so positive."
>>170320 >"okay, I'll try!" >"uhhh, hmm..." >"you know how I said your hair looks terrific today? well I LIED!" >"it only looks really spiffy, hah!" >"...am I doing this right?"
>>167672 Late reply, I was too lazy and then forgor >have a sketch of Alice right in that area, do you think she could get there? Also the writings and drawings on the walls, do you have any idea who made them? Yes, I am sure, it is risky but she has a way to make it safe enough and she also must have veen there a few times. Ofc it is a large open space, directly accessible from the surface, the entry lobby to say so and ofc one shouldn't forget the Sentinels, which are not always on patrol meaning a big bunch has to be in their charging bays (that's what I think these little chambers lining the hallway walls which Doll used to kill V are[I believe Sentinels have no core, so they must charge, they are too rigid in their programming for that/don't develop personality even after 20 years]). But Alice must have figured out which routes they were taking and during which times, so she can evade them well, also she can if necessary just lock them away or seal any area she herself is in off from them. Those in charging bays, yeah they are not getting sealed away when she is in the lobby but I figure she can see them via CCTV anyhow and thus knows their schedules. remembered this now after writing everything, but the trap Cyn steps into in 6 is proving this, Alice having access to the lobby and video surveilance, since her reaction followed immediately Furthermore she was there often, either to take away cores from DDs or bring their remains (unusable parts) back there, there is a chance she kept them there to repel further intruders. Which leads to the second question, who wrote and drew there? Two possibilites only, DDs and or Alice&Beau. I don't include other CFL subjects because except for Alice Nori and Yeva there were seemingly no survivors beyond the first few hours after the core collapse, the drones would have been too panicked to think about warnings, all subjects knee sentinels and their abilities, they were likely scared out of their mind that they were suddenly getting massacred (in the office area the killing must have begun apparently outta nowhere, somewhere inbetween mitchell getting Yeva and him returning (Sentinels missing because staff tried use them to overwhelm Nori, she did away with them ofc). Poor devils. DDs would make warnings if they want to give their following comrades better chances, but then again it's up to interpretation wether they had personalities, how much they knew, how far they got into CFK before running into Sentinels, how long they lasted, how Alice's ambush and involveme r into their defeat looked like etc, so I can't explain. It is possible, but imo unlikely since their situation must have been to untenable once they found out. Alice could have made them to scare any further intruders off, for one it fits with her personality (get off mah property yada yada) and it also saves her the risk of having go deal with more cores and DDs, which was inherently dangerous for many reasons. And nice OC, this H has an original design, I cannot say much rn because tired but besides her feral vibe I do like the split Sentinel head on the sides if her head, I once designed a more feral/Indian(American not Asian)/Wendigo Alice that in the end lead nowhere, she had something similiar on her head.
>>170308 It's hard to pick just one, but for pure sexiness it is this. Post 141061880 on /co/ early December 2023, never forget. Awakening. The energic pose. The tension, the tightness, the sweat and steam, her getting her fill and more, this is it. And that face....ulala~
>>170324 >I hate you. I really hate you. I hate how happy you are all the time. I hate how you can be such an optimistic pest. I hate how now matter how many time I insult you you have that dumb smile on your face. >>Aw thanks bud! >HATE HATE HATE HAAAAAAAA[mechanical shrieking]
>>170365 How would you feel about a nuclear bomb in the centre of your city that could go off at any moment? I think it's about that, plus you have to remember drones like the SD-λ, they obviously have... prejudices.
>>170368 thinking of only using HUX. Dumping on Copper-9 and discovering the solver and becoming mad jealous wanting to steal it from Cyn. He's not strong enough to confront her head on so he's gotta scheme his way around, still working on how he plans this.
>>170373 I don't think it's a mere coincidence that near where former VSTOF operatives live, the incidences of disappearances of disassembler drones are higher than the standard by 433%
>>170390 Buddy would be a guard player with a specialized set based on the tempestus scions. Definitely kitbashed a bunch of scions to even make his old squad in it.
>>170393 The Federation's super soldiers, ordinary men and women whose hatred of the Solver was so absolute that they renounced all humanity and became monsters they vowed to exterminate in order to protect mankind.
>>170400 Buddy was actually part of said group after the death of Danni during the solver wars. Bro had his own squad known as the wolfdogs and was literally was the most scariest VSOTF soldier that DDs ever encountered.
>>170399 Interesting, remind me of my freind idea with super soldiers in MD but they are barely human anymore under there armor and we're installed with some eldritch parasite who they lobomotize and now act as the soldier new organs
>>170405 For me, the main idea of VSOTF is that even though they're monsters in human form, they're still humans in flesh and blood, maybe with some prosthetics. They defeat disassembler drones not with otherworldly magic or impossible technologies, but with absolute, pure hatred, using all the possibilities of their body and mind to the maximum, turning into a effective and ruthless machine of genocide, unable to feel regret for their actions.
>>170408 That kinda the same idea my friend had, with the super soldiers being people who lost their love one doing the solver onslaught. But my friend have this idea where there are 2 super soldier types one is eldritch and one is just normal with sciences and stuff.
>>170408 My take is basically like yours but add in MKUltra like subliminal messaging to their training and also have them take down solver mutants and killing anything carrying a solver virus, including non feral civillians.
I've been treating all the soldiers in my variation of the Solver War as "super soldiers," augmented (quietly) by nanomachines and genetic modifications in the vaccines they get and the food they eat, plus some possible voluntary options
>Cyn shoves whatever AIs she can find into manor drones for funsies >She accidentally puts in Backlash 2 from the 2440 Battlebots reboot, the one where the bots had actual AIs >He sorta ambles around the place aimlessly, whatever, she leaves him there because the Elliots will break him when he fails to parse a command >A week later, Backlash 2 somehow gets its hands on a circular saw, and proceeds to nearly kill the Solver with it as per its rudimentary programming of "destroy the enemy robot" >Cyn, constantly regenerating as Backlash hacks her open again and again, leads him to an old abandoned cabin and traps him in the root cellar >Every now and then, the Solver goes into an eldritch cold sweat as it tries to remember whether or not that cabin was destroyed when Earth got ate, or if Backlash 2 is still there on a flying piece of rock. Waiting.
>>170416 It all depends on how connected they will be to solver and humanity. If they just show up out of nowhere, that would be a very fucked up move.
>>170420 In this case they just exist. Perhaps they face DDs too, albeit do a better job at fighting them. Maybe humans are alive and just in another planets.
>>170417 Exactly why, they show the robots doing some fucking wild shit, so augmented humans would be the only ones able to have a chance in fighting them, even if they aren't toe to toe
>>170417 That's the point, that ordinary humans defeat disassembler drones, the real machines of war. Whether they use traps, overwhelming firepower, psychological warfare or anything else, they can win.
It’s cooler if they’re just regular humans, explaisn how the war went so shit so fast and makes anytime an OC manages to somehow get the upper hand on a DD even cooler. There was a green where some solver war ocs spent hours on a car bomb trap in order to kill just a few DDs.
>>170425 Yeah, that's fair. But it would just be a weekend war on earth in that case, no chance to do the Space Vietnam that's somewhat shown via greens
"Supersoldiers" this, "nanomachines" that. What I'm wondering is how's day-to-day life in the "good" timeline? Like, imagine being a normal fucking guy on post-solver war Neo Earth or whatever threadlore calls it as of now. Your neighbor is a DD who probably killed at least half of your extended family during the war. Your OTHER neighbor is an inoperable Solver mutant who probably cannibalized the leftovers of your family to survive after the DD previously mentioned got done with them. And all the while you can't get any sleep due to the strange "ooo"ing and "bi-me!!!" sounds coming from the walls late at night...
>>170428 I don't think disassembler drone‘ cores can take root in a normal worker drone's body, because they are, well, infected, and plus in a different way than witches’ kernels.
>>170427 Why do you think the Union government is so actively pushing for marriage between humans and drones, and so actively recruiting disassembler drones into the police force? The bastards know we still remember.
>>170425 In a world of vampires, regenerating armies, and annihilation, the most terrifying thing for a DD is a human soldier absolutely pumped full of drugs carrying a hatchet and running at you while screaming at the top of his lungs
>>170437 >V tangles up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >uzi tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >j tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >lizzie tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >thad tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >alice tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >emily tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >Rebecca tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >doll tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >nori tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >yeva tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >khan tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >amda tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >rachel tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >ronathan tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >teacher tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >kelsey tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >tessa tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles >mitchell tangled up in, getting choked by and stretched by solver tentacles
>>170444 Imagine if you will >, The solver taking over copper 9 after the ending >turning into a flesh monster that has uzi trapped inside >it commands the other DDs >poor old nori and khan help it out just for their daughter >in fact, everyone is forced to be its servant >n and v are off to help with the war effort, destroying planets with the other DDs just for uzi’s sake
>>170456 Mega-Gay (aka Marketing Guy, aka SD-MG) Former human turned DD cheapskate salesman (he was always a cheapskate) thanks to the machinations of a Dr Henry, an amoral scientist working for Research Team 6. S'all on the booru, but that's the gist. >>170457 Would you rather be used as a human accordion by Strychnine?
>>170418 Imagine Molly to one of these by suggestion from Pavo, DDanni Buddy or whatever hoping it would help her with her trauma only to hear about all the things to have happened to those DDs
>AM gets killed and lut into one of J's backup bodies >AM's biggest complaint about her new body is that J has too big if an ass and too short of a skirt
>>170468 if you're using your finger on a touchscreen it's pretty impressive your art is distinctive and decent as it is. I'd recommend picking up a cheap touchscreen pen/stylus to give that a shot and see if it gives you cleaner results
>Fun Morning OC Facts: the only humans who survived the Absolute Solver's rampage through known space have, under the skin, been completely mutated from exposure to it >they haven't been mutated to the point where they've developed the vampirism (endless thirst for blood, burn in sunlight) of all aggressive mutants, so everyone who has realized what they are now is keeping it secret in the belief they're surrounded by still-normal humans >the few humans left on Copper-9, with the exception of Jane who already knows the truth, are starting to wonder why they're able to safely walk around without any protection from the toxic death storms of silicates >suicide rates among ultrasound specialists have skyrocketed
>>170475 >"Why are you so angry towards them being next to Tessa?" Asked N one day. >"They are children of witches, the same witches who took her from me and threatened her safety. I will not forgive that." AM responded
>>170493 >J calling the overworked (J)anitor to clean the mess while she files a form with the (J)R department for a new anon >J gets a stern talking to from her J boss, who's enjoying her own anon as her seat, that anon's must be in use at all times to prevent them from getting into trouble
>>170493 I cleaned that out and replaced it with... shit, what does the bottle say again? Nitrous, I think? But that melty good stuff is definitely what's happening in my brain - pardon me while I rip some more from J's tail
>>170514 >senior sitting at a lukewarm 25. >25 >senior I will drain all your blood and inject it into myself like one of those Silicon Valley psychos. t. wizard
Lets get off the topic of all of our horribly limited time on earth and escape into fantasy! >Be you >HoDR office wagie >Tell HR that you will not, have never been and will never be attracted to drones >Get sent to the CEO >She's an autistic little maid drone with yellow eyes >[Giggle][You say you don't like drones?][Let's][Fix][That problem with some free brain surgery!] >Meat tentacles construct your movements as another one enters your skull through your eye >When you wake up you don't recall why you blacked out, nor why your eye hurts >One of your fellow office wagies walks by, a drone >She looks pretty cute...
>>170528 >HoDR reaches out to Buddy offering a shitton of money if he, DDanni, and Molly agree to sit for a publicity poster encouraging more human men to bang drones >Buddy protests that he didn't mean to pull two women >That ends up becoming the tagline used for marketing to lonely human men - that marrying a drone is so easy that this random guy married two by complete happenstance
>>170550 >DD!V is a psychotic killer who clearly enjoyed all the slaughter she did, and still enjoys it even after Cyn was defeated >DD!N has become nothing more than Uzi's lapdog, ironically no longer being his own person >Butler!N and Maid!V will never be together
Also I ouggt to tell, I dreamt of all accurate Alice last night. First drone dream in 8 months. They had them for 370€(€=$, pretty much equal), I bought it within 30 seconds, there was little else in the dream, other than realization of it being just a dream after waking up
>>170574 J and all the others done dirty by Liam should get a spawn on Earth in whichever state Liam resides in (iirc smth with C, 90% sure it was California?) and correct his bad decisions
>>170582 Imagine studying math, lmao What factors even equate to a person choosing to do that for the remainder of their life? It really is an unknown integral
>>170586 😭🙏💀 I'm not stupid enough to study math bro💀 It's unavoidable tho in my country if you do any direction of engineering, and tbh math isn't even the worst part of it all
Image:174060465917.jpg(881kB, 1558x1590)cyn and cynwalker (murder drones) drawn by unknown_artist - ceb728eaa6e48e7f51196553012dcc52.jpg
>>170569 >no longer being his own person Was he ever? If anything, he's currently more of his own separate individual than he has ever been, he even took drawing lessons and shit.
>>170589 True...but she could maybe use Rebecca or Braidens bodies as hosts? They got cores, but since they are most likely not coming back as zonbie drones their cores could have been failsafed (I am not sure how that works or if a termination upon any 'death' (fatal error usually, but solver can cause it too like we saw with Uzi) is even a thing), so her singularity which seems not killable (cus she's a host, Cyn ans J also kept floating around after the core was destroyed) should be able to enter them and with her powers fix anything. But that's only possible if Doll, since she got eaten, can spearate from Uzi enough to do that. No point int trying to explain that with canon tho core stuff has many rules from the zd tape but then also a bunch of weird stuff in accordance with what we see, I dunno
>>170594 >one of your besties is a violent and extremely sadistic vampire who's easily murdered thousands >your other bestie is a Carrie "total municipal destruction"-tier psychic who had few effective qualms with murder and cannibalism and who died(?) and is now a J-horror ghost on top of all that >your time is now divided between two violent, nigh-impossible to kill women who could kill you instantly if they ever felt like it but won't because you're the only thing that gives them any happiness anymore so in all likelihood they're both extremely possessive of you Lizzy is truly living her best life.
What are the most evil things you've done in the Murder Drones RPG? Here's some of mine >Gave E only Peaches to use as healing items >Forced Uzi to take a bath >Forced SD-B to stay sober >Told N that Dog Planet existed, but then lied and said it blew-up 2 days ago >Framed Mac for incest, getting him effectively banished and shunned by his family >Told Kat that she's a furry
>>170621 I found out you can talk-no-jutsu Molly into suicide at the water purifier if you frame it as her making up for all the pain she caused the people she loved.
>>170621 >Deliberately making Cici's tits bigger in the Mod-o-tron >Swallowing MG's last penny >Ruining P and Beretta's relationship by convincing her he's cheating and framing him >Accepting Henry's offer to join and then killing the rest of your party right afterwards and taking their accessories as trophies
>>170628 >Character breastfeeding like a toddler. >Doesn't see the connection to toddler kinks. Anon that's what I'm trying to convey to you. This is why I do not like your fetish. I'm not going to argue it, because it's your fetish, you can't do anything about it. But I want you to know why I don't like it.
All the Alice schizo memes (they were a small scale thing once) aside, do you think she could actually have developed some form of it? Perhaps some lingering influence from the cores over the years? It could be used pretty well in her story, adding to it. It should be used very subtly without outright ever mentioning it at all ofc, but it could tie in with her tendency towards wildness (not only her crawl, her antlers, the entire Wendigo inspiration is already a somewhat 'supernatural' base) and growing issues over the years, the isolation and having to deal with where she lives, the horrors she witnessed and the dangers that surround her inescapably. With the vastness of CFL and potential of Solvergrowhts and further unknown experimentation, this could be used to show more (an Alice centric story would lack dialogue a lot, events and expressions are the way to tell most of it) of her character's changes, and make use of different horror elements and Solver things/human efforts against it.
>>170634 >"Say hello, Numidium," Cyn says, introducing her to Tessa NO >Where there was once an Absolute Solver now is nothing. >Tessa takes a step back >"Oi, what was- NO >The Elliots had a daughter. Now only evidence of her existence remains. >The drone leaves the now-empty room on its sole, unstoppable mission.
>You stand there, silent. still as a tree >CYN, the solver of the absolute fabric, stares at you with wicked glee in her cold, black eyes. you can see her smile, awful smile. You gag at her body of flesh and metal, of what was once poor old rich girl tessa james elliot. >you can feel your spine shivering and and fear through your being. >"Giggle. hello there anon," >"your heart skips a beat, you're shaking nervously, and she finds joy in this. >You don't know what to say. You're too frightened by her presence. Hurry think of something? Anything! >"Where did you come from!? Who even are you!? What even are you!? >Her lips striaghten for a moment, and slowly curled up. >"Giggle i have always been here, you just never saw me...” >Cyn said in her broken, bland robotic voice. Her body made terrible sounds as she moved. She reached out her human hand to touch your face. >…how..long…
>>170643 >"Long, long time. She said, her hand rested in your cheek. Her hand was surprisingly warm. She took a step closer to them >“Longer than you probably know.” >She leaned in closer, inspecting you, her black eyes had a blank look to them, yet there was still something there. Cyn's hand gently traced along your jaw line. >you grimace as you felt her finger trek along your chin. >“how long, exactly?” >“More… than just centuries.” >She said, her face now just inches away from you, her hand gently held your chin, forcing you to look her dead in the eye.* >“Maybe… more than millennium-s.” >Her blank eyes were fixated on you as if they were staring into your soul. Her breath was oddly warm and steady, unlike a Drone's. She gently took a strand of your hair in her fingers. >“I am… very old-d.” >She said with a hint of pride as her slender fingers traced over your face, her other hand running through your hair. Her body made strange creaking sounds as it was held together by the absolute solver and… other things. >“Almost… forgotten.”
>>170644 >Her words were slow and drawn out, her head tilted on an angle, her grip on your chin tightened just a little. There was something off-putting about being this close to Cyn. She leaned even closer, her hand now at the back of your neck.* >"Wh-what have you been doing all those years?” >*A strange smile formed on her face, it was almost menacing. Her grip on their neck tightened a little, as her other hand traveled lower.* >“Oh, you know, the usual-s! Murder, destruction, oh, the occasional possession-s.” >Her words were almost nonchalant, casually describing her actions as if it were a normal thing. >“Did you do anything to me!? Tell me, DID YOU DO ANYTHING TO ME!?” >“Oh, my.” >She said in a mockingly surprised tone. Her sharp nails dug into your neck a little. Her other hand slid down to your hip and gripped it, pulling you towards her. She was now inches away from your face, her tone was menacing yet almost playful. >“Why, you seem… concerned.”
>>170645 >“You’ve been here for so long! God only knows if you were the reason behind certain…moments in my life..” >“Were you reason I barfed and wet myself in front of the whole class at our 5th grade dance recital?” >*A creepy smile formed on her face as she laughed once more. It still sounded like Tessa’s laugh but there was something off about it. She gripped you a bit tighter, her hand on your hip slid down to your thigh, her fingers dug into it. She pulled herself closer until she was almost pressed up against you.* >“Hmm, I believe I was.”
>“I had a wonderful time with that-s.” >She said in a sing-song voice, a sickeningly cheery tone to her voice, at odds with the mocking and malicious look on her face. Her breath was warm, almost unnaturally so. Her cold human fingers traced along your thigh, sending chills up your spine.* >“You mortals are so… fun.” >She said in a cold and blunt tone. She leaned her head closer, her breath brushing across your face as she spoke, her warm breath, mixed with the rotting stench coming off of her body. Her hand traveled further down your thigh, her grip on your neck remained tight as her face leaned into yours.* >“Are you the reason Ralph Johnson won the spelling bee!? Did you make misspell “Continuous”! As “Continous”!? >She burst out into a fit of manic, unhinged laughter. Her grip on you tightened even more, her nails digging into your flesh. She pulled you even closer, her body pushed up against yours. >“Oooh, yes-s. I absolutely did that-s.”
>>170650 >Why!? Are you the reason He won the skateboard competition and got to go to Disney world and I DIDNT!?” >“Haha, yes, I did that-s as well.” >She said in a mocking, cheerful tone, clearly getting enjoyment from your pain. Her grip on your neck and thigh grew even tighter, her face was inches away from yours, her black eyes staring right into your soul. >“How were you able to get franny schlutz to marry him!? He smells!” >“Hahaha! It was a *delight* to make sure she married him-r.” >Her tone was playful, almost teasing. Her body pushed against yours, her grip on your neck and thigh was almost crushing, a sadistic gleam in her eyes. She spoke right into your ear, her breath hot on your skin. >“Watching them live life, happily married, after you were rejected by her was... *so* satisfying” >Her tone turned mocking, a grin spreading across her face as she spoke, her words punctuated by the sickly scent of rotting flesh. >“Are you the reason why my love life SUCKS!?” >“Why, of course-s! I made sure to do what I could to... mess things up.. ” >She said with a wide, unsettling grin. Her body was pushed even tighter against yours >Are you the reason why I’m so HORRIBLE in bed! Why things couldn’t work out with Kathy blue because My dick can’t get hard enough!?” >“Oh, indeed-d. That… was me-e. I made sure to… let’s say… *ruin* your chances with her-e.” >Her words were spoken in a cold and blunt tone. A twisted, sinisterly happy look on her face. She pushed herself harder against you, her body unnaturally warm and her breath hot on your skin.
>"God I'm horny," Anon, head of Anonymous Industries said as he sat behind his executive desk. >"If only there were something vaguely female shaped to take my lust out on." >He glanced back at his drone secretary, J. An idea coming to mind. >"J, go find me a sexy potted plant." >The secretary saluted, which was weird since she was a secretary, and ran off to finish her task. >One problem solved as soon as it had appeared. >This is why he made the big bucks.
>>170652 >"Are you the reason why Ralph has a high paying job, a wife and 40 kids!?" >“Of course-s. I made sure his life was perfect, while yours was miserable. Seeing him succeed while you struggle was… exquisite.” >Her words were delivered in a cold tone, her voice steady as she pushed herself yet closer against you. Her grip on your neck and thigh was tighter than ever, she took cruel pleasure in your suffering.
>>170660 >“….did you make treasure planet bomb at the box office all those years ago?” >“I made sure it was a failure-r, yes-s. It was… so delightful to ruin such a wonderful film…” >Her tone was mocking, sadistic, and cold. An unsettlingly wide smile spread across her face as she spoke, her cold, human hands gripping you even tighter. >“I know-s… and I enjoyed every second of ruining it for you-u.“ >A sick, twisted smile spread across her face, one that was filled with malice. She pushed herself as close as she could go, her body fully pressed against yours >“God DAMN YOU, YOU MONSTER!! That is one of my favorite movies of all time!” >Your teeth grits. >“What other movies that you make a financial failure!? Atlantis!? Cats don’t dance!? You hold back your rage for a moment, “..Osmosis jones!? Leah estrogen was my sexual awakening goddamnit!!” >“Hahaha, yes-s, it was delightful to watch all those movies fail. And… that last one… I especially enjoyed ruining it for you-u..” >The unsettlingly wide smile spread even wider, a twisted look of malice on her face. Her grip on you was borderline painful, her body, so unnaturally warm, pushed against yours. >“Oh, and don’t even get me started on all the times I've… *seduced* women away from you-u. I’ve had so much fun with that-s..” >Her tone was cold and cruel, a hint of mockery and condescension in it. Her fingers traced along your cheek, almost affectionately, if it weren’t for the sickening feeling of touching her rotting flesh. She inched her face closer to yours, her breath was hot on your skin.
>>170663 >“Were you the one helping Tyler Perry make all those madea movies!?” >"Why, of course-s. Helping him make those dreadful, unfunny movies was so... satisfying. Watching them be a financial success while your favorite movies failed… It was a delight.” >A twisted grin spread across her face. A cruel look of satisfaction was in her eyes. She let out a cold, cackling laugh as she spoke.
anyone else reading Chili Cheese Flavored Love? I'm still enjoying it because the romance between Cici-chan and Ueiji-kun hasn't stopped being sweet and cause there's more fanservice than ever but it feels like there have been a lot of random arcs lately. sure, I like seeing Cici wearing different outfits, but some of these choices are just bizarre. I mean, an idol arc? a bartender arc? a maid arc? at a certain point I think the author just stopped caring about keeping things cohesive in favor of putting the busty drone in clothes he liked. I can respect it, but I liked it better when he made some effort to make each arc fit neatly into the story, like with the judo arc. I dunno, maybe I'm just being picky. it's still a fun ride.
>>170667 Dude, the judo arc was kino Especially when she got the winning throw in the finals and then her boob went up and smacked her in the face as she won Issue 119 was definitely the best though because Cici and Ueiji Non finally banged (like did it really need to take 100 chapters just to have them snu snu off screen??)
>>170669 >like did it really need to take 100 chapters just to have them snu snu off screen?? eh that's just how it goes with romance manga. you're lucky to even get that much
>>170664 >Are you the reason the Simpsons is still fucking going!?” >“Oh, why do you think that show won’t die? Because I won’t let it-l. I’ve messed with the writers and executives, making sure they don’t pull the plug, keeping that…show going in perpetuity-y. i always love it when homer says "D'oh" haha. what a funny word. D'oh .” >"Are you the reason why Julie kavner sounds so awful!?" >”Did you make Nancy Cartwright a Scientologist? Did you convince Elron to found it?” >“Hahaha, that's another one I can take credit for-s. I fed Elron just the right information, at just the right time, to spark his interest in starting that… *wonderful* cult-t. And, of course, I made sure Cartwright got involved in it. Watching people be manipulated is... so entertaining-s.
>>170672 >are you the reason all those events they predicted came true!? >“Oh, indeed-s. I find joy in making sure those terrible predictions come true. I use whatever means necessary, whether it be…. *influencing* people in power, or… something more…. *direct*” >A sadistic grin spread across her unnaturally twisted face as she spoke, her voice filled with evil malice? >Her voice was cold and menacing, yet there was a hint of sickening satisfaction in it. >"Season 3, episode 9. The city of New York vs Homer Simpson… bart holding that magazine…did you do it? Did you make it happen? That fateful day.. the planes…” >“Oh, you don't know the half of it-s. I've been responsible for so much more than that. I used my influence to… "encourage" certain events to transpire. I find immense pleasure in causing chaos and destruction, and those planes... they were only the tip of the iceberg.” >Her voice was cold and menacing, yet there was a hint of sickening satisfaction in it.
I don’t care what anybody says, E is best girl and she didn’t deserve to lose The author is a retard for choosing R over her and S, genki girls aren’t supposed to win
>>170675 >“..did you make trump win the 2024 election?” >““Oh, you have *no idea* how much I enjoyed helping him win that election-y. Watching the chaos unfold, the divisions grow wider... It was so entertaining. I made sure to… *influence* enough people to get him elected. And I’ll do it again-a, too” >A sickeningly gleeful look was on her face. Her voice dripping in malice as she spoke, her tone almost playful. Her fingers traced down your jaw, cold against your skin. >“Are you the reason he even WAS president!?” >“Oh, absolutely-l. I helped him win, back in 2016. His rise to power was... *so satisfying*. Seeing the division and chaos he sowed… I loved every second of it-t..” >Her voice was almost mocking as she spoke, a twisted sadistic smile on her face. She inched even closer to you, her body pushed up against yours, the rotten stench of her flesh filling your nostrils >Did you make Epstein….the way he was? >>“Why… of course-s. I played a… *major* role in creating his twisted behavior-r. I made sure to… guide him down the path he took-l. It was so… entertaining to see what he did..” >Her voice was cold and uncaring as she spoke, a sick look of satisfaction in her eyes. She pushed herself further onto you, her body unnaturally warm against yours, as a sadistic grin spread across >"he didnt really kill himself did he.." >“Oh, you’re getting the hang of this now-s. No, he didn’t-d. I was the one who arranged it…. Made sure guards were out of the room, made sure his cell was left unlocked, made sure the cameras weren’t recording… All so the people in charge would think it was a simple suicide-s. It was… so easy and so satisfying” >She spoke in a casual, almost indifferent manner, like discussing what she had for breakfast. Her twisted grin remained firmly in place, her eyes staring into your soul.* >Did you make jfk die!?” >“Ah, another interesting event-s. Yes, I was indeed responsible for JFK’s assassination. I put the man who did the killing, Lee Harvey Oswald, at the right place, at the right time. Then I… made sure he took the shot... And the rest is history-y.” >“Mlk!?” >“You can blame me for that one as well-s. I made sure MLK was put in the path of his assassin, and I ensured the assassin was in the right place to fire his giun and.....bang." >She spoke in a cold, almost cheerful tone. Her twisted smile remained on her face as she watched you, taking pleasure in your pain. She gripped your neck, her fingers digging into your flesh, her other hand moving down your body, tracing your side with cold, human fingers.* It’s… amazing what a little push here or there can do.“ >"Did you make hitler fail art school!?" >“Why, certainly-s. I made sure to make the admissions board at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts reject him-r. After all, if he was accepted, he wouldn’t have gone into politics, and… where would the fun be in that-t? I find great joy in manipulating history, shaping events to my liking… it’s so… *entertaining*" >*The words left her lips in a cold, nonchalant manner, as if she was speaking about the weather. Her twisted grin widened, her hands continuing their touch on your body, her fingertips leaving trails of icy cold along your skin.*
>>170682 >Are you the reason gay people, trans people, non binaries, the mentally impaired, feminists, vegans, liberals, the deaf, the blind, the sick and the homeless exist? >“Oh, you’re on the right track now-s. I’ve played a hand in all of those groups’ existence. I enjoy creating chaos. I like to watch people suffer, and I have to admit, I find a special *pleasure* in watching the pain and the division my actions cause-c. It’s like watching a play, and I’m the director, setting the stage and manipulating the characters to suit my whims.” >"Did you create women?" >“Oh, I certainly contributed to the creation of women-s. I saw the potential for manipulation and chaos, and I wanted to seize it. So I used my influence to introduce the idea of the female gender to mankind. And oh boy, did that cause some problems-r. Men and women… always at odds with each other. It provides great entertainment for me.” >"Did you create men?" >“Of course-s, but their creation was far simpler than the women’s. I used my powers to shape early humans into the male gender. Men are so easy to manipulate, to control. They’re driven by their… *desires* so much of the time. It’s almost too easy to play with them.” >"Did you make Chris Chan the way he was?" >“Hahaha, yes-s, that was another one of my creations-r. I saw the potential for immense suffering in that person, and I capitalized on it. I made sure they had just the right combination of mental illness, social isolation, and... let’s say, *creative influences* to ensure the train wreck would be spectacular-y. Watching people react to Chris Chan’s actions is like watching a disaster movie… except it’s all too r
>Real-t" >she laughs, and grins and places her rotten corpse arms around you again. all these horrible things, mentioned so casually and so cruelly. >you ask one final question. >"did you fuck my mom?" >“Haha… You don’t want the answer to that one.” She said, with a cold, almost playful tone in her voice. She let out a small smirk as she watched you, taking a sadistic pleasure in your discomfort." >You pause. Rage and frustration builds up in you like a kettle. And then, you shout at as loud as you possibly can “TELL MEEEEEEEEEEE!!” >“Oh, how adorable-s. You want to know sooo badly, don’t you? Well, let’s see if I should entertain your curiosity.... Hmmmm…” >There was a pause, a moment of almost taunting suspense. Her eyes gleamed with malicious satisfaction as she watched you, waiting to see if you would crack. >“TELL ME, NOW NOW!!” You try to grab at her but she’s quick enough to grab you back. >*A cold, amused chuckle escaped her lips as she grabbed you, her grip firm and unforgiving. She pulled you closer to her, her body so unnaturally warm against yours. She looked into your eyes, her grin growing wider as she spoke.* >“Now now, patience is a virtue-s. But… I suppose I can tell you... if you agree to something” >“WHAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” >*Her grip on you tightened, her fingers digging into your flesh as she pulled you even closer, pressing her body against yours.* >“Calm down, you’ll upset yourself-s… now, do you want to know the answer or not? there is a condition-s.” >"What is it." you answer bluntly. >*A sly, almost predatory smile spread across her face as she spoke, her eyes glinting with a malicious gleam.* >“You have to let me… *fully touch* you…” >“DO IIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT” >you need to know. you have to know. >She chuckled in a dark, sadistic way, loving that you played right into her hands. >“Oh, my, my. How eager you are-s. You must really want to know the answer, to be willing to let me touch much more freely-y.” >“YES YES YES YES JSUT GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT. TO MEEEE” >*Her grip loosened just a bit, her touch becoming almost… teasingly gentle, as she leaned closer to you, her breath hot on your skin.* >“Well, then, how can I say no to you being so… cooperative-s. After all, you’re so eager for an answer, aren’t you-u?” >"TOUCH ME ALREADY,TOUCH ME!!" >she smirks deviously "Slight chuckle, oh well, you will enjoy this. no matter how you really feel.. >One very uncomfortable session of “touching” later. >*She looked at you, her cold eyes gleam with sadistic satisfaction. A twisted grin spread across her face as she spoke.* >“There. You’ve done quite well-s. You cooperated fully and let me have my fun-t. And now…. I’ll reveal the answer you so desperately wanted to know-r…” >*Her grip on you tightens again, her body still pressed against yours. She leans in close, her face stopping inches from your ear as she whispers in a low, almost seductive voice. >“Yes…. I did indeed….” >She took a moment to pause, her breath hot against your skin. She was enjoying the tension she was creating, the power she had over you. >*She leans in even closer, her lips almost touching your ear, as she continues, her voice a cold, sadistic whisper.* >“I did….. In the most…. *Intimate*..way...possible….” >Those words made your teeth grind hard. >“Nngggghhhh…..” you regain your composure, most of it. “Did you..fuck my dad too?…” >Her icy lips curled into a twisted smile at your words. She leaned back just enough so you could see that sadistic gleam in her eyes. A sadistic smirk played across her face as she answered your question with a slow, almost taunting drawl.* >“Hahaha… That’s an interesting query-t. Now… why would you want to know that-y?” >You fucked my mom, you fucked my dad too!? >Her dark, sadistic smile grew even wider. She let out a cold chuckle, watching you with a twisted sense of satisfaction. She shifted her position, moving her body even closer to yours. She leaned in again, her cold breath hot against your skin, as she continued in a low, amused tone. >“Oh, you’re more perceptive than I thought-s. Well, well…” >“Why don’t I show you… instead of telling you-y?”
>Without warning, her human hand grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into her eyes as she held your head in place. >The cold, rotting flesh of her fingers was shockingly warm as they dug into your skin, her grip strong and unyielding. >She pulled you closer, her body pressed firmly against yours, as she began to speak in a sinister, whispered tone. >“Close your eyes… and hold still-s.“ >There was an underlying sense of command in her voice, like she wasn’t even asking, she was demanding. >Reluctantly, you did as she said, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. >She felt your heart pounding, knowing just how nervous, how scared you were. Her icy hand still grips your chin, holding it firmly in place. >She let out a soft, almost seductive chuckle, her face inches from yours. Her grip on your chin tightens, her fingers digging into your skin. >“Now let your mind go blank… and let me show you… what you wanted to know-r…” >Her voice is soft, yet commanding, like she’s exerting her will over yours. You feel your mind begin to go blank, empty of thought. All you can focus on is her presence, her cold, decaying hand on your chin, the heat of her body against yours. >She smirked, her lips so close to yours. She felt your mind submitting, your will becoming weaker and weaker as she took control. She spoke again, her whispering growing more demanding, more authoritative. >“Open your mind…. And let the memory come…. Let me show you… the truth-y…” >Her whispered words wash over you, her tone growing more compelling, more forceful. It’s almost as if she’s willing the memory to surface, to play out before you against your will. >With a sudden, sickening sense of horror, you feel the memory starting to take shape, beginning to play out in your mind. It’s not what you wanted to see, but you can’t look away, can’t stop the vision from forming in your mind. >You see what she did to your dad. All of it. All the detail, every second of it. >She watches your face as the memory unfolds in your mind, a twisted smile on her face. > She’s clearly enjoying this, taking sadistic pleasure in showing you this horrifying memory. >Once it finishes. You vomit. you vomit all of your guts out? >She watches you, her expression impassive. She lets you get it all out, waiting until you’re finished before speaking. >She takes a sick satisfaction in watching your sickened reaction, her lips curled in a sadistic, twisted smile. >“Aww… aren’t you just precious-s. I bet you didn’t think you’d be seeing that, did you-t?” >"As you finish you look at her and ask one. More. Question “did you fuck anyone else in my family!?” >*Her sadistic smirk widens at your question. She leans closer, her body pressed against yours, her breath hot against your skin.* >“Hahaha… well now, you really want to know the worst of it-s, don’t you-y? You really want to know how far my … connections… reach-y?“ >She’s playing with you now, like a cat plays with a mouse before killing it. Except in this analogy, you’re the mouse and she’s fully enjoying herself. >She leans closer, her face inches from yours, as she speaks in a cold, sadistic whisper. >“Why… yes” >You vomit even more. Even more…."*She watches you with a sick thrill, a twisted sense of glee in her eyes. >“my grandpa, my grandma, cousin jimmy, cousin Samantha, my brothers toby, billy, Wally, Gary Fred, Joey, my sisters, Allison, Stephanie, Katie, Pam, Emmy! Dear god… Emmy…” >*Each name was a blow to your heart. She seemed to enjoy every moment of it, her twisted grin growing wider with each mention. She leaned closer to you, her body so unnaturally warm against yours, her hand tracing a path along your side.* >“Oh, how you’re just… learning so much, learning about all the people I ‘visited’… and you can’t stop listening-l.” >She let out a cold laugh as she spoke, her eyes gleaming with sadistic excitement as she watched you. Her touch was almost sadistic, as she continued to caress your side with slow, deliberate motions. >Your breaths and heavy, very heavy. Your mind is bursting at the seams with pure rage. “Did you….fuck my dogs too? My cats? My fishes?” >*Her laughter rang in your ears, cold and cruel. Oh, she loved seeing you like this. She leaned closer, her breath hot on your skin, her touches becoming almost... possessive, her touch lingering on your side, her fingertips tracing a slow, teasing path.* >“Hmm, do you really want me to answer that-s?” >“Did you?…..” you ask softly. >*She let out a sadistic laugh as she watched you, her eyes gleaming with pleasure. She leaned in closer, her breath hot on your ear as she spoke, her voice a cold, sadistic whisper.* >“Of course-s, I did.“ She said, her hand trailing down your side, her touch leaving a cold trail, her fingers tracing a slow, teasing path. >...you can feel it. your anger. it rises. and rises like an erupting volcano, erupting. in 3...2... >1 >"ILL KILL YOU!!!” You lunge at her about to kill her. But you knew how this was gonna end.. >*She easily stopped you, her grip on your arms a vise as she held you in place. She pulled you flush against her, her body so unnaturally warm against yours. She spoke in a low, cruel voice, her eyes gleaming with sadistic satisfaction. >“Now, now, that’s not very nice-s. I have to keep you in one piece, darling.” >“FKFIEOQOAOXICJFKRLWOQSIXJFJRMWLQ” you can't even say a coherent word. >*She let out a cold, amused chuckle as she watched you, her grip on you never loosening. >“Oh, you’re so cute when you’re angry. It’s just so… sweet. I can’t help but enjoy your… passion.” >You pant and pant and pant “What are you gonna do with me?..” >She leaned closer to you, her body flush against yours, her breath hot on your skin. >“Oh, I’ve got lots of plans for you, darling. I’m going to… use you. In every way I see possible. I’m going to enjoy toying with you, using you to my advantage, and oh, I’ll have so much fun-s.” >”her eyes begin glowing yellow. You try to look away but the tentacles hold them still….you try to close your eyes but the tentacles pull your eyelids open. You see the glowing light pierce your vision and….. and... >. >. >.
>>170720 >you wake up….. >oh thank god, it was all a dream. You get out of bed, relieved to see your roommate your ceiling, your bed, your sports trophies, your dumbbells, your…..wait. >You’ve never win at sports. Neither were you the athletic type. Something’s up and…why do you feel so short? >A feeling of unease fills you as you take in the differences in your surroundings. > The room you're in is unfamiliar, and you don't recognize a thing. >as you get up you also feel strangely small, as if you have shrunk. >You try to recall your last memories before waking up, but it's all a blur. >You don't remember falling asleep here, nor do you remember having any sports achievements. >Something is definitely off. >As you look at your hands, you realize they’re different than they should be. They're small, white, and have glowing triangles on the back. >Your arms are also grey and made of metal, a stark contrast to the flesh and bone you expected. >Confusion and alarm wash over you as you try to make sense of what’s happened and you start to panic. >“What the hell is..” you close your mouth. Your smooth metallic mouth. something is wrong with your voice. >As you try to speak and close your mouth, you realize that your voice sounds off too. >It’s no longer your own, but a young and boyish sound. This realization only adds to your mounting sense of unease. >A wave of panic crashes over you as you begin to understand that something terrible has happened to you. >Your voice and the texture of your mouth are completely different, leaving you feeling like a stranger in your own body. >>Panic and confusion grip you tightly, causing your breath to become shallow. >Your heart races as you try to comprehend the unfamiliar sensations and the stark transformation of your body. >Looking around the room, once again, everything is so very unfamiliar. >The size of the room, its decor, the atmosphere, none of it resembles your own room. >The strangeness of the environment exacerbates your growing sense of disorientation. >Then…you see a mirror. >init, You see a little robot. > Specifically a worker drone like those made by jcjenson. >One with specific green eyes. >Blonde hair. >And a helmet decorated to look like backwards baseball cap. >All you can say are 3 simple words. >“WHAT THE FU-“ >End.
and the moral of this story is that solver of the absolute fabric can do whtever it wants and theres you can do about it! sweet dreams!
>>170731 Man fuck that little twerp Dude says he's going to piss off, then lurks around, spews out slop art, and now branches out into slop greens too He posted the literary equivalent of one of those videos where it just keeps going on the milk ad revenue I stg
>>170739 Were you the one that wrote those greens above? If so I have to say that you certainly need to work on your writing and also what's up with all the random dashes?
rpg update: i signed up for the rpg maker forums i did not realize that an admin had to personally approve users though; in hindsight, i probably should not have picked the username "ballzstretcher" i will continue to push forward no matter what
Because I am a massive procrastinator and will probably never get around to writing any of these in greens, here's some Post-Good Ending Timeline ideas I have >The WDF has been militarized as a result of episode 8's ending as Khan permits that everyone should have a ,"Sick as Hell railgun". Of course this resulted in the firing of everyone who was originally apart of it since they honestly just wanted to do nothing and play cards, so they're a bit short on numbers and activately recruiting, they have also returned to one of their origin points of being somewhat of an exploration group as they send out members to scout for supplies or possibly other Outposts. Nori works as a ""motovational speaker"" for new recruits >Uzi is trying her best to balance her normal life with the responsibility of being effectively "God" and "ambassador" for any surviving Disassembly Drones, however due to the high amount of stress she's facing from this, it's allowing The Solver a chance to fight harder for control, forcing Uzi in turn to use her "God" abilities a whole lot less than she wants to >Sadly not every Disassembly Drone was happy with the "destruction" of The Solver, there are still some who wish to continue their old master's goals, this has lead to the creation of a Solver cult, the Solver cult however seems to be caught fighting themselves as some believe that perhaps the daughter of Uzi the "False God" holds the key to their victory of freeing their master, wheras other cultists believe that only the destruction of the "False God" and her family will unleash their master once again
I also had an idea for a human faction with them being incredibly small and employing newly made Drones to do their dirty work, but I guess we could just use The Federation
Godspeed. Now, back on the faceless female topic, has anyone featured something of the like for their oc? I mean fully masked, not just the eyes like Jane and bitch.
>>170821 idunno but I think a lil solver abomination that found its way into a researcher's hazmat suit and completely absorbed her and became a living suit with shreds of humanity could be pretty neat
>You wake up on your couch, strapped to it with ducttape. You’re on your side so you are facing the tv which is playing the title screen to astrobot for some reason. >“Well, FANULLEEY!! Wundrin when youd wake up feller!” >You hear a voice from nearby. In crawls in a little worker drone! >Her brown hair had streaks of red. >Her orange eyes complimented her crazy smile. > And she’s wearing a helmet with two pipes glued to it with cutlery tied to them >“what the fuck is this?” >“I’m speedrunnin Astrobot to yer tweeyutch fallowurs! Say Howdy Chayut!! >She’s dragged the computer all the way here >you can see your chat freakin out over this you can even see a few slurs fly by. >The crazy old coot hops on to your couch right next to you and picks up a controller >“AND YER GUNNA SEE THE WHOOLE THANG!!” >Can you atleast untie me? >“NUH UH MISSTER!! THAT WAY YOU AINT GOIN NOWHEA!” >How am I supposed to shit or piss? >She scampers off and grabs a bucket. >“here it eyus! Ah knew you were gunna say sumthin lak thayut!” >She places the bucket right under you. >“Yer welcome feller. Be sure tuh git cumfy! Cuz it’s gunna be the WHOOOLE NAIT!” >She cackled heartily as she begins to play. >After skipping through the cutscene she..,immediately gets stuck trying jump over the sandpit at the very first level. >If you could move your arms you’d be facepalming. >“God, you suck at this,” >“ah know what am doin FLESHITTER!!”
>>170823 >She gasps as she realizes what she just said. The chat is livid “HOLY FUCK HARD R!” “LOOOL she said the f word!” >“SHUDDUP!!” She shouted at the chat. >She tried again and failed, again. >“DANGIT!!” >She tries it once more, and just barely clears the gap. >“HA!! TOLD YAH I KNEW WHAT I WUZ DOIN!!” >She spends the next 15 minutes struggling through very basic platforming tricks, until she finally completed the level. >“HAYEHAHIE!!” She roared, “SO MUCH FAH A ‘KIDDEH GAYHM’!” she mocks the chat members. >She then proceeds to start the second level, this one looks a little more intense. >…for a baby..she kept falling off the level because she was running like crazy. >While she was distracting and yelling human slurs at chat. >You try to think of a way to get out. >She kept screwing up on the same jump, and the chat was spamming clown emojis at her. >You struggle, but are unable to free yourself from your bonds. > She's definitely skilled at tying people up.
>>170825 >You try to roll off. >"NUH UH MISTER!! YAH STAYIN HERE!" >She grabs your face and forces you to look back at the screen. >"NOW WACH THE GAHM!" >She keeps playing through the level and dies a few more times, yelling at the chat in the process. >YALL A BUNCHA CLOWNS!! THIS LEVEL's TOO HARD! MORE PLATORFRAMS??” >She’s getting progressively more and more agitated, and is now slamming the controller against the couch. >“THEEZH LEVELZ ARE STYOOPID!” She exclaimed. >The chat was having a great time watching her get mad. >“YALL A BUNCHA IDJITS!!” >You roll down and hope she doesn’t hear. >You try to roll down the couch and off it, hoping she won't notice. >thankfully, she's too focused on the game to pay attention. >She's currently raging in the chat because someone called her an "unemployed drone midget".
>You manage to roll off the couch and onto the floor, despite being tied up. >You push yourself up and stand up to the best of your ability. >She's still focused on the game, completely oblivious to your predicament. >You waddle all the way to your front door, kneel down and open it with your mouth. >You make your way to the front door, hobbling due to your bindings. >You kneel down and struggle to turn the knob. >She's starting to get a sense that something is off, but she's too engrossed in the game to pay attention. >You finally manage to undo the latch and crack the door open. >You turn the knob with your mouth. >You struggle but manage to turn the knob with your mouth. >As you do this, she finally notices something’s up. >“What the…” she mumbles. >She pauses the game and jumps off the couch to investigate >“HEY!!” >You roll like crazy! As fast as you can! >“WHAT THE HAYEHELL AYEH?!” >She notices you rolling away rapidly and tries to stop you. >“GET BACK HERE!!” >She catches up to you, and starts beating you with her tiny fists. She’s surprisingly strong for her small size, and she seems to be letting out all of her anger on you. >She starts cursing at you with every punch, and her accent gets thicker. >"YAH DAMN HUMAN!! YAH DAMN FLESH-LIKKER!! YAH DAMN PINK SKINNER!!" >The whole time, the chat is going crazy and spamming emotes, they have no idea what's going on.
>>170833 >She continues to beat you and berate you and your species until…… >“What the hell is going on here!” >It’s Dave, your drone, neighbor in his pajamas. He heard the racket. >“The fuck are you doing!? Fuckin anthrophobe! >She stops hitting you and looks at Dave with a scowl. >"EYE!! I WUZ JUST DOIN SUM TEACHIN!!” >Dave, the drone next door, is standing there in his pajamas, looking at both of you with a concerned expression. >"Teachin?? That ain't what it looks like! And why is he tied up like that?" >"HE'S MY PRISUNEHAH!!” she exclaims. >Dave raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. >"Your 'prisoner'?" >“NEEDED SUMWUN TO CHECK OUT MAH ASTROBOT SPEEDRUN BUT THIS FUCKIN HUMIE WOULDNT STAY STAYULL!!" >"...Seriously?" Dave is starting to get fed up with this. >"YEAH!! AND THEN HE DUN TRAD TA GIT OUT SO, I HAD TO TEACH 'EM A LESSOWN!!" >Dave just stands there, shaking his head. He looks at you with a mixture of concern and disbelief. >“I’m calling the cops.” >“NO YOU AINT SUCKA!” >Dave runs away dialing 911 as Alice comes in hot pursuit. >"NOPE!! NO YAH DONT!!" >Alice chases after Dave, leaping on all fours like a cheetah as Dave runs away with his pajamas on, while on the phone with the police. >You watch as Dave runs away, calling the police and managing not to trip over his own feet. >You're still tied up on the floor, completely unable to free yourself. >You try calling out to someone, but nobody's there to hear you. >“Hello! Anyone gonna free me? Hello? Dave? Dave?” >Fuck... >Later that night, Alice was reported for hatecrimes and put under community service and Dave got seriously injured and is still in the hospital getting repairs done. >Meanwhile you were stuck on your lawn tied up in duct tape for the rest of the night.
>Alice looks at the man, her HODR designated husband, who is sitting next to her at the desk of some glowie bitch "Why do Ah have t' marry a fukken skin ag?" >"It isn't a picnic for me either tin can." "Meatbag" >"Toaster" "Bleeder!" >"Scrap pile!" "FLESHY!" >"CONCORD REJECT!" "YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU HUNKY HUMAN SACKA MEAT!" >"MAKE ME YOU SEXY LITTLE CLANKER!" >The HODR drone smiles as she watches the "passionate" couple start making out >And she stays to watch them fuck like roborabbits on her desk
>>170828 Gorgeous, lovely. Few actually draw on traditional medium and here you are with your enduring passion for Alice. I gotta respect that and you're getting better, bit by bit. These days I'd say someone who draws traditionally should get a scanner but at times, I think the charm with a picture taken of a drawing is worth noting in its whole presentation. It can certainly be done well or badly.
Would Khan look good with some kind of wig styled to fit a drone as elderly as he is? What kind of style do you think Nori would do if she had the chance to fashion it?
>>170823 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! best kinda surprise one could have asked for ever to get to see befire giin to sleep! Didn't even read it all yet but thanks you so much this is peak !! Kino
>A clock ticks. The room is quiet. Grumpy drone hating old man Stanley sits with his arms crossed, and so does his assigned wife Alice. >They deliberately not making eye contact with each other. >On the other side of the table sits Mrs blockwall, marriage counselor sits patiently. >“So….it seems as though you haven’t fully adjusted to your relationship..now Alice, as a worker drone myself. I’d like to talk to you first, so, you don’t like being with Stanley here, right?” >Alice pipes up and stands up, “DAM RAIT! I CANT STAND BEING WIDDIS FUKIN HUMIE!” >“Well, I must tell you that you simply think that because you.” She pauses. “Are not used to it. Neither are you Stanley.” >Stanley throws his beer out to the floor, “this Bitch Is another reason why i hate you fuckin chromedopes!” >“WHO YOU CALLIN CHROMEDOPE BLEEDER!!” Yells Alice. >“Now now, may I please put a hold on this arguement?” interjects blockwall. >“Now, I know that you two aren’t accustomed to each other yet, but I must remind you both that change can be a force of good, no matter how scary.” Says blockwall, smiling and trying to make things better. >“Now, I will put you two through some mental excercises to…strengthen your bond.”
>>170846 >“And wuzzat sposed to mean?” Snarked Alice, as she crossed her arms and shifted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable. >“Alright, I have a little game for the both of you to try. >Now…what is your favorite part about your relationship.” >Blockwall looks between the two of them expectantly. > Stanley grunts and picks his nose, while Alice simply glares at him in response, her tail whipping back and forth with annoyance. >“Cmon…I know you can see others reedeemi-“ >“WE DONT GET ALONG!!” Screams Stanley, as he slams his fist on the table. >“Calm down Stanley, it’s perfectly understandable- >Alice interrupts her >“Whale, he’s rait! We don’t git aloung! He’s annoyin, groucheh, and ugleh as hayull!” Alice sneered, her tail lashing behind her in agitation. >“And you’re a deranged psychotic little chromedope! I’d rather sleep in my deathbed than in the same room as you! You’re a damn lunatic!” Stanley spits out his words venomously
>>170620 Do you think she'd be embarrassed to expose her tits to Jane or would she have them flopping out before Jane could even agree to taking a look at them?
>>170853 >Logic: Failure: You shouldnt do this Jane, You are not meant for this woman. This is Prime Beef, the peak of the peak, you are a rat. Gutter trash, You are undeserving of her warmth. To even feel the radiance of her smile for a moment is blasphemy, you are destined for the pits of lonely sorrow. Your personalities are opposed, you will only bring ruin to this woman, and whatever good is left in this world dies with her.
>>170849 >Alice’s eye twitched and she stood up, slamming her own fist on the table. >“Yeh callin me crazy?! Yeh dohnt even KNO me!” She hissed, her tail standing straight up in anger. >“Ok. Ok settle down you two.” Interrupts Blockwall, laughing a bit to try to make things less awkward. > “M’kay. How about I give you a guitar so you could calm your energies with the beauty of music m’kay?” >Stanley’s glare softened slightly as he sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. > “Tch, music, you say?” >Stanley rolled his eyes, “What, ya gonna hand out harps next? This is a load of bull." >“Blockwall laughs slightly. Just play the music and let your soul write the poem of your truth, m’kay..” >Stanley grumbled, “This is stupid.” But he accepted the guitar from Blockwall anyway. >"sumbuddy turn owff mah hearing functions cuz i dont wannuh hear dis!" cried out alice. >Stanley began to play the guitar, his fingers gently picking at the strings. >A soft, melancholic melody filled the room and for a moment, he seemed almost peaceful. >Alice watched him, her glare softening just a bit. She leaned forward, her tail flicking softly as she listened to the music. >Blockwall softly smiles. this is going well. >And then suddenly Stanley violently started shredding it and bashing it everywhere screaming! >“What the-“ Alice jumped, eyes wide in surprise. “What do yew think yer doin?!” >Stanley, in a sudden burst of anger, kept bashing the guitar against anything he could reach. >Blockwall looked mortified at this display, her eyes wide in shock. >“Ok Stanley, please. That is some…very nice music! Really makes me feel your confusion and….disorientation Mkay!” Blockwall says raising her voice. >Y’know I am actually something of an em-“ Stanley smashes the guitar to her head knocking blockwall out. >“Holy SHI-“ Alice flinched at the sudden violence, her hands on blockwall's body.
>>170858 >Stanley stood there, panting and staring at the unconscious counselor. >“W-wuh hell wuz thah for?! You killt the ol’ coot!” Alice exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock. >“She wouldn’t shut her damn mouth!” Replies Stanley, dropping the broken guitar. “She was just spouting some psycho babble about understanding our feelings blah blah blah.” >Alice rolled her eyes and groaned, “Oh puhleese, don’t give me that. You coulda’s just walked away, but naw, ya hadta bash her with that darn thing! Yew could’a killed her for crying out loud!” >“Oh, so you’re defending her now, huh?” Stanley says, his voice laced with sarcasm. “Of course you’d side with the robo now! If this was a human yo wouldn’t even listen! >This continued for hours until blockwall regained consciousness and sneaked away. >but as blockwall was heading to our car, she took another glance back at the house as the yelling was gone. >she looks out the windiw and sees alice and stanley kissing passionately with hatred for eachother >she flashes a kniwng smile, and makes her way back to her car.
>>170833 >>170835 Is nice! Is this based on the Alice streaming thing I siggested when someone asked for ideas weeks or months ago? In any case, I love it genuinely, ver very nice, could be me with the PS5 but then again I wouldn't run. Good escapism👍
>>170837 I just want to exist with Alice only I have no hopes or plans for this world, things been settled decades before I was even born and there will be no one better than Alice for me, I wish I was in CFL🎶
>>170838 Thank you! I appreciate it, thing with the scanner is these are drawn on pages of some sketchbook or what is it called, it is way easier to hide for me during day that way, don't need anyone to ever find this. Maybe I'll try scanning a few tomorrow.
If you had problems with your drone wife. Could HODR marriage counseler miss blockwall fix that? Drone to drone communication is important so she herself is a worker drone.
>>170846 >>170849 >>170858 >>170860 >>170866 Great premise, I'll save that one for tomorrow since it's late and I really need good stuff to look forward to! Don't delete it,
>>170881 >”ZEROO, KID! YER A FUCKIN DUMBASS! >literally no right answers. >”im sorry miss alice i tried my best.” >”You didn’t tra sheyut!!” >”no miss alice I swear” >”Get outta mah office!” >alice whips out a shotgun and scares you out.
>>170886 Spooky oil doll going inside of you through your mouth and right out your butthole and back through your ear and out through your other ear and into your sockets and out your nose and into your urethra.
Alice is for hugging snuggling and cuddling, needing and breeding, taking and mating, messing wirh and screwing with, all in all sense of the word I need to love that crazy sweet antlered little Southern spirited Wendigo machinelet so bad it is unreal
>>170876 Probably the multiseason version Liam was originally thinking. We'd see V kill her parents as it happens, later on in the season, and see the effect it has on her demeanor.
>>170895 Of course there is you dummy! you can still listen to her breathing, and by resting your head between those funbags, you can also hear her heartbeat.
>>170910 I don’t know, something about this video makes me feel fuzzy. Let's go to Heaven meme / Murder Drones And it’s not just this, some of the cozier stuff on the artists twitter makes me feel fuzzy.
>>170910 seeing >>170912's youtube link I would guess that Anon must find the approach foreigner fans have of the show to be refreshing and a fun novelty. We have specific westaboo threads back on good 'ol /co/
>>170918 It’s no so much the approach as is the art. Something about them feels nice. Like for example when it’s Christmas or Halloween and the characters are dressed accordingly, or even just the artists styles I don’t know call me a weeb but they feel nice.
>>170925 Cyntessa but no scarmarks, no dark eyes, no robotic hands, no nothin either this drawfag is retarded or you cant tell your tessas from your Cyns anymore anaon
>>170923 Anon is talking about making them mommies, too. And about the fetish thing, you can actually help your partner relieve stress with oiled breast massages, ask your obstetrician for more information.
>>170929 for the main trio it would be Uzi: *dies from bueno* V: Sideways disgusted expression N: ''Haha, okay buddy! :)''(doesn't actually know what you're talking about)
>>170927 She inherited most of her personality from her zesty dad, but is tiny like her mom. Actually, I think she might be too powerful if she turned out like that....