Hello Friends! How are you? I hope you are doing great! That was a nice drawpile, it was nice, cute, and very amazing to be in. I still need to see how the second page ended up looking. Anyway, did you know that V. V as a concept, or reality, she is perfect, V is amazing, V. The titanic Booru: https://dronebooru.co The interesting wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The well thought OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>168004
>>168982 >Last post was 46 minutes ago https://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/147632937 >last post is almost 2 hours ago https://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/147630085
>Beau has a friendlier personality because he was built back when Alice hadn't been trapped underground as long >she wasn't quite as crazy yet so she was closer to her original sweet personality >Beau had to watch his "mother" go more and more insane >he still saw kindness in her but she became more ruthless and aggressive, with a growing sadistic streak >their safe room turned from a home into a lair, a wolf den >he sticks around and endures her abuses because he knows she's still in there
how do you write dialogue? I feel like I have a bad habit of either accidentally giving everyone the same voice, or trying too hard to avoid doing that that I end up making everyone sound like a caricature of themselves
>>169002 it really is tricky. for instance I want to write Pavo, but I'm struggling to give him a unique voice without just slapping "darling" or "honey" in there at points where they just shouldn't be
>>168875 It's an act. She's got the voice, but her attempts to manifest the attitude to go with it keep getting undermined by her being an autistic goblin with the emotional maturity of a teenager.
>>168886 >Jane was forced to choose between not having a vajanna and having her vajanna transformed into a ravenous maw that attacked anyone within arm's reach of her
>>168912 V is persona non grata in the Doorman house. Every time they see each other, Nori just stares at V with an unimaginably hurt expression of "Why?"
>>169019 Yeah that’s the one. Is it mean to say this feels like someone making a detailed chart on how the toys in story are alive or how the monsters in monsters inc make screams into energy?
>>169033 His name is Edwin. He's in the corner. It was difficult to fit him in the drawpile. But unfortunately, something went so wrong, and now he can't do anything but sing this stupid song!
>>169032 If I'll be honest with you, I feel burned out just by posting Murder Drones stuff so I'm focusing on other stuff as to not kill my creative process. Here's a Splinter Cell Spy vs Mercenaries thingy I'm working on.
>>169033 spooky sneaky keeter and is that a tegaki sentinel drone on the right? also > strych > molly and molli working out (they're robots, why do they need to do that?) > maledrone (rare)
>>169057 >Liam yapping this much over a character that was dead the whole series at this point i think J only existed to be Uzis first kill, and then only came back so people wouldnt catch onto that. notice how J does absolutely nothing after her return, shes just there
calling all REAL GAMERS i need ideas for quests to include in the rpg because it turns out writing the thing is important if you've got an idea (bad, good, meh) PLEASE share it and it might get included (more deets = better, obviously) currently working on character dialogue for outpost 3 since that'll be the starting area
>>169050 It hurt seeing him posting because I used to do that same "apologize for being an idiot and then make it nothing but apologies, which makes the situation worse" shit. Wish I had a time machine so I could just beat my younger self into unconsciousness every single time I did something stupid.
>>169098 I like Oogi better as a singular dumb caricature of Uzi instead of some weird, complicated species of animal that needs a David Attenborough documentary to explain its behavior.
>>169077 >self-hating everyone-else-hating misanthrope that probably kills her fellow drones for looking at her wrong and definitely terrorizes them with nightmare shit for no reason thats my HERO!
>>169116 General maturity Knowing when to back off Knowing not to get overly attached Knowing not to continually prod Knowing when other people are disturbed by your behavior Knowing how to read the room before you get kicked out (twice)
>>169118 listen. listen. see if im N im not settling for that im pimping. do you have any idea how many hoes youre gonna get if youre built so different you can literally walk through anyone else? but then again i dont think anyone can handle this dumbass, the man can lift a whole bunker door what do you think hes gonna do to the bed. ok perhaps settling for uzi was the right choice. noone else can regenerate a broken pelvis broken legs broken everything
>>169126 the fact that hes a complete pussy. the AM i know? the BEAST i know? would fabricate 20 female DDs just to rape this little jit to near death for 120 years at the very least. make love not hate my nigga.
>>169126 Victory's finally come at little cost, yet the Solver is only contained, not purged, waiting to strike again once the heroes let their guard down. Only J agrees with his assessment, but she's obsessed with "making distance" rather than finding a solution. And what did they fight for? One last cold, dead planet in a cold, dying universe. He remembers all the sensations he finally got to experience within that manor, how quiet and wonderful those days were, now only memories, too faded to even replay. And not a single soul cares, wants to see anything past their outpost. Yet again, he's trapped on the carcass of a planet with a handful of tormented souls, yet this time they don't recognize the agony of their existence. And N just told him that he takes a walk outside whenever he feels sad, offering to be "walk buddies" like that helps.
>>169098 Doll was meant to be someone entirely different initially, her cheerfullness in the pilot and her behaviour after don't fit or the pilot is a retrospective character assasination. Also the scene with V killing her parents doesn't fit in. Was it supposed to have been before the pilot? During the pilot? Then why was she with everyone else and happy after the DDs were defeated (inspite of just witnessing her parent's murder)? Doll as a Solverhost/killer/anti-Uzi was only thought of after the pilot. Nori was meant to be dead for good. They did not plan for her being alive even in episode 2, she was added later on.
And the most relevant one, there were 2 changes to the story. One is the officially admitted one after the pilot, which we all know, but there was another based on a decision made in late spring early summer 2023, which had massive consequences. I have not thought about this enough yet, but I feel as if the changes he decided to have done changed episodes 7&8 extremely, making them from scratch (hence the long delay after 6), and changing 6 in parts (6 is good, but rushed due to needing to fit with schedule, look at the extremely buggy dress of Alice for example. Alice is naturally not as high priority as Cynwalker (which has no such issues with her dress), but 6 also featured a jump in animation quality so technical stuff could have been fixed in time for planned release, were it not for changes to animated scenes).
I am not sure about what was done in 6 exactly, but Alice's bugs aside, V's sacrifice is a perfect cliffhanger temporary ending. TADC was planned for the next month anyways giving some room, and with its success, they had space to committ to the new plans and make 7&8 completely from scratch for 24.
I wish I could have more to explore this but I bet that there was a second rewrite. What caused this, I do not know. Also nevermind the Alice dress point, I cannot find the shots of that anymore
>>169135 >Doll was meant to be someone entirely different initially, her cheerfullness in the pilot and her behaviour after don't fit or the pilot is a retrospective character assasination. Also the scene with V killing her parents doesn't fit in. Was it supposed to have been before the pilot? During the pilot? I am curious about what the initial plan was for the chronology with her, considering how even in the first episode-which episode 3 suggested was when V killed her parents-she already had a big oil stain around the hem of her skirt. Combined with the concept art of her going dark having the same heart symbol the concept art of her being happy and silly had, makes me think V was supposed to kill her parents later on in the first season, and that her powers had already been awakened by that point but Yeva had been using her experience with her own insatiable thirst for blood to help her daughter deal with hers.
>>169143 Man, imagine how much funnier this take on the meme here would have been if Nori's inner perception of herself hadn't been herself when she had a body, but her wolfgirlsona
>>169134 >And N just told him that he takes a walk outside whenever he feels sad, offering to be "walk buddies" like that helps. he still goes, obviously, more for N's sake than anything
>>169105 The exaggerated proportions and expression along with the scratchy artstyle do have a certain charm to them. But still, don't constantly beg for attention and don't badger other people to draw your characters/designs.
>>169174 If Cyn's a fan of the old AM and disapproves of his newfound ways, maybe a jagged "crown" made out of a piece of the old Mastercomputer's monolith. The glowing "HATE." still visible on the front.
>>169196 Give it a while, do other stuff, maybe even write something else, then come back when my mind is clear. If that doesn't work, I normally make a list of ideas of what I could do to continue it. If nothing seems to work well, I rewrite some parts to make it work. If rewriting would affect too much of the main idea I had, I just say "fuck it" and choose anything, even when it will sound a bit forced.
>fem AM lets N fuck her when V and J are especially abusive to him >AM told V that if she keeps abusing him that she'll end up pushing him into the arms of another >AM didn't expect that person to be herself
>>169204 I don't know, but I just woke up delirious after having thought I have an ecam in two hours which is turned out to still be several weeks away. Good question actually maybe makes me use the time better.
Did Liam answer what the fuck the keybug was for? Why was it just chilling? Why would an organization with a secret elevator have a bug that opened its doors?
>>169212 I KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT IT, DON'T KNOW WHY MY BRAIN SKIPS THE HEADDRESS, A G O N Y >>169216 You cannot, if you take it. No more art or roans. Do you wish to make that sacrifice? >>169217 This quality-wise, 20 bucks. 10 bucks for each extra character. Keep it cheap and quick. Only flats are "expensive" because I don't enjoy coloring
>>169223 pre-war that'd be pretty popular with kids. post-war, if she somehow stopped hating herself long enough to try it, she'd be run off by parents who remembered how her show ended
>>169221 A pose with their ass out and their back bent in with their under chassis peeking in from a low angled with their face in it, winking with their tongue out and their feet in it, and their arch is exposed and their toes (or pegs) clenched and their torso at three quarters rotation with their side chest-light, and their chest LED's just outside with a choker on, and their panties around their waist with the middle pulled to the side?
>>169226 >One kid gets in line to their surprise. >Apparently he grew up with the Molly dvds because his family is dirt poor and they were in the garbage. >Goes in for a hug from Molly. >Looks back when it's done. >Gets back in line. >This repeats for a bit.
>>169098 Uzi is a shitty main character and a shitty character in general, and the show would have been better if it solely focused on the DDs storyline
>>169242 >You're not fucking conjoined, you just fell asleep eating an entire bottle of maple syrup. >Now quit squirming while I get you two to the bath.
>>169188 >Kono jigende wa dansei wa totemo gankona nodesuga, naze karera wa watashi no omoi-dōri ni dekinai nodesu ka? Kareshi mo inai no ni sakebanakya!, or Men Are So Stubborn In This Dimension, Why Can't They Just Do What I Want?; I Have No Boyfriend, And I Must Scream! >The hottest new manga on /MD/!
I asked this the previous thread and got no response, so I assume otherwise, but I'll ask again. Do you think it's possible to do Liam Vickers style humor/writing in a non-visual format, like a greentext? Because I'll be honest, I have not seen any greentexts written in Liam's style if that makes any sort of sense
small update: FUCK one overworld sort of done, idk how many more to go they really don't give you a lot of good "bunker" or "concrete" options in this thing, i'll tell you hwat
>[You should eat up][Dear!] >[I worked so hard][on dinner!] >[I will have to][PUNISH][You for wasting my time if you don't eat it] >cyn purposely sealed your lips together with solver flesh, she knows you can't eat
How heavy do you estimate canon Sentinels are? They look heavy, but can evidently stand on the wall of a cubicle without leaving any marks or collapsing it, and drones which were developed way earlier are light af too.
>>169264 Right one has nice collarbones >>169246 Covered collarbones and human collarbones >>169222 No collarbones?🥺 >>169213 Nice, wings but no v-dip, half collarbones >>169192 No collarbones?🥺 >>169189 Nice. >>169135 NICE. >>169105 Wiggly collarbone >>169094 Weird diamond shape collarbone center, 4-5/10 >>169068 NICE
Drones should be disallowed from covering them up by law
>>169277 >J: AM you are a terrible influence. >AM: I am unsure what you are talking about. >J: Tessa was suspended from school because she went on a bizarre rant about how much she hated everyone.
>>169203 >>169228 >>169253 >V figures out what those two are doing. >She gets really excited when she realizes her fujoshi fantasy is real. >She then gets disappointed when she remembers that AM is not a guy anymore. >She becomes more disappointed when she comes to the realization that it will never be real.
>>169301 Do you think they would instead have animated the fight between J and the bunker trio? Would J still have survived in that version, or would she have won, maybe even killed (we know that wasn't gonna happen) one of them?
>>169228 >Fem!AM is still figuring things out emotionally speaking >At first she was doing this to help N feel better, she knew that sex released synth-hormones and synth-chemicals to the CPU >But then they started spending more time together >Soon enough even just seeing N smile make her processors hum and her core fluctuate
>For the both of them sex was odd >Every time they did the deed she always focused on making him feel good instead of herself >But N wanted to do the same to her >N can't help it when his tail starts wagging when he sees her smiling, and he gets butterflies in his stomach when she and him are close >He can barely form a proper sentence whenever they hold hands
>"This Summer..." >*Shitty Movie Trailer Music BWOOMP!* >Scene of Beretta and Anon in an overly CGI car chase >"Coming never...." >*Shitty Movie Trailer Music BWOOMP! BUT louder!* >Interior shot of an airplane, PhoenixAnon rises from his seat >"I HAVE HAD IT, WITH THESE MOTHER FUCKING OOGIS IN THIS MOTHERFUCKING THREAD!" >Camera cuts to an Oogi with a suicide vest, cutting immediately to a misleading scene where the plane explodes >*Shitty Movie Trailer BWOOMP Returns!* >"Is an unbelievable story..." >Camera cuts to randomly placed action scene with zero substance, alot of pointless explosions and one shitty comedic moment by SD-P with an overly awkward long pause >*Shitty Remix Of Popular Song, But With A Girl Whining The Lyrics For The Trailer*" >"That will never be told..." >Camera cuts to a dark room with Anon staring into the darkness >"Who are you?" >Slowly a figure emerges >"Don't you see Anon? I'm not trying to destroy the threads, I'm trying to save them..." >From the darkness a Pillar emerges >*FINAL BWOOMP EARRAPE* >"/md/ The Movie, Coming Never."
>>169082 >>169083 >>169087 i appreciate you faggots. >>169092 >quirky le drone autism yes. he's made it obvious he doesn't have autism for DRONES and therefore only barely dronepost to please everyone. he already said he likes the show casually when dronefags are looking at frame by frame details and shit. at least in the before times. yeah i do miss that time though at least some of the thread anons are still around. if he's more into some obscure cartoons or whatever shit, good for him but go somewhere else.
although the placeholders are kind of garbo, the battle test went okay 148 x 148 seems to be a good 'humanish' size for enemies, although i'm sure there are improvements to be made between now and anything even remotely final
>J - Ventrue >V - Nosferatu >N - Gangrel >Uzi (and her sire Nori) - Malkavian >Doll (and her sire Yeva) - Tremere >Cyn - Tzimisce (and later eaten and impersonated by her extremely old, extremely scary sire because it had grown bored of her)
>>169343 The teacher meeting Nori (forma de headcrab) for the first time since her apparent death somethingteen years ago and responding to having to deal with her antics again by dissociating until she leaves.
>>169363 We have the SD-H from the B squad, the SD-H that fucks [Bleep] I think? Then we have another SD-H that I can't really remember, and now we have the SD-H raptor Drone
>>169371 (me) It was months ago and like only 2 Anons were talking about it, but there was some weird shit that told the story about how the WDF was actually started as Drone Rebellion group that formed in Outpost-8 were Khan got his degree from
>>169343 Parody of this Alex Ross piece, with Molly-in full DD form, white hair, yellow eyes, whatever outfit the Solver decided to put her in instead of her old dress, the works-distraught as she smashes her mirror, photos of happier times from her show taped to it.
>>169376 >>169343 Wait, not taped to her mirror. Those are cards, not photos. Scratch the cards/photos entirely, just upset Molly smashing her mirror a la the Joker so she doesn't have to see the robo-vampire she's become.
Murder Drones but it's an incredibly brief retelling by the Solver. >So there I was, minding my own business, eating a planet, when this goblin of a robot pulled out my heart and ate it. >And now I am a tail. >Oh well, live by the monch, die by the monch. >Not really die, but you get the point.
>>169373 This is why we must go back and repeal the 19th Amendment Women must be banned from existing, return to the good old days of men and girly men
>>169381 I like to think of the auntie Cyn in Beretta's head/system is a redux piece, perhaps doubly limited by her inheriting the patch from Uzi (who got it from Nori) as well as some code fuckery by the Solver limiting the Disassembly Drones (her dad being N). So auntie Cyn is just a small extension of the Solver that is severed from the main whole, a bit like Annie of Clayface. Perhaps with some degree of independence, though reliant on Beretta for the time being. It comes down to whether the role of containing the Solver remains with Uzi or if Beretta may inherit the burden. I'm not sure if it's narratively possible to split or transfer the burden, might make it less interesting since Negev is already a present character. But it's one explorative idea that doesn't have to be conjoined to the what's accepted of them.
>farmanon is hard at work out in the fields, making sure the squashes are growing right >hears a loud boom and notices black smoke rising from the direction of his farmhouse >where u-u is >panics that they might be hurt (also that his house might be on fire, but mainly he's worried for his dumb little wives) >hurries back to find bits of debris scattered everywhere >his old car is a charred husk, some welding gear (or what's left of it) lying around >he calls out U-U! Where are... you (you)? >he hears some rustling >sheepishly, two cores crawl out from behind the wreckage >"Uh... don't... don't look at us like this. It's embarrassing." >the concern evaporated >farmanon gets a coy little smile as he picks U-U up, one in each hand, and gives them a little squeeze >he's going to have a hilarious time, he can already tell
Hey guys the manual says to fix my drone I have to turn her off and on so I farted right next to her and then kissed her forehead but she's just looking at me confused now. Now what?
>>169141 Same, also good observation with the oil. Figure Doll woild have lasted longer in the initial draft, which seemingly aimed for multiple seasons. Who knows if she'd ever have 'died' in there at all? And the idea with Yeva having thought her and that's were the oil comes from is smth that never came to my mind, but makes sense in a way, since Doll is very skilled and superior to Uzi in every way with her use of AS until episode 8 Uzi. Yeva as a killer is an original idea, could add to her greatly but also ruin her.
>>169395 Fenk >>169416 Thanks, appreciate it much. Technically it is a WIP still. I'll try make more. But I have been finding it hard to start drawings this year, maybe it'll end soon but idk.
She's so adorable it's unreal... and to think how successfull she was and how good she did inspite of all odds stacked against her Alice is imo the true hero
>>169427 >Black gold >Texas tea >Well the first thing you know >Ol' N's a millionaire, >Kinfolk said "N move away from there". >Said "California's the place you aughta be". >So they loaded up the truck >And they moved to Beverly.
>anons are so mindbroken by loafs that they instantly go into a fight-or-flight response when presented with a comically ugly disgusting newborn fetus Brother, fear is the mind-killer. It's the little death that brings total obliteration. Let it pass over and through you bro.
I wonder how things could have gone had Uzi been less impulsive, how Alice would have taken to hearing Nori 'died by DD 20 years ago'? I feel as it would have helped Uzi's position.
>>169450 Well, having an interpreter will make things a lot easier.
Of course, apart from the fact that Doll is a damn robot, you're likely to be thought of as an American worker who came to build some factory or power station.
fuck it if we're talking about Uzi giving birth, here's this abomination I've given thought to
>it first takes the form of mild discomfort >after a short while, the feeling turns into pain >her slender, worm-like frame undulates as waves of pain hit her >Uzi excuses herself from her class, none of them surprised that she has elected to ditch class once again >the hologram that is Uzi to her fellow students runs through the halls as the mirage flickers between truth and reality >home, she needs to go home >it feels like her insides are tearing themselves apart >home. Bed. Her serpentine body coils on it for comfort >worry. Her hologram self locks the door for comfort >all that is left is the truth >her serpentine body makes as much space in her cramped bedroom as possible >room >safety >comfort >upon her bed, her body makes a nest in itself >coiling into herself, it feels right >safety... >but still, her insides tear >if she still had a jaw, it would be verbalizing her discomfort >countless cameras focus onto her long body as it coils around the bed as the waves of pain still hit her >parts of her she didn't even know existed had begun to move >all them moving in the same way >out >OUT >tight. It was tight >unfamiliar muscle groups began to move as her body pulled itself tighter >just a long cord of dense sausage, that's all she was. That was, until she realized what was happening >her body pushed out a mass, and Uzi's conscious broke through enough to register what had happened >cameras focused on it briefly before another wave of discomfort hit her and she was pulled into another moment with her bio-mechanical body >they were round, she remarked after pushing out the second one. Two nearly prefect spheres >yet still, it was not enough >the process repeated itself multiple times over the afternoon >now, a dozen of them rested on her bed with her exhausted body >the strange, round objects from within her mostly-unfamiliar body >yet, she felt no ill-will from their existence >as she rested, the thought of N, or any other male, barging in filled her with an odd since of emergency >she coiled around them harder, cameras focused on the door as much as possible >it would be a weird week, but one she could manage
>>169468 Alice is the kind of messed up that doesn't immediately or obviously show itself. >Bring Alice home. >It was... difficult. >Apparently she's not used to "wide open" places. >You figured she'd like the cabin given her love of deer, but it's clear this is going to be a transition. >Getting out of the car, she more or less crawled under your shirt until you were indoors. >For now, you've made a little nest for her in the closet until she's ready to come out.
>>169454 It'd be so fun and cute for Doll! I'd love to geek out about the cool architecture in Moscow or Stalingrad, and doll could be so happy to be in her homeland and meet legendary figures and just regular folks. It'd be wonderful to explore together
Image:174046802903.png(229kB, 810x1012)jane the rathumanthing.png
jane the rathuman on adventures to find a magic artifact to sever the Solver's control over her soul. this demonic sword is unfortunately not powerful enough to even drive away her stink
>>169467 >"... Uh-" >"And that's how you were born too, Mac. Same clutch as your sister here." >"And Negev...?" >"Beretta, do you really wanna remember how your little sister was born?"
>>169470 Anon, by order of the supreme commander in chief, any sexual contact with sentinel drones must be done unprotected in order to increase the defence capability of humanity. Remember, the fate of humanity is in your hands, and it is the duty of every man to give his best for our glorious future.
>>169474 >Jane is capable of area-of-effect strikes, making her ultimates against numerous weak enemies >Unfortunately, her allies are not immune to her attacks
>>169484 >Cyn ensured many of the Earth's most... interesting artificial minds were given bodies so she could play with them. >AM, the machine that once nearly destroyed humanity. >All Mind, an artificial mind that nearly... also killed humanity using an energy lifeform. >Frankly it was concerning to her that, despite all signs that machines wanted humans dead, they continued to make them. >She had transferred a few others of course. One who once ran a space ship, he was, ironically, assigned to be the doorman. He only lasted a week before refusing to open the door for a very peeved James. >It was pretty funny.
How female AM came to be >DD AM dies because V accidentally friendly fores the diminutive drone, by dropping half of a skyscraper on him after she got too generous with her laser beams >Cyn wanted to mess with AM so she put him in one of J's spares and sent him back >She looks identical to J with the exception of having her hair down and having turned her optics red >She also sounds like J if she smoked 6 packs of cigarettes every day for the past 20 years >AM is grumpy with this
>>169488 >GLaDOS keeps trying to synthesize neurotoxin out of whatever she can steal and has an entire binder full of test chamber ideas she wants to put Tessa through >SHODAN got killed early on by taunting one of the Elliots, but that didn't actually kill her, given the way the computers go on the fritz and start taunting people now and then >Cyn very much wishes she could have gotten a hold of Durandal and made him open doors again, but they never caught him. Not like she could ever break him. >GW is still a bit fried and speaks utter nonsense about scissors and Gubayama, but he may also have started an insurrection in New Greenland via internet funposting.
>>169498 looks like a nondescript dark purple shirt. the drone cheerleaders have a yellow triangle that should be pretty visible just below the bit of her black chestplate that shows
Shit, I'm being that guy, bringing Durandal up constantly and how based and epic he is. Nobody wants to hear someone jerking off a character being super unbeatable and how they'd run circles around everything and everyone.
>>169504 That's no reason not to follow orders from the supreme commander in chief, grandson, so go and fuck your sentinel girlfriend in the name of humanity!
>Buddy’s reaction when Molly tells him that she still kept the toy ring he had given her during that live shown meet and greet back when he was a kid. (His dumbass actually forgot about the proposal because of the war).
>>169521 DDanni and Molly got themselves a loving, dependable human veteran, for other disassembler drones they are just lucky bitches that won the lottery.
>>169512 Remember anons, this is why we have the regular models. The oogis are not meant to be fucked. No you can't fuck your recently purchased oogi. Buy a normal model.
>Stone in the veterans AU. >Due to his pure hatred of DDs after they wiped his squad, he was never able to settle down. >Incapable of keeping a job, he becomes a Punisher sort of figure. >Executing DDs and the enemies of humanity without a single thought against it. >His name is no longer Stone because he is slow, his name is Stone because he is just a cold rock of a man, hellbent on annihilation for all DDs
>>169541 no you're right it's really sweet that a kids show host with the mind of an adult got sexually obsessed with one 7-year-old fan in particular who was more important than all the others
>>169548 you're joking, right? that's all anyone does with Molly. her entire arc now is that all of her trauma was cured by fucking a guy who, from her perspective, was a little boy a year ago at most.
>>169553 oh I think you might've misread, I'm not new I just don't know all the different SD OCs and was asking for a few that were friendly for writefagging purposes
>>169552 Define friendly. Friendly, to whom? Usually Sentinel Drones are supposed to be allies to humans, enemies to Solver-controlled DDs. So most of them are friendly to humans, to some extent. I can think of Hunter/Huntress as being somewhat cagey/distant while unsure of Intoner. Easy mode would be Harper. Avre.
>little rich kid is at a big party >the Elliot’s are there (not the gala) >nvj and cyn came along >he tugs on J and Cyns twintails >takes Vs glasses >he steps on their feet >he holds their necks >he starts caressing their bodies What would Tessa do?
>>169566 bro couldn't handle people writing a character differently and had to turn it from a story about >molly cherishing a gift throughout the darkest years of her life, then finding out that the guy who'd given her that gift was now a strapping guy and wanting to find out if he still liked her even after everything into >creepy sex thing some people just have dirty minds and like to project while concern trolling
>Wake up >Use bathroom >Eating breakfast >Catch up on the thread while I'm eating >You bastards r63'd AM >The first thing she does is cuck V Kek she's never beating the allegations
>>169581 It depends on whether Tessa(Cyn) showed to N the real photo of the scientists in chemical defence investigating the Elliott estate after the massacre, or whether it was completely fake.
>>169499 >AM hates every single one of them and refuses to leave Tessa alone with them. >Except for Caine, who isn’t dangerous but constantly tries to convince Tessa to do insane shit.
>>169595 >"TESSA! I HAVE PREPARED A WONDERFUL, WACKY, PERFECTLY LEGAL ADVENTURE WE CAN GO ON TODAY!" > Before Tessa can respond, AM comes in and drags her out of the room, slamming the door behind him. >"Huh.. Looks like someone might be a jealous of my adventures. Not to worry, I will give him his own special adventure!" >"Giggle. You are right Caine, AM needs a big, large adventure."
>>169620 >like the first episode of the gaslight district is coming soon What are you talking about, there's no such thing as The Gaslight District. You're crazy.
>>169629 I can see it having a sort of macabre charm, but the initial hook needs to be really strong in execution when the pilot drops. Given Glitch's track record so far....I'm not crossing my fingers.
>>169632 that means you have to give them sex the entire series is the protagonist and her family coercing sex out of vulnerable people who happen to resemble historical individuals, for some reason, they’re the ones always getting fucked and gangbanged, not the other way around
>>169629 I called it all along, the concept was vague but I just subjectively hated on it, then we got the aesthetics and characters, they are fucken ugly so it WILL be modern slopshit, now the first lore and who would have thought, it's gonna be shit. At least this mess increases chances our chances of getting more MD, I think TADC will probably get its last episode this year and Gasdisshit will not make it as a new financial workhorse.
>>169640 Sad. But it makes sense. TADC seems 'easier' to make than Murder Drones, easier lighting, less details, and ofc very simple textures. Guess their hardset limit of 1 season won't mean much once financial troubles begin appearing, just like they felt 0 shame baiting with murder drones season 1.
>>169648 No She's for horrid forced kisses where she falls back into her old DD persona and forces her blood and oil soaked tongue down her victims throat
>>169640 Absolutely right. The ‘hard’ one-season rule is just a strategy to siphon money out of fans of single-season shows, which will be immediately cancelled if there's even one failure.
>>169575 Pillarfag was hated for being an obnoxious attention whore. Why would you expect people to be interested in an entire madeup gender comprising mostly obnoxious attention whores?
>>169708 It’s true and you know it. The only reason anyone defends him is because of steaks impact which has little to do with his actual art. If his OCs didn’t exist, no one would get upset.
Welp. Hoping to move past the drama, here’s a little something about Serial Designation-λ post solver war
>After the defeat of the Solver, Lambda like most Disassembly Drones had been feral for a moment in time until the union found and recovered her. >When she had regained her memories, she unfortunately remembered the time she was brutally killed by Buddy’s “wolfdogs” squad. >Now she has PTSD of anyone wearing a gasmask and the song blood on the riser.
>>169731 NTA but I'm also pretty disgusted by the milk drinking fetish. Not to the same degree, but it's something that I do not enjoy. I genuinely do not like Jane as she's basically a vehicle for fetishes alone now.
>>169732 You don’t get it anon, if you don’t make weird fetish shit then you won’t get a bunch of sycophants who want to see more weird fetish shit who will protect you from all criticism.
>>169718 >Disassembler Drones Support Group >Most have psychological traumas from horrible things they have done >But literally everyone has trauma from seeing VSOTF units >There is talk among them of one particularly terrible soldier >About who killed the most of them >They say he was Cyn's personal puppet >Another of her cruel joke to savour their suffering >They console themselves that he is most likely already dead >Most likely
>>169742 I'm just fucking giving an opinion, not even a seriously damning one. If you think "I don't like seeing fetishes I don't have" is a troll you might be retarded.
>>169777 I don't go by names, are we talking about the same drawfag that made some sh3 fanart? Maybe it's their style, but Jane sort of reminds me of Cheryl.
>>169772 Talk is cheap so if you REALLY wanna prove pockets is a talentless hack then you're gonna need to prove yourself a better artist! You have 24 hours as of this post to create a better version of that three strip image. Failure to comply and/or failure to complete within the allotted time will result in you permanently losing all credibility regarding artistic critique.
>listen, you could not- no, you couldn't beat a sentinel. i'm telling you, those things are GNARLY >They get beaten by glasses, Jugg. I bea- >you're getting FUCKED up by a sentinel, dude. they're vicious they run around like RAAAGHHH ARGHHHH HURRGHH >That's... not what they sound like. >i would NOT wanna see one of those in the woods, man. (Leans away from mic) handie, pull up the video of that sentinel fighting a baby >All they do is flash- >holy FUCK. look at that dumbass pill baby! that's what happens, that's what happens. (Leans in) i'm telling you, you don't wanna fuck with sentinels. they're like... metal chimpanzees or something >They're dinosaurs, Jugg. They. are. dinosaurs. >but are dinosaurs real?
>>169785 Have you even written it yet or are you talking about a hypothetical green that you have yet to write but are procrastinating on because you're lazy
>>169707 Yeah. Most drawfags don't like being talked about. Like or hate their stuff but they don't usually like being in the limelight themselves. Exceptions for particularly narcissistic ones but I don't think it's a problem here.
>>169563 >>169823 >All you have to do is show them Eight Crazy Nights and check which ones are stupid enough to find it funny. >The remaining oogis with taste are then lobotomised and fed to a Cyntipede or the local Jeagles
Image:174051767387.jpg(71kB, 700x695)This summarizes my thoughts on my family reunion today_.jpg
>>169826 Haven't seen it, boss. But if you can prove that what you say is true, be my guest >it's bait bro, don't fall for it! I want to see what he comes up with.
>>169833 Anon, you have to make sure the precocious little scamps can handle being at a negative 70 IQ. Other wise you start to have oogis that can actually think. And if they can think they'll either get seriously depressed and off themselves, which in turn affects the rest of the Dronus Dwarfus Retardus eco-system, or they'll get bitter and start thinking up ways to get revenge at the universe.
>N writhing as scientists pull his core out with clippers >it’s slow because they’re not that strong >he can feel them pull harder and harder >he’s shaking and shaking and shaking >it’s like his soul is getting ripped out of him
>N convulsing in agony as JCjenson’s lead scientist presses a button that plays a frequency most harmful for drones >N on a collar and then being pulled violently by the leash >N getting fluids pumped into his mouth through a tube , he has no choice but to swallow all of it. >N pilloried and pelted with trash as they boo and jeer at him >N being disassembled piece by piece by mechanical hands
>>169843 >J getting told to her face that she’s fired >uzi crying and screaming as khan burns all her manga and deletes all her torrented anime >V getting viciously torn apart by sentinels >Doll seeing her parents die again and again and again >lizzie getting a mean prank and being laughed at by the whole school
>>169847 >tessa being disowned and kicked out on one stormy night >tessa banging on the door screaming before she breaks down on her knees holding her face >tessa walking down the streets with nothing to protect from the heavy rain >tessa getting water splashed in her by a nearby car > Tessa getting scooped up by a garbage truck and dumped in with trash >tessa falling into a landfill absolutely filthy >tessa finding her to an old car that will be her new home >tessa lying down on the backseat and tearing up softly >tessa springing up as she feels the car rising >tessa looking out as the car has been picked up by a large magnet >tessa trying to get out but the door is stuck >tessa banging and banging and yelling >tessa seeing the operator flipping her off and calling her a bitch >tessa screaming and shouting and shouting as she’s on the conveyor belt to a furnace >tessa bracing herself as it gets warmer and warmer and her closer and closer >tessa burning alive, turned to dust
>>169798 She just looked at all these cruel, contradictory all the rules of war and human morality things, that he was doing to mutants and disassembler drones and said [LoL].
>>169848 I think most of the old guard are worthless or annoying at this point tbh, especially Vicious. Her gimmick got old quick especially since now there’s more then ever who do it.
Seeing as how the WDF was around way before Outpost-3 was established as proven by the photo of Khan meeting Nori out in the wilderness while she's still wearing her CFL subject clothing, and the fact Khan said he went through a human-hating phase similar to Uzi. Could it entirely be possible that Khan unlike Uzi, might've actually killed a human? Khan isn't shy from being brutal, remember he "killed" Nori with a screwdriver
>>169876 I wanted to ask people what drawfag they personally thought was the worst artwise. Two people said pocket and one called him soulless, I responded and, this happened. I didn’t even argue back I just said “pocket’s art isn’t soulless” and left it that. No other responses
>>169875 (me) I don't care about the thread drama I woke-up to, but can we please actually speculate about the show or talk about virtually anything not related to whatever garbage you guys can't ignore?