Image:174032081214.png(276kB, 1120x1680)emily (murder drones) drawn by mercurialmorose - 2dae705fe3ec3e979673ecedc80fd241.png
Hello, all you people WHO SHOULD BE IN CHURCH RIGHT NOW I hope you are doing well, but WHY AREN'T YOU IN CHURCH? The humongous Booru: The intriguing wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The very meticulously constructed OC wiki: The last Thread: >>167072
Anon, what do you think Liam is doing right now? As much as I'd like to think he's mulling over the plot of a new show, or maybe a second season of Murder Drones, our autistic is probably just aut right now, and it's hard to blame him for that.
>>168041 It's hard to tell, I hope MD is still on his mind, I do believe in season2 assuredly. 26-27. Still believe it. If hes's gonna do smth new I couldn't imagine what, abandoning these awesome designs would be a travesty. Md will return on God fr
>>168040 >with the ding of a kitchen timer and an eruption of steam, a freshly built Miku slowly rises from the floor behind Jenny Lacrimiku by Magibauble
>>168047 Ol reliable I have gotten way better with details and proportions (this one has near double the amount of arm segments as the canon one, also the neck is too long), but it's a great idea and well executed, with a full and finished background. Back in the day I drew this in 5-6 hours over two days, impossible these days.
>>168027 I'm glad an effort was made, but the green is still included with the others. I just wanted it to be a sweet, platonic way for their relationship to be. instead it's made creepy by being included with the others
Since we have Beretta x Anon and Beretta x P greens, the voices in my head have been yelling at me to make a Anon x Beretta x P threesome green. Should I do it to stop going full schizo?
>>168104 Nigga I've got five jobs worth of work to do, studying, applying, coding, reading, and having a life offline and online You've got time coming out your ears, I can tell
>>168105 I do have a life outside there threads as well but I manage my time to do things that I find appealing such as Anon and P spitroasting Beretta. You can't stop me.
>>168112 You're the one impersonating ME, nigga. P is getting those cheeks spread and Beretta is getting her back blown out whether you like it or not.
If Tessa somehow lived but grew fearful of drones afterwards. How would JNV and the others react if they find her but she thinks they are going to kill her?
>>168148 Nta but the entire composition of this one is pretty good, Uzi isn't just in center, everything relevant is, She is almost framed by her own legs and N's arms and body. The claws above and below also work well. How does this hatch covering her adapter work? Does it have a hinge, or does it get off in one piece?
But genuinely how would you explain the presence of such a light on her pelvis? This cannot be a bug right? It is right there, just like the other chestlights, do you think there are such smalles ones down there as well?
>>168158 This is on her pelvis, see the edge visible through the gown? The slightly reflective black is her bare tummy, there is a clear line on the bottom, the light is 100% on her pelvis. What is this?
>>168163 damn, yeah. it'd be difficult for any drone to acclimate, but for Molly who used the full range of her bendy limbs it must have been another heartbreak. she could never have the same expressiveness or spring in her step
>>168026 Cute. Not often I see artists draw the nanite tail as they look in the show. Sure I don't mind design changes but I already like how the characters look in the show style. Going away from it is like balancing compromises.
>>168159 Wait a secound I literally never noticed that, probably a texturing error when they where making the emission map. since it's on the cloths and not coming from behind a rip
>>168169 Likely you are right, but see the slight hue above and slightly to the upper right? With some imagination this can be interpreted as white of her pelvis front, the orange light as dim as is would lessen its shine compared to the black splotch (on the dress) around this, which would normally make the white of a small hole very visible due to contrast. But the light's shine is too bright and hides the white.
>>168157 I don't think they would be pretty upset, seeing the cold and defensive way with which V and N treated "Tessa". It is likely that they were only her friends because they could not refuse in their role as working drones.
Want a green? >I was sitting down, a little Worker Drone beside me, as well as two Disassembly Drones, one female, one male >My mission was to kill the Worker Drones, but it felt wrong to do it, I didn't want to harm the one that was on my side >I couldn't figure out why I didn't want to do it, but I just wouldn't do it >Now that I think a bit, I couldn't figure out who they were; this felt frustrating >I started to try, try my best to know who they were, but it felt impossible, the only thing in my mind was noise >The memory files, were unreadable, like something was stopping me >But then, some images started popping in my mind, old memories, ancient ones, being readable just now
>I didn't remember much of my past, besides just appearing out of nowhere, and working as personal >Personal of a diamonds store, I remember working there, helping clients find whatever they needed >Not much I could think of, my mind was always stuck to that, stuck doing only my job >It was weird that I didn't see a human in the room with those three >But I kept remembering >Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, doing my work >Some humans were nice, like some co-workers, some were horrible, mostly clients and my boss >There was a robbery, I remember a big flash and then a big jump >A jump that lasted a long time, a lot of my memory is missing, just blank space where my memory is supposed to be >It is not like it was deleted, it is more like it was never there to begin with like I was asleep all that time >Weeks just non-existent, and then memories were readable again >I remember being so different after that blank time
>A new body, a new feeling, a new hatred >I remember having a prime objective, to kill and eat the Worker Drones of Outpost-29 >I remember them being fierce fighters, with old gun technology >One time they were able to ambush me, being able to take me down for a few hours before my body regenerated to working condition >I couldn't blame them now, I have memories of eating many of them, to the point I lost count >But there is a feeling, of guilt and regret with that, the fact I ate and killed so many of them, felt horrible >I couldn't understand why, I didn't know them, but the regret was there, did I feel it when I was doing it? Is the feeling a memory, or am I feeling it just now? >I can't differentiate the feelings, the only thing I can do is keep remembering >And I did
>It was like this for years, killing, eating, and bringing the bodies to the spire, it was never too big >At one point I was screamed at by a Disassembly Drone, it looked somewhat similar to the female one that was with me in the room >The screams, I can hear them, being 'the worst team', they were the ones with the lowest kills of many groups >Yeah, I had a group, I was not the pilot, nor the boss, I was just there to do my objective, no more >We were Disassembly Drones under JCJenson orders, but there is a feeling that this is wrong >Yeah, it was wrong; more memories are readable, we were under the command of a horrible creature, a powerful one, more powerful than anyone or anything >The objective we had, was forced upon us, and that is why I feel guilty, I didn't want to do it, it felt horrible to do it, all the time, not just at the end >Because there was an end to this nightmare, of this awful work >One day, its presence went away, like a giant weight was gone, and a feeling of freedom could be felt
>It was told around the planet, that whatever was controlling us, was destroyed, gone forever, I felt happiness, the massacre would stop, and we would be free >And then, a Worker Drone from the outpost visited us, just to talk, we agreed to talk >A long talk; they had a giant supply of oil, there was no need for murder anymore, and we agreed, one of us wasn't so happy, but accepted anyway, the female one >It was a long, but steady process of the outpost accepting us, I remember that after a couple of years, they even liked us >But the female one, D? Yes, D, still wasn't happy, preferring to just go away after a year, she couldn't just live with them, she still felt hatred, and disgust with them, but she would let us live our happy times, she wouldn't kill anyone, so she just left
>With time I met someone, a Worker Drone, and soon enough, it was my partner >I loved them so much, I remember that somehow we were able to have a pillbaby, then soon enough, it was a Worker Drone >I had a beautiful daughter, she was the love of my life, I couldn't stop myself from loving her, not that I would've >I also still talked with D, visiting the capsule that we arrived in, talking to her, bringing her supplies, and spending time with her; she still didn't want to come back >I could feel a tint of sadness, maybe she was just too proud
>>168197 >But I guess happiness isn't supposed to last long; there was an attack, an ambush, and another group of Disassembly Drones, I guess some were still loyal to that monster >It was 2 against 3, it was not going to be easy; I can remember that day very clearly, more clearly than any day >We were losing, the male DD, O, his name was O, got shot in the leg and arms, and one of the Disassembly Drones stabbed me through my arm >It wasn't regenerating, I guess without that monster, that eldritch magic that kept us repaired didn't work >The magic was low enough to keep us alive and somewhat functional, but not repaired all the time >The worst part, in the ambush my daughter was shot, multiple times, she was lucky to be alive, but oil was coming out of her, and I didn't know how much she would survive >And then, out of nowhere D appeared, just arriving she was able to wound one, stabbing one in the abdomen with her sword, weakening him >The fight really went our way for a moment, but I distracted myself, just for one second, but it was enough >O was being attacked by two at the same time, and one was putting me and D barely at bay >I wanted to save O, so I attacked the enemy's sword with mine to run and kick on the visor of one of O's opponents >I was able to save him, but the one I ran from was going to attack me from the back >D went right behind him, she was fast, the fastest of the three, she tried hitting him, but that Disassembly Drone pushed her sword away >She was able to put herself in the middle of the Disassembly Drone and me, and then he attacked, she was going to hit the enemy's sword like I did >But he faked her out, and stabbed right through her core, she grabbed his sword and beheaded him in a moment >The last one got distracted and got killed by O >But that didn't matter, D was on the floor bleeding out, I tried to call an engineer, but she stopped me >I still remember what she said to me >"We are too different... an engineer isn't going to... do anything..." I can't remember what I said, but she answered "Just let me... say something to you... I'm sorry... for being so prideful... I'm sorry, for not... being here... I should've lived here... you looked so happy, to... the point I'm jealous, I really... would've liked, to live... with you all, I'm... Sorry... Forgive me... Save your daughter... You know what do..." >Then her LEDs went out; the pain still feels so strong >And she was right, the engineer couldn't do anything, the damage was too great, and the fucker that stabbed her twisted his sword creating too much damage to be repaired >But my daughter was still alive, and the possibility to save her was there >Her body was very much unworking, except her core, but they didn't have compatible pieces for her model, nor any spare Worker Drone body >They didn't know how much time her core would survive without a working body, they didn't have the pieces needed for long-term survival >And then I understood 'you know what to do', it was risky, but having a normal core on a DD body might work
>It did work, barely, I was able to see her blue LED eyes turn on >Her body overheated quite easily, and the response time of her movements was slow, but she was alive, and she survived >She slept a lot every day to not overheat and cause damage to her core, but she could have a normal life >Now I knew who were the people in the room with me, my partner, my daughter, and my friend
>The Worker Drone, is my significant other, after that I remember long walks, long talks, its warmth with mine, trying to comfort me >Her image was still there, but my daughter changed her clothes and used a different color and style of hair to make the process easier >The process of understanding my friend is no longer there >My family did their best >It worked, with time the pain was still there, but I was able to keep going even with it, even with the loss of a friend, who even after all, was there to help and defend me >She was a good friend
>With time I started adventuring outside to get some pieces on an abandoned outpost, pieces to upgrade my daughter >For her to have a better quality of life >It took some time but she was almost as active, fast, and responsive as a Disassembly Drone, thanks to her new body and different internal upgrades >She even asked to help me on the finding of new pieces, which I agreed to >It was a fun time, just going to abandoned outposts or places, and looting what was needed, I taught her a lot of stuff >But then again, happiness didn't last forever
>>168199 >I guess while we were looting, the place had run part of its course, because the ceiling collapsed right above us, thankfully, it was just a normal building, I could survive some heavy concrete >I pushed my daughter out of the way, but I wasn't fast enough to move myself >I remember her face of horror when she turned back, when she saw me, a rebar struck me, from who knows where, that was heavy enough and went fast enough to penetrate my body and impale me >The fear- no, the terror and anxiety I felt when I saw that the rebar went right through my chest, has no comparison >I tried to calm her down, I can't remember what I even tried to say, but soon enough all went black >I woke up being dragged to the snow, then blackness, then being on a table, then blackness, and finally, on a bed >The engineer repaired me the best they could, but my core was damaged, I was lucky to be alive
>My core now was a ticking time bomb, the engineer said they would do their best to investigate any type of upgrade or new ways of repairing it so it is not that way >If they didn't find anything, one day I would turn off, and never turn on back again, due to irreparable damage >I trusted that I would be fine in the end, Disassembly Drones are resilient, strong, and almost immortal >But that trust slowly went away with time, every time I talked to the engineers of the outpost, no good news where available, nothing >The fear invaded my mind, the fact I could actually die, no longer be able to see my love, my daughter, my friends, no one, just darkness at some point
>But it got worse, I remember slowly forgetting things, simple things, like where I left some stuff, where I was going >Then it got worse, forgetting where I was, and what I was doing, the files of my memory were getting corrupted, unreadable >Then, sometimes I forgot my friend's names, I couldn't remember them, sometimes I remember, the corruption was able to be repaired most of the time >Until it couldn't, I started to forget my oldest memories >That's why I couldn't remember until so recently, the corruption is repairing again >No, I remember more >Sometimes I started to turn off for a few seconds, and I started to forget things permanently >Memories corrupted forever, unable to be readable again, the times I powered down by accident became longer and longer >I remember now, I talked to my engineer about this, and he said- >He said... I had no much longer... >That's why I didn't remember at first my family, my friends >That was yesterday, my engineer gave me at best a day or two, my life is running short >I'm dying
>My daughter is crying, I hate seeing her like that, sad >My core is trying its best to repair itself, but without that eldritch magic, is no use, it will break again >This morning, I woke up after being 17 hours off, it was the signal that my time was over >Everyone on the outpost threw me a party, a nice thing, some happiness before I died >Everyone was putting on a smile, but as soon as I saw anywhere else, I could see with my top eyes, that their smile broke >Just sadness, they didn't want to see me gone >My darling broke in crying in the middle of the party, the sorrow couldn't be held back any longer >My beloved hugged me while crying, sobbing >Everyone else broke down crying too, everyone ran to hug me, saying how much they would miss me >When the party was over, I was moved to a bed; I'm sitting on the bed >Everyone said their goodbye, and they left, to leave me with my significant other, daughter, and best friend, all alone >Just the four of us here, my daughter was just crying, putting her face against my chest, I just could pat her chest >I don't know if I forgot how to fear just now, or if I'm ready to die >O was trying his best to not cry, I could see him trying his best to put on a smile until he couldn't anymore >My love was hugging me while crying too, hugging me tight, with warmth >I guess it was a good way to die, surrounded by people that love you >"Sorry, it was all my fault... Forgive me" Said my daughter "It's not your fault, we can't see the future, even with how fast we are, I couldn't move in time" "If I was not-" >"Who knows, maybe if you weren't there, I would've died there, alone, your presence just gave me more time to live, thank you" She just cried louder, my rowdy little girl >"I will miss you, so much" O said "I will miss you too" I answered >"Please, don't go" My lifelong love, the person who was there for me, the one I loved the most, was hugging me as strongly as they could "I'm sorry, but that's not my choice, or yours. I love you, and I will, forever" >"I love you" And after hearing that, everything started going out >My sight, my hearing, my pain, my warmth... Here it comes, death
Image:174034602111.png(312kB, 900x2582)DO NOT press further Cynthia.png
>>168047 While it is more of a character thing than about artistic quality (I am more about gags than pretty pictures anyway) I have always really liked this one. Because it shows that Solverless Tessa is still not quite over her emotional trauma from James and Louisa even though she has a MUCH better grip on it than in the earlier comics and greens while not resorting to giant walls of text for melodrama (only a very obvious visual aid).
But let’s spin the question around, what do (you) thik my best work is?
>Showing the barest amount of kindness to Tessa at a party! >Slowly becoming the object of obsession for her as you become the prey to a sleeping yandere.
>>168216 Like the sheets. Other pics on the walls. What do you think why her nailpaintingfluid is yellow? What could that possibly be? It has other uses in Lizzy's srrvice and you know it
>>168216 GOD she's funny man, wow, she- she's pro- Lizzy is the funniest girl that I know, I think I can say- you know what I mean? I think I can say that now. I think she should do standup, y'know what I'm saying?
>male platypuses have hollow spurs on their hind legs that are connected to venom glands, the venom is painful but not lethal to humans >80 types of venom >female platypuses produce milk to feed their young, but they don't have nipples, instead, the milk oozes from mammary glands and collects in grooves on the mother's skin >scientists initially thought the platypus was a hoax, but eventually came to accept it as a real animal >platypuses are monotremes, which means they lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young >glow in the dark >platypuses close their eyes, ears, and nostrils when diving underwater, they use their bills to sense electric fields from nearby prey >an equally cobbled-together array of avian, reptilian and mammalian lineages that may hold clues for human disease >platypus doesn't have a stomachs, instead, its esophagus connects directly to its intestines >native to australia >very adorable when life and death temporarily changed roles, this was what he had created
>>168237 >>168237 I would assume that VSOTF units would be essentially military special forces, elite in the truest sense of the word, and they would carry out missions received directly from the central headquarters without obey to local commanders, so as not to waste the strength, lives and time of such extremely valuable soldiers on local level tasks like rescuing civilians.
>>168285 >>168286 I told vicious about a setting I’ve been working for a longtime, I told her one of its earliest iterations involved woody woodpecker being the captain of a cruise ship that the head of senpai from yandere simulator on its mass. Apparently that convinced her I was underage.
>>168287 Silence, child. You're an autistic kid who needs to get banned. Nobody gives a crap about Disney in a MD drawpile and whatever your sperg OC autism is.
>>168288 Nah, that’s not the reason. They let that slide. I think this is my real last post here. Part of the reason I stuck around here was to participate in a draw pile. So, I’m out. For realists.
>>168291 I mean, people were drawing spamton and sprunkis in there. So that’s not weird. Also I was just telling her that because she had a setting of our own and so did I. >>168292 Yeah I’m weird like that. It was a funny idea to me all those years ago.
>>168281 No joke. It's a Murder Drones drawpile and you kept up with unrelated bs. If I were in there, I'd ask you to get removed too. How hard is it to just take it down a notch and draw some drones. Quit wasting people's time and find somewhere else that's actually relevant to your interests. Murder Drones clearly isn't your thing and this isn't a social circle.
>>168298 It’s not entirely my thing, but I’ve grown a sizable interest in it. And again, they were drawing Sprunkis and amonguses in there. I was banned because vicious got the impression I was underage because of an out of pocket idea that yes, sounds like something a kid would think of
>>168047 Still probably this one, I still get these manic jolts of creative energy where my actual drawing performance improves fairly significantly, and without that my drawings still tend to come out rough, or I burn out before I can finish what I wanted to get drawn.
I have to thank you guys for helping me improve my art. The thicker lines did WONDERS.
Goodbye everybody!
To vicious, i hope your setting with the radioactive girl gets done. Hope I find out the name so I could check that out. To pocket, hope you have a good life away from your mom To grim, hope you do a webcomic your art is good. To smileanon, your one happy fella I’d like to be your friend. To potatosalad, still sorry about that rat. To everybody else. Good tidings to all! Maybe I will come back after a week.
>>168315 Just knock this shit off. You'll be back fucking tomorrow when you get home from highschool, stop pretending to be a martyr. You got nailed for being evasive about your age, for anybody on the internet who's a moderator or hosting a communal event where NSFW content can be shared thats a big fucking problem.
>>168237 Welp. Don’t know if it’s i’ll time to write this with recently bueno autism. But here’s to hoping my thing isn’t.
>The Vengeful Sons Of The Federation (V.S.O.T.F) is a special elite compromising of broken human soldiers turned obedient and order driven cold blooded killing machines. >Deployed during the middle of the solver war, Soldiers of the V.S.O.T.F unit main purpose was the extermination of the Solver at all cost. Even if it means becoming monsters. >Soldiers are forced to undergo brutal training and torture that would break them physically, emotionally and mentally. >Though they are to an extent the human equivalent to Sentinel Drones as they can take down DDs and Mutants, VSOTF units handle the more dirtier sides of mission operations that Sentinel Drones can’t do. Due to the soldier’s psychopathic and sadistic tendencies, they are actually more similar to the DD’s >Outfitted with better equipment, some VSOTF soldiers also carry retrofit and repurposed DD equipment to give them an edge in battle.
>>168330 Objectively no. He's blatantly underage and didn't bother learning fundamentals before making an ass out of himself on the internet. The fact that he's also ADHD brained means any lessons we try to teach him or tell him to fuck off isn't going to stick so he'll be back to do it all again tomorrow. He's a nuisance and he'll keep being one until he gets banned.
>>168330 My theory is that he has some kind of Savant syndrome that gives him an innate aptitude for some of the skills necessary to draw, but he lacks any actual domain knowledge or technical, it’s like he’s just vividly seeing the images in his head fully formed and sloppily tracing them
Image:174035888196.png(24kB, 693x254)grind first express later.png
>>168330 Nah. Needs more time away from being online and more grinding out his basics. Fun With a Pencil by Loomis would get him far if he's willing to study. A subjective problem being he doesn't click with the dronetism here, he's already admitted to being a casual. >>167914
in the vet AU (or whatever you call the timeline where humanity won) how would DD capture and de-solver-fying work? would it be done by the military, or local police, or someone else?
>>168322 >During Buddy’s time in the unit. He was a part of a squad known as “The Wolfdogs” which consisted of six members. >SI-718 (Buddy) “Van Helsing” — Assault/DD combat expert >SI-771 “Spook” — Surveillance and technician >SI–808 “Hopper” — Recon >SI-702 “Wall” — Heavy weapons and explosive experts >SI-385 “Firebug” — Pyro incendiary and CQC >SI-214 “Hazmat” — field scientist
Here’s a fun concept >Dronefights >An illegal underground sport, banned because of its barbarity. >Even though Drones are technically objects, the sheer brutality and intentional cruelty of it appalls even people like the Elliot’s. >The sport is simple. Get two Worker Drones to beat each other to death. Winner gets fixed up to live another match. Simple as that. >Often martial arts are employed along with occasional hidden modifications and weapons >Drones that have escaped this are either given a memory wipe so they can do their jobs better or, depending on how stable they are, asked to help train soldiers or police officers in hand to hand combat. >Or they’re just shot on sight >However, sometimes a Drone who has been rescued from this sport doesn’t want to escape. No, sometimes a Drone wants to go back. >Sometimes for a desire for glory. Sometimes for not knowing anything else. Sometimes it’s because of wanting to get even. >And for one, it’s because they feel the hungry animal within and cannot put it back in the cage. >This results in a bunch of VERY upper class lunatics deciding to determine the strongest Worker Drone in the world. Via a tournament.
>>168369 >Dred'fal beeming down from his ship periodically but it’s just to say shit like this to Uzi before disappearing again: Sam Hyde - Perfect Roommate
>>168347 agreed. I think he had potential, I mean yeah he was literally underage and it’s not like anyone couldn’t tell but there’s something endearing about his art
>>168345 She went from inarguably alive to assimilated into the Absolute Solver to one of the three strongest wills in Uzi's mind palace and able to leave Uzi's body as a ghost. I'm not sure she was dead at any point in there.
>>168305 >To pocket, hope you have a good life away from your mom I have literally never talked about my family life or my mom ever, I have no idea why you keep bringing this up
>>168370 >Murder Drones Season 2 Canceled Due To Main Villain Making Audiences Too Uncomfortable And Leaving Them Feeling Unsafe Even After Episode Ends >"We wanted our new villain to make the audience uncomfortable, but in a fun way like Cyn did, not in a finding the gas station crackhead standing next to your car after you get milk kinda way." - Liam Vickers >"I have seen the true darkness of our world and it has left my soul tainted, I can never sleep again without seeing his face...." - Little Jimmy, Age 2, Glitch's Intended Audience
>>168376 It's because he wants you to talk to him and respond since you're his senpai. It gives him more reason to come back when he's said a quadrillion times he was going to leave. Keep talking.
>>168359 It is real I have seen it but the gansterpolice state is hiding 1 second clips in caves everywhere in the lower 48 Hawaii and Guam. Alaska is not safe
Does anyone know or have anything from the 3 BTS event? Everything I ever saw was Alice's locker door, wether in the threads or elsewhere, even if you git nothing recorded was anyone there who remembers what was shown?
Shitty OC idea, what if Uzi had a stalker fangirl after episode 8? Like a real fucking creep, hiding cameras in Uzi's bedroom bedroom, watching them from cardboard bushes they put up themselves, trying to get Uzi to eat her to fulfill some weird fucked-up form of idol worship only for Uzi to get disgusted
>>168421 (me) And archiving their "art" will only cause them to come back and I bet you right fucking now that they're lurking and just waiting for a chance to pop back up again
>>168421 I’m not saying he should be here, he comes across as a lonely autist whose terminally online because his parents dont give him enough attention. It’s that his art isn’t exactly bad, He just needed to learn more of the basics. I bet 50 cents he’s gonna come back tomorrow.
>>168423 Nice! That's extremely fast and enduring, very nice work. I have been grinding the Japanese Bluewater tree for a while but am not beyond 4.7 yet. Moffets until Akizuki were the bane of my existence. Pic is a New York class BB?
>>168422 Me too. I’m sure some of the posts standing up for him is him samefagging. I do think you’re exaggerating the quality of his art, personally it’s fine but his personality ruins it for me. Also he’s underage.
just got back from seeing a hockey game >tfw somewhen between period 1 and 2 the crowd cam challenged everyone to do the fucking T-rex arms I can't take it anymore. Everywhere I go I see pastiches of HER.
Those American destroyers are what many consider the peak of the American bluewater tree, outside of a few exceptions, its all downhill from there,from there you see a bit more of a fair playing field with all nations until you reach 7.0, then things like the sharn and russian paper ships start becoming a nusence.
for your line, might struggle a bit because past the destroyers, most of your line lack armor, but has hard hitting guns & torps
TLDR for Liam’s QnA: >minimal J characterization >I refuse to answer teehee >Yeva & Nori were fwends (shocking) >I refuse to answer teehee >THANKS GUYZ BYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to kill him
>Fun Evening Canon Facts: in most of the timelines where Uzi and Doll became friends as kids, instead of lil' Uzi driving lil' Doll off with her budding moody autism as in "our" timeline, Uzi got an in with the popular girls and via her best (actually only) friend's other best friend Lizzy, and became the popular girls' ugly friend who's there to make them look even hotter by contrast >Uzi didn't make cheer squad, but she does wear the mascot costume >only the cheer squad knows that weird smelly womanlet femcel Uzi is the beloved performer of Marcianito, mascot of the Outpost 3 Duendes, whose mere presence causes the robo-Hispanics of Outpost 5 to puke in terror
>>168490 Surely you mean Dr. Ones building his Ones Abusement park over the planets surface? With the ballkickotron 9000 and the fun swings right in front of a brick wall?
>>168471 >Who chose, multiple times I personally don't like Liam's view on J, as J had basically no chance for any sort of change as she was absent while Uzi was with N and V, with J having no one, with nobody trying attempt to get J on their side while J tried to get V to join her. I feel like Doll works better as the "dark evil mirror to the main characters" as she at least has agency in the narrative a refuses Uzi's single offer to join her. J basically just exists and does nothing.
>>168509 I gotta be honest, I don't think either party made an offer. There was just a statement of positions ("Get out of the way so I can pop her core" versus "But that would make my boyfriend upset").
>>168485 Agreed God I hope he never touches on Alice ever. Snd the J post is the exact thing I mean with the narrative-lore conflict there is, his and objective morality, what's good from whose view and so on. I could never have worked with him on anything
>>168525 I think the longer it's been since he worked on the show, the less value his input on the story and characters has. he gets further and further away from the mindset he was in at the time, meaning any new points he makes lack the same intention
Can anyone explain what J was doing in the pod in episode 1? Did the Solver had a perfectly functioning J clone on standby or is there a 3D printer that gets matter that was consumed by the Solverpede?
>>168538 Episode 1 was written before Liam got cold feet about multiple seasons and decided to cram the core story beats into seven episodes. Who knows what was gonna be in them. Probably more DDs?
>>168474 he flip flops between referring to Tessa as just being the "current leading figure" to specifically pointing out that the solver wearing Tessa's skin would scare J. so which is it Liam, you hack?
>>168545 I honestly find it weird how the shot at the end of episode 1 implies that Solver was going to enter Copper9 and do her plan before J even died. Disregarding the whole "Do your jobs and I'll leave you alone" thing. Liam should've just made the pilot a pilot and have an actual episode 1 that actually introduces the Solver plot instead of cramming it into the pilot's narrative if you get what I'm saying.
>>168556 The Absolute Solver was always going to be the final boss, it's just that originally there'd have been multiple seasons of unfolding revelations and buildup instead of immediately diving into eldritch horseshit.
>>168561 I know that, as there's mentions of the Solver in the pilot. I'm just saying that they should've made an actual episode 1 to fit with the rest of the show post-pilot rewrite.
>>168531 Liam has level 15 writing & planning ability and level 99 creative intuition, it’s good that we’re here to pick up the slack, I love having a place to spitball ideas about the finer points of drone “biology” and how there society works and whatnot with likeminded anons
>>168577 idk if there's any anons itt that could write it better as a whole, but given the power to supervise and edit Liam's work with final say-so? I guarantee someone here could make a better version of the show.
>>168471 >who chose to side with whatever the current dominant oppressive system was...rather than questioning or fighting to better things at a personal cost The latter doesn't describe any of them in the manor, and attempting that would've led only to the swamp. Without Solver getting hit by the idiot/jobbing baton, resisting it made no sense within universe, nor would J at any point in the series have encountered new information that would make it seem in the slightest viable.
And wait a minute, >lead the fight She literally got instantly taken over. There was no fight to lead.
I'm not some fuckin' chode who's gonna say Liam's a worse writer or worldbuilder or whatever than I am. He's abandoned more projects than I've ever even started and finished more than I have. There's a reason Glitch signed him up for this and it's not being in the right place or nepotism, he can put together everything needed to make a show and do so more competently than a lot of people. Props to that, MD's pretty good, personal grievances aside. And as much as I find the Q&A questions and answers to be disappointing, mine would be "what was Mitchell like, did any of the drones or Yeva know him or was he just a random day-one intern?" and I would fully expect him to have been some dude with zero ties to anyone, and the hand-holding was just him being a "scared lil goober", in Liam's words. So whatever.
Sorry, it's back up again. I don't know why it keeps doing this. But maybe I'll write something that auto fixes it, since the implementation I added did not really do anything
>>168586 I just want to clarify to you that no one’s actually mad at Liam or thinks they’re better than him, at least a few of us just desperately subconsciously crave a big almanac full of cross section images and star maps and names and dates and timelines and breakdowns of how stuff works, it’s just part being a sci-fi fan, and it stings just a little that Liam’s just not the guy for that, I hope we can be the guy for that, someone should
To whomever it may concern, I am still working on the threadlore combination, albeit it very sparsely and over a long period of time. Right now, I'm focusing on getting the Solver War nailed down, and all the characters and tech required. Tech is my biggest issue, and will probably follow personal headcanon
>>168620 Well I'm trying to nail down a timeline for the war and the battles that took place, plus weapons and armor and materials and such that humans would have used. It's going to be a bitch on my psyche and would need a plethora of brainstorming, but it'll be fun in the end
>>168609 what the fuck, that's literally part of the reason why Vickerskino IS Vickerskino, turning that off would be removing part of the charm of the entire series
>>168522 I feel like J would be ecstatic about serving any other evil mastermind that doesn't hold her soul hostage and actually gives two shits about their minions.
>>168639 instead, eggman rips her free will, if he doesn’t and J does get destroyed, she’ll end up on scrapnik island with the rest of eggman’s failed attempts at taking down that hedgehog
>>168638 The nerves of some people. I think there's been too many newfags or pseudo-intellectuals who only learn from watching video essays instead of trying to actually write and finish anything themselves. You might be able to write better than him, but can you make it fun? Dry ass wheat biscuits.
>>168648 "Well you see my rodent foe, normally I would put the word "Metal" infront of my mechanical replications of your friends or whomever, but this isn't a replication! I present to you Neo-Molly!" >[NEO-MOLLY - who would have thought violence would look so fun?]
Supremely autistic idea I had: the main DD trio as furries in the pre-Pendercaust Archie continuity of Sonic. Turned into robutts by one of Robotnik's many horrible machines, left the way they were because they were going to be used in roles that needed initiative and normal-level intelligence. Big deal in what they do in the aftermath of Robotnik getting atomized by his own doomsday device and the post-Judgment Day rebuilding starting. Having to live with what they had done. Pic of Spawn showing up in one panel then literally walking away from the potential crossover unrelated
>>168669 That's why there were no feet lying around in Alice's room...and why she looks like she should have slept more. Not to mention Amda. Beau's a freakster
>>168672 Drone bodies are the most erotic and shapely barrels ever thought of, any noise a drone makes is weird but inherently lewd as long as it is female.
>>168658 Then do it. I want it done and finished. Animated, voice-acted, VFX as polished as the later episodes, not episode 1 jank. Only way to learn how hard the production pipeline is to do it yourself. None of the fan projects I've seen are fun, most are too afraid of the camp that Liam lives and breathes. I don't think I've heard any animated fan projects actually came to completion thus far (but I've been sidetracked by IRL stuff). It better be less frustrating and as much fun as Murder Drones was otherwise I'm giving it a Super F. Fairly OddParents - Super F
>>168678 The only time fan projects actually work is if the leads are all incredibly dedicated and basically able to do it all themselves while "volunteers" just act as glorified assistants.
>>168680 precious babygirl. I wanna hold her tight and tell her everything is going to be alright. I wanna hear that cheery, singsong lilt return to her voice and see the spring back in her step.
>>168586 No one thinks or means to say they'd have thought of MD or even have made it better from scratch, the disdain for Liam stems from his 'haha lolmao xD' attitude and lack of care and depth. Except for certain ones that mattered too much to him (Cynwalker, this literally shown in 8. Yes it is a joke but his thinking consists of jokes and he acts on them. Good creativity but painfully careless and shortsighted, interconnected lore and seeing things from other POVs [internally in the story, you are required to love N, V and Uzi and be ready to have anyone else die, then the show is perfect with its humor and morals. Place yourself in Doll's or if you want Alices, or just the general WD populations shoes and things are way way worsei] s not his strenght) Your second paragraph says it all really well, but to some this attitude seems insincere and borderline mocking. I see how my claim can sound entitled, but let me try clarify this attitude. Namely as I see it, it is of course his show, but he also decided to end it. Many people, especially among us are more passionate about it and specific characters than he was and definitely more than he is now. The decision to rush with 8 episodes and its consequences could be discussed and speculated for days, how this affected everything and which alts could have been, but to get to a point now: The main issue for why he is disliked and justifiedly hated on in moments like this is due to his replies on a whim, they made characters worse (J)or the world smaller (asbestos snow) everytime and sound as if he was asked during a stream unprepared and either made smth up or in need just told some outdated initial idea/basic idea, which ends up crossing with a bunch of characterization/relationships/other stuff in the season we have. For short he is recklessly careless and seems not invested into details of any kind, which is devastating. The reasoning is not the most concise or complete but I am writing this in bed now, if you think anything about this and want to discuss more I'll gladly do so, but expect no swift reply
>>168686 I wanna tell her that all of her playground pals are actually still alive, melded together in a mishmash of flesh and steel as one of the largest Solver abominations I've ever seen, currently in Antarctica looking for Santa Claus.
>>168692 >She gets sent to put it down >The amalgam recogizes her and thinks she's still the same Molly from the show >She gives it the Lenny treatment, think of the rabbits
>>168678 Nigger, Liam wasn't doing this as a one man show, he wrote and worked on storyboarding, adding detail here and there, but he did not animate a thing in the show we got.
>>168699 I always pictured something Bloodborne werewolf-y for the Solver monstrosity Negev turned into under her skin after she went through eldritch meat puberty. t. Negev Anon the Second
>>168700 >I have been training my body for years. >All for one purpose. >So this 4'4" drone in an e-girl wig and bad Russian accent doesn't accidentally crush my torso with her passion.
>>168577 I non-ironically think that our writingfags team could have written a more interesting and, most importantly, much more elaborate Murder Drones storyline.
>>168696 Where did I say that he was doing it solo? It's precisely because the post said "we could make it less frustrating". I'm sayin that poster should try and organize the effort and put together a finished thing. Dumbass. Ideas guys always love talking about the ideas and possibilities and neglecting the legwork needed to make it happen.
>>168710 Probably but you gotta remember there's production restrictions we're not aware of. Things like - >Oh we can't have Doll in this scene her ass has some rigging problem that makes it turn the bloom up to 999 we don't know how to fix it. or >Bro you want an abomination made of black tentacles and human faces? That's going to take months to model. Best we can do is an Apache helicopter we found on the unity store.
>>168713 As her main Anon, my interpretation is a combination of her erratic-but often enormous-oil requirements and being in the middle of eldritch meat puberty.
>>168711 >Where did I say that he was doing it solo? >I'm sayin that poster should try and organize the effort and put together a finished thing. > >Then do it. I want it done and finished. Animated, voice-acted, VFX as polished as the later episodes, not episode 1 jank . Liam was approached by Glitch because of his prior works,not the other way around nigger. How is anybody here, or us all as "we", suppossed to get producers like this?
>>168710 Same tbh, not sure how good it would be if we had to start from scratch (I'm not saying anything about wether we'd be better or worse), but given what we have now we could definitely improve a lot. Maybe Liam could too, but the issues we see are probably no issues to him, I dunno if he would change anything at all in hindsight. But I am totally onboard with >much more elaborate Murder Drones storyline. Even with only 8 episodes. On top, more people is of course an advantage, but blunders like forgotten storylines (still living cores in Alice's oven, only disabled by heat, which was deytroyed for at least one oven/corpse spires/others etc.) wouldn't happen. Also far more consideration for side characters.
>>168712 Honestly, I think some of our 3D modelers could come up with some better base sets which could then be populated with stock objects and effects. The deal with the random selection of effects if memory serves is that Glitch just had a library of shit and didn't want to spend any money on new assets outside of what was absolutely necessary, like modeling the original characters, solver powers, etc. Even 99% of the humans were stock assets except for Tessa. For example UE5: ModularityTest is only $65 for the professional grade license that a studio with $100,000+ in yearly revenue. But to implement a set of series specific models you not only have to buy the assets (a trivial couple hundred to maybe thousand or two dollars absolute maximum) but you will have to tweak them to your needs which might involve some re-modeling or re-texturing, relighting if your show doesn't already match what comes standard with the models, etc, etc. It would take a bit more time, and if you're rushing as it seems Glitch was, you don't have time for that so you just throw together assets that your modelers have already worked with before.
Murder Drones was in this weird place that is more custom than like an SFM animation but not as polished as TADC or the newer upcoming shows which look like they have more coherent art styles with sets of custom models made or at least matched to their aesthetic needs.
The majority of money and man hours on a project will always be the animating itself, rather than collecting and tweaking models or even making models, for a show like Murder Drones at least the models are not ultra-complicated impossibly high detailed affairs, as is always the case with big projects the primarily hurdle will be collecting enough people with enough dedication, teamwork and work ethic, and then paying them enough money to actually get the project finished.
>>168741 >dastardly intentional ambiguity This is goo news for once, I'll interpret this as official legitimation that the Alice is alive idea is not just a (totally humbly) well founded theory, but there seems even a possibility that this vagueness was indeed intended, which as I see it brings us a hige step closer to getting her again (goal is impossible to define) This will be MASSIVE, already a huge W
>>168753 Are you the anon who posted these earlier? I don't wanna demand you to leak anything or so, but how does one even get in that discord? Is it possible? Why not, why can't anyone join, was it restricted after MD became MASSIVE or what?
>>168752 All our headcanons are real All the threadlore is real Liam has by his own actions seeded the rights to the truth of the setting to us, and it’s not even because we’re particularly impressive, we’re just the only contenders, you don’t see the 14 year olds on mdtwt/mdreddit/mddiscord grappling with the deeper potential complexities of the setting, they just ship characters, misunderstand the story and accuse each other of pedophilia, there’s no one but us
>>168759 I don't know if it helps, but I found out having no music while making a sketch/baselayer or forming and visualizing an idea is extremely helpful. Music when detailing is fine. So yeah it helps to be undistracted while learning👍
>>168762 >you don’t see the 14 year olds on mdtwt/mdreddit/mddiscord grappling with the deeper potential complexities of the setting, they just ship characters, misunderstand the story and accuse each other of pedophilia, there’s no one but us That sounds so fucken funny but it is true,
>>168758 >why can't anyone join, was it restricted after MD became MASSIVE or what? No. I don't know what your problem is, I joined that server a long time ago
>>168774 She's supposed to be but obviously certain anons claim her and try to dictate her story like Phoenix manages his universe for example Its the reason why she doesn't feel as organic
>>168765 Yes and no Who else should Beau have gotten his attitude when engaging with N from? The same one he felt so bad cutting up even tho he began firing on what looked like a literal baby (Beau was sussy ngl, but in any other kind of trap not featuring a spiderlegged baby, then N would have ended up definitely shooting a baby)? A neural network doesn't come with morals, look at the elliot butlers ignorance of others dying. He got all of his personality from Alice, he's no clone, but she's not evil at heart otherwise she would never have bothered having him around at all, way before he was able to assist her in any manner at all. Also look at the brief period of Alice before she was bitten, way more considerate of her captives, appears genuinely friendly in a social way, and the way she calls Beau to tell him about the new revelation. That tone in her voice means something. Listen to that first BEAU. Rhe bad stuff was how she was rude rowards him once things went bad, she didn't hurt him (noticably) tho and ofc this was added for narrative purpose so they can easily kill her off as a villain then. I wrote something longer about this once but for short, Uzu biting her was extremely meaningfull and impactfull in several ways, and Beau wasn't helping himself idling or letting the others get away. Mind that Beau messing up exposed them to DDs which could have meant their death, Alice being angry is understandable. Not morally correct but realistic and not exactly evil.
So I'll say more yes than no, the last section which everyone cites to claim abuse was occuring day in n out was during emergency situation, their earlier interaction and all the inplocations of Beau's personality and existence at all show he meant smth to Alice and was usually not badly treated
>>168762 >>168578 >>168574 Boys, when was the last time you saw a show where the creators intentionally crammed massive cliffhangers into every single frame, leaving the audience to headcanon their way through it all—what even was that show?
>>168786 Interesting explanation! That or you’re overthinking this and she’s just some lunatic who would burn beau alive in an oven like this image. >>168123 This reminds me, we need more Alice art here stat.
>>168781 They say art imitates life. Such is what I see with Negev, a schizophrenic freak whose existence is being pulled in many directions as the writefags attempt to hone her character. It's like pottery.
>>168753 >He considered the planet's orbit being different, slower in this case >He came up with more months, and likely a naming scheme for more months >Then called it "not interesting" and forgot all the lore Okay, nevermind, this pisses off my worldbuilding autism.
>>168813 I think Liam would make a fantastic staff writer but he wasn't ready for the jump to full showrunner of an indie animation. I get that Glitch is small and so they wanted a writer with animation experience so he could storyboard and change shit on the fly but I think Liam is mostly a "by the seat of your pants" kinda writer who starts and finishes without a lot of the details and production makes that a massive pain.
Image:174038359986.png(208kB, 331x800)little fucking nightmare gremlin why wont you fucking work you peice of garbage.png
I don't think I can finish jane. even if I Forced myself so I'm gonna release her as is in her broken buggy mess of a state
>>168352 Since we already know of the fate of Buddy after end of the solver war, what happened to the rest of the wolfdogs? While it might be unlikely that they live in the union after the destruction of the federation (or even living at all). Here’s some ideas of how i think they would live in the present
>Fitting with his nickname, Spook works as a union analyst/dispatch for the recovery forces in that pavo is a part of. His information helps Sentinel Drones and reformed DD’s on a need to know basis on the identification of feral drones and solver mutants >Hopper after the war tried to go back into becoming an athlete for acrobatic gymnastics before she eventually become an instructor. >Wall works for a construction company as a part of their demolition squad. >Hazmat like Spook continued working for the government by joining the relief service. He also assist in the help of Solver mutant reintegration program. >Firebug unironically became a nun running an orphanage.
>>168828 No one knows we exist actually The average normie on twitter thinks 4chan is the sharty, they have no conception of the universe beyond their twitter and discord cliques
>>168819 Cuteeee Jane >I don't think I can finish jane. even if I Forced myself >Modeling Jane has been utter hell for the poor model anon Why does Jane do this to people, is she just cursed?
>>168813 Anons when Liam isnt the god of autistic writing they thought he was >Their fans of a show infamous even in the community for its poor storytelling and plot and writing and world and
Video:174038497314.mp4(2.97MB / 0:00:40 / avc1, 1280x720)life of a writefag.mp4
I have been Efag, U-Ufag, Berettafag, Pavofag. I have been a hundred dronefags and will be called a thousand more before the thread goes dim and cold. I am writefag.
>>168832 From what I can tell, Jessa fans outside of this board extrapolate incredibly hard from the bits of interactions they had any drop of romance. >episode 5 >Tessa panicking at the gala and J being the listener >J showing concern when Tessa was checking her wrist (that gets reflected on later when she's shackled in her room) >Tessa knowing how to piss J off enough to make her rebel >how they switch weapons when J finds the gun/Tessa takes the sword from the display armor This is assumption mostly though I do think the premier of episode 3 contributed to it, with how J and Tessa made their appearance at the end. Sure we now know it's Cyn but you have to think about the time of episode 3's airing. That was enough to spark the ship given how little everyone knew about her overall back then. Just a nametag and a cool space suit with a cute black bow and a sword.
>>168840 Mitchell seemed to have only met Yeva at that moment, or at least didn't seem familiar with her. Considering he was involved with her, if anything he would have been on the receiving end of Nori's dommy mommy act.
>>168824 They're probably all dead, but I would assume that if they survived, they definitely wouldn't forget their struggle.
They're all broken persons that decided to give their lives entirely to fighting against solver and disassembler drones, to the point of willingly allowing horrible things to be done to themselves just to fight more effectively. I don't think they'd all be thrilled about integrating DD into society.
GAY CHOICE >using Thad like a fleshlight OR >passionate kissing lovey dovey sex with SD-I OR >bed collapsing, pelvis shattering sex with Pavo’s huge ass CHOOSE NOW
>Makes a long list of reasons as to why jessa exists Youre putting to much on how Yuri lovers think, if two women exist, arent explicitly interested in men or dating, and have shared a tinge of romance, its going to get Yuri >t.HUGE Yuri fag and jessa lover It helps Jessa is just a cute doomed yuri to think about
>>168856 Is Pavo even capable of topping, even if he's still taking? Unless you break your own pelvis pounding him so hard, which sounds like a possibility.
>>168854 I think the even worse part if the rest of the team were still alive and trying to live a life is the anticipation. Despite living a better life, they are constantly waiting for orders from command that no longer exists.
>come out of your 5 hour bone-shattering sex session alive and dehydrated >alice clinging to your side with a satisfied spring to her step as you limp to the kitchen counter >"ah hope ah didn't break anything important" >"yeah, nah, my old bones are fine, I drink milk" >the moment those words leave your mouth her amorous tease evaporated into loose confusion. >dozens of simulations ran through her cognitive processors while eying her hubby downing half a carton from the fridge >she never knew she married a milkdrinker
>Want to catch drawpile and put some (low quality) art on there >Get all excited waiting for it >Wake up in the morning to a building flooding and have to deal with it all day I think something in this universe doesn't like the idea that I'm trying to get good at art.
>>168858 Tessa asked J to pretend to be a royal ripping stud, don't kid yourself. >>168865 God I hope his next show keeps all of his writing ability so the video essay consumers pee their pants.
>>168873 >Tessa asked J to pretend to be a royal ripping stud, don't kid yourself. As practice for talking to actual humans. She literally fled into N's arms when he appeared. >>168823 People like shipping things and will use the slightest crumbs canon gives them as a basis. Then J is in a weird position of being not quite a side character but not quite a main character, and there are no other plausible pairings for her.
>>168882 >Cyns most evil trick was taking away Janes ability to sex, making her endlessly horny >Her libido is through the roof with no release >May god have mercy on the soul of any Anon who she meets
>>168879 That was the joke. J was a drone with a female wig, a maid outfit and a feminine voice yet Tessa asked her to pretend to be a guy. It was a point that detracted from the ship instead of supporting it I said it jokingly though, for the most part. You good man? >>168883 >IT'S LIKE NIAGARA FALLS OUT THERE
Just how rat like is rat jane I bet shes completely animalistic then just anime girl with funky ears, while still being a girl Timid, crawls around, hides
>>168913 nori would have made a good DD, really, I mean that, it was so easy to neglect her family and daughter like it was nothing, nothing was stopping her in the slightest from meeting them again, so I don’t see why she’d care about another drone with the same solver abilities as her
>>168937 >>168938 >>168939 You do amazing stuff blenderanon. At times I wonder how things came to be that you ended up being here and making those fantastic models. Take it easy.
>>168945 alice doesn’t see it as a bad thing, just as a shocking surprise, or at least, that’s what I can know, alice is a country girl, after all, also, I only find that greentext, it’s made on saturday 27 january 2024
>>168950 He lost everything, his family, his friends, his home, his heroes, to fight alongside the last vestiges of his old life against unstoppable evil, then watched that friend die as well He was reforged in hell, his heart melted down and cast into something darker, more rigid and unforgiving, in his quest for revenge He brought himself to the brink of death looking to tie up all the loose ends in one final showdown And then instead of the showdown he got his friend back (albeit in a very different form), got packed up and sent home to appreciate the world he fought to save, rekindled a bond with another old friend, and now gets drone snu snu from two loving drones a little too much He's won life, but he had to throw away every bit of it to get there
>>168954 Now it seems to me that while regular veterans can understand Buddy and the fact that he now fucks two monsters that were even worse than the other disassembler drones, his V.S.O.T.F. ‘friends’ are unlikely to understand.
>>168956 >rpg centered around buddy having to track down each of his old squadmates and beat the shit out of them so they can be friends again >buddy really just wants to keep all of his friends as friends, y'know
>>168958 >buddy kicks the door in five seconds later >twists his arms behind his back and yanks Are we friends again? >"Fuck no!" >yanks harder Friends now? >"JESUS, if I say 'yes' will you stop?!" Aight, just don't try blocking me on facebook again
>>168960 >twists his arms behind his back and yanks why did he do that to himself, I know buddy is mentally challenged retard, I just don’t see how that is going to do anything
>>168836 >It's better that way, honestly. I don't want normalfags. Except the drawfags you guys are cool don't leave please I >Drawfags are normalfags I was on /pol/ pretty long already before coming to these threads kwk
>>168875 It's an act. She's got the voice, but her attempts to manifest the attitude to go with it keep getting undermined by her being an autistic goblin with the emotional maturity of a teenager.
>>168912 V is persona non grata in the Doorman house. Every time they see each other, Nori just stares at V with an unimaginably hurt expression of "Why?"