Thread for Alice and things related to her, no containment thread obviously. Everything like art, greens, theories, discussion and whatnot, have a place for it, we'll see if it's needed
Image:172389473627.png(1,015kB, 2000x2000)Maid Alice Sliding.png
A version of my original idea for a maid Alice, using the Tessa uniform. Personality-wise, she would get up to all sorts of crazy stuff in there. Depending on how possessed one wants Cyn to be at any given moment, there's a possibility for a Coalition of Chaos with her.
>>24600 I see it now, how the the torn spot from the flag makes it blue, I was wondering initially why it was only white and red drenched, but having seen the Drapeaux one I get it now. As always, very original concepts, and nice details bro! The body looks excellent in terms of proprtions, everything really (imo), the feet have unironically perfect shape, hands good, pose very nice. Thought you abandoned it, glad to see you went through with it. If you don't mind, what was the inspiration for this idea?
>>24601 Sweet as well, the maid uniform is a nic design, I was never sure wether it'd work with Alice's dark hair but it does. I wouldn't have dared drawing her with white lights either but it is more accurate no question, and was definitely the right choice seeing it now. Character design is absolutely one of your strengths you know that? Pose and everything is great in there as well, very nice to see such good new art of Alice!
>>24954 >thought you abandoned it I could've theoretically pulled it off in 1-2 days (like I did for >>24601) , but I ran into issues with getting the helmet and the lighting on the dress/apron the way I wanted. Then July/August was very busy and so completing this had to be squeezed in to that. >what was the inspiration "An Alice could've been maid for Bastille Day." That was not a typo, but was the post where I thought of it, in response to the idea that one of the July Alices would have to be for the Fourth. I'd wanted to do something with my old maid concept, the French maid style is well-known, there's tons of connections between the 4th and 14th of July, and so the idea immediately made sense.
Image:172395257674.png(1,015kB, 2000x2000)Stainless Maid Alice Sliding.png
>>24962 The idea of bleaching her hair honestly didn't occur to me, because hair color was something they could change if they wanted to, and I guess I consider the color of her hair more important than its specific shape in establishing identity, especially with her head at an angle and her hair being blown back by onrushing air. The color of the eyes was just a software consequence of being a zombie drone, and so not something that could be changed. But, done.
Image:172395523265.png(281kB, 615x454)Alice and her blackstreak.PNG
I find it funny how Alice has a black streak. but it's barely visible ever because the blue lighting makes her hall look almost completely black anyway
>>25058 Oooooooooooooo I never noticed, it's the part that goes from above her left (from her view) eye down and cover the right eyebrow/upper end of right eye right? Amazing detail discovery, thanks a lot! But yeah the difference is clearly visible in your image, it also explains why the hair on the right side of her face always has such a warm shine which shows it's brown, but the part directly over her eye doesn't look the same inspite of being way closer to the light source. Somehow it is a very cute feature to think about now
>>25033 >Ran into issues with the lighting the way I wanted >July/August was very busy Completely understandable and relatable, still amazing that you followed through with it, peak content imo. I remember having seen the 'maid' post back then, didn't know this sparked it. Now that you say it yes, the parallels are there. Didn't hear of french maid style, I assume it's the well known (Tessa's drones) one right? As always I'm gratefull for your good artpieces and original ideas, almost always I get ideas and ways to improve my own stuff from them. Hope there'll be more in the future, I know there will be, I will wait!
>>25049 >Main character package Unironically made me laugh when I first read it. Looks good too, I think the maid Alice I started once (pic rel, based on your design and an old December /co/ request of her polishing a Kentucky rifle) would have looked just like that, I didn't pay as much attention as you did. Being able to make such changes is very nice, one day I'll get myself digital as well, no more accidents, paper weardown and smears. >>25046 Thanks for doing that one! It does look good, better than it did in my head, I wouldn't have risked it myself before but maybe I'll do this one myself some time. >I guess I consider the color of her hair more important than its specific shape in establishing identity, Agreed
>>25208 By 'French Maid', I mean something with a long black dress and long white apron, like a 19th century domestic servant would've actually worn, not the fetish wear stuff it inspired that comes up if one searches for it. Tessa's uniform is closer to the cosplay/costume stuff than the actual uniforms used by maids.
>>25334 >You pull the trigger, but in your panic, the gun jerks to the side and the shot misses >The weird drone smiles even wider, her eyes narrowing >As you try to work the bolt, she lunges forward, grabbing the barrel and twisting the gun upward, breaking your grip >"You're plumb freezin', look how yer shiverin'. Can't even hit the broad side of a barn like that." >You try to shove her off, but she tosses your gun off to the side and pins you with her mechanical strength >"Now, now, calm down there, sweetheart. I ain't gonna kill ya." >Her face gets in close to your neck, her helmet pressing against your cheek >"But I'd be a liar if'n I said I don't bite," she whispers, each word hot against your skin, her tongue flicking out and slowly tracing a line up your neck
>>25058 I have drawn everything from that shot I was able to make out 100%, will see how much else I can find, maybe we'll finally find how exactly her hair looks that way
Was too late to add the blackstreak, has problems that I see just now but it was very good practice overall. Tested new editing on this one, hence it looks that "off"
>>25955 You did it! Just in time for the one-year anniversary of Alice. Wonderful use of lighting and shading and texturing to drive mood and atmosphere.
>>26002 Thanks a lot for the words! I wished I could have published much more for that special occasion, but seeing the progress and range of things I've been doing simultaneously it was just not possible without huge, regrettable decreases in on modelness and perspective-accuracy. Had I known work would be taking that much time this week I would have focused on just one or two but eh now I have time again at least. One of the advantages of using paper/real paint is detailled texturing happens almost by itself, I thought it looked messy until seeing the post and its digital appearance now, glad to hear you like her. >>25058 I do not know which anon you are but this very post of Alice little blackstreak made my day when I first saw it and restored my motivation completely, I doubt 8 will come close.
>Sentinel wore Beau's hat Which means they went back into the room once more However, Alice made it, the copium is eternal and infinite for now, things are set for everything now. 5 years bros
Before I forget it for tonight bros, I regretably missed most of the episode 6 watch they did (in the lead up to 8) and commented on in Glitch Inn Discord due to my PC being infernally slow and deciding Windows updates were a more pressing matter (and I have no recording, I'll see I find a way to record once they do tge ep6 behind the scenes stuff). What I'm on about is, during the doorscene, they said, quote >The animators literally just squished her head down, we will see that in the event So we will soon see more of the very exact nature of damage to her head. Something weighing heavy on my mind for alnost a year now, I'll adress it properly soonm Pic rel is clear evidence of what I meant long ago, you see hair on the left, pointing upwards, it's due to her helmet having been crushed, the oil is from the heatsink in the upper part of a WD's head. The important part is just how much of the actual head is intact, this is a (for me) pretty recent discovery but immensely relevant, look at picrel, you can see clear rounding showing not just the entire white part remaining untouched, but also nearly all of the screen until the angled slope towards the dronesnoot begins, meaning the Sentinel smashed basically just the upper half of Alice's heady helmet counted.
>>28973 Another part, PROVING the survival of the snout and structurally still intact lower head half (her jaws/the white part are unaffected) Any thoughts on this? I know it not mazzers much but it is still canon Alice, an aspect we can explore more and do our best to see what can be found before they reveal more officially. Sobering topic but since Alice's eternal szrvival is now official, nithing to prevent exploring everything right?
>>28982 Watch the episode. Heads do not matter, especially if you have some sort of zombie/solver stuff going on. It's cores cores cores. If Alice's core is intact, there's a chance.
>>29005 Yeah yeah I watched it many times, almost 50 in 6's case. >If Alice's core is intact, there's a chance. Not just a chance, it IS confirmation she is still there. I mean we see the core is undamaged AND in control still (which just further confirms its intact, even active state), as Alice keeping her hands up even after the step proves. What the step did was most likely (say likely because the Sentinel step occured so far up her head that I can't 100% say it hit the computer, in any case it won't work right now due to bootloop/loss of heatsink/damage of parts close by, even if it smh got missed (which is technically possible, but unlikely))take out the central computer ( pic rel is outdated (from before cores were a thing, tho we now know they are in the chest) but I guess accurate enough for heads), which is probably pretty relevant to control the body, tho its function is honestly just speculative right now. Who knows, Zombie drones like Alice don't just have a dud failsafe system, the first time they 'die' removes all the programming restrictions anyways and the core (powered by a singularity, guess its main function was power source in the first place anyways, ZD scenarios are unwanted hence the failsafe) ends up in control, since everything else shuts down, which makes the vast personalities of Alice, Yeva and the others possible in the first place What I'm trying to say is, even tho we do not know what exactly causes ZDs personalities to be what they are in an accurate, proven, technical way, we know it stems from the cores, after 'death' the core itself starts the drone again, this is how every ZD comes back, with very varying timespans, we even have canon precedence that Drones with head damage (Cyn in 5) can come back, so even tho the Central Computer in the head is vital and were the 'brain' is for normie WDs(fro whom the core is in function nothin but powersource) ZDs can possibly given enough time come back even with Central Computer taken out, I say possibly since our only example is Cyn, mind however she didn't have AS yet when waking up (as I understand it), so it seems more likely than not. In the end Alice is confirmed alive as we all know here, the question just is, wether she can manage at some point to gain control. Technically it's somewhat nebulous, but given the Cyn precedence it should be possible. After all Alice's body is intact, she has the majority of her oil still (chest tank), secondary computer for movement is intact, the only hindrance is an uncertain timespan and the unclear effect the bootloop has in that state. It should be very possible for her to come back herself given enough time.
>>29493 Do you happen to know wether the behind the scenes event they rid a week ago contained anything about episode 6 and wether there is anything recorded of it anywhere?
>>29798 Oooooooooo good to hear I was fearing that the dude who posted the leak didn't record everything. This will be zhe first wver time we'll get zo see Alice again since 6's premiere, the first new and exclusive content of her. Should be mighty helpful with figuring her hair out for good, tho we have a pretty good understanding of it now anyways. Will definitely record it, thanks for telling
>>25672 we think of her as smart and cute but she is sadistic as fuck. I feel like if you actually met her in person you would be cooked. As a drone at least, idk what her opinion on humans is but it can't be much different.
>>32725 >we think of her as smart and cute but she is sadistic as fuck Perhaps, but I don't mind since she isn't very impulsive and more rational , example she just could have stabbed Uzi as soon as she bit her, instead Alice first fixed herself and further restrained Uzi, in order to THEN get revenge, which initially only consisted of cutting Uzi's fingertip (before Uzi shoved the cutter away that is). Of course Alice enjoyed it a lot, what matters (to me) is why she did it, and how measured she was considering the difference in power during that situation. But that cool, rational reaction, planning to take exactly the same revenge was already hot as hell, when Uzi then gave her a reason to stab her....omg. just look at how gleefull Alice is during that entire scene, her tone of voice, that grin and expression, with that fullteethed holloweyed expression at the end, I guess I have seen it 800-1200 times and it is soooo incredibly good. Everything about that sequence is just perfect. Starting with Alice fixing her finger and ending with V squirming (mind the shit V has done before, not sure if it is in character for V to have that reaction or more so needed by the plot to show Alice=super evil, hurt the jewzi). I see definitely where you are coming from, but I still am sure that she didn't kill anyone in canon (if you don't count cores), already for the lack of opportunity. Seeing how she was to Uzi initially (and Tessa, who she thought was human), as well as Alice's imo very very just behaviour (the finger thing was pretty much eye for an eye), even if there is a enjoyment of violence (albeit a rational one, if one can say that) I am 99% sure you wouldn't get killed if you did nothing.
Good look at the backside of Alice's antler, finally shows that the 'reflector' behind her bulb is connected to the upwards bent tip of the left antler, not the beam below directly next to or even on the bulbmountingbase
>>53137 I call the wavy shape ot their white mouth area and visor that, it has such a nice form and if you look at a drones face from the side it is on the very leading edge of their heads, drones' heads around round they have a very slight 'snoot'
Today's progress on VN: >got the Whatsit exterior edited >tried drawing Alice >tried drawing Alice again >gave up on drawing Alice and took the coward's way out for now Picrel is the current state of affairs, it'll get better eventually
>>70172 That looks really nice, I imagined it slightly smaller but the construction is just how I remembered it! You are very good at drawing people, and the Alice is a total qtπ! Can you identify any specific difficulties when drawing her? The proprtions are very close tho, maybe have the torso 10% smaller, but not the overall height, that fits good. Absolutely looking forward to what it will become, good work
>>70193 It's only difficult because I'm used to trying to draw people,.while the shapes and proportions used for drones are theoretically simple and therefore pretty easy to spot when wrong I'm going to reattempt tonight and see if I can get to a compromise with myself, just wanna do justice to her Beau should be a cinch though, since he's just a funny lil egg
Beau sprite is tentatively done Need to set some alt positions for his hand, but that's straightforward Will probably also try to slim the outline for his pillbaby case
>>70357 >theoretically simple I know what you mean, but everyone has sone degree of stylization that often makes it look fitting if it's close enough to the right proportions. >Wanna do justice to her You will, my first Alice wasn't shapely at all, yours has good style already a little tweaking on it and she'll fit with the trucker >Beau should be a cinch Always, I always just wing him each time myself >>71161 This is really nice! Good lines, especially the hat and visorface! Also posing and details, don't worry about the thick shellline it looks great already, has more swag than any Beau I made for sure. Can't wIt to see your Alice, your style is very nice, clean and detailled, gl
>mfw i try to undo a bad stroke and it turns out that it undoes the last two minutes of good work Alt Beau sprite with arm down, redid the border of his casing Remaining character sprites are Alice and Ticket Guy, plus backgrounds
I'm not particularly satisfied but this is the best Alice sprite I could hack together so far Might tool around more if I have time, but it'll work for the purposes of the demo Not sure if I'll have it all set tomorrow, might be this weekend
>Daily Alice funfact: In an alternate universe Alice worked on N instead of Beau. Swayed by his innocent nature and not being an impersonable gremlin like Uzi she instead helps the group and reveals Cyn. She later marries Doll.
>>76792 Someone recorded it all, catboxed it and put a link here, I don't have the link now but the download says it has to be from Oktober 19th. >>76607 This looks really >nice >CUTE >good >accurate and onmodel No need for haste, I think the wait will be more than worth it for anyone interested here. Especially her collarbone/shoulder are and visor look extremely good imo, not just saying that cause iz is you but the style works well, the little nudge in the collarbone line always has big influence on perspective if done right, which it is here, fits with legs pose. And making the blush lines parallel like that is something I need to try too. Tail around the leg is also a great idea >>75895 Thanks a lot, it's one of the things I ever drew that I like most, I think about such scenarios very often and will definitely do more of them as soon as they are clear enough! Positive replies about that thing mean much >>76791 Alice having spent more time in contact with awake N/having N in the room instead of V would have helped so much... Alice and Doll marriage I'm not 100% sure about but they could absolutely become closer, tgey have much in common personality and historywise
>>76792 Found it, it's the entirety of the second GlitchX behind the scenes stream, with exception of >>75392 From the third it contains every official piece of exclusive official Alice content we ever got.
>>88069 Classic But it's this one for me, that image rewired my brain. First the original green, it was very impactful and I got very invested in drones. But that very image of Alice...peak, made me see why people said they wanna marry drones, I'm there myself since then. Post 141061880 on /co/, early december, catbox link. Will not forget
>>92142 Hello! I don't know much about guns but I think a Sharps rifle could be relevant, good accuracy for the time and not too massive for a drone, tho that is quite old for old west perhaps. Would be powerful and accurate enough to take down anything with enough planning and 'home-advantage' which I guess she'd have in any situation where she'd chose to engage. Winchesters of course too, easier reload, rifled and so on. One more that comes to mind is Kentucky rifle, (look up Jack Hinson's), rare and very large for a drone, but supposedly was able to hit at 600 yards, not sure if that's really an old west gun. Similiar with the withworth one, which is the bestlooking (pic rel). No idea about revolvers however
>>123891 Same bro... idk how many we are, at least three, maybe four or five. >>124155 Totally, 3 more pillbaby...and 3 more pillbaby...and 3 more pillbaby.. Not just because Alice is incredibly attractive, having her around would also just be peak
Here's a repost of a (lewd) holiday green I wrote in the main thread, Merry Christmas Alicefrens
>Christmas with Alice >all of the presents unwrapped, gentle snowfall outside your cabin, the fireplace roaring >Beau is all tuckered out and recharging in his room with his tremendous toy haul (he managed not to shoot his eye out) >Alice is snuggled up next to you on the couch in the wonderfully tacky reindeer sweater you bought her, humming softly along with the Christmas songs on the radio >you can still smell the smoky scent of the firewood on her >it's so comfy you could stay like this forever, but then she looks up at you with a deep blush on her visor and an expression as tender as it is utterly amorous >she kisses you softly, not anything like her more common "lovebites" or intense tongue makeouts, just sincere, loving contact >"Y'know sugah... there's still one gift ya haven't unwrapped yet..." she whispers teasingly, her fingers gently trailing the collar of your shirt >you can tell from their trembling and the whirring of her cooling fans that she's just as worked up as you are >she takes your hand and the tree's multicolored lights reflect off of her helmet's antlers in an especially beautiful way as you both walk to the bedroom, making sure to lock the door >more kissing in between undressing, warm breaths against one another, blood and oil pumping >you sigh in relief as Alice frees your achingly hard cock from your underwear, and your naked forms embrace on the bed - intact for now, although its odds of staying that way aren't looking too good >Alice, on the other hand, is as gorgeous as ever, the gentle light perfectly accentuating the curves of her chassis >you gaze into her captivating copper eyes as your naked forms embrace, flesh hands caressing metal, metal hands caressing flesh, treasuring every inch of one another >she whispers sweet little southern nothings into your ear between kisses, her movements are so vulnerable, so open and intimate, so unlike the twitchy way she carried herself when you first met her >you take in all of the wear and tear on her nude frame, the little dents and scars, records of everything she's been through >she's come so far, and it's been a priceless gift to be there alongside her every step of the way; you couldn't be more proud >you can't imagine what you ever did to deserve someone as amazing as Alice in your life, but you're immeasurably grateful >as she positions yourself on top of you her voice is husky and sensual, and she croons, "I wanna ride ya 'til the cows come home, sweetheart." >both of you moan as she lowers herself onto you, the warmth of her sex hugging yours and causing you to shiver involuntarily, your whole body feels so sensitive - if you aren't careful you feel like there might be a chance of cumming right then and there >Alice is mercifully slow at first, relaxed and gentle as she begins to ride you >gazing into each other's eyes, arms around one another, just basking in the moment and savoring the closeness >you bring your own fingers to circle delicately around the upper breast area of her torso, and she gasps aloud >"O-oh, oh my stars," she whines, "Keep that up, please... please..." >her pace quickens and you moan and gasp right along with her >every coo and sigh out of her mouth is like honey for your ears >soon she's bouncing with gusto and her hair is bouncing with her, the various implements on her antlers jingling loudly >you start thrusting in tandem to meet her and the room is filled with your combined moans, groans, and panting, her motors audible among the lewd ambience, slaps of skin against steel >all either of you can do is breathlessly chant each other's names as the heavenly pressure in your bodies builds further and further >the dazzling explosion of mind-numbing pleasure strikes you and Alice as one, the two of you crying out in ecstasy and holding each other tight >you've had countless breathtaking orgasms making love with Alice, but this is the most powerful one you can remember since... maybe ever >it just keeps going, pulse after pulse, rope after rope of seed shooting into her waiting walls >you can still feel Alice moving, rolling her hips through her own climax, not stopping even as you finally begin to come down from the initial high >you give another involuntary cry as you feel your overstimulated cock assaulted by intense vibration >"Installed a lil' surprise for ya this mornin', baby," Alice pants, smiling from ear to ear with a lovedrunk expression, "M-Merry Christmas... enjoy..." >you can't form words to respond as her synthetic pussy milks you relentlessly, and your eyes roll back into your head as you're coaxed into a full erection, and then another blindingly intense orgasm right off the heels of the previous one >you produce noises that a man should probably not even be able to make >mewls and gasps of combined shock, pleasure, and awe as Alice's hips fuck you senseless, your whole body tensing and straining under the weight of a third consecutive orgasm in the span of less than two minutes >Alice is still riding you vigorously, and you can faintly feel her tail wrapping around you to keep you upright >"Love ya..." she moans, "Love ya sugah... love ya so much... so much..." >your conscious thoughts fade away and time loses meaning, and all you know is a haze of pure bliss, wave upon wave of vibration, of boundless pleasure, a creaking and splintering bedframe, mindless desperate sweaty thrusting, your exhausted cock flexing and your balls tightening over and over until there isn't a drop of your love left to spare >and you can feel your robotic lover against you, her fingers interlocking with your own, her sweet voice soothing you as deep sleep carries you away without resistance >all you know is Alice >the one remaining microscopic fragment of your conscious mind is vaguely aware that you're going to be in serious, serious pain when you wake up tomorrow >but it also knows that you're going to wake up next to Alice >and just for that? it's all worth it
>your car is fucked. >stuck in a ditch with one of the wheels about halfway into the engine >from what you can make out, anyway. you didn't exactly give it a proper looking over when you stepped out into the snow. too damn cold for that. >hearing your engine's death rattle was proof enough that your former car wasn't going to be of much use to you. >the luxury of living in your car for the night was too much to ask, you guess. >you stayed as long as it took all of the heat to leak out– trying your phone over and over knowing full well you weren't gonna get any reception out here in the sticks. >when the battery died there was nothing left to do but stare out into the snow-speckled night through your fogged and frost-rimmed windows, getting colder by the minute >then, through the trees you saw it: the faint but unmistakable glow of warm light through a window >your best bet. >as the last of the warm air trickled out, you bundled up as best you could, grabbed a flashlight from the trunk >and set off into the woods > >you'd dressed warmly when you left, but it wasn't nearly enough for a nighttime hike as you're quickly learning >the chill bites at your nose and ears, your teeth chatter, and your whole body shivers. >suffice it to say, it's goddamn freezing out. >but you're not far off now. you catch glimpses of a cabin through the swirling white haze, the golden light within spilling out into the storm. > >puffing and panting, you stumble onto the porch, slump against the wall, and pound on the front door with what little strength you have left >you'd shout for help if you could just catch your breath. >the dread that nobody's home begins creeping into your mind, only to be swiftly chased away by the sound of approaching footsteps >an inviting heat flows out as the heavy wooden door creaks open >you push yourself from the wall, turning to face the... air. >"aw, darlin', what're you doin' out here on a night like this?" comes the honeyed southern drawl from below your line of sight >a drone a fair bit shorter than you stands in the doorway, gazing up at you with eyes gold as the light that paints the porch in yellow hues >auburn hair frames her face, a gust of icy wind blowing her already messy ponytail into further disarray >"c'mawn in right now, hun. you'll catch yer death'a cold standin' 'round out here" >you can't quite place her expression. there's more than concern written on her face– you could swear a faint smile creeps through her worried frown >but you aren't about to refuse her invitation at risk of freezing to death, and certainly not on the unsteady basis of how your frostbitten brain reads her expression. >flinging the door wide open, she extends her hand to you >you pull your own nearly frozen hand from your pocket, of which she takes firm hold. >feeling returns to your thoroughly numbed digits as she wraps her warm fingers around yours, guiding you inside >there's an immediate relief as you step into the cabin, a wave of warmth washing over you >sensation trickles back into your body, and you take in a deep breath that smells of cloves, cinnamon, and campfires >the coziness of your rustic surroundings is slightly disrupted by the realization that your hostess, unlike any drone you've ever seen, has antlers >you hadn't seen them through the crack in the door, but now they're impossible to ignore. >a pair of antlers, like those of a buck, extend from her head like they'd grown there naturally >on closer inspection, they're just a little too small, too smooth to be the genuine article– but clearly crafted with care. >the little bot follows your gaze and smiles, a subtle, bashful blush lighting up her cheeks "ya like 'em? ah made 'em m'self." >her smile widens when you nod. t-thought t-they were r-r-real >you try to chuckle through still-chattering teeth, the cold not having been entirely chased away >"well, shucks, I–" she seems to catch herself, the blush on her face replaced with concern >"shoot, yer still freezin' and here I am about t'go on ramblin' about woodworkin'. let's getchu warmed up proper, sugar." >still holding your hand, she pulls you down the hall with a bit more urgency. her grip is strong. >"beggin' yer pardon, mister. it's been a... loooong while since I had someone to talk to. got carried away." >she looks back at you with hollow eyes underlined by heavy bags. >"bein' all alone can make ya feel like yer goin' plumb crazy, y'know?" >the way her eyes twitch about gives what should be a sympathetic smile an air of mania >one you have no choice but to ignore as the two of you step into the living room, where a comfy-looking couch awaits you, lit by the glow of a crackling hearth >the deer drone seats you on the sofa, tosses a few more logs on the fire, and wraps you up in a blanket for good measure >"now you sit tight an' warm up, and I'll getcha somethin' hot t'drink." t-thanks, uh... >you grasp for a name you've yet to learn >"name's Alice, hun. pleased t'meetcha. you get comfy, I'll be just a minute." >with that, she walks off into the kitchen to your right.
Imagine Uzi had been less gremlinish when first meeting Alice and instead made actual attempts at conversation, Alice's reaction would have been priceless to see. She was so so cute during that one minute my heart🥺 It should by all means have been possible that Alice lets them leave, had Uzi not put in work to antagonize her. I will never ever get over that, total Uzi death
>>130079 >>130078 Agreed, fuck Uzi At least for Alice however we can safely say she is alive, in the way that due to being ZD as a CFL subject and so on her core failsafe does not work, anyways the state she is now in is 'safe'. If only we had gotten more technical lore or really anything on what the head is necessary for, cause the cores being added seems to make it nothing but sensory plattform in function, at least on anything that isn't a normal WD because as we saw those get FATAL ERROR and just fie from screendamage already, as we saw with James in 5. Solverhosts, (Nori getting the cross in her face/Doll running around with a hole through her head for half the season), DDs (J getting penned), and ZDs as well (Amda having damage on her screen during the intro, with oil on it/Alice having her face smashed in the background of the image with Nori and Yeva, yet still going) at least don't die from that/can go on.
Besides such things however there is also Alice staying in pose after the damage, all drones killed off are limp, be it Braiden, Rebecca or 029 who was also attacked by Sentinel. Meaning, for one that the rest of her body physically still functions, that her system which is affected by bootloop isn't destroyed/personality kill didn't happen (other confirmation she is ZD), and even with head in bad state, Alice as the mind still seems in controll there.
Now with pillbabies we know almost nothing or plain nothing, but he is probably gone, although its worth mentioning that his Beau's leg poking out of the oven keeps moving even after the sentinel is done.
Regarding this topic, I recently discovered something that has to be an oversight but idc they put it onscreen so its real, namely, Alice's head straight up being there again in 6. It's dark af, but we see her head full and not moved in the ground, as well as her grey helmet here clearly. >Where the antlers at? Chance is that this is the model without them since they'd have been more visible, the same model in the Nori-Yeva-Alice image. >Why didn't they remove the head? Idk, either sloppy work, a genuine oversight, or something being planed, after all this wouldn't have been the first time of extremely low contrast foreshadowing, if anyone remember Cynwalkers hands crawling around on the shelves while N was looking gor the ZD tape in 4. No idea what could have been planned had this been intentional, but its clear as day that Alice is in one piece there,
>>130103 This does makes sense, so i'm glad she survived Still a bit messed up though, considering she's just stuck there with no one around to help her
[Fresh Alice]. Alice entered a winter wonderland. The wonderland entered her. She's not exactly herself any more. Be a dear and don't be like Alice. Or be like Alice and be a deer. It's a free planet, now that the humans are gone.
>>148504 BROOOOOOOO HOLY SHIT WHAT THAT IS NEW Alice animation holy kwk Have exam tomoroow first one this will carry me through zhe day thanks! I knew there had to be more wherever tbat great model originated from! Let'sssss gooooo! Very based very nice I love myn Wife
>>148551 But wait, there's more Some guy on r*ddit has been cranking out Alice stuff pretty regularly, if you can stand using the site
>>148566 God damn it Thank you first and foremost, but by all means I should have been able to do this, yet I achieved almost nothing of significance Alicewise considering the effort put into her-almost nothing productive, mostly neverwracked and driven by urgency and desperation-. I was trying Blender got nowhere, not even able to produce the shitty Youtube vids I had in mind. That mf straight up outdid my goals and I can't even complain Fuck Think I'll take a break, idk how long, wether it is hours or days, but seeing that made me feel sick, immensely. You know which render I mean, head splatter ofc. I rewatched that like 50 times few days ago, exposure therapy doesn't work as a last ditch effort, feels like I mauled my mind one to many times
>>158043 YESSIR I wish you best luck with it, I will wait as long as it needs, great to see you got time for it and still want to do more with Alice and trucking!
>>158637 Always glad to do it, Alice needs more rep >great to see you got time for it Technically I don't, but the profs won't notice if I type this stuff in the margins of my notes during class. Just gotta make sure I use font size 6 so no one else can read what I'm writing
>>158738 True, and same. Cannot wait for more, the old greens about New Mexico and especially Washington are really dear to me, I did not reread that one ever but they are the #1 thing coming to mind when remembering November 23. Definitely shaped my view of Alice and is one of the best greens we ever got. Do you have any concept of what model of truck they drive in?
>>159610 >Do you have any concept of what model of truck they drive in? Not really, I'm afraid. A good basic choice is a Mack Anthem since it's pretty common and has a sleeper cab, but any truck would do. Maybe if I ever give the Trucker a road nemesis I'll have him drive the Peterbilt 281 from Duel.
>>176644 I don't have them right now, but I downloaded them, they are saved. Didn't open them yet because I have them on my phone, and they are .rar files. I'll look tomorrow if I can get them up but I never used gofile before.