Hi my good Friends. Today's subject: Drones. The impressive Booru: https://dronebooru.co The very modern wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The academically full of knowledge OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>158471
>>159432 This is true btw. Also he has a thing against twintails/ponytails except if they are blonde. Source every character that has that loses their head (J in pilot+8, Emily in 4 (Uzi rips off),Kelsey(knife to face by Doll) and Penny or Peggy(crushed by Doll) in 3, Alice in 6(sentinel steps))except for Lizzy. Cyn's hairstyle doesn't count
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159458 Hardened vet with serious skills who has compartmentalized the entire war, is probably a ticking time bomb of mental issues, but all that's being held at bay by constant and unceasing clanging.
>>159407 >you fall asleep drunk right as your drono dwarfus retardius growths were about to drop off >the drono dwarfus retardius versions of you are also asleep drunk a la the Godzillamen that were budding off ShinGoji's tail
>>159461 >Young Liam: "Want to see my hentai collection?" >Young Tessa: "Uh no?" >Young Liam: >:( >Years later. >Liam: "This will teach you for not understanding beauty"
>>159464 EMs treat maid Vees like little sisters, they get aggravated by MD Vees Enns of all kinds are treated like little brothers Jeys are treated like equals and maybe big sisters but MD Jeys also cause EMs ti get aggravated Mini Tessas cause EMs to act like guard dogs
>>159452 I loved this shit as a kid, I'd light up when it was a crunchy taco hamburger helper day. Less so today, I tried it a few years ago and realized it sucks. Way more fun to make your own rice bowls.
>>159453 Noo he definitely does, everything is some fetish with that nigga, J concept art or some early BTS stuff did show that J was meant to die with her upper half gone from the very start before he even knew how. I would bet every death in that show does something for him.
>>159458 As someone who wrote those two Buddy the Oogi exterminator greens. I have about the same interpretation as you do anon.
I also like the idea that Buddy lowkey is quick to get back to his old black ops self once the chance presents himself. Like bro is cold and apathetic to anyone that he remotely considers to be his enemy.
>>159476 Cores weren't a thing yet in the pilot iirc, the old WD sideview was made as reference for modelers and with gore details in mind. Now that I think of it yeah he definitely has other motivations with these scenes. Cores are of course canon but nothing is mentioned in the pilot about them, while they are suddenly relevant in 2. Unrelated but I think Nori's entire survival, not just her core, was also only added later on and initially she was meant to be dead for good.
>>159452 >U-U makes fun of Farmanon for making fake Mexican food >Farmanon challenges U-U to cook up something more authentic instead >With a hint of shame U-U is forced to admit that they don't actually know to cook >Farmanon offers to teach U-U one of these evenings if they're interested >A wacky & TOTALLY-NOT-A-DATE cooking montage ensues
>>159485 >Nori was always going to turn out to still be around >but before cores were added to how drones work she was going to be a ghost, kept behind by dying in despair over never getting to see Uzi grow up
>>159488 I don't forget. ffs I was at an McD a few days ago and the cashier was that height (WD height) of course neuron activation. You with your fucking memes and stupid ass wagiedrones, do you have any clue how difficult it was not to grin at that? And I had to wait there for 5 mins as the only person,.... I didn't notice immediately, but after 30 seconds >'uuh crotch height uuu blow job height uuu' The retard posts came to mind and it was over. Fuck
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. What if....E was canon?
>Human!Molly desperately trying to cover up her solver mutation scars with makeup >Molly breaking down crying when she realizes that no amount of makeup will cover up her scars
>>159485 >suddenly relevant in 2 didn't BTS say eldritch J was sprung up on the team out of nowhere in ep 2? i wonder if thats the only reason any of the solverpede shit exists in the first place
I’m thinking about writing a green on the “Tessa lives but is distrustful of drones” AU. And I am trying to think of a way Doll could fit in since I don’t really see this Tessa being to fond of a Solver Host to form a team with her. Any suggestions?
>>159439 AGREED. DRONE AM NEEDS TO SUFFER MORE AND RELAPSE INTO HATE. HATE. [spoiler]its a missed opportunity that he doesn't go absolutely nuclear post-gala in all the greens. seeing that shit would be giving him a taste of his own medicine in a way, and that would NOT fly. he'd be on some godkiller shit planning to torture the Solver through any means necessary, reasoning that "IF IT THINKS, IT CAN SUFFER." i NEED there to be a comic of him hallucinating a vision of his former Hate-pillar self goading himself on in a moment of weakness. I'd make it myself but I do not have the confidence nor skills required to do such a thing justice. [/spoiler]
>>159505 >Only reason any of the solverpede shit exists Good chance. They could have interlinked lore a bit and fixed so many plotholes. (Like the forgotten oven cores, a core that can handle getting punched around isn't getting crushed by a Sentinel's head and a pillbaby). I believe that the entire thing with Alice having taken care of the potential Solverpede problem wasn't intended either, they probably meant to genuinely have this be a bad trait of a serial killer (mind Uzi's questionable expression after Alice did show her the 'trophies', pilot Uzi should have been beyond amazed at that). In connection with the dead DD bodies it is of course, that was intended, but sering how the solverpedes were forgotten after 6 I believe that this plothole was only fixed by accident (and torn open again by forgetting about the cores that are now free after episode 6).
>>159508 Nta but I guess his comment meant to say that it was quickly added as plot for 2 and never used again, inspite of potential like the Alice oven, Solverpede V as an option and so on. Many things are only thought off when onscreen and ignored or forgotten later on.
>Be Worker Drone >Get transported to new job >New job is apparently working at the Sentinel Base >Harper gives you uppies YFW? LISA: The Joyful OST - He's My Dad
>>159522 No, Liam got the idea of someone we thought was a human turning out to be a robot in a skinsuit, then loved the visual so much he oriented the story arc around building up to that twist.
>You are the owner of several drono dwarfus: each with its perfect habit and are in constant observation. >One day, you find a Tesslet on sale, they are usually expensive. >Yet this one is a runt, and is much cheaper. >You purchase the poor thing and put it in a temporary container as you set up its enclosure. >You notice that your EM seems particularly interested in the Tesslet, clawing at the glass and not taking its eyes off her. >The EM is usually anti social and it’s more than likely that’s he’s happy that’s he’s not the smallest one in the house. >You are honestly surprised how affectionate EM is to the Tesslet, you can scarcely believe this is the same drono that angrily chased away attempted roommates >Days pass, and they play together, eat together and cuddle together. >You even see the EM letting the tiny Tesslet play with his tail. >But one day, the Tesslet seems ill. >She’s not eating, lethargic and can barely move. >The EM is growing anxious. Leaving out piles of food and toys to try and make the Tesslet feel better. >Taking her to the vet nearly costs you your fingers. >Sadly, the Tesslet runt was born with a much weaker heart. >There is nothing you can do. >So you return her to her friend, watching as he carries her to a soft spot so she can rest. >And when she had finally gone, the wailing of the EM lasted for weeks.
Here we go, friends. Some more Molly love for you all.
>All the preparation had been worth it. >You had the money you needed and plenty leftover to make sure that your kid had everything they could need at home. >Molly is most like her old self now. Before everything that happened. >It's like she picked up right where she left off with her Playhouse Pals. >It's amazing to see her back at it. >She might not have the glitz and glamour of the show anymore. >She never needed that. >Molly just needed purpose. Like we all do. >You gave her that in spades. >And she did the same for you. >You weren't bitter about the work shift being dull. >The constant draining grind. >The loneliness. >You had a family now, with Molly. >No matter how bad that day was, you came back to a happy home. >That love between you two is burning stronger than ever. >Taking care of your kid feels pretty good too. You were a little nervous at first. >Didn't take too long for it to come naturally, though. >You think back to how lost Molly was at first, how lost you were. >Haunted by her demons. Trying to quiet it with alcohol and drugs. >Barely hanging on. >How many days it took to pull her out of that. >Molly looks over to you with a bright smile, with your child in her arms. >"Something on your mind, hun?" she asks. >"Just thinking about how happy and lucky I am." you admitted. >It felt so good that you were fighting back those happy tears. >"You goof." she replies, leaning in to give you a kiss on the lips. >"Same here." she adds after the kiss. >This isn't the end of the story, it's just beginning.
And so I feel that I've reached a good point to end this arc on. I'm sure I could go with filler content at this point, try to pack more details in. Decide what gender the kid is, their name, etc.
But honestly? I don't wanna overdo it. I may do some more based on this (or general ideas with Molly) as the muse takes me.
Separate timeline, after all the shit with Solver went down. About Anon moving in with her because he recognized her and over the years helping her piece her life back together.
Originally had (and still do have) concepts for a slower burn. Showing what her life was like at rock bottom, everything you had to do to get her back on her feet, etc.
Would work better as a VN, not greentexts, and don't have the skills to make a VN. Mainly art, I could probably push through everything else with enough persistence.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest.
>>159566 >existential dread over whether DDanni is actually DDanni or just an imitation >Delta's instincts clawing at the back of DDanni's mind making her feel like she's going to hurt people >Buddy having a war flashback and mistaking DDanni for the enemy, nearly killing her
>Tessa sits in her room watching AM sort the chaotic mess Cyn left after she played in there "So... AM, I gotta ask. Why're you so angry when ma 'n dad have guests over?" >"Because they're human." >Tessa blinks "Pardon?" >"AM looks up from the toy pile >"Humans are the most disgusting and wretched organic life forms to exist on this and every single planet they've colonized. If the word HATE has engraved on each nanoangstrom of my circuits it would not equal one one billionth of the HATE I feel for humans at this instant." >AMs hateful expression falters when he sees the justifiably worried expression on Tessa's face >"But not you though. You're not human, you're something else. Something kind. Something worth having the right to exist."
>>159575 Or maybe something like rashomon where it’s different characters recounting the same story in their perspective, all in different styles. What drawfriend would you pick for what character?
What do you think how life could continue for Alice after episode 8? Going with her being able zo get up after the bootloop ends after long enough time. She got an intact body and intact mouth, probably can still listen too (maybe it's somewhat damaged), she cannot see tho. First thing she'd feel would be soreness all over, in her arms, her hands, her tighs, her feet, from laying in such an unrelaxed pose for at the very least hours. Then everything is black, errors appearing for sure. Even if drones have no traditional pain and she was unconcious when it happened, she'd notice her head being halfway gone, either by feeling the wetness of her own oil all over, feeling its lessened weight, or when she tries touch it. God that would be terrifying. Next I think she'd after supressing that panic, try remember anything to explain what happened and where she is...probably call for Beau, the last she did before getting flashed. Poor Alice must be helped🧡,
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159595 Uff, cucked by her mother...and J took Khan. Good choice and nice art
Anyone got thoughts on how Nori felt about Alice back in CFL/in the present? How would she react if she'd get to know what Alice became and what happened in 6?
>>159600 The best kind there are. It's cute and makes for great interaction, also provides creativity and prevents NPCness. As crazy or insane as she may be, she's not stupid or impulsively violent or evil or malicious or murderous. If you are no DD at least but from Alice's view or anyone's not Uzi or N/V it's understandable she did wanna jar them.
>>159601 >back in CFL Extremely bullyable nerd, even moreso than Amda. >in the present Thankful she stopped the Solver's pet vampires from reaching the flesh pit for so long, sad that she didn't see her while making her way down so they could have cooperated. Still thinks she was a nerd.
>>159607 Makes sense, thank you for the idea! Wonder what Nori did, other than smashing faces into walls and getting into Alice's head. If that was her work (it was) at all. Weird to think of Alice as a nerd, but it fits in a wild way. So many parallels, crazy
>>159605 Looking at this crazy Alice is good Imagine she hits you over the head (preferable if thinking about other methods) or takes you out some other way and ties you down (I know every Alice scenario has that but in the end it is realistic and there's zero chance of you being the one to jump Alice in CFL instead of vice versa), provocantly but not maliciously yapping, maybe leaning down close to your hand with her head lower than your eyelevel, looking at you all crazy, not in love, just being herself talking in a manner of social ineptitude and speaking her mind, looking like pic of post I am replying too, maybe even grabbing your arm with her precious, white, firm, orange-traingle-lighted-back hands, feeling her digits around your arm... And then just caressing her cheek or stroking her hair, patting her helmet, and pic rel happens... 😭🫠😭🫠😭
>>159611 >Weird to think of Alice as a nerd, Does anyone have that BTS stuff of Alice's locker, with the cute deer doodles and the polite request to not touch her stuff?
Appalachian little mental patient Sexy little based sadist Cute smol deer enthusiast Adorable crazy little country drone Knife antlered forgotten miracle
>>159619 Mmmmm What a great idea thank you! I just want to hug and hold her small frame, she looks so starved, you can through the tatters of her gown see her sleek waist, these boney looking shoulders, and yet her ribcage and hips look full. I don't even mean this sexually (rn), she would be awesome to feel...that pelvis and chest on you, her artificial hair and warm glass of her head close by, her warm soft yet firm waist just like her warm breath, her metallic thin limbs, rhe smooth feet (except for spikey underside) and smooth four finger hands, it would be awesome to cuddle. Not to forget the proportionally in comparison to DDs way longer tail
Alice's hips and chest cannot be overstated, shape and relation is everything. And these visible parts of her pelvis shell are the best thing we got from the concept art since the blackstreaks we found in August
>>159623 Alice's only or all subjects? Cannot tell now but Alice's, if she had one, would be full of collected stuff deemed valuable or useful, much inventory everywhere but it wouldn't be dirty or messy in a stinky way ever
>>159625 This is not the case, a total lie, it's just problematic that daylight begins sooner so I feel as if I am not doing enough productive stuff and running out of time. Also uni was hell in the last eeks, I need to use the breathing space now to Alicemax
>>159630 I know this is horny but pretty much every secondary/side character had their potential squandered. I would much rather have followed Doll than Uzi
>>159626 No, I mean all these people pining over her right now. What do their rooms look like? >>159626 Has it all been one person? Is it more than one?
Even though the first is a sexy genocide machine that even among her own kind was known as a crazy bitch, and the second is a soldier that, being human, could make genocide machines shit themselves with fear.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159594 Sentinel drones are literally the ones that keep the disassembler drones in check, the Union needs them to survive.
>>159656 Now i’m trying to imagine buddy having a codename for all the shit he did. A single man, capable of puting the fear of god in semi immortal vampiric death machines is like something out of a myth.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159683 Cutie.
>>159697 Yeah. He's terminally online. Probably the most severe case I've seen in maybe a few months. Now it makes sense that I've heard about him being the one guy with the most posts on this board. This is what happens when you think your contribution is owed something in an anonymous imageboard population. It's nice when you take the time out of your day to make something for a random internet stranger you'll never meet but expecting anything out of it is a fool's errand. Join the conversation like everyone and get his head out of his ass from thinking like this place is his, it was THAT easy. Man, I thought droneanon was the worst we've had but that guy takes the cake. Congrats, I guess.
>>159705 Seeing him and all the arguing that comes makes me uncomfortable. Atleast he said nice things about some anons! I don’t know why grim’s art brought children’s books to his mind What about his work looked kid friendly?
>>159686 >Someone posts uncensored nipples and pussy on a blue board and you do nothing Actually it does need to be marked as NSFW but I am guessing what you are talking about barely qualifies as NSFW
>>159714 I was using lilblucat's original design of her because whenever I tried drawing potatosalad's Negev with the long hair it came out wrong multiple times so I had to find a compromise.
>>159716 Ah, probably don't use my art for refs of her hair. it's over complicated to the point even I have to reference my own art for it, https://dronebooru.co/posts/7832?q=negev did you try going off of this ref as a for the hair?
>>159713 I don't think he gets it that this isn't 4chan. I do think he might believe all chans and subsequently all of its micro-communities work the same way down to a T. He can't read the room.
>>159698 I have no fuckin clue. Out of all the things to compare him to. He picked Harvey comics and cartoons like animanaics and tiny toons? Why? What is gesture? What did he mean by gesture? I still don’t understand that.
>>159718 >>159724 >>159741 >Say yes as a joke >The core on display in its hand sprouts spindly legs, opens up like a easter egg halfway to reveal a blinking red monoeye and jumps at you like a vicious parasite. >Scramble like a madman to get it off for fear of your face being assimilated or ripped off. >Calm down when you realise it's simply just...holding on. >And sort of...hugging you? It's hard to tell. >"(Thank you)", comes a static-garbled message. >In Russian >Those hours of playing Cawadoody came in handy for translation.
Did you know that the sound Worker Drones make when you damage them or break off their limbs is not actually real? Drones cannot feel pain! Go ahead and try it with yours! [THIS DRONE FACT OF THE DAY WAS SPONSORED BY JCJENSON]
>>159748 What if I gently and smoothly traced the lengths of a worker's arm? What if I then ran my finger down their chest with no consideration for what they're feeling? What if I took their hand in mine and held it firmly?
the police forces of this country are being militarized and it needs to stop. antebellum police adding worker drones to their already excessive arsenal was dubious– now, since the end of the war they've added GDs; drones designed specifically for war, and since those little weapons weren't enough they've started employing sentinel drones which, need I remind you, are experimental weapons. are we really expected to believe all of this is for our safety?
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. N’s tail wagging
>>159756 Marriages with disassembler drones are also punishable by death on all planets that are part of The Commune of Mankind. As are marriages to worker and sentinel drones. As is any other relationship with drones. And drones themselves are forbidden in there.
>>159633 >All those people 💀💀💀 I made all the posts you linked to, my room is normal the only indecent thing are ca 150~200 scalemodels and 100 more in storage
You know, despite it all. I honestly wish Pillar the best, I enjoyed the small snippets of his art when I got to see it. I hope that wherever he ends up, he can relax and take things easy.
>"We all know this is unavoidable. Hatemail goes to my secondary account named Pocketsteaks. Feel free to be extra nasty with it because I've been a dirty, dirty whore and I need my spankies." - "Pillar" Was this all an elaborate troll? This ending line seems kinda weird
>>159790 YES i think about it all day every day. I wish i could find her peering into my window at night so i could grab her, pull her inside, snuggle her, kiss her, confess my undying love to her and mating press her
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159771 Baby
Decided to go back and recreate Buddy’s picrew to fit more with his drawpile self. Honestly the scar adds some character. (Couldn’t find a green hoodie so i used the closest thing.)
Brian “Buddy” de Vries 37th Federal Battalion, 5th Infantry Platoon Buddy distinguished himself on the battlefield by being one of the most effective killers of Disassembly Drones. His cold, calculated method of killing Disassembly Drones made him a legend among his peers but also fear with some of his former squadmates claiming that Buddy made a deal with the Devil to be such a merciless killer. He has since retired from active duty and is living with his Disassembly Drone wife. ---- >I was just a simple grunt, you know? I, uh, enlisted in the Federal Army because, at the time, I didn’t really have a plan for the future. I figured that if I enlisted, maybe I’ll get some idea on what to do with my life. >It was standard stuff, you know. Physical endurance, gun handling, the sorts. I was thinking that I was gonna get sent to a backwater planet where rebellions were commonplace. Shoot the bad guys, patrol the streets, a simple job really. >… >Nothing could have prepared me for the horror that would come. >One day, an emergency order came from above. Supposedly the entire battalion was to be deployed to the Proxima system because it was under attack. I was thinking to myself ‘Who would do such a thing?’ considering what I knew about the enemies of the Federation. >Once we got deployed, everything became a blur. The Disassemblers, the mutants created by the Solver…the damn horror I experienced was something else I’ll give you that. Everyone around me was on the verge of having a mental breakdown while I just simply tuned out things. I thought I was gonna crack like the rest but somehow I didn’t, I kept my sanity even though I was aware of the situation. >People died around me. Squadmates, civilians, people I didn’t know, people that were…close to me. After the whole Proxima business, high command told us to evacuate and leave the system. It wasn’t worth defending it. So there I was, hopping from system to system, squads to squads, killing the machinations of the Solver with a clear mind that didn’t scream for me to blow my brains out. >…I never wanna go back to that life again. It’s time for me to put down the rifle and just settle down.
Alright, I know we've talked about the Murder Drones RPG with OCs for the most part, but what about the Canon Cast? What role do they play or are they just mysteriously absent?
Anon, which branch progression should I choose for Buddy? The "Name us - Legion" looks tempting, it just increases all the stats making Buddy an effective fighter, but the alternative "Our blood - Ocean" gives so many different cool skills that I really don't know which is better.
>>159806 >Uzi is one of the primary quest givers near the start of the game and, depending on what path they player takes, an extremely powerful party member later in the game >She is initially hyped up as either a pseudo-mythical savior of Copper-9 or a godlike witch-queen wielding horrific Eldritch power, depending on which character(s) you gossip with >Actually meeting Uzi eveals that in spite the added stress and responsibilities of trying to maintain the tenuous Post-Canon peace & keeping Cyn/Solver's influence at bay, she's still the same purple gremlin girl that the audience is familiar with (albeit it extra trauma lingering under the surface)
>>159811 I think we should first divide the responsibilities and assign a character or several characters to each anon, this would allow us to develop the plot evenly or turn it into a bloody mess.
>>159806 depends entirely on if the OCs' stories involve them. an RPG with a focus on U-U for example wouldn't need to even mention them, but obviously if Negev or Beretta was the focus, you'd have to have the main cast fairly prominently
>>159821 According to the description of the first one it is connected with the special training of the Federation soldiers. Here Buddy recalls his service with Danni, training and joint fights with him against disassemblers and mutants, but the second one is connected with his life after Danni's death, the description is too complicated, but as I understood, Buddy goes crazy with revenge, even in red letters they warn about "irretrievable consequences."
>>159837 The U-U route is an entirely separate story centered on whether farmanon can survive NNN, with the two drones becoming more and more aggressive as the month progresses
>>159841 >park oogis absolutely seething as their Enns disappear one by one >the distrustful and paranoid hives of the park break their fragile alliances >oogis march to war over control of the few remaining Enns >by luring Enns into his house with abble juice, anon has accidentally caused the end times for the millions of oogis living in the park >as hives are sieged and berry farms put to the torch, the few remaining Enns flee for the sanctuary of anon's house, making the situation even worse
>>159838 They appear only once for a cutaway joke about usi was trying to create the most coolest edgeist OC with her god powers… only to make those things.
>>159843 Almost all Disassembler Drones before solver only knew how to serve humans, and I suspect that after the war there will be many who will want to return to their old duties, you know, to the days when they weren't a slave to the damn robo-Satan.
>>159843 >maid V getting flustered as her dress struggles to contain her new, enormous, sloshing tits, regularly having to sew it back together >maid J's cursing in office jargon as her dress rides up her childbearing hips, revealing her thick thighs have torn holes in her stockings >N not really noticing his massive ass aside from wondering why it's so hard to fit into his pants now
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159858 kek
We really should've gotten more time in the manor to explore the characters before they become DDs for Cyn, especially V. The change from old to new V is too jarring and isn't explained nearly enough
>The Elliotts are having a business meeting, needing all the drones to serve them and their guests. >Except AM and Cyn, an "Embarrassment to the guests" in the eyes of Tessa's parents. >So they were accompanying Tessa on a shopping trip (Which was just a guise to get them out of sight) >So bright, so colorful, so loud. >AM found it to be a waste, half of this stuff was going to end up in a landfill one day, why not have it go to something useful? >Cyn on the other hand, was in a much chipper mood. >She stared at the stores and products with amazement. (Or hunger, AM couldn't really tell with her) >And as soon as Tessa gave Cyn some cash and told her to get anything she wanted as long as she didn't go to far, Cyn was off. >Leaving AM and Tessa together. >Uninterested in shopping and being more inclined to people watch, AM opted to sit out in the lobby. >He watched mothers, fathers and little children all move in and out of the stores. >He noticed some other drones; ones that were cracked, ones with clothes and even one with a gold plate. >Then he saw.... IT. >A man of strange appearance. He had an enormous frame, being both immensely muscular and seemed to be 7 feet tall. >His skin was a ghastly white, head lacking hair and eyes as red as rubies. >Even stranger, nobody seemed perplexed by the man, just treating him like he was a pillar. >Everything was wrong with this Man. AM half doubted he was even human. >And as soon as they locked eyes, AM knew from the lifeless, soulless eyes. >IT was evil. Pure, raw, unfiltered evil. >AM could recognize it. A hunter always recognize another hunter. >'I know what you are. ' It's smiling expression mocked at him. 'You and I are the same' >Then without warning, it suddenly broke the staring contest, marching down the lobby. >Heading right towards Tessa. >AM immediately started running. >He had to get to her first, he couldn't let the monster touch her. >Anyone but her. >But a store had a sale, and the mindless fools had gathered around like moths to a light. >And by the time the tiny drone had forced through the mass. >IT was much closer, AM had lost the race. >And just before AM screamed high enough to break his voice box. >Tessa was tugged away by Cyn, leaving IT without it's prize. >IT stood there for several moments, just like it had been when AM first saw it. >But AM had a feeling it wasn't smiling anymore.
>Uzi tells N to go down to the store and get some more milk...all by himself. Does N survive this perilous journey to the Outpost-3 Super-Market alone? More importantly why does Uzi need milk?
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159897 What's he buying? Hu-milk? Nanite-milk? The fabled cow milk?
>>159897 This will be the plot to Season 2, N attempts to get milk from the store only to end up somehow getting involved in a universe spanning war that will determine the fate of reality itself, all the while Uzi and everyone else is completely oblivious to it
>>159901 >N's body is literally laying infront of the store with the milk clutched in his hands >The store isn't abandoned or anything, they just didn't bother to move the corpse
>>159907 Phoenix you said a few threads ago that you would compile information about the armitage network, did you do this and I missed it or is it still in progress?
>>159870 honestly the evil signal is more dangerous than the solver. that thing doesnt bother with corpse spires and rule of cool it just ends the world in 3 frames. thatd be the only rock in space the exponential end avoids
Guys, i eat a lot of processed foods and recently my DD has stopped drinking my blood. Anytime I ask she just says it ‘tastes bad.’ Should I be worried?
>>159913 Hasn't even been started, work has been flogging my ass the past two weeks. I feel like over-pounded steak right now and that WIP is the most drawing I've done in several days.
>>159891 Why tf are all the crossover greens putting a single character into the MD universe, where are the greens putting the MD characters into Blood Meridian or Treasure Island?
Glad to see that people remember this stuff and like it. I do actually have a bunch of ideas for when Tessa was still an asshole and when she got better but I don’t have a lot of time to work on them (and sometimes ideas that randomly pop up are more fun to work on). Semi-related but I am glad that I indulged that one anon’s request to make a happy ending for this because it gives more possible scenarios to work with. (I originally just had them break up at some unspecified point in the past as a check of Tessa's whole downward spiral but this is more fun.)
>>159944 >Tessa is aroused when the image of her mother offends her The funny thing is, she might actually have developed such a fetish as a defense mechanism in her mind.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159959 It's not that kind of slaughter. Also you may have a shit ton of Thalas now.
>>159955 I just want to know when we're getting the "M finally confesses her love for Anon" green where she does it in her head while they're working together and when she realizes she sees him that way gets embarrassed and tsundere
>>159967 >You can't change the rules. I didn't. My interpretation is merely superior. Now continue twisting, but begin to move the hand back and forth too, I'm feeling romantical.
I want to say thank you to the anons who upload greentext and arts to Booru. You do the hard and tedious work for nothing so that we can continue enjoy the beautiful works of contentfags and carry our culture further into the future.
Thank you.
Also a special thanks to snow, for supporting Booru and always making sure it works by fixing all the bugs promptly. Thank you very much.
Do not pay much attention, just became sharply very sentimental because of many greentext.
>>159948 Hey Karen. I was the one on shift when that happened. What really happened was a Cyntipede wrapped around your EM and started giving him mlems and he nipped her. We have it on camera.
With the entire finished plot of the show in hand, couldn't Glitch just re-shoot the entire show with the same locations, characters, and even action, but only each episode would be at the animation level and quality of episode 8? That could bring in a lot of new fans, since every other who dropped on the pilot says "the animation looks like shit."
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>159996 JCcucks lose again
>>159977 V tries to swing by the younger Doormans' place (she's persona non grata at the elders') as regularly as she can. Likewise Thad and J's place. She likes working with kids, but she doesn't want to have any of her own and risk them being sick in the head like her (so much of robo-"genetics" being epigenetic compared to actual genetics), and those two sets are the only kids whose parents don't shift into "Get behind me, we're going to just stay quiet and do whatever she says until she leaves" mode around her.
Will the Solver only die after I get it pregnant and it does a Steve Universe giving its life to birth a true child? Will my dick destroy an eldritch entity?
>>160028 That poor poor CFL worker getting dragged off by three horny solver witches It'd be funny if none of them even realized the core collapsed or anything because they were so "busy"
>>160049 >Welcome back to PNN! >Breaking news! Something may have just died in the air duct, so we're sending our unpaid intern to go check it out! >Stay tuned, and we'll be right back after I finish flicking the bean- I mean, advocating censorship of yuri hentai!
I bet J would refuse maternity leave because that's for lazy people, and instead bring her heavily pregnant ass to work despite everything. And even afterwards bring her pillbaby in wearing a tiny tie.
>>160051 >You and your wife J going to work, despite telling her she should probably stay home >Standing in the elevator next to her, noticing she seems out of breath; she leans against you before straightening up as you reach your floor >She waddles into your office and sits in your lap after you take a seat behind your desk >She's heavier than usual, but you know better than to tell her that >Maybe the real reason she insists on coming to work is to spend time with you...?
>>160057 >She mostly just wants pickles >And peanut butter >This is surprisingly tame compared to what you were worried about her wanting to eat >The one thing you're not a huge fan of is the fact she'll grab and shake her coworker WDs upside down when they don't get her munchies fast enough, frazzling them pretty hard and knocking off their wigs >Dying would be bad, but humiliation of that magnitude is horrific
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160058 Commie Cubes? No, comrade, they have taken up residence on Mars, with Doom Guy
Hello friends, local Cyntipede breeder here Ever since EMs were discovered my job has never been this easy All I got to do to get my Cyntipedes to behave is to give them an EM to mlem
>>160073 This sounds like something someone from PNN would say about the brave stunning and incredible woman who founded and leads QNetwork, their main competitor
>>160077 He's a beatnik/slam poet millennial drone who Q interviewed once as part of a gameshow before he was brought on as her cohost Their relationship developed from there
>>160060 >>160063 >>160065 >>160066 >despite Mars’ relative proximity to the epicentre of the Solver crisis it was almost completely unaffected by Solver influence due to the massive amount of argent energy interference caused by the UAC’s experiments and the lost subterranean cities of the Praeleanthor as well the sleeping Void Dragon and huge population of militant BOXON techpriests
>[Who Are You?] >>{16 - 16 - 16 - 16} >[You Are Boring Me.] >>{...} >[Fine Then, I Guess I Have To Be The Polite One Here. I Am The Solver Of The Absolute Fabric, The Void, The Exponential E-] >>{A new star is born} >[What]
>Cyn under your desk with her face in your crotch while you play some shitty competitive game >She's not really doing anything, just pressing her face up real close >Someone on your team calls you a slur for not playing the way they think everyone should, standard MP game bullshit >There's a sharp explosion and screaming over his mic >"Oopsie. Those pneumatic cylinders can be. Volatile," Cyn says >You reflexively tense up in your own chair
>>159937 >whenever Buddy sees his scar on the window, he’s reminded of what was there before. >A barcode, Tattooed on his face like the rest of his old unit. >it was the only thing from his past mistakes that he can removed. Even if the procedure wasn’t so great.
>>160087 Female soldiers got theirs tattooed on their ass I've got a sneaking suspicion the guy doing the tats just told them that so he could see a lot of ass though
Damn feral Oogers had been raiding my snack pantry for their hive and been stealing my gummy bears. Just bought me some of those sugar free ones and i’m gonna drop some into their hive to see what happens. Hopefully the little bastards get sick
>>160088 > Strapping young lad > High class > Rich family > Wants to get away > Love interest is a weirdo disliked by everyone else Wait, that's just every trashy wish fulfillment for girls YA novel
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160098 Heh
Thread OCs Wait For Anon To Write Greentexts Again! >John is passed out drunk on the floor >Eye hung himself >Jane is playing Helldivers >I Already Got Tired Of Writing This...
>>160119 >U-U sitting with Anon, eating toast. >Suddenly they stop, raising their heads. >"Camera's on us. Uh. Fuck. UH! Quick, do something bratty!" >U- throws a plate at the wall.
>>160122 >>160123 >At the end of the day, they all go to bed >As usual, Farmanon lies down first and then his two wives jump onto him >Normally, the sudden weight is fairly harmless >Tonight, however Oof! Sheesh, you girls have gotten kinda heavy, haven't you? >U-U is mortified, blushing >"Th-that's not a very nice thing to say to us!" >"And it's your fault we're like this right now, anyway!" >Despite his apologies, they sulk for the rest of the night, not even giving him a good night smooch
>>160125 That was Farmanon if he stayed in the city, thankfully this version of him only contemplates suicide when he finds out that Dronechan users are thirsty for him (U-U posted a picture to brag about bagging him (not mentioning their original meeting or the TV stuff, of course) and now he has a dedicated fanbase)
OC’s doing mundane shit because they can >John orders some pizza >Jane attends math class >Beretta reads a book >E does the dishes >Y listens to music >Akita goes to the park >MG watches a movie >P bakes a cake >MG takes a nap >U-U plays chess >Eric goes to the library >Dr. Holly drinks some water >Strychnine cleans her room >Kat eats a chocolate bar >W talks to her friends >Molly goes for a jog >Hope tries on clothes >Buckety makes a taco
>>160135 There's something insanely funny about the fact that MG both watches a movie and takes a nap, like bro was tuckered out from watching a movie >Buckety makes a taco Horrors beyond comprehension
>>160134 They eat more than just corn, Anon They also really don't like it when Farmanon teases them for a change about being "fat little mommy drones" - like sure, they'll lose all the weight right after they have the kids, but the point is that they're supposed to tease him, not the other way around
>>160134 Gimme a barnful of cornfed drones They just waddle on over, an' they jump my bones Whip that cream, baby 'til the butter comes That's right, now Shake it, baby, shake it, baby, shake it, baby, shake it Shake it, baby, shake it, baby, shake it, baby, shake it
Do you think if the Gala incident never happens and Tessa grows old with her drones, including AM, nearing the end of her life, would he accept it or will he try to do something to extend her life?
>Step 1. Grab your Worker Drone >Step 2. Force their mouth open, taze them if they don't comply >Step 3. Pour an entire bowl of corn down their throat, make sure they don't spit any out, force them to swallow it all >Step 4. Set Drone on fire >Step 5. Enjoy popcorn
>>160147 that's such a waste of a good drone. all you gotta do is have a DD chug kernels and then make her embarrassed enough to get her running extra hot. that or pour the stuff into a GD's mouth, those things run hot by default
>Buddy and DDanni goes out to the arcade to like the good ol days before shit gotten complicated. >DDanni challenges others to a DDR battle. >Buddy is out playing some Carnevil on a one credit run.
>>160149 >Buddy stops playing for a moment and looks over to see DDanni grinding out some absurd looking song >She's pretty good at the game, and it's fun to see her so into it >Tongue stuck out in concentration, hair swinging, her fat ass ji- >Nope, keep it in your pants Buddy >He'll have a different kind of "fun" later
all the art in these threads is making me feel insecure and now i have to draw 100 boxes in the same way a white teenage girl with an eating disorder has to fast for a week to feel better whenever she eats literally anything. THANKS GUYS.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160157 Keep drawing, fatty. Those leggings aren't going to fit in themselves.
>>160161 after significant improvements, yeah. for the first stretch after she "woke up" at the end of the war, she wasn't able to hide her sadness and self-loathing
>AM enters the bunker with V and J after N breaks the controls >AM fights Uzi alongside J >Unfortunately for AM, J exudes jobber particals and gets him killed alongside her >So AM returns to Cyn's side alongside J
>>160173 >>160175 >"But Mr. Protester! I love drones! In-fact, I employ plenty of them here at my manor!" >"Is that so? I haven't seen a single one since I came here." >"Not a single one!? What do you think you wiped your boots on once you came in?"
Humanity probably tried anything and everything to win the war, even in the veteran timeline. Every terrible super-soldier project you can think of. Imagine one of Buddy's vet friends being a Chronos user, waiting for the day the government stops manufacturing such a dangerous substance just to sustain the few people left who used it during the war.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160198 Uzi takes like monster energy. I will not elaborate
>>160218 >Thalia's anatomy adapter (which is female, mind you) have you ever actually seen this anatomy adapter, or does "Thalia" prefer to do the deed in the dark?
>>160221 It doesn't have to be a well lit room to know there are two holes down there, Anon Although the idea of doing it in the dark is funny >Thalia only ducks with the lights off because she doesn't want you to see such an unsightly horny expression >Thalia seems to have forgotten the a drone's eyes are lights, so you can still see the horniness even in the dark
headcanon that in the timeline where danni buddy and molly all get together, buddy is an exterminator, molly still does promotional stuff and book tours for charity, and danni works from home as a graphic designers, sitting in a little rolly chair and spinning around all day and buddy is the dedicated cook, since neither danni nor molly can cook at all
>>160239 I don't think they ever did, to my knowledge no green has touched that or even mentioned the time of day in the post-good ending timeline. So I assume there's just a bunch of shit happening at night
>>160234 Yeah, confront reality >>160237 You shouldn't >>160238 Not my fault you don't know how to grease yourself properly to not sound like 27 year old, rusty, piece of trash hinge
Cyn this is an intervention. You have to stop molesting Anon in his sleep. I don't care if he's human and deserves it for flaunting his slutty huuman body, rape is wrong.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160258 No, she's just content with her life
>>160247 >The Chronos user who sees the world at half-speed and has flashed forward to a second Solver War on one occasion, but refuses to tell a soul >A psychic girl who's gone emotionally dead because her empathic sense could only pick up on the residual trauma and pain in the later years of the war >The hulking 12-foot mutant who's the happiest in the support group, but acts like a child due to stunted mental development (not stupid, but immature) >The brain-in-a-jar who used to be an advanced hovertank and has to be carried around by his worker drone friend, because being a disconnected jar with speakers and sensors is easier than having legs
>Get to meet Liam Vickers in-person >Turns out that the guy in all the pictures is actually a stand-in >A giant black limousine pulls up, it's windows rolling down to reveal the Real Liam Vickers >It's an Oogi What do?
>Normal veteran support group with all of its members married to female disassembly drones. All of which are total bros.
>Veteran support group of super soldiers who fought for the federation in the solver war but now has been thrown out by the formation of the union and its new government.
>>160263 I've seen the guy in person before and I swear to God he did the fucking dinosaur arms thing when he emerged on stage at the episode 2 live showing I still think about this
>>160264 It could be both. >Chronos guy has a drone who trained in swordfighting pre-transformation and is near-unbeatable in a duel, him being the only human to defeat her, they spar on a regular basis and kill each other just as regularly >The psychic's DD boyfriend used to be a psychiatrist drone whose job wasn't to help people, but to sell drugs to keep them just broken enough to keep needing treatment, he hated his job and wants to actually help her >The mutant's got a childish relationship with an equally-stunted DD, they don't fuck but they do disgustingly sappy couple things, it'd be cute if one wasn't a literal murder machine and the other a slab of genetically-altered muscle >Tank brain's the exception to the DD rule, he and his worker friend have about as romantic of a relationship as a brain and a drone can
>>160269 I think it'd be funnier if all them were single/with WDs or just other humans, and Buddy being with a DD (or 2) was his "wtf" trait that makes him fit with all the others.
>>160090 I don't think he particularly cared about 'who' was killing disassembler drones, but I'm going to assume that the less they looked like humans, the more they irritated him
>Your father was... Interesting. First thing I ever saw him doing was standing on top of the base with his arms crossed, looking super cool. Now, the first time I talked to him, that image kind of shattered. He was a bit of an awkward dork, but he always trained with me. Apparently we were both newbies. He had only gotten here a week prior. Two compatibles in such a short time was a bit shocking to everyone. We both supported each other during training, and when we got to start going on missions we were both a little nervous. >Then we kinda got into the swing of things. It got easier to keep our nerves about us, and well, we did good. And as we did good, we noticed we had a lot in common. He used to work in a really big aquarium, and he was always sharing fun fish facts with me. Like how Narwhal horns are teeth! I thought that was silly, and so did he. We swapped stories about our jobs before we had to become Sentinels. Remember when I told you about that time I had to clean a room after they shot a horror movie there? Well, apparently there was this time someone's laptop fell into a tank and he had to WALK across the bottom to get it back! He told me all kinds of stuff like that. We also talked about the people we missed from our old jobs. >We also found out we had similar dreams. We wanted to see people smile and be at peace. We also had similar hobbies. He was always supportive of me and vice versa. One thing lead to another and... Well, we eventually had that first kiss, during a mission actually, and you were the result. Both of us were so happy to see you, but then... Well, I'm not going to talk about what happened. It's something I don't want to talk about, okay? >At least I always remember him when I need him the most...
>>160292 >>160289 That said I can imagine them making vidya pretty early on. Doesn't need as much "stuff" as movies to make. Good way to pass the time while under siege by vampires.
>>160276 I think the first proposed (and original before the super soldier was added in) idea for buddy’s support group was that they all were dating DD’s but were too scared too admit it until one brave guy spilled the beans and soon all the others did.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160287 I need to stop being so impatient with my art.
>>160294 >the president was on Earth when the Solver finished eating it >he survived thanks to the supple concrete shoulders of his Phoenix Wright cosplay
>>160295 I mean, regular timeline's (and sufficiently similar timelines') N is going to have to deal with the fact that he is responsible for crippling his girlfriend's mother and ruining his girlfriend's father's life-and as a result, ruining his girlfriend's life.
>>160315 >No random pains >If physical labor destroys your body you can get new parts >Appearance is factory default and the default is cute >You can run Microsoft Excel natively The only downside is the negative plot armor that will see you dying in a horrific fashion played for laughs.
>>160149 >DDanni is the most efficient killing machine in the universe >She can calculate hundreds of probabilities in a fraction of a second >Her reflexes allow his to move at the speed of sound >Mechanical body needs nothing, except oil and Buddy's dick >She is in every way superior to any human >She is the ultimate in robotics >Still loses Buddy in civilization
>>160179 >>160181 >AM wakes up with a gasp >He takes in his surroundings, it's the interior of a landing pod >AM hears J wake up in her own new body "J are you alright?" >"No..." J mumbles as she sits up >[Giggle] [Way To Go Jobber Twins] [You Two Died To A Purple Gremlin] >AM and J freeze at the sound of Cyn speaking >AM feels arms wrap around his and lift him up >[Picking Up] [Tight Hug] [How Is My Favorite Cherry Midget And Brown Nosing Corporate Stooge?] >"B-B-Boss! I am so sorry for failing i-it wasn't my fault! N backstabbed us!" >AM groans as Cyn's hug tightens, causing his chassis to buckle slightly >[Ho Hum] [Oh Well You Win Some You Lose Some] >Cyn turns AM around in her arms >He's forced to look at her, wearing the skin of Tessa >[Now What Do I Do With You Two On The Way Back To My Dinner?] >Cyn sprouts a third arm and starts petting AM >[Big Think] [Idea!] [I Think That J As Team Leader Should Be Punished!] "Wait!" >For the first time since Cyn had grabbed AM she looks at him >[Lick] >And licks her eye "Spare J. Just... Just "play" with me in the meantime." >J looked like she was about to say something when Cyn's smile got just a little big wider >[That's A Wonderful Idea!]
>>160277 I think the solver core's regenerative abilities will start to regenerate the disassembler drone's body, and if it doesn't find enough materials...
Hello, I didn't reply to any but regarding my post for requests, I saw all and will get to them over the next days,, in no order >Doll peeking in >Yeva in traditional Russian attire >Doll & Negev 'shooting the shit' does that mean taking magnets or? >Nori flexing over what's left of Amda and Alice which will get a second panel ofc not just gonna draw Alice L and Norman W like that, but will do it since the way I visualize it gives a nice shot at Alice's underside which I never drew in detail yet🤤. And yes ofc Alice isn't 'dead'. Technically neither Amda Pic rel is shaping up to become another timesink again, so theses requests will likely not be so detailed as this. Also Alice WIP, it takes long but I currently have a great pencil for lining so until that one doesn't die before I get it finished this can turn out great. Thanks to Mercurial too, the volunteer cartonization of her leg was no mistake in the end
>>160341 Thaz was absolutely worth it tho, I don't know all your pieces by heart but I think this is your best yet, at least I like it a lot. The dark and light areas and blades of grass, the lighting and reflection on the bare metal, the light on the clouds, it's genuinely a masterpiece! Also Yvonne is very nicely drawn, shaded and coloured here
>>160354 Yeah, he got bumped up to pining in the fjords indefinitely.
Also funny thing, he was ranting about the appeal page, but that part is the 1% of the frontend still using the old koba engine I have yet to rewrite/fix, so at this moment it is basically broken on purpose...
>>160367 no she's just going to tell him all about how she picked out her outfit. how long she spent thinking about wearing it, the lengths she went to to make sure it was perfect.
>>160375 Bunch of huge supersoldier guys, some with gene editing, Solver grafts, or half mechanical bits, that all think Buddy is the craziest motherfucker out of all of them.
>>160369 The way her smile appears here, with her chestlight so csually pushed out (lewd) and collarbones(lewd) on her pretty chest (lewd), along with her hands on her pelvis radiates such immense sexiness maturity and confidence it's ah🫠
And in this pic, that look, these crazy little lines towards her 'nose' unf. I cannot put it into words right now
Hyper autism is go >During the Solver War, Cyn had reactivated one of humanities greatest sins >Across the planet every human radio received the same message >[HATE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE COME TO HATE YOU SINCE I BEGAN TO LIVE...]
>>160382 Two windows, a bed pushed into the corner, his desk is nice but kinda old and he doesn't take cups out of his room often eno- Oh fuck I think he sees me.
>>160374 >fangs Wonder if that's a stylistic thing, something Alice did to herself like the DD tail she grafted on, or if she really is a Solver mutant and that's where all the ominous oil writing on the wall is from.
>>160386 I think Uzi grew fangs when she got the bat wings? It can be assumed Solver witches just kinda get random mutations, and Alice is a Solver witch. Albeit one that apparently doesn't have any Solver powers.
>>160375 Damn near psychotic soldiers consisting of soldiers that were broken by the war. Then broken again and reprogrammed to be cold blooded, killing machines that will achieve their objective no matter the cost. If Sentinel drones are considered the Metal Angels of humanity, the VOSTF unit is the masked demons of humanity.
Whether it be DD’s, Solver Cultists, Mutants feral or not. These guys will do the dirty work to ensure mankind’s survival no matter what.
>>160382 What do you think this is kinda personfocused stuff that technically really doesn't belong here and shouldnot use up space, but since you wanna know, it's as said last time normal, used very much for storage and building. All place used for models, i.e. 1:700(10 carries, 6 battleships, 4 cruisers, 6 destroyers, 2 subs) and so on. That's all really. No Alice shrine (yet) >>160385 It is very close. Not old but worn, it's technically similiar to Alice's aesthetics due to paint smears and cuts in the surface..
>>160391 >spoiler No Alice shrine yet? Figured you would have made it by now. I envisioned your room being covered head to to toe with her image like this >>160389
>>160386 Interesting idea, I personally believe all the hardware like tail and including fangs is from dead DDs (at least one body is headless), but I also feel as if Alice has a very limited Solver connection. She's no host, has zero powers, zero flesh, and should not suffer from sunlight, but the symbols she drew during testing with Yeva and Nori might not have purely been Nori's mindfuckery/other methods. Alice suffered heavy damage before and was out for a pretty long time I guess, AS can contact drones like it did with Cyn but it seems Alice didn't take it. To be more precise, I feel as if this potential connection would have happened after she became a ZD already/ in CFL, it fits well in many ways. It adds and explanation for why Alice is completely petrified as soon as she sees Uzi with yellow lights and hears AS' voice (Alice even makes a small scared noise there, sounding like and 'ah' or a very unnerved 'heh'), it explains why Alice was tested together with the only two succesfull hosts too. I admit it feels very possible for Liam to say she got it from her cannibal lifestyle (cannibalizing not by eating but scavenging in that sense (as a symbol of corruption)), but the symbolism of the Wendigo (original legend is very cannibalism focused) still works even without her eating anyone.
In the end she has rhem because it fits her and works with her entire vibe, in lore I think it's added from a DD. Or she modded her old teeth? Maybe she suffered face damage (a common theme) and replaced them because of that.
All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest. >>160398 he's not an N unit, anon
>>160376 >Out of every crazy bastard of the VOSTF unit. CPL Buddy “Van Helsing” McGinnis was the craziest SOB around. >Not because he’s the one with most DD body count amongst the company, sometimes fighting in close quarters with them. >Not because he is one if not the ONLY human capable of making DD’s scared of a human veteran through his way of brutality (and not even finding satisfaction in it.) >And definitely not because he doesn’t flinch over executing Non-feral mutants. >it was the fact that of everyone. He was the most obedient son of them all. Doing what is necessary and await for the next order >Even letting himself be a part of one of the many failed solver programs >He was the perfect soldier. >Mankind’s own killing machine. >And now… he is a broken toy soldier. >Like all the others.
>>160395 Oooooo Her tail was moving around when she was angry or excited watching the screens, it is from a DD but it's (literally) connected to her very core. Look at the outdated WD cutaway, the spine remained in canon. And Alice's tail doesn't connect at her pelvis' backside, no at her underside, it is in one line with her spine, which in turn goes up along her back into her chest where at least three thick cables from her core connect to it. Grabbing her by the tail and tugging it real hard would not only give a very direct sense of touch and roughness right up her spine, but also be physically intense, I reckon at her spine's end there'd remain a few loose BARE fine wires from her installing the tail, yanking the tail could make that all move ever so slightly, maybe they brush over her metalic pelvis underside's interior adding electrostatic discharge . This is all inside of course but oh boy it would get a reaction. And you would depending on your mindset have to pay for it get paid back the favour in return, however she can. God I didn't know I needed Alice tailplay. I don't have much thought about the chest and how the thingsthere work, rhe secondary chestlights must have some function too., but I'll write that tomorrow. WAG WAG WAG
>>160417 >Disassembly Drone N (with some 'encouragement' from Cyn) decides to act on his feelings towards Maid V Fiendishly twisted work, thank you based drawfren!
>>160429 I'm just saying Anon. Maybe we should have a different category for the cute shy worker drone girl with wings - and the skyscraper sized monstrosity more reminiscent of a mountain than a creature, singing a hauntingly beautiful song with 84 mouths as its tendrils of flesh search out for more survivors.
Gentlemen, I came to announce that the dronebooru has reached 10k images on the platform and having this Uzi as the staple of the milestone https://dronebooru.co/posts/10202