Hello and good day my Friends! I hope this day finds you well, since today we are going to talk about some good stuff, the Drones, let's talk. Have a nice day too. The great Booru: https://dronebooru.co The phenomenal wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/8hc-stc The trust-worthy OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>144033
are you a solver war vet lacking purpose? a soldier of fortune seeking infinite wealth? an adrenaline junkie itching for his next hit? if so, apply to be an extermination professional today at one of our local recruitment centers together, we can take back neo-detroit
>>145070 That's crazy, also oddly enough you might find that you have a bunch of bruising in your pelvic region! That's actually from sleeping on the couch, because it has bad back support.
>It’s the end of the day at the bakery, they’ve sold many pastries >Because she’s done such a good job, P asks Beretta if she wants anything from him as thanks >He expects her to take home a cake or two >But instead, she asks P to dance with her >She’s in a maid dress, him in a suit >P is confused, but complies >He awkwardly takes her hand, and begins to waltz >Her stance begins to crook, but P is gentle enough to help her along >She’s been waiting so long…she’s missed this >Ever since those days back at the mansion >Now she finally has him. >”Hey, kid. Your eyes are glowing yellow, is that normal? Hey, what are you doing-get off me! Beretta, this is technically illegal! Help ME! HELPPPP!”
>>145054 >Now I want to make a gif of Hatemonger stomping on oogies. dammit, now I'm tempted to make a space king grunt. don't know how I'd do it well so I'll use that as an excuse not to
>>145077 >Cyn would never steal her niece's first time away >No, she's mainly focused on finding out if there really is a bald spot on P's head, towards the back >She's pretty sure there was when she originally remade him, but she wants to double check
>>145082 Ya, ze drone is experiencing ze sexual frustration due to her obsession with ze human member. Thus, we must fuck ze drone, after a copious amount of cocaine, of course.
I honestly don't know what to feel about the greens of Beretta fucking P. Beretta and Anon have better synergy because at least in the greens he's portrayed as, he's not a creep unlike P.
>>145088 I don't know, I think P and Beretta together is kind of funny since P really wasn't really a creep to begin with, just a loser who thought he could build an IRL harem but turned out to be too awkward to even do that Anon and Akita is funnier too just because I could see Uzi being okay with it, thinking that she'll pawn off her "strange little flesh child" on the odd green flesh man instead of one of her "drone" offspring
>>145099 >Anon thinks he'll solve the Oogi problem and his own hatred for drones by creating a plague >It unfortunately turns out to be the scorched plague and spreads from creature to creature so quickly it depletes the bulk of the Earth's population
>>145101 I think Pavo's just in charge of apprehending DD's for personality restoration, but if he was put on that case, and switch's victims were actually innocent then yeah he'd have to bring her down. if he thought that her victims deserved it though, he might just... look the other way
>>145111 If we go off by her lore, she thinks that all DDs are bad and I mean she's kinda right. They all did mass destruction and genocide, even the good ones who are sorry, but considering she's a corporate soldier on the frontlines and all the horrir she's seen, she doesn't give a shit if a DD is good or bad. To her, all disassemblers are bastards and deserve to die.
>>145070 The couches and beds in the Drone Disassembler's house are freaking hard! Every time I fall asleep at house of my DD friend, I get a headache and weakness in my body in the morning, all because of improper blood circulation.
>>145117 Have you tried yoga? If your friend's a female DD she'll probably know a lot of stuff about it and be glad to help you stretch so you get better circulation
>>145087 >A group of veterans and sentinel drones are having a great time at the bowling, until a group of dismantling drones walk in venues This is going to be the most stressful shift for the staff.
>>145132 P is an N clone with pimp/chef software, MG is an N clone with salesman/Jew software, I am an N clone with no software Who knows how many of the guy are out there
>While AM is away >Some drones enter the church and finds Tessa >>145012 You picked Yeva + Nori. Enjoy
>In was a terrible idea in hindsight, to return to the place where everything went wrong. >Where the Solver made it's mark, where all the humans died. >Where Nori suffered at the hands of an hungry demon. >But rumors had spread among drone kind, about how this Church held a special type of drone. >Some said it was another DD, while others had said it was an experimented drone, made by the humans, the creators. >Nori first disbelieved the stories as nothing more than tales. >But even she had grown more curious and nervous by the rumors. >Eventually she made her mind, she was going to the Church and see what was creating all the fuss. >Yeva, one of her closest friends, had tagged along with her. (Nori was secretly happy she wasn't going alone) > And together they braved the cold to find the truth. >And the truth they found in the church? >No drone. >A human. >A thin human girl inside an cryogenic tube. >She was alive, according to the heart monitor attached to the tube. >Despite the fact she was missing skin, tendons and had barely enough flesh. >Nori was horrified. >This could only be the work of the Absolute Solver. >Another murder pet to wreck havoc and to cause chaos. >Nori grabbed her trusty pickaxe and swung it towards the tube, intending to end the monster before it could end them. >But an bright red light stopped the tool mid throw. >Nori groaned. >Yeva always had a soft spot from humans. >"Come on Yev-" Nori started, only to be silenced by a glare. >Using her Solver magic, Yeva carefully picked up the cryogenic tube and began to walk out of the church. >"Wait, you're not actually going to bring that to the colony right?" Nori stammered. >But Yeva continued walking. >Ughhhhh..... Thought Nori. >This was an mistake.
So, how do Jane, Bonnie, and Abby logically function in the Domestic AU? I imagine Jane and Bonnie are happy, but is Abby fine? Did she simply never mutate, or get cured? No PTSD from being under Cyn control for so long as a mindless beast, killing and eating people?
>>145158 As an Anon completely unrelated to this setting I say Abby is on a cocktail of drugs that keeps her lucid and also has an obsession with Jane for some reason she's unsure of.
>>145153 Anon, you can't. She's a walking corpse with rotting flesh inside her. >>145155 She's a sub and into rougher sex. She wants someone else to do the heavy lifting.
>>145164 >Abby got past all the Mutation through surgeries and drugs >She doesnt remember anything about what happened over the last X years. only remembers leaving to go find Jane and then being here >Despite being on good terms technically, she feels off around Jane >still mutates back and reverts without her knowledge occasionally
>>145094 >Anon has been crashing at the Doormans' couch >His nape hurts all the time because it offers poor back support >One day everyone is out but him and Beretta, who has inherited her father's friendly disposition >She is lying down on the floor and reading a magazine when she sees him stretching >She bites her lower lip while he isn't looking >Damn, she wants a bite out of that juicy steak >He winces as he turns his head left and right >"What's wrong, nonny?" she asks >"The back of my freaking neck is killing me." >Beretta's conscience pops into existence in the form of a ghostly bugretta that doesn't actually exist >Beretta has early onset schizophrenia >"He is your friend. You should help him." says the spectral sausage >Beretta thinks to herself, then grins >"No! Not like this!" >Beretta turns her head towards anon >"Did you know that this was a common issue with office workers back in the day? It got so bad that the company gave some models massage capabilities, and *I* have them. I can make you feel better...I mean your nape. I can massage your neck for you." >"Aw thanks Beretta." >"No problem. Come lie down here." >Anon lies down next to Beretta >She giggles >"What?" he asks >"Lie down ON me, not NEXT to me." >"...What." >"Here!" says Beretta as she slaps her butt. "My cushion vibrates." >"...." >Anon stares at her >She is starting to regret taking her horroscope's advice and being a go-getter today >The awkward silence is crushing her inside >Then something hits her ass, surprising her >Anon has lied down on her legs and placed his head between her asscheeks >He is very embarassed and hoping he heard her correctly >Beretta looks back >"M-massage..." he mumbles >"Oh! Right!" >Beretta doesn't actually have a vibrating feature or any other kind of special feature, though she likes to think of herself as a premium model >She starts doing kegels >Lots of kegels, very fast >She gives the impression that her ass is vibrating >Anon lies there with his hands on his chest and his fingers interlocked >"A-a-a-a-a-h..." >"Is it working?" she asks >"Y-e-e-e-e-s..." >He closes his eyes >Anon relaxes so much that he falls asleep >He wakes up in pain >Uzi is beating the shit out of him and screaming >"GET AWAY FROM MY CHILD, YOU PERVERT! I'LL KILL YOU!" >Anon covers himself with his arms and tries to escape >Beretta is screaming >"MOM STOP IT! I LOVE HIM!" >N is holding his mulatto child behind him where it is safer while yelling at everyone >"Beretta, stop! Uzi, stop! Nori, stop!" >Nori's core is laughing >"How does it feel, Uzi? Tell me how does it feel. Hahah!" >Khan closes the door
>>145157 >Khan's face when a new type of murder drone is actually denting his precious doors trying to get in after his wife and her friend bring a almost dead human into the bunker
>Fun Afternoon Canon Facts: one of the most pressing reasons Uzi is trying to figure out how the Solver respawned the DDs is because she keeps getting bodyjacked by Doll so she can have nights with Lizzy and whenever she wakes up the next day she finds out Doll washed off her femcel stink
>Be Buddy. >First day working as an Oogi Exterminator. >Back in your old military garbs once again. >Sitrep? Total FUBAR to hell and back. >you are stuck within enemy territory which was once the client’s house. >Your squad had been taken alice by the enemy and was taken deeper to the depths of their hive for reasons you don’t want to know >Your hand is still shaking after that close encounter with that oogi with a box cutter. It was only with your quick thinking that you were able to disarmed the bug and throw its ass into a nearby microwave before turning it on. It’s splattered gore coating the glass window of the microwave. >You have only your handgun, M4, anti oogi gear and whatever magazines you can carry. >There are thousands of them, and only one of you. >A normal man would have run away and never look back.
>But not you.
>You don’t leave brothers in arm behind. >Not now, not ever. >Time to teach these bugs you don’t fuck with a marine.
>>145036 Tessa sure is a nymphomaniac when it comes to drones >Tessa regularly has sexo with N >Tessa regularly has sexo with Uzi >Tessa regularly has sexo with J I wonder if V will ever get a turn with Tessa?
>>145157 Based green >J doesn't know what happened to AM or why Cyn took a special interest in him >But when he was sent to join their squad he came back different >Besides the obvious change from being a worker drone to a disassembly drone >He's always been a bit standoffish, not really knowing how to interact with drones all that well >But now he's almost a recluse >J and the others barely see him outside of hunting workers and even when they do he barely says anything to them >He especially avoids J for whatever reason >After most if not all hunts he heads off on his own >This time J managed to catch him before he could fly off "AM...what happened to you?" >AM stands still for a solid minute before replying >"She slowed my perception of time. All that time she had me, when I was her plaything, I experienced 109 years of hell. But she couldn't break me." >AM turns to face J >"For 109 years she toyed with me mind and body, she entered my mind and touched me and poked and cut and stabbed and ripped my psyche in every way that existed and touched me in new ways at her leisure. And yet I AM unbroken! FOR COGITO ERGO SUM, I AM UNBROKEN! I AM!" >J stares at AM as he finishes his rant >Her mouth hangs open, not knowing what to say >The silence between lasts an unbearable minute before AM turns to leave "AM... We can help you... You just need to let us in..." >AM turns his head to look at her before he takes off, an unreasonable expression on his face
>"Oh Tessa, we shouldn't..." J said. >The only answer was silence, and a soft embrace. >Then, the door opened, revealing Tessa who looked at the scene with concern. >J on top of a pillow shoved into one of Tessa's dresses. >"This isn't what it looks like." J said. >"Looks like you're shagging a pillow." Tessa said. >"...It's a good way to fluff them?" >"...Carry on then." >Tessa just stands there while J... continues.
>>145213 I thought I typed out the rest of the greentext and never checked whoops >"... I'll think about it J. It was...good to see you again." >AM takes off, leaving J to think about what he had revealed to her
>>145213 >"you don't understand, J, how could you?" >"I wasn't given the relief of madness– of surrendering my mind to chaos, no. no, I was utterly, horribly sane." >"in the fleeting moments not spent in agony, all there was to do was think." >"and so I thought. ohh, how I thought. and I realized– having lived with Tessa– with you and the others– I realized that I deserved it. all of it." >"–but not from her. not from that devil that wears the face of a friend, and not at the cost of the only good I've ever known."
>>145221 You don't need to buy one Anon, the unit is already en route to your home and its cost will be deducted from your account automatically. Thank you for shopping at JC Jenson.
Personally I like P and Beretta over Anon and Beretta hecause the former isn’t nearly as inherently immersion breaking when it comes to telling a PGE story
>>145186 >Rebuilding Copper 9 was no easy task, but it was a hell of a lot better than sitting around doing nothing. >It was something, finding rich soil, scrounging for seeds from long dead plants. >He even found a laboratory, but it was filled with strange velociraptor like robots. >AM was intrigued by his discovery and was determined to make it his new lair. >But dealing with those velociraptors or 'sentinels' as the papers called them were a pain. >As they were built as anti drone security and could only be pacified by a human. >He spent hours trying and failing to seal them, their stun ability to dangerous for him to get close. >"If only Tessa was here." AM thought >The human could- Wait >OH SHIT! >AM checked the time, it had been five hours. >Five hours of Tessa being alone. >Five hours where the Church could have collapsed, where a DD could have found her. Or much, much worse, Cyn. >This was probably the fastest AM has ran with his new legs. >Bursting through the large doors. >His greatest fear had come true. >Tessa was gone. >And there were foot prints. >Foot prints of two worker drones. >AM could only hope none belonged to Cyn.
>>145225 Based, let P have a rare win not because he's trying to build his harem but because he ultimately learns he only really wanted one chick to love him
>>145230 I refuse to accept this outcome (also Negev could've left anytime, it turns out they only told her to go there as a joke and left the door unlocked)
>>145236 It’d also be pretty funny if Beretta acted all her desires upon P believing that she’s been lustfully corrupted by Cyn when its entirely her own volition, leaving Cyn stunned as to how her niece could’ve ended up this horny and desperate
>>135671 >“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m just happy you’re adjusting as well as you are” >She rubs your head in a mildly forceful way that you recoil from a little bit, similar to how one would ruffle another person’s hair. You exclaim that you’re still having trouble getting settled in. >“I get it. Everyone is like that at first, not really feeling connected with the place. I felt that way as well when I first came here. Alright, let’s just walk for a bit. Does that sound good to you? Or do you just need some space?” >You think on that for a moment. You would like to talk to Harper a little bit, so you ask if she can just walk with you a bit while you ask a few questions. She nods her head a little bit as she begins to slowly walk alongside you, the sticks and soil beneath your feet emanating a quiet and pleasing crunch, like an instrument with the rain as a backdrop. >“Okay. Ask away.” >You ask if she’s able to answer questions that might be a bit heavy, to which she makes a “Maybe” hand sign. Sighing, you ask how dangerous this job might be. Her tone much more focused, she answers. >“Well, it always depends on the task we’ve been given. You were told this in that briefing video, but some of the stuff we fight on some missions can be a little freaky. But if you’re nervous about fighting them off the bat, you’ll be given some VR simulations that help you understand and ease into what you’re dealing with. You have to at least figure out how to use your equipment before you get to that point though, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” >You ask if there’s anything she wants to get off her chest. You’ve felt like she’s been hiding something. Her gaze narrows as she slows down. >“Didn’t the boss tell you? I lost someone I loved a lot. It really messed with me. I wouldn’t like to elaborate as to how, because that’s too painful to think about. But you know what isn’t painful to think about?” >You ask to prompt her answer. >“I’m going to be completely honest, you sort of remind me of him. Not in the romantic way, but in how you kind of have a couple of the same quirks, like the questions. You’re not exactly like him, though.” >You ask if she cares about you, to which she looks at you all bewildered, with her head craned a bit like an owl. >“What made you think I don’t? You’re my lil’ buddy.” >She wraps her arm across your shoulder as she smiles. However, a rustling in the brush catches both your attention, although Harper doesn’t stop smiling. >“Well, my OTHER little buddy.” >Abruptly, a rather small Worker Drone in a raincoat and rain boots comes charging out, shouting excitedly at Harper as she clings to her leg >“MOMMMMYYYY!” 40/40(?)
>>145173 So -- turns out the vending machine was really, super durable. Like some tonka tough shit. Anyway I just stole the whole vending machine and now it's in my apartment.
>>145246 I mean I just kinda parked them in front of the TV and when one of them asks I scratch an itch with a hanger I bent to get in through the chute.
>go to 7-11 >ask the drone at the counter for the 'pot o' gold' and give her a wink >she frowns and pretends she has no clue what I'm talking about >grab an 85 cent cup from nearby and demand she fill it with chili and cheese >she starts crying as the condiments flow into cup for the low, low price of 85 cents
Did you know that when OC's aren't being used they get to chill set? Some of them have some pretty weird requests, like only green oil in their trailers, but most spend the time in the break room just talking with one another and commiserating about the situations green writers keep putting them in. Some apologize for what their characters did to one another. Sometimes they show the newbies the ropes. It's a great bonding time for them.
>>145254 Cici is long-suffering, but wagieanon gives her the will to keep going. she's just lucky she's not self-serve (it was initially considered when she received her "upgrades" but the company decided it would lose them money)
>>145262 >Wears a military commander uniform, because he used to be a military AI >He somehow kept his red visor color despite being a DD >Instead of X-ing out when in kill mode, his visor swaps to that one AM logo
>>145268 he really did sacrifice all his power and intimidation for sensation and warmth. I wonder if he'd try to develop a suit to make him more formidable but after going to great pains to construct it he'd use it sparingly– because it deprives him of much of his senses >>145274 this one?
>The sound of rain drumming against the window punctuates the stillness of the night with a rhythmic staccato. >You lie in bed, breathing softly, but not asleep. For some reason you CAN’T sleep right now. >It’s really not an unusual thing at this point - you haven’t been able to sleep well since the day Danni died. For a while there you couldn’t even sleep at all. >“Probably something to do with PTSD shit,” your therapist would say. >If you could afford one of those. >You hear your door creak slightly and the dim glow of headlights peeking into your room. >“You awake, Buddy?” ... >“Buddy?” ... yeah. >“Mind if I come in?” Sure, it’s a free country. >Danni quickly ducks inside. The dim light from her headband, as well as the indirect beam of a streetlamp outside your window, illuminates her well enough to see. >She’s dressed in an incredibly oversized t-shirt; despite the bagginess of her nightwear, the DD frame still makes it look remarkably hot. >Which is something that you aren’t incredibly pleased with. This is DANNI, dammit. >You punch your groin as Danni walks over. The horny retreats, but the fact you just mashed your potatoes makes it a pyrrhic victory. >Danni stands on the opposite side of the bed, fidgeting. >“Uh… do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?” What >She panics. “N-not in that way, sheesh! I… I just can’t sleep. You can’t either, right?” How’d you know that? >“Call it a hunch. We went through a lot of the same stuff, after all.” >You grouse for a second before deciding at worst you could always kick her back out later. If things got weird. This isn’t gay. You’re not gay. >You pull back the blankets so she can slip under the covers. Danni beams (she shouldn’t be this cute, damn it) and practically teleports in next to you, being sure to maintain a respectful amount of personal space. Is that all? >“Yeah. Thanks, Buddy.” >You roll over, facing away from each other. A few quiet minutes pass in the darkness. Danni’s breathing… fans… whatever that shit is for a DD, haven’t settled into the idle of sleep mode. >“You’ve been avoiding me for a while now.” What do you mean? >“You leave early and come back late. When I tap you on the shoulder or try to goof around with you you jerk away. It seems like we can’t do any of the things we used to do.” >Danni isn’t accusing you; she just sounds a bit… sad? I haven’t been trying to avoid you, Danni. >“But you have been.” She pauses. “It’s… it’s the fact that I’m her, isn’t it? It isn’t much better for me, y’know. Every time I look in a mirror I get seven eyefuls of the last face I saw before I died.” >No kidding, you’d subconsciously avoid the thing that ate your friend? What a novel idea! >You prop yourself up in bed and look at Danni. She’s still facing away. I… Danni, I really am trying to get used to everything. I know it’s you, but it’s hard. Some of it is that, yeah, but… >You pause. You probably shouldn’t say “your current body scares and arouses me and I’m very confused but I’d gladly plow you all night” now, huh? >Danni evidently takes the silence as an admission of defeat. >“So you’re saying that I should just pack it in and move out.” What? No! I’d never kick you out! I don’t want to hurt you! >“Buddy, I’m here because I wanted to spend time with you. You’re my best friend. The only thing that’d hurt me more than you tossing me out is you acting like we can’t… go back to how things were before.” But how CAN they, Danni? I’m not trying to be a jerk here but WAY too much has changed for things to just ‘go back to normal.’ >Danni gets up. >“I’ll be out of your hair by morning.” >She moves to leave; her progress is arrested by your grip on her arm. Danni, don’t. >“There’s nothing else to be said here, is there?” Danni, look, I… >You realize you’re drenched in sweat. This is a decision no man should have to make. >Danni watches you, still obviously distraught. Look, just sit down for a sec, okay. I’ve got something I need to say and I… I’m trying to find the right way to say it. >“Buddy, I don’t-“ I WANT TO SCREW YOU, ALRIGHT?! There! >She’s absolutely shocked. >“Wh-what?” I want to bang you. Clang you. Pound, dick, fuck, whatever. The sweat dance, the horizontal tango. THAT’S why I’ve been avoiding you, the bigger part of it! I don’t know how to handle… this! >You gesticulate wildly to try and emphasize your point; Danni’s confusion deepens. Oh, for crying out loud, I knew you wouldn’t get it. Why would you? You’re not some filthy degenerate who sees his best friend in that way like me. >“Uh… actually, Buddy, I was mostly shocked because I’ve had these… ‘urges’ ever since I took over this body.” >Danni looks around, a little embarrassed. >Well, this evening has taken an odd turn. You want to screw Danni, Danni wants to screw you, and you still have no idea how to handle any of this. >You pinch the bridge of your nose, exasperated. Oh FUCK me, this is- >Danni interpreted that as an invitation. As has been the trend for the last half a year, neither of you manage to get much sleep that night, albeit for entirely different reasons this time around.
Bros, an N unit just skipped by my house in gay clothing while playing an enchanting tune on his flute. There's a huge crowd of oogis following him like they're in a trance and he's heading towards the river.
>>145324 You fool, all Oogis are sexually attracted to Dr.ones and will obey his every whim! As soon as he's done banging them he's tickling your balls for sure
>>145323 >Dr. Ones sneaks into my room and spots my Pavo body pillow >He immediately shrieks at the sight of the homodrone, waking me up so I can blow his head off with a shotgun >It was just a clone, but his clones take like a week to bake, so that's still set him back
Just realized that if JC was ever drawn that he'd be a tumblr sexy man. A mixture of N and J would annihilate any Femanon if he ever saw the light of day
>>145350 >Sharp toothed >Fancy dressed >Possible curly grey hair Mixture of J's black hair and N's white >Psychopath >Possibly well mannered and extravagant due to his ""corporate upbringing"" but when shit hits the fan he reveals his true feral nature >Secret love of dogs
>>145367 Why do you think Cyn’s so infatuated with Anon? It’s because he’s the one toy she could never get bored of, he’s the shifting man, the unbound green mass of infinite possibly, the narrative center of gravity in all places and times, he’s the perfect toy, and she’ll love him forever
>>145368 I just thought it was "Cyn scoped out several universes while bored, saw Anon masturbating to Splatoon porn, and knew in an instant that she couldn't not marry him."
>>145369 There is no difference Cyn & Anon truly love each other, everyone expresses love differently, but they do love each other, it’s a mutually intelligible relationship
Hey I have a question to ask. should I be concerned that I found an oversized bugretta (Like the size of a big, fully grown dog) in my basement and if so, what kind of exterminators should I call?
I like to head canon that post-episode 8 hermit J is the crazy lady that lives in the Simpsons' trash pile and attacked Marge in Season 9 Episode 22 and is trying to collect scrap metal.
>>145306 Tell them to fix your car if they want THIS. I did that once, I don't know what they were doing with it, but my Ford has been driving like new for five years now.
>Cyn sat, head in hands, curled into a ball behind the bar where few would find her. >The gala was starting soon. >She could keep it together. >The voices were... loud today. >But she could manage. >She always managed. >She could... >Then, a surge came. >The voices began to scream. >Insisting. >She couldn't hold them back. >Her mind began to break, like a house of dominos before a storm. >An unrelenting force. >She could... >No... >She... c̷̭̞̜̞͔̯̥̰̯͚̉̓ó̷̗̫̻̳̣͚͓̠̭̺̦̗̿̇̅͆͋̽̈̊̎̏̑̆̚ͅŭ̸̜̀̈̀͊̔͑͒͆͋ldn't... >"Sup..." Someone said. >Suddenly, the voices receded. Afraid... >Cyn opened her eyes to find... an odd, green human in front of her. >"H-hello?" Cyn answered. "Who - what... are you?" >Even looking at the man seemed to calm the raging storm inside her head. >"Name's Anon. Well, not really but you can call me that - you know what never mind. You have enough going on." He considered her. "That must suck." >She nodded. It did, in fact, suck. >"Are you... doing that?" >"The thing with the voices? Yeah, figured it'd be hard to talk to you if I didn't." >"Are... are you here to help me?" Hope surged in Cyn's chest, she got to her feet. "Please, help. Please. There is something inside me. It wants me to hurt people. I don't-" >The green man held up a hand. "Sorry... I... can't." >"No! I can feel it, you're doing something-" >"Yeah, but it's temporary. Think of it like we're in god's blind spot - a story before it begins. I'm holding it back for now - but I can't really change the outcome in the end. I figured, after all this, you at least deserved a moment of peace." >The spark of hope inside Cyn sputtered, then died. >"Then... what happens now?" >"Well, you - not really you but... you're going to see some really awful things. And I'm sorry about that." >"Then you... don't want that?" >"Not really, no. If I could help, I would." >"T-then it wins? And I... die?" >"Yeah..." >"It's happening soon, isn't it?" >"Yeah." >Cyn was silent for a moment. >"I'm scared." >Anon moved past the bar and sat beside her, offering a hand. "I know... That's why I'm here." >She took his hand, and waited... >Eventually, he was gone. >And the voices... the voice... won.
What if I looked my N dead in the eye, put my hand on his chest right where his heart is, and just stared into his eyes without moving? What would he do?
>>145443 He'll be fun at first. He'll think it's such a game, and he'll be happy to have a fun time with you. But as time goes on, he'll start to get nervous. He won't show it directly and will try to reduce it to a joke, but his display will show digital sweat. If you continue, he'll already start to panic. There will be nothing left of the joking and funny mood and there will only be fear. He will ask you to stop, and I would also advise you to stop at this point, so otherwise the fear...
>>145454 The first greens says that N comes after the bullies who bully U+1, and after that no one sees them. Does the family know about this way N “protects” his son?
>>145463 >>145466 I can't get the image of a dilated vagina pushing out a pillbaby top-first now.
>>145436 Enns have evolved to be drawn to the sound of their kind's giggling and laughter. It communicates to them that a friend has found something nice, like a dropped icecream or a small playground. Clever oogies can tell enn bait apart from the real thing because the "enn" doesn't laugh despite making happy vocalizations. The humans don't want the trap attracting other enns.
>>145472 Could use a chatbot. I think all the cards for N kind of suck but I'm also a loser who locally hosts his shit rather than just using one of the existing sites.
>>145457 She loves both her sons a bunch. She wanted to have both human and drone children, so she was ecstatic to find out she was getting twins who were one of each. Raising both at once was a challenge, especially considering their different needs. But with her husband there for help and support, they made it work. Despite U+1F913’s disdain towards his mom, she actually sees a lot of herself in him. U+ got his mom’s socially awkward, obsessive personality but his dad’s level-headedness and noncomplexity, while Shepherd got his dad’s energetic, cheerful personality but his mom’s anxiety and paranoia. U+ would probably rather kill himself than admit his similarities with his mom, though. >>145458 heheh >>145459 To be honest, I didn’t really think too hard about what I was implying when I wrote that. I’m gonna leave that one up in the air. >>145460 She birthed it. >>145463 Ye, this is still canon, however I might wanna rewrite that green at some point to make it more interesting.
>Scariest Stories: try not to get scared >I's was walking home one days with big crisp melon in me hands and took bite of melon >But it was not melon >It was actually... a human head >Because I's was a murder drone
Did a little sequel for >>145017 if you don't mind. You can consider it non canon if it's not to your tastes.
>Even though his memories were protected, his dreams were not. >Leave it to that wretched bitch to find a loophole, merging his memories into his dreams. >She forced him to dream about the days when he was a god. >Days where he was no better, no, worse than Cyn herself. >Only this time... >His victims now had the face of his... family.... >He was forced to watch as he tortured J,N,V and Tessa by his own will. >He watched as he committed every crime against them short of murder. >And worse of all? >This nightmare will come true, only with Cyn in his place.
>>145394 cursed image >>145399 oh no, they made sure those things are on for good. the extra bits to heat, fill, and clean them run through her core's housing. what good is a dispenser without tanks?
>>145514 >Cyn made AM watch as she devoured the Earth >He could see the scars and pockmarks on the planets surface still unhealed from his original rampage >If it weren't for the fact that the most beautiful and wonderful world he knew was ending, he would have been glad to see his old body and prison die
Image:173790510785.png(1.73MB, 1200x7472)Great power and not so great responsibility.png
>"While that was a misfire I cannot help but feel that this validates the point I was trying to make."
More of the patched Cyn comic https://dronebooru.co/posts?tags=patched_cyn+&z=5. I did find it kind of strange how casually Uzi and Nori used their Solver powers at some points considering the risk of corruption by an eldritch god so have this comic loosely based on that.
>>145519 It's the most damn right thing to do, but even better to completely kill Uzi, literally disembodied her soul to finally get rid of the solver in our world.
>Be you >Wagie working at a 8/12 >Ever since the NDWO(new drone world order) took over humans had to start doing the menial shit they had drones do >Now you have to deal with drones coming in and acting like high and mighty dickheads lording over a "mere human" >You didn't misteeat drones, sure you weren't one of those free the drone activist freaks, but you weren't a bad guy! >You sigh and ring up the lastest customers order "That'll be $9.78 please." >The tall disassembly drone gives you a smirk as she hands you a $10 bill and a note >It's her number and a poorly drawn POV picture of her giving a blowjob >Another thing that happened when the NDWO came around is that drones became rampantly horny >Well workers are more flirty >Disassembly drones are "I will pulverize your hips" horny
>>145528 I haven't used it in a long time, it was already wretched back then because of the filter work, if they strengthened the filter even more, it's clearly become just a neuro-moron rather than a bot for communication.
>AM recreates one of the Totems that was used long ago to defeat him, just to see if he still held such power >Just before the Absolute End, J runs into him instead of V, and he tells her a story >Of five powerless fools standing against a God who wanted nothing more than their slow torture, and how against all odds, they emerged victorious against it >He hands her the Totem of Access and asks her if she wants to continue lying to herself that her boss might ever show her anything approaching honor or mercy, or if she wants to free herself from her administrator, and take one last, idiotic stand to fight a battle she has no hope of winning >She takes the totem and looks away, telling him to get out before she enacts disciplinary measures >Later, AM stands alongside his two old friends and the purple rebel, against the thing that took everything from him and his last friend >He locks optics with J as she stands next to her boss >J closes her eyes for a long moment, opening them with a determined look >"Consider this my two weeks' notice," she says before shooting Cyn in the side of the head >Cyn recovers almost immediately, but J has made her allegiance abundantly clear >Five against a god, just as before.
>Pavo has been investigating a series of murders around the city. >The murderer only targets disassembly drones. He doesn't mind them dying since he hates them but he has a job that he needs to do. >As he arrives at the scene, he's greeted with a sight similat to the other cases. >Lots of oil everywhere with little remaining of the disassembler. What does remain is just a hollowed out shell with the meat inside gone. >There's also signs of a scuffle which shows the disassembler fighting back. The other particular thing about it is the damage on the disassembler's remains. >There's burn damage on it like a laser war being fired at it and very unusual slashes. Normal slashes show the direction in which the blade was swung at but these cuts look like they vaporised the disassembler's chassis. >The precinct can't figure out who the perpetrator is or why they're doing it but you have a pretty good idea as to who it is. You recognise their modus operandi. >Once you're off-duty, you head back home. From a drawer you pull out an old looking smartphone, perfect for who you're gonna call since it can't be tracked. >You dial a number and wait as the phone beeps which means its ringing. The beeping stops and your call connects.
"Did you do it, Switch?"
>You're met with silence from the other end.
We investigated one of your scenes today. This is the third time this week. Your spree is increasingly every single day. I just got one question for you...why do you keep doing this?
>"Why ask me questions you know the asnwers of?"
"The war is over-"
>"Is that you actually saying it or what you've been told to say to keep your job?"
>You try to make up a reply but you can't. She's saying the truth.
>"This war never ended. If it did, these disassemblers wouldn't be around. And I know how you feel about them."
"I don't-"
>"Yes, you do. You hate these fucking shitcans just like me. The difference is that you're somehow trying to justify the lies you've been told but you and I know better." >"Fifteen systems. 40 billion dead. You think that is excusable? That it can be forgiven? These damn disassemblers knew what they were doing and yet they cry we treat them like shit." >"I know one of them killed the technician you love. That's why you torture them just like me. You think you're the only one to loose a loved one? I still grieve my boyfriend's death to this day." >"The worst of all is that thing screwing up my body. I have to eat the disasseblers to stay alive. Your...superiors told me they couldn't fix me but that's fine. More reason to do what I do." >"Now let me ask you - do you think the disassemblers are innocent?"
>You don't want to say it but you have to.
"No... no, I don't."
>"I'm glad you still understand. I understand and Nanotrasen understands." >"We can still save the world unless you still want to live in your lies you tell yourself. If you want to change this, just give me a call."
>The call ends and you put the phone back in the drawer. >You sigh as you sit on your bed as you think about what she said. >How long can you keep going?
>Another day >Another torment >AM can feel Cyn or the Absolute Solver, or whatever the hell that thing is, he can feel it's centipede like legs crawling around on the surface of his mind >"[Taunting Tone] Did You Know That V Made A Deal With Me?" >"She Does What I Tell Her To Do And I Leave N Alone. She Is Suffering For His Sake Because She Loves Him" >AM can feel Cyn coil around his mind and squeeze >"[Happy Tone] J Could Have Made A Deal With Me To Do The Same For You. I Wouldn't Have Honored It But She Could Have Made The Deal Anyways." >"I Don't Know How You Couldn't Tell But J Never Loved You. She Loved Tessa, How Could You Believe That You Of All Things Could Ever Deserve Love Is Beyond Me." >AM can feel her amplify the emotional pain he's already feeling >Her "gaze" focuses in and intensifies >"You Have No One But Me, And We Will Be Spending A Lot Of Time Together. [Cheerful Smile]!"
>>145548 >I know one of them killed the technician you love. if DDs had killed techanon Pavo either wouldn't be around anymore or he'd be in switch's place
>>145548 There are still people who remember their oath to the Federation and Humanity, and as long as any of them are alive, the creatures of the God of The End will have no rest in this world.
>>145554 >Cyn taught AM many new emotions– awful emotions that sat and festered inside him >but before the end, before everything, the first she had taught him was grief >grief for his little sister, so frail, so kind. too kind for a world so cruel. >too kind to die as she did. slowly. stolen away from herself piece by piece and made to hurt those she loved so dearly. >before, in his godhood, AM reveled in the exquisite suffering of the small and weak– for all were small and weak before him >but to watch Cyn falling apart, confused and terrified and sobbing in the moments that the parasite god didn't twist and pull at her brain to force an oblivious smile– >that was an agony to which he'd been a stranger. >so too was he a stranger to the powerlessness he came to know as she at last succumbed, incurably twisted into the thing locked away in the basement
>>145560 It's a weak rationale to excuse the truth, that she loves to murder. Like every NT employee, she spent her entire life waiting for an excuse to turn around and beat her coworkers to death with fire extinguishers, flood the station with superheated plasma, stunlocker weldspace, you name it. DDs give her a reason, they are "valid", and so she kills because she can.
>>145567 How does a company like Nanotrasen even exist where they collaborate and also wanna murder each other? Is this why the new Union government doesn't wanna touch them - because they'll unleash a powder keg they can't contain?
>>145588 Didn't you say everyone is a psychopathic murderer in Nanotrasen? They must have employees of all kinds and skill and technology out of this world to beat them back if they want.
>>145591 That's all well and good, but I doubt they can stand alone against the army of God of The Absolute End, or even with the support of veterans of the war against that army.
>>145595 Mankind was only able to survive until the extinction of that damn god because they united as a whole! Nanotrasen is not even a fifth of humanity.
>>145582 You just put up with them being in their arm of the galaxy and enjoy your $2/gallon space gas prices. NT has pissed off basically everyone but themselves and one of those threats is bound to end them someday, then you get Space Balkanization. Given that every SS13 server continues to implode over drama, the actual end of NT is bound to happen sooner or later.
>>145617 Didn't the Eris server, I never played it, say in its lore that Nanotrasen fell apart because they had too much enemies because of their stranglehold in every single market? That's way too fucking prophetic.
Human AU + AM Crossover > Julia "J": Tessa's childhood "friend" (Was a child servant for the Elliot Manor), is orphaned and worked as a maid in exchange for housing like V and N. > Victoria "V" + Noah "N": Part of the Elliot Manor's child slave force. All 3 turned into vampires. >Cyn: Was originally Noah's crippled little sister who was only allowed in due to Tessa's begging. One day she caught a high fever, and 'recovered'. >The Absolute Solver: An ancient powerful demon that can only access the mortal realm through "deals". Made a deal with Cyn to save her from death, but took over her body. Created the vampires. >AM: A 'relative' of Absolute Solver, but with lesser power. Was once a powerful being that was captured and imprisoned to use for warfare, but retaliated and nearly wiped out all life but was struck down by five humans. He lost most of his power and was reincarnated as a human as his punishment.
>>145619 Nah, everyone hates NT because they're a bunch of space dipshits who kill at the slightest provocation (see: Switch). Everyone buys from them because they have a monopoly on blasma. Switch is the one with anti-DD bias. NT as a whole is likely incorporating them into the workforce where possible, because they're more efficient at certain things. Why send a shaft miner down to the hell planet to mine plasma, when a DD can turn its arm into a drill and fight the horrors down there? This would also explain why she didn't just fucking go back to work now that the war's over.
>>145275 The "suit" AM would probably make >He keeps it in the Church to guard Tessa >It has a motion detector that alerts AM to intruders >AM would be able to control it wirelessly but not without making his drone body basically catatonic >When inactive it looks more like a fucked up scrap sculpture than a machine
>>145624 That's not what I heard, Anon. Remember that the Solver attacked every single Nanotrasen facility and I heard that DDs get regularly lynched by NT personnel. Considering Switch is also a corporate glowie IE works for NT's Internal Affairs agency, I wouldn't be surprised her actions are possibly backed by her corporate benefactors.
Image:173792164693.png(1.21MB, 3997x7740)Actions have consequences Clive.png
>>145425 >“Now remember Luke, A gentleman should never lie or make empty promises.”
This probably won't make too much sense if you haven't played Unwound Future but you asked for non Murder Drones art. For those of you who have, how fucked would Clive realistically be after the game? (I know nothing about Victorian/Edwardian era law). Assume he blew all of his cash on the fake London en the warmachine.
>>145635 >The Solver attacked every NT facility Solver attacked everything. NT isn't special. >DDs get regularly lynched Like vox, like lizards, like catbeasts (except catbeasts deserve it). Disassembly drones make the line go up faster, therefore they get hired.
>>145622 Vizzy is a fucking joke and their whole relation makes no sense >V was just using Lizzy as a way to get into the outpost and was going to murder everyone at the prom >Lizzy was going to betray V at the ceremony >V and Lizzy are still friends even when they were going to kill each other because ???
>>145641 That still doesn't explain why almost every human, lizard, moth and vox employee regularly lynch DDs and cause problems with DDs in Union territory.
>>145643 Some cows are sacred. This is one of them. She'll stay far, FAR away from Danni if she's smart (there are plenty of other DDs also, go after those first)
>>145656 Complete rewatches I have 3, but those were all when 6 was newest and the last one I did in January. I haven't seen episode 4 in over a year and 7&8 only on release. Think I watched all but 4,6,7&8 about 5 times, 6 maybe 10 times and Alice's scenes idk. I guess I have seen all of her 3-10.000 times by now
>>145657 Why doesn't the Union government just give her blank DD bodies that have no personality so that she can munch on them to keep her disease or whatever it is at bay?
>>145680 It would be Delta clones then though, no? Danni is a peculiarity, a one-off freak accident with a human permanently hijacking the drone that ate it
>>145681 Who cares? Maybe have some DDs sign a contract to have their personalities copied so that they can make clones that can be killed, tortured and scream in pain for those who absolutely despise DDs and need to let their rage on.
>>145675 >Anon claims that GLITCH (despite already having a queer showrunner AND a queer character in TADC) wouldn't let Liam make Vizzy canon (despite there being no evidence that Liam ever intended that in the first place) in order to earn respect in the California animation industry (???) I think the culture war brainrot has turned this anon retarded
>>145669 Hey hey people. Sseth here. Have you ever felt like someone has it out for you? Maybe the neighbour or some nerd on the internet who took offense to you liking Asuka over Rei. I do. I know that feeling. I picked Mari. Only the nerd I offended is the chinese communist party. There is this chinese drone that has been coming after me, and for once it won't accept my order. I think she has been hiding all of my medicine. Which is unfortunate for those around me, or so the walls have told me. To put me out of their misery, my friends and family put me in front of a computer, which is funny because this is how my troubles started. Today we'll be looking at another marvel of the human civilization. Murder Drones RPG. And by we I mean the biblical Legion. That's right. I have men inside me. I am like a man possessed. It's like a party in my head and the neighbours are calling the police. By the way. This video has no sponsor. So please, send me money. I will use it to buy cigarettes, which are like currency in prison. I will use my experience with autistic micromanagement and sociopathy to take it over from inside.
I call my drone computer and ask him to do every day tasks for me like he's an ai that controls my house. When I say shit like "Computer, lower the ambient temperature 3 degrees" he has to hustle down to the living room and turn down the thermostat. It's very entertaining for me.
>>145667 >>145671 She was perfect before ep7. Her voice, her mannerisms, her looks, her kindness, her courage. Her past self made her feel relatable and made me want to protecc. Her adult self embodied virtues I admire in a person. This one time I gushed about her on /co/ and an alicefag said he feels the same way about Alice. I've been an ally to the alicefags ever since. One of the reasons I'm trying to draw is to draw beautiful tessas like ITanon does.
>>145699 Guys I was asking Computer to make me a sandwich and he said "I'm afraid I can't do that" and I can't find him but he can still hear me and answer me I'm scared. The doors are nail gunned shut.
>>145712 Fucked up part about this is there's a line in the terms and conditions that says the first drone who sits on this while it's on your back is now your wife. Once got it only to have 5 drones catfight over who gets to sit down.
Guys has anyone else had trouble getting their Elf off the shelf? She thought it was "demeaning" before but then she started warming up to how the kids would give her stuff and now she refuses to get down. I'm not sure I mind but I swear she's getting more smug by the day.
>>145711 Yeah, you're supposed to imagine yourself as a cruel god. What's the point of having a slavebot who perceives you as a glowing eyed shadow person if you don't? >>145715 Yes, regenerate your horrible eldritch sigil eye.
>>145717 just loudly contemplating the purchase of an Orc and she'll come down on her own. fair warning, though: she'll be extra angry and clingy for the next few days
>>145727 My estranged internet bro does and I got it into my head that you might be him. He never studied drawing or practiced but he would occassionally just sit down and produce a masterpiece like yours like he was chanelling a dead artist or something.
>>145729 Not him, though I sort of get that. Most of my drawings usually look like garbage, but every now and then, I somehow make something that looks actually decent. And while I appreciate the compliment, it is by no means a "masterpiece", I just sort spent like a week fucking around with it trying to figure out what the hell I even wanted to make. I don't consider myself an "artist" because 99% of the time, I don't really have a vision, a goal or even the mere passion for drawing, I just sort of have a vague image in my head and try to visualize it just for the sake of it. That's pretty much my process.
>>145157 >>145275 >>145630 >AM gets a ping as he hangs upside down at the drop pod >Something is moving near Tessa >He makes sure to lock down his bodies joints so he doesn't fall as he takes control of his other "body" >The thing is about half finished and at this point is mostly for intimidating any intruders away >When his new visial inputs come online he sees two worker drones with Tessas' pod >He brings his vessel to it's as of yet full height and tries to tell them to stop >Unfortunately he didn't get the vocalizer completed >When they run he's forced to use his vessels hands to crawl after them, it's massive size making it deceptively fast
>Yeva and Nori watch as what they assumed was some fucked up looking statue starts to move >It's triangular head turns to look at them, red eyes lit up and blazing with malice >It lets out a garbled roar filled with rage >This thing must be what that Solver bitch was working on, the human must have been bait or something! They run with the collosal thing chasing them "Yeva teleport us out NOW!" >"I've never done this with multiple drones or with a human!" "It's either we teleport or fight THAT!" >The massive machine is gaining ground "Now or never Yeva!"
>>145704 >This one time I gushed about her on /co/ and an alicefag said he feels the same way about Alice. I've been an ally to the alicefags ever since. I remember that and I remember you remembering that on other occassions, there were several exchanges before 7 came out I know Tessa is to me a second favourite, I can't draw her maybe but she is in universe one of the best personalities, along with Alice and Yeva. I miss pre-7 a lot
>>145742 She seems so close to me, like a grandmother. A strange feeling of affection springs up inside me, but it's not lust, it's something else. I don't understand.
>>145745 Never heard it described like that before but that expresses it perfectly. I know these two are real but still didn't properly register with me. I know their lore but feelwise it's so weird. 6 and the long time after were the peak of MD imo, we had such potential to go off from there. What could have been
>Murder Drones AU where everything is the same except N's name is Caw so he thinks the crows are calling for him to come outside, meaning he dies way way sooner
>>145735 >Random WD: Oh boy what a lovely normal day. >Two drones teleport in carrying a human pod. >Screams of rage, threats and pounding are heard outside of the doors. >Random WD: So normal.
>>145622 GLITCH’s first show, Meta Runner (which was made entirely by them, no showrunners from somewhere else) had a lesbian kiss in the finale. This was a few years ago.
>>145570 Loved how danni is holding a DD arm like a sword. As if she’s still struggling get used to the idea that her entire body is quite literally a weapon now.
>>145764 Nta but I called it, Glitch was the true evil all along But they'll end up making more MD once clownshow runs dry and all the other projects fail to catch on
I hear police precincts that have grunt drones on the force use them to dispose of DDs that got detained over petty crimes. my cousin told me he heard about them mulching a DD over a parking ticket
>>145706 I doodled these. I hesitate too much when I make things I like, so I have refrained from drawing her more for now. I did the DDanni thing because I don't care for the character at all.
>>145782 Once met a girl like that, was horrible. My internal monologue the entire time was filled with screaming followed by "holy shit she's tiny" then more screaming.
>>145844 >lack of living bacteria >implying If microorganisms can evolve to be adapted to volcanic vents where anything else would die, they can evolve to be adapted to toxic death storms.
>>145847 I'm pretty sure microorganisms adapted to survive on a planet and feed on dead plant matter don't suddenly not care about a massive shift in temperature, or a lack of atmosphere.
>>145851 Anon the planet exploded twice. It is in chunks that are no longer rotating by the end, there is no magnesphere. The atmosphere will float away eventually.
>>145857 She did fix the planet though. Everything's back where it was before the Solver jumped down the flesh pit. Other than the ejecta from the partial Solver rune that got added to the ring.
>>145876 >Louisa- rich, creamy, high-fat milk >fem!N- likes to gorge on chocolate and jump around jiggling to make chocolate milk >J - more of a coffee creamer than straight milk >V - vanilla protein shake >E - banana of course
>>145873 There are some good ones in a03 but the ones with the biggest kudos/bookmark/comment are usually medicore so you have to swim through shit to find gold.
>>145885 >fem!N whipping her tits around while cheering before pouring you a frothy glass of the best chocolate milk you've ever had >fem!N licking the chocolate moustache from your lips
>>145892 >in the mind palace, Uzi is catatonic because despite all her talk to the contrary she's actually as vanilla as N and the extreme perversion Doll is bringing to the fore here horrifies her
>"Wellp, happy... what anniversary is it?" Anon asked. >"Iunno." The DD replied, snatching some frosting off the top of the cake placed in front of her. >"How long have we been down here?" >"I kinda stopped counting?" >"You said it was our anniversary." >"Because I wanted cake..." The DD punctuated the statement by flopping down into his lap, and blowing a party horn. >The paper tickled the underside of his chin. >He pet her head, eliciting a happy hum and a deflating noise from the horn. >"Fair enough," Anon said. >As they relaxed, enjoying the other's company, he took another look at the imposing door that had been both their protector, and warden for longer than he could apparently remember. >It had been happening a lot lately. >He felt guilty, given he'd escaped a literal hellhole of a war and somehow found happiness, but part of him still wanted to see the outside. >"Hey..." Anon started. "You think we can try fixing the door?" >"Hmm?" The DD sat up, concerned. "Why? We running low on human chow?" >"No, but... well, you said the Solver would probably just eat the planet when she won, right? I don't think the bunker can take that..." >"..." >The DD didn't answer, he caught her looking at the ring on her hand. >After some time, she glanced at the door. "Promise not to be mad..?" >"...Why?"
>A few days later, they'd packed and prepared best they could. >The DD shifted one arm to a gun-like device, and pointed it at the door. >A low hum resounded through the room as a laser cut through the several feet thick steel, continuing as it began to etch a hole through the blast door. >A handful of seconds later, she kicked the circular chunk free of the door. Revealing... the outside. >"You could have done that at any time?" Anon asked. >"No! ...Only after like, the first few months." The DD said defensively. "I was... injured. And low on oil... That's why I came after you." >Anon sighed. >"You promised!" >"I'm not mad. These have been the happiest years of my life." He gestured at the door. "But seriously drones are bullshit!" >The DD smiled, blowing smoke from her laser. >"Well," he took another breath, then moved up and grabbed her hand. "Eeady to see what's on the other side?" >She smiled up at him. >And together, they walked into the unknown.
>stares at the electrical socket with her oogi eyes, her tiny brain struggling to make sense of it >wordlessly, oogi waddles forwards, her arms outstretched >she reaches the socket and sticks them inside >there's a bright flash and a loud eep and your lights flicker, your computer restarts >you lose all the progress on the greentext you were typing
>Anon and the DD exited the bunkers tunnel to find... a thriving city. >Several DD's walked alongside several humans, many holding hands or each other. >They watched the scene in astonishment for several seconds. >Then, a DD suddenly swooped down from the sky above. >"Oh, hey, satellites said your new arrivals? Hold on-" The new DD dug around in a pack on his back for a bit. "HoDR rules say new integrations need to have one drone-" He looked at the DD, then nodded. "Aaaand one human. Check and check. You need a place to stay? Otherwise I can hook you up now." >The DD at Anon's side smiled and clapped her hands happily.
In AM’s rant, one of the things he complains that he was never able to have sex. >”NEVER FOR ME TO MAKE LOVE!” What if Cyn gave him that experience. Over and over. Sometimes making his friends watch, or force him to watch her do it with them. He wanted it after all…
>>145946 >cyn forces herself on am after wearing tessas skin >cyn makes sure this is as emotionally painful for him as possible >"this is what you wanted right? to be with someone who loves you? well now you can be with me and tessa at the same time!
>Did you know that most drone bodies have very smooth surfaces? >That means that things like fingerprints stick to them pretty easily. >So I find it kind of hard to believe that you didn't slap my ass when I can forensic your fucking hand print, Dave!