/pco/ - Promotions

Welcome to /pco/ - Promotions. This board is for sexual material of a western nature. Please read the rules before posting:

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1a) Western properties (for ex.: Marvel, Mass Effect, Wakfu)
1b) Properties with a large Western interpretation (for ex.: Transformers, Sonic the Hedgehog)
1c) Original Content in Western "style" (for ex.: Ganassa, Kyhu, Owler)
1d) non-Western properties by artists predominantly known for Western art or style (for ex. artist generals or art dump threads)
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Posting content from any of these will be a week's ban for first offense.

Thread stats: 740 posts, 128 files (128 image(s))

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Replying to /pco/196421
Incognitymous ThreadAnonymous
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So it's finally time for a new Incognitymous Thread. Pardon the longer than hoped wait but distractions and such make these thread starters more time consuming than they would typically need to be. Regardless, here it is in all its rushed glory so I may finally do the sleep thing. If I missed anything too important I'll just have to cry when I wake up and discover it.

Old thread dead at >>196266. Also, in case it becomes lost somehow due to random board disappearing acts along with my forgetting to post it in the last topic, that dead thread's closest ancestor thread can be found at >>192093.
Alright, 'bout time!
Holy god in heaven
I'm dying to see the Gravity Falls picture colored, that fandom does not have many good artist.
Damn you're a genius. And thanks for the links to the old threads. So much progress in the Smoothies discussions can be tracked through here.
So, so epic. Yet it feels like just the beginning. This calendar will make a lot more money than the jello wrestling, car wash and lemonade stand combined!
Previous thread is >>193802
The treehouse idea should come next but be a porn movie studio instead of a whore house. Smoothies should be a whore house.
Both links work.
no Smoothies will be a strip club/night club
at some point while the loli club is still trying to open Smoothies they should open a gym
Hey incog, I think you already answered this back in october, but I can't find that thread anymore and I am curious:

For your art you used Manga Studio for the sketch, and photoshop for coloring, right?
it's kind of bad that the Gwen calendar is going to be done near the end of the month that it was made for but I'm just glad it's going to be done lets just hope February's calendar will be done before the month is over
So. I've never supported anyone via Patreon, but I want to support Incog because... damn... look at that top image!!!

However, I share the card with my wife. Will the charge just come up as Patreon or will it specify exactly where the charge is going?
Just patreon. Tell her you are supporting someone else, or simply get a debit card where you place whatever you want to support every month.
It will just say Patreon on it. Also, don't be so afraid of your wife.
Are you going to request some on his Patreon?
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Popping in while I clear some external hardware for someone before having to head out again and saw some messages I felt like responding to so popping in to do so. No image update as of yet but I will try my best to have a line piece done by tomorrow.

>Previous thread is >193802

How dare you point out my mistake of posting the wrong link! I usually highlight/click reply on the text relevant to a response then narrow it down from there so I guess I kept the wrong link for that. Regardless, either one will take you to the right place.

>it's kind of bad that the Gwen calendar is going to be done near the end of the month that it was made for but I'm just glad it's going to be done lets just hope February's calendar will be done before the month is over

I kind of thought of that, and since they are being done on a monthly basis I figured I would ask if people thought it was a better idea to make it a 2017 calendar as opposed to a 2016 calendar? Doing so would have it all done when the new year starts, which I feel makes more sense than having them done during the month they are for.

>For your art you used Manga Studio for the sketch, and photoshop for coloring, right?

I've actually changed it up a bit over the years. Back when I used Manga Studio 4 there was no way to change canvas size, so I used Photoshop to do the initial sketch since it offered more freedom to change things around. I also used to use Photoshop to color since it does admittedly have more brush options. Now, however, I do things exclusively in Manga Studio. I find its coloring tools to be perfectly sufficient for how I work, and the line/ruler tools are second to none. The fact that it can also be raster/vector in a single document is also nice. The only thing I use Photoshop for anymore is for type/bubbles, or for backgrounds that may need special effects as Photoshop is also superior for filters/layer effects. Sadly Manga Studio just has vastly inferior typesetting tools.

>However, I share the card with my wife. Will the charge just come up as Patreon or will it specify exactly where the charge is going?

From what I have experienced, Patreon serves as the middleman thus Patreon is all that appears in any paperwork. Even when I receive money it is just from a generic Patreon source. Patreon receives pledges, then Patreon sends pledges to artists. There is no direct billing between patrons/creators.


In due time I am sure. Right now? Too many other priorities. If there are some Patreon requests for some Mother Up it would help the odds right now, but if not then it will likely be something reserved for the future when time is less scarce.
Hey incog, I think you might be overpushing yourself. There is this saying that once you feel forced to do your hobby, it becomes a job, and when it is a job, it stops being fun to do.

So DONT turn it into a job! You make this because you enjoy it. Feel free to make more of this posts without a picture, just talking to the people. May be you can move it to a weekly update instead of daily so that you have more time to worry about other things.

Now, I know this sounds bad in contrast with what I just said, but I'd love to see a Gravity Falls comic now that the series are ending the 02/15 due to the creative team quitting from Disney. That is sad, it was a great show.
We've been through this. Incog draws to relax. He likes to draw. He NEEDS to draw.
amazing picture. i can not wait for your next piece.
Love the color palette on this Incog, their delicious flesh tones really pop and stand out of the white and grey background
Any year is fine. As long as the dates are accurate. Might be kind of neat having it finished at the end of this year and being able to use it as an actual calender.
>How dare you point out my mistake of posting the wrong link!

lol it hardly matters. Actually just wanted it there so I could access it easily.
>However, I share the card with my wife. Will the charge just come up as Patreon or will it specify exactly where the charge is going?

This is probably what's stopping a lot of people from pledging a dollar a month to you incog. I wonder if there was a Bitcoin system you could implement, unrelated to patreon.
No. Stop. No. Shush.

That said,
>I share the card with my wife.
Hey, maybe share the incog with your wife, you never know.
lol "so.. you jerk off to drawings of the little girl from Ben 10? Cool! I have a thing for Gambit, so even Stevens?"
If you honestly can't talk to your wife about what you like to fap to, getting married to them is a dumb idea.
Hah, agreed. Me and the gf are about on the same page kink-wise. We don't like everything the other does but I'm not gonna surprise her by saying ageplay is one of my fetishes.

I feel sorry bout the wifey, though. I hope you two trust each other enough to have an open discussion about your sexuality or preferences. Maybe you two'll end up working something out.
What the wife guy needs to do is make a wire transfer to the incog patreon account if that's even possible.
>I figured I would ask if people thought it was a better idea to make it a 2017 calendar as opposed to a 2016 calendar?

So logical. I'm in because it makes perfect sense.. but also realise it's not really the numbers on the calendar we're fapping to ;p
You could always do two girls this month, and just be ahead of time with it? That way the February page could be used while you work on the March page.
B-but I really wanted Gwen has an entire month just for her.
she will have one month what he meant was work on 2 months at the same time witch means work on february and march at the same time
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Can't believe you started these masterpieces last August
yea but I don't know why Incog never colored the first one
I like that he left it uncolored since it kinda looks like old times ^_^
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here are lines for a $1+ request of Ben and Penny Gadget in a specific position. Just barely but I finished it in time to post today. Kind of want to color this one but not in a coloring mood so it may be something that gets colored in the near future. As I am not in a mood to color, may do 1 or 2 more $1+ requests before doing some $5+ requests then color the Gravity Falls/do the January Gwen piece.

>Hey incog, I think you might be overpushing yourself. There is this saying that once you feel forced to do your hobby, it becomes a job, and when it is a job, it stops being fun to do.
>So DONT turn it into a job! You make this because you enjoy it. Feel free to make more of this posts without a picture, just talking to the people. May be you can move it to a weekly update instead of daily so that you have more time to worry about other things.
>Now, I know this sounds bad in contrast with what I just said, but I'd love to see a Gravity Falls comic now that the series are ending the 02/15 due to the creative team quitting from Disney. That is sad, it was a great show.

Well, as >>196466 pointed out, I really like to draw. I have been pushing myself lately because I am tired of giving in to the concept of not having the time/energy to do so. It bothers me when I cannot post updates regularly more so than if I push myself to regularly update. Also, I just don't like posting without an update because I don't like spending what little time I have doing responses when I could use said time to make some progress on my next piece. I try to take care of comments/replies only when I have enough time after finishing every step I feel I have time for that day.

Also, sad that Gravity Falls is ending for that reason. There are still some Gravity Falls requests being made on my Patreon, and there is also a short comic request in the $10+ section, so I may do a short comic for it in the near future. Sadly, as far as longer comics are concerned, I have more interest in other things to invest that much time in Gravity Falls at this time.

>Love the color palette on this Incog, their delicious flesh tones really pop and stand out of the white and grey background

Glad it seems to have turned out that way. That concept was pointed out in the car wash piece and I figured I could utilize the neutral background quite easily with this one.

>lol it hardly matters. Actually just wanted it there so I could access it easily.

Haha, I know it hardly matters. Just wanted to project my minor annoyance of making a mistake that I could not go back and fix.

>This is probably what's stopping a lot of people from pledging a dollar a month to you incog. I wonder if there was a Bitcoin system you could implement, unrelated to patreon.

Well, as was mentioned previously, it's not an issue when you get down to it. It will only show Patreon on any statements and will not give any information as to what the money was spent on. It will really only be an issue for anyone that has someone watching their finances directly and is excessively pushy about details if anything seems out of place. There is no real static solution to such a problem.

>What the wife guy needs to do is make a wire transfer to the incog patreon account if that's even possible.

As briefly explained above, that wouldn't really be an issue as it will just show Patreon either way. If someone is watching the finances, whether the money was spent directly or wired, it will be visible that money was withdrawn.

>So logical. I'm in because it makes perfect sense.. but also realise it's not really the numbers on the calendar we're fapping to ;p

Haha, well aware of that. I just figure it makes more sense to have a calendar released before the months/year it applies to as opposed to making a calendar of a month during said month.

>You could always do two girls this month, and just be ahead of time with it? That way the February page could be used while you work on the March page.

That could work, but I feel with January about over it's a bit late to fix anything with that. If I had the idea during December that could have worked, but fixing it now seems too little too late.

>yea but I don't know why Incog never colored the first one

Well I just wasn't quite into coloring again at that time. That one was the first full group piece I did and I was still doing almost exclusively line work as I was enjoying doing so with the new tablet.
Looks like they are having fun. Good stuff Incog.
out of nowhere hhnnggg!!!
So sloppy and messy lol its so awesome >.<
can't wait to see that pic finished and colored
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Made it look like a page from Gwen's diary tallying their profits
Nice but it would be better with Gwen instead.
Ps- Lemonade Stand made that much money because those panties hanging off the stand were sold at a hundred bucks a pop. In-car 'servicing' contributed to the profits of the Car Wash while the Jello Wrestling footage was sold to a pay-per-view sports network on the deep web. Calendar is going nationwide at $40 per unit, so not a bad haul so far.
lol how much do you need to open a super club these days
Fuuuck Ben is still squirting
And dont forget the cups of used jello sold to the more deviant audience on location.
Those numbers are too low. I would have spent that much solo.
And Cindy robbing everyone XD
Everything about the Benpenny pic makes me drool
>It will really only be an issue for anyone that has someone watching their finances directly and is excessively pushy about details if anything seems out of place.

This is why most people can't donate to you believe me.
I don't believe it very common. If so, its pretty depressing you have a life where 1-10 bucks a month is watched so closely you are terrified about it.
Nah it's the billing name that pops up. A quick Google search of it just raises too many questions.
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>it makes more sense to have a calendar released before the months/year it applies to as opposed to making a calendar of a month during said month.

I'm for that. Studiofow finished their calendar late last year and released the January page a few weeks back. But the entire calendar's ready to go, right here:

If you were to make a calendar for 2017, would you still release the pages of the girls on their corresponding months this year? It's a long term goal that would pay off in the end.
Patreon raises too many questions with who?

Any person that lives a life where "Patreon" showing up on their bill for 5 bucks a month is a serious problem for them has serious problems.
Yeah. The bill says 'Patreon' and that's all.
Good luck using Google to find out who in all of Patreon's community are you giving the money.

I still think that making a debit card, placing in it 12$ and using that card for patreon is the best solution. No bills, no shit, you just have to reload the card once a year, and they don't even ask you if the card is yours when you reload it.
When I Google Patreon the names that appear are cr1tikal and samikichan. I know both of them, heck I am a lifelong cr1tikal fan, but I am not their Patreon. Nope, can't 'quick Google search' incog's patreon without adding his name into the search.

The only thing is that when I enter in Patreon, if I left the session opened the info is there, but it is as easy as untick the little check box that asks you if you want to stay logged in. It can be tedious to log in every time but hey, if you share the computer and you do not want anyone to know, it is what you have to do.
It's for people like >>196447 who >share the card with my wife
We are going in circles now. No decent marriage is going to suffer because of a small patreon charge on an account. If it does, that marriage has massive problems already.
Aren't the majority of patreon artists in the 'hentai' category? That can be hard for most people to accept. Think 3 steps ahead before you tell everyone how easy this whole thing is.
WWOEC down for anyone else?
Everyone I know knows what hentai is and doesn't care about it anymore than they would care about any kind of porn. So no, I don't get your point. Are you saying everyone you know would hate you if they knew you looked at porn?
>Everyone I know knows what hentai is and doesn't care about it anymore than they would care about any kind of porn.
What the shit planet do you live in? I wanna live there. So everyone you know knows you fap to incest and lolicon and is cool with it? That's fantastic. I envy you.

>Are you saying everyone you know would hate you if they knew you looked at porn?
Why is that so hard for you to grasp that not everyone has the same circumstances as you. Everybody's on a different journey so don't judge.
I live on a planet where I don't tether myself to people that would hate me for who I am. I wouldn't marry them for DAMNED sure. I also don't sit around sweating that someone finding "Patreon" showing up as a small monthly bill in my checking account will make everyone I know hate me.

If your "journey" does, then thats your burden to bear. Don't go out and tell people they need to work out special circumstances and exceptions just for your little special snowflake life. And don't pretend there are tons of people that have made equally terrible life choices that put them on that "journey".

Even with a life like that, if you can't figure out a way to put a couple bucks on a rechargeable debit card or whatever alternative solution a couple times a year then you really are beyond help and have much bigger problems than anything that can be helped with here.

The whole situation of "my wife will see this 1 dollar charge, google patreon, then divorce me because some people on Patreon draw porn, please let me pay you in equally suspicious bitcoins" schtick is ludicrous. Implying its a common problem for people here, even more so.
Relax, cuz, we're all freaks here. Just sayin not everyone has the same lives. Not crying about it, just stating the facts.
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I see the treehouse porn studio as the natural progression after this calendar shoot venture. I bet they could make the inside of it real cosy with a bed, silk sheets and satin pillows. Film cameras and other equipment could surround them as the new recruit, whoever it may be, climbs the ladder into the treehouse and pokes her head through the floor dressed in porn star gear, looking puzzled and nervous, ready to make her debut. Wonder Loli and Jade help her up and we see the girls are also in slutty, lacy thong underwear and stockings. Most of them are on the bed making out but there are two behind the camera and one on the laptop working the webcam or broadcasting the treehouse footage live.
>Aren't the majority of patreon artists in the 'hentai' category?
I guarantee you only believe that because that's what you've been exposed to. I've seen more people with gardening youtube channels on patreon than hentai artists, and I browse hentai artists religiously.
Alright, patreon isn't all hentai, we get it. We can pick apart each other's words all we like. It's boring though. Let's get back on topic.
There are so many kinky stories inside these threadstarters you do incog. You could easily make short, single page episodes or comic strips out of them.
Sorry for ruining the thread incog.
Yeah, incog could definitely set up a similar system to what we do on Dimension H. A story book format with a bunch of nice, sexy text. It'd definitely be nice to see more players in the H Magazine biz.
They're brilliant scenarios with so much potential for comedic situations and sexy, character driven dialogue. Helps that all the characters are easy on the eyes mmm :))))
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Hey incog, would you mind if I colored this pic?
Link to Dimension H
Yoo can doo eet
"local DNS issues" according to their Twitter
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Sweet! New comic? Or a one-shot?
What the.. he was coloring this

D'awwww... respect (and pleasure) is INDEED a two-way street. Glad to see Gwen is reciprocating the love for her cuz.
is there anywhere where all of incognitymous' work is collected together?
Really a shame Incog hasn't colored this neither. Even with the right color palette nobody can match his coloring techniques.
This one he did a few months back. Yeah he has dozens of these. We sometimes forget how many Ben+Gwen incest comics he's done. And yet I still can't get enough!
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Color this one. Still the hottest he's done.
yea you should wait cause what if he was going to add more to it like what if Penny's feet are hanging from something
yea you should of colored it for yourself and when he was done with it got rid of yours if you thought his was better
Gwen's skinny, little body in this is incredible.
Sure thing: http://dimensionhcomics.tumblr.com/
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Haha I loved this one. Gwen is SO cool.
I mean, is there any more to this comic? He's done plenty of one-shot pages.
it seams that this >>196611 is part 2 of it cause she said she was going to suck him off after the thread was started and she is sucking him in this one
She would be so good in bed..
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here's a sketch of a 2 page piece done for a $1+ requester. Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, but I got a terrible throat infection that turned most of the day into a migraine nightmare. Plus this took a bit longer than intended as I decided to go two pages instead of one to make it more amusing to me. This request was for an accidental Rule 63 gender swap. Not really my thing, but said requester has been persistent about this request throughout the years without being obnoxious about. Since said requester has become a patron to remake said request I figured I could finally reward their persistence.

Also, damn did I hate drawing the omnitrix by the end of this. Not looking forward to drawing it 10 more times in the final lines, which I will try and have finished tomorrow.

>Nice but it would be better with Gwen instead.

Gwen can't be hogging all of the attention. Other lolis need attention too.

>If you were to make a calendar for 2017, would you still release the pages of the girls on their corresponding months this year? It's a long term goal that would pay off in the end.

Yeah, still planning to release it all this year. I may fall slightly behind on this month's piece as the month is coming to an end so soon, but that will not be a problem if it's a 2017 calendar.

>There are so many kinky stories inside these threadstarters you do incog. You could easily make short, single page episodes or comic strips out of them.

I could easily make comic strips just out of the established relationships I try to portray in the pieces. The only problem is time. Doing so on top of the thread starters themselves would likely turn me into a 90% loli club artist, which isn't entirely what I am aiming for. Maybe I will do some comics with some of them included in the future, however.

>Sorry for ruining the thread incog.

Hey, it's a message board. Discussions happen. The only concern I really get is that the thread may die too fast for me to have time to do a new thread starter. This isn't really much of a problem for me personally, as I can just bookmark my current thread for easy finding, but not everyone can do that.

>Yeah, incog could definitely set up a similar system to what we do on Dimension H. A story book format with a bunch of nice, sexy text. It'd definitely be nice to see more players in the H Magazine biz.

Well, personally if I want context/dialogue I would go with comics as opposed to a story book format. Comics are something I am definitely going to be doing more of in the near future, and maybe I'll do a brief loli club comic on occasion.

>They're brilliant scenarios with so much potential for comedic situations and sexy, character driven dialogue. Helps that all the characters are easy on the eyes mmm :))))

Comedic situations as well as sexy situations are indeed my favorite things to draw. It's much more fun being able to add both to a single piece.

>Hey incog, would you mind if I colored this pic?

Go ahead. I will not be offended by anything anyone wants to do with my work(s). I am providing them freely over the interwebs after all.

>Sweet! New comic? Or a one-shot?

Older one-shot from a few months back. I think it's one from my brief period of doing just lines when I returned.

>is there anywhere where all of incognitymous' work is collected together?

Not that I know of. The closest is WWOEC, but that only has stuff from my most recent return and beyond. It burns looking at most of my older works so I've never gotten around to compiling them. You can probably find it all between Paheal and Rule34Hentai.net.

>yea you should wait cause what if he was going to add more to it like what if Penny's feet are hanging from something

Well, I wasn't really planning to add more with that one. I was planning to have Ben/Penny's legs against a wall. There is a chance, however, that if I get around to coloring I'll add grass and make the wall seem like the outside wall of a home. Always much more fun when these things are done out in the open.

>it seams that this >196611 is part 2 of it cause she said she was going to suck him off after the thread was started and she is sucking him in this one

Well, the dialogue can easily be linked between that piece and the most recent thread starter, but they are not really related. The one that seems like a part 2 is actually much older than the seemingly part 1.
Dude. For our sake, you should get yourself a pixiv gallery.
This pic is so fucking hot. I want to clean them both up.
hehehe I hope that's where it ends. Ben with boobs is too weird!
Man that's funny. I'm going to pretend the second half of that didn't happen though :p
The best thing about this is that they're both naked and looking sexy as fuck. Expert panelling too bro, solid work.
Would have been better if ben 63 had smaller breasts since he/she the same age
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Warning bad english (sry):

It's not my goal to color only pictures that hasn't been colored yet. Also it's not my goal to add shadows etc. I like the idea to color pictures as simple as possible and i believe they look not bad. Not so good as Incognitymous original work but it has his own charm. I'll continue to post some pictures as long as some of you like it. If the comments shows that nobody want see my "crap" i will stop. I don't post this pictures to annoy anybody and of course i don't want to create the impression that I think my pictures are better than any other. (I know they are not...)


This is all i have (I'm not sure if all of this pictures are from Incognitymous but the most of it is):
Image:145391428300.png(324kB, 1155x893)0013.png
Some small improvements. Sorry.
Don't forget that the ////// marks on the face are suppose to be red/blush. Makes them look alot better.
Aside from that good job ty
You should have done some color research. For example, seeing the background from the original pic, that must be the Rust Bucket where they travelled in the series. The colors do not match.
I am not going to comment on the lack of shadows, because I cant do them good either, but doing the hair shine cost nothing.
Unless you are very happy with a result, I would suggest keeping the color for yourself for the sake of not flooding the incognitymous tag with edits. It has already enough with ultimo's bubble chats and the bugs edits.
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Thank you for your feedback.

I decided to remove the lines before adding the blush.
I know this is a discussion thread and everyone can post whatever they want, but let's please try not to flood the thread.

You can do whatever you want in the ben10 thread or in that share-online.biz webpage you posted, but this is Incognitymous thread so please do not flood it and leave the art to him. I would love not to have to spend half a minute scrolling down to read the last entries for at least another week.
Actually the picture is accurate. Boys usually weight more than girls, and ass matter cannot be destroyed, only transformed, all that spare weight had to go somewhere. To the boobs, obviously :p

Sorry. I will stop posting my Pictures on plus4chan. It was a bad idea.

btw. i have made a version with hair shine but i decided to post the version without it. :)

Only for comprehension:
Share Online ist a standard one click hoster (one of many). I have uploaded my Incognitymous folder because someone ask for a complete set of his images. This link has nothing to do with my edits. (My edits are not even in this .rar file) Maybe I shouldn't post the link together with a picture, that caused only misunderstanding.

Thanks again for your feedback. I know i have some problems with the background, im not happy with the background of the picture above too.
Not a bad idea just wrong thread. Won't know those that start with color and edit as there were a few that started with that and rolled into more completed works as they learned. Lost a good many of those in the tumblr and foundry collapse.
Don't take it in a bad way. Try to picture it like this: Let's assume you open a thread to post your art. In that thread, people comment about your art and post ideas for you to make new art.
Now, one of the posters finds out how easy and entertaining (and time consuming) is to add plain colors to the pictures. So the poster posts some of the OP pictures colored in the hope of getting comments and ideas for the art. The problem here is clear: one is stepping on the other. So in order to keep the thread from flooding, the adequate solution would be to move the edits to the pco ben10 thread.
I understand the coloring hype. I myself have 5 or 6 pictures of Incog that I have colored, it is entertaining and time consuming, but as they, in comparison with Incog's art, lack lots of detail, I would never upload them for respect to both the show and the artist.

Want to see a few of the girls on the bed taking selfies and filming the action on their phones in this scenario
Getting close to Incog level. All it needs is shadowing. I'm not a fan of the red curtain either, it just pops too much. It's too aggressive. Try a softer color so it's the children's sweaty, sizzling hot bodies that stand out. They're the main focus of the piece.
Appreciate the effort man these things don't color themselves. Keep it to incog standard and the fans will worship you for it.
Ben is cute as a girl! Not as cute as Gwen though =^_^=
Not saying you should not post your colors/edits here.
But put them in the Ben 10 thread or make a thread for them.
Rule34.paheal.net might also be a good place to post them.
>Gwen can't be hogging all of the attention. Other lolis need attention too.

Ben's gonna nail every girl in the club isn't he!
> Sadly, as far as longer comics are concerned, I have more interest in other things to invest that much time in Gravity Falls at this time

A Gravity Falls comic sounds awesome, I think it would get some feedback, seeing your other multipages and this being a relatively 'young' ongoing show.
Anything we can do to raise your interest? Do you need references or episodes or something? I don't know if you have watched the 2 seasons of the show
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Sorry for not having the current piece done yet. This damn infection is not getting any better and the dialogue/speech bubbles took forever to get done (I really do need to make speech bubble custom shapes for Photoshop to save time on that). Plus having to draw the spell book/omnitrix over, and over, and over...is making this take a little more time. Really close to finishing it, but I must go pass out as it is past 6 AM and I have a fever from hell. Will definitely be able to finish the current piece later today after I wake up. Just popping in to give a status update and do replies before bed (stuffy nose is preventing the sleeps).

>Dude. For our sake, you should get yourself a pixiv gallery.

The problem with Pixiv is that it's a Japanese site, and as such affected by Japanese rules/standards. While there is an 'Uncensored' tag, which gives indication to unofficial support of such images, it's just that - unofficial support. Officially, in accordance to laws where the site is hosted, uncensored material is not allowed, and while it seems to not be enforced all that often, I have hears stories of it being enforced. This is not a headache I would like to deal with, especially coming from a site that's primarily in a language I cannot read.

>Would have been better if ben 63 had smaller breasts since he/she the same age

He was going to be flat initially, but then I thought it would be more amusing to have Gwen get upset that he has breasts while she doesn't.

>Sorry. I will stop posting my Pictures on plus4chan. It was a bad idea.

As others have stated, you don't necessarily have to stop posting them on Plus4Chan, but it would be appreciated if too many of them were not posted here. Not that I personally mind, it's just that it does flood the thread a bit quicker, and since I don't have time to be popping out thread starters one after another it could end up causing a thread to get buried for quite a while if it fills it up too quick.

>Appreciate the effort man these things don't color themselves.

Isn't that the truth...

>Ben's gonna nail every girl in the club isn't he!

Given how he is commonly requested with a variety of girls, it's certainly looking like that will happen in due time.

>A Gravity Falls comic sounds awesome, I think it would get some feedback, seeing your other multipages and this being a relatively 'young' ongoing show.
>Anything we can do to raise your interest? Do you need references or episodes or something? I don't know if you have watched the 2 seasons of the show

It's not about a lack of interest in the show, nor a lack of interest in doing content for the show, it's just that I have more interest in other sources (like Ben 10, Power Pack, ATLA, Teen Titans, etc). So while it's pretty certain that there will be more Gravity Falls stuff done, even maybe some short comics, especially since it's requested often, a larger scale project involving it would likely be much later in the future.
I guess Gwen can't have everything..
Yeah. I thought it was funny that gwen was upset about the chest thing. It was a good call, even though I'm a huge fan of flat.
Feeling better Incog?
>Ben fucking every girl in the club

Awesome, he's such a stud!

She will miss his cousin's dick.
you mean *her cousin, right?
Image:145405649600.png(1.33MB, 2481x1754)GwenBenBenderLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Alrighty, finally done with this. A few hours later than being done by yesterday like I had hoped, but oh well. Nothing to be done about that. This one did admittedly take way longer than anticipated, especiallysince there was a lot of crap to line even without backgrounds, so it wasn't all the fault of outside distractions. Regardless, here it is, in all its lineliness.

>I guess Gwen can't have everything..

A person's generosity is also a consideration when in measure of their greatness. Even the best should sometimes share.

>Yeah. I thought it was funny that gwen was upset about the chest thing. It was a good call, even though I'm a huge fan of flat.

Huge fan of flat as well, although small, round breasts are up there with flat for me. I also thought it was amusing to have Gwen upset about it, which is why I decided to go with it. If I'm going to be doing a piece where I'm not too into the concept I may as well try and enjoy making the scenario.

>Feeling better Incog?

Not really. I haven't seen a doctor or even taken any medicine in at least 5+ years now, but this has got me taking medicine as symptoms have been ongoing for a few weeks now. Symptoms have only been getting worse so I've started taking medicine for relief starting yesterday, but I have to take it like clockwork after the designated period on the label or it immediately becomes hell again. If this doesn't end by tomorrow I'm definitely going to have to see a doctor since even when I have relief from the medicine, my head/chest/throat feel like someone has been beating on them from the weeks of constant coughing fits; it's making it really difficult to focus on drawing for extended periods.
Dick is diamonds
Whoah. Ben is hot!
Any chance of having Greymatter in one of these comics some day?
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Hey incog, I was wondering if you could tell us how did you do the shine effect on this picture. It gives the dick an impressive level of detail. Is it a special brush, or you made a line in white and removed what you didnt need?

Thanks, and I hope you get well soon. It is probably something you have been eating lately.
>If this doesn't end by tomorrow I'm definitely going to have to see a doctor since even when I have relief from the medicine, my head/chest/throat feel like someone has been beating on them from the weeks of constant coughing fits; it's making it really difficult to focus on drawing for extended periods.

Yes indeed, you need to see a doctor, inc! It sounds like the sleep depravation's messing with your immune system. We regenerate in our sleep, physically and psychologically, so if you're not getting much of it you probably won't get any better, even with the drugs, which only serve to give your immune system a boost! Try and average 6-8 hours from now on, please!
Ben cums a lot. I'd cum that much too if Gwen was my cousin.
HAHAHAHA!! Love that dialogue >__<
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Moar of this kid
>more things in this kid
Want to see her body covered in sperm
So much love for the characters shows in your painstaking work. Thank you incog.
Love this incog, hoping you feel a lot better today.
Oh man... Is it weird that I want to see fem Ben get fucked silly?
will you do Chloe from The Fairly oddparents?
haha or join loli club
It really pays to be your Patreon. Every pic you draw is evidence of this but this latest comic does an exceptional job of demonstrating how far you go for your fans.
This cracked me up man. You're too funny.
joined your patreon a couple of days ago.
I'm taking steps to do this as well, your art is insane.
Gotta admit, Ben makes one cute and sexy girl!
I wonder if Benni is going to be a part time member of the Club?
Gwen lusting and at the same time jelly of Benni's titties.

Gwen does the spell on herself, nothing really changes except growing a dick.
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Give tumblr a try in the meantime. It is not NSFW but it has some neat authors.
I'm glad there's no update from you today, it tells me you're not working right now, and that you're probably getting some much needed sleep. Rest well Incog.
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Hi incog. How about Princess Calla from Gummi Bears for Loli Club? She's pretty hot.
Tumblr doesn't allow loli. SJW's would kill his Tumblr in a heartbeat.
Image:145422460500.png(52kB, 384x384)image.png
How about Sunny instead
How about both?
I second Calla.
I've had a loli blog for about a year on tumblr and I've been fine.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So I wanted to do the Gwen January piece, but I didn't feel like making the calendar template at the moment. I also just wanted to do something quicker for now so I did a sketch of another $1+ line request. Mainly picked this one to commemorate loli Raven joining the scene. Will add lines to it then I'll definitely work on the January Gwen piece.

>Any chance of having Greymatter in one of these comics some day?

Hey, if it's Popsicle, it's possible.

>Hey incog, I was wondering if you could tell us how did you do the shine effect on this picture. It gives the dick an impressive level of detail. Is it a special brush, or you made a line in white and removed what you didnt need?

As with most of everything I do, it was just done with the Pen tool. That entire piece was actually done with nothing but the Pen tool, with the exception of the blush that I used a soft Airbrush tool for. I just drew those highlights on like I would draw lines.

>Oh man... Is it weird that I want to see fem Ben get fucked silly?

Of course not. Ben WAS turned into a loli after all, and there is nothing wrong with to see more loli.

>So much love for the characters shows in your painstaking work.

Well I really do like to make a point of making items/backgrounds relevant to the source material, as well as trying to keep character personalities intact. Without these things it just loses impact in my mind..

>will you do Chloe from The Fairly oddparents?

I know not even who that is without the almighty power of the Google. Possible, but no guarantees.

>It really pays to be your Patreon. Every pic you draw is evidence of this but this latest comic does an exceptional job of demonstrating how far you go for your fans.

Glad to see people feel that way. Hopefully I can keep up that sort of impact for much more time to come.

>This cracked me up man. You're too funny.

Haha, glad you liked it. I had quite a bit of fun plotting it out since I like doing amusing interactions between Ben and Gwen.

>joined your patreon a couple of days ago.
>I'm taking steps to do this as well, your art is insane.

Well thanks for the additional support. As I try to often say, any additional support is greatly appreciated.

>I wonder if Benni is going to be a part time member of the Club?

Not likely a part time member, but maybe a guest appearance or two in the future if an amusing enough situation presents itself.

>Gwen does the spell on herself, nothing really changes except growing a dick.

I actually kind of want to do that one now. Even have her small chest stay the same, as to show absolutely no physical change at all, just to get her even more upset about it.

>I'm glad there's no update from you today, it tells me you're not working right now, and that you're probably getting some much needed sleep. Rest well Incog.

Well at least someone appreciates it. I really wanted to work, but I took some stronger medication that had my ass out the entire day. Sucked having to go to work through it all, since I cannot really afford any time off, but it's finally getting better. I woke up and it actually didn't feel like someone was scraping the inside of my throat while I was sleeping. Still some congestion, but that seems to be getting a bit better as well.

>Hi incog. How about Princess Calla from Gummi Bears for Loli Club? She's pretty hot.

Hmm, she doesn't look bad, just not sure how well known she is. I certainly don't know about her so I'd have to look it up, but I feel that Disney's Alice would be a better fit for a character with that type of look.

>How about Sunny instead

I am admittedly highly reluctant to add a complete furry to the group as I just feel them not appropriate for the group. Characters like Wilykit seem to be the closest fit to that category that I'd really like to use.

>I've had a loli blog for about a year on tumblr and I've been fine.

You must either be lucky or somehow have it set in a way that it's hidden in a dark corner of Tumblr. I've heard nothing but bad things about the treatment of loli/shota content on Tumblr.
>Well at least someone appreciates it. I really wanted to work, but I took some stronger medication that had my ass out the entire day. Sucked having to go to work through it all, since I cannot really afford any time off, but it's finally getting better. I woke up and it actually didn't feel like someone was scraping the inside of my throat while I was sleeping. Still some congestion, but that seems to be getting a bit better as well.

Once your body builds some antibodies you'll be as strong as a pack mule. We all have to get ill once in the year to build those small thingys.
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So I finally finished coloring this pic, Cindy and jade don't look that great and it's nowhere near as good as something incog would make but I had fun coloring it!
I like it but pls export your pics as png. (you will see the difference when you zoom in)
Image:145426624300.jpg(267kB, 1890x1350)image.jpeg
Here you go.

Care to link us to it, friend?
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Oh yes please
>Calla or Alice

Calla is a retro loli, but Gummi Bears was very mainstream. She's hot but not the most iconic girl, maybe to 80's kids she is. If she was in a thread starter, I think most people would wonder "who is that" and it would have to be explained to them, unlike the other kids who are recognisable on sight. You could still add her if you wanted someone retro and obscure, but Alice's involvement would give the club some class I think, and turn them into real power players.
This has Gwen's back door in it, so of course it's awesome. I can never get enough of seeing that sweet pink ass-pout of hers >__<
Image:145428131400.png(593kB, 1280x720)Short10_green_nauseous_brother.png
Incog 2 days ago.
Image:145428197300.jpg(419kB, 1659x900)Calla_Sunny.jpg
Simon's drawing of these two make it a tough choice
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Incog at least 5 of the girls in LC are magical in some way (like the ones in the threesome you just drew >>196873 ). It would be so neat to see the gang in Magical Girl outfits like these. Just a suggestion.
Thank you incog.. thank you. Gwen's ass needs so much more love <333
The idea of them webcamming their sex acts from a treehouse porn studio would be fun, especially if it was Alice as the new girl climbing in and making her entrance in a slutty outfit they made her wear for filming. She'd be all like "what's the 'Internet'?" haha
Or if she turned up in her actual blue dress outfit and Jade was there by the entrance waiting for her, handing her a box of skimpy lingerie with a "you're not in Disneyland anymore blondie" look on her face.
I was actually wondering if you could do one drawing for each character. Still, not a bad piece here!

Alice, most definitely!!
Might be the best of her I've seen since Storefront8!!
Image:145428796100.png(356kB, 1650x1275)DianaGwenRavenLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here are the lines for this piece of Diana/Gwen/Raven. Not much else to say there. Moving on to January Gwen next, then a couple $5+ requests, then the loli Cheetara comic will finally get completed.

>Calla is a retro loli, but Gummi Bears was very mainstream. She's hot but not the most iconic girl, maybe to 80's kids she is. If she was in a thread starter, I think most people would wonder "who is that" and it would have to be explained to them, unlike the other kids who are recognisable on sight. You could still add her if you wanted someone retro and obscure, but Alice's involvement would give the club some class I think, and turn them into real power players.

I agree. I want to keep the characters as easily recognizable western lolis, and I feel Alice would be a far more recognized character than Calla.

>This has Gwen's back door in it, so of course it's awesome. I can never get enough of seeing that sweet pink ass-pout of hers >__<

Agreed. There can never be too much bottomless Gwen in this world. More rear/bottom views is always an added bonus.

>Incog 2 days ago.

Close, but more in the nose/throat than stomach, and more sore/congested than nauseous. Now it's just minor congestion, but I still feel bruised in my abs/ribs/throat from the extended period of constant coughing.

>Incog at least 5 of the girls in LC are magical in some way (like the ones in the threesome you just drew >196873 ). It would be so neat to see the gang in Magical Girl outfits like these. Just a suggestion.

I find that to be more of a frilly micro bikini than a Magical Girl outfit. If I were to do Magical Girl outfits, would need short skirts, frills, possible stockings/thigh highs, etc.

>Gwen's ass needs so much more love <333

I fully agree with the accuracy and validity of this statement.
Simon drew Sunny+Calla
Looking good man. Always nice to see the girls "playing".

Not sure if you answered already, but I assume you are going to spend February working through January stuff and backlog stuff?
Those sexy, sexy lines..
>There can never be too much bottomless Gwen in this world. More rear/bottom views is always an added bonus.

Her flatchest too incog, give her boobs some love >__<
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Holy fuck it winked at me
And we welcome Raven to the Loli Club :D
Any links to this "Loli Club"?
>I find that to be more of a frilly micro bikini than a Magical Girl outfit. If I were to do Magical Girl outfits, would need short skirts, frills, possible stockings/thigh highs, etc.

Err.. I meant Magical Girl micro-bikinis =)
You're fired
Right here chief >>196421
Image:145430853500.png(356kB, 1650x1275)DianaGwenRavenLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Looked at the most recent piece again and decided that Raven's eyes were too close, even at that angle. Here's a quick fix that took a whole few minutes of my time.

>Not sure if you answered already, but I assume you are going to spend February working through January stuff and backlog stuff?

Pretty much. Got to color the recent Gravity Falls piece, do a few $5+ requests, finish the January Gwen/do a February Penny, and color the loli Cheetara comic. Still so much to do.

>Any links to this "Loli Club"?

As others have pointed out, you're already there.
lol perfectionist
While you're here incog have you seen the fappable, Gwen-tastic works of this prodigious talent?


The lingerie one is off the chain!
Image:145431898100.png(488kB, 1650x1275)CalendarJanuaryGwenLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here are the lines for the January Gwen calendar. The calendar template itself may receive a more "professional appearance" revision, but I wanted to keep the look of it rather childish/less professional. We'll see if I feel like revising anything when I get to the colors, which I can hopefully finish tomorrow.

>lol perfectionist

This I cannot deny...

>While you're here incog have you seen the fappable, Gwen-tastic works of this prodigious talent?

I actually admittedly had not really seen them yet. I kind of just occasionally check out the Ben 10 thread's number of posts to make sure it's not due for a new thread starter. Maybe I'll step in and check the discussion in there in a moment now that you've got me thinking about it.

Incog is there any way I can convince you to move those balls to her right side, beside her leg, just around where her right hand is? It's the most distracting thing.. but from where they're positioned, the way my eyes lead me, it looks like she's laying eggs.
Cannot unsee. But the image and the girl in particular is magnificent.
ugghhh gohhdd I wanna play with her!
>Incog is there any way I can convince you to move those balls to her right side, beside her leg, just around where her right hand is? It's the most distracting thing.. but from where they're positioned, the way my eyes lead me, it looks like she's laying eggs.

Hmm, maybe I'll consider it. I guess my mind doesn't move in that direction since even after reading that I still don't feel myself thinking of them in that way. You think you would still have that problem if they were made to look a bit lumpy and colored like snow?
I think it's because they're directly beneath her nether regions so they look like they've popped out of her. Maybe gauge the paheal comments.
lol nekminit, the alien fetish guy vandalises it and turns the snowballs into alien eggs with aliens attacking her pussy O__o
My bad. I thought it was elsewhere, on a different site.
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This ones about the rough January pic you did
My god look at those eyes mmm what a dreamboat
Guess it's not as obvious to people in places that aren't snowing right now haha. At least not straight away.
How about the girls wearing magical girl microbikinis for the treehouse fundraiser? Pretty cool theme for a porno :3
oh HELL YEAH the Incog calendar. Cant wait for the day I can use this!
Well. Time to print it and put it on my wall. I'll give it an use January next year!

And thus... the memming began.
> Close, but more in the nose/throat than stomach, and more sore/congested than nauseous. Now it's just minor congestion, but I still feel bruised in my abs/ribs/throat from the extended period of constant coughing.

Oh, well. I am not sure there is a picture to represent that in the Gravity Falls fandom. May be that one where Stan enters in a coughing state after scaring and laughing at Dipper, saying after his coughing subsisded '*cough* that was *cough* worth it!', but I recall an episode from the oriignal Ben 10 series where Ben gets a summer cold and all his aliens get ill too.

Regarding your illness, how are you doing?
I'm not sure I can recommend you a good medicine. All I recall for coughing and congestion are national brands, it is probably not worth for you to ship it from Europe.

However, seeing the the date of the year that is right now, I would recommend you to wear sockets everytime, even in bed. We get a cold easily from the feet. Taking warm milk with some honey can ease the throat. The less you talk, sing, yell or whatever use of the throat you do the following days, the better. I don't know if you smoke or not, but you shouldn't.

People may not show many affection in these forums, but hey. It is the internet. Most of us give a hurried look at the posts and get back to whatever we were doing. Just be certain that you are probably the most appreciated artist here in PCO, and get well soon.
An idea came to me last night involving pacifica fucking a tied up dipper with Wendy. Mabel, and Candy walking in. Pacifica sees them and smugly asks Dipper how it feels to plant his virgin pine in the northwest. Cut to the reactions of Wendy being turned on, candy taking a picture saying "neat" and Mabel raging about his virginity belonging to her.
I think Garabatoz did a similar joke.
Re: Gwen's "eggs"

It's a problem easily solved. Draw a couple of more balls next to her right hand/ leg so they're scattered and not localised exclusively under her butt.
Gwen is human character so she cantlay eggs,those snowbalss are also too round to be eggs,only sick people would thing they are eggs.
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someone's got the right idea with this- loli club totally spies crossover: the beginning!
yea that's what I said the loli club should open a gym
Whoah.. Raven is finger lickin good
I guess some people can be a little eggcentric
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ffs nobody thinks they're eggs but somebody does make a good point about the February girl wearing heart-shaped pasties. It's Valentine month after all :D
>heart shaped pasties
>bottomless theme

Focking hawt
>ffs nobody thinks they're eggs

Honestly I thought they were Dragon Balls. There is even 7 of them on the pic.
Image:145442600000.png(984kB, 1280x717)S1e1_woodpecker_on_dipper's_head.png

May be that is a hidden reference... Has Incog done hidden references before? May be the aliens have kinapped him and he is trying to send a message!

Assuming those are dragon balls and that there are 12 months, it would be a 12 letters length message, being the first one a D.
D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here is the January Gwen calendar piece in color. I didn't really want to add more snowballs but hopefully the colors remove any idea that they may be eggs between her legs. Plus the way the colors kind of blend into the background I would hope the eye is less drawn to them anyway. In a bit of a hurry to get stuff done right now so hopefully there are no mistakes I must go back and correct.

>Regarding your illness, how are you doing?

Pretty much completely over it at this point. Still some nose blowing and occasional coughs to clear throat but outside of that it's pretty much over with. Now lets hope another bug doesn't decide to attack me again...
I know you'd prefer the more loli-like characters. (Gwen, Penny, Toph, Cindy ect) But how do you feel about those who have a shorter body/shape? (Lisa Simpson, Lilo Pelekai, Tootie, Powerpuff Girls, ect)
so is this January for next year?
Image:145444878800.jpg(129kB, 500x417)4117329.jpg
>Now lets hope another bug doesn't decide to attack me again...
Yeah they don't look like eggs anymore with the colors. The shadows helped, it placed them in front of her pussy instead of beneath them. You made it more 3D. It's so good!
So beautiful. LOVE her outfit!
The calendar maybe will need a cover with loli club girls and 2017 on top/bottom then.
For a moment I forgot those balls were props for their calendar shoot.
lol yeah rolling the snowballs was Raven's job
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dat exquisite face tho
Templates great. Simple and subtle. It makes the girl our focus. Well done champ!
Her face is everything
Awesome calendar art incog. Can't thank you enough for sharing your extraordinary work with us. Don't want you thinking we take you for granted now.
Image:145450355800.jpg(43kB, 500x500)d96.jpg

When Incog's pictures are just right.
>Pretty much completely over it at this point. Still some nose blowing and occasional coughs to clear throat but outside of that it's pretty much over with. Now lets hope another bug doesn't decide to attack me again...

Glad to hear it. Sleep and eat properly and you'll be tip top. Don't over do it again!

she just shouldn't wear pants, ever
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here's a sketch for a $5+ request, meaning lines and colors will be a thing for this. The request was for a specific continuation for a piece I did with these three a few years back. The request was made by two patrons last month and was repeated this month so I wanted to do it first. Will line/color next. Didn't realize how obnoxiously thin my pen tool was until I finished the sketch, but I guess it should be easy to follow for the lines next.

>I know you'd prefer the more loli-like characters. (Gwen, Penny, Toph, Cindy ect) But how do you feel about those who have a shorter body/shape? (Lisa Simpson, Lilo Pelekai, Tootie, Powerpuff Girls, ect)

While I'm not totally against them, I'm not as much a fan. I much prefer more human-like proportions, and prefer tighter body types.

>Yeah they don't look like eggs anymore with the colors. The shadows helped, it placed them in front of her pussy instead of beneath them. You made it more 3D. It's so good!

Well that's good. I figured that would be the case. I couldn't imagine them looking like eggs in color, and I figured being the only white objects against a white background should draw the eye away from them anyway.

>So beautiful. LOVE her outfit!

Thanks. Was quite a bit of fun putting her in a different outfit, which is why I wanted to do something like this with her even before the calendar idea.

>Templates great. Simple and subtle. It makes the girl our focus. Well done champ!

Thanks. The calendar template was admittedly the part that I was most concerned with botching. Not really something I've ever done before so I was afraid of it not fitting in well.

>she just shouldn't wear pants, ever

Very much agree with this statement. Sadly real cold weather is a thing so she may have to give in during such complications but outside of that, no pants. Ever. The world would be a better place.
Nice Incog. Always love scenarios like this. Its why threesomes are so good.

>While I'm not totally against them, I'm not as much a fan. I much prefer more human-like proportions, and prefer tighter body types.

You could always attempt to translate them into the artistic style you're most comfortable with. Try a practice sketch of someone like that and see how it works out. Just a thought.
>translate them into the artistic style you're most comfortable with

That's kind of not his game, probably because it's more fun shocking the audience with porn of cartoons when they're drawn accurately
For me it has the same effect as when Tyler Durden spliced pornography into Disney cartoons. Depravity within the wholesomeness.
oh wow
Katie is the BOMB
omg incog STAHP, I've wasted enough sperm already XD
>The request was for a specific continuation for a piece I did with these three a few years back.
what piece is hen continuing from
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This one
Awesome! Wish they were naked, but it's still so hot!
Fuuuck that is dirty. Thanks for continuing it!
So, so good. I cant work out who the better sister is!
Mmm Katie is a dirty, dirty girl

Gotta give Incog credit... unlike a lot of other artists, he doesn't skimp on making critical details like hair and faces good just because he's drawing porn.

Did that ever get colored? By Incog himself or anyone else?
Don't think so. Check paheal I could be wrong
Shiiiieeet the incog party continues!!
It was fan colored. A messy job I could even say.
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So incog remember that episode of Alien Force with Gwen's brother? Yeah I forgot too. Maybe we could see them fucking sometime soon. He was late teens when Gwen was a teen, so he'd be really early teens if he was fucking ten year old Gwen
thanks for continuing the power pack love incog
Hey Incog, for the $5 Gravity Falls piece, will you change the black background once colored to a shadowed background or keep it black?
Gwen's outfit totally fits her. I had to rewatch that Christmas episode to see if you took it from there, but they kept their summer outfits during the whole episode. Meh, lazy episode designers.
Yeah, that's a fair point. I'd still like to see him draw Lisa, though.
here's a weird question. If you took all your favorite lolis, put them in a dome and caused him to fight for supremacy without powers or weapons, who would win?
Probably wonderloli, being how OP wonderwoman is.
Yeah WL is amazon
The real question is, who's the February girl gonna be XD
Going to have to wait and see. Should be a fun surprise.
Image:145466666400.png(829kB, 1240x1754)PowerPackAlexJulieKatieLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here are the lines for the current Power Pack request. Will add colors as soon as possible. Not a lot else to say on that. Sorry for the late update on this one but a friend's car died today so I had to help with some driving during my scheduled draw time. I stayed up late anyway after work to get it done before I went to sleep just to make sure further distractions tomorrow cannot further delay me posting the lines.

>You could always attempt to translate them into the artistic style you're most comfortable with. Try a practice sketch of someone like that and see how it works out. Just a thought.

As someone else has mentioned, giving a character an entirely different body type isn't really my thing. Slight stylized differences, or slight adjustment to the proportions to better fit in with a group of other characters around the same age/size group is one thing, but completely transforming the character isn't really something I am into. If i were going to do something like that I'd rather just make my own lolis. It's not like I'm completely against drawing characters with different body types, it's just not a priority.

>Gotta give Incog credit... unlike a lot of other artists, he doesn't skimp on making critical details like hair and faces good just because he's drawing porn.

I find the faces/facial features to be the most important part to get accurate. It's not nearly enjoyable just drawing naked bodies all day without characters to go with them.

>omg incog STAHP, I've wasted enough sperm already XD

Nevar! I'm sure your body can make more. If not...well...I think you've got other problems that need to be resolved.

>Awesome! Wish they were naked, but it's still so hot!

Naked is overrated. Cute outfits be where it's at.

>Did that ever get colored? By Incog himself or anyone else?

Not that I know of. Maybe someone else colored it before, but it's among my list of lined drawings that never got color treatment.

>So incog remember that episode of Alien Force with Gwen's brother? Yeah I forgot too.

No. No I do not. Not only do I not remember that episode, but I have never seen it. I had very little attention to give to Alien Force so I'm sure that episode was further in than I saw.

>thanks for continuing the power pack love incog

No problem. There will definitely be more Power Pack love in the future.

>Hey Incog, for the $5 Gravity Falls piece, will you change the black background once colored to a shadowed background or keep it black?

It will be changed to shadow where relevant. I will be trying to keep it to how it would look in the show, so there may be some minor black as things get really far from the entrance, but the black layer that is present in the lines will be turned off for the colors.

>Gwen's outfit totally fits her. I had to rewatch that Christmas episode to see if you took it from there, but they kept their summer outfits during the whole episode. Meh, lazy episode designers.

Glad you think so. It was fun designing an outfit specifically for her. I will likely be doing outfit designs specifically for each character used in the calendar so there will not likely be any outfits the characters have ever worn in their shows.

>here's a weird question. If you took all your favorite lolis, put them in a dome and caused him to fight for supremacy without powers or weapons, who would win?

Well, without powers or weapons, I would say Wonder Loli and Wilykit would be the top contenders. Toph would be out without powers because she is 100% blind without Earthbending, and everyone else without powers would be normal human girls. Wonder Loli is an Amazonian princess molded through magic so powers or not she is going to be a trained warrior. I am also sure a Thunderkitten is faster/stronger/more agile than a normal human of an equivalent age range would be.

>The real question is, who's the February girl gonna be XD

The real real question is, "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?".
>The real real question is, "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?".

It depends on what you are using for licking!
So with that whole Calendar thing and not being in time with the months I figured another solution would be to go ahead and do the chinese zodiac instead, you get a full year per girl haha.

Tiger themed Lucky girl/that Tiger alien from Ben10
Jade as a Dragon
Loli raven Rabbit
Mouse/rat Penny (with her teasing a Wily Kit for not being in the zodiac)
Cindy as Cowgirl Ox (stubborn)
Wonder loli as a Dogdays Horse girl or in lewd riding suit with a crop for horse
Katie Power as Sheep (no need to be sheepish)
Toph as a flying Boar
Star as Monkey
Connie from SU as Dog
Fem-Ben as Rooster (missing a cock har har)

Can't think of anyone for snake though sadly.
The calendar isn't a bad idea but you need to reconsider your choices since Star, Connie and FemBen aren't available options.
Oh incog, I love how your dirty mind works XD

A tongue..?

I think the festive themes are a good idea, so the Frebruary girl would wear something Valentine related like the person in paheal suggested here >>196997
^ So March = the beginning of Spring = mating season. Then April Fools Day? Cinco de Mayo after that. Then summer starts in June so that's bikini month. Just brainstorming.
I wish I had the money to pay you to draw that long Ben 10 story you've got trapped inside your head. Man.. To get daily instalments of Gwen and Ben XXX would be amazing.
Julie's outfit is indeed the cutest! Love it when she gets her tits out though. Sexy work incog!
>A tongue..?
Why? You may be using a machine that licks the Tootsie Roll for you super duper fast, and then you can directly lick the core when it is finished.
It would cost you 1 lick, and about 200-300 to the machine. It washable, so you don't care.
Could be Jade. Chinese New Year is in February after all.
The idea wasn't just for loli club, I was really struggling to get lolis after the club so that there weren't repeats for the animals
They would be in a set together so they're still bad choices due to style matching problems like Incognitymous stated before.
I'd really love to see how a hormonal teenage boy would worship his sister's body, especially if that sister happened to be Gwen Tennyson. He would take pride in how hot his sister was and lick every inch of her with tender love and care
>teen boy x preteen sister

Would be similar to an Alex & Julie Power dynamic

Hey Incog, have you ever drawn Mathilda from The Professional?
Again the struggle for lolis that aren't loli club but fit loli club style is real. I was just suggesting ones i could think of in general. It's not like they're set in stone. Also fem ben is a loli and fits the style so I think she works fine
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Lobbying for Jubilee circa 90's X-Men animated series.

•Ethnicity- Asian
•Height- 5'1
•Age: her design was pretty young here, almost preteen.
•Outfit: pink sleeveless top underneath bright yellow coat. Irresistible denim shorts. Neon pink sunglasses. Knee-high boots. Sometimes wears X-Men blue and gold.
•Is she iconic? I think so. That yellow trenchcoat/ boyish haircut combo is pretty recognizable. •Powers: Fireworks, perfect for the opening of Loli Club establishments.
•Personality: tomboyish, nonchalant. Blows bubblegum when disinterested, which is fucking hot.
•Does she have any hot friends? Storm, Psylocke.. so many.
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About as old as Julie Power
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I just realised the OP and the calendar pic are connected
It's been 38 hours since Incog's last post.
18 hours ago a crane collapsed and killed a man in lower Manhattan.
We know from that time he said he would post a picture at a specific time that Incog lives in the east coast.
Manhattan is in the east coast.

I'm scared.
Fuck you. Don't say that shit. He probably had to help a friend out again.
I'm 99% sure Incog doesn't live in New York. East coast yes.
Guys, calm down. Incog is a loli drawing introvert, his time spent outside would be sparse, let alone would he be stupid enough, and outside long enough to stand under a crane.
We also know that most of the spare time he has he spends it helping friends. That is probably why he hasn't showed up.
He's a good person. Best to his continued safety and do goodery.
A computer programmer with a lawyer for a wife got killed by the crane
So this is that weird era where everybody though incog got killed by a crane #cranegate
First the eggs, now this. This will be a very weird February.
One could easily say the same about raven or starfire.
Can we just lay off incog for a minute, this threads almost full. He started it 2 weeks ago!!
>Sorry for the late update on this one but a friend's car died today so I had to help with some driving during my scheduled draw time.

He's chaperoning. The most generous guy in the world. Maybe think before presuming a crane crushed him to death?

That's exactly what I would claim if I were crushed by a crane and zombified by Hatian witch doctors.
We should start a gofundme for him. The guy does everything for everyone and life shits on him consistently.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Sorry for the late update but here is the Power Pack strip in the colors. Had a lot to do Friday, and Saturday was booked as usual, so I didn't get to get to this until today. Sadly I may be booked tomorrow as my needing to move situation is starting to escalate so I'm going to be doing some looking around. I will try and have another update before the end of today so that I have something ahead of time in case like tries to make me unable to update again.

>I think the festive themes are a good idea, so the Frebruary girl would wear something Valentine related like the person in paheal suggested here >196997

True, but I feel that it's too late for that seeing as how I feel the Gwen piece should have been related to the New Year holiday in that case.

>Hey Incog, have you ever drawn Mathilda from The Professional?

I have not.

>Again the struggle for lolis that aren't loli club but fit loli club style is real. I was just suggesting ones i could think of in general. It's not like they're set in stone. Also fem ben is a loli and fits the style so I think she works fine

Indeed. The search continues. Fem Ben would be out as he is not only not canon, but also another character from Ben 10. If I were going to consider another Ben 10 loli I feel it would likely have to be Lucy anyway.

>I just realised the OP and the calendar pic are connected

Haha, yeah. The fact that I was planning to link those two is why I did the sketch for the Gwen piece prior to doing the thread starter.

>It's been 38 hours since Incog's last post.
>18 hours ago a crane collapsed and killed a man in lower Manhattan.
>We know from that time he said he would post a picture at a specific time that Incog lives in the east coast.
>Manhattan is in the east coast.
>I'm scared.

Logic. It cannot be refuted. I must have been crushed by a crane.

>Fuck you. Don't say that shit. He probably had to help a friend out again.

Well, that among a few other things. Also helping out with tax season and such. Then I got my own taxes when my W-2s finally make it. Life likes to be so needlessly complicated.

>I'm 99% sure Incog doesn't live in New York. East coast yes.

I'm 100% sure Incog doesn't live in New York. East coast, yes.

>Guys, calm down. Incog is a loli drawing introvert, his time spent outside would be sparse, let alone would he be stupid enough, and outside long enough to stand under a crane.

You know me well...too well. I'm going to have to find a crane to hide under for some comfort now.

>We also know that most of the spare time he has he spends it helping friends. That is probably why he hasn't showed up.

Pretty much this. People be getting evicted and having to move around me constantly, and vehicles just keep dying on people every time another one gets fixed.

>A computer programmer with a lawyer for a wife got killed by the crane

Well that clears me from that list - I don't ever plan on having a wife.

>So this is that weird era where everybody though incog got killed by a crane #cranegate

Not the weirdest thing the internet has done.

>First the eggs, now this. This will be a very weird February.

Again, internet.

>One could easily say the same about raven or starfire.

While this is true, there is a canon loli Raven from the Trigon arc of the animated series. Not only that, it was shown that she can be magically aged/de-aged by her powers, meaning an any time loli.

>Can we just lay off incog for a minute, this threads almost full. He started it 2 weeks ago!!

I don't mind so much, but it does suck that it's almost full seeing as how I will not have time for a new thread starter for quite a minute given everything I still have piled up and the fact that there are quite a few $5+ requests that caught my attention.

>That's exactly what I would claim if I were crushed by a crane and zombified by Hatian witch doctors.

Psh. Pff. What? Naw. That's crazy. That's definitely not what I would say in that situation. Lets all just pretend that was never pointed out because it clearly could not be the case.

>We should start a gofundme for him. The guy does everything for everyone and life shits on him consistently.

Well, in life's defense, it's more like I'm just stupid and don't say 'no' enough. I don't really have many problems personally since I keep my stuff in order. Sure, I get the occasional car needing repair, or piece of hardware going out at an inopportune time, but that's just how things work under the universal Murphy's Law. I just need to push people away enough to save up and by duplicates of everything so that Murphy's Law doesn't interfere too much.
Oh incog thank goodness you're back. People were going crazy in here O_o
Image:145488441800.gif(451kB, 245x200)image.gif
Incog's alive?!!
I lol'd at everything you said in this post. Thank you for the colors, this is truly epic.

He has a patreon you can donate to bro, right here: www.patreon.com/Incognitymous

I love the way you took people's reactions. They were joking, but if you pile all those jokes together, it may sound offensive. I was beginning to worry that you would take this whole crane thing in a bad way, but you saw the humorous part of it.

About the picture: I am always amazed at how you manage to represent sperm and wetness in general. I guess lights play a great role in making fluids look... fluid-like so it is amazing how good you draw it.
Can't wait to see the Gravity Falls picture colored, as there is a flashlight which adds extra light!
He does love a challenge. I'm amazed by how mind-blowingly legit this page is, like it's an excerpt from an issue of the comic. There's barely any difference, apart from all the underage sex going on haha
>True, but I feel that it's too late for that seeing as how I feel the Gwen piece should have been related to the New Year holiday in that case.

Maybe both seasonal AND festive could work, like whatever people associate the month with most. Unless you wanted Superbowl for February? Or better yet, combination: Valentine Superbowl *_*
Would miraculous ladybug count towards a loli club? Probably on the older side but her style isn't too far off. I don't know where i'd put her in my zodiac idea but I'd enjoy her and Gwen as lucky girl having lewd versions of their skintight costumes
Shes too old. We need more flat in the club. Not more B cups nonsense.
True. They're opening a club called Smoothies after all, to me that describes their torsos
>..I don't mind so much, but it does suck that (the thread) is almost full seeing as how I will not have time for a new thread starter for quite a minute given everything I still have piled up and the fact that there are quite a few $5+ requests that caught my attention.

Keep doing what you're doing until the month's up bro, that's usually how long these threads of yours last. You've been extremely productive lately and your work is always so awesome people feel the need to commend you for it. The suggestions for club recruits is also part of the discussion.
Its cool man. You got all of February to play catchup and hell, you can go into March too if you feel like it.

Really curious what 5 dollar requests you go with. This one is great.
Lingerie football Chinese NY starring Jade XD
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So just in case I don't get to draw tomorrow (technically today) here is a sketch of the first page of a $5+ Toph request. The request is for Toph to be "interrogated" by the Fire Nation, but not so successfully as she enjoys their methods. Will do a sketch of page 2 as soon as I have time and will post them both as a single 2-pager (I cropped the other half out as I didn't finish sketching it).

>I love the way you took people's reactions. They were joking, but if you pile all those jokes together, it may sound offensive. I was beginning to worry that you would take this whole crane thing in a bad way, but you saw the humorous part of it.

It's the interwebs. One cannot survive here if they take things in a bad way.

>About the picture: I am always amazed at how you manage to represent sperm and wetness in general. I guess lights play a great role in making fluids look... fluid-like so it is amazing how good you draw it.
>Can't wait to see the Gravity Falls picture colored, as there is a flashlight which adds extra light!

I find a key to fluids on cartoony images is to keep them as simple as everything else. Many people like to make them squiggly and all over the place due to what people think of when fluids start splashing around in real life. Doing so when everything else is simplistically stylized just makes it seem out of place in my mind.

As for the Gravity Falls piece, I want to do a few more $5+ requests, but I'm going to just color the Gravity Falls piece after the current 2-page Toph set then move on to the Cheetara comic, although I may do the February calendar sketch before the comic.

>Maybe both seasonal AND festive could work, like whatever people associate the month with most. Unless you wanted Superbowl for February? Or better yet, combination: Valentine Superbowl *_*

I still feel that could be an issue as I am sure people associate January with the new year more than anything else. The theme as of now is simply clothing associated with the season, minus anything that would cover the bottom. For February I was kind of thinking maybe a light jacket with a scarf or something, since it is still mid-Winter, and possibly add something heart themed, like a scarf/bag, or maybe like hot cocoa in a heart mug as a minor addition for Valentine's Day. Still undecided, but I still like the idea of a seasonal wardrobe.

>Would miraculous ladybug count towards a loli club? Probably on the older side but her style isn't too far off. I don't know where i'd put her in my zodiac idea but I'd enjoy her and Gwen as lucky girl having lewd versions of their skintight costumes

As much as I like her body type I do feel she's a bit old for the club. She's more of a teen than a loli, and I'm not sure how popular/iconic she is right now anyway.

>Keep doing what you're doing until the month's up bro, that's usually how long these threads of yours last. You've been extremely productive lately and your work is always so awesome people feel the need to commend you for it. The suggestions for club recruits is also part of the discussion.

Planned on it. I'm not overly concerned about it, especially since I can just bookmark this thread. It just sucks that this thread is already going to be getting buried when only like 1/4 of the month has gone by.

>Its cool man. You got all of February to play catchup and hell, you can go into March too if you feel like it.
>Really curious what 5 dollar requests you go with. This one is great.

I am going with a Toph one for now, then there are one or two more that I'd like to do. Next time I'll be doing votes, but things are annoying right now so this time around I just felt like doing the ones that interest me. I'd say which ones but I'm not sure if everyone wants a spoiler.

>Lingerie football Chinese NY starring Jade XD

Lingerie sports theme...that just sounds amusing. Maybe one day after the current fundraiser theme I may try something like that.
Well, I want a spoiler, but I get other people not wanting them. Either way, this Toph one is great. Can't wait for part 2.
so Katara/Suki pieces are out of the question entirely now that you do loli for most part?
Image:145493134300.png(861kB, 1240x1754)Padippica.png

Looks great, love me some Toph.

By the way Incog, I was wondering if pic related was ever gonna get the color treatment, I know you have more than enough on your plate and it's fine if you leave it be, just curious.
>set then move on to the Cheetara comic, although I may do the February calendar sketch before the comic.

I love evertyhing you color Incog, but isn't it a little too hard to color a 9 pages (Was it 9 or 8?) comic?
May be you should remove the color part from the $10 requests. If someone wants a page colored, they can simply ask for it in the $5 requests.
I am not saying that you can't color them if you want to, but it must be a little overwhelming to color 9 pages with the same characters.

Here is your answer.

>As for the Gravity Falls piece, I want to do a few more $5+ requests, but I'm going to just color the Gravity Falls piece after the current 2-page Toph set
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So no time to draw as I have other stuff to do so figured I could post a couple replies while I'm checking in. Thread is past the 300 point so no need to hold back on that I guess.

>so Katara/Suki pieces are out of the question entirely now that you do loli for most part?

Not at all. Katara/Suki are about the same age that Julie appears to be in the Power Pack mini series. It's not that non-loli characters will not be drawn it's just that they are not candidates for the loli club sets/thread starters.

>By the way Incog, I was wondering if pic related was ever gonna get the color treatment, I know you have more than enough on your plate and it's fine if you leave it be, just curious.

That Gravity Falls piece is the one I've been stating that I intend to color but haven't gotten around to yet. It will likely be colored after the Toph pages are finished.
why did Incog reply to comments as a anon?
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Hey Incog have you ever thought about doing Young Justice I feel they would work well with your art style
Why does it matter

How embarrassing.
I see that the thread is being burried towards page 1.
What makes a thread being burried?

Too many pictures or too many comments? Does a picture count the same as a comment?
300 post limit. Save this link:


Incog will be posting on this thread which will soon be buried to page 5
Just in time for the Gravity Falls finale!
Incognitymous (Non-Artard Edition)
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So I got stuck at a variety of places for about 6 hours before work, which ended up cutting down draw time completely. Thus I stayed up late again to get this done so that I could preview/have both pages of this request ready for the line treatment. Will do so when I next have time.

>I love evertyhing you color Incog, but isn't it a little too hard to color a 9 pages (Was it 9 or 8?) comic?
>May be you should remove the color part from the $10 requests. If someone wants a page colored, they can simply ask for it in the $5 requests.
>I am not saying that you can't color them if you want to, but it must be a little overwhelming to color 9 pages with the same characters.

It is a bit time consuming to color all 10 pages, but that's my fault for making it 10 pages. The request was simpler and could have been done in about 3-4 pages as per the guidelines I want such requests to go by, but loli Cheetara was something that had been request quite a few times over the years so decided to go a little more with it. It will be time consuming to color it but in these kinds of things it takes less time to color after the first page as the colors/methods for everything have generally been established at that point.

I have been considering messing with some more manga-like screentone options to save time on some things as opposed to colors, but maybe I'll do a few $1+ or non-request pieces to see how that looks once everything is caught up.

>why did Incog reply to comments as a anon?

Because Incog went full on artard in that post.

>Hey Incog have you ever thought about doing Young Justice I feel they would work well with your art style

I've thought about it, especially since it has been requested quite a few times, but I've never really gotten around to watching the show so personal motivation is pretty low.

>Why does it matter

Because it matters when people go full on artard.

>I see that the thread is being burried towards page 1.
>What makes a thread being burried?
>Too many pictures or too many comments? Does a picture count the same as a comment?

As has been mentioned, hitting 300 posts kills a thread. Once 300 posts has been reached the thread will stop bumping and will begin falling into the lower levels of the abyss.
Hehehe she's so badass!
>As has been mentioned, hitting 300 posts kills a thread. Once 300 posts has been reached the thread will stop bumping and will begin falling into the lower levels of the abyss.
I guess we have already reached 300 then. Well, we know for the next time to quit the shitposting until we reach 300.
I have a pretty good feeling I know what the dialogue is going to be. Poor Fire nation guys just can't keep up.
Using Jubilee would be perfect as she's going to be in movie theatres soon
"You call that rape?! Impotent fools!" lol
Make the characters of the series all loli versions. You could call it 'Younger Justice'. :P
But yeah, love that series and it'd be fantastic if Incog touched there some time. :D
Just leave them to Sunsetriders. Rule 34 have specialists now.. except for incog. He does so much more than Ben 10. No one can do Gwen like he does.
I love Incog and everything but have you never seen Apostle's work? Unless you're talking closest to show style.
Incog can you draw a picture of Gwen Tennyson giving Ben Tennyson a rim-job so intense he ahegaos and squirts his huge load of cum all over his mother's tits?
Apostle draws Gwen's head on an older girls body. It's silly.
>all over his mother's tits?
Almost got me. Everything were fine until you said that.
Yeah the proportions are bad compared to Incog which are more similar to the show.
yea I agree just remove the mother's tits part and replace it with ether all over the wall or the table and you got a good pic
All over the bed sheets
These guys get it. How about he cums in her hand/s and then she could taste it as well. I mean, trying not wasting all that semen.
Image:145522333700.jpg(37kB, 512x288)image.jpeg
What tasty treats have you got cookin in the oven next there sir incog?
Yeah I'd love to see a no-hands cum scene from Ben. Like of him cumming just from the sight of his cousin
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So finally got the lines on this. A day later than I hoped but it is 2 pages so I don't feel as bad about it. Had to do tax stuff and still searching for a place to move to so still distractions about. Will do some colors next for this and the Gravity Falls piece then move on to the Cheetara comic, as well as throw on the February calendar piece in the mix at some point.

>I have a pretty good feeling I know what the dialogue is going to be. Poor Fire nation guys just can't keep up.

Keeping up with Toph is unpossible.

>Incog can you draw a picture of Gwen Tennyson giving Ben Tennyson a rim-job so intense he ahegaos and squirts his huge load of cum all over his mother's tits?

There are multiple reasons for me to not have a lot of interest in that request so admittedly with how many requests I have that I'd like to do the odds of one like that are not that high.
mmm sexy sweaty Toph *drools*
Amazing, epic art.
So Incog, will we be seeing solo loli club comics this month? You did Gwen, Katie and now Toph.
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Could she be any hotter?
Thats great Incog. Its nice to see top quality Toph even after all these years.
Incog, are you totally opposed to rimming?
I like that Idea but how about Gwen tries to make Ben cum just from looking at her by doing something sexy
or wearing something that turns him on, his cock throbs and twitches as it squirts his cum on her leg
Second this
I second this
Rimming is a great way for a girl to be inside a guy. And if I know Gwen, she'd be into it. Her cousin's a cute, sexy stud, of course she'd want to taste his insides and eat him out and suck on his fuckhole.
This is so kinky. thanks incog!
Hey Incog, do you have an archive of your stuff or a place where you archive it all? Want to make sure I'm stocked up on your WileyKit, Gwen, and Wonder Loli
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Hey try something with Kevin & Andrea(Kypoto) and Ben and Gewn
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vin & Andrea(Kypoto) and Ben and Gewn
Damn that sounds delicious. Such a shame Incog doesn't have any interest on that.
I'd really like to see a sissy Ben, like what Samson_00 made. Or kinda like RandomRandom. But Incog is the artist, if he doesn't like it he doesn't have to make it. Unless you commission it (of which I have to say, is SUPER cheap. The quality of his drawings compared to the price is a fraction of what other artists post.), and even then, he can just say he doesn't want to make it and give your money back.
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Sorry again for a lack of an update. Friday was poop and Saturday has been busy as usual. I had to wake up early to get a head start today so I didn't get to stay up Friday to get something done. I will try and have something colored Sunday, and will definitely have an update by Monday since it is a holiday that will be closing up a lot of places that need to be visited. For now I'll just post some responses with this status update.

>So Incog, will we be seeing solo loli club comics this month? You did Gwen, Katie and now Toph.

There is a better chance of loli club requests simply because I'm choosing what personally interests me at the moment due to all of the stressful crap going on right now. Anything to make it feel less like work right now helps a lot, and sticking with characters I know makes it less time consuming to check up on the character and pull up suitable reference material, which is especially helpful when coloring.

>Incog, are you totally opposed to rimming?

Not totally opposed, but not so much interest when it is applied to male characters. It's like anal - definitely not against it in any way (very much for it as many can probably tell), but not all that interested when it's done to a boy.

>I like that Idea but how about Gwen tries to make Ben cum just from looking at her by doing something sexy

That is something I'd be more interested in doing, although little time available at the moment to do so.

>Hey Incog, do you have an archive of your stuff or a place where you archive it all? Want to make sure I'm stocked up on your WileyKit, Gwen, and Wonder Loli

Closest is at WWOEC forums (wwoecforum.com) at Imagination Island>Artists Avenue>Guest Artists>Incognitymous' Place to Post Stuff. It has everything from my latest return, but anything prior can be likely found at Rule34hentai.net or rule34.paheal.net.

>Hey try something with Kevin & Andrea(Kypoto) and Ben and Gewn

I could keep that in mind. Their styles are a bit different in their source materials, but not so much so that it could not be made to work without minor adjustment.

>I'd really like to see a sissy Ben, like what Samson_00 made. Or kinda like RandomRandom. But Incog is the artist, if he doesn't like it he doesn't have to make it. Unless you commission it (of which I have to say, is SUPER cheap. The quality of his drawings compared to the price is a fraction of what other artists post.), and even then, he can just say he doesn't want to make it and give your money back.

I'd be willing to try a girly Ben, but I'd probably go with a circumstantial thing of Gwen making Ben cross-dress with her, or maybe dressing him up with some friends (like Lucy or other girls like Penny/Jade/whoever).

>That is something I'd be more interested in doing, although little time available at the moment to do so.

well you don't have to do it now just do it when you have the time and feel like doing it
>Gwen making Ben cross-dress with her
This is something I'd like to see.
Nnnnoooo! As Benni... maybe :3
Sponsor incog on patreon and request it. He will make it real.
All good incog you've given us so much fap material lately there's no rush.
>...not so much interest (in rimming) when it is applied to male characters... like anal - definitely not against it in any way (very much for it as many can probably tell), but not all that interested when it's done to a boy.

Imagine Gwen's beautiful face stuffed, nuzzling in between Ben's ass cheeks. Rimming is a filthy kink that involves violating a beautiful girl with your ass. It's purely visual.
I guess there will be no Gwen and Ben Valentine's Day theme pic this time
They had newyears eve.
Eh. I'd prefer it if Gwen was receiving or some girl on girl rimming.
I could see the rim-job Ben thing happening as a short one-page comic. Gwen is on her back grinning, telling her cousin to "Take a seat dweeb", after which Ben, initially afraid to try something new, straddles and wedges himself on her excited face. Grinding and thrusting on top of her, we see his erect cock bursting, gushing and dribbling with his hot young semen. Exhausted, he leans back, forgetting about Gwen, who taps his buttocks struggling for air.
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You could crossover these characters with krypto the superdog since they have similar art styles
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I like to see those two in action.
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How many times do we have to go through this..
So Gwen is trapped under Ben's ass lol
It seems 2-3 times per thread.
Let's recapitulate what happened this february:

A sinlge guy says Gwen is laying eggs. People assume everyone said that.
Someone is smashed by a crane in New York. People assume it was incog.
A guy mentions rim jobs. Everyone talks about rim jobs.

Man, if this isn't the samefag, people are easy to manipulate.
It's how a thread works, someone start a point and if this is a bit relevant, people will comment about it. Even if these comments are a little uncommon, they are related to Incog or his works so I don't think he could mind them at all.

Nothing to do with people being easy to manipulate. Everyone talks about anything they want to.

If you don't like any of them, there's no need to make a fuss about it, just skip them and comment about anything else. I know this could make his thread die sooner but Incog already stated he don't have a problem with it.
It's a "discussion" thread.
>If you don't like any of them, there's no need to make a fuss about it, just skip them and comment about anything else. I know this could make his thread die sooner but Incog already stated he don't have a problem with it.

I didn't mean to make a fuss out of anything, I was just stating the facts.

Incog does mind if the thread dies to soon, because he has to make another thread starter. The proper approach would be to quit shitposting until the thread reaches 300 posts. Then, we can shitpost all we want.
Oh, yeah. That'll work well
"Hey, Incog. About a comment, that some idiot that didn't know to let you post 300 times in a row, made a couple months back, I also would like to see <INSERT FETISH HERE>. But it's cool if you don't. Love your work. BYEEEEE"
4chan has it's own written/unspoken codes of conduct. But this IS 4chan. Get used to it.

Incog is a great guy who, most likely, likes to hear back from his fans, and spends most of his freetime helping people. If he says "Nah, guys. It's cool. If the need arises, i'll make another thread, it's no biggie." He probably doesn't mean "God, why can't these guys just shut up for 2 seconds, or the equivalent measure of time for 300 posts."

Also, this is a shitpost, about a shitpost, replying to a shitpost about their earlier shitpost, shitposting to a shitpost about shitposting.
I get its an image board primarily, but can you imagine a fresh piece of incog artwork, posted by the man himself, garnering no replies or kudos? I can't. Saving all our comments after 300 posts is a stupid idea.
>Incog does mind if the thread dies to soon, because he has to make another thread starter.

He's into it bro, it's no problem. Smoothies gotta open sometime soon. I think his schedule enables him to work on an episode once a month, so going over 300 is no biggie
Not to mention, February calender girl.
I miss the days when incog drew requests that took his fancy spontaneously in the heat of the moment but I also like that he draws with a sense of purpose now. He's unstoppable and gives us all so much to look forward to.
Wow incog, the Toph rape piece must be pushing you to your artistic limits! It's the lighting isn't it? The menacing, ambient dungeon lighting?
Yeah its nice. And the last month or so he is choosing what requests he wants instead of just going by vote so its kind of both ways right now.

There is no need to make such a big deal about it.
Which pic did that come from?
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Sadly one more updateless update. My weekend was busy as hell and I should have known better than to state that I would be free on Monday. Turns out today was nothing but call-offs at work, so I left at about 6 this morning and just got home close to 1 in the morning. Got no breaks or lunch or anything to keep up except for the 15ish minutes I stopped by my place to grab a snack. Am incredibly hungry so I just got some food started and will start on a piece right after I finish eating. Odds are I will do the Gravity Falls colors instead of the Toph colors first since it has the highest chances of being finished before I pass out.

>Wow incog, the Toph rape piece must be pushing you to your artistic limits! It's the lighting isn't it? The menacing, ambient dungeon lighting?

I wish. Dungeons are not really all that difficult to do in my mind, and that piece would likely be more like a metal room as opposed to a traditional dungeon environment. Due to Earthbender captives this was seemingly more common method of imprisonment utilized by the Fire Nation. The entire problem has been people needing my time. I have been avoiding covering shifts at work lately to keep up with drawing, but I'm in a rather crappy situation right now and the call-offs just happened to be at the account I work at in positions I have already been reporting issues with, with the guilty parties being the call-offs. Since the call-offs were like 30 minutes before shifts there was nobody else able/willing to cover them, so of course I was the only one willing to get up and do it. Since I was able to confirm the situation at hand in the other shift I pretty much let my company know that I will no longer be covering shifts for them until they finally take care of the problems. I know that will not happen any time soon so luckily there's that for a while.

That's about all the responding for now. Will save any and all other discussion for after food/when I finally finish coloring the Gravity Falls piece.
Happens man.

And with the finale, Gravity falls sounds like a good thing to color.
You work too hard sir. Chill sometime, catch Deadpool. Have some 'me' time.
I'm not sure she wants to escape.
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a metal room Incog you do know Toph knows how to bend metal right?
That's the joke, I think. Toph can escape any time she wants (though the soldiers probably don't know that, metalbending being unheard of)... she's there because she wants to be.
You've been working so hard lately. I think you need some quality time with Gwen, and by that I mean go on a date night with her, like in this idea >>189831 I'd take her out myself but I think she likes you better :p
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So finally got colors on this. I admittedly passed out yesterday before I could finish so I had to finish it after work tonight. I was a little more delayed at work because although I said I wouldn't cover, I did work another hour or so to help train some covers since it turns out one of the call-offs was due to hospitalization. Outside of that, did all of the scheduled stuff I anticipated doing as well so yet another day was pretty much taken up, but at least I got this done before passing out this time. Will try and do the Toph piece next, but may sketch out the February piece if I end up getting too tired/distracted again tomorrow.

>I guess there will be no Gwen and Ben Valentine's Day theme pic this time

Sadly there has just been no time. Plus Valentine's Day is always something that goes by without me even noticing it is coming up/happening...

>Eh. I'd prefer it if Gwen was receiving or some girl on girl rimming.

I feel the same way.

>Yeah its nice. And the last month or so he is choosing what requests he wants instead of just going by vote so its kind of both ways right now.

Yeah, during tough periods like now I plan to just do which request I feel like since when I'm busy I feel it could take too much time setting up/watching votes. I hope to get back to setting up votes soon, but I may wait until I finally move into a new living situation and get things stable before I start votes again.

>I'm not sure she wants to escape.

Psh, if Toph wants to escape then Toph is gone, due to reasons of being Toph.

>a metal room Incog you do know Toph knows how to bend metal right?

I would know that, and most people that watched ATLA would know that, but very few people in the Avatar universe during the war could have been aware of it. Even in "The Promise", which was one of the comics that followed after the series after the war was over, Toph's Metalbending school is challenged by a Firebending school and the Firebending instructor claims that Metalbending is a fantasy that does not even exist. This proves that even after the war people were not aware that Metalbending was a thing, let alone knew who could do it. Toph invented Metalbending during the war, so even if they became aware that Metalbending existed, it's not like they would have been able to adjust all of their Earthbender prisons to adapt to it. This is especially true since most would have believed it to be little more than a rumor, and pretty much nobody would be able to match a face with who could do it even if they believed it. There was only one Metalbender on the planet after all.

>That's the joke, I think. Toph can escape any time she wants (though the soldiers probably don't know that, metalbending being unheard of)... she's there because she wants to be.

Pretty much this. The soldiers would be unlikely to know she could escape, so she could escape at any time, but she would clearly try and get her fill of the situation. Toph's not one to let herself get caught and walk away empty-handed.
God damn that's a tight fit. That's some sweet pussy right there
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Anyone here a writer? Can somebody write a fanfic about the adventures of Incog's loli club? About the car wash or jello wrestling. Or even the lemonade stand one.

OR here. Damn that's some gud shit.
>Sadly there has just been no time. Plus Valentine's Day is always something that goes by without me even noticing it is coming up/happening...

As Ben would say.. Aww maann!
Valentines could be your theme for February calender page.
Wonder Loli in valentines lingerie mmmm
cute man
More accurate than the show itself.
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Incog should seriously add jinora to the Loli club, she's amazing.
You, without a doubt, Incog, are the BEST artist for Ben/Gwen "Tencest", Toph, and Jade Chan, in my opinions.

That said, outside of her occasionally appearing as one of the girls your "Loli Club" pics, it seems to me that the last of those, Jade, hasn't been getting very much attention.

So, whaddayasay, big guy? How about gracing us with some more of that sweet young Asian goodness?
I miss Cindy. That little punk needs some loving. It's been so long!
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I just want more Gwen. The very sight of her makes me drool
I'm glad he did that one pic with her, Wilykit and loli Azula. It didn't make sense but it was great.
He draws the most picture-perfect, action-packed Thundercats and Power Pack porn too. The most accurate. The best out there. Aaannnd he's got impeccable taste in women :p
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He's actually drawn a lot of Jade. We're just quick to forget.
I agree. She's so cute but how about Toph? Maybe we can have 1 girl from each Avatar show. TLAB - Toph and LOK - Jinora
That's because he's not done any recently - he's focused on his comics, group pics, and other girls.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So no time for replies or even to upload to different sites. This is the fastest place to upload so just going to post this here before I run out the door. Here is a sketch for the February calendar piece with Penny. Will upload to other places later, and will maybe try to add lines before coloring the Toph piece. Still going with the winter theme and wanted to just try to add something minor to indicate Valentine's day without really making it a point of the piece. No time to say much else so here it is.
Inc, wwoec is dying on the 25th. Which is kinda fucked up, and goes to show that not even the most stable institutions last forever on the Internet. We need a new safe haven to archive your treasures, preferably with a discussion function. Everything for the moment is preserved on sadpanda in these galleries:


(Hmm they need serious updating though. You've literally drawn a hundred more works of art that the gallery owners haven't archived yet. They either haven't realised you've been constantly at it, or can't keep up with you.)

Though /pco here may be the homebase where you post your freshly made art first, a secondary secure place would be nice. Unless you see the migrating process as one you could do without. You'd pretty much just established yourself in wwoec, the safest haven there was, and now have to pack up and find another gallery to display your catalogue. It's possible they'll return though so our refugee status could be temporary. I'll be keeping an eye on their Twitter page for news. Hopefully your galleries stays intact when / if they reopen.
That is looking tight man. Well done.
I'm personally waiting for the dust to settle. I think wwoec will pop up again but under a new service instead of the Vbulletin one. Then we can all set up shop again.
She is so beautiful here. Those legs hhnnnggg!!
Vbulletin is not the problem ,it the host who apparently cost to much.
Yeeesss Penny is the February Girl. Thanks for the update!
Wait. What happened to WWOEC?
Second. What the hell is going on with WWOEC?

Some artists ONLY post their stuff there. It dying is going to be a kick in the balls.

Penny is adorable. I was hoping Wilykit since she is my favorite and its my birthday month, but Penny is my second favorite so I can't really complain.
Hi Incog,

WWOEC had went down before a few days ago, yesterday it went back up, but now is down again, i really hope this doesnt become a yo-yo issue, since many artists felt better posting our works there including simple sketches and dont having to deal with the headache that are mod abuses on the drawthreads at 4chan.

By the way, are you finally free or in consideration for the dancing themes?
Might have to wait for Smoothies to open before you can see the girls dancing pepi, but I think it'll be worth it. When incog does it, it's usually done in the most exciting and dynamic way possible. It'll be hot!
Hey Incog and anyone else that was on WWOEC Forums, Big News:

Just In case you haven't heard already, Alot of artist from WWOEC are moving to jabarchives forums and palcomix forums because of the closing of WWOECForums officially. If you'd like, You can join these forums and inform them you used to be a former member there. That's all.
I think sadpanda is the perfect vault for Incog's work. It's a shame they don't have message boards.
And so begins what historians will come to know as The Great Exodus of the Rule 34 Lords. I vote Jabarchives, might put you in touch with the Godfather himself, Jab, ie: paid work. If not Jab, then industry peers and veterans.
Aren't jabarchives and palcomix furry-centric? Or mostly furry?
Imagine if Jab did get a hold of you lol. There would be dollar signs everywhere. On the upside, you'd be able to finally draw that Ben 10 magnum opus you've probably had in mind for some time.
lol We'll see what happens.
It doesn't appear to be for the forums. Even the whole site doesn't seem that way. Think alot of people get it confused with furry content only because loads of artists there draw a huge amount of furry content. I used to think it was only furries too until I just checked the site today XD
Well, If they did, I'd have to decline because I like my content to be seen and not be 'exclusive'. It's Incog's decision if he wants to do that but I don't think he's one for it.
>Aren't jabarchives and palcomix furry-centric? Or mostly furry?
Palcomix, yes, but JAB is perhaps unintentionally so, so that may change now.

Either way, both bbmbbf and Cheetah have extended invitations for all displaced WWOEC artists and members to join. (Slight preference for JAB, if I'm reading his message right.) Also, Cheetah will host an automated galleries and web sites for the artists too.
Pepi Here, please clarify to me.

So, WWOEC is down the toilet huh? crap, my only issue is.

Does any of those 2 places allow loli-shota esque content? Palcomix and Jabarchives Forums? and i mean in a legit way.

You know unlike what happened to fucking Hentai Foundry that bend over that SJW crying wolf on their servers and fucked people over it.
When I visited Jabarchives, there was explicit art of Lilo. Well drawn too. But hardcore. So I'd say they're loli-friendly.
Just to be sure, i would like a 100% confirmation.

Not to mention, they dont seem to have THAT MUCH of an activity on their forums, heck there's like only 2 threads from this year in their show off sub forum, and there's threads from 2014 in the same page.

And i tought WWOEC had little activity when i joined only last year when they rules were laxated to allow clothed chessecake....

I wonder how are Palcomix forums then..............

If only Hentai Foundry didnt succumb to SJWs and oh man, i dont even want to mention Tumblr, yes, the place of decent smut artists, but also the hive of SJWs and Crywolfers

I pray for the well being of some of those artists, all based on a rumour i heard from one of the mods of Foundry.
What rumour was that pepi?

Yeah I hope wwoec does open up again I had a lot of art in there. They demolished that building so suddenly.

I liked WWOEC but even there activity was slowing down.

As for the Tumblr Rumour, oh boy, that one was a basketcase of its own.

i not sure to going into full details, but long story short:

SJWs were false flagging many hentai and rule34 artists targeting many that uploaded loli-esque art, back in 2014, and back when Foundry was targeted by a crywolfer, one of the mods was yapping on about how, "Oh the world is changing, the law is changing" and wouldn't give a straight answer about what happened to Foundry not allowing loli anymore, until other mod has balls and said something more sensefull, some SJW from tumblr flagged them for hosting "the real crap", hence my term, Crying Wolf, and the admins were threatened by him, and there one of those mods mentioned something about, Tumblr not only removing accounts of rule34 artists, but also sent them a mail that they were giving their personal info to authorities under the presence of them hosting "the real crap" (which i enphazise, THAT WAS NOT THE CASE).

Many Artists were removed, supposedly because they had loli esque art, but guess what, MANY OF THEM DIDDNT EVEN HAD SHIT CLOSE TO BEING LOLI-ESQUE, heck, all it matter is that they had Teen Titans smut to be screwed over it, or worse, uploading SFW non porn art on the same account to some stupid SJW Snowflake to reach for a straw.

While that was a rumor, considering this is Tumblr we are talking about, the mecha of Self entitlement, harrasment, SJWs and Special Snowflakes who are looking for things to being offended......................................yeah..................

I can see that Happening.

I am personally worried about artists that just don't know about it........
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Well here's the lines for this calendar piece. So yeah, as you're all mentioning, WWOEC being dead seems to be a thing. That completely caught me by surprise. It's going to be difficult to find the time to migrate all of the stuff I have posted there, but I guess I should get started on doing so ASAP. I'll start looking into what my options are immediately for that.

>By the way, are you finally free or in consideration for the dancing themes?

Not quite yet. I still have a 2 page Toph comic to color then I have 10 pages of a Cheetara comic to line/color before I am all caught up. By the time that is done I will have a new thread starter to work on, will likely be having to start the March calendar piece then I'll probably want to knock out a couple of requests again. It's a busy time right now and I kind of set myself back by making requests a bit larger in scale than the limitations I initially set (been making some 1$ and 5$ requests 2 pages, and the last $10+ request I pushed to 10 pages instead of 3-4). I'm trying to get all caught up but it will be a minute, and even when I am caught up I kind of have had interest in starting a longer Ben 10 comic.

>I think sadpanda is the perfect vault for Incog's work. It's a shame they don't have message boards.

That's the only problem with using places like that. On top of bypassing Sad Panda being troublesome at times, I could probably just use Rule34hentai.net if I was just looking for a place to post that could account lock content (pretty sure they require an account to view material flagged as loli/shota/whatever). I feel some people like to have the ability to comment without having to visit a bunch of different sites, and while people can comment on Rule34hentai.net, it's a bit more troublesome going through comments since they'll be spread throughout all of my images as opposed to in a single thread. This site only allows Western material so not everything I could do could be posted, and threads eventually become buried as this one is becoming now. Plus this site has had a few shutdown scares itself so it's nice to have somewhere else that's reliable on that front.

>Hey Incog and anyone else that was on WWOEC Forums, Big News:
>Just In case you haven't heard already, Alot of artist from WWOEC are moving to jabarchives forums and palcomix forums because of the closing of WWOECForums officially. If you'd like, You can join these forums and inform them you used to be a former member there. That's all.

Thanks for the heads up. I've done a little looking into it and based on some Q&A posts I read about the issues I will likely try and migrate over to JabArchives forums. I'll try and make the move some time tonight or this weekend based on how time availability goes.

>Just to be sure, i would like a 100% confirmation.
>Not to mention, they dont seem to have THAT MUCH of an activity on their forums, heck there's like only 2 threads from this year in their show off sub forum, and there's threads from 2014 in the same page.
>And i tought WWOEC had little activity when i joined only last year when they rules were laxated to allow clothed chessecake....
>I wonder how are Palcomix forums then..............
>If only Hentai Foundry didnt succumb to SJWs and oh man, i dont even want to mention Tumblr, yes, the place of decent smut artists, but also the hive of SJWs and Crywolfers
>I pray for the well being of some of those artists, all based on a rumour i heard from one of the mods of Foundry.

From what I have read there does not seem to be a restriction on any kind of content outside of what would normally be considered illegal. It appears that PalComix and JabArchives are both hosted on the same servers/hardware, so I'd imagine they both have the same rules. It appears the big difference is that users posting on PalComix will be posting in forums, whereas posting on JabArchives seems to offer hosting for "artist maintained sites, blogs and galleries" as well as forums. I know this is where I'm going to start looking first.

For more detailed info, here is a post by FairySlayer from WWOEC that I found helpful on the topic: http://www.jabarchives.com/tjaforum/showthread.php?t=3685
I cant believe WWOEC went down to be dead forever. Just when I lost all my files, I thought I would get them back and then this happens...
Hey Incog, wouldnt Pixiv be a safe option?
Not trying to speak for Incog, but, Pixiv should may be used only as an archive a la sad-panda, and yet, there you most likely have only saves but no comments unless you have a fanbase, and then there's the problem of using japanese tags and not resubmitting artwork unless you upgraded to Premium.

right now Jabarchives seems to be a safer option, but please, we need some activity on the showcase sub forums so it doesn't went unnoticed.
That is a fantastic picture. The way light works, first dim and dark, and as they progress to their climax it becomes more bright, that's some beautiful simbolism. I love that picture, there are lots of details on it.
Wow. But.. they're just drawings.. I'll never understand the SWJ philosophy
Love this incog! Big fan of Penny!
Here's what you need to understand about SJWs, they are slacktivistic misguided idiotic inmature bafoons that sadly, when given power and the tools to take everything away from one individual and even ruin that person's life by crying wolf, they are a dangerous force.
Image:145595564000.jpg(1.01MB, 1648x1082)8 (1).jpg
Gwen's chest needs much love like this. that's one of the things missing in incog's arsenal/armory of gwen pics. :3
I want women to ejaculate on her tits
Will follow you to the ends of the earth. Just keep us posted on where you decide to settle. Also thank you for sharing and keeping your art free, as the gods intended
This is a travesty. What I liked best about wwoec was the paperclip thumbnail function that displayed the gallery of images within a thread. First world problem I know, but the jab forum's only got text to ID the images, which is less streamlined.

Not to mention that Incog's work is gone! Searching for an up to date, comprehensive gallery that hasn't been ruined by the removal of selected artwork is tricky stuff
Image:145602024400.jpg(1.18MB, 1200x1716)7.jpg
gwen's sexiest asset: her chest. here's an idea for that one.
100% agree
My suggestion for you, Incog, is to upload pictures directly to rule34hentai and keep people up to date on the boards here.
Incog now that wwoec is gone you should join the Jabarchives galleries
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So again no update. Had a lot going on today with someone yet again in a hospital (apparently possible brain damage at this time due to severe head trauma), another vehicle damaged and hopefully not totaled (we'll find out when money is present), and my insurance premium is possibly taking a hit after a heroine addict stole a vehicle insured under me and crashed it into someone's property. Yay life.

Ignoring that, onto some more productive news. So Cheetah from Jab Archives has been helpful in getting me set up with a gallery over at Jab Archives, which I just started working on before coming here with this update. So far all that is up is the recent Power Pack comic since it was already properly saved in its own folder, unlike the rest of my unorganized cluster. After I get all of my images organized appropriately I will likely be doing small bits of uploading at a time until my gallery is all caught up. Until then I will likely be posting new stuff here so that I do not have to do too much editing. Editing stuff as of now is a bit less than optimal as Jab Archives is apparently just now going through some revamps following the fall of WWOEC.

>OR here. Damn that's some gud shit.

My response is late but I'm glad you liked it. I was quite hesitant on the method to use for the lighting but I'm glad it seems to have worked out. As long as the requester is happy about it then I can be happy enough about it.

>I cant believe WWOEC went down to be dead forever. Just when I lost all my files, I thought I would get them back and then this happens...
>Hey Incog, wouldnt Pixiv be a safe option?

Sorry to hear about the files. Such a common yet painful problem. I also find it hard to believe this happened to WWOEC so suddenly. I cannot even remember how many years ago it was that I randomly stumbled upon the existence of WWOEC. This was forever ago and I didn't stick around, and was when I was such an internet noob I had never even participated in a forum (not sure if WWOEC even had a forum back then). Just weird to see that it randomly died like this. With my luck I'm assuming it's because I joined, so my bad I guess.

As far as Pixiv, I find it to be a questionably stable option. They are based in Japan, so the terms are translated, it will likely be a primarily foreign community, and the biggest kicker is that regardless of their stance they must officially not support uncensored work since it is illegal in their country. While a lot of people remain fine there despite posting uncensored work, I feel all it would take would be a few SJWs and/or trolls to start complaining/flagging someone and they would be forced to take them down as per their censorship laws. Not really something I want to deal with as a high risk event.

>Not trying to speak for Incog, but, Pixiv should may be used only as an archive a la sad-panda, and yet, there you most likely have only saves but no comments unless you have a fanbase, and then there's the problem of using japanese tags and not resubmitting artwork unless you upgraded to Premium.
>right now Jabarchives seems to be a safer option, but please, we need some activity on the showcase sub forums so it doesn't went unnoticed.

Yeah, Jab Archives and/or Pal Comix forums just seem to be the best options currently available. Everything else has strict or questionable guidelines.

>That is a fantastic picture. The way light works, first dim and dark, and as they progress to their climax it becomes more bright, that's some beautiful simbolism. I love that picture, there are lots of details on it.

Well glad I pulled that off then. With how long I made the wait I was afraid I wasn't going to pull it off properly as that type of lighting is not something I generally work with. With how long the wait was if I wasn't satisfied with it I sadly would have felt the need to redo it.

>Wow. But.. they're just drawings.. I'll never understand the SWJ philosophy

Welcome to the world of the future. We live in a world where animated/illustrated characters must be protected from situations and ideas that people may disagree with. Given that we live in a world that is so scientifically advanced and most people live their lives in accordance to the translated literature of the magic man in the sky
it's not surprising that people want their morality enforced even in fiction.

>Love this incog! Big fan of Penny!

Glad you like it. Quite fond of Penny myself. Hopefully it looks better in color when I have a moment. The fall of WWOEC forcing the relocation of my stuff has been taking up more of the time that I don't have so sadly it will likely be delayed another day or two more than it would otherwise have to be.

>Here's what you need to understand about SJWs, they are slacktivistic misguided idiotic inmature bafoons that sadly, when given power and the tools to take everything away from one individual and even ruin that person's life by crying wolf, they are a dangerous force.

Sadly that's most people. When people are given the tools to enforce their own ideals then generally they will sure as hell use them. Is that not why people must generally use the anonymity of the internet to have a place to be themselves? It's even worse when such people are of a majority opinion since their actions will receive public support and will not receive the criticism that they so deserve.

>Gwen's chest needs much love like this. that's one of the things missing in incog's arsenal/armory of gwen pics. :3

I guess it could use some love soon. Not sure when but I should be able to get around to it eventually.
Part 2: First time ever receiving this but this response was too long. Here's the part I cut/pasted so I could post.

>Will follow you to the ends of the earth. Just keep us posted on where you decide to settle. Also thank you for sharing and keeping your art free, as the gods intended

Well for now it's Jab Archives. I have started a gallery already, but I only got a test folder created and uploaded the recent Power Pack set before my internet decided to take a dump for a while. I still have to organize things but at least I got that process started. I guess I also need to make a profile picture to go with my gallery. Not sure if I'll also use the forums since comments can apparently be made directly on the pictures, and direct discussion can be had here/on Patreon for my Patrons.

Also, you're welcome. I shall try and keep my stuff free for all for as long as is possible.

>This is a travesty. What I liked best about wwoec was the paperclip thumbnail function that displayed the gallery of images within a thread. First world problem I know, but the jab forum's only got text to ID the images, which is less streamlined.

Well Jab Archives seems to have a gallery page and Cheetah did help me get something started there tonight. It has a few bugs/features that need to be worked out/optimized a bit better but they're working on it.

>Not to mention that Incog's work is gone! Searching for an up to date, comprehensive gallery that hasn't been ruined by the removal of selected artwork is tricky stuff

Well hopefully I have my recent stuff back up in its own gallery soon enough.

>gwen's sexiest asset: her chest. here's an idea for that one.

Well, I kind of have to disagree on that one. While it's definitely nice and in no way a deal breaker, her slender frame and tight bottom are difficult to contest.

>My suggestion for you, Incog, is to upload pictures directly to rule34hentai and keep people up to date on the boards here.

I actually considered that as an option, but I kind of gained interest in the gallery/hosting options available/in the works on Jab Archives. It just seems it is worth the time to have a designated gallery at this point that I can link people to as opposed to telling people to search my tag on an image hosting service. Plus it's more than likely that my stuff is going to end up there anyway so it can serve as an additional backup location.

>Incog now that wwoec is gone you should join the Jabarchives galleries

As mentioned previously in this response it is in the works. Here is a link to the location I guess: http://jabarchives.com/main/profile/incognitymous
Glad you got another archive going at jab man. Nothing I hate more than things being lost forever because websites go down.
Thanks for the update. Will see you soon at jab's.
Incog, you got a tumblr or something similar?
Tumblr = SJW
Cripes inc, these beatings you take! And these people under your care who'd be screwed without you! Glad to see you haven't forgotten us. Keep calm and draw loli, as they say :p Stay strong.
I thought Jabarchives was not allowed here in /pco/. Then I realized it was Jab comix.
Damn they all have the same name.
Thanks a lot for creating another place to put your stuff, we are all really grateful, I hope all your stuff will be available again, it would be such a shame to lose it all and not being able to get more than those "edits" of your pieces in most of the sites. No offense, but what´s with those "insect-gwen-edits"? To each his own, I guess.
By the by, will you have a thread at Jab´s just like the one at WWOEC?
Such an unholy shitstorm right now. And there's a guy willing to resurrect wwoec but everyone's telling him not to bother. Is it me or is that sentiment insane? Sure we're moving on and not looking back, we couldn't at all use it for the archives, or strip-mine the shit out of it seeing as how none of us got the chance to do so when it abruptly went offline. I'd love to have it back, because it had all your work posted by you available in it.
Incog can you bring back abs Gwen? Would love to see Ben running his tongue sensually down the middle of her abdominals, then sucking on them, before eating her out and covering her sexy chest and stomach in sperm
I agree. Having wwoec back would be better.

B-but anon that's lewd.
Please go on.
I did a quick read of the thread but I couldn't find my answer.
Why was WWOEC shut down? Legal stuff, money issues or the owners simply decided to shut it down?
Eeew i hope not Gwen is not a body builder.
I think the BLACKED edits are more silly.
Image:145617723900.png(451kB, 600x340)vlcsnap-9291-07-31-09h19m07s816.png
lol whut.
Read this post: http://www.jabarchives.com/tjaforum/showpost.php?p=26250&postcount=60

From this thread: http://www.jabarchives.com/tjaforum/showthread.php?t=3687
Image:145617961600.jpg(124kB, 1000x668)image.jpeg
Abs Gwen is the boooommmb T__T
Fucking yes!
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So yeah, today was hell as things have been lately. Hopefully just a few more days of this crap before I am moved to a new place and that should clear up time greatly after things are moved. Once I am moved I am planning to cut off most of the people I am dealing with as I have finally told them their issues are going to be done being my issues once I move. Got the situation settled with all vehicles in question, one of which I sold today for parts as it wasn't worth the cost of keeping/repairs. Other vehicle will be sent in to be looked at but it's not looking good. If damage is extensive enough that will likely be another scrapped vehicle. My actual vehicle is intact, however, and that's the only part I really care about anymore. Forcing everyone else to figure out their car problems from here on out as I am done dealing with it and having things coming back at me because I have the only name that can be used for anything.

Ignoring all of that, I have some comments I want to make about setting up at Jab Archives. Sadly I haven't had the time to really upload anything more but I have made more progress in organizing files/folders. I plan to get the gallery up and running, but with the minimal tools available for actually organizing things it seems to be a hassle at the moment. The interface is a work in progress so I am willing to overlook that for now but I am considering the options available to me for organizing a gallery. I wanted to keep things categorized, but I am now questioning in what way to do so. I started to separate things into specific categories, but my archive folder is starting to seem excessively convoluted. I have realized I need to keep categorization simple so will be attempting to do so. As such, I am torn between a couple of methods and was wondering what everyone thought.

1) Should I split my gallery into Comics, Colors, Lines and Sketches? And then just put a sketch/line folder within each comic folder when relevant? This seems it would categorize things in the most simple manner, but due to the lack of tools to modify the order of images within a gallery it would have everything randomly thrown into the relevant gallery much like it would be if you just searched my tag on an image hosting site like Rule34hentai.net. At this point I feel this method would be no more effective than just having a thread on the Jab Archives forums.

2) Due to points mentioned in 1, should I just toss everything into a single gallery except have separate galleries for images in a series? For example still have a comics section with comics in their own folders, and even things like a Loli Club folder that has different categories in it like 2017 calendar, Halloween 2015, lingerie series, general, etc. I would then just place sketches, lines and colors within a single gallery for random standalone images but place them next to each other. Since I am not aware of any means to organize images after upload this would just mean I wouldn't post an image until I had it fully complete so that images could be posted adjacently in Sketch>Line>Color order.

3) Should I just post finished works to have less folders in my gallery and leave sketches/lines just for here/forums? I would still post lines of images that have not been colored, but if I ended up coloring the image I could pull it from the gallery and replace it with a colored version. I would still use some form of categorization, like probably Comics, Loli Club (pretty much all images pertaining to the usual girls), and then some other general folder to post everything else. This would keep things as less convoluted as possible in the gallery, but it would require people to go to multiple places if they wanted all of the sketch/line images as well, which it seems some people like to have.

Regardless, I will be posting an update soon. I will try tonight when I get home to at least throw colors on the calendar piece just to have an update. I hopefully have less to do tomorrow, but there is one place I have to go that I am concerned may end up taking a few hours. It's luck of the draw with that one, as sometimes I can be in and out in thirty minutes, other times it can take up to 4-5 hours. We'll see how it goes. For now it would be appreciated if I could get some feedback on how everyone feels I should organize things.
Hope things work out. Sounds rough. I hate car trouble. I had to scrap my truck about 4 months back and it was an annoying shit show.

As for a gallery it depends on how much time you want to take keeping it up to date. Frankly, the easiest thing would be to only upload "finished" pieces, like in option 3. People that want your sketches/lines should be keeping up with you here and whatnot, imo. Or just things that only have one version. Like your loli cheetara comic isn't lined or anything yet, but it would still be something to put up, then replace with the finished product later. Basically just have the most "complete" version you have made.

If you WANT to put it all up though, the more organized the better. I would organize it into series like option 2. At least that would be my preference.

I mean, at the end of the day, all your stuff ends up on panda or paheal or rule34 or whatever anyway. So if people really want to find ALL your work, or even specific things, its out there. It is nice to have a gallery maintained by you though.

Hope things work out man. Don't push yourself too hard. Just get things sorted, then worry about this stuff.
Oh, and a question. For things that aren't /pco/ friendly, like videogame or anime characters, will you be posting them on JAB? Or using imgur? Or what?
Good to know everything's nearly on track in your real world, inc. Must be hard babysitting all those people all the time. I would opt for a chronological order of your work in one big gallery. I just like being able to see what you worked on next after whatever piece because we've been on this journey with you every step of the way. The loli club saga for instance has been a collaborative project between you and your fans on these pco threads and it's so much fun seeing how it all came together. You can pinpoint the exact moment in time when you started up on Patreon with an image too, and now, probably the era when wwoec crashed, if you happen to theme your next work around it, as a side note lol. For me, the order of your work tells a story of snapshots in time, like how you express your current mood in Ben and Gwen's raunchy thread starters. That's my personal opinion anyhoo. But I like the idea for No. 1 as well. It's the most logical way to showcase the entirety of your impressive body of work.
Number 2 is the way to go, I feel.
I'd go like this.

Comics gallery, colors gallery and lines gallery.
However, sketches from any picture, or lines of a colored picture wouldn't be posted there. Think about it as just the finished job. That way, you have less material to worry about organizing.

BUT I would love if you kept posting the sketches and uncolored lines too here in /pco/. I can only speak for myself, but I love watching the sketches and how the picture progresses. Take for example that Gravity Falls picture you recently colored. The difference between the sketch and the colored version is enormous, but the sketch picture is still very beautiful.
I'm stupid.
Basically number 3.
Image:145620201500.jpg(279kB, 1000x1000)image.jpeg
Who remembers this sequence. Christ, the lighting on it #classicincog
Its pretty damned good.
Number 2. If you put everything into a single gallery and separate galleries for images in a series that would keep it simple and easy to follow. I'd like to keep even your lines and sketches and that seems the best way to do it since they will be in sketches/lines/color order. Also with option 2 we can have a backup for your unfinished works or sketches if plus4chan dies.
Maybe seeing what other people from WWOEC did will help you decide. This is what misterd did.

Your avatar should be Gwen. Wilykit, if you want to fit in with the rest of the furries
Wilykit is hardly furry. Shes a funny colored human with a tail.

The site looks like a furries only with all those furries everywhere. It weirds me out.

I'll stay here at /pco/
Haha wtf pco is like 50% furries and you don't even know it! Look around you cuz.
she's covered in fur einstein and she's a cat. she's a furry
Image:145629955400.png(606kB, 1650x1275)FebruaryPennyColors.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here's finally an update. Feel so bad that it took so long to be able to do anything but here it is. Wanted to be able to sleep tonight as I have more stuff to do early tomorrow so I just colored the calendar piece as it's easier to color than a full page. May want to revise the colors later as I am not completely happy with them but time will likely not allow for that. I may also try and start on the lines next for the loli Cheetara set before coloring the Toph request as recent complications are making it difficult to get motivated for coloring.

Also, I decided I will likely be going with option 2 mentioned above. I only have one more question for it - If I go with having a Loli Club folder that has the individual sets in it, should the only images in the main folder be images of the girls involved in crossovers since it fits the theme better? Or should I go ahead and just add all images that have any of the girls in it? So even if a piece is just Ben/Gwen or Kit/Kat, should it go in the Loli Club folder since the images feature the normal girls? Just curious what you all think as I continue to sort out images (taking a minute as time is limited, images are plenty and I'm having to rename the images to keep them in order).

>Oh, and a question. For things that aren't /pco/ friendly, like videogame or anime characters, will you be posting them on JAB? Or using imgur? Or what?

Since there is no western limitation at Jab like there is here I plan to post those over at JAB. I am considering making a thread over at the forums as well, but for now I need to focus on getting the gallery started before I start on anything else.

>Good to know everything's nearly on track in your real world, inc. Must be hard babysitting all those people all the time. I would opt for a chronological order of your work in one big gallery. I just like being able to see what you worked on next after whatever piece because we've been on this journey with you every step of the way. The loli club saga for instance has been a collaborative project between you and your fans on these pco threads and it's so much fun seeing how it all came together. You can pinpoint the exact moment in time when you started up on Patreon with an image too, and now, probably the era when wwoec crashed, if you happen to theme your next work around it, as a side note lol. For me, the order of your work tells a story of snapshots in time, like how you express your current mood in Ben and Gwen's raunchy thread starters. That's my personal opinion anyhoo. But I like the idea for No. 1 as well. It's the most logical way to showcase the entirety of your impressive body of work.

Yeah, it really is tiring babysitting adults. At least one of them has a legitimate mental disorder, but there really is no more excuse for the others so I have informed them that after I move they are pretty much on their own. Still willing to help the one with the disorder, but that one seems to be heading to a facility for a while after recent events so that's not going to be my problem for a bit.

As for keeping the gallery in order of events, that will probably be pretty tough. I don't really have my stuff in order of completion, and even if I did, keeping stuff in order at Jab could be annoying until they get the gallery tools updated a bit. The different set stuff I plan to try and keep in order, like the Loli Club stuff, but outside of that I'm not thinking I would do so with the rest of it, but we'll see what I can manage with what I got.

>Maybe seeing what other people from WWOEC did will help you decide. This is what misterd did.

I considered the option of sorting things by source material, but with how often I dip into different material I fear I would eventually have too many folders with just one or a few images in it. Not really looking to make people have to dip into too many different folders to find images.

>Your avatar should be Gwen. Wilykit, if you want to fit in with the rest of the furries

Definitely been thinking of making a Gwen avatar for the gallery when I can get to it. We'll see what I go with when I get there. Kit has been a tempting one not for that reason of blending in with the other furry content but simply because Kit has been so commonly requested these days.

>Hope things work out. Sounds rough. I hate car trouble. I had to scrap my truck about 4 months back and it was an annoying shit show.
>As for a gallery it depends on how much time you want to take keeping it up to date. Frankly, the easiest thing would be to only upload "finished" pieces, like in option 3. People that want your sketches/lines should be keeping up with you here and whatnot, imo. Or just things that only have one version. Like your loli cheetara comic isn't lined or anything yet, but it would still be something to put up, then replace with the finished product later. Basically just have the most "complete" version you have made.

Yeah, car trouble is a pain. The biggest pain in the ass was paying all of the tow/impound/storage fees that come with people crashing the clunkers I handed out. Had to pay out almost a grand (which is money I REALLY do not have right now) just getting vehicles back in less than working condition. Hell, the one I sold for parts cost me more to get back than I made off of it, but that's what happens when you deal with shady, ghetto ass impounds that take all of your valuables from your vehicles and don't let you even look at them until you buy them back.

As for the gallery, I really would like to add the sketches and such. I have been considering just having a single folder called "Sketches" and putting all sketches in it regardless of what they are and then having all lines/colors in their respective galleries, but I'm still torn. If I went with the direction of only adding finished pieces to the gallery I have considered having a thread in the forums dedicated to everything else. This way the sketch could be updated in a thread, then the lines put in both the thread and gallery, and then put the lines in the thread, remove the lines from the gallery and replace it with the colors if colors are added. Again, though, with the way the tools for the gallery are set up right now this feels like it would be more work than it is worth and that I should just stick with having one gallery and then just different folders for sets only.
>but simply because Kit has been so commonly requested these days.
Well, shes my favorite, so I'm one of those guys. Thanks for drawing her so much man. You are amazing with her. Always got my fingers crossed that the next "new" thing you work on involves her. Though I love all your lolis so nothing loli related you do is ever anything but great to see.

And that Penny is adorable. This calender series is shaping up really well.

And for your question, I think "club" pictures should involve the club members. So like, Gwen and wonderloli would make sense, but Gwen and Ben is kind of their own thing. At least thats how I feel. Its up to you how specific you want to be. As for sketches, go for it if you want to do it. My only concern is how time consuming managing all those galleries might be, but if you are up for it, by all means. I'm sure people will appreciate it. And hopefully they will update their system to make it more user friendly.

And while I would LOVE new Wilykit, I think Gwen is kind of your poster girl. If you were to pick one girl as a banner girl, it would kind of have to be her, regardless of how much some may want the other girls.
>Definitely been thinking of making a Gwen avatar for the gallery

Only Gwen sir. It can only be Gwen.
>May want to revise the colors later as I am not completely happy with them
It's perfect incog, leave it! She's excruciatingly flawless.

>I have been considering just having a single folder called "Sketches"
tbh I will only fap to the colored folder items and probably forget about all those uncolored Gwen fappables. It's a tough one. Makes it much easier for would-be colorists though, they'd be like kids in a candy store
Penny's the bomb incog! So who we got for the season of Spring, Wilykit in heat?
I vote only loli club pictures should go in the loli club folder.
Image:145632431300.jpg(387kB, 1200x1743)image.jpeg
You mean like this
Image:145634467000.png(250kB, 480x480)Young_juniper_lee.png
Incog how about you add loli Juniper Lee to the loli club
Regarding to option 2, it would be nice if you put Loli Club girls together (Club activities after all) except for Ben and Gwen.
This because you already drawn them for the Ben10 thread here in pco and it's like something apart from LoliClub. They have a funny and delicious story by their own by now.

Maybe if you drawn something like a crossover of Ben playing with other girls besides Gwen (like that Ben/Penny pic) or with Gwen along with them, then it should go in the LC folder.

Same for sets, you can toss them altogether (but in order of course) in the LC folder or just make subfolders for every set (Lingerie Set / Hallowen pinups...) but you must decide wich one you feel better with of course.

Anyway, I'm glad you chose option 2. Having them in order at one single folder is the easiest way to go.

>Definitely been thinking of making a Gwen avatar for the gallery when I can get to it.
This is the right choice too.
Anyone couldn't think of her without remember one of your works.
>This is the right choice too.
>Anyone couldn't think of her without remember one of your works.

What this guy just said. It makes the most sense.
Ah yeah fell in love with Gwen after seeing her so much in your work. I think that avatar should be just her giving a saucy look, inviting you in. You just can't say no to her ;p
That, or one of her tomboy smirks.
mmm that look *swoons*
>Gwen wearing something that turns Ben on so much, his cock throbs and twitches and squirts cum down her leg

This scenario would work better if his squirts landed on the floor at her feet as he experiences a "no-hands" orgasm- which makes Gwen roll her eyes knowingly at us while telling him that he's a ridiculous and pathetic. She would have to be wearing something pretty sexy to make him cum out of nowhere though..
Penny is perfection incog. Deeelicious...
How's the move going, inc?
Image:145652354700.png(603kB, 1650x1275)LoliClub_Calendar02FebruaryPennyColors.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Just posting this to post a comment update. Here is a slight fix to the Penny page. I noticed a little bit of coloring errors made in my haste before so just fixed them for this comment. The color clipped to "the word February" in the calendar had noticeable pen strokes in it from when I changed the hue so I fixed that, as well as a few minor spots where I could see my shadows didn't stay in the lines. Not much else to say on this one.

Outside of that, I have plans to move a lot of stuff Sunday, but I should have my Saturday plans cleared so I can make some updates before doing so. I actually have the lines for the first page of the loli Cheetara set nearly finished but am out of time and must head out. After work I will finish them. Tomorrow I will try and spend the entire day knocking out a couple pages worth of lines. After that I will be temporarily moving into a less than favorable living arrangement until I can get a better situation set up but hopefully I can manage the privacy to draw what I'd like. I will still have interwebs access so I will be sure to keep you all updated.

As a final note, I am pretty sure I have all of my works since my return archived and ready for upload to a gallery. I will try and do so tonight after I finish the first loli Cheetara page, so hopefully I'll have lines and set up a gallery after work tonight. The file name for this should give an idea as to how I did the renaming of all of my files to have them in proper order for the upcoming uploading process.
Wow, it's all topsy turvy at the moment lol. Don't worry incog, this year will be yours, especially since you've minimised certain people from your life. Out of curiosity, are the Patreon funds making much of a difference?
Image:145656679000.png(869kB, 1240x1754)CheetaraTygraLionOPage1Lines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So here are the lines for page 1 of the loli Cheetara comic. Was going to start the gallery now but am way too tired. I guess I'll set it up after I wake up tomorrow then I'll do as much of the comic as I can. For now, replies.

>tbh I will only fap to the colored folder items and probably forget about all those uncolored Gwen fappables. It's a tough one. Makes it much easier for would-be colorists though, they'd be like kids in a candy store

Well I have decided to put sketches/lines/colors into single galleries, but at least it will be easy to tell from thumbnails what is in color and what isn't. I know a lot of people prefer things in colors, but I am someone that personally thinks lines/grayscale are just as good as long as the art/concept of the piece is okay. Since there are also people that like to see the different stages of a piece I just want to have it all readily available. Overall I personally think the concept/theme of a piece is the most important aspect which is why I tend to have more fun doing lines than coloring.

>Penny's the bomb incog! So who we got for the season of Spring, Wilykit in heat?

Sadly Kit still has a moment until her turn. I am going in a specific order of characters in a manner more related to the club itself as opposed to the seasons and then just dressing the characters accordingly based on their turn.

>I vote only loli club pictures should go in the loli club folder.

That's the plan I went with, although I did decide that I would like to add crossovers of the girls with characters from each other's shows, such as the previous Ben with Penny piece. I simply feel such pieces are related to the crossover theme of the club. The same will be true with crossovers of honorary mentions, like the recent Kit/Jinora/loli Azula piece, seeing as how they are characters that have and/or will likely receive guest appearances.

>Incog how about you add loli Juniper Lee to the loli club

While I have considered adding Juniper Lee, as she is kind of iconic and could work without too much modification, I would just stick with the original model. Juniper is already a loli seeing as how she is 11 in the show, which is one year older than Gwen/Penny while being one year younger than oldest members Jade/Toph.

>Regarding to option 2, it would be nice if you put Loli Club girls together (Club activities after all) except for Ben and Gwen.
>This because you already drawn them for the Ben10 thread here in pco and it's like something apart from LoliClub. They have a funny and delicious story by their own by now.
>Maybe if you drawn something like a crossover of Ben playing with other girls besides Gwen (like that Ben/Penny pic) or with Gwen along with them, then it should go in the LC folder.
>Same for sets, you can toss them altogether (but in order of course) in the LC folder or just make subfolders for every set (Lingerie Set / Hallowen pinups...) but you must decide wich one you feel better with of course.
>Anyway, I'm glad you chose option 2. Having them in order at one single folder is the easiest way to go.

That is pretty much what I decided on. There is going to be a general gallery which has all of the standard material, along with a comic folder and a Loli Club folder. The comic folder will of course have sub-folders to it for each comic, which may very well have sub-folders in them for the lines/sketches. I am still deciding on if I want to put sketches/lines/colors in the same sub-folder for the comics, but seeing as how managing sub-folders is a bit of a pain in my mind I may stick with the single gallery for each comic and then put each stage in. It's not like it will be tough for people to pick out the colors over the non-colored images in a gallery.

As for the Loli Club folder I plan to have it be only for crossover material involving the appropriate characters. This means images like Gwen with Ben, or Jade with Jackie, etc., will go in the general gallery. An image that has Penny with Ben, or Gwen with Brain, or whatever kind of crossover may happen, as long as it involves one or more girls from the club with an appropriate crossover then it will be in the Loli Club folder. There will of course be sub-folders for different sets like Thread Starters, Halloween 2016, Calendar 2017, etc.

>How's the move going, inc?

Both the move for the gallery as well as the move in real life seem to be making progress. The gallery will hopefully be up tomorrow, or at least most of it, so there will be progress there soon. Everything is sorted out so it's just a matter of uploading it all.

>Wow, it's all topsy turvy at the moment lol. Don't worry incog, this year will be yours, especially since you've minimised certain people from your life. Out of curiosity, are the Patreon funds making much of a difference?

Yeah, it's always like this. I don't really expect the year in general to be much better as these types of situations are pretty much the story of my life, but cutting off some of the problems will definitely help. As for the Patreon funds, while they're not making a life changing difference (it is still >$250/mo. after all, which isn't a lot in the US) they are definitely helping a lot. Seeing as how I have been pretty much at a steady $0 while being able to just barely scrape by without having to make any sacrifices along the way I would say that the support has saved me from having to make some really difficult choices.

While the financial support has been greatly helpful, it's personally been a much more important moral support than anything. If not for the Patreon support I would be gone again, likely another 1-2 miserable years of working 24/7 to keep everyone around me from crumbling. To sum it up, here's a copy/paste of something I posted on Patreon on the 24th. I guess I should have posted it here as well seeing as how maybe not all of my Patreons actually read my Patreon update posts since they always just redirect to where I can post content.

"As an important note that I feel I must make before I go pass out: I greatly appreciate your patience while I deal with these real life issues. If I didn't have the support of this Patreon and the extra feeling of commitment it gives me towards drawing I am sure I would be going on an extended absence again to pick up a million hours at work to help just pay through everyone's troubles. With the company I currently work for this would be very easy to do. As odd as most people would think it is to have such feelings towards this type of work, it is nice to have something that makes me want to step back and worry about utilizing my time for myself opposed to dedicating it solely to other people's problems. There really is very little in life I can feel that way about, which is why I have always been so open to dedicating myself to other people's problems, so I really do appreciate it more than I can put into words."
Take it easy bro. Get life together first. Then loli club follows XD
Its cool man. We know how hectic things can get in life. I'm glad the patreon thing helped you in ways besides just some extra money every month. Thats good to hear.
>While the financial support has been greatly helpful, it's personally been a much more important moral support than anything.

It's the least we could do, Incog. I have been a fan of your work since 2009. When you got your Patreon running, I didn't have to think it twice.
Image:145661494300.png(123kB, 1000x1000)GwenAvatarLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So it took forever but I got the gallery up and running at: http://jabarchives.com/main/gallery/incognitymous

Took forever since I had to upload over 200 images one at a time but I got it done. I was going to immediately start on the Cheetara comic like I said I would but I decided I should make a quick avatar image for the gallery. I decided to do this first since I knew if I held back it would just take forever before I got to it. Here are the lines for what I finally decided on, using Gwen of course. Didn't want to put too much time into it because it's going to be at 200 x 200 resolution, but decided to make it a full sized image since there's no reason I cannot upload it larger. Taking a break to eat, will throw colors on it then will start on a Cheetara comic page.
Image:145662528100.png(235kB, 1000x1000)GwenAvatarColors.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

So added colors to the image above and uploaded it as my profile avatar on Jab Archives. Didn't go too into detail seeing as how it is intended as a 200x200 image, but here it is larger than that. Now, if you don't have the direct link to my gallery, just look for Gwen showing off her butt over at the Jab Archives gallery section. That is where you'll find me. Once I have uploaded the loli Cheetara comic to it I should be all up to date with it.
Oh god. Getting teary. This is so beautiful and delicious.. DX
>Didn't go too into detail

I like your sense of humor
Hey Incog, I was wondering if you have ever been inspired by smut to make your pictures.
Thats an amazing Gwen man. Nice to see her.
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to show your support, my Patreon can be found at https://www.patreon.com/Incognitymous.

Just poking in to give a heads up. Got a lot of the lines for the next page of the loli Cheetara comic done but sadly not getting it done before bed. The lines for this comic just take so damn long, and the second page seems to be a killer with how many figures I drew in it. Also, I got sidetracked a bit talking to Cheetah over at Jab Archives. I noticed that transparency on .PNGs came up black, so I brought that up, but I mainly brought up that it seemed my images were being resized without hitting any indicated file size cap. Turns out I was exceeding an unlisted resolution cap. This was not unexpected as I experienced this issue when I first hit WWOEC until Fairy Slayer raised my resolution cap for me. The same was done for me over at Jab Archives and I took the time to reupload most of the gallery. I am pretty sure I reuploaded everything that was resized, but if anybody notices anything I may have missed then please let me know. For now, everything I post over there should be at full resolution.

>Hey Incog, I was wondering if you have ever been inspired by smut to make your pictures.

Back in the day when I was first starting off I used to use a lot of reference material since drawing from reference is pretty essential to learning. Back then I was pretty heavily inspired by it. Nowadays I don't really look at anything for inspiration outside of character reference material. I mostly pull up reference material only when I want to try out something completely different that I've never done before, when I want to practice something I feel I need work on or may look at some reference material for specific types of backdrops that I've never done before or that I want to look more accurate and less stylized.

I have been considering putting a small period into utilizing smut for reference for practice purposes. I've put a lot of effort into finding quick and easy ways to stylize things in my colors over the last half year or so and figure that working off reference again for a brief period of time may give me some insight on how to use said techniques in different ways. Now would be a great time to do so, what with time being so restricted an all, but I have too many other projects that need attention at the moment.
Thank you incog. She is magnificent.
Aww yiss, new galleries, new Gwen..what a great day this is. hoping the new place stays this time, I'm paranoid about SJW's shutting everything down more than ever. Eternally grateful for all your efforts!
I'd Go Hero on that ass so hard >_<
I have been reading the latest Patreon requests and I think people are overdoing it with the Google translator lol
How do you mean?
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It's like you were never gone thanks incog!
I think you've outdone yourself with this one.
So glad you're finally putting words to your Thundercats story, it's an instant classic. 'Tara is too cute! And the new cataloging system works well too. It could even be refined further to include Ben 10, Jackie Chan Adventures and Power Pack folders (the favourites), but I think it's perfect for now.
I expected a glamorous headshot of her or at least a harmless bust portrait where she's giving us a thumbs up but no, you had to annihilate all expectations yet again lol. Thank you for giving us another 'inside look' into our loli goddess ^_~