/pco/ - Promotions

Welcome to /pco/ - Promotions. This board is for sexual material of a western nature. Please read the rules before posting:

Content not allowed: guro, scat, bestiality.
1) Content must fall into one of the following categories:
1a) Western properties (for ex.: Marvel, Mass Effect, Wakfu)
1b) Properties with a large Western interpretation (for ex.: Transformers, Sonic the Hedgehog)
1c) Original Content in Western "style" (for ex.: Ganassa, Kyhu, Owler)
1d) non-Western properties by artists predominantly known for Western art or style (for ex. artist generals or art dump threads)
2) Lesbian and Straight-shota are considered /pco/ material
3) Due to the nature of Western material, furry is allowed on all promotion boards!

- MILFToon
- Jab Comix
- John Persons (The Pitt, etc)
- BannaGalactic
- Slipshine (and related sites)

Posting content from any of these will be a week's ban for first offense.

Thread stats: 508 posts, 81 files (81 image(s))

Replying to /pco/192093
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So finally done with this set, hence finally a new Incognitymous Thread. Was a painfully long process getting colors on this given how much needed colors. Old thread long since dead at >>190317, new thread not dead here.

Special thanks to all of my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. If anyone else would like to support my efforts in making more content then please show your support at Patreon.com/Incognitymous. If not, well, don't worry about going there...

On that note, I will be dedicating the entirety of next month to Patreon requests. As planned, I'm not abandoning you all here, I just want to dedicate some effort into finalizing what I want my pledge bonuses to be and seeing what I can handle on Patreon will help with that. I also want to show appreciation to those that were willing to show their support despite me not having my Patreon fully figured out yet. My content will still be posted here when applicable as well as on WWOEC, so you will not be missing out on anything I do by not visiting my Patreon page. If I post something on WWOEC that I cannot post here I will still try and make a post here to let you all know. My first couple of posts will likely be as such, as I have something I want to do after discussion with the first person to make a pledge on my Patreon and it's not of a western source.
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We are unworthy wretches in your presence. Happy Halloween Chairman Incog.
A truly masterpiece and such kind words from a great artist.

btw do you still have planned to post some stuff in the Ben 10 thread along with patreon requests this incoming month as well?
loli club fuckin rules!!
Dat kit
Always a treat
Is there a source for that?
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How fuckin fuckibly fuckable are these two right now
Incog are you going to do a christmas pic if you are could make a sexy christmas group pic of the girls in sexy christmas outfits and then make a 2nd version of the group pic where it looks like a christmas card and before the group pic you could make pics of each girl in there sexy christmas outfits
Christmas is lame. Incog's better off working on his patreon so that it can become a Rule 34 giant by 2016.
What if someone in the Patreon REQUESTS some christmas stuff?
Incog will make a short list of projects he wants to do and subjects his picks to a poll. The most popular idea becomes real.
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Reminds me so much of how comics make collectible joining covers for event story arcs, ie: Ultimatum, the covers of which combined into a character group panorama. Seriously, incog your Halloween OP is so detailed, I see four potential pin-ups in it.
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. For anyone interested, my Patreon can be found at Patreon.com/Incognitymous.

I do not have an image to post, but thought I'd update and let you all know that I just did lines for my first Patreon piece. I mentioned I would let you guys know when I posted something not relevant to these boards so here I am. I am doing this on behalf of a discussion with my first Patreon pledger. It is the lines for the first of a 2-parter involving loli Pearl Fey from the Phoenix Wright titles. It can be found on the WWOEC forums at http://wwoecforum.com/showpost.php?p=938742&postcount=627. I will post a link to it on Patreon soon after I decide on the posting method I want to use.

>Incog will make a short list of projects he wants to do and subjects his picks to a poll. The most popular idea becomes real.

This is the future plan, but as there are not a lot of Patreon requests at the moment I will be trying to do as many as I can. There's not really a lot of requests to hold a poll on nor a lot of people to vote right now so I don't feel it worth the time setting up yet as I am dedicating a month solely to Patreon requests. The voting idea is more in mind for after this month is up when I start grabbing a handful of public requests again and letting pledgers vote directly on which they like the most.
What happen with you dude? We don´t want see fucking calendar pictures!! We want FUCK!
Are you crazy? Don't talk to incog like that, you rude little turd.
The facial expressions on Penny, Katie and Gwen are exquisite in this. You really do have to zoom in to appreciate those finer details.
Was wondering if you would be catching up on requests. There were so many awesome ones in previous threads.
I tried to find you on Patreon, says no file exists
Do you go under a different name?
The search function on Patreon doesn't work very well, try the direct link:

Wonder loli's costume is so hot!

Wily kat is stealing candy! Thief!
I don't know if you actually read these threads, but if you did, you'd find that the collective "we" quite enjoy these pictures and you're forcing your bias on the rest of us.

That's not to say I wouldn't like to see more straight up sex pictures, but that doesn't mean I dislike these.
Incog's gonna to keep doing what he wants regardless of people like that. He draws for his own pleasure and listens only to constructive comments.
That Pearl pic is great.
any chance for a pic of halloween wonder loli, gwen, and kit lapping at a fat anonymous cock in exchange for some halloween treats?
Or money to open their nightclub =D
There's just something more sexy about them being willing to give it up in exchange for a few pieces of candy.
Too bad some of us cant see it, being behind the account wall and some us being unwilling to create even a throwaway account.
Like the Totally Spies vs Loli Club pics. And by 'vs' I mean "have sex with".
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. For anyone interested, my Patreon can be found at Patreon.com/Incognitymous.

I made a follow-up to the Pearl Fey piece. Lines for now again, but colors will be added soon. Just letting you all know. It's up at http://wwoecforum.com/showpost.php?p=938942&postcount=630. I'll try and do something western next that can be posted here, unless I feel like coloring these first.

>Was wondering if you would be catching up on requests. There were so many awesome ones in previous threads.

"Catching up" on requests is quite difficult to do when they continue to come in faster than they can be performed. The ones that catch my interest stay with me and/or have reference files saved, it's just a matter of if I can ever get to them before others catch my interest.

>Too bad some of us cant see it, being behind the account wall and some us being unwilling to create even a throwaway account.

Sadly, with the current Attack on Loli that a lot of countries have been carrying out against even sites overseas, an account wall is the safest way for a site to host content that may have loli and/or shota these days. A throwaway account takes all of maybe 5 minutes to make, and that's assuming you do not have a throwaway email already.
Pearl is 2cute.
so where are the fuck?
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this guy
I've already found the Pearl pictures on another site I won't name.

(They're good, by the way)
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Thanks again to all of my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. For anyone interested, my Patreon can be found at Patreon.com/Incognitymous.

This time for sure I am definitely making a topic to post updates on my Patreon as well. Going to do so right after I post here and on WWOEC. I have been procrastinating it as I have been unsure of what kind of posting method to use. I've decided just to make a new page each month to inform Patrons of updates so they do not have to check WWOEC and/or here to find out.

And here are some lines for a request in my $1+ request topic of Beast Boy with loli Raven from the original Teen Titans series. Not much else to say on that. Will likely color the 2 pieces of Pearl Fey next then do a $5+ request, followed by a $10+ request to work my way up and assure that I do at least one of each type.

>Pearl is 2cute.

Agreed. She is quite the adorable little loli.

>I've already found the Pearl pictures on another site I won't name.
>(They're good, by the way)

Glad you think so. I have considered posting updates at other locations when not /pco/ applicable, but here and WWOEC are plenty in my mind. Pictures tend to have a way of finding themselves posted at other said locations eventually anyway for those that do not want to make an account to view stuff.
>loli raven
Then how about a link good sir.
Loli Raven seems much nicer than non loli Raven.
Paheal would have them, just search for the incog tag
you've done Raven and Terra, can you consider doing Starfire or another TT girl?
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Just a bit ago I finished throwing colors on the first Pearl Fey piece over at WWOEC. Posted an update on Patreon already. Just coming by to let you guys know and post a reply or two in the process.

>Then how about a link good sir.

I'd imagine the location being referred to is either rule34.paheal.net or rule34hentai.net. Just search Incognitymous and I'm sure at least one would have them.

>you've done Raven and Terra, can you consider doing Starfire or another TT girl?
I've always considered it, just never got around to it. Raven and Terra are my favorites, hence why I have done them first. For this month at least I'll only consider doing one if a pledger over at Patreon requests it.

Hey Incog, what artists do you like?

You, Anaxus, Sunsetrider7, and Shadman's incredibles art are my personal favorites.

Purple Prawn makes some good adventure time GIFs, but hes very sporadic with his releases.
I like sunsetriders, Destijl, g.f.d, Apostle, natis_01 and incog when he does Ben 10
That incog style Trick or treating is catching on right here >>192289
Anybody like Dedwait?
Don't even know what that is.

For other artists besides incog I like? GFD, Faustsketcher and Fuchur. I like loli stuff, so yeah.
His proportions are weird
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated. Here are the lines for a piece from the $5+ request page of Kitty Pryde and Rogue from X-Men: Evolution. Will color this as promised of all $5+ requests selected.

>Hey Incog, what artists do you like?
I actually do not really spend much time looking up specific artists so it's hard to say. The only artists I can really think of are a few Japanese doujinshi/hentai manga artists. Particularly the ones that come to mind are Yukimi, Sesshu Takemura, Hamanasu Chaya and Shiwasu no Okina. I find the concepts of their work to be amusing (and within my interests), and I very much enjoy looking at the work even if just from an art perspective. I skim through some of the stuff said artists have made on occasions for inspiration when I am sketching but am just not feeling it.

I do like the work of some of the names mentioned in some of the above posts, although as mentioned previously, I don't generally have the time to dedicate into looking anyone up these days.
You should consume more loli art bro, could inspire you. Like how seeing your work pumps me up to draw. GFD and Fuchur have that effect too, they're just as good.
i havent seen FaustSketcher art since Hentai foundry censorship.
Incog have you made any colored versions of your Patreon pics yet?
He actually responds to people commenting on his HF. Been talking about getting back into commissions and stuff. Hope he does. Had some /ss/ ideas just for him for years.
Hey Incog are you going to color the patreon pics I would really love to see beast boy and loli raven in color
Plus I mean who does not want to a green penis
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Hi incog. If you're drawing anime, could you draw Delia Ketchum fucking her son Ash? A milf that hot needs a good rogering.
My god that's hot
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the colors for the Kitty + Rogue piece and I will be coloring the Beast Boy + Raven piece next before moving on to a short comic for a $10+ request.

>Hey Incog are you going to color the patreon pics I would really love to see beast boy and loli raven in color

Yeah, I'll be coloring them. I colored 2 pieces of Pearl Fey and just now finished the Kitty and Rogue piece. The Beast Boy + Raven piece was not a guaranteed color piece, but I plan to color it regardless.
If love to see you do the other girls
Delia Ketchum would be into some freaky shit
Where did you find that picture is I part of a comic
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

So here are the colors for the Beast Boy + Loli Raven piece. Will do a short comic as a $10+ request next. I gotta jet and help someone move so not much else to say right now but I'll get started as soon as I return home.
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Incog just asking but would you consider doing a pic of Nani from Lilo and Stitch the series or no
white cloak raven looks great. Thanks incog
I was hoping for White and I'm not disappointed. Great stuff. You decide on the comic yet?
Hot sex scenes lately, thanks incog!
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Incog can we see the loli club girls making money in public places with makeshift mobile glory holes like this?
Fappo! !PYqqa6XuBA
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Hah! Stolen hentai dialogue.
lol all you needs a cardboard box to make one of these
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Thanks again to all of my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

>You decide on the comic yet?

Indeed I did. I went with a Power Pack request for a first time anal situation between Alex and Julie. The request was quite detailed/specific so it will likely be the easiest first choice. Here are the lines for the first page. I plan to color it after I do all of the lines. This one may extend a page or two beyond the general limitation that I placed. If it does, I will slow down progress on it to maybe knock out a request or two from the other tiers between pages.
What the.. we're getting an incog image every day now. Have I died and gone to heaven?
this is awesome work, I love her embarrassed look in that lower picture. I'd love to see what happens next.
Yesyesyes JulieJulieJulie
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Can we add Hit Girl to loli club #youknowyouwantto
Just wanted to say I've been a fan of yours for a few years, now. As far back as your stuff was being posted on Paheal, at least. It was always a nice to see you drawing again, and always sad when you fell back into hibernation. This time, at least, it seems you're going to be around for a while and I'm glad.
Basically, I'd like to thank you for doing what you do and for being so good at it.

You also seem like a nice guy to talk to instead of being a prick to your fans like you're better than them, unlike some other artists I could name.

Stay sweet
He's the real deal, with so much class. I think part of incog's popularity is his generosity and enthusiasm for his fans. He's responsive and articulate. It's partly why his threads keep filling up.
How much Korra has incog done? Has he ever done Ikki or Jinora? And from the original show, has he ever done Meng?

His avatar stuff is always so top notch it feels wrong to have some undone.
> power pack anal: the origin

I love you.
A bit of painal would be hot as hell.

That's not really a suggestion, just a statement.
Julie is sooo pretty here!
Image:144654485200.png(584kB, 1145x1800)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage2Lines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

So I just finished page 2, and then became severely upset to find out the resolution was off when saving for web. Upon checking, it turns out that my empty frame template for these somehow changed itself from 8x12 to 7x11 between these two pages. Needless to say I am quite upset about this and am utterly puzzled as to how it happened, but it has caused this page to be a different resolution than the others will be. This will forever haunt me as there is no real way to resize it accordingly and have it still look fine. Oh well. It is what it is.
Judging by how excited Alex is, Julie's in for a bumpy ride. Which I couldn't be happier for.
Julie's such a whore!
lol it's perfect as it is bro, don't worry about it. Size hardly matters when the art is this good.
Weird bug. Not a big deal though.
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We've all wanted to do this
I would BEG to have anal sex with Julie!
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here is page 3 of the current Power Pack comic. Going to try and wrap it up in about 2 more pages, but we'll see how it goes. Will hopefully have the next page up tomorrow as I want to put out a page a day>>192439

>Judging by how excited Alex is, Julie's in for a bumpy ride. Which I couldn't be happier for.
but some interruptions throughout the day may get in the way.

Indeed she is. That is how the requester wanted it so that is how it shall be.

>lol it's perfect as it is bro, don't worry about it. Size hardly matters when the art is this good.

It's more of a personal annoyance. When I put the time into making something like this I really prefer things to be sized appropriately throughout or it just bugs the hell out of me whenever I think about it (which I cannot turn off). Luckily I do my lines in vector layers so odds are I can create a new 8x12 canvas, redraw the panels appropriately for the new canvas size then resize the images within the panels with no loss of quality. I'll try it out and see how it goes though.

>Weird bug. Not a big deal though.
Yeah, I really do not see how it happened. As a copy/paste from WWOEC as to why it confuses me the most: "The weirdest part is that something impossible happened in the process. It would be one thing if I accidentally resized it, which would be unusual anyway since I never change canvas sizes withing Manga Studio. The odd part is that the Register Mark/Basic Frame remained intact. Someone with experience in Manga Studio may know that the Register Mark/Basic Frame is removed and must manually be remade if a canvas size is changed. How it came out as 8x12 on the first page and then 7x11 on the second is beyond me, especially since there is none of the usual evidence within the document of canvas size alteration."

>We've all wanted to do this

Not going to disagree there. That would be a lie and lying is wrong.

>I would BEG to have anal sex with Julie!

Well according to the current series of events that seems to work.
Insanely brutal >_<
Easy does it mmm
You obviously haven't seen much anal if you think that is brutal, let alone insane
Suffice to say, she'll be walking funny for a few days. That's to be expected, given she's around twelve, and the guy popping her cherry is way too excited, not using a drop of lube and isn't being very gentle.

Not that I'm complaining mind you, far from it.
The real problem is when you don't like anal but you like Incog pics.
Yeah, I'm with you there. But Incog's one of those artists that I'll save and enjoy the pics regardless of if it's anal.
That's not how you do proper butt-stuff! Stretching and abundant lube are needed.
She's a kid
Like I said. Incog himself has done more "brutal" butt stuff than this.
painal for the win.
Doubtful, unless he's drawn rape scenes, which I doubt
Julie's ass looks like a good cum dumpster
You haven't been following him long, I see
I recall Incognitymous doing some lovely W.I.T.C.H. porn. Was it demand that dried up or what?
Prove it. Stand on one foot.

Hoping for Totally Spies x Loli Club action
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So once again, thanks to all of my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the lines for page 4 of the current Power Pack comic. Luckily I was able to finish on time. I know I said that after 4 pages that I may take a step back and do other requests, but I may finish the lines for the next page or two to wrap it up and then instead take a few more days to do other requests before coloring this set. This is primarily because I feel worried that taking a few days between pages may get me a bit off of my 'Power Pack game' so to speak, so I'd rather incur interruptions during the coloring process as opposed to the line process. There's still plenty of days left in the month so I guess we'll see how it goes.

Also, I edited page 2 to fit to the 8x12 canvas as opposed to the 7x11 mistake. Had to make a few changes for it to fit properly but it wasn't too bad. Will upload it after this message.

>I recall Incognitymous doing some lovely W.I.T.C.H. porn. Was it demand that dried up or what?

Not really demand as much as interest. People still request it occasionally but I've never actually watched any of it personally. Still the possibility of it in the future but there's so much to do that there's no certainty.

>Hoping for Totally Spies x Loli Club action

Still hoping to do it, but time will tell when I get around to it.
Image:144671331100.png(595kB, 1200x1800)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage2Lines.png
So once again, thanks to all of my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

And here's page 2 fixed for the proper size to fit with the rest of the set. The current page turned out faster than expected so I put the time to resize it now as opposed to right before the coloring process.
Even better then the last page.
Check out Julie taking it like a pro, woo! What a babe!
Now that is one awesome sister.
There was once a shortage of power pack porn. There isn't anymore, thanks incog !
Will you extend this Incog? Haven't had Julie in a while, it's just nice to have her around again.
Julie is so hot as a teen, but even hotter as a loli!
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Julie's ass is the place to be, wonder if she would give it up for her little brother as well
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Just uploaded page 5 of this set to WWOEC, but when I tried to post an update on Patreon I am getting an Internal Server Error so I sadly will not likely be able to update there until tomorrow as I must be going to bed now.

Yup, here's another page but then there's only one more after this. I will be coloring it as well, but I will take a break from this for a minute to knock out some other Patreon requests before coloring it.
Heart Pupils. Fuck yes. My absolute favorite.
>that sleazy brotherly dirty talk

Inc, I'm trembling
Between this and all the other Power Pack stories you've done (Blowjob Katie, the one where Julie dominates Alex and forces him to cum, and the other one where their clothes disappear), plus the various pin-ups and single-page scenes you've drawn, you'll soon have enough material to produce a counterfeit, X-rated Power Pack zine/ trade paperback. Now if you could just do a story involving the whole team in a sibling-swapping orgy, maybe have the mom check in on them and bring them refreshments while they're screwing each other's brains out, that'd be neat.
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Incog could we see Julie take a few squirts to the face like this?
This is epic stuff. I only wish it kept going, every page is fap-worthy. I'm hoping one day you can work on a big 60 page story where every page is a sexy cliffhanger. You've got the talent to pull off an erotic soap opera of that length.
Image:144682021500.png(93kB, 203x333)latest.png
Yo, man if you find the time, could you try making a pinup of Dylan Beekler from Golan the Insatiable? I preferred her season 1 look with mary janes, but boots Dylan is cool.
So now that Julie knows she cums really hard from taking it up the butt, only one question remains. Is she going to admit that Alex was right, or I'd she going to be a sore (tee hee hee) loser about it.
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Also wrong thread buddy.
sooo goood.
I have no sperm left because of incog
Image:144689511200.png(601kB, 1200x1800)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage6Lines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the lines for the final page of the current Power Pack set. With these lines out of the way I will spend next week on other pledge requests before coming back to this to lay down colors.

>Heart Pupils. Fuck yes. My absolute favorite.

I was actually a bit hesitant to use them as I've never done so before (that I can remember), but I strongly felt it appropriate in this case.

>Now if you could just do a story involving the whole team in a sibling-swapping orgy, maybe have the mom check in on them and bring them refreshments while they're screwing each other's brains out, that'd be neat.

That could be a fun one...I'll keep that in consideration for the future but do not want to put much more time into Power Pack at the moment.

>I'm hoping one day you can work on a big 60 page story where every page is a sexy cliffhanger. You've got the talent to pull off an erotic soap opera of that length.

I actually really do prefer sets where there is dialogue and/or a great deal of continuity. I've been strongly considering changing the direction of my Patreon to support me doing primarily comics as opposed to trying to do single image requests. This would, however, require me to pretty much invest all of my time to my Patreon as comics take quite a deal of time to complete compared to single images. I haven't put much thought into how I would do pledge bonuses in the case I did this, but I have still been thinking about how I want the Patreon set up and after knocking out some more requests I was going to offer some options to my current Patrons to see what they would prefer.

>So now that Julie knows she cums really hard from taking it up the butt, only one question remains. Is she going to admit that Alex was right, or I'd she going to be a sore (tee hee hee) loser about it.

I went with the "embarrassingly admit that he was right" option by having her ask for more after a slight amount of moping about the situation.

>I have no sperm left because of incog

...My bad? I'm sure there are measures you could take to aid in the production of more. I hope you the best of luck with that.
Adorable, and sexy as hell.
>Now if you could just do a story involving the whole team in a sibling-swapping orgy, maybe have the mom check in on them and bring them refreshments while they're screwing each other's brains out, that'd be neat.

In the original 80s comics, there was an interesting plot thread where, after a space adventure where the kids were kidnapped and gone for weeks and their parents naturally freaked out, the one of the horse aliens that gave them their powers (and were responsible for returning them to Earth after the other aliens kidnapped them) tinkered with the parents minds a little such that it'd be easier to hide their secret identities and they'd worry less... basically made the parents suffering hyper-denial, so the parents would believe any excuse, no matter how ridiculous, and would be cool with things like "our alien friends just want us to go on a visit with them to their home planet, alone"... they knew about aliens, just not about the powers and superheroics, although if they were ever violently confronted with the truth, their minds got damaged. It'd be possibly hard to set up in a comic form (particularly since this version of the group never had that plot-line), but IMHO it'd be hilarious if that were sort of worked into an incest context where it made the parents okay with incest orgies in their own home, as long as they called it an alien exercise routine they learned from the Kymellians or something, or maybe don't explain that at all, but still had to keep their powers secret.

"Guys, there's a fire in an apartment building and Power Pack need to go into action to save some people."
"But what are we going to tell Mom?" ...
"Uh, Mom... we all need to go out, we'll be back as soon as we can."
"No, you can't go out! Dinner's almost ready."
"Yeah, but... emergency lube run!"
"Oh, all right. Wouldn't want you guys to get friction burns. Hurry back, though. And either get it out of your system on the way, or you wait until after you eat. I'm not washing cum out of the good tableclothes because you tried to do both at once again!"
Not sure if it already was answered but what happened to that Katie blowjob comic? It that all or are there still more to come?
I'd really like to see you make more, and longer, comics. But I also really like the individual pictures you make.
Haha this Alex/ Julie saga's already been translated to Spanish:

>60 page story
I find myself caring for the characters ie: Julie in this case, more and more with every page. A long story from you would be great! But I understand you need to keep your patreons happy by doing requests.
Nice to see people plugging your patreon in the comments section
..of the English version I mean

To have the kids having sex casually around the house with the parents nonchalantly going about their business would be fun to write, but a full-blown orgy in Katie's bedroom would be awesome!
I have idea for you Incog to help you with requests. You could do Patreon requests in first week, /pcp/ requests in secound week, WWOEC requests in thirst week, Patreon in forth week etc. What you think? Or for example Patreon requests for two weeks, other for one week.
I like how you can see the outline of her pussy through her suit. It's details like these that make Incog da best.
I love that you can see her clit! Incog, I hope you give her a cute wet spot around that area when you color it that keeps getting bigger and shinier by the panel. Julie loves anal sex with her brother!
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>I'll keep that in consideration for the future but do not want to put much more time into Power Pack at the moment.

Heck yes! That gives me some hope we might see you elaborate on what I feel you'd started with this Alex+Julie+Katie orgy pic you did a while back. If you could have the mom wearing some nice lingerie when she does come in with the refreshments, I think that could give the comic strip another level of suggestiveness ;)
>I've been strongly considering changing the direction of my Patreon to support me doing primarily comics as opposed to trying to do single image requests. This would, however, require me to pretty much invest all of my time to my Patreon as comics take quite a deal of time to complete compared to single images.

I feel that every one of your patreons would support you in whatever you decided on doing. That's why they hit that 'become a patron' button in the first place- to keep you in the game. Drawing their requests is a huge bonus for them, but I think they'd be happy if you decided on working on a magnum opus that was basically an ongoing, unfolding saga where characters grew and experienced lewd, hopefully incestuous, sexual awakenings in their adventures.
>I'm sure there are measures you could take to aid in the production of more. I hope you the best of luck with that.

haha thank you sir, it's called fapping more, and you've been extremely helpful with it =P
In the event that you decide to commit to an epic graphic novel-scale loli fuckfest, can I suggest that it stays within a boundary of its particular cartoon franchise? A muddled Camp Sherwood-style all-star story starring the loli-club girls in a soap opera would just feel directionless, and nowhere be as fun as a 100% Power Pack saga, for instance. I think keeping the amount of characters to a minimum would keep the story simpler and far more effective.
I got more involved with the characters the longer the story went. Would love to see another incest comic from you, they're the best. The longer the better!

Pfft screw that, that would be awesome. Do the camp tWhatchamacallit thing.
Actually, I agree with the other guy. Centralized storylines are much better then just random mishmash of characters.

I'd love a sequel to that latest power pack story using only those characters.

Why not something along the lines like Camp W.O.O.D.Y? Like how the old CartoonNetwork had those little snippets of all the cartoon characters interacting.
I'd also like to see Incog put the characters personality sorta back to it's canon while still being erotic. Like his earlier Ben 10 pics, where they're both sorta passive aggressive toward each other.
I like their over sexualized personalities, but I'd also like to see how Incog would make each character react to each other with their mostly original personality.
I know it doesn't have any down right child characters except for one, but I'd really like to see Incog try and put his own twist on Danny Phantom. Preferably Danny and Sam, Cuz I'm a loyal shipping fanboy....
He could nail that style, but I prefer if he doesn't do the super deformed thing.
The loli club pics should serve as just promos I think. Incog thread starters. Keeps them novel and special.
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I'd just like to see the Power Pack girls in heat, if incog made this happen, which is why it should be called 'Power Pack XXX: Sisters in Heat'.
I know I'm in the minority, but if Incog was doing a major, long comic, I'd rather see it not be based on a cartoon at all. With original characters, he can give us sexy new designs, come up with the exact family dynamics or unusual situation he wants, and never be beholden to canon in any way. It'd be like one of those classic incest mangas, except western style art and you don't have to do that awkward right-to-left reading, which is what I crave every time I read the manga kind (and what I'd be doing if I could draw). It wouldn't stop him from doing superheros or involving magic or whatever else he might like, he just gets to set up the rules for that as well.

But that aside, if Incog did prefer to stick with familiar characters, I'd prefer a single-franchise comic as well, rather than a free-for-all of all sorts from different times and universes. That's fine for random pics, but for a real story, it's better if you have a strong sense of what world it's in and what the rules of that world are.

Of course, in the end, it's all up to Incog and I'm sure I'll enjoy it whatever he winds up doing.
Palcomix did that already
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You mean this, Power Packing? I guess... It's pretty weak though, and practically a decade old. It's short too. I'm trying to visualize the facial expressions of the Powers sisters in heat if incog draws this idea tho. It would be unbelievable.
Yeahh Id like to see what comes out of Incog's brain too one day. It's just so cool to use these iconic characters the way he does because they're famous. Katie, Gwen, Penny Wilykit, etc They're basically big name celebrities, but you can make them do porn!
>>It's just so cool to use these iconic characters the way he does because they're famous. Katie, Gwen, Penny Wilykit, etc They're basically big name celebrities, but you can make them do porn!

Yep that's the great thing about drawn stuff, you can make them do anything.
Image:144701705900.png(376kB, 1650x1275)JadeKitBaiTzaCostumeLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

As expected, could not really post an update yesterday. I expect most, if not all Saturdays to be that way for a while. For today, here is a line piece for a $1+ request of Jade with Wilykit. The request was for Jade to be dressed as the water demon Bai Tza while being eaten out by Wilykit. I will post a version without the costume after this one. Not much else to say there.

>>People talking about comic stuff and things.

To be honest, the way I would prefer to do the comic ideas would be to stick within a single source for as opposed to mass crossovers. I probably wouldn't plan to do anything with a massive quantity of pages, more along the lines of single chapters around 10-20 pages before moving on to another source. I prefer jumping between sources due to the fact that not everyone will like the same thing, so someone that does not like Power Pack may not like the idea of me sticking to it for such an extended period of time. There would be the possibility of something extending to a larger project over time if I were to revisit previous sets and perform a followup to them, meaning going from 10-20 to 20-40, and so on, but I likely wouldn't want to do so all at once.
Image:144701712800.png(340kB, 1650x1275)JadeKitNoCostumeLines.png
Same post without costume.
Wilykit is the best catgirl loli of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Thanks Incog.
Holy fuck this is insanity.
>There would be the possibility of something extending to a larger project over time if I were to revisit previous sets and perform a followup to them

Pretty much exactly how we'd like it too, thank you kind sir. I'll admit to being indifferent to your nonetheless extraordinary Avatar work. It's hot and all, but the whole period piece in an exotic faraway land vibe is hard for me to relate to. Just personal preference. So I appreciate you building your portfolio to suit everyone else's needs.
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That delicious oral sex detail..
God, it had to be these two didn't it.. they are so fucking beautiful, thank you incog!
Everyone has their preferences. I prefer his Avatar stuff to his Power pack stuff, but I bet thats a minority opinion. Incog's willingness to give variety is half the reason he has so many fans and I'm sure is part of why his Patreon numbers keep climbing.
Toph is hot when incog puts her in bikinis tho >__<
Can see their tight assholes winking at me
Their assholes don't get as much attention as they should, do they? Must be lonely.
Great that you'll do more comics incog, obviously I'd like to see a Gwen story in your adventures, maybe an incestuous summer road trip in the Rust Bucket with her cousin, Ben, and both their hot moms! Can just be a montage of their holiday where we see them staying in sleazy motels, attending Spring Break, going to that water park in that episode, visiting nudist beaches... fucking the whole way through it. Fucking their way across America, screwing and swapping in the RV while the moms take turns driving it. There can even be a panel where Gwen has to drive because the moms want to tag team Ben in the back.
"Gwen Tennyson: Summer Love XXX", or "Road Trip Swinging". Maybe they find another family into the swapping thing and party in their campervan in one page, after Gwen picks them up in the diner they're stopping to eat at.
SO tru, I appreciate that he listens. Artists just don't do that. Thanks for this latest pic incog, it's one of your absolute hottest!!
This was a great request, and one wonderfully executed. Fantastic piece incog
incog please this >>191966
How about if the power pack sisters spike their brothers' ice cream with Viagra to force them into having sex
Image:144703958100.png(597kB, 1240x1754)StarMarcoLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the lines for another $1+ request of Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz. I know some people probably don't like the show's style but it was a request nonetheless. As for the recent Jade+Wilykit piece, apparently it was a $5+ request put in the wrong topic so I guess I'll be coloring it after I finish one more $1+ request then move on to other $5+ requests.
Nailed it so hard bro *claps*
Cuuuute incog did Star!
That Wilykit+Jade piece being colored is going to be great. You just don't ever disappoint man.
Is it just me or does the lack of black fill make Marco look like he has Drag makeup on...
Liquidmark Thread !lnkYxlAbaw
Still waiting on the Mother up pic
>your title

Wrong.. thread?
Image:144705701000.png(598kB, 1240x1754)StarMarcoLines.png
Funny you said something...was dipping back in just to upload a fix to that problem since I looked at it again and noticed the black missing in his eyes. For some reason blacks were coming in odd in this piece when filled in a raster layer. I don't know why this was happening in this piece in particular, but it caused me to delete my black fills and remake them the annoying way in a vector layer like the rest of the piece. Apparently in doing so I forgot to redo the blacks in Marco's eyes in the new layer.
Incog will you please get some sleep please! Lol but rest easy knowing that you are awesome ^_~
lol the Star character really does have a busted up old face, which you've recreated perfectly
Star is officially an incog girl!
I know the designs are a little...unconventional, to say the least, but something about the characters from Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil, if you actually watch some of the episodes, and Star especially, I don't know. All of the female characters are just so damn, fuck/fappable, especially Star and the girl that Marco likes. Plus, there's a whole episode where Star goes through "Mewberty" her dimensions version of puberty where she basically goes boy crazy and starts kidnapping all of the man candy she can find and not only does her design change completely, but she suddenly has six arms...if you know what I'm getting at ;).
aw pussy eating pussy.
It's usually the voice actress that gives a cartoon character sex appeal. Gwen, for instance, has a sexy personality to compliment her hot character design.
Star pic is very sexy !
Image:144710519000.png(302kB, 1228x868)JadePennyShowerLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the lines for another $1+ request of Penny and Jade being peeped on in a shower. The requester was uncertain as to whether they wanted them to not notice and shower normally or wanted them to notice then put on a show. I went with them noticing. With this I will be moving on to $5+ requests next, so I'll be coloring the previous Jade/Wilykit piece first. Not sure how motivated I will be to color the one without the costume, since the costume was the one requested, but we'll see.

Oh MAN, I LOVE voyeur!

Incog, you never cease to amaze and impress.
The layout of this is AWESOME and takes me right there looking into that peephole at them!

You are powering through these requests incog! And it's these two! Dayumm!
so wait, for 1 dollar i can request a picture like this? or 1 dollar lets people vote on the next picture?
Incog will do your requests if he likes your idea. His time is short so it's gotta be something worth drawing.
I can't take my eyes off these two incog, they're sizzling in that last shot. Irresistible. They are so hot and ready for it.
#doubletrouble #doublewhammy
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Can we see these two going at it sometime soon?
Unless they're in a Patreon request that Incog would like to draw, I highly doubt it.
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What are the chances of getting some of the code lyoko crew in on the loli club? Pink hair so sexy~
It must be my birthday. Oh wait, it is, actually.
Those lithe, lean little bodies, that full-frontal nude shot, a perfect view of their nether regions split-open from below for the money shot.. this pic has everything!
I doubt Incog can go too long without doing something with them. He has his needs too.
Image:144718704800.jpg(204kB, 1920x1080)Gwen and Ben02.jpg
It still surprises me a bit that no one has done a Ben 10 related request that he would consider in his Patreon or even more that he could have discarded it if it has been already requested there.
I'm more surprised more Patreon requests aren't for characters he HASN'T done. Its a good opportunity to get some top shelf loli/shota stuff of characters that get no love.
>Incog please draw this unknown character with poor design and a lesser appeal.
>More of this character with out-of-model proportions
>Please draw more of /co/ top lolis in heat.
Not a hard decision as you can see.

Don't misunderstand me, but some of requests of unknown characters were merely bad options even before he got his patreon.
However you still can try and put your request there and see if it gets his attention.
He goes by instinct when deciding what to draw on would make for striking visuals. And the girls in his inner circle are his favourite for a reason. They're beautiful, both in looks and personality.
Unless he does something ambitious like a Loli Club series of small, 4-panel comic strips that shows each girl contributing towards fundraising in the journey towards the opening of the nightclub. Would be a great opportunity to link all of Incog's pics together, ALL his pics. We could give them all a back story and make them all relevant Rule 34 easter eggs. Incog's classic Tennyson foursome where Ben and Gwen are fucking their moms on the bed for example could be the time Gwen set up a webcam to make money for the club on the porn website she's running. Wilykit would probably have a different approach to raising funds like stealing from Cheetara, which would explain Incog's threesome pic featuring her brother, Wilykat, who would've been performing distraction duties on Cheetara. It could be like Sex and the City, where the girls split up and do their own thing, so they would stay in their own worlds and would still only ever be seen together in Incog's thread starter pics.
Image:144719217500.png(781kB, 1650x1275)JadeKitBaiTzaCostumeColors.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

I finally managed to get colors on this piece of Jade and Wilykit. Was not motivated enough to do the piece without the costume in color. It wouldn't have taken too long to do, but would have taken more time than I can currently spare. Since the costume was the request, it's the one that got the colors. Going to start on the other $5+ requests next. Not much else to say there.

>It must be my birthday. Oh wait, it is, actually.

Well Happy Birthday to you.

>It still surprises me a bit that no one has done a Ben 10 related request that he would consider in his Patreon or even more that he could have discarded it if it has been already requested there.

There has been like 1 or 2, but I haven't discarded them. At first I did one or two specifically due to interest, and I didn't pick my normal characters for the first few simply because I had just dedicated a whole month to them. Right now I am going through them in order so I simply have not gotten to one yet. The next one seems to have Ben and Gwen in it, but Wilykit as well. If anything has surprised me a little, it's how much more demand there is for Jade and Wilykit than the other characters that I normally do.

>I'm more surprised more Patreon requests aren't for characters he HASN'T done. Its a good opportunity to get some top shelf loli/shota stuff of characters that get no love.

There are some requests for characters I haven't done, but they are mainly in the $5+ page and not the $1+ page. I'll be doing a few new characters shortly, one of which is not western however so that one will be WWOEC forums only.
Crikey that's a hot costume on Jade there
The one with Jade nude was better but this is still perfection.
Any requests for sweet Cindy would love to see her as a cop again :D
check older threads, incog did a code lyoko comic
Holy lord that tail!
Image:144721810200.png(298kB, 720x404)Amy_Gillis Clarence A_Pretty_Great_Day_with_a_Girl_051.png
That is a wonderful costume, but any chance to bring back Amy Gills from that Clarence show? You did such a great job with her the last time. >>187655
Thats amazing. I swear your updates are the best parts of my week.

Just a small suggestion for someday in the future, but if/when you do something new with Wilykit, could you have her tail doing an action of some sort? It holding something, getting tugged, maybe wagging it, something like that? Just mean some sort of action instead of just being just a cute anatomical feature. Just a thought, if it fits whatever you are doing for the pic.

Even if not, love the pic man. It was great before, but that color job is next level.
>>I'm more surprised more Patreon requests aren't for characters he HASN'T done. Its a good opportunity to get some top shelf loli/shota stuff of characters that get no love.

>There are some requests for characters I haven't done, but they are mainly in the $5+ page and not the $1+ page. I'll be doing a few new characters shortly, one of which is not western however so that one will be WWOEC forums only.

If you do requests again at some point I'll probably ask you to do a few out of the ordinary lolis, thats for sure. The chance for the Incog treatment for some rarely done lolis is just too tempting.
They have to be hot though, and human looking. Not like Star, who looks like she has down syndrome
Guess its subjective. Would probably be mostly eastern lolis though, except for maybe a few western ones I feel were passed over like Meng from Avatar.
>The next one seems to have Ben and Gwen in it, but Wilykit as well.

hoo boy, if it's got Gwen in it, it'll be a winner. so pumped to hear you're drawing her again soon!
Does Ben screwing Wilykit constitute as bestiality?
Can't speak to Jade, but I've gotten very fond of Wilykit over the last year or so and several other people have too. Also couple other artists have taken a liking to her as well, so thats also to account for some of the newer supply and probably the new demand.

God knows I love everything you do with her.

Considering what Ben can turn into, I wouldn't say so.
Doupt it, it be xeno sex as Wilykit Species is sapient.

If she near the omnitrix her species DNA should be added lol
Is there a particular way to submit requests? Do we PM Incog or do we post on Patreon, what? I'm just a bit confused.
He has certain $1, $5 and $10 dollar request posts on patreon depending on your pledge level. You can post them in those.

If you aren't a patron, you can post them here and he will do it someday if he likes it and has time.
Gotta be a patron bro. Then you can post there and make requests. Pretty soon incog will be there exclusively.
I very much doubt that. And thats coming from a 10 dollar patron that would do nothing but benefit from it.
I'm thinking long term when incog will have several hundred patrons to look after, making all their rule 34 fantasies come true. He'll have no time for the requests here, as much as he may want to draw the ideas he likes. Now's probably the best time to be his patron, while the waiting line to make your requests come fruition is short.
*come TO fruition, sorry
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Incog is way, way ahead of you lol (pic old, relevant)
See thats great. More of that.
I doubt he will ever be so focused on fulfilling direct patreon requests he will abandon doing stuff that interests him and stuff like that.

If hes going to go that far, he should just drop it entirely and start doing commissions. Same thing but a higher pay check.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Seeing how this place was out of commission for a few days I have finished a few more pieces that can be posted. I also did a piece of Sarada x Naruto, but that is not western so will not be posted here along with the others. It can be found at WWOEC but is likely up at Paheal by now. First I'll post the Wilykit/Ben/Gwen piece I did right after the site went down, then post the others immediately after. The pieces are in line form at the moment, but colors will be added in the near future to most if not all of them. Also, added Gwen grabbing Kit's tail because of request reasons here before it went down. I'll try and add it doing things from now on when applicable.

>I'm thinking long term when incog will have several hundred patrons to look after, making all their rule 34 fantasies come true. He'll have no time for the requests here, as much as he may want to draw the ideas he likes. Now's probably the best time to be his patron, while the waiting line to make your requests come fruition is short.

Well I am doing Patreon requests right now as I way to get it started/show appreciation to my patrons that pledged support with no concrete pledge bonuses. I plan to get things set to a more vote/poll based system than a full on request system as I am doing now, with promise of a few requests performed each month based on tier. I plan to add my own input on ideas to be voted on, many of which will likely come from requests that interest me, whether from here or otherwise. This way I could add a few pledge requests that I like into a poll, while grabbing one or two external ideas to toss into the mix.

>I doubt he will ever be so focused on fulfilling direct patreon requests he will abandon doing stuff that interests him and stuff like that.
>If hes going to go that far, he should just drop it entirely and start doing commissions. Same thing but a higher pay check.

Pretty much this. I receive a lot of inquiries about possible commissions, a lot of which are for characters/sources/ideas that I would be more than happy to do as just a request. At my current rate, even if I charged only like $20 an image, I would make far more money than I am currently receiving from Patreon.

The closest thing to seeming "Patreon exclusive" would be if I go the direction of focusing on longer comics as opposed to single image requests. I would still include free request ideas in this case, I would just likely include more Patreon requests as a way of showing appreciation for supporters. This would give the illusion of a lot more time dedicated to Patreon due to the fact that each request would take an extensive amount of time to perform. Doing a 20 page comic could easily take a whole month as a single person sketching/lining/typesetting/coloring, so doing just a few Patreon requests in a row could make it seem like an extended period of abandoning free requests.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Immediately after doing the Kit/Ben/Gwen piece I did Sarada x Naruto, which again, will not be posted here. After that I did a request of loli Zatanna, age regressed from her Young Justice appearance, extracting "mana" from donors. Here are the lines for it.
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Thanks again again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Immediately after doing the loli Zatanna piece, I did a request for a lesser known character, Erma the ghost girl. This piece was done just a bit ago before I checked to find out that this board was back up. Erma is from a cute little comic of a little ghost girl trying to live a normal life despite her ghostly tendencies. If you are a fan of cuteness overload as I am, I suggest checking it out at http://brandontheoutcast.tumblr.com/
Well it sure would be nice being the guy lucky enough to have their request turn into a 20 page colored comic from you. Too bad I don't have any ideas that could go that long.

And thanks a lot of adding the tail grab. I just feel like her tail should be part of what shes doing whenever reasonable. Seems like a lost opportunity otherwise.

Hope someone requests a followup with her and Kat next round of requests you take. Should be good.

How many more requests you doing before you are "done" doing the patreon commissions? Not counting coloring ones you have already done, of course.
About time I draw porn of Erma, too. Finally something I'm actually able to draw with my awful style.
Image:144761755000.jpg(105kB, 1280x720)CMC.jpg
Wow. Just wow.

First time discoverer of your work here, Incognitymous, and I am blown away. Immediate fan. Been going through all of your stuff I can find, so much great stuff both old and new. Can't believe you've been doing this for so long.

So, now that the gushing is out of the way, how do you feel about these ladies? I'd be more than willing to throw some patreon bux your way for a pic or two of them.
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A thought to Runaways stuff. Mainly since its been ages since there's been anything cept the edits. And since Incognitymous could draw Molly looking not forty, or a porn star.
yea the site is back
Yeew! Pco lives!
Become his patreon and make the request there bro, he'll hook you up
Incog's always looking for a way to spread his wings and add to his portfolio. Pretty sure he'd be happy to try MLP porn as a personal challenge. But yea, patreon increases your chances
I've seen artists on patreon with $20 just as their joining fee. Maybe you should consider a price range for people to pledge within a bracket that could get their requests done guaranteed? Like a 'Gold Membership'. $50 gets your request done (within set guidelines of course, ie: single page, max 3 characters), guaranteed. It'll be a short list of people so you could get back to working on lower tier pledge requests and the things you like straight after.
Just putting this here if it ever gets picked Peppermint Patty and Marice having their way with Chuck at the baseball field to cheer him up.
Nice to have this site back..
/pco/ constantly dying is bummed me out

As I said and incog commented on, if hes going to do stuff like that, he might as well just open commissions outright.
Patreon keeps things safe and works well
What do you even mean? How is Patreon safe and how are commissions not safe?
More about prioritising the larger cash cows, on his own time. He would still have the freedom to work on whatever project he wanted. Bear in mind that $50 patronage would be (potentially) ongoing, and not a one-off donation.
Incog would make bank earning what he deserves this way. I think everyone would still get what they wanted, just that Gold Members would get it first. Just a potential business model.
Incog these last few are exceptional, that threesome with Bwen and Kit especially. Bet the requestors are happy with these.
well it was fun while it lasted.
Image:144764912000.png(438kB, 992x1403)GravityFallsDipperWendyMabelRobbieBirthdayLines.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are lines for another piece to be colored. This time it's two requests for Gravity Falls made within the same comment. As such, I tried to do both within a single page to turn it into a single request. I will be dedicating time to coloring until the Power Pack comic as well as all of the current $5+ line pieces are complete. Hopefully there are not too many distractions on the way, but I do have car troubles right now that need to be resolved. I am hoping that it does not take up too much time.

>So, now that the gushing is out of the way, how do you feel about these ladies? I'd be more than willing to throw some patreon bux your way for a pic or two of them.

Well they are cute so I definitely do not have a negative opinion on them. The only thing I could really comment about as far as those characters go is that I have no knowledge of them whatsoever, so a request for them would have to be quite specific. Do note, however, that I have a lot of coloring ahead of me and a few new requests have popped up so I may be quite busy with that the rest of this month. Also, I may do some working on my Patreon setup next month as I try to come up with a more concrete idea of how I want to run it so if you're looking at getting requests out of it I'd maybe wait to see what I decide for the month.

>A thought to Runaways stuff. Mainly since its been ages since there's been anything cept the edits. And since Incognitymous could draw Molly looking not forty, or a porn star.

I have gotten Runaways requests on random occasions every time I've been active and have always as a result wanted to look into the comic but keep forgetting about it before I get around to it. I will try and remember to do so soon so I at least know what it's about/what the characters are like. Who knows? I never knew what Power Pack was until it was requested, and now it's one of my favorite sources to do.

>I've seen artists on patreon with $20 just as their joining fee. Maybe you should consider a price range for people to pledge within a bracket that could get their requests done guaranteed? Like a 'Gold Membership'. $50 gets your request done (within set guidelines of course, ie: single page, max 3 characters), guaranteed. It'll be a short list of people so you could get back to working on lower tier pledge requests and the things you like straight after.

Well I definitely do not want any kind of pay wall so a joining fee beyond the minimum is not appealing to me. I have considered something along them lines, since it would only be a few spots and thus should only take up a few days of the month. While it does feel very 'commission' like, and thus is not my preferred option, money is a serious problem right now so I have thought about it a little more. It is also tempting as I could always just remove the option at a later date if it bothers me at all, but I'm going to try and avoid it for now. I kind of want to work out a set model for my Patreon as a whole before I lay down anything like that to make a quick buck.

>Incog these last few are exceptional, that threesome with Bwen and Kit especially. Bet the requestors are happy with these.

I sure hope the requesters are happy with them, else it would feel like a bit of wasted time drawing them. I haven't received any negative feedback as of yet so I am hoping that is the case.
Always love some WendyXDipper /ss/ and Mabel is always good too, so liking that a lot.

And yeah, the stuff has been great. Seconding the ben, gwen and wilykit one as my favorite, mostly because I love all the characters.

And lastly, if you really need money man, you can just take commissions temporarily. Lots of artists do that. They just open commissions when finances are bad then close them when things are more stable. You can still turn down commissions you aren't interested in or that ask for something you aren't comfortable with and all that.
Oh incog.. that is SO HOT!
>..money is a serious problem right now so I have thought about it a little more. It is also tempting as I could always just remove the option at a later date if it bothers me at all, but I'm going to try and avoid it for now. I kind of want to work out a set model for my Patreon as a whole before I lay down anything like that to make a quick buck.

It would kind of be a dick move to crank up your price randomly. But you know, other artists charge at least $50 for what you're currently doing. And the sooner you do it, the sooner it's over and done with. Maybe establish a new standard come 2016? But I agree, money complicates matters and sucks the fun stuff out of our Rule 34 hobby. Your work is so good though, it's that good, and I think people would be happy to crowdfund you and lend a helping hand, financially.
Nailed that art style too. It's crazy how versatile you are!
>Well they are cute so I definitely do not have a negative opinion on them. The only thing I could really comment about as far as those characters go is that I have no knowledge of them whatsoever, so a request for them would have to be quite specific.

Easiest way to grab the attention of that lucrative Brony market haha. Or at least get their attention.
^..get your name out I meant to say. Heck, even Natis did furries to put food on the table.
Image:144767065400.jpg(98kB, 640x812)image.jpg
Pretty much the consensus all around
So glad this thread's back.. thanks for the new art incog =D
I wonder if there are some people that still don't know that the thread is back yet
I really don't think he should raise his patreon prices. Better to just do commissions directly. Maybe even offer a small discount for patreon backers that have paid a month.

I mean, he could offer higher tiers too, but what would he offer as rewards? Priority for requests gets dangerously close to commissions anyway and kind of locks him in to what they want, which doesn't seem to be what he wants to do.

Its tough. I hope whatever he does helps his finances. At least his Patreon money is creeping up and up still.
Oh goodness me, it is Robbie, I though it would be the author of the journals... my brother
I know already this is back on track
I think the people backing him on patreon know that requests are luck of the draw, dictated by what he deems worthy of time and effort. Worst case scenario all the feet people pull out of funding him because their feet requests aren't being drawn, but I doubt anyone would quit on him for even that, he's just too talented and likeable, and his girls just look so sexy.
>I have gotten Runaways requests on random occasions every time I've been active and have always as a result wanted to look into the comic but keep forgetting about it before I get around to it. I will try and remember to do so soon so I at least know what it's about/what the characters are like. Who knows? I never knew what Power Pack was until it was requested, and now it's one of my favorite sources to do.

I do recommend checking it out, even if not-just-for-art purposes... it seems like it'd be up your alley with the humor and a lot of cuteness. Stick with it until the end of the first Volume, it starts only okay but gets a lot better fast, and if you like that, the second one's arguably even better, though less focused. It's not really worth continuing past there unless you absolutely love it though.
It does pick back up after a while though, but there's a fair amount in between that is a bit of a chore to get through.
Image:144780608000.jpg(26kB, 247x398)image.jpg
So who you drawing next incog?
God, that would be awesome, but I doubt we can see her soon again.
Image:144783053200.jpg(341kB, 1034x1600)05_Iron Fist- 005.jpg
Molly and Klara being adorable in their own right
I would throw some dollars incog's way, but lolicon is to say "questionably" illegal in my country. Any chance of accepting bitcoin?
I don't think he is taking commissions.
Perhaps a sequence of images, when Sarada met Gwen, as incogs Sarada pic seems to be quite popular.
Image:144783426700.png(838kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage1Color.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the colors for the first page of the Power Pack set. I got set back quite a bit more than anticipated by my car troubles as it ended up being something more than anticipated. I was 90% sure what the problem was, but of course there always has to be something else added on. It ended up taking 2 days of my time instead of the maximum 1 day I was hoping. Sadly I hit a money wall (damn expensive electrical parts) when the second problem was found and it caused me to have to take additional steps, hence costing an additional day.

That has all been worked out and the car should hopefully be up by Friday. Luckily this has not hindered my ability to get around. The primary advantage of being the one to purchase/insure the vehicles of everyone in your immediate family is being able to call in (force) favors in such situations. For now I should be back on track, although Friday will likely have some distraction. I'll try and get this whole set done by the end of the week.

>It would kind of be a dick move to crank up your price randomly. But you know, other artists charge at least $50 for what you're currently doing. And the sooner you do it, the sooner it's over and done with. Maybe establish a new standard come 2016? But I agree, money complicates matters and sucks the fun stuff out of our Rule 34 hobby. Your work is so good though, it's that good, and I think people would be happy to crowdfund you and lend a helping hand, financially.

I definitely would not crank prices up and that has in no way been considered. The only option mentioned that I have considered is having a higher tier that gives guaranteed requests (with set limitations) with limited slots. I've actually had a few people comment already that they would like such a thing to exist although I'm hoping not to have to go that route. I like having a place where people can support what I do in whatever way they feel what I make is worth to them, but like with commissions, I don't like the idea of creating a pay wall to get my attention. However, the world is not very nice to those of us without cash so sometimes choices have to be made.

>I really don't think he should raise his patreon prices. Better to just do commissions directly. Maybe even offer a small discount for patreon backers that have paid a month.
>I mean, he could offer higher tiers too, but what would he offer as rewards? Priority for requests gets dangerously close to commissions anyway and kind of locks him in to what they want, which doesn't seem to be what he wants to do.
>Its tough. I hope whatever he does helps his finances. At least his Patreon money is creeping up and up still.

As above, definitely would not jack up prices. Doing commissions at this point in time would feel like kind of a dick move to me since people are willing to show their support for me to continue doing what I do. To open up a Patreon and then jumping on commissions would feel to me like I am backstabbing my patrons. Although close to the same thing, I feel adding a higher Patreon tier would fill me with a little less guilt as it would just be one more aspect of the Patreon that is commonly utilized, if only temporarily in this case.

>I do recommend checking it out, even if not-just-for-art purposes... it seems like it'd be up your alley with the humor and a lot of cuteness.

Yeah, that is what I keep assuming will be the case when I think about it. I actually went and let it download so I can check it out, but I haven't had time to read it. I did some skimming though and don't like how drastically the style changes between issues, but I guess that means it is more likely there will be a style of the characters that I like.

>So who you drawing next incog?

Sadly it is time to invest in coloring the pieces I have done. There will be quite a bit of colors before I can get around to drawing something next, although there are three considerations: request for a threesome involving Star, Marco, and Jackie, a request for Dipper and Pacifica, and a request was made via PM to make a cover page for the Power Pack comic. What I do will depend on the time I have when all of the colors are finished.

>Molly and Klara being adorable in their own right

Yeah, Molly is the character that comes to mind as she is the name I have almost always seen requested when Runaways is mentioned. We'll see what I think of her if I ever get time to check it out soon.

>I would throw some dollars incog's way, but lolicon is to say "questionably" illegal in my country. Any chance of accepting bitcoin?

Damn countries and their inability to accept drawings for what they are. I fear the day where all animated characters possess the same rights and protections of real people... Also, I do not even know how to accept bitcoin. I've heard of it, never actually looked into it. I'll maybe give it a look when I have time.

>I don't think he is taking commissions.
Indeed I am not.

>Perhaps a sequence of images, when Sarada met Gwen, as incogs Sarada pic seems to be quite popular.

Really? I don't really put any time into following my own stuff around the interwebs so I really only ever see the comments made here, at WWOEC and now on Patreon. I've never really considered the popularity of any of the individual images I make.
>..a higher tier that gives guaranteed requests (with set limitations) with limited slots. I've actually had a few people comment already that they would like such a thing to exist although I'm hoping not to have to go that route.

Precisely what I meant regarding being forced to draw what you didn't want to, but I guess if people are willing to be a (larger) source of income, maybe see where it takes you.
That looks great. I was hoping to see this set colored sooner than later. It was damned good.

And whatever you do with Patreon or whatever, I hope it works out. Its pretty clear people need incentives to pay more, so if thats what it takes, then thats what it takes.
Fuuuck.. this looks so legit, like official Marvel merchandise.
Those colors pop pretty damn well. Master of craft
>I did some skimming though and don't like how drastically the style changes between issues, but I guess that means it is more likely there will be a style of the characters that I like.

It's not really as bad as it might seem at first glance. For most of Runaways run (and all of the original writer's issues except for one short promotional crossover story), there's only two artists, the main one (whose style matures over the course of the series and by the end I really grew to like it), which is somewhere in the western-cartoony range and getting slightly more realistic as the series progresses, and an occasional fill-in for the occasional 2-3 issue stretch, which is textbook anime-style. For me, the main artist is the official "look" of the characters but I'm also happy with any art of the characters in any style.
Just ignore the ones where she's clearly traced off a porn star having an orgasim and you'll be fine, though referring to that nonsense would be funny
Normally I'm not a pedant about this kind of thing, but is Alex's crotch disjointed in that last panel? The penis almost seems like it's coming out of the bed between his legs.
Beds are soft, he's sinking into it.
It's a shot of her from the most recent Gwen comic he did, where she's fucking Ben and Wilykit. It's in this thread.
Image:144792041900.png(959kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage2Color.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the colors for page 2 of the recent Power Pack set. Was hoping to pop out two pages today as I assumed I would be back on track but of course I wake up to a phone call for yet another emergency that required my immediate attention. Luckily it was not a problem affecting me directly, but my attention was necessary to resolve it. Will have another page or two to post tomorrow. Too tired for responses so not much else to say right now.
Klara from Runaways is okay at best but Molly Hayes, would LOVE to see some Incog works with her in it. The Loli Club could surely use a MARVEL cutie ;).
Like Katie ?
Image:144795098700.png(943kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage2RelineColor.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

So I made a dumb on this one. I realized that when I went to open page 3 to color, that I had a separate file for page 2 that I was supposed to put colors on as opposed to the one I did. The one I did was the backup I kept for the lines after the initial resizing since that was the page where my canvas size changed on me. That was the file from before I adjusted the line width with the line adjustment tool after the resize. I didn't realize I forgot to delete the backup of that file and in my rush I didn't realize the lines were off. I grabbed the line layer from the correct file, replaced the line layer and cleaned the colors a bit around edges to remove blank spots that formed as a result of the thinner lines.
wow, top notch coloring
amazing as always.
hnngg Julie is such a babe
Image:144796217100.jpg(720kB, 2000x1537)Gotham Academy#1-1314.jpg
Speaking of comic girls, there's never been enough of Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi, the star (well supporting character, but, to me, the star) of the Gotham Academy series. RPG loving cutie-pie, would love to see anything with her, or maybe her handing somebody (the POV character) a nude photo of her body marked up like a map (Beesting mountains, Joyous Cleft, Secret Passage), suggesting "Wanna do some exploring?" (Why do you think they call her Maps?)

Just saying.
Thank you incog. Julie is spectacular in full color.
Image:144799827400.png(843kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage3Color.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Just added colors to the third page. Got distracted again, but in a good way. Car came back quicker than anticipated, but more time got taken today as I had to setup a means of getting the vehicle back. This week has been full of distractions and will likely have more distractions over the weekend as I help someone move some furniture into storage. Hopefully this does not take too much time. Hoping to finish this set by Monday at the latest so that I can knock out the other colors due in a few days so that I can then do 1 or 2 more requests this month. On that note, one of the requests I have received is to make a cover for this set. I have been considering doing some more extended comics sometime in the future so I figured this is something I should work on. If anyone thinks of any clever ideas to use as a title for this set then feel free to let me know as I have been drawing a blank.

Also, will upload page 1 again after this. I made slight adjustment to the way I have been doing the shine since that page so I want to upload the modified way for consistency.

>Speaking of comic girls, there's never been enough of Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi, the star (well supporting character, but, to me, the star) of the Gotham Academy series.

Never even heard of the series before, but just Googled the comic and it is definitely is a style/theme that I want to look into. Now I have 2 comics I need to find the time to look into.

>Thank you incog. Julie is spectacular in full color.

No problem. I've been having fun coloring this set as I am trying to figure out quick ways to do some other coloring techniques that are a little similar to the way the actual comic does it while using minimal colors/techniques to make things "pop out" a bit.
Image:144799853200.png(841kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage1Color.png
And here's the edit of page 1 mentioned above.
Are you going to be doing Patreon requests again at some point? And if so, will let people know when to make those new requests?
Power Pack: Rough Riding.
I still like Power Pack X: Sisters in Heat, if you turn all you've done into an anthology series.
That ass is so JUICY mmm!!
Well, although the Power Pack girls are from MARVEL, Incog rarely uses them with the definitive Loli Club, so although they could be a part of it I suppose, I meant it would be cool to see a new character who Incog hasn't done before, from MARVEL, put into the Loli Club proper.
power pack : a first for everything.
Image:144808674600.png(763kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage4Color.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are colors for page 4 of the Power Pack set. Just 2 more to go and I can finally wrap this one up and move on to other requests. I may still do a cover for this, but I'd definitely do the couple of other requests I currently have pending first before considering it. We'll see how it goes.

>Are you going to be doing Patreon requests again at some point? And if so, will let people know when to make those new requests?

I plan to do Patreon requests every month from now on, but with a more limited quantity. I want to set a standard of doing X amount of pieces guaranteed per tier each month, with votes for anything else I choose to do throughout the month. If I was going to dedicate each and every month to doing solely Patreon requests, as people have mentioned prior, I may as well just do commissions as that point. I am thinking of putting a set amount of Patreon requests per poll besides the guaranteed Patreon requests , just to increase the odds of further pledger requests being done. I still plan to add requests from here and from WWOEC to each poll, so if they're popular with my patrons overall then they'll be performed as well. I also still plan to hold the freedom to do some requests on occasion that grab my attention, while also doing some polls on occasion of exclusively characters I have never done before, just to keep some variety going.

>I still like Power Pack X: Sisters in Heat, if you turn all you've done into an anthology series.

While I do not plan to do what I have done at this point in time into anything of the sort, I do kind of want to start doing potentially longer term projects that could be done as so. I am contemplating alternating between series, doing stuff for Power Pack, Ben 10, Avatar, Inspector Gadget, Jackie Chan Adventures, etc, etc, that have a sort of synopsis going to them that allow them to be continued on at a further date if/when the desire was there. In short, I kind of want to do a "first time" comic for each of the more popular characters/series that I do (with occasional 1-shots of less popular content), that can be expanded upon.

For example, I want to reboot the Katie/Jack series, but add a couple of pages prior that start it off explaining the scenario, and then have it eventually advance to Jack "rewarding" Katie with some pleasure of her own (and simultaneously his own *wink wink*), leading to something that could be expanded upon in the future if the demand was there. This is all hypothetical, but is something I want to do and is something I will be bringing up to my patrons after a few more days of contemplation.

>Well, although the Power Pack girls are from MARVEL, Incog rarely uses them with the definitive Loli Club, so although they could be a part of it I suppose, I meant it would be cool to see a new character who Incog hasn't done before, from MARVEL, put into the Loli Club proper.

Well Julie isn't in the club, but Katie is. Although the primary characters are Gwen, Jade, Penny, and Toph, I've been trying to make sure that Katie is involved in each of the larger scale Loli Club pieces along with Wilykit, Diana (Wonder Loli), and Cindy. I have been contemplating adding loli Raven ever since she was requested (I had nearly forgotten that loli Raven was a thing), but that will depend on whether or not I would be willing to spend the extra bit of time on the next thread starter to add a ninth girl.
Damn, this set is fucking divine. Way too nice coloring and content wise.

Also, question about your Patreon. When it comes to requests, should people only request once, or can people in higher tiers make a request per tier?
Thank you incog! My favourite page of the set!
Awesome, but don't reboot the Jack and Katie 'Blowjob for money' saga series! Just add to its already established scenario. That story is canon now, it's become rule 34 legend. Build and build until we reach the 'sibling-swapping orgy' as requested in >>192584
Could you make the Totally Spies x Loli Club orgy for the next thread-starter? Could serve as the jello wrestling fundraiser pic. After you color Anal Julie maybe?
dude, this set anal set might be the best thing you've ever done.
Hi, this page, much like the entire comics is amazing, but I've got a weird question/request of the artist. could it be possible to release a version of this page, but where Julie has her long hair ?
Palcomix by incog
Pal only WISH they had artists this good.
Julie is about 5 years younger here so she looks different. She'd be around Katie's age
Incog's art destroys that Palcomix garbage ;)
Incog problem is he draws boys dicks a bit big.
Heads up, Rule 34 is deleting your work again. Several of your pictures containing Jade Chan (like the Penny in the shower one) have been removed.
ffs paheal is gaaayyyy
Loli and shota is against the rules on Paheal. You're not suppose to post it and you're suppose to report all the images that contain any. It's fucking stupid and I personally use rule34hentai.net for posting any R34 but still need to go to Paheal for most of it because it's still the most popular place.
Not necessarily. I mean, the dicks look big because they are going in small girls. If he drew adult males the dicks would be legit huge. I mean, look at his Kits+Cheetara series. Kat did NOT have an abnormally large dick for someone his size.
Paheal deleted the image of Wilykit and Jade. That site is going down the fucking tubes.
Well, it's easy to see they don't want us there anymore since moral blights and sponsors seem to be the way of things there now.
I still wonder why darq still hangs there?
lol are you kidding? He draws such cute little pricks!
>but that will depend on whether or not I would be willing to spend the extra bit of time on the next thread starter to add a ninth girl.

hmm wow, yeah.. that would stretch it a tad. On the other hand, DO IT! though i'd hoped margo gru would be the ninth recruit, she's got a great body.
Image:144822666600.png(954kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage5Color.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are lines for page 5 of the Power Pack set. One to go then I have 4 other pieces pending colors then I will try to squeeze out another request or two. Once the month is over I will look into starting a new thread.

>Also, question about your Patreon. When it comes to requests, should people only request once, or can people in higher tiers make a request per tier?

I plan to let people make as many requests as they want. I am about to make a post on it soon for my patrons, but I plan it to be about as follows - People can make as many requests as they want, while making requests in any tier they qualify for. The fact remains that I plan to do more $1+ requests than $5+ requests, and more $5+ requests than $10+ requests. While I would like it to be the other was around, it is just not very feasible given how much longer the higher tier pieces require to fulfill. Just doing 3-4 colored comic pages could take a whole week whereas a line piece or two can be done in a single day.

While I plan to allow people to make as many requests as they want, I plan to select a maximum of 1 request per person per tier for the monthly Patreon only requests. This means if you make 10 requests in the $1+ request topic, if I select one of them for the Patreon only requests then I will ignore all others made by that person in that tier for further Patreon only request selection. Thus, you may make more requests, but making more requests can reduce the chances of something in particular that you may want to see more from being done. However, if you have a request in a different tier then possible selection will not be affected by what was chosen in the previous tier. So if I do a $1+ request for someone there is still the chance I could do their $5+ request and/or their $10+ request. Since there will be less $10+ requests each month based on their difficult/complexity, I want people who pledge more to be able to have more requests. This way I do not give higher pledgers more power over other pledgers but I do allow them slightly better chances of having something they requested done that month.

I do plan to add a couple of Patreon requests guaranteed to each free selection. This means if I hold a vote for what to do next based off of requests from here and/or WWOEC, I will be sure to plug in a few Patreon requests to the vote just to give a slight increase to the chances of pledge requests being done. The requests chosen for these will not be affected by what was done via Patreon only requests, so I could always grab a pledger's request for a free-for-all vote after having done one for them for a Patreon only set.

I plan to type something up soon to post up on Patreon and I'll try and share a summarization of it here after getting feedback from pledgers.

>Hi, this page, much like the entire comics is amazing, but I've got a weird question/request of the artist. could it be possible to release a version of this page, but where Julie has her long hair ?

As much as I'd like to do small variants like this for people that want them, you'd be surprised how long it would take to change something that seemingly simple in each frame. I would have to modify the line layer by deleting the current hair and drawing new hair in its place, followed by having to adjust the layer for blacks to not impose into the hair. I would then need to redo the flats for the hair, probably having to modify some of the flats from the suit. I then would have to adjust the layer for the shadows accordingly, the layer with the shadow gradient as well as the layer with the highlight gradient. Once a piece is finished like this it takes substantially longer to change details than if I had planned doing so prior.

>Awesome, but don't reboot the Jack and Katie 'Blowjob for money' saga series! Just add to its already established scenario. That story is canon now, it's become rule 34 legend.

I don't plan to reboot it in the sense that I change it, but reboot it in the sense that I redo the drawings/layout and color it in a consistent style. The original documents for the set were lost in The Great Hard Drive Crisis, therefore replicating the coloring would be difficult. I am also not happy with a bit of the drawings/layout, so it's not currently in a state that I would want to continue off of. I would simply create a couple basic synopsis pages, likely stealing layout/context from the modified page that inspired the set, utilize the dialogue/a lot of the panels to redraw the pages, maybe extending them out a little to better place the type, then recolor it so that it could later be extended in a consistent style. I would then likely make a cover for it and call it something like "Power Pack: Money Shots (title ideas pending)". Any future comic ideas involving Katie/Jack would then be expanded upon this set, potentially making something with many pages as time goes on. This is pretty much what I want to start doing for comics of the more popular sources, but we'll see what time allows and how much time my pledgers as a whole would like me to dedicate to something like this.

>Well, it's easy to see they don't want us there anymore since moral blights and sponsors seem to be the way of things there now.

Sadly that seems to be the way the internet as a whole is going. Countries are attacking ISPs to blacklist sites that contain content they disagree with, and advertisers are attacking individual sites they support if they have any such content. The problem with personal freedom is that people feel it is their right/duty to attack personal freedoms that they disagree with. Said people do not realize that they are sacrificing basic rights by setting a precedent that allows the full extent of the law to be enforced on people for illustrating a concept or idea that others may disagree with. Give animated/illustrated characters the same rights/protections of real people and soon we'll have comic artists getting arrested for allowing police officers to be attacked by super villains.

>hmm wow, yeah.. that would stretch it a tad. On the other hand, DO IT! though i'd hoped margo gru would be the ninth recruit, she's got a great body.

The problem with characters like Margo Gru is that I like all of the characters in the club to have at least relatively similar animation styles. Putting in a 3D animated character would require a complete restyling of the character in order for it to fit in with the others, which is something I don't really want to do with these. There needs to be "some" restyling of the characters to make them all fit together naturally, but I don't want to have to essentially redesign the character for it to work.
fucking awesome incog, yess
>The original documents for the set were lost in The Great Hard Drive Crisis, therefore replicating the coloring would be difficult.

I had no idea you lost all your old files, how unfortunate! Going back for a full redraw seems like a lot of time wasted, but it'll be worth it just to see the story continued and colored.
Image:144823320400.jpg(531kB, 851x1134)Despicable_Me Inside_Out Margo_Gru Mrs._Anderson Riley_Anderson rapulette.jpg
>Margo Gru

Not really, Rapulette portrayed her and even Riley Anderson as lines and it worked out ok. But I get what you mean, that's deviating from her medium already.
>I have been contemplating adding loli Raven ever since she was requested

aaw hellyeaahh
Never going to get tired of heart pupils.
Where can you find Rapulette's work
Might be interested in seeing a lesbian scene between Katie/Julie involving some rimming, idk if anyone else is into that and might support the idea. Or maybe implementing rimjobs to the Katie/Jack comic you're expanding upon. Either way, diggin' the anal direction the work has taken lately. Hope to see an anal piece with Katie sometime, but we'll see where things go.
Can't wait to see the final page of this excellent comic Incog!
Image:144825732800.png(920kB, 960x1440)PowerPackJulieAlexAnalPage6Color.png
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

So here is the final page of the Power Pack set. Plans got derailed today as the person I was supposed to help move some items got called into work for a double so I powered through this last page instead. Now I finally get to move on to coloring other requests.

>I had no idea you lost all your old files, how unfortunate! Going back for a full redraw seems like a lot of time wasted, but it'll be worth it just to see the story continued and colored.

Yeah, it was a stupid situation. I wanted to do a complete reformat of my hard drive instead of just wiping out the boot partition like I usually do. I bought a new hard drive to move everything to before the reformat and wanted it to also serve as a backup drive so that I wouldn't lose everything in the case my hard drive crapped out on me. Go figure that immediately after the reformat is complete, I plug in the new hard drive to extract all of the data back over and the hard drive starts doing the dastardly clicking sounds of death and gives me I/O errors. The drive could not be read by anything and pretty much died upon first use right out of the box. Needless to say I was disappointed but I got over it.

Also, it's not as much that I want to redraw it because the old files were lost as much as I just don't like how it is in its current state. I don't want to continue something that I find lackluster in its current state and would rather fix what I don't like before extending it.

>Not really, Rapulette portrayed her and even Riley Anderson as lines and it worked out ok. But I get what you mean, that's deviating from her medium already.

The problem is not whether or not the character could look okay in lines. Any character can look okay in lines despite being a deviation from the original design style if the linework is good enough. The problem is what happens when two characters with strongly clashing styles are placed next to one another. Heck, as demonstrated by discussion in a previous thread about Gwen and Wonder Loli, putting two characters from different sources next to one another without modifying the color palette can cause one to look as if they are of a completely different ethnicity due to difference in contrast. Place two characters of completely different design styles next to one another and it can cause one or both to look deformed. The brain sees things differently when they are placed next to things that clash with them and this should be considered when considering doing any kind of crossover.
A really nice end to a really good set.

Whats up next for coloring man?
Maybe when incog revisits power pack. He said he'd come back to it eventually after drawing up story ideas for comics he had of other series. Hoping he does Ben 10 next T_T
lol nuff said. Go incog!

See to big
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Time for a new thread yet incog?
They're wearing too much. Need to get them nekkid
>The brain sees things differently when they are placed next to things that clash with them and this should be considered when considering doing any kind of crossover.

It seems like something overthought, but now that you mention it, I can't imagine that Rapulette version of Margo Gru standing next to Gwen or Penny. She just wouldn't look right. Maybe we'll see her done properly by you, when you decide to dabble in the 3D SFM thing ;)
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good lord
I'd really like to see Julie letting little bro Jack mount her and have a turn with her ass. I think we'd all be into that 'fucking big sis' dynamic, maybe even have Alex there allowing it, or suggesting it.

I know it's a little strange, but for me, the kiss in the bottom corner panel is the best part. It elevates the whole comic from "oh, well-drawn loli anal sex comic, okay, I'll save this" to "I love this!"
For me it's when she hides her face in her pillow after her shame-gasm. It's adorable as all hell. The script was handled so well.

He keeps drawing dicks way to big. Kinda throws off the purpose of it being hot.
Are you really serious?
He wants the shota to have especially small dicks. Like 1 inchers.
stop trolling
Finally someone said that, they are little too big for young boys, really. And I don't say that they need to be 1 inch, some older Incog works have perfect size of dick for boys, and no one complain that they were too small.
No one's complaining now, except you, and you're idiots.
Hush now, children, none of what you say matters. Let incog express himself the way he wishes.
So Incog you ever thought of drawing Radical Edward she false under the hot loli category right

You're a grown man liking lolis (little girls with big butts).

I'm just giving criticism to Incog ad a viewer of his work for a while.

He really doesn't care about being criticized or for his fans as long as he get recognition and money.

Not 1 inch. But at least a normal "boy" size. I don't remember me being 10 with a 5-6 inch dick that can cum.

Like how he draws his girls like girls.
The sizes looks fine to me. Did you ever think that maybe you are a little bit small, rather than pics being a little bit big?

Nah, maybe I just like to bring in my input loli lover
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Archived at sadpanda for all time

I love seeing the whole set laid out like that
yea I would love it if Incog added Ed from cowboy bebop to the loli club
Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Just popping in to mention that I added colors to the Naruto/Sarada pic. I would post it here but it is not western content, thus not appropriate for these boards. Just 3 more pieces to color after this one, and since it has been asked the 3 remaining to color are the Zatanna page, the Gravity Falls page and the Ben/Gwen/Kit page. After these I'll be in the clear to start something else, which based on time will be one or two more requests from Patreon, one of which may be the request for a cover page to the Power Pack set. All of the upcoming colors can be posted here, hence they will be posted here when complete. Figure I can do some replies while here.

>Time for a new thread yet incog?
Sadly, not yet. Need to put up with this thread being dead for about another week until the month is over since I have a few pictures left to color and I want to try another request or two before the month ends. I don't want to cut the Patreon month short to start the new thread starter.

>Finally someone said that, they are little too big for young boys, really. And I don't say that they need to be 1 inch, some older Incog works have perfect size of dick for boys, and no one complain that they were too small.

Lies! People did complain. People have always complained regardless of size. I try to do a variety of sizes between pieces but there are still always complaints popping up. When I did the Wilykit/Wilykat and Wilykit/Wilykat/Cheetarah pieces, there were immediately complaints when I made Wilykat small. There were also complaints on some of the pieces in the earlier threads when I drew Ben smaller as well. It's a subjective matter and it is thus impossible to satisfy everyone. I would like to point out, however, that more people seem to complain when they are drawn smaller than the amount of people that complain when they are drawn larger.
Great, the shoda fans show up in here now...
For alex age its about correct size.

But for the Wily kat it was a perfect size. I say the only reason people say it was small because they imagine themselves with a big dick (or a kid with a big dick) doing that, which is retarded.

You uses to draw the right size. You know how big/small it should be, you're the artist.
Hey incog, don't know if you'd be interest in this idea but I for one think it'd be cool if the loli club was either divided into Jade's girl scouts vs Cindy's scouts in a bake sale (specifically creampies if you catch my drift) or if the loli club as Cindy's crew took on the fireside girls from Phineas and Ferb.

A second idea that's come to me is that there has been zero porn of the teen titans in Night begins to shine mode. I think you can fix that. for reference //youtube.com/watch?v=uR131fc2pZYyoutube thumb
I just can't wait for more pics of the loli club trying to do things to get the money to open there strip club/ night club smoothies
Dicks are like Air Conditioners. Noone is ever satisfied with it in a room. Some think it is too hot, some think it is not hot enough.
>You uses to draw the right size. You know how big/small it should be, you're the artist.

He still draws the right size. He knows how big/small it should be, he's the artist.

Whatever size he wants to draw is the right size. That's all there is to it. All you can say is you prefer it another way. And you have. You don't need to keep saying it.
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seriously stfu about dicks
Nope, last two are me, first one someone else
>I don't want to cut the Patreon month short to start the new thread starter.

No probs bro, just checking. Take your time with it.
I'd really love to see Julie sucking on her little brother Jack's nutsack
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

So finally got to color the loli Zatanna piece. Pardon the lack of an update last night but I ended up getting stuck driving someone around a bit too much and had more family drama to attend to. Will attempt to color the Gravity Falls and Ben/Gwen/Kit pieces next.
Fantastic piece. You're an artistic chameleon.
That outfit is so sexy on her.
Dude bro cannot wait to see the Ben Gwen Kit pic colored
I agree. Can't imagine how awesome it will be now with colors.
Plus, having Gwen back again is always great.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are some colors on the Gravity Fall piece. Tried to keep values on the figures minimal as the show doesn't generally use values for the figures. Also, coloring the background was quite obnoxious by itself. Only the Ben/Gwen/Kit piece left to color then I can hopefully have time for one or two more pieces this month. Not much time to spare right now so not much else to say.

>Dude bro cannot wait to see the Ben Gwen Kit pic colored
>I agree. Can't imagine how awesome it will be now with colors.
>Plus, having Gwen back again is always great.

Well it's the last one left so hopefully it will be done by tomorrow night. I saved it for last because it had the most panels thus I figured it would take the longest. I failed to consider how long the background in the Gravity Falls piece would take so I probably could have done it before this one. Oh well, the order cannot be changed at this point.
awwfuckyeahh incog, you're The Lord of the internet right now !!
Incog, is there chance when you will get time, you coulld color one pic with Ben and Daphne you made some time ago?
Fucking yes! Great work. This is so beautiful.
God damnit. I JUST fapped before seeing this.

I'll do it again, but it's going to be slow and painful. I hope you're happy.

When the fuck is you gonna do Mother Up porn bitch?
Be his patron and request it, dipshit
Incog, I miss when you drew whatever you wanted for your own viewing pleasure. Is Patreon month just a temporary promo during opening where you grant requests for early supporters? Want to see what you do when you draw for yourself again.
fuck!! New thread plz

Why would I keep giving him my money each week for drawings I don't like or drawings he was going to draw anyway?
People give him money for support not for guaranteed requests.
He don't take commissions (and hope he never will) so, if you don't like this, feel free to keep your money with you instead of helping him out and shut up.

Also enjoy all his free stuff because he's too generous to all us and don't need to get pay for what he loves to draw.
Your donation would improve your chances of having your mother up request drawn.
It's incog. If it involves incest, he'll draw it. You've just got to get in line.
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here are the colors for the recent Ben/Gwen/Kit line piece. Finally the colors for all of the current to-be-colored pieces have been colored. It was a long and painful process doing nothing but colors for so long but now I can finally try working on some lines again for once when I next get to it. I will be trying to get at least one or two more requests done before the month ends, but realistically I will likely only get maybe one more.

>Incog, is there chance when you will get time, you coulld color one pic with Ben and Daphne you made some time ago?

I haven't really considered going back to color previous pieces, but your question gave me an idea for something I am going to put in my monthly $5+ request options. Since $5+ requests are for colored pieces I was thinking I will give said patrons the option of requesting that a previous piece be colored, and if I do such a request, I would then do another line piece that month by selecting another $1+ line request. Doing it this way means I would do the same amount of work for such a request(lines+colors), just in a different order.

>God damnit. I JUST fapped before seeing this.
>I'll do it again, but it's going to be slow and painful. I hope you're happy.

Sorry about that. I'll take partial responsibility, but next time be sure to browse porn a bit more responsibly.

>When the fuck is you gonna do Mother Up porn bitch?

Well that's not a very nice way to ask.

>Incog, I miss when you drew whatever you wanted for your own viewing pleasure. Is Patreon month just a temporary promo during opening where you grant requests for early supporters? Want to see what you do when you draw for yourself again.

Yeah, "Patreon month" is just as it implies, a single month dedicated solely to Patreon. I still plan to do a set amount of Patreon requests each month, but outside of that I will at most give the opportunity to vote on what I do from a list of requests I am interested in. There is a very long list of things I am interested in doing, most of which I am interested in doing would be in comic form. Sadly, if I go the route of doing more extensive comics, that would give seemingly less room to perform requests as each project would take substantially longer than things I currently do at this point in time.

Although I would like to draw what I want and only what I want, I also want to give incentive to those willing to support me. Having internet and electricity costs money, as does every other facet of life. Money is something I generally do not have due to a large variety of real life factors. By keeping up incentives I will hopefully be able to earn enough that doing both becomes less strenuous.

>fuck!! New thread plz

Give it time. The month is almost over so I will be starting on a new thread starter soon. My thread starters generally have a lot to them, especially when I add colors, so I don't like to drop what I am currently doing every time a thread reaches 300 posts.
So freakin epic
mmm fresh Kit cream pie..
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This panel is everything. I love that Gwen is doing that. That tail grab is off the chain. That explosion.. And Wilykit's anus is just so tender and moist. The whole page is exquisitely colored. Thanks incog. Ps: will you be continuing the Loli Club 'Smoothies' saga for your next project? I'm sure your patrons won't mind you working on a non-request, your thread starters have become a popular talking point.
>The month is almost over so I will be starting on a new thread starter soon.

Holy shit yeah!! You rock! Totally Spies chicks + Loli Club + jello wrestling??
Second. I love it when things like Tails, or Long hair, or anything "extra" on a girl like that is involved in whats going on.
"Force it in as deep as you can but don't stop moving"

haha, I love you Gwen.
And Next : Loli-Slumber Party...
I'm up for either a tree house strip joint or jello wrestling as fundraising ideas.
yes a loli club slumber party is a good idea
but smoothies is going to be a strip club/ night club
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So here are lines for perhaps the last request I will have time for this month. This time it was just for something involving Star, Jackie and Marco. Was a busy weekend so this was all I could really manage. This request was made in one of my previous update posts so I wasn't sure which tier it would be, but apparently the person that request it is a $1 pledger so I treated it as a $1+ request. As such it will likely not be colored at the moment. I will try and hopefully do one more piece tomorrow if I have time, but it will likely be another busy day. If I do get to do something it will likely be a quick cover for the Power Pack set like I have been wanting to do. Not only would the cover fulfill a $5+ request but would also give me the chance to try making a cover page for the first time.

When the month is officially over, I will open fresh request topics on Patreon again to let requests begin while I start on the next thread starter piece. When I finally finish the next thread starter I will start working on how I plan on voting to work out.
Didn't expect anything more this month. Nice.
fucking awesome incog great job
WOW!!! I'm so jealous. My Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil request wasn't nearly as good. Kudos to Incog and the requester. I hope we get to see it colored eventually but even so it's an all around great piece. As much as I know Incog isn't into the style of the show I still hope we can see more by him at some point because he really knows how to capture it perfectly ;).
Even if you don't do another one after this I'm sure the person missing out on getting their request done would be happy with another epic thread starter from you XD
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Here is the cover piece I wanted to do for the Power Pack set. My day was invaded by distractions but I stayed up late after work to make sure I finished it before sleeping (which is when the day ends in my book, so the month was still on). I wanted to go the more SFW route for the cover kind of like how hentai manga/doujins do it most of the time. I just feel that is more appropriate for cover material. I wanted to do one of those followup pages where it is not as SFW by having the same image modified with the suit torn, but I am too tired and the month is over when I wake up so I'm out of time in my mind.

I will make new request posts on Patreon when I wake up tomorrow before I start on a new thread starter. With how busy this month will be (damn you, December!), it may take a few days to get a new thread starter finished, but I'll try to get it done as soon as possible.

>WOW!!! I'm so jealous. My Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil request wasn't nearly as good. Kudos to Incog and the requester. I hope we get to see it colored eventually but even so it's an all around great piece. As much as I know Incog isn't into the style of the show I still hope we can see more by him at some point because he really knows how to capture it perfectly ;).

Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't very fond of the previous Star piece myself. I put in too much effort trying to figure out the show's style while I worked on it so I felt it came out too static in the end. Plus, I found that going so thin on the lines in the last piece really detracted from the style. In the later piece I just did I was more easily able to do more with the style as I still had it relatively fresh in my mind and I already had my folder of reference materials ready.

Also, I actually quite like the style of the show. I was simply commenting before about how I could see how people may not like the style before I got any people ranting about it like what happened with the Code Lyoko pieces in a prior thread. The only issue I would have with this show's style, if any issue at all, is how difficult I find it can be to transition to it for a single image. Shows with very peculiar styles run the risk of me putting too much effort into replicating the style to the point that I have less effort to spare into working out the layout of the piece. This runs a higher risk of me finishing a piece and not being too happy with it, and I generally do not feel I have the time to rework a piece for this reason alone.
haha it says it all. and it teases. it's perfect!
Incog this is awesome >,<
I would love to suck on Julie's ass through her costume
seconding this, something like really thin/sheer costumes for the group so we have stuff like Alex cumming while still wearing his costume, I don't see enough of this in comics.
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Totally Spies also wear sexy bodysuits, usually. Speaking of which, incog can we see these three fucking Gwen, Jade and Penny in the next OP? Or alternatively, tag-team wrestling with them in a tub full of jelly while the other girls watch!
Either loli club jello wrestling match where a crowd of onlookers can place their bets or a tree-house kid's suburban bordello for the next thread starter. The stakes should be raised with every fundraiser on the road towards opening that Smoothies restaurant, so the story should be told as Lemonade Stand --> Car Wash --> Halloween (was that a fund raiser?) --> whatever's next. Thoughts incog?
how about a loli club slumber party, a sexy loli club christmas or the next fundraiser for the smoothies strip club/ night club for the next thread starter Incog
Lemonade stand - carwash - selling porn dvd's in a yard sale :D
Question Incog. How long into the month do you plan on leaving requests open before voting on your patreon? A week?
a sports theme would make a great spectacle. they should have it someone;s backyard
I thought Smoothies was a restaurant, like Hooters?
Smoothies was always a strip club/ night club but one of those strip clubs with food
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I always thought restaurant where they wore cute outfits with the Smoothies logo and skated around on rollerblades giving blowjobs and serving milkshakes like in this natis drawing
I still liked this train of thought from the previous thread inspired by your own Totally Spies idea:

lame palcomix
You are making the things so many cute that it´s become disgusting for fap...
Unf, it's perfect. All it needs is a CCA logo and Marvel can start selling it.

I also love Alex's expression, it's like he's hypnotized by dat ass. Seriously Incog, you draw the cutest little butts, on girls and boys.
Incog, I hope you know that I didn't mean I thought the Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil picture you did for me was bad, it was great. Everything that I could hope for and more. I just thought that my "idea" wasn't nearly as good as the other commission. You're execution was spot on ;).
It's my b day incog.

The only thing I want to see is Mother up incest.
Patreon bro. Money talks ;)
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Thanks again to my current Patreon supporters. The support is greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the lack of an update for a minute there. Things got stupid dumb and I ended up having to help with some things but hopefully that is resolved for now. In the meantime, since I am too tired at the moment to put more work into it and I want an update for now, here is a rough sketch for the next thread starter piece. Going with the jello wrestling idea on this one, with added "weapons". So far this is just what the shape/inside of the ring will be like, which is the hardest part anyway so I at least got that put down. I can honestly say I have never drawn jello before so not sure how I am going to do that as of yet, so I may not add it in the upcoming lines and may just add it in the coloring phase. Uncertain as to what the background will be like yet, but thinking of just a table selling cups to scoop jello with and some feet/legs of surrounding spectators. We'll see how determined I get with it after some clean lines are put down. I'll try and get lines added on tomorrow (technically today) so that I can try and get some colors added soon (which may take a bit as I try and figure out how I want to render jello...). On that note, what color should the jello be?

As a basic synopsis, Gwen/Diana are "pinning" Penny/Katie and Gwen has Jade pinned under Katie. Kit has taken advantage of the distraction to sneak a grab on Toph's leg, which Cindy took advantage of to finally attempt a tackle to take down Toph. The surprise grab on Toph made possible by her standing on rubber, which is covered in a layer of jello, which would likely hinder her ability to "see" a bit.

>Question Incog. How long into the month do you plan on leaving requests open before voting on your patreon? A week?

I planned a week, since that seems to be plenty enough time to let people get their requests in. Pretty much I plan to start doing votes as soon as I finish this piece, which sadly may be about a week into the month anyway.

>I thought Smoothies was a restaurant, like Hooters?
>Smoothies was always a strip club/ night club but one of those strip clubs with food

I'm actually not sure which it was in the initial request (I don't really have the time to look into which thread that was), but I think it was intended to be more of a Hooters. I am pretty sure the Smoothies name was made after they were requested in Hooters outfits, in which I think a reference to "Raisins" from South Park was made, which someone then suggested the name "Smoothies", which someone then commented "Sm o|o thies" as an idea for a logo design for the shirts. I could be mistaken, as it's been a minute, but I think that is pretty much how it went.

>You are making the things so many cute that it´s become disgusting for fap...

Well I do like aiming for maximum adorabilities, so I guess it's working. Cute be where it's at, yo.

>Unf, it's perfect. All it needs is a CCA logo and Marvel can start selling it.
>I also love Alex's expression, it's like he's hypnotized by dat ass. Seriously Incog, you draw the cutest little butts, on girls and boys.

Unf, I don't know what a "CCA logo" is. I feel I should maybe know this so it's making me feel not smart. Also, glad you like it. Took me a while to decide how I wanted the layout to be as I have never really done a cover page before but I'm glad it worked out.

>Incog, I hope you know that I didn't mean I thought the Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil picture you did for me was bad, it was great. Everything that I could hope for and more. I just thought that my "idea" wasn't nearly as good as the other commission. You're execution was spot on ;).

Well it makes me feel better knowing that you liked it despite the flaws I personally feel it had (I usually have high standards for myself and can only think about what I should fix/should have done differently whenever I look at my stuff). I still wish I could have done some things differently with it, particularly with the line width, but I supposed it was good enough as is and didn't need the time required to change things. Also, the other request was just for a threesome of Star and Jackie with Marco, so I take the credit for the rest of the "idea".

>It's my b day incog.
>The only thing I want to see is Mother up incest.

I have always wanted to get to doing some Mother Up ever since it was first requested ages ago, I've just yet to really get around to it. I have so much that I want to do all the time that it hasn't really hit that high on my list yet.

@Anyone talking about Totally Spies+Loli Club: As much as I want to add the Totally Spies girls, I don't feel it appropriate to add them to the thread starters yet as long as the "fundraising" set is still ongoing. The most I would maybe do with them together on that front is have them added as "customers". I intend thread starters to be loli club exclusive for a while, so if I were to add more characters to them it would be more lolis. I do still intend to do stuff with them together, but adding 8 girls in one piece is time consuming enough right now, so adding three more would be a bit of a hassle. I do plan to do pieces with them together, but probably not all 8. It will most likely just be Gwen, Penny and Jade with Alex, Sam and Clover as I mentioned previously, although there is no guarantee that something with all of them together could not be possible for a future piece.
Image:144913766100.jpg(8kB, 210x242)CCA-copy.jpg
lol, when you draw this good, who needs smarts?

The Comics Code Authority (CCA) was created in the 1950s by comics publishers as a way to regulate content themselves and avoid government regulation, i.e. censorship. Books would be submitted to the CCA, and if they were approved, the CCA seal would appear on the cover. The CCA was created largely as a response to Fredric Wertham's gloriously titled book, Seduction of the Innocent, and his subsequent testimony before the Senate, which alleged that comics were full of sex and violence and were a bad influence on children. By the 2000s, publishers gradually stopped submitting comics to the CCA and began abandoning it altogether; eventually all publishers did the same. I'm just so used to seeing it, I thought it would make your cover look even more official.

Also, I have a feeling that Toph's thousand-yard stare in your new pic is going to become a reaction image.
uugghhhmygohhddd XD
Awesome work! If I could change anything it'd be to make that pool cosier, ie: smaller. Pack them in there tight so there's no wasted space. Have it so that Kit is against the wall of other end, with Toph on her way as the first one bumped out of the wrestling match.
Whoah it's every girl for herself in there! Loving the "weapons" you gave them!
Fantastic incog. Will there be spectators? I feel that if it's a fundraiser there should be. Maybe some cash flying around? Even if we could see the legs of the spectators up the back standing over them, watching and taking bets.
>The Comics Code Authority (CCA) was created in the 1950s by comics publishers as a way to regulate content themselves and avoid government regulation, i.e. censorship. Books would be submitted to the CCA, and if they were approved, the CCA seal would appear on the cover. The CCA was created largely as a response to Fredric Wertham's gloriously titled book, Seduction of the Innocent, and his subsequent testimony before the Senate, which alleged that comics were full of sex and violence and were a bad influence on children. By the 2000s, publishers gradually stopped submitting comics to the CCA and began abandoning it altogether; eventually all publishers did the same. I'm just so used to seeing it, I thought it would make your cover look even more official.
good thing the comic code is no longer relevant today, people in the comic book industry started ignoring it in the bronze age and then to this day it's no longer revevant and no longer is in use. It's BS like the CCA that killed a lot of horror titles and other interesting genres of comics and ruined creativity for a long time.
Well, if it was you who came up with the Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil overall layout and composition than KUDOS sir. I love the whole thing, especially the bit with Marco switching between holes. Genius and sexy AS FUCK ;).
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Definitely make the pool smaller. You could even bring it in closer from Diana's end so that it's over her leg. A cosy pool makes it look bouncier too. The difference is noticeable in these pbx pics.
Not too small. This ones a good size:

lol this gets funnier and funnier every time I look at it
Great pic, but I feel like you missed a perfect opportunity with the jello wrestling... one of the girls not really fighting but just eating the jello herself. Maybe Toph was doing that when she got tackled.

Oh well. It's going to be hot no matter what. :) I also hope that WW's strap on dildo (the only one we see) is one of those stiff-gel types, so it keeps with the theme.
>I'm actually not sure which it was in the initial request... I am pretty sure the Smoothies name was made after they were requested in Hooters outfits, in which I think a reference to "Raisins" from South Park was made, which someone then suggested the name "Smoothies", which someone then commented "Sm o|o thies" as an idea for a logo design for the shirts. I could be mistaken, as it's been a minute, but I think that is pretty much how it went.

That's basically how it went down. What feels right for you, a nightclub or diner? For me, it seems silly that the girls would work towards opening something that involves customer service of any kind that isn't sexually satisfying for them or associated with their pleasure. I'm voting nightclub, for the flashy, glamorous visuals. Pole dancing and partying all night seems like it would be a better pay-off for all their hard work too.
hehe or one of the girls stuffing jello into another girls mouth
Here's the exchange of ideas. It was restaurant initially, but I think a nightclub would work better.

Yesssss jelly wrestling!
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So having this in a backyard fits in with the theme. A shiny, blue, see-through inflatable pool sparkling in the sun, with jiggling bubblegum-pink jello and sweaty, sticky girls inside covered in the stuff, yumm!
yea smoothies should be a strip club/ night club