Hello beautiful Friends! Let's once again talk about Drones, any type of Drones that is related to Murder Drones or the threads, because it's really fun to do it! I hope you are having a great day, and even better now that the Drone talk continues. The lovely Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>6035 can i get a uhhhhhhhhh uzi's five piece tendie box with a large boke and i'd like to round up for the "Fuck with John the Human" humanitarian fund please thank you
>>6039 Good work Friend! I really love to see Drones having fun! And being fashionable. One question, I notice the colors pop up a lot, since they are different from the typical I see in other pieces of art online, how you do this?
>Bugretta's were once a powerful race of conquerors during an unrecorded point of history. >They were masters of dark magic and melee combat, capable of crushing and devouring all that opposed them >However one day they grew complacent with their legions of Oogi slaves and simply stopped fighting, opting to let others fight for them >This resulted in them overtime evolving into weaker and lesser beings, fat little sausages that existed only to be pampered >This is why most Bugretta's are fascinated with Star Wars, deep within their blood is their ancestors ambitions for power >Perhaps one day they will return to being this proud race of conquerors but that has yet to be seen The source is that I pulled this out of my ass
>As the strongest DD, Serial Designation J/G.O.A.T, fought the Fraud Cyn, the Solver of the Absolute Fabric, J began to open her domain. CYN began to shrink back in fear then J said "Stand Proud Cyn You Are Strong
The WORMS compel me to write after seeing picrel From top to bottom
>V has a habit of getting right up in people's face as a means of intimidating them >Despite working as intended with practically everybody else, Lizzy is almost never fazed by V's tactic (much to the Disassembler's frustrations) >Lizzy will even go out of her way to coax/tease V into getting closer, ominously boasting that there's only one way for the Disassembler to "shut me up~"
>V is loathed to admit it but she finds the sensation of her tail being tugged to be a major turn-on >The tail itself is more than sturdy enough to resist even the strength of a Worker's grip, although it does still leave the base particularly "sensitive" >Naturally Lizzy manages to incorporate this into their foreplay, tugging & fiddling her fingers and on occasion her tongue across the tail's base while reserving a couple well-placed smacks for V's rear
>Even before officially becoming "besties" Lizzy had been regularly 'donating' her oil to keep V safely satiated >For V feeding time is one of the few moments where she lets her usual mask slip, acting downright clingy & cuddly through the duration >For Lizzy feeding time holds a special sentiment place in her processor, being the first (of many) instances of intimacy with V
Image:171978283941.png(450kB, 2100x2000)absolute solver and serial designation e (murder drones) drawn by artist_request and unknown_artist - f5a5274f413543ca7c65b5c95e591aa5.png
>>6069 Honestly I wasn't even planning on drawing this, but the more I stared at the original image the more my mind came up with ideas. I just hope E anon likes it.
>>6076 I'm tired of seeing all the pain these creatures go through. I need some happy Oogi greentexts or just funny ones where they don't die or suffer
>>6086 I mean, yes? If they are going to make them kiss and show that type of stuff it needs to build up, I don't care if it would happen, I care if there is no build up, like with everything. They show that they are friends and have a nice time together, but they never show anything more than that.
>>6090 Agreed, I'm an avid BL reader, so the homosexual connotations of a relationship don't bother me. It's when it comes out of left field when I start getting irritated, it just seems so disingenuous at that point.
>>6068 >>6070 >I just hope E anon likes it. Dude, this is incredible! I don’t just like it, I love it so! Much appreciative of you doing this, lad. Way more detailed than what I can do, that’s for sure!
>The police were never able to locate the maid drone that the residents had owned. Around the time of this discovery, there has been reports of a winged figure roaming around neighborhoods at night
V and Lizzy won't happen, little set up and gay shipping would be a somewhat bold move on Glitch's part. I don't think something other than the obvious khan and nori as well as ofc nuzi shit is gonna happen, but if there is anything else left at all then Lizzy and Thad, supposedly they were planned as roommates previously, and there were scenes in 4 and so on. Thinking about it, it will not happen, pretty sure
>>6114 >V and Lizzy won't happen I think that is a little obvious, just talking about what one would think about that, but it would never happen to be honest
>>6115 >just talking about what one would think about that, but it would never happen to be honest Many such cases, let's talk about what we think can still happen, what are some things, big or small you can reasonably see occuring in 8?
>>6116 Everyone dying, no joke, it would a slap in the face, but I still reasonably think it could happen, is it very probable? Not a lot to be honest, but there is a possibility.
I had thought of Solver E also having wendigo-like antlers, but figured the red dress would be enough to differentiate her, plus it wouldn’t make sense since she was already having a vampire-like vibe going
>>6117 I fear that too, really. Agree that it's not too likely and it would seal 'no second season', which I doubt they would ever outright state (why remove the possibility/fallback?), it's also not really in accord with Liam's dislike of total downer endings. To be honest, besides the obvious fights I have no idea at all, I feel (only imo) detached from the story, everyone I was invested in is 99,9% gone, for 7 I had hopes, for 8 I only have fears of things smh getting even worse.
>>6118 Antlers would be a little too much, I think. >>6119 I think they are going to escape, defeated, but alive, and everyone or most will escape that planet or situation.
>>6118 Anon you gave me neuron activation with that wip, didn't last long but still... It's a neat idea tho, if you do something similiar in the future you should reuse it, I think they look very distinguishable from Alice's antlers
Alright tell me who is your fave and why? For me I like Lizzy, reminds me of a girl I once knew, she was popular and a massive bitch to everyone, yet for some unexplainable reason was nice to me and I was a fucking loser without any friends. Never understood it.
>>6123 I was planning on having Elf encountering some kind of Solver monstrosity down in the old labs. Having it be kind of like a drone skinwalker is a great idea
>>6126 The more I think on it, the more I start wondering if I even have a favorite. I like a lot of the characters and want the best for them, but none really stick out. Maybe N, but he's designed as bait for sad people, and I feel like a schmuck for falling for it.
>>6126 V, I love her, her character makes me want to protect her, I just want to let her drop the psychopathic masquerade that she uses to protect herself, and let her be happy once again, in a more calm and chill life where she is able to let her worries about the AS disappear.
>>6127 Maybe below the facility, she can also encounter all kinds of quirky Laborers and the occasional Worker, all who have since deleted their work instructions in order to develop these personalities.
But be wary, it’s not only potential friends that lurk beneath the facility. The long arm of the Solver or even Virus J0y can reach you in distances you wouldn’t imagine.
>>6126 My favorite is J. Sure, she's a cunt, yet I can't help but like her still. I also work for the largest corporation of all, the gov't, so I relate to her corpo-bitch attitude.
>>6126 I guess I have two. One for her design, another for her personality. I really like J's design, the pigtails and business skirt just works really well. More business skirts please. In terms of personality, I can't get enough of Tessa. She was fun in ep5 and in ep6 (Cyn was imitating her but it counts). I enjoy the few greens and fics that have her front and center.
>>6136 im witholding my ultimate judgement on J until the last episode to see how she ends up if her character is allowed to shine through, or if shes forced into the eternal jobber role by the plot
>>6141 >Defective but effective My career's been in the doldrums for a while, so I can relate to that. You know, I hope she gets her moment to shine, but I'm somewhat doubtful. All I know is, even if she jobs, she'll always be #1 in my book.
>>6141 J's character arc in particular almost seems to demand a second season to me. I'm quite certain that the current incarnation of J is under the original corporate asset management team delusion. Breaking her out of that and her coming to terms with the fact that her entire reality is a lie AND she's an infinitely disposable, infinitely recyclable bit of cannon fodder for a monster that only even lets her retain any degree of sentience because it's funny to watch her squirm AND trying to reforge a connection to a bunch of people she really doesn't have a terribly strong relationship with, that all seems like a lot to fit into a single episode at the end of the series. Unless none of that is going to happen at all and her fate is just to kill her friends, die horribly, be reborn and repeat until the entire universe ends as the Solver slurps it down like a glass of lemonade. Which would be sad as fuck. She had her flaws before things went fully pear shaped and escalated from "abusive gilded cage" to "ultimate cataclysm", but she really doesn't deserve such a fat.
>>6147 > entire universe ends as the Solver slurps it down like a glass of lemonade. Speaking of which, what happens if the Solver does do that? What would happen to it?
>>6149 I've seen other anons raise the notion that the Solver is either: A-an extrauniversal predator of realities. A cosmophage. In such a case, the universe that MD takes place in is just one of many that can be accessed by the Solver and entities like it, so once it has eaten MD-verse it is sated for long enough to find another universe suitable for it to consume B-a sentient manifestation of the inevitable end of this reality, basically just trying to fastforward to its big moment, in which case the universe probably just resets back to the big bang and everything plays out in New Game+ mode for the umpteenth time. >>6154 Longer season. More character growth and relationships fleshed out in old-fashioned boring talking scenes rather than via inference from brief on-screen information.
>>6154 >More episodes, always. >Take out a few of the things like the implication that Copper-9 is the last planet standing and only N/V/J have personalities, for more wiggle room for fan stories. >Drone tongues are now 3x longer.
>>6161 Wasn't trying to be a vorefag, it just got me thinking of something pretty neat. Imagine if all the worlds that get [Null]'d just get transported to The Solver domain, imagine seeing all this twisted weird shit
>>6163 I KNOW I have seen some piece of scifi or fantasy media with that underlying premise; where some kind of world-eater has essentially a pocket dimension inside of itself that is a mishmash of everything it has consumed and its victims are still alive in there and can fight their way out and destroy the monster from the inside but I am drawing a total fucking blank on the title and where the fuck I even saw it
>>6126 For me it is Alice, for so many reasons (every category tbh) really, I'll try going only with what relates. Besides her looking great and having very admirable lore, Alice also has a very interesting and, to me, in many ways (especially due to the 'why', or how come these things, but not that that lessens the ends (basically Zombiedrone nature, she's the only non Solver ZD we ever saw)) relatable character. First a obvious thing, her Southern accent and voice, I was very sympathetic towards Dixie before already so perhaps that played a minor role as well, but besides fitting Alice very well, it goes great with her voice, she has comparatively few lines but, be it excited, angry or serious, every tone is very nice to listen to, in general it is not exactly 'soft', not at all, zhe best word I think is smooth, yes. For the longest time I couldn't imagine it in my head, when reading a green for example, but it eventually worked out. Because of this vague voicememory, there are times like last week, were I didn't watch anything of her for two days, when I finally got around, with nothing else to worry about, man, that hit hard, really. But that is not all, and frankly doesn't relate at all, so to get to zhe point, I always thought it was a travesty how it was clearly intended to falsely showcase Alice as a total badguy, things like the implied correlation between the intro and 029 on her table, them not showing Uzi biting her onscreen inspite of it's massive relevance, or her meanness to Beau (that point is not one that can easily be explained away, she didn't do the right thing, however it's understandable given his daydreaming/situation escalating further and further) (all the previous incidents like the 029 implications or fingerbite however still have actual proof of things not being like they seem (029 too dumb to survive, lights turning off), so I wonder why it was depicted like that. Complexity was clearly included and is so consistent that I doubt z's pure overinterpretation, my best guess it was for low moral stress on average viewers), when there is nuance to all these. In the end, it was obviously yet another case of a deyignated villain doing the designated 'wrong' things (in Alice's case, very much like Doll's, not forgiving/insisting on revenge, apparently a deadly sin in Liam's mind), leading to (and I hate that this is everything niggers in the wider fandom are able to interpret) a 'death' (which didn't even happen)by 'poetic-justice' (I have seen that shit said so fuckibg often it's unresl!). Subjective differences in ethic views aside, the not working implication of Alice using Sentinels to kill innocents (which is utterly disproven in the same ep, by details intentionaly implemented to show this (remember the flawed 029 implication)) and in 6's case 'Tessa' and N, does, even if we look past details not work. Look at it isolated, N is a DD, and Tessa apparently a human that came out of nowhere with DD's and a Solverdrone, who now both escaped and would likely try to enter her room now, clearly dangerous as hell and threats, not victims. The choice to have them killed or disabled by Sentinels is fundamentally still more defensive and just plain necessary for self preservation (the only WD aks nirmal member of zhe group backstabbed her without gain for her own fun just before, zhe others are DDs, what can be expected from them? Best to killl them), rather than out of supposed sadism. I know the post is not exactly straightforward and sorry that I got hung up trying to explain my issues with how what they intend narratineise and what they actually show factswise don't aligny yet they still try to pull that 'deserved death' shit (it is there, the fucking normies got it even), it's a mess. Anyways, I think Alice did behave very reasonable, just and logical, which is rare in people, so I can relate with her choices, all of them, the only issues I talked about the narrative attempt at a pseudo-intellectual bs campaign to smear Alice's image, a stunt so flawed in it's justification, but apparently still worked to zhe masses, not any with Alice. I guess in the end it is perhaps even this very unjust portrayal of Alice (depicted as sadistic/serial killer while actually having acted rationally and very logical, Uzi is a emotionally guided little shit) that I can smh relate to. If you have younger siblings you know the feel I'm talking about. Long post, I'm tired now, but typing it made me undrstanf some more zhings about Alice and why I find her so good, so good I guess
>>6165 The void in Risk of Rain is kinda like that. Where there are literal deep sea creatures going around to different dimensions and stealing people, places and things to bring back to the void where everything is stored.
>Being the "boss" of two dumb behatted disassembly drones led to an interesting life >You needed a break from it now and then, and this time, your break was a week-long vacation on a lunar resort >It was the first time you won something better than a cake pop in an employee raffle, and it'd be the first time you were away from them for more than a few days >Both Es assured you that everything would be fine in your absence >"Don't worry, boss, I'll keep 'er out of trouble," Everest assures you >"I can hold down the fort, boss! I'll make sure he doesn't burn it down, too," Eve adds >With both watchmen watching one another, you set off and enjoy a week of paradise >The view was literally breathtaking, so you were stuck viewing it from behind a glass barrier, aside from a trip to a museum that included a short moonwalk >Otherwise, you spent your time doing the same things as you usually did on your days off, but in a much fancier and lower-gravity locale >The food was good, at least >All the time, in the back of your head, you were picturing the chaos you'd come back to, worrying hard enough to nearly ruin the trip >Hopefully the two would still be alive... >You felt relieved, rather than disappointed, when the week came to a close >Once your shuttle landed, you sent messages to let E and E know you were on your way back home >They were read, but there was no response, which was not a good sign >You'd see how bad it was when you got back
>>6154 Maybe having the Solver ‘spare’ Tessa (Actually just saving her to eat for later) but slowly the Solver feels something like “love” towards the girl, drinking her blood but can’t seem to bring itself to fully consume her.
>>6169 >You unlock and open the front door, and see who else but Everest run up to it, his sharp teeth shining as he smiles widely >"Boss! You're back! 'Ere, lemme get these for you." >Before you can respond, he's hauling your luggage in >Your house looks surprisingly well-kept, aside from a few things knocked over here and there >For instance, an entire couch has been thrown on its side >"What's with the mess? And where's Eve?" you ask >"Eve? Oh, she got too excited, boss! Had t'calm her down, hence the mess. But don't worry!" >You were worrying, and the muffled shouting and running water from the bathroom wasn't helping matters >Opening it, you find Eve chained in the bathtub, head under the tap, cold water running across her face while she shouted through a gag >"What the f-" >Everest grabs you from behind, turning you around and slamming the door >"I said don't worry, boss! She got a bit, er, eager, when you said you were coming back. She'll cool down eventually." >"So... that aside, how have things been?" you ask >"Oh, peachy-keen, boss!" Everest says with a smile >"It was hard the first few days, but we both agreed to do our best for you! An' we did, but... it kept bein' hard." >Everest looks away, blushing >"It's not the same when it's only the two of us, boss. We need you." >"Well, I'm here now," you reassure him, patting his head and watching him blush even more >"Oh, boss..." >"Let's get Eve out of those chains, okay?" >Everest shakes, pulling away from you and looking straight down, his fans picking up speed >"Everest? What's wrong?" you ask >"She couldn't hold it, boss... I thought I could, but it got me too..." >You kneel down and gently lift his chin up to look into his eyes >They're not there, his visor instead displaying a message >"WARNING: EMOTIONAL OVERLOAD" >"VALID TARGET IN RANGE - ENGAGING EMERGENCY RELIEF MODE" >"Forgive me, boss!" Everest cries, as his hand shoots forward and grabs you by your shirt's collar
>>6147 >under the original corporate asset management team delusion What if she originated that, either as a lie to the others or as a cope? In Episode 2, they pointed out that the radio in the pod was broken, and questioned who she was getting orders from, and how. And with Episode 6 (unreliable as it is), suggesting that the spire/CFL run were part of the original set of orders, there's enough irregularities that J being a passive dupe of the corporate story doesn't seem obvious. >seems like a lot to fit into a single episode at the end of the series. Look at how Doll got shafted. It's the N&Uzi show.
>>6172 >Everest's other hand grabs his pants and roughly tears the front open, making his intentions all too clear >Then both of his hands are on your head, shoving you into his crotch, your cheek rubbing against his frighteningly large and erect adapter >"E-Everest, calm down!" you plead, his member twitching as your breath touches it >"I can't!" he replies, pulling your head back and placing your mouth against his tip >You keep your mouth shut tight as he pushes against your lips, Everest whining in frustration as he slides off >Another thrust fails to find purchase, and you try to speak quickly before he can rear back again >"Administrative overri-mmf!" is as much as you can get out before he takes advantage and slips into your mouth >"Amazing," your out-of-control drone breathes before pushing you further down, his dick big enough to rub against both your tongue and your mouth's roof >His grip was too strong for you to wriggle out of, leaving you with little course of action >Reluctantly, you relax as he pulls back and thrusts in again, sliding deeper every time >It's only a few seconds before he's reached your throat, encountering harsher resistance >You look up, and his eyes meet yours >"B-boss... you'll be okay, right?" >Everest pulls out again and takes a deep breath, and you try to shake your head, your hands pushing against his legs, but to no avail >He thrusts forward, and you feel his warm cock forcing its way into your throat >The feeling was alien and terrifying, your attempts to relax frustrated by the fear of getting seriously hurt >It was all made worse by the fact that you hadn't even made it halfway down his length so far
>>6186 >It was getting hard to breathe now, and harder still to move with your mouth almost completely occupied >Your tongue was trapped under his dick, your gag reflex pushing futilely against his unyielding strength >He strains against your biology, forcing it to comply, and you're left cooperating with his attempts >Your jaw was at its limit, your throat was burning, and still, Everest kept pushing >You're both terrified and relieved when your lips make contact with the base of his cock, him holding you there for a long moment, panting >Every time his dick twitches, your heart races with fear, and ashamedly, arousal >One of your hands finds its way into your pants, and you let it, as sating your own lust might make this easier to bear >"Your throat feels amazin', boss..." Everest says, and you slap his leg several times until he pulls back, letting you breathe >It's not enough of a reprieve before he gets back to pumping in and out of your mouth, being even more forceful >Your free hand traces your neck, feeling the bulge in your throat every time he bottoms out >The fear of death was receding, replaced by an obscene thrill >You were no longer fighting against his grip at all, letting him violate you freely >While you were in no condition to speak, your moans vibrated across his cock, causing him to spill more precum and sigh with pleasure >"Sorry... boss... but... I think..." Everest tries to warn you through shallow breaths >You try to look at his face through the tears in your eyes, giving him a thumbs-up >That seems to set him off, and he buries your head in his crotch, holding you tight as he climaxes >A thick nanite solution is poured straight down your throat in powerful jets, filling your stomach >It goes on for much too long, your vision darkening as you run out of air >Just as you're about to pass out, you feel his dick sliding out, the last few strands of cum landing on your tongue, the taste... not unpleasant >As Everest pulls all the way out with a final wet pop, he falls to the floor, as exhausted as you are now >You're doubled over, trying to force air back into your lungs after that ordeal, the hand you were using to pleasure yourself now clutching at your chest >Your stomach ached from the sudden volume of liquid emptied into it, your face was covered in tears, and your throat and jaw were burning >To add to the sorry state you were in, your chin and shirt were drenched in your own saliva >The worst part is that you liked it
>>6193 >When Everest finally recovers, he looks apologetic, and afraid >"I'm so sorry, boss! I didn't mean to do that to you! I-I don't deserve forgiveness, you should throw me in-" >You drag yourself over to him and pat his shoulder, smiling weakly >You absolutely did not forgive him for this, but you weren't going to have him disassembled for it >His punishment would come in due time, as soon as you could come up with something to fit his crime >"Boss... boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." >Poor stupid boy >You try to hold him, but you're still feeling dizzy, and you compromise by leaning against the overturned couch with an arm around his shoulder >"I'll never do it again, I promise." >If you could talk right now, you'd reject that promise >Something had awoken within you, and you needed more of that... experience, preferably with more practice and preparation >Wiping the tears from your eyes, you hear a slam and turn to see the bathroom door wide open >Eve stands in the doorway, completely drenched in water and freed from her bonds, her visor displaying a message >"WARNING: EMOTIONAL OVERLOAD" >"VALID TARGET IN RANGE - ENGAGING EMERGENCY RELIEF MODE" >As Eve pounces on you, you resolve never to go on vacation again
>>6198 >The Archiver acts like a flustered schoolgirl whenever a man showed interest in her >”O-oh. Well, I..I’d be honored to, most people these days prefer younger Laborer girls. I’d be crazy to pass this up…(Shit, I should’ve done up my look a bit today…)”
Good morning, everyone. >>6107 Glad that you like it so much, I had quite a lot of fun doing it since I'm a sucker with that kind of aesthetic. >>6108 Yeah that's me, sorry for the late response since I'm a yuro.
>>6208 I know you are not talking to me Friend, but I really want to say, goodnight! I'm going to sleep, its way past midnight were I live. I just wanted to say goodnight to someone.
>>5458 >You begin to fiddle with the buttons of your sleepwear shirt as you slowly unbutton it. Uzi stares at your naked upper body. You don’t have the body of a body builder but thanks to helping out around with manual labour in the bunker, your build is more athletic with a bit of muscle. You drop it on the ground and then slowly take off your pants leaving you with only your underwear. >”Can’t you hurry up, you ape?” Uzi’s had enough of your teasing as she pusher herself up and looks at you with annoyance. You walk over then push her head down into the sheet as she quiets down again with a yelp. “I’ll do whatever you want because you’re an obedient drone, aren’t you?” Uzi nods her head and you let go of the back of her head. >You pull up the back of her dress as you crouch down and look at her soaking adapter. You bring your face close and give it a lick. That gets a positive response out of Uzi as she moans out and her legs shiver. You give it a few move licks before bringing your lips into it and start suckling on it. >Uzi’s fluids are not bad, they taste like regular water with a slight minty flavour. That gets an even bigger reaction out of her as she moans out even more and arches her back up. As you keep suckling on her adapter, you decide to start pushing your tongue inside. It’s at this point her moans increase in intensity and you feel her legs wrap around the back of your heads. She’s not letting you go until you make her cum again. >You increase the suckling, combined with your tongue exploring her, you hear her hyperventilate again and you feel her insides rhythmically pulse. She’s close. It’s then you go out and start eating her out harder. She squeezes your head into her adapter even more which kinda hurts. Not a moment after you hear her scream and fluid rushes to your mouth as you drink some of it. You head’s being crushed but she relaxes and lets you go. >You sit back and cough a bit as you look at the aftermath. Uzi’s gone limp but you know she’s looking for more. “I made you feel good twice, Uzi. Time for you to do the same for me.” You stand up and take off your underwear as your hard member is let out of its cloth prison. >You grab her hips and raise them up so that they’re on level with your dick as it rests there. “Are you ready, Uzi?” She turns her head and looks at you, drooling as her tongue has flopped out. You don’t need to hear listen, you already know the answer. You grab your dick and line it up with her adapter and give it a few teasing flicks before you start slowly pushing in.
>>6217 >be me >live alone >never had pest problems since i kept my space clean >had a friend over for a few days since he got kicked out >apparently he never had table manners >crumbs. everywhere. >GOFUCKYOURSELF.webm >he left. i ended up having to bite the bullet and clean up >the night after though, during a late night vidya session, i hear a noise >skittering in the kitchen >i think, god, dammit, has to be a rat >exit room with broom ready to murder chuck e. cheese >get to kitchen >flip on light >nigga that is not a rat >that is an entire tiny person >weird purple eyes >almost looks like a living plush toy but i can see it 'breathing' >i dont see a nose >its got arms though, and legs >we're having a staring match until whatever it is darts into a particularly large hole in the wall moulding >itsinthewalls.gif >haven't slept since, i hear it scratching and making weird noises from behind the wall >could have sworn i heard 'bite me' at least twice after losing my grip and telling it to shut up So how do you think ratshot would do against it?
>>6218 >She sounds black Nuh uh though, Alice's VA sadly is, just like J's, black. Seriously tho, Alice has a Southern accent, it's nothing specifically black, I guess you might bave gotten the impression due to niggerslang being based on Southern language, however it has 'evolved' differences (finna and such words, it is brainrotted). Honestly I didn't ever think she could have such a VA till I looked it up, but it doesn't take away from Alice for me, she is clearly not intended to be black, there is zero fanart of black Alice (she and Doll are together with the manor drones the only ones who were spared that so far, I've seen Uzi, Khan, Zessa, Thad, Lizzy and others so far). >Why would some of you want to fuck Alice Because she is smart, interesting, beautifull and hot. Besides her feral craziness there are these short scenes (cutting 029's cable, fixing ber finger) where she works so calmly and precise, I think that is extremely attractive. I don't even think Alice would be overly freaky, just very 'intense'. Not to mention that Alice is absolutely wife material imo
>>6126 I liked Lizzy initially, but I've come to care less and less for her, besides I see >>6133 Has a point. Half a year ago I liked Lizzy more than Doll, now it is reversed
>>6177 IDK. I watch Jesus and Judas (The 2009 furry movie) and the ending where Mary uses her dragon to burn the sheep and to fly away somehow came to me when I watched the Gala ep. Basically I wanted Tessa ascend, burn her parents and flee to freedom.
>>6260 Nah, at least not with his personality/goals from the pilot. You'd have to lure him out by playing the sounds of a dog on the other side of the big door in order to trick him into opening it
>>6263 I mean more that when the fuck did a furry movie called Jesus And fucking Judas become a thing and why does it involve Mary flying around on a dragon?!?!
>>6278 Trips over her own tail and falls headfirst into an JC Jensen-branded industrial ore crusher. Regardless of which universe you're in, The Jobber mus JOB.
Reminder to all human personnel - do not believe the stories about how Human Resources sells out humans to drones. They have been fabricated by Human on Drone resources to slander our image. We would never rat out a human to the drones.
Because drones are predators hellbent on the extinction of humanity. Explain why the births of pillbabies has increased but human babies has decreased.
>>6262 the N demeanor with Uzi drip works better than it has any right to
>>6278 >>6285 J is replaced by Lizzy >>6260 i think the artist said that Lizzy would be having her monologue when N pulls the camera and spins some bullshit to play into her vanity, so she makes a pose for the photo and gets stunned then Uzi finishes her off
>>6309 >The show ends on episode 4 >The Oogis through sheer bullshit luck manage to destroy The Solver >Meanwhile Uzi is still tied-up and gagged in a broom closest
Honestly the situation is so incredibly fucked and AS so almighty, any ending that's not 'and then everyone died' would require incredible plot armor and BS to work
>>6327 It would be good for Uzi perhaps? Depends on how it is done, if Uzi somehow gains (partial)controll, maybe then, then she could save N and theoretically everybody, but I cannot see how AS could fuck up that bad in the first place. But yeah, it is a scenario at least, as much as I fucking hate Uzi I'd still be happy about such a ending, problem is it would require AS to make a severe mistake, for which it honestly seems too intelligent and powerfull
>>6333 Is it really "intelligent" though? It's not as if it's all knowing, and it does shit just for the lulz. It's no more intelligent than a garden variety funposter, it's just that humans don't understand how it works very well.
>>6332 >Pic Why is that so funny kek, the distraught 'tessa ded?' followed by 'corps fucking rotting' and that goofy mangled body in the middle, oh my god. Sorry for tessafags tho
>>6334 Nta, idk how intelligent it really is and ut's hard to estimate given we know nothing of its nature, but it's extreme sadism might be a problem for it in the end, maybe it's wishful thinking but the only way it can loose is by making a mistake and I can barely see a way other than it getting carried away/too arrogant
>>6333 A better ending would be it absorbs Tessa and Cyn, leading the 3 to fight for all eternity for control, making them too busy to destroy the universe.
>>6336 Anon, please, you are not married to a cosmic entity, we want you to get out of that padded room but if you continue like this we can't let you out
>Outhacked by a gremlin >Loses control of its hosts surprisingly easily >The patch was probably threatening enough to foil its plans It doesn't seem that OP.
>>6337 It's willingness to go about its business less efficiently just for the sake of its own amusement has the potential to blow up in its face, but Uzi seems to have some kind of inbuilt resistance to its possession that she's gradually starting to learn to exercise. That's what I think is going to end up saving the day (or at least play a significant part).
>>6341 >"you are so silly Anon, the doctors will never let you out of the mental institution at this rate, giggle" Cyn mumbles to no one in particular as she adjusts her position in her straight jacket
>>6346 I was saying this before E7 even dropped: the fact that it NEEDED something out of those labs and was willing to throw wave after wave of DD's into a meat grinder to get at it is telling. It has its limits and vulnerabilities. Its biggest advantage over its victims is the fact that they don't understand it very well
>and irrelevant to the plot. Incorrect. Cynwalker still has the basement key on the same keyring as the pod key so unless that turns out to be some retarded red herring there's still the possibility of some Manor/Tessa related twist occuring in 8
>>6353 bully boy Thad attacks meek girl V Cyn and J rush to her side
also: Uzi and Thad have to fight instead of > put that conventionally attractive male down N goes for emotional appeal against tough guys > why dont you pick on someone your own size > Thad looks at Uzi > shrugs and goes "sure why not" before tackling her off the screen leaving N standing in the shot, doing that thing where the wind comes a second after the motion happens
>>6377 Uzi is definitely the sort to just blast a gob of whatever the drone equivalent of whipped cream is into her mouth straight from the can. J however would never do that and never encourage it. She'd fix herself a picture perfect sundae (with a scoop of ice cream the EXACT weight of the serving size called out on the nutrition label) or not consume any whipped cream at all.
>>6378 Is there anything to indicate that Copper-9 wasn't a "company town"? If the main goal of the operation was mining, and JCJ were the ones doing the mining, I would have figured that they owned the whole planet and kept competing products off the market.
>>6382 Second rate companies used them for their worker force, they were meant to be the little cheaper, but way more plentiful counterparts to Workers. JCJenson probably wouldn’t have minddd some Laborers in their workforce if it meant their productivity is boosted.
>>6325 If V returns to the core cast as a worker drone with her original personality and no memory of events after the gala. She would be so confused at the existence of disassembly drones and solver drones. In addition, she would be heartbroken that N has accepted Uzi as a lover.
>>6382 Labor bots being a fraction of the cost of workers while still being able to perform basic manufacturing led to JCJ using them in their production lines to cut costs. Eventually JCJ would buy out the company producing them and make them their own. But they never changed the design or upgraded them in any way to keep costs cheap. Similar to the hagfish, their design never changed because they were already perfect! At least that's my lore for them. No idea what Eanon's official lore is.
>>6390 >No idea what Eanon's official lore is. Stated my piece here >>6383
Laborers are among Workers in many facilities. They were seen as being affordable, without being cheap. Just boot them up with work instructions and let them work. This plus their aforementioned affordability were seen as highly attractive to JCJenson.
Honestly I have no idea what I'll do if Alice gets killed in 8. Most of you likely think she is dead anyways, and they intnded to kill her in 6, I understand now, but knowing that she isn't dead and even salvageable (no matter if she doesn't show up again) helps me a ton. But it looks really bad, either the planet could be destroyed, the labs, or the cores do something, many dangers, at least one seems likely to happen. And the worst thing is there is nothing one can do, at all
>>6398 Just reject canon and write greentexts about you saving her and eventually getting married. Liam can't stop you from fucking his characters in your mind.
>>6402 >The ending is a pan through the halls of the outpost, the camera flying into a crack in the wall >Two purple eyes light up >"bit me" >MURDER DRONES WILL RETURN IN SEASON 2
To further contrast her from normal K I gave her the same hairstyle but much sharper and more angular. Unlike normal K she doesn't mind getting up close and personal, and instead of withdrawing into herself to cope with her traumas she is actively and enthusiastically on-board with Cyn's "Kill all humans" plan. She delights in hunting humans and non-solver'd drones and her memories are totally intact and un-repressed. Her primary weapons are the sword-length mega machete and a stub barreled macron "shotgun" that discharges an unstabilized connical blast of relativistic particles
>>6398 Anon, I like Alice, but at this point I think we need to admit that she was there to serve as an explanation of how the dead DD's haven't already unleashed swarms of solverpedes across the planet and to make a visual callback to the creator's early animation work.
>>6399 >>6400 Idk if you are particularly new or what, but no she is not dead per canon lore even >Zombie drone, proven cause of behaviour/being a CFL subject in the first place, what use is a normal WD for a program trying to create and patch solver hosts?/database lists 017 as corrupted >Zombie drone means no restrictions and most importantly no core failsafe, aka no core selfdestruct after FATAL ERROR damage, proven by manordrones and the zombiedrones tape shoved literally in your face in ep5 for a minute >In 6 Alice got bootlooped and most of her head destroyed, nothing more. Meaning that she is basically in a disabled state, idk what would happen if the bootloop stops eventually, likely nothing due to the head probably also housing some electronics necessary for movement/awareness Anyways this shit has been discussed up and down dozens of times already, if you'd pay attention you'd know by now
>>6407 Good chance, yu are right, but that doesn't take away from any of the other facts they established, be it intentionally or not. It is cohesive and I never had anyone able to tell me why it all wouldn't add up
>>6412 A DD armed with a railgun would be based (I know I've seen artwork of DD!Uzi with a railgun but I can't find it), however, the fact that you used the word "vore" makes me want to fit you for a rope necktie.
>>6413 You are overdosing on copium if you think that Liam put that much thought into her. When he wrote that the sentinel crushed her head he 100% meant that she was killed by it Unless you actually think that she's gonna show up again
>>6418 She will not show up again, I was 95% sure she would be in 7 due to the flashback/her being in the pic with Nori and Yeva, but then again what happened in the flashback was very unpredictable (in hindsight we were way off except Nori/Yeva screentime/core collapse lore). There is no way Alice will be in 8, I know that since 7 ended. And likely Liam did intend it to kill Alice, pretty sure, but the established rules of the world created by him do clearly prove that this sort of damage does not kill a zombiedrone. Disable, yeah ofc, most likely permanently, but not dead. In the end it doesn't matter to me what they wanted to achieve, what matters are the facts they created which very solidly support Alice being a more complex character as well as not dead in the literal, true meaning of the word. Alice is still around for all I care and I liked having peace knowing that she is regarded dead by the producers and writer, so her state won't change. Till 8 that is, but we'll see and there's nothing we can do anyways
>>6415 Rebecca could technically have her core failsafe misfire, the chance is 0.1% or so but hey, her core wasn't damaged. Rebecca won't show up again so I guess one can headcanon whatever with her.
>>6421 >do clearly prove that this sort of damage does not kill a zombiedrone. What? Zombie drones are just drones that have regenerated once and that was a infinitesimally small chance. We have no idea if they can pull that trick twice. She is 200% dead mate
>>6324 Maybe they go the AM route and the Solver finds more amusement in some variant of psychological torture than in killing them. They've already stated ("why I wanted your team to retain your personalities") that the main cast is special to the Solver. If they wanted to do setup for an S2, it could even bring them along into the next targeted universe.
>>6440 I get the sense that it's a roughly 50/50 mix of the AS just wanting to execute its plans in a way that's fun for it (ie, tormenting its DD slaves) and having some sort of limitation on how much it can currently accomplish. It did send squad after squad of DD's to try and get into the labs, but eventually it decided to drag its primary host all the way to Copper-9 to handle things directly; presumably, there's something preventing it from manifesting a big enough swarm of DD's all at once to just have overwhelmed the sentinels defending CFL under one big tidal wave of murder.
>>6389 Maybe, we'll see. >>6303 Nah, we (and she) won't be back. There was a lot of potential for side material, but I think TADC's hypersuccess has weakened the prospects for Glitch having it made.
>>6441 Maybe it has to get matter from somewhere in order to spawn stuff in regions that it doesn't fully control, and as it didn't have Copper 9, it was limited to plopping in (infectious) agents who would once more clear the way into the core/nucleus so it could begin reproducing whatever it wanted on a large scale. I wish we knew whether they had FTL, which would strongly impact when everything was being set into motion.
>>6434 >The Absolute Solver's arrival, the destruction of every planet but Copper-9, and the extinction of humanity were all an elaborate ploy for me to get a loving J wife >Once they discover this, everyone, including said J wife, teams up to kick the shit out of me
>>6443 I think in any sci-fi setting that involves space colonies, you kinda HAVE to have FTL baked into the setting even if you don't really hump the mechanics of it. Seeing as the nearest system to us, Proxima Centauri, would still be just a little over FOUR YEARS journey traveling at the speed of light, a connected/united interstellar human polity just doesn't jive unless they have FTL transportation and communication.
weird fuckin thought that popped up for me the last few days but: how tf would drone x human weddings work? Kinda HoDr related but im kinda curious about the general themes and differences: >All of these are based on if both party's are accepting of the marriage:
Worker drones: >almost identical to a traditional human wedding, most of the Drones family might extend to production batches, but could also just be as small as their actual "family" dependent on how the drone being married was produced. >food would be a mix of human food and anything edible to a standard worker drone.
Solver Drones: (ZD's kinda count in between worker drone and solver drones, for you Alice fans) >A Very small, Private, or an entirely secretive, evening event, consisting of only close friends/family, (mostly on the drone's side) depending on the mental state of the drone the theming could be formal or just... ravaging, depending on whos piloting the drone at the vows. >expect very oily catering, and maybe some light snacks for the humans, if they remember.
Disassembly Drones: >this ones very interesting because by now i expect DD's to have developed very exotic traditions by this point, and probably would've created special courting rituals. Expect any human member of the event watching from the sidelines as the DD do their own event, ether in the sky or however they partake in the act. >depending of the privacy of the event, this might be one of the few times a DD can eat a freshly (totaly Ethical and not just some poor smuck pulled off the street) killed WD without any consequences, or just a very oily cake if they are feeling especially formal.
Sentinel drones: >VERY professional, borderline army wedding, any attending SD probably will say a few words the entire event, event is very stiff till afterparty starts. >these events will usually have the highest amounts of the drones equivalent of booze, mostly there to loosen up the party member's and let some actual celebrations start, to the detriment to everyone within effective firing range.
Absolute Solver: >Corpses. >Corpses.
if you got better ideas for how these would go down feel free to throw your 2 cents in
>>6447 Well if were talking in canon terms it would probably be something similar to the guy who married Miku That is, a tiny unofficial wedding that everyone makes fun of him for
>>6216 >You meet some resistance as you enter her adapter. Uzi immediately goes rigid from the sensation of your dick inside her. Her insides are very tight but also very slick. Once you hilt your entire length inside her, you wait a moment for Uzi to relax. Just the sensation alone, you haven’t moved yet, is enough to make Uzi moan into the blanket as she grips it. >Uzi relaxes and her adapter loosens around your dick. Once it’s loose enough you start pumping into her. Slowly at first as you try to get into a pace. Uzi continues moaning into the blanket and you feel her legs wrap around your waist, pushing you in. >You begin pumping faster into her as her moans get even more louder. “You like this, don’t you?” You ask her but she doesn’t bother to look back at you. “You like this…hah…filthy ape dick inside you, don’t you?” You’re pumping slightly faster now. “You could just…easily push me away but I know…I know you won’t. You’re pulling me in…like the good obedient drone you…are, letting themselves be used for their master’s pleasure…” >This dirty talk causes her to squeeze around your dick as you fuck the seven suns out of her. You pump and pump into her and then stop as you hilt. “Turn around. I wanna see your face.” Her legs let go of you and you yank her around by the waist. Her face is riddled with arousal. You push back inside with your dick into her adapter as you continue fucking her.
>>6485 I wouldn’t exactly say nicked considering that I asked that Anon permission to come up with a character based on his idea and he explicitly allowed me to.
>>6497 After the gala, there was a lot of flesh at the manor that no one was actively using. One can argue that there didn't seem to be other flesh as young as Tessa's there, but a trade is a trade, no?
>>6428 Didn't see it anymore last night, but I think we might be thinking of something different or one of us misunderstood something. From my understanding zombiedrones don't regenerate at all, they'd need Solver powers to do that. Take the example of Cyn, she was destroyed in her prior service (destroyed meaning FATAL ERROR triggered), likely due to the hole in her screen that can be seen at 5's start (probably similiar story to the one WD killed by James in 5 with a fork to the screen), in any case she had FATAL ERROR and looked dead (cause she was at the time), but in her case the 0.1% or so chance of the core failsafe 'misfiring'(idk if that specific word appeared in the show) occured, leaving her core intact and causing her to wake up an unkown time later, after she had already been disposed off. Now the hole was still there, zero regeneration was visible, but the parts not physically destroyed still worked, because the core was intact, all this before she had the AS. Anyways, ZD means nothing but that the core failsafe doesn't work, it should destroy the core in case of FATAL ERROR, but since there was a pretty high rate of 'misfires' the entire procedure of proper disposal was added, to make sure nothing comes back (likely because AS was already known in some way/smh used to create drones at all, especially cores), as well as no more restrictions. In any case, while I don't think we have any total confirmation I know of that the failed misfire is permanent, it seems highly likely to me, the loss of restrictions probably includes such things as the self destruct 'program' and iirc this was discussed once on /co/ with nothing concrete being found to prove it but most people saying it is probably permanently broken. So, what this means for Alice is, since she was a ZD long before 6 and her 'death' (the " just means her 'death' is not literal and complete, I know tho that it was intended and the show will continue as if) will not further change personality like it does when a WD becomes a ZD for the first time, but due to her damage being far worse than Cyn's there is no way she can come back from it without external support, which won't come. How the bootlooping affects it all and what relevance the head has for a drone's 'mind' to work is unknown (core contains personality and mind as far as we know, however I doubt Alice could control her body without her head, she dies not have the Solver after all), but in the end just something that would be interesting to know, but not affect the given situation much anymore. Got long but hope it explains what I meant
>>6541 Drink booze, play solitaire, bang Yeva at the PTA meetings. The fuck am I supposed to do? His ass isn't plot relevant enough to change the direction of anything.