Hello Friends! I hope you are ready to keep talking about Drones! I know I am. Here we talk everything that is Murder Drones related, since we love this series so much! Let's talk anything that relates to the threads too! Like how much Drones would you like to have? Let's talk about Drones my Friends! The lovely Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>4889 >The scarf and glasses signify how her trust and true character is coming back >Her innocence, although lost forever, show how much she has grown and how she can come back to those happy days >She seems to actually enjoy her time with friends and acts more calm and nicer without her facade >V is back, and she is happy
>>4915 Yes. I doubt I could handle more than one drone in any capacity. >>4914 >>4916 >>4917 And once you reach 8, she starts saying "twenty's plenty".
So quick question for the people that use AO3. When you write stuff with only OCs, do you also include their names in the tags? I know, I sounds stupid, but as someone that has not used AO3 once, I'm not sure how the tagging system works.
>>4928 >Drones can mine crypto currency within their own OS. >Since every drone does that, the market economy crashes because of inflation which causes the Fifth Great Depression.
>>4932 >HoDR starts using drones being able to mine coin by themselves as an advantage. >How if you wanted to buy something or take some money from your bank account, you need to have a drone preferably being in a relationship with.
>>4936 >Dronecoin now mines faster if you're making physical contact; the more intimate, the faster >"Data collection" massively raises the rate >You quite literally get paid to cum inside your drone wife Maybe I should ask out that cute DD.
>>4939 I'm sorry anon but a Sentinel Drone already has her eyes on you, it's over. On the flip side you'll live like a millionaire if you get intimate with yout future Sentinel Drone wife.
>>4936 >>4939 >>4940 >(You) and your Sentinel Drone GF are flipping through a house catalogue, looking for a new setting to move out of your crummy apartment. >Finally settle on a house that you both like, BUT it is priced out of your budget. >Remember from hearsay that a drone would mine DroneCoin at a faster rate if it comes in intimate contact with a human. >The rest of the night is spent clanging your GF which made her mine more than enough DroneCoin to purchase the house. >Rest of the DroneCoin is used to pay for a trip to the Emergency Room.
>>4497 >It's just another lazy night at your new home, sleeping next to AC >Or it would be, had you not been awoken by the sound of roaring fans and feeling of extreme heat >You turn over in bed, looking at your partner >His sleep mode display has glitched out, and you can see his eyes are focused on a corner of the room, hollowed in fear >You squint at the corner he's staring into and see nothing, yet the way he's 'breathing' hard enough to overclock his fans suggests he's seeing something different >You squeeze his hand, and when that doesn't work, shake his shoulder roughly >AC blinks as his visor reboots, his gaze lingering on the corner, before he looks at you, putting a hand on his diamond and breathing deeply >His temperature steadily drops >"I... I saw her, Anon," he says in an empty whisper >You ask just what he saw >"...the rock drone. She comes at night and-" >AC shudders, not daring to speak any more, and you wrap an arm around him >You say that if the "rock drone" shows up again, you'll put a bullet through her visor yourself >"I know she's not real, but thanks, Anon." >AC's still uncomfortably warm, but stabilizing as time passes >He wraps his arms and legs around you, nestling in tightly >Normally, he was the one protecting you, but tonight seemed to be an exception >Rather than tease him when he's vulnerable, you kiss him on the head and run a hand through his soft hair >The four-limbed grip he has on you slackens as he sighs contentedly, mumbling his love for you as his eyes close >You don't take long in following him back to sleep
>>4951 nah, femdrone and the rock drone are different entities I wish that I had that information pic that told about the difference between the thread femanons
>>4949 >>4953 >"Rock drone," CD repeats, raising a digital eyebrow >You tell her that's what he called it >"Hmm... you see, Anon, when male disassemblers error out during sleep mode, they see one of two things. A human girl who wants to shove rocks down their throat, or a drone girl who wants to touch them." >"AC's either mixed up, or he was lying to get cuddles. Probably the latter!" CD concludes with a smirk, eyes shut >A throwing knife lands in the wall next to her, thrown by an angry-looking AC who just entered the room >"Rock drone. I'm not making it up, and I'm tired of being told I am." >CD turns to him, tilting her head and shrugging >"So your hallucination is special? Let me guess, it wants to do both?" >"Yes," AC says, exasperated. "Fill me with rocks and then spank my rear plate until there's a dent in it." >You quietly add the second thing to the list of things you wanted do to AC >Maybe if you used a paddle- >"Wow, Anon, your boyfriend is really special and totally not making things up!" >You give her an unamused look >You really don't think he was faking his fear back there >"Nobody ever believes me," AC mutters, and you put your hand on his reassuringly
>>4963 Be around you (her boss) a whole lot, she made all this effort and she finally got you. While outwardly cold, she falls apart easily when it comes to you.
She’s greatly territorial, especially when it comes to the Solver wanting her due too.
>>4961 >Solver E cocooning her boss up Aliens-style >Solver E feeding him banana pudding while they watch Dad's Army and Are You Being Served? >Solver E sleeping while hanging upside down from the ceiling so that her face is right next to her boss's
>>4979 >Breaking free to hug Solver E when she’s in one of her paranoid states >You let her know that you aren’t going anywhere, nothing the Solver can do will make you stop loving her >Solver E opens up and becomes vulnerable with you as you cuddle her close >A part of her wonders..if you like her like this…a mess of flesh and machine…
Here's more Anon and Uzi raceplay. This one will be a bit longer because the last one was quickly made and wanted to do a longer one with clanging too. ---- >It’s been 3 days since you and Uzi had your little…play session so to speak. >You didn’t think it would turn sexual not that you didn’t mind. >It was very hot seeing her melt under your assault but no matter how much she cursed you or told you to stop, you didn’t and even then she didn’t try to pull away or push you. She just laid there and took it like the good obedient drone she is. >After the whole ordeal the two of you laid in bed as you cuddled. >Your relationship with her has mellowed out. Sure, the two of you still traded some quips here and there but it hasn’t been nothing malicious, just a snark comment here and there. She also tries to spend more time with you as you do your work. Hell, she even helped out one time. >Overall, this is a nice change of pace. >As consciousness returns back to you from the deep slumber of sleep your nose is hit with a smell. >Slowly opening your eyes you take a whiff of the air. The air smells nice, very nice indeed. It’s like…freshly made bacon and eggs. >You then feel something lightly pushing your shoulder. As you turn to the right you see a pair of purple ovals staring at you, messy purple hair and… >Wait… >”Uzi…?” You groat out as you push yourself upward as you sit on your bed. You rub your eyes and yawn as you turn around to look at Uzi. >”What are you doing…here?” She’s wearing a different outfit today. Dark dress, white apron around her waist, frills around her neck and a black and white headband…oh. She’s dressed like a maid. >”I made breakfast for you…” She quietly speaks out, her clasped around each other as she holds them in front of herself. She’s frowning but you can see her blush. You didn’t think she would take things this far. >”Made breakfast…Uzi, how did you get in my room? How did you even get in my apartment?” You question her as you pull the covers off you and sit on the edge of the bed. Thank God you’re wearing sleeping wear because it would have been awkward for you to been seen with only some underwear. >Uzi pouts as she blushes even harder. “D-does that matter? I made you breakfast, fleshie…” There’s that part of that of the personality surfacing again. >Normally you would mind someone breaking into your adobe because they’re here to either rob you or, God forbid, try to kill you. But Uzi broke in and said she made you breakfast and judging from the smell alone she wasn’t kidding. >You suspiciously narrow your eyes at her but then relax and stand up. You’re not even gonna bother changing your clothes as you walk towards the kitchen, Uzi’s footsteps right behind you. >As you enter the kitchen, you look around and there’s no mess anywhere. The pan looks like it’s been washed as it sits on the drying rack by the sink. There’s a chair in front of the sink because Uzi probably couldn’t reach the sink as she’s shorter even than your average drone. >There on a table sits a plate with fried eggs and bacon along with a fork and knife on one side and toasted break on the other. Now that you’re this close it hits you how wonderful the smell is.
>>4982 >You glance over to Uzi who’s looking at you expectantly then back to the plate. You walk over and sit down on the chair and grab the fork and knife. You cut a piece of egg and bacon with the knife and stick both of them on the fork as you take a bite. If the smell was wonderful, the taste itself is heavenly. You take a bite of the toast… >Immediately you start devouring the breakfast. The taste is great, it has the right amount of spices, it’s just wonderful. In no time you’re done eating and lean back as you sigh with satisfaction. You then feel something trying to climb on your lap. >”U-Uzi?!” She kneels in your laps then takes the plate, fork and knife then drops down as she walks over to the sink. You watch her as she jumps on the chair, puts the stuff in the sink, turns the tap on and grabs a dish sponge as she washes them. Once she’s done she puts them on the drying rack, turns off the tap and jumps off the chair as she looks at you clasping her hands in front of her again. >”That has to be the best breakfast I’ve had in a while. Where’d you even learn to cook like this?” Uzi looks at you smugly. “Of course it’s the best because drones are superior at everything! I learned that from a cooking book I found and some rations I found…” >”Well this was great but I have a long day ahead of me Uzi. I think you should leave.” You stand up as you head back to your bedroom then suddenly “Wait!” Uzi yells out as you stop in your tracks by the kitchen door. >”What?” You turn around as you look at her. She’s got an annoyed expression but is once again blushing very hard. “Aren’t you gonna…gonna…you know?” >”Know what?” You give her a small knowing smile. You know what she wants – praise. You’re gonna play coy though. She immediately gets more annoyed as she angrily stomps her foot. “Call me a good drone right now!” >Heh, cute. Guess you’ll have to oblige her right now or you’ll never head the end of it. You walk over to her and kneel as you bring your hand on her head and rub. She immediately closes her eyes and even more blush lines appear on her visor. “Good drone, good girl.” She leans into your touch as she moans. >You pull your hand away but then she grabs it again as she looks at you with half-lidded eyes, her blush has been replaced with an error message. She’s also panting as you hear her cooling fans go into override. “K-Kiss…” >”What was that?” You giver her a coy smile as you raise your eyebrows. “Kiss me, please…” Well, she’s been a good drone so far so… “Anything for my good drone.” You then lean forward and plant your lips on her own as you force your way into her mouth with your tongue. >You hold her head as the both of you battle for dominance with your tongues as she moans into your mouth. You, of course, are victorious as you move your tongue around her mouth savoring her taste. After a minute you separate from her as a strain of your own organic and her nanite saliva before it breaks. It’s then you hear dripping. >You look down bellow Uzi and see a very small puddle, maybe a droplet or two. You then see a droplet fall from her. Is she not wearing panties again? “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Walking around with no panties around your master? Guess I’m gonna have to punish you.” You grab her from under her shoulders and hoist her up with you to the bedroom. “W-Wait…!” She nervously says but her fate has been set in motion.
>>4993 HoDR is all fun and games until the time comes where the solver drone mothers and the Solver herself battle for custody over the human/drone children
>>4995 >"Why do you want to spend time with my child, you old twat!? Don't you have hundreds of other ones?" >"Evie Dear, That's Very Mean. [FROWNING EXPRESSION] And Yes, I Do Have Other Children But Every Host's Child Is Mine As Well And I Love All Of Them. Perhaps We Could Come To An Agreement To Divide Time For The Child Between Ourselves? [QUESTIONING STARE]"
>>5004 Definitely that and the fact she doesn't irradiate pure BITCH aura >>4881 Dirt was never innocent? She was a third Femanon's OC that was made purely to rape N, her tail was quite literally created for handjobs
>>5007 That was also recently talked about regarding Anon and Beretta as well, it was between a Falke replika or a Kolibri Replika for which one would be their child.
>>5021 J, Doll, they all have over five minutes, even Thad and Lizzy. I know it's due to restrictions at least in part but we should've had seen more Alice, she has about two fiddy. >Why not J J will get hers, she has around 10 already iirc, one of the best screentimes for anybody not Uzi, N, or to a lesser degree V
>>5027 Okay I have a plan for more minutes for everyone, I just need large amount of gold or oil, a kidnapped Liam, and a nice reservation for a nice restaurant
>>5025 In a scenario where she was actually working a desk job I imagine her being that one person in the office who no one knows what her actual job title is but she just seems to do everything and the place would collapse if she wasn't around.
>>4884 How much drones would you like to habe? One Alice, nothing more and especially nothing less Pillbaby(s) will eventually be aquired anyways, they don't count as drines right?
>>4852 >It takes the gay Skibidi Biden pfp to get Glitchiggers to address Alice again >The fucking troonshit from reddit was seen by Glitch >Not the damn tran rights comment Aaa glad I didn't dive them a cent yet, but I also need the Copper-9 poster sometime cause it's the only Alice thing they have, what a dilemma >Explanation Most people here thought that already, good to have it official tho I guess
>>5042 Dronecoin would lose 99% of its value on day 1 due to the amount of drones mining it Selling drones as NFT's is a much more lucrative investment
>i made the mistake of buying a oogi >it's been one week and it multiplied into 1000 of them >i've become nocturnal to actually get some sleep >the nights are loud, every corner of my house i hear "ooooooo" and "aaaaa" >recently i made a mistake in opening a tab to shop for hot topic >they have all rounded up in my room, staring at my screen silent and big eyed wtf do i do
>>5050 >>5053 >>5055 You don't seem to understand how drone economics work. The Solver literally controls the value of Drone coin, there will be no economic collapse.
>>5054 Anon you absolute dolt! You needed to buy a Bugretta to accompany the single Oogi, because you didn't do this the Oogi in loneliness sought out other Oogis. However by pure bad luck there were multiple tribes in the area and somehow your Oogi made them all form an alliance. Your house is now their base of operations. Look what you need to do is attempt to set some ground rules, do this by swaying their Bugretta's to your side, do this by simply finding out their different likes and interests. Once they've accepted you, your bound to get some free stuff out of it.
>>5059 I mean you could play politics or just hire an exterminator and ask them to use the newly developed OogTox so that only the Oogi's die out, so you can keep the Bugretta's
>>5006 >Posting a pic of another anons off-site social media profile just to prove a point I couldn't care less about this '''argument''' but this sort of peak drama-baiting faggotry makes my fucking blood boil. At least TRY to have some respect for the basic anonymity of others you fucking ape
>>5060 You know that OogTox is kinda creepy, I never seen a visible let alone yellow glowing gas before. I swear I occasionally hear laughter when dispersing it
>>5064 You thought that was weird? I own a local extermination company and that stuff just appeared in my storage. I don't know where it even came from, there was no note or fee
>>5069 I originally started by posting all my greens on 4chan but having to split them up over multiple posts was annoying. So now I post them here where the character limit is much higher and there's no wait time between posts.
>>5061 She got a decent amount of screen time though? Heck, she might still get more depending on exactly what happens when one Solver host consumes another host's core
>>5069 I post greens and art on 4chan and here, that's everything that is thread related, but I do archive things and post long fics in AO3 but that was not part of the question. This place is more comfortable to post greens but I do not care to separate my greens into more parts for 4chan.
>>5045 ...............................................The old marshal returns.............................shall /mdg/ draw new breath....................or shall it fall into the putrid once more?........................times accountant turns a new chapter.....................
I have a Bugretta that's unfortunately a fan of Murder Drones. The wait for episode 8 is getting to her, I see her now ordering the domestic Oogis I got to write entire A03 what-if's. They're not even good what-if's, they're shit like "What if V didn't kill herself" or "What if James was a better father". Please help
>>5069 I don't have a strong preference one way or the other, although the higher character count here is a nice improvement over what's on 4chan.
Now as far as capping greentexts goes I definitely prefer plus over /trash/ (Mainly because dead/archived threads are more obnoxious to work with as far as posts with embedded images goes)
>>5083 >Uzi treats N like a real badass bad-boy now that he 'smokes' >N has even started to regularly swear, replacing his typical "biscuits" with "crap" Based art drawfren!
>>5061 >>5071 I know it seems very final how she 'died', but seeing how the nerch description said something along the lines of 'she will always be with us' and how Nori/Uzi will be in some other place in 80, I wouldn't be too surprised if we haven't seen the last of Doll yet. They won't bring her back cause of MD's very subjective assertive 'morals', but I feel there is a chance we can indeed see her, not a big one, and I don't know how exactly but oh well
While working on my next big green, I wanted to give some more personal love to some thread OCs since I've only drawn mine for a long while now and I need to shake things up a bit.
>>5104 Mods here saw we had too much autism, so they let us have a board since MD is quite popular, the same happened with other fandoms here Basically nothing changed to be honest, literally nothing changed except, a board
>>5106 For me it doesn't matter, everything stays the same, although we have some threads for booru help, archiving some stuff, and other things, but anons still mostly use the main thread to do everything, so don't sweat if you want to say or share something
>Anon sat at his computer staring at the screen >He could've been doing virtually anything else but he decided to stare at the thread for a indie cartoon he enjoyed >No, he wasn't participating >He was just staring >His Drone GF would occasionally tug at him, begging him to clang her >Yet he did not respond >Nor did he glare >Instead he sat there staring and staring
>>5123 >As he continued staring, he felt almost as if he and the computer had become one being >One being that needed to be controlled by something >One being that could not do anything without another users input >Ironically though the machine he made love to occasionally was more human than he ever was >She was currently doing things on her own, even if it included humping all the furniture to reduce her heat
>Fun nightly OC Facts: A large portion of The Archiver's knowledge on Drone/Human relations comes from an extremely degenerate DroneXHuman doujin stolen from the worker overseer office
>>5151 Nah, the baby is full human. Uzi would have to live with the fact her kid's a human and that she is restoring humanity. The cognitive dissonance would be hilarious.
>>5152 If anon does write it that Uzi gets knocked up it would be better if it was just a pillbaby but it would also be funny because technically the baby will grow up into a drone, the father is still a human which greatly conflicts her how she should act towards her baby
Alice is unironically peak 10/10 perfection, idk how they did it, likely didn't even realize the extent of all they created back then but it's so good it is unreal. Imagine, for one, she survives the Sentinels, which killed every single othrrr sibject that didn't escape (there were other escapees besides Yori and Neva- the one who is dead in 4, who is it?), figured out how to use the doirs to utilize Sentinels, either found Beau after that or smh got him through the core collapse already and then had years alone with dozens of dead WDs around and only mute Beau and the Sentinels (who where not even usefull most the time)questionable company. I can't tell when the first DD squad arrived down in the labs, but I feel as if it happened after more than a decade (no reason really), so, inspite of all zhe labeling of her going insane, she was still able to figure out the threat posed by DD cores (there is much more ti that point but I do noz have the time now) (maybe one escaped even? No Wdrone torso in Alice's room shows signs of core removal- inspite of part collectionikeky well underway at that piint in time (antlers were 50/50 already made by the time the first DDs came)), captured them fast enough to prevent any pedes and found a way to disable them. Actually, even now knowing that Alice doesn't have the Solver in the traditional sense(we knew already but the dazasheet made it official), I think she may still have some knowledge of it based on active CFL era and so on. Anyways, she is very, very interesting in nature, has imo the best lore, is very important, achieved way more than could have been expected given circumstances, looks great, has a nice voice, is a good person imo and has good taste (behaviour-/lookswise), there will be no character in MD or anything to top that ever
>>5176 Would she even mare a good wife? She has an encyclopedia worth of data in her memory banks about humans but I don't think she understands human cultural traditions and values.
>>5182 God, Emily probably fantasizes about exactly that. She'd probably pretend to be dumber than she really is about that kind of stuff just so you'd spend more time spoonfeeding her.
>>5183 >The 'E Expansion' DLC adds unique dialogue & mechanics for each E-variant >They are all equally romanceable with an achievement requiring you to score all 6 in a single run
>>5184 >You explain to Emily that people sitting close to each other and holding hands is a intimate gesture for couples, not for friends. >She knows this yet plays dumb and says she's sorry but still sits very close to you and slowly creeps her hand towards yours.
>>5187 >Spoiler >”G-Geez, boss. I-I don’t know what to say..other then, you’ve made me a happy gal!” >”I’m crying again? D-don’t worry, they’re not tears of sadness. Rather, of joy…!” >”Hehehe….you can not imagine how LONG I waited for you to say that to me~ No more talk, let’s get out of here, you and I~” >”The lord didn’t prepare me for this! I-I need to do a quick prayer first, my core needs to calm down first!” >”I-I won’t let ya down, boss! I promise to be the best dronefriend you’ve ever got!” >”You picked me? You had everyone else, yet you picked me…let me delete some work instructions quick, I want to remember this feeling forever…”
>>5188 >No matter how many times Uzi tells her to fuck off, V simply refuses to get up from the cuck chair >Uzi ends up ordering V to participate just to make the awkward situation less "weird"
>>5195 >Regular E and Male!E >Eager to please, singularly preoccupied with pleasing her/his boss (you). Will learn your soft spots through hands-on exploration coupled with unsubtle inquiries about how you like it, the answers to which they will apply with astounding alacrity. Likes to just be in your space and snuggly anyway, whether or not it escalates depends on (you). Dirty talk isn't terribly clever, vocabulary-wise, but she/he has the sultry voice and warm-breath-on-(you)r-ear down pat. Unless they're in heat, in which case they're going from zero to sixty in 0.1 seconds. But most times it's pretty nice. >WD!E >Too timid to make the first move, but responds extremely well to a gentle guiding hand and positive reinforcement once you get underway. Soft-spoken words of encouragement will get (you) an opening act that rivals the main event once she starts to feel confident that she's doing good. >Solver!E >"Foreplay" consists of her launching herself at (you), the both of you colliding with the floor, (you)r clothes being shredded, and her getting (you) worked up as quickly as she possibly can so that she can cut straight to the part where she fucks (you)r brains out >Sentinel-nun!E >Bashful, yet controlling, yet also very gentle. Prefers gentle massages from behind because looking (you) directly in the eye makes her blush so badly that it threatens to burn a permanent afterimage into her screen. Never says anything vulgar or lascivious, just whispers a never-ending stream of sweet-nothings. >LaborBot!E >Strictly adheres to an aggregate guide to foreplay derived from web-trawling Wikihow, assorted forums, and a couple of public library websites that happen to have digitized some weird old sex manuals whose copyright has lapsed into the public domain
>>5204 They're all good girls (and boy). Even Solver!E, at least when she's not in the mood. I'm not sure I could bring myself to have sex with the Laborer E, she sounds too precious.
>>5164 >, she was still able to figure out the threat posed by DD cores...maybe one escaped even? That's the implication, given that Alice knew what Uzi was talking about. > the one who is dead in 4, who is it? Implied S-010011X01 - would make sense that the humans would've kept its documentation with it, and that it got trapped with that and other papers.
>>5215 >>5216 >Complain about how it takes time and preparation for anal not to be painful >Solver!Everest's response is to cut his chest open and use ominous Solver slime as lube >With every thrust, your weak, feeble flesh is reformed to be more pliable and accepting >Also, because you were annoying about it and killed the mood, your prostate is now several times more sensitive
>>5218 It kinda doesn't seem like Solver E and Solver Everest love their boss, it looks like they only have an attraction to them so satiate their lust. Do they even care if the boss feels good as well?
>>5222 Not the anon who made them, but I'd say they do, it's just twisted by their corruption. In that moment they want nothing more than to claim you completely, but once it's passed they'll be much sweeter. And if he didn't care about you feeling good, he wouldn't have stopped for your sake.
>>5222 Solver E’s been twisted by Solver corruption, but you will be the only one she listens and stops for, just be sure that copulation with her is something you’re ready for, because she’s so passionate on her end to finally express her desires for you that she might get a little crazy.
Had a dream where someone made an Oogi Online game but then somehow it got turned into an action MMORPG with the most convoluted plot in existence. I remember playing a healer class while on raid boss which was someone holding a vacuum cleaner
Please stop slandering me, I love Uzi and I'm loyal. I do not know who Femanon, Femdrone or Dirt is. Uzi has been giving me dirty looks lately because of this. Please stop, thank you
>>5242 N, if you're currently trapped in a room with three depraved sexual deviants who are forcing you to type this out in order to cover their tracks, blink twice.
>Be me >Work for Da Mob >Da Boss says I gots to take care of a body >No biggie >Take Ol' Paulies body to my Oogi Hive >Big Tony ask, "Whata youa doin?" >I tells em, "Eyyy! I know whata ima doin!" >Da Oogis come out and look at Ol' Paulie's body with curiosity >Big Tony is seething at this point thinkin that maybe I've gone stupid >That is until their pupils go black >Like a pack of wolves they ravage Ol' Paulies body >Big Tony squeals likea girlie >After tellin Da Boss thats I got the job done, Big Tony however is still vomiting >Anyways I goes home later and recover the venom generated by Da Predator Oogi Hives Bugretta >Then likea the good Samaritan I's am, I donates it
>>5266 >Had a deep, almost repressed fetish for masochistic regenerators wanting you to be extremely rough with them >This image brings it flooding back Fuck.
>>5274 Oof, that's a tough one. N is capable of yeeting a worker drone into the upper troposphere one-handed, but workers don't seem to be particularly heavy to begin with.
>>5275 There's also him forcing open the outpost door in the pilot and the platter he throws into a wall in 5, even though he did that one as a WD. Disassembly drone are OP.
actually, applies to all drones uzi can snap a steel wrench with one hand, but any sharp object goes through it with ease lizzy gets blown up by a missile and is fine afterwards nobody else is
>>5276 The door thing is probably the most telling of his strength. The door was set to close, so he wasn't just overcoming the weight of the door itself, but also some kind of powerful hydraulic mechanism or something
>>5280 >>5276 >>5275 N emits powerful waves of energy that exist in and out of reality that allow him to lift impossibly heavy objects with ease. It also makes the drones around him forgive and forget the crimes against dronemanity he caused. Thankfully, this power only exists in the purest of drones (hence why J the bitch jobs so easily to a pen)
>>5279 In the pilot we've got N no-selling a smack across the face from a WD arm, only for J to later get owned by a pen. Their strength is "whatever's funny at the time". With that in mind, I'd say that N can kill Jenny in an instant if he wants to, but in reality, she picks him up and he's somehow incapable of stopping her. Until he goes feral and mating presses her, of course.
>>5294 Remember what the motherboards aisle smelled like at Fry's Electronics back in the day? Like that, plus a hint of benzene and old clothes from the army surplus store.
>>5294 WDs likely smell like new car in a vacuum. DDs would probably be the same, but with a hint of the sickly smell of rotting meat and the sharp smell of oil. An acquired taste.
>>5299 >Fry's Electronics God, I remember going there a few years back, to the Aztec one, and the shelves were all empty. I died inside a bit.
>>5221 I actually like that more exotic weapons like lightwhips have been introduced, the problem is how immeasurably bueno the particular shows they get introduced in are. It's so evident that the hackfrauds involved introduced them for "jangly keys" moments to try and keep audiences distracted.
>>5303 >Date a disassembly drone >Have a solid emotional connection, pleasing sex life, good trust in each other and an equitable division of chores >Very healthy relationship overall >The only problem is that your cholesterol is sky rocketing because you have a near constant craving for brisket and pulled pork for some reason
>>5304 >Date a worker drone >She cooks you the most luxurious 5-star meals pulled from a database of the greatest dishes on earth >Date a disassembly drone >She just brings you mutilated worker drone corpses >She expects you to eat it with her, using just your hands and teeth like she does >Date a labor bot >She has no concept of what food is >You try to explain it to her and you think she gets it >She comes back with a charging cable and tries to plug it into you There is only one correct choice
>>5318 I can respect the endeavor to make an animatic like this while also respecting myself enough to submit myself to the fanfic writings of a teenage autistic girl. Uzi is already unbearable when shes written by actual writers, and I dont want to know what she sounds like when shes written with someone with this powerful autism. May the person have a very long happy career that I will never want to see
Image:171953889134.png(488kB, 1855x1080)I should have made this easier.PNG
This may take longer than I thought, I should've had thought better and made it easier for me when creating an AU. Do you, Anons, have your own little world when writing?
Image:171953938579.png(382kB, 1974x2065)Solver War loreposting.png
>>5331 The map is coming along nicely! While it isn't anywhere near concrete, I do have an 'Extended Universe' AU that basically works as an excuse to indulge in Solver War Stuff
>>5334 >The map is coming along nicely! Oh, thank you! I think every AU is to indulge in something with a "what if" in the middle. I think I have read that, but can't remember it very well, thanks for sharing it.
>>5337 Here's a depressing thought: she was underdeveloped in spite of getting her mom's genes due to malnutrition because Louisa and James would deprive her of food in addition to the chains
>>5335 >I think every AU is to indulge in something with a "what if" in the middle. I mean, yeah. The whole point of an AU is that it's so divergent from the canon that it's entirely its own universe with its own rules.
>>5331 >Do you, Anons, have your own little world when writing? I had one when I was writing RUINED EARTH which was the excuse for me to write a Murder Drones/Space Station 13 crossover and how Switch was born. I may one day start over again because of the direction the fic went in dissatisfied me.
>>5357 Alice is nearly guaranteed to have had at least a few negative experiences with humans in CFL, seeing how the subjects on the lower levels were 'stored', yet she doesn't seem to hold any grudge even close to Uzi (who had never seen a human), if any at all. Mind that when talking about Nori Alice held Nori's killing of the lab personel (the same people who were no too good to drones) strongly against her- wether Alice knew that everybody else on the plannet was killed too is unsure, but given how much time she had she likely figure it out already- which was one of the reasons Alice seems to dislike Nori Nori being posessed aside, from Alice's perspective it was nothing that could have been known, not the other way around ('caring' for the staff cause Nori did harm them). I think there are two more very obvious reasons suggesting Alice did at least not dislike humans (all seems as if her view is outright positive tho), namely her Southern accent, I doubt she would have 'kept up the act' of something very much part of human culture if she despised them, the other point being her Antlers, the design is clearly not coincidental and purely utilitarian, it looks not just aesthetic but clearly inspired by Earth's nature. There could be different explanations for it, be it just thinking it looks great, having seen it in some movie (maybe originating from the same place Beau got his cowboy act from, possibly movies? If not during active CFL era, then they still had dozens of computers and about two decades...), or maybe even- like in Liam's case I guess- from a more modern version of a Wendigo, perhaps she saw the similiarities too. In any case I'd say rather good then bad, I'll add what I wrote once before to the same question: >>465351 On the /co/ board, I cannot cooy paste the entire post on my phone now, too late to do it in segments now, anyways thanks for question
>>5370 >N wagging his tail when happy >N licking your face when he's excited >N panting when he's hot >N immediately submitting to your vocal commands >N licking peanut butter off of any body part you slather it on