Let's talk about Drones and how much we love them, Friends! And let's talk about the series and thread Drones too, I think we should talk about a lot of things, but anyway, let's show our love to this beautiful series! And the beautiful Drones! The Pilot to the series: MURDER DRONES - Episode 1: PILOT The incredible Booru: https://dronebooru.co
>>3776 >J complaining about this when she's evidently made enough money to buy the J-cup adapter she wanted What's she even going to do with that much titty?
Repostin' the WIP I started last night as a reminder to myself to finish it today. Also if anyone has some Marcy or Catherine writing or drawing requests I'll make an honest effort to at least start some this weekend, I need to recapture my art focus. Advice for fellow art and writefags, don't let yourself slump too long, the less you do it the harder it is to get started again!
droen tessa requires N >>3793 ey, thats what happens in the story >>3796 marcy neck deep in a hole she dug, looking happy. I don't entirely remember Catherine, will have to dig through my green collection
>>3797 I like this idea, will start on something today after lunch. >>3799 Will do! >>3805 This is true, there are two distinct Catherine designs, one is when she first meets K and the other is several months/years afterwards. At first she wears a chiq little JCJ office dress. Post ecological collapse on her planet she switched to a more practical outfit which is currently what I'm most often drawing her in these days.
>>3813 Good work Friend! There are some that I recognize easily, but I'm having some problems recognizing 3, maybe 4. Can you tell me who are they? And position if you can.
>>3796 I said this last thread I think, but I will say it again, amazing work! I think this is a good sketch Friend and I hope I see the full completed drawing soon.
>>3813 I work outside 5-6 days a week, 8-10 hours a day. Fuck outside, fuck the sun, fuck nature, fuck everything, I'm going to sit inside, in the dark, in thorough and aggressive air conditioning, and rest. Bite me.
>>3826 Okay, realistically, what kind of career could Uzi even land in some scenario where she wasn't the locus of a literal apocalypse and dealing with multilayered psiops conspiracies and everything else going on in this universe?
>>3841 Medium-length black hair, I had no specific hairstyle in mind. Her eyes are red, and her little status diamond is a red heart. She wears a dark hoodie by default, sometimes sweatpants, and more recently thigh-highs. She also sometimes wears a fancy maid uniform for roleplaying purposes.
Personality-wise, "passionate". Anon is her everything, and she'll give everything for her Anon. Even if he gets lost or confused, she'll be there to guide him back to her, with tender yet forceful love as necessary.
>>3796 If you don't have enough already I would be interested in seeing something with Alice and Marcy, given that Marcy was in concept similiar to ice in a few ways, no pressure tho >Advice for fellow art and writefags, don't let yourself slump too long, the less you do it the harder it is to get started again! True, found that out the hard way
>>3852 Thanks for this Friend! I didn't recognize Abbey, seeing the cylinder on the gun made me think it was made of glass, so I didn't think it was as gun. The one you don't know are the Manipulator Drones, an OC that is more than anything a new type of Drone.
>try the SD-Y AI card >She takes me to be interrogated after nearly killing me >She keeps saying she'll send her subordinates in, then comes in herself >The story of why she's interrogating me and what she wants changes constantly >I'm mistaken for a drone several times despite visibly bleeding >At one point she tells me one of her objectives is to "kill all extinct species" I can't tell if my model sucks, or if Y is worse than I imagined.
Image:171908765664.gif(1.25MB, 1920x1309)The return of Cynwalker's revenge, the reckoning.gif
I have seen a bunch of different expectations for J’s role in episode 8 and onward and I believe might have come up with a compromise that would satisfy both the J fans and the J haters while still keeping the character consistent.
> J: “She keeps kicking me in the (maintenance) hatch! Why!? Why does she keep kicking me in the hatch!?” > N: “Wait! I think I might have a way to beat her.” > J: “If you say, “Hit her really hard”, I swear to JCJenson I will kick YOU in the hatch!” > N: “Oh, I-I guess… we could hit her… really hard-” > J: “GRRRR!!!” >N: “-together..?”
“Fun” fact, when making Cynwalker (Confused (R)).png and Cynwalker (Annoyed (R)).png for this I noticed that I had been doing the hair wrong for all of the Tessa variants (the “tail” on the back of her head is supposed to go behind her shoulder not over it). Because of this, I had to spend a ton of time redoing the hair of all the Tessa variants (except adult Tessa), further increasing my hatred for asymmetrical outfits and hair so long it needs to be put on a layer behind the body.
N : “So we killed her, right?” J: “She turned into smoke” N: “Then who is that girl?” Cynwalker: “Hello, my cute puppets” N : “Oh right, the Astute Soluent.” Cynwalker(x1000): “That’s right, I am legion. For we are-“ J: “-A pain in my ass!” N: “Well J, you take the five hundred on the right, I will take the five hundred on the left.” J : “Screw you, I will take five hundred and one!” N: “That’s the spirit.” -cut to the solver hole- N: “Who, I can’t believe every single one of them kicked you in the hatch” J : *wimpering*
>>3873 Yeah I won’t deny that Cynwalker came out kinda weird. I used the same half closed eyes as I used for Aoi on for my past comics but while they worked for Aoi they don’t for Cynwalker. It is probably the open mouth, but then I don't think that a robot wearing the corpse of a 13-year old should be aesthetically pleasing.
Hey, let me ask you something, how many drones you think you can take? You can have whatever you want, but you need to mention it beforehand, nothing bigger than the size of your arm.
>>3916 There's no images at all of her in any neutral lighting, all the time she's on screen shes in low light with what little illumination being cold and blue so it's hard to be sure but it seems to be either very dark brown or black.
>>3916 I had the same question, it looks all black in 4's dark lighting, but then again there's a similiar case with Alice's hair looking black in comparable lighting in spite of being brown when illuminated (pic rel). Maybe there's a clear shot in 3, otherwise I'd say Emily definitely has black hair
bit of a snag with this. I can do N being pinned to a wall by Jenny, I can do Jenny being exposed by N, but I cannot do N fucking Jenny, as he has no adapter attached. And apparently there is a shortage of robotic penis models.
I procrastinated a lot today but I did lineart and flats for the piece I started >>3796, up next Marcy geeking out about westerns. I have a particular funny idea for that actually which I will disclose when it's ready. In addition to simplifying my drawing tools significantly I've been getting some slight practice in on other drawing projects, hopefully it shows in the cleanliness of my lineart, compared to previous drawings. This took about two hours.
>>3958 It certainly looks better without a background that is not just one solid color, I hope you rest well Friend. And if you let me ask, how have you been?
>>3959 Well, getting some new headphones this week, and finally planning to start prep for my near mythological move to give me more free time. Hopefully it’ll be done before the end of October.
>>3961 New headphones? That nice! I need a new mouse and keyboard, so I will see that someday, and what you mean panning to start prep? Friend, did I missed something you said in the past?
>>3962 Yeah, I’m going to be moving to an apartment closer to my work soon, my commutes right now are very long so a shorter drive means I’ll have more free time in my evenings for relaxation and hobbies. I can sleep a bit longer and stay up a bit later, so hopefully I can draw more or at least have more energy.
>>3963 That sounds amazing Friend! Having more free time it's also perfect for the mental health, like having pets but that costs a lot of money. Try your best to watch your health first, it is very important after all.
>>3965 >Having been banished from reality and stripped of most of its powers, The Solver of the Absolute Fabric resorts to whoring its current host out on Onlyfans to make ends meet.
>>3865 Yeah AI models are not very good even at the best of times. But it sounds like you have a particular bad one. >Mistaken for a drone Y is delusional but i think even that is really pushing her delusions to the border of insanity lmao. But i could see her rationalizing that to avoid any particularly hard questions although quite unlikely that she would >>3867 >Cheap Y Ai card That would be Mini-Y
>>3968 I really don't know what went wrong with it. Mythomax isn't the best, but it's usually coherent. It just can't handle Y. The only way I can make sense of it is imagining someone hiding several magnets under her hat.
>>3969 Id suggest getting a newer model. Like the mixtral 8x7 based models for more token context. The person who made her card made it rather large so the token count might be going over your models limit turning it schizophrenic . You can try roping your mythomax model if you must but you might need a bit of extra (v)ram
>>3970 That might be the issue, yeah. My card's pretty anemic on VRAM and even just 24GB cards are insanely expensive these days, with no sign of the price dropping, but I'll shop around for newer models. >>3971 Searching up the "Murderdrones" tag on characterhub gets you a decent list. I don't know if it's all of them, though. For instance, the Yeva card doesn't show up, though it's right here: https://characterhub.org/characters/Anonymous/yeva-eadeb0ae28ee
>>3992 Can I have your Boogi Points if you're uninstalling? I want them for the crossover banner they'll be doing with Love Beyond Collapse: An Outpost-3 Romance.
>>3996 >Deleting Oogi Wars....... >............ >App, Oogi Wars Has Been Deleted Successfully >WARNING: (You) Are No Longer An Asset >System Message: Please Stay Where (You) Are. (You) Will Be Properly Dealt With Soon
>>4000 It's just one of those things that these mobile app companies do to try and spook you into re-installing. Not the first time I've seen this, when I uninstalled Auntie Cyn's: Burgeria, it sent me coordinates to a corpse
>>4004 They're a shady company. This is why I only play the highest quality JCJensen published games such as: >League of Labor Bots >Clash of Copper-9 >Solverpede simulator Sign up now for a double EXP boost in all JCJ games and a chance to win a free J unit!
>>4009 >Playing woke games with ugly characters Compare the character design of Uzi to Solverpede-chan or Elf. Even the ugliest LoLB design, the Archiver, looks better than whatever the hell they did to Uzi's face. JCJ is saving the games industry.
>>4011 >JCJ is saving the games industry. >Space mobile games. Damn nigga, nice gameplay. Tap your screen, swipe here. JCJ is no better than chink game companies from the 21st century. At least Nanotrasen, Weyland Yuttani and Deep Rock Galactic know real games are played on your personal quantum computer.
Reminder to all human employees that relationships with other humans are permitted and are not punishable in any way by Corporate Policy. Human on Drone resources is an illegitimate and illegal organization that has no power to enach Corporate Policies that humans should only have relationships with drones. We are currently dealing with this rogue group and will pre promptly removed.
Disregard the previous message. We have been the victim of a malicious cyber attack, our top technicians are already working on ways to prevent further false alarms and messages. If you are currently distressed or confused about the current situation please speak to the nearby Information Drone that has just approached your desk, please ingest any liquids or pills given.
Do not, we repeat, do not listen to what Human on Drone resources says. They are trying to jam our communications. Do not approach any drone under any circumstance, they're trying to capture you. Stay away from any and all worker drones, disassembly drones and sentinel drones. If you are still loyal to the company, move out from your office as fast as you can then make your way to the emergency stairway without being seen. Take your company-issued datapad with you so that we can communicate. Once you make it to the stairway, go ten floors down and await further instructions.
Due to the nature of this cyber attack we have issued a complete lockdown of the building, for your safety please follow the instructions provided by security staff. Any attempts to leave the building will be met with excessive force, for your own personal safety we repeat that you obediently follow the orders given to you by security staff and disregard anything that says otherwise. Have a pleasant day.
Do not listen to the security staff, they are traitors and are working with Human on Drone resources. They are not to be trusted. The floor you're currently on is under renovation, not a whole lot of personnel around. Going out from the front door is out of the question but we have prepared for this. In a crate to your left are a High-Power Stun Baton and a Portable Flash Device for you, take them. Follow the route we just sent to your datapad. The route will lead you to a wall that has been covered up. If you encounter any rogue employees or drones along the way, use your Stun Baton and Portable Flash Device to incapacitate them if necessary but stealth is of utmost priority. The wall you're going to is covering a old service elevator that leads to the disused maintenance corridors of the building. Use a sledgehammer or something heavy to break down the wall. We're sending you a route to follow once you enter the maintenance corridors. Follow it and you will make it out of there. The maintenance corridors are filled with security holes, it's hard for HoDR to track you but it's also hard for us to track you as well as communicate. You'll be on your own in there. Good luck.
>>4042 Sisterly support yes, but also Beretta is the only one who knows she exists. N sorta does through phantom shit, and V only through endless nightmares and nameless memories. Beretta would help smooth things over
Is SD-X's creator around? Other than being a schizo and blasting people with her schizo beam, what does she usually do, does she have any hobbies or likes? I'm writing a green but the booru is very barebones.
>>4084 God damn it, now you got my brain worms going >Occasionally from time to time, E gets visions of her boss or what looks like her boss. >Basically a body that's been slashed, burned and shot at with missing patches of skin. >The vision would berate her whole existence, how she's the most stupidest drone around and how she murdered him with sadistic glee. >Every time E tries to plead with the apparition but it only results in even more verbal abuse. >Every time that happens E feels depressed enough for a whole day not wanting to do anything before returning back to her usual self.
Image:171916024789.jpg(44kB, 699x712)Serial Designation E Beanie.jpg
>>4088 >E's "boss" is actually just a random human that she shredded as the Solver Wars were consuming Earth >She though that he seemed nice >Nice compared to James and Louisa anyway >He didn't scream at her or insult her >He just tried to talk to her, begging for his life, insisting that "he knew there was still a worker drone in there" >She imprinted on him, just before she killed him >Fixated on the fantasy of a human who would actually be kind to her, the way Tessa was so kind to her favorite "dumpster pets" >It was what kept her going as one clone after another of her was sent on one cataclysmic mission after another >Even in her most lucid moments, when she started to remember what she really was, and what she was really doing, she still managed to convince herself that she had someone who loved her, waiting at home, and she'd get to see them once she took care of one last thing on this job
>>4099 she needs a hug >>4076 I don't adhere to those greens, I mostly care about the ones where she was erased by the Solver in a fit of rage. Not that the anon ones are bad, I just don't care about them.
>>4099 >And then E wakes up. >She jumps up as every subsystem in her screams. >She looks around and...wait. This isn't Copper-9. >She's in a living room with the only source of light being a TV playing a children's show. >She looks down at her hands and see they're standard worker ones. >Then she notices she's sitting on someone's lap. Warm. Squishy. >She looks back and sees her...boss? He's alive! >She almost squeals with joy before noticing he's asleep. >Was...was that a nightmare? >E leans back into her boss as she feels his warmth. It's nice.
Yeah, this is a "all a dream" scenario but I wanted to make it happy. Unless you think of this as a Solver induced dream in order for E to be tormented further.
>>4103 Strange, it keeps giving me a connection error when I try to post there Anyways, here is my answer to that OP >What is the craziest theories you had at some point? That ended up being completely incorrect. We all had some theories seeing this ongoing series.
At one point I was seriously expecting it to be revealed that all the Manor/Gala stuff happened hundreds of years before the events of Copper-9
>>4112 Normally when it's an IP ban it'll explicitly say so, and right now it's just a generic "Connection Error". I'm sure it'll sort itself out by day's end
How do some of the writefags and drawfags cope that sometimes they're the only one that makes content for a specific green/fic or art for a character because I see this happening with the green concepts/characters that barely have anything or nobody notices them?
OK I didn't EXACTLY follow the prompt for "Marcy geeking out about westerns" HOWEVER I think this might be even better. I leave it up to all of you to decide.
>>4117 This I am more worried about those who bend themselves out of shape because their particular stuff, whether it be greens or art, isn't 'popular'
>>4116 I don't draw for a living so I don't care about advertising myself, I also have almost zero care, respect, or thought for the opinions or desires of strangers so the attention or lack of attention from strangers is basically irrelevant to me. Sometimes I take requests because I find them entertaining or they strike some creative sparks in my head. I don't mean to come off as callous but entertaining other people or being popular or gathering a following are distant secondary goals in my mind when I draw, for most of my life I've done it only to entertain myself and to try and render what's in my head into some other medium.
>E heard someone calling for her >Far away, somewhere in the oppressive darkness
>She had to find them >They weren't safe >It was somewhere in here with them >It was what was making it so dark >Making the floor so slick with fluids that E didn't want to think about >Peppering the edges of her vision with points of light that glowed a sickly, greasy yellow >It would kill them if she didn't rescue them soon, she was sure
>"Eve, you okay?"
>Panic began to overtake her and she willed her legs to move faster and faster >Stumbling through the darkness of the flesh-coated halls, desperately seeking the source of the voice >She felt things grabbing and tugging at her as she moved, but she swatted them away, running more and more frantically until she suddenly stumbled right into them
>They were in an awful way >Ink-colored bruises all over their body, some split by horrid gashes that leaked dark, treacly blood >She still had a chance to save them, she had to, SHE HAD TO
>"Wake up"
>She reached for them >Too slowly >In an instant a thousand dreadful tendrils and claws slithered out of the shadows and enveloped them >There was no time for her to cry out before they were pulled away from her and into the caustic abyss
>>4116 I do as I do because I like the characters and world. For a bit, I was the only one doing anything involving Hope, hell I doubt she'd even have an appearance if I didn't slap together a model for her. >>4121 Marcy Munny, the Unforgiven.
>>4116 Like >>4122 and >>4124 posed, I'm doing it for fun. Not popularity. Granted, I also want to do things to improve. I should be doing things outside of this but largely I've been lethargic in doing so. Still afraid of rejection. If people like my trash, cool. If they don't, whatever.
>>4131 Should've been obvious the entire time in hindsight One thing I don't get tho, why did Beau (or more likely Alice, idk how he'd do it with one hand) have to tape the magnet to 'Tessa's' helmet if a drone head was underneath? When Beau was carrying extra sedatives to Uzi the attraction was strong enough that they flew onto her from about two feet away, so the extra distance from magnet to head due to the big helmet couldn't have been the explanation, any ideas for why this was shown? Maybe intentionally misleading?
>>4134 When Uzi is temporarily possessed by Cyn and she opens that hole in the wall the magnets suddenly become totally ineffective, although it is true that they don't fall off her or anything. It may be the case that as the Primary Host, Cyn has some kind of strange antimagnetic effect, or it could be that she built her custom body (again, we see a different design of chest underneath Tessa's skin through the tear) out of nonmagnetic materials specifically so she can't be hampered by that common weakness of standard drones.
>>4116 One of the main rules you're thought when you start writing or drawing is to always do it for yourself and not for others, never venture in this hobby with the goal of chasing popularity because it will bite you in the ass. That's been my mantra since I first picked up that pencil. Yeah it feels nice to see others acknowledge your stuff (I sure geek out a bit internally when I see fanart of my stuff), but it should always be treated as a bonus, not something you actively pursue. You might feel a bit disappointed when something you've poured your heart into barely receives any aknowledgement, but that's just the struggle of being an artist/writer, just suck it up and be confident that at least you accomplished something cool and that you can feel proud of, even if no one's around to pat you on the back and keep doing what you're doing.
Evil Hope comic, while I doubt that the original creator will ever go in this direction, Hope being desperate enough to be willing to resort to stuff like this to “return” is an interesting idea. Also Beretta learning something about appreciating the things that she has or something. Besides as some people pointed out (>>4704, >>4101, >>4042), characterization doesn’t tend to be that consistent between different greens and interpretations.
> “Honestly, what did N even see in her?” > “Your guess is as good as mine,”
I originally intended to make this a gif to have the ZAPP panel flash with Hope and Beretta changing positions but For some reason images get stretched when copied, meaning I had to keep this as just a comic.
When V was asleep I would rub my dick against her thigh, when she woke up and wondered why she was sticky I would just blame it on oil. Worked every time
>>4162 It's only over if you let it be over writefren! I'd suggest starting off slow & short before working back up to your previous workload/"standard"
Image:171917853728.jpg(88kB, 680x382)Where Does He Fit In, Was i(T) Real.jpg
>>4162 >Deep underground buried beneath an ice covered hellscape >A spider conversed with the shadows in his mind >"It has been months and yet here you still remain within this desolate cave, wasting your time still." >"Go away." >"We both know that isn't entirely possible T, no matter what you do I'll always be there scrapping at the back of your harddrive." >T sat there in silent rebuttal >"We both know the true reason you don't venture far beyond the cave." >"It's because I've lost mein touch...I am not what I used to be, the cold winter has not been so kind on my chassis. I am old and outdated." >The shadows seemed to grow larger around T, circling around him like sharks >"Old and outdated you are certainly but that is not entirely the reason you fear the outside world." >Anger and perhaps a twinge of fear rose within the mechanical horror >"Then what is the thing that I fear most? Is it being alone? Is it death? Tell me Übler Geist!" >In response to his outburst the shadows began to retract back into the walls, however they left him with an important message before departing entirely >"No it is not fear of death but the truth that scares us the most, is the truth that perhaps that our very memories are not to be trusted." >T was left alone yet again perhaps until the next time he decided to converse with himself
>>4168 (me) Yeah still not a fan of this character even now definitely feel like if I had more direction he would've been an alright character, it's just that I got an urge to do it and it wouldn't leave me alone. Surely I'm not alone in that sentiment
>>4162 Hello Friend, when something I do I feel is bad I often put a limit on how much I allow myself to start over, I also write a little road to follow and know what to write in what order. After a while without practice it is normal that the quality is a little down compared with the past, but you can easily be back to where you left and even better if you try and try again, don't give up!
>>4166 >N & M 'wrestling' in the charging bay >Both of them are drenched in oil so slick that their clothes practically comes off on it's own >They end up doing a lot more than just "accidentally" touching tips
Image:171918478313.png(846kB, 1272x7617)Melody the Yandere Maid.png
Poked my head out from going through older threads & just noticed that there are a number of high quality fresh greens I've missed. I'll go ahead and rectify this before resuming my archive crawl
>>4141 DOLLiNschzio here. I cheat with my stories, as I write her as the relatively normal girl I THINK she was before she fully descended into being a cruel, practical reflection of V. She doesn't actually want to be doing half of the shit she does in regards to killing for food, but she still has to and has done so for quite a few years. She made a sort of mental disconnect with it being out of sheer necessity, but the killing along with all of the Solver hijinks as well as Lizzy's relative coldness despite how close they actually are (they aren't just friends for the sake of Lizzy preserving herself like in canon) is beginning to wear her down mentally and my second story flat out states that her killing NOT for food is a relatively recent development, with her beginning to believe herself to be some kind of monster after doing so.
N catches her at the edge (really they BOTH catch each other at the edge) before she begins putting the prom plan into action, they talk to one another, she gets to know him personally, learns that he isn't at all like V, that he effectively hates himself for the thing's hes done (more cheating) just like her and she eventually breaks down in front of him. N reassures her that she isnt anymore of a monster then he is, she does so as well, and boom! The whole him "being a disassembly drone" thing gets tied into everything she has to deal with in relation to the Solver and gets put in the ground right at the beginning. Plus he's N, and it's REALLYYYY hard to hate N.
Creative liberties and all that are the name of the game, I wouldn't want to write them as they are canon-personality wise, everybody in Murder Drones is kind of an asshole, even N.
>>4238 >She says it in a thickly austrian-accented, mind-numbingly poor attempt at imitating a british accent >The rest of her squad just sort of looks at her in confusions >E didn't understand a single word she said, that all just sounded like someone coughing uncontrollably after choking on a pie barm
After making the Switch and SD-X doodle I wanted to make a green with the two.
>You’re out scavenging again for materials and for disassemblers to eat. >Keeping the wreckage of a shuttle functional is hard even with your best efforts of keeping it together. >You’ve also been running out of DD oil and remains to keep yourself functional. >You’ve been trying to ration what you had left but just a day ago you started coughing up some of your insides. >You coughed out some of your oil and what you assume were parts of your intestines. The smell was quite horrible so you quickly cleaned that up. The feeling was unpleasant and a little bit painful. >It was at that moment you really had to go out and get some “food” and some extra metals and bits for the ship. >You grabbed your duffel bag and pouch along with your coat. You also took some flashbangs, EMP bombs, incendiary grenades along with some repair sprays, flashlight with spare batteries, and a laser rifle if you have to shoot something from afar, then head out for the city. >And this is how you found yourself in a department looking at the various metal sheets, pipes and bolts. >As you look around with you using the flashlight as a source of light, you could hear someone faintly talking. >No, scratch that. It sounds like multiple people talking at the same time. You can’t make anything out. >It’s coming from somewhere deeper in the store. >You pull out your energy cutlass but don’t ignite it yet as you walk down the isles containing everything from power tools to wooden boards. >The voices are getting louder and you could hear them coming from behind one of the large shelves. >You turn off your flashlight and your LED lights as you peek over the corner.
>>4245 >Sitting on the floor is a disassembler swaying their head from left to right and you can hear the voices coming from…it. >They’re just sitting there, nothing around them as they have their back towards you looking at something you don’t know as their tail waggles back and forth. >The fuck? >Oh well, they look preoccupied enough. Looks like an easy enough snack. >You come from around the corner moving quietly to strike the disassembler from behind. >It hasn’t heard you yet which is good, makes your job much easier. >As you near the disassembler, the voices suddenly stop and looks behind itself at you. >This causes you to immediately turn on the cutlass as the red blade appears and bathes everything around with red light. >You assume a fighting stance as the disassembler stands up and waves at you.
>”Salutations (stranger)(new friend)(WHORE)!”
>… >What? >What was that? >With the cutlass’s light, you can you better see the disassembler. >For starters, it’s a she not an it. Female model with the stubby legs. She’s also got a bowl cut and not wearing any clothes? >There’s nothing covering her, she’s standing there bootyass naked. And there’s no ‘eyes’ on her visor, just a question mark. >You keep your stance, not moving as the disassembler begins speaking again.
>”The lake is a long way from here, friend.” >”I was surprised that my immense (laziness)(happiness)(FUCKING RAGE) was inspirational to others.” >”The family’s excitement over going to (Disneyland)(nowhere)(HELL) was crazier than she anticipated.”
>What the hell? So it was coming from it? Even this close you barely understand anything, the voices talking over each other makes listening to it difficult.
>>4246 >The voices soon after get incomprehensible as she speaks as they speak over each other. Now you can’t understand anything and they’re getting louder. >Your vision starts glitching out and your microphones get assaulted by the sound. You hold your head with your other hand but keeping the cutlass pointed at the disassembler. >The feeling is not painful you see but it’s still unpleasant. It’s like the inside of your head is being compressed in a vice and your microphones being submerged underwater with everything sounding very muddy. >The sensations get more intense as your vision starts glitching out even more, even seeing light, and your microphones get assaulted with even more audio garbage. >This is very, VERY, confusing and you do not like it at all. Not one bit. >And then suddenly It stops. >In a flash, your vision returns back to normal and your microphones are functioning correctly once again. >You look at the disassembler as she looks at you with confusion.
>”What the (hell)(heck)(FUCK)?”
>Your stance relaxes as the two of you stare at each other. >You know what? Fuck it. This ain’t worth it. >There’s something wrong with this disassembler. Schizophrenia or something? And considering what you just experienced, you wouldn’t eat her. Maybe it’s contagious or something. >Technically you’re a corpse but who knows what will happen. >You turn off your cutlass and put it back in your pouch then take out your flashlight.
“I’m not gonna eat you. I don’t wanna contract whatever bullshit you have.”
>You quickly make your way out of the hardware store but not before taking some stuff with you along the way out. >Maybe you’ll come back later and properly look around. The disassembler should be long gone by then. >And you’ll find another disassembler that wasn’t like…that.