Hello my Friends! Once again, we are reunited to talk about Drones and everything Drone related, I hope you talk about everything you love about Drones. I hope you are doing awesome by the way! The incredible Booru: https://dronebooru.co Last Thread: >>49200
Cynwalker finally have a sfm model https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3340513036
And here the other Tessa model https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3336540613 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3323018787
>>50257 Don't tell me TADC threads got shafted on /co/ prime too? Is that why there are TADCfags around here? Like, I'm indifferent to the show, I think it's fine it's just not my usual thing. But this board is /md/ not /glitchprod/.
>>50250 J deserves a happy ending, but most writefags making greens about J seem to prefer writing about the long darkness instead of the light at the end of the tunnel
>>50260 >Don't tell me TADC threads got shafted on /co/ prime that’s a good question, unfortunately I have no idea what your saying in the slightest, pomni is cute though
>Adopting the DDs after the good ending >Earning J's trust >Bringing her back the outpost >Trying to keep the DDs from attacking eachother >N decides to help you talk them (V) down because he is a nice guy and wants people to get along >V accidentally hurts you during the fight >She is mortified because she has come to like you and think of you as her master >She must go find medical supplies for you >J demands to come along >V is being confrontational >J argues that she has been scavenging and knows the lay of the nearby city >N stays by your side >V and J work together to find supplies and treat you >You are confined to you bed for weeks >V and J hate eachother but they form a sort of cold war in your presence because they both like you >Nori is livid that DDs and a human are living in her home >V uses her as an excuse to manipulate N into staying with you at all times so that Uzi will also come over a lot >Uzi incenses J endlessly but the businessbot can't do anything to her because she is secretly terrified of her >V goes to hang out with Lizzy instead. Nobody except N wants to deal with fucking Uzi
What if Cynessa was a "bad" fusion, aka the Solver controlling both Cyn and Tessa. And there is a "good" fusion where Cyn and Tessa are still fused, but alive and are controlling the Solver?
Image:172771939160.png(286kB, 1484x1624)Beretta and Anon's children.png
Wrone a short description of these two picrel after drawing them. Probably a shit concept but the worms wouldn't let me calm down after reading the green depicting Shepherd and the Nerd emoji drone's birth plus some older discussion theorizing what a potential Anon/Beretta child would look like.
Chiappa Doorman (Drone on the right) Yes she is named after the Chiappa Rhino revolver, gotta keep the Doorman name tradition alive
>Is part of an athletics groups in the bunker. >Has aspirations about being the best drone athlete around. >Is constantly training in track and field sports even though she’s a drone and doesn’t really need to. >100 meter sprint? She wants to be in first place. Long jumping? She’ll jump farther than anyone. Throwing javelins? You won’t even see how fast its soaring through the air or how far it’ll go. >Aspires to qualify in the upcoming Dronelympcs to show everyone how skilled and determined she is. >Is always happy and walks around with a smile on her face. That makes her fun to be around. >She doesn’t really like it when people around her are sad so she tries to cheer them up. >Loves her mom (Beretta) and dad (Anon) who in turn love her back, has a complicated relationship with her grandparents (Uzi and N) because of her parentage but gets along with her great grandparents (Nori and Khan).
Kurt “Lucky” Doorman (Human(?) on the left)
>Kurt’s birth is nothing short of a miracle. He shouldn’t be alive yet here he is. >Nothing really is certain when Solver shenanigans is involved, nobody knows what will happen. >That’s how he got the nickname Lucky. >While he may look human, his tissues are made of the same solvered meat that drone Solver Hosts’s wings, tentacles or other organic stuff that looks like a young human guy. This gives him a rather unique physiology. >For starters, his skin is sickly pale despite not being sick. In fact his body is more durable than the average human as he can’t get sick from common viral or bacterial diseases. >He is physically more capable than the average human. He can lift heavier stuff normal humans can’t and has near limitless endurance – he can run several marathons if he chooses to while barely breaking a sweat. >Has an advanced healing factor thanks to the Solver meat making up his body. Minor injuries such as bruises and cuts can heal in seconds while major ones such as broken bones, deep cuts such as a knife stab or dismemberment can take minutes to heal, it all depends on the type of injury. >Has natural purple hair and pink irises which glow in the dark. >He is ‘aware’ meaning he can ‘feel’ when a Solver Host is nearby, like his mom, which to him is like a tingle down his spine. He knows Uzi is not who she looks like, that sometimes she moves like a lifeless puppet on strings. These things aren’t driving him insane but they greatly unnerve him. >Like his sister he loves his parents and is on good terms with his great grandparents but things get really complicated when it comes to his grandparents. >Because of how Uzi would heckle him by calling him ‘unnatural’, ‘freak’, or slurs for humans she can think of, he’s very self-conscious about himself. >He his aware of how ‘wrong’ he is and has become a recluse. He isn’t that social and every time he walks anywhere in public, he wears gloves and a scarf around his neck and mouth to hide his ‘wrongness’. >Sometimes his self-conscious thoughts turn to self-hatred. Why does he exist? Why is he even alive? Would things be better if he just didn’t exist? >Likes to play the clarinet which also has a calming effect on him. Playing music makes his bad thoughts go away for a moment which makes his day a bit better.
TLDR: Chiappa is an aspiring drone athlete who is fairly normal while Lucky suffers because he exists and because he's a mutant freak
>>50220 to be completely honest, now that murder drones is over i’ve mostly been working on my own thing still can’t resist doing my nightly Nposting, though…
>>50289 >the worms wouldn't let me calm down after reading the green depicting Shepherd and the Nerd emoji drone's birth YAYYY i’m so happy my thing inspired you anon!!
>>50220 If I was a better longform writer, I'd do something with this idea I had of "The Haunting at Elliott Manor" where Cyn's increasingly intense and malicious solver powers are mistaken for wrathful spirits or poltergeists. Tessa would be seen by her parents as the epicenter of the ghostly activity because 1.she's into all manners of creepy things 2.poltergeists are believed to disproportionately manifest around younger girls 3.the paranormal events seem to occur either when she's in the room or while she's being punished and I was debating having Cyn still care for Tessa even after going full solver, hence why punishing Tessa seems to stir the "spirits" up into a frenzy
>>50295 >"'Jerma, how does it feel to know you're gonna reincarnate as a mutant cyborg flesh man.' I- I don't know, what do you mean by that? That's not gonna happen, I'm telling you right now." >Centuries later...
>>50314 Worse yet its inside Khan's office and he intended to use that part to make a door, J easily made it inside thanks to the vents but when she reached her goal Khan caught her red handed and then he pushed her onto his desk and a furious make out session begun
>>50312 Tessa, NVJ, and Cyn are playing with a Ouija board in the cemetery. They manage to make contact with a "spirit" only for it to be slowly revealed that it's the real, original Cyn speaking to them
>>50312 Are you writing greentexts? If so, While out doing errands with Khan, Nori being torn between her longing for drone interaction after almost twenty years completely alone and her fear of crowds and open spaces that almost twenty years living underground has left her with.
Requesting any willing drawfag to draw the DD trio visiting a T-800 and N saying "hi grandpa!" Just for the Terminator to respond with "Aw fuck it's my faggot grandkids again..."
Image:172772430550.png(463kB, 1168x1179)serial designation n and uzi doorman (murder drones) drawn by vicious_fiend - bb62e77405b9e68256b7a2c2aef78b34.png
>>50312 Solverpede!N "caring" (Cuddling, feeding, nest-making, reading dog facts, ect) for a very pregnant Uzi
>>50025 While I probably should have realized that something was off with “Tessa” sooner (Like how would she even have survived up until now?) I still found her supposed story interesting. Her becoming much more jaded as a result of living through the destruction of earth and the losing war against the Solver and becoming more willing to resort to extreme measures (Killing drones that might be infected with the solver) to stop such a thing from continuing seemed interesting. Alas, things were not meant to be.
>>50220 I'm not american but there have been efforts to introduce Halloween in my country. I plan on doing nothing for it. But I have been kicking around ideas for new things for my cosplay and I could use some ideas for the thing I want to make.
>Tessa survives* the Gala Massacre >She spends much of the Solver War fighting* across space with her trusty sidekick J >The duo come to Copper-9 in hopes of stopping* The Solver's plans for the planet "before it is too late!"
>Tessa was only spared because she didn't bother trying to stop the Gala Massacre from happening, leading to Cyn turning Tessa into a Solverfied "Autonomous Puppet" as a 'reward' >Tessa & J spend the majority of the Solver War fighting FOR The Solver, with their defection happening as a relatively recent last-ditch effort >Tessa's "plan" for Copper-9 still involves destroying the planet (along with all the potential hosts residing there) in a desperate bid to throw a wrench into the Singularity Shenanigans threatening to swallow the entire universe
>It is Paper-E's turn to act. >FIGHT >ITEM >GUARD >CHECK > ->FIGHT
>SD-E used: BANANA BEAT(O) >Numerous bananas collect around her fists as the two-dimensional disassembler rushes forward and unleashes a barrage of potassium punches upon the enemy. >Finishing it off with a quick bite of the sweet fruit before chucking them all off in a bunch, supercharging them with electricity and posing as the explosion goes off behind her.
>>50363 People talk about V being thr one who got cucked out of her roll but I feel like J got the rawer deal. They implied some interesting things esrlier in the show and it feels like they had to pare it down to almost nothing for the finale
>>50367 Meaning, for the kind Anon you're responding to, >the Solver gets found out and a patch developed before it can make a contract with Cyn >Uzi, Doll, Lizzy, and Thad are improperly disposed of test subjects for the successful version of the patch who got improperly disposed of afterwards and salvaged by Tessa
Alright, enough delaying it because we have quite a bit to share tonight. Let's start with that accompanying green I mentioned. Enjoy.
>“Are you sure about that?” asked Mr Takahashi. >“Positive, Sir. The Izumo gates are in perfect condition. No sign of breaching.” the voice on the other end of the call said. >No words were exchanged between the two for what felt like ages. >Mr. Takahashi was preparing to say something, but stopped himself before clearing his throat. >“I see.” his tone was as stern as ever, but there was now a hint of worry palpable in it, as faint as it might've been. >“In that case, I want a full search on all known cave openings in the Izumo area, including those close to the nearest towns.” >“Understood!” the voice said as the transmission ended, leaving behind only more questions than answers. >Mr. Takahashi knew all the cave openings in the Southern region like the palm of his hand, he participated in mapping all of them in his youth, he knew exactly which led to the outside world and which took you further down in Makai. >The Izumo Tunnel was one of the last left that led to the outside, a single straight path with one detour thanks to natural caving, all the others having been sealed because of the danger of the Scabdogs. >He still remembered the rumblings caused by the detonations as each tunnel collapsed, isolating them more and more with each passing year. >There were paths cutting through the mountains, but those were long and windy, often taking days to traverse. >It was also this notion that reminded Takahashi why they even still kept the Izumo Tunnel despite the Scabdogs breaking their way through it many times. >Convenience. Because of their location, many would have to traverse large distances to reach East or West Takamagahara’s underground exits or the now more modern roads cutting through the mountains. (1/?)
>>50375 >No one was really sure why the Scabdogs ignored all these extra avenues and focused exclusively on the South entrances, but just as many were grateful for this as it meant that they could much better focus their defenses in one location, which is what Takahashi and his men stood for, along with Haruka. >There were more groups like his in the neighboring towns, but none felt as well prepared as his. >Before he could fall further deep in thought, though, another drone called out his name. >“Takahashi-sama!” >“Hm?” >“My apologies, Sir, but we are done with investigating the area.” >“And?” >“Nothing, Sir. The area is clean of any possible clue that an Inugami was here. The cave entrance further south is also still blocked.” >“I see…” >Takahashi and his men had been scouting the areas past Sinshei and the great forest separating it and Inoshima, having set out very early in the morning with the full intent of dedicating the entire day for this investigation. >But with the sun slowly approaching the mountains on the horizon, it was clear that they wouldn't find anything. >The mystery of how the Scabdog made its way in Takamagahara would remain unsolved for now, as much as Takahashi knew that it'd bother him for the following nights. >“Very well. Then I guess we wasted enough time here. Let us return home.” Mr. Takahashi said, rubbing his chin and looking at the drones next to him. >“Yes, Sir!” the one closest to him exclaimed excitedly. >“Alright, I hope the Wataryu haven't been too cranky that we didn't serve them their meal for today and are planning to eat us, ha ha-” >BANG >The deafening sound filled the air as one of the drones dropped dead, hitting the ground with a loud thud. >Oil rapidly pooled around it as Mr. Takahashi quickly took notice of the gaping hole in its visor. >A small pear then fell out of it as it landed in the oil puddle. (2/?)
>>50376 >Turning around, he saw the thing he knew was responsible for this act, yet was still caught by surprise. >Hopping its way out of the bushes was a Kuishinbo, a teenager judging by its size. >Ten eyes then emerged from its shell as it stared intensely at the drones, curiosity plastered on its nonexistent face. >Looking at the downed drone, then back at the Kuishinbo, Mr. Takahashi acted quickly as he raised his arms and began shouting. >“BE GONE, YOU WALKING SEAFOOD DISH!” >But the land scallop didn't move an inch, advancing a bit more. Mr. Takahashi kept throwing verbal insults at it as he tried making himself look bigger and more intimidating, but all it did was make his squadron feel uneasy instead. >Finally, the Kuishinbo turned around and hopped back into the bushes, having grown bored of the machines. >Zipping his jacket back and adjusting his helmet, Mr. Takahashi returned his gaze to his men, who by this point were looking at him like he had lost his mind. >“Kuishinbo are dangerous critters, but aren't very keen on combat, especially after they've used their secret weapon, so if you stand your ground and make yourself look threatening or bigger than them, they'll most certainly turn tails.” he said with an air of renewed confidence. >The other drones looked in the direction where the Kuishinbo originally was, remembering that the scallop didn't really seem all that intimidated. >But seeing their boss in high spirits again made them loose up, only to be visibly stressed again after seeing their dead comrade. >“In any case, it's time to retreat. I don't wish for any more casualties today.” Mr. Takahashi said as he began lifting the lifeless body. >“Although it is strange….” he pondered. >“Is there something wrong, Sir?” one of the drones asked. (3/?)
>>50378 >“This isn't the normal habitat for Kuishinbo, especially this far south. And especially for an individual as young as the one we just saw.” >“Maybe they arrived from the East?” >“Low chance, the Eastern population isn't known for migrations and the Western one is too far away and concentrated in one area to suddenly want to do some exploring.” >Mr. Takahashi continued. >“There's also the matter of winter, as Kuishinbo are notorious for hating it. Fall is only now beginning, but temperatures should be steadily dropping to where those scallops would die from shivering too much at night.” >The group began moving, heading back for their steeds, wishing to reach home faster. >Mr. Takahashi's eyes remained narrowed as he once again fell into deep thoughts. >“Don't tell me those things are thinking of setting up camp in the Southern region as well.” he said under his breath. >But while all the other drones were advancing forward, Takahashi stopped and looked behind, having sworn that he heard a strange sound in the distance. >Waiting for a few moments to see if the sound would repeat itself, he turned back to his men, thinking that he just imagined it. >But then a second one could be heard, this one much more discernible. It almost sounded like a cackle, the realization compelling the old drone to hurry his pace. >Far above the Southern mountains, three dark silhouettes soared in the air, their six blue eyes scanning the environment below them. >One of them let out the same cackle Mr. Takahashi kept hearing, sounding like a metallic version of a kookaburra. >They had found a new hunting spot.
>End (4/4) Man I really should make a reference sheet for Takahashi.
>>50379 And now let's introduce the "fish" I kept teasing. There's a reason I called it an abomination of evolution.
>one of the biggest members of the Testambulate class of molluscs, which is a group of animals that rather than originating from one species they instead came from multiple families (clams, scallops and oysters), all evolving for life on land. >Kuishinbo are one of the most widespread of the terrestrial scallops, occupying most of Takamagahara’s West and South regions, preferring forested environments or at least those with lots of trees and room between them. >they're quite unique in the anime kingdom thanks to their monopede nature, a body plan that was completely absent on Earth; they move in a similar fashion to a kangaroo, their thick leg allowing them to perform an almost 2 meter leap, all thanks to strong muscle fibers and their bodies being deceptively lighter than one might originally think, they shells being only heavier than a regular chair despite their size and durability. >they possess a back “fin” that's actually derived from their ancestor’s auricles, having separated itself from their main shell; its main purpose is to act as balance keeper, both while standing up and while hopping at high speed, being able to perform incredible sharp turns by moving the fin; this feat wouldn't be achievable without the help of their internal “ear”, however, which is a set of fluid filled tubes that act as an organic gyroscope, being located behind their brain and above their stomach; their balance is so perfect that one could kick them from the side and they'd instantly regain their footing. >their leg doesn't contain any trace of bone, being instead constituted of muscle fibers that coil around each other like bed springs that are then encircled by other elastic fibers, forming a tube of intertwining fibers that allow them to put all the weight of their body on it with minimal effort; their foot is just a flat disk with small nubs circling it, each ending in a “nail” that are there mainly to increase surface area and to help them anchor themselves better into the ground. >their shells are very hard to crack, closing shut at any sign of danger; they can take a fair amount of beating until they start to show damage, all thanks to their unusual honeycomb-like inner structure. (1/?)
>>50380 >they observe their environment through the use of multiple eyes on tentacle-like stalks, lining the inside of each half of their shells across their entire circumference, the number and distribution of each eye always being symmetrical on both sides; their number usually hovers around 14 - 20 on each side, but some individuals have been found with more than that; just like snails, if their lose one of these eyes, they'll just regrow in a matter of a few weeks >they're voracious predators, not wasting any scrap of meat they can find, from the living to the dead, happily feeding on fresh kills and on carrion. >their name, which translate to “Glutton”, originally came from their habit of snaring prey and then slamming their shell shut around it, almost like they're greedily devouring something whole; however, this is done mostly so that they can have a good grip on their food and secure it from the eyes of other scavengers, their shell isn't their actual mouth, no the real feeding orifice is much more horrifying. >because of their invertebrate ancestry, they don't possess a real jaw, instead they have three large radulas circling their throat opening, each with hundreds of jagged teeth, perfect for scraping off meat in an almost conveyor belt like motion and even scrape bone into powder for calcium intake. >they aren't fast hunters, in fact they rarely involve themselves in active pursuit despite their impressive jumping capabilities; their monopede nature does put them at a disadvantage against other quadrupedal or bipedal predators their share their environment with, so they had to find a way to circumvent their innate handicap when dealing with faster, meatier prey and they sure found an interesting method. >when hunting, Kuishinbo use the art of ambush, relying on thick vegetation to mask their presence or hiding behind thick trees, they can still hunt while out in the open, but they prefer the element of surprise a lot more; when food is spotted, they'll sit motionless for a minute, their bodies almost shivering, while their eyes lock onto their target to accurately judge the distance between them (2/?)
>>50381 >what follows takes place in a matter of a second, as their shells opens and a loud sound rings in the air as their prey falls dead, with a gaping hole in their head or with a snapped neck, sitting nicely on the ground as the Kuishinbo is ready to claim its prize >this is all thanks to their secret weapon: due to their scallop ancestry, Kuishinbo are capable of producing small pears in their gut as a byproduct of their digestion, often from bone fragments that they ingested; under normal conditions these pearls would be flushed away or vomited as they serve no purpose to the animal, but the Kuishinbo weaponized these small pears in a much more sinister manner >rather than eliminating them from their body, they instead store them in a sack situated under their stomach, jokingly referred to as a “pearl pouch”; when the time comes, this sack will contract in such a way that it'll select one pearl and load it into another, much smaller chamber that'll then start squeezing onto it harder and harder, with special gasses from their gut working to build up an almost dangerous level of pressure; finally, with a single muscle contraction, the built up pressure is released all at once, the chamber shrinking to less than half its original size and the pearl is launched forward with the speed of a bullet, the action being so powerful, that the decompression sound resembles that of an actual gunshot as it echoes in the air >with the help of their multiple eyes, they have near flawless precision, being able to even shoot at a bird high up in a tree, the range the bullet pearl covers often being better 20 to 30 meters; the process itself isn't perfect, however, as it puts a lot of stress on the Kuishinbo and the chamber that fires the pear often suffers from muscle soreness thanks to the incredible pressure needed to fire the pear followed immediately by a sudden decompression; the muscle fibers are built to resist such a terrible change of atmosphere, but it can still result in tearing in certain weak spots, which is why the Kuishinbo can only afford to shoot one bullet every three to four days, as that's the usual amount of time it takes for the tissue to regenerate, however with the meals they obtain from such technique, they can easily pass several days without needing to eat anything else. (3/?)
>>50383 >this doesn't mean that they have to necessarily go on a hunger strike while they wait for their organic gun to regenerate, however, especially during period of scare food supplies; they may not engage in active, long distance pursuit of prey, but they can still use the element of surprise for a short chase. >just like bears, Kuishinbo are capable of performing incredible bursts of speed on short distances, allowing them enough of a head start to catch their target, which are often weak animals that suffer from old age or disease or are very young, those that won't put up much of a chase. >once they reached close enough to their prey, they'll open their shells to reveal their second nasty weapon: four long tentacles lingned with sharp, backwards facing barbs, perfect for grabbing on prey and sinking deep into their skin as they firmly anchor themselves, escape being virtually impossible; once snared, the shells will then snap shut onto the prey to both protect it from scavengers and to get an even better grip on it >they'll then proceed to grind their meal to an easy to swallow pulp as their three radulas make short work of any tough meat or bone, very little being left of their food outside of very tough, not worth eating stuff like hooves or horns or large patches of skin with fur or feathers on them; many say that when a Kuishinbo catches something, then that poor thing better pray that the shell closes with enough force that it breaks their neck so that they don't have to endure the giant scallop grinding them away until blood loss finally claims them. >when it comes to breeding, Kuishinbo are monogamous, forming lifelong pairs despite all of them being hermaphrodites, thus being able to reproduce with any individual they wish; their genitals are located outside their shells, above each side of their leg, with the right pouch containing the testicle and left one the ovary, and when mating occurs, the two participants will just smoosh each other's opposite sex pouches; once the deed is done and around two weeks have passed, the pregnant partner will enter a large body of water and expel all the eggs that had formed in the pouch, often numbering in the hundreds. (4/?)
>>50384 >despite being terrestrial animals, they still rely on water for their young's development, which after hatching start out life as scallop lookalikes, maintaining this lifestyle for an entire year, afterwards the surviving bivalves will mass migrate out of the water and onto land, using their leg to crawl as they take their first breath of air, their gills transitioning into lungs; they're very vulnerable during this stage as they don't have the tough shells of their parents yet, needing to stay hidden in the thick brush as they feed on insects and small animals, often adopting a temporary nocturnal lifestyle to stay away from prying eyes. >interestingly, their leg isn't fully developed by the time they emerge out of the water as the muscle fibers necessary for the limb’s durability require oxygen from the air; in order to speed up the process, the Kuishinbo will do push ups almost four to five times a day, stretching and compressing their leg as the fiber build up occurs. >due to a combination of fierce competition and them really not liking cold weather, Kuishinbo are exclusively found in East Takamagahara’s swamps and wetlands and in the hot, rainy forests of West Takamagahara, albeit in far smaller populations than in the Eastern region; they have also been found hopping across the vast open fields in the Western region, but most consider these as uncommon sighting, most likely Kuishinbo traversing the land for new territory, a notion backed by most sightings being of pairs rather than solitary individuals; West Takamagahara’s population is also known to be a migratory one, venturing further inland and close to the Sakura Forests whenever winter season arrives. >in recent years, however, there have been rumors and suspected sightings of Kuishinbo in South Takamagahara, with some being further down that most would consider favorable for them, as the Southern region’s thick forests are much harder to traverse than the open ones from the Eastern and Western regions; still, sightings keep cropping up each year, and while some are revealed to be misidentifications, others have had photographic proof showing the large bivalves hopping among the dense bushes and vines. (5/5)
>>50369 >SD-S used: NEKO ASSASSNYATION >Feline instincts take over as the drone leaps at the speed of light off-screen, only to come back the other side and diagonally slice the foe repeatedly. >Once finished, she returns to her comrades' side and licks the sanguine stains off of her claws. >INFLICTED: BLEEDING >4 DMG >She then curls up into a ball on the floor. >SD-S has fallen asleep.
>>50380 >they possess a back “fin” that's actually derived from their ancestor’s auricles, having separated itself from their main shell; its main purpose is to act as balance keeper, both while standing up and while hopping at high speed, being able to perform incredible sharp turns by moving the fin I knew it! it’s a fish, cool creature
>>50385 Also one final fact: >in-universe, "Kuishinbo-da!" is used s an insult, basically another way of saying "Kiss/Eat my ass.", because Kuishinbo are notorious for eating their prey by starting with their rear first due to it having the softest flesh on the body along with the abdomen
Have a nice close-up of that opened shell, as well :)
>>50391 Let me guess, you are that anon who comments "Write it yourself, stop begging, blah blah blah" every time someone writes a prompt or asks a question...
The only thing I beg of you is for you to shut the fuck up.
>>50360 It could have been a thing of beauty. >Khan, Thad, Lizzy, and the bus versus J >everyone putting up a much better fight than they have any right doing considering they don't even have any anime skillsets >at one point J gets off an EMP only to get nailed by the unaffected bus before she can make good on her opening >ultimately though, J proves to have more endurance than her opponents, and has a clean shot at the bus... >cue V, who got completely mauled by the Sentinels but escaped no problem afterwards without Alice around, unexpectedly bitchslapping her and throwing off her shot >while J is still stunned by a combination of V's willingness to keep opposing the Solver even as just a core-headcrab and how fucking hard those little claws can bitchslap, Lizzy runs up to V and puts a heavily modified "pair" of glasses on her >"Ugh, what took you so long to get back to my texts?" >"I was half-blind AND I have no depth perception anymore, I can't type as fast as I used to! Screw you!" >Lizzy laughs and smooches V on the somewhere above her eye >"Love ya too, bestie." >J is about to get back up, only to get sent flying by the bus again >the fight resumes, but J, slowly being overwhelmed by both the additional distraction and conflicted feelings about V, eventually folds >after years of being a blackpilled, hopelessly demoralized slave of the vore demon that murdered her best friend, she couldn't summon the energy to overcome the superior combined will of her opponents
One of the all time weakest villain defeats of all time I cant believe they had all this hype throughout the video, and the entire final fight, and then it boiled down to turning around like thats all Solver can do is just teleport
Image:172773121977.png(157kB, 1154x800)japanese gremlin pointing at (you).png
https://archiveofourown.org/works/59336710 Also now on AO3. >>50394 Thanks a lot! >Hope to see more in the future, way to go. I think I said it before, but trust me, there's an entire of animals I've been making that I'm not sure when I'll finish making art for because it seems like for every creature I post here, I come up with 3-4 more. >>50399 My guy, your pelvis is going to be reduced to ground beef if you try to stick it anywhere close there.
>>50409 Let's be real, the only reason why she was a threat is because despite how powerful she is, mankind in MD is (or was) just fucking retarded. Literally use mankind from any other sci-fi setting and they'd deal with her swiftly.
>>50415 I wouldnt go that far, my issue with the finale is that they didnt show Cyn being the threat she is for half of it The first half is amazing, then we get to the fight and Cyn takes dumb pills (or as some people would say gets teehee I dont care anymore actually so ima lose on purpose) and spends 90% of the fight getting bitchslapped or teleporting around
>>50409 Hey, she also had holograms which they instantly saw through. And telekinesis which they could dodge or deflect. And she could put her head back on after they kept cutting it off.
>>50415 > Literally use mankind from any other sci-fi setting and they'd deal with her swiftly. The Solver's strength scales with the tech level of whatever it's invading and with how much AI they use. Halo for example would be turbo fucked with all their AI. Thinking about it, what would be the Solver's main host body? An entire battleship? Or a suit of controlled spartan armor? (still living spartan inside optional) I'm now imagining the Solver trying to do a Cynwalker with its battleship host body and harvesting an entire city's worth of people to stretch over the hull.
>>50419 true, but Cyn had control over her. she may have wanted to keep Cyn around a while after making her watch the gala massacre. if Cyn didn't hold J back, though, well... it's possible those gashes on Cynwalker aren't the solver's doing.
I think people overestimate how much power Cyn has over technology given that her pets were stumped by fucking regular doors for decades and she can erased from a host with the power of a USB drive and free download Avast
>>50430 Depends if you consider machine spirits as AI but yeah. iirc the entire reason they hate AI is because they know that it's literally free real-estate for otherworldly demons..
So after an unexpected death in the family, I’ve been suddenly thrown into poverty and have been unable to properly care for my N who I’ve had for 8 years. I’ve sold most of my stuff, but still don’t have enough money to feed both myself and my N. He says he’s fine, but earlier when I hugged him, I realized I could feel his ribs through his rubbery stomach. This isn’t right, I can’t just let my N be starving, but I don’t have anyone to help me or take care of him for a while, and I really don’t want to give him up, like I said I’ve had him for 8 years. But he used to be so energetic and now he just spends most of the day laying flat on his belly on the couch, I feel terrible. I don’t know what to do.
>people think the machine spirit is a real thing and not just the AMs advanced super schizophernia you are not immune to propaganda nor religious fervor I guess
I've noticed everyone who gets those Absolute Solver eldritch 3D modeling tools ends up worse off for it. Cyn? Bodyjacked and put in the Absolute Solver's vore demon internal Pain Dimension. Yeva? Dead, the lucky bitch. Nori? A headcrab who's almost definitely brainfried from spending most of the last twenty years completely alone, marinating in guilt and shame. Doll? A ghost and/or tethered to Uzi's mind palace. Uzi? An eldritch horror hiding behind a skin deep facade of relative normalcy, suffering for it because her memories and thoughts and emotions still keep her tied to the rest of dronekind, with Vore Demon GLaDOS in her mind palace cutting her to the quick whenever she's alone.
>>50443 I don’t want to give him up. I’ve had him for 8 years. >>50445 No, Ns can live really long lives. I want mine to. >>50446 How would one go about doing that. Is that even healthy for him? If it’ll give his stomach something to gnaw on then I’ll consider it. >>50448 Absolutely not. >>50449 In what way? >>50451 I don’t think that’s a good idea.
>>50440 (me) I just realized my N has been sleeping for a long time and, usually he comes running in here to see me when he hears me awake, but, all the noise I’ve been making hasn’t woke him up. He’s still laying in his bed.
>>50413 >J was neither in control nor even conscious when Cyn forced her to kill Tessa >(Un)Fortunately the memory file of that fateful night remains burned into J's permanently memory (in 4K no less!) >There's been more than a handful of occasions where Cyn has subjected J into (re)experiencing the entire Massacre
>>50459 Ouch, this is never easy to say but he... he doesnt love you anymore its true, when an N loses all love for their owner they simply sleep forever
>>50463 Should have done more to keep Ns love they run on it you know, theyre literally filled with love, unconditionally When it runs out they can no longer power their core causing forever sleep mode at this point you gotta just dump him or sell him for parts
Man, imagine how shit would have gone if instead of Vore Demon GLaDOS, the Absolute Solver was a grieving mother who outlived her children and saw the friendbots as emotional replacements for them.
>>50469 Damn, that sucks okay heres what you do Youre going to want to pick N up, due to his emancipated state this shouldnt be hard youre going to carry him to the nearest part of the woods then youre going to want to bury him Drone slaughter and neglect isnt appreciated in society
>>50460 >J, hey J. You going to sleep? >Here let me play you a bedtime story. It is the one where you killed your best friend. >Haha, oh you don't seem to have liked that. Here how about the remix where I replace every sound of Tessa's screams with dialogue from the bee movie. >Not even a chuckle? Well we can try again later. Here, watch it 50 or more so times while I'm gone and tell me if you have any inspiration.
>>50478 depending on when and how exactly Tessa died, Cyn may very well have brought the trio out of their feral state just to watch helplessly as she subjected Tessa to horrors beyond human comprehension before killing her and wearing her corpse
>be Oogi at the oogi care center >its pretty boring >fake Boogis litter the ground, Oogis have formed little clans over them >there are some toys and a J punching bag >they have a few Enns as well they release hourly and then scoop back up so you dont get too attached >you wish something would change >suddenly out of the rain, a strange shadow woman carrying a drone enters the Care center with the familiar ring of the door >you cant tell whats going on but its the first notable thing to happen to the OCC in your entire Oog life >All the Oogis gather round pushing against the plastic walls to get a better view, she is tearfully explaining something to the Nurse >After a loud sigh she signals the woman to bring the drone to you oogis, much to the womans confusion and hesitation, eventually she caves and lowers him into the large oogi playpen crushing some fake Boogis under his weight >By the Boog it cant be >Its a real N model, DD and all. Naked and starved, barely holding on to life >All the Oogis eep and begin waddling over with much confusion >Some Hug him, others being mleming until they are dragged off, even some of the Enns are observing sucking on their tiny nubs >The N is clearly dying, he must be fed. As one of the only true Oogis here you get a bright idea >You climb on top of the large N, resting on top of his stomach, then in view of everyone make your way towards his mouth >The Oogi crawls in, never to return >The other oogis know this is their destiny, and wave after wave goes in >there are few Oogis left hugging and trying to pamper the lifeless N, others simply Observe, others still dont give a single shit and are around the fake Boogis waiting for honey >the N soon awakens, coughing up beanies, his core reignited from the oil and heat >truly a miracle from the Big Boog
>>50473 >>50460 >wakey wakey, J. you will be happy to know that I installed a few upgrades while you were out of commission. >I have improved your memory playback function to include all 5 senses. >why don't we give it a little test-drive? >now now, don't resist. >[begin playback] > >wow. [amused laughter] I didn't know you could vomit, J. I think I see some of your vital components in there. >oh no, sleepy again already? [chuckle] >do not worry, J. I will make sure you have sweet dreams.
>>50486 >>50487 I have time for drones again Actually being unable to do any drawing or even posting due to lack of time is new and takes a toll, I'm counting the hours
NO I ALMOST FORGOT This very night one year ago I read the Alice green by Emilyanon (2 and 3 of the compilation), it has changed my life and it's 2 hours 3 minutes from noe, 3:28 am on October 1st that I made the first post about it, I couldn't have known back then but iz felt unreal already, just didn't know the severity of it, but definitely felt like a massive event back then already. If you are still here, I can't thank you enough for having made this, it did and does help me so much! Will definitely remake the old art I did for it, once I have time again
>>50497 Alice got done unbelievably dirty. experimented on, deemed a failure, brutally bullied by Nori, left to rot underground, forced to fend for herself against sentinels and DDs for years. she managed to survive all that and stay sane enough to still be coherent. she'd at least still be alive if Nori's kid hadn't stumbled down there and gotten her killed. sure she didn't give Uzi and pals the friendliest welcome, but can you really blame her?
>>50499 Completely agree with you. And while I love MD mostly, things like this still make me feel bitter. At least we have some silverlining in her being a ZD and core (and all of her below jaw) surviving, tho it is hard to tell what she is experiencing now, given her being bootlooped. She may be unconscious, N didn't experience anything either while bootlooped, or she is somehow aware given cores (which house their ai) can't be turned off and the headdamage means a chance whichever Systems (which are most definitely bootlooped) used to deliver info to and from the core got interupted by the damage. Too late for me to theorize tho. Sadly even with Alice having made it so far and having 'luck' in desaster (almost being nulled), it doesn't seem anyone would be coming for her. Uzi could and should, but she isn't doing good and never used her powers to heal anyone but a bug. Guess it's up to anon
>>50513 I think it's because J seemed to be directly by her side a bit more often. That and her confrontation in the finale implies she's been through a lot worse than the other two.
>>50515 >J seemed to be directly by her side a bit more often. No she didn't. Tessa walks up on them in Episode 2. By the time of Episode 5, V was already 606ed. N got himself tied to a tree six minutes in. There's no data that would actually allow us to say who was closer, or who actually spent more time with Tessa, or how their relationships toward Tessa compare (other than J being in a higher position of responsibility/authority). No data except Tessa basically using J for business, then smashing a cup against the floor and running to embrace N and give him a spin. >implies she's been through a lot worse than the other two. No it doesn't. V was in the same position prior to Episode 4. Other than alleging that she was tricked as well, J doesn't say anything V wouldn't already know.
So how exactly does NVJ'S consciousness work? J gets duplicated elsewhere before arriving with Tessa, and we know she shares the memories with the J that died on Copper-9 because she recognizes Uzi's railgun as how she died before.
>>50519 I'm not sure Liam thought it through that deeply. A lot of things really were just "wouldn't it be cool?" rather than "if this the architecture, here are the mechanical implications..."
They called it cloning, but we're clearly supposed to believe that there's more or less complete continuity between the backups we see. Just consider everyone's (lack of) response to V decapitating N in 3, or how the series does put the DDs under 'threat' at points without suggesting anything like "it doesn't matter if Doll kills V #4423, because V #4424 will pop up). And it would be a completely different show in tone/meaning if it did.
Then Episode 8 hard-confirmed that those singularities are like the souls of corrupted cores, and we did see one floating away in Episode 2, implying that J's 'soul' went back to Cyn for installation in a new body.
>Khan could barely understand what was going on as he was jolted awake by the worst noise he had ever heard. >"Where- who- what am I hol-" >He looked down and woke up enough to remember he was holding his wife. >His shivering, uncharacteristically whimpering wife, holding on to him for dear life with all three legs. >"... What happened, honey? Was it a nightmare?" he asked as he set her down in his lap. >Almost simultaneously, their daughter and her boyfriend slammed the door to the master bedroom aside and barreled in, N with his claws at the ready, Uzi telekinetically holding her replicas of Shusui and Sandai Kitetsu as her tail's head gripped her replica Wado Ichimonji in its mouth >"Where is it?!" Uzi barked. "Where'd it run off to?!" >"Uzi, nothing's in here except you and the nitwit!" Nori yelled, her hind leg removing itself from her husband so she could point a claw at them. >Nothing gets my Nori over trauma like getting to be angry with someone, Khan thought. Robo-God she's so sexy. >"I'm not a nitwit..." N pouted as his claws were replaced by his hands and Uzi put down her replica katanas. >"Whatever," his prospective mother-in-law brushed him off with as her free claw waved dismissively. >"We still haven't heard what's the cause of all this," Khan reminded Nori as he stroked... the side of her body opposite her eye. Her back? Is that what it should be called? >Nori relaxed, and let go of her husband. "It wasn't a nightmare, not quite anyway," she muttered. "It was... how do I explain it... I felt my body again." >Uzi squinted an eye in confusion. "What, like telepathically? Like it's still roam-" >"Don't tell me you're slow now too, Uzi," Nori snorted. "No, I just felt it. I knew it wasn't there, but I could feel everything. My legs... my fingers... my chest..."-Nori stood as tall as she could so she could nuzzle Khan's for emphasis on that one-"my head... everything." >"Then suddenly it all started hurting. I've felt a lot of awful things in my time, and this was... obviously not the worst, but it was up there. I felt like I was going to die. I got shocked the rest of the way awake, so that's... that's what you all woke up hearing." >A silence settled over the Doorman house. Khan embraced his diminutive wife again. >"I don't want anyone's pity," Nori spat out, as if to reassure everyone she's not been weakened by her disembodied state. "I'm just saying what happened." She scurried up Khan's arm and nestled between his neck and his collar. "Giddyup, Door Daddy. We got work to do to get our minds off this." >"Mom, this feels like it'll be a recurring problem for you," a concerned Uzi said. "This is why I said it was okay with me if you-" >"I said I can take care of myself!"
trying to grasp something. >J and V both knew about Cyn when they arrived on Copper-9 because their memories were relatively intact >V didn't know about Cynwalker Tessa, or the extent of Cyn's plans, and she says it was J who told her that Cyn would leave them alone if they did their jobs. this being the case, J had to have been given her consciousness back before the other two, because it would've taken time and convincing to get her to work for Cyn and set things up. does that sound about right?
>>50541 >N was left completely in the dark >V had a vague idea of what's really going on, but either didn't know (or didn't WANT to know) the extent of anything beyond "Do the job & don't ask questions" >J knew EVERYTHING from the get-go whether she liked it or not Yeah, that sounds about right
>>50541 >J had to have been given her consciousness back before the other two At the exact time of the gala, J was the only one of them still alive/non-errored. That could play into it.
>>50546 >J knew EVERYTHING from the get-go whether she liked it or not that's the way I've been thinking of it, but I'm trying to reconcile how I picture J with what can actually be seen in and inferred from canon material. I think of her as having been "woken up" by Cyn a good while before the others, then beaten down over an extended period of time until she reluctantly agreed to working with Cyn. it's tragic and makes her a much more compelling character. but I've just kinda adopted that idea without fully considering how well it fits in to the actual canon.
>At 9:47 AM Mountain Time an unknown object was spotted entering Copper-9's orbit >Several reseachers reported the object leaving behind a green trail of energy, however due to current events surrounding the development of the patch they could not investigate the phenomenon further >Pictures reveal the object to be shaped similar to that of a Manta-Ray, in what appeared to be a silver coat >At 11:45 AM MT the "Manta-Ray" has breached orbit >Air raid sirens fill the air as what remains of Earth's military prepare to defend the planet against what could only be yet another Solver threat >The research team has gone underground, where the next phase of the patch is to begin >I am leaving the rest of this report in the hands of the machine since I too will be joining them soon >[AUTOMATIC DATA COLLECTION ACTIVATED] >At 12:30 PM MT "Manta-Ray" spotted hovering above last functional city >Explosions fill the air as the military fires off a barrage of anti-air missiles towards the object >Everything is being put to use, machine guns, tanks, even the few remaining jet fighters are all training their fire on the object >Incoming Reports indicate "Manta-Ray" is unharmed from strike >At 12:45 PM MT "Manta-Ray" dropping several unidentified objects onto the surface >Incoming reports claim that objects have 'burrowed' into the earth >At 13:00 PM MT [PLANTERY CORE DETONATION DETECTED] >At 13:12 PM MT "Manta-Ray" is @#%=<!@>#>$÷& >[ERROR DETECTED] >[SIGNAL LOST...] >[TRYING TO CONNECT TO BACK-UP SYSTEMS....] >[ERROR DETECTED] >[COMPUTER AUTOMATICALLY ENTERING SLEEP-MODE]
>[RE-ACTIVATING...] >[DISPLAYING LAST SESSION] >[UPLOADING DATA TO USB....] >[DATA COLLECTION COMPLETE, HAVE A NICE DAY :)] >" It appears that any and all data regarding the event has been corrupted past the core collapse.", he sighed >"There Isn't enough data here to truly make sense of this, and I doubt we'd gain any further insight by looking at our surroundings.", he continued >"All that remains are frozen ruins and mysterious water towers."
>>50553 (me) Same as before, I'd like some advice on what to change/fix since I know my writing isn't entirely the best, I'm open to suggestions....please
>>50549 She may have a southern accent, but her actual taste in music would probably depend on what was available to her while the humans were still around in CF labs. I'd wager she loathes muzak, since she'd no doubt have heard the same few tracks play repeatedly while she fought for her life in the abandoned facility. She's also probably not too fond of Nightcore, as there's no way she didn't hear it from Nori and come to associate it with being beaten and humiliated.
>>50556 >Enn gives a desperate plea >Please give him writing suggestions/critique his green >Enn's plea falls on deaf ears >Mainly because the actual writefriends are too exhausted to do anything or bothered with work/homework >All that remains are lazy Anons who just want their instant satisfaction
>>50562 I'm guessing you're angry about something, friend? I mean, yeah not getting a response to learn and improve from sucks, but I'm sure that someone will hopefully reply to you and to me. It happened last time
>>50556 I have very little life in me I'm afraid. You're still mixing up past/present tense in there a bit. A common mistake and honestly I've never figured out how to get past it aside from proofreading everything 20 times. I wish I could give real advice, but all of my writing skill comes from reading Discworld.
Image:172775021064.png(274kB, 2082x1788)yet another totes not vampires au.png
>>50553 >>50556 Consistency in tense. >an unknown object was spotted >researchers reported >they could not investigate vs >has breached >sirens fill the air >research team has gone underground The report could be done in present-tense, as if it were a documentary or an "as if you were there" recounting, but then with the ending revealing that it's somebody playing back files, the recounting should probably be in past tense, if only for the contrast. >[AUTOMATIC DATA COLLECTION ACTIVATED] I don't really see any difference in the style of writing that would indicate that it's now a machine collecting data. If you're using 24 hour clock, then AM/PM shouldn't be there. There is no 13:00 AM. >"All that remains are frozen ruins and mysterious water towers." That sounds like narration rather than something somebody would reasonably say in those circumstances. Something like >"And that's it. The core collapsed and the rest of data is hopelessly corrupted." >"That wasn't enough to figure out what's going on. Everything around us is smashed, so that's no help, either." >"We're no closer to figuring out what these 'water tower'-looking things are supposed to be." would sound more like dialogue.
>>50562 Yeah. Everyone's scattered around the world, and has their own lives/projects to work on. You can't expect rapid, or any, feedback on stuff.
>Be anon >Your young and crippled as fuck. >No not in the lost limbs or autistic sense. >Weak as hell, hard to walk and need a cane to get everywhere >Kids at school laugh at you >Your dad does his best. >You cough pretty strong. >Again. >You hear the shuffling of your drone >"Your medicine and juice master" she says holding the tray with the pills and glass of orange juice >You hate orange juice "Thank you, cyn" you tell her, grabbing the pills to toss in your mouth then quickly drinking the disgusting orange mixture, coughing a little after the fact >She blinks her eyes at you, a smile on her face as you set the glass down on the tray she held. >"Your father should be home in a while anon, in the mean time i can get started on dinner for you and him." She said setting the tray down at your side table before starting to walk away. >Thinking fast and not wanting to be stuck alone for who knows how long again, you stretch down from your chair as quick as you could manage and bring your hands around cyn's waist. >Slowly grabbing her tight you drag her a little then hoist her up, spinning her around a little you hold her against you in a hug. "I, i want at least a little time with you." you tell her. >Cyn has no idea what to do in this situation, but she feels, warm... >Your drone caretaker hugs you back
>>50541 >>50546 I think the extent to which the Solver keeps their memories intact is entirely dependent on how it can assist in torturing the drones for its own amusement.
N was most entertaining to it in his original state of naivete, so it kept him perpetually mindwiped so she could enjoy watching his innocence crushed over and over, as well as helping play into torturing V, who it allowed just enough memories of what happened to allow her to feel fear, but not enough to actually know its true nature or plans. It kept J’s memories entirely intact so that it could break her apart piece by piece until she had no desire left but to dutifully follow it into oblivion.
>>50553 Not bad anon, I like how you played with the idea of it going from a human-written report to an 'automated system' sort of thing!
>>50556 Alrighty, I'll throw my hat into the ring. Full disclosure though: I'm not typically used to giving constructive critique (or any critique at all honestly) and I'm also just a tad drunk at the moment so I do apologize in advance if any of this comes off as too nit-picky or just nonsensical - >Air raid sirens fill the air as what remains of Earth's military prepare to defend the planet against what could only be yet another Solver threat While I definitely get the point you're trying to get across, personally I would substitute the whole "Earth" part with something more overtly localized ("System military" or "planetary defense force") if that makes sense - As pointed out by >>50571 the actual reporting being done by an automated computer could use some tweaking, both to distinguish it from the human written text from earlier & to make it come across as a more 'authentic' automated broadcast. Making text that sounds authentically automated is admittedly a very broad subject that doesn't necessarily have a singular 'correct' methodology, but a nifty guide would be to consult in-depth online guides (like https://textexpander.com/templates/emergency-alert) to help get an idea of what to aim for. - The spacing towards the end with the computer going from sleep-mode to re-activating is a nice touch! I would definitely recommend utilizing it a bit more to help break up some of the earlier blocks of texts, particularly whenever you want to make a 'hard switch' in POV or make the rough equivalent of a paragraph break (If you wanna get extra fancy you could even use stylized line-breaks to pull this off while maintaining the illusion that events are unfolding in real-ish time!) Example below: >I am leaving the rest of this report in the hands of the machine since I too will be joining them soon >... >[AUTOMATIC DATA COLLECTION ACTIVATED] {skip} >At 13:12 PM MT "Manta-Ray" is @#%=<!@>#>$÷& >... >[ERROR DETECTED] >[SIGNAL LOST] >[TRYING TO CONNECT TO BACK-UP SYSTEMS] >... >[ERROR DETECTED] {skip} >[RE-ACTIVATING] >... >[ACTIVATION COMPLETE] >[DISPLAYING LAST SESSION] >[UPLOADING DATA TO USB] >... {Maybe a percentage update could fill this gap too?} >[DATA COLLECTION COMPLETE, HAVE A NICE DAY :)]
>>50577 It's really sad when you realize that the only thing that is close to god in their world is a hateful psychopath who sees them as nothing more than playthings.
>>50574 sad but cute. I wish we'd gotten to see a little more of what Cyn was like before the solver took full control. it would've been cute and made her fate even more tragic
Image:172775237819.png(1.11MB, 750x746)very manly face luigi.png
>>50425 >The Solver's strength scales with the tech level of whatever it's invading and with how much AI they use we’re reaching levels of cope we didn’t know was possible!
>>50585 The fact that there is some (unspecified) way of “exorcizing” it through the crucifix patch does potentially imply the presence of some benevolent or at least anti-Solver force to counterbalance it, but it’s clearly a lot more remote than the evil forces.
>>50604 Given the Solver's weakness to starlight you'd have to assume that she's an invader to this universe and the universe itself wishes to excise her. Though I do wonder how the sunlight weakness and the whole, eating a planet thing interacts. Like, you're at the center of a planet, eating the crust, eventually you're going to eat your way through the planet and get hit by sunny D. Then you're boned.
>>50596 But that is how it works in the show. All the tech it uses comes from humanity because it manifested in their AI and assimilated it. So if it were to manifest into Halo it would use their AI and tech.
Good morning everyone. Sorry for the late replies, I posted this and went to bed right after. >>50294 Thanks. >>50295 I'll say it again, the resembleance is purely coincidal. I haven't even watched Jerma since the baseball stream because he's not as fun as he used to be. >>50298 That's just how I draw, I guess? As I said I'm still getting used to drawing proper humanoid shapes and not just drones and as for the drone I tried to give her something that vaguely resembles sportswear but I guess I failed at that didn't I? >>50301 Probably if they find out about his origins. >>50346 Eldritch autism does that to you.
>>50597 >>50605 Angel Gabby is somewhat a Reversed Absolute Solver >Otherworldly being >Can only interact the physical world through Digital means > Can alter memories >Can be "damaged" if their host is tampered with
>>50607 Same with how its essence enveloped Uzi and Cyn's coreless body in a some kind of zone when moments before, it was very directly being burned by the sun. Yeah it takes damage from starlight but it can use some of its powers to shield itself. Maybe once through eating a planet, it'll have material/energy at hand to use as a barrier, this is supposition on my part of course.
do you think J was standoffish with the other drones during their time at the manor because she had abandonment issues and worried she had to compete with them for Tessa's attention and affection?
>>50629 J absolutely started cold and distant, even to Tessa. Wondering when she would be abandoned again, knowing that it would come eventually. Slowly growing closer to Tessa and lowering her guard a little. Allowing herself to have fun again. Then having it all come crashing down in spectacular fashion.
>>50629 My guesses for J's manor personality. >Possessiveness over Tessa/the levers of power. Look at how eagerly Tessa greets N in the banquet room before the gala. >Belief that N (and V) are going to make a mistake that gets them all discarded. Look at her eye expressions during the confrontation with Louisa. >She can fight, she can draw (look deeply at the 'Kill Yourself Drawing'), she can be trusted with sensitive tasks. She is, or thinks, herself far more competent and resents them for their relative inability. Like N and V bumping into each other and knocking glasses onto the floor in Episode 2. >Frustration that N remains a cheerful and upbeat romantic comedy protagonist, no matter how terrible their situation, or her treatment of him is. Some of it, like shoving him out of the way, might just be to finally get a negative response from him >V and N don't have verbal tics like J does with the corporate speech thing. It's either hard-coded or damage or a programming quirk and in either case serves as a permanent stab at her personhood, a reminder that no matter how good she is, she's "just" a drone, and a damaged, thrown-out one at that. >We don't know what damage/oddities were incurred in her initial death, the process of becoming a zombie drone, or whatever repair job Tessa did.