Many great days to everyone, May we all day by day remain guarded by Doors.. Doors. so amazing. and succulent. Booru: wheel of OCs: Wheel of modifiers: wiki: last Thread: >>179529
>Tessa wakes up from a cryogenic tubes with no memory of her past life. >She’s in Cyn’s secret lab, having access to many different resources, including a space suit and several other plushies that look familiar to her. >However, the Aussie still wants to explore so she sets off >Tessa is mistaken for an revived Cyn and is captured >But through tests and interrogation it is discovered that she is the real deal >Tessa just wants to return to her lair, but the mean robots don’t want her to leave. >They ransack her home and make her live within the colony >She is obviously scared of them, so they try to be as kind as possible to gain her trust. >But the small purple haired drone,Uzi, doesn’t like her and antagonizes Tessa every chance she gets. >This angers the taller silver haired drones, especially the male one, N. >The N and the Uzi argue about it constantly, leading to the purple haired drone increasing her bullying of Tessa >Tessa doesn’t want to make things worse and offers to leave, but she is ordered to stay put. >N and V try to make it better for her, giving her plushies and other harmless stuff that they confiscated from her previous home. >Suddenly, a new drone appears. >She looks like V, but with pigtails >J is very protective over Tessa, while the poor girl wonders what crime she did to deserve such a stressful life
>>181467 Sperg a little. They blame each other and Anon but realise A. They're literally just blaming themselves for thinkining they're not good enough and B. Anon's decision is not coming from a place of malice or criticism.
>>181492 >Molly guiding a nervous and suddenly much less smug Molli through her first time >making sure anon is gentle >both keep checking in to make sure she's enjoying herself and not uncomfortable
Imagine the feelings DDanni would have knowing that her old human self’s family is still alive but can’t see them because they live in one of the Anti-Solver planets.
>>181505 >After Ic0n and Cordie have their way with Anon, he has been broken both physically and mentally in a good way though. >His hips have been shattered by Cordie and Ic0n riding him. >His seminal fluids have been drained and his blood almost drained as evindent by the scratches covering his body. >Anon is ready to die a happy man when suddenly he feels his strenght and fluids coming back to him. >Ic0n injected him with some regenerative fluid she cooked up as both her and Cordie give him wicked smiles.
>As fucked up as they were during the solver war. The WolfDog squad all saw each other as family. >Though the average VSOTF would call each other brothers and sisters. The Wolfdogs comradery made them become close to one another. >When SI-718 was declared KIA following the core collapse of Copper-9, the rest of the Wolfdogs kept fighting to avenge their fallen sibling.
>>181518 Veteran terrorists are a real problem, because you know, it's really hard to fight dudes who have experience fighting against a fucking army of the God.
>>181531 >Veteran terrorists are a real problem, because you know, it's really hard to fight dudes who have experience fighting against a fucking army of the God. Of all of the OCs who fought in the Solver War, who hate DDs so much that they turn to terrorism?
>>181451 >Uzi repeatedly bullies Tessa despite her promises to N that she will stop. >Eventually N threatens to break up with her if she doesn’t quit. >In Uzi’s mind, this means that N has already broken up with her. >Now Uzi is crying out of her mind, stuffing her face with drone ice cream and is watching anime on repeat >J is watching her break down with a smug smile
>>181534 A definite off Switch, no need to explain.
Buddy could have been a terrorist too if DDanny hadn't taken him.
And Molly! Yeah, disassembler drone Molly. Why? Well, if she hadn't met Pavo, Buddy and DDanni, she'd still be a drone with a huge sense of guilt, and I suspect certain individuals might have told her how to “atone” for her sins.
I can’t tell what would be more tragic. The rest of the wolfdogs being forced to life out a normal life after the war, seperated. Or being roped into a terrorist group to avenge their brother. Both scenarios not even knowing that Buddy is still alive and had made peace.
>>181547 >Switch and Stone top out the lists of Most Wanted in Union space, wanted at both local, state and federal levels and the bounties on their heads places by the government have reached millions of credits
>>181546 Honestly, they might even have thought Buddy had just lost his mind definitively..
What person in their right mind would believe that the murder drone that ate your friend alive in front of your own eyes would literally become THAT friend? Of all the UNNUMBERED victims, for the FIRST time in history, it was exactly YOUR friend's consciousness that took the place of the body's former owner? They'll think this bitch took advantage of Buddy's unenviable position and he's just happy to have his “friend” back.
The Lord created us in his image and likeness, he gave us the power of reason, so that we, his children, with our own hands, like him, carry the power of creation into the world that he created for us, so that we carry his divine will to all corners of the infinite galaxy, so STOP COMING TO THIS FUCKING SEMI-INTELLIGENT TOASTER AND FUCK A HUMAN WOMAN ALREADY, WE'RE DYING OUT, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!
>>181580 He just never had a normal human. Oh, no, wait, he had, she was taken and killed right in front of his eyes, so, yes, he might get a little angry.
>>181584 Half the women I know wants to stuff rocks inside of this one male drone. I rather get vaccum sucked by vaccum cleaners with legs than dating a potential serial killer. (No offense to you femanons. Love you guys and keep doing well)
>>181592 >I rather get vaccum sucked by vaccum cleaners with legs read that as "sucked into vaccum cleaners with legs" and thought you were admitting to being a vorefag
>>181584 (me) Femanons, you are our only hope, these idiots have already sold out their own species for the sake of these damn metal asses, but we still have hope for survival, so I beg you, I implore you, I conjure you in the name of God: start borning children from humans! We don't have much time, while there is still a chance, I beg you!
>>181609 >the humans became too autistic to reproduce and died out >the drones, not being too autistic to reproduce, survived and continued where their creators left off GLORY TO MANKIND
>>181631 Yes, look at Alice's feet here >>181629 And compare with Amda's canon visible underside in this pic. I never knew about that detail until I saw tbe spikey version in the WD cutaway from GlitchInn, since then I added them always. Technically she doesn't have the spikes/ridges in canon, rather these nibbles like Amda, but I prefer their look and it fits Alice more than that weird pattern.
>girl gets transformed into horrific monster, has to go through life pretending she's still normal Uzi's status as of the ending: another thing Liam recycled from a previous project?
so I slipped up and made a bad dragon joke around Lizzy and when she said she didn't get it I explained what bad dragon was without really thinking about it. she got really excited for a minute until I had to tell her they were destroyed along with the earth and now she's been sulking for like a week
>>181643 Shame they had such an unnecessary high bodycount, Lizzy is the only female side character to make it (J is obviously no sidecharacter). Doll is still there as well but not really, Alice technically as well, but all others are dead as fuck. Rebecca is kill, Emily is kill, Detective droen is kill. You can say the same for the male characters, Thad is the only one who lives, Sam, Braiden, Darren and all zhe 'adults' from earlier episodes who I don't wanna list because they have no names. Khan and Nori are technically side characters but they have oilrelation with Uzi so they get plot armor too.
>>181652 Lizzy can spawn phones in canon (from an undisclosed source), she can probably organize one of these in the same manner if she were willing enough. Tho she seemingly has no need
>>181655 Might do more on the long run. I originally gave her purple stripes on the jacket but somehow that made her feel like an egirl pretending to emo to me. I like to think this uzi is a lot more chill
>blood drive/blood IV drone >draws blood with vampire-like fangs >neck and soft abdomen are clear with markings denoting how much blood is currently being carried >chest gem displays the blood type
As mentioned yesterday, I interviewed Liam. It was a very long interview but here some neat tidbits
Liam, have you met the absolute solver? >yeah we would be good buddies. it's funny because im an absolute solver too hehe what does she do outside of destroying worlds? >she has a bunch of side hobbies. one of them is knitting What? Knitting? Why knitting? Knitting from what? >she knits clothes out of her victims. What else does she do? >she's also a big music fan. she has a really eclectic taste, but she's really into this indie band called "Cypress Hill." Why cypress hill? >other than just liking their music, she likes how they've been around for so long and have still managed to stay relevant. plus, she thinks one of their members, B-Real, is one of the best rappers she's ever heard. What? B-Real? Best rapper she's ever- what? >she thinks he's really talented. and she likes his energy and flow, when she was destroying earth, she challenged him to a rap battle. He lost, obviously and she killed him and trapped him in her mind/pocket dimension Interesting, what does it look like? >it's this endless void, but there's a bunch of stuff in it, like furniture and all of the people she's killed. some of them are still conscious, while others have lost their minds. Oh, and she has a mini bar in there too. She uses it to host these parties with whoever she’s absorbed. They’re not exactly the most fun parties tho. Partying with her own victims sounds cruel >oh, it's definitely cruel. she seems to enjoy it though. to her, it's just another form of entertainment. what do her victims do there? Do they like try to fight or just sit there? >it depends. for some of them, it's like they're in a trance while others are still conscious and aware of what's happening. eitherway it's pointless since the absolute solver has complete control over everything >does B-real get along with doll? not really, no. they have this kind of antagonistic relationship. they don't agree on a lot of things, and they're always bickering with each other. Does doll get along with B-Real? >they have this weird love-hate thing going on. Considering the solver is now connected to uzi, is uzi aware of b real? >uzi is definitely aware of B-Real, yeah. she can communicate with him too. Does uzi like or hate him? >she's kinda of indifferent to him, to be honest. she's not really bothered by his presence, but she does find his constant bragging a little tiresome.
>>181672 >V streams Psychopomp. >Murders everything in sight.
>N streams Spore. >Does surprisingly well until the galactic stage. >Then he gets obliterated.
>J streams Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 >Prides herself on winning the 'Most Efficiently Run Park Stalls' award. >Is annoyed when she also wins the 'Most Dangerous Rides' award and subsequently starts losing business.
>Thad streams Call of Duty. >All of them. >Is average at the campaigns and multiplayer. Views only really pick up when he takes on the Zombies/Survival modes with friends. >And when 'Thalia' makes an appearance, the views skyrocket
>Tessa's Skeleton streams Minecraft >Her world is a functioning mechanical utopia until it mysteriously gets nuked by a player known only as AS69420. >She swears like a sailor before ending the stream.
>Cyn streams The Sims 2. >Pools without ladders. Nuff said.
>>181676 >every year while the war still raged on, on the anniversary of the final episode, Cyn would give Molly her freedom for as long as she liked >she always prepared a party before waking her up for the special day >and what's a party without guests?
>>181681 >Once upon a time, there was a disassembler named SD-S. >She wasn't very good at showing her feelings and she would often get distracted by cat stuff. >But she also had a human she loved very much. (You) >Her human loved her very much too. >They loved each other so much they had smex. >The end.
>AU where jane settles down with anon, has three kids and lives on a house on a hill with a white picket fence >And then Abby finds her, eats her and rapes anon and takes over as his wife and the mother of his children
>Male Anons too weak to withstand the sheer force one single skinny rat woman was able to constantly Girls win again, Lesbians simply have stronger bones
>Molly is streaming >Someone sends a sketchy link in chat to a >All of chat is telling her not to click it and she doesn't have mods >She clicks it >It's old war footage of her raping a man and leaving him alive >She has this haunted look on her face as she freezes up as the video plays >After it finishes she vomits all over her desk, crying
>>181711 Reminder that according to the store description for that thing of Frenzying from thirst Uzi, all the eldritch meat we see in this show is genetically human.
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>>181716 Wait so a human/drone child would be 100% or 50% human like Kurt being 100% human but he's made of anomalous human meat while Chiappa has lungs, muscles and other human organs in her chassis?
This is a Public Service Announcement Please don't fuck the drones, they are industrial equipment and have the strength to break bones. We will not cover shattered hips.
>>181738 Hell >>181737 Agreed, I want to see way more of Mercurials 024 she's hot Also Alice, Amda and so on. I wanna do some of these myself but Italianmaxxed my 'work'pace and get lost in details each time. If I try something fast it shows and looks shit, if I want to do something good 1/3 times the sketch is done really quicky and almost presentable, but I then try make perspective 'perfect' (as much as I can at least) which in ~60% of attempts results in 5 hours wasted and an eternal WIP.
>>181735 I am Batman truth is I don't consistently wage, I don't do rn since I need to study more, so I can divide hoe much work sleep I can get myself, but these threads and a certain special drone demand a lot of my time so sleep ends up losing out. In the end I make up for it whenever enough time can be spared (just sleep whenever need and chance is) or make up for it on weekends. Idk if this is even what I am doing, I have no plan for life anyways and don't really stress about irl anymore at all so that helps
>>181766 Alice cosplays always feel weird, no hate at all tho This is one of the best probably, the antlers don't hang down and the cuttlery and devices on there are showaccurate
>>181770 There are these subtle things in really good art that look easy but qffect its final radiance massively, I think her face here is perfectly made. Look at the outline of the mouth, dronemouths if not in extreme expressions always have the wave shape woth raised ends and a high middle, no matter how subtle it always is there, look at any canon shot of a talking drone (except for scared/complaining expressions) and you will find it, the artist did this very nicely here. Then there is also line thickness and how they flow into each other, look at the (from viewer's POV) left end of her mouth. There is no 'knob' or 'blob, no it is a perfect junction and tapers into a smooth sharp tip. These things looks so natural and 'easy', but only because they are done so well. Stuff like this requires not just practice and planning but effort to be done as good as this each time, and this one if perfect. I feel as if that work took at least 10 hours, 24+ could also be and it shows. Very beautifull, a lot of Liam's drawing style and keeping Alice's energy intact, also made the old concept art very goid, I love this one
With the amount of buddy greens out here. I’m surprised there was none centered around the time he and some others woke up from their cold sleep in copper-9.
drone AM has fire powers. not because he’s the host of anything but because his HATE is so intense that it can conflagarate the air around him. no it doesn’t make sense yes it’s entirely rule of cool and no it won’t stop cyn from struggle snuggling him.
I feel a nice warmth when I look at old drawfags work, because I can compare it to the new ones and see how much they've grown over the years. All of their work has gotten cleaner, dinier, brighter, better. It's a very satisfying thing to see.
And the works of writefags haven't changed. They were perfect from the beginning.
>>181776 Emotional gore, infidelity, corruption. Imagine a happy married couple, imagine some ugly fat homeless man raping the woman until she decides she prefers the fat man because reasons, and imagine seeing all that happen in front of you, that is most ntr. Now you understand why most users find it abhorrent.
Had a dream where Liam made his next project thing. I think it was either called "Meat Surplus" or "Meat Shortage", and the promotional image was a girl cradling a human skull next to a beached whale carcass. She was a mad scientist/witch/whatever trying to bring her fiancee back from the dead by making him a new body, but every material she tried, something went wrong. It was very formulaic. >Girl finds new material, makes him a new body >The two share some heartfelt moments with whatever capabilities his new body has >Something goes horribly wrong >He dies/she has to mercy-kill him >She takes his skull and looks for something new
I think the genders were swapped for something he'd make, though.
>>181866 there's something interesting there but the resurrection of the week format would get annoying, especially for a web show with months between episodes. though that reminds me, two days till the Gaslight District trailer drops
>>181872 That was my thought, too, it needs something more, an overarching plot. The "meat shortage" could be human meat, it could be another post-apocalyptic story. Obviously he'd come back just fine if they used people, but they can't find any. Maybe a plot about searching for a rumored human settlement, following radio signals and obscure signs, then a conflict where he doesn't want her to slaughter the remnants of humanity for his sake.
>>181870 My lack of activity is a mixture of work (like >>181873 said its Wednesday for us burgs) and figuring out this blender project.
Like i said before, i have past experience with 3D modeling is only getting me so far, and shapes like this DAMN HEAD aren't helping. Even so , once im done with the simple shaping of everything, im a need to look up a few things, notably stuff about setting up the eyes and mouth. Ive rigged things in the past with blender so i shouldent have mush issue with that, at least. ive just have yet to figure out how people set up those controls to make animating with them easier, but im sure there guilds for that pout there as well.
Ive been using the ref >>181082 gave as well as browsing the booru for certain angle shots, and i think im on the right track.
Considering the slow day ill try to keep yall updated on this, im hoping i can get decent enough where i can start doing other artists drones, not just my own.
Imagine AM using his giant bird monster to play with the manor drones and Tessa. Like actually playing with them, not him torturing them for his own amusement. Letting N and V slide down his back, and giving Tessa a "planeback" (Letting her sit on his hand while she pretends it's an plane)
Anon, this may be a dumb ask, but can you please recommend videos about perception and basics forms for drawing? I've been learning techniques and perspective for a while now, but I'm not sure how to properly teach the other two.
>>181893 She doesn’t mind you neutrally, but you better purchase some candy to get on her good side! As opposed to the others who already have a natural affinity for you.
>Ns are most purchased by women who love how cute and helpless they are >This leads JCJ to design cuter, more helpless Ns >Modern-day Ns are now 3 feet tall with large heads that their necks can't support, and have sensitive stomachs that get upset at the slightest bit of stress
>>181865 I have poorly drawn a 'comic' about that even, that I forgot until you said it. Nothing recognizable or clean just felt the idea and did 10 pics, plan was to make it into a proper thing later but never happened yet
>>181917 I'm afraid that's just not possible. >>181918 is not about the concept or anything I can really lay my finger on, it's just canon characters have these peak animations and voice acting already with hardset lore. OCs of course face different conditions entirely and if I would spend more time on them I would like them too I am sure but as it is, I myself am just satisfied with canon
>>181920 You'd think so, but he's a hit! >His neck hurts, so he has to rest his head in your lap >He apologizes, feeling bad for being a burden on you >This stresses him out and upsets his stomach, making him throw up, hopefully away from you >Now he's sad that he threw up, which leads to him stress vomiting again, repeating until his stomach is empty >Now you get to hand-feed him while giving him a lap pillow!!! Yay!!! >By now he's all tuckered out, so you gently bring him to his bed, which should be in eyesight because he'll begin the cycle again if he wakes up and can't find you immediately JCJ is always researching new ways to make N more pathetic and vulnerable to better cater to their consumers. Some people decry it as "weird", "cruel", and "almost like they made pug drones", but the green line says otherwise.
>>181926 Buddy, you have a near-constantly vomiting, poorly designed robot 'pet' that'll make your cleaning costs skyrocket. I don't think that's an ideal situation for a drone owner.
>>181929 Just... buy another one to clean up after him. Not a V, though. For some reason, V models tend to go rampant after seeing a Neo-N, decommissioning him and then themselves. And I am contractually obligated not to say anything about any harm that may come to the owner, of course.
>>181938 Yeah, well they're selling amazingly well. Well enough that we're considering sunsetting the old Ns. The male N consumer base seems less thrilled about the new models, but it's not their month so we can safely ignore them.
>>181942 >during the war Jane probably hates Abby because she's trying to adhere to code and doing things the proper way when such formalities are pointless, at least to Jane. Abby hates Jane for constantly breaking rules, disregarding procedure and proper conduct, and killing civilians she thinks could be saved >after the war Jane probably doesn't even remember Abby, she probably stopped thinking about her not even a few days after blowing a hole in her chest Abby hates Jane for blowing that hole in her chest and leaving her for dead, and hates her even more since the solver condemned her to suffering as an abomination until everyone from her squad is dead because Jane is the last one left keeping her from ending her torment
>>181896 i thought you were talking about the giant bird from the novel that was so fucking big it punted all the survivors miles away by flapping its wings. the dude is creative
>>181947 My favorite but about the Jane forgetting who Abby is was joke is >Jane and Abby probably spent a lot of time arguing >Jane directly killed her >after shooting Abby, mysteriously, there’s a ginger abomination mutant going around killing people with a shotgun hole in her chest and the exact same eye mutation and Jane never put two and two together.
Fact: the solver did not lose, but withdrew when her husband anon informed her that she was out of mustard (you can't enjoy the universe without mustard). She will be back when she returns from the eldritch grocery store.
>>181896 >Tessa is watching AM using his giant, bird like form to dig a hole for a lake. >Suddenly his giant hand gently scoops her up, and he begins to slowly twirl around >Its feel like an amusement park ride for Tessa, who begins giggling >After a few minutes he sets her down, and promptly gets scolded by J
Cici's sure got it rough. being a drone she never thought her idle snacking would catch up with her, and now she's paying the price. the poor cashier hoped running early in the morning would mean fewer eyes on her, but it turns out when people hear sloshing almost a mile off and getting closer they tend to turn their heads her way
What do you guys think is a better software update for the new Ns? >Make them able to simulate illness and get "sick" quite often >Add a random error into their stabilization code so that they trip every now and then
>>181990 >when oogis start waving red banners and chanting slogans, crack teams of joblins are sent in to preserve social cohesion through any means necessary
>>181999 >"Sorry but you should have thought of the consequences of being drawn by a thiccfag with low self-esteem and a fetish for taller women. Peace out, titcow."
>>182002 >Bonnie holds out her arms yet again for uppies >She is much taller then you >You try getting close, her massive tits smush against your face, there is literally no angle at which you can get in the front without being consumed by the melons >You try picking her up from behind, and her massive cake rubs against you making it even more difficult to find a good grip >Eventually you angle yourself into something resembling a pose to pick your wife up, you put all your effort into it >You just cant, you push and you struggle but no matter what you cant even get her off the ground an inch
>>182018 Anon fucking how, not only are there three arms theres at least two different creatures there. How do I divvy my Uppie time to make both happy? How do you give Uppies to Meeny anyways? And what if my hand starts to sink into her gooey Flesh and get stucks in there
>Bonnie has a great personality, is beautiful, and Thicc >If you have sex, shed destroy your Pelvis >Cant pick her up without breaking back Is it over? How did Jane manage all this?
>>182020 if you elevate Abby you're also raising Mina, but if your hands start sinking in and you can't pull them back out then I'm afraid it's the end for you as the absorption process has already begun. you could at least take some solace in knowing that your body will sustain Abby for a few days with the possible side effect of making her larger and therefore a more powerful predator
>>182024 >Abby gives you a piggy back ride >You feel secure with all three of her arms holding you >You are right close to Mina, and get to snuggle or interact with them, as long as you can stomach the smell >Abby jumps building to building or runs around between the rubble of the city >You even spent some time to bully a random mutant you two came across, mocking its ugly mutations
I do wonder where Liam was going with Doll already having a big oil stain on the hem of her skirt before he decided to squeeze the main plot into seven episodes. What the chronology of her powers activating and her parents' deaths was going to be. Think it was gonna be that her thing had already activated, but Yeva had been helping her control it based on her own experience with it? Maybe the two of them would go out scavenging for corpses that still had oil in them?