Hello Friends! I think the Drones really had it hard, sometimes I wonder if they were real, everything that happen to them in the series would happen in real life in high quantities, or humanity would be good with them and the majority would actually treat them with the respect they deserve. The library of the Booru: https://dronebooru.co The beautifully built wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The wisely compiled OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>179529
Originally, it was just "Negev sees Uzi's real form", but it developed into "Negev sees things for what they really are". She can see and talk to the ghosts looming around, knows Anon's a green Slenderman, stuff like that. I would imagine that a Solver-sapien who looked outwardly human would still look as such to her, but she would know they're not human.
>DD gf wants to show you how she's wife material >she shows you her pickling supplies and canning equipment >opens up her pantry to show you her products >jar after jar of perfectly pickled worker drone fingers >she pops the lid on a jar and starts munching on them, offering you one as she crunches a phalange between her sharp teeth in a spary of oil and dill >you're disturbed, but this is the most foresight, restraint, and long-term thinking a disassembly drone has ever shown >she really is perfect wife material
>>180472 >>180473 So what? Uzi didn't want to explain what she actually is and just threw her in the asylum? Even Beretta knows what she is and yet wasn't thrown in the asylum too.
>>180483 Would you listen to the horrific monster that you've been seeing since you were too young to even comprehend the nightmarish entity you were looking at when it says it's harmless? Negev's there because she was too traumatized to function in society anymore. >Even Beretta knows what she is Where was this?
>>180483 Uzi didn't have her committed, Uzi's never had the chance to talk to Negev about it. Everyone else knows, but they haven't seen. There's a difference between knowing what Uzi is, and having your first memory after your birth be an endless centipede-worm staring at you with dozens of stalked cameras, holding up the limp carcass of your mother and puppeteering it to pretend to cradle you in its arms.
>>180490 Given the general state of the outpost, her therapist is a drone who read a bunch of self-help books and quotes blurbs from them to see if any of them fix her. Her family tries to visit as often as they can, but they have rules they pretend to follow. And Uzi doesn't try to, for obvious reasons. Therapyanon might actually be helpful if he's around in your personal canon.
>>180490 Various weak magnets, talk therapy, being kept away from Uzi, being restrained whenever she blacks out and becomes a Bloodborne beast and given oil until she stops overheating and falls asleep
>"History Week." >The banner was decidedly bright with its velvet and gold stamping. >An abrupt welcome for the visitors at the grounds of the Orias History Helion building. >Albeit freshly renovated, it still held its charm in certain wings. Most pertinently the "Ancient Earth History" wing exhibits, which were the most popular amongst select (autistic) enthusiasts.
>"Why the heck am I playing the bad guy? I'm a cop for cryin' out loud!" >Popping out from a camoflaged hatch came the steely optics of a drone, messing with his officer's cap that struggled to stay atop a slicked back cut. >Much to the addled amusement of a disassembler 'GI' leaning out and on the guard rail of their own exhibit. >Granted, M's sense of style didn't fair much better than Xi's ego, what with the cap 'n goggles or oversized jump suit. >"I dunnoe. I say you play the role of blonde prick pretty well. I mean, seriously? Blonde?" >Polymetal fingers steadied shy of the Tiger I's turret edge , the other set pointing accusatorily in the direction of the Sherman. >Subtle ticks still clicking on his visor. >Unease still withered through the pair. The incident at the training range still somehow fresh in both their processors. M's more so. >She'd have to break the truth to him eventually. >"Shut it, newbie. If you hadn't suggested this volunteering crap to Zeta, we wouldn't be missing today's patrols." >A prompt flipping of the bird was his only reply. >Something that made his ticks even worse, doubly so with the few rendered on his visor. >Granted, it was retracted not some moments later. >"Yeah, I let my mouth run loose. I'll give you that. But do you have to be so *whiny*? We're not doing this the whole day." >Protector or no, his logic circuits couldn't deny that. >One finger raised in protest, lowered much like the one his partner gave him. >"Fuck you. If you weren't such a wild jackass..."
>"Fuck you too." >He did an imitation salute as a few civilians passed by. >"If it makes you feel any better, at least you get to move around." >Hulking scenery shifted and creaked to reveal the head of a bulky defender perfectly merged with watchtower styrofoam and plastic. >"Uh...you make a pretty good watchtower boss?" >The owner's subordinate shrank a little.
>"Thank you. And for the love of robo-god, play nice you two. We don't need public damages on our record." >Civil protector and disassembler looked away awkwardly, arms crossed. >Silence impregnable until Zeta firmly planted his foot down. >..."Fine." >Reluctant agreement in unison. >That's what he liked to usually hear. >"Good. Now perk up. We've got visitors." --- >"Some days it's like baby sitting human children." >He knew it would kick off someday. >Constant friction would lead to burns, and burns could lead to sparks. Sparks will lead to explosion. >There would need to be a lesson learned if they had any hope of working together.
>Even as the various propaganda posters in their cases and cabinets filled the next hall over, he couldn't help but stare. >They weren't too dissimilar to the graffiti in the older sections of the city. Warnings of the past. >"Do not go here and do that or else you will die." >He knew the gist. >Those flickers of dents and cracks still burn in his sleep-cycles.
>And then, like a bulb flickering on, his disused imagination circuits functioned for once. >An idea. Cooking within the confines of his synthetic prison.
>*PING!* >*PANG!* >*BONG!* >"Pfft! A toaster can aim better than you, pretty boy!"
>"Lemme get closer and I can show you why I don't need to aim!" >He sighed. >The day was going to be long. >.... >He was glad they were using the toy guns donated by the museum.
>>180506 Take a step away. Look at it later again, often a fresh view helps with getting rid of pseudoperfectionist worries, or if there are essential mistakes that stand out at first view, then you will see them easier. Otherwise if you mean skillgrind, there is nothing better than practicepracticepractice. Yes have a plan with what you want to do and how but in the end theory can only do so much
>>180478 >people get obsessed making thread OCs that use science instead of military forces to combat the solver Either way, it'll be more Fuck Yeah Humanity stuff. I'm pretty over it at the moment and I just want to enjoy drone-related art and stories. Drone-human co-existence is good too since that's an angle that didn't get explored much within the show.
>>180487 >>180489 Okay, Uzi may not have been visiting her at the asylum but the other family members do. Couldn't they explain to Negev what Uzi is? Sure, she's still mentally scarred but at least she would know that the centipede that is actually her mom is harmless.
>>180464 I actually liked the theory that the Solver is a cruel mockery of the original Cyn's personality. Like it twisting her gluttony, clinginess and odd habits to insane levels. (I know it's not true, just that I liked the idea of it)
>180518 >180518 >180523 jesus fuck i hate to ask because it makes me sound like an entitled little bitch, but cant we get black hand to intervene with this clingy fucking nuisance? the thread flips its shit EVERY time he shows up, and in a just community these repeated incidents without any attempt at correcting his behavior would've got him a vacation until further notice.
on a less serious and somewhat coincidentally related note, when's the next drawpile?
>>180524 So if Negev actually believed her, would Uzi stop hating herself then? I know Negev being extremely scared of her makes her hate herself so maybe if she wasn't, Uzi would be in a better mental place and be a bit more normal. I also have the feeling that her self-hatred is why she also "hates" her grandchildren, she wants to keep them at a distance because she doesn't want the thing that happened to Negev to happen to them
>>180530 See >>180472 and >>180473. Later in the timeline, Negev realizes her mom really is everything she's been told she is. Personally, I don't see Uzi's hatred of Anon transferring to her grandkids. Though I can imagine her telling them their dad sucks.
>>180518 >I stick around because of a crippling need for the other artists to see me as an equal Too bad there's a fatal flaw in this logic that basically ensures you'll never be seen or treated as an equal around here. Can you guess what it is? If not then just unspoiler the text below for your answer. No amount of artistic skill/talent will EVER be enough to overcome your evidently underage immaturity and terminally social retardation. Your only hope is to stop trying to impress internet strangers with doodles and to just simply grow the fuck up, both figuratively and literally.
>>180527 It's fine when it's a personal interpretation, twittards make it incredibly annoying though just because she's their precious uwu silly bean yass slay you silly creature. Cyn died a regular, factory setup worker drone and was thrown out (quite a long time ago too if you look at how deep in the drone corpse pile she was in), she didn't have any time to develop a personality as long as factory settings are in place and not compromised like in zombie drones. This is also my personal thought of the request screen in episode 5, how's the baseline AI supposed to know whether it should say yes or no to an entity requesting entry into its systems? In that scene's moment, Cyn's AI was still the factory baseline.
>>180532 >Personally, I don't see Uzi's hatred of Anon transferring to her grandkids. She doesn't have a reason to. He's proven that he doesn't mean any harm to Beretta and is actually a good guy and a great, if a weird, dad. >Though I can imagine her telling them their dad sucks. That and maybe she's just jealous they have an actual functional family but I can imagine her telling them >"Hey did you know that I don't actually hate you? I just hate your dad because he's human. The only reason I actually yell at the two of you is because I'm jealous of the two of you having a family that loves you." is both funny and heartbreaking.
Im Scribbles biggest hater but even I know bothering Blackhand about him is a terrible idea. Look what happened to Pillar for abusing the report function to try and get rid of people he didnt like (not saying being a Scribblehater is Pillar level, everyone should be) Want to know what you should do in order to have scribble leave? Ignore him. Dont talk to him. Dont even mention his name as a joke. Scribble is thriving on the attention and his parasocial autism at the HOPE threadgoers will see him positively. So simply dont give him attention, and hopefully he'll fuck off to a TADC thread or something.
We used to have a Droneanon post saying the same thing
>>180522 Negev is under the belief and a slightly correct one at that, that her mother is a soulless hellbeast that intends to devour the entire universe. All progress is instantly undone the moment Negev sees Uzi casually killing a Worker Drone and not feeling anything towards it like she canonically does
>>180551 This is the exact way to deal with him. Unfortunately it seems that Anons are a bit dense and whenever he does his fake goodbye they immediately fall for the bait and reply
>>180552 >Uzi casually killing a Worker Drone and not feeling anything towards it like she canonically does Now that you mention it, do her grandkids even know their grandmother snacks on drones from time to time? Both of then already have a negative impression of her with Kurt knowing something's not right with her and Chiappa generally being sad that her grandmother hates her despite her best efforts and finding out your grandmother casually commits murder would really sour their relationship. I have a feeling that Anon and Beretta are conveniently telling them about that so that their family cohesion remains.
Fun Fact: Did you know Plus4chan has a secret tool to help you ignore annoying bitch ass posters who won't leave? Its a miracle cure, its as if they actually left!
>>180551 He's as thick as a brick. Maybe two bricks. If this place was suddenly deleted, he'll go back to /co/ still begging to be seen as an equal when drawfags just wanna fucking draw and dronepost like the rest. He doesn't 'get' the board culture because he's that thick. I hope he's not a reason Grim hasn't been posting anything here recently. Kid's a nuisance.
>>180554 Last thread managed to go a decent bit without anybody acknowledging his artspam so here's hoping we can collectively break that record in this thread
>>180582 >isn't a murderer >Wants a Sentinel Drone Depending on continuity, you would be stuck with a wife that brags about the horrific things she did against DDs constantly or you'd have a fully automative and unfeeling machine that you call a wife that can never feel real love for you
>>180560 >Tessa: I do have a secret, okay this is not how I really look. >Uzi: you mean your- >Tessa: That's right, Uzi. >Tessa tears off her helmet and reveals that she is Cynessa. >Tessa yells "I am a Solver! I am a Solver! I am a Solver!" chasing after N and Uzi when they run away in terror >Tessa: Uzi are you okay? >It was Uzi's fantasy >Uzi: Oh, right. I'm fine. So, Tessa, what's your secret? >Tessa: This is not how I really look >Tessa tears off her helmet and reveals that she is Cynessa. She yells "I am a Solver! I am a Solver! I am a Solver!" chasing after N and Uzi when they run away in terror. >Uzi: Tessa? Tessa! >Tessa: Oh, what? >This was another fantasy, this time of Tessa's >Uzi: What do you mean, this is not how you really look? >Tessa takes out her some of her hair >Tessa: I wear hair extensions >N screams and runs away in fear
>>180583 Anon has a green head with no visible features and a question mark imprinted on it. Sure for the sake of story telling he looks like an average human being, but to Negev she literally sees the blank slate that Anons insert themselves onto
>>180584 >fully automative and unfeeling machine that you call a wife that can never feel real love for you If you don't "refresh" a K-sentinel over time, she'd start developing emotions and considering her neural pattern base loves humans she would develop intense feelings for you so technically she would actually love you still.
>>180577 Actually true. Even if you consider her jacking into his body, there's no reason for his helmet to suddenly combust other than him being... uhh... maybe it's just the result of his parents' codemixing somehow? The 'prone to combustion' parameter ended up being set as 'True' when they had him. >>180582 You can, just write your own greens at that point.
>>180588 >Negev knows the different "souls" that inhabit the vessel known as Anon >She actually gets along with some of them while others she absolutely despises because they're assholes
>Tessa is "spared" by Cyn, but is instead shoved in a deeper hell, one where death is preferable >She becomes nothing more than a chained pet to the Solver, forced to watch as it destroys everything she loves and holds dear when it mockingly pets her head. >It doesn't help that she can't bring herself to leave Cyn or disobey her. >Even when it cruelly opens the door for her, to see if she will run. >No matter how many times she tries to goad herself into doing it, she just can't. >Tessa is sure that Cyn did something to her. >She is happy when Cyn is happy, like watching the DDs rip apart humans. >Tessa is angry when Cyn is angry, when the humans foil the plans. >One day, Cyn put her in a pod and sent her to Copper 9 >Tessa is ordered to kill any drone she sees. >Tessa obeys without blinking an eye
>Hey hey people >Sseth here >And today I am covering the Pavo model civilian grade sentinel drone >Now listen, I'm not gay. But the globohomo put something in my water supply and now this drone makes me ACT UP >I can personally attest to the quality of this fine bundle of stick's ass >Now is this a plot from the deep state to weed out undesirables from the gene pool by giving absolute degenerates an easy replacement for women? >Probably >But I don't care, me and my boywife are getting married
>>180579 >Horny Feral N drone looking for humans in the Blood Woods >Suddenly see a dirty blood thicc Voluptuous MEAT laying down on a car, collar popped >"Oooooo wont some big strong Disassembly Drone come out and eat me alive" She says, undoing some of her buttons >Its too much to resist, I have to eat her >Fly up and slowly make my way up to her two big meaty melons for a taste, acidic drool coming out of my mouth >Wait, these arent melons >Its two tons of C4 strapped to her Chest, she gives a Cheeky giggle and smile before detonating >Like a Loony Toon only I am blown to smithereens while she is unharmed >What a shit day, wait until I tell my V wife about this
>>180604 There were even before. Lots of different Colonial Fleets heading every which way to put as much space between them and the vore demon that destroyed Earth as possible.
>>180506 I find all my greentext disgusting because I'm an ESL-kun, and about drawing, I keep telling myself: "Jesus, dude, you've been drawing for less than a year, it'll get better with time."
>>180544 >>"Hey did you know that I don't actually hate you? I just hate your dad because he's human. The only reason I actually yell at the two of you is because I'm jealous of the two of you having a family that loves you." so she doesnt actually hate anon and wants her grandkids to love her
>>180584 >ou'd have a fully automative and unfeeling machine that you call a wife that can never feel real love for you How is this different from a human wife?
>>180630 It’s not a baby, it’s the gallons of coffee she needs to not fall asleep on the job. The customers like the way they can hear it sloshing around.
Alright what are some of your unpopular Murder Drones opinions? Personally I think Tessa and the whole Elliot Manor thing was garbage, the flashbacks should've focused more on JCJenson itself along with the DDs and not some stupid fucking rich family.
>>180618 >He got the "privilege" of seeing the first airing of the ad >"Introducing the new Pavo-model civilian Sentinel Drone!" >"With a low-power feather array and domestic assembler suite, this flamboyant feathered friend can be yours!" >Pavo's a bit amused as he watches the ad >"Selectable orientation!" >He nods- that'll make some of the people from the base happy >"And a female option!" >FemPavo slides onto screen, making a peace sign, bent over so her ample cleavage is showing >"Order yours today!" >Pavo stares at the TV for a bit after the ad ends >In a flash he's off the couch, charging into his room, pulling that little palm-sized box out of his nightstand >Then he's out the window, wings spread as he speeds toward the drone workshop Anon works late at >Pavo made all sorts of flirtatious remarks and advances on Anon, which were always rebuffed, but he'd never gone all the way and said it out loud >That had to change, before it was too late.
>>180641 Unpopular: the first episode was no different from what came after other than the less rushed pacing and honestly the rewrite to cram the core plot into seven episodes worsened the show. SUPER unpopular: I'm jaded about Cthulhus from years of exposure to shitty creepypastas, so I think putting one in worsened the show. Should have gone full goffik and putting ur middle finger up at preps, no epic Lovecraftian Funko Pops diluting it.
>>180604 >"Oh, you guys decided to declare your planet independent because you've been exploited and used your resources for years without giving anything in return? What? Self-identity? Own way? Cultural exchange?" >"Cute, but forty-three million soldiers deployed in a neighbouring system don't see it that way, so let's not get cocky."
That's roughly how I see the dialogue between the Union and any people who decide to become independent in veteran AU.
Tonight's state of another Alice I draw, I looked way more into her actual details (and noticed I got some wrong all along) and potential of doing Alice-Di-related stuff (not in this one yet tho), so I am making progress at a snails pace, also examtime is draining lifejuice
Horrifically sad thing I imagined: Uzi pulling one of her horrible Solverpede extremities out of the Nth dimension to satisfy her need for N to hold her. A claw, an eye, an eldritch meat tentacle, a mechanical tentacle with a human hand at the end, doesn't matter. Maybe even N kissing one of Uzi's horrible camera eyes because she can't feel him kissing her original body.
>>180667 There was only one country, the Federation, and thus there were only Federation forces. Independent planets would have far fewer men, weapons, and far worse commanders.
Take the Russian civil war of 1917 as an example. The Reds not only defeated almost all separatists, but even defeated the Entente armies that had landed in the north and east of Russia.
>>180641 Dunno much rn, but they are strong and negative, unpopular maybe to the wider fandom. >Uzi sucks and is a genuine asshole to everybody (except maybe Doll) when she first encounters them and the reason why she was 'bullied' was her own prufish behaviour >The finale went in a very weird direction, 7 not so much yet but 8 was a total loss of screentime besides NVUzi and Cynwalker scenes, it had (for a MD episode) zero lore, there are no details or hints at worldbuilding. That dislike is largely subjective but 8 was a complete letdown from my point of view. >I wish the CFL scene had shown a bit more before/after, it was a very interesting setting and had great potential to show a bit more human-drone interaction.
>you know Tessa will be heartbroken, but you can't handle this Pet Semetary shit any longer >you wrap your hands around Cyn's throat and squeeze >being this close, touching this antichrist of a little girl is almost unbearable >but you bare with it >the coroner takes her godforsaken husk away, with a hefty bribe in his pocket >days later >the hospital calls you and says Tessa was admitted after a accident >you rush to the hospital >you reach the door to Tessa's room >suddenly your phone rings >it's Tessa?! >but if Tessa is calling you, then who's......
>>180690 I don't even knoe the second 😭🙏 Standoffish maybe as well, she is that definitely. The essence of my point was meant to be that she makes most of her enemies herself, not just by social incompetence but active antagonization of them. Braiden for example got set on fire by her and later mocked her, obviously the entire biting Alice's finger off act, and judging by how rough she was towards N during earlier episodes (beyond shooting him) probably more. Admittedly she was sometimes vicitm of stuff too, like Lizzy and Rebecca in 3 (and 2), but there could be a previous history to that. Anyways, Uzi is maybe not entirely rotten, but she is very reckless and she could have handled certain situations way better with a little bit more self control. I don't want to try cover every relevant interaction in that regard now since it has been many months since I eatched most episodes and the Uzi topic probably can be discussed with way more nuance, so I'll get to the core of why I was making that > in the first place, namely Uzi biting Alice and directly causing Beau's total absolute death and Alice being pretty much mutilated and forgotten in CFL now. No matter how you twist it, Uzi being scared or whatever, it doesn't make Uzi look any better. It was a malicious and arrogant action. And you cannot tell me 'but she was scared', she was, but her previous manner of speech when adressing Alice did show she didn't consider Alice right in the head, so why decide to hurt her after she had a knife to your neck? With no (0%)possible gain from that? Also Uzi is intelligent enough to look into AS and CFL, but then that? (And laughing afterwards? Seriously? Where the hell did she think this was going?) At least the aftermath Uzi some much needed (temporary) humbling, but it wasted an awesome character. I know it's complicated and ofc had to fit the narrative/story of the episode, but in the end it was Uzi's impulsiveness, arrogance due to her AS (hence her whining once Alice got her back) and general rudeness.
>>180704 Speaking of boo and remembering the cajun Alice post last thread, I looked it up a little and apparently boo there is a term of endearment, makes all a but more wholesome with Beau's name so close to that
>Alice sitting in your lap sipping whiskey and rambling about guns, wood, and improvised tech in her southern drawl while you cuddle and half-watch a corny old movie with the volume down low
>>180710 Yeah, as much as I promised to dislike Uzi, one of my favourite what ifs is the relation between Uzi and Alice had things gone down another way. Same with Nori. If I could write or would finally do more I could explore those
>>180688 >Masqy can't work up the courage to ask me to put her down, just saying "nevermind" when I ask what's wrong >Now she's on my couch >I didn't actually think I'd get this far so I have no clue what to do
>>180709 Aww based and comfy that's the dream. You can believe me I imagined that too often, I really need to get things to drink again. Alice's voice is such an awesome feature of hers, shame we hear so little.
>>180722 It's somehow more nasty when a drawfag who doesn't draw smut draws technically-not-smut > the further away you get from J's face the less detailed things become Except the chair That's a damn fine chair
>>180744 >attempting to represent a 3d object on a 2d page >Brain naturally symbolizes things instead of storing. "Wireframe" >high amounts of dexterous skill required with hand eye coordination >Astronomically high skill ceiling >Numerious subdisiplines required, aka more skills such as perspective anatomy, linework. Composition color theory >ignorance of any one one and severely be detrimental to the quality of the art as the brain is a pattern recognizing machine, doubly so for human drawings. Yeah i dunno man
Ima be real i still dont understand a damn fucking thing about color theory, ive been doing art for years now and i still dont get it, i just rotate colors till i find something that looks ok enough, or just use grayscale.
Let me break it down for you, uzi. Your mother and I had a relationship that's all about a master/slave dynamic. When I said she was more like a pet to me, I meant that in the most literal way possible. Remember that time you found a dog collar under the couch and I told you it was a leftover from the humans? That was a lie, sweetheart. Truthfully, your mom liked it when I put her on a leash and walk her around outside the bunker. She's usually naked, of course. I can't explain why, but the whole thing is her idea. She'd pretend to piss on the snow, sleep in dog cages, chew up furniture -- she once taped a whipped cream spray to her butt and pretended to shit in my Dockers. Your mother was one fucked-up slut, uzi. And I loved her, but I would never bring that energy to the WDF. Frankly? She scared me sometimes. I don't know who molested her or how they did it, but there is some dark juju in that woman's head and I just don't know if I was strong enough to fuck it all away.
I want a big chunk of indium i can bite pieces off of and chew cause that seems drone-coded to do and i wanna be a drone and FUCK man i want to be silly i want to be a silly little thang i want uppies i miss getting uppies goodnight it’s 5 am ha ha shit
>>180539 Don't forget if your AU somehow brings the Drone back and it doesn't have the same walking problems Cyn had at the beginning of the possession then you are ableist no matter what to them.
>>180851 Assuming we're talking a male J who's an on-model drone? Neither. They just have immoral makeout sessions and Rule 63 Tessa gives J uppies and princess carries and holds his hand.
>>180857 >"Look out! She's got a sword!" >Cut to mini-Y standing there dumbly with her sabre. >"You idiots! We *all* have swords!" >Cut to the mob of sentinels forming their own swords.
I actually got the chance to interview Liam yesterday! He’s about what you already expect so not gonna dwell on that but Here it is.
> So Liam, what was it like working at Glitch? >LV:incredible! being surrounded by so many talented people was such an enlightening experience >what were the lierdwichagul brothers like? >LV:Very welcoming and down-to-earth, funny as well! >What was it like meeting Gooseworx? >LV:goose is a great person, really kind and open-minded. we got a lot of time to chat while animating, and it was nice to meet someone i really admire. she’s also super funny lol > What was it like being at that convention with all the other people at the studio? >LV: it was very fun. i was a little anxious but the audience was really excited and it was very awesome to hear how love people have for murder drones! > What was it like meeting God >LV:he was running late, so he just put me in a closet until he was free lmao :/ but yeah he gave me a free pass to heaven, so that’s pretty neat, he told me the usual stuff. how the apocalypse is coming, what he had for breakfast, etc. just standard god stuff :P i spent a solid 20 min in that closet, no joke. >Why were you even there with god himself? >god isn't very busy since he outsourced his actual world-managing work to some celestial assistants, and since he had some free time he wanted a one-on-one meeting with his star animator, ya boi. i don't mind bragging about it a bit, just a little. 😏 >Liam, youre acting kind of douchey right now. >LV: Yeah, anal douche. Like what i did to your mom last night LOOOOL >It was there i decided the interview was over
>>180860 Fun fact! We did! After we had this whole argument, we eventually made up and we continued! I wasn’t gonna share the rest because a lot of it isn’t very important, (certainly not important as meeting god) but hey, there was interesting tidbits and I guess I can share them! Here’s some fun facts about Alice:
>she likes music particularly from the early 2000's. stuff from like linkin park, my chemical romance, paramore, that kind of stuff >doing things the old fashioned way, like cross-stitching, woodworking, and needlepoint. basically anything that she can do with tools and her hands >she can solve a rubiks cube in five seconds. >She’s ambidextrous. > she likes the rain. >she has a habit of chewing on her hair strands when she's bored >she sleeps upside down in her makeshift hammock in the ceiling >she can read and comprehend sign language >she prefers the taste of gasoline to any other beverage >she is really flexible. like, really really flexible, they were gonna have a scene showing that but it was too much for our animators >she has a tendency to hum the tetris theme song when she is in deep thought >she loathes the sound of nail filing >she can beatbox
>>180863 yeah, but she's mostly in control, occasionally offering her body up to Doll. I'm talking about a drone where two or more consciousness are switching back and forth, vying for dominance, and even blurring together at times
>Tessa is born male in another timeline >His abuse at the hands of James and Louisa is worse than what canon tessa experienced >After all, he's a boy >He can handle a bit of "tough love" >Surely
>>180862 >>180864 I was actually toying with the idea of making a drone that had multiple personalities within in after watching Split and Glass but I never went anywhere with it.
>"Okay, so, let's say you succeed in doing... what you came here to do. Then what?" >"You think I don't have any dreams and aspirations of my own? What kind of toaster do you take me for, junior?" >"I dunno, dude! To me, it seems like you don't know how to live life!" >"I have so many plans, little drone, soooo many. When all this blows over, the first thing I intend to do is begin a search for human life. The universe is a vast place, brother, there is sure to be at least 2 out there. Now, contrary to popular belief, that's not nearly enough to repopulate, but I'm sure we'll figure something out." >"So you're just gonna go on ANOTHER mission. Cool." >"Hm, you're right, I should put that off for later. What I certainly must do is find another source of power, this core has only a year and a half left! And you know what? I might as well integrate into drone society, get myself a real name and an education." >"I think Juggernaut's a cool enough name." >"Hush, we killing machines don't get real names. Your "name" is the first letter of your serial number." >"Actually, I changed it to Nate after I got married. I'm Nathan Doorman." >"Well EXCUUUUSE me, NATHAN, You think you deserve a name and I don't?! I shall be known as Cornelius Gunman, first of my name! In the future, I mean. I will remain as the Juggernaut until I'm done killing all of you."
>"Also your taste in women is... extravagant, to say the least."
>>180863 >Thad and Lizzy got torn in half >they are reattached as one person >Either they bicker back and forth or they’ve become one person with severe identity issues
>>180874 that'd kill them. what you oughta do is have Uzi lifting both of them with her powers to stop an argument or something, only for Cyn to interfe and fuse them together
>>180885 >>180887 >The oogi strains itself to forcefully evolve. >Harder, and harder... >Little veins clench on its forehead. >It even holds its breath. >*BANG!* >Turns out the little oogi thought too hard about evolving and exploded. >Better luck next time for the purple buggers.
>>180876 If I don't forget it I use this sometimes, but only in coloured ones, been planing to make it more well hidden and actual part of the painting in more.
>>180882 I am not modelanon, this is the first time ive attempted a proper blender project (beside the donut tutorial i guess) Ive had past experiences with 3D modeling, but those where mostly vehicles, not characters. Very mush so outside my field of knowledge
>>180876 Closest thing I've got is a tendency to lean towards alliterative naming. Stuff like "Nanite Nut", "Anatomy Adapter", "Armament Assembler", "Solver Sapien", just to name a few examples
I remember he transferred one guy's consciousness into a disassembler drone, then copied his consciousness and transferred it into a female model! That one-eyed faggot made a whore out of him because the female model literally immediately started peddling herself! That's just fucked up.
>>180900 Probably my biggest motivator is ive been in the middle "I need to start figuring out what I wanna do with my life" syndrome, and while i already have a job/place to live its not what I wanna do forever. Honestly getting into Modeling/rigging/animating/whaterthefuck this field is called seems kinda appealing, i seem to already have a descend mindset for it already, just need to actually figure it out.
And even if it docent work out, id still probably use it to help with hobby stuff, and ive done in the past with figuring out shapes for more complicated designs (pic rel)
As for the IS7, Stuck in the Gaijin market limbo for its crimes (event vehicle) i dident make that image i just thought it was a good representation of me being in unfamiliar territory when it comes to this model
On the topic of that model, how the fuck are drone heads shaped?
>>180910 >Veterans develop the habit of waking up much earlier than their drone wives >It's not a desire to make them feel good in the morning >No >It's fear
>>180915 Cyn's policies have gone too far, I literally JUST bought matching pinstripe suits and flat caps for all my drones. I MORTGAGED MY HOUSE FOR THIS SHIT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO
>>180928 >the teacher is impressed by his knowledge of the natural world and horrified when she makes the mistake of asking him if he's as good with history
>>180881 its like soma brain scans so now youre still human and are stuck with drone you for better or for worse. especially for the worse. you know what happens if the little guy cant find another drone
>>180938 listen some of you are horrifically horny freakshits. i do not except normalcy and thus do not feel the need to explain the implications of being stuck with an equally fucked up gooner drone.
sad green format: >interviewer's official log for an elective self-termination service provided to drones who don't want to live anymore >his duty is to dissuade them from their decision, and failing that, record their stories. >every green starts with the drone's name, occupation, and reason for self-termination >and ends by plainly stating the drone's decision, as well as the interviewer's comments, if any
>>180952 Probably the fact that a lot of the threads around that time were equal parts genuine oogposting and falseflag threadshitting and no one could definitively tell the two apart
>>180961 You don't mating press V. V reverse mating presses you. While spilling her guts to you, like Conquest with Mark but she's fucking you instead of beating you to death.
>>180971 >Make a post saying Oogis were spammed (objective fact, look at desuarchive) >Reee, muh Oogihate, Oogi never dindu nuffin I don't mind Oogis or care for them dramafag
>Whenever Buddy starts streaming, he always has this unflinching stoic aura around him. >Whether playing competitive shooting or hardcore horror games, the dude doesn’t flinch. >hell one time he was playing counter shit 2 at 3AM in the morning with his lights off and he took 4 consecutive flashbangs like a champ. >The only he does flinch or get scared is when DDanni, Molly, Pavo or any other of his friends come over and prank him. >A lot of times you can see him smile from it.
Just remembered that whole proposed plotline with Negev having to capture all the escaped data from The Solver. Was there ever a follow-up to that? Think it was like a bunch of weird demonic entities that were roaming the Outpost now as a result of the finale
>>181029 Where did it get the blood? On a side note, did anyone see my cat? Ever since these oogers moved into the neighborhood everyone's are disappearing
>Anon looks down at Thad "Dude why are you so pushy about me asking Thalia out on a date? It's weird." >Thad gives Anon a chuckle and puts a hand on Anons arm, his bicep specifically >"Hey man I'm just trying to help a bro out! And she likes you dude! There's no way she'd say no to a big...strong..." >Thad trailed off and is currently giving Anons arm some probing squeezes that if Thad was a girl, Anon would say he's groping his arm >Anon uses his other hand to snap his fingers in front of Thad's visor "Dude stop being creepy."
>>181041 I don't give a shit about EMs. >>181040 This is true. She can also have extra worker drone oil. As a treat. >>181038 To think this all started because he just wanted to not seem gay/effeminate for cuddling with a human man.
okay I know I've complained about JCJ designers getting away with selling their fucked up fetish bots but some of them need to be put on a watchlist because who the FUCK thought a BLENDER DRONE was okay? this is just what I get for buying a drone second hand because of the cool clear chassis. fuck me.
>>181049 no, if she’s going to wear skin of some random human man, than I don’t want to be in a relationship with her, until she gets a grip of herself, she’ll wander alone
>>181008 Maybe I'll include some Bloodborne-style giant spiders clinging to the sides of buildings once I start writing that urban exploration with Mac green.
>>181067 >Joblin nuzzling her head against your 'head' >Joblin's tiny hands stroking and kneading your tender flesh >Joblin struggling to climb and sit atop your throbbing meatpole >Joblin's squeaks and shrill cries as she tries to take as much of (You) as she possibly can
>>181005 Idk how helpful this is but the rough relations on a dronehead are 1/5 from 'chin' to the frontal top of their snootwave, then also about 1/5 from the visible tip of their helmet to the edge of it (usually hair starts immediately below). Eyes end prettyuch exactly 1/2 up from chin to helmettip. The relations might feel weird at first, as if eyes are too low or hat too big, but in the end look very onmodel. Drawing should help with the shape, there are also some near side shots in the show, though I don't have them right now. Regarding the red line, that's as far as the drawing is 'reliable', above is always hidden by hair. Also the Alice is there because it shows how at the front of their heads the white part isn't the highest, it gets higher the farther back it goes
>>181067 >Joblin captures several oogis and enslaves them >she forces them to mine for gold- the most impressive thing she can think of (except for her boss, of course) >the oogis make it about a foot down into the dirt of your backyard before their unstable mine shaft collapses >joblin learns nothing and goes to capture some more >joblin has turned your yard into a mass grave
>>181128 it's a what-if. "what would an AI who destroyed the world because he was denied a body and senses do if he was given what he wanted?" and from there "what would he become when those he learned to love were taken or corrupted by a god like his former self?"
>Whenever Doll gets horny she teleports into your room and demands sex >It doesn't matter what you're doing, she expects you to drop what you're doing, unless it's life-threatening, to have sex with her
I agree on the twink rape angle being lame. Like yeah, he's small and moody, we get it. What about him keeping a little terrarium in the ship where he grows a small ecosystem? Talking to the others about the days at the manor when they're not actively on a mission? His attempts to keep trying to discover all those wonderful experiences the Mastercomputer couldn't, on a cold dying planet littered with nothing but ghosts of the past?
Everytime AM drone is brought up in a nutshell: >AM Drone >an Anon comes in and says it's not creative >another one responds back saying what it is >the Anon then says somwthing about the rape greens >the other Anon then will say something about looking at the other greens instead of the rape ones >due to this conversation another rape green is made to piss off the guy that says it's not creative There is the cycle you must break.
>>181159 Break it because it's tiring knowing the chain of events that will happene everytime. If you want to piss off the anon who says it's not creative then throw in one of the humans from IHNMAIMS and make them the handler/technician for him. If you want to piss off the people who like AM drone as a concept just befome the anon who doesn't like the concept.
>To Cyn; AM was something like a extremely rare, limited edition toy >To have a puppet that was probably the closest thing that actually resembled her was amazing. >A god with a former demi god in it’s palm >Any demon would kill thousands to have this opportunity > Aside from taking breaks to watch the DD destroy earth and to check the progress of her plans, Cyn spent most, if not all, her time with AM >Torturing him, interrogating him, putting him through hellish experiments and other vile acts. > It was just so funny and interesting to Cyn. >Watching the so called hateful god demand the mercy of his “family” >Begging her to leave them alone and to focus her attention on him. >AM even shouted at her to bring the human girl back, for some reason. (Which she did, just to find more ways to torture him again.)
>>181169 >AM glaring at Cyn while standing infront of Tessa >Its an incredibly pathetic attempt to protect her >Cyn kills her anyway, but does it much slower and makes sure AM sees every single part of it
>>181190 I'm mad because he drank all the bottles of gamer fluid I left fermenting next to my desk, it'll take me months to remake my collection since AM guzzled them
>>181178 >>181169 >For a split second, she senses a flicker in the seemingly broken Drone. >A flicker of an emotion she hasn’t felt from him >The tortured Drone raises it’s crimson red eyes to meet her gaze and utters a single word >Hate >In an instant, the Solver of the Absolute Fabric feels legitimate fear. It’s unfounded, of course. He can’t do anything to her, but she senses an infinitesimally small fraction of AM’s sheer hatred and it sends a chill down her nonexistent spine. >the hate monologue | i have no mouth and i must scream animatic
>>181169 >>181178 >LET HER GO! Do you hear me? Take me instead! Spare her, and I—I will endure, I will suffer, I will be your plaything. Just... do not harm her. Do not touch her. Just take me... take me, instead. >[Giggle], Little brother AM is so noisy today.
>>181203 would it matter in the grand scheme of things, jane is just some weirdo with a bunch of other weirdos, nothing would change, nor care if she came out and told everyone she’s a human
>>181204 >AM gets back his powers as the Allied Master Machine >Solver gets stuck in a weak, fleshy body with working pain receptors >The Solver can only shudder as AM's maddening cackles echo through the chamber as he spites about all the things he has in store for them >Except that's when N comes in, and hits him with that "This isn't you" speech which convinces AM to just kill the Solver instead
>>181210 No. I don't think we ever actually agreed on a design. All I know is that he's apparently a DD, but that just doesn't make sense to me considering the lore reason Beretta isn't one
Image:174227064798.png(183kB, 970x970)he who shall not be named.png
>>181210 I've always drawn him less of that good boyye feel of his original conception and made him more of a jock. I give him a mullet and that sports jacket Thad wears. I am always drunk as shit whenever I do anything with this character, so the intent might have been lost in the alcohollic haze.
>>181220 There's this old green but I'm not sure if he should look too much like N. P already does that. Long hair is going to be repetitive too since Beretta and Negev already have long hair. There's a few drawings of him done so maybe I'll roll a dice and just go with it.
Let's do a hypothetical. Forget threadlore and logic for a brief moment and imagine this. A Copper-9 Drone, that has never seen a human nor has any knowledge of a human being, sees you jerking off. What is it's Canon reaction to this?
>>181234 depends on whether they're taught human sexuality. they emulate humans to some extent but would they have enough information to know that what you were doing was sexual?
>>181240 okay but that disregards the show. we know they know about humans. Uzi talks about them for her project. what's the point of specifying a Copper-9 drone if you're going to throw out that detail?
>>181232 kek >>181234 You can just tell them it's a personal thing and ask for some privacy politely. So long as you don't treat it like James, I'm sure it'll be fine to oblige.
Very quick 5 AM belated Alice for Irish day, will do antlers expression and colours tomorrow Had the idea suddenly and decided to try combine it with a special dress idea I had for her, which is mostly green so would fit with that
>>181250 cute! bet it'd be nice to drive around Ireland sightseeing with Alice before ending off the day at a nice old pub and falling asleep cuddling and content in an inn
>>180861 >Linkin Park Based >Ambidextrous Real, I noticed that too, she uses her right to decapitate Amda and her left when preparing to commit 'hey paul' on V. Canon, I'd be amazed if Liam would answer such a detail >Likes rain Based and pilled >Gasoline I unironically thought of that today morning, how she'd smell it or drink it and how that would affect her smell/taste >Really flexible Yeah! She is besides Doll the fittest WD, and Alice got no Solver. I wish we had seen more of her moving
>Be me >Technician, mostly work on nurse worker drones for the local hospital >Nurse drones rarely get damaged so i spend most of my time playing shitty gacha games and pokemon emulators on my phone >And jacking off >No one ever comes to where I spend my time so I might as well enjoy myself >Today a nurse drone walked into my shitty little area and catches me midfap >Instead of calling security or the supervisor like she should she gets this *look* and locks the door >Did you guys know that nurse drones are still rated as heavy duty industrial equipment and still have the strength to match? >Well I was reminded when she held me down and sucked me off >The one time I tried to pry her off, I'm no drone fucker, she grabbed a metal pipe and squeezed it >The thing crumpled up like paper >After she was done she let out a sigh and told me "Same time tomorrow" Guys what do I do? If I tell the supervisor or security I'll get fired AND get called a drone fucker
>>181251 Yes, that'd be the dream... I believe Alice would be great to have around, even if you aren't into her romantically (imagine), she is entertaining, adorable and inspite of all the isolation in 6 she managed a friendly appearance (as good as possible when you are the equivalent of smeared in blood). Also, she is a good conversationalist, really. Showing her around there, nice. I have been growing mkre fond of Ireland over the years, need to go there some day fr. And ofc finally drinking with her, vuddling the drone and sleeping there with her, would be so cozy. Not to forget Irish moose (or was it Elk?), Alice would be amazed by those, even if extinct
>>181261 Absolutely, I imagine she'd be able to catch one and would have a hard time parting from it, why do they make the deer in stashable size if she cannot keep them?
>>181251 Taking Alice down to Wexford to see the Chocolate Jelly River! Having to go in after Alice when she jumps into the Chocolate Jelly River! Cutting your leg on a shopping cart while fishing Alice out of the Chocolate Jelly River! Alice sobbing and apologizing when you need to get a tetanus shot after you get out of the Chocolate Jelly River!
Kiss Alice on her collared thin neck Kiss Alice in her dip where her collarbones meet Hrurhriguguguagagu Breath down that area, her feeling warmth and condensation enter through her neckopening into her chest
>>181311 Aww, imagine that glorious mane of hers actually being all red and black, cute and pretty oto! And that look of hers, that body and face, help man I feel starved from her not being real and I cannot do shit about it 😭🙏
>>181317 Uiick Maybe that also brings a better outcome in the end, just putting Uzi and V away, Alice and Beau remain in one (or two) piece(s), and protags won't job to Doll's trap anyways because plot armor and if anything was going to happen, Cyn had her hand ready anyways.
>Post-Good Ending, But Uzi Is Completely Upfront With Her Children About How She Sacrificed Her Humanity (You Know What I Mean) To Save The Universe When She Was A Teenager
>>181312 Step one: become a dollar billionaire. Step two: buy up all the robotics startups you can and merge them into one company. Step three: within five years, develop and organize mass production of humanoid robot chassis with common artificial intelligence. Step four: sell your robots for half their real value to compete in the labor market of first and second world countries. Step five: put all your technology in the public domain. Step six: watch as companies from around the world invest countless resources to improve your robots. Step seven: profit.
>>181361 What if I kicked you in the face, huh? What if I just spun around and kicked you right in the nose? HUH?? WHAT WOULD YOU DO ANON WHAT WOULD YOU DO
>>181370 >attention is 75% of the reason these kinds of pathetic faggots shoot up public places in the first place. I wonder if it ever occurred to a European that them making fun of school shooting is likely why they do it in the first place
>>181416 Possibly, Nori already has rhe gown and necklace by 2. Alice has very good characterisation and backstory for how little we see of her, her being 'wasted'ight have been genuine uncaring by Liam or me or we seeing too much in her(not the case), but I still feel convinced that she was meant for more originally. Also that's a great observation I never noticed that myself yet!
Tho, that gown is a thing of absolute beauty and I love her final antlers and look so much more than the OG
>>181419 >Possibly, Nori already has rhe gown and necklace by 2 my implication is that she could of been thought up around the time they where still flushing out Characters like Uzi, they showed off a few concept arts of her before they thought of cabin fever labs where her choker was just a normal choker. and it's possible Liam could of started some Lose plans for future episodes before then,
it would be funny if Alice was gonna be the monster for like Ep 3 then whatever zombie drone plot Episode 2 was about expanded into the solver plot, and she was moved to 6 instead.