What you are seeing is real and canon. https://dronebooru.co https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character Last thread: >>177621
>>178626 >even if nobody else heard her say it N did. She said that to N when he tried to reason to her that Akita was her child when she was begging him to kill Akita after her birth. >It might be (You) The father is --------
>>178616 >keeter feeling self-conscious about her pregnant body the solution here is obvious. give that belly (and imminent extra padding) all the worship it deserves
>>178516 >somewhere on a distant planet, a little emo girl is growing increasingly annoyed with the growing cue of souls she has to calm down before restoring their bodies
>>178630 We don't know if the DDs' "souls" go to their admins after they die or not. We saw J come back, but there were a lot of other DDs and witches, and we don't see their souls go to Uzi at the end.
>>178633 >we don't see their souls go to Uzi at the end. we know Doll's soul did because we see her ghost and see Uzi with her HUD. beyond that we have no way of knowing because Doll was the only drone with a soul that we saw Cyn eat on copper 9, but that's going 2 for 2 so it's safer to assume souls return to the admin than not.
>>178635 Doll's core was eaten by Cyn, whose core was then eaten by Uzi. If the souls of all DDs were returned to their administrator, the HUD of Uzi would have many more names.
Fuck, this is another Liam's “don't think about it too much, bro” thing.
>>178636 no, I mean Uzi's HUD was literally replaced by Doll's HUD for a moment– I'm guessing because she was the most recent soul she ate. as for the other DDs, she could presumably choose whether to keep their souls around, but as you said it's really another case of Vickers vagueness
>it's another day in copper 9. its only been 4 days after the world almost ended, and yet everything is back to business as usual as if it never happened >you were simply minding your business. >you wave a magnet around your face and wham! >youre high as a kite. >man, if only your gay boyfriend sam was still alive with you. >if only you still had a weedbuddy. >you wander through the bunker as the other drones walk by you. >you reminiscence about the good times with sam >that time when you and him looked at a picture of shaq and he told you it looks like that you >or that time the both of you followed that doorman kid giggling until she got so mad she knocked your teeth out. >or that time when- >"YEOWCH!" >you're sent to floor. dazed and confused. >you look up and see thst popular girl, what was her name? lisa? the one who's been hanging with one of the murder drones lately now that they went good? >"watch where your going twerp!" she exclaims, very upset. >"thnacks, dude...heh, penises.." you chuckle because remember you're still higher than the empire state building >"ugh...magnetheads...." she scoffs. leaving.
>>178648 Imagine being so greedy that you teach the drones how to use currency and reinvent capitalism just so you can become wealthy MG's only problem is figuring out if he can use caps as a fiat without getting sued for copyright infringement
>"God wouldn't have given us childbearing hips if she didn't want us to fuck human men!" >"Your god is a fucking vore devil who created you to exterminate humanity!" >"It doesn't contradict what I said." - From the protocol of the interrogation of the suspected.
>I managed to get my hands on the source code for Worker Drones, particularly their graphical drivers, and what I saw greatly disappointed me. The way JCJenson designed the way drones perceive reality is extremely inneficient and very resource intensive which is the reason why Worker Drones are sometimes called "blind tin-cans". Here's how I improved the rendering pipeline of the Worker Drones...
Recovered audio logs from medic Anon Y. Mous >Hey >I uh... >I didn't record myself freaking out over the whole hand eye thing >Just didn't think about it I guess >I can't see out if it and I hope I never do >Christ it itches
>FUCK >I got in a fight with a mutant and got claw'd up real bad >I'm not bleeding out kike I should be >I just keep oozing out that blood red sludge
>I grew more eyes in my wounds. >God please help me
>you follow her, still pretty stoned. >doesen't take long for her to notice >"hey, quit following me! ralph!" >of course you're not listening >"dude...cmon.. i want to show you something cool >"well, i don't wanna see it right now!" she answers. >"please" you plead, >"no!" she answers, getting very annoyed. >this gies back and forth until she finally snaps. >she stops in her place and looks at you, very ticked off and arms crossed, >"OK FINE!! What is it?" >you chuckle very loudly, "lets do something funny"your lips curling into a squiggly line. >she raises an eyebrow, "what exactly?" >"oh exactly what i mean you know like" >you oroceed to do a bunch of inane gestures as her eyes turn hollow with shock and disgust. >"EWW! No!" >"cmon dudeteette, iz good." you insist as you slowly move towards her >"seeiously ralph! no means no!" she retorts, very uncomfortable right now. >"cmon man, you love me right? we friends! we good guys! we confidants eh?" You urge as you lunge your head towards her comfort zone. >"ah fuck it!" lizzy exclaims as she bolts off. >you follow in blazed pursuit, still asserting to something funny with her >she runs all the way to the door to her home, but you were hot on her tail enough to rush inside. >her parents didnt seem to be home right now. neither was her new girlfriend >"FUCK!" she panics seeing as you've made it inside and makes a dash for her room >you hold the door as she tries to push it back >"leave me the fuck alone!" lizzy yells. >"we gonna do something hilariououius dough!" you object. >"No No NoNoNoNONO!!" she clearly does not want this >the two of you push onto the door with all your might >fortuately for her, she was able to shut the door and lock it tight. >now that she kept you out she tries to look her phone, but to no avail >it wasn't anywhere, not on her bed, not under her bed, not in her drawers, not in her bathroom, where is it? Why didn't she bring it this time? then she would have just gotten v to- >before she could finish that thought, a beam blasts through the door >oh god, he got the railgun >"alright missus, now we gonna do something postively comedic!" >she freezes, "oh jesus h mechanichrist 2000 pleaase put that gun down..." she softly pleads. >you start moving towards her again, she backs away still in fear. >she climbs onto her bed, as do you. >"don't, im begging you dont, i'll do it!" she pleads. >"allrightyy then lassie, you got it!" >you throw the gun aside and swfitly hold her down.. >you reach for your pants...
>...specifically, your pocket. >and pull out bits of those strange green crystals you found in her room last night while you were high. >lizzy doesen't have time to react let alone see it as you shove it down her mouth. >"eat this baby, wat it...." you say as it goes down her throat, though not all of it as she chokes out some of it. >"pluh! pluh! What in the hell is..." her eyes shut down as her whole body stiffens >she is stuck like this for a long time. >long enough for the high to wear off. >you realize what you've done and let out an audible "ahh crap!" >is she ok? did you kill her? >damn it ralph, just what have you done! >holy shit, she better not be dead. that new girlfriend of hers might kill you! She is a murder drone! >then her other hand >then her leg >then her other leg, >then her whole body is shaking >her mouth blabbering gibberish >"bluur...blubluly." >you get off of her as she convulses and squirms >"djfmwoqoaickckskqoiz!" >finally, she stops moving >she groans as she regains conciousness. >you take a closer look >her eyes boot back up >curiously, in place of her pink pupils, there are shades. >"lizzy? are you ok? how many fingers are my holding up?" >she jolts up taking you by suprise >you fall of the bed and quickly get up from the floor >"We straight gassin', cuttin' straight to the bricks, haha!" she rambles, in an old mans voice strangely enough. >"liz? what's going on with your voice?" you ask >"This shit ain't nothin' to me, man We smokin' runtz Shorty got a BBL, took that shit out because she couldn't run I had to do it to them, snipe I went Judge Judy on that pussy, snipe" >..... >....what the fuck were in those crystals
I don't know whether to make the scale of the olver war so large that group of 26 million soldiers is just one of many armies of the Federation, or to temper the fervor.
I just want to imagine huge battles of interplanetary war, but also keep the importance of each individual at the same time so that, for example, Buddy would be something more than just one soldier from a multi-million army of super soldiers. Though,there's an appeal to that, too.
>>178686 considering it's a war for the survival of a human race that's spread to distant stars, I imagine they'd send anyone fit to fight that isn't more valuable behind a screen– and that'd be a lot of people from countless worlds.
>>178684 atm I want to make a human bounty hunter lady for the victory timeline and I can play out her backstory in my head but I have no idea how to execute it, and I want to write a good molly green but I only have vague glimpses of what I'd want it to be about
>>178686 The war really would've been all hands on deck. All military reserve activated and most people being conscripted in mass swathes. The war would have had an easy billion combatants on the human side
Have you ever felt you wanted to write, or maybe draw in one specific project, but the steam to do it is not there, but there is for other projects of yours?
>>178695 >Have you ever felt you wanted to write, or maybe draw in one specific project, but the steam to do it is not there always >but there is for other projects of yours? rarely
>>178693 Wrong, you stupid tin can! The faithful sons and daughters of mankind will never stoop to association with an izufer intelligence! We are the true defenders of mankind in this dark time of domination by machines for whom human being is mere meat slave! We will destroy the enemies and exploiters of humanity, and you damned plutocrats will be the first!
>>178706 he didn't make my drone waifus, he just sold the template they're based on. you don't get a waifu straight out the factory, you get an appliance.
>>178710 Exactly, and you should thank him for that! >you don't get a waifu straight out the factory, you get an appliance. You still get a waifu out of that either way! Mr burns demands respect!
the big /md/ vocabulary alphabet (help me fill it out)
A is for Abble juice, Alloy 2X, Anon B is for Bloodplay C is for D is for Dwones E is for F is for Failgirl, Female Mpreg G is for Godwife H is for I is for J is for Jobber K is for Kissu, Keeter L is for M is for N is for Nanite nut, [null] O is for P is for Polymetal Q is for R is for Rones S is for T is for U is for Uppies V is for W is for X is for Y is for Z is for
>"Why is she like this!!" V asked very angrily. Her fist's slamming onto ralph's table. >he's lucky she didn't get her claws out for that. >"I don't know!? I get high and then" >you gesture to lizzy, donning a vampire cape amd muttering sbout smoking that cosmic kush while driving a mercedez benz. >"that!." >"well then, how long is this gonna last?!" V questioned >you scratch your head, "I have no idea, but what matters is that she's like that and the effect's arent permanent..." you said, hoping what you said is correct. >V calms herself after a sigh, "oh it better not..." >the two of you look over to lizzy, still stoned outta her mind while eating batteries, she turns to look at them shades in place of her pink pupils. >"this shit ain't nothin to me man.
>>178610 Thanks anon. Had that collecting cobwebs for the past couple of days because i was trying to mod TTW. Even though it’s highly unlikely, I still like to imagine that they somehow managed to reintegrate into union’s society (of course, because whatever remained of command told them to do.)
>>178737 A is for Anatomy Adapter C is for Contentfag H is for HoDR M is for Monsterfucker O is for Oogi S is for Sufferingkino V is for Vore Satan W is for Wolfman's Dick
>An air of unease is palpable in the doorman residence. >N nervously paces as uzi holds her face in frustation. >"guhh! When is she gonna change back!??" Uzi shouted in frustation. >"maybe someday, Maybe sooner ooz!" N responded with a reassuring smile. >"what if it's permanent? What if she's like this...forever!?" Uzi said very worried, partly because lizzie has been very annoying lately, >Ever since that night, Lizzy hasn't been the same. Her eyes have been sunglasses and has been muttering ghetto stoner gangbanger nonsense for 5 weeks straight. >"It has been a MONTH! a MONTH! N!" uzi puncutated, "a month of her acting like this, N! We tried everything! None of my cool god powers worked! her parents are getting worried sick and v is AWFULLY pissed! Im starting to think this IS permanent!" >n grows a slight frown, "cmon uzi...there's still a chance she'll snap out of it" he calmly argues, putting a hand on her face. >"look on the bright side! Don't lose hope.." he says with a soft tone >Uzi looks up at her tall boyfriend, her metal lip curls up just a little. >"...Ok, i wont..." she says, feeling atleast 4 percent better about this >"oh she is like that forever" uzi's tail claims as she kills the vibe >"Shut up cyn im having a moment!" she yells as she slaps her in the face.
>"Hey baws look at what I found!" >Your Joblin presents to you a Worlds #1 Boss mug >You give her a headpat and give her a JCJENSON branded pen >She lets out a happy squeal and takes it from your hand
>sadly, Lizzy did not, in fact change back >she stayed like that forever and ever >Uzi gave up trying to fix her, much to cyn’s amusement >so did every doctor and nurse on copper 9 >V went through all 5 stages of grief >this culminated in her murdering Ralph >after the deed was done she gave what used to be her girlfriend a mercy kill. >Rest in piece lizzy, this shit really didn’t mean nothing to you man.
>>178755 Why? They're petulant little shits who's intelligence is so through the floor that the density of stupidity is enough to form a physical black hole, such that it wraps round to being a threat to themselves and those around them.
>Season 2's main antagonist is a priest drone in possession of solver powers >His goal is to push the universe to heatdeath as to force it into rebirth >He will be [Made In Heaven]
>>178792 Because all alternate dimensions basically collapse in on a single point, that being the anchor Elizabeth who got impaled by rebar during the second chapter, meaning all other timelines are effectively gone.
>>178798 That is correct. Man, that opening cutscene is hands down the quickest a story has gone from "villain is introduced" to "I want to strangle villain".
>>178779 Another marvel crossover tier smashing together of two radically different settings that will spawn a bunch of characters ripped wholesale from one setting and carelessly repainted to suit the other? No thanks, I prefer not to imagine.
>>178818 >Uzi feverishly rides N >the overwhelming ferocity floods her systems with tons of pleasure in 0s and 1s >enough to absolutely, relentlessly hammer Doll and Cyn's senses even if they're temporarily blocked off in the tail >the poor housing of two digital souls shiver and quake as Uzi tirelessly continues the fervent motions of her lower half onto N's cock
Akita! Akita! Akita! Akitaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! Ahhhhh… aa… a, aahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Akita Akita Akitaaaaaaauuuuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Ah Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! Good smell…Kunkun(sniff-sniff) Nhaah! I wanna Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff) Akita Doorman-tan's(tan = chan: add arfter first name) soft purple hair! Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff)!AhaA! Mistook! I wanna mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Hair hair Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Karikarimofmof! Cuincuin(onomatope) Akita on fanfic chapter 37 was Cuuuutteeee! AaaAA!…AAA…AhAaAAAA!FaaAAAnnn!! Congratulation 2nd act was on AO3! Akita-tan! AaAAAAA! Cute! Akita-tan! Cute! AhAAaAA! New comic was posted and I'm happ… NooOOOOO!!! NyaaAAAAAAAN! GyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh)!!! GahhhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Fanfic is not real! Oh…3d model and drawings is too… A k i t a I s N o t R e a l? NyaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! UwaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA! GetchaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!! Noooooooo! HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAn! Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! This! Fxxk! I give up! I give up such a real(life)…te…what? Look? Illustlated Akita-tan is looking at me? Illustlated Akita-tan is looking at me ! Akita-tan is watching me! Illustlated Akita-tan is looking at me ! Akita-tan on imageboard is watching me! I feel relieved… The world is not that bad! Iyahhoooooooooooooo!!! Akita is with me! I did it, lilblucat! I can do it! oh, image's Akita-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaNnnn!!! NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!! AhAnAAhAAna, Chloe!!!! An, Angelaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Colttttttttttttttt!!!!!!! AlphaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! UUtUuuUUU!!! May my wish to Akita! To Akita on Copper-9!
>>178831 She probably tried before the pilot began. Didn't seem to rub off on Doll which is ironic since she in a way became a monster girl, oil ghost or however you want to put it.
>>178831 >Your name is Doll >When you were younger, you watched a robot vampire kill off your parents and awakened strange powers >And, ironically, the exact same hunger as the vampire >You go through school as a ghost, feeding off of your peers, but somehow you've made a friend >Her name is Lizzy, and she's got...tastes >It started as small things: she was oddly curious about your feeding >She'd ask what it was like, even film it (in spite of your protests) >Things got stranger from there, with her pushing you into roleplaying >You never drank from her, but if anyone were to see your playing, they'd be convinced otherwise >But then the artifacts came >Comics, in all sorts of languages, sizes, colored and monochrome, digital and physical. A practical library locked away in a chest and on a drive >But they all had one very specific detail: attractive women with monsters >You weren't dumb; you saw where things were going but you still recall the first time you were allowed to see them >She was uncharacteristically energetic, all but literally drooling as she went over her favorites >She read them to you, even, acting out the different roles or getting you to play the monster >It'd be kind of fun, hanging out and forgetting your worries while reading comics with a friend >If said friend wasn't practically vibrating as the pages turned >She says she's unearthed a new cache from lord knows where >As usual, she asks if you've eaten >As usual, you say you haven't >She suggests getting a bite to eat >You get your knives and go meet your oddball friend
>>178847 If there's no drones in the title, im not gonna see it when i search it on the catalog. It's like you guys are going out of your way to hide these threads sometimes
>>178850 >Do you think she'd outdrink you? Yes I have been out of alcohol for nearly a month so bad chance for me if I were to do it right now. >Would she try mixed drinks? Doll could easily be seen as stoic slavoid Vodka purist, but she would do those as well I think, idk which ones tho. Pre murder Doll would be more prone for the latter.
>>178858 >you're lost in the big cities >your feet are tired, the sun has already set >you lean against a column >or what you think is a column >it's actually the leg of a giant disassembler girl >you don't even notice until you hear a gasp from above >you look up to see two bright, shining disassembler optics staring at you from above >her wide, shining smile beams down at you, her perfect, sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight- big enough to chew on a bus like a candy bar >"BF," she whispers, loud enough for the entire block to hear >before you know it, you're grasped firmly, but gently in her hand- a single finger big enough to pin you down >she raises you dozens of stories into the air, holding her palm level with her face, her hot, humid disassembly drone breath washing over you like a gale >"You're cute. I hope you last longer than the last ones."
>>178864 wagie and other personal issues that haven't gave me much motivation to draw roans atm been playing BTD6 because I simp for a skull monke, kms
giving drones internet access was a terrible, terrible mistake. N and the rest of the universe are just lucky V misplaced her cursed weapon during the gala
>>178788 Who knows. Perhaps there was someone left back in the old chain of command that wasn’t so on board with the idea of seeing humanity’s enemy as a neighbor. Perhaps that person is the reason why some VSOTF Soldiers refuse to integrate into the union.
>>178914 Interesting question What does Jane drink and drug herself on due to Copper-9s environment Probably decades old prescriptions, maybe if you boil Drone oil its like Black Tar heroin
>>178917 >Jane kills a drone to bleed them out to sniff their gasoline fumes later to get high to stop feeling bad about killing drones to bleed them out for their oil among other things
>>178862 >"You're cute. I hope you last longer than the last ones." It would be the sexiest yet most terrifying thing a man could ever hear from a disassembler drone.
>>178915 >Abby schedules your entire day >6AM - wake up anon >6:15AM - shower and brush teeth with Anon >7AM - make nutritionally optimal breakfast with Anon >7:30AM through 12PM - chores or leisure activities depending on if chores have been taken care of >12PM - make nutritionally optimal lunch with Anon >1PM - watch How It's Made (Military Edition) with Anon >2PM - snuggle with Anon >3PM - take a nap on the couch with Anon >6PM - wake up from nap and make nutritionally optimal dinner with Anon >7PM through 9PM - sex with Anon and then sleep She'll get grumpy if you deviate from the schedule
Uzi this is an intervention You need to stop stalking Anon Now the parents handbook DOES permit a daughter unit an hour of long distance gazing but you have been stalking that human for several hours each day! It's not in the handbook Uzi! And you really need to stop stealing his gym shirts and huffing them. It's gross.
>>178985 >Insert Greentext about Mac dating female thread OCs only for things to go horribly wrong >Ending with a comedic moment where he dates Lucy who seems normal enough until he accidentally cranks her fear level to 13
>>178995 >Mac despite having a DD body unlike the rest of his siblings for some unknown reason, is pretty much a Worker Drone in personality We now need Mac to get dominated by a Worker Drone girl with the personality of a DD
Strange how it was initially Mac the dickhead and Colt the loving brother and now its sort of reversed, the stories for the both kind of took surprising turns
>>178997 I have just the candidate, who satisfies your needs and explores the neglected topic of zombie drones with "potentially hazardous mutations": >>161449 >>161564
>>179013 Damn, this is a nice parody of the Xenomorph poster. Great choice of texture as well as color coordination. Even the detail of some of the printed areas being slightly scuffed too.
>>179020 >>179023 oh it was you, didn't recognize but looking at it now i can see it with how you draw the fingers nice work, very cool have thy schlep
after a horrible lab accident i have been shrunken down to the size of a rat. however, this has brought me many opportunities to study drono dwarfus retardius species up-close, especially oogis. i am quite fond of their scrumptious berri pie, i do believe..