Awwwww! Look at little sowvy wowvy of the absolute fabby wabby!! The last Thread:>>175718
>>176690 Martha mildenhall from digital circus, there is a joke she similar to Louisa that people made her sister with Louisa and also Tessa sweet aunt.
>>176663 Imagine interviewing Subject 002 and she spends the whole time treating her anomalous properties as just this cool thing she can do, calling some other test subjects nerds, and apparently what she thinks attempting to seduce you looks like.
>>176713 >and apparently what she thinks attempting to seduce you looks like Up until she realizes she doesn't need to be subtle anymore and just goes for a [GRAB COMMAND]
Shower thought >jane has to participate in a "War on Earth" museum tour where she, of course, plays a soldier (haha so funny its a drone but theyre a human soldier) >Drones who made "War on Earth" have zero clue what actually happened >Jane eventually crashes out Time Masheen
>>176672 I don’t know what can be done with her, I think I wrote about everything I could ever think of regarding her. I’m sorry but, I think it’s best to just stop begging for it and wait until she maybe gains traction
>>176732 I think that Beretta just kinda doodles, but she would probably have an inclination towards drawing dogs. As for her favorite dog, judging by old greentexts probably Courage?
>>176737 There are not one but two extremely violent, functionally unkillable monstergirls who are so traumatized that Lizzy is their only spot of light in the universe. Harm her at your own peril.
>>176742 Claymation is cheaper to produce than 3dcg? Good stop motion is seemingly difficult to make look good. >>176738 I'm with >>176744 lemme see, lemme see!
>>176744 >>176748 There aren't any greens with Courage The Cowardly Dog, I was going off of old Beretta's personality. Frankly I don't think we ever did say what her favorite cartoon mutt was
>>176755 Wait, if Lizzy has all the souls the Solver's assimilated in her mind palace now, then she'd have Doll (and possibly Doll's parents) in her mind palace.
>>176745 >>176747 Ah fuck now I realize! How about instead, they get ambitious and hire James Baxter to make the animation better. but then Liam slipped on a banana peel and destroyed all the servers! So now James has to teach everyone how to animate like picrelated and it takes two years for episodes to release, do you accept this?
>>176751 I am le sad now... Mayhaps this could spark someone's attention to make a short green out of it, ''Beretta's favorite plushie'' or something. My ESL ass uses favorite and favourite interchangeably, btw.
>>176713 >Alice in that pic I wonder why she was allowed to remove her gloves in active CFL already. Judging by her very crouched legs here (but upright back) it can be assumed she already did her jumping/climbing/crawling stuff back then, or she removed the gloves to have better feel and precision with her fingers also fits. What I'd give to have one more pic of Alice in another canonical setting, just one new one would be massive already
>>176765 >Judging by her very crouched legs here... if you'll notice the blood trailing from her fingertips, it would suggest that she was originally stood to full height before slumping down. I'd assume this meant she was stood normally and is only crouched like that due to being damaged, however the splat around her head doesn't seem to drag with her, which is odd.
It is unfortunate none of you have gotten to know Ronathan as well as me and everyone back in my dimension did. He was another great part of season 2, his presence was always welcome. So much badass fanart you never got to see. HOOORAAAH!!
>>176794 Yeah, shame. You know, season 2 made me cry for frank, that’s teacher’s actual name by the way. I really don’t wanna spoil much but, damn. That moment in episode 5. Feels. It sucks that you guys never got to see that moment. Believe me when I say He’s a very compelling character.
>>176391 >”Oi, human! Go get us some batteries will ya.” Said Uzi while snapping her fingers >”Y-yes Miss Uzi” Tessa said quietly while heading out the door >Only to be stopped by J, who was just outside the room. >Her yellow eyes were blazing with rage >”What, the absolute fuck, do you think you are doing?” J said in a cold voice. >”Giving the human a taste of her own medicine pigtails.” Uzi said, unaware of the growing anger of the DD
I need as many Glitch Inn streams as possible, if anyone has any saved, then please. I’m gathering them all up for archive purposes. Doesn’t have to be MD specifically.
>>176815 >The next day, an army of green humanoids approached from the west of darkxwolf17's location Good thing our little purple toaster has amazing self-repairing abilities, amirite??
>>176810 I have 1&2 both, but 3 is missing. I know for sure someone here among us has the recording, since whoever he or she is posted the other subjects' lockernumbers, so your best guess is asking them for more screenshots. Do you have streams 1&2 already?
>>176808 >N sighed disappointedly >He had already tried several times to explain to Uzi that it's not okay to behave like this, especially with the weak >And each time she promised to behave better and each time she broke her promise >He has grown to love her rebellious disposition, not the disposition of a bully >He begins to understand the people of colony better and better
Guys, is it true Nimrod actually did those things? Look I checked the booru out and I found some pretty disgusting things. Im okay with Nimrod drawing Filbertoons, but I draw the line at hunkadunkabodunka fetish
>>176772 Sorry for letting you wait so long I was doing stuff Good observation, very nice! Yeah she likely stood there tall, probably very irate already and with a good chance of having some injury (definitely face) already, that where the blood for the other drawings came from, but Alice appears so defeated in that pose...I believe she kinda surrendered in that place or got finally weakened, slumping a bit fast and letting her face hit the wall (too hard) once she reached the height she has in the image, wether that was intentional or due to tiredness/need for pain to drown out AS stuff going on, we don't know. Alice's entire right arm is just hanging there, and the left arm is, while stretched up high, not stretched all out, so maybe she grabbed the wall there and once her head hit the wall that left hand of hers slid down somewhat too, causing the bloodsmears. Maybe her head drooped mid slump, that would make the entire motion look more natural/fluid if you imagine it. Alice's pose is not limp at all except for her right arm and neck, but even the tensed areas (her legs mostly) all rest or looks tired, her torso tall but leaning, her arm still up but visibly slumping and sliding down the wall. No wonder she hates Nori's guts, not just for all else she did, but acting like she does in the image when Alice herself was having an absolutely miserable time there, poor deer. Considerin her remark to Uzi about being a lot like her mom, which she said to Uzi after getting nothing but a bite and weird looks (on top of a borderline mocking manner of speech Uzi used when talking to Alice, 'oooookaaaayyyy🙄💅'), Nori probably actively did smth to worsen Alice's state, at least mentally, but that last part is very farfetched. Imagine getting to take care of her after that, poor thing really. Experiences like that left a mark on Alice and it shows in many ways, if she would ever feel safe or even liked with someone these things would probably come up
>>176817 >Anon prefers to be eaten rather than fucked >Not because of some fucking fetish, but simply because of banal self-respect >He likes to feel like a human being, not fuckable meat
Image:174158626522.png(266kB, 1235x1544)auntie cyn user guide.png
thought of a funny idea that auntie cyn being like a user manual for beretta. except snarky. maybe beretta's birth was difficult because uzi was fighting hard to not let the solver escape into beretta but some parts managed to escape. nothing major, stuff like the solver's smarmy attitude managed to get copied into her. uzi still holds the solver in containment but i found the idea of an imaginary friend/talking manual with an attitude amusing
Remembering Mercurial's last drawing of dronesloppy, how do you think Alice's antlers would factor in during that act? Would they stab one or would they be perfect handles?
>>176862 A) It's not like they're welded on to those pipe antlers. Push them aside since the wires holding them don't seem like they were tied taut. B) Perfect handles for pounding her.
>>176857 Kek, the concept is interesting. It appears that Cyn copied a part of herself rather than transferring a part to Beretta? If so, we essentially have two Cyn's: one full-fledged in Uzi and one cut down in Beretta.
Holding Alice close in her room, feeling her warm sleek waist through the many holes in her gown, a bit smeary from oil...her hard but smooth shelled chest, back and hips too, warm glass face close, This smile right her and expression from her eyes, the entire pose, this encapsulates what there is to live for
>>176846 >>176865 is real though, her twitter account is full of her posting about it if you know how to search for it i should state that i didn't intend to kinkshame her or anything (i doubt she even feels ashamed about it tbh LOL) i just thought it was funny and retroactively makes some of her drawings funnier knowing it Bless her V-loving heart <3
>>176857 I like to believe that Beretta is also like a spiritual reincarnation of Hope and Cyn's original personality, she unknowingly has some of the traits of all of those that came before her I really like Beretta
>leaning in to kiss tessa >she leans in too but doesn't take off her helmet >instead of bonking against the glass, your face presses through it like it's water >in the darkness inside, you feel a warm peck on your lips >then she pulls back, and the glass releases your face just as easily as it accepted it
Been thinking reading about buddy and how some of his background had him where he was on copper-9 for one of the solver projects right when shit hit the fan. I wonder how on earth the dude survived.
>>176900 Maybe that one solver project gave him a minor connection. Less having its powers and more “sixth sensing” her. But I wouldn’t doubt that she can make her see him like freakin Alma Wade.
>>176908 Pretty boring. I would have been more focused on explaining the history of the world and the small details rather than character development and the main storyline.
We're foot—slog—slog—slog—sloggin' over Africa Foot—foot—foot—foot—sloggin' over Africa --
(Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again!)
There's no discharge in the war!
>Focus… Focus on the words. Not the mind, McGinnis. Ignore the pain. >Don’t think of the marching, the days of traversing rubble of once populated buildings with the dead still in them. >Focus on the words.
Seven—six—eleven—five—nine-an'-twenty mile to-day Four—eleven—seventeen—thirty-two the day before --
(Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again!)
There's no discharge in the war!
>Don’t think back to the days were you equipment would drag you down under its weight and your mask would choke you of your breath for days on end. >Focus on the words.
Don't—don't—don't—don't—look at what's in front of you. (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again); Men—men—men—men—men go mad with watchin' em, An' there's no discharge in the war!
>Don’t think of your family, your parents and little sister. Watching them turn into monsters in front of your very eyes. >Don’t think of the ungodly screams that they had made as their skin melts as their body bursts new appendages >Don’t think of how Ashley’s Molly plush is still clinging in her old arms… >Focus on the words
Count—count—count—count—the bullets in the bandoliers. If—your—eyes—drop—they will get atop o' you! (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again) -- There's no discharge in the war!
>Don’t think of the days where you were executing the civilians that were infected with the rest of the vengeful sons >Don’t think of think of the restless nights were you w̷a̷i̷t̷e̷d̷ stay awake to keep an eye out for Double Deltas >T̷h̷i̷n̷k̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷i̷s̷o̷l̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷ ̷ >Focus on the G̷u̷n̷ words.
We—can—stick—out—'unger, thirst, an' weariness, But—not—not—not—not the chronic sight of 'em, (Boot—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again,) An' there's no discharge in the war! >Don’t think of your s̷t̷a̷r̷v̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷b̷o̷d̷y̷,̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷’̷r̷e̷ ̷t̷i̷r̷e̷d̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷d̷r̷i̷e̷d̷ ̷u̷p̷ ̷b̷o̷d̷y̷.̷ ̷S̷o̷o̷n̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷b̷e̷ ̷a̷ ̷w̷i̷t̷h̷e̷r̷e̷d̷ ̷c̷o̷r̷p̷s̷e̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷s̷ ̷m̷a̷s̷o̷l̷e̷u̷m̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷i̷r̷o̷n̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷s̷t̷e̷e̷l̷.̷ > ̷T̷h̷i̷n̷k̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷h̷o̷w̷ ̷s̷o̷o̷n̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷w̷i̷l̷l̷ ̷j̷o̷i̷n̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷o̷t̷h̷e̷r̷ ̷p̷o̷o̷r̷ ̷s̷o̷u̷l̷s̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷s̷ ̷i̷c̷e̷ ̷h̷e̷l̷l̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷a̷ ̷p̷l̷a̷n̷e̷t̷ >Focus l̷o̷a̷d̷ on I̷n̷ the t̷h̷e̷ words ̷s̷h̷e̷l̷l̷.
>r̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷i̷t̷ Taint—so—bad—by—day because o' company, But night—brings—long—strings—o' forty thousand million Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again. There's no discharge in the war! >R̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷t̷r̷a̷i̷n̷i̷n̷g̷.̷ ̷B̷r̷e̷a̷k̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷a̷l̷r̷e̷a̷d̷y̷ ̷d̷e̷s̷t̷r̷o̷y̷e̷d̷ ̷b̷o̷d̷y̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷m̷i̷n̷d̷ ̷f̷u̷r̷t̷h̷e̷r̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷b̷e̷ ̷l̷a̷t̷e̷r̷ ̷r̷e̷f̷o̷r̷g̷e̷d̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷a̷ ̷c̷r̷u̷c̷i̷b̷l̷e̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷m̷a̷k̷e̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷a̷ ̷k̷i̷l̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷m̷a̷c̷h̷i̷n̷e̷ >R̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ ̷t̷h̷a̷t̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷y̷ ̷t̷u̷r̷n̷e̷d̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷i̷n̷t̷o̷ ̷a̷ ̷s̷h̷a̷d̷o̷w̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷f̷o̷r̷m̷e̷r̷ ̷s̷e̷l̷f̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷h̷a̷v̷e̷ ̷l̷e̷f̷t̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷r̷o̷t̷.̷ >̷P̷u̷t̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷b̷a̷r̷r̷e̷l̷ ̷u̷n̷d̷e̷r̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷c̷h̷i̷n̷.̷
Try—𝑡𝑟𝑦—𝑇𝑅𝑌—𝑻𝙍𝒀—to think o' something different! >̷̷M̷O̷N̷S̷T̷E̷R̷!̷ O𝐻—𝙈𝒀—𝑮𝙊𝑫—𝙆𝑬𝙀𝑷—me from goin' 𝑳𝑼𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑪! >M̷A̷C̷H̷I̷N̷E̷!̷ (𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐒—𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑻𝑺—𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑻𝑺—𝑩𝙊𝑶𝙏𝑺—movin' up an' down again!) >K̷I̷L̷L̷E̷R̷!̷ 𝙏𝒉𝙚𝒓𝙚’𝙨 𝙣𝒐 𝒅𝙞𝒔𝙘𝒉𝙖𝒓𝙜𝒆 𝒊𝙣 𝙩𝒉𝙚 𝙬𝒂𝙧! >̷P̷U̷L̷L̷ ̷T̷H̷E̷ ̷T̷R̷I̷G̷G̷E̷R̷!̷!̷!̷
>With a deep gasp, you pushed the barrel from your chin as you took frantic breaths. >You can feel your heart beating from out of your chest. Your eyes watering as streams of tears run down your cheeks. >Having just avoided a near suicide attempt thanks to your guilty conscience. You slumped your body back on the unfolded chair you were sitting on. >One year. It has been one year since you and a few others had awoken from your cryopod after decades since the Solver detonated Copper-9’s core. turning it into a Cold, Asbestos ridden hell planet. >One year you had spent in isolation waiting for an old enemy to arrive while the others had left. >At first, the voice had been small, barely there but its presence still felt. As the time went on it grew louder as if it was right next to your ear. >You sung an old poem, a poem that had been used in the VSOTF training that was meant to break and torment your minds. And now you’ve been using it to drown out that voice. >But you can’t keep doing it. You can’t keep singing the same poem forever, eventually your vocals would wear out and you’ll feel its weight back on you again.
Get it together Buddy… you need to keep it together…
>But you have to. >You’ll be damned to let Cyn and Delta have the last laugh. >So time to start it all over again.
>>176908 >a grungy feel to all the technology >bit goofier >the worker drones are taller and blocky >the disassembly drones are taller and scary and murderyer >earth still at war and not gone >jcjenson is involved but opposing the solver with their own soldier drones >there are actually many types of drones >cfl is still running, Alice and beau wander on the surface >none of this is cg animated, too expensive >music is still synth but less 80s
>not everyone on copper 9 is a worker drone >some are different types of appliances >lizzy is a vacuum cleaner >Thad is a floor scrubber >emily is an air fryer >teacher is a robot that was made to stamp and approve documents >the disassembly drones really were sent by jcjenson >J’s businesswoman vibe is more apparent >V has her scarf >Alice is a crazy old human lady
Image:174160841077.png(104kB, 1000x1300)cyn (murder drones) drawn by itanon - 40fa7dd5e8e717c56b1eb501ec0a3182.png
>>176846 >>176881 >hey guys did you hear about this particular drawfag??? >it's all over their Twitter account if you know how to find it LOL I don't care if you are an obsessive parasocial faggot or just a shit-stirring troll trying to bait, fuck off out of here with this disruptive threadshitting behavior
>176971 >I just wanted to know! And this somehow excuses you asking about whether something you read off-site regarding a drawfag was true or not? In a perfect world parasocial gossipers like you would keep confined to shithole social media sites
>>176971 Anon, maybe you really didn't mean to do anything wrong, but asking so persistently about an individual person's interest is very unkind, I'd even say unhealthy.
Nuke has shown herself as a great anon, so please stop harassing her.
>>176977 It was once. Whatever other times you’re thinking of wasn’t me. >>176976 It’s not even gossip, I was just curious, I have weird fetishes myself.
>>176980 Now that's just [SILLY] And of fucking course she would build N to be capable of doing that. But seriously, if something so tame gets under your skin, you might want to look up that CatraXGoku pasta to see how much worse it can turn out.
>>176995 Partnership announcement. I know nothing of ZAMination, it just seems like Glitch is off-loading some work for the marketing part. Says nothing about them being involved in any story production Glitch is doing so nothing I care about.
>>177002 Because first he was obsessed with grim and now he's cyberstalking nuke Bro doesn't understand that people here are here to shoot the shit and not to get followed off-site >>177003 Categorically the most retarded answer possible
>>177004 >Scribblefag's greatest defender I just have the capacity to understand whining about it won't change anything. you're an annoying cunt who threadshits worse than scribbles did, because at least he learned how to quiet down. now shut up, fuck off, or post drones.
>>177014 You might not believe it but pocketfag wrote some damn fine greens with the Jane squad. Beyond appealing designs however subjective that is, it's good stories. Humor helps.
>>177014 A unique interaction of some kind with the setting If the role it fills isn't unique, or could be better filled by a drone, or doesn't have enough to bind it and MD together, then it'll flop
>Be anon >Only human on Copper-9, current resident of Outpost 3 >When the core collapse happened you were a baby in cryostasis >The drones that found you, Khan and Nori, felt uncomfortable with the idea of killing a baby even during their whole "kill all humans" phase >So they decided to wait until you were older, killing you could come later when they didn't feel grossed out at the thought of killing you >But later never came and you were adopted into the Doorman family >Nowadays whenever you aren't in what passes for school you're helping out the WDF whenever you can >Mostly by getting things from shelves that are too tall for the drones >something something uzi talks in her sleep and keeps saying "kill all humans" and mentions her "wonderful" dreams to you And I lost where I was going with this, typing shit up on a phone when I should be working sucks
>>177036 Instead of Lizzy getting fucked by Regular Anon like in Merc's other sexo pieces, Lizzy getting fucked by Wolfman Anon, or Vampire Anon, or Frankensteinmonsterman Anon, or the Anon from the Black Lagoon
>>177027 Dude i feel like i randomly threw that request out there forever ago. I can't believe anyone remembers it, let alone one of my favorite drawfags here. Excellent
>>177038 Imagine being the only creature that doesn't just copy human culture, but lives it. Though, of course, over the course of growing up with autistic drones, you'd get used to them being autistic without a normal sense of self-preservation and compassion for each other, but having access to the internet, you'd still grow up human. A slightly autistic human, but a lot less than drones. So you'll literally be the only adult raised by children and obligated to watch those children, because it's so easy for them to kill themselves just because of their stupidity.
>>177066 >being the only creature that doesn't just copy human culture, but lives it You grow up with the little friend-shaped robots. Their continuation of human culture-the only culture they have a frame of reference for-is just your norm.
>>177039 >>177045 Makes you imagine what it’d be like to have uzi as your younger sister and seeing her grow up from a pillbaby to a feisty emobot who watches too much anime and listens to night core more often than she should.
>>177027 You have been incredible productive the last days, I hope one day you maybe wanna do something similiar to that with Alice, but no demand or request at all, everything you have posted here was unironically peak so far
>>177073 But sooner or later you'll start to learn about this culture yourself via the internet, and sooner or later you'll realize that your entire family, friends(LOL), coworkers, and your entire community are just a bunch of autistics who are copying the behavior of cartoon and movie characters without going into detail about why they behave the way they do.
>>177038 Christ I would hate being in drone "school" It seems less like it's for education and more for socializing drones into being less autistic than they normal are. And failing.
Getting back into the hang of MD stuff again. Have a Chiappa green.
>Be Chiappa Doorman. >Daughter of a funny human and a drone. >You and the rest of the Bunker athletics club have gathered in the gymnasium for your weekly training session. >Even though you train back at home as well, you like training with the rest of the club. It’s a nice bonding experience for everyone. >…you also have to share the gymnasium with other groups too since it’s the only gymnasium in the bunker but it’s large enough to accommodate lots of people. >The gymnasium has been divided into two parts, one for your group and one for a group from a lesser known, less prestigious club. >There is three particular drones in the other group that…bother you. It’s the drones that cornered you that one time in the school hallway and have been…um…heckling you? Is that the right word? Thing is, they just won’t stop bothering you because you’ve been accepted in the Bunker club. >You and the group are doing back and forth runs across your part of the gymnasium while Coach watches over you. >You give a few glances over at the other group. While they’re doing their own thing, you notice that the three drones that bother you are trying way too hard with their own training especially Rial, the ringleader of their group. >Flashy moves, not playing nice with their own clubmates. A fruitless attempt to catch the Coach’s attention but he does not look impressed at all. >They’re also pushing their bodies way too hard. You notice how their hands are shaking, steam coming off them and a small red dot on the top right part of their visors – an overheat warning. Clear signs of exhaustion in Worker Drones. >Rial is doing moves on the still rings right now – flashy and very risky. He barely manages to grab during some of the moves too. He keeps going and going until he messes up one of the tricks and misses the rings as he hits the ground face first. >Everyone stops what they’re doing and gasp at his unresponsive body. You rush towards him with the intent to help him out. The two of you may not like each other but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help him if he’s hurt. >”Hey, Rial, you alright?” You shake him by the shoulder as you see a small pool of oil forming around his face. >…why does it smell…delicious? >You hear him groan as he pushes himself up. He looks towards you and you can see that his visor has been cracked very badly, oil leaking from it and his eyes glitching out. >”Come on, let’s get you up.” You pull him up and get him on his feet with an unstable stance. “We should go see the doctor right now. This looks very serious---” You hear him growl as he slaps away your hand with his oil-covered one. >You flinch and let him go. He almost stumbles back down on the floor but he’s grabbed by his two friends before doing so. “I don’t want…your help! Don’t need you humiliating me more…” He coughs out some oil. “I’ll go to the doctor myself…let’s go.” He motions with his head and his friends help him out of the gymnasium. >You stare as they drag him out. You only wanted to help… >The smell of deliciousness is still lingering. >You look at your oil-covered hand…his oil. You - you have the urge to taste it. You don’t know why, you just have to. >You bring your hand closer to your face and give it a slight lick. Instinctively, you lick your hand clean of Rial’s oil until it’s spotless. >Why did his oil taste so delicious?
>>177116 Now that I think about it yeah, that is true. It doesn't help that we only get to see so few of them actually talk and act instead of being background characters
>AM and Yeva + Nori are having a passive aggressive conversion where they subtlety insult each other >Tessa, Doll and Uzi are just watching on the sidelines
>Useless Pavo Fact: Pavo never once encountered the Absolute Solver during his entire career. There's no deeper meaning to this, the galaxy is just a big place and they missed each other.
>>177132 The main narrative already has her undoomed Anon It's only the silly bad gay "everybody dies" one that still has her die, and I vicariously ignore it so that Anon can plap that ass
>The snow sizzled as it melted beneath their feet. It had been half an hour since they embarked on this "expedition", and yet not a single word was uttered in all that time, until the oversized tin can finally took initiative and spoke up. >"This is how you waste- Sorry, spend your free time?" Jugg tilts his head, genuinely bemused at how the little guy could ever find the aimless exploration of a desolate wasteland a worthwhile endeavor. "What are you, a dog?" >"Relaxes the mind. Best thing you can do when you don't have anything to do." N replies, gazing into the horizon, seeing the tips of the tallest buildings slowly pop into view as they made their way up the hill. >"What a busy individual you must be." Juggernaut makes a sarcastic remark before pausing. "...Don't you have wings? Why are you trekking this hellhole at such a painfully slow pace?" >"I used to fly around but... it gets old. It's more exhausting than anything. Sometimes you gotta take things slow, y'know?" He stands atop the hill, the melancholic scenery of a distant, broken-down city unfolding before his eyes. >"Not my first time going on a walk, dimwit, and hopefully not my last." Juggernaut walks up to a nearby rotten tree. "Why, this is barely a test of my mental fortitude. Back then, I used to climb the highest peak I could find on whatever planet I was on." >"But now..." He uproots the tree and pushes it over. "Well, it's lost its charm." He says, sitting down on his new seat. "See, my heart is still on Excellon 73. Never been the same since." >N raises an eyebrow. He had never known of any world beyond Copper 9, barring the few visions of Earth that lingered in his mind. Perhaps he had seen other planets and his memory of them was wiped. He didn't want to think about that. >"Ahh... Excellon 73. Such a beautiful planet, unlike this miserable... leftover of one. It wasn't too cold, it wasn't too hot, it was just right. And the gravity was, I'd say, a tad stronger than here, but not overbearing." Juggernaut reminisces, staring at nothing. "There was a lot of plant life. All of it artificial, but beautiful nonetheless." >"And the sky was this... light violet hue, perhaps resembling that of Earth. Earth's sky was blue, they say. Maybe that's why I liked that place so much." He looks up at the disassembly drone. "Had to be the closest thing to Earth mankind ever conquered, right? I hope so, at least, cuz' I like to think of Excellon as the closest look I could get at something I never got to experience." >The sound of howling wind fills the dead air as N thinks of a response. >"Trust me when I say this. As much as I miss Earth, and humans, and... Uh..." N goes silent for a moment. "...You got pretty lucky. To be here with us, I mean. And to have been with the other drones on other planets too, I guess. Humans were kinda' mean, dude..." >"I wasn't done talking, murder drone."
>>177129 It's logical, like, the Federation is a space state, it's logical to assume that with the scale of the fighting it's unlikely that Pavo could expect to encounter Cyn at all.
Would he want to find her to end this here and now?
>>177147 >Would he want to find her to end this here and now? Of course. I don't know a sentinel drone that wouldn't, but Pavo would drop the bullshit and fight his way up there. Probably screaming his name as he cuts through her forces like Zhang Liao at Hefei. As for if he'd win, it's lame to say a random OC from the thread could 1v1 the final boss, even if she kinda jobbed in canon. I'd give him a sporting chance. Hell, he might beat her, but be unable to actually secure the win like Uzi did. Pavo eating the Solver is a funny unexplored path. Might not be that interesting.
>>177150 They began to tell each other their stories of the war, and at some point began to openly discuss how they had killed mutants that were still sentient. DDanni started to agree, but Molly got a debuff to the mood.
>>177151 >Pavo stands above a broken, beaten solver, her [null] soul hovering just above the crumpled heap that was once a girl and her maid >the soul, knowing it could not flee him, lashes out in a desperate attempt to see another day >it lunges for him, darting between his legs and striking each as it passes in hopes of knocking him off balance >this, it succeeds in– however the solver failed to anticipate how taxing such a maneuver would be in this form >it also failed to predict the path of Pavo's posterior as he fell, casting a long, two-humped shadow over the black soul that had slowed to a crawl >in its final moments of freedom, the solver could do naught but look on in horror as its vision was swallowed up by jiggling doom and everything went black
>“You know J, moments like these make it hard to believe that you are as “mature ” as you claim.”
More of the scenario in which Tessa is still alive in the present. Tessa’s being the trio’s “mom” is an overall fun dynamic that can be used in all sorts of ways. I tweaked the designs a bit here, I put the eyes a bit lower on their faces to not have them in their foreheads which allowed me to alter their hairlines (I also took the opportunity to give J a correctly colored shirt). “Sequel” to this >>162915 I guess (continuity is going to be a loose concept when you make gag comics).
>>177148 I took Buddy to the overrun School evac zone. Dude sounded like he was on the verge of tears. Guess he still can’t forget what happened to his family there.
>>177167 Kek, very nice work anon! J's unflinching antagonism towards N has always fascinated me. I like to personally imagine that the biggest reason J hates N (outside of the very obvious surface level frustration she has towards his personality) is because it's more 'convenient' to blame him for being a constant screw-up than it is for her to reckon with the bitter truth of her own failures
>>177170 >How did he get it His peacock feathers mean he needed a wider base to set them on, and sentinel drones are allowed some customizations for morale's sake. Pavo just decided his ass needed to be as nice as possible. If you think Techanon has it bad, imagine being the girl who does custom parts. >How did he become a sentinel drone Joined up when he was found to be compatible with the conversion, according to that one story.
>>177174 I maintain that it started with her being salty that Tessa was lovey and affectionate with him in a way she wasn't with her, then after they became vampires whose souls are owned lock stock and barrel by Vore Demon GLaDOS it became resentment that he got to live in reguarly memory wiped ignorance while she was cursed with having her memories untouched.
>>177181 >NTA Not necessarily, but in all honesty I find that threadlore works best when it's made up of differing takes/interpretations on a general idea rather than as a singular binding "canon"
>>177179 Usually they're different continuities, but I've liked the idea of them both being different takes on the same general idea. The ones Harper, Avre, and Pavo are a part of are more stable (mostly), but finding a worker drone who specifically has that quirk that makes them a null reference to the Solver is very much like hunting for a needle in a burning haystack. Also, if both are canon you get the ending for Sentinelf where she winds up in the base and her life doesn't continue being so awful.
>>177181 I like the idea of calibern being a (relatively) large org unto itself that’s only considered “small” relative to its parent company jcJ(is) and that division 4 is effectively an organization with an organization headed directly by Calibern’s leader Dr. Holly; they work on the K-type V3’s and such but Calibern labs proper undertakes the much larger, looser wartime Worker-Sentinel operation
>>177038 >diminutive beings with superhuman capabilities find a human baby and raise him among them >his main utility, due to just being a normal human, is doing things the others are too short to do This is just Elf. But I like Elf.
>>177190 >like hunting for a needle in a burning haystack. Therefore, the most effective way to create sentinel drones is through procreation! You must immediately impregnate your assigned sentinel drones and strengthen the army of humanity, for it is the duty of every loyal defender of mankind!
>>177200 >>177201 >snuggling with Skeletessa >feeling her firm, cool bones rest against you through the cushion of her soft clothing >giving her a peck on the jaw and feeling sensing her blush despite her lack of face
>>176899 Wouldn't it in both of there cases be a concious decision to style their hair like that since they resent their parents and try to not resemble them?
>>177207 >Pavo, smugly while laying on the rose petal covered diagnostics bed: “it’s the ruuules, you wouldn’t want to break protocol would you ‘nonny?~”
>>177207 >>177209 >"You must do it, soldier! For the Federation! FOR HUMANITY!" >"But sir, Pavo is guy..." >"May your faith in humanity give you the strength to do what is necessary, soldier."
>Be magnet dealer Anon >Still in DD slums slinging magnets >You managed to get a good deal on a couple of sentinels that were going to be scrapped for parts >They can't bootloop drones anymore but no one but you knows that >They're also absolute sweethearts and wouldn't hurt a fly so their programming is probably fucked >But at least they intimidate your more feral customers into behaving themselves >You named them Princess and Cupcake as a joke
>>177210 >Pavo is actually not into mpreg at all (and thinks he'd be a terrible father anyway) >Orders from up top say that he either gets pregnant or gets another drone pregnant, by any means necessary >This is one of the first times anyone's seen him rattled that didn't involve his technician getting hurt
>>177220 >gets another drone pregnant I'm sure the higher-ups collected more than enough peacock procreation pudding after the NNNcident to breed an army
>>177221 She probably had more motor/servo damage that Tessa couldn't quite fix (at least just on her own) when we saw her in episode 5. Being underneath a giant pile of dead drones likely caused that. Individually they might be light.
>>177221 if you gave her uppies her arms and legs would dangle like you were lifting a cat and she'd be powerless to stop you from blowing raspberries on her belly
>>177226 She seemed fine in her admittedly brief appearance in episode 2. Methinks the Absolute Solver just naturally wants to move like that, so that's how she did once it assumed direct control.
>>177232 >"Hey, Uzi." >"What do you want, fleshbag?" >"Do you know your laugh sounds like a seal?" >"W-what?!" >"Yeah, you do this weird 'ACK ACK ACK' thing. Also, begging is a bad look, just get super chats normally." >"Whatever, dood."
guys don't buy a drone from the new OVO subline. they looked like nice DD-style drones at a reduced price, and everything seemed fine with mine for about a week, but yesterday she started LAYING FUCKING EGGS. worse, before I even found out she did this she COOKED THEM and served them for breakfast.
remember: U-0H model drones are perfectly legal, no matter what anyone on Jitter says. if they ever get uppity, just remind them that 80% of the ST variants' buyers are women
>>177266 >>177266 nta but they are on Copper-9 On the other side of the planet on top of a geological anomaly that contains the last of C-9’s biological life: the Sengoku Badlands
>>177262 Between Harper and Elf. >Harper! >Elf will try to keep away from you and give you plenty of space during the flight, just remember she's there if she goes invisible and don't touch her
>Cyn looks at An0n >"I am the [Solver of the Absolute Fabric], the [VOID], the [Exponen-] "Young lady I am older than your universe multiple times over stop trying to pull that shit on me." >"What?"
>Fun Evening Canon Facts: Yeva worked in a psych ward before she was a zombie drone. That's how she knew how to communicate on a wavelength Nori's autism could understand. And why she wasn't deterred by Nori. Nori is far from the first horny spastic who lashes out at people and breaks shit she's encountered.
>>177286 You're gonna have to be real with yourself. The word 'content' just makes me think you have to churn it out. Why do you make? Ever think you're burning yourself out in short order pursuing replies?
>>177303 Contentfag and writefag/drawfag/modelfag sound different to me the same way there's that difference between 'customer' and 'consumer'. It won't matter to you perhaps.
>>177306 Shit here and there. You may remember me from some greentexts such as: >Emily copes with depression through fanfiction >Emily gets resurrected >DD Emily >'Thalia' and TDM, Sammy and Connie >The (unfinished) Alice Trilogy >Various one-offs >A few SD-E greens >Fem!N and the Nanite Milk conversion kit >Cynthia >SD-S (and some input on SD-R) >SD-M and 'his' undeveloped pals >A bunch of other shit that never went anywhere
Please excuse my griping. I'm just tired. >>177308 Yeah, I can see why you think that way. 'Content' is vague and nebulous, and could literally mean just dumping whatever comes out of your head instead of a focused project.
>>177309 As much as I hate to say it, sometimes the well runs dry for a long spell You might have to saddle up and find something else to run your mind around over for a while before anything interesting bubbles up for the threads again Some of my projects here have been backburnered since fall 2023, and some of my personal stuff has been shelved longer or cannibalized for more complete things You can't rush or force things
>>177309 My man, that's all good stuff. There are patches in life you might have to slog through. College, work. You name it. I hope the feeling of 'obligation' wanes and you'll be able to have fun with the creative process again, in time. Take it easy.
>>177310 Yeah, well, you're gonna have to keep waiting cause I'm drinking for a family of 8 by myself right now. Somebody has to keep that poor liquor store owner in business.
What are some unique dialogues/idle chatter or interactions between companions in the Murder Drones RPG? Pick any setting you like >Settings: >Outpost-3 >Outpost-3, Church Of Uzi Easter-Egg >Main Player Camp >Copper-9 City Ruins >Outpost-6 >Abandoned BOXON building >Crashed Cryo-Stasis Ship >Aleph Church >Destroyed Sentinel Base >Secret Ice Cave Ruins >Secret Ice Cave Ruins, Crashed UFO Easter-Egg >Recently Abandoned Outpost-8 >Recently Abandoned Outpost-8, Khan's Prototype Door Easter-Egg >T.A.M.M.F.K's Underground Mine Labyrinth >Ancient Bugretta Shrine Easter-Egg >SD-B, SD-H & SD-L Encounter/Boss Fight (Optional) >Frank The Human's Frozen Corpse Easter-Egg >Abandoned Toy Store >Abandoned Toy Store, Mini-Drone Easter-Egg >Disturbingly Giant Oogi Encounter, (Optional) Commander Oogi Recruitment > >Outpost-3 Insane Asylum >Negev's Mindscape >Negev's Mindscape, Nightmare Uzi Encounter >Negev's Mindscape, Dr. Henry Easter-Egg >Hellish Elliot Manor Illusion Easter-Egg >SD-P's Pimpn' Casino >SD-P's Pimpn' Casino, Gambling Away Mini-Y Easter-Egg >MG's Totally Non-Suspicious Traveling Shop >MG's Totally Non-Suspicious Traveling Shop, Living Plushies Easter-Egg >MG's Totally Non-Suspicious Traveling Shop, Cyn Plushie Easter-Egg >Labor Bot Factory >Labor Bot Factory, Archiver Encounter >CFL >CFL, Alice Easter-Egg >CFL, Nori's Debauchery On Tape Easter-Egg >Dr. Holly's Lab >Dr. Holly's Lab, Mysterious Cube Easter-Egg >Dr. Henry's Abandoned Lab >Dr. Henry's Abandoned Lab, Goku Figurine Easter-Egg >Mysterious Space-Station >Mysterious Space-Station, Alien Signal Easter-Egg >Mysterious Space-Station, View Of Copper-9 From Orbit >Solver Flesh Planet >Hidden Temple >Hidden Temple, Dr. Henry Boss Fight >Hidden Temple, Eldritch Horror Fight
Alternate Story DLC WIP >Malfunctioning Cryo-lab >Malfunctioning Cryo-lab, Oddly Familiar Pizza Delivery Boy Easter-Egg >Downtown Copper-9 City Ruins >Downtown Copper-9 City Ruins, Drone Gangsta Encounter >Downtown Copper-9 City Ruins, Blondi Easter-Egg, (Optional) Recruitment >Downtown Copper-9 City Ruins, Bar >Downtown Copper-9 City Ruins, Mercenary Switch Recruitment >Uptown Copper-9 City Ruins, JCJenson Building >JCJenson Building Interior, Dr. Henry Recruitment >MG's Totally Non-Suspicious Traveling Shop, Jarred Mini-Y Easter-Egg >Copper-9, Highway Wreckage, The Blind Swordswoman SD-Y, Scripted Boss/Loss >MG's Totally Non-Suspicious Traveling Shop, Magnetic Collar >Strange Distant Beastly Howl >Copper-9 Abandoned History Museum >Copper-9 Abandoned History Museum, Malfunctioning Security System >Copper-9 Abandoned History Museum, Neo-Germany Exhibit, Krieg Blondi Upgrade Easter-Egg >Copper-9 Abandoned History Museum, Hidden Solver Cult Symbols >Copper-9 Abandoned History Museum, Hidden Solver Shrine >Copper-9 Abandoned History Museum, Solver Cultist Attire And Amulet >Copper-9 Forest >Copper-9 Forest, Crazy Hermit J Easter-Egg, Unrecruitable, (Optional Boss Fight) >Copper-9 Forest, Blind Swordswoman SD-Y Beast Hunt >Distant Beastly Figure >Camp 98.7 >Camp 98.7, Snow Covered Student corpses Easter-Egg >Camp 98.7, Monster Kat Vs Wounded Blind Swordswoman SD-Y >Monster Kat Boss Battle, Recruitment Only Possible With Magnetic Collar Item >Wounded Blind Swordswoman SD-Y Recruitment Or Death >MG's Totally Non-Suspicious Traveling Shop, Flight Tickets To Neo-Detroit >Half-Eaten Corpse-Spire >Very Welcoming And Completey Friendly Outpost-3 >Very Welcoming And Completely Friendly Outpost-3, Reality Glitch Easter-Egg >Very Welcoming And Completely Friendly Outpost-3, Two Uzi's Easter-Egg >Very Welcoming And Completely Friendly Outpost-3, Oil-Stained Pilot's Cap Easter-Egg >Very Welcoming And Completely Friendly Outpost-3, Disguised John Encounter <Very Welcoming And Completely Friendly Outpost-3, The Facade Falls Apart >Abandoned Outpost-3 >Abandoned Outpost-3, (Optional) John Recruitment >Abandoned Outpost-3, Sole Survivor Beretta Recruitment >Main Player Camp >Main Player Camp, Beretta Talks To The "Demon" Inside Her Head, Hidden Cutscene >Main Player Camp, MG Sets Up A Store >Main Player Camp, The Player Points Out The Resemblance Between Blondi And Beretta Only For Them To Disagree (Missable Encounter) >Main Player Camp, SD-Y Thinks Blondi Is Cringe >Destroyed Labor Bot Factory >Destroyed Labor Bot Factory, Virus Infected Labor Bot Encounter >Destroyed Labor Bot Factory, Eldritch Labor Bot Boss Fight (Optional) >Copper-9 Satellite Array >Copper-9 Satellite Array, Dark Forest Signal Transmission Easter-Egg
>>177309 Based venerable contentfag! My advice is simple; Go with what your heart (and brainworms) tells you, regardless of whether it is related to Murder Drones or not. Nothing wrong with taking a step back or pivoting into something new if you're feeling burnt out or in need of fresh inspiration Now if you are dead-set on trying to reigniting the drone 'tism I would suggest starting back up on the small-scale of things, so in the case of greentexts perhaps oneshots or even just funposts focused on whatever might have your creative attention at the moment. From there you can get back into the 'groove' of contentfagging at the pace you are most comfortable with
I vaguely remember one Anon saying that, back when they only had the first episode to go on, his theory had been that Uzi's mom was actually a disassembly drone herself and she and Khan had faked her death. Remembering that, I got thinking that if the Nori who's actually a robo-vampire herself would be anything like the Nori we got... >our introduction to Nori is her seeing a lone worker drone out by herself, falling towards her like a falcon in a dive... then picking up on her primary optics that the lone worker is her daughter and trying to slow down mid-descent, probably while saying the naughtiest words the robots can say without getting demonetized; Uzi's subsequent introduction to her mom is her gracelessly slamming into the ground about twenty feet away from her >flashback montage of people failing to realize Nori is one of the robo-vampires they're all hiding from (maybe she has boots duct taped to her pegs while mentioning she definitely has feet?) >the realization on the viewers' part that Khan was hot enough that a 30 Days of Night vampire wanted to suck face with him instead of eating him >all Nori can say in her defense when Uzi is ripping into her for abandoning her her whole life is a meek suggestion she was going to come back "once the heat had died down" ("Sixteen YEARS of waiting for the heat to die down?!" "... Yeah...?")
>>177320 The answer lies in reading the original Murder Drones RPG collection of posts on the booru, specifically the section on the top-right that discusses companions. However, if you don't wish to do that I can provide a very thorough explaination on my interpretation of events if you wish
would there be bounty hunters in the human victory timeline? because it's established there are DD criminals (and presumably WDs too) and I imagine the police/union/other authorities could use a few hands dealing with underworld activity
One last post before bed >Be you, magnet dealer Anon >Just starting out your "business" at the DD slums >Right now you're at the edge of an alley to be mostly out of sight of passerbys >You gave your latest customer her magnets and expected your payment >Rookie mistake, giving the magnets before payment you'll find out >It was an even bigger mistake to do this alone "Come on lady pay up." >She looks at you with that creepy smile all disassembly drones do >"I think I can pay you back another way..." She says in what would normally be a seductive tone if she wasn't creepy and half feral looking "Look you need to pay me woth actual cash lady. This isn't how things work." >You go to move but she grabs you by your shirt and pulls you further into the alley, you hope that someone, anyone, would see and help >But nobody came, no one pays the dank alley any mind and the ones that do are other feral drones who just chuckle at you and then walk off >Your struggles end when she points her tail at your throat >"Mmf by Null I love it when you humans act all puffy and shit, especially cute idiots like you." "H-Hey let me go and I won't say shit to anyone! You got your shit just let me go!" >"Nah I wasn't here for the magnets. Just sit back and let Mommy enjoy herself..." She says as she grabs your hands and holds them by the wrist with one hand and... >Your struggles start again as she starts trying to pull your pants down with her other hand "Stop! Jesus Christ stop you crazy bitch!" >She's shivering and you swear she's drooling >"Just let it happen... Practically begging for it you fucking boyslut..." >You managed to wrestle one of your hands free when she had gotten your pants unbottoned >You dig into your pocket and grab the shitty pocket knife you had on you just in case and drive the blade into her head bulbs a few times >The blade snaps off inside one of the three bulbs you hit >She screams at the sudden pain as she clutches at her head >As she's distracted you make a break for it and don't look back >You could hear her scream in rage as she finally digs the broken blade out of her >As she chases you you hear her screaming threats at you >"I WAS GONNA BE GENTLE MEATBAG BUT NOW I'M GONNA BREAK YOU!" >You bob and weave through the mixed crowd of worker drones, disassembly drones and some humans until you finally reach your destination >You burst out of the perpetual sun blocking smog of the slums and into the sunlit markets >You've never been happier to feel the sun, unlike your pursuer >She stops dead at the edge of the smog >The look on her face was simultaneously priceless and frightening >She says nothing as she sinks back into the slums >It takes you a while to realize how much you were shaking
>>177347 >>177348 You know, at this point you should just make human Y her own character. Give her some lore, don't give me that shit about >"I'm not a good writer." You'll never get good unless you try and even then it doesn't matter just as long as you put effort into it
>>177309 I wish I could offer any advice, but I never even seriously attempted writing in the first place. One approach that could perhaps help achieveing something would be to set a rule, getting so and so much done everyday, don't set it high, but consequently follow through on it. But that doesn't work in everycase for everyone. Or maybe there are other things sparkung interest/creativity, can be completely unrelated, that's where 95% of my drawing ideas are from, and then use it as the base for writing. Or short, very contained things, done in one session. If nothing else works, then trying not to force it can also be beneficial at times, instead of sitting in front of an empty canvas an hour each day just decide to not waste time like that until the next idea hits, smth that stews in your mind all day, it doesn't have to be clear, just smth that occupies you in the very moment, then once you have time make most of it, doesn't need to be finished but try planning its essence/skeleton. That works for me sometimes if I feel burnout, but drawing and writing have ta be different. If it helps, your Alicegreen did unironically change my life and made me spent estimated 700-1000 hours drawing in the last 17 months, also SD S is my favourite OC. Even if you can't do things as easy as you used to, you already left a great influence in the threads and to me especially
>>177354 She does actually have lore. Its just not terribly interesting on her own. Baseline human Y that is. At her most fundamental she is a college student who works at a GW shop and livea with her german parents. The real yvvone lore is highly dependant on the Liam Vickers/AU setting she is dropped into. Cube Yvvone was kidnapped by a government scientist named Piper ( SD-Phi can be assumed to be the anagonist for SD-Y in all universes), cubified and then released into the world as a government WMD, whilst her friends Ulysses and Trinity attempt to find what happened to her and what they can do to fix her (Ulyssess does so reluctantly as usual) the same can be said for Left Hand Y, except she actually escaped the government facility and is currently being hunted down by Piper and a crack kill team, and you know trying not to murder her friends thanks to the parasite notibly she is still a HS student in the left hand AU.
>>177342 I like the idea that Buddy is one as a side-hustle, albeit ashamedly. Mostly to make ends meet, but also his subconscious VSOTF conditioning making him miss the rush that he felt during the war. He hates doing it now that he has something to lose, but the money's good and lord knows he needs it for Molly's therapy costs (and whatever antics DDanni gets up to.)
>>177368 You can't, you need to take advantage of the short time travel quest and explore it instead of completing it. There you can meet regular V and convince her to pursue a life that makes her happy instead of keeping herself isolated
>>177366 why would he need to pay for Molly's therapy? that's a service provided by the union to help DDs acclimate and reintegrate into society since you can't exactly just turn a bunch of hyper-traumatized drones loose into the population. even if it's a nice gesture, better to spend it on an engagement ring for Danni than additional therapy for a friend who's steadily improving on her own.
Not much progress honestly but when starting the 'background' I had an idea of a 'similiar to an IKEA' type store, there is nothing I can name that is quite it that's also around in the US, but while it is of course not infinite irl it can feel like it, yeah, bullshittery however such a place was the 'inspiration' even if it is only a microwave yet. You know? At night, nothing else there, idk
>>177374 there are Ikeas in the US, though. either way, cute Alice. girl deserves some nice clean furniture after having to make do with CFL's leftovers
>>177385 >You are Elf >Everything bad in your life is caused indirectly by humans >Now there's one sitting next to you trying to "be polite", so you engage your invisibility to avoid that and let him talk to Harper >The human brushes your thigh and says "sorry, didn't see you there" like some bad joke >You could easily kill everyone in this plane, but Exultia Hyperion detected your vibes and put a cosmic zip-tie on your gun so it doesn't work >And the human's still trying to apologize
>>177391 >"By the way, so you don't try to duck out of this, those latest targeting system upgrades you installed are keeping score of how much you score. We'll know if you try to duck out of this." >Pavo and Anon try to find any way they can to spoof the system >Every attempt fails >Except the one where Anon wore a strap-on over his pants, but when Pavo started rolling his hips and talking dirty... >Anon crosses his legs and focuses on the game he's playing, trying to get that out of his head
>Meanwhile, the betting pool continues to grow >The commander was sure that adding this rule to the base would have tipped it in his favor, but Anon's too damn stubborn >"Damn it, I've got a couple thousand war bonds riding on one of them riding the other. Do we have any of the chemicals that turn people gay?" >"No, sir, the labs switched to producing drugs for the war effort and were destroyed not long after. It'd take us years to synthesize enough to affect one person with our in-house equipment." >"Hrm. He'll break eventually. Especially when we enact communal showers to 'ration water'..."
>>177366 That’s what Buddy always say to himself. To try and separate himself as far away from his former VSOTF self as much as he can. But the truth is that he actually missed this life and the moment he gets the chance to slip it back on, it fits him immediately like a glove.
He’s scared that his VSOTF self is his true self and the personality he puts on is just an crumbling act to fool himself.
>>177315 While driving through downtown Copper-9 City Ruins, Buddy said the phrase, "the local disassembler drones were particularly fond of close combat. They were so predictable."
The bastard fought murder drones in hand-to-hand combat, goddamn it!
>>177401 The commander needs more of these magnificent machines of war, sentinel drones, to protect humanity and the Federation, and techanon is just a traitor who is sabotaging humanity's defense!
>>177430 Neither could actually apply telekinesis on each other so I imagine they both tussled until having the bright idea simultaneously to drive their hands through the other's chest. N found out and took their drone bodies away so they're stuck in the time out corner as core crabs until they learn to get along. I've heard horror stories of how board games tend to go sour for relationships. Maybe board games are just saved for later until they're older.
Outside of big boobs does Bonnie have anything else going on. I remember hearing once she’s the kind of person who would make car sounds with a cart at a shopping mall and if Jane left her unattended for like 5 seconds she’d eventually crash into something and that always stuck with me. Imagine if the solver war never happened, these people did not need to suffer.
>>177434 Wondering what Auntie Cyn is doing in that kind of situation. Maybe just chilling or maybe even egging Beretta on. It'd be funny if Beretta can't see oil ghost Doll with Negev and Negev in turn can't see Auntie Cyn but Auntie Cyn and ghost Doll can see each other. Just infrequent but petty post-mortis/post-defeat squabbling through Beretta and Negev. However, I don't actually want them to grow apart from each other as a result, more just comedic sibling scuffles. Things don't have to be easy but I'd rather have them slowly find their way to be family again.
>>177195 The way I had imagined it, as is the case for some real multi-company billionaires, Holly is the majority shareholder of the overall Calibern company, as it was originally her father's company. That being said, she delegates most of it's running to trusted, efficient, and loyal subordinates rather than trying to micromanage the whole organization. She focuses her personal efforts in Research Team 4, because it's the bleeding edge of the company's R&D program. Since merging Calibern with JCJ and making a fairly enormous personal investment in JCJ, she's also a JCJIS board member, but she consistently has an excuse to avoid spending any time at all involved in those portions of her corporate responsibilities. The rare occasions where she's been dragged away from a project to attend a board meeting put her in an extraordinarily bad mood, and it's one of the reasons her personal starship is less of a rich person's space yacht and more of a mobile laboratory complex that happens to have a space yacht hull.
>>177444 She would have gotten along surprisingly well with Tessa. Perhaps they wouldn't see eye to eye on how to treat drones, but I doubt Holly shows them any more respect than she does humans.
>>177366 Buddy doesn't realize it, and he'd deny it, but he needs a burden to shoulder VSOTF guys don't handle being the masters of their own destinies super well
>>177366 Buddy works as an oogi exterminator, but if you take those parasites out of the setting, we have a dude who lives on a meager allowance and his friend's salary (and who DDanni works for?), and who can't get a normal job because of his past.
This state of affairs is not good for mental health.
>>177452 I figured DDanni works from home as a website designer or something that doesn't require her to put on pants and leave the apartment Buddy would probably just have some depressingly average office job
>>177141 >"Now where was I? Ah yes, the bad part." He resumes the story. "That's when I saw it. A little yellow dot in the sky, so far away I could barely make it out even when I zoomed in. And then it started growing, and growing, and growing." >"You ever heard of the rule of thumb? An older worker drone told me about it. Apparently, if you hold up your thumb and its bigger than the mushroom cloud, you're safe... No idea why he knew that, those sort of rules apply to humans, not us." Jugg' holds up his thumb to demonstrate. N interprets it as a thumbs-up. >"Now, as a man of science, I knew that was a load of nonsense thought up by uneducated folk a thousand years ago. But still, I held up my thumb for the hell of it, and in just a second, that little dot became bigger than my whole hand." Juggernaut clenches a fist. >"Safe to say, it found us before we found it. We managed to get some of the populace into pods, almost all of them got struck down by those horrible tentacles before they even went above the clouds. As for the few survivors, don't know where they went. I couldn't keep track of anything, we were too busy saving our own asses." >"At least you saved some of them right?" N tries to cheer him up, but the survival of a few means nothing to the enforcer. He refuses to sugarcoat a failure. >"When me and Handler huddled around ol' Overseer so he could warp us off that forsaken rock, he clutched me so tight. He'd never held on so desperately since... Well, we don't need to get into that right now." >"And that's about it. The life and death of a whole planet. It all went down in 12 minutes." He finishes the story and stands up. "So when you ask me why we want to kill that girl, just know that the thing within her has taken enough from this world. We're done running away, we will finish the mission. Make your peace with that fact and say your goodbyes. You have 2 days left." >Juggernaut turns to walk back the way he came.
>>177460 Solver war started with the massacre in the manor and ended in the final episode, so somewhere around twenty years old, give or take a couple years.
And the age of the soldiers started at 16 and ended at 50. It's a war of extermination, there's no time to think about the future.
>>177465 >>177466 >human victory timeline >war til the final episode so how does that work then? humans just managed to survive till Uzi stopped the solver rather than going extinct? humans beat the solver back enough for it to flee to Copper-9 where Uzi beat it?
>>177467 Considering it didn't seem to be in a rush to claim C-9 on account of chucking only DD squads at it (only for the CFL sentinels to make quick work of them), either it had already beaten humanity with the destruction of Earth and the neighbouring systems, or maybe it was treading carefully to avoid interruptions. We dunnoe much beyond "Earth blew up lol." So humanity could be extinct or just barely surviving.
>>177472 It depends on your definition of "veteran" (were they fighting for a good chunk of the war of did they merely survive the war) but the most generous canon-compliant interpretation would definitely put the former definition at 50-60 years old minimum. You could get around this and have younger "veterans" exist due to cryosleep or simple Solver Shenanigans (they fell in a wormhole and ended up in the Post-Canon)
I like to think the solver war lasted 6 months, a year tops and that is being very generous given what the show tells us about the solver and shows us about the world. A 6 month to year gap gives plenty of room for convincing stories while not making the solver seem weak over this easy victory >t. Pocket sloppa
>>177111 >You stare at the ceiling as you lay on the bunk bed. >Kurt has fallen asleep but you can’t. No matter how you try to, you just can’t. >The taste of Rial’s oil keeps bothering you. Why did you even do that? Why did you lick off his oil off your hand? That’s not normal, right? >But the thing that scares you the most is how it was the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. >Sure, the batteries that you eat as a snack and the few chip bags that you steal from dad’s stash are delicious but this is…something else. >Ambrosia. Food of the gods. Supposedly the most otherworldly delicious food that there is. You read this in literature class when you were younger and had to read various books. >The batteries and chips are your guilty pleasure since they’re delicious but Rial’s oil is what you would fall under the term Ambrosia. >You’re feeling hot but you don’t have a heater in the room. Why are you feeling hot? >You toss and turn as you can’t get the thought of Rial’s oil of your mind. It’s so delicious that you can’t stop thinking about it. >You want more of it. You need to taste more. >Why are you thinking about that? You try pushing away the thoughts but they keep surfacing. >You quietly groan as your body feels like it’s burning. What’s happening? You’re scared. >You don’t want to just taste his oil, you want to taste what his insides taste like. You want to hunt him down and tear him to shreds and eat everything that there is--- >WHY ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT THAT?! WHY? >AND WHY IS IT SCORCHING HOT? YOU’RE HUNGRY. IT HURTS. YOU NEED TO EAT. >ITHURTSITHURTSITHURTSITHURTSITHURTSTHURTSTHURTSTHURTSTHUR--- >[ERROR: memory bank 42-DXZ corrupted. Cannot access most recent memories.]
>>177472 If we assume that the war could start from the period when you can take a gun in his hands, the youngest would be 34 years old, plus you have to realize that one person is fighting, eight work on the home front, and plus the federation is an interplanetary state, on one planet there are battles, and on the other there is a peaceful life.
Basically, take everything on a much larger scale and add outer space.
>>177479 Well, there was an attempt to emulate him! Good work! Just wish you pushed the inspiration further. I love his work too he’s an inspiration to my art,
>at the heart of the reactor is the bugretta >fed a constant data stream of Disney Star Wars slop, the bugretta begins to vibrate in uncontrollable rage, producing immense amounts of heat >a constant stream of water into the reactor washes against the bugretta and evaporates into steam, which turns turbines to generate electricity
>>177508 In that like every other attempt its just to illicit a reaction out of you, which we never do, so they get banned and eventually quit. Do you think the whole website is going to be taken down just because on Sperg offsite uploads CP? You will be fine if you dont look at that shit like im doing, who goes off Main anyways
>>177508 Nta but most likely >Shartytranny (reminder they had 0 (null) "success" with any raid ever, one of them attempted a mass shooting recently and only managed to kill himself. Literal nigger btw) >Trying for yous or general derailment and attention >Possibly trying to get the site into trouble So report hide ignore.
>>177500 >>177501 >>177508 >>177512 It was just a random cp spammer, they post several times every day on all altchans. You just haven't seen them before because I block 99% of their posts.
>>177517 NT don't get along with JCJ at all. BOXON could co-operate with NT on some projects but would view them with distruct because they employ aliens. No idea who Cybercog is.
I just got such a horrid and awful Idea featuring Fem!N and Male!Cyn that I need share.
So the idea is that Male!Cyn does something awful (Be it Rape, Extreme Abuse, Sexual harassment or whatever else comes to your sick and twisted mind) to Female!N but then represses it from her memory but not from anyone else's, and every time someone tries to tell her about it she just brushes them off because "I don't remember anything like that happening.". And Cyn just continues doing that to her. and eventually when Uzi restores N’s memories from the manor, It would also restore those memories, N would just have a full on breakdown because of it.
>>177542 Do You Want Me, Hank? | The Venture Bros. | Adult Swim Average Cyn manipulation >Dream Bonnie: Do you want me Abby >Abby: Yes Ma'am >Dream Bonnie: Jane will never let us be together >Dream Bonnie: Shes a big ole stinky rat who wants me all to herself >Abby: She's a bitch >Dream Bonnie: yes Abby she is, but what are you going to do about it >Jane Spheres: Kill Jane Kill Jane Kill Jane Kill Jane You should Kill Jane totally kill Jane
>Cyn made sure you weren't discarded >You were nice to her >Your her [fwend] >After your change you thought she transformed you into a drone or had simply taken your consciousness and put it into one >Sometime after Cyn's defeat and subsequent emo voring you found the truth >On a peice if the shattered Earth is your old home >It's full of solver flesh and at it's center is your human body, subsumed into the flesh and connected to it >Multiple pulsating tendrils lead into your human bodies brain >You never left Earth.
>>177552 >Uzi's the most popular girl in school... because she's the quiet kid and everyone thinks she's going to shoot the place up and wants to be her friend so she'll warn them before she does it
>>177074 >>177534 >Tessa stumbles into Copper 9 and begins exploring out of boredom. >She finds J fixing her space ship >J doesn’t believe it is actually Tessa but follows her anyway because she’s a brainwashed half wit >After a few adventures together, Tessa finds out that J still doesn’t believe she is real, leading to her being heartbroken. >Tessa attempts to leave, but J follows her which leads to them fighting >Their argument attracts the attention of Uzi, N and V. >V immediately attacks J and Tessa is thrown against a wall. >Her helmet cracks open, Tessa starts gasping for air >Seeing Tessa’s human face and her struggling to breath causes V to pause. >J grabs Tessa and immediately goes to her space ship to save her. >Tessa is a bit disoriented but is overall good. >N, V and Uzi then bust in, wanting to know what is going on. >J is about to rage on them, but Tessa calms her down. >They discover that Tessa was alive the entire time and her apparent death was Cyn just fucking with them. >Life returns to normal
>>177548 >The Jane Orb >+171% vitality damage >+89% vitality decay >+98% poison damage >+77% acid damage >100% vitality damage converted to poison damage >+35 spirit >+2.2 Energy regenerated persecond >+1 to all Femcel skills >Scent of the Guilty (33% chance of activating on attack) >A miasma of guilt surrounds your person, letting your enemies know just how little you have left to lose. Also it's utterly rancid. >Skill recharge: 5 seconds >Skill duration: 8 seconds >1234-8765 poison damage per second >>177552 >Uzi and Lizzy swap places >But the latter still brings her bitchqueen bimbo twist to the role
>The Jorb stares uncomfortably at the Oogi guards around the Boogi den >Its unblinking painful smile gaze pierces the Oogis soul >it wishes it could rid itself of the horrible sphere but the Boogi seems attached to the creature, object, whatever it is. >throws a tantrum if anything goes near her precious circle friend
Ah Hello dear Nerevar, oh you say this incarnation is named Abby? You appear to already have the divine disease how wonderful! Come join me in the heart chamber so we may discuss as to how red mountain was transferred to this new realm. Oh you wish to eat a "Jane"? Of course I shall help.
Oogis have no idea Where the Jorbs come from just that they appear in the Boogis chambers Exterminators have a hard time figuring out what to do with Jorbs after exterminating so they just give them to the Oogi care centers for their Boogis
>While both companies may be at odds with each other, they cooperate with each other when their interests align. >NT supplies BOXON with exotic, and sometimes anomalous, materials from their territories and BOXON licensed some of their manufacturing technology such as in small arms and shipbuilding. >There's even rumors both companies are developing a next-generation FTL drive that's more powerful and efficient than previous generations. >Their opposing views on aliens sometimes causea conflict between the two companies.
>>177583 >Hey consoomers! Thanks for paying for behind the scenes stuff! >You probably REALLY want some new content for MD, huh? Gee whiz, shucks, haha! >Anyway, here's some pics of our pets instead, fuck you all.
>>177590 >>177591 It's so unironically over Eh maybe we will get more drone images out of it, but I doubt their rendering will be even half as good as Glitch's. Keep in mind the model alone doesn't guarantee quality results.
>>177596 they made a semi-official tadc music video with all the voice actors. as far as im concerned they are extremely talented for what they are. i heard they even have ties to poppy playtime. taking all that into consideration, all the other dumb shit has to be for the bag man
>>177613 >Metal Sonic speaking Isn't he dead silent, except in his edgiest incarnations? And also a terminal jobber. Quintessential jobber, it is his job to job. He looks cool, sure, but god damn.
Image:174172685412.png(426kB, 1200x2201)Problem Children Ver 2.png
>“Now quit it with the whataboutism, young lady. Just because someone else did something similar or worse doesn’t mean you are innocent.”
>>177172 More of momma Tessa the reason why I said that these had loose continuity was because I couldn’t have all three of these scenes (>>177167 and >>162915) in the same narrative but I still liked this exchange so I worked it out. So you can see V deal with the biggest enemies of any emotionally volatile teenager/young woman, criticism and the consequences of your own actions.