Hello Friends! Hello! Hi! Hello! Do you want to see something cool? Drone Thread. The virtual library of the Booru: https://dronebooru.co The nice wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The elegantly built OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>174779
>>175721 VW (Vickers Workshop) put out 20 new FUSAF units this year, but only 1 (one) Andromedan Empire model! and you can only get it in an army box! bullshit
>>175733 It's called "sword." I think it was made for the game Brutal Orchestra (good game btw) cause I can't find any other trace of it on any fontsharing website. https://files.catbox.moe/s7o37h.ttf put it on catbox if anyone wants it. keep it on the downlow, capisci?
>WD N and SD N existing as separate entities at the same time >V can feel her old fujoshi habits resurface as she imagines the two N's doing things with each other
>WD N trying not to run away in terror to get as far away as possible from the murderous psychotic V lookalike who also molests him >V has to fight the urge to pin WD N down and cuddle him while crying
>>175387 >Her tail wags at the sight of you >It intensifies drastically when you pet her >But don’t do it for too long, she’ll get too excited and jump you!
>>175776 The Internet was made for men I tell you 😔 So that men could talk shit and goon and order guns and liquor, and now there are women on it too and it makes me scared 😢
If Rebecca would suddenly get fixed, would she spawn in the cabin where her hips and legs lie or at the campfire where her rest is? She is pretty much 50/50 severed, which is it?
>>175770 >>175771 >woman /md/ contentfag >fucked up fetish it’s not even shocking anymore it’s just fascinating, i wonder if it’s even possible for a (relatively) sexually normal woman to post here?
>>175775 It makes more sense when you realize its probably Nuke and Vicious inviting their friends here. (which is fine!) Women are a type of bugs. they swarm together....
>>175787 >Women inviting other women here Never in a million bajillion years do I think I could invite any of my pals here and get out unscathed, women are built different 😨
>Molly is sitting at a bar, a much more reputable one than the ones she used to drink herself into a stupor >She is surrounded by a few dozen empty bottles of oil based synth-beer >Just like before she's drinking to forget but she'll always remember >She had uncovered a disassembly drone ran human trafficking ring >Men and women huddled up by the dozens in cramped cages, amny of them sporting old and new scars from being bled by thirsty disassembly drones >The worst part was hiw they treated the children >Molly fights down the urge to vomit and downs another bottle >She doesn't remember much after seeing the state if the children, but her body cam showed her what she did >The footage showed her going on a rampage that would have made Pavo tell her to tone it down >She doesn't regret that those animals aren't functioning anymore but... >Shouldn't she have better control over herself? >Shouldn't she have arrested them so they could face legal punishment? >Molly doesn't know, so she drinks some more
>>175753 >>175761 >Lol haha, Anon’s gonna get a broken pelvis >H is actually the one that needs repairs after the intense sessions >It was totally worth it and she’d do it again.
>>175808 >Shouldn't she have better control over herself? nah, she’s right by killing them without remorse, enslaving humans and their own children isn’t allowed redemption, that’s straight up war crimes that won’t be forgiven, nor forgotten
>>175825 I like my idea that they figured out how to localize singularities, allowing them to compute at human-like levels. Unfortunately black holes are the Solver’s domain
>>175825 >that's not a soul! it's just J's continuing consciousness in an indestructible form that can warp through space to occupy another body! can you guess what you might call that? >>175828 the solver was able to manifest in ZDs, which suggests that any drone has the capacity to have a soul (or whatever the fuck you choose to call it), assuming they don't have them in the first place as would be the case in >>175831's theory
>Fun Afternoon Canon Facts: the best part of their reunion for both Uzi and Nori was finally having someone to talk about the deep lore of Five Nights at Freddy's with
Image:174146655091.png(193kB, 1200x1132)Still better than PNN I guess.png
>I apologize for the weird perspective with the flatsreen TV/comically large laptop, just the TV in general to be honest.
>>174030 >>174052 This is only very tangently related to it and but I had the idea of Snake Tessa using her coils as some kind of improvised backrest/beanbag for Beauregard while resting her head/upper body on his lap as some king of advanced snuggling position and needed some kind of context for it. (You may want to ask a more talented artist to actually draw it properly though)
>>175858 Scribbles is an underage, a parasocial creep, and lets be honest a shit artist and worse OC maker. The fact people continue to feed his ego and influence him to maybe post here is baffling, and these "anons" should return to playing Roblox
>Thing I just realized now #1: DDs and Solver witches would both be able to give normal WDs they're in relationships with uppies and princess carries >Thing I just realized now #2: since Nori's a headcrab now, she's small enough for Khan to give her uppies and princess carries
>>175808 >Molly a cop I have an idea for slurs! >DDs in police forces or medical facilities are called Domesticated by "wild" DDs >This has earned them the derogatory terd "ferals" or "Strays"
>>175855 >can’t show even the slightest of proof that worker drones have ‘similarities’ built into them wouldn’t it make more sense if the failsafe just kills the worker drone who has any trace of the solver in them
>>175871 why the fuck would a robot need a soul in the first place, it’s whole is to not be organic, if a robotfucker can’t see that, than their a poor excuse for one
>>175863 I had this exact idea for the Elysium-3 Setting, but in a stupid way:
While the planets has regains a good section of its population post-solver war and its "Very" close call to nearly getting fully assimilated, there are several continent sized chunks of land that are sectioned off, with a population of undomesticated/wild/feral DD's that have yet to be rehabilitated with the planets regrowing society.
many of the Sentinel drone / Armed forces do work maintaining watch post and conduct patrols in these areas, using it as a "Vacation" between getting set out to other sectors.
The Wild DD's populations are suprisingly a rare hazard for local populations close to these isolated territory, as they are restricted to the ruins of old citys and underground hideouts during the day, and tend to feed on the local wildlife, rather then venturing out to distant and well guarded population centers.
Incidents do occur, but those are usually handled by a case by case basis, and are usually nothing more the a wild hungry drone getting too close for comfort
>>175848 NIGGA💀 rewatch the ZD tape in episode 5's intro, the drones are centered around a singularity providing both power and their AI/OS! Every drone has a core, but the failsafe pins are meant to destroy the core or singularity if AS is detected (you can see this with Uzi in ep1) or likely also if they die. The singularity floating out of their body is extremely rare and only happens if the core is out of the body already and gets destroyed, ofc not every WD kill shows it.
>>175864 It is meant to do that, but has a 1:10.000 chance of failing due to 'wear' (probably the older a drone is the higher the chance it doesn't work idk tho)
>>175906 >”and so the courier, who had cheated death in the cemetery outside goodsprings, cheated death once again, and the mojave wasteland was forever changed”
>>175905 does it have to be via murder? I imagine she wants to avoid bloodshed as much as possible. not because she wants terrible people to be spared, mind you, but because she's already got too much blood on her hands for a thousand lifetimes.
>>175917 Is there anything out there that has liquid nitrogen for blood? Because that's what cools them down. Not coolant, blood. They're vampires. The Absolute Solver is a Vampire Intelligence like in Rifts.
>>175917 When WD oil is consumed it’s broken down into Phlegm (techno-organic repair nanites), black bile (Solver vitae), yellow bile (nanite acid) & blood (Solver flesh); the WD’s pneuma is simultaneously absorbed, thus sustaining DD by replenishing it’s ever dwindling life force
>>175922 >>175923 either way I don't think you'd say she has the worst fashion sense of any OC. wearing a pimp outfit like P feels a lot closer to the worst
>>175782 The chans aren't where 'normal' people are. You're here with guys who want to bang drones, aren'tcha? Brings me the memory of the guy who gets a stiffy from tile patterns. And Ohio. Sweet Ohio. >>175833 When was there a strike? They've been posting art intermittently.
>>175957 Molly adores the outfits she wears for her shows, it's Molli who hates them. Molly's casual wear would be like some of the pastel outfits from Sailor Moon
>>175771 >>175966 Fuck I looked it up and ugh Only case I can see it is Uzi throwin up boiling steaming oil in the cabin in 4 that was kinda hot but everything organic is nah
>>175968 >V's room is trapped to deter lesbians >When Pidge opens the door, a cardboard cutout of Anon (human, male, unattractive) pops up >Anon is still unaware he's being weaponized, which is a good thing, because V wanting a full-body photo of him was a big confidence boost for him and he'd be pretty sad if he learned the truth
>>175991 Uh oh, you are gonna turn her into a matryoshka Also fucking good work, everything imo but especially face and expression. Pose is strong as well
>>175975 >>175974 I got the idea about "Time of Troubles" that after defeating the solver, the Federation scalloped due to the accumulated problems in society over millennia, which crushed the old order when the glue that glues society together in the form of a war for survival was completed. It's classic: "the upper classes can't run the old way, the lower classes don't want to live the old way." I should start thinking about the structure of the Union society, I think to take the USA, also according to the classics.
The period of Troubles will not last long, and the basic idea is that the Union, the successor of the Federation, will suppress separatism and return the breakaway systems, as well as on the way to destroyed the last armies of solver.
I already have an idea for several independent VSOTF veteran factions, a communist faction, and an independent sentinel drones faction, that cosplaying rogue servitors from Stellaris.
I should start writing this down while the brain worms are moving.
>>176009 Jaw down, tongue out, drooly Alice sloppy... But if she's foaming at the mouth already then certain other departments do so too, that data won't extract itself after all
>>176011 after years underground constantly on high alert she hasn't exactly had a lot of time to take care of her needs, so if you were the first man she saw she'd just fucking take you. there'd be a glowing orange blur and before you even had time to register what was happening you'd be pinned to the ground under a wendigo in heat
I feel like in the multiseason concept of the show, while season 1 was going to climax with the interpersonal struggle between Uzi and Khan, my gut tells me that V was going to be the closest thing to a main villain for season 1.
>SkiN isn't built for the planet's cold >He can survive it, but it's not fun >If only he had a warm buddy, one who would die in the cold and thus fixed up his room to always be warm, one who had plenty of body heat... >Will you snuggle the fleshy abominatioN?
>WD N is staring at the dronegore covered monster that looks like V and sounds like V >"Now N, I need you to calm down. It's me, V. You can trust m-" "You're not V! V has white eyes and wears glasses! She's a worker drone not whatever you are! She doesn't have wings or claws! She's the kindest and prettiest drone I know, she isn't a drone eating monster LIKE YOU!"
>>175998 Based worldbuilding 'tism, eagerly looking forward to seeing this further build upon! I will admit that the state of Humanity in your interpretation is far more optimistic than my personal interpretation
i always wondered when or why it stopped happening where did they all go? why did they leave? will they ever return? but every now and then the answer makes itself known all you can do is mourn and remember what was
>>176022 >when WD N gets a clear look at DD V, he's quiet for a moment >V thinks he might have recognized her, and starts to calm down, slowly approaching him >then she realizes his hands are shaking, balled into fists >he meets her uncertain gaze with a look not only of horror and despair, but fury >"what did you do to V?" he demands, tears streaming down his display "is your face all that's left of her? are you wearing the girl I loved like some sick mask you bloodsucking FREAK?!" >V was intimately familiar with what fear looked like in a worker. and the drone that stood before her was more terrified than any one of the untold droves she cut down >he was sick with fear, trembling– >and yet he still took a swing at her.
>>176030 >Human x Drone Incompatible unless they have an artificial womb, in which case you'd just be making another human. >Human x Solver fuckery That question was not made for Man to ask, let alone answer.
Image:174148802438.png(382kB, 1974x2065)Solver War loreposting.png
>>176033 It has been a hot minute since I've touched upon it but here's a cap of the last major bit of brainstorming involving it
TL;DR >Humanity is a shadow of it's former glory; Effectively splintered & scattered across space >The few remaining factions are either barely hanging on or are slowly stagnating in self-isolated >The only hope of achieving anything remotely resembling a pre-war society hinges on whether the remaining humans can coexist/cooperate with the emergent societies of worker drones now occupying many of the (still in-tact) worlds abandoned by Humanity
>>175990 Y'know, that's actually the description of some characters I made. >Bunch of Workers >Best of the best, using repurposed work tools and items as weapons >Form the "Worker Rescue Force"
https://x.com/HedgehogZone_/status/1898108895253741952 >Jane to everyone else: Cold, rude >Jane when Bonnie: Happy If only I had a girl like that in my life
>>176055 >V standing still as WD N "punches" her >It can hardly be called an attack, she doesn't even register it other than a small tap >V can only stand there crying on the inside as N sobs, yelling at her to "give her back" while he hits her over and over
I literally just saw this on twitter an hour ago and now it's here, I'm buzzed off like two beers and thought I was back on twitter for a sec Jesus fuck.
I honestly forget that this place isn't actually secluded from the rest of the internet, fuck. Like that one Tessa and Maria pic where they're dealing with voices I saw posted on Spacebattles and it blew my fucking mind.
>>176115 eh, to me only A New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back are objectively good, while The Return of the Jedi is half decent. The prequels and sequels/Disney slop might as well not be canon.
>>176123 Agreeable, for me the prequels and 2008 clonewars were 'the real' Star Wars. Remember 5&6 as the best of all other movies, but it has probably been mire than five years by now since I last watched any of them
>>176128 >to me only A New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back are objectively good, while The Return of the Jedi is half decent. The prequels [...] might as well not be canon. The ST was your wish on a monkey's paw.
>>176140 honestly running into the crazy deer lady who kills monsters is probably almost comforting after running into (what you think is) one of said monsters wearing your friend's face
>>176140 Interesting setup, WD N in that scenario is ofc not in the usual friendmaking mood and Alice is no cause for relaxation, but it'd go well, I bet.
>>176143 For another day, another chance of nee Alice things, alright then >>176139 Huhu Maybe they'd like to see her finally lose controll for once, but the flex on the jarred (involuntary) Solverites (who technically don't deserve it) is still too real
>>176143 Getting a kiss from her, uu... All that must have happened before, ehat awesome implication I wish I could be with her even in CFL, before 7 revealed Cyn was the imposter amogus all along 6 seemed even more easily preventable. Imagine Doll had gotten snatched as well and been kept in the same room as V and Uzi, would be weird and complicated in the ep and unfeasable, but the setup with nearly everyone around at that point able to talk, but not kill each other, I'd love to know how that would have turned out. >>176142 nta True, Alice is MDs Van Helsing She would unsettle N, especially WD N in his state, but I feel as if she wouldn't have malicious intentions and N even when turmoiled wouldn't do something like biting her finger off or so. Yes (if he saw the oven and so on, but N wouldn't have the knowledge about DDs solver and so on) her being able to at least keep herself safe from DDs would be comforting, even more when they talk. Not meaning to say they'd fall for eachother (tho N can reasonably be shipped with every girl from the show), but Alice would also benefit greatly from someone as friendly and wellmeaning as (WD) N around, any interaction not to mention positive one would help her a LOT
do you think Beau is nice because Alice built him when she was still relatively sane and he's had to watch as the last of her old self dies leaving behind a feral survivalist with a sadistic streak?
>>176154 Arigato Arisu🎶✨ Arisu-heika-banzai?🙌💯🎌 Reminds me her Japanese VA's birthday is on the 13th or 19th this month, maybe should draw smth for that >>176153 She's in a different world now but to her the experiences are still real, she after all is wesring a gown tattered and smeared during all that happened in the last 20 years, it is still physically there. I believe it would be more like being forcibly teleported or so, what does it matter wether her previous life was real or not if it is away now anyways? That's all there is to it.
>>176163 Yes. She barely did anything wrong (being rough to Beau and releasing Sentinels, the latter was absolutely necessary tho since a DD was literally in thr next room)and was logically and morally justified in deciding to get finger-for-finger revenge on Uzi and wanting to kill the DDs. If Tessa really were a human she'd have nothing to fear from the Sentinels. Just try see things from her perspective and you will understand that the worst and decisive factor in escalation was Uzi. Had she gotten through 6 better (idk how exactly rn, many options) she could have made up even with Uzi eventually, shame that we didn't see the direct aftermath of the fingercutting scene. Who knows, had Beau not told her bad news so soon after, and with Uzi in a much more willing to talk state after 'getting humbled' there could have been another chance at convincing Alice, by mentioning why they are there in the first place. But that's not onpoint, I got more to say on this but it's late so I'll say more tomorrow. So imo, yes. An encounter woth core Nori would be ideal, but there are many ways.
>>176174 Nice answer man. If I could write I write something post canon with alice joining outpost 3 and trying to be normal, beau is not there unfortunately he still dies.
>>176174(me) Forgot to add, but do not forget that Alice does not know N and V. At all. From her view her actions are sound and necessary, not to forget Uzi never even tried any explaining, either about the DDs or why they were there. Total breakdown of communication caused desaster in 6 and it is majorly Uzi's faut. She knew better but did nothing
>>176178 Would be neat, if I could write I'd do so too. And much more, maybe I'll start soon, but been thinking that for the better part of a year now. Gn.
>>176188 >"Okay, if I chop you up in a drone grinder and the only thing that comes out is your visor, you're probably dead!" >V grabs No Longer Alice and walks over to a nearby grinder
>>175590 >Tessa is roaming around copper 9 watching the drones from a distance >Her feelings are very very confusing as one part of her wants to run to them and hug while another part screams at her to run away >So she settles on drone watching instead >Until one day she was the one being watched
>>176189 I fucking open the spoiler and all I saw with my bad internet was the mouth on the left image for a second. First thought in my head was "You can just tell this guy draws vore." And then the rest of the image loaded.
Image:174150478291.png(5.60MB, 2835x3000)Night of the LibidiNous Dead.png
>>176082 >>176088 >J always thought that N was an empty-headed creature of basal instinct, a slightly more intelligent version of a B-movie zombie at best. >J is always right. >Or at least, she wants to believe she's always right. >On this night, she'll finally get to be right. >It's the one time she'd rather be left wrong.
Imagine being a Disassembly Drone during the solver war. You’re alone, seperated from your group and stuck in the forest. imagine the levels of fear you would have to see the glowing green lenses of a VSOTF squad.
Imagine if you will Kain and Raziel as Disassembly Drones. Pontificate on the notion of the stark contrast of their Shakespearean diction with the more contemporary vernacular used in Murder Drones.
>>176209 I find the concept of psychological warfare to disassembler drones quite amusing and interesting at the same time.
We assume they are slaves to the solver, but we also assume they have enough self-awareness to feel fear and terror. I think Cyn can left them with a mind just to torture them. Torture during life and especially torture after death, for punishment and fun.
>>176238 I think they were implied to be mindless, but the show never shows a DD that could be anything other than the main 3 (I think even the CFL corpses are just concept art variations of them) so who knows what the lore is there. As the guy who made Pavo a concerningly sane maniac I go with the mindless interpretation, but then you don't get the psy-ops side of war, which is always the most horrific one. >Being "immune to torture" is basically a myth, no amount of training can prepare you for what people can do to you (unless there is, in fact, some genetic outlier that can make someone's brain mentally impervious to stress) >The Solver will reset any DDs that are obviously broken >But the mind can be rewired in certain strange ways >Will the Solver recognize the fact that one of its puppets has been conditioned to turn into a shrieking, traumatized mess if it hears a specific song?
>>176242 Yeah, good point, and we also have to consider that we're all assuming the solver is operating from a fun rather than logical standpoint, and she would definitely find it amusing that humans were able to instill absolute terror into the genocide machine when it hears a simple soldier's song.
>>176242 The hologram in the tunnel says N's team is the only one who gets to retain their personalities. So it's safe to assume the other DDs are more mindless killing machines. Within the confines of your fan fiction though, it's really up to you to bend things here or there to tell your story better.
As the only Anon still seemingly awake, I declare this thread is now a Labor Bot one. No Worker Drones or Disassembly/Sentinel Drones beyond this point. You must now only discuss and create Labor Bot greens/artwork. Chop-chop!
>>176242 My read was always that DDs (as well as Solver witches) are capable of slipping into a kind of “hunting trance” where their emotional and rational faculties are numbed and the extra metal energy that’s freed up is rerouted to their senses, reflexes and sadistic/predatory instincts, DDs will either do this intentionally as it saves them energy (like how a shark can swim while it sleeps) or it can be involuntarily induced like it was during the Solver war by Cyn or by the drone being extremely low on oil like we see with Uzi in EP 4, additionally Cyn is capable of leveraging this state to assume direct control of drones like she does in Molly’s backstory
A thought I had with this idea is that part of the reason V acts the way she’s does is in an attempt to match her lucid self with her hunting trance in order to make it easier to slip into, because in her trance state she can turn off her mind and not think about her life
>>175953 theyre very overpowered. juggernauts like mini boxo, overseers very fast, and handler is a t1000 on steroids. their biggest weakness is that theres only 3 of them, 1 of each model and theyre not solver hosts, so no regen or uninteractivity
WD N should run into Uzi where she blows V's head off They'd go back to the bunker and when V recovers she'll catch up just to catch a glimpse of N just as the doors close >Live V reaction Give Him Back! | Lethal Company Animation
>>176269 I think in canon the DDs are probably mostly instincts with enough intelligence to write and coordinate with each other, but without any real personalities. as far as thread OCs go I think the average DD's consciousness is in a sort of haze, a bad dream. like a drugged passenger with a twisted imitation of themselves at the wheel. they're aware their bodies are being used for awful things but they're not consistently fully aware and they're never control unless Cyn wants them to be
>>176055 >DDs gets bodied by a fan blade and metal pole >people will go on to think that DDs are ‘durable’ >meanwhile any WD can casually lift up a mine cart and easily bend a wrench
>>175953 Honestly I never saw SDs as overpowered. Slightly stronger and faster than DDs and with more weaponry/tools, but with a less efficient healing ability and less streamlined. They make up for it by being more trained and having better teamwork
>>176274 you say that but twice (that we see) he was tied to something in a deadly situation and he wasn't able to break out of the restraints. maybe he's just stuck in buttle mode or something, but he seems pretty weak as a WD
>>176268 Buddy during solver war: the living embodiment of hatred for the enemy, knowing neither fear nor doubt in his determination to crush the army of the god. A man who brings death, a creature who has denied his humanity, a monster who defies all the demons of hell and revels in their suffering and terror. Mankind's greatest instrument of vengeance.
Buddy after solver war: a nice guy trying to find a proper job and constantly feeling a slight lack of blood.
If glitch were ever to branch out into video games, what would you like for them to make? For me, there’s some suggestions. >thad skateboarding game >fallout shelter: outpost 3 edition >a metroidvania because uzi is built for that kinda game >dating sim, teacher is an option
>>176294 N had a metal stake of indeterminate length driven through his forearm that was being weighed down by 10-100s of tons of stone, if anything was keeping him immobile it was the durability of his own arm preventing him from pulling it free
>>176302 the one one I don’t get, is how his own saw blade can’t cut through him, that’s he’s own weapon, yet he fell miserably at cutting himself free, damn thing can’t even cut a carrots in half
>>176304 Funny you mention carrots Did you know it’s technically as easy to bit through your own thumb as it is to bite through a carrot? but I bet you can’t do it, because it would be excruciating DDs obviously have a much higher pain tolerance, but they still feel pain, so I imagine N was having a bit of trouble sawing through his arm because it fucking hurts
>>176308 >>176311 if I’m remembering correctly, doesn’t your brain prevent you from doing that to yourself, but if it’s someone else trying to kill you, don’t hold back, bite them to death
>>176308 >it’s technically as easy to bite through your own thumb as it is to bite through a carrot? that's a myth. "biting through a carrot only takes about 45 pounds of force, and just fracturing a human finger requires around 335 pounds of force."
>>176322 Eventually get a new body, on N's dime since you break it you buy it. And then have Uzi use her eldritch meat-spawning powers to give her new body working wolf ears and a working wolf tail.
>>176299 >Murder drones kart >murder drones golf >murder drones tennis >murder drones superstar baseball >murder drones strikers >murder drones hoops 3 on 3 >murder drones teach typing >uzi is missing >uzi’s Time Machine >murder drones galaxy >murder drones: N’s universal gravitation >murder drones and digital circus at the Olympic Games >uzi and n superstar saga >uzi and n: J’s inside story >uzi and n: dream team >uzi and n: RelationShip >paper murder drones >dr uzi >murder drones sunshine >murder drones 3d land >murder drones odyssey >murder drones 64 >murder drones world >murder drones wonder >murder drones run >murder drones maker >murder drones 3d world >murder drones legend of the seven stars
>>176242 >(I think even the CFL corpses are just concept art variations of them) Yes, they only had 2 or 3 original hairstyles when we got better look in the bts, one was cimoncept art J with no tails at all, one was the same but in black, a bunch of V clones and finally the 606-manor library drone iirc.
>>176269 >>176272 Do you think the DD cores being put into an oven hot enough to disable any Solverpowers but not hot enough to burn them would have 'freed' them from AS' influence on their mind? It is most likely still painfull, but if AS couldn't recover their singularities and, most likely not 'connect' to them (like with the Solverpede, which was not J), do you think that state would have freed them in a certain way?
>>176317 That's what Uzi did to Alice (see how not just the fingertip but the balljoint is gone as well? Uzi likely bit on it, then due to the curve her teeth slid in between the ball and the second finger piece, it's not just a weakspot in itself but adds tension pulling the fingertip and joint out of the rest of Alice's finger ontop)
Image:174154199999.png(319kB, 1544x1746)Spies vs Mercenaries.png
>>176362 Finally got around to finishing picrel. I'll admit, I haven't been quite serious in my art endeavours but I hope to change that this year. Tried applying everything I knew and this came out. What do you Anons think?
>Uzi wakes up and finds out that CybTail replaced her purple wig with her old one, bow included, and put her in a maid uniform >"Now you're [cuter]! Big smile!" >Uzi immediately after hearing Cyn say that
Considering that Buddy had been through a whole lot of war experiments during his time on top of the fucked up training he went through becoming VSOTF soldier. You think he feels… antsy a little bit?
>AM, Tessa and the manor drones are having a picnic at the garden >Its a nice warm day, blue sky and gentle wind >AM had finally arrived in heaven >Yet…. >AM had a feeling that his journey was not over >He been having dreams, dreams of bloodshed, violence and death >But instead of him being the reason for it, he was now the one stuck in the middle of it. >He had to stop it, he couldn’t let paradise be corrupted. >He couldn’t let his friends be tainted by the horrors
>>176198 >Uzi, V and N discover her watching them during an encounter with J >Leading to a chase, with Tessa hiding >Tessa is then found by Sparky, who doesn’t kill her as he recognizes her as a human. >Instead he gently grabs her and brings her to the trio >Him not killing her gives them the doubt that she is actually a illusion >After checking her, they discover she is in fact a real human. >Tessa is extremely scared, answering everything with a quiet “Yes” and “No”. >She is also very submissive towards the drones, not wanting to make them angry. >Uzi is delighted at her timid nature and begins to boss her around. >This enrages J, leading to a fight that ends with both of them restrained.
>>176384 >Uzi is delighted at her timid nature and begins to boss her around >She is suddenly slapped by V >N says Uzi that she needs to behave better around people >There's a limit to any shit
How would your Drone OC('s) Play Minecraft? Or for those cultured, Vintage Story?
>Avre >Mines one Tree, then digs down and is never seen on the surface again, survives off mob drops and chest loot undergound, lives like a dwarf.
In VS, where that isent really possible unless shes trying to meet Ḑ̵̘̜̝̤̦̠̭͙̼͖̰̱͈̂̓̃̄̎̾̑͌̏́̈̇̚͘̕à̶̫̭̯̳̗̚͜v̶̨̟͕̜̫̪͉̰͉̣͙̳̙̇͗͝e̴̩͍͉̣̜͇͖̻̺̰̒͊̃̔̃̿͊̍͋͜͠ͅ Personally, shes forced to stay on the surface and work with anyone else shes with. She would probably be a groups blacksmith, leaving her time to work alone or out searching for ore to dig up.
>The timeline where Molly stayed as a worker drone >When the solver war broke out she hept the kids safe, calm and entertained long enough for the military to come and evacuate them >Molly however didn't go with them >She started an underground safe haven for any child she finds >In this timeline Molly saved just as many children as she killed as a murder drone
>>176408 >when life gives you podcasts, make let's plays. minecraft's no quake but this'll do >i created this sheep fucking machine haha. fuck off handie i'm not building an iron farm >go sleep! go sleep! haha that's what the legendary fighter from dagestan used to say a millennia ago >no really go sleep there are 30 phantoms at my phallic house and i just used my last 13 beds for bedmining
Image:174155134173.jpg(205kB, 1280x720)Extreme sorrow or rage.jpg
Still not dropping that "Negev urban exploration" green, even though it's on the backburner while I work on a different Negev green. In the meantime, a little thing I made for the main worldbuilding element I'm planning for that green: Mac's urban exploration (and some variety, but mostly urban exploration) streams: >Mac, after reaching a certain level of popularity, started attracting some problem users >lot of spamming emotes while they flooded the chat with thirsting over him >art submissions became increasingly dominated by pieces of Mac as a catboy with a giant dumpy >things started changing, though, when a brought on a new mod, highly recommended by his little sister Negev: BBallQueen3053 >chat got a lot better behaved after she showed up, problem users abruptly never showing up again >oddly enough, shortly after BBallQueen3053 started moderating Mac's chat, here and there people were found dead in their homes of odd causes: >people found with snapped necks >people found with Solver flesh tumors blocking major oil vessels and signs of robo-smallpox >people found just dead of no apparent cause, their faces frozen in screams of absolute terror >among the confirmed victims of this strange phenomenon was every smut artist who drew Mac as a fatassed catboy
>>176421 (me) On second thought, scratch that. This isn't canon. It's funny, but it isn't canon. Just like my "Negev encounters some Oogis" green was funny but not-canon. Mac being an urban exploration streamer is canon though.
>>176440 >>176444 not Sentinel Drone, Sentinel. iirc she was a DD who went into solverpede material gathering mode, scooped up some sentinel parts, and it turned her into a raptor
>>176244 She could have meant they were the only NVJ to keep their personalities. I wouldn't put it past the setting being so contained that there exist no other DD patterns, just like how there are no other planets. Though the one in the library apparently being there too does point to the other manor drones getting got, at least, which is good. It'd be really lame if there were only ever three murder drones copy-pasted a million times.
>>176282 Could have been workers doing that, either the ones in the lab or ones that found it later. I'm not Liam and I can't draw well enough to waste my single question on asking that.
>Be you, solver war orphan >Magnet dealer in some slum in murder drone territory >You see, magnets are like a narcotic to drones depending on how powerful they are >Stuff like fridge magnets? It scrambles their CPUs just enough for a high without risk of compromising their motor controls >Drones of all kinds are completely barred from buying magnets of any kind for whatever reason. You don't care, they give you a bunch of cash and you buy some cheap magnets >However your main clientele being murder drones comes with some risks >Being a human you don't really have many options for self defense if they decide they want some blood instead of a magnet or two >So you tend to hire some of the more stable murder drones to act as muscle for a cut of your profits >You might have to pack up and set up shop somewhere else though >Word is that psycho sentinel drone Paco or whatever has been sniffing around the area >For what? >A magnet dealer. >You.
>>176449 I'm saying that was what's presented in the show, that the Solver itself says N's team were allowed to retain their personalities because it found him "surprising". I'm also saying within the confines of your fanfic stuff, you can change things if it helps tell your story better. You have that freedom. And there were other DDs that weren't NVJ, at least based on the corpses in the labs.
>>176450 I doubt he'd care all that much about the actual dealing, but someone who knows the more criminally inclined DDs in the area and some of their comings and goings? that'd prove pretty useful.
>>176362 Other than the stuff other people already posted here >>176098 and >>176099 I also made this spoof "secret ending" for Sonic x Shadow generations.
>>176451 Considering that wall message, I go with the idea that the Solver tells any and every squad that digs too deep that they and they alone are its special fellas like that, to make them feel isolated
Image:174155657132.png(923kB, 1200x5862)I just love redheads Shadow.png
“Did you seriously spend your whole monologue about redheads musing about a bunch of women the rest of us never met but did not even mention Knuckles?”
“Look, what happens on Angel Island STAYS on Angel Island.”
>>176362 >>176463 Plus this comic about how Sonic keeps getting partnered up with redheads. This could simply be for meta reasons due to red contrasting with Sonic’s blue but it is funnier to assume he has a type. Sorry for anyone who buenod at Sonic’s whole speech, but I couldn’t find a way to make it genuinely profound (especially with the art style), so I just doubled down on the pretentiousness for comedy’s sake.