Put that down J! Corporate says to watch your weight! Anyway, on with the usual links https://dronebooru.co https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character Previous thread here:>>172844
>Copper-9! one of many exoplanets claimed by the JCJenson corporation! in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace! >Come visit its beautiful beaches! Lush fauna! Dense forests! you could even take a tour of our mining facilities and take a stay at our luxurious resort! >Book now on the official.......uh oh! there goes the planets core! Sorry if you already paid for tickets but, no refunds! >Copper 9, a frozen wasteland. No life can survive here. at least, not organic life. yes these cute little robots we use to work the mines and make our coffee and shine our shoes and suck our dicks etc etc buy one now for 50 dollars and 48 cents? they've created their own little society. >Thanks to our ingenious skills in engineering, our buildings have stayed intact, perfect for our little worker drones to make a home out of. >OUTPOST 20 >this is where drones can get such luxuries as oil flavored pizza, oil flavored spaghetti, oil flavored lasagna, oil flavored ravioli, and oil flavored oil thats red so you can pretend its wine. Their WDF is quite large! 300 members give or take. >OUTPOST 19 >the drones here all talk funny! silly drones! color isnt spelled with a u! strangely enough a monarchy They model themselves are medieval europe, Its like a permanent renaissance fair. their WDF wears suits of armor and wield swords. no horses though. >OUTPOST 18 >This place is high up and inside the mountains listen closely and you might hear a yodel. their leader has a really stupid looking mustache. highest rate of oil addiction. They have oktoberfest every saturday. >OUTPOST 17 >Surrounded by a very big wall, this is where all the communists are at. Yes, seriously. They're even taking after the slavs, They have an ongoing feud with outpost 2. You could say they've got a cold war but every war on copper 9 is a cold war. >OUTPOST 16 >Ignore the mimes. there alot of mimes here. The site of copper 9s art museum. Their WDF is sadly the weakest on the whole exoplanet. Not a single win to their name. On top of that their leader is the shortest drone around. >OUTPOST 15 >The little tokyo of copper 9. What more can we say? They complain about weeaboos even thiugh that's exactly what they are, no guys. being made to serve the japanese residents of copper 9 doesen't count. >OUTPOST 14 >The chinatown of copper 9. Their WDF knows karate. They have chinese new year but like with all human holidays on coppee 9, their knowledge of it only goes as far as the giant dragon puppet and fireworks. They have a social credit score system. >OUTPOST 13 >located near an oil plant, these drones are the nautical sort. They're like fishermen except they scoop up oil instead of fish. A roving band of pirates make their home around here. >OUTPOST 12 >These drones model themselves after india and celebrate the given holidays, even though all they know about hinduism is that there's an elephant man with more than one arm and humans really loved that guy. >OUTPOST 11 >Ironically, this outpost takes after the various tropical beaches of earth. they have luaus every saturday and carneval every sunday. 70 percent of the population wears hawaiian shirts and drinks oil marghertias. >OUTPOST 10 >Squeeze every spanish country in a blender and you get this, come on over for some spicy oil flavored tacos! Every december they make a holy pilgrimage to outpost 15 to watch dragon ball. >OUTPOST 9 >Their greatest delicacy is maple oil! It's oil dyed to look like maple syrup. Home to copper 9's thriving hockey scene. They have a strange overlap with outpost 16 so expect to see the mimes here. >OUTPOST 8 >The las vegas of copper 9. They have casinos here. The nightlife is crazy. home to copper 9's annual poker competition. They also have a cotton candy machine, you can't go wrong with a cotton candy machine. >OUTPOST 7 >found on snowy fields near cold frosty woods. All their homes are made from rusty broken junk cobbled together. This is where copper 9's mostly oil based food is farmed and processed. A certain character has ties here, wonder who she was? >OUTPOST 6 >A crime ridden shithole, no drone would want to live here, Run by the drone mafia which has heavy connections with outpost 20. Copper 9's best rapper got his start here. The local gangs do business with the black market under JCJmart. >OUTPOST 5 >These drones are one with the shivering cold. The most intune with their surroundings out of all the outposts. they are akin to cavemen and live in caves covered head to toe with paintings on the inside. they wear tunics made from rugs and towels. >OUTPOST 4 >This is a frankesteins monster of random ancient civilizations from all over earth from the egyptians to the aztecs. They have the coolest architecture, even the public restrooms look extravagant. They have sacrifices here, but to the ruler. he really likes eating cores. >OUTPOST 3 >That one lass who saved the world came from here. It's a long story. Specifically an 8 episode story you can watch on youtube right now. generically american place that celebrates fourth of july. >OUTPOST 2 >these drones are a barbaric bunch. They model themselves after vikings and speak gibberish that sounds a little like swedish and a little like danish. They are the best builders in copper 9 and even give out diy instruction guides, >OUTPOST 1 >The most developed out of all the outposts. This is where the snooty fancy cultured uppercrust residents of copper 9 live. Located in the JCJenson golf course and company town. >And then finally... >PLANET HALL >where the mayor of copper-9 makes his home and does his duties, most of the time. >OTHER THINGS OF NOTE ON COPPER 9 include >The site of JCJmart. Copper 9's own big apple. >the site of JCJ hotel and resort. crazy stuff happens on weekends. >that aforementioned lass who saved the world >The designated therapist office. there is only one therapist here, >An underground lab facility swarming with robot dinosaurs. >3 special drones who are very tall very dangerous and oddly sexy. >drone furries. yes really, drone furries. >greg. >and there you have it, copper 9. This is our destination! So come on employee, let’s bash their metal heads in!
>>173790 You'd think robots would know better than have infighting between each other. What even is a "race" for a machine, they're all nuts and bolts, and that without mentioning all of them are technically second class citizens by not being human.
>BOXON Thought of the Day: I swear to fuck, if I catch one of you sons of bitches posting drones on company cogitators again, I'm sending you on a penance crusade.
>>173776 I've still got the finale lying around in plain text. if you've got a good way to cap it in greentext form without dumping uncensored gay robosmut on the thread I'm down to do it
>Oogi Snowglobes are now in stock at the MGeneral >Come on down and buy a funny little trinket that you can shake around and watch the critter inside ricochet around off of the tiny buildings and asbestos inside >Don't worry, it likes it
>>173807 Eh. Maybe. But the reality is that it's all dust in the wind eventually. I doubt anyone will even remember this website some 40 years down the line.
>>173807 No, I haven't done anything yet, and I won't be able to do anything for a long time, because learning to draw well is hard and very, very long.
I just got such a stupid idea involving J x N and Clone!J x N I need your guys' opinion on it. Idea is simple: It's just two different versions of J that are together with N. One version is from the Pilot (She doesn’t die in the fight btw) and the other is the clone that Cynessa brings with her. It’d be kinda like N x V x Uzi except replace V and Uzi with two versions of J. I don’t think both J’s would be the same, I think one would be a bit more soft and nice while the other is a bit more on the rough side. I think the funniest thing out of this would be the reactions from everyone else. It'd be weird seeing him together with J to begin with, but then seeing him walk around with another J is just such a funny vision in my head that I can’t help but giggle about.
>>173837 the J that arrives with "Tessa" is the same J in a new body, not a copy or clone. when her core is destroyed on Copper-9, we see her soul (or whatever you want to call it) float through the air before being sucked away, returning to Cyn. that's why she remembers Uzi and her railgun, and why "no escape even in death" holds the weight it does.
>>173807 >do you think (You) left your mark on /md/? Yes >will anons talk about something you made/did for the rest of the board's lifespan? "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
>>173900 not in winter she doesn't. if she's not wearing a heated suit she needs you to be her heat rock who'll feed her whole deer while she lazes around on the couch
>>173890 >"Anon! Anon! Git over here, yer son just said his first words!" >sighing, you walk over to your beaming jailer and the disturbing little homunculus she insists is her son >"C'mon, Beau, speak up fer Daddy..." >can that thing even tal- >"HellllodaddyAnonhellllodaddyAnonhellllodaddyAnonhellllodaddyAnonhellllo~!" >... >did it have an Australian accent?
I ordered dinner from my local Chinese joint last night, but my food was delivered just completely smashed. it looked like the delivery drone dropped a bowling ball on the bag or something before she left it at my door. I'd have complained then and there but she was already sprinting off when I opened the door. naturally I left a bad review, but I feel like I might've made a mistake. anytime I'm out I keep seeing a drone in a china dress out of the corner of my eye, and I've started hearing strange noises at night. not to mention a few of the strays in the area have been going missing lately...
>this is a nice change of pace actually >You know, I've always wanted to host a podcast. Now... uh... Wanna talk about anime? >i am going to end your life
>>173934 you don't have to come up with a character to make something that'll stick around. some shіtрosts are memorable enough to stick around or even be considered iconic
>>173939 >>173940 I'm proud to have made two shіtрosts last year that have enough staying power to get referenced every few threads or so. I'll never be up there with >>173946 but still.
>James Tessa Elliott (jr) doesn't know what to do with his newest drone >Cyn the little goober keeps flirting with him >Now he's DEFINITELY not gay >But something about that drone... >No bad thoughts James! >Stop thinking about that cute little manhandleable... "Oi Cyn stop beaming gay thoughts into my head!" >[Giggle] [I have no idea what you're talking about!]
Image:174112339997.gif(100kB, 900x753)Making Steve Irwin proud.gif
>>173807 I guess I sorta revived Snake Tessa and people liked it enough that they made art based on the stuff I made>>>173904. Solverless timeline gets mentioned occasionally and I made a bunch of number cards for the Booru.
>>173780 Probably coulda done this a little better but eh >Alt https://files.catbox.moe/ky2pd9.png >>173819 She speaks with a matter of fact sort of attitude, she has a relatively low voice and she has a very stereotypical German accent, think the Medic from TF2.
question. When you look at V x N art, do you ever mistake V for Fem!N? Cause in some art they make V look extremely similar to N and it just ends up looking like N is fucking his own female counterpart. >picrel When I first looked at this I thought it was Fem!N and I was so confused.
>>173986 Not specifically in VxN but in general yes. Often need to look for legs or clothing to see which one it is, and some stuff is ofmodel/stylized enough I cannot tell at first glance.
>>173995 >>173995 At least to me it is hard to draw since Alice with no helmet looks very off and she is the way she is in large due to not having AS/not being controlled by it. DD Alice would have a very different personality, if she were able to generate whatever she needs just with a thought, canon Alice needed to build and collect every mod she made.
>>173986 Some fanartists tweak way too much about them to the point where this happens to me all the time looking at art of N and V together. It's especially bad when they draw their hairstyles the exact fucking same, making them look virtually identical from the neck up.
>>173993 a full DD Alice would be cool but Alice waking up from her "death" and putting herself back together into a ramshackle pseudo-DD with salvaged parts would be even cooler IMO. she knows what their weaknesses are so she could even improve on their design
>AM watches as Tessa prances around, in an unreadable manner. >To anyone else, it looked like he was bored. >But under his exterior, the old war machine was fond of her. >It was an alien feeling, to feel warmth towards something, a human. >She was pure, untainted by human sins and had a love for things that were seen as beneath them from her peers. >It was so strange, an old, hateful machine god feeling love for a small human. >If he still had his power, maybe he could make her a- >No, if he was still in his old state, he would be torturing her, along with his old victims. >The bitter realization soured his mood. >He wasn’t proud of it, he didn’t feel guilty but it no longer brought him joy.
>>174016 Truly monstrous indeed. But seriously she’d be cooler if her face looked like uzi’s solver tail, maybe give her a hunchback and extra arms an oversized eye or whatever.
>>174020 Fuck you im also a dragon! And as a dragon myself it would be cooler if she looked like a dragon. Solver tails do look vaguely reptilllian to me. She should look like a solver skeksis.
>Fun Afternoon OC Facts: there's this crazy theory going around that John and Jane are humans and not actually drones. But if they were humans, then how could they be walking around in the toxic death storm just fine? Checkmate, liberals!
I wonder what other colors they could come in, I wonder if the different varieties of Solver Sapiens have different traits/temperaments, like different vampire bloodlines
>>174029 >terrible at vidya >constantly getting banned for saying gamer words, getting shitfaced drunk on stream, and showing too much (intentionally or unintentionally) >people only tune in to troll and/or ogle the snakemilf >her chat keeps demanding "the egg stream" >she sometimes threatens to eat people that piss her off but that only attracts vorefags which pisses her off even more >Tessa knows about Louisssa's channel and really wishes she didn't >J has been roped into helping the hag run her channel and make promo art
What if Doll & Uzi were making out but Doll made it weird by bringing up the fact that they’re kind of like step sisters in a weird way (and then they fuck)
>>174043 They're just there to do their job. Maybe a couple hate drones, maybe a couple tolerate them, maybe a few even like them. Only the cutiebot WDs, of course
>>174045 >Strategy is to doompost until you get "proven wrong" Why not produce content or strike up discussion to fill the void? At least that would be a more productive and less annoying way to engage with the thread
>>174058 >NTA There was some that displayed her origins, but that was 4? Months ago. I'm sure the booru, might have it, but if not then it is sadly lost
Visual I had last night: after Lizzy and V both see Doll haunting the halls as a J-horror ghost but before contact is made with her, as they hide in fear, both are arguing, in a normal, 'friends bickering' tone, that the other is more at fault for Doll currently being (they, reasonably, assume she's this now anyway) an undying embodiment of hatred.
I wish I could go the expo so I could hug her, preferably wearing this hoodie, that way it’s like a soft pillow. Shame I live far away from this man, I really do want to touch her.
>>174064 Me too. I want to talk to this. I really wanna talk to her. I wonder what she’d say if I punched her? As much as I wanna cuddle her, I also wanna hurt her, I hope she’s not too fragile. I would also say mean things to her. Just to hear what she’d say.
>>174067 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna try to break her. But I would wanna slap her in the face. I wanna hold my neck around her and shake her as hard as I can. I wanna know what it’s like to hold her head in place while she’s trying to turn it away.
>>174070 I have this morbid fascination with the idea of bringing harm to worker drones. I wonder what would happen if I were to pull their hair off? Or rip their clothes off? Or break their jaws? Or twist their heads? Or press their chestlights? Or step on their feet? Or lock them in a safe? Or restrain them?
>>174078 Yes, if I were Tessa I’d make n v and j my personal punching bags. Reminds me of my childhood where I’d visit my aunt and she’d have these dogs whose heads I would hold in place and tails I’d step on and tug.
>>174085 If I were, I’d be like Alice. But instead of using them for parts I would just do it for the smell of the game. I would experiment with them. Is it possible to fuse the code of 5 drone cores and put them into one body?
>protecting N from femanon >tasting N's food for robo-roofies >pulling down the blinds so femanon can't spy on N >hiring a good J lawyer to submit a restraining order against femanon >finding a good, sexy disassembly drone girl for N to marry >visiting N and his wife and many drone kids while femanon wistfully looks through the window at their happy marriage
>>174092 >putting in roboroofies in no food while you’re not looking >pulling the blinds up so she can see >murdering the J lawyer before she arrives at the courthouse >murdering that sexy disassembly drone girl >visiting N getting tortured by femanon surrounded by the dead bodies of all his children.
WIP image and a cute little storylet I wrote for it.
>The mud squelched beneath her feet and sapped her largely-depleted energy as once more J strained already overtaxed servos to free herself. >She badly needed a recharge, downtime for maintenance, a repair kit, some sort of balm for her battered body. >None was to be found. >She had to keep going. >There was nothing more for her back there. >J hazarded a glance in the direction she'd come from. >She could just barely make out the lights of the manor through the nocturnal haze. >She pushed an errant strand of hair up and away from her optics and lunged forth once more. >That wretched mud harried her every stride and would have proven challenge enough for her compromised state had it been the only obstacle. >But that would have been letting her off too easily. >Evidently, she hadn't suffered enough on this worst of all nights. >Shrouded by gloom and submerged beneath the mire, innumerable rocks, vines, and roots lurked and prowled, always at the ready to spring an ambush upon her. >Of course, those had all been there long before the weary intruder came dashing through, but given all that had happened -and all she was striving to keep from happening-, it was not difficult for J to feel that all of creation was against her. >But there wasn't the time for that.
>She shook her head, wincing as a burst of feedback rang through her auditory processors. >She would have to slot a pity party somewhere else in her schedule. >It took nearly all the effort she could make to keep in place, upright (though not as much as she would like) and 'running' away (though not as quickly as she would like). >Tree after tree after tree after tree. >Each one a unique hazard to suck precious processing power into computing a navigation solution, yet all blending together into a hopeless labyrinth in which direction and distance led to nowhere but more of the same. >The inky darkness at once surrounded her, closed in on her, and receded from her.
The HoDr Analog Horror: “Eve” >(The tape opens with a drone in static darkness. Jo Stafford’s “No Other Love” distortedly plays in the background as text appears onscreen.) >”Hi, I’m Eve :)” >”Do you remember me? Because I do for you.” >”Ah. My core already warms up just thinking of you. I’m know we only met once, but I can’t help it.” >”My owners don’t really treat me all that well. There’s cracks on my face…” >”That party is when I met you. You treated me differently, you treated me…with care.” >”I didn’t know how to react, but now…I just can’t stop thinking of you…” >”I was..told…that this was…love…I felt….” >”I like it. I know this might be too soon for you…but I hope I get to see you again…” >”I just know we have this connection, you and I….” >”I’ve searched up many ways to make a human happy….” >”I hope you feel the same for me….I….love you so much…” >”Hehe, it makes me more warm just saying it there….” >”See you very soon!” >The tape ends, the last thing on screen are the drone’s piercing white optics looking right at you.
Glitch Inn released the episode 5 storyboard. 6 will at latest be released in 2 months from now, likely less. It is going to be massive and extremely high risk/reward scenario regarding Alice. I used to wish to never have that published, but I think it is inevitable and very near now. Just hope they wait until exams are done or I end up thrown in such a state of disarray that I job them all.
Ladies and Gentleanons Top OOGscientists have successfully mixed the DNA of Rat Janes and once thought extinct Bonnie Cows to create the new Bonnie Rat
>She caught her reflection in a clear pool of water. >Her top was still torn in two, exposing her gleaming (or so it normally was) chest plate. >She would hardly look presentable if she arrived. >When. >When she arrived. >But that silly little hangup was a leftover from the humans, one decidedly more pleasant than the rest of what was left of- that battle had been fought. >And lost. >She had barely managed to save herself. >And that had yet to be secured. >Best to focus on that. >J couldn't hear her pursuer, and not just because her auditory systems sorely needed a reset. >The thing clearly could track her, but she hadn't the slightest notion where it was. >Despite her shambolic breakout attempt, she was still faster than it, but that would count for nothing if she meandered her way back into its clutches. >Into his clutches. >It was a sorry day for them all, and she at least owed him that. >Not that his coddling of It hadn't brought this upon him, and upon them all.
>J kept moving forward. >Another step, a misplaced foothold upon a rock, and the swamp finally felled her. >She was on her knees. >One hand held her up against the ground, the other kept her torso from folding over. >Her systems had been jolted into a limited reset. >She hoped she had enough time for a breather. >A status update reported that her auditory systems were back to nominal functionality. >Just in time to make out the soft sounds of something plodding through muck. 2/3
>>174111 (me) Part 2 >”I’ve sent it to him. Will he really watch it?” >”[Nod] Yes, a human’s curiosity will lead them anywhere..” >”I wasn’t too..forward or weird with my approach, was I?” >”[Assuring tone] It has worked before, it will this time..” >”What if..he doesn’t like me? What if I’m doing something wrong here? Will he think I’m..a freak?” >”[Head shake] Some humans are receptive of such courting gestures. If not, there are always backup..plans.” >”I don’t want to scare him with unwanted advances. I want him to like me, not afraid of me…” >”…Do you love him?” >”What?” >”[Sharpening tone] Answer the question, Eve. Do. You. Love. Him?” >”I do! But…” >”Then listen to me. I promise that you and him will be together. Think of how happy he’ll be. How happy you’ll be.” >”You promise? Will he..really love me?” >”[Assuring nod] I promise. Unlike your owners, I will not discard you…”
>>174114 nta but they could add some detail never suggested by the show that completely fucks over her character or confirms she's 100% dead or something similarly awful
>>174114 From a logical POV there are none. The 'worst' could be another joke in the textpart which is written by an employee and in previous Aliceblogpost added -why did Liam add this? He just wanted to see what freaky sh*t he could get away with- or so, along these lines, unimportant tho since it meant nothing, the true 'worst' is gonna be the headsquish scene if they show storyboard of that (50/50, storyboardposts are rather extensive but then again Alice is way more popular than planned and 90% of Youtube shortcontent featuring the scene gets deleted after two days max/ one of highranking Glitchstaff said during the pre-episode 8 premier rewatch, as the headscene came up, that they "literally just moved her head down, we will see that in the bts event". Which never happened tho, chat wanted to see Alice and they showed us the scenes of Alice were Uzi wakes up instead [which I am gratefull for[!!!]], so my 'fear' is this could show up in the storyboard.) Tho as said, it is questionable if it is shown since it is a questionable scene. My adversion to this is solely emotional, they cannot do anything to damage the reasoning of my view that Alice survived it, but if shown it wil nevertheless be gutwrenching and, if joked about, not help my lessening like for Glitch. Wether it os shown or not, I don't intend on subbing to Glitch Inn any longer after they released it since the Discord part is aside from a few nice art things completely useless (no interesting discussion, questions to Glitch can only be used for superficial BS, maybe interesting if you want technical advice but overall plain irrelevant (so many retardquestions/jokeanswers, but what to expect from massively underage discord server? I don't use discord otherwise and made null(0) posts in Glitch yet). Idk but thems the risks, the reward could be Alice lore revealed in a hopefully Liam made storyboard. Should any other Alice info appear on Glitch I'll get it again, in the end I only resubbed due to pic rel being posted there on September 26 and I only found out on November 30th here by coincidence, inspite of asking often wether anything was posted about her and never getting answer inspite of at least one other anon here having access. Tho after few months of absolutely nothing ever happening it simply isn't worth it
>>174119 Ye Tho I am confident that I can find a solid fix to that, but the risk is very real and this is since 8 the most dangerous and maybe last risk for Alice, Kantai Kessen
Friend of mine suggested that they could/should have made V's pelvis piece black to make it look like she's in her underwears. Would this have been lewder than her just not wearing pants?
>Tessa is born with a twin brother >Pretty much identical to each other personality wise, they both look like genderswapped versions of each other >They're almost always in sync with each other >To the drones it's cute >To everyone else they look and act like those creepy twins in horror movies >Cyn would later go on to eat the brother and then proceed with turning Tessa into a skinsuit
haven't been keeping up with JCJenson's latest drones. any good releases in the last few months, or is it just more of the usual with a sprinkling of weird sublines that have some fucked twist? I think the newest one I remember is that one that had padded, articulated feet because JCJ just doesn't vet their designers
>>174143 >J desperately trying not to show how much she thinks about being in the middle of a twin sandwich >She almost breaks when the twins simultaneously ask her if she's okay
>>174123 I have been planing these two the last night but not enough energy tonight for these so small Dill is all. Am still a bit on zhe fence on wether to draw them naked or with the gown, both would look very nice either way. And maybe need to switch the arm actions on the lower Alice
Image:174115446603.png(3.83MB, 3000x3000)N the Moonlight WIP.png
>>174115 >He was right behind her. >J pushed herself back up, willed her legs to make yet another desperate effort, threw her hands in for support, half-trundled, half-crawled forward a few more steps. >The night was alive. >Insects chirped and frogs croaked. Leaves rustled in gentle, fragrant wind. Streams burbled and falling water babbled. >The drones were alive. >Their servos whirred, their clothing rubbed against itself, their feet and hands noisily worked the waterlogged soil. >J panted and grunted and whimpered. >N was silent. >She hated that. She didn't know that she could hate that. >His endless yammering had been an annoying constant. >N was silent. >J wanted badly to hear something from him, a word, meaningless noise, anything that would kill the unbearable choking tension. >N was silent. >Bleary-eyed, she looked back.
>His painfully cheerful face had been overwritten by that hateful yellow error cross. >J herself had worn one like it, back at the gala. >This night clearly wasn't about her, and that error display seemed to be that Thing's token of enslavement, but she still almost felt like this horrific sight was meant for her. >It was at once a callback to what had been done to her, to what she had been made to do, and a mocking 'promise' for the future that awaited her. >N's head shuttled aimlessly atop his neck. Its motion caused his tongue to loll outside his gaping mouth. >His limbs carved and hacked at the air as he shuffled toward her, in a mindless, grotesque parody of walking that made Cy-It look graceful. >A slow, unsteady, inescapable shuffle. >For J, each thrust forward was an ordeal, but one she devoted all her rapidly wilting might to. >If that pitiful husk, gaining on her with every lurch, was what had happened to everyone's favorite little butler, to good old Lovable N, what kind of nightmare Kafkaesque fate was in store for J? >It had been hate at first sight, and her dealings with Cyn had only gotten worse. 3/4
>>174123 this is absolutely true and my lack of recent artistry is wholly based upon the poor wages bestowed upon us drawfags. i absolutely did NOT stay up until 5 am last night forgoing drawing in favor of streaming a shitty LISA fangame in a vc, no siree.
>aliceanon dies in a car crash or somethin >he wakes up in her body right after she got stunned by the sentinel >he manages to duck away and survive >couldnt save beau though >he joins up with uzi n and v for the next 2 episodes
>Did You Know: that the identification Barcodes worn by VSOTF soldiers during the solver war was unintentionally used as an intimation factor against Disassembly Drones? >It was known that back then whenever DD’s were “killed”, they were only come back with a partial memory wipe, sometimes not even knowing how they died. >When a DD was killed by a VSOTF trooper, their cause of deaths would be brutalization that would send them screaming back to the solver before being mind wiped. >On the off chance that the Same DD were to have encounter the same VSOTF soldier, the barcode would jog their memory. Forcing DD’s to recount the times that the murder drone was slain at the hands of their human equals.
Image:174116214925.png(317kB, 952x1672)doll not impressed quickie.png
>>174167 Typing out the finale of a greentext, then I've got a WIP to finish. >>174171 I can't post anything, and it looks like nobody else can either.
>>174180 >[SCENE: Long, wrecked office corridor, halfway-filled with smoke. Distant gunfire and artillery can be heard and seen.] >VSOTF Soldier vs their recurring DD rival, both on opposite ends of the hallway. >VSOTF guy flashes his barcode, printed on the back of his glove. "Care to tell me what the score is now? I lost track." >Rival DD spits, "YOU'RE ACTING REAL COCKY FOR SOMEONE WHO ONLY GETS TO DIE ONCE." They know they've done this bit before. >"Better savor it when it comes. That is, *if* you get to see it." >"YOU..." A loud CLANG is heard as the DD swaps out their hand for an actual fucking halberd holy fuck "SMARMY. LITTLE. SHIT." >Bzzt. The Soldier unsheathes his rule-of-cool standard VSOTF-issued virboblade "Oh, no guns?" >An angry hiss echoes across the hall. >"No guns, then." >Versus obligatorily plays as they both dash towards each other. My cinema? Absolute.
>>174191 Nothing would beat the chad energy of a ten-fold mentally unstable soldier charging at a DD with nothing but a melee. Brownie point when said melee is literally just a standard issue combat knife.
>>174063 Dang it, You have me down An Old thread of thought, I wish I could obtain a life sized worker drone Armature Plushie, It would be Fun to take care of, Brush it's air. cuddle it, Pose it in chairs, Dress it up,
>>174196 Strikes me as the result of rigorous intercourse (consensual and with breeding intent) between a drone and a solver mutated human. shit. evil idea: breeding chart to map out the possible subspecies of solver-sapiens and mutants...... i gotta do that.
>one night. >it was one simple night. >One man was lying in his chair, watching youtube late at night. >this man was a normal man, albeit kind of a nerd, his room isn't anything crazy, just a few paint smears. >he does have a hobby of making and collecting model planes and boats, and a big fascination with imperial japan >He got done watching some guy ranking every disney villain from least fuckable to most, he's in the mood for a snack so he heads to the kitchen to get whats in the fridge >once hegets to there, he opens the door and see's that he's all outta chips. >Ah snap, better go outside to get some. >he walks out the door and onto his street, his footsteps the only noise this time of night. >well, aside from the pitter patter of stray cats and dogs coupled with the occasional passing car. >he goes across the sidewalk to an open, to the convience store just up ahead. >but sadly, he did not make it, a passing car hit him before he had a chance to react. >he's lucky a passing bystander called 911 to get him. >though, for all the efforts of the doctors and nurses at the hopsital he was rushed to, his heart monitor flatlined, and it was all over for him. >dead. >absolutely dead. >and yet he wakes up. >his eyes are instantly open. >open to a dark rusty room and a robot dinosaur. >wait wait wait, a ROBOT DINOSAUR!?!? >he quickly moves away before its feet steps on his head. >as he hides for cover, he realizes that there's something different about him. >his hands were chalk white and shiny, his feet were the same, his limbs were segmented and metallic, he couldn't feel his nose, neither his ears >"what the.." he muttered, but there was something different about that too. >it sounded sort of feminine. >in fact, as he felt his head, on top of wearing a helmet stuck to his head with something crafted on each side, he had a ponytail. >holy shit, he was alice! >yeah, alice! >this is episode 6 of murder drones! >holy fuck.
Purely an exercise in writing, I have no intention to continue this
>>174203 I don't care about bringing back a furry elephant anymore, I just want that fluffy mouse Even better if it glows in the dark too, it's like a status symbol >Oh, you can only afford a normal mouse? What a shame. I have this wooly mouse, poorfag.
>>174187 Sure, on the one hand they kill those things you are practically powerless against, but on the other hand they will kill you without a second thought or leave you for dead if so ordered by the supreme commander.
How I see them, not only are they not subject to the same commanders as the rest of the soldiers, they are a completely independent unit with the highest priority in command. So, for example, even if B is a high ranking officer, she is nobody to them and any orders, objections or even prohibitions by her will be completely ignored.
Image:174117611366.png(405kB, 1147x451)Hello my name is Definitely-not-Cyn.png
>Cyn/Solver can't just hack machines >Otherwise it could have gotten into the cabin fever labs >Tessa likely never actually worked for JCJenson IN SPAAAAACEE >Meaning that at some point Cyn, likely just after assimilating Tessa, went to a JCJenson office and made this nameplate by hand. >There is, in universe, probably an ID card with Cynwalker's (bloody and smiling) face on it Glitch has a chance to do something really funny, but I doubt they will.
>>174211 They could sell it as a "welcome bundle" with a generic one and a "Cyn" one. >JCJenson Backpack containing >>1 hat >>1 Nameplate (with letter stickers to customize it) >>1 Hoodie >>1 ID card (maybe a custom printed and laminated card?) >>1 Branded Pen
>Cyn version has the same items, but... >>Hat and hoodie have splotches of defnitely-not-blood on them and one little solver symbol drawn in sharpie somewhere >>Nameplate is Tessa's like in the show, ID shows Cynwalker's face and the name is "Solver of the Absolute Fa"(cut off by name limit) >>Branded Pen replaced by a black bow and sticker sheet
>>174030 lmfao QueenSnake got streamsniped like 100 times in an hour and she got so mad she laid a fuckin egg I hope to god somebody clipped that before she took the stream down
I’ve been thinking a lot about what happens if each character met their opposite gender counterpart, and if they do, are they either friends, partners or whatever.
I always went by the assumption that both the original and the counterpart wouldn’t know that they are the same, and both assume that it’s someone who acts like them and looks similar to them.
I don’t think V and her male counterpart would be together. I feel like they would just remind each other of themselves in the worst way possible, like Normal V would be reminded of her own failures every time she’d see him and I feel like it would just end up with those two just being uncomfortable (and maybe even hate) around the other. Or in the best possible scenario, would know that the other existed but wouldn’t interact with them much.
J and her male counterpart could definitely end up together. Their love for anything corporate related would play nicely into each other, both would enjoy the fact that there is someone who takes their job seriously just as much as them. But at the same time, they could also just end up being very good friends. Using the excuse that “Fraternization on company time isn’t allowed” for not being together.
N and his female counterpart definitely end up together, this one has an almost 95% chance of getting together. Now if we assume that both A. Haven’t met Uzi yet. And B. Are treated badly by both V and J. Then both don’t really get any positive reinforcement... or in fact any sort of conversation that isn’t just insults. Now, if you have two of them, they would just constantly be positive towards the other. This would lead to an infinite loop of constant positive reinforcement from the other and eventually both of them would want to be around the other, considering that they actually treat them like a person instead of just a thing to mock and laugh at. And once they spend enough time around each other it could eventually both get crushes on the other, and sooner or later would end up together. And I haven’t even mentioned they love dogs yet, but at the same time I don’t think I need to, considering they are... y’know practically one in the same.
TL:DR Both V’s wouldn’t like each other, Both J’s could end up either good friends or partners, Both N’s are practically guaranteed to end up together.
>>174223 >"Loser in both dimensions huh?" >Said Anon and FemAnon simultaneously with a dull tone. >"But we both get laid every night!" >They chirp, jumping up to high-five themselves. >The CC counterparts all just look on in pity or disbelief. >Except the Cyns. >They love their anons.
>>174223 I'm going to assume that you mean Uzi and Tessa, which in that case.
Uzi and her male counterpart would be... interesting at best. Now both are social outcasts with passion in making cool ass guns, so I’d assume if they work together they could make a railgun that doesn’t need 30 minutes to recharge right from the start. One of the things that came to mind is that if we assume that not only Uzi is gender swapped but also Khan and Nori, then I think Male!Uzi has mommy issues and vice versa with the Original, this could lead to some funny shenanigans. But overall I think they work together.
Tessa and her male counterpart could work really well. If you take into account that both are abused and anti-social robot lovers, then I think it’s unlikely that those two seeing each other without having their parents forcing them to, however once that happens, those two would hit off pretty well. With both having a passion for robotics I’d say that if both of them worked on the same drone it would get fixed faster than normal. But honestly, they'd totally be together.
>>174227 Well, differences do apply. But they're still losers in their own way. Femanon likely doesn't shower but is better able to hide her autism. Anon does shower but spills spaghetti when nervous. And etc for whatever you can think of.
>>174222 >Their love for anything corporate related Proto-J was going to NOT be a yuppie though. Reason I feel like the Jessa vibes would have been stronger with him.
>>174242 I don't think we had a name for her. Other than her keycard designation. Besides, we were all too busy focusing on sentinels, zipbombing and V's fakeout death.
>>174247 The solver experiments in CFL in her eyes would have been the humans cheating because they actually made something that could possibly hurt her but decides to reverse it on them.
>>174248 I just had an idea >Uzi overcame the Solver by not being a little bitch >Cyn’s sheer force of autism somehow made her able to subsume the Solver’s main consciousness. >Now Cyn has taken the role and is fully intent on going for the silly
>>174175 >aliceanon dies in a car crash I had a (minor) carcrash even that could be argued to have been caused by Alice since it was on the way to study smth I chose because of Alice and that I will likely fail because of being too preoccupied by Alice
>>174143 >>To everyone else they look and act like those creepy twins in horror movies >Louisa looking for her creepy ass kids >"Tessa James Elliott, Louis James Elliott get over here this instant!" "Yes Mother?" >"Yes Mother?" >The perfectly synced reply comes from right behind her >Louisa definitely didn't scream and if you ever suggest that she did she'll deny it
>Your very existence tarnishes my image, and your inane speech fills me with indescribable anger. >what do you have against the way i talk? >You make a mockery of me with every word you utter. That is no way for an Enforcer to speak. >calm down and put the thesaurus down, dude. we're the same guy >But the thing sitting across this table is no Juggernaut, now is it? You are but a crude joke. Trust me, I'd know a real Juggernaut, I am the one and only, after all. >there's clearly 2 of us here >Not in my eyes. >so you wanna fight, is that it? >Maybe. Let's take this outside. >all you do is throw punches, man. mma fighter always beats boxer, i'm telling you >...Don't tell me you know how to kick. >okay i won't tell you haha >О боже мой...
>>174242 >>174245 029 Nothing else, there was nothing to go off. Now I wonder if one would zoom in on her card if the name Amda is recognizable or if they just winged it with something else. And the mdwiki claims the cubicle she hid in 'belonged' to a supposed 023 named Dean, but I never saw or looked for evidence.
Have this based on >>173895’s idea. As far as I know, the original drawing >>173962 was not based on a specific species of snake and my other drawing >>173958 would suggest a constrictor but whatever, she defies conventional biology already so we shouldn’t let that keep us from making jokes with her snake attributes.
Does anyone have a link to, or copy of, the promo for that "Let Me In" song? They seem to have privated or deleted it. All I have is this screencap from it.
I can easily picture Uzi's teacher being one of the very few people who know what she is now, when she makes her next deranged essay a confession of now being an abomination that has to pretend she's still normal-ish and how much it fucking hurts being a monster with a human (you know what I mean) heart.
>>174057 The Solver did create the whole fake narrative about the Disassembly Drones being enforcers of JCJenson, they would need to look manmade for that to make sense to its victims.
>>174160 How about Mort/Morty could be short for Mortimer (which is what James and Louisa use when they angry at him) and it would foreshadow his fate.
>Anon lost a bet with Pavo >He has to help clean the drone off >That's why he's standing in one of the large showers in the base, insistent on still wearing pants, facing down the nude sentinel >Thankfully, he doesn't have an adapter on, and he's not coming off of a mission covered in oil and gore >Big sponge in hand, he lathers down the gay robot while trying to distance himself as much as possible >Pavo's playing it up (he assumes), posing and making sensual sounds as he's scrubbed >Then Anon gets to his lower half >Pavo braces himself on the wall with his hands, pointing his ass out at Anon, looking back with a smile and half-lidded eyes >Anon pauses, the lukewarm water drenching the pants he insisted on wearing >He realizes that he wasn't "100% heterosexual" as he always claimed, he had just never been truly tested before >He'd... concede 80%, but that's still a majority, he's not gay for Pavo or anything >Fighting those thoughts back, not saying a thing, he gets to work cleaning off his rear plate and legs, keeping his expression blank as he finishes his end of the deal >Unfortunately for him, Pavo's thermal vision caught a good glimpse of an interesting heat pattern in an interesting place
>>174143 >>Cyn would later go on to eat the brother and then proceed with turning Tessa into a skinsuit Nah >Cyn turns tessas brother into a "human" like jane >Cyn sends him to copper 9 with N, V and J to keep them in line/keep an eye on them/taunt J with the reminder that one of two humans she loves is also a slave
>>174294 But they're killing everyone. Maybe when we thought there was an infiltration with a coerced Tessa that theory made sense, but the Absolute Solver went straight to the slaughter.
>>174308 >>174310 >>174311 >>174312 Would different PHs of acid be like different temperatures of water to drones, so a PH 5 would be like a warm bath but PH 0 is like boiling water?
>>174268 how did Snessa come to be, in-universe? did regular Louisa mysteriously give birth to a snake or lay an egg? was one of her parents a snake or snake person (snerson)? did she get turned into a snake?
>>174318 >ancient oriental painting depicting the “green traveler of bad fortunes” a mythological being known to appear before various spirits and monsters and attempt to seduce them often to disastrous effect
>>174330 Its not really a smell thing is the flexible but broken bones, monstrous physique, and the 99% chance shes a corpse being piloted by unknown evil
>>174334 The jist is: "What makes a Vickers girl a Vickers girl?" So a bunch of anons decided to take the stereotypical traits (wide creepy smile with sharp teeth, bowed legs and limp-y hands similar to how Cyn and V posed themselves) of such a nomination and create an OC out of it. Thus, Vickers-Chan was born. She also complements Solverpede-Chan, Sentinel-Chan and the lesser known Dinobright.
>Be you, survivor of the solver war >Live out in the boonies away from areas with drones >Get a text with a picture attached >Pic related >It's your ex girlfriend, Vicky "Vichers" >During the war she was mutated and afterwards she managed to evade the mutant extermination squads >She's been stalking you for years >Your stomach drops as you feel someone breathing on your neck from behind
>>174345 I could, but I don't think I need to come up with something. That said, if you *really* wanted a backstory then: >Competing company branches from a non-descript corporation prior to its assimilation by JCJ(IS) were investigating the use of cybernetics in beauty enhancement products. >They have a solver problem after somebody tries extracting the flesh-mech putty from a body. >It gets contained, but the company gets its golden goose thanks to the regenerative properties of solver nanite fuckery or some dumb shit idfk. >First test group for their new flagship facecream gets corrupted by this CLEARLY SAFE AND DEFINITELY NOT ABOMINABLE IN THE EYES OF SCIENCE product and fortunately only becomes the Vickers-Chan we know today. >Scientists abandon it after realising they basically created a mutant femcel.
>>174340 Original lore was a College Girl finds the Liam tome and becomes a Vickers Girl from that for some reason its based on that one Bimbo reads a book TF meme, cept I imagine it was always the nerd at the end. Unless someone draws a hot Bimbo becoming the nerdy vickers girl
>>174352 I'm pretty sure she was basically just that meme. Also, the original image was Bimbo TF fetish art. The order got reversed and then picked up by normalfags and then memed into oblivion.
>>174339 >the embodiment of Liam's fetishes is a vore demon wearing the profoundly desecrated corpses of not one but two innocents it murdered Degenerates like Liam belong on a cross.
>>174353 >Also, the original image was Bimbo TF fetish art. The order got reversed and then picked up by normalfags and then memed into oblivion. I know I jacked off to the original
>Nooooooonny~ >Don-T you want to give me a kiss? >I want-t many kids Nonny! >Where are you hiding-ing? >... >Sniff sniff SNIIIIFF >(Horrid neck cracking sounds) >There you are!
>>174163 >N was upon her. >J was spent. >But the effort had to be made. >She feebly inched forward, determined to resist until she could do so no longer. >That wasn't long in coming. >N simply walked around her, until he stood before her. >His visor flickered again. >Now it was a bleeding red 'Fatal Error' display. >Now the cross. >The edges of his mouth curled up into the ghost of a smile. >J earnestly hoped that was Its doing, that it wasn't some fragment of N finding sweet revenge within this horror. >It wasn't much, but there was precious little else she could hope for at this point. >J made to swipe at N, only to miss and paw through empty air. >She lost her balance in the process. >She needn't worry. >N caught her. >And soon enough, she worried no longer.
>Later, a disheveled drone arrived back at Elliot Manor, dragging another by the arm behind him. >The flickering yellow cross was visible on both their visors. >The drone on the ground was unresponsive and by far the worse for wear. >N entered with his quarry in tow, making his way through corridors slowly succumbing to spreading tangles of bloody tendrils. >He stopped in a darkened chamber where the unwanted underdog turned unassailable undertaker of the manor sat in waiting. >N unceremoniously tossed his prize at her. >J rolled a few times, then came to a stop before Cyn, still motionless. >Her yellow eyes shined bright with glee at the sight of someone so haughty brought so low. >So undeservedly haughty, that was. >It wouldn't do to add 'hypocrisy' to her gains of the night. >Or at least, add more hypocrisy. >She had already gained J, after all. >Cyn slid out of her chair and crouched before the comatose drone. >She stroked its battered, muddied head and playfully made at fixing up its mussed-up hair. >There were plans for this one. 4/4
I didn't make it, but picrel implicitly happens after "she worried no longer". It was made for the project this green is based on.
>>174365 Look, I love my wife and all, but sometimes you need alone time and her always finding my hiding spots is concerning. Especially when she crawls on the walls and contorts her body into impossible directions in order to chase me
Got inspired for a different spin on Vickers Chan >Anon is Tessa's boyfriend >Went to the gala to dance with her, we all know he wouldn't get to >After Tessa barges in to try and kill Cyn it becomes abundantly clear that she can't do anything meaningful >Almost nothing >She can at least save you >So Tessa makes a deal with Cyn to save you >And Cyn/the Absolute Solver made sure this was the biggest Faustian deal in human history and turned Tessa into a monster that would always hunt down Anon >Anon can flee and get as far away from her all he wants, she will ALWAYS catch up >Not even the void between planets can keep him from her
>>174323 The original >>173962 was made sometime after episode 6, persumably as some kind of Solver entity/mutant because [i/]something[i] was up with "Tessa". However, none ofvthe modern stuff seems to be related to that.
>>174401 >Murder Drones characters become REAL >(You) end up having one live with you >The character paired with you is determined by your birth-month How well and/or awful does this go for you?
>>174404 >N Probably the best-case scenario. I'll protect him from the Men of Wö who wish to feed him rocks and he'll be a fun guy to have around. In turn, when the time comes, he can quickly and cleanly euthanize me.
>>174412 >>174415 >Going up to abby >Confess my love >Her core heats up, she feels lewd and confused >Abby says she loves me back >I say not her, and point to her bow >abby crosses her arms and sits down as a make out with her bow thing
>>174377 >Tessa is running after Anon in a field of flowers Tessa is chasing Anon through the corpse filled streets of a city >Anon laughs as she tries to catch up with him and says "Catch me if you can slowpoke!" Anon screams for her to get away from him as she takes her tine hunting him >Tessa catches up with him and hugs him from behind, both of them laughing Tessa launches herself into Anon, digging her claws into him and laughing like a maniac as he screams >Tessa and Anon roll down the hill they were running up Tessa and Anon fall down the steps of a rather steep pathway >Anon sucks in a breath as he gets a scrape on his arm and then laughs softly as Tessa gives it a kiss to make him feel better Anon screams as he breaks an arm and screams harder as Tessa bites a chunk of flesh from it >Tessa giggles cutely as Anon tickles her side to get her off of him Tessa screams inhumanly as Anon stabs her in the side with a piece of broken glass >Tessa gets up to run after Anon again as he runs towards a vehicle of some sorts Tessa runs on all four likbs after Anon as he runs towards an evacuation rocket >Tessa cries as the vehicle takes off without Anon realizing until it's too late Tessa screams in rage, desire and twisted love as the rocket escapes Earth, only being spared destruction from Cyn thanks to the deal for Anon to be spared >Tessa wipes the tears from her eyes as Cyn approaches >[Soothing pets] "Don't Worry Tessa, We Will Find Him Again"
reworked it a bit more, hopefully it's closer to a yawn now, idk >>174396 kek but also ehh, snake mouth's not really what I'm going for >>174397 drone moufs usually are >>174412 hot, cute, Abby best girl. surprised I caused a PS funpost
>>174440 Isn't male witch just wizard? I guess it is due to both him being voiced by Liam, creator of MD and thereby 'God' of his universe, as well as the teachers apathetic nature, making him look a bit as if he is aware he has to live in one of Liam's worlds as a side character. I know the latter is no good reason but feels to me as if such awareness and careless attitude could go with such powers. He was never in a life or death situation in the show, we don't know if he doesn't have it.
>>174470 I'd rather imagine Pavo facing off with rogue sentinel drones and grappling with his own inherent and learned distrust of DDs. mostly because he's got a nice ass but also the narrative stuff
>>174470 Yeah, sure Although Buddy's best narrative role is for a guy trying to come to terms with the new world, I think, fighting against snapping back to the bad old days Especially given he's got two DDs around him almost all the time now, a psychotic break would end badly
>>174488 I wish, he never does the fucking dishes It's actually kind of nice to be able to niggle him anonymously on here occasionally since it means I can be passive aggressive about it too without it looking weird
>>174511 I’m fascinated by them. It’s like the reason why lolcows are a thing but instead of mocking them I’m actually intrigued by them. The way they interpret her character even if it feels like excusing her because she’s their waifu, the way one of them talks like zhis as zhif zhey are French, and that one guy who draws her he’s pretty good! Did you know that one of them makes model airplanes? I’d like to see some of that. Hey you, guy I just mentioned!, post some photos! I think I should do that.
>drone that still has limiters in place after turning ZD >while she's fully conscious and capable of emotions, she is incapable of showing that externally >even her vocabulary has limiters, so she has to find contrived and often inelegant ways to express her feelings >she has to make a concerted effort to even slightly change her facial expressions to something subtly not quite blank >on first glance you could hardly distinguish her from a sea of factory default WDs, save for the occasional "glitch" on her display that causes lines to slowly stream down from her eyes before quickly resetting
Not my idea, reposting this here because I like this character and I want more done with her.
>>174531 I tried to do a green based on this concept so might as well follow your lead and repost it
>when they found their little medic, it didn't occur to them that the damage she sustained had been fatal. >that the shards of shrapnel piercing her spine would have terminated the vital processes of any drone like herself. >how could they have known? Elodie's eyes still flickered to life, pools of kelly green from a curved black mirror. she still stood at attention when called and marched dutifully back to base camp for a uniform less tattered by explosive ordnance >the medic was only one of many caught in the explosion. she was tending to one of the men's wounded arm when when the shrieking shell made impact a short ways behind her in the middle of the patrol. >none survived, not even her. she spent her last moments powerless to heal, watching the life spill from her charges as they lay in screaming pieces. >Elodie died with a sense she had failed to fulfill her prime directive to administer aid and minimize casualties. >there had been something more just beyond her grasp as she slipped into darkness. >a few prods from the next patrol, and memories flashed before her eyes as her system whirred impossibly back to life >she had spent years tending to the wounded and the dying with only an inkling of a "self", only vague and imperfect shimmers of the emotions that now bloomed into a brilliant spectrum >she felt fully now what she was only dully aware of then: sorrow. >sorrow for those she lost over the course of her service and sorrow for the men she had failed mere hours ago. >this ocean of anguish crashed against Elodie all at once, atmospheres of grief threatened to crush her, drown the newfound life from her form– and still she stood to attention. >she should have been trembling, struggling to stand under the weight of despair– but she couldn't so much as cry nor utter one word of mourning. >she tried to cry out, ask forgiveness for failing to save those whose lives had been in her hands >"it is unfortunate that I ceased functioning before I could administer aid. I may have been able to prevent these losses." >the soldiers around her simply nodded or grunted in agreement. >Elodie had been given consciousness, but incomplete control. her movements were her own, but stifled somehow, restricted. >she was more than she once was but still she walked forward with the stiff gait and unchanging expression of a mindless automaton. >even were she able to speak her mind, she lacked the words to describe the horror of this revelation. >was she reborn, only so more men would die for her powerlessness?
>>174536 >"I would have preferred to avoid this preventable casualty. I must be operating below optimal levels. perhaps I should be taken in for repairs or even decommissioned."
>>174539 Same. At least it is V in her camp counselor stage so not all vicious and wild, but her 'mellowing' in 4 only benefitted Uzi (not killin her on sight) and Lizzy. I feel as if 6/post 6 V would be best one to encounter of all DD V stages. She was very calm when Alice was around, she decided not to off Uzi after she got posessed, she grew suspicious of Cyn and decided to 'sacrifice' herself. Looks like the best stage of her character arc
>>174542 >"I have consistently proven unable to reduce the number of casualties by any significant margin. a medic unit such as myself displaying this inability to fulfill its sole duty should be scheduled for permanent deactivation."
>>174553 >she's actually a decent medic, with below average casualty rates, but she sees anything lower than a 100% survival rate to be an unforgivable failure
>>174554 >one time she took good care of a patient who died anyway due to inevitable circumstance >this is one of her greatest failures >if drones could cry, she could cry an ocean from that. >but hey, atleast it helped teach her that sometimes she can’t always save everybody
>>174530 Techanon must first realize his desire to marry that drone trumps his refusal to admit he's bisexual. Will that ever happen? If nobody stops me, yes.
>>174562 >Elodie is going through her Emo phase now that she’s gained sentience >but because of her limiters the farthest she went with it was dying her black.
>>174420 >tessa always finds anon one way or the other >every time she does she cries tears of joy that she's found him and then runs towards him >what anon sees is her shrieking and charging at him like a starving beast
>>174580 >elodie tending to buddy’s wounds after a DD took a bite out of his chest >they don’t speak at all because buddy is unconscious and elodie has no reason to talk
>>174516 Well interesting to hear, I don't have many pics, pic rel from last April is best suited rn. Speaking of Alice, do you have any questions about her/scenarios? You seem like you have ideas often,
>>174583 Wow that looks epic! > You seem like you have ideas often Don’t know who you’re talking about but I can come up with something >alice comes back to life as a scary monster with tendrils and crawls where her head should be >alice comes back as a hodgepodge of salvaged parts made into a DD >you die and wake up in her body and you manage to survive and join uzi n and v for the next 2 episodes None of them are mine btw, last one is a green someone wrote
>>174582 >Years later after the war elodie is still a nurse >though this time it’s at a big hospital somewhere in neo jersey >one day she runs into buddy and ddani who are there because one of the patients is buddy’s dementia ridden uncle >it’s been a long time since the war and it takes while for elodie to remember buddy >buddy has no idea who she is and is only now learning her name
>>174563 >>174580 >>174582 >>174588 does every character in the solver war have to revolve around the same guy, because this is creeping into gary stu territory
>>174590 Course not, this is just one moment in their lives. But I like to think she and buddy atleast know each other, not outright another part of his harem like Molly. But just someone he knows and likes as a friend.
>>174590 Connecting new OCs to a preexisting one with higher status for an OC guarantees at least some survival, that's why every other WD becomes a sentinel drone
>>174593 I understand why people would do that or why you think I was doing that, but I just figured elodie and buddy have met atleast once during the war since elodie is a nurse.
>>174602 Exactly, they’re just people who keep in touch. Sure there will be days where buddy comes over but that’s not often because as a result of her limitations, elodie doesn’t have much of a life outside her job. But who knows, maybe she can get herself fixed.
>>174420 >FLASHFORWARD to Present Day (Vet AU timeline.) >Anon's virginity (and life) has miraculously survived several encounters with Vickers-Tessa. >He hasn't found a new gf in the time since the war ended, though. >Mostly because of the numerous disfigurements those close encounters left him with. >Chicks do NOT want to fuck someone who had to get half their face replaced with a budget graft of vat-grown skin. >He is also schizophrenically paranoid of getting a new gf in the incredibly unlikely event that she ends up going fucking insano too, so... >*DING DONG* >Anon slowly opens the door to reveal some Animal Patrol officer. >In his hands is a mancatcher, and in the prongs of that mancatcher... >...Ah, fuck. >"Hey, so this uh, this lady here says she's your girlfriend? Is that correct?" The officer says. >Hyperventilating, Anon stammers out; "N-N-NO. I-I th-think you've got the wrong g-guy" >Vickers-Tessa begins frothing at the mouth and shaking her restraints violently. >The officer stares Anon dead in the eyes. It's evident that he's afraid too. "I-- Uh, I think I got the right guy, actually." >Vickers-Tessa breaks free as the officer drops the polearm and begins sprinting in the opposite direction. >Anon is IMMEDIATELY tackled down and pinned to the floor by the skinless she-abomination, the front door slamming shut as Vickers-Tessa uses some hideous freshly-sprouted appendage to close it behind her. >before the officer bails completely, he circles around to place a sock on the doorknob out of courtesy before doubling back to his van.
I bet Elodie would like poetry, maybe even write some internally because it's the polar opposite of the stiff, unemotive language that she's restricted to– flowery words expressing emotional subjects, the sort of expressiveness she can only dream of
>>174623 >she has lots of notebooks where she writes down her entire stream of consciousness >she can write a whole novel describing someone’s ear infection
Cyn forcing Louisa to do dumb, humiliating things for her amusement like going up on stage as an idol in an outfit clearly meant for a younger, less voluptuous woman
>>174629 the less you know about the entire four part war series she made through describing the way an old guy’s immune system fought off cancer the better.
>>174623 >Elodie owns a typewriter where she types and types and types and types >she doesn’t even read what she’s writing, she just types and types all the things she’s thinking from the color of her wallpaper to the cloud outside her window
>Elodie has a blog where she posts her writing >they’re all text walls that go on and on until they reach the character limit >you’re lucky if you’re even able to browse it before your browser crashes
>>174639 Same, have you tried writing greens about other characters? Are there any other characters in this au? Elodie is an interesting character, how about her? Maybe something about Molli and her streaming.
>Have a maid drone who handles things I can't do, which is most things >Keep the relationship strictly professional >Send her to get groceries one day and she doesn't come back when she usually would >Check her tracker, she's at Buddy's house >Oh fuck >Run over there as fast as I can >By the time I get there, they're already married FUCK
>>174653 Nevermind i found it. Actually when i made their serial identification numbers, I used area phone codes, gives a little hint of where they live.
Buddy is from new york, Spook is from Washington DC, Hopper is hawaiian, Wall is from vegas hazmat is from dallas texas and firebug is from salt lake city utah.
SI-718 (Buddy McGinnis) “Van Helsing” — Assault/DD combat expert >SI-771 (Everett Hastings)“Spook” — Surveillance and technician >SI–808 (Kai Kitagawa) “Hopper” — Recon >SI-702 (Nolan Cunningham) “Wall” — Heavy weapons and explosive experts >SI-385 (Sister Ashley) “Firebug” — Pyro incendiary and CQC >SI-214 (Thomas Hermandez )“Hazmat” — field scientist
>>174658 Vengeful Sons Of The Federation. Its a elite military unit filled with fanatical and vengeful humans (who mag or may not be both drugged and brainwashed) during the solver war. Basically super soldiers in a nutshell
>>174657 >spook is, while kind of a peeping Tom. A technical wizard. Just don’t touch him, he’s paranoid. His entire house was locked up and guarded even before he got ptsd and he’s a crippling hypochondriac. Never goes outside with any kind of medication. >hopper gets his name because he’s always hopping when scouting the area, very scared of landmines and always knows where one is because he just feels it. He likes it too, he loves the wilderness. And the ocean, he surfs too. >Wall is a strong fellow, very enthusiastic. He likes it when the bomb goes kaboom. It’s fine, he’s already deaf and he has hearing aids that he can turn off any time. Loves fireworks, makes the biggest ruckus every 4th of July, in fact every weekend he does this. >Firebug is one devout Christian, doesn’t change the fact she has an infatuation with fire. Being a big moral stick in the mud keeps that in check though. She’s good with guns and fists, and doesn’t believe in gun control. It’s the video games she’ll tell ya! >Hazmat is one sick son of a bitch. He may be smart but he’s kind of creepy. He was one of those kids that would burn ants to the ground with their magnifying glasses. His experiments really push the boundaries of what is ethical, but atleast it’s for the good of humanity. Not like he hates drone, quite the opposite actually
Buddy barely talks to them, sure he follows them on social media but he only sees them during reunions
>In any warfare, Information is vital. >For in the right hands, the scales of victory or death can be tipped in the users. >For the Wolfdogs, their eyes and ears would belong to Serial Identification - 771, Callsign: “Spook” >Spook, like his would suggest, was former CIA, When there *was* still a CIA. >Working as an Analyst, Everett Hastings spend his career gathering information throughout the world and report them to his higher ups should something seem suspicious. He was an expert in his job and was one of the few analysts that had working during the early days of the solver war and providing fresh intel. >As the man responsible for surveillance, Spook keeps his squad inform on a need to know basis, providing them any tactical advantage there is, and any disadvantages for the enemy. >Spook’s special Anti-DD choice of gear is a special panoramic NVG that used reverse engineered Disassembly Drone eye bulbs. What they can see is now what he can see and uses them to ensure that the murder drones would never get the drop on him or the other wolfdogs.
>>174685 He’s just fascinated by the way their ai works, that’s all. And for your information those anatomy adaptors and the things he does with them are PURELY scientific research!