Image:174095723455.png(681kB, 1592x1236)Jane rat also known as rat Jane.png
Hello my good Friends. Today we are going to post Drones, like we always have done, but today is different, because we are going to post Drones, but we are going to love them more. Hope you are having a good day. The monumental Booru: The cool wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The very skillfully built OC wiki: The last Thread: >>171898
>>172848 I haven’t really noticed this, if you mean the timer thing then yeah it’s annoying but it only happens once every time you turn on your computer, but other than that it seems about the same
>>172859 >”what did you say, punk” I say with furious intent, gazing at you from under my fedora >unsheathes my blade a little >”No, he’s not worth it” says my wonderful and merciful trad Rat Wife Jane >I sigh and put my blade back and turn my back to you as we leave >”you got lucky today bucko, but next time you should realize how thin the ice you tread is”
>>172864 You know the real reason why you stopped? Because stabbing me would've been AGAINST THE RULES Even as you pretend to care about Jane you really subconsciously want to please Abby. You know you are rebelling against the merciful freckled one and your heart regrets it's errors. That's alright though; I'll take her, since you aren't man enough to
>Tricking Abby into thinking the Kama Sutra is a rule book >Convincing her that in order to follow the rules, you must do everything listed in the book
>>172869 >Oops, guess we have to start from scratch >Oops, we're all out of rubbers >Oops, guess I'll have to do Abby raw What a fortunate series of accidents
>>172873 You can't silence me, he drew Abby as a housewife and that's enough to win my support (of course, it'd be even more based if he drew Abby sexo but I'll take what I can get)
>>172879 Weak foundations. Being interested in cartoons doesn't mean you have the fundamentals to draw them. Foundation is built, not thought about though you are correct that he should be fucking off. He better not be responding or posting anything until he's 18.
>>172883 >>172887 The only problem with How Bad Can I Be? is that it wasn't IMMEDIATELY, or maybe afer a short little bridge, followed by Biggering. They work best as companion pieces to each other.
>>172902 >Lying in bed next to Abby as she sleeps >Take a peek at the stuffed bear she always keeps with her >It's... Freddy Fazbear? >Or is it Psychic Friend Fredbear?
>>172935 She’s thinking pic related because you’re a green and faceless monster that just forcefully pulled her soul out of Vashtorr’s forge and shoved her into a wedding dress
>>172957 Nice, speaking of ass I like good hipstructure a lot, but nothing unsleek. And definitely a tits anon, drones got none but their chests and especially their magnificent collarbones are peak. Tbh I just wanted to answer most to the 'banned for life' aspect, but after the cozy /co/ threads our last thread felt a bit overweight in terms of certain assets if you get it. I don't even mind Oogis anymore, they are slop but nothing terrible and sometimes funny.
>>172970 v should've been reset to her maid personality so there was some consequence to her "sacrifice" and also so the murder bitch was replaced with a cute mousy maid
>>172972 It sucks that we never get to see the consequences of her going from the maid to DD. If N was in love with her old self, then wouldn't he be heartbroken knowing how she had changed? None of the possibilities here are really explored whatsoever
>>172972 Or have her definite death be shown early on in episode 7-body shredded, core shredded, singularity floating away and dissipating-then her soul returns to her admin, as it has every previous time she's died... but this time, her admin is Uzi, so she returns as Uzi's familiar, interacting with the world as Uzi's now-white eyed tail.
>>172979 I imagine for the same reason as Jane except not based on first hand experience. John knows Drones can be dangerous given he was there when Nori killed everyone and narrowly escaped. Jane just appeared one day and saw every human was dead and put two and two together. Better to pretend to be one then find out what happens if youre not one.
>>172970 In general more could have been done with the 'lesser' villains since other than Cyn, J was not totally beyond saving (or redempting), and Doll as well as Alice only ended up as villains due to social reasons. I am not able to try explain a lot of it now, but if more time had been there (12 episodes) and if for some reason Liam could have been made to care more for net bleeding out characters until 8 before 8 a lot here thought N or Uzi would die, V would be crippled or dead, and at least one if not all of the bunkerdrones would die. Having a bodycount of NULL(0) in thr finale was a great surprise, to me at least., then these minor antagonists could also have profited of that, they are not beyond redemption and especially Alice as antagonist could have been prevented (but been a nothingburger storywise), or at least dealt with more creatively/made more use of her, having her get 'killed off' feels to me at least as a bit of an easy escape, the acclaimed shock factor is non existent to most viewers in flow of the narrative since those do not care for her, and the potential of further CFL horror/possible interaction with Nori was sadly not used. But we got what we got, it is far from bad, I just can't help but feel as if a few minutes on top could have done so much, not to mention entire episodes wa wa wa >>172970 Had V 'died' it would have affected N way more, and J getting to a point where she helps like V in 4 that fast seems hard. Interesting idea but it would have changed so much
>>172979 Not based in anything really but I like to think part of the reason Jane pretends to be a drone is because after the War theres no one Jane would rather not be then Jane, and pretending to be a drone further alienates herself from herself. That and heavy amounts of alcohol.
>minding my own business thinking about the thread ocs >suddenly a random sailor moon thought popped into my head >“Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if DDanni dressed up as a sailor moon character for bud- SHUT
>>173020 (me) Like, imagine Buddy coming back home from a long day of work ready to expect whatever kind of crazy shenanigans DDanni is gonna pull on him and he is greeted with DDanni in a sailor venus outfit doing the introduction thing.
>>173031 >Buddy is into it >Until DDanni pulls out another outfit >It's the Sailor Moon uniform You're changing into that? You look good as Sailor Venus though! >She blushes >"D'aww, thanks Buddy. Nah, I know Sailor Venus is your fave." So then... what's with this other suit? >"Sailor Moon is my favorite, Buddy." Uh huh? >"Put it on, Buddy." >He can't tell if Delta, Danni, or both are ordering him around
>>173035 I got two ideas: >Outpost 5 The Latino drones. All Drono dwarfus retardius subspecies are feared and abhorred here, and the sight of even an Enn or a Tad makes Outpost 5 drones puke in terror. >Outpost 6 Outpost 6 is jerks!
>>173039 I can't really want to fuck N because you wouldn't be able to really tell if he's into it or if he just wants you to be happy. Like yeah, he's cute and hot, but does he want to get fucked? I would break myself on Pavo's high-spec chassis, though.
>>172852 I don't think C can be expanded on very much From what little there is she's just a sadistic bitch So discount V. The only way I can see her being expanded on would be if we made her into a creepy stalker yandere type
>>173031 >Buddy approaches DDanni would a look of intent. >Grabs the now nervous DDanni by her shoulders and herself close so she can hear him. >“I’m going to make sure that you won’t walk normally for the week.”
My telepathic abilities tell me a drawfag is going to post new NSFW in the next hour I hope the hobo guy didn't lie to me about having telepathic abilities
>>173078 No, he said he could read my mind for one dollar and correctly read that I was thinking about drones, then told me I had telepathic abilities too
One more E variant to round out the sorta E-verse I had going. >Deceive is her name. >Essentially a “perfect” E without none of the flaws of her other “sisters”. >The most in-sync with her Solver capabilities, outclassing even other users like Solver E, sprouting claws and tendrils from her back if she needs them. >Always grinning. >The other E variants are afraid and wary of her, preferring to just go along with what she says, less they’re “reprimanded”.
>HoDR enforcer drones >monitor your online presence harder than the FBI >steadfast, self-assured, and slightly pompous >fanatically adherent to the rules laid out by HoDR >they have agents everywhere >some announce themselves, others walk unnoticed among crowds >others still, for close long-term monitoring, will integrate themselves seamlessly into your life, as the cheery neighbor or friendly barkeep >save for when disguised, all show little emotion even on the occasion they deem it necessary to personally "reeducate" a human >you may think you've gotten away with expressing anti-HoDR sentiments >you have not.
>>172910 I don't think so. I legit think he might be into /x/ but that's about as far as vanilla 4chan goes. I don't believe the thinning out of specific autism across different alt chans will be of any interest to him.
>>173031 There are only two outcomes: 1) Buddy takes a facepalm of such force that he causes himself a concussion. 2) Buddy fucks sailor DD so hard that shatters pelvis himself.
No matter what happens, Buddy ends up in the hospital.
Meanwhile on BunkerChan >You faggots REALLY expect me to believe that these so called "murder drones" exist? >I'm leaving outpost-4 to prove you pussies wrong and I'm livestreaming the whole thing!
>>173087 >"A message to all faithful sons of mankind...*static*...we have lost the battle, but not the war...*static*...Our agents...*static*...HR vows to continue the fight, whatever the cost...*static*...liberation is imminent...*static*...stay strong...*static*...we...*static*...end of transmission."
To anyone here who can model in Blender or anything similiar, highly important question, namely what is the best thing you did so far, how long did it take to make, and for how long have you been modeling now? (Any guesstimate of how many hours in there?) found out the truth behind this image and God fucking damn it I have been falling behind so pathetically hard it's unreal. Won't whine or rant now but this inability to do anything at all to influence something so dear to me is frustrating beyond any sane description
>>173111 We are talking about superficial traits on robots that are often times identical from each other, so I'd guess the drones with the latest revision of their components would be the most privileged and seen as beautiful. And let me tell you, nothing gets my encoders working at cap limit like a properly greased, polished and calibrated robot lady. >>173115 Not that much different to any of her group before finding she liked to have fun, maybe more mischievous.
>>173100 Y'know, I gotta know the threadlore answer to this question. Cyn's rapist tendencies: Are they a result of the Solver, or are they entirely her own?
>>173125 I guess this also means you can have Drone Racism if you wanted Also I forgot Orange Given Alices role in the show, im guessing bottom tier of society
Guys my butler model N keeps talking about this "sin" girl he sees when he's alone And recently i felt like I've been watched at night, but my N has his own room to recharge in And every so often I'll see a pair of yellow dots at the edge of my vision but when I turn to look they're gone What the fuck?
>>173138 >Huh? Given she was a lab rat, and not seemingly a very valued one, I cant properly guess Orange is a good LED color. Sure its rare, but given Alice gets no respect on her name at all, shes the closest to a "bottom tier color" we got
AU where instead of becoming a world-eater, Cyn uses her covenant with the Absolute Solver to become the most prolific serial rapist the universe has ever seen, all while nobody (except an increasingly frustrated AS) suspects a thing.
>>173121 I took one optional infographic class during my CS degree where we had to start a game of our own with our own assets. I was a shameless gooner at the time and decided to model this knight slut by Nisetanaka. Took me all semester to finish the model, rig it and animate one simple idle and one running animation. Ran out of time because I could texture her. I started with absolutely no blender/3D modeling knowledge. First days or week was spent following Blender Guru's tutorials like everyone else new to the software. So yeh all in all that took like 2-3 months for a complete newbie idiot like me.
>>173145 Glad to hear it can help you! And that drone was most definitely already pretty dead once it got shot, all other subjects either got out or were killed very soon by Sentinels I guess.
>Anon is a member of HODR's Matchmaking Department, the invisible hand, Robo-Cupid's strongest soldiers >The only single human member >The only human member who's stayed single despite working in the department for 8 months, which sets a record by about 7 months and 2 weeks >He's chilling at the water and oil coolers again, having a chat with his fellow employees >One of the newer worker drones, a cute office lady-type, asks him how he stays untouched in such a cutthroat environment >"Coaches don't play, I guess," Anon replies >If it were anyone else, this might lead to an awkward pick-up line like "even if you're a coach, you could always use some field practice" >But he got nothing, save for a polite excuse to get back to work and the talk ended >Why was it like this? >Sleeping alone wasn't enjoyable, and it wasn't like he never tried putting himself out there >He'd never pinned a worker against a wall and kissed them, though at his lowest he'd considered it just to get it over with, but that wasn't what he wanted >He wasn't marked by any of the weird ones, and he even went as far as sending a query to Higher Management just to make sure >The reply email he got read "We nor any others stake any claim. Rest assured, you are not He.", and his computer started dripping oil as he read it, before his entire computer rebooted with no trace of the mail nor his original question- standard Higher Management stuff, of course >It had to happen someday, right? He couldn't stress it >For now, he puts on Owner of a Lonely Heart and gets back to work arranging "coincidences" between humans and their mechanical coworkers >If nothing else, Anon was good at his job
>>173166 Buddy saw the K-series Sentinel Drones and was quite impressed, though seeing them in action, he had to wonder: what did she ever do to those guys that made them so violent?
>>173166 >Holly creates a prototype that is meant to be sucessor to the k-series sentinel drones. >despite normal excerises exceeded well. She wants to see if it can handle well against a live combatant. >What better test subject is there to have the VSOTF unit’s own Van Helsing volunteering for the project.
>>173181 I was looking for an example in their x profile and it only ended up reinforcing what I was saying when I found that clip of Cyn doing the konata sounds remix. >>173182 I love furry bitches, so chicks with dicks don't really surprise me anymore.
I had a dream where we got an MD Banner and it was Uzi drawn in Grim's style holding a raygun with her hip cocked real far out, and she was grinning too. Don't remember much else from that dream, though
>>173123 They can adapt some of the human culture they're trying to emulate even if at the basic design level, they're mostly the same plus or minus limb lengths. Or even torso/lower half measurements. Either randomized or tailored according to the parents' wishes or whatever measurement they agreed upon after using an algorithm to decide. Lizzy painted her bare, nail-less drone fingers in the powerpoint slide so maybe whoever has the nicest coat or the most fashionable nail art gets extra popularity points. I do like your idea too, drones with the most up-to-date software/hardware being looked up to as one of the popular kids.
Did you know: the average Disassembly Drone is possessed of a great deal of yellow bile and a smaller but still considerable amount of black bile, with phlegm and blood only existing in incredibly low quantities
This is is opposed to Worker Drones who are mostly who are mostly phlegmatic and partially melancholic, with only traces of the sanguine and choleric humours
>The bugs are back >Spend like an hour writing a story in a frenzy >Now have to wait until morning to proofread and edit it about 10 times, and then post it Soon, I guess.
>>173219 That, except that she's narrating it all out loud without realizing it as the guy (her detective partner) is trying to ignore how thirsty she is so they can solve the case
>>173182 Give anyway, I have already seen the horrors of the internet. What's one more added to the list of pages to block or scrape through for art that can be saved.
>i don't know what to say anymore >i wish to talk about primates and narcotics. >that's not what i sound like, come on now. this has got to be the worst attempt so far, cyn >who is this "cyn" you speak of? is that a... fighter? >you're trying to fool me into thinking you're me. think about that for a moment. you didn't even get me right, your face is reversed.
>listen. last time you sent 127 murder drones to my studio. handler got crushed into a fine paste and now his nanobots are refusing to take form again, so i've just had liquid robot sitting in that barrel over there for 3 days >the man is already a lobotomite, there's nothing of him left in that chrome dome, so how the fuck did you traumatize him again? >I Am So Naughty. >i had to kill a worker drone and copy my mind into the corpse to replace handie >...You Can Look Up Videos Yourself, You Know That, Right? >and that's exactly what i'm doing, technically
>>173216 The wait time between episodes just increases very exponentially before shortening again, this is the longest wait, wait enough and we'll get ours again
>>173223 >she's not wearing anything under her coat, actually >her partner isn't feeling anything because she's an industrial robot who has nothing going on there >and he tells her as much. >"... I have a really humanlike mouth. With a tongue and saliva and everything. Just throwing that out there."
>>173270 Funnily enough I try to avoid posting content during peak activity so that it doesn't end up being buried between unrelated active discussions.
>>173281 Was thinking that even if/when Uzi figures out how to respawn the people in her mind palace the way the Solver could respawn the DDs, she can only respawn them with Solver meat infestation. Anyone who she resurrects would come back with regeneration, a need for blood (robot or otherwise), and sunlight killing them.
Decided to do a bit of remodeling of the upgrade model that i did for rebecca. More promptly the lower half. Did this "upgrade" with uzi. Also experimented with shading/lighting technique that some japanese artist use. To put it short its called 1 shadow, 2 shadow, 3 shadow:basically you layer each shadow based how close it it to the body and such. Using simple lighting around the rim, blend it and thus give it a more natural look to it
I had a dream last night where season 2 was being announced through a teaser of Thad floating through space set to the last seconds of this song NOBODY WILL NOTICE WHEN I'M GONE They also had a poster of him in a coffin that had wings and halo.
imagine: >glitch releases a FAKE season 2 trailer as a joke BUT >it's actually a trailer for a new, standalone episode of Murder Drones what is your reaction?
I love the generally accepted fandom belief that if she hadn't ghosted her family for almost twenty years Nori would have turned out to have the maternal instincts of a Seanbaby character.
>i heard they train you like crazy in dagestan >... >yeah that place doesn't exist anymore, obviously, but i wish it did, y'know? >... >could you imagine, just, being in the mountains and sparring and praying all day. like those shaolin monks, ever heard of 'em? >... >all im saying is, if those dagestanis were around for the solver war, things would've gone down differently >... >some crazy motherfucker wrestling with a murder drone, just imagine. i mean, that's what i would've done if i was there >... >i wish i got to see earth, man
>>173314 I'm begging on my hands and knees it was the guy that kept crashing out over the greens shipping Molly with Danni and Buddy. Not because I care, but it would be so funny if someone genuinely got that twisted off over an OC that he got banned.
>>173329 This is just objectively false >Her character concept was originally created on April 12th, 2023 by anons joking about Uzi and N not having a normal pillbaby and instead having an eldritch abomination for a child. The drawfag made and posted a comic to the thread based on this idea. The character concept would be silently expanded upon over the rest of 2023 off the threads, making her true thread debut in early 2024.
>>173344 This but n is on the receiving end and I’m whipping him and tying him up with chains and tangling him those chains and have wrapped him in bandages.
>>173337 I'm even happy about it, even though I'm in favour of the Molly-Buddy-DDanni relationship.
I actually find this ban pretty weird. Yeah, the dude wrote some bullshit, but Pilar also wrote a lot of bullshit, and even much worse, and he didn't get banned.
Anon, maybe we'd better not talk about bans and the rest of the drama stuff? It's just, I really don't like that kind of stuff even if it's just mentioned, and I think you don't either, so let's just keep talking about drones.
Sex with solver war Molly is very dangerous and exciting, but you'll never have any sort of power or control Sex with current Molly is like fucking a sex doll. You can manhandle her all you want, she just wants you to feel good. Although she has a high chance if breaking into tears during sex
>>173349 On the plus side you won’t die a virgin. But now you got two sexy drones to fill the needs of. Hopefully copper-9 would give you the chance to breath for a moment.
>Pavo hated deep cover ops. >He was flashy in every sense of the word, they went against everything he stood for! >But at a time like this, they needed someone with his expertise and track record, someone who could dive into the darkest pit and come out clean. >That didn't stop him from airing his grievances to his favorite technician as his LEDs were swapped to yellow, his flashers removed, his beautiful hair replaced with a white wig, blues painted over, and the most insulting part, his feathers replaced with a shitty stinger. >The outfit was awful, too, a big baggy coat that made him look like street trash. >All in all, he couldn't feel any less like Pavo right now, which was good- right now he was meant to be ZE. >With a wave and a promise not to come back too late, he left, taking a winding route across the city to the wrong side of town. >The metro tunnels hadn't seen a train pass through them in years here, but they did see plenty of little side areas converted into whatever den of sin you could imagine. >A secret knock on an old metal door got him into an oil speakeasy, where he sat down next to a woman. A murder drone, of course. You wouldn't find a human or worker here of their own volition. >The furniture was all in poor condition, secondhand goods hauled off the streets. Places like this didn't get to pick the upscale stuff. >Pavo and his conversation partner shared some small talk as the bartender poured them some oil. It was cold, almost freezing, and tasted coppery. >Some DDs added "spices" to their oil of choice to make it taste more like blood, but his chemical analyzer told him there were no synthetic additives here- only a natural one. >That meant he was in the right place, at least. He drank the mixture quickly, grinning as he licked the excess off his mouth, displaying his pearly whites savagely. >He was glad he didn't have that 'fixation' some Sentinel Drones had regarding human blood. The only thing he felt was disgust. >Vile concoction downed, he makes more small talk. >"Really takes the edge off, huh?" she said. >"Definitely. And not just the heat, I haven't had something like this in a while. Gets me feeling a way I haven't in years." >She grinned knowingly. "Almost as good as back then?" >"Nothing beats the real thing." >"Ohoho, yeah, I know what you mean... say, doing anything tonight?" >Pavo leaned in, a daring look on his face. "Depends on how you're feeling." >"I've got a different kind of fun in mind. How about... dinner and a show?" >Not long after, Pavo and his 'date' walked into a half-hidden room, heading down a dark hall, at the end of which two DDs stood guard, weapons on full display. >He got through easy enough thanks to his guide, though security would 'keep an eye on him' because they 'had a good thing here'. The standard threats were given, don't tell anyone or he'd be up next, blah blah blah.
>>173359 What about N? I don't think he will sexually abuse or torture you, maybe he will talk about dogs and snuggle up to you, because you are the only one who will not deny him close tactile contact without beating and humiliation.
>>173360 My name is Anon. I made the content. It was difficult to put the words together. But my word processor went so very very wrong Now I can't do anything but write stupid Shitposts
>The back room had plenty of patrons already present, patiently waiting for the show. The two found a seat and Pavo exchanged some awful comments, equal parts flirty and sadistic. >Each aggressive remark dug into Pavo, but he didn't let a single one show. He'd just need an extra-long cleaning session and several apologies to his tech. >The lights dimmed as spotlights flicked on, and a murder drone in a gaudy coat and top hat took the stage, announcing that the show was about to begin, as one of the guards passed empty glasses to each table. >Workers, chained together on a large wheeled set of stocks, were dragged in from backstage. >Each of them looked terrified, and with good reason- the audience was salivating at the sight of them. >Pavo settled for an intrigued lean-in, arms crossed under his baggy coat as the drone began to list out the backgrounds and names of each prisoner, drawing their fate out, working up the crowd. >Pulled off the street randomly, or was this place more connected? Part of his job was to find that out. >The smart thing to do would be to get in deeper with this place, play his role for longer. Watch workers get torn apart by murder drones again and again, work his way up the ranks... >He hated deep cover ops. >A spotlight shone on him- the drone on stage was pointing at him, a cane sticking out of his arm. The honor of first oil was his. >Taking his glass and inspecting it, Pavo tossed it back onto the table, getting encouraging cheers from the audience as his hands switched to standard-issue DD claws, lifting the chin of one of the workers. >"But tonight... tonight's a special show," the ringmaster said as a covered cage was wheeled onto stage. >"What luck, first time here, first time on stage... and first crack at the premium stuff!" >With a flourish, he threw the tarp off the cage. Inside... >Human. Male, look of a cornered killer, chained to the bars. Less afraid than angry. >Pavo's internal registry marked him as a Union soldier- given his age, he hadn't been old enough to drive when he signed up. A veteran, just like him. >Even as his database told him this, the DD next to him was giving all the details. How, tonight, they'd all get to witness a taste of the Solver War one more time, with everyone in their rightful places. >"And this delicious morsel will be yours to cut into as you please. Let's shake claws on it, ZE!" >Metal scraped as claw met claw in a bastardized handshake, which Pavo stopped as he glanced at his armband. >"Huh, that's not the right name... it should read Pavo." >The ringleader's eyes hollow in the same instant that a sword finds its home right between them.
>Pavo checked his armaments- everything was there, aside from his feathers. >A shame- flashing this entire room would have ended things instantly and cleanly. >The charade dropped, Pavo's eyes focus, one turning into a crosshair as he analyzed the situation. >16 murder drones, not counting the one he'd just put under, all already revving up their weapons, one shouting about getting to drink undercover cop tonight. >Backup was available if he put out the call, they'd get here in two minutes if not less. Too long. He called them anyway, since he'd need their help once this was done. >He was totally outnumbered and outgunned, protecting several hostages. >This was the perfect situation for him to be dropped into. Just like old times. >With a quick flourish, the stocks the workers were on and the cage the human was in were roughly punted to each side, clearing the immediate line of fire, much to the captives' discomfort. >Small arms fire roared past him as he reached his first target- a table with two DDs. The table was slammed into one as his other hand swapped to a tube, which he planted on the drone's chest and actuated. >The sound of metal tearing through metal, a gush of near-boiling oil followed by several loud whines. ExS deployed. >Exsanguinator stakes were a novelty, cast aside. Barbed metal spines lined with small saws that tore faster than a murder drone could regenerate and forced them to expend all their oil- all the while, leaving them in so much pain that only the hardiest could fight through it. >Nearly worthless during the war, against enemies who felt nothing but hunger. And these days, DDs were people, undeserving of such cruelty. >Their deployment was the least cruel thing in this room, by Pavo's reckoning. Not a single person on the force would give him shit for their usage. >Given the target's X turning to fear and the way his mouth twisted, this drone was not tough enough to fight through it. Neutralized. 16. >The smell of hot oil in a moldy, rotten backroom, the dark and dreary atmosphere, the yellow lights converging on Pavo, all pushed past his calm exterior. >Death, agony, an unwinnable war against endless hunger. One last stand against the void. >He was back, in spirit if nothing else.
>He ducked a laser cutter that bisected a murder drone behind him- fifteen and moved toward his next target, another Exsanguinator ready. Terror tactics- leave two screaming murder drones to make the rest question their next move. >Pavo let nostalgia claim him. He remembers the outbreak of the war, the quiet years as a worker drone in respectful company, the days watching the news become bleaker, the front approaching him. >The stake found its victim. Fourteen. Switch to conventional weaponry- twin minipulsers. The Macron Rifle would have to stay stowed in these close quarters. Open fire, keep moving, do not let them suppress you. >He remembers the day his world ended. It took less than a month for the figurative end, the destruction of everything he knew, to become the literal end, the loss of his planet. >Two more were downed by pulse fire, too slow to react to the change in tactics. Murder drones couldn't last against serious resistance. They wore the bodies of killing machines, but relied on shock and awe, which were on Pavo's side here. The drawbacks of spending your war in an animalistic fugue- you didn't get much experience from it all. Pavo had every year he fought baked into his circuits. >He remembers the day he was scouted for the Sentinel Drone program, shown around the base where he'd either work maintenance or join the ranks of mankind's last vanguard. >Some were making for the exit- that couldn't be allowed. An electric trap was tossed across the room and stuck to the door, lighting up as it electrocuted the pair of murder drones attempting to escape. He wouldn't count them out just yet, but they were slowed if nothing else. >He remembers watching the raw war footage they showed him, to give him an idea of how bad things were. Desperate resistance, never any ground gained even when the big guns were brought out. Humanity wasn't fighting for survival, that was a lost cause and they knew that- yet they still fought on. >He tore his jacket off and threw it at some of his attackers. Given their sight, it wouldn't obscure his moves, but given the chaos, it'd distract just enough. Most DDs were never smart enough to use all their vision modes, especially not when caught off-guard. For now, he lets experience be his guide, as his mighty foot takes the head off of another drone. Eleven left. >Pavo remembers watching that vain resistance, a weak parting shot at an unstoppable force. He recalls the recruiter's warnings, seeing one of the Sentinel Drones get off work. >He was in that debriefing, he heard of how little humanity's trump card did to save anyone. He had every reason to turn away and wait oblivion in peace, rather than join an unwinnable fight. >In the end... it was love that got to him. >Humans were something else. They treated drones like garbage by and large, and he was quite lucky to work somewhere where he was treated as an equal, a friend. >Yet in that footage they fought alongside drones, died alongside them as brothers. They changed their ways so quickly, and yet there were always things he could pick out, admirable traits. >Not all good, of course. Nobody was perfect, humanity had more than its fair share of scum. And yet he loved them all. >He had a reputation for cruelty on the battlefield, but the sickening torments he'd put his brainless victims to weren't what he remembered most. >It was the tiny sparks of relief and hope in the dulled, deadened eyes of the people he saved. >It was why he still fought- and it was why they made a huge mistake bringing someone he'd saved before on stage today. >Oh yes, he remembered those eyes the moment he met that man's gaze. He wouldn't see them go lifeless today.
>In the time he'd spent letting his old reflexes shine, the number of targets had dropped to three. Two, now that he came to his senses, a flick of an arm and the flashing of a plasma blade carving a murder drone's upper torso off. >He'd sustained damage as well. Nothing major, not yet- >Rocket launchers. The two left had apparently thrown caution to the wind, opting for high explosives in an enclosed space. A smart move. Pavo wouldn't regenerate nearly as fast as everyone else in the blast radius. >Chaff would do him no good, he had no room to spread his wings and evade. In fact, out of the options he had, only one had a chance of working. >The civilians were not in the explosive range. Another stroke of good fortune. He would be, no matter what. He'd play the hand he was dealt. >Pavo ran forward, twisting through the rockets as they passed by him, striking the wall and throwing him forward on the blastwave, shrapnel tearing into his back. Agony scorched through him, informing him of the damage he'd received. >The momentum carried him into one drone, chainsword impaling them cleanly. A rev tore through their vital systems and turned that look of fear into a "fatal error" screen. The other, the last drone standing, switched to a pair of swords and screamed as he struck down with both. >Pavo caught each with his forearms, letting them dig into his chassis far enough to stick. Shoving his arms forward and to the sides, he left his enemy open, rearing his head back before lunging forward, mouth wide. >He tore a vital chunk out of the murder drone's head, spitting it out as soon as he'd ripped their internals clean, disgusting hot oil flooding his mouth. Even more spilled against his chest as it spewed forth from severed circuitry. >Everything hurt. His systems were screaming warnings, his back was screaming synthesized pain, his visor was flickering from where gunfire had grazed it. He had more reasons to keep standing than he did to let it stop him. >The human and worker drones were alive. Terrified and banged up from his earlier treatment, with some minor injuries, but alive. Dragging himself back to the stage, he tore the cage open and snapped off the human's restraints, before wordlessly grabbing the stocks and forcibly separating them, freeing the workers. >The workers were too struck by fear to offer thanks, but the human gave him that look he cherished so much. The short moment they locked eyes was enough for Pavo to engrave it into his memory banks. >One minute until backup would arrive to handle any stragglers and help him deal with the soon-to-regenerate murder drones. A good reminder that he had something to take care of.
>Grabbing the ringleader, he began to walk a circuit around the room, firing blasts of energy into each of the other fallen drones to stop their regeneration, while letting the one he had a hold of piece himself together. >Pavo tore his captive's arms off the moment he came to his senses. Disarmament taken literally, as it often was with them. >The ringleader looked surprised at the state of the room, angry at Pavo- then something else took root. >"You... you, I know... that name," he says, in a voice as hollow as his eyes. >Of course he had his war memories restored. That would explain this entire sick operation. >Pavo tries to remember this one, what he did- right. >He remembers seeing his hairstyle on a murder drone he'd systematically dismantled, leaving the head, core, and the wires and oil lines connecting those two intact. >Then he tied those wires around his waist and wore the head as a morbid, barely-living fashion accessory for the rest of that operation. Its own oil lines jammed into its mouth, leaving it trying to gnash at him, self-preservation stopping it from chewing up its own vitals. >When the operation ended, one of the soldiers he ran into commented on Pavo's horrific belt. In response, he acted like he was seeing it for the first time, tore it off his waist, and shot the head until it was nothing but scrap. >That really hadn't done wonders for his reputation, did it? But now... it was a bargaining chip. >"I had to get real unfashionable to break your operation apart," Pavo says, the fraying in his voice betraying how weak he was at the moment. "I could use a belt right about now." >"Here's how this'll work. When backup gets here and takes over, you're gonna spill EVERYTHING. You'll consent to a memory scan, give written and verbal testimonies, you will sing until your vocalizer breaks." >"If I hear you're being even a little uncooperative, I'll ask to take over the interrogation. And they'll let me. And we will have more fun than you and your macabre little freakshow could ever dream of. Got it?" >"A... ah," the DD replied, dumbstruck by fear... or maybe going mad from the sheer amount of oil gushing out of his shoulders. >"Good!" Pavo says cheerily, and as if on cue, Union officers swarm the room, aiming weapons at dismantled DDs. Several officers prepare restraints, while others move to check on the civilians. >A fellow officer, a disassembly drone, grabs Pavo's prisoner, wincing as oil splashes onto her uniform. "Hoooly shit. Didn't even think to call us?" >"Heat of the moment. All yours now," Pavo says, staggering slightly. His wounds were catching up to him. >The fellow officer braces him with a hand. "You look like shit. Call your tech yet?" >"Oh, he's gonna be... MAD when he sees me like this." >"I'd be, too. I'm amazed you're still standing." >"I'll stop when there's nothing left to protect," Pavo mutters. He sends a text to his technician in lieu of voice, as speaking was growing increasingly difficult. >"Alright, old soldier. I'd have hated to be up against you in the war." >Pavo stays quiet, declining to tell her that she had been. It's better she not remember anything.
>Pavo spends a lot of time on that workbench in the domicile he shared with his tech. >He was faced with a lot of shouting about the danger he'd gotten himself into, he'd nearly exploded today, what would they have done to him, and so on. >"Aww, so you do care," Pavo joked, lying on his stomach as his chassis was repaired enough for regeneration to cover the rest of. >More importantly, his Sentinel parts were put back on, the ugly yellow he was wearing switched back to his beautiful blue. >"Yeah. I care about you a lot, Pavo. I don't want to lose you because you wanted to relive your glory days." >"Glory, pssh. You know me better than that. They had hostages, including a human, they were spiking their drinks with real blood. I wasn't going to let that stand." >"I know. But still... I thought we were going to retire. No more risking your life." Pavo feels a hand gently rest on his back. >"I'm sorry," he says quietly. >"You joined for a reason, and even though the war's over, you still have that reason, huh?" >"You know me so well." >"Of course I do. I'm your technician." >Pavo smiles softly, thinking about the little black box tucked in his personal belongings, and about the little golden treasure stashed within it. >While he'd often teased the human about it, Pavo had never made a serious move on him. That would change, soon enough. >Not today, though. He needed to rest, recuperate from what he'd been through. This was definitely not the right mood for that sort of thing. >But soon enough, Pavo told himself as he let sleep mode take over.
I myself thought of the idea of an underground bar for DD where they illegally drink oil and blood from captured worker drones and humans, but I wouldn't have come close to writing it so great!
>what if? During a scene in an otherwise completely unrelated glitch show taking place in an outer space bar, they cut costs and reuse Alice’s model for a bartender, yet have her still in character by showing her crawling around like a chimpanzee mixing drinks and opening taps. How would you feel about that?
Scariest Stories: Try Not to Get Scared >I's was hitting on a hot drone girl at the bar where hots drone girls hanged out >She was very hots and agreed to make sex with me >We wents back to the apartment and I peeked in my pants before we sexed >A dick was in my pants >But the dick was not my own
>>173379 Speaking of Alice being a chimpus, do we you think she only started doing that after years in a death pit with no one for company but her homunculus, or do we think she was like that even when she was a shy autistic cutie?
>>173379 It would be a cute cameo if that’s where it ends. And it will be hilarious if they did do that, because everyone is gonna start overthinking and asking all these questions like >how is she alive? >did murder drones happen in this universe? >what happened in this timeline? >why she here? >how did she get hired? I can imagine aliceanon writing this super detailed explanation about what this alternate bartender Alice’s life is like and how she’s different from normal Alice.
>>173320 Stupid fucking Enntards will believe lies like this, President Boogi is the most capable president of our time. She is just speaking and acting her mind, shes just like me!
>>173392 >the CFL tests Do we eve know what those tests were, beyond whatever was done to figure out how to patch out the Absolute Solver's access to potential hosts?
>>173398 Those Alpha Oogis were on the inside dumbfuck, they know what they are talking about. Qoogi was right about people like you, you want to take away our honey rights and make us all like soft submissible Enns.
>>173223 She monologues about how, despite trying to solve this murder mystery, the case she really wants to crack is how much longer she'll have to wait before her partner finally snaps and has his way with her
>>173399 >they start giving them small lines with their voices back >they might allude to some vague alternate outcome >they are never seen again because they have no involvement in the actual story
>>173373 HOLY FUCKING KINO fantastic green, anon. I like Pavo but I never thought we'd get a green this good out of him. really captures an important but often overlooked side of him
How would you feel if glitch made a show that takes place sometime in the future by someone who isn’t Liam, that gives a few clues here that it takes place in the same universe as MD far in the past before earth was destroyed? You’d see the jcjenson here and there until an actual worker drone walks by, what do you think?
>>173426 In this case, the show has nothing to do with MD. It just happens to take place before the solver fucked everything up. I’m actually really interested in this kind of idea where glitch reuses assets from murder drones and what autistic fan theories people would come up to explain it. Like, I asked a similar question about a bartender in an intergalactic bar who happened to be Alice, not just in looks but in mannerisms. Hopping around her booth grabbing glasses and giving out drinks. Man, alicefag would cream his pants if that happened.
>>173432 I suppose it does depend on the quality. And it’s totally possible for you pretend it didn’t exist because it would mostly be its own thing that just is part of the MD timeline.
>>173439 Describe to me your thought process as she crawls to and fro getting lattes and smoothies while two main characters talk about crime or something.
>>173439 KEK there you are, funny enough I already posted about how I could see you writing this whole fanfic about this parallel Alice’s entire life story
>>173399 >N as a taxi driver >taxi driven by an unknown driver is going mental >swerving all over >plowing through every sidewalk fixture >flooring it the whole way >characters get out after somehow arriving at their destination >we see and hear that N was their driver >turns out he drives like SpongeBob too
>>173456 But where is the art of them having SEX? Of her and Anon's wedding day? Of her holding her baby in the hospital with Anon standing next to her? WHERE IS THAT??
Context Someone made a counter comic of a comic I drew based on a dream where Thad was romantically rejected in the worst way possible and my devious brain made something perhaps, worse
So Solver/Cyn is always talking about assimilation but how exactly does that work? Like it seems she's not just wearing Tessa's skin, but has control over her limbs like they were her own (her human fingers can move, and are alive enough to fool biometric scanners). I know it's probably "basically magic", and I'm talking about a character who likes to fling black holes for fun, but I want to still speculate on how it works.
>Molly was feeling a little down. >better than she did a year ago by a country mile, but down nonetheless. >after a few trying cases in a row she was left with a lingering unease. a gloominess in stark contrast to her usual more chipper demeanor as of late >nothing a few drinks with friends wouldn't remedy– but Pavo was busy all week, and DDanni and Buddy were off-world on their extended honeymoon– leaving the clown without anyone to confide in or chat with, and feeling about as blue as her uniform. >she could drink alone, but in a mood like this she didn't trust herself not to overdo it, so instead she nursed a mug of extra-strong coffee and tried to perk up as she scrolled through her inbox >a few of the regular memorandums sent out by the precinct, a reminder about an upcoming shoot for a PSA (which cheered her up just a bit) and, among a few others, a personal email from a member of the PR team >the subject simply read "feedback on recent promotional item" >the contents were worded more warmly– "we've received a few emails and even a handful of letters about the Officer Molly Dolls we started giving out at events last month, and I thought you might like to have them passed along to you. you'll find transcripts and scans attached. regards, Kara, PR" >at the bottom of the email was a PDF: >page after page of parents' comments on how much their kids loved their Officer Molly Dolls. how they went everywhere together and helped them remember Molly's PSAs, keeping them safe. >and letters from some of the kids, handwritten in crayon and colored pencil and delivered to the station, beaming about how Officer Molly was their favorite >she recognized a few of the names, not only from the local schoolchildren that she saw every day– but from some of her cases. kids who'd gone through things no child should ever have to know. >she read every word they'd written intently >"police lady molly helps me sleep again" "ofiser moly makes me fill safe" "molly protecs me from bad dreams" >each loving letter was a ray of sunshine cutting through the gloom. a testament to who she'd become, and how much her work mattered >warmth welled up from within her chest, coursed through the whole of her body in great crashing waves and flowed forth as hot, happy tears streaming down her display >half crying, half giggling with glee, Molly's worries fled her like shadows from the shining sun, and she smiled, knowing she was loved.
>>173497 I'll try to give a more meaningful answer/interpretation when I get home this evening, but the way I see it assimilation basically is just Solver Shenanigans amalgamating individuals into itself in body, mind, and (all but certainly) soul
>episode 6 is the last time we see V, her fate left ambiguous >fast forward to the episode 8 credits montage >instead of a red eyed wraith with Doll's silhouette, in the distance we see something with V's silhouette, badly battered and leaning against the wall for support >its eyes on one side are red >its eyes on the other side are white
>>173548 interesting premise > Doll getting into V's head as she, due to unknown robot reasons, is reverting back to maid V personality > all the while Doll mercilessly rips into her mentally
>>173549 My friend, from what I can deduce, seems to have been thinking Doll fed on the Solver juice in V's soul after entering her head. She's still the same fucked in the head V we know, just one who got brain blasted with Doll's memories. And Doll has been brain blasted with V's memories in turn. The two wretched creatures understand their kinship now.
>>173373 Harper has done the same thing. Being “HA” is considered masterful acting because it’s the complete opposite of her usual behavior. She just becomes Revy
>"I'm a little surprised that none of them realized I was taller than them. You think they'd spot that, but nope." >"Oh, I actually swapped your legs out for a pair of DD-sized legs, Pavo." >"You WHAT?" >"Yeah, I... didn't feel like painting over your blue stripes with yellow, you know? Besides, if the paint chipped and they saw the actual color, you'd be outed. A leg swap was easier and it worked out, you were only a few inches taller than the standard model." >"And I... wow, somehow I missed that." >"You'd think you'd spot that, but-" >"Oh, VERY funny, Anon." >"Honestly, I'm amazed you didn't trip over them." >"I've fought in worse anyway. Remember when I went on a sortie in those heel legs?" >"Oh, god, don't remind me." >"They were great, they really made my ass stick out!" >"You don't need special legs to make your ass stick out, Pavo." >"What was that, Anon?" >"..."
A lot of people like Abby but I see so few talk about the undeniable sex of her open wound exposing her heart and the fact she cant die. Imagine it beating faster and faster while you sex, and at any point you can just reach in there and grab it
>>173570 > Getting Cyn involved that's how you permanently ruin your chances with him they're robots! just ask someone who is handy with tools and slip 'em a few hundo' to not ask questions the parts exist
>>173570 >"Cyn, please let me impregnate Pavo's balls," another Anon asks Uzi's tail >It stares at him >Uzi stares at him >The tail turns to Uzi >"Grossed out. Please blow this nigga head smoove off."
>>173575 >Cyn setting up a "Silly Booth" where anyone can ask her to use her powers for dumb impossible shit >if your wish is funny enough she'll grant it >she might also screw you over genie style or just do something horrible to you for making a lame wish
>>173580 >You wish for money >She gives you marked bills and a police record >You wish to live forever >She consumes you >You wish to be able to jump slightly higher >She makes your eyeballs explode >That last one wasn't ironic or anything, she just wanted to watch you hurt
I'll start by attempting to stick solely with what is presented in the show. When it comes it The Absolute Solver there is a lot of deliberate ambiguity as to just what it is explicitly doing to it's victims. It alludes to there being some level of "assimilation" occurring yet also implies that it is acting, at least in part, out of a need to satiate a supernatural hunger. This could simply mean that The Solver is merely assimilating it's victims in the same way a person would 'assimilate' food, but frankly I don't think this is a 100% accurate comparison to what is really going on. The line "Better to assimilate than to explain." seems to suggest that this process is capable of preserving (or at least enlightening) it's victims, although whether that entails temporary or eternal suffering is totally up in the air. At the very least the end result of this process allows The Solver to utilize the likeness and mannerisms of it's victims for a convincing level of mimicry.
Speaking purely from speculative headcanon (ableit a headcanon that's intended to be canon-compliant), I like to think that The Solver is quite literally wholesale assimilating it's victims (body, mind & soul). In the physical sense this means that Tessa isn't merely a traditional skinsuit; She (or at least her body) is alive and under the complete control of Cyn. Combined with the Solver Symbols plastered across Cynwalker's skin I wouldn't be surprised if Cyn just straight up used her Absolute Solver to horrifically 'Morph' Tessa's still-living body onto her own. In the metaphysical and/or spiritual sense, Tessa's consciousness could very well be one of the voices amongst the many innumerable souls swirling around in The Solver's hivemind. What this exactly means or looks like (and whether her mind & soul are even still 'in-tact' in the Post-Canon) is an entirely different subject of fan speculation.
>>173580 >A sleazy Anon shows up to the booth >"I want a female N girlfriend who loves me unconditionally." >"WHAT?!" Uzi shouts >"And she has HUGE boobs full of tasty and not lethal milk." >"Hmm. Granted," says the tail >"NO, DON'T GRANT IT!" >It's too late, FemN has been summoned >"Hi, Anon! My chest's feeling kind of heavy, could you help me?" >Anon walks away, arm in arm, with his new girlfriend >She stops to wave at N Prime (they are now friends) >Uzi is frozen, mouth open in horror and disgust >Cyn wins again.
>>173594 This is a Cyn-positive wish. >Uzi is tormented by there being a female N who's being milked by some random human, yet it's not even NTR so it's not extremely offensive, just distressing >She can't kill him, because her N likes him as a friend, and then both of them will be sad >There is more N in the world and he was always the best one Maybe that one staunchly anti-breastfeeding guy follows Anon around in public and rants about it, but Cyn didn't make that dude.
>>173613 >>173615 >not biologically accurate But can it be done? >And can they be applied to custom sentinel frames? Asking for a garishly technicolour friend
Fun Harper facts: >She has a bizarre habit of physically assaulting Pavo in increasingly bizarre ways because even though she doesn’t mind gay people, for some reason he’s too gay even for her >She eats borgir >Luvs daughter
>>154151 >R, whenever Tessa has a suitor over, often waits around for him in some room where something that would conceivably need dusting is high up ("Oh no, I need to dust this bookshelf, but I'm a tiny drone and it's too high up for me! I wish there was a big, tall human man around to pick me up so I could reach it!") >This tactic doesn't always work, but when it does she makes it uncomfortable by giggling real slutty and otherwise making sexy noises
>"Tessa, what the fuck." >"Yeah, R's a real character. Run along now, queen." [fist bumps R before she leaves]
Mind that Alice chose to keep and raise a kid in the nevironment she resides in, and did so very well! That doesn't just imply a will to procreate, but also real competence of mind and body, this aspect is overlooked but look at how well behaved Beau is, where does he have it from if not Alice? And I think her managing to make him like this inspite of all going on around, besides of course saving and bettering him in the first place and simultaneously ridding CFL of DDs and whatnot, this implies drive and is imo naturally, very primally attractive. I wnaan these hips so mu nu
Possibility I didn't think about until just now: do you think Doll feels it when Lizzy kisses her corpse on the mouth, even when she's inside Uzi's mind palace?
>>173685 >"Heya, handsome~ Been a while. Wanna join us, make it a father-son bonding exercise?" >"Robo-Jiminy Christmas, Rebecca, he's been married for twenty years now!" >N can't hear any of this, but he has started feeling the same chill Mac's started feeling so often
>>173678 Absolutely. They have something almost serene, like a torch during a walk in a moonless night, a campfire giving warmth and casting slight moving shadows on the snow, or just what they are, golden views into her soul. It's such a good and inviting, hospital and friendly radiation wow. Alice isn't all sunshine and rainbows of course but at heart the good outweighs the bad by a lot. Brave girl went through a lot and fought through it all way better than anyone would or could ever have expected of a small Worker Drone, that is not possible without a very special soul in that core of hers.
>>173709 I thought it'd be weird to post it, you know, going all "one of our drawfags was elsewhere, go harass them!" but it's weird to even say it to begin with, isn't it? Don't be weird about this I guess.
>>173710 Wait, shit, this image and other things made me realize. Where does a drone's stomach end and the little worker LED on their chest begin? Is there a difference, or is there just a part of their stomach that can light up?
Speaking of which, Alice has a ,for lack of better wording, 'spiritual' allure to me as well, in many ways and aspects. I am a bit unaware of how it works but it is only a rather vague feel I cannot really reflect on well. For one her eyes of course, sure they are feral hot and restless when she is active, but they remain that way even when more resting. Notice how the two times she has full eyes it is when in negative mood? It occurs only twice, when Uzi interupts her as she wants to decapitate V and when Beau admitted that he messed up with N and 'Tessa', to me this can be interpreted as something 'Wendigo' like, a hint at what was most likely a huge part in her character creation and design. But this aspect is not the antlered sexy pop culture version with a flesh and skinless sharpttothed deerskull, it's more about the Indianic original (Wendigo means very different beings in a lot of iirc central, Western and Northwestern tribes, but I'll go with the one I hear of the most, which is about cannibalism and greed), these aspects shine through in not just •negative thing='emotional upsettance'-loss of personality>leans towards violence|{tho this is one aspect, at first Alice is friendly when dealing with V, she was gonna take out the DD quick and Uzi stopped that, but she was in good spirits and quickly moved on, sparing V and even watching out to not crush her finger [which does away with the popular pleb propaganda of evil and 'insanely sadistic' Alice, she isn't that shallow], later on tho after Uzi bit her finger off and Beau brought bad news to an already somewhat antagonized Alice her reaction was way less measured and, for once, impulsive, pushing Beau and calling him and Idjit.), but also original train of thought before the brackets was lost if it seems confusing I am writing this at 7AM show a clear distinction from normal drones. Usually drones' eyes hollow out when scared/angered, but Alice's fill when pissed. I am honest I still find that image a bit creepy, looks almost posessed or entranced, as if that Alice could easily kill and eat you. Full eyed Alice is unsettling af. This reversal is imo also in a way a connection with the og Wendigo aspect inherent in her design (planning), an effect of isolation and constant, stress terror, gore and violence around her in (lore), namely by reversing smth that is, to drones, very normal. It is not literal cannibalism (going of memory and what I base this on, Wendigo becomes someon who in dire need literally cannibalizes, losing humanity and unable to go back, needs to be killed due to having gotten corrupted by greed, chance I am bullshitting since this is based on memory of a vid I watched half a year ago) and she did as I see it not kill a y (Worker) drones, but is is a neat little detail. Stuff like this made me believe in intentional intricate detailing in MD too much, hence why I feel a bit disapointed ever since 8 revealed the Cynwalker rush-bit, many things are likely over interpreted and not intended to be interlinked and so on(...). Anyways, this nod to the origin of the inspiration for the character (Di) Alice herself is partially based on is smth I noticed rather recently, but there are also positive aspects to the entire spritual allue point I was making at the start of this post. Tho I noticed thag this topic is very ectensive and takes long to explain im detail and with proof, so I'll write more of that tomorrow then,
>>173716 There is this image, I headcanon the part over their light is a diamond shape and made of glass (look at the way it reflects on Alice's chest for exmple, looks too smooth to be rubber), this pannel is big, the rest is rubbery tho I guess. The Doll art is on model. The edge between glass and rubber is never seen ans speculative since it is my headcanon.
>>173722 I get it, in that very shot, it got better with me as well with time but in the first months it was creepy. Guess it is just less expr ssive and unusual to see which makes it a bit offputting, tho the pose and expression otherwise is calm
>>173721 >>173722 I think I'm with aliceanon on this one. something about her eyes here feels like a different kind of crazy. like she's suddenly not the prey trying desperately to survive, watching and listening for any threat– but for a moment the rest of the world falls away and she's the predator, staring intently ahead
>>173725 Thanks, but it could be entirely headcanon. The display underneath suggest it is glass, but we never saw any part of them made of rubber having a edge like this which would reflect light like this, especially never saw that close up. Perhaps it is rubber and the light alone has glass (like the triangles on their hands, exlusively the illuminated area is display/glass and the surface around same material as surroundings). Anyways tho, glass diamond makes sense and would look better I think, could do shading on the rubber under the drones ribcage better like that and add more shape and 3D by getting to use the diamond shapes outline to give more form when drawing. Also the darker (black) glass and anthrazite/dark tankgrey middle is nice detailing of an already simple design.
How would you rather kiss and hold hands with Doll: >while she's out of Uzi's body as a ghost >while she's being given the keys to Uzi's body and Uzi is either in the tail or withdrawn to her mind palace
>>173699 The joke about her character is that she keeps denying she isn't bi, but perhaps she will admit it one day. If she gets mindbroken enough, or her patience runs out
>>173750 Last week my grandfather passed away from pneumonia which killed any creative juices I had at the time. I really don't have the energy to do any creative writing nor the time since I'm helping out with funeral preparations and I only occasionally lurk in the threads.