Season 2 on its way Booru: oc wheel: other oc wheel: oc wiki: previous thread:>>170951
>>171903 >wasn't going to be a yuppie Think this J's dynamic with Tessa would have come off much differently, as would him throwing in with the Absolute Solver because that's the only way it'll let him die. Think Jessa would have been even more popular if it had been overtly a tragic doomed precursor to Nuzi the way EnVy is.
MD S2 EP4 came out insane the scene with Jane cuting herself open and finding the singularity in her chest was pretty dang Brutal. her solver freak out was well done. Don't know how to feel on the way it mirrored S1 with Uzi's own rapid solver. really made the episode feel too much like a reference to S1EP4.
I am glad to see more of Cyn gaslighting Beretta. but my enjoyment is shoved down by how annoying it is to see Doll. mac and Negev fridged again. hopefully we get more of them in the next episode.
>>171920 Yeah it was posted on /co/ Also someone dropped new leaks in iirc the glitchinn thread, but its on the gofile site, I downloaded the .rar but didn't look what it is yet
>>171922 I didn't like how Jane ALSO has to be a Solver abomination, seems like it kinda came out of left field, ya know? Then again I guess that explains how she's able to survive in a asbestos filled environment? Then again I also think the weirdly fetishistic running gag of N eating random objects is detracting from more time spent on story focus
>>171925 >Then again I also think the weirdly fetishistic running gag of N eating random objects is detracting from more time spent on story focus I'm pretty sure they brought Gooseworx on for consulting for his updated model or something, his mouth is WAAAAYYY too detailed, to say nothing of his seemingly fully-modeled insides
>>171897 Look at Lizzy's eyes throughout the epilogue. She looks so tired and done. And if putting Doll's body in the desk next to hers isn't enough, there's the matter of that shot in the credits of someone having taken it back to her home, sat it at the table, put a shroud over it, then lit candles for it. Lizzy feels like this is all her fault.
After replaying the Lisa games, I can't help but think of a little girl with a big-ass knife now whenever I see the name Buddy mentioned in the thread. Come to think of it, taking away just the female population of a planet does seem like something the Solver would do for lulz.
>>171934 No dip. You don't do insane shit like take a dead body to and from school every day, probably take it elsewhere too like shopping or to the movies, unless you know it's your fault.
>>171962 Just another reason Scribble shouldnt be allowed 100ft of this place, its fucked up knowing theres an underage here posting like this and making this stuff. Uncomfy
>>171979 >Gets called out for both being underage and drawing shit he absolutely should not be >Post mysteriously vanishes This confirms it. Someone get Blackhand now. We need to get rid of Scribble for his own good
>>171981 He deletes any post if someone yells at him, if you haven't noticed. Poor lad needs to just lurk. Very important lesson I learned years ago. Never got any better, either. I just learned how to bottle everything up.
>>171987 yeah, he ain’t doing it, what did you expect, would anyone in their own mind listen to someone on the internet, they can do whatever they want
>>171992 Get the fuck out of here already >I dont have a social media Because youre probably too young to make one holy shit, everyone has a twitter. Go anywhere but 4chan threads. >>171993 Why are you egging him on?! What possible benefit does this have for you anon
can we go one thread without drama ffs >well it's scribbles fault for posting here! he's here and you shitting your pants about it every time he pops up isn't going to change that, it just tanks the thread quality even worse. if you want to give him a slap on the wrist when he starts getting overbearing fine, he could probably use it, but him posting the occasional md drawing is imo a net positive as long as neither you or him is spamming about it
>>172003 We're going to be stuck with people shitting themselves over his mere existence until scribbles dissipates for the last time or the people losing their minds give up on their shittery. It's going to be like this for some time, I fear.
>>172003 >Actually its fine to have a minor running around posting gradually more fucked up things, that just means more art! >Sure hes driven off some artfags because hes a parasocial creep, but that means he can keep posting more barely MD related underage art k anon, if thats what you want the board to be, a daycare
>>172008 I don't know, personally yes I don't like how threads are being derailed because of this, but also I don't think little timmy should be here at all and personally should get banned
Am I going schizo or is scribbles ban evading? I keep seeing his posts and replies to them, five minutes later the replies lead to deleted posts Is he just sperging out and deleting them or is he ban evading?
I would get the derailment argument if this was just a regular drawfag drama, but this is a minor, who shouldnt be here, and since being here went from just drawing weird OCs that have nothing to do with the show to a rape fantasy. How long until the boundary gets pushed more and more because of anons sucking up for free art? How long until little timmy is drawing porn?
>>172020 If he's on a country with dynamic Ip's he can just wait them out, but by the frequency he posts, it's more likely that a vpn is being used. Captchas when?
>>172024 when why reply to me, and for the record, that person is supposed to be liam, basically saying to J >”I am your god, stuffer for my amusement”
>>171963 >>172027 Holy shit, they weren't kidding when they said you're better off watching r34, what the fuck are the turbogooners at porn hub jerking off to??
>>172020 I don't even know anymore and idc, as far as I know he never got banned because he doesn't break any rule and while he seems extremely likely to be underage I guess an assumption alone isn't banworthy. Think he deletes them when he gets flak
>>172048 No I am stupid, I'm in MDs target audience, younger than the other stuffs target audience that's all. if you want to know it's technical historic stuff, many hours spent on websites from the 90's not updated in a decade and ancient forums in order to research line placements in plane's gear bays, or the exact colours used during which timeframe on which type in which theater and unit and so on, mostly research for modelling. Know that's no real audience but is the only 'fandom' outside of drones I am part of. Most people there are retired or dead and while ww2 vehicles are not exactly niche, interest among young people is mostly due to War Thunder/WoT and so on, all about action, not such details necessary for modelling and so on and so forth
Why was the Oogi post deleted >>172062 huh? you do know threads get bumped to the top if theyve been used, and why are you going on an easter egg hunt to past threads no one will use t this is scribbles this is scribble anon isnt it
>>172068 Fuck off, not Scribbles. And no, threads don't get bumped up when they're past bump limit. Hence why I gave the page, I'm also doing it simply because it's funny.
>>172068 Because I realized last second that I didn't want to write the autistic idea I had for a dark medieval Oogi fantasy adventure, because it was too far detracted from Drones
Start of negev and doll thing, I did read a few negev greens but only a fraction of the many that were made, the 'vibe' should fit her tho, she is talking about smth to Doll in the moment, perhaps from her past, nothing terrific but not positive for sure, hence her uneasy posture and finger on the hatcrack, Doll doesn't exist yet but she's likely listening without doing much, a similiar, more curled up pose(not laying), but attentive and undisturbed.
>thousands of years in the future, drone archaeologists delve through layers of forgotten civilizations to find the origins of drones >they seek to find artifacts related to the mythical solver war and the flesh men who are purportedly their creators >across dozens of planets, buried beneath dronekind's most ancient dwellings, they find curious drawings >a fertility goddess perhaps? >why would drones on dozens of different planets all draw a towering drone with two pigtails and an enormous ass? >meanwhile J is still alive and wondering why all these lewd drawings of her ass are displayed in museums when she takes her great x 99 grandchildren to visit >V just smiles, knowing that her and N are responsible for many of these ancient bunker paintings
>>172108 True, I feel as if their limbs could be some of the proportionally heaviest parts of a Workerdrone, they are filled with lines and oil, made of metal, meanwhile their torso and head have little metal and at least the head has a lot of empty space inside. A drone of Uzi's or Emily's size could easily weigh in a few pounds less
>>172114 That's a lot of J's appeal, imagination does a lot. J is hotter than V in a body way. V has more monstrous animalistic charme tho. And I don't have any good V images, anyone has that pose of V's from rhe first soundtrack video/the trailer?
>>172134 At some point he's definitely going to embrace being the villain if he hasn't already We're like a thread or two away of him drawing molly getting sexually assaulted or something
>>172148 you know how married and having a bro is, the woman in question wants you to be with her, end up spending to much time with someone else, she’ll accuse you of cheating
>>172126 Negev has a lot: >The zaza got me connectin' the dots! >There are bugs under my skin! I need to dig them out with a screwdriver! >The worms in my head won't shut the hell up! They're tellin' me to go absolutely fuckin' stupid on 'em! >I'm pissin' and droolin' all over myself! Howlin' and itchin' to take lives! >I got interdimensional demons droppin' the pin as we speak! They'll take ANYONE back over there! >The bugs are back! >I don't wanna kill them! Shut up! I don't wanna kill ANYBODY! >58% THC prerolled joints rolled in keef had me readin' the Book of Revelations! We are indeed close! >I can't help but get thrown into a violent trance at the slightest hint of criticism or pushback! >I was one of nine babies abandoned in TheBANDO! My earliest memory is gettin' breastfed by a pitbull! >You can't even IMAGINE what the fuck I've been through! >I can feel the fungi munchin' on my brain! >The worms in my head keep talkin'! >The only time I feel something is when I look! >I wanna watch you burn! >I'm movin' crazy! I'm a junkie cannibal! All I wanna do is sip mud and eat my opps!
Also, every single variation on >THE WORMS ARE BACK!
>>172161 >John started off as naively happy even as a poor, eventually became depressed >Jane started off as confident and cold, now an anxious mess >Bonnie Bonnie was just always like that
>>172163 i like to believe jane was this stubborn bitch all the way until she landed on copper-9 and met beretta, and only then did she finally rat herself out
>AM being forced to wear a childs sailor suit to match with Cyn who's wearing the female equivalent to it >Tessa wanted to do a little Halloween party since her parents won't let her go trick or treating >N dressed as a dog >V dressed as a cat >And J dressed as a witch to match Tessa
>>172169 Teen Titans 2003 had something interesting for all of the members imho. The fighting game on CN's site, I miss it so. I'd love to see Tessa with some of Cyborg's design aesthetics for the machine parts.
>>172196 Pavo spends an hour every day making himself look as nice as possible, not a single synthetic hair out of place, and then fantasizes about Anon taking him so roughly that there's not an ounce of that fashion left. He wants to be left half-undressed with his suit drenched, his hair a complete mess, his feathers disheveled and twitching on their mounts, unable to speak a coherent sentence or communicate past weakly pushing his tongue into Anon's mouth.
>Maid V had the YAOI paddle >MD V has the FAGGOT bat she uses to force two boys she thinks are cute to fuck or she'll beat the shit out of them with it
>so you ate the solver >I ate the Solver. >that's wild, man, that's wild. (Leans in) how did it taste? >Like the death and suffering of millions? >daaamn so it tastes like smelling salts >You're supposed to sniff those, but wow that's metal. You do you, I guess. >what were the side effects? >Is this a therapy session or a podcast? >no i already know everything. i just didn't want to ask you upfront to spawn me a blunt and a pack of antifreeze >I can't legally make either of those, I'm under 21. >so am i, i'm legally considered a toddler. your dad buys me alcohol >...wait, you follow the law?
>>172258 I have to wonder if it's md fans from other sites stumbling on it and not looking into plus, because we definitely don't have even half that on a regular basis
do you ever get a slight inkling of an idea where it just sorta whispers at the back of your brain but doesn't give you anything concrete enough to act on it? because I do, and it's damn frustrating.
>finally have motivation and ability to writefag at the same time >getting into a nice flow >have to answer a phone call from family >completely lose train of thought in xanadu did kubla khan a stately pleasure dome decree...
Itanon drew two arts on the 20th and 22nd of February, but only posted them on twitter and not on plus, so I don't know if they should be uploaded on Booru or he's against it.
>>172114 >>172281 is this that fetish where people get off to images of attractive women that have been covered up or censored? because that's what it feels like.
So the core displays of zombie drones all have 1001, the error code for "this nigga died then came back to life because the detonators for their core broke", under the little drone logo. Imagine seeing that shit on someone you're in bed about to have an immoral makeout session with. And not being bothered by it because this is a comedy universe where most of the people we see, both human and robots, have the psychological profiles of Invader Zim extras, including (You).
>>172300 It's a good thing if you ask me, you don't need to worry about them hitting their face on something and getting their core killed because rhe fragile face took damage (manorbutler killed by James rip) or some other FATAL ERROR inducing stuff. I mean why would one care, crazy little drone unable to die for good so easily is a massive plus, and while technically other drones can also develop more extensive personalities given enough time, I feel a ZD having these restrictions removed at once makes them even more interesting and with time they'd gain more as well. IMO a ZD is the ideal (if you don't mind a WD body), interesting mind, a bit more resilient (not physically [a little bit, Alice in the labs with Nori and Yeav could handle having her face smashed up and was still going, the butler fatal errors from that, meaning a ZD can endure a bit more roughness] and no Solverpossesion risk
>>172305 I'm not sure would "know". She just is when she uses solver magic to restrain and straddle you. It's her waist plus the cheerleader uniform that she wears that makes it work.
It'd be adorable if she would be the type to totally fail at being enticing when putting effort into it. But she's still cute anyway for trying. Something you can tease her about.
>>172311 >Doll who despises murder drones >Molly who has a reasonably huge mess of a guilt complex >Doll constantly abuses Molly emotionally, physically and sexually >Molly smilles because she's getting what she deserves
>>172316 >to finish it all off >once doll is satisfied >deletes her own the memories of it happening >but molly >no >doll made sure molly will never forgot about ANY of it
So why is Jane with Bonnie in military gear sometimes but wearing a bow and being a rat gremlin in other instances? How did she go from one to the other?
>Molly looks at the set for the first time >She's only been active for a month and she spent that time being trained to be the best entertainer she could be "Are you sure the kid's will like me?" >Molly looks at her owner nervously >"Don't be nervous Moll, you'll do great! You don't have the choice to be anything but great." >Molly nervously nods at the last part of his sentence "You got it boss..." >Molly takes a deep breath and puts on a smile, a fake one but a smile nonetheless >(Now get ready kids! Welcome to Molly's Toyhouse!) >Loud upbeat music plays as Molly walks onto the set >She smiles and waves to the crowd of children >And forgets her line 'Oh poo...' >So Molly improvises "Why Golly O' Molly! Hey there Toyhouse pals!" >She says with a big smile >As the kids cheer, her smile is actually real this time
>>172332 I like to think the team on Molly's Toy/Playhouse was small but kind and tight knit like an actual family, whereas the team on Molli's Playhouse is cold, corporate, and abusive. they say they're like a family so they can manipulate and exploit you
>>172338 >Stuck in the middle of the wilderness, he encounters Lammis, a young female hunter. Lammis has a skill known as the Blessing of Might, which makes her ridiculously strong, but is still a novice at managing her own strength.[3] The two quickly become friends after he dispenses some food items to the hungry Lammis. Calling him "Boxxo", Huh?
>>172339 >Molly’s manager was an out of touch space boomer constantly chomping on a cigar that ultimately really didn’t care that much about was going on and just wanted to retire to his space yacht >Molli’s manager is a space Chinese businessman who none of her crew have ever seen in person that only communicates via vaguely threatening emails in broken English
>>172245 >oh hi i didn't know you were here. did you get a haircut? >You Didn't Recognize [ME]? >i haven't seen you since you tried to gnaw my face off. now i'm too scared to bring on any other convicts >Those Were Difficult Times. Things have [CHANGED] >things have changed indeed, but i don't think serving time is what turned you into an ugly little shit. what did they put you in the slammer for again? >Homicide, Genocide, Infaticide, Omnicide, Possession Of Weapons Of Mass- >okay i've heard enough >[Giggle.] I Am So Naughty. >yeah yeah, handie pull up that vi- hey hey simmer down dude. >yeah i hate her too but we need- no listen we need to record this first, THEN we- no no, be patient man >I Kept That Hatred In Him On Purpose. >okay wow you gotta go. hey can you cut that thing off real quick thanks
“Now as much as I love being told that I am right I would prefer it if you found your own oil supply instead of mooching off of mine.”
I should probably point out that J’s “ethical” oil consumption is primarily due to pragmatism not because of compassion for her fellow drones. The sequel to the oil problem drawing >>171732 I posted yesterday. Now with half-baked social commentary.
>>172359 i dont think they can. they were, for whatever reason, built to imitate humans as closely as possible without being human. they even got digital sweat
>[Anon] >[You Said You'd Love Me No Matter What] >[Why Are You Running?] >[You Cannot Escape] >[I Am Already Inside You] >[More Specifically I Replaced Your Heart With A Core] >[If You Keep Running I will Stop Your Heart And I Will Take My Time Catching Up] >[I Will Not Let You Die.] >[You Can't Escape, Even In Death.]
>>172339 The OG had the same soul and community as the Muppets. The movie "Molly Saves The Playhouse" was a dramatization of actual events surrounding the near-shutdown of the company. Maybe them knowing her so well is why not a single one of them looked betrayed on that fateful day. They knew it wasn't her. If only that made it any better.
>>172370 >J mercs Anon by putting her fat ass on his face >Gets a pop-up >With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created
>His name is Edwin 🗣️🗣️📢📢🔥🔥‼️ >He made the N‼️‼️ >It was difficult to put the pieces together🤯🤯🤯 >But something went so wrong 👁️👄👁️ >And now he can't do anything but sing the Murder Drones fansong😭😭😭 >His name is Edwin Edwin Edwin 🗣️🗣️🗣️📢📢📢🔥🔥🔥🔥
I want anyone who wants a Labor Bot GF to watch Claude playing Pokemon right now and understand that that's the amount of intelligence your girlfriend would have.
Image:174086458253.png(178kB, 850x871)serial designation n and uzi doorman (murder drones) drawn by vicious_fiend - 9fb09c250821194acd0ce6f0780825d2.png
>Uzi & N discovering that they possess Solver-genitals capable of the most degenerate sex imaginable >They spend their first time tentatively exploring one another's Eldritch 'organs' as they make the most sweet & tender love imaginable
>V looks down at WD N >She doesn't know why Cyn changed him back >N doesn't remember anything about his time on Copper-9, he remembers everything up until the crow tree and then he was here
>>172431 Pavo's for Anon. Male U-U would absolutely arrange any position Anon wants, though. I'd imagine them to be less bratty and more teasing bros who are always DTF. If you forget to say "no homo" afterward you have to give them both a kiss and cuddle them.
>>172454 >Boom Ones is literally a mountain of muscles with the same head perched on top >His dick is two feet long (for the record, a few inches shorter than usual)
>>172437 Well, the point of the eye placement is that Uzi is looking at the face of the person she's talking to, so I think the old version is more for conversations and the new version is when she's talking alone or with someone of her own height.
Guys, anyone else think what President Boogi said about U-Ukraine was fucked up? They need all the help they can get from the Dulls, but a boogi is aligning herself with them? Why? Dulls don’t even make honey
>>172384 Abby wearing shorter and shorter skirts around the only anon who visits her presentations about war. Imagine getting to sit down as she autisms about fictional battles and what she would do to win them.
>>172480 >Eventually she starts sitting in his lap and giving him "emotional reinforcement kisses" >The memories of those times, the only girl he ever loved, keep him focused on finding her and saving her somehow >No matter what, even if it means he dies inside a million times >"Damn brother, same. Here's to revenge keeping us from dying." >He and Buddy high-five before continuing on their separate journeys
>>172480 >>172489 >jane screwing with Abby's schedule sheet so she doesn't realize she's booked a workout sesh only minutes before she's supposed to give her lecture until she's about to hit the showers >decides there's no time to rinse off or change before her lecture >sprints by her quarters to grab her stuff, nearly busts down the door arriving at the conference room >anon is the only one in attendance, as per usual >Abby is too beat to stand, let alone set things up >so she just plops down in anon's lap, flips open her laptop, and continues her series of multi-part lectures explaining every space marine chapter
>Molli becomes a sentinel drone after getting fired >She is now 5 feet tall and no longer looks like a child >She's still the president of the IBTC >At least like this she has a nice butt
Abby getting sideways stand fucked as she continues pointing at her power point and adjusting her glasses not even acknowledging (but appreciating) anons merciless fucking
>>172496 >Despite the fact that you were topping, you're in worse physical condition than Pavo by the end of it >Mentally, however, he is still emptying his adapter's reservoir while his visor glitches, despite the fact that you collapsed about half a minute ago, it'll be a while before he comes back to his senses >For the first time ever, Pavo doesn't complain about having to take a month off between missions for mental health reasons that don't affect him, because now he actually has something better to do on his downtime >He stays at your side while you recover from your hubris, and it comes as little surprise that he's a great cook >You imagine the war being over one day, living with Pavo like this, all the stress from work gone >You imagine him wearing nothing but an apron, chiding you to wait until he's done cooking before you ruin him >Pavo in the here and now notices you getting hard again, and gently yet securely pins your hips to the bed, telling you to keep still as he takes care of this, taking your dick into his mouth
>>172506 >>172517 but consider this: unable to find work she ends up wageslaving at a local 7/11 when they decide they need a new slurpee machine. she gets modded and ends up as Oppai Molli
>Uzi is excitedly reading her old fanfics she wrote when she was twelve to you >(You) are trying not to Cringe every second of it >But (You) put up with it because it makes her happy
>go to the local Greasy Slut >sit down at the table and order their biggest burger >the chubby J waitress asks if you want their special >of course >as J brings you your whopping burger on a platter, she sets the dish on your table, before scooting in and sitting on your lap >her fat ass completely eclipses your hips as the warm disassembly drone wiggles her butt on your lap as she gets comfortable >she leans back into you with a sigh, your hands idly playing with her pigtails as the disassembly drone gets to work >she starts scarfing down your burger, her hunger ravenous as inhumanely-sharp teeth masticate the burger with feral excess >your hands move down to her belly, which quickly bulges with burger and fries, your fingers working her abdomen in circles >in between bites of burger, slurps of your soft drink, and licking the grease from her fingers, J tells you about all the investments she's making with her wagie money >where once there was a burger stacked high with patties and cheese, there are only crumbs on your plate >with a satisfied sigh, J practically melts into your embrace, letting your hands run over her chubby belly as she closes her eyes in pleasure, her long, slobbery tongue running over her lips as she tastes the last vestiges of the burger in her mouth >you even draw an embarrassed burp from the girl drone as you push your hand firmly into her tummy >you can hear the noises of her digestion and feel her ass get a little fatter against your lap >nobody can believe how skinny you are when you tell them you eat here every day
>>172556 DDanni >Is sexo tomboy childhood drone gf >Still likes all the same old Vidya >Dresses really skimpily because 1) still not used to having DEM CURVES and 2) thinks it's funny to watch Buddy's reaction
>Buddy and DDanni doing a little roleplay session in the apartment. >DDanni is dressed as a mischievous Gyaru who had been picking on Buddy. >Buddy was supposed to roleplay as a class representative but given his looks, he was more fitted with the “Disleveled School teacher who is constantly tired”.
>>172581 I wonder, since Amda's lights still kept her lightgreen colour (20 years after 'death'), which implies her being there in some way, if she could still feel? Physically, it should still work right? Yeah she probably got wrecked via getting drained of oil, but if she can still power her lights then a thing as simple as sense of touch would likely remain intact as well right?
>>172587 >"Nnnnn- Negev? Could you give me a moment? ALONE?!" >"What's the problem?" >[high pitched whine as Amda tries to control her ghost-robo-arousal from whatever Anon is imagining]
>>172593 like rain on a tin roof. if she got some cushioning in that locker, maybe a fold out seat of some kind, sitting there and listening to the rain with her could be pretty comfy
>>172556 >Rarely, DDanni runs into "her" old squadmates. >As in, D's squadmates. Not Danni's. >Somehow, the conversations had during these meetings aren't extremely awkward. In fact, they go rather smoothly. >DDanni seems to be able to pull enough from D's memories to be convincing, often joking about the very morbid acts they did during the War. >Like that one time she kicked a guy so hard she skewered her leg through his head. >Or the other time where she hung up a bunch of corpses from the powerlines with their hands nailed together, like they were some fucked up version of one of those paper people chains kids make. >Or the OTHER other time that-- Christ, she did WHAT with a coat hanger?! >...Moving on. Whenever they bring up the fact they're surprised she wasn't straight-up executed for all that shit, or the fact that she's with Buddy "Van FUCKING Helsing," she just brushes them off with "Ehhhh, it's a long story." >Eventually they part ways, promising to keep in touch (much to Buddy's chagrin most of the time. They tend to be... less domesticated, compared to other DDs.) >... >"You know, I'm sort of impressed that you can keep up the act like that." Said Buddy. >"...Like what?" DDanni said, bemused. >"Acting like D? Pulling from her memories to get them off your tail?" >"Wh-- Buddy, what are you talking about? Was I talking to someone just now?" >Both of them stand in stunned silence as the same thought courses through their heads. >H-how... just how much of HER remains?
>>172604 On the naked snoot Imagine her insulted and grumpy after Uzi bit her while she was distracted like in pic rel, but then kissing her and she tries keepin it up but blushes or so
>You are Anon Y Mous, drone technician >You were working on a worker drone in a drone storage facility when the solver war started >You were the only human on site >And now you're trapped with hundreds upon hundreds of mutating drones who know you personally >And they're out hunting for your cum
>>172601 I can imagine Buddy getting a midnight snack and coming back to the bedroom to find Delta spinning her head in a complete circle just to freak him out
>>172579 >Their rp starts off well enough >Halfway through, Buddy is horrified to find out that DDanni isn't pretending that she doesn't understand sixth grade math as part of the delinquent gyaru character >She actually fucking doesn't understand anything beyond sixth grade math
>>172675 >>172678 It’s true A WD is just 2 big circles and a rectangle with 8 small circles and 2 small squares, and then you just join everything together with some lines
>>172688 Tbh, I was going off of memory. That and I usually just draw rectangles with WDs The one I posted is for characters like Lizzy or doll. With uzi I draw squares for her sleeves and rectangles for her boots.
>why are they all Hunched and have their elbows facing out? the elbows jutting out was me finding a way to draw their arms without it clipping into their legs or pelvis. I am now just noticing that their backs are hunched a little, oops. > Male DD's have the same pelvis as Females. N's model just has it hidden to avoid clipping Also there’s stylization so Oh, really? that’s a neat fact.
>>172706 I reject graverobber Tessa as canon Never got the impression nor heard anyone else say anything about Tessa graverobbing, so even if the intention was there, it wasn't communicated properly
Death of The Author > Word of God Story told to the audience > Addendums after the fact
I feel that we need Droens but only so I can give them love. Where’s that green about a guy who buys a Drone only to treat her like his pretty little daughter
>Being a civilian during the solver war is basically a death sentence >You were running for your life when rubble from a collapsing building crushed your legs >The only reason you lived was because a murder drone found you as you were dying >She took you and kept you in her own little hideout >She amputated your legs and cauterized the stumps partly because they were killing you, and partly because she didn't want you trying to escape on your mangled legs >After all would you want your pets leaving while you're away? >She brings you food and water, the meat is of dubious origin and the water was clearly some other poor humans before she killed them and took it >Every so often she'll rape you, and will withhold food and water if you try to resist her >She asked for your name and when you eventually answered her she told you that your new name is Pet >She told you her name so you have something to scream other than "please stop" >SD-C(onstance)
>>172713 What about green about a guy who MAKES a Drone only to treat her like his pretty little daughter? What if he already had human kids therefore making the drone their little sister?
>>172698 >you are SWARMING me. like bees. bees swarm hornets to kill 'em you know that? >apparently their wings generate heat and they basically cook the hornet alive it's crazy >handie, pull up that video of... where did he go. i can't see SHIT >alright can one of you do his job instead and- ok at least 3 of you are stabbing me stop that
>>172532 The reason why nobody wants to touch these fuckin goobers is because their designs look goofy as all hell, literally nothing about them matches or fits any theme Whoever decided they had to look like the jetsons ought to be lynched
>Tessa survives the Gala and goes to space Australia or something, >Nobody but Cyn is aware that she is alive. >Cyn wants Tessa because after she eaten all the humans, she realized she needs a human to access the lab. >Tessa blames herself for the Solver destroying earth and develops a extreme fear of drones, knowing that Cyn could possess one and get to her. >When she arrives on Copper 9, she tries to keep a low profile, seeking out the Patch to stop Cyn once and for all. >But Doll steals the Key bug and the resulting chase gets the main trio's attention. >And Tessa ends up breaking her leg, leaving her in the care of beings that she is both deathly afraid of and does not trust.
In your opinion, how would the rest of the series play out?
>>172717 Here are your choices as a surviving civilian >bonnie finds and tries to save you; you die anyways >a drone finds you and rapes you >abby finds you and eats you Or >Jane finds you Which way western men.
>>172733 >being eaten by abby >not just put on her hive wall and staying there as she treats you like a pet and occasionally nibbles your neck for blood
>>172735 no no, Abby finds you and tries to rape you, but fails miserably and gets sad. then you let her take you out of pity only for her to end up a total mess despite being on top and in charge
>>172743 Probably not because VSOTF is all “orders come first, personal vengeance comes second” but if he (and the rest of his squad) would come across a civillian who is say “infected” or carrying a dormant solver virus strain. The only thing you can count on from him is a bullet to the head.
>>172747 >The anon in question has no legs >VSOTF bud is someone you would run away from but never hide. >someone you would run away from >run away from >run away >run
>>172717 >This torture has been going on for a long time >You have long since given up all hope of salvation; you have even stopped praying to God for death >You no longer care about the origin of this strange meat, like the origin of water >You have stopped asking to stop raped, and have simply resigned to all humiliation >You just wait for C to get tired of passive ballast like you and just eat you >Till one day you hear shots >The heavy rumble of something large-calibre and the screams of your captor >Long, piercing screams of absolute pain and suffering >And then >Silence >Interrupted by measured, quiet footsteps >You could not understand what was happening, but a small flame of hope lit up inside you, growing stronger with each step >And when the footsteps finally stopped at the door, you saw him >A man in a gas mask covering his entire face, wearing a Federation military camouflage uniform and carrying a huge shotgun the likes of which you had never seen before >You could not believe what you see >A expression of absolute shock, but also absolute happiness is imprinted on your face >Tears began to flow as you realised that this torture, this hell has finally ended >Soon you'll be safe, soon you'll be with other people, soon... >"Hold out your arms"
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Told myself I wouldn't drink and post anymore, but guess I broke that last night. God damn. Thankful I was lucid enough to not say too much about happenings
>>172750 >>172754 You can call me what you’d like, the characters are designed like shit. I’m not sure why you’re getting all in your feelings over this, it doesn’t concern you (unless you are their creator, then in that case, you suck)
>>172763 Yes, and how I feel about them doesn’t actually concern you, my thoughts on the characters are addressed to m-anon You’re feeling the need to butt in because why?
>>172767 Anon only has eyes for Abby, he doesn't need to involve himself with the stinky one and the large boobed one Post the REAL version of this image, the one where they bang after Netflix and chill watching the Hateful Worm Cartoon
>>172774 >acting like an inflammatory asshole >including Akita pics with their posts for no reason Pretty blatant threadshitter behavior, feel free to ignore them
>when they found their little medic, it didn't occur to them that the damage she sustained had been fatal. >that the shards of shrapnel piercing her spine would have terminated the vital processes of any drone like herself. >how could they have known? Elodie's eyes still flickered to life, pools of kelly green from a curved black mirror. she still stood at attention when called and marched dutifully back to base camp for a uniform less tattered by explosive ordnance >the medic was only one of many caught in the explosion. she was tending to one of the men's wounded arm when when the shrieking shell made impact a short ways behind her in the middle of the patrol. >none survived, not even her. she spent her last moments powerless to heal, watching the life spill from her charges as they lay in screaming pieces. >Elodie died with a sense she had failed to fulfill her prime directive to administer aid and minimize casualties. >there had been something more just beyond her grasp as she slipped into darkness. >a few prods from the next patrol, and memories flashed before her eyes as her system whirred impossibly back to life >she had spent years tending to the wounded and the dying with only an inkling of a "self", only vague and imperfect shimmers of the emotions that now bloomed into a brilliant spectrum >she felt fully now what she was only dully aware of then: sorrow. >sorrow for those she lost over the course of her service and sorrow for the men she had failed mere hours ago. >this ocean of anguish crashed against Elodie all at once, atmospheres of grief threatened to crush her, drown the newfound life from her form– and still she stood to attention. >she should have been trembling, struggling to stand under the weight of despair– but she couldn't so much as cry nor utter one word of mourning. >she tried to cry out, ask forgiveness for failing to save those whose lives had been in her hands >"it is unfortunate that I ceased functioning before I could administer aid. I may have been able to prevent these losses." >the soldiers around her simply nodded or grunted in agreement. >Elodie had been given consciousness, but incomplete control. her movements were her own, but stifled somehow, restricted. >she was more than she once was but still she walked forward with the stiff gait and unchanging expression of a mindless automaton. >even were she able to speak her mind, she lacked the words to describe the horror of this revelation. >was she reborn, only so more men would die for her powerlessness?
>>172774 >>172779 Every drawfag and their mom is allowed to keep their personalities in this anonymous message board, it doesn’t actually matter. That aside, I’m just Keeterposting, don’t get confused ;)
>>172798 >Akitafailure A medical condition caused by lack of interaction with cute solver creatures >>172800 >Akitamine Do not take without prescription
>>172817 You use brackets, like this text using [ b ] and then [ /b ] the text in the middle will be bold, but you need to remove the spaces in both [ b ]
How can I draw cyn with her mouth open with it clipping into her eye scars? I keep having to thin the open mouth until it almost looks like she’s just grinning.
>>172825 Unhinge the jaw Or leave the lower teeth away except for the sharp parts Or just let the eye scars disappear wheree the mouth covers it Or make the snootwaveline (border of white and blackscreen) as a guidance for how far up her mouth can go and where her eyes should be, after all there is a WD head in there
>>172829 >snootwaveline You know what maybe I should. I considered that but I felt like I shouldn’t because it’s not a drone. But now that you mention it I will. Plus she is half drone so that counts for something.
>>172831 >in the snake Jane timeline, Cyn promised her she would survive in an escape pod and could bring Bonnie along >what she didn't tell Jane is that there weren't any rations to sustain her on the month+ long trip >luckily, Cyn proclaimed, Jane had brought along a nice B ration that would keep until she got hungry >they could always stay and die, or starve together in space >Jane, a rat in every timeline, picked the expected option.