Friends, here we are once more. Yeah that's it, we are here once more, FOR THE DRONES. Hope you having a good day. The library of the Booru: The very chill-cool wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The masterly crafted OC wiki: The last Thread: >>173764
>after the war Elodie's condition has yet to be cured, and seen only minor improvements on its own >as a stopgap measure to give her some ability to express her actual thoughts and feelings, a transmitter was attached to her core, and a receiver to her display >it's rudimentary, but in effect it's a readout of what she the words coming out of her mouth were meant to be pre-filter >however this has the unfortunate side effect of sometimes saying *too* much and revealing thoughts she intended to keep to herself
>>174788 >Elodie is dating someone >she’s telling about how she loves him >her visor starts writing out pages and pages of the most obscene and lustful sentences you could ever say to someone
>>174794 she's a war medic so she'd be wearing some kind of uniform, probably with the red cross, star of life, or some future-y medical symbol emblazoned on it. short/short-ish practical hair because military eyes blank and kelly green like scrubs and medical stuff use
Every day that I'm not a JCJenson intern who's main job is, unofficially, to polish J's crotchplate with my tongue while she indoctrinates me with corporate propaganda is another day that I'm not living my best life.
>>174807 I don't want him here EVER, who gives a fuck whether he comes back or not He isn't welcome here, he hammers out things to try and gain notoriety, he's parasocial to the max, and he's A CHILD Scribbleclown needs to get out
>>174811 I only think about when I see his shit clogging up the threads, if I never had to lay my poor eyes on his garbage again I'd rejoice and forget about him within a day
>Hiiii-iiii Anon-n! >(Horrible slurping) >Did you know that you talk-k in your shleep? >(Licks eye) >It's sho cute I could jusht pin you down and ride you until you're shooting dusht! >(Emanates girlfailure stench)
>Serial Identification-702 codename; “the wall” is the heavy weapons and explosives expert. >Prior his time as VSTOF or even a grunt in the army during the solver war. Nolan Cunningham was a popular middle linebacker for Las Vegas’ football team. >Even back then, he was known by his nickname by fans and opposing teams alike due to his sheer size and his successful defense. >dualing the role as both the heavy weapons and demo expert, there’s no such thing as overkill in his vocabulary. If there’s a fully intact Disassembly Drone or a Mutant that hasn’t been vaporized yet, 702 would fix that right up. >For his special anti-DD equipment. He carries around a special EOD suit that had been crafted using the resilient wings of the Disassembly Drones that are capable of deflecting gunfire from an apache helicopter. >Murder Drones beware. > > You’re up against the wall and HE, is the fucking wall.
>>174596 Her jawline was bothering me, anyway here is an alt Now back into the aether with my barely drone related content
>>174447 This depends on the scene because there is a bone to move the teeth down. sometimes the animators will rotate it out of the way others will just move it both back and down (if it's moved straight down it clips threw the face)
>>174808 You ought to calm down before we label you anti-scribblefag and inadvertently cause a full rehabilitation of scribble’s reputation as a result of your incessant hatred
>>174871 Ever since Elf was born, I've had one piece of art with her sitting in my head that I can't draw due to lack of skill, but I don't want someone else to draw it.
>>174834 The problem here is that negative reinforcement clearly has no effect on him. The only viable option left is to stop feeding him and his presence any attention whatsoever.
>A drone from the show is a coworker with a human, worker drone form. >Suddenly a DD breaks in and threatens their coworker (not them) How would each drone respond?
Image:174128955253.png(6kB, 912x861)I told ya don't touch that darn thang.png
>>174889 And how exactly is blatantly false doomposting supposed to make that any better? All you are accomplishing is pissing other people off with your projections of misery. As someone who's dealt with serious depression my advice is to just log off and seek professional help, otherwise you will remain trapped in this spiral of perpetual self-destructive activity.
>Occasionally Vickers Tessa will have moments of lucidity >She'll see how much she's hurt you and will start to break down >And then she'll fall back into her delusion and will keep up the hunt, oblivious to reality
>>174906 Jane >depressed >went from an active military lifestyle into a sedentary one >drinking alcohol and eating cheese all the time >Cyn loves how much distress it causes her
>>174900 >Tessa catching you only for her crazed look to change >She starts to apologize, saying she never meant for this, and helps you up >Not long into her string of apologies, her expression starts to shift to the one you're more familiar with, and she tells you that you need to run, before flipping a truck onto herself >You oblige her request >Not long after, you hear the sounds of metal shifting and that eerie laughter starting up again
Cici tries to hide it but sometimes when she's feeling really lazy and filled with milk at the moment, she'll shovel a handful of cereal into her mouth followed by a squirp of her own dairy
>"it's another tough one." >"they all are, Pav." Molly cast her eyes downward, recalling the half-dozen drones she'd helped wake from their shared years-long bad dream >fervent hope glowed hot pink through the sadness in her eyes. "that's why I'm here, to make it a lil easier on 'em." >she smiled sadly, clenching her tremulous hands into fists to steel herself as the MCC carried her ever closer toward the area of operations >"tell me about her." >Pavo nodded, spurring files to flit back and forth across his icy blue display >"her name was–" Molly shot him a sort of pout that was the closest she could get to a dirty look. >"–sorry, is. her name is Rosalie." he had to break that habit. he was still getting used to seeing DDs as people that needed more help than a bullet could provide. "lucky girl to actually get a real name back then. and a pretty one, at that." >"Yeah," Molly sighed, mind wandering into the past "somebody musta really loved her..." >the words should've held a warmth, and not the knowing gloom that lingered as she trailed off. she knew from experience that a happy drone's story always ended the same way. >and that the more they lost, the harder those first few days were. or weeks. or months... >"details are incomplete– they always are, that's just how it goes with anything pre-war– but we have the important parts. she was a nurse owned by the Sinclair family: bougie types– wealthy enough to appear in local news every so often." >"the boys on digital recon duty sifted through a bit of white noise and came back with a handful of relevant articles–" Pavo flicked through the neatly sorted folders on his HUD, quickly locating what he was looking for. >the sentinel sighed and tapped his foot impatiently as the ancient .html files struggled to load >Molly fiddled anxiously with a coin, almost unconsciously rolling it across her fingers, disappearing it from one hand to the other >little tricks with a calming familiarity. >"ah! there we are. 'Sinclair Family looks to JCJenson Drone for live-in Nurse" >already Molly could feel her heart begin to sink, and evidently Pavo could read as much on her face >"I'll make it quick, darling. the Sinclairs had a young daughter, Vivienne. the poor dear had a condition that left her frail and largely wheelchair-bound. her family wanted someone who could look after her round-the-clock, drones were safe and don't need sleep, so voila, nurse drone." >"naturally the two get pretty close as they go everywhere together for the next few years–" he produced a series of old photographs of the two girls together. they looked happy. >but seeing such warmth between the two only made what would inevitably follow sting all the more. >'Vivienne Sinclair and her Nurse Drone Wear Matching Dresses to Ball', 'Nurse Drone helps Vivienne Sinclair Stand for Grand Opening of Botanical Gardens', and so on" >"–it would make for rather sweet reading–" Pavo's soft expression soured into a scowl– "if it weren't for Her." >he didn't need to say Her name. it traced itself in the chill of dead, icy fingers that crawled up Molly's spine. conjured vivid, horrible images of that happy pastel room stained arterial red. >she jumped as her well-dressed friend placed a gentle hand on her shoulder >"ah, sorry. do you need a moment, Molls?" >she reminded herself that that was the past. that it wasn't her. that she had friends like Pavo, Bleep, Moon, Harper and her daughter Sophie– >she had a good life now, and she would help Rosalie to find the same for herself. >Molly took a deep breath. "I'm alright, Pavo. thanks. please, keep going." >he gave her a sympathetic look, then continued. >"Rosalie was turned just a few months before the start of the war, when She started showing Her hand." the sentinel knit his brows together, his tone darkening further with each word. >"one evening, while the rest of the family sat inside, she walked Vivienne out into the garden like she had done hundreds of times. one hour later at sunset, Rosalie returned to the house pushing an empty wheelchair and *smiling*" >seeing her shudder, Pavo decided to spare the clearly shaken showwoman the grislier details from Mrs. Sinclair's account of the incident. >"we don't know the specifics of how she did it, but there's no doubt that Rosalie took Vivienne's life." >"I... guess I'm prolly gonna find out tonight." >Molly sat there, retreated into herself. an uneasy silence dragged on longer than Pavo would have liked, broken only by the low growl of the mobile command center rumbling to a stop. >they had arrived at the retrieval site: an abandoned apartment complex where Rosalie slept during daylight hours. >Molly's heart ached, both for the late Vivienne and poor Rosalie. luminous tears welled in her eyes– but from her sorrow came determination. >Molly slapped her hands against her cheeks, trading one sting for another and wresting her mind from the grim pall that threatened to fall over it. >standing from her seat, the air around her changed, brightened somehow. >Rosalie– like others before her and all that would come after– had a long, dark road ahead of her. one that Molly herself had tread and stumbled and lost her way on– but one she'd learned to walk with a steady, hopeful stride. >she couldn't walk it for Rosalie, but she could be a light to guide the nurse along her path– the first of many friendly faces, she was sure. >Pavo, sufficiently reassured, opened the door of the MCC. >with one last deep breath, Molly stepped out into the cool night air, wearing a warm, confident smile. >she'd make sure Rosalie got her happily ever after.
>Y-Nissy was a worker drone for Sunday, being a gardener for Sunday's family >Sunday sees Y-Nissy as a pet and gave Y-nissy his black lower leg segments and clawed hands for him to dig in the garden with >Sunday has an obsessive love torwards a woman and oftens shows his obsessive behavior infront of Y-Nissy >Y-Nissy, due to his observations also subtly grows these obsessive tendencies torwards Sunday >during the war Y-Nissy override's his solver to spare Sunday and protect him >Sunday and Nissy goes to save Sunday's crush >Y-Nissy now embracing his possesive tendencies kills her >Sunday reluctantly has to stay with Y-Nissy since it's either he tries to fend for himself or gets killed by Y-Nissy
Y-Nissy's whole character and story is basically toxic dependency cause he'll become violent and lost if he does not have someone to obsess over
>>174949 she'd probably like growing plants in a sunny high-rise apartment after getting solar sensitivity treatment but something like that probably isn't in her budget
>>174947 Y-Nissy is cute. He clearly does a lot of silly things to please Sunday, and the latter only sighs disappointedly, realising that he's whole dependent on maniac that killed his love.
>>174953 >Every time Anon dies, Cyn brings him back >Not as a mutant, not as a drone, but as himself, painfully human and unsuited to the hunt >He gets a painful scar based on what killed him last, but never more than one >Every now and then, he kills himself in a different way just to stop the pain and replace it with something new
>Another blurry day of high school life >After saving copper-9 dad had plenty of work and capital repairing the outpost >despite the years, Mom knew how to cleanse dad’s mind with a honeymoon trip >Thankfully N brings me company during the dull nights >now that everything’s quiet and uneventful, each day turns duller and duller an- >While you wallow in your boredom, you overhear Rebecca overly excited > “OMGOMGOMGTHEY’REGOINGTODROPANOTHERALBUM!!!! MYCHEMICALROBOTS!!!” >No way, you prepare to ask for details but another classmate steals your chance >” Hey [Lizzy] are they going to- “‘Release Limited-time Signed copies? You bet! and cost 60 extra dollars’ >aw crap, just when you ran out of money buying junk food and shonen VHS >As you make it home, your dear BF Greets you inside >N came in early and cleaned most of the mess left without parent’s supervision >He offers you an omelet with a cup of oil-mixed coffee, >Although way better than the cafeteria, you can’t think of anything else other than money >Minutes go by, after N does the dishes turns is eyes to a mellow dining room >Worried, N asks what’s wrong after seeing an untouched cup “I don’t know I feel like something’s missing” >”Oh! I can help, When Cyn was depressed, I made a special Cappuccino to feel better” >Confused, Uzi lets N to whatever machinations he’s planning >” here it is! A Cappuccino like no other, enjoy your highness” >Giving a slight chuckle at the spectacle, you focus on the cup >An incredible vanilla aroma and color emanates from the coffee, you take a sip >Stunned, Uzi takes a step back >It’s divine, creamy, richly sweet, deeply spiced-toned both revitalizing Uzi’s mind and body, although with a strong aftertaste “Dude this is the best cup I’ve had! but where did you get vanilla?” >” Ah is nothing, Cyn replaced some of my organs to work as a coffee machine, you’d be surprised how much she needed it” “there’s still the question of where it comes from” >” Oh from my penis of course! Just needed to shake it a bit” >Shocked and horrified of what just happened it takes some time to process your arm moving on its own, taking another sip >An idea hits >…N? – “Yeah? Something wrong?” He replied with no ulterior motives C-Could you make more? …
>>174965 >The next day, Uzi tries to figure out the logistics of marketing >How would a social weirdo like her be taken seriously without making it sound like a prank? >She had an incredibly good product, but not enough demand >Luckly her next cl-test subject was walking nearby >Thad was rarely invited to Uzi’s place so he was eager to hang out >after all that he’s seen it’s the least he could do >Inside, a slightly worried Thad was waiting of …Uzi’s room? >A rather unusual place considering both Uzi and N were on the kitchen and the bathroom >It didn’t help that the bathroom was making odd sounds “It’s ready, come look Thad!” >A loose sign hanged on the living room “Uzi’s personal Blend Burst” adorned with bottles of oil and milk >”so you’re making a coffee shop?” “Yes, and we’d like you to advertise it, first one’s on the house! ” >” Sure, but I expected to play videogames” >A normal looking cup is presented onto the unsuspecting lab rat >you watch with anticipation as the green-eyed drone lowers his cup >” Ohohoh- MAN, how much are you charging?” “About 8 bucks” >” Double it, and I’ll do it for free if I get more of this cream!” >A devilish grin forms on your face as Thad spreads the foamy gospel of your deeds >Soon after lines of drones form around your house >even Lizzie and her group of friends ‘tolerated’ you as one of them >with business booming the only thing to worry was N’s increasing hydration >very soon your house became the talk of the outpost with teachers and workers alike coming for this revitalizing elixir >in a matter of weeks you’ve amassed thousands of dollars, with your Barista taking a generous part >It got to where you couldn’t access the apartments cause the lines were getting too long, so an expansion was needed >A few hundreds were invested into a cargo container, and renovated into a coffee shop close to the storage facilities >A little soundproof room was also added for N’s restocking >despite other beans, blends and techniques, customers were after the cream >demand grew so high that even N broke one of his arms from stroking >You suggested the switch to an automatic milking pump for efficiency >thankfully your BF didn’t mind if he had internet and stimulation from your personal collection of anime
>>174966 >The next month rolls by >Satisfied with your life’s decisions, a new album and plenty of cash to never work again >before closing for the night, you receive a message from Rebecca, reminding you of weekend cleaning day >…right Reb, Thad and I were partners >Sadly despite the connections you´re still forced to clean the school halls and classrooms by protocol >It’s alright, you give N a goodbye kiss, he deserves some rest after pumping gallons and serving half the outpost >Most of the classrooms are messy but with some elbow grease and patience you make a quick work of them >Focused on cleaning you check the time, 2AM losing sight of your other classmates, probably the two loving birds were having and adventure and not working >Not a problem, only the main floor and your classroom were left >Starting with the floor and working towards, you start hearing sounds coming from your classroom >“Ah good for him, I knew Thad could score after so many fails” -But not good for you having to clean the spunk >The sound stops for a moment, before growls start emerging >Morbid curiosity impulses you to take a peak, the classroom was a head turn away >Slowly dropping the mop and walking softly as to not disturb the newfound lovers >Amongst the growls an unusual sound clears in... bones? >alright now you need to investigate >Turning left the door becomes visible, scratched by giant claw marks with bits and pieces scattered across the hall same with the desks >slowly you start descending the security barriers in the hall, preventing whatever danger is inside from escaping >diming the light on your visor, you start to peek >It only takes a second for Uzi to recoil back to what she saw >A horribly mutated Thad, his chest became an amalgamation of solver flesh and bones extending outward >Both arms and legs grew larger, standing in four with fingers replaced with bone claws twice as big compared to normal disassembly drones >His massive shaft hanging, about 5’ from memory to 16’ and a brutally mutilated body close to him only the visor shattered and hair remains >still processing what you saw, you decide to bring up your phone for help
>>174967 >As soon as it unlocks you get a notification from N asking where you are, accompanied with a bell Ding* >The beast rushed outside to find a lonely drone but not a powerless one >Before extending your arm to apprehend this thing, the beast quickly lunches towards your hand, nailing it into the wall >It’s clear it understands the threat and one false move could have it severed and your life with it. >stuck between a monster and a hard place you decide to play dead, its face gets closer >to your surprise, it starts licking your face and waving his newly formed tail >perhaps a little too excited as his head starts grinding against both your chest and wall >both precum and smell are intoxicating, removing his claw for a better position >the quadruped were-drone asserts dominance over you being directly beneath it >preparing for the worst you rotate upside-down, covering your head as to protect vital parts >swiftly, the beast’s claws rip your back, lacerating your arms and back, making quick work on whatever clothing you had >there’s no way that thing’s going to fit, as one clumsy thrust after another misses your usb port >Frustrated, it grasps your hips with enough force to bend them, serving for stability >Sure enough about one third managed to ram its way into your womb >thrusting with fearless determination, it shakes your very insides as more of its dick tries to fit to no avail >the drone’s head descends as both of you exhale for air at the same tempo >grasping for pure air gets harder, the hall increasing in temperature with each minute passing >it starts speeding, prepping for whatever horrors are going to come out of the creature’s cum tanks >with the thrusting momentum you manage to extend your arms against the wall >With a final thrust it quickly fills your womb, the liquid pressure coming shakes your very core, some manages to overflow and escapes from your mouth >diagnosis warnings flood your visor, highlighting internal damages and possible shutdown >your eyes getting blurrier by the second, only perceiving your friend’s growling feral howls of ferocity. >a whisper of your boyfriend’s name leaves your mouth, tears flowing from your visor >standing at death’s door your body enters in lockdown mode, the core remains conscious >A lifeless drone stands before the were-drone cuddling her body in the last minutes of conscience
>>174968 >After some hours your tail lends a hand >biting through the chest and extracting the core >”Wakey-wakey eggs and bakey” >All things considered you’re alive, your assailant knocked on the floor and back to normal with his visor displaying just the rebooting symbol >only visible difference is more muscular arms and sharper fangs >diagnosis kick in, lacerated in arms and back, a bloated stomach, filled with pain from head to toes, and a slight dent in your hips >Time checks for 8:30 AM >Aw fuck the hall’s a mess, but now not limited you quickly repair the damages caused, including your clothes and Thad’s >as for your classmate, you managed to fit her remains into a guitar case before bolting out of there >Before leaving some [giggling] sounds emerge from your tail >with no hesitation you choked the bitch “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO CYN?!?!” >”Agk- An old contingency plan in case the disassembly drones started mingling instead of killing” “WELL IS THERE A WAY TO REVERT IT?!” >”I-It requires another type of milk from another DD” >Great… now to find the other bitch… >Before going home, you take a detour into the bathroom to cleanse most of the cum >Punching your stomach, you deposit this baby batter in a cleaned janitor bucket >two buckets… two and a half… however you notice something >It possesses a strong mix of apple and cinnamon scent… >Morbid curiosity kicks in again, deciding to taste it yourself >Delicately fruity, deeply sweet and strong aftertaste ”A-A business needs to expand, r-right?...”
>>174970 >Heading for the shop, Uzi fills bottles with this new concentrated elixir >But before heading home, some answers were needed >locking herself in the soundproof room “Alright Cyn any chances of other clients transforming?” >” Definably, safe to say all male worker drones are infected” >This is way worse that you’d imagine, and V is on guard duty with your parents “Could you help me this time? I’ll give you some of the creamer directly from the tap” >” DEAL!!” >In a desperate run to the only DD available, Uzi storms outside the outpost, to the old corpse cave they used as a base >inside they find J, still struggling to fix the ship who quickly notice both >” YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT HAVEN’T YOU RIDICULED ME ENOUGH?!” -your tail interrupts >” I am still your superior J, and we’re relocating you to the JCJenson’s dairy division” >” YES BOSS! GLORY TO JCJENSON!!” -saluting Uzi as if months of hatred vanished in seconds >With a brainwashed drone in your possession you take J into the container >Although her tits breasted boobily with milk how would she make her clients drink the antidote? >Mixing it with the coffee would risk changing the flavor >”J, shove your milkers into her mouth” >waitwha- A well-balanced mix of caramel and vanilla assaults your pallet, slightly-citric flavor >inspiration, taking a big gulp of heavy cream you bring out your phone with baking recipes >muffins were the first thing to bake along with a set of cookies and sweet biscuits >Opening for business, clients were surprised at the new variety of goods >N was called for work but as a chef, after all a new limited-time creamer was launching the same day >Combo deals were flying off the shelves, the crowds asking for more sweets delicacies >Later that day Thad decided to show up, looks like the poor fella didn’t remember a thing >with no hesitation you shove a biscuit into Thad’s mouth, reverting the transformation >A side effect of this adventure was a tremendous bulge coming from his shorts but nothing baggy clothes can’t hide >An upside for many, and a bigger upside for trying more flavors in the future
>>174969 >Alien commander >Shows up after Season 1 to be the next antagonist >That's literally all there is, any extrapolation came much later One of the ideas was that he was from an advanced alien race's anti-entity division and was there to eradicate the drones and Uzi to give the Solver the boot.
>>174980 >NTA I don't think we ever established a lore for that, but it makes sense for Beretta to be older for 2 reasons >Beretta was the first >Mac Isn't a weird flesh monster covered in a Drone shell, but instead an actual Drone It makes sense that N and Uzi would try a normal way of having a kid the next time, considering 2 of theirs were the result of spme solver fuckery and one ended up in a nuthouse because of it
>>174986 I still definitely don't like him and I'm under the full belief he shouldn't be allowed to post here, but I don't want the thread to devolve into shit or just continue mentioning him like what happened above
>>174988 Me too. I’m sorry for derailing discussion by posting it. It’s just I actually like it, it’s cute! But I do wanna see others draw her just for the fun of knowing how they interpret the character.
>>174985 >>Mac Isn't a weird flesh monster covered in a Drone shell, but instead an actual Drone Beretta only became that after eldritch meat puberty. Until then she was a robot full of eldritch meat like Mac, not eldritch meat covered in robot. Same with Negev, unless you count her starting out as some worm/slug/mini-Solverpede that only became a Solver core after a matter collection feeding frenzy as her initially being more eldritch meat than robot.
I wish people loved Mutant Abby as much as I do, but everyone just wants human abby. Why do anons love girls who treat them like shit instead of a woman who will kill and eat them?
>It was a normal night, you were browsing the internet watching people play a video game in the internet and scream loudly. >you laugh as markiplier falls into a pit and yells about killing the developers. >but then, you hear a voice. >"greetings, friend..." >you turn around >the solver of the absolute fabric, in all her nightmarish glory. >"im very veeery bored, lets do something fun for the night." she says in that monotone robotic voice >you groan in annoyance, "cyn, no. i want to be by myself for tonight," >"rolls eyes." Cyn says she rolls her eyes "cmon my friend, you don't want next sunday to happen again? dont you" she asks, her head tilting all the way around like a pinwheel >You lower your head in both irritation and worry, next sunday was a very painful experience. >"ok....Uhhh.....Cyn, can we go to Burger King? And get a barbecue bacon burger?" >Cyn stops for a moment, tilting her head curiously with a wide smile. A moment of silence passes. Suddenly, she bursts into laughter, giggling with amusement >"You want to go to... Burger King? To eat a..." she pauses, chuckling "...a barbecue bacon Burger?" >"Yes, you like burgers right? Can you eat nonhuman burgers?" >Cyn's laughter dies down to a chuckle, and she responds in a more nonchalant manner "Oh, of course, I can eat non-human food." >she answers while staring directly at you with those x shaped pupils. >"But sure, I'd like a burger. Especially something as delicious as a barbecue bacon burger, hehehe." >“Alright fine, take me there.” >Cyn chuckles and nods in a sinister manner, her multiple appendages clacking together as she moves towards you. Then, her tendrils wrap themselves around you, tightly gripping you. >The world around you starts to blur and distort, shapes and colors twisting and blending together as Cyn transports you both to Burger King >as the world becomes clear again. you find yourself standing inside the restaurant with Cyn still gripping you with her tendrils. >Around you, families and people eating in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. They seem to be unaware of the presence of a eldritch horror, Cyn. >Cyn scans the area, seemingly observing the customers with her cold yellow eyes >"Now, to order my burger."
>Cyn makes her way to the counter, as soon as everyone takes notice of her they back away in fear. As she approaches the bored teenage looking >cashier, he snaps from bored and tired to shaking in his uniform. “Wh-what can I g g get you maam” >Cyn, being entirely indifferent to the fear and shock of those around her, responds in a sinister tone, as she leans forward toward the terrified cashier. >"I'll take a barbecue bacon burger, if you please." >The cashier, still stuttering and quivering, manages to nod and quickly punches the order into the cash register. >"Y-yes ma'am. Will all?" >“Giggle.” Cyn giggled. “I will take two, one for me, and one for my special fella over here.” >The cashier, still shaken by Cyn's presence, manages to keep his composure enough to ring up the order. >"T-Two barbecue bacon burgers, coming right up," he stammers out, trying his best to contain his fear. >Cyn chuckles softly, her cold yellow eyes locking onto you. She seems to enjoy the fear she causes in people and the chaos that surrounds her. >"Hehe, one burger for me and another for my... special friend. Oh, aren't we just adorable together?" >“No” you respond as soon as she asks >Cyn's smile falters for a moment, her expression becoming slightly annoyed. She glances at you, her tendrils still gripping you tightly >"Oh, really? You don't think we're adorable together? How disappointing." >She grins again, the sharpness of her teeth making her look even more menacing. >"Oh, come now. Lighten up. Can't we just enjoy our time here at Burger King?" >“Cyn I can see a little boy crying right over there” >>Cyn pauses and scans the restaurant, her gaze falling upon the crying little boy you mentioned. She watches him for a moment, her expression hardening into a sinister smirk >"And? So what if he's crying? It's not like his tears make any difference to me." >Cyn then turns her attention back to you, tilting her head slightly. >"Why do you care so much about him anyway, hmmmm? He's just a tiny little human." >You sigh and facepalm. “Look, let’s just sit here and wait..” >Cyn's mischievous smile grows wider as she watches your frustration. >"Oh, fine, fine. I suppose we can sit and wait for our burgers." >She leads you over to a table in the corner of the restaurant and sits down across from you, her tendrils still wrapped around you. >"But don't think I'll forget your little display of compassion for that insignificant human child."
the premise: >anon is a pathetic useless loser sack of shit who can't do anything right and is only allowed to live because of UBI and welfare programs >anon's caretaker drone is designed to provide all of the disgusting affection he doesn't deserve, including the carnal kind, and is there to keep him from falling into a suicidal spiral >anon's caretaker, for some reason, enjoys her job and likes anon >anon refuses to believe this and is always trying to catch her out, thinking she hates him and does it because the government might disassemble her or something, he always comes up with a reason
>>175013 Yea, I remember seeing pseudo-ritualposts on /co/ and /trash/ well before that capped greentext Out of curiosity I searched desuarchive and as far as I can tell this here is the oldest/original Dred'fal post
>Dr. Henry, Season 2 main antagonist >MG, Minion of Season 2 antagonist >Dr. Holly, Minor Season 2 Antagonist >Dr. Ones, Comedic Season 3-4 Antagonist to reflect the filler-ish nature of the seasons >Commander Dred'fal, Overarching villian that's always hinted at, but doesn't actually appear until the post-credits and even then doesn't directly interact with our main characters until season 5
>Cyn snaps out of her thoughts and looks up at you, her expression still sinister but slightly amused. >"Whats wrong my special fella? you look sad, Are you feeling... lonely, perhaps?" she notices the grim expression on your face as you finish the bacon burger. >you glance up at her, "no no its fine...." you reassure her. "im just bored thats all.. >you think to yourself on what do to do tonight, when all of a sudden. you get an idea. >"Hey cyn, can we go to Japan and kill the Prime Minister?" >Cyn's eyes widen in surprise, before her lips curl into a nasty, nasty smile >"Japan, you say? And the Prime Minister, you say? kill them in cold blood you say? now that sounds like a fun little adventure, don't you think?" >"yup and..." you notice something in the distance...something terrible, >"oh my god it's Uzi over there. Oh no! she has a giant human penis now and she's coming right for you Lenny! Your name is lenny. >thankfully the burger king is now 70000 meters long thanks to obamacare >Cyn glances across the restaurant, seeing Uzi running towards the both of you. >With a bemused expression, she responds in a mocking tone. >"Uzi having a... giant human penis? now this is quite odd! >you look at her and she's stopped running. but what you see makes you gag in revulsion. >'Oh my god cyn, She's masturbating right now. And, and... And is that n?" >holy shit n has a vagina in his butthole. it's so pink and moist. It's so coiffed. you look at it and gaze upon his empire of joy >Cyn looks at the ghastly scene with disbelief. >"that's just-... it's not even... possible!" >As if things couldnt get any worse. Donald Trump arrives to the scene. >"cyn its me, donald trump! i am your wife! i am your wife, Donald Trump! im a very fine wife!" >Cyn's laughter abruptly stops, replaced by a look of absolute horror. >"Wha- what did you just say? You... my wife?!" >Cyn is shaking and quivering, she grabs your shoulders tightly. >she hides behind you despite her being more pwoerful than you, "shiver..shiver..don't let him get me..."" cyn cries as she bites her nails >"You can't do that cyn thats disgusting you have no choice! Ivanka is dead and you are Ivanka now! you have to do this for the good of the universe!" >Cyn's eyes turn into shocked emojis out of pure horror. >"No, NO! This cannot be happening. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to marry Donald Trump! I- no, I can't- I won't do it! N- no!" >cyn falls into a realistic panic as donald trump hops merrily with his hairy legs showing. >Trump enters his milk mode. His udders are out. he must be miked to be made happy, That's how Donald Trump reproduces. That's how his kids were made. >you turn to look at cyn who's still shitting her skirt. the ink that falls begins to stain your 40 dollar nikes. >"cyn, you have to milk him! milk them and then put them in a bottle and then store them in the trump machine to create children! Do it so the nightmare is over!" >Cyn's face tunrs to look at you. Her eyes watering with oil. >" I- I absolutely refuse to do any of that! That's- It's.... wrong! So wrong." >Cyn shakes her head, her hands covering her face in denial. >You hold cyn's head and begin violently shaking her. >"PLEASE CYN YOU GOTTA DO THIS!! TRUMP IS GONNA DESTROY THE WORLD IF YOU REFUSE!!" You hell into her face. >" Please cyn! Please! Alex Hirsch wills it! Alex Hirsch wills ls it with the power of a thousand chinese mickey rooneys! >Cyn's resolve weakens as you mention Alex Hirsch's name, and the sheer absurdity of the situation slowly starts to sink in. >"A- Alex Hirsch... wills it...?"
I gotta imagine that Nori would drag her heels, to a degree, on getting a new body because she grows to like how climbing onto Khan's head makes people have to look up to make eye contact with her.
>>175036 >”yes cyn hw does!” >alex hirsch looks at all of this nonsense in disgust. >”no I don’t, RAAAAAGHHH!!” >he uses his special flannel powers to cause the Big Bang and restart the universe. >and nothing of value was lost
I don’t know I wrote this, this was gonna be longer but I lost motivation and I’m tired so good night everybody
>>175051 That seems plausible. If you think the solver drone core having less need to expend the oil to work the whole body, it's like the human brain using roughly 20% of your daily energy just for itself. In a way, a more oil-efficient Eldritch vampire core thing. >>175056 She's just such very thoughtful.
>>175049 This is soo good! O my science Very welldrawn, beautifull and hot I have come to like Mori nore than many characters by now, no fav tho for sure but better than othersome definitely
pretty fucked up that Uzi couldn't be bothered to find the parts to repair Emily so she just brought her back as a disembodied head waddling around on little drone feet like a religious bobomb in pigtails.
>>175049 more primal sex has never been had. the foreplay alone lasted an entire day and night, with anon being pumped full of a strange chemical cocktail to keep him alert, erect, and productive. the un/lucky bastard was fucked within an inch of his life more times than he could count, only to be brought back from the brink for another round. superb work, artfriend.
>it's the lucky st Patrick’s dronestice today, a week where the drones celebrate the beginning of march. >it's 7 crazy nights of wearing green and trying to not get pinched. >Thad and his girlfriend shmuelletta are playing pickleball together at his house, thad is seriously injuring her but it's ok it's all in good fun. > lizzy and v are having lesbian mkeout sessions under teacher's desk while he grades tests. he doesen't mimd, this happens once every day. >ronathan has finally asked out his longtime childhood friend drone larry king to the st Patrick’s festival tomorrow, good for them. >nori is currently exploring khan's body by being inside of him while he uses the massage chair, they have been doing this ever since they reunited. >everyone is happy, but weirdly enough, uzi doorman and serial designation N aren't doing anything right now. >oh, dont get me wrong, they have the st Patrick’s day spirit, in fact for the rest of the week they've been indulging in all the festivities! >from wearing green and participating in the annual watch parties of classics like "leprechaun 2" and "the luck of the Irish". >it's just that today, they haven't done anything. >It's doorman family dinnertime right now. while nori is still inside khan who is still on the masaage chair, uzi is boredly looking at that funny clip N sent her of the dancing cat right now as he giggles and squirms from across the table. >"Heh! its funny right! because, you know! the sound effects!" N says to his wife. Smiling and laughing a bit too much, >"say ooz, what are we gonna do today?" N asks, he's bored too and the festival is tomorrow so they can't doddle! >uzi thinks to herself on something, what can they do? What exactly have they not done? >skii down the corpse spires? no. watch john lasseter’s luck again? Did that. >uzi thinks and thinks and thinks.... >and then she got an idea! >a very awful idea....
Fixed some grammar mistakes here and there. This time without the image, couldn’t find anything st Patrick’s day related
>Serial Identification - 808, Callsign: “Hopper”. Role and position of the Wolfdogs squad: Reconnaissance. >In her old life before the war, Hawaii native Kai Kitagawa was an acrobatic that had dreams of being in the olympic games and had continuously pushed the limits to her body on the brink of exhaustion. A natural adrenaline junky to put it bluntly. >When the Solver War began, she was drafted in the newly reformed 442nd infantry regiment. In there, she had always preferred mobility over protection as the excess weight would only drop her down. >Joining VSOTF and the Wolfdogs, SI-808 is the one to scout ahead and alert her team of nearby dangers or point of interest. >Fitting for being the most mobile member of the squad, 808 is given a jump-pack to help her gain access to hard to reach areas and mobile advantage in a firefight.
>>175087 (me) I kept thinking for some reason that DD’s have some sort of booster pack in their wings to travel quickly but I found that wasn’t the case…
>>175088 They have these round joints with a shining ring, they are likely doing most of the propulsion so they could likely travel pretty fast I guess After all there's only around 30 which is few for a planet
>>175091 >her body clearly appreciates it but her speech is as stilted as ever >aside from the audio glitching out, especially when you hit the right spots >her screen displays pages of text somewhere between a beautiful love poem and hentai subtitles, interspersed with keysmashes >as she approaches climax, emotion starts bleeding through the cold monotone rambling >when she crests that peak, she cries out in a pleasure that momentarily overrides her limiters
>>175049 lil fix to her right leg. i get interrupted often and sometimes i lose track of what i wanted to fix. been holding onto this for a while trying to remember what it was that bothered me. wanted her leg to point a bit more to the camera
>>175110 she needs some sufferingkino. she's in the middle of a war, and presumably saw the solver war as well. I've already done my contentfagging for the day but those seem like fertile fields for growing greens
J doesn't want to be alone. J should be careful what she wishes for.
I think J would look cute in something pastel and frilly, with mismatched socks. Oh, and a flower headband. She would also look cute in an oversize hoodie...
>Elodie visits a memorial in some national park >she reads all the names that she recognizes >Elodie has seen many of those names die in the war >she remembers when they’d tell stories about their families and their aspirations >she remembers when their heart monitors would flatline >she remembers the dread she would feel over wether they’d live or not >she remembers this one man. He had a girlfriend >he once told her that she was pregnant >she remembers how happy he sounded >”hear that, I’m gonna be a dad?” >he was shot. >so many died, so many lives lost. >she’s always been indifferent to them. But ever since she “woke up” there was always that sense of melancholy >and yet she carries on. >on and on
>>175099 >>175049 Absolutely stellar work dude So detailed yet expressive, good perspective pose and composition, this is why you are the best among us I don't think it shows in my things much or at all but you are the single biggest inspiration for my drawing
What is your opinion of Doll? What do you like or hate about her? What could have made been better/should have been better? Or are you satisfied with the outcome she got?
I'd do so much to have a series with Alice Amda Nori and Yeva, CFL is such an awesome setting, if only I could safely post the tour of the massive 3D model from Glitch Inn we didn't even see 75% of the already modeled structure at all, not to mention the stuff existing that was never modeled. It is so huge it kinda adds to the feel I have that 6 was the beginning of changing MDs end (hence the cliffhanger/long wait, 6 needed scenes done new/was adapted). I have no idea what the original plane was but it is such a wonderful map
>>175161 Perfect indeed I will never get over how genuinely cute her way of movin and manner of speech is, she has a very 'smooth' and 'warm' voice, the crawling and jumping has smth captivating really And she maybe means to look creepy and acts a bit crazy, but know what, these cannibalized victims, they were already gone, so it's not so bad, you know? I wanna boop her snoot pet her on her hardhat, stroke her hair and carry her, it's such a loss we saw so little of her having a good time
>>175162 Hey aliceanon, what would you do if you had a heart attack and you died and you woke up in her body just an after the sentinel flashed her? What do you do next?
>promise oogi a fruit >her face morphs from happiness to rage as I place a tomato in front of her >she starts screeching and attacking my foot, beating her nubby arms against my toes
>>175164 Uh if I were flashed there would be nothing I could do 😔🇫🇷🌅🎶 But assuming I'd have controlls again then probably just move left as much as possible (if already on the ground, the Sentinel didn't hit her right between the eyes, no, it's off center more to Alice's right, with its right leg) since it gives best chance of evading. The stomp seems so casual, it appears as if the sentinel is barely aware of it. Perhaps one could get away like that. Then prey the second one doesn't check, and find a way for V not to kill me. That V part could probably work, better than Sentinels, no dumb moves or trying anything, maybe it could help that Alice spared V earlier, but then again it's still V and so on, but this can go on with no end with all the complexity of what ifs and how detailled you make the alts. But also I'd be (besides dying and living in MD) worried where real Alice is, if I am in her and she's not in her then where is Alice?
>>175166 Shit you think it's tranny fantasies? I feel this is all 'scribbles', his parasocial attaching on to identifiable people, the 'conicidental' appearance of links to comparable transformation content like pic rel, the manner of speech, calling it.
>Vickers-Tessa stalking Anon when she comes across Vickers-chan >Anon wakes up to the sound of what sounds like two cats fighting if the cats were being skinned alive >He finds Tessa and Vickers-chan having a cat fight on his lawn
Picture this: >you visit your grandma at the hospital on her death bed >after you share some words you and others watch her peacefully pass away >suddenly the heart monitor starts to stabilize >she wakes up confused >she starts freaking out about being human and rambling about an “n” and a “cyn” >you try to talk to her but she tells you to “bite her” Wyd?
>It is the Post-Canon Good Ending >Doll is alive* once more and demands to be allowed to enact her vengeance against V >Lizzy, being absolutely fed up with V & Doll's "drama" yet not willing to lose either of them over it, brokers an odd arrangement in hopes of settling the beef between her 'besties' >It is ultimately decided that a week V & Doll (with Lizzy serving as arbiter) are to meet up for an two hour session of group "therapy"
>The first hour (or shorter depending on whether V & Doll agree to stop fighting for the day) is dedicated to violence >Doll is allowed to have a 15 minute window of her choosing to freely torture and/or 'kill' V in almost any way she see's fit (only the core is off-limits to harm) >V (assuming she is still 'alive') is permitted to fight back for the remainder of the hour, with only Doll's core(?*) being off-limits
>The second hour (or more if both V & Doll agree to stop fighting for the day) is spent is dedicated to "love" >Lizzy is charged with selecting a group activity that both V & Doll MUST peacefully participate in until the session concludes >It's basically an excuse for Lizzy to hang out and do stuff with both of her 'besties'
*She got her body back, make of that what you will
>>175189 Nope, nuh-uh, you can't switch the characters like that. N would probably get over his previous existence being fiction pretty quickly, aside from the lack of Uzi which might seriously fuck with him.
>at the heart of the reactor is the bugretta >fed a constant data stream of Disney Star Wars slop, the bugretta begins to vibrate in uncontrollable rage, producing immense amounts of heat >a constant stream of water into the reactor washes against the bugretta and evaporates into steam, which turns turbines to generate electricity
>>175099 >“And that is how you were actually conceived Uzi” >Uzi felt disgusted. Not with the fact that her actual father was a human but with the fact that Nori had to go into detail about the solver sex she did with him.
>>175205 How are you going to tell him that everyone he and everyone knows are just sets of polygons? How are you gonna tell him that his voice is someone else’s or his thoughts were written down?
>>174197 (me) I done did it. Remember, everyone. Before having sex with monsters, you gotta know what's gonna come out after you're done. It's just basic common sense, and essential for the repopulation effort!
>>175209 Solver Sapiens are organic-based lifeforms created from Solver matter. They differ from "Solver abominations" in that they take a humanoid/droneoid(?) form specifically. They may be created through drones using Solver powers to create life (ex. Akita) or may arise from more general Solver fuckery (ex. Maya I believe? She doesn't have a wiki page or any greens saved there to check). There's a lot of variety regarding them, so they don't tend to have a standard design beyond the humanoid shape, though adaption of drone parts tends to be a trend.
>>175235 Speaking as Akita's anon, I recall anons joking about the abomination baby between Uzi and N before episode 4 aired. It took until episode 4's arrow creature for the threads to take it more seriously, Akita's creation happening days after episode 4 aired. It was why the original Solver Sapien take on Akita had the red and yellow theme.
anyone pick up a new drone recently? I finally saved up for one of those DD units but they just don't get restocked. instead JCJ just keeps putting out weird variants and sublines and all of them seem like a bad idea. are any of them any good or am I right in assuming they're all just the designer's barely disguised fetish?
>>175244 Dronesmell is dronesmell, that's the best way to explain it You can buy one of those dingly little pine tree air fresheners that has the the dronesmell flavor, think "new electronics" smell Or "steam deck air vent smell" too
>>175244 I mean it's a running joke in the threads that Uzi's got femcel stank, and they're canonically programmed to sweat iirc so drones probably have a smell...? maybe?
>>175245 i need to get those fresheners and rub it all over my drone plushes >steam deck air vent smell actually that reminds me my old tablet had a weird, yet nice? smell whenever it got too warm...
>Be you, former member of Abbys squad >Mutant Abby keeps you in her solver flesh lair >She keeps bringing you dead animals or human lbs for food >For water she brings you mouthfuls of water and forces you to drink with a very forced kiss >She almost broke your legs when you tried to leave and spent a solid seven hours staring at you without moving a muscle
>”Anon, what does “Thick” mean” Abby asks you >”because from what I remember it’s an insult to your intelligence but Bonnie said that I am “Thick with two Cs”” >”as far as I know this is the incorrect spelling of the word and I can’t find any definition in my thesaurus, what does it mean to be “thicker then a bowl of oatmeal” >”the brown hair one said as well that I have a nice cake, but I am not a baker, I only carry some treats in my candy bowl for good soldiers” >”all of this seems highly illogical, can you explain it to me”
>>175246 >canonically programmed to sweat They're canonically programmed to feel like they're sweating when they exert themselves. It's all in their heads and they know it.
Given the enemy was the solver and I’m guessing the EMF is mostly like a Warhammer faction, what horrible things did EMF do to survive? Obviously they didn’t really care about their soldiers, but anything on the level of servitors
>>175292 Earth military force, primary fighting force of the Solver war. Has a shit ton of names because everyone calls them something different for some reason
>>175294 Abby extends her long tongue to lick her drone eye like a reptile at the thought of eating Jane ass. Not sexual in the slightest she just dreams of eating Jane alive as revenge.
>>175304 shot Abby in the stomach and left her for dead when she made the mistake of thinking Jane would help her. also mutant Abby is compelled by the solver to kill all her former comrades (Jane included) if she wants her suffering to end.
>>175303 >>175305 >Cyn gives Abby the mission to kill all EMF >also makes a deal to get Jane off planet >Abby is tortured forever with the one person she wanted to kill the most also being the last one she needs to die, and the one she can’t reach. Feeling endless hunger Cyn is such a dick
>>175307 Well Abby wasn’t very good at her job given there was a whole camp of people left along with two main characters, Cyn had to hurry things up to meet her deadline
>>175318 President Boogi needs to resign, she can’t keep threatening a Oogi WAAAGH on our Vee neighbors and then backing out every month. This is a retarded presidency.
>>175287 >Darkness is the first thing you become aware of. Darkness and biting cold, as well as the sound of wind. You feel as if you’re dangling from something, but you don’t get any time to think before you hear a snapping sound. >You feel like you’re falling for a moment, until with a wet splat, you collide with a hard surface. You bounce a bit, but surprisingly you’re not in pain. Must’ve been a short fall. >You open your eyes and, briefly blinded by the light, find yourself facing what looks like the wall of a log cabin, lit very faintly by what you think is a moon or something similar. >You try to stand up, but surprisingly you… Can’t? Your head is on the floor, but you can’t move your legs or anything else of that nature. Your arms move a little bit at least from what you’re feeling, but you can’t feel your fingers nor can you turn your head to look at your body >You wait there, glancing around while trying to think of a logical explanation for this situation, but absolutely nothing is coming up. How did you get here? Why can’t you move all that much?
>alright heisters, here's the plan >the elliotts are having a gala at their manor and I need you guys to break in and get the vault >you'll have to blow out some walls to get it out, it's too thick to drill through and the codes change every few hours >security is pretty light but just in case be sure to get those rich jackasses as hostages, just in case things go south >you guys ready for the heist of the century? Razormind
>>175332 I’d simply have Sex with Abby after Meeny dies. Threadlore logic dictates that our horrible mutant child (can’t cure that) will be their reincarnation. This is what we in the good ending business call “The DDanni Effect.”
need some advice. so I got a drone from a rescue recently, and she came to me pretty beat up. folks running the place didn't know where exactly she came from because her voice box was busted, but they suspected abuse. so I take her back, fix her up, and pretty much as soon as her voice is working again she starts... offering herself. she talks like she's expecting to be struck at any second, her body language is all shaky and timid. calling me master, she says I'm free to use her however I like. naturally, I tell her she doesn't have to do that sort of thing anymore. I let her know this is her home and she's safe here. now, I don't expect her to see me as some savior or anything, but she actually seemed annoyed when I said that. it was like her body language changed for a second and irritation flickered across her face before she went right back to being timid. ever since then she's been acting oddly. I think she's trying to like, seduce me or something? that's probably not the right word for what she's doing, but basically she's trying to goad me into sex. I give her an allowance, she uses it to buy provocative clothes. when she's doing housework and such, she'll stick out her rear end as a I walk by. she screws up, and when I scold her she basically demands I "punish" her "somehow." am I misreading her behavior? is this just some bizarre way she's adjusting to a non-abusive environment? can anyone who's worked with abused drones tell me if this is common? I honestly don't know what the right way to proceed is and I could use some help.
Imagine an AU where Tessa survived, albeit with mental trauma and a huge fear of drones, and when she reunites with her old friends + Uzi it leads to her having a mental crash out where she yells at Uzi (Who has been making jabs at her) that she knows that she inadvertently released the Solver into the world and that she hates herself more than Uzi ever could.
>>175369 >she yells at Uzi (Who has been making jabs at her) that she knows that she inadvertently released the Solver into the world and that she hates herself more than Uzi ever could. That’s actually pretty sad, I see Uzi feeling really uncomfortable and awkwardly apologizing at the end
>V is playing with a workers synthetic intestines and is completely covered in oil and guts >She got bored of waiting for N and decided to have some playtime with the poor soul writhing on the ground >"V? V where are you?" >V lets out an exacerbated groan "Just when it got real good... Over here scrap-for-brains!" >V can hear N's footsteps approach from around the corner of the snow covered building >"V? Why're you being so mean? Where are we? Where's..." >N's voice trails off into a terrified silence >V lets out a frustrated growl "What is up with you you company lia-..." >She expected to see the same stupid disassembly drone she's been on this planet with for years >What stood there shaking in fear was the small dog loving butler she fell in love with >And he's just standing there, shaking like a leaf in the wind >Staring at her >And the oil and guts covering her >They stare at each other for what feels like an eternity >V makes the first move "Now N, I know how this looks..." She says as she holds up her claws in what would have been a disarming gesture >But the visage of her covered in oil and intestines, claws extended and wings flared makes him scream >N turns to run away from V >"V! V HELP ME V! J?! TESSA?! I NEED HELP PLEASE!"
As much as I like the artfags here, do you think that when they get popular through something original they made, they’ll be cancelled because they associate with imageboard users and therefore are considered racist or bigoted?
>>175396 I’m being serious, I feel like if vicious makes some webcomic and it’s popular. Eventually they discover her activity here and call her a rape fetishist.
>>175404 Yeah, but you just know atleast one guy on twitter is gonna be like “errrrmmmm don’t you know she, like, trivializes SA? That ain’t it chief” Not worried about anything just a possibility
>>175395 Welp, time to cancel Lauren Faust then. Also that one stoyboarder on Adventure Time who created Fiona and Cake over a thread on /co/ back in the day. You are probably 15 or something, so this all happened while you were still shitting diapers, so I don't blame you for not knowing.
>>175324 >After wiggling your arms around a bit, you’re able to flip yourself over, straightening your perspective. You feel strange, like your arms are a little closer to your head than they should be. That, combined with the lack of sensation in your legs, your point of view feeling oddly small, and the wet slapping sound makes you realize your body is not… Yours anymore. You feel fundamentally wrong on a level that can’t be properly put into words >You try and pull yourself along the ground, to some success, but quickly tire yourself out and sit there just catching your… Breath? Do you even have a mouth anymore? You glance around the room, towards the open door and broken windows letting in tons of snow and cold. You’re not sure what you can do in all honesty, besides panic at whatever your predicament is. >You look upwards, catching sight of some kind of fleshy matter clinging to the ceiling. It makes you shudder just looking at it. Is that what you were attached to? The snapping sound, the dangling… It adds up, you suppose. But right now, you’re feeling tired. Tired and hungry, but the latter of those you can figure out later. You need to get some strength back, so maybe like, a 10 minute nap might help you…
>>175460 That’s the Mascot. After the whole Solver business, JCJenson were back to their shenanigans again and one of the things they did was make a mascot character of SD-E, albeit with some…Solver elements.
>>175189 Ah shit, here we go again *the planet gets [NULL]'d* But that's if they get to keep their canon powerlevels, if they turn into ordinary robots, then it's gg for the planet. >>175397 I don't give a fuck about what cunts on X are doing.
>>175466 Oh, her screen got cracked during a particular dangerous fight with a Solvered drone, she takes it as a reminder that no good will come from them, that they should be banished from this world.
>>175397 I'll be fine man, lol why do you worry? I know very well what I am making, whether it is pretty, terrible, or funny. Knowing what type of audience you are looking for is a good thing. If people don't like it, they can look away or block. Keep life and work shrimple.
>>175469 I know, me neither. Just something I thought of while remembering when Micheal kovach said the n word 10 years ago and some people made him say sorry despite it being 10 years ago.
>>175473 I tried to say hi to Michael Kovach once, but he proceeded to sneeze into my mouth and said "Actions speak louder than words". He then gave me an encouraging pat on the back and walked off with a smile.
As much we like joking about asbestos, Liam saying the volcanic activity set off by the core's post-getting a crumb of it swallowed up by a microsingularity hiccup kicking up a bunch of silicates-not just asbestos, silicates in general-suggests it's just regular volcanic ash. Great for the soil, for what few plants are hardy enough to survive permanent nuclear winter. And that's just assuming that the roachbots don't realize that if they became pollinators for the remaining plants, they could get even more plants, which would eventually die and become more rotting biomatter for them to eat. And the Absolute Solver breaking the planet apart and it and Uzi throwing black holes at each other kicked up enough energy to cause rain-not snow, rain-to fall for a bit, so maybe after Uzi went into her Master HP power coma and put the planet back together like Harry Freaking Potter froze time and resurrected the wretched Harmony, some of the ash had been removed from the atmosphere, making the planetwide toxic death storm very very slightly less toxic?
I showed N a few episodes of transformers because he wanted to see a show about robots and now he thinks he can transform. I don't have the heart to tell him he's not turning into a motorcycle but he's started going around asking people if they want a ride and it's becoming a problem. how do I let him down gently?
>>175481 >>175489 > V is sad and is just selfishly using N as an emotional outlet > N is just terrified, thinking this gore-covered twisted cannibal took the appearance of his crush and killed her long ago
>Watching Harper battle a Solver monster. This absolutely hulking mutanted human who moves at incredible speeds >She's actually struggling, and it punches her in the face >She just... Smiles. >You're not sure why but you feel threatened. Like the ground and even the air around you is shaking violently >She disarms her weapons and rushes in bare-handed, kicking out it's kneecap with her peg-legs, a sickening crunch reverberating in the air. As it begins to fall, she lands a straight, hook, and uppercut in sequential order like a professional boxer. >It tries a last ditch punch, but Harper just grabs it's wrist and pulls it's face towards her knee. >The crunch is so loud it almost deafens you >The creature falls to the ground, it's jaw and skull quite literally reduced to powder as it's gore seeps out of it's ears. Yes that typo was intentional
Image:174140565803.png(58kB, 440x375)cooking a shitpost after watching an epic movie (the literal name).png
>>175491 i wing everything and draw in a single layer and then clean it up unless its a very specific pose I'm looking for, construct a base with a large brush and lots of basic shapes (I hate doing proper lineart, too tedious)
>>175484 >>175484 Uuuuuf fuuuuuck yes Eeeeeeeeet I had a fucking vision of this occurin today, earlier I sleeped and dreamt you would draw something extremely good and I paid for it, idk why, but this is it! Historical moment ong no 🧢 The way the ID is moving, the motionlines, it is extremely nicely done and made my weekend for sure, very very based It gets begter the linger I look at it, the folding in her midesction, the heart, the hair (by far thw besz you have ddawn Alice's imo, very good) and sweat, the added tail and of course the pelvis and Aliceussy, absolutely nice💯
>>175504 Originality stems from having a large mental library of things to pull from. Great artists don't 'steal', they learn to break down the things they enjoy, pick elements they like most and blend them with elements from other things filtered through their own tastes. Don't stress yourself about being 'original' or 'perfect'. Be sincere.
>>175513 N mutated into something that's almost as tall as a bunker. He's using his old voice to lure in drones closer and then eats them. Say something in the comments about him not needing oil but still eating them anyway.
I am in great need of your help /MD/ Please share your cursed art or pics to this thread >>175525 It is for a certain purpose that I have a need to brew.
>>175512 Yeah. Production good but it's lacking something. Maybe I just didn't connect with the analog horror media because I haven't been able to take them seriously nowadays. I'm not saying it's all bad. A lack of ability to channel fear and creepiness because they either don't have the technical skills or they haven't faced enough personal experiences that actually creep themselves out, or a combination of both. You need to know in your heart, what it feels like when something sends shivers down your spine and be able to take that feeling and channel it into your medium of choice. Fear, like humor, is subjective though. So, maybe it just wasn't for me.
>>175531 I feel like the reason why I don't entirely hate the creator is because he's not aggressive and is probably the most encouraging and nice creator of this kinda stuff
>>175545 It has to be only by Liam's hands, and Liam's hands alone. No goddamn fucking editor or co-writer. I don't care if there are pieces that don't fit or make sense or if there are ideas abandoned, I just want to know what his whole vision was so everything in it should be from him. Because I know the production pipeline has to trim things down in order to keep project scope manageable. Work is work, money is money, time is time.
>After the Solver breaks through Uzi's control, it finds a new body to "play" with her captors. >N is forced to choose between Uzi, and his oldest friend. >His oldest friend is a rock. >Just like, a normal, find it on the ground anywhere, rock. >Uzi is horrified that he's hesitating.
>>175513 So far it had 2 sequences. The first was about a presentation khan made for newcomers to the WDF. 2nd half was the best introduction to the N suit.
I've got the opposite of a hoarding problem because I never save art I like and am bummed I can't find it again, like this art of maid V being a sleep paralysis demon I saw a year or longer ago
>>175496 >>175481 >>175391 >V gets a message from "corporate" in regards to N and his worker drone state >[You've been such a "good" girl that I thought you'd like a puppy] [Big Smile]
>>175404 A Twitter artist who drew sa/abusive smiling critters content was constantly harassed by people. It’s pretty sad, considering how some people mock her actual real life assault over fictional characters
>Before the finale battle, Cyn had revived Tessa for shits and giggle >Unexpected means that Tessa was free to roam Copper 9 >She doesn’t remember everything, only bits and fragments of her previous life. >She is very afraid of drones though; especially those weird 3 drones who are stalking her
>>175591 It's a reality check for V. One of the only people she still sees as a person, and not as an edible stress toy that screams and bleeds and begs for its life, responds to her with fear and disgust (mostly fear).
>Why did the keybug exist? >Why did N's memories have like, an interactable state where Cyn would change her actions based on how Uzi interfered. Thereby creating new, somehow accurate information N wasn't privy to? >Why did Solver pretend to be JC Jenson when she already won? >How come J turned into a Solverpede after her core was destroyed but (assuming it somehow wasn't) why doesn't N or Uzi have the same issue? Is it the admin rights? Because Uzi isn't immune to Solver control, just highly resistant. >Why are the humans skeletons when all the atmosphere disappearing, and temperature dropping should make them perfectly preserved meatscicles like the kind on Mt Everest? >Why do Lizzy and V have off screen meetings that are never even properly eluded to? >Why did Doll kill so many of her classmates when clearly you only need like, a drone every so often to stay alive? And even after she fails to kill V like, once she just somehow knows everything the main cast does about CF? >Why did Alice try to dismantle the main cast when they showed up instead of communicating with them? Was she just trying to "spook" the teen girl with eldritch powers? Uzi spits out a finger but we never see her "bite" Alice. Why is the main thing that sets her against Uzi off fucking screen? >Why does the Solver never use its thousands of tentacles in its nightcore fight? >If the drones don't need to breathe why do their chests move? >Why is Cyn so silly?
>>175391 >V chases after N constantly trying to get him to stop running >It predictably doesn't work >N was eventually cornered in an alley >He was holding a piece of rebar like it was a sword, pointing it at V with his back pressed against the wall >V made sure to put her claws away before talking to him "N, I need you to calm down." >This also predictably doesn't work >N's eyes are wild and panicked, his whole body is shaking and he's hyperventilating as simulated adrenaline runs wild in his CPU >V takes a step forward and something in N snaps >With a rather pathetic fear filled scream he charges as V and swings the rebar at her >V reflexively parried the strike and only barely stopped herself from goring him with impulsively redeployed claws >Instead she kicked him to the ground, and in the process nearly shattering his visor >N blindly squirms in pain in the snow, crying and whimpering for V, J, Tessa or anyone to save him
>>175357 >>175367 Disassembly Drone V with Worker Drone N >femdom >face sitting >amazon position >BDSM Worker Drone V with Disassembly Drone N >movie night and chill >lights off missionary >handholding >cuddling
>>175598 Great post >Why did Alice try to dismantle the main cast when they showed up instead of communicating with them? Was she just trying to "spook" the teen girl with eldritch powers? Uzi spits out a finger but we never see her "bite" Alice. Why is the main thing that sets her against Uzi off fucking screen? >Why is the main thing that sets her against Uzi off fucking screen? Narrative purpose, simplifiyng parties for casual viewer, making it 'good vs evil' It is intentionally 'hidden' so that Alice comes across as 'evil and sadistic' to 99% of watchers, maybe so that those watchers find it easier to part with her very soon again due to her being 'insane and iredeemable' anyways (all these 'things' written like that are common descriptions I saw offsite hundreds if not thousands of times). When paying attention that detail changes Alice's characterization and thereby (escalation could have veen prevented) the entire ep, maybe they kept it to increase horror like that (unnecessary antagonisation of someone ep1 Uzi may have idolized/if one notices most of the torture\sentinels could have been avoided). So for short I believe it is hidden to make the episode easier, makes Alice a simpler less layered villain and appear unpredicatble and evil, I guess they chose to hide it for that reason. Or perhaps they expected viewers to notice it more, should maybe have added in subtitles. After all it is very obviously a massive part of the episodes plot, just one of the most ignored things in md. >Why did Alice try to dismantle the main cast when they showed up instead of communicating with them? That's the neat part, she didn't, kind of at least. Depending on what her captives were she treated them accordingly >'Tessa': human, why is she there? Noone knows, but she got either knocked out or physically overpowered by Alice, her suit is intact so she wasn't stabbed. Furthermore Tessa was restrained, but not surgeoned on, which combined with the magnet and Beau ignoring her completely makes me think that Alice had simply no idea what to do with her, good chance Tessa (if concious) didn't talk at all while Alice was in her room and restrained N, so no interest. A human should probably have appeared more sus to Alice but eh don't think too much about it. >N: DD, he just had the badluck of being taken in the other room and the question is if he and Alice ever were concious in the same room at all. Had he been in V's place things would have ended better for absolutely everybody involved. >V: DD, she probably didn't react to Alice at all, judging by her attitude. Mind that DDs are dangerous and Alice at that point knew how to deal with them, either from experience or CFL info, V not talking only strengthened that idea of mindless dangerous killers. We as the audience know N and V, Alice does not. Yes them appearing together with a human and WD is suspicious, but she cannot afford the risk of just coming by and asking them how its going and whT they want, sbe can take them out as a danger and then talk, which is exactly what she did with >Uzi: WD, the first one she must have seen since the collapse (I can't buy into any other WDs surviving in CFL past day 0) Alice took her out as well but I'd say Alice was very fixated on Uzi, maybe even happy to have her around at first, in any case excited. Ehat Alice's plans were, I am not 100% sure, but had Uzi handled herself a bit better things could have turned out stellar. Now it's too late ober here to finish the other half of this, but to wrap Uzi up somehwat (I'll make another reply gomorrrow), look at how Alice 'greeted' her, then showed her the oven, listened to Uzi and spared V and also after Uzi tried to use AS on Alice how Alice used her knifetail suddenly, but it never touched Uzi, neither with cutting edge or tip, neither neck or chin.
Ye it was all messed up but I'd say inspite of a somewhat obvious social rustiness due to her living situation and loneliness, Alice did still act well and diplomatic enough which makes me say she's a good conversationalist and ofc pretty charismatic anyways. Few good opportunitiey went unused by Uzi, prime example I can think of rn is Alice showing her the oven, waiting for a reaction or reply and Uzi, after a two-three second stare going "oooooooookaaaaayyyy🙄💅". This scene sums it up pretty well, the earlier communicationphase and how its destructive end was 'foreshadowed'. Ifk sounds like yappery now till manana
>>175613 i legit think this green changed my brain chemistry so much i developed a great need to mating press doll. being real, long hair's not my type (though the bit of cold personality ep 2 onward contrasted with her internal conflict with what she thought was a disease did appeal to me). but that green. just. holy shit
>Unnon is sitting with Bugretta, having a grand time thinking of his next gween >Then she makes a disgruntled noise and headbutts him away >"What wrong, boogi?" he asks, hurt >She doesn't even look at him >Sensing their chance now that he's out of the instant-death radius, her Oogi retainers drag the green man out and give him the boot >They return to see what their leader's demands are >"Pee!" it shouts >Two of them look at each other in as much confusion as their tiny idiot faces can muster >Clearly she meant something else. >After some great deliberation within the council, they come up with an idea >They put a silly hat on an Enn and drag it into the chamber >Bugretta immediately starts making happy sounds and the Enn is brought in to sit next to her >Apparently that's a Pee, so all is well >Outside of the hive, Unnon dusts off his little suit >"Man, Unnon ain't cool with this shit," he says in a deep voice. "Throwin' a nigga to the curb 'cause you can 'do better'. Hoes really ain't loyal." >He gets into his tiny whip and drives off to Still D.R.E.
>Abby utterly seething, boiling in her agony and pure perfect hatred for Jane. She has written poems, and designed entire fight sequences in her head while listening to music, all about how much she loathes Jane. She has a voodoo doll, a framed portrait with darts in it, and a sexy calendar.
>Jane, currently crying because she ran out of cheese to eat and she’s watching a really corny Spanish soap opera while claiming every single character is “LITERALLY ME”
>n is now an angry douchebag who hates doing anything >j is a lazy bum who takes it easy and has no malice in her heart >v doesn’t like killing and is still the meek and shy drone she was
>>175636 Penguins of Madagascar: I am DAVE Jane and Abby if they were to ever meet again >You seriously don’t rem-member me? You r-ruined my life! >I think I ruined a lot of peoples lives youd need to be more specific
>>175404 >>175410 Don't get me wrong, I've gotten a good fair of harassment from users (From ppl that are not supposed to see my content or the general pissy twfag). I think, If I did a good count... I've gotten 21 callout posts...? Yeah, people are just WEIRD There was a brief period that did bummed me out. But everything that I am making was for the sake of creation and art (Plus the fact that sometimes I have incredibly horny ideas) I love creating art, and I will continue regardless of general opinion
The following is an attempted translation of an intercepted alien transmission, circa 3089. - +RELAY EXPOSITORY REPORT REGARDING ONGOING MALEDICTION OF VIA-GALAXIA >POINT OF ORIGIN: ALPHA QUADRANT; SYSTEM SOL-13 >ALERT CLASS: AURELLIA
At this rate I might just have to go all-in and make/post a serious character profile for Dred'fal
>>175521 >The pilot episode came out four years ago If I had started learning to draw then instead of five months ago, I would have become a contentfag by now. Shit.
>>175630 not enough to draw much from other than she's one of the mean girl drones. maybe not the meanest, just one who'd laugh along when lizzy does the actual bullying. they were at least concerned enough for thad though neither could do anything against the DDs. ep 2 was the beginning of her character taking shape, tragic as her ending was. ep 1 doll isn't the one i'm thinking about when i read that telekinetic handjob-giving, cum-teleportin' doll green though.
>>175578 That would be both terrible and sweet at the same time.
Sweet because it's a real N. Not this dog that kills without even caring why or why not, but because he was told to, no, this is the real, pure, sweet N, whom V loved and for whom she was ready to make a deal with the devil herself.
Terrible because it's the real N, and he's seen what V has become. The one she became a monster for saw her not as her, but as a monster.
>>175643 >Instead of being a generic evil alien general, Dred'fal is a decorated war hero doing what must be done for the universe's sake >If there were a way to ensure the threat were ended and no lives were lost, he would take it and face his possible military tribunal with dignity, but how could that be possible?
>>175572 > the two most interesting ones > incompatible darn
> anon is clueless to their rivalry > just sees them as the nice tall lady and affectionate little maid > blind to the death glares they give eachother > deaf to the threatening subtext in every sentence they say to eachother
also whats solver E's view on their beef? sees it as unjust persecution?
>>175659 >nori is torrenting anime on my laptop >lizzie has insulted my choice of carpet >thad is doing pushups in front of my bathroom mirror, on my sink. >khan likes my doors.
>>175671 The lack of tiny Negevs implies the existence of a singular giant Negev whose schizoposting is the fundamental makings of reality. Praise be Drone Sultanah Negevthoth. Lady of nighted chaos.
>to try and capitalize on her popularity in Japan, Molli's producers decide to make an anime >thus Mahou Shoujo Mirakuru Molli-chan! was born >Molli DESPISES the show >especially since she has to do her own voice acting, and there are some... questionable scenes in there
did you know? >a small percentage of drones exhibit a minor defect in their exterior PlasTouch™ shells that results in small discolored speckles on the face and torso >this phenomenon, often referred to as "freckling", is the result of the chemicals used to create PlasTouch™ being mixed in improper ratios >though its effects are only superficial, many drones that possess this defect are embarrassed by their unusual appearance >some enthusiasts, however, actually seek out "freckled" drones as they find they have a "special appeal"
Who do you think Negev, while still half-asleep because she just woke up, has had more Freudian slips where she called her Mom: Doll, or the nurse who gives her her meds in the morning?
>>175684 >Negev reluctantly teams up with Anon (the only other god she knows) in order to learn how to achieve divinity, and in the process they become friends
>>175694 Smart move. There are two types of people in the world: people V likes, and people V sees no issue with murdering to emphasize a trivial point she's making.
>>175693 Goes to show that you could totally have a worker drone girlfriend who is on the cognitive level of a teenager, and it’s mostly fine because there are older drones who act exactly like her. Bonus points for them all looking the same when they’re not pillbabies so they could lie about how old they are and win.
>N being kidnapped and locked in a circus! >he’s been chained and shock collared and lives in a cage! >he’s been branded like cattle! >when he acts up the ringmaster whips him! >the whip is very hot and stains his smooth metallic skin! >the guests are free to poke him with sticks and throw peanuts at him!
>Uzi wakes up and heads to the bathroom to brush her hair >Usi gremlin rages at what she sees in the mirror >Cyntail styled her hair to be like Tessas', matching bow included
>>175705 >after some back and forth with cyn, she notices silver coloring in her wig. >freaked out, she decides to go out to get a new wig >on her way out the door, she loses her balance briefly >upon getting back up she falls down again >her elbows start to bend and make her arms look like those of a dinosaur