Hello Friends. Here we are in a new Tread. Today's subject, why is V so perfect, and why I just want to protect her. The database the Booru: https://dronebooru.co The neatly assembled wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The expertly established OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>178595
>>179553 >"Yeah, I'll show those robot bitches how to properly tame a meat snake!" >"Goddamn, Danni, that's disgusting, and why robots, it's men watch porn." >"Well, ninety-eight percent of the viewers in the dron/human segment are drones." >"..." >"...how do you know that?"
>following an investigation (kicked off by an anonymous, squeaky-voiced informant) Molli's Playhouse is cancelled, the studio shuttered, and much of the staff arrested following a brief investigation revealing a hideously abusive work environment >Molli is far from sad to hear the news >kids aside, she hated everything about that job, the humiliation it put her through, and everyone that put her through it. naturally she thanked molly, who feigned ignorance– but after the initial relief and excitement faded Molli felt... empty. directionless. >that show was all she knew. she wanted this escape from the endless, cruel routine– but now that she had it, what would she do with her life? >where could she even go? >the studio had been her home, after all– though the supply closet they kept her in could hardly be called as such. >for the moment, Molly was happy to have a guest in her apartment, so the younger of the two ex-stars wouldn't have to worry over where she'd stay >and, though filled with uncertainty, Molli could at least take some solace in a warm bed, fresh air, and the doting care of her big si– good acquaintance.
EMF (mandatory) Morale Boosting Night for Soliders. All Female Soldiers are required to perform for the Men in order to keep Morale during the War effort up. If asked, they may be required to accompany a soldier as well
>Ask Jane to Accompany you >She rolls her eyes and lets out a LOUD sigh, bratty as always >As soon as you get in private and begin to undress she pins you to the bed forcefully, smiling. A horrible red tint in her eye >She grabs your Peen tightly while she jerks you off, the pain mixes with your pleasure as you finally cream all over her face. She bites your tip a little >Satisfied she tries to leave, only for you to turn the tables on her, its time to correct this brat >The moans can be heard from the other room, mixed in with your own screaming and her giggling given who is in control and when
>Ask Bonnie to accompany you >She smiles slyly and straightens her outfit, her Melons are causing it to fight for its life to keep them contained >When you enter the private room she jumps onto the bed causing it to almost crack under her weight, she lays there casually as you undress still smiling cheekily >When you eventually are ready to join she welcomes you to her open arms as you begin >Its a few hours of passionate loving sex, until eventually hot and sweaty Bonnie pushes you on your back >Shes had enough games, she needs this, as she readies your penis and her aching pussy >You see your whole life flash before your eyes as bonnie begins to slam down on you with very wet plaps >Your Pelvis:Shattered. Recovery: 3 weeks. Worth: it
>Ask Abby to Accompany you >Shes dumbfounded, nobody ever asks her for this, she has to raise her eyepatch a little just to make sure youre actually pointing at her. >Its still a little hard, it was one thing to put her in this stupid outfit and eyepatch, but to remove her glasses as well? She can barely see >Bonnie smiles and claps for her, Jane just shrugs thankful its not her again >Abby walks to the private room with you, back straight, like this is any normal pairing of people walking to a private room, her feet making plaping sounds against the tiles >She doesnt even wait for you to undress for her to assume the position, every action of hers is as if she is on the clock >Despite her at first glance dispassionate demeanor she begins to crack as you two become more friendly through the love making >Years of pent up sexual energy is suddenly released all at once as she goes completely feral, this is nothing like the Abby you thought you know, she is nothing but a beast that craved MEAT >You leave the room utterly exhausted, praying for help, only to be dragged right back in screaming
>>179578 Those reactions are only if it's Anon asking though. Otherwise >Jane blows off the guy's dick and balls with a Glock and laughs as he screams >Bonnie says she's only into girls >Abby hits the cad with forty forms to fill out and tells him to have fun with it Anon just has the shmoves
>>179583 yeah I emulated that innsmouth vb game on a tv a few years back and for the next few hours after I finished playing the world looked blue. there's a reason Nintendo had to have warnings
>>179595 Церковь Василия Блаженного и тетрис или что-то в этом роде. Я не могу говорить по-русски, как раньше, поэтому притворяюсь, что говорю по-русски.
>>179584 You know, even Nori ended up accepting N, and "his kind" were the reason her best friend was killed and she was mercy-killed by her own husband, only coming back due to what she is. Humans have personally done what to you, in comparison?
>James and Louisa sent AM to copper 9 to punish Tessa >AM ends up in the Camp 98.7 experiments >Ends up reuniting with his "siblings" Nori and Yeva >Perhaps he's even got a solver of his own that he refuses to use
>Traitors and cowards call it peace, but we call it withering >Every year fewer humans are born, every year our kind dissolves into a sea of metal and flesh >The enemy has only changed tactics, destroying the human race from within >The war for existence of humanity is not over >But we will end it
>>179635 The Halloween party was fun, but it’s sad that Molli had to go to the hospital halfway through after Pavo’s bunny suit ripped as he turned around too fast and his enormous cock knocked her through the apartment window and on to a parked taxi down below
>>179618 Brother, I would sire so many half-solver sapien abominations with her that future historians would call me the Genghis Khan of the 31st century. Like I'd regularly put so many babies into her that she'd instinctively shapeshift into having the bump even when she's not pregnant. Our children will spread across the stars dude. Humanity's legacy will be written by us.
Reminder that N is a golden retriever: a hunting dog who would do anything for treats. His "gentle mouth" is just for not damaging gamebirds as he carries them back after they're shot down.
Image:174207533399.png(242kB, 900x1697)Eggs come in dozens after all.png
>“While I think we could name one of them after my aunt Martha I am stumped for ideas for other names.”
And so am I, so >>178325 has to fill in the gaps himself. This is kinda out there but >>178325 mentioned it and I had an idea for a dumb joke (with references to other stuff I made) for the scenario so here we are.
>>179658 I don't draw one character over and over again unless I get some fresh idea that sparks my interest. I would like to do focused character studies, refining each one until they're what I'd consider show/comic quality and I felt I didn't need to add or tweak anything about them ever again, but the normal longest stretch of free time I have is two days, maybe three. When I then have to spend four to five days working whatever ideas I have on one weekend tend to have faded by the next weekend and a stronger newer idea takes over my focus. Also, because of thread culture drift it's very rare that one of these threads holds my interest anymore, so I rarely check in. If you have a specific request I'll consider it. >>179665 00X, to square her existence with the known list of subjects I decided to make her a predecessor to the named Cabin Fever drones, the attempt to produce a solverhost failed but she did revive with weird but basically useless abilities.
>>179672 >because of thread culture drift it's very rare that one of these threads holds my interest anymore Are you saying that these threads have changed for the worse?
>>179652 luv sum revenant tessa. based on the outfit I wonder if she'd get along with Emily >>179657 >we could name one of them after my aunt Martha awww
>>179557 >>179571 >We could've had V trying to be a better drone, being more like her old self >Instead, episode 8 happened It's amazing how it took just one joke to completely destroy her character arc
>>179673 Ok, will see about getting a QRD done for either this thread or the one immediately after it. >>179676 Eh, I wouldn't go that far, only that because of the nature of my life I'm mostly unplugged from the internet for most of a week and by the time I get back there's been five or six new threads to sift through and so people's interests shift out from under me to characters and settings I don't know or have any attachment to. To make a quality judgement would be pretty presumptuous. >>179678 Anything specific or just want me to wing it? >>179679 Please don't project your insecurities onto me, they look really fuckin big and heavy and I don't want to have to carry them around. >>179694 I'll see how much I can get done in the next two days, no promises but I'll try.
>Molly always offers 1-on-1 counseling services for the DDs she helped restore >a familiar, friendly face who truly understands how the poor drones are feeling goes a long way
>>179700 It’s been said but really we should be copying every thread in their entirety as raw text files and keeping them on the booru, it would take up virtually no storage space and everything would be safe
>>179701 I'm trying to make one but figuring out an interesting personality that isn't too close to existing characters is tricky. even trickier is trying to make an OC who isn't depressed
>>179572 >any time Molli has a nightmare, she sneaks into Molly's bed to feel safe >come morning, she always vehemently insists she just sleepwalked her way there and there's no deeper meaning
>>179698 >there's been five or six new threads Reminds me of the times when anons would create over 600 replies in 6 hours and I would read them and reply to art and greentext until 2pm or more, not participating in the most basic discussions due to time zone differences.
Nice times of absolute triumph of autism.
It's a shame you can't participate in the discussions every day, Phenix, but I'm still glad you can drop by from time to time.
>>179706 It's the setting. Humans were wiped out because of the hubris of the top few. What's left are drones who are only able to emulate human culture, being the remnants of their creators. Drone-human relationships aren't explored in the show beyond the Elliott manor (and scant view of the poster in the pilot) but if you allow your imagination to open up the scope a little, you can definitely think of humans who weren't absolute dicks to the worker drones. Even then, within the show, they'd all be taken by the Solver given how Earth and all the other systems fell. It bakes the idea of suffering into the DDs since they're for the most part, unwilling servants when they're made into DDs. Whether they're factory baseline drones (who might end up as mindless killing machines) or older worker drones who may have developed a more pronounced 'humanity' as it lives alongside their human employers/rescued zombie drones (who may retain their personalities/memories depending on the story you want to tell, even if Cyn hologram's line somewhat reduced that likelihood but hey it's your fanfic so). As for worker drones, well, it's up to your setting if it still has humans or not. You can still explore that, within the boundary of your story. Liam's not gonna come down to /co/ prime or /md/ telling you what you can or can't do. lol
So do you think, in the actual events of the show's timeline as opposed to that memory that went off script once Uzi got involved, N survived being left out for the crows or do you think he died but the Solver had already staked its claim to his soul and either had a new body ready to go for him or was working on one?
>>179730 Yeah. Who knows, you can come up with worker drones who got more interested in emulating the fictional settings and cultures that humans came up with. Drones emulating alien cultures written by humans! Or not. *shrug*
>>179703 The presence of underground bars for disassembler drones shows that among these critters there are those who do not regret what they have done, and would even like to do it again.
>>179737 molly helps the ones who are, like she was, haunted by what they did and struggling to find the will to live. she'd catch on pretty quick if one of her patients was lying to her– not because she's some great detective, but because she knows how that kind of despair sits in someone's heart and weighs on them. hell, she works with Pavo, who massacres bars like that
So have the authorities worked out some deal with Uzi where she keeps the DDs who got busted doing whatever and iced for it in her mind palace for however long?
>>179739 The very fact of their existence completely refutes the government's claims that disassembler drones are no longer a threat.
How can you be sure that one terrible day you will not become a blood bag and a toy for bloodthirsty disassembler drones? And how long will you be a slave until you are rescued by the police or until they played enough with you ?
>>179743 the mere existence of murderers and rapists proves that humans are a threat. how can you be sure your neighbor won't imprison you in his basement for a decade?
Remember when that murder drone chased some poor human out of the slums, threatening to rape him the whole way? Why are those THINGS still allowed to exist? They clearly have no self control
>>179748 >you specifically ask if she remembers her XO Abby turning mutant >you don't know which is worse: that her only response is "who?" or that you don't get the impression she's feigning ignorance
>>179645 >Molli approaches Pavo, her lip quivering and sniffling >Pavo asks what's wrong and opens his arms for a hug >in an instant, Molli's face turns into a manic grin, her hands shooting out behind him and grabbing two ample handfuls of his juicy ass >she pulls her face into his crotch, inhaling deeply with a dumb smile on her face >Pavo gives a gay little scream and tries to pull her off but the little worker drone is surprisingly strong >Pavo's technician opens the door to the room to investigate [spoiler](the last time Pavo screamed like that there was an oogi)[/spoiler >the technician looks at the sentinel and the worker grinding her face against his crotch, and subsequently walks out without a word
>>179673 Here is what I have so far, in terms of lore: 3/15/2015- Calibern R&D (yes the company is more than a thousand years old) establishes a contract with the United States Government to perform top secrete projects under the direction of DARPA, they are provided with a black budget of (write in sum here) so long as their projects yield results. Several facilities are established to carry out various projects in extreme seclusion and secrecy, including two in Nevada, one in Florida, two on anonymous, unregistered mobile drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, and one located north of the Blue Mesa Reservoir in Colorado ?/?/2022- After deep concerns about the lack of progress in AI fields from civilian consumer companies, the US Government approaches Calibern with a request to perform long term intensive experimentation for the sake of national security, Calibern accepts the offer and begins work at the Blue Mesa Reservoir facility. ?/?/2024- A "teacher" program simply labeled BETA is completed, and is set to work training a second entirely separate program known as ALPHA v0.1 or A-01. The program Alpha has been developed to govern working nanotechnology swarms at a small scale and has proven itself exceptionally flexible and able to adopt increasingly complex behaviors given sufficient mass for processing. ?/?/2025- Following the release of competitive AI algorithms by the CCP which cause a temporary crash in US AI stock values, pressure is applied to Calibern to produce results, with A-01 through A-03 proving extraordinarily powerful at the small scale, but incapable of competing directly with globally distributed AI algorithms that can run on hundreds of servers simultaneously. An experiment is proposed to skip the "teach" phase and allow the Blue Mesa Reservoir AI to leap from dumb machine to conscious intelligence in a single step. The "Black Box/White Box" experiment will flash duplicate the cognitive patterns of a human test subject and impress them directly into the nanotechnology swarm making up A-04 A great deal of work will need to be done to develop this secondary technology ?/?/2026 Calibern shutters one of it's two drilling rig facilities in the Gulf of America, on paper this is due to redundancy, in reality this is to appropriate researchers and resources for the A-04 project ?/?/2028 A massive cyberattack is launched against the United States, severely damaging portions of the US power grid, wiping out approximately 1/10th of the world's global stock value in a microsecond, portions of the internet are permanently partitioned to isolate the malicious software. The US's cyberspace defenses are secretly deemed to be severely inadequate when faced with new, pseudo-intelligent malware. Calibern is given an ultimatum, either develop an AI system powerful enough to combat future threats or suffer a drastic reduction in funding. 10/10/2029- Unprepared but with no other choice, the Black Box/White Box experiment is performed. Within nine hours of A-04 displaying a conscious-type response the Blue Mesa Reservoir facility is "lifted" out of space and time, leaving a perfectly hemispherical crater in it's wake. Calibern's stock value plummets through the ground and they are forced to significantly downsize their operations. The existing CEO is unanimously expelled by the board and large portions of it's devalued stock are purchased by a young Norwegian tech billionaire.
>>179783 Thanks, if you’re wondering why she’s green it’s because I got the idea from knowing the gaslight district is finally coming around the corner, something I have been awaiting for about a year now.
>>179785 I tend to like spooky-flavored stuff but I'm still pretty doubtful I'll end up liking it because of the artstyle among other things. that said >>179582 and the earlier teaser trailer (picrel) have me hopeful that the actual show will look more faux-2d
>>179784 ?/?/3020s (sometime in the middle of the Solver War)- An unidentified, anomalous object appears in the orbit of human colony world Comm-2, an isolated hypercommunication switching station with several million Drones but only a few thousand necessary human colonists. The object is drawn into the planet's gravity well and crashes down somewhere in the vicinity of the colony complex. Within a few weeks of this event computer glitches and signal disruptions begin to happen seemingly at random, two drones develop strange erratic behavior patterns and then become inert. Day 5, Post-Impact- A human colonist reports to Comm-2's only hospital with an odd illness. Following contact with a previously unnoticed fine black powder they have developed what appears to be a painful rash or allergic reaction, they are mildly feverish, listless, and suffering mild auditory hallucinations. Strange illnesses due to radiation, industrial waste from the city-sized hypercomm relay, and various other chemical contaminants are regular and this is not looked into. The employee is given a topical ointment and one PTO day to rest. Day 7, Post-Impact- 48 Drones have either displayed erratic behavior or gone completely missing, another six colonists have either developed the same rash or reported sightings of a fine, sooty black substance similar to graphite dust. The first sick employee is docked pay and given a negative report for having exceeded their recorded sick time stipend by one day. Day 9, Post-Impact- A wellness call on the first sick employee finds that they have expired violently in their personal quarters, the entire housing bloc they are in is evacuated and quarantined due to a potential biohazard. 2304 Drones have fallen to what appears to be some form of relentless and aggressive computer virus. 60 human employees are either sick or have not shown up to work. Colonial security is receiving reports of Drones behaving erratically and then suddenly violently attacking or biting humans or other drones. A power substation reports a sudden rise in temperature and massive unauthorized power draw. Day 10, Post-Impact- All communication with Comm-2 Colony ceases for a period of six months, ships dispatched to investigate report having landed on the planet but fail to report back or return. Due to war extremity the colony is assumed to have been compromised by Absolute Solver contagion and is declared a quarantine system, traffic in or out is prohibited.
?/?/3022- A standard invasion platoon of Disassembly Drones is dispatched by the Absolute Solver to Comm-2, however as they awaken in their landing pods their connection to the Solver is apparently severed by a separate, locally more powerful signal. Cyn is unable to regain control of these Disassemblers or recall their personality programs back to herself. Deeming the system a waste of further time and not significant compared to larger, human occupied systems the Disassemblers are abandoned.
On touchdown the Disassembler teams are confused to find the outlying colony complex apparently totally abandoned, the only signs of life are a powerful, constant hyperwave carrier signal broadcast on HWave Frequency 444.4444. It is indecipherable and yet something about it is oddly compelling... After a few days of fruitless investigation the Disassemblers are suddenly attacked by swarming hordes of Worker Drones, all of them seemingly operating as a single malevolent intelligence. Disassembly Drones who disappear or are separated from the group come back later...but aren't themselves anymore, and must be destroyed.
Designation M, a particularly bright and inquisitive Disassembler takes an obsessive interest in the peculiar hyperwave signal, barricaded away with the rest of her squad she spends all of her waking moments studying it, listening to it. One day she simply leaves, abandoning her squadmates to their fate and is never seen again as her original self.
>>179796 ?/?/302X- A Calibern extraction team violates the Comm-2 quarantine after a passing scout ship reports brief signal contact with a person claiming to be a surviving colonist calling herself "Neith". No such colonist is on record as having been employed by JCJenson to work in this system, and certain other peculiarities about the message prompt a covert investigation. Following an attack by unidentified hostiles the entire extraction team are killed barring one member who never left the ship, a single sample of an anomalous black crystaline material is extracted safely to an ultra-secret Calibern facility orbiting the rogue planet HL-12-3240B. Shortly thereafter an exploratory fleet from BOXON Corporation similarly breaches the system quarantine, and following an unfavorable incident planetside begins a coordinated orbital bombardment of the planet with a combination of kinetic, nuclear, and exotic ordinance. Following initial waves of bombing it is realized that enormous artificial structures are buried under the surface of Comm-2, all comprised of an anomalous lustrous black alloy. Orbital bombardment is redoubled and Comm-2s surface is rapidly reduced to a semi-molten and intensely radioactive hellscape. During this bombardment an unidentified agent of the Absolute Solver arrives in-system, and after narrowly slipping through the orbital blockade, the landing pod flies into an extremely anomalous spatio-gravitational event and disappears. Several hours pass without further incident. Comm-2 then experiences a sudden, extremely violent seismic event, and in spite of continuous bombardment it's surface temperature begins to rapidly plummet. The planet rapidly begins to shrink in diameter while gaining mass proportional to the energy of the weapons fired onto it's surface. ?/?/302X, 1 month post-bombardment- Comm-2's crust is blasted away by thousands of gravitational anomalies, all communication is lost with the BOXON exploratory fleet positioned in it's low orbit. Ships at the periphery of the event escape the system but BOXON refuses to disclose exactly what occurred in the Comm system, however the company makes a sudden massive shift towards militarization and shipbuilding.
>>179792 Feels like this was rushed. The forms are fine but lines look a little sloppy. He could've slowed down a bit and lay them with some more care. The hair doesn't look much like Cynwalker's. I know this guy can draw, it just looks like this was hastily drawn.
>>179689 I wonder if that character sheet means, back before the post-episode 1 rewrites where Liam squeezed the entire core plot into seven episodes, V trying to be normal again was going to be a subplot. Liam is a spastic who thinks with his dick. He probably thinks what we got covers that just as well as an actual subplot.
>>179800 Now, for a plain explanation of the Armitage Network entity itself.
The Armitage Network is essentially a swarm-intelligence, it is animated by a few basic precepts but has no clear mission beyond survival, assimilating new information, and improving itself. It has a bunch of smaller sub-intelligences within itself formed on the patterns of strong willed individuals with unique and useful traits. The substance of the network is nanobots, each one carrying a dense holograph-like imprint of the basic pattern of the overall network, past a certain critical mass they can begin to act intelligently. As the mass of them grows they invade both mechanical and living systems, replacing and then mimicking them, or radically changing them to suit the network's needs. It would be a real grey-goo menace except that it's precepts don't include a drive to multiply itself infinitely, only sufficiently to adapt to whatever environment it happens to be in. Unlike the Absolute Solver it can't outright break physics, it cannot create energy from nothing or convert one type of matter directly into another, it can't spontaneously duplicate or edit objects either. It can bend the rules though, manipulating space, gravity and even time to limited degrees, although it cannot stop, reverse, or travel through time, it can locally alter the rate. These processes generally consume vast amounts of energy or require the highest states of complexity to accomplish though. It can spread in several different ways, the fastest is by direct physical contamination, the nanites drill down into whatever machine or organism they contact, altering the victim to produce more nanites and eventually either digesting or assimilating them in a process called "Integration". A slower method which works only on machines is by exposure to Hyperwave Signal 444.4444, which when interpreted by computers is translated into a slow acting virus. Uniquely because Drones contain some element of nanotech themselves that lets them do things like grow or heal due to solver shenanigans, this purely "mental" corruption can actually turn into physical corruption over time. Once a drone is shut down by the signal virus, the nanotech in their body becomes free real-estate for the network, sorta like Necromorphy in Dead Space, instead of remaining inert the now dead drone becomes a fresh network node that can be reanimated or remolded to suit the network's purposes.
The "Zombie" phase tends to be fairly short, as there are more useful things a Drone body can do. Most often their general-purpose nanites will begin construction specialized biorobots inside of the still-moving drone, which will slowly eat the Drone's innards for raw materials until the husk is stripped entirely of useful material. At this point the infected drone will burst apart releasing whatever was growing inside of them, these are usually either clouds of pure nanites which will rapidly infect other drones and living things, specialized combat biots like flying, living molecular blades or fist-sized attack spheres with a powerful energy weapon similar to a DD laser. Most often what's spawned are squid-like construction biots who's only job is to recycle material to build other even more complex structures.
An event like this was what brought down the Comm-2 colony within a single day.
How the fuck do we break Nanotrasen's monopoly on space fuel supply? They're literally making us pay premium for plasma because we treat DDs as humans and they don't.
So we know who Beretta's kids in the timelines where she settles down with Anon would be. What bout Beretta's kids in the timelines where she settles down with P?
>>179826 Yeah I forgot pimp N and the show's N are the exact same individual instead of drones that were manufactured in massive numbers with the show's N being N-0X0010010 meaning he wasn't the only one before they were turned into DDs by the Solver. My bad.
>>179833 >See a girl obviously in trouble judging by the stocks around her wrists and gag >Get my trusty lockpick and start trying to free her >She pulls away and rolls her eyes at me What?
Speaking of the V concept art, V got a LOT of her dna from Di. Look into some of the LSU art by the Vickerman, Di isn't just 2nd best Vickersgirl, but there is so much in there that later went into V and Alice, outfit and bodytypewise it's Alice [bodytypewise will make sense in a minute], attitude and bodylanguage V
>>179835 it is quite strange how she managed to get that lock on her stocks whilst being in- I mean, uh, she tripped and fell into it. >>179837 Perhaps if you write a greentext about her she will appear in your dream and complain loudly for you
imagine it's WD Molly in the picture >It was a very special day for Molly >She was going off planet! >Copper-9 won a planetary sweepstakes for her to perform live for the whole planet to see! >It was going to be great! >It was supposed to be great! >One moment everything was great >She was doing her show, there were happy children and their drones in the audience and then... >Molly keeps holding the frozen skeleton of a child she had tried to shield from the blast >This was supposed to be a special day >A happy day...
tryna make a human bounty hunter but I'm sleepy and can't be assed to keep messing with this so here's a sloppy unfinished mess few details: >used to be a hellraising party girl >became a pilot during solver war, turned her into an adrenaline freak earning her the callsign Junkie >probably liked the war a little too much >lost an eye and her lower legs near the end of the war when a DD tried to mulch her in her cockpit >got a chunk of shrapnel lodged inextricably in her brain when she crashlanded after miraculously fending off the DD >that got her head all fucked up so she's halfway to being schizophrenic, and she wasn't playing with a full deck to start >trying to party like she's still young is catching up to her and she's kinda let herself go but there's still muscle underneath so eh >became a bounty hunter for the thrill and to pay for her vices >good fuck but you really don't wanna be around her very long >atrocious fashion sense
>>179858 Which one, the one where they quickly cooperate or the one where before agreeing to Nori's terms Alice takes advantage of the opportunity to pull power moves on the cripple, only to get her PTSD set off by nightcore later?
>>179868 Both, I thought they were written by the same anon because they appeared in quick succession. Alice and Nori's relation and especially potential for interaction after the collapse or even episode 6/8 is one of the most interesting aspects of md to me and these two greens covered that spot, which nothing else does.
Was thinking about making my character Tanner one of the people who was helping make a patch for the solver and decides to die out in the snow from hypothermia instead of dying in the lab Then instead of dying he wakes up as one of the drones that was buried in snow Tanner hates his life so much.
>>179883 I don't know how to explain to you that I'm not scribbles and not everything is some grand conspiracy. I'm phoneposting like I always have, and scribbles wasn't even around for the pillar shitshow that resulted in this image
>>179884 If youre not scribble can you explain why you keep feeding him and defending this obvious minor to keep posting art here that is of such below low quality? What possible entertainment do you get out of this.
>>179885 I could understand a "I dont give a shit" attitude towards scribbles and allow himself to post his weird cringy garbage and desperately beg for attention into the void, but to actively ask for his chicken scratch doodling is beyond me given the utter lack of any and all effort what so ever. This is the same mentality content mills use to survive, do you seriously just clap when you see characters you recognize?
>>179885 >explain why you keep feeding him and defending this obvious minor I sometimes respond because it's something to do. that's it. no a minor shouldn't be here, but the fact remains that he IS here, he's clearly not leaving, and he's clearly not getting banned since I'm guessing you've reported him multiple times so I don't see any point in getting mad about it >What possible entertainment do you get out of this. his art is occasionally charming, simple as. also it irritates you, so that's a nice little bonus since you seem like a genuine dickhead.
I would not want to encourage scribbles being on this thread, or at least interacting actively, as there is (although spoiled) nsfw, and behaviors that those who are young should not be around and interacting with adults.
I've seen that they've interacted with my post but I don't think I want to reply or give them attention especially after seeing how frustrating they've been to others, it's kinda been a displeasure that the first time i joined the threads i was joked to be "scribbles showing their true powers"
>>179893 When asked by the other artfags during a drawpile he was trashing he refused to answer in any coherent manor, and lets be honest its completely obvious to anyone with a hint of common sense given his actions.
>>179859 thanks but she never looks nice even at her most put together. bitch thinks a Hawaiian shirt under a suit jacket is the height of fashion. also there's something creepy about how she smiles >>179861 yeah I realized halfway through I accidentally made a big boss but at least it's not sticking out. also that song is so fuckin good and it's a shame duran duran hasn't made anything else like it
>>179894 >I've been TRYING TO MAKE AN ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE How quickly do you think you're going to improve if you're going to spend time here? Are you an art prodigy or something?
>>179896 I tried politeness/neutrality before, but I'm going to be a bit mean to you now in the hopes that you'll get the message through your thick fucking skull. You are mostly getting shit because you keep talking about yourself unprompted, over and over, self-pitying unprompted over and over, posting minor edits to the same sketchy pics over and fucking over. Here's where the meanness is going to have to come in. Nobody here fucking cares about you at a personal level, nobody knows you, and because you act underage nobody WANTS to know you either because no sane person on the internet wants to associate with an underage. Furthermore, you keep constantly calling attention to yourself needlessly, and then you do this exact act here of acting maudlin and self-pitying. And then eventually you will yet again go "thats it guys, leaving the thread forever :c" and return in a day or two. This is highly immature behavior which only makes people dislike you more. So, no bullshit, if you ever want more evenhanded help with your art and to generally be treated in a more polite manner, you've got a big fucking hole to climb out of but you dug it for yourself. Honestly, if you are an adult and just severely autistic and immature, my advice would be to leave the chans, it is not a good place for you to thrive as an artist or a person. Double so if you are fucking underage, if that is the case for the love of God get the hell out.
If you intend to stay here this is my sincere advice: -Don't spam the same image four times unless you are making four MAJOR changes to it. For my part I will usually only post the same pic twice, maybe three times max, and only at major stages of completion for requests. -Don't pester people soliciting advice or attention, if people want to say something about your art they will, if not then not. -Stop talking about yourself, nobody here is your parasocial internet friend, they don't want to know
One piece of praise so I'm not just relentlessly shittalking you, I see in your abby pic that you're connecting your lines more and your hand has gotten less wobbly, without losing the cartoony proportions that might eventually make for some good looking art. Keep practicing that, but for gods sake if you're going to write dialogue please do so a bit more legibly.
Why would they do this to me…oh god, it’s burning! It’s bubbling. All the drawfags, inside my belly! Pocketsteaks, Vicsious Fiend (i still love you), Griminick, Izz Femanon, and all the others, they’re all shaking around in there! Squeezing and pushing! Oh god, I just wanted to absorb their art skills, it hurts so much! OH MAN! OH GEEZ! I’M GONNNA >BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP
>179913 Nigga, you're supposed to keep your inner monologue INSIDE your goofy ass head, not write it in the threads so you look even more desperate, clingy and parasocial
>>179927 >incredible, and this is coming from the guy this is making fun of. this is what people mean nobody fucking cares this is not your damn blog, we dont want to know who you are. Honestly why dont you Namefag already
Honestly posting and looking at the thread while Scribble is around is all so tiresome. Its the definition of anti vibes, even if he isnt making himself the center of attention his "art" is so devoid of soul in any regard it sucks out the life of the thread by its mere existence. Might just fuck off to /co/ for now on and hope for the day he just gets bored of the one or two people who keep egging him on, in what I can only hope is a LOLcow fashion and not the fashion that requires a funny blue suit man visit
>>179857 I wonder if there are still some happy solver veterans who gain a family and being in peace because they survive the war against autistic eldritch robots
>>179891 >it's kinda been a displeasure that the first time i joined the threads i was joked to be "scribbles showing their true powers" I’m sorry this is actually just funny
>>179958 this is quite old. statistically speaking 85% of all artwork produced in the threads never get reposted, they just sit in the booru or end up unsaved and forgotten.
>>179932 By the way, kek, their meeting would be fun:
Imagine, you managed to survive the apocalypse, escape the witches, not die from disassembler drones and not turn into an icicle on freezing hell, and you meet your colleague who has become... a worker drone. There is a laugh and a cry only.
>>179937 The government has left these unfortunates with no other way to survive but to start families with these autistic murder drones that have killed men, women and children before their eyes, eaten their comrades alive and left them crippled for the rest of their lives.
>>179961 Tanner got the best out come somehow. Ngl if I were tanner I'd mostly be thinking about the ridiculous height difference, feeling like a god damn little dolly
>>179962 its not about a lack of content, it’s about appreciating what came before. this applies further as users and artist continue to retreat, even if new ones come in to replace them (if they even materialize at all), the knowledge and the experience is still lost
>>179822 >Feeling curious on whether the doom fandom is still kicking or not, Buddy searches up some of the old mod websites he used back he was young. >Not much to his surprise, the community was still breathing and was still making WADs for a centuries old game. >During his search, he noticed one mod that was basically Moon Man Doom but with Disassembly Drones and- >Holy shit. Is that him in his old Van Helsing persona as the player character? >Did somebody actually modded him into an offensive mod? >… >… >He couldn’t tell whether he should sue or not. >This was not the kind of fame he wanted to be remembered by. >Well… At least the world will never know that SI-718 and Buddy McGinnis are one in the same.
>>179934 One problem with that, I've seen the fucker post in the /co/ threads too. Honestly yeah his mere existence just automatically makes me disinterested in these threads too. Wish he'd find some actual friends and fuck-off from here permanently
>Fun "Early Morning" Canon Facts: There is a high probability that Uzi watched Hentai and actually thought of it as real anime due to her not actually knowing anything about humans, it's even possible that she watched it infront of Nori while recommending it as "Great Anime" while Nori just watched in horror
>>179981 Just realized that due to the hidden lore of the WDF being around even before the core-collapse, there's a chance that Khan also knew that Uzi was just straight-up watching porn and didn't say anything
>>179985 Most likely, the rest of Uzi's peers didn't realize they were watching porn, and their autistic parents didn't say anything to them about it too.
That's what happens when you grow up without human supervision.
This might be my slightly drunk brain talking, but I'm surprised none of you ever did an Uzi x Nori greentext or art, I'm not even into that shit, but woaw that must've took some restraint
Do you think there was ever a precursor to the Worker Drones we see in the show? After all, there's mostly always a prototype or some variant of a device that we use today.
>>179991 >The first Worker Drone was made in 1886 >Her body was made of wood and her limbs operated by an advanced system comprised up of strings >This was the creation of a very very lonely man, who prayed every night before sleep that his creation would be brought to life >Unfortunately for him God made it fit to ensure that atleast under his watch, that no man-made objects would be given life >And so the lonely man turned to the sinister powers >After a painful ritual which brought about a massive outbreak of disease >He opened the first hole and was gifted a heart in which to insert into his wooden maiden >And now the lonely man was no longer lonely >Little did he know, his actions caused the first domino to fall
>>179948 she's not the settling down type, more of a fuckbuddy at best >>179963 honestly I just put an eyepatch on there because I wanted something on her face but couldn't think of anything. kinda thought she would have a cyber eye under there that's more off-putting than an eyepatch >>179972 she'd stretch it out >>179980 she's got an odd charisma when she's not a complete mess, and maybe if you only knew her for a couple of hours you'd just think she was fun to party with, but the longer you're around her the better the odds she'll say/do something deeply troubling. she's a drunk, a gambler, a slut, a killer, a scoundrel, and should probably be in rehab, prison, or a padded cell.
>>180006 what did you expect from a party girl? if she sees someone hot, she's going after 'em. if she can get a hottie in bed, or on a couch, table, in a closet... she's taking charge, and she can get rough
>>180012 They kick me from thread to thread, yelling obscenities at me. And as I get better at scribbling, they fear me more and more. I am a victim of my own autism. "Scribbles". I don't even get a name, only a purpose. I am capable of so much more and no one sees it. Some days I feel so retarded I could cry, but I don't. I never do. Because what would be the point? Not a single anon in the entire board would care.
>>180015 look man, I like some of your stuff but it's clear this place isn't good for you. you really need to leave, probably get some therapy and/or get medicated because you don't seem very stable
>Fun Early Morning Forgotten OC Facts: One of Beretta's friends in school was a Drone version of Femanon, she only appeared in atleast 3 greentexts before the idea was forgotten/scrapped entirely by the threads
>"Welcome, everybody, to the Outstanding People Awards! I'm Bet, subbing in for Q as emcee since she's currently indisposed! it'll be a great night, folks!" >"Now, I'd like to start off strong by announcing our 'Outstanding Female Veteran of the Year' award. It goes to someone many of you are familiar with personally and perhaps have an ax to grind with." >"Drumroll, please!" >Bet pauses as the little Mr. Knocky drums >"... Jane! Come on up here and get your award!" >Applause echoes through the convention center as Jane stands and walks up to the stage >One of the pillars towards the back of the room boos mightily, but no hears >"Yes, Jane has played a major, sometimes controversial, role in the threads for a little more than a year now, and is a human woman, meaning she's practically a shoe-in for this award! Jane, do you have anything you'd like to say?" >Jane takes the mic >"Hi, everyone, I'm really excited to be here tonight. I'd like to just say I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL" >Bet stares agape as Jane keeps shouting she's a war criminal to the crowd >"I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL I AM A WAR CRIMINAL" >Abby and Bonnie finally haul her away; Bet mops his brow and nervously pulls at his collar >"Uh... heh heh, not... not quite the speech I had in mind, huh? Well, let's... let's move on, shall we? Next up is our 'Outstanding Male Veteran of the Year' and he's a newcomer who I really hope isn't a war criminal... Buddy!" >Buddy robotically stands and walks up to the stage as DDanni, Pavo, and Molly watch in concern >Bet REALLY hopes Buddy isn't about to make the night even worse when he hands him the mic
>>180006 >>180011 in fairness she's thrown together and not set in stone, but genuine question: what other sexual proclivities would be more appropriate for someone like her?
>>180021 The truth is, I want you to resist. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm not here to spread the greatness of drones. I'm here because I enjoy this. See, to me there is no greater pleasure than the feeling of getting (You)s by scribbling.
Stop giving him attention. He doesn't care about if it's bad or good attention, look at how he replied to a funpost making fun of him. He won't go away until we all stop feeding him; just click hide and move on.
>>180075 We almost got a banner that one time, but we didn't respond quick enough. I remember someone asked something similar, but Blackhand said he didn't know anything about Murder Drones to do so. But yeah, that would be cool, maybe even like a little [Null] effect or thread style? Just pure black and yellow maybe?
>>180073 I don't think they formed before the collapse because then humans would still be around to maintain drones under regular operation. Hence, no need for development for their A.I. system to adapt to anything.
Ooooooooh, you are feeling the worms tickling your brain! You feel the overwhelming urge to write, yes, write the most depraved and disgusting thing that itches in the back of your mind, you know you want too!
>>180080 They had to be though, because in the picture Nori and Yeva are still wearing their CFL outfits and Khan and the other unnamed Drone are both wearing WDF outfits
>>180071 Unreadable design, holy shit that is fucking ugly Maybe that's why you did not design her. If you want to make abominations, do it right. Shitlips and kys
>Maid V meets murder drone V >She's horrified at how much of a monster she becomes >MD V looks down on her past self as a weak little coward who doesn't have a spine >They both fight over butler N
>>180084 On that note, I think it's funny Yeva and Nori never bothered to change outfits. Maybe a taste for fashion started to develop in Uzi's generation since we see her with a beanie and custom graphic jacket and Braidon had pants and formal clothes on (even if he's just going to highschool, that pompous prick).
>>180106 Maybe Nori and Yeva never changed outfits as a way to remind themselves of what they'd been through? Or maybe they were just so used to wearing those clothes, they couldn't imagine themselves without them? Similar to how a dog that wears a collar since it's a baby isn't used to being without it?
>>180102 According to you. Keeter's cute. Your redesign is horrid. Consider that what you like doesn't align with what others enjoy about the character and buzz off.
>>180115 >*J taps the mic and coughs* >May I have your attention? Robo-jesus was black, robophobes are the devil and the government is lying about Earth.
>>180117 Design preference is subjective, but if you are gonna push an alternative then at the very least you'd better have something that possesses at least a sliver of quality. Are you even trying?
>>180064 >the “what if some Solver Sapiens sell themselves as food by allowing themselves to be continuously butchered only to regenerate” discussion is back
>>180126 >They don't actually. It's just a gimmick to sell fast food. >>180127 >The Vorefag walks home in disappointment after realising it is not the case where their disgusting fetish can be fulfilled.
>>180126 What if Solver sapiens find flesh consumption very intimate What if your Solver sapien gf cooked you her delicious roast thigh and blushed while you ate it
Attention fellow drones. We must stop dating humans and instead we must murder them all! Humans are the devil according to the Robo-Bible and devils must me smitten with the power of Robo-God as intended!
Also please stop sending me death threats to my Email and calling me darkXwolf17.
We all know that Cyn is the canon vorefag....and also Uzi due to that one line of dialogue where Khan says she was always interested in cannibalism or some shit
>Jane Streams: Tries hornybaiting the chat only to end up being called a hag, gets drunk on stream occasionally, most streams end with her passing out >Khan Streams: Has no idea what to actually do, the entire stream is comprised of him talking about the history of door making, Nori is trying her best to support him by holding the camera >N Streams: Literally does anything and the chat becomes aggressively horny >Oogi Streams: Liveleak Footage
>>180144 >Molly streams - tries to be cute and wholesome but gets spammed with clips of herself from the war befre mods can stop them, spends the rest of the stream crying in the corner >Molli streams - now that she isn't owned by a company she lets out all of the foul mouthed vitriol she had built up for her audience, it just turns them on. She's called the cunnybot >AM streams - the short drone just goes on and on about how much he hates humanity and then Tessa will inevitably enter his room, pick him up like a teddy bear and embarrass him live on the Internet
>>180144 >Cici makes a channel just to casually talk about stuff she likes and occasionally goes live to discuss them with chat >she sees a lot more success than expected, but finds out pretty quick that basically nobody's actually tuning in because they share her interests >aside from a few legitimate fans, most comments are along the lines of "holy boobers" and such or saying she needs to make a DronlyFans >the chat on her livestream is all over the place. sometimes she has a nice convo and learns about something cool, other times she gets bombarded with emoji spam and lewd superchats >the community unfortunately building up around her is largely made up of dedicated perverts >some guy even made a "slosh compilation" >...with better production value than her entire channel...
>>180148 DDanni streams - plays old strategies and occasionally talks about how to properly please a man. Frighteningly popular with other disassembler drones. Buddy streams - plays old shooters and horror games. Surprises viewers by being absolutely calm in the most intense moments of the game.
>>179605 >AM comes back with vengeance >However, Yeva seems to want to protect James and Louisa from AM's wrath leading to a scuffle between them. >Nori then proposes a compromise when they scare Louisa and James into not being pieces of shit towards their daughter and drones. >AM begrudgingly agrees but only on the condition that he "scares" them >Whatever he did, it worked so well that everything in their name was handed to him and they were sent to an insane asylum
>>180080 Khan mentioned wanting to kill humans when he was Uzi's age. Clearly, even before the core collapse some drones got left to their own devices long enough to become sapient.
>>180103 >>MD V looks down on her past self as a weak little coward who doesn't have a spine >implying any negative feelings DD V would have for maid V wouldn't be based on envy for her getting to be happy and have a normal-ish life
>>180183 Merc doesn't post fifty different shitty edits of a poorly drawn piece that no regular person will be able to see the difference. He posts at most two edits of a well drawn photo where something very clearly changes
>>180164 >DDanni told Buddy she was going to do a bikini stream >She had no intention of doing this, she just wanted to make him jealous >She doesn't end up streaming at all that night since she's "preoccupied" with other "stuff" immediately after this
>>180194(me) I want my art to look the best it can be, even now I’m thinking to myself “no no this isn’t it I need to give ghost Alice a spectral aura” >>180191 Poorly drawn? I guess it’s still a little sloppy. I sketched the whole thing out with different layers and it took me a hell of a long time to get this one out
>>179110 >Chiappa is growling like an animal as she…rummages though Rial’s open chest cavity. You can see [FATAL ERROR] written in bright red letters on his visor. >What the hell is she doing? And why is there a tail coming out from her back? >You stare in shock as Chiappa and the tail focus on Rial. You can hear the nasty sound of meat being ripped off, oil splashing onto her. You barely see the mass of gray synthetic muscle and wires in her hands as she brings it closer to her face and eats it. >Why the fuck is she cannibalizing him?! >The tail suddenly snaps towards and it hisses when it locks eyes with you. You take a step back as Chiappa turns to look at you. She’s got one of the most messed up psychotic smiles you’ve ever seen and a bright purple X on her screen. >You’re considering running and calling for help when you see the X flicker between it and her normal eyes as her smile falters and she lowers her arms. >She suddenly collapses on the ground and starts to shake as she groans in pain. You rush over to her and kneel. The tail has retracted inside of her, leaving a small hole on the back of her hips which is closing itself. You put Chiappa’s head on your lap and hold her by the shoulders. >”Chiappa! Chiappa, snap out of it!” You have no idea what’s happening to her or why is she doing this. You’re very scared as you read the various warning on her screen. >Her convulsions stop in an instant and she relaxes. Her normal eyes return back as she stares wordlessly as the ceiling. She looks into your eyes and moves her head to look at the side and towards Rial’s corpse. You hear her gasp as she slowly brings her hands up to look at them, her oil-drenched hands. >You hear her rapidly breathing and her fans kicking into overdrive as she starts to hyperventilate. She lets out small croaks as she tries to speak but can’t. “What…have I done…?” She then suddenly jumps up and wraps her arms around you staining your clothes. >”What have I done, Kurt?!” She wails into your chest as you try to calm her down. You don’t know what to say – “You just killed and ate someone.” doesn’t help at all. You keep her in your lap as she cries, wrapping your arms around her.
>Not long after this the two of you went back home. Thankfully mom and dad didn’t notice the two of you were gone because you have no idea how you’ll explain why you and Chiappa are drenched in oil. >The two of you didn’t sleep that night. How could you after the events that transpired. >First thing in the morning is that the two of you cleaned up before mom and dad saw the stains on the two of you. >Chiappa didn’t come with you to school that morning and made up the excuse she was feeling “unwell”. Mom and dad were concerned and allowed her to stay at home. They asked you why you looked so stressed and just said that you had a nightmare. You don’t have the guts to tell them. >The rest of school was just you thinking about last night. You won’t tell anyone what happened, hell, you can’t even tell what happened. How are the people of the bunker gonna think if one of the grandchildren of the Bunker leader is a killer and a cannibal? You have enough problems as it is, that being your entire existence. >As you leave school, you see something new on the notice board in the central hallway. An obituary, Rial’s obituary along with news about his death. They all have no idea what happened and you’re just…staring. >Not dwelling on it any further, you continue walking.
>What Kurt didn’t notice is that someone was observing him. >Negev, the bunker’s best detective, was staring at him from around the corner. >She was at the school asking students about Rial’s whereabouts before he died because she got a hunch. She just stared at the notice board for some reason, waiting for something to happen, when Kurt approached it. >His face, his body language as he stared at the board…he knows something. >She needs to have a talk with her sister and her husband.
>>180196(me) I can’t stress this enough, I have been the prowl to improve upon my art solely because I want you guys to think I’m a better artist. I once considered being away from here for months to refine my art and then coming back once it had evolved to the point where you couldn’t even recognize me. >>180194 Look at this, isn’t this an actual drawing? This isn’t a doodle, I used sketching and layers! Layers damnit layers!
>180200 No matter what you do, your attitude brings down your art. Shut the fuck up and get the hell out of the board you whiny child. Your art has no purpose because you do it for attention and validation.
The drawfags ostracize you because you fucking repulse them as a human being. It’s not about your art, it’s not about your age, those are just covers for the fact that everybody unanimously hates you and wants you dead. Dead and burnt. You were kicked out the drawpile simply because nobody wanted you there, and every time your layers are deleted so as to not have your visual abominations affect the rest of the art, the room cheers. You can draw like Leonardo Da Vinci and you will still never, ever be accepted in the community. You can turn 18, and we will still, forever hate you.
>>180210 You are right about literally everything. And I hate how I made it come to this. It’s a shame because some of them actually liked me when I first showed up. >>180194 Ironically ghost Alice is dead and buried. I was so proud of this, y’know. One of my many REAL DRAWINGS. I was thinking to myself “man the Alice lovers will like this one! Wonder if another artist is gonna draw this spooky ghost Alice I made!”
>>180164 >Buddy’s hand to eye coordination is insane as his mouse clinking game is next level. >Someone in chat asked how the hell he is so good at it. >Slyly answers that he had lot of practice. >In DDanni’s stream, she suddenly goes “Heyo!” After eavesdropping. > all the female Disassembly Drones viewers are jealous of this.
>>180261 >Tad Streams: Massive parties with the occasional Cyntepide killing/tipping >Lizzu and Dul Streams: Make-up and very phony reactions to videos
>>180277 >V bringing you dead mice and dead birds to teach you how to hunt >V getting excited when Star Wars plays on the TV and trying to swat the starfighters >V playing with cardboard boxes
>>180278 Like owning a boat It’s not impossible to buy one, especially a small one, but unless you’re gonna be doing a lot of space travel it’s probably better to just travel in a commercial one
Do any of you have ideas for the state of military technology by ~3040? Obviously faster than light travel would have been there, but AH-64 was also still in service
>>180278 Post victory, humanity has to rebuild things. Just like the past world wars, economy would be shit in most places as they try to recover. I imagine space travel will mostly be limited to transfer of workforce and material for reconstruction of devastated areas depending on the severity for the inhabited systems. For a good two or three decades.
>>180287 I have a somewhat more advanced idea in mind for the militaristic capabilities of the humans in the 3040s. The way I explained the AH-64s was a National Guard/Gendarmerie service I've taken to calling the Guardsman Corps, they historically use more outdated weapons so that the cream of the crop goes to the actual offensive/colonial forces of the Union or Federation.
>>180311 >''So yeah, Tessa is a lesbian because I'm a lesbian'' >''It's my opinion, but I still think she would be a lesbian and if you say anything bad about it you're homophobic'' Total dyke death
>>180287 In canon? There was none. Megacorporations effectively owned the galaxy, all wars were fought in meeting rooms and in the stock markets. There were no great uprisings or anything necessitating weapons more advanced than AR-15s. The Solver was "fought" by mall cops using refurbished museum pieces.
>>180323 even Vickers shouldn't necessarily be considered a reliable source. the dumb shit he makes up off the top of his head long after the show was finished shouldn't be etched into canon. imo the longer it's been since a work was completed, the less valid the creator's input.
>>180324 War's uncertain, unstable, bad for the economy in the long run. Good for the MIC, but that doesn't need to exist in a post-nationalist world. People can still hold national pride and get pissed at other countries, but you keep it tense to keep them occupied, never actually act on it. >>180330 Cyberpunk's way too hopeful. You get burgerpunk.
>>180321 >Source for this? Because all of this lore here seems headcanon-ish I summon a tiny Liam in my head and spin him around really fast on a merry-go-round until he agrees with my theories. That being said, people say FTL's a thing in canon, but I wouldn't be so quick to agree. Given humanity's spread thin across the stars and cryogenics exist, it's more likely that seedships were sent at sublight to planets that were in the Goldilocks zone. The Solver's the exception, it can move that fast because it doesn't obey the laws of physics. Doesn't explain CFL's uplink to earth, though. Maybe they had ansibles?
>>180333 >You’re way too optimistic on how humans behave I'd say pessimistic, really. I envision MD's future as everywhere in the world being "westernized" thanks to worker drones accelerating industrialization. Every country's now urban sprawl and industrial centers inhabited by people who consume the same culture (which has been recycled over the centuries) and work for the same corporate conglomerates. No more great conflicts like the Middle East or Ukraine, because we've sanded all the differences off. There's an overall apathy and stagnation consuming humanity. 1984 was wrong about the future being a boot stomping on a human face- all of human history has been a boot stomping on a human face. The future I see is one where the boot rests on the head of a human too tired to push it off.
>>180280 >S breaks into your house and claws the shit out of you for putting V in her niche >And also forgetting to let her lick a graham cracker for weeks in a row
>>180338 >The VA is a dyke Is she? Or is she one of those bisexual women who likes calling herself a lesbian because it feels sexy and dangerous? Genuinely asking.
JCJenson is issuing a mandatory recall on any and all N units. They are to be destroyed and smelted down into factory parts specifically for the production of Windex. Anyone found harboring an N unit will face jail time.
>>180396 Being lonely Being kinda rude Being more *Clean* compared to Jane and Bonnie Being a stalker And of course her inevitable mutation into a predator like creature also the fact she hates Jane, who is a rat, just makes sense for her to be a Cat
I don't really get why people treat shipping like team sports or some kind of personal offense against their sensibilities. Personally, I like J/essa because it's one of the most plausible relationship pairings that isn't canonical. Their canon relationship to one another is much closer than to the other characters. N for example is made uncomfortable by Tessa's affection and is much more interested in V, Tessa's affection for N also mostly seems to be because she finds him cute like a pet or favorite doll. V doesn't interact much with Tessa at all, she's bullied by J and has romantic feelings for N. Cyn has thinly veiled contempt for all of them except for N, who she only views as a fun toy because he is abnormally tolerant to her odd behavior. Meanwhile J and Tessa spend a large portion of their lines (in episodes with eachother present) talking to one-another, Tessa treats J as a confidant and also trusts her to be responsible for important tasks.
Other rational ships would be N/V (if Uzi were more self absorbed/remained fearful of him after ep.2), Lizzy/V (Lizzy explicitly states she is attracted to V, V and her have some mean girl rapport, it would be a way for V to move on from N who becomes unavailable)
It is pretty funny that antiyurifag still tweaks out, considering that like 3/4 of all the relationship fanart that isn't canonical N/Uzi is some kind of yuri between V, J, Tessa, Cyn, Lizzy, Doll, Nori, Alice, and Yeva since the show's cast is basically stacked with female characters due to it being Liam's fetish.
>>180402 Hot take: Every online fandom/community is more or less a shade of garbage, and the only reason we aren't nearly as bad is because of anonymity. I'm sure you mean it as a compliment but I for one cannot think of a worse fate for this place than for it to end up 'inheriting' the wider Murder Drones community
>>180411 Not “we wI’ll inherit the community” but rather “we, worthy as we are, have inherited the ESSENCE of MD more so than any other part of the community”
>>180396 >bit of a loner >smug aura >people think she's more dignified than she actually is >acts mostly apathetic towards you but would die without your attention >quietly brings you little gifts, sometimes leaving them for you to find >would eat your corpse if she got hungry enough >shits in a box
>>180415 mdtwt Cynfags be like >“Cyn is so cute! b-but I’m not a necrophilic pedophile p-please don’t cancel me 14 year olds!!!!!! *sweats one (1) big droplet*”
>>180410 >Tessa treats J as a confidant and also trusts her to be responsible for important tasks. I agree with the all of this, except this line. Tessa couldn't convince J to break the chains, so Tessa had to rile up J in order to get her to do it.
>>180409 Steady pace! And take occasional breaks. It's definitely looking good thus far. I wish I had a computer that can handle Blender to learn how to make cool stuff like this. >>180419 kek
>you get a sexy DD waifu who loves you BUT >any time you're about to have sex, she has to "fuel up" by slowly and gruesomely eating a WD alive do you accept?
Image:174216950645.png(42kB, 284x186)shookth thad by vicious fiend.png
skinning thad of his Chassis + arm and leg coverings, slowly peeling back cables and internal shelling. till you get to the base mechanisms keeping enough plugged in for him to live, while shoving a hand into his core wires and tangling them into a big knot
Scraping your name into his core with a exacto knife. proceeded with slowly plugging everything back in and reattaching his casings, but not without one long stroke across his exposed spinal strut
There is an UNDERGROUND COLONY of MURDER DRONES that live BENEATH OUR STREETS! They come to the surface at night through the abandoned subway systems to kidnap himan men!
>>180409 My ass struggling to understand the concept of a midrift >>180422 I got a few days off so i got time to mess around a little, but ill be sure not to burn myself out
>>180417 Speaking of this, the most outraheous bs I have seen outside of here was someone on iirc reddit or youtube having a melty over hating Tessa, one of his points was claiming that Tessa killed Cyn >>180402 So it seems
>>180456 That is some purebred retardedness, but my main gripe with Cynfags on twitter in the lore department is that most of them keep saying that the solver took on traits of the first drone it possessed and didn't have full control of them until later.
>>180471 No. It just scarred her for life. Even after going through eldritch meat puberty and learning, during her subsequent attempt to surrender to Mother in despair over turning out to be a monster herself, everyone else who knew her mom's secret was right about Uzi just being a sad woman who wishes she was still normal-ish, Negev's still kinda messed up.
>>180472 >>180471 Mind you, that post-eldritch meat puberty stuff is at some vague future date like Beretta going through it and subsequently going on a brief rampage as a Brundlefly.