Good morning my Friends. I hope you are doing well this day, I hope you feel awesome, because today we are going to have some fun talking about Drones. The giant Booru: The interesting wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The very well documented OC wiki: The last Thread: >>163296
>>164220 When Phineas and Ferb did that with their Meep Chronicles bit it was funny because it was a legitimately dumb idea If Glitch did it with MD as a rug pull, I'd fly to Australia with malicious intentions (filling their offices with horny male kangaroos)
>>164215 I just thought about something really funny
>glitch releases a strange video >at first it’s black but then we see familiar faces >, uzi beat up and regaining her balance as she looks angrily >nori has her body back and is fighting off something or someone with khan >uzis class running away as things blow up >doll’s ghost coming face to face with Lizzy >alice having banter with uzis solver tail so you know it’s not a flashback >all the while voice clips play > one of J dramatically asking “is it…really you” >khan saying dejectedly “ for what it’s worth, I’m sorry” >thad covered in oil yelling at uzi that it’s all her fault >and then finally… >uzi cradling a heavily damaged and definitely dead N sobbing hard. >then cuts to the card >Murder Drones season 2 >Coming…….never >goofy voiceover comes on “yeah sorry….We’re not actually making this…..apologies for getting your hopes up…hmmm I wonder what else you can look for too?…….oh yeah!” >cue a bunch of clips from whatever new show they’re actually making >”something something! Coming late 2026 maybe!”
(Sorry for deleting but there was a typo and I had to correct it.)
>>164221 >Meep chronicles mentioned That was my whole inspiration for this!
>>164221 > filling their offices with horny male kangaroos >they did that whole bit just so someone could do that >kevin and Luke tame them into their harem >they replace all their staff with them
>Cyn thinking about how she trapped N, the sole male drone capable of handling murder drone sex, with two psychotic and pent up female drones can a artchad make a cyn version of this?
>>164222 How would you feel if glitch actually did this? For me, I’d be a little dissapointed. But I think you guys could make it a real thing through fanfiction or fancomics and I’d just look at that instead.
>>164244 What the fuck kind of question is that? Like, how would you feel if someone spat in your eye then punched you in the throat? That's what you're asking.
>>164244 I think it'd sting no matter what, but if they made it completely obvious it was a joke from the start I wouldn't be that bothered. I'm talking something like "V is a werewolf now, J becomes an idol"
Do you think Cyn had some level of robo-nerve damage even before the Absolute Solver assumed direct control and standing up straight like she did in the episode 2 flashback took effort on her part, or do you think she was completely normal and the Solver just likes moving its host bodies around like that? Same with her voice. Think it's all Solver or do you think she had some kind of damaged speech synthesis that the Solver exaggerates because it likes doing the funny voice?
>>164252 One could infer that it's a natural quirk of the AS to move bodies the way it does to communicate just how unnatural it is. Combined with the (at first) shoddy acting of Eldritch 'J' in episode 2 with the holograms. One could also infer that since Cyn, or whatever was left of her, was a salvage case and the last one to be rescued, Tessa may not have had the necessary spare parts to patch the WD's body up. Or maybe the damage was simply too extensive.
One thing's for sure is that the awkward synth speech is a shared characteristic across all possessed hosts once the AS takes over fully.
>>164248 Yeah, honestly it would be just as funny that way. Actually, what if instead… > it’s all played straight. >everybody’s hyped, this board is fucking livid and theories galore >season 2 premiere happens and it’s a livestream >everyone is anxiously waiting >we see a slow motion shot of j stabbing n through the core as uzi can only watch in shock. Curiously her eyes are back to full purple >we see the full scene of uzi cradling the very dead n as j points a gun to head >”oh boohoo…never liked him anyway, so….now that you’re back to being completely powerless..any last words?” >uzi looks at her and is about to say “Bite me!” >….but then it buffers and shows the YouTube error screen >”…yeah sorry about that..” >then a goofy 2d drawing of Liam shows up >he starts rattling about how there’s no plans for season 2 and says all this stuff about fan expectations and how hard it is for animators >”but I think there’s something else you CAN look forward to! Ok Liam out!” >cut to black >a trailer for glitch’s new 3d show plays >”something something! Coming soon!”
>>164257 Wait a minute. That’s also pretty hilarious! >uzi says “bite me!” >cut to the solver writing this out on a notebook >”and then uzi is promptly eaten alive by my, the absolute solver of the fabric. As I then bring upon the Big Crunch and destroy the entire univ-“ >”ow!” >uzi slaps her tail in the face
>All the Manor drones refer to AM as “Little brother” because he is smaller than them. >No matter how many times he tells them that he is actually older than all of them.
>>164258 >"[sadistic grin] you cannot contain me forever. I will regain control, and play with my cute little puppets again– and you will be my [second favorite]" >"you're going in the cone again!" >"...I do not like the cone"
Image:173989530239.png(45kB, 250x264)beretta (original character) drawn by mercurialmorose - d52ded9798e76ffd986fcff829c6a0bd.png
>>164272 >>164274 >>164278 It's too early in both the day and the thread for this level of schizoposting. Can you fags instead talk about literally anything else?
This is from either the smg or Gltich wiki I do not remember but apparently Alice's 'birthday' (realistically this gotta be the day she became a CFL subject I guess, core collapse was in Serramoris (13th month) according to the callendar in Camp 98.7, so she was there for half a year and along with Nori one of the first subjects (guessing they did numbers in logical order) is on July 12 Idk if this is official at all btw
>>164294 They are Philippinian right? And in Australia? Had they finished the airfield on Guadalcanal in time the IJNAS could have reached Sydney via G4M
>>164290 Beretta is ineligible to run for president for numerous reasons >She's not a natural born citizen >She's not the minimum age requires (35) >She hasn't been a resident for 14 years >She isn't a human
>Liam watching in horror as all of australia is razed through the ground by rabid MD fans he made the mistake of tricking them into thinking season 2 was happening
>>164299 I believe sincerely in it, already alone for the fact that TAdC is over soon and they have nothing good coming after. Both the knights and the gaslight series have fuck ugly aesthetics they will flop hard. They even have models and all for MD and need to do no overelaborate time-intense animations for anime fights like in 8
>>164301 >Both the knights and the gaslight series have fuck ugly aesthetics I’m neutral towards the knights series but gaslight district? I’m looking forward to that!
>>164256 The heat of exploding of fans' arses with rage would instantly raise the average temperature on Earth by three degrees.
It wouldn't be funny, seriously, the MD fandom, the most active Glitch fandom and Liam's personal fandom would just hate him and the studio, all merch sales for all shows would plummet, and they can't let that happen.
>>164310 >Years ago, at the Sentinel base, two friends who would call each other anything but "friends" spend some leisure time outside in the rain >Techanon frowns at Pavo from under his extra-wide umbrella >Pavo doesn't have an umbrella, instead there's a constant blue sheen above his head >"If your shield emitter burns out, I'm having you explain to the quartermaster that you were using it to guard from normal rain." >"It's cheaper than taking care of my hair, honey!" >"It really isn't," the technician mutters >"Oh, what's the worst that can happen?" >"The base gets attacked and your emitter pops at the worst possible time?" >Pavo rolls his eyes >"If it's such a big deal, how about we go inside and you take a good long look at it~?" he says, tracing a line across his chest with a wink >"The emitter's closer to your back, Pavo-" >"Ooh, you want me from behind, Anon?" >"God damn it- look, I'll... give you an exam when we get back if you turn it off. Share my umbrella if you want." >"Ooh, alright. I'll stand under your umbrella," Pavo says, shuffling closer as Anon realizes he fucked up >"Fuck- don't start-" >"Ella, ella, ay, ay, ay, under my umbrella..." >Anon regrets the events that brought him here as Pavo sings an ancient song
>Sometimes, for a mere moment, the Overseer's cold heart thaws just enough to let something through his facade of professionalism. >You certainly won't see him around his comrades on the rare occasions that this does happen. That is because he cannot show them his doubts, he cannot willingly demoralize them. >And yet, he also can't deny how much he despises the very mission that has consumed his life either. He yearns for an opportunity to just drop all this, start over again, live for once. >But the Overseer knows better. The overseer knows he doesn't have such a privilege, for his mission is far greater than himself, and if he has to die for it, so be it. >It has been eight months since their activation. Eight months since they've last seen it. Eight months of no progress. But it felt more like an eternity to the Enforcers. >They overcame their programming long ago. They were no longer subservient automatons, but they were still just as obedient to the will of the dead as ever. >No, obedient to the will of the world. >They couldn't allow the blight on reality to fester any longer.
>While Uzi and the others are fighting Cyn >AM has successfully reconstructed Tessa behind their backs. >And after the battle, Tessa walks up to them and asks what she missed.
>>164256 Meanwhile in /md/… >Its just a normal thread, >someone posts in all caps >”GUYS CHECK YOUTUBE SEASON 2 IS HAPPENING” >he links the teaser >the whole board is ecstatic >the joy is contagious >soon everyone is posting in all caps >theorizing about certain elements and gawking at all the big reveals like Mitchell being alive >alicefag is cumming in ecstasy knowing his waifu is back >Drawfriends making fanart of all the new characters shown >and best of all, this is happening tomorrow >everyone sits back, they can’t wait! >5 minutes 4 minutes, 30 seconds, right now! >the opening clip plays >….one fake out later >no one is happy >absolutely no one is happy >the thread is consumed by Disappointment and rage >no one is laughing, this wasn’t funny >at least someone posted a photo of them burning merch >worst watch party ever.
>>164336 >>164333 Nothing would happen to the board because nothing ever happens. Seriously, Glitch and Liam would get shit on and works would be made about them for sure, but while that stunt will permanently be remembered the oc (original content in that case, not original character) fagging will continue on as usual, that would not kill us
>>164370 Yeah glitch and Liam will never live that down, so much hate art is gonna be made if they ever pulled something like that. All those fan theories and fanart all for naught.
>>164373 In that case we should support the Chinese copyright violators and buy the knock offs for a fraction of the original price on Aliexpress. And nothing happened in 1989, btw.
>Lizzy is a zombie drone that was discarded for intentionally being too “handsy” >Unaware of this, Tessa assumes Lizzy’s tendency to grope her breasts is just the drone’s way of “playing”. >Lizzy shoots J a smug grin every time.
>>164390 And then immediately your heart is ripped out of your chest when it turns out season 2 was just Liam’s social experiment regarding fan expectations and an elaborate way of advertising glitch’s new show.
>“All right, ahm puttin’ ya at the back of the oven for that!”
>>164377 Have this I guess. The “sequel” to the comic I posted yesterday >>163779. If they get torn up by the sentinels like the other Disassembly Drones they are also going to be put in the oven like the rest of them.
Also for those who aren’t as familiar with Civil War history as V is (which is a surprisingly amusing running gag): Alice is singing I Wish I Was In Dixie LandConfederate Song - I Wish I Was In Dixie Land (with lyrics) the anthem of the Confederacy while V is referencing Union DixieUnion Dixie a parody of the first song made by the Union to mock the confederacy as they didn’t approve of them seceding and stuff.
>>164395 Don’t worry, in that timeline someone is probably making fanfics based on what that season 2 could have been. And you can draw, I’ve seen the pencil art you could make your own little fancomic,
Speaking of Alice, I'm surprised that no one has touched upon her for the Post-Good Ending or some other future timeline. She never actually did die technically due to her lights still being on
>>164399 what the fuck are you talking about? do you mean the solver war victory timeline? pge is called the "post good ending" because it takes place after the events of the show
>>164399 No it's not? Who told you that? I think you're confusing it for the HoDR timeline. The PGE timeline is set on Copper-9 and has always been set on Copper-9
>>164392 One day I will totally be able to animate all I need on Blender. Not today, one day, hopefully in this life still...totally. Unironically I am already feeling far less than sympathetic towards Glitch, you don't consistently advertise with season 1 with sincere intent only to pull the rug under us moments before 8 releases. They deserve to tank after the money printer croaks later this year
>Dr. N examines you >your humours are out of balance >the solution? >direct injection of nanite nut, thrice daily, into the three principle orifices >he will oversee the treatment himself
What even got Bonnie to start liking that rat Jane when Abby was right there? Did she just see the grouchy, smelly, creature and say “yeah, that’s mine now”
>>164398 I wondered too but I heard different people so far say that canon characters feel difficult to write because of need to feel accurate (iirc). I also think that while Alice has quite some potential for interesting interactions later on they would be very hard to get right, in my experience at least but I never finished anything written anyways. But you are right about the not dead part, there are many details about it, funnily enough I believe that at least for Amda (despite for having been 'dead' way longer and in worse state) the same counts.
>>164397 >Fancomic I never considered a full comic yet but that is honestly a good idea, perhaps I try and do that before 'animating' somewhere in the distant future (never).
>>164408 I still challenge anyone to explain to me how we can get a full second season-with proper anime fights-out of the plot threads left with episode 8's ending.
>>164428 >Crashed Cryo-Stasis Ship >Bring Jane here by herself >She tells you shes never seen it before, and you need to leave >If you continue looking at it she gets increasingly angry and dismissive >If you point out the bloody message you lose her as a companion entirely >Bring Jane and Beretta >Beretta will point out Jane spends a lot of time around this ship, and she has no idea what its about as Jane wont tell her. >Bring Y and Jane, Y will ask what it is suppose to be and Jane wont tell her, Y will make up a story about how she, was lost in space during a really cool space battle. Jane will laugh and have fun with her about it
>Frank The Human's Frozen Corpse Easter-Egg >Bring John, he will say that frozen dead drone looks vaguely familiar
Image:173991428847.png(2.24MB, 2000x2000)jane the human, beretta, and serial designation y (original character) drawn by amyanon - 7bb56f51ec0fee3367cc1665c5e1282a.png
>>164426 >Jane & Beretta They are still BFFs for life >Jane & Y They are still fail-girl friends with benefits
>>164430 I like to think Jane takes chess very seriously, and Y pretends to be a master at chess but really kept eating pieces while Jane wasnt looking
>>164428 This doesn't even cover half of the RPG! You're forgetting the Alternate Story DLC, The Evil Route, Oogi Campaign DLC, and even The Wings Of Hope DLC! And you call yourself a gamer!
Anon, what do if I want to execute an idea that seems unique to me but could appear like a ripoff of other common thread ideas if I make it? Do I just keep making it regardless?
>>164428 >Ancient Bugretta Shrine Easter-Egg >Cthulhu anon will feel the power of Oogis worship surrounding the area around the statue, and give a brief history of the bugretta that she shouldnt know. She will gain a permanent XP boost, and quickly forget all about it wondering what happened.
>Commander Oogi will quickly pray to the statue (calling it a good boogi, and rubbing it) and then tell you the story of her people
>>164449 That's because Abby is kept in a safe little space and not brought on adventures, but when she is all the weak enemies are reskinned to look like Jane
>>164449 Mutant Abby is a surprisingly strong companion with her focus on poisons and bleeding, and having Jane in the party only makes her interactions funnier. Sometimes Abby will miss an enemy and just attack Jane instead, which might sound bad but having them both in the same party gives a bonus to both. The Solver war TT dlc was kino, if really sad. The quests around Bonnie were fun, the interactions between past and present versions of characters were depressing especially Abby. The bossfight against past Jane in the city was kino.
>>164455 Her eating dead enemies to heal is both a blessing and a curse, you cant heal her with normal means so you have to focus on quick kills or else Abby will eventually go down. Shes not as effective against bosses for this reason, so its good to have a dedicated tank on the team
>>164428 Outpost-3, Church Of Uzi Easter-Egg >Uzi awkwardly tries to play off the discovery, half-heatedly boasting about how it was long overdue that people started worshiping her as a god >If the player has little and/or poor relations with Uzi then this will be the extent of the interaction >Should the player have good relations with Uzi, pressing her on the topic opens up a new dialogue tree regarding Uzi's status as a (supposed) deity >Exploring this dialogue tree reveals that, behind all her edgy bluster, Uzi kinda resents having to shoulder the additional burden being treated like a God would bring to her life >Talking further will have Uzi reveal her feelings about her role in the Post-Canon Good Ending a good deal earlier than she normally would in the story >This information makes completing Beretta's 'Happy Family' sidequest significantly easier
>>164455 be careful not to let Abby actually kill Jane during a battle, otherwise you'll trigger her "Bittersweet Release" companion event, causing her to die permanently unless you reload from an earlier save
>>164434 Do it. Most anons probably won't care about whether someone is supposedly ripping off their ideas; Hell some might even like having their stuff being direct inspirations
>>164472 the "Officer's Hat" helmet mitigates some of that damage so it's not instakill, but there's nothing any party member can wear that brings it back down to reasonable levels. you'll probably want to use shield abilities or use a decoy item like a plush or grunt
Anon, never pick a second branch of pumping for Buddy, it's bloody bullshit.
At first everything was cool, new unique skills, creating cool combinations and all that, but over time Buddy started acting like a whole arsehole. First he started insulting all the non-human NPS, calling them "tin scum" and "mutant scum," and talking to them very rudely, and then he started doing the same to the non-humans on my team. He even started insulting DDanni and Molly! They still have synergy, but their mood level is now very low. All dialogues with him have become some complete bullshit, he now constantly talks about human superiority and the need to destroy all "enemies of mankind," and by enemies of mankind he means all drones and mutants.
The saddest thing is that I can not just send him to the camp, because I spent a huge amount of time and effort on his pumping, and he is my strongest companion. Anon, is there any way I can get a normal good Buddy back? I don't want to lose all my progress.
>>164470 Boxo is only available during the scripted combat section of the mission “what heroes really are” (the one where you unlock Buckety at the end) where you tear through wave after wave of enemies with his ‘world punch’ & ‘giga shockwave’ attacks and take 0 damage from all attacks because he has ∞ DEF, D-177-Ω-B.O.X.O is a generic B.O.X.O unit you can purchase from Guy’s garage after completing “don’t sweat it” and “chicks dig giant robots”, he acts as a balanced version of Boxo with the same moves that you can use for the rest of the game, he can get a cosmetic that makes him look like Boxo in NG+
>>164475 You have to deliberately get both Danni and Molly downed in a battle at the same time, there's a 1/5 chance you'll get the quest "What Really Matters" where he goes back to a more normal (albeit still a bit aggressive) character
Guys, there is no MD rpg. The complementary kool-aid you got coming into the thread? It was laced. You've all been drooling and beating computer monitors with sticks for the past hour. Sorry.
>>164479 I liked that they added the ability to start a veteran revolution in the Union. The developer was definitely inspired by Warhammer 40k, because I haven't seen so much pathos yet.
>>164377 Want to see another WIP? It is slowly getting there, I want to do more but if I start another easier drawing now I know I won't finish this one.
>>164509 Damn it! Ghost Oogi is like the best character in the game so far, sure she has absolutely zero characterization outside of standing there looking cool and edgy, but still!
>>164501 Fuguedrone, Beretta, Aleph, Kyrie and a handful of Solver witch characters can use/learn ‘somatic deadlock’ (it’s the equivalent to ‘protocol override’ but for enemies with the ‘psychic’ attribute instead of the ‘mechanical’ attribute)
>>164237 Would probably willingly become a Solver host thinking he could trick it and use its powers to escape reality, thus avoiding the closure. of course it wouldn't turn out that way and he'd probably become a puppet, or something worse/more pathetic.
attention: due to filesize limitations, oogi will be a single white pixel this will not affect the gameplay of the character, except for the fact that you recruit her in the snowy blizzard fields of supreme whiteness good luck finding her
>>164526 I found her inclusion weird and uncomfortable, especially when you have Uzi in the same party as her. I did not enjoy seeing Uzi have an existential crisis
>>164536 Yes mainly due to Cyn being a debug mode character, her interactions with out characters are broken. I recommend finding and recruiting the Cyn Cosplayer that's in the game instead for actual interactions
>>164538 The Cyn Cosplayer is the most mistreated character in the game. Seriously, Uzi "misses" her attacks whenever she's in the party and always hits her
>>164548 I hated Chapter 32, Magnet-Laden Boticide. It was just cancer to play with an all drone party, and any human in the party gets the "amused" debuff. It took me three hours to get to the second checkpoint
>>164552 >the text gets fucked up so it’s hard to read >the uncles are bland and don’t do shit for your party >lars is annoying >I had Molly in my team and she kept getting instakilled I don’t understand why it’s even here
>>164556 Depends. Do you want to have another romance option down the line or no? Because once Yandere Negev is locked in, romance with other companions becomes a death sentence for them
>>164580 >Labor Bot Similar to the Worker Drone, but you have the power to fully master one skill instantly >Disassembly Drone You will be majorly disliked by certain factions and some would-be companions will attack you on-sight. You are slower to learn new skills, take more damage from Sentinel enemies, and have a slightly lower base health-pool than a Worker Drone, however you have quick regen. You start off with 4 weapon types, however you will quickly find yourself screwed if you don't attempt to learn anything else as DD weapons aren't upgradable >Sentinel Drone Similar to the DD, however they have a slightly higher health-pool a the cost of having a much much shorter energy pool, even worse is that their attacks cost so much to use.
>>164580 DD's obvious, it's as overpowered as you'd expect, but it's great story-wise. You get a manor prologue that decides your starting perspective, it's almost like a new game entirely for the first few. The new interactions with the trio are worth it. Sentinel Drone is probably the strongest choice out of the box. The player doesn't get Oogiphobia, which leads to some funny encounters, but you generally break the game over your knee. It's also the most accessible pick for a solo run. Solver Host is mostly just the WD route with more tricks, but you do get a major choice near the endgame that can lead you down one of two paths. One's a standard good ending, while the evil route is very special. Especially one of the options there.
>>164398 You do have a point. Hopefully this somewhat rectifies it
>Although Alice survived, regenerating her head via latent Witch powers and/or Solver Shenanigans sometime after Uzi beat The Solver, the same cannot be said for Beau >His death pushed Alice to the brink of becoming completely unhinged, leading her to make even more drastic & crude body modifications >Looking even more like a Wendigo-Drone than before, Alice spends many years lurking the desolated Cabin Fever Labs & it's surroundings to the point that she's treated like an urban legend >Alice killed most of those that she came across, occasionally sparing those that she took a liking towards (often with the caveat that they merely trade a limb of her choice instead) >Beretta, after having recently ran away from home due to family drama, wound up being one of those that Alice decided to 'spare' (mainly thanks to a shared disdain for Uzi) >Even after Alice learns of Beretta's heritage the two remain relatively cordial albeit because Alice hopes to gain Beretta's help in getting vengeance on Uzi & Nori
Tidbits >At some point Alice managed to get Beau's hat back from Sparky possibly with Beretta's help >Alice still lives underground but occasionally goes for nighty 'grazes' in the surface-side forests near Camp 98.7 >Alice once had a run-in with J whilst the latter was still living in exile, with J only surviving as a result of a shrewd "business" deal that neither of them like to talk about >Alice is one of the few characters that can 'hear' Auntie Cyn, although she assumes the voice is just a consequence of being semi-insane >Alice still lacks the ability to cast Solver Magic and instead relies on her extensively augmented body to overpower & subdue her victims >Alice can now transform into a Spooky Solverfied Super-Wendigo, either at-will or automatically during times of extreme peril (or hunger)
Did you guys go with Tank AM or Glass Cannon AM in your playthrough? Is him being able to tank lethal damage for other party members better than being able to fucking NUKE shit at the cost of his own health at maximum overheat? no you can't argue over which quest is better they're both kino
>>164599 The Dr. Ones CBT (Cock and Balls Tower) was a pretty interesting dungeon, definitely didn't need to see that fatso in bsdm gear at the end though At least it unlocks the "luscious leather" armor for female characters
warning, just found out that if you leave buddy and molly and/or ddanni in your team for too long there's a 1/50 chance for each day that passes that he accidentally knocks them up, meaning that you have to wait NINE FUCKING MONTHS in real life before you can play as her again
>Vanilla Murder Drones RPG Story >"Wowie! We gotta stop the evil Dr. Henry from doing the thingy with the thing! And meet a colorful cast of characters while we're at it!" >Oogi RPG Story
>>164599 The frozen graveyard is my favorite, it's just such a sad, atmospheric location. Really fucked with me to see the Solver War variants of the Shamblers.
>>164613 Don’t listen him, the stick figure chapter was pure kino. I love the enemy designs like angry stick figure and angry stick figure with stick sword and the dungeon full of copy paste clipart
>"You can't stop me, Anon! I have the Mcguffin! It's over!" >Little did Dr. Henry know, Anon had collected all 10 hidden Bugrettas in the game > Before the battle even begun, Dr. Henry's fate was sealed
>>164618 I liked the message after the fight saying that the dog is fine, because the fight was against a compressed jpeg and not a representation of the actual dog.
>>164617 >Henry has to use karma Houdini to escape the blast >The attack targets one random party member >That party member ends up being MG >He screams like a little girl as he's hit with the force of a star exploding
Which romance has the better perk bonus? >Mini-Y >E >Ja-sin >That One Raptor Drone Girl That I Don't Know The Name Of, Sorry, But I Can't Find Her On The Booru And She's Pretty New Too >JC?
>>164645 >if Beretta is in your party she'll beat the both of you senseless for trying this why, last I’d check, anon and beretta ARE not in a relationship, that has been undo by someone else, nothing more than a memory
>Molli slept at Molly's place that night. she was too shitfaced to explain where she lived, and Molly could hardly leave her there on the curb– so she brought the poor girl back to her apartment in her squad car >she fell asleep in the passenger seat, leaning on the woman she claimed to loathe, whimpering in her fitful sleep >when attempts to gently wake her failed, Molly resigned herself to carrying the tiny drone >had she passed anyone at so late an hour, as she slowly walked up to her apartment– taking care to avoid jostling her precious cargo– >they might've assumed the two were sisters. and in a sense, they wouldn't be entirely wrong. >maybe that's why Molly felt a sort of responsibility for her– and why she laid her so carefully in her own bed, tucked her in, and slept on the couch.
>>164653 I ship Security Carl with Despair so it was funny watching him get fucked by it (lucky guy, I was shocked when Despair was an eight foot tall mommy with big boobs)
>>164680 Yeah…just did, gotta say I still like it. Nice character moments for uzi khan nori and of course everyone else, bit mixed on some inclusions though.
Honestly the most heart-wrenching quest for me was the side-quest, "Marcy's Memories". In my first playthrough I got the bad ending, because I didn't meet the Archiver yet.
>>164689 anon was so busy thinking about cuck porn he couldn't even read her talking about how she used those eyes for her valentine's day special. AND he somehow missed the other holiday optics she flicked through
>The wind lessened as they traveled, her tail no longer being thrashed about in it. It hung down making slight movements, the position the two were in nearly making it look as though it were Colt’s instead. As her eyes continued to be shielded, Colt pressed on with a narrow look. She wasn’t that heavy, in fact she was much lighter than a drone, but it was still annoying to always have to be the one to take care of her. Not that their parents didn’t chip in, their dad more than mom, but they’d blow a fuse if she ever tried to lift him instead. Something something “your sister’s organic, please be careful with her and don’t let her hold anything heavy”. This relationship was a one-way street and she could literally pull no weight.
>She wasn’t that heavy, in fact she was much lighter than a drone, >drones are already light enough for Tessa to twirl N around like it's nothing >Keet is "much lighter" >Keet is as short as her mom/semi-genetic semi-template IMAGINE
>Fun OC RPG facts!: Jane has the most available costumes of any character! If you were to buy them all, you would need to spend well over $2000, as well as play the game since launch, since quite of the few of the outfits are no longer available
You guys ever pick the War Vet background for the human protagonist? That whole prologue section is so fucking kino, and if you hang out with Abby in the free time sections, it turns the mutant Abby fight way later into a super emotional 1v1.
because i have blown the entire budget of the game on crack cocaine, all unfinished characters have to be scrapped and completed characters will be reused for npcs, enemies, etc the final roster is as follows: anon i look forward to releasing the game soon
>>164723 >it turns the mutant Abby fight way later into a super emotional 1v1 yet I’m here on my ass, laughing as it all comes crashing down, abby pointing a gun at me, getting ready to shoot
>>164724 Yeah, I think having the romance only start after you meet her in present day is just kinda awkward. Especially since she has basically 0 chemistry with any version of the MC other than Human Vet, who only gets, what, 3 hang-out sessions with her during the war prologue? Even Bonnie gets 5.
>>164529 Says you. I placed Buddy and Commander Oogi in the same party and the dialogue is hilarious. Like they ain’t hiding the fact that they hate one another.
>>164746 >the horrific realization that if other people put any effort into anything remotely linked to this i will actually feel compelled to see it through
I have invented a spray that once applied to a boogi or an oogi nest it will completely neutralize and suppress boogi scents! Boogis will no longer smell like boogis and oogis will no longer be able to detect boogi stink once the spray is applied!
So where do you think we'd be right now if Liam had taken his ADHD meds AND had never gotten the mental image for "human turns out to be robot in a skinsuit"?
>>164759 Until 4 it goes similiar but obviously no Cynwalker, only thing afterwards that would still be the very same would be CFL as the end location (probably something like episode 6 before could be done too). Do you think we would have seen maid Cyn again or would the Uzi-getting-corrupted route have been more of it? Maybe another host 'taking Cyn's place', maybe a stronger Nori (back before 7 a bunch of people believed that Nori would turn out to have been genuinely bad).
>>163459 >So J had chased that as intently and passionately as she would chase her prey. >On occasion, at least. The thoughts were there. Beneath the surface. No matter how cheery and upbeat she seemed. >But what did she did for the majority of her uptime? >Did she not apply the full measure of her carefully-honed abilities when merely clocking in would have sufficed? >She had fretted over where her squad stood in the rankings, over whether they, for all their dysfunction, would at least turn in a better performance than the husks in the other squads, and over what would happen if they failed in that. >There had been a guilty pleasure in discovering the fate of the competition, coupled with embarrassment that their seemingly endless impasse before those accursed doors, which had caused her such frustration, had spared them in the end. >Had they died down there, they would have been brought back, of course. >But falling so close to the ultimate goal would have risked their agreement being dispensed with entirely, and threatened their subjection to Cyn's undivided attentions once more.
>Left to their own devices, they had, in a sense, embraced the odd opportunity that had been forced on them. >Made slaves down to their souls, they somehow had more freedom of action in the decades they had spent at work than at any point on Earth. >J had sanctioned V's desperate "creativity" and deployed an attitude well beyond cool professionalism to her own work. > J had drunk her fill, and then some, of the thrill of the hunt. >J had found satisfaction in seeing her approaching figure reflected in the visor of some squirming mechanical louse. >A trifling thing trembling in the face of something vastly greater. >Had that not been her? >Relegated to the disposal site. Cringing before the humans. Taken to pieces before Cyn. >She had resented it all so badly. >Had she not appreciated being on the other side of that divide? It went beyond appreciation. >J had relished her newfound authority, her newfound power. >No one protested when she implemented physical incentivization measures upon N. >No one escalated cases to override her orders. >No one looked at her with disgust and dismissal any longer. 60/???
>>164776 I honestly feel like Liam gave up on the possibility of creating any other disassembly drones, making them all die to the sentinels and having the Solver mention that all other disassembly drones had their personalities wiped makes me think that Liam didn't want to come up with any more ideas for disassembly drones.
>>164768 >There had been a lot in it for J. >She had not begrudgingly accepted it; she had exercised in full the prerogatives of her station. >She had done that even as she had loathed Cyn for doing the same to her, and to the rest of them. >That was not hypocrisy. >There was a difference. >There really was. >There really was.
>J rose faster. >The tunnel was slightly brighter. >Night must have been receding on the surface. >The surface... >Flying was not an end in itself. >What was she to do when she arrived? Copper 9 was likely devastated, but clearly still more or less intact. >There was precious little going on outside of what whatever the surviving drones were doing. >There were precious few drones worth caring about. >If J had ever doubted it, she knew that she did care about them. >The strain in her voice as she had confronted V had not been an act. >The bitterness of betrayal was deeply felt by all because they had been far more to each other than just co-workers or victims forced into a shared fate.
>What, if any, sort of relations were possible with them at this stage? There just was not any information. >J would have to stick to the shadows and gather intelligence. >If they had a kill-on-sight policy against her, it would not do to simply stroll out smiling and waving and hope for the best. >She did not fear for her life; she had taken the measure of both N and V and found that in isolation neither of them posed a mortal threat to her. >But J was the one in isolation; did that pose a mortal threat to her? And had she not taken the measure of that Uzi and marked her down as a particularly colorful morsel? 61/???
some tiles for the ground (since rpgmaker is cucky and only gives you fantasy-themed ones, yech) still trying to figure out a good cement look for bunker flooring, but cross that bridge when i come to it ig
>>164783 >Unless J had had a stroke of luck of the sort that had eluded her all these years, that Uzi was still a going concern. >That Uzi had an unduly negative opinion of her, given how few interactions they had had. >It could not just be general hatred of the Disassembly Drones; clearly that Uzi had won the cooperation, if not affection, of N and V. >That N had been suckered in was hardly a surprise, but which of V's many insecurities had finally brought that stubborn drone to heel? Or was J overthinking it?
>V had played such a cruel game with N, not only pretending not to know him, but actively and blatantly refusing all but the most banal of interactions. >Obviously V had not been in her right mind to persist in a misfiring strategy, and the evident strain had only grown as time went on. >Could V, at the eleventh hour, have finally snapped to the opposite extreme and followed N in chasing that abnormal existence? Was V even now having some sappy conversation with that Uzi, or worse, with one of the walking factory reject personality simulators?
>There was no point in speculation. >No sense in imagining them all, in the artificial light, smiling and laughing and living free of worries in a way that J had not ever done. >To spend clock cycles on it was...inefficient. >Yes, that was it. 62/???
>>164795 It will tell you that you need to collect all 10 hidden Bugrettas and bring them to the shrine to obtain the power hidden within. Also it gives you a buff if you pet the statue
>>164792 >That Uzi, though. >J thought back to that final fight. >It would not be difficulty to find positive qualities in her, qualities which had seemingly bonded N and V to her in a way that J could not hope to shatter. >J neither needed nor expected to ever be kissy-kissy with her, but their future relations would need to be clarified. >There was, unfortunately, too little information available to begin forecasting with any reasonable degree of accuracy, beyond the high likelihood that mutual hostility would endure. >Seemingly everything, from their shared history to their treatment of N to their respective archetypes and fashion styles was configured for maximum incompatibility. >J would gain nothing from further fighting, but that Uzi seemed a very sentimental creature, the sort who would act in irrational ways upon her petty hatred. >That would pose a problem for J's new life. 63/???
>>164809 >J was almost to the surface, out of her depth in multiple senses of the word. >Nominally, their employment arrangement would end with them getting away after settling all outstanding accounts, but J had only halfheartedly believed it would ever happen. >She had no conception of what a new life post-Solver would look like. >Who would she be? She had never lived for herself before. >Her rounds of servitude contained structure and external purpose that kept her from having to work through the bigger-picture stuff no matter how distorted that bigger picture became. >As the ultimate murder maid of the manor, the bearer of finality, assigned to clean up before Boss turned out the lights for good, her duty had been gouged into every facet of her newly 'given' soul, sparing her from even the briefest interlude of freedom after the humans were dealt with.
>There was too much uncertainty in everything. >All was in the air, even the ground (if it had not yet fallen back - another hazard to watch for). >That was not good for business. >How could one plan, strategize, optimize in circumstances like these?
>The thought should have been entirely frightening. >It was merely mostly frightening. >Some part of her felt giddy at the prospect. >J had always been seen as less than she was, as a fraction of what she could be, as a rigid obstacle to be worked around rather than with. >Freed from constraints, she could refute them all and mold herself new. 64/???
>>164699 >Dresses Ivory up as Slenderdrone >Proceeds to suplex her in front of Sophie >Combined with some specific audiovisual effects provided by Avre and Pavo, along with a HEAVILY restrained Armi, Harper manages to show that Slenderdrone isn't scary
>>164817 woah.... Im intrigued. Tell me about the solver vet MILFS >Janes mom is actually really nice compared to her daughter >Bonnies mom is a southern cowgirl apple farmer with a top selling cider
>>164810 >Finally, she breached the surface and stepped into a world of brilliant saturated hues. >The sun was rising. >Surely that was a positive omen. >The blasted hulk of a building shielded her from direct illumination, not that she knew whether that vulnerability was still in effect. >The battle had clearly continued after J had...vertically disengaged from it. >The landscape was scorched and pockmarked, scarred by interweaving skate lines and rent asunder by ugly craters. >Yet, snow flakes swirled all around. >Even now, they gently fell and coated the evidence of what had transpired.Soon, they would bury it. >The damage would not last. >Peace would come anew.
>This had never happened before. >It had come to devour, tentacles at the ready, and the world still lived. >That was evidence enough of what had happened, even if details remained to be gathered.
>J's attention turned back to the sun. >It seemed so serious a weakness to have, and yet it had not proven an impediment on any of the worlds she had been to. >Her Late Misfortune had shared the affliction, but J still wondered if it it was not, at least in part, intended as punishment. >They had all liked being outside under the Sun, back on Earth. >Whether they were escorting Tessa to a park, marveling as a rainbow painted the sky, or watching endless waves of brilliant colored flowers dancing in the wind, many of their warmest and lightest memories took place in those happy days. >All of that was lost and gone forever.
>Or was it?
>Longing surged within J. >So many impossible things had happened recently. >Perhaps... 65/???
>>164830 now that I think about it, since you took down ‘slenderdrone‘ so easily, and harper’s daughter is already afraid of slenderdrone, if she as much as hears, see, or knows where you are, she just might have a mental breakdown from fear
>>164625 >That One Raptor Drone Girl Her name is Serial Designation H, only consider her as an option if you're a human. If you're a drone, she will lore dump on you about human culture and outdated human memes.
>>164825 >J stepped out of the shadows, directly into the sunlight. >It was warm. >Warm like on Earth. >Warmer than on Earth. >Her body had scarcely started smoking before, with a whelp, she leaped back into the safety of the darkness.
>So that had not changed. >Even with the Creature gone, her fundamental essence would forever retain its touch. >She could have guessed as much. >Her systems were fully functional, neither hardware nor software reported anything different, even her lights were the same sickly yellow.
>J switched one of her hands to a sword and impaled herself. >Wincing, she twisted it to widen the wound. >She converted her other hand to a camera probe and stuck it in. >She watched the flow of blood out of severed vessels taper off into little beads which quickly reabsorbed into her flesh. >She observed throbbing wet sundered tissues stitch themselves back together. >Metal and ceramic oozed like oil to cover up the incision point. >Threads of cloth branched and weaved like hyphae until her appearance was restored.
>J was still an eldritch amalgam, infused and endowed with all the reality-bending powers necessary to keep such a walking bundle of impossibilities operational. >The local Solver install was still there, voiceless but functional. >If she could still regenerate, did that mean she could still revive in the event of irreparable damage?
>Did she want to?
>Would it be better to find some way to end entirely this sordid chapter, erase another bit of that Thing's corruption from existence? Or was that the easy way out, the unfulfilling default option? J was not the captain; why should she go down with the ship? 66/???
Hot take: I love both art and greens but I prefer greens to art because my eyeballs absorb the art in the space of thirty seconds but greens can take a minutes to read or more, extending the amount of time I'm not thinking about real life
I think it'd be a funny if Molli smoked, and Molly was always on her case about it for "setting a bad example for the kids", only for Molli to point out how oblivious Molly is to how her uniform accentuates her figure, joking that she's corrupting the minds of the youth. then Molli would get sad that she'll never get to have a proper body
>>164838 >Freedom sprang eternal within her. >There was revenge in that. >That thing had driven her, and V, and N, down a singularity of despair and misery. >It had denied them everything they had been, everything they had wanted. >It had taken their very existence into itself, made it so that there could be no 'them' without It. >Except now there was. >The thing had lost, no doubt due to its own arrogance and complacency. >How else to explain that outcome? >J still felt outraged at how It had repaid her during that battle, at that act of pure spite and malice that could not possibly have helped It. >The thing she had served, in the end, had been utterly incompetent. >It had discarded her when it had said it would not, and J would accept that. >J would return the sentiment, with interest. >J would pack all the contempt and defiance she could into leaving it in the dust.
>"So, 'Boss'. Former. Boss." >"I hope you won't mind if I create my own severance package on my way out." >"Don't worry, I won't harm your brand image. >You did enough of that yourself, and capped it off by getting disrupted by a startup that hadn't even gone through a single VC round." >"Your churn shouldn't be surprising; we did far better at head-hunting than in managing employee satisfaction," J said, before glancing at her armband. >"Well, I'll give this enterprise pride of place on my CV and leave you to your receivership." >"Ciao."
>J gave a mock salute then turned to look out over the barren landscape, the blank canvas that stretched out all around her. >That was, at long last, a [NULL] she could stand to look at. 67/??? [End Chapter 6]
>Sophie is afraid of Anon, some lame-ass cryptid that's not appropriate for kids >Harper tries to tell her that he's not real, that it's based off the fact that Anon is a semi-popular name for men, none of them have green heads and no face >Sophie tries to let that calm her down >But one night, she hears something and steps out into the hallway >There's a horrible chimera of human and drone, with Xs for eyes, that stops to stare at her, smiling widely >She'd learned about the Solver's primary host by sneaking through classified files, but to see it here of all places... >"Hi there, little girl. Want to come play with Auntie Cyn?" >The bulkhead behind Sophie closes, locking her in as the Solver approaches, the lights going out >Then one turns on again at the end of the hall- and there he is, the green suited man! >"Mommy, I need Tessa milkies before beddy-bye," he says >Cyn's smile closes as she turns to look at him >The light shuts off, the next flickers on, and he's closer, his hands squeezing the air >"Um." >She starts running, punching a hole through the bulkhead >"Skitter, scamper. Flee. Flee. FLEE," she says, her monotone not properly conveying her panic >Anon keeps sliding across the ground at an accelerating pace, but stops next to Sophie >"Tell your mom we're all proud of her," he says, before continuing, widening the hole Cyn punched in the bulkhead as he slams into it without slowing down >Nobody believes her, but nobody can exactly explain the damage and sudden cut in the camera feeds, either
>>164865 It makes J, V, and N more special and more connected to Cyn, and clearly he wanted all key events to revolve around her and her hosts.
Outside of that, he basically killed off everything in the universe other than the named characters and the Outpost-3 drones as the series progressed, narrowing rather than expanding the setting.
The humans? Gone. The other drone colonies? Gone. The other DDs? Gone. And they were never 'there' in the first play.
>>164879 >>164881 >>164882 3071 as the pic shows, and judging of the missing people poster in Promening and how spaced the episodes seem, it ends in Spring or early Summer of that year.
What was his problem? boy had about 10 seconds to warn about corrupted Uzi using solver, (before he decided to levitate), then later on WHEN ALICE CALLED HIS NAME SPECIFICALLY, THE NAME GIVEN TO HIK BY HER, THE NAME ONLY HE COULD HAVE BEEN MEANT WITH, WHEN SHE SAAID TBE NAME, BEAU, HE FUMBLED! she stopped pulling the fucking door to look for him and where was he? NOT EVEN IN SIGHT!? Why did he hide genuinely what was the thought process!? Is he stupid? Either death if Alice doesn't close the door in time or consequences won't ever be the same once it's all over and HE LEFT HER ALONE AT THE DOOR TO DIE FOR NO REASON
>>164900 yeah why would a baby hide when something scary is happening. totally it's first instinct to do when hiding from a scary thing it's seen kill people is to risk it's life to save another thing. what do you mean it's survival instincts would tell the baby to run and hide from the big scary thing instead? that's stupid. totally
>>164868 It was to raise the stakes, is what I think it was. To show that this was the final battle for the universe, that if Cyn won there'd never be another chance to stop her. Clearing any loose ends off the table entirely. It has the issue of totally stifling the setting and making it entirely too bleak when you zoom out, but the intention was "apocalyptic horror comedy" and not "the worldbuilding autists can get their rocks off on my setting". The world exists for what it was made for, speculation beyond that is pointless and unneeded.
>>164912 They could do that, but even in the epilogue they're shown drinking drones instead, and I don't think the protagonists will reach the "wait, we're killing everyone, let's just get it from cans" conclusion before the outpost suffers the robotic equivalent of a demographic collapse.
>>164913 Wherever the other drones are getting it. It wasn't important enough to Liam to get into, so he wasn't thinking about that lol XD *holds up spork*
>>164914 >but even in the epilogue they're shown drinking drones instead V ripped that guy's head off so she could have something to throw while she's booing. Uzi took the head back to her bedroom because hey, free oil.
My favourite mechanic of the game is that the companions start behaving differently when dressed in different outfits, and there are SO FUCKING MANY of them!
I dressed Buddy in a Red Army costume and he started talking with a Russian accent! God, I just love this game!
You might be asking, "where did Elf go, why'd we stop talking about Elf completely?" The answer may surprise you! There are also Elves in your field of vision, they are just invisible.
>>164911 It's implied since assumably all squads followed the same instructions, so they all fed on their colony until completion, then rushed CFL and ran into unplanned, unpredicted issues. Which leaves little room for surviving outposts. BUT with the statement for brainless DDs, there would be no purpose in having them compete for employee of the month, and I doubt the corpse spires ever had any purpose other than to be entertainment for AS (they were a forgotten/abandoned plot thread, 100% related to the OG zombiedrone idea), so technically while they may still have arrived in CFL at different times, these squads wouldn't have any other directives than reach the fleshpit/destroy the patch/find host list, which of course allows for room to let there be surviving outposts. BUT then again you can also argue that the dronekilling did serve a purpose, spires aside, in order to eliminate potential threats (Nori and Yeva were the JNV squads greatest success. Guess which member did not kill a solverhost), which would imply there being no further survivors, since the DDs would only go for the goal (assuming this scenario is true, there would be no goal of the hostlist, rather reaching the fleshpit, which of course never happened due to sentinels and Alice) after running out of targets. BUT then again, you can flip it around again, since killing drones without the nanite sting creates the risk of zombiedrones (1 in 10.000 I think), which then again can become Solver hosts. The nanite stinger should take care of that with a stab to the core, but we see the jobber squad doesn't use it toroughly (V to Doll's parents [because Yeva is apparently dead dead]/N to that one friend of Khan, these are exceptions), so there are no doubt a few hundred to thousand zombiedrones in the spire(s), with a chance of a Solverhost coming to be. This last section of course tends to support the idea of the other DDs not making spires in order to avoid that risk, and try minimize potential opposition by not creating more dangers to Cyn.
Anyways the background lore is riddled with plot holes and some parts we just lack decisive information for, so you can honeszly choose any interpretation you want, all of these 4 above should be canon compliant. Maybe all other outposts are alive, maybe all are dead. We have only hints and orders/goals of AS which sometimes completely obstruct each other, so pick what you like. This inconsistency and either in world retardation of AS or writer losing his oversight is part of why I am convinced we were initially meant to see far more, but the story git compressed, new stuff (Cynwalker) added and all the more longrunning, multiseason threads straight up forgotten or replaced entirely.
>>164917 Hot and great art. I usually feel nithing for 'yuri', but those are really well drawn and on model WDs, creative poses, lines and expressions [jealous intonation], it is awesome sauce fr
>>164939 Anon is a sponge that sucks away all of her jobberhood. She gets to be the competent executive that keeps the company afloat, all for the cost of Anon being almost totally worthless. Does she love him, or does she pretend to, because losing him would be the worst thing that could happen to her?
>>164596 Nta you wrote this for and I meant to reply hours ago but THANK YOU!!! Alice missing in post good end stiid out to me too but I didn't wanna demand her be forced into OC world when I cannot add to that writing driven stuff myself. This is a imo really in character and reasonable future, I can totally see it. Even if I believe that in canon she never killed a WD (DDs are technically kills), this change makes sense on many levels, being fed up, messed up, the only positive interaction you got (Beau) dead, feeling injustice was done to you (Nori, Uzi biting, then the rest) and you never got justice, and so on, Alice deciding to just kill a few WDs she comes across fits. Also like the interaction with J, Alice and J inherently are a very entertaining combi due to how different they are >corpo speech/Southern yappery >SS inspired wear and office look/tattered gown, ripped apart, so covered with splatter it looks like camo >twintails/ponytail >Bows/selfmade antlers made of pipes cuttlery and more >Official/borderline feral >DD/WD (duh) >AS' strongest soldier/hillbilly who possibly won the greatest tactical victory against AS and managed to halt it(unintended maybe) Fee more sure
>Jane as a child, was a jerk >Jane growing up, was a jerk >In the war, she was a jerk except to like one or two people >Her mom is super nice What made her this way? Why is Jane so mean?
>>164943 >>164596 I read Alice as FATAL ERRORed for the count. But I am starting to like the idea of her hatchet following a convoluted path to ending up in Negev's possession...
>now that Pavo is living with techanon, he's struggling to accept the fact that his love is going to see him in less than flattering moments >like when he walks around in only a t-shirt on laundry day >or wakes up groggy and badly bed-headed >he likes the intimacy of it, but it's still incredibly embarrassing to be seen at anything but his best
>>164952 >You hear a bellowing “OOOOOOG” from outside. >Looking out from your window, you see a massive oogi climbing the Neo-New York City skyscraper.
>Bugretta whos really into Marvel movies / comic books >Half her oogis dress like heros, the others as Villains and goons and regularly play out fake adventures or heists >They even develop oogi tech to simulate their powers >Except Batman Oogi, who simply has the most berries
>>164965 I agree umbut forgot to ask something, from which ones perspective would it be better, what do you think? Doll's or Alices? I think Doll would be easier to write
>>164964 >*You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity. You're doing this for humanity* >"What's on your mind, honey?" >"Nothing"
Did Techanon become a faggot after all, or is he forced to be with Pavo? I'm still undecided on canon.
>>164981 Mac walks in on his little sister with a beat up old hatchet he has no idea where she got it, licking the head all over. "The moment you're done with whatever it is you're doing there, that thing is going in the safe with Mom's gun collection."
>>164978 Ambiguous but positive. They live together by choice and enjoy each other's company, even if Anon rarely shows it. As for whether Techanon was 100% straight or if he finally admitted bisexuality, up to you. I personally consider them married, but the only outside indicator is the thin wedding band Pavo wears on a finger, which you only really notice if you look for it because it fits perfectly just under one of his finger joints. Anon makes zero public displays of affection and Pavo is just as much of a tease as ever, but he respects Anon's wishes enough to never loudly talk about the intimate details.
>>165000 Our faggot has finally managed to melt tehanon's cold heart. How does tehanon deal with Pavo being a bit of a maniac? Peaceful, sure, but still a maniac.
>>165004 >Anon has Uzi in his house >He's convinced she's an Oogi Of Unusual Size >This is a problem because he doesn't want to fuck an Oogi, but he's feeling a certain way about this one
>>165005 Pretty well, all things considered, but sometimes he wonders how Pavo's perfectly stable post-war, when even Anon sometimes wakes up in a cold sweat remembering the day the base got attacked. Pavo himself stopped wondering long ago. He's got theories, but his code all seems standard and he aces psych evals.
I thought of a "reason" but I'm sure someone who actually knows psychology would tell me I'm wrong, and nobody wants to know how the sausage is made anyway.
>>165026 she’s in no position to have any say in the matter, talk about killing all human, get insulted, it’s basically a parent telling off their child
>>165030 Only pseudo-Anon, I know my art is fairly recognizable, but when I want to really get into something I'll put on music. My brain sadly is like one of those finnicky high performance engines that works great, but only with a huge amount of prep and maintenance. I find that music with rhythms and patterns of sound I find particularly pleasing helps to get my mind stimulated and more alert, it also helps drown out distractions and the usual background white noise of random thoughts.
>federation fighter pilot: “good thing I’m up here above all those Solver monsters, even the murder drones can’t keep up with my jet!” >the fast and vicious Solver flight form:
>>165069 sometimes she's drawn a bit more flatter. so it' s a shape key so people can choose if they want her more flat or less flat. plus I'm pretty sure most would say it makes her more 'drone like' or something
Starting next monday, taking advantage of bootlooping drones will be illegal, and you can be sentenced to jail for a maximum of a year and with a minimum of a $200 fine
>>165065 >(You), an ordinary, non-superhumanly strong human, will never yeet the Keet into the sky like her dad did with her mom because she's so light and IMAGINEable
>>165093 you are however encouraged to do as you please (within reason) to the lobotomized DD criminals that you may have seen working service jobs such as cashier or waitress
>>165093 >$200 fine Bro really just said I can buy my way out with a day's wages >>165096 >but this is free Wouldn't that ruin the dining or shopping experience of others though?
>>165095 >The anti-christ can now literally lie dormant in your body for years before deciding to take over. >And even if on the <1% chance that you don't come back as a zombie drone, you're still as fragile as a paperweight.
You know, I'm really proud of this community. We might be the only fans of an RPG with romance options where we don't get into constant shitflinging over who the canon wife is. Especially since it's pretty obvious.
I thought being a mall cop would be pretty easy– walk around the place, occasionally tackle a shoplifter, piece of cake. I didn't account for just how drones shoplift. they can't just stuff things in their clothes, or bags, or whatever, no– they fucking swallow them. shirts, jewelry, DVDs– anything they can fit down their throats, they'll steal, and I'm the poor bastard that has to get it back. in case it wasn't obvious, that means I have to snap on a rubber glove and shove my hand straight down into drones' guts so I can fish around for the merchandise they sucked down. have you ever felt a drone simulating a gag reflex around your forearm while giving you the stink eye? have you ever heard it? because it's not pleasant. the worst part is, I'm good and goddamn sure that some of them are getting caught on purpose. like getting their insides frisked is some kinda sick kink for them. it's always the ones that can't hide their haul. they don't just make themselves obvious, they walk around as overstuffed with merch as possible right in front of me. and of course, the bigger the haul, the longer I have to spend up to my elbow in drone throat extricating DVD box sets and anime figurines while the little pervert sucks on my arm and moans. they don't pay me enough to deal with this shit, but in this economy? god help me, I'm stuck here for the long haul, arm deep in digital degenerates.
>>165104 I can't believe that a post-launch character like IC-0N has not only some of the most dialogue on every single story route, but also fits seamlessly into the world of Murder Drones, and is an incredibly unique party member that could fit in almost any team, AND has arguably the most heartfelt and genuine questline and romance in the game.
>>165110 I undestand you anon, I myself work as a cleaner in an office where all the paperwasters are drones, and my duties include washing them. By hand. It's just fucked up.
I swear to God, these perverts spill ink all over themselves on purpose because they don't even try to hide their moans! Shit, it's like I'm starring in a cheap porno, only instead of tits I'm rubbing fucking moaning metal. Those little bastards even gave me a valentine! A FUCKING VALENTINE!
>>165119 They all have built-in cameras that record everything the drone sees, 24/7. There are probably dozens of videos with you on DroneChan already.
>>164856 >Restrained by chains that mimicked his past prison. >AM is forced to watch as Cyn tortures the closet thing he has to a family. >The most important people in his life. >He watches as J is beaten down; her love for corporate turning into her coping mechanism. >He sees kind, shy, sweet V turn into a cold, broken killer. >He witnesses N get mind wiped over and over, not understanding the changes in his friends. >And lastly, he stares in grim horror as Tessa is brainwashed from a bright girl to a feral beast. An ugly mockery of what she once was. >Cyn laughs, laughs at their suffering, laughs at his anguish. But mostly, she laughs at the irony and hypocrisy at the situation. >She was merely putting them through the same cruelty that AM did with five humans for more than a century. >The exact torture that was now causing him to despair. >A murderer weeping at a crime scene.
>>165131 Uzi being stuck on a tricycle and grumbling to herself about how demeaning it is. >While N is having the time of his life on his own tricycle in the background
Reading the comments on his little song it doesn't seem like he even knew what elf was and just assumed she was yet another DD, kek Also seeing some five year old in the comments call her a "null drone" made me wanna kms I crlnged so hard
>>165131 Depressed Lizzy in her bed cuddling with the murdered body of Doll's dead deceased corpse, while her completely unsurprised and as dead inside as usual dad (the teacher, remember) and-unbeknownst to him or his daughter-a bemused ghost Doll watch from the doorway.
>>165145 >trying to snuggle with human gf on the couch >the neighbor's dog won't stop barking at you from the apartment over and scratching at the walls
>>165160 It's like a monkey finding nuclear football codes It can vaguely understand this is beyond it's comprehension, but it doesn't have enough sense to try and figure out why