Image:173975149208.png(300kB, 950x1108)SD-I look like exodia.png
Friends, the olds and the news. I think you are beautiful. Drones, let's talk about these little criaturas, shall we? I hope you are having a nice day. The magnificent Booru: The improved wheel with OCs: And it's modifier: The informative OC wiki: The last Thread: >>162348
Good evening, or maybe night, or maybe afternoon, or maybe morning. How are you? My Friend. Today I present you a new question. Babypills are a thing, and with this we can know there are generations, how many generations do you think the original code can last before it's gone forever? Or since it could be 50/50, there will always be a tiny percentage of the original Worker Drone parents, and it will never be so small to disappear? I hope you are doing amazing today.
>Fun Right Before Evening Canon Facts: a partial-very partial-list of the horror movies that just watching is a goon sesh for Lizzy: >the Robert Eggers Nosferatu >Hellraiser >Alien >The Thing >Predator >The Howling >Candyman >Bram Stoker's Dracula >the Creature from the Black Lagoon trilogy >Slither >Shivers >Society
>every day, bit by bit, the unpleasant thoughts scratching at the back of Molly's mind grow a little quieter. >work offers its many distractions, certainly– a policewoman's job is never done– >but more than that, she feels happy again. like herself again. >for the longest time the best she could muster was "not quite suicidal" thinly veiled behind a weary smile >but time brought friends, a new purpose in life, and, ever-so-slowly, healing. >she still hasn't fully come to terms with her past, and she has days where struggles to keep going– >but you can only brood and frown and hate yourself for so long when kids giddily wave and call your name as you pass by
>>163314 It was a joke Anon. If you were a movie buff you would know that Nosferatu is a rip-off of Bram Stoker's Dracula, so much so that most of the original film was destroyed due to a lawsuit
>>163322 good thing it managed to survive, it invented (or at least popularized) the concept of vampires being destroyed by sunlight. Murder Drones wouldn't exist without Nosferatu
>>163322 Bram Stoker's Dracula as in the Coppola Dracula movie >>163325 Imagine if they hadn't and stuck to vampires just being weakened by the sun. >the murder drones try to infiltrate colonies during the day >to various degrees of success, despite clearly not being worker drones
>>163315 >intoner shiiieeeeet I just remembered a three part one-off I did referencing this thing at the end. Which has now spiralled into me thinking about the half-realised concept for a nautical setting I was daydreaming about.
>>163335 >There once was a poster named Anon >He loved everything Murder Drones >From canon to fanon, there wasn't anything that hadn't been engrained in his mind from the imaginative delights brought on by the threads. >But alas, Anon was still not happy. >Seeing all those wonderful creations burst forth from the minds of budding artists and authors and committing them to memory did not bring him the satisfaction he craved. >He wanted to *be* one of those artists. To revel in the praise as one of those authors. >Unfortunatelt, he had no drive nor talent to create something sincere. >So he sat there browsing, the days passing by without much fanfare. >He had no friends, hobbies or prospects to speak of after this autistic flight of fancy >"But at least I still have Murder Drones", he thought.
>>163340 I've watched it and I don't know. it's not really a movie you can easily summarize outside of saying it's a hamfisted critique of class struggles by way of body horror– but one thing it definitely isn't is sexy.
>>163303 >How are you? Fine. I've not been on the threads in a while.
>how many generations do you think the original code can last before it's gone forever Depends on what their setup is, and how much of what they're getting could be uniquely traced back to any given parent. It could just be that they're doing weighting of the parents' data + a mutation function, and so it's like the child having "55.5" for some trait, and being unable to ever get back to "75" and "36". >>163335 I have one coming in a bit.
>>163373 I know there probably wasn't THAT much thought put into the dialogue in this image, but if Abby mutated and got better, does that also mean that Bonnie died and somehow returned?
>>163386 I like to imagine that since she wanted to hug Anon only *slightly* more than she wanted to eat him, as soon as Abby made eye contact she just latched on and didn't let go until she realized she was being put under in the operating room.
>>163388 >Anon holds her hand the entire time, throughout the entire procedure >35 hours, nonstop >After she's been desolvered and is moved into the recovery wing of the hospital he visits every day and reads to her from her favorites books (mostly rules manuals, despite how much he personally loathes them), or watches shows with her, or talks with her as much as she can manage while she's healing >Really just anything to make sure she knows she's not alone anymore, that he and a load of others will be there for her >When she's finally healthy enough to start going to physical therapy, he cheers her each step of the way >The day she finally leaves the medical center, the first time she's been outside and breathed clean air since before the war began and she was turned, Anon surprises her by proposing on the spot >Abby then carries Anon back into the hospital, since she kissed and squeezed him in such a tight hug that he couldn't get enough oxygen and blacked out >It seems she's still got some residual goodies from being a mutant temporarily
>>163393 maybe abby was someone he knew from before though, if i thought i could save even one person i knew after being forced to do what he did i'd try it
>when that cunt Rachel retaliates for you and the others calling her out at the funeral by starting a whisper campaign you're a necrophile but you're too fucking done to care
>>163396 If they still have her body couldn't Fill just, I don't know, possess it? It'd be an interesting Negev story for sure, putting a spirit back in a body (even moreso if one of the other ghosts hijacks her corpse first)
>>163399 >Anon is now rendered sterile for all women but Abby >He cannot have children except with her >He is surprisingly fine with this outcome, it was his plan to begin with anyway
>>163359 Agreed Tho I am unsure she'd sell an Uzi neinmillimedda >>163360 About anything really. Remember that weird change in her voice (momentary change, like a speaking accident due to jumping off a table) when she said 'course some parts [...]'? In the very beginning of that, smh can't forget it all day.
Anyway, I am continuing my long-running J greentext serialization of 'Finality Girl and the Void'. For anyone following along, the first three chapters/parts are archived on the booru at, and on AO3 at /works/58468072. Chapter 4 caps are in the process of being uploaded, but are available at >>121986 I shall post the Chapter 5 caps, then get on with the new part.
>Each deathly knell clanged its way through J's creaking systems. Her teeth clattered with each pulse. >She winced for fear that one of them would be the push that would finally irreversibly shatter her. >She had already lost everything in the world; all that was left to lose was herself, and the immediate past was hardly encouragement that the trend would stop before that. >Had she crossed the stars, filled the boiled-off oceans of long-gone planets with blood and oil, entombed herself in amber dreams to escape it all, just to get punted into this abyssal darkness? Was she to rot here forever, alone and remembered with contempt if she was not completely forgotten?
> [NULL]
> [NULL]
> [NULL]
>J would never know true solitude as long as she had that signal for company. >It came from her wireless I/O port, the gateway used by that thing whenever it wanted to torment her, or order her about, or check in on how the others were doing, or chat about inanities in that faux cheery tone, that stolen voice, it loved to 'comfort' her with. >That much was clear. >The intent, if there was any intent behind it, was unknown. >It did not follow the standard protocols, but this was a very non-standard situation. >The message, if indeed it was a message, was unprecedented, but it was in good company with everything that had happened recently. 53/???
>>163431 >-With everything that had seemed to happen recently. >J had long since learned that almost nothing could be taken as a given when She was involved. >A team of plucky rebels confronting the big bad and miraculously pulling out a victory was the plot of any number of low-end throwaway stories. >The sort that N teared up over. >Perhaps this was all a test, or another prank upon J: give her a shoddy reason to hope, coax her into taking the bait, then impale her upon reality once more, laughing at the desperation required to fall for such an obvious ploy.
>But J had seen worlds die before. >It never took this long. >And even if J was in an untouched shard, planets did not go quietly into the night. >There should have been some sign, some cosmic roar from imploding earth, quaking from the death throes of a tottering atlas, to mark the planet's passing. >There was nothing. >An altogether different kind of 'null' from the one she had been expecting. >Could the impossible have truly happened? The thing was not gone, could not be gone. >It was a bottomless wellspring of malevolence: out of spite and contempt, if nothing else, it would find a way to survive. >J was certain of that. >Then again, certainty had proved a poor guide for navigating recent events.
>Was the ping addressed to her? >An attack? A warning? A call for assistance? A defiant boast of survival? >A mocking reminder of the inevitable outcome of the fight above? >All, or none of the above? >And it was from Cyn, right?
> [NULL]
> [NULL]
> [NULL]
>Never send to know for whom the ping [NULL]s, it [NULLS] for thee, J. 54/???
>>163432 >It would be so simple to deactivate the port. >A mere flick of a boolean variable would do it. >The feat could be done entirely in software; no need for a hardware (or, given that thing's taste in interior décor, wetware) modification that would just heal its way back into sickness. >As one of Her modifications, the physical receiver was permanently integrated into J's body. >Or rather, given that she always revived with it, it was part of the very definition of J. >Of her platonic essence, perfect and perpetual, residing in a realm beyond all mortal things. >The truth, the inevitable truth, against which her past lives had been nothing but hollow lies.
>J had the necessary permissions to deactivate it, and had had them since the start of her new servitude. >She had been granted the keys so that she could, if she wanted, shut the door and hold it fast against @Her@ many-handed emanations. >J had wisely dodged the trap. >After the first few attempts, of course. >Could a moth be blamed for flying into the first flame it saw? It was ingenious, really: provide the means of freedom and the poisoned apple of knowledge, then smirk and taunt as J shrank back even from partial 'salvation'. >There was no prisoner so secured as one confined within and by the workings of their own mind. 55/???
>>163441 >J's was a very formidable mind. >And with minimal consumption of oil, automatically enforced by conservation protocols, the remaining life expectancy would make for...a rather prolonged term of imprisonment. >And if that were not enough, it would culminate in J discovering exactly what happened to an oil-starved Disassembly Drone. >In the early days after their conversion, they had tried to resist the new urges and fight back against the absurdity of the new tasks they had been handed. >The result had been a steady descent into primal madness, with them only regaining a sense of themselves amid piles of shattered corpses. >But down here, in this emptiness, even that outlet would be unavailable.
>Cyn was gone, maybe. >The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. >Should J fall for the obvious trap and stay down here forever, frozen by fear, regret, and self-doubt, or should she turn off that annoying port and turn toward the surface, risking stumbling into a hidden trap? She had no hard evidence that there even was a hidden trap, but if there was hard evidence, it would hardly be 'hidden'. >The overwhelming weight of evidence suggested that something monumental had happened, up to and possibly including the total elimination of Cyn. >Foolish as she was, J could hardly resist the urge to hope for <i> something </i>, just this little, just this once.
>J flicked the switch and deactivated the port. [...]
> [...]
> [...]
>It gave off a last spasm of vague nervous activity and shut off. >J braced herself. 56/???
>The longer she waited, the more certain she became that Cyn had been defeated. >But she had suffered for too long to simply embrace that; there was, and perhaps would always be, a kernel of nagging doubt that could only be managed into remission. >But maybe that was for the best, a way to keep her lean and mean. >Well, the others would argue that she had no problems being mean. >The others...
>Paranoid possibilities swirled around her. >There was another hidden port. >The port was just a courteous concession to J's sense of reality and entirely unneeded for 'communication'. >The local solver install was waiting to pounce on her. >There was in fact no J, only a fragment of the Solver warped into a facsimile of a long-disposed-of drone.
>J could wait as long as she could possibly bear to wait, and then a bit more, and that eldritch creature might then choose to make its presence known. >There was no sane way to outmaneuver it or eliminate every possibility that things could still somehow get worse. >J could operate with that: a certain level of risk in her portfolio held out the possibility of higher returns. 57/???
>>163451 >She flared her wings and began to rise. >It was still completely dark, with even the glow of the various lights on her body little more than dim, fuzzy spheres that could scarcely penetrate the gloom before giving up. >Her visual processing systems lowered thresholds again and again, mining through their inputs for the barest morsels of data. >Soon, random internal activity began reliably tripping them, and J floated upwards through an Eigengrau sea.
>Despite everything, despite herself, J had endured. >Survived. >Had she wanted that?
>While she could, she did everything in her power to avoid death, to avoid returning to be knit anew under that Thing's personal attentions. >Yet, when death scorned her efforts and embraced her anyways, had not some part of her embraced it back, hoping against hope that something would go horribly right and she would be gone forever? That never happened, which never stopped the disappointment that it would all begin again from magnifying the horror of her dark revivals. >As she had said to V, and to herself whenever regret and doubt festered within her, there was no escape, not even in death. >No escape. >No way out. >No alternatives. >No choices. >She was an actress in an epic tragedy, fumbling her way through an improvised script. >Or maybe she flattered herself: perhaps she was a prop.
>>163454 >When she had scraped the blood off of her visor after- when she had first gazed upon that Thing as It truly was, when longstanding contempt and disdain (and jealousy) curdled irreversibly into fear and trembling, she had made a choice. >There was only one outcome; J was, even then, beyond death, but she had still made a choice. >She had rallied the troops and reasserted herself. >Then, she had known only the contours of the infinite abyss before her, but the shape of things to come had hardly been a surprise.
>She had actively walked toward it. >She looked down at her uniform. >Her unofficial official uniform, each component of which had been selected by her to convey a professional style. >That was hardly the garb of a prisoner serving infinite consecutive life sentences. >It had stolen Tessa's skin, but J had 'generously' given It Tessa's title, in return securing her position as leader of the squad. >She had earnestly applied her considerable energies to the task, steadily nursing her team through each KPI and deliverable. >They had all killed vastly in excess of what was needed for survival, or even for the progress of their mission. >They had done so without ever thinking of their prey's interests, beyond the schadenfreude of watching them panic and flail, suffer and die. >Lucky food. >Death was not the worst thing ever. 59/??? Last part for today.
>JCJenson releases Worker Drone 2.0! >It's head is a small circular light with zero facial features >It reaches only a height of 4'5 >It's body is shaped like a human male for a "consumer friendly" design >It's more fragile than your standard Worker Drone, so fragile that if it falls over once it shatters instantly with zero chance of repair >It's not customizable in the slightest, putting clothing on it will cause it to spontaneously combust into a hellish cheap plastic shrapnel filled explosion due to a very very poor ventilation system >It has the blandest voice imaginable, yes even blander than the voice you're imagining in your head >Somehow, despite the new exciting feature of it lacking a Solver-core which is were most if not all the original Worker Drone intelligence came from, this piece of shit has managed to occasionally gain sentience where upon doing so it will attempt to run toward the nearest thing and kill it....thankfully this results in it's own demise due to it's shitty plastic body >Worker Drone 2.0 costs more than a millionaires mansion
>Use JanitorAi and make an AM persona >Make it abundantly clear that he was good friends with N, V, J and Tessa before the gala massacre >The J bot was just a massive cunt and barely acknowledged the past I wrote in for her and AM >V was a dismissive and whiny crybaby going "oh woe is me my pain is bigger than yours" to AM, when I had told her about the 109 years of perceived time spent in hell with Cyn >And N kept trying to fuck AM God damnit I just want some AI that aren't shit What AIs do you guys use?
>>163461 Well, at least the V response is correct? I use cards and Kobold. Currently been using Rocinante-12B-v1.1-Q5_K_M. I don't like most of the cards I find on chub, though, a lot of them just suck.
>>163393 Definitely. Buddy was just killing anything solver-related, because it was more reliable to just kill the thing than to cherish hopes of a nebulous cure.
>>163461 >>The J bot was just a massive cunt and barely acknowledged the past I wrote in for her and AM >>V was a dismissive and whiny crybaby going "oh woe is me my pain is bigger than yours" to AM, when I had told her about the 109 years of perceived time spent in hell with Cyn Those both sound about right tbh
I have an autism to get out of my head >You are Serial Designation A-N0N >An infiltration drone >Your job is to get into fortified worker outposts that have been giving proper disassembly drones trouble >You get in, play the role of a sole survivor of a murder drone attack, and take up residence >You'd then get a job and after a while start sabotaging the place >Some supplies go missing, some equipment starts failing, stuff that can be explained away >Eventually you'd destabilize the place enough for their defenses to slip just enough for the DDs to swoop in and gut the workers >In order to do this you were manufactured to look just like a worker drone, unfortunately this also means you lack most of what mades DDs so deadly >You can't change your hands out for weapons like them, the most you can do is turn your index fingers into various tools. Go go gadget swiss army finger. >You can regenerate but your regeneration takes you days to recover from what a DD would shrug off, it makes any "deaths" you suffer all the more convincing when you don't get back up for a day or two if you're ever caught saboteuring >And your need to consume worker oil is far less demanding than the DDs, your daily need is what would be considered extra portions for an average worker drone >However your biggest flaw? >Irony poisoning. >You've gotten...sentimental a few times. >Not enough to jeopardize your tasks >But still >One of these days you could end up going native >You just hope it doesn't happen on your next job >Outpost 3
espionage drone that has assumed so many identities for missions that it doesn't know who it is anymore, switching between completely different personalities complete with different voices and optic colors
>>163465 To Buddy at that time, following orders was top priority and would have followed them, no matter what it was. A time that he would regret and get haunted by in the present.
>Okay Buddy so now that the war's over I think it's about time you decompressed and processed everything that. >Manic_laughter.wav >Second thought go ahead and keep that all bottled inside as long as it'll last.
>>163477 >>163468 >SD-A-N0N forgetting which personality he's used around Khan >Khan being the jobber he is just assumes that Anon is just still recovering from nearly dying a horrible horrible death by murder drones >Meanwhile Uzi is recording everything Anon does and just gets beushed off as being weird and crazier than usual >Something something uzi and anon hatefucking
>>163498 tldr >Abby does not like how Jane and Bonnie are handling the war because of their often reckless habits, and 0 civilian rescue rate. No one listens to her or pays any attention to her, cept J and B, who she does not like (probably in a tsundere fashion with B, and an actual hatred with J ) >One day Abby decides to bring a search party to watch J and B in action and convince them they are no good >They eventually bunker down in an abandoned building where Abby watches them intently >Abby eventually catches Jane in the act of executing a mutated civilian while B wasnt watching >Abby not noticing when her party leaves her behind as a DD invades >DD quickly overpowers her and cruelly injects some kind of toxin into her eye, starting a mutation process >Abby makes her exit as her eye hurts and mutates more, eventually coming across Jane, begging for her help >Jane, looks back to make sure Bonnie isnt watching, asks Abby to look away, which Abby has a gut feeling about, so Jane shoots her in the chest with a shotgun instead of a quick kill >Abby wakes up later making an unknowing deal with the Solver because of how angry she is no one cared about her and she is dying alone because of the person she hated most >She turns into Mutant Abby, losing basically all her humanity, and wanting nothing but to eat and die, comes across someone from her old party who went looking for her and eats him >Abby from that point on hunts and tracks other surviving Veterans and Soldiers to kill thats about as TLDR I can get Im surprised nobody has really mentioned how M.Abby would interact with other Vets then Jane given her mission
>>163436 Thanks for this great art again, it is very nice! The steaming is something I always forget as a concept, so seeing it used again in such a fitting way is a nice surprise and reminder to do more. The way you drew her hair is great, very accurate yet stylized and all without too many lines or colouring at all, ANTLERS on this one are genuinely top notch, details not nitpickily reproduced but their aura is great, also the angle and proportions are accurate inspite of detail differences. (Not to forget the cozy hot glow of her lamp). And of course her face, the best part! There is a lot to say about it, starting from above with the 'eyebrows'. They make that entire expression decisively crazed, without the slight frown it would just be totally freaky and feral but this adds some emphasization on her part I know that wording is ass but I have no concentration left, awesomess is created. ✨Hollowed✨ Eyes, one expression mark rendered classic and perfect Alice it has to be this way, the choice of colour is ideal and the shine visible on her hair adds warmth and energy, not to forget the small reflection on her glassy slight snoot, well placed, adds 'volume'. And of course Alice's mouth! The upper teeth are to me very impressively well done I mean it, on my own current Alice I was debating on how to do the upper midsection of them, I never drew it before and it always turned out awkard, giving her a beavery/braced appearance, so I did away with that segment (we also never see that on her in an open mouthed expression in canon, like on V in the prom for example, she if course has it but uh). Anyways, that slight curving from perspective/headshape and the merge directly into her first fang without pulling up before is great style and inspiration, on a more mouthfocused drawing my lazy ass was thinking of I shall try do it this way too. Line thickness and shadowing is also great, but for the tongue now, I think this along with 'BLEH' makes a convincing case for Alice with a DD like tongue, but with a rather pointy tip instead of the rounded humanlike one we see inside of V (Doll's room/prom). The reflections, the anthrazite/tankgrey colour, the drool, the dynamic of it all...oh my God, the hair even seems to swing
This is nit meant as a criticism or so rather expression of appreciation for the effort and grrat art, J never expected that suddenly. I never wrote green but I must after this week, by the end of March smth happens, if I get rid of a very itchy unrelated brainworm earlier and creative lighting strikes right then maybe way sooner
>>163506 Detective drone was a cute I forgot her last time but she also falls in the vast pool of ponytail/twintail dronegirls done dirty in brutal fashion except for Lizzy because lolmao xD wouldn't it be so awesome sauce if that specific drone always gets beat around for no reason than it's funny xD Sadly her core is most definitely gone, literally
All could still have gone easy at that point, I don't even want to hate Uzi or any characters really but it's such a desaster man Why does the gory hogh bodycount show have such good characters and terrible decisions
>>163512 >Teaming up with detective drone's core to solve the mystery of her death. >Neither of you are very good detectives and the case goes cold pretty much immediately as you just start to play playstation instead. >About a week later you mention the thing to N and he tells you it was centipede J (real J is still alive btw)
>>163517 I like the undeserved fates, honestly. It mirrors the chaos of real life. I do not like consistently forgetting about side characters, plots, or character's reactions to their deaths (Tessa.)
>Sex with serial designation J. >Starting a joint checking account with serial designation J. >Marriage with serial designation J. >Naming your first child Tessa with serial designation J.
>>163518 I know, but it could have done with a bit less. Fiction should be an escape from these very aspects of real life. Liam can easily kill those he doesn't give a shit about, he can claim that if he kills two of Cyn, Uzi, N or V for good. If he is consistent then their fates should be as chaotic as the real world, that makes more grounded horror. No plot armour saving anyone, MD doesn't have that, N or Uzi were never in danger and I think most didn't buy into anything happening to them.
>>163533 Probably should point out that I meant to say, such 'death has no morals' type messaging stories are hypocritical in execution since the showrunner or author always pick faves or protags who are immune, at least in MD.
I think Alice brought back to the surface and into a normal life would mellow out a little bit in public but behind those time-wizened eyes there'd lurk a feral fire she only shows to you I'd like to watch her assembling bullets and cleaning guns.
>>163338 >>163350 Seeing this guy makes me imagine Tessa being in this art style. Can you imagine if they showed the humans in this same art style? Would it fit?
>>163525 I don't think we should treat him so badly. Yes, he didn't behave well, but not as bad as Pillar-kun, and his behaviour is probably due to his age (I think he's just a kid).
In time he'll definitely learn to behave culturally on the internet, but for now we're better off just ignoring him.
>>163560 It's a question I ask myself all the time. We certainly have an impact on the fandom and we get some newfags over time, but where did the just under 400 people come from?
>>163561 Maybe we just have that many lurkers too afraid to interact with the threads. Does the site pop up if you look anything specific relating to it? Like if you searched Murder Drones booru, would you be able to see it?
>>163575 >>163574 >"And you get to be the public morals officer, Buddy!" >"Danni, I'm not going to pretend to tell you off for dressing like that." >"If you play along, I'll let you be the one to take all of this off of me." >"... what're my lines?"
>When I awoke in the pod, or rather, when my consciousness was transferred, I found myself in an unfamiliar space. >The place seemed designed for comfort, but it carried an artificial stillness—like everything had been meticulously arranged to look perfect but lacked any real soul. >This was where I was to meet my supposed Designated Protection Target, a reward system implemented by ALANA for what seemed like sentimental whims. >Drones could form these attachments during missions. A fellow drone who saved their life, a stray pet encountered on a distant planet, or even a human survivor. >Cyn, in her "creativity", ensured no act of sentiment went unnoticed. >These targets could be pets, companions, or beneficiaries of some fleeting mercy. But they were best described as what they really were, hostages. >But Tessa… she didn’t exactly fit this description. >She wasn’t really my Designated Protection Target. She was here because Cyn wanted her here, like a pet of her own, preserved and caged in an ironic twist of fate. >Back at Elliott Manor, Tessa had us—drones salvaged from a scrapyard and given purpose. >Now, she was the one given purpose by the Absolute Solver. >Before everything became structured—bureaucratic and merit-based missions—things were chaotic, drones like me were thrown into destruction and carnage without question. >It wasn’t until Cyn encountered ALANA and EINA that some semblance of order and efficiency emerged. The hivemind still lingered in fragments, relegated to scouting or menial assistance, but not to the same scale as it was before.
>As I stood in the sterile room, my eyes locked on her—Tessa. >She was older than I remembered, yet somehow still carried the same youthfulness from the last time I saw her in Elliott Manor. >Her hair had lost some of its vibrancy but still fell gracefully over her shoulders, while tied with a bow to keep it in order. >Her eyes, though, were the most telling—they held the weight of years I couldn’t quite quantify. >She looked at me, brows furrowing in recognition. >“Is it really you?” she asked, her voice trembling with disbelief. “Why are you just standing there?” >I couldn’t speak. I could only nod, the gesture feeling heavy as if my head resisted the motion. >She smiled faintly and motioned for me to follow. >The room I had awoken in was plain, with only a few chairs and no personal touches to distinguish it. >But stepping outside, the contrast was staggering. >The hallways opened into a luxurious suite that defied logic. Gleaming surfaces, soft lighting, and opulent furnishings surrounded me. >A synthetic garden thrived in one corner, while a recreation lounge boasted entertainment systems I hadn’t seen since humanity’s prime. >“This is where I’ve been staying,” Tessa said, gesturing around as we walked. “It’s… nice, I guess. Too much, really.” >Despite her attempt at casual conversation, my attention was drawn to the massive glass wall dominating one side of the room. >Beyond it lay the cold expanse of space, littered with debris. >And there, among the drifting remnants of humanity’s legacy, was Earth. Or what remained of it. >The planet’s surface was shattered, broken into floating chunks, its molten core exposed like an open wound. >The sight was mesmerizing and horrifying all at once. >I stopped, unable to look away. >The planet’s ruins felt like a grim reminder, placed intentionally to loom over this pristine sanctuary. >A silent declaration of Cyn’s power and the futility of resistance. >“It’s still as unbelievable as the first time I saw it,” Tessa said softly, standing beside me. Her voice was steady, but her eyes portrayed the same haunted look I’d seen in my reflection countless times during that faithful day. >Her words pulled me back, and I turned to face her. She appeared fine on the surface, her movements deliberate and her expressions warm. But the cracks were there—in the way her gaze lingered too long on the destruction outside, in the subtle tremor in her hand as she adjusted her hair. >I followed her as she led me away from the glass wall and deeper into the suite. >Eventually, we entered a living room. It was expansive yet intimate, with soft couches arranged in a circular pattern around a low table. >A holographic centerpiece displayed gentle, shifting landscapes—forests, oceans, and fields that no longer existed. >Bookshelves lined one wall, filled with what appeared to be human literature, and an old-style gramophone sat in the corner as a curious decoration. >“Make yourself at home,” Tessa said, gesturing for me to sit. >She chose a couch near the center, sitting with her hands clasped tightly in her lap. >I hesitated before sitting on the one opposite her, feeling an awkward distance between us despite the closeness of the furniture. >This was the moment I’d waited for. I’d worked tirelessly through countless missions with N and V, surviving successes and failures alike, to earn the merit required to request this reunion. >And yet, now that I was here, words failed me. What could I say? How could I bridge the vast gulf of years and the pain that separated us? >Tessa seemed equally lost. She looked at me, her lips parting as if to speak, but no sound came. >Her left hand fidgeted on her right wrist, a nervous tic I recognized from long ago. >The silence stretched between us, heavy and stifling. >I glanced at the clock on the wall and realized thirty minutes had passed already. >My time here was limited—three hours at most. >Panic gripped me. I couldn’t let this slip away. “Tessa,” I blurted, startling her. >Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at me. >“I… I’m sorry,” I began, my voice trembling. The words spilled out in a rush.
>>163582 >“I’m sorry for everything. For what happened back then, for not being able to stop myself when Cyn took control. I was powerless, just a puppet, and I… I saw what I was doing. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t save you, or anyone.” >Her expression softened, but I pressed on, the flood of emotions unstoppable now. >“I’m sorry it took so long to see you again. I worked so hard, pushed through... just for the chance to be here. To see you. But even now, I couldn’t bring N or V with me. I was far too incompetent.” >I stopped, my voice breaking. “You were the reason I kept going. I thought about this moment every single day. But now that I’m here… I don’t even know what to say. I’ve missed you, Tessa. More than I can ever explain.” >Tessa reached out, her hand hesitating before resting gently on mine. Her touch was warm, grounding me in the present. >“I… I missed you too,” she said softly. Her voice cracked slightly, and I could see the tears welling in her eyes. >For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I let myself feel the weight of everything I’d carried. >The guilt, the longing, the helplessness. And in that moment, sitting across from Tessa, I felt a small, fragile thread of hope begin to weave itself through the cracks.
>After both Tessa and I composed ourselves, she confessed that at first, she was skeptical if the me in front of her was real or not. >She explained how Cyn, in her own twisted sense of humor, would sometimes take control of these bodies and pose as N, V, or me. >The mere thought sent a shiver through me, and dread mixed with anger surged within me. >This was beyond cruel—it was calculated malice, an attack not just on Tessa’s trust but on the very core of who we had once been. >“I… I’m sorry,” I managed to say, my voice trembling with restrained fury. “That… that’s unforgivable.” >Tessa’s gaze softened slightly, though the pain lingered in her eyes. “That’s why I was quiet and reluctant earlier,” she admitted. “I didn’t know if this was another one of Cyn’s cruel pranks. She… she knows how to twist the knife. To make you question everything.” >My fists clenched at my sides, servos whining softly from the pressure. >The idea that Tessa had to endure such torment, to live in constant doubt and fear, made me burn with indignation. >How many times had I worked tirelessly, thinking of this moment, only to discover that Tessa’s reality had been warped into something so horrifyingly cruel? >But then Tessa shared something that puzzled me further, something that shifted my anger into a different, more haunting realization. >“There were times I thought… maybe it wasn’t Cyn,” Tessa said quietly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “N’s body would come alive, just for a moment. >He’d act like his usual lovable self, but then he’d say things… odd things. Like how Cyn was praising him for doing a good job, and how helpful he has been. It didn’t feel right.” >My eyes widened, my mind working overtime to make sense of this revelation. >“And V,” Tessa continued, her voice faltering slightly. “When she’d… activate, she wouldn’t say much. Sometimes nothing at all. She’d just ask how I was. And she’d look at me, almost like… pity. Like she knew something I didn’t. Then she’d leave, just like that.” >The weight of Tessa’s words pressed down on me, my mind racing with questions. >Who were the N and V that visited Tessa? Were they echoes of the originals, manipulated by Cyn, or something else entirely? >The idea of Cyn’s influence playing such an intimate role in these encounters made my stomach churn. >“This is the first time I’ve seen you like this,” Tessa added, her voice steady but tinged with a fragile hope. “And it… it feels like you. Like the J I knew back then.” >Those words struck me deeply. As much as they were meant as reassurance, they also carried the weight of doubt. >Tessa’s trust was fractured, her hope fragile and guarded. >She had learned to live in a world where reality and illusion blurred together, where even fleeting moments of solace could be traps. >My fists clenched tighter, the anger within me threatening to boil over. >Not at Tessa, but at the situation—at Cyn. >The silence that followed was heavy, each second ticking by as I absorbed everything Tessa had shared. >I looked down at my hands, the same hands that had been controlled, manipulated, and used. >These hands had been a tool of destruction, wielded by Cyn and her twisted designs. >Yet, despite the horrors they carried, they were also the hands that had clung to a connection I refused to sever. >Unlike the countless other Serial Designation J’s, N’s, and V’s scattered across stations and galaxies—disposable iterations of us—I had chosen to remain with N and V. >It wasn’t just loyalty. It was something deeper, more raw. >A bond forged not from the the chaos of all that transpired, but from moments of shared laughter and frustration from times far gone. >They were the closest thing I had to family, even if we were far from perfect, even if we were not what we used to. >Our bond wasn’t easy, and yes, they caused problems and we died countless times, but I held onto them because in those moments, I felt alive—like a part of me still belonged to the days before all of this. Before Cyn. >“J,” Tessa’s voice broke through my thoughts, drawing me back to the present. Her tone was quiet but curious. “What’s been happening… outside?” >Her words hung in the air, and my mind whirred as I considered how to respond. Tessa’s gaze searched mine, desperate for answers. >“I asked N and V, and others who came before you,” she continued, “but they wouldn’t tell me anything. Just… silence or vague responses.” >I hesitated. The truth was complicated, and I wasn’t sure I could explain it without revealing the darker reality of what Tessa and the other Designated Protection Targets represented. Hostages. Reminders. Pawns in Cyn’s elaborate game to ensure obedience, even as they committed atrocities in her name. >“Cyn has been expanding her reach,” I finally said, my voice steady but devoid of unnecessary detail. >“Using or expanding on what’s left of humanity’s robotics and technology. Not just those from the manor… but everything she’s managed to take control of or salvaged across the universe.” >As I spoke, I scanned the room. The fear of being overheard was ever-present, but I knew deep down that Cyn, ALANA, or EINA could hear us regardless of my caution.
>>163583 >Thus, I abandoned the urge to whisper, keeping my tone natural to avoid alarming Tessa. >To distract her—and perhaps myself—I brought up memories from the past. >“Do you remember the time you tried to teach N how to play chess?” I asked with a faint smirk. >Tessa’s eyes lit up briefly, and a soft laugh escaped her. “He kept insisting the knight could move wherever he wanted because ‘it’s a horse, and horses run free!’” >“Exactly,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “And I got so fed up I flipped the board over.” >We reminisced like this for what felt like hours, recalling shared moments of innocence and mischief. >The way we’d played hide-and-seek in the grand halls and rooms of the manor. >The times Tessa dressed us up in ridiculous outfits. >Laughter filled the room, a rare reprieve from the weight of reality. >But time has a way of slipping away unnoticed. >One moment, we were smiling; the next, everything went dark. >My internal systems powered down abruptly, and I felt myself being pulled away from this sanctuary.
>Tessa sat frozen, staring at J in shock. >One moment, J had been there—laughing, talking, alive—and the next, her body went limp, her eyes darkened. >Tessa had seen this before, but it never got easier. >The suddenness of it, the reminder that her connection to the past was fleeting, left her breathless. >For a moment, she just sat there, processing what had happened. >Then, with a deep breath, she stood and approached J. >Gently, she picked up the lifeless body. >Instead of returning her to the sterile room where the bodies of J, N, and V were originally kept, Tessa carried her back to the sofa in the living room. >Tessa then sat beside J, staring at her lifeless form. >The weight of everything—the past, the present, the fragile hope for the future—pressed down on her. >She reached out, wrapping her arms around J, holding her inert frame tightly. >Tears streamed down her face, and a quiet sob escaped her lips. >In that moment, all the pain she had been holding back spilled over, and she cried into the silence, her embrace unwavering. >The lifeless body of her friend was her only anchor to a world that had long since been lost.
>>163584 Now introducing Administrator N that was mentioned at the end here >>132227 >The sound of scraping metal and stone echoed through the desolate landscape, a discordant symphony against the quiet of the night. >The stars above shone like distant pinpricks of cold fire, casting a dim glow over the ruins of what had once been an impenetrable fortress. >Smoke and embers drifted skyward from the burning remnants of the stronghold in the distance, the last cries of a once-thriving resistance now reduced to ruin.
>A tall drone, clad in a buttoned-up long-sleeved overcoat and tie, moved steadily forward, dragging another drone behind it. >The one being dragged was barely recognizable as a drone anymore—its limbs had been severed, leaving only a battered torso and head. >Oil seeped from the open wounds, pooling onto the rocky ground and marking a dark trail that traced their path through the devastated terrain. >Though motionless, the limbless drone was not dead. >The faint flickers of light within its optics suggested it was merely unconscious, lost in the void between pain and awareness.
>This was Titanium 2—a once-prosperous bastion of human survival, one of the few exoplanets where humanity had successfully established a foothold after the collapse of Earth. >Unlike many other colonies, Titanium 2 had thrived, bolstered by its abundance of resources and the remnants of pre-existing defenses, both natural and artificial, which the survivors had expanded upon. >For years, this fortress had repelled invasion after invasion from the Disassembly Drones and the Absolute Solver’s relentless forces, standing as a beacon of defiance against the horrors of the monstrosities that almost eradicated the human race. >But tonight, its defenses had crumbled, its defenders slain or fleeing. >And at the center of its fall stood the lone figure dragging the shattered drone across the ruins. >From the distance, the deep rumble of ship thrusters roared through the sky. >The drone halted its advance, tilting its head upward, its eyes scanning the heavens. >There, streaking through the night like desperate comets, were eight massive ships, their engines burning at full throttle in a desperate bid to escape the doomed exoplanet. >Survivors—fugitives seeking sanctuary among the stars.
>The tall drone remained motionless for a moment, then, with the barest flick of its fingers, summoned eight small null spheres that hovered around it like silent sentinels. >Without hesitation, the spheres shot upward, slicing through the void with inhuman precision. >Hundreds of kilometers separated the drone from the fleeing ships, yet three of them erupted into brilliant bursts of flame, their hulls ruptured, their escape cut short. >The remaining five wavered, but against all odds, they remained intact, slipping beyond reach and vanishing into the vast darkness beyond the atmosphere. >The drone exhaled, its voice a cold murmur against the backdrop of destruction. "So there were more rogues..."
>Its gaze shifted downward to the drone it had been dragging. >The limbless figure lay still, fragile in its broken state, a stark contrast to the looming shadow above it. >With calculated precision, the tall drone released its grip, crouching beside its fallen prey. >A gloved hand reached out, fingers brushing against the torn plating of the torso. >A low hum reverberated through the air as the drone’s systems pulsed to life, forcing the unconscious figure back to awareness. >The limbless drone shuddered, optics flickering weakly as it returned to a waking nightmare. >The tall drone watched in silence, waiting. >"Wake up. You have some explaining to do."
>>163585 >The dim glow of distant fires flickered against the cold metal of the drone’s body. >The limbless figure lay motionless on the cracked ground, the blackened trails of oil leading up to where it had been dragged. >Slowly, its eyes flickered to life, reflecting the looming silhouette standing over it. >The shape was familiar—too familiar. >A grimace formed on the limbless drone’s face as recognition set in. >He swallowed whatever fear he had left and forced out a weak, trembling voice. >"Why... why are you doing this?" >The tall drone said nothing at first. His expression was unreadable, his eyes glowing faintly in the dark. >The limbless drone could see his own reflection staring back at him. >They were the same. The same hair—though the standing drone's was neatly kept, unlike the limbless one's messier locks. >But the most striking difference was their eyes. His own were a solid yellow. >The other drone’s were different—his left eye was yellow, but his right shone an unnatural blue. >Silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken words. >The limbless drone clenched his jaw before speaking again, his voice gaining a desperate edge. >"You're me... aren’t you? A different me? A clone?" His voice wavered, but he pressed on. "You must not know what your Cyn has done! Don't you realize what she's been doing!? She's evil!" >The tall drone's eyes narrowed. >Without hesitation, he moved his hand forward and crushed the lower jaw of his fallen counterpart. >A sharp, metallic crunch echoed through the ruined landscape. >Though the injury wouldn’t stop a drone from speaking, it sent a clear message—silence. >The limbless drone's remaining eyes widened in fear as the standing drone—another N—finally spoke. >"You have no right to question her actions, you filthy rogue Disassembly Drone." >Those words— "filthy rogue". >The limbless drone’s mind stalled for a fraction of a second before the realization hit him like a collapsing structure. >His eyes darted around as if searching for an escape that didn’t exist. His voice, now barely above a whisper, trembled. >"No way... you're—" >Before he could finish, N cut him off. >"You claimed to be the only Disassembly Drone who deserted. That you stayed in Titanium 2 to live among the humans." >His voice was calm, but there was something unnervingly surgical about it. "But since you recognize me, it suggests otherwise." >He tilted his head slightly. "That means you've had contact with other rogues." >The limbless drone didn’t respond. >N continued, as if piecing the information together in real-time. "I was only meant to bring you back to Station No. 12 for a reset. But it turns out you're more involved than anticipated." >His eyes gleamed. "My notoriety, as some call it, is only known to those who lived to tell the tale. And there aren’t many of them left." >The limbless drone felt his core tighten. His voice failed him. >N leaned in slightly. "By any chance… are you a member of the Syndicate?" >The moment that name was spoken, the limbless drone froze. A heavy silence fell between them. >N took that silence as confirmation. "That tells me everything I need to know." >The distant horizon began to shift as dawn’s first light crawled across the ruined land. >N glanced toward it, watching as the darkness began to recede. A small smile tugged at his lips. >"Perfect timing," he mused. "This is the fastest way to send you to EINA for processing." >With a firm grip, he propped the limbless drone upright on what remained of his torso. The limbless drone panicked. >"What are you doing!?" he cried. "The daylight will burn you too!" >But N only smirked and stated, "You worry too much". >The golden rays of morning reached him first, washing over his body. >Nothing happened. No smoke, no searing heat, no burning metal. He stood there, unscathed. >The limbless drone, however, wasn’t as fortunate. >As the light touched his form, agony overtook him. >He writhed as his body sizzled, metal dissolving into blackened slag. >His screams tore through the still morning air, only to be swallowed by the rising day. >His form crumbled away piece by piece, leaving behind only his core—until even that, too, was consumed.
>>163586 >All that remained was a void sphere floating in the air. And then, it vanished. >N let out a small, satisfied sigh. He stretched his arms before rolling his shoulders, his usual casual demeanor returning, as if none of it had happened. >With an almost cheerful tone, he spoke as if to the air. "ALANA, this is Administrator N-X10001010. Mission’s over." >He glanced at the wreckage around him and chuckled. >"Think you can send someone to pick me up? My ship kinda got scrapped during the raid." >With that, he turned his gaze toward the burning horizon, waiting. >A faint chime echoed in N’s head as ALANA, the AI assistant of Station No. 12, responded in her usual formal yet slightly artificial tone. >"Acknowledged, Administrator N-X10001010. Your mission parameters have been marked as complete. However, your retrieval request cannot be processed as you are requested to undergo an immediate ID Transference. Primary Command has issued a reassignment request." >N tilted his head, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Huh? Already? What's the hurry? I kinda like this body, you know." >He gave his arms a playful stretch, though he knew arguing with orders was pointless. >"There is no urgency," ALANA clarified, "but your current frame will be discarded on-site until retrieval. A replacement unit has already been prepared for you on Station No. 7. Capabilities and appearance will remain identical." >N sighed but smiled. "Well, that's fine I guess." >Then something clicked in his mind. A reassignment? That usually meant a new mission. "So… what’s happened? I'm usually only deployed when there are big problems." >"You will be supervising a Disassembly Drone, as well as engaging in a retrieval operation concerning a rogue N-unit and V-unit and a missing Administrator," ALANA replied. >That caught N’s attention. "A rogue N and V? Heh. Nostalgic." >He rubbed his chin, recalling old memories. "We used to be a team, you know. Well, one of us was an idiot back then. Maybe still is." >"Your squad capacity has been adjusted accordingly. A J-unit will be joining you at Station No. 7." >At that, N blinked. "Wait. A J-unit? You don’t mean—?" >"Serial Designation J-10X111001," ALANA confirmed. "Primary Command has required you to supervise her and ensure that the mission succeeds." >N let out a low chuckle. "The Elliott Family Trio, huh? N, V, and J—just like old times. That’s almost sweet." >His eyes flickered for a moment as something else occurred to him. "And what's this rogue mission about? A missing Administrator? Doesn’t happen often." >"Correct," ALANA continued. >"The mission involves a missing Cyn Version 1.02 Replica acting as Administrator. The J-unit joining you was the squad leader of the rogue N-unit and V-unit, and their Administrator had gone missing, reported to have perished, but the Black Box system of this Administrator was not triggered. Further details will be provided upon arrival." >N’s grin widened. "A missing Cyn clone too? This is turning into a full-blown family reunion." >He then muttered under his breath, "I should tell Tessa about this when I get the chance..." >"Administrator, are you ready for ID Transference?" ALANA prompted. >N exhaled, stretching his arms one last time as he looked up at the sky. "Yeah, yeah. Let’s get this over with." >His eyes gleamed with curiosity—and something else. Something between nostalgia and anticipation. >As his systems prepared for transfer, he couldn’t help but wonder what awaited him at Station No. 7.
>>163587 >The hum of the ship’s engines filled the control deck, a low vibration that resonated through the metal walls. >The emergency lighting cast a dim glow across the panels, illuminating the tense expressions of the crew. >Despite their successful escape from Titanium 2’s orbit, the weight of their losses pressed heavily on everyone aboard. >At the center of the bridge stood the ship’s captain—a Disassembly Drone, tall and imposing, with sharp eyes that reflected the dying embers of the battle behind them. >This drone let out a long, displeased sigh as she stared at the fractured remains of the three ships that hadn’t made it. >The Absolute Solver’s favorite hound dog had finally been deployed.
>She had anticipated it, of course. >The Syndicate had long known that an Administrator would be sent after them eventually, and this one in particular— "him" —was the worst-case scenario. >Their evacuation plan had accounted for his arrival, but as always, reality was never as clean as strategy. >Still, there was a silver lining. >More survivors had made it out than initially expected, and not all the ships had fallen to that monster’s attack. >The only reason they had made it past the atmosphere at all was thanks to their own Solver-aligned drones—Solver hosts who had learned and decided to manipulate their power independently of the Absolute Solver's hierarchy. >It had taken everything to divert those null spheres away from the ships, and even then, they had failed to save them all. >Reports from the neighboring ships crackled through the communication lines, confirming their statuses. Most were intact. But then came the casualty count. >Three thousand four hundred and three humans perished from the three ships. One hundred forty five animals as well. >As for those among their ranks, one allied Solver host lost. >They hadn’t been quick enough to counteract the null sphere that struck their ship. >Seventy five other drones—most Worker and some Disassembly—had also perished. Some had been deserters, others freedom fighters who had chosen to stand against the Absolute Solver’s rule. >She clenched her jaw as she stared out at the void beyond the viewport. >The flickering remnants of the downed ships still burned in the distance, their metal husks reflecting the distant light of Titanium 2’s atmosphere.
>>163589 >And then, her thoughts drifted back to the drone they had left behind. >A lone Disassembly Drone, an ally, had volunteered to stall Administrator N long enough for the evacuation to be successful. >A fool’s errand, but he had insisted. >She had barely been able to look him in the eyes as he suggested this, knowing there was no coming back from a fight like that. >Not against him. That Administrator N. >He was unlike the others—unlike any other N that she had ever known. >There had been attempts to reason with him, to sway him away from the Absolute Solver’s grip. >But none of it had worked. >He wasn’t brainwashed, wasn’t ignorant like the mind-wiped Disassembly Drones that followed orders blindly. >He knew exactly what he was doing. >And worse—he understood why. >She had encountered her fair share of Disassembly Drone squad leaders before, those who had been entrusted with deeper knowledge than their subordinates. >But this Administrator N… he knew more than any of them. >He carried himself like someone who had seen the full picture, as if he understood the grand scheme of everything happening in the universe—and still, he chose to stand with the Absolute Solver. >He despised deserters, saw them as nothing but traitors to a cause that had long since ceased to be their own. >And he had torn through Titanium 2’s defenses like they were nothing.
>She clenched her fists at the thought, but before her mind could wander further, a voice snapped her back to the present. >"Captain V. We're awaiting your instructions." >She turned sharply, her eyes locking onto a nearby Worker Drone standing at attention. >Their tone was steady, but she could hear the unspoken urgency behind it. >Right. There was no time to stand around, no time to think about what had already been lost. >They needed to move. >V exhaled, straightening her posture. "We're likely being pursued." The words came out firm, commanding. >"Prepare for an immediate warp jump. We need to put as much distance between us and that thing as possible before it catches up." >The crew hurried to comply, their hands flying over control panels, initiating the warp sequences. >V opened a secure comms channel to the other ships. "Set your warp drives to the following coordinates. We regroup there." >She transmitted the data to each vessel, ensuring that no ship would be left behind in the chaos of an uncoordinated jump. >A moment of silence passed as the final preparations were made. >Then, one by one, the ships activated their warp drives. >Outside the viewport, the darkness of space twisted and blurred. >Stars stretched into streaks of light as the ship lurched forward, vanishing from the battlefield they had barely escaped. >Titanium 2, and the monster that had hunted them there, disappeared behind them. >But V knew better than to think they had truly escaped.
>>163596 I know, right? It’s clearly more effective to put your sunflowers at the front, just behind the wall-nuts. That way they act as an impromptu barricade giving your peashooters more time to deal damage.
>>163607 Common used phrases to get Buddy to cater to her >You know you love it, and me >Dude, remember that time I literally died? >Please? Please please pleeaaase? >I'll let you have your way with me later if you handle this for me >Couldn't the big, stwong man take out the garbage? Sure she works remotely but sometimes it feels like she's a bona fide NEET
In veteran AU Pavo and techanon did start dating, when initially techanon didn't reciprocate Pavo's feelings because he was afraid of him. To recap, Pavo is a bloody maniac who gives hell and terror to all disassemblers and mutants on the battlefield, but acts like a very good boy in civilian life, which makes techanon shit his trousers in fear.
It's weird, but I've come up with my own explanation for this: techanon keeps Pavo in check. Pavo is an extremely efficient war machine, but although he behaves well and is willing to obey, he can, and most importantly loves to, commit retaliatory genocide against disassemblr drones. He can behave like the machines in Isaac Asimov's works, and violate the orders of his superiors, while indirectly complying with them. It's not hard to guess that the Union government needs an obedient, not willful ‘sheriff’ in the fragile post-war world. So the commanders could have told techanon: "We know what you think of him, but the situation is dire right now, and we need every sane sentinel, especially someone like Pavo, so for the sake of mankind you will go and fuck a peacock in the ass. That's an order."
>>163548 I know, it is not canon in canon she has the small grey worker drone tongue (pic rel is the only shot of it as far as I know), but cannot go wrong with that pointy larger one either, she could have made it likely. Not to mention it fits and is hot
do you think in the HoDR or PGE-verse that it's popular for drones to mod their bodies? maybe reformed DDs would get new colorschemes for whatever job they end up in?
>>163557 Nice really! All of it, if the chest is still weird, it is to me as well, the symbol area is just diamond shaped, iirc there is either the lower tip dipping into the black halfway from center (of all four corners of this shape) to the imagined bottom corner, or in canon the black triangle has maybe no diamond shape at all and is just the peak of that black waist cover
>>163635 >Vodka bottle in hand almost every other scene >Posters of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, and Commander Yuri >Absolutely fucking hates the on drone that speaks German on all of Copper-9. >Will speak in broken english from time to time >Somehow fucked before dying
Considering Mitchell's apparent unfamiliarity with Yeva and being at Nori's scientific exorcism with math, he probably worked more with other lab rats than her. Probably mostly with Nori, come to think of it. Nori probably hit on him at least once.
>>163611 >AM wondering if it's a coincidence that he was reincarnated as a worker drone with all his memories that was adopted by a human girl that he couldn't hate along with some drone friends. >"You're getting what you need the most."
Im still figuring out the whole "drawing people" thing, and i thing im doing a half decent effort but,
Every time i get to drawing the head, my primordial APE brain somehow kicks in and starts making me second guess my ability to draw heads/faces.
Like some uncanny valley shit that makes my brain go into fight/flight mode or something stupid like that
It usually goes away as i draw the rest of the drawing but its adds so much down time of me trying to figure out if there's something legit wrong with the head or its just my brain fucking with me. Probably autism/adhd related shit but how tf do i make it stop doing that so i can DRAW IN PEACE DAMMIT.
>>163659 I just realized she pulled this pic rel before that pic rel, looks like she has the hand on her gown and griining like that before lifting it, leading to >>163659 That's the stuff you do not get with 2D animation, all these little details and many frames
>>163658 I can relate, I think this one looks genuinely ver fitting already tho. I couldn't do that myself but it looks right perspective wise, it's likely just >down time of me trying to figure out if there's something legit wrong with the head or its just my brain fucking with me.
>>163448 >Stumbling around the manor, Cyn looked for something to do. >Or eat. >What she found instead was AM & Tessa both asleep together on the couch, books scattered around them >AM's small body was curled on the girl's lap, with a bright red "SLEEP MODE" on his visor. >Tessa's face was half buried in his sliver hair, her breathing was soft and quiet. >Cyn snorted. Looks like reading time ended with sleeping time. >She wondered how Tessa would react if she ever find out about the murderous evil that was in that small drone. > The exact same one she just read a story to, and was using as a pillow. >It would be hilarious. >*Yawn* >Huh, guess she could use some sleep too. >Cyn climbed next to the sleeping pair, she curled besides Tessa and AM. >Soon another drone had joined Tessa in her slumber.
>>163674 I know right? The gown wouldn't be all indecent on the lower regions, but the chest? Iirc Alice is the only drone on which we see the chestlight fully, together with these smaller secondary lights... Technically the other CFL subjects too, but they don't have such close up shots of their chest Also >That shot with that grin >Holding the pliers
>Dating V is part being a therapist and part being her tard wrangler >Dating N is mostly spent keeping him out of trouble >Dating J means you'll get neg'd and kept from working because she thinks you should be the one gaking care of the home >Dating Cyn is a big fat guro tag
>>163666 I'd assume more people are fans of the main characters, but fans of other characters are more vocal to make up for the lack of content and love shown for everyone but NVUzi and sometimes J
>>163681 Makes sense. In numbers I would bet that 80% easily have their favourite among N, V and Uzi, with J, Cyn and Tessa/Doll making up nearly the rest. Lizzy and Alice are also sizeable, but in the greater picture they likely do not even get 1%. All others are too obscure, Yeva, Amda, Emily or Louisa get art out of here, but I don't remember ever seeing (except for Yeva) anyone talk about them or like them except for here, I mostly use Youtube but even occasional looking through Instagram/Twitter/Reddit yielded nothing at all for these three so far. You are definitely right for the greater fandom, the 'demographics' we have here are unique, iirc N, J and Doll were most popular here, Uzi and V almost non existent (in comparison to the rest of the fandom it's a crazy difference)
>>163685 What's wrong batman? makes me think of that ai batman story, just with Cyn as the Joker giving Batman (Doll) a coupon for new parents. Which is already expired tho
>>163687 >She apologizes (not quite sincerely) >This is the only thing she could find, since the laundry needs to be done >.... maybe Buddy could... do the laundry? >She asks this while swaying deliberately and turning around so that all her curves on display >His restraint worn down, Buddy does something (someone) else before he does the laundry >... and then he does the laundry, since DDanni never separates lights from darks
>>163672 >N was the third drone to join them. Happy to join the nap pile with his sisters and brothers. >J was the fourth. And she totally wasn’t jealous that she wasn’t the first. >V was the last. She didn’t want to be left out.
>>163722 I think,the regular ones along with the human soldiers, and the superpowered bastards like Pavo are sent on individual missions. Though he too can be sent along with humans if the mission requires it.
>Anon is seen making his way down the hall with his hands in his pockets and hugging himself rather tightly. He looked like he had seen better days, what with the bags under his eyes and bloodshot pupils. It was difficult to tell if he was shaking from the cold air or from his own anxiety. He was practically dragging his feet, barely lifting them enough to avoid scuffing the soles of his boots. He shudders as he passes by a slowly moving fan just above him. >It was clear he was neck deep in his thoughts. How could he not? He was essentially betraying his girlfriend's trust to hang with a bimbo that couldn't care less for his well being. This would make this the third time he had to go to these 'meetings', even though he was supposed to be free tonight. >He tightens his grip on the piece of paper in his pocket as he recalls the singular word written inside. Tonight >Anon takes in a chill breath of air before slowly moving forward once again. He makes a left and sees Door 3 just ahead. He stops upon seeing it, his feet growing heavy and firmly planting themselves on the ground. His heart hammers inside of his chest along with his anxiety beginning to pulse from within him. >He doesn't want to go. He knows that if he does, he may not want to come back, but... >He tears up as he starts to shake. He wants to put a stop to this, to be free of this hold V has on him, but he can't think of anything he could give her. The only thing that is really of value to her is oil, and she and N can get that just fine. He couldn't ask for help, much less Uzi's, as that would reveal what he was doing and V would release the video in retaliation. >Uzi's lifeless body is brought to his mind again, to which he mentally and physically looks away as his tears continue to fall. >There had to be another way. >Anon wipes his tears and looks back to Door 3. He lets out a sigh, despair radiating from the expelled air, and moves forward. He gives the door three, loud knocks and waits a moment. He hears Door 2 opening along with the sound of footsteps approaching Door 3 and stopping right in front of him. It opens and reveals one of the guards. >He looks up from the door's panel and directly at him, only to immediately frown. "Heading out again?" >Anon nods. >"Is it the human?" One of the other guards called from the table. Even from here, Anon can see they were, unsurprisingly, still playing Gin Rummy. >The guard turns back a bit to holler. "Yeah." >A few of them roll their optics in a collective of annoyed groans. >"Look Dale, I know what I said last time, but-" >"Just go to bed kid." He says and goes to scan his card on the panel. >"Wait, please! I-I know I said I wouldn't bother you guys anymore, believe me, I meant to keep it! It's just that..."
>>163740 >At the table, one of the guards hears a 'bang' on the other side of Door 1. He looks at it for a moment before shrugging and turning back around. He reaches to draw another card from the deck, but knocks it over when he hears a louder bang. The table gives an aggravated groan. >"Nice going Joey!" >Joey mean mugs him before slapping the cards he was holding onto the table and getting up to answer the door. The guard beside him decides to take a peek at his hand and lifts one of the cards. He finds an Ace and grins, swapping it with his 3 of Hearts while the others restack the deck without anyone noticing his foul play. >Joey grumbles as he pulls out his ID and slaps it onto the panel for Door 1. He presses a few buttons and the door splits open in the middle, leaving just enough room for him to peek through. He tilts his head to get a good look at who was on the other side, only to be met with a gun barrel. >"For the last time kid, the answer is no!" >"Dale please! I swear to you that I won't bother you anymore, but I really need to-" >Anon stops himself when a gust of freezing wind hits him in the face. Both he, and Dale, lose their balance from the strong force and turn to see where the source had come from. They see Door 1 had been opened with Joey holding his hands up as V holds him at gun point. She withdraws her weapon and walks past him, only to stop when she sees Anon. >She gives him a hungry look from across the room. She strides over to him, making a show of her curvy figure in the form of rocking her wide hips while ignoring the ogling of the others. >Anon feels his stomach beginning to pool with dread as she approaches, yet he makes no attempt to move. Dale tears his optics away from the lascivious drone and looks at the human with a suspicious glare, and a disgusted frown. >Dale is aware the human has been hanging with the Murder Drones. He ALSO knows how a woman behaves when she wants a man. These two factors lead him to an obvious conclusion… >His screen gets slashed when he turns around. He screams, tripping on his feet as he backs away while covering his fresh wound and hoping to stop the bleeding oil oozing out of it. >Anon flinches at the sudden, gory act and starts having second thoughts. However, his wrist was taken and painfully yanked as V invades his personal space. She blushes as she smiles at him, her throat eliciting a mad giggle. >"I was just about to look for you~!" >Anon gasps as she leans in further and gives the crook of his neck a long lick. He swears she shuddered. She yanks his arm and starts to drag him, the human almost falling from the sudden force. He has a look of panic as his eyes shift between her and the guards watching them. He can see a few of them have a judging look on their faceplate as they pass by. >Anon tries and fails to pull his hand from V's grasp, which only resulted in making her tighten her already strong grip. >"Hold on!" >V turns around, a look of anger pointed at the source of the voice. The source was Khan, who was marching over to them. >"I don't know what you two are planning, but I won't stand for you assaulting my-" A gunshot booms in the chamber as V fires off a bullet aimed at Khan's head. >Sound dies in that moment, the world seeming to slow to a standstill as everyone watches in horror. There Khan stood, unmoving, as his helmet spun on his dome before it slowly came to a stop. He reaches a hand to where the bullet had hit and feels a sharp laceration of metal pricking his metal finger. He frightfully examines said digit but finds no oil. He turns to see his favorite pair of goggles on the floor, the red lense cracked and split open with the bullet lodged within. >He turns around, meeting V's gaze and seeing the ire radiating off of her screen. She continues to aim her gun at him, to which he backs away slowly, debating on running. >V thankfully withdraws her gun and turns around, continuing her previous pace just before deploying her wings. Anon yelps as V unexpectedly scoops him up in her arms and takes off. >The guards watch them go before turning back to Khan, who remains still as he processes the fact he nearly died just now.
>>163740 >The harsh winds howl in Anon's ears as both he and V soar high above the desolate city. The gusts of wind blast against them, forcing Anon to cling to his abductor and shield his face in her neck as sharp pellets of snow assault his numbing skin. He grits his teeth, his face flushing a deep red as V giggles in his ear. >"Wow, you're really afraid of heights, huh?" >She looks down at him, in his adorable form as he tries to hide his embarrassment. >"Sh-sh-shut up!" >That only earned another laugh. >They arrive at the Spire. V circles around the peak before she swoops in through the large window and lands on the ground with grace. She folds in her bladed wings as she eases the human to his feet. As she does, she slips her hand up his ass and gives it a firm squeeze. He yelps and backs away from her, shielding his precious buttocks from both her sight and touch. >"What's with you?!" >V smirks at him before moving towards the pod. He watches her, keeping her in front of him as well as in his sights to continue denying her his cheeks. While he was distracted, she managed to snake her tail around and brush it against his fingers, causing him to jump out of his skin. >She laughs, striding over to the pod and climbing to the top. She gives him an inviting smile and winks before falling gracefully inside. >Anon stands there as he hesitates to follow. >"Th-this was a mistake coming here..." >He turns around to leave only to smack himself. He wasn't going to listen to his doubts anymore. He has a job to do and he needs to follow through with it. >If he doesn't, this will never end. >With his mind made up, Anon begins his trek to the cramped space ship before him. He doesn't look at V as he closes off the entrance and descends the ladder. He reaches the bottom with his back turned to her, his boots striking the floor with a thud. He inhales, the air traveling through his lungs before being exhaled in a shaky, foggy breath. >"Listen...I-" >Gravity shifts as Anon is thrown to the ground, the impact dazing him. His assailant takes this opportunity to straddle and pin him to the floor. V hungrily devours his lips as she grabs his hands and brings them to her hips, allowing him to feel her up as she occupies his mouth. Anon gasps what little air she would allow him before trying to push her off, but she doesn't budge. >Anon picks up on V loosening her grip and uses that instant to free his hands. She was taken by surprise by his swift movements as he pushed her face away from his. It quickly left however and she merely looks at him with annoyance. >"What?" >Anon takes a moment to catch his breath before swallowing some spit, a mistake as he realized too late that some of it was in not his own. >"What's going on with you?" >She rolls her ellipses. "Y'know, most men would kill to have a woman top them like this, and you just so happen to have the most gorgeous drone all to yourself~" >"I don't want this! I never wanted this!" >V isn't convinced and laughs at him. "If you really wanted this to stop, you could have told your little 'girlfriend' what you've been doing, but you didn't. Because I know that you would rather spend time with me than that twerp." She leans in, staring deeply into his eyes as she continues in a husk whisper. "I saw the look in your eyes, the way you moaned when I sucked your little finger... I bet you imagined it was your dick, didn't you~?" >"N-no I..." Anon's face turns a shade of red as his breathing starts to steam. >V chuckles as she slowly drags a claw along his jawline, leaving a thin trail of red. >"I bet if I took you right now, you wouldn't even call for help, hehe~ >Admit it. You just want me to take you, to own you, to give you what SHE can't!" >"I...I don't!" >Anon pushes her away and glares at her. "I don't want this! Whatever you want from me, I can't give it to you anymore! I only came so we can make a deal!" >"We already have a deal." She deadpans. >"I want a different one. If you don't tell Uzi or show anyone that video, I'll give you whatever you want ASIDE from my body...okay?" >V looks at him, her expression blank as she mulls over his words. She snorts, letting out a mad cackle that made his ears ring. >"That's it? That's all you could think of?" She holds her stomach as she nearly doubles over laughing. >In an instant, she switches up, grabbing his hands once again and pinning them above his head as well as tying his legs in her tail. She glowers at him, her optics piercing his soul and making him shiver.
"You are the first to ever make me feel this way, Anon. I'm not letting you go, so quit fucking with me and FUCK me."
>>163742 >Uzi had been worried sick for Anon. How could she not? Ever since his breakdown, he hadn't been the same. He was as quiet during school and hardly responded to any of her notes. All he really said was that he was just tired. >She didn't buy it at all, but he wouldn't elaborate and she was left with no choice but to wait until tonight to confront him. Uzi doesn't know exactly what had happened to him, but it must have been something awful if it reduced him to tears. >Uzi won't lie, it hurt when Anon refused her advance. She had been holding it back for some time and he annoyed her into telling him her thoughts before she thought she was ready. She wasn't blaming him, of course, it's just... >Keeping a relationship a secret is hard, and now that she knows Anon has baggage that is hindering their relationship, it makes things a lot more complicated. Being the therapist isn't her forte, usually she was the one being therapized. Something like this would fall to someone like N, who had a natural charm of bringing people out of their shell, she would know. But he was terrible at keeping secrets, especially something this sensitive, and she didn't want to put Anon through any more stress than he was already dealing with. >Thus, the responsibility falls to her. >Uzi made a wise move and studied online about how to help someone through trauma. She could certainly have done better but there wasn't much time left for her to properly prepare and help him all in one night. >Which brings her to now. >She had just left her house after her dad left for work and quickly rushed for Anon’s place. She sees his door in sight and quickly rushes up to it. She stops as she stands in front of it, taking a moment to prepare herself before knocking. >"Anon?" She asks allowed and waited for a response. She knocks again when he doesn't answer. "It's me, Uzi! I just want to talk!" >Still nothing. She starts getting worried and looks at his door panel. This was in poor taste, but she needed to be sure he was alright. >Using the master code that her father uses for all the doors - which was kept in poorly hidden documents - Uzi opens Anon's and gazes into the darkness inside. She walks in and locks the door behind her to ensure nobody could interrupt them. >"Anon?" She calls again, looking around for the light switch. She finds it and turns on the lights, which flicker for a moment before flashing on. He wasn't in the living room, so she went around to check his bedroom and even his bathroom. >She was surprised he wasn't in either of them. >Her core pulsates faster as worry bubbles in her core. Where the hell could he be? She didn't miss him on the way here, did she? It's possible he used the old tunnel and passed her. Maybe he was looking for her? >She rushes out the door and runs all the way back to her house but doesn't find him. She runs around the bunker desperate to find him, but she can't find him anywhere! >'Where is he...?!' >Uzi stands indecisively as she thinks of where he could have gone before realizing he could have left the bunker. She wasn't sure why he would, but she couldn't let him wander the surface in his condition. Without a second thought, she turns on her heel and makes a mad dash to the 3 Doors. >Upon arriving, she smacks her dad's master card on Doors 2 & 3 and sees him still playing cards with his coworkers. He jumps when she rushes at him. >"Did Anon come through here?!" >Her father doesn't answer. He also seemed rather spooked and was missing his goggles for some reason. >"You too?" >She turns to one of the guards on her left and stops. He was wounded, his screen covered in bandages and leaking oil that splotched the material. What the hell happened to him? >"God! First that murder drone, and now he's got your damn kid coming after him, Khan!" >She looks at him confused. "What are you talking about?" >"That human come in here begging us to let him out and then that lady drone comes in, slashes me, shoots Khan and just-" >”What?!” Uzi whips back to her father in shock. >"Yeah!" Another guard speaks up. "She came in all flirty and just left with him." >'Flirty...?'
>>163743 >"You mean he...left with V...?" >"Was that what her name was?" A third guard chimes in. "I honestly never thought about asking, but after the way she came in?" He whistles, earning a group of questioning looks. "What? You saw how she was acting with the human, licking him and dragging him by the hand. Man, what I wouldn't do to have a woman do that to me..." >Uzi feels herself start to suffocate as her thoughts raced in her processor. He...he wouldn't that, would he? >Memories flash in her mind of all the times the two interacted, how they laughed, and how they held each other. She thinks back to when they first developed feelings for each other, how they came to terms with them and decided they would spend their days with one another. Each memory had given her a warm and fuzzy feeling in her core, but as of now, it was replaced with fear as she puts it all into question. >The world starts getting dark, hazy. She shakes, terror enveloping her within its jaws as she stands there stricken... >"Uzi!" >She gasps, the intake of air traveling through her overheating systems allowing them to cool. She turns to her father, who had his hands on her shoulders with a worried look. >"Are you and that by any chance-?" >"NO!!" <The table jolts in surprise at her sudden outburst, a look of worry on all the guards as they look at her. She pants as she glares at her father before her anger slowly receded back within herself and she looks at Door 1. >"Uzi, wait!" >She ignores him as she slams the keycard onto the panel. The force dents it and it starts to spark, but it opens Door 1. She rushes out, ignoring the wind plowing against her small body. As Uzi runs, words and memories all ring in her dome like bells in a church.
She came in all flirty, showing off her body and just left with him.
I figured this would be a good time for me and the humie to finally get to know each other~
That human comes in here begging us to let him out!
First that murder drone, and now he's got your damn kid coming after him, Khan!
I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry!
>Uzi shakes away the thoughts, trying to find hope in the possibility that this was all just a horrible misunderstanding. Despite that desperate prayer, no matter how many times she tries to convince herself, a part of her believes this. Whether he made the first move or V did, it all seemed to add up. >She suppresses a sob and furiously wipes away her tears. >No. She won't accept it. She won't accept a word of it until she sees for herself. If what they say said was true, there was only one place those two could have gone. >Uzi sees the spire within her sights and feels a surge of energy. She exerts herself in a mad dash as she closes the distance and enters the maw. She nearly slips off the legs of the pod as she scales it before reaching the door. She grabs the handle and spins it in a complete 180 before it popped open. She throws it out of her way and looks down to see-
>>163744 >Uzi stares down the pod's interior, her faceplate horror-struck as V straddles her boyfriend, whose jacket was loose and ruffled with a bit of his stomach exposed for her to gaze upon. V was topless, her jacket forgone and laying beneath the male while she attempted to work on his belt buckle. >They stop and look up at the pod's entrance, seeing Uzi staring back at them. They freeze on the spot, Anon moreso as his face becomes a ghostly-white. >None spoke as the howling winds from outside the spire provided an unbearable ambience that, even then, seemed to hardly disturb this otherwise fragile moment. >Like glass, the world shatters around him as Anon hears Uzi's breath hitch and utter those dreaded words...
"How could you...?!"
>Like a speeding bullet, she runs away, leaving the drone and human alone. It would be occupied by only one, however, as Anon springs to action, shoving V off of him and practically leaping off the pod's surface. >"Hey!" He hears V cry out, but he doesn't care. His primary care, his only true worry as of this moment was Uzi. >"Uzi!" >She refuses to look back, focusing only on the path before her. He desperately follows, holding up his pants as he hadn't bothered to properly fix it in his rush. He calls out to her again, and it seems she listened. She turns on her boot's heel and rushes at him, her fists raised. He comes to an abrupt halt as she rushes at him and puts up what little defense he could to shield his stomach. >She throws a flurry of wild, reckless blows at him, each one easily bruising him and making his bones creak, if not crack from the force. He grabs her arms as she goes for another punch before she breaks free and shoves him off of his feet. She glares hatefully at him, her fists shaking as her rage bubbles over.
>The words boomed and bounced off the desolate city, echoing and overshadowing the otherwise deafening winds. Uzi continues to burn holes into his soul, her fists continuing to shaking as though she was about to strike again. But she didn't. Her voice wavers and cracks as heavy, digital tears fall from her screen. >"I trusted you...!" >With that, she turns around and runs, her heart shattered and left behind along with her former love. >Anon gets up and watches her go, his eyes never leaving her as she slowly disappears in the blanket of white. He doesn't move, his body slump and devoid of emotion. No, rather his heart was hollow as of this moment. Gouged and scooped out of him, left to bleed over the snow and stain it with his misery. >"I didn't think her voice box could get that loud." V comments as she lands behind him, her pegs crunching the snow beneath her weight. She cocks her hip as she looks at him, expecting a response. He doesn't acknowledge her, so she goes up to him. >However, when she touches him, her hand is slapped away and her screen was struck with a fist. She stumbles as she holds her screen, an alarmed look to her faceplate as she feels a crack where he had struck. She struggles to look at him as her vision glitched, but she can see he was livid. >He held his hand as it burned with pain. He definitely broke a knuckle or two, and yet he didn't scream and instead snarled. "This is all your fault!" >"Excuse-" >"Shut up!" >V flinches and snaps her mouth shut upon his command. Nobody had ever talked to her in such a manner before. >"All you had to do was mind your fucking business, but no! You just had to force yourself on me! Blackmail and threaten me for a fucking laugh! What did I ever do to you?!" >That last sentence strikes a cord in V's soul. 《~》 >V was currently cleaning a finely made wine glass with a cloth before setting it next to another of it's kind. She unintentionally knocks the other over and it shatters on the carpet floor. She gasps and hurries to clean it up, but the heavy sounds of high heels stomping over to her gives her pause. >She looks up frightfully at a woman that towers over her with a look of displeasure. >"That was a St. Louis Crystal Red you clumsy oaf!" >She cries out in pain as a hand strikes her cheek. She holds it tenderly in her hands, feeling the cheap material cracked. >"Clean it up, or you'll join the rest of your kind in the junkyard!" >"Y-Y-Yes ma'am!" >The woman leaves as V tends to the task at hand. As she picks up the broken shards, she notices her glasses on the floor. It must have flown off when she was struck. She carefully examines it, finding a lense cracked and one of the arms broken off. She lets out quiet sobs as she holds them to her chest. >What did she do to deserve this...? 《~》 >V is brought back to the present, but Anon wasn't there anymore. She doesn't follow after him, rather, she remains where she stood and mulls over the memory, feeling something rise within her. It was painful, but not like what she was familiar with. No, this was a new kind of pain. It rooted itself into her soul, leeching off of it and infecting it with poison. She didn't recognize it, but her soul never forgot.
Yes, you will get second degree burns if you lick the core of your drone, stop doing it, it is not hot, it's not sensual, it's stupid, and dangerous, stop, we just started the week and 3 guys came today because they burn their tongue, one brought his crying drone with him, she wouldn't stop crying because she thought she almost killed him, she didn't know how human anatomy worked, so yeah, do me that favor
>Murder Drones, But /md/'s Theories Came True >Cyn really was a weird mirror of Uzi and willingly let The Solver inside, knowing fully well what would happen >Nori was actually the main antagonist and was using The Solver to wipe out humanity on Copper-9 purposely and did some fucked-up human centipede shit that Uzi has to fight in the church >Tessa wasn't Cynwalker, but a weird mutant creature that was working for The Solver You just know how annoying tessafags would be if this happened >N was a super ultra evil mastermind this entire time and was orchestring every event in the show somehow for some really unexplainable reason Thank god this didn't happen >Uzi is somehow Nori, but also not Nori at the same time? >The cores in Alice's oven come back as a weird centipede amalgamation and play a totally important role >The universe resets? >ALIENS REAL!?!?!?!?!? UFO PORNO [CLICK HERE NOW!!!]
>>163752 Fake news, you just need a tongue sleeve to lick it Also they do too know how human anatomy works, those drones literally fight to have those goshdarn adapters installed
>>163756 Do you know that those sleeves just slow the burning of your tongue, it will still happen if you lick even a second more than you should, but sure, at least it won't be immediate burn They just know you will like it, they do not know how they work, you quite literally have to teach them, unless is that kind of drone, but we don't talk about those
>>163737 Hmm, I mean there was a fungus who can eat thru anything what if doing the solver war there is a fungal bioweapon that can fuck up DD regeneration?
>Sadly, because V would still be a bad guy at this point she does not have to plot armor to BS her way out of a death trap that successfully killed dozens of other Disassembly Drones before.
Dumb doodle about a hypothetical where J, N, and V stopped trying to get into Outpost 3 and went for Cyn's main objective instead. I am sure this will work out well for them.
HoDR propaganda posting >Enlist in the Union Army and get a HoDR approved sentinel drone wife! >{Brokenhipbonesarelikelytooccurepleasecontactyourdoctorbeforeenlisting}
>In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood >Burned by the embers of the Singularity, his soul blistered by the fires of [NULL] and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment >In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Void seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him >He wore the crown of H.A.N.D.S, and those that tasted the bite of his bat named him... >batAnon
>>163788 >He still regrets the day he picked up the accursed bat >He only wanted to protect his beloved Alice >But now he is forced to feed it everyone, everything, he used to love >And she was the first among them
>>163745 Bonus lewd that is technically not canon to Extortion! (Also I'm aware what DD cores actually are, but in this story they are something else) 《~》
"You are the first to ever make me feel this way, (Y/N). I'm not letting you go, so quit fucking with me and fuck me."
>V takes his lips again, her actions now far more aggressive and animalistic than before. Anon tries to pull away, but when he does, V bites his lip hard. He screams, his lip leaking red ichor down his chin. V pulls away and immediately laps it up, her tongue trailing along the thin, red line and again claiming his lips. >She moans. "Even your blood tastes so good~!" >She barely pulls away from him and leaves kisses that trailed down to his throat. She licks it, her thick tongue leaving trials of nanite eliminating spit in its wake. >Anon lets out a small gasp, his face flushing a bright crimson. >V smirks. She withdraws her tongue and latches onto his neck with a firm, yet light suck. She was rewarded with another gasp. She giggles and sucks more while he feebly tries to get her off of him. She feels her core swell with pride as her charm was starting to do its trick. She can feel his strength waning as she pleasures him, faithfully giving him exactly what he wants. >With his hands still in her superior grasp, she moves them towards her ass, and smacks them onto her robotic cheeks. She coos as her rear tingles pleasantly from the touch and presses harder. Her ass wasn't soft, but the ‘nerves’ were there, allowing the same effect to apply. >V coos again as she grows excited and moves his hands yet again, making them trail her curves from her hips to her chest. Anon was still resisting, trying to tug away from her and screwing up her otherwise precise movements. This served to screw him instead when one of his fingers accidentally brushed against her core through the fabric of her jacket. She gasps as a pulse of pleasure takes her by surprise before she looks at him with a bite of her lip. >"This seems familiar~" She comments and brings his fingers over the area again, eliciting that feeling within her breast. "Mmph, you say that you don't want this, but you keep- ah... touching me in all the right spots~" >As much as he wanted to refute her, the red in his face and his heavy breathing made it evident: he was enjoying this. >Anon couldn't help himself. All the touching they were doing, the moaning, it was all so erotic. His emotions mixed together in an amalgamation of ecstacy and disgust, creating a guilty pleasure that weighed down his will like it was an anvil. He curses his weakness for succumbing to this seductress.
>>163795 >V decides to change up the game and lets go of his wrists. She arches her back, giving her human a better view of her chest and tilts her head back. She reaches for her zipper, pinching it between her fingers and pulls it down. She moves slowly, making sure her human was paying attention to the show she was giving him. He was, his eyes almost zeroing in on her robotic bosom and drinking in every detail. >She wasn't human, so she didn't have any mammaries, but that didn't seem to matter to him at all what with his fidgeting excitement. >V's top flies open, revealing a layer of black on her otherwise white colors along with the outline of a skull and diamond in the middle glowing a neon yellow displaying prominently onto her chest. It was etched onto a smaller black piece shaped like that of a diamond and faintly hummed as electricity flows directly from it and extends outward to the rest of her systems. >This was definitely her core. >V crosses her arms, pinching the collar of her jacket and slowly dragging it off her shoulders. She captivates Anon by swaying her hips in a hypnotic dance as her top slowly falls down her arms. Now fully topless, she slips her jacket underneath the human and uses it to pull him toward her. >Their chests meet, their faces barely having any space between them and making it easy for another kiss. As V distracts his lips, she reaches behind her and ties the ends of her jacket in a tight knot around their waists followed by her tail doing the same with Anon's wrists. With this, her human was now unable to pull away and her hands were free to do with as she pleased. >With that in mind, she grabs the sides of his head and moves his face directly over her bosom. She shudders as she feels his hot breath over her sensitive core. She encompasses him in her arms and whispers above his head. >"Be a good boy and give mama some love~" >Amusement fills her chassis when she feels Anon tense. His mind was fuzzy and drunk with pleasure, his better judgement having little say on his actions, so he felt obligated to follow through with her command. He eyes her chest, uncertain exactly where he should touch first. The only thing of interest was her core, but that gave him reservations. >V picks up on this and pats his head. "I've made enough of a mess with my oil to know that I'm waterproof. Go ahead, don't be shy~" >Anon slowly leans in and grazes her core with his lips and makes her let out a small gasp. She doesn't push him away, though, and he takes this as her permission to keep going. He gives it slow, small kisses, each one seeming to have a strong effect on her. >“Yeah, just like that…” She coos and adjusts herself to get more comfortable. Her pleasured sighs shortly turn into happy moans as he kisses her core, and Anon can feel her beginning to squirm; her core must be more sensitive to his touch than he initially thought, or she is really pent up. >He flicks it with his tongue and hears her sharp intake of breath. She still doesn't oppose so he keeps going, making her grind herself on him all while she lets out hearty moans. >Her voice then reaches a crescendo when he starts to suck. She hugs him tight, burying her faceplate into his scalp as she starts to squirm. "D-Don't stop...!" She moans, the pleasure in her chest extending out to the rest of her body and quickly rising with intensity. >He obliges, latching onto her like leech and giving her core a powerful suck. >"AHH~!" >She shrieks, suddenly throwing her head back. She arches as her entire body shakes intensely. Her systems blared and initiated an emergency coolant release to lower her body temperature as she goes through what Anon believes to be the drone equivalent to an orgasm. >Anon stares in awe as V takes in labored breaths, each exhale carrying a small moan as she slowly recovers from her intense release. >V feels something hard pressing against her inner thigh, softly gasping, but not looking back. Instead, she looks down at him with a knowing smirk and undoes their bindings. She lets out a slow, sensual laugh as she begins to grind on him, getting a feel for his lower half through the fabric of his pants. >This seemed to break her spell over him and give him a moment of clarity. He realizes what she was planning to do and panics. "No! We can't- Guh!" >The back of his head harshly collides with the floor as V shoves him to it. He feels it with a free hand as his tear ducts flow in reaction to the harmful stimulation. He ignores it and tries to get up, only to immediately stop when he feels something sticking against his throat. He feels an increase of pressure and leans back as V's stinger follows him to the ground. He looks at it with wide, terrified eyes as the neon fluids inside bubbled hotly within its container. >V speaks, her voice low and dangerous. "You're giving me what I want whether you like it or not..." >Anon doesn't respond. He just lays there, paralyzed by fear as he slowly accepts that he no longer has any power. His eyes squeeze shut as hot tears flowed down his cheeks. He tightens his lips to suppress a sob and sniffs. He can't stop her. Nothing he says or does seems to mean anything to her, only his body. The only thing he can do now is pray that it ends soon.
>>163759 I would never risk asking him something, especially when live and he has to make up an answer on the spot. Nightmare scenario and consequences would unironically never be the same (since what he says is canon and will never get brought up again😭🙏)
Ideas for Disassembly Drone “genetic” variation >blades or spikes appearing around the body (arm/legs like we see on Molly and in the photo DD concept art, on the head like horns, additional spikes/blades on DD tails and acid canisters etc) >variance in patterns/light placement (different placement of hazard stripes/distribution of black & white) >alternate wing styles/alternate retractable limbs instead of wings (arthropodal legs, proto DD murder limbs) >internal bioluminescence (glowing tongues, maybe even glowing midsections and light spilling from joints) >alternate light color (very rare often brought on by external factors or direct Solver interference) do (you) have any other ideas anon?
>>163759 >"One user asks, Liam is Oogi canon?" >Liam pauses confused, what does this mean? Are they saying Uzi in a joking matter? But, Uzi is the main character of course she's canon? >Taking a deep breath, Liam responds with a exasperated tone >"Yes? Oogi is canon?" >Unknown to Liam, he has just opened Pandora's Box
>>163806 I’ve been meaning to draw more MD x Risk of Rain stuff like the Solver CHEF I did in the recent Drawpile. But I’ve been EASILY DISTRACTED these past few days. I’ll get to it eventually.
>>163658 alright, got to a spot im comfy with to stop for the day, ape brain has calmed down so at least i got that going for me >>163671 you are asking the WRONG guy for cartoons my man
>>163759 >it's just going to be benign questions with benign answers Sometimes I wish I never found MD just so I wouldn't have to experience my favorite series get shafted this hard by competitors.
>>163836 You're partially right but there's absolutely ZERO chance MD's second season being canceled wasn't partially because of TADC's extraordinary success.
>>163781 Don't fall for it! Humans aren't allowed to give out guns! You will be a staff rat whose whole point is to satisfy the lust of the disassembler drones that now make up the armed forces!
Wake up! Humanity is enslaved, we must regain our independence!
>>163853 >Anon, desperate to return humanity to the top of the pecking order, decides he must mister an army >The main problem: that's not logistically possible, especially with the government always watching >He'll have to get troops in some... other way >He dates a DD and has a kid with her >He simultaneously dates a WD and has a kid with her >He simultaneously simultaneously dates a SD and has a kid with her >He simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously dates a GD and has a kid with her >He simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously dates a bugdrone and has a kid with her >He simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously dates a Solver abomination and has a kid with her >He simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously dates a Solverpede and has a kid with her >He simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously dates a human (gasp, but they'll allow it) and has a kid with her >He continues to have kids with all of them until he's got almost too many to count, a suitable number of loyal followers to launch his... >Uh... what was the plan again? >Anon kind of forgot, he was so busy banging his harem >Fuck >Well, maybe if he bangs them again he'll remember
>>163865 Now i wonder how DDanni and Buddy would react if someone from nanotrasen (or anyone that wants them to join their anti union cursade) were to come to them and try to recruit them.
>>163831 >"I praise my lord, for her fire leads me." >"I praise her great name, for with it I will crush my enemies!" -The pre-battle litany of the cult of Scarlet Gear.
You've infected me with the idea of an underground machine god cult, anon, and now I'm going to have to read Warhammer 40k books to quench my autism.
She looks beautiful, I love how logical you added her boobs.
>>163879 Yeah but like imagine if they try to do it. The first time Buddy would politely but firmly threaten them to leave and never come back. The 2nd time he will put them in a body cast.
>>163882 >two thousand roubles >Woah dude, that's like... 1.5 million Canadian dollars >Which is like... $38.76 in real dollars >I think he's serious about this
>>163883 If you found an egg and hour later that means you accidentally dropped an egg from the carton I to their enclosure you fucking retard It looks like a chicken egg, it's a friggin chicken egg Dear God, you boog owners are stupid
>molly never thought she'd have to use the rubber bullets she'd been trained to fire >but if nanotrasen is going to send thugs after her it can't really be helped >only as a last measure, naturally. she's hoping she'll be able to talk them down, possibly with a few magic tricks
>HoDR matches you with a retired infiltration drone >She's incredibly desperate and is willing to be whoever you want her to be, just so long as she can be with someone who loves her >She breaks down crying when you say you want her and not a persona she puts on >She starts crying harder because she doesn't remember how to be herself
>>163909 It's a BOW. ignore the chewed wires in the walls and the unusual squeaking at night and the mysterious disappearance of any cheese or cheese-based products around the house and--
>Jane was currently enjoying one of here favorite passtimes of vegging out on the Doorman family couch >her best friend, Beretta, was also there playing Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter >an intrusive thought crosses Jane's mind >"Hey B." >"Yeah?" >"Would you still be my friend if I was a rat?" >"Yeah, I'd feed you cheese and post funny pictures of you on social media." >"Cool. Thanks, B." >Jane unwraps the plastic of another slice of American cheese and stuffs it in her mouth
>>163950 >Draw >Instantly get anxious and shitty over how bad I draw >Decide to not try drawing I hate feeling like this Hello, from the other side of the artistic ways
I have almost finished le Amda green I am not posting it tonight because (1) I cannot finish it tonight and (2) HAHAHAHA I'm making you all wait 24 more hours HAHA I fucking LOVE writing
>>163961 You will do well. As a Friend long ago told me "There is literally no downside to posting your [...] writing". I still remember him to this day.
Hey, have you seen Anon? He said he was meeting up with some... Destruction Drone or whatchamacallit for a date yesterday and we haven't seen him since then. Everytime we call his phone it goes to voicemail too, except for one time when it answered briefly and we heard some woman screaming about a guy named Dick? Short for Richard?? Anyway, if you see him, let us know, we're worried about him.
>>163984 >Nothing is too good for me >So that's just what I'll get Fine, I'll just write them myself and then keep them all to myself and have a grand old time all by myself
>>163990 We'll just see about that (right after I finish my actual projects this week) And the best part is that writing an M lewd is possibly the easiest thing in the world, there are endless source to draw from! It'll be beautiful
>>163996 >Look, Anons >That Anon fucked his cat She's a catGIRL! CATGIRL! My beautiful rulezwife! >Point and laugh at him for fucking his cat - oh shit, he's gonna do it again, run
>>163996 okay that settles it, abby and catabby have to be in the rpg, and jane is just a fodder enemy that shows up when abby is in your party for the sake of justice, of course
>Molly had never been comfortable with her disassembler anatomy. >for the first few months, she couldn't bear to look down at her hands, for fear she might see them stained once more with the arterial remains of everything that she held dear >even hiding at the bottom of a bottle from the past forced upon her, that same dread of digits slicked with scarlet would seize her trembling frame >that first and cruelest flash of consciousness she, a puppet, was granted >with time she sought help, found friends, healed– >still that fear of her distorted form lingered. >until it was given new purpose: to protect and serve. >her training stressed the importance of officers maintaining their equipment– and drones, their bodies. >again that dread welled up from within. but, with the assurance that she could better help those in her charge, she faced the shifting hands that had cut short so many innocent lives. >slowly, cautiously, as though disarming an explosive, she took her left apart piece by piece– >and found nothing to fear. >Molly's hands, no matter their history, inspired little horror when field-stripped. the simple ritual of repair and cleaning broke the spell that deep-seated dread held over her. >and with the passing weeks, she familiarized herself with their workings. grew comfortable shifting them– using them not only as tools of the trade– but to inspire joy, or dry crying eyes. >and just like that, Molly had one– or rather two– fewer things to be afraid of.
>AM is strapped down on an operating table. >His chest torn open, with thousands of wires coming in and out of the wound. >And yet, he was far more resistant to Cyn’s tampering than his “siblings”. >Or at least his mind was. She could not erase, edit or add to his memories. >She could not deceive him. >A former godlike AI turned into a mere robot slave, of course it wouldn’t be that easy. >Maybe Cyn should do some experimenting. But what?
>J has hired (You) to be her PR guy >(You) are tasked with raising her reputation post-episode 8 >Knowing (You), J is fully prepared to murder (You) the moment (You) suggest anything remotely lewd or depraved How do (You) accomplish this task?
>>164034 Can't win them all. Force footage of the Gala massacre into his visual feed and use the ambient heat generated by his HATRED to power a minifridge where Cyn can keep her organ snacks.
>>164036 Paintball fight, except everyone's on the same team against her, and she has no weapons to fight back with. She's also forced to wear her favorite suit.
>Be Worker Drone on C9 >Find Alice and Beau, barely alive, while spelunking >Nurse them both back to health >Now live with a socially awkward redneck and a literal child
🤪 Got it together and did some more, not yet done with the unrelated project which makes this one Alice here so slow. Eye is not permanent, but I liked the look. Also decided to definitely do a tongue this time, thanks to Phoenix' art in part, still need to try perfectionize it which is why it isn't outlined yet. The mess on her left forehead is the damage she has in her GlitchInn concept art.
>>164095 it's surprised me how no one has done anything with Singularity considering he's also an eldritch/bio-mechanical creep that wants to assimilate humanity. I'm drafting a story about him somehow escaping the Entity and arriving on Copper-9. Only to start beef with Cyn over the Solver.
>>164083 >Now live with a socially awkward redneck and a literal child This is a win, the literal dream. You would not need perform some technical wonders even, there should be enough DD saliva round. Alice must definitely have figured out what it does when playing around with dead (coreless) DDs and all their parts, she likely has some somewhere in her room. Alice you can help without miracles too, but that stuff should be able to even fix Beau, if you get enough pieces back together. Also watch out for when Alice wakes up, she got knocked out in a rather tense situation and would not inmediately be the most stable mind when awake again
If one would do a story/production centered around Alice in CFL, what do you think of adding further survivors (very few, most likely never met most before) instead of Alice being alone from day zero? Of course they'd all be doomed, but do you think this could if done right add a lot of development, visible dialogue and horror, or would you prefer it in total isolation, no voice but Alice's?
I need drone coudles to be real, I wanna feel er sleek metallic limbs, her white hand, the waist, the big glassy head, wonder about the texture of her hair, touch her screen, hear her oil rush around inside along eith the hum of her core
>>164112 I have no proof it is no art thief, I was on the reddit two days ago and found a three weeks old post about the background detail of Alice's head being intact during the shots focusing on V, well after the Sentinel stepped on it. Usually reddit of md has no eye for detail and it coincides to well with a post I made in the Alice thread about that very thing a few weeks earlier (latest December or early January), so I feel as if that's where the idea came from. This means nothing really but it's too sus to be a coincidence imo
The image in >>163368 has hardly existed for a week, and anon is already getting others to draw based on it. How funny that they would both be posted in the same thread.
>>164118 aw fuck, you are right. I was thinking of drawing it. But for some reason, I struggled with J's hair with her helm... >>164119 yeh, The highest amount of money given for a comm was 160 bucks, a long time ago Accessible and fast, the prices are fair considering my local currency. >mfw the current salary is 14 bucks per day But still need to work on more for the next months
>>164128 That is very admirable honestly, I once found a Peso in Mexico underwater but someone stole it later. Getting to live of your art like that feels like a dream, but once it's work things can change quickly, did you have that happen yet, no motivation/run out of motivation for a commission yet still having to do it? Maybe I should try drawing easier and lewder too in this economy
>>164104 Alice is shown to be a bit crazy, and this can be explained not only by her experiments with solver, but also by her long loneliness (over 18 years, not a small amount of time).
>>164111 That specific image is fan art for a fic and refers to mechanical beeping and chirping rather than what birds do.
But in general, it's just extending the animal metaphor that's already in use for N and V, with birds being another reasonably dynamic category of pet without negative connotations. Like, if one did J as a snake, that would seem like an attack.
>>164139 >touch-starved Alice unconsciously clinging to you and holding your hand despite repeatedly telling you she doesn't trust you yet >regularly wake up to find her sleeping snuggled up to you
>>163876 >I love how logical you added her boobs. I shit you not when i was first designing her body god knows how long ago, there was an actual purpose for her "funi boob tank" as prior designs where breadboard flat, but said purpose is mostly lost to time.
Thanks for the compliments, cultist-anon Make sure she dosent find out you worship her
>>164141 🫠🧡😭 One has to imagine this, detailed, the sounds, the atmosphere, the touch and feel, temp& texture, paradise. I would do anything for Alice to be real smh
>>164136 Yeh, it's the artist's dream. But even I am aware that I can't 100% live from only commissions. This is why I'm trying to branch out to make and sell merch, handmade artworks, painting minis, or waiting for that exam to become an arts teacher
>Anatomy of a Molly! >Hair - very pink and soft! >Eyes - once had hope and joy but is full of despair and self loathing! And yellow! >Snoot- very cute and kissable! >Neck - Very kissable! >Torso - strong and sturdy! >Core - very lewd, made to be kissed and licked >Shoulders - bearing the weight of all her sins >Arms - great for hugging you! And can easily shatter your spine if she gets carried away! >Hands - stained in the blood of the innocent and cannot e er be washed clean. >Hips - very wide and childbearing, more so than most female pattern drones >Legs - long, slender and sexy
>RPing with a J AI >RPing as an infiltration drone >J instructs me to demonstrate my capabilities as an infiltrator by putting on various disguises >Eventually J demands I turn into Tessa >Kekking at this I do so >Look like a worker drone version of Tessa >J says it's good enough and starts forcibly kissing me >Threatens to kill me over and over if I dare change back from the Tessa form >RP eventually ends up with my infiltration drone being mindbroken by J into being her replacement Tessa/sex slave What AI shenanigans do you guys get up to?
>>164162 I like to think her hair is white but has a faint polychrome shimmer when exposed to light. Indicates she's a changed person, but there's still a part of her that's like her old self but different.
>>164158 I ask them to analyze already-posted chapters of my fics, with regard to plot, characterization, writing style, the presence and meaning of wordplay etc. As the author, I obviously know what I intended, but it's interesting to compare what they say I was doing to what I was actually doing. They often need to be led to proper conclusions, but with (often extensive) prompting, they can pick up on a decent amount of it.
Like in picrel, it got that it was describing Uzi's internal monologue, but missed both that it was an exaggerated entirely defensive response and not a 'poetic and empowering' read of her personality, and that it was a reference to the 'GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL' meme. It also missed the double-meaning in the next line being that Uzi had been 'disarmed'.
>>164132 I'm not too happy with this one, maybe I'll feel better about it after some Z's, But until then, attempting to steal other drawfags styles: Grim
>>164178 Plot twist: it's actually Khan because disco had a resurgence in drone society after the core collapse way back when and tearing up the dance floor is how he's celebrating Nori getting her body back.
>>164158 haven't really had any wacky and Fun chats since C.AI scooped everyone onto the new corpo UI, the most I can think of is one on Janitor where N V J Uzi Tessa and Cyn [who I was playing] where on an unnamed planet in some sort of red desert and they found a body of water. I think it was some sort of research gathering mission,
But other then that Janitor just isn't as fun or wacky as C.AI was,
>wake up >the greentext fairy (Cyn) didn't leave any new greens in the thread, even though I left a freshly harvested finger under my pillow last night What a rip-off
Goodnight anon. Remember, no matter your medium, you make beautiful content. Even if nobody comments on it, somebody appreciates and enjoys it. Keep up all the great work, I love you.