Good morning, good evening, and goodnight Friends! I hope you are doing excellent today, because we are going to keep talking about Drones, Murder Drones, the Thread and everything related to that, but mainly about Drones! Let's have some fun talking about them and creating things with them, I love Drones, and Murder Drones so much! I hope you have a good day if you are not having one and let's keep talking. The outstanding Booru:
>>11792 I was testing if he was spamming/trying to do a falseflag due to how close together the two Oogi posts where. He was basically asking an Oogi lore question, which why Tessa became an Honorary Oogi at the end of a small greentext
>they animated another short for circus Will we ever get short Murder Drones animations like that? Local creature spotted having a snack #shorts I know it's ultra low effort but damn I'd love anything at all
>>11799 Sorta. Proportionally they're actually more hourglass shaped, with wide hips but also wider shoulders while DDs are completely bottom heavy, however they're also nearly a full foot taller, like a DD directly scaled up by 20%
>>11813 Just because an artfag doesn't post for a week doesn't mean they're dead. Stop this madness. Also, I believe they posted a picture earlier this month
>>11809 >>11811 Pomni is the most popular character Glitch has rn. Instead of disheartened you should be surprised she hasn't been whored out to hell. Let's make our own animations.
>>11815 >Solver dresses it's Disassembly Drones in 'cute' outfits & uniforms, hindering performance >Humanity deploys it's Sentinel Drones completely 'naked' for optimal performance Yet another reason why Humans are more based than Eldritch Entities
>>11828 I guess you could do something with those sour strip Hotairheads, like make a computer wires? With maybe peanut brittle to replicate computer chips?
Since some apparently don't have a favourite character (canon or OC), what is it that attracts you most to MD? To these threads? I can see possibilties but I don't get how one has no favourite with THAT choice
>>11837 Going home probably, the west is at 7 PM the east is at 10 PM, so probably people arriving at home soon from day work and people going to work if it's a night work
>>11822 you know, posting that every single time someone voices a distaste for oogi makes you look obsessed. >>11842 >E upskirt someone do it. I'd do it myself but I'd have to smash together an E model first
>>11834 Closest thing to a favorite is N, but I get weird about my favorites so I may as well not have one. I like OCs, and drones in general. Best robot design I've come across so far.
>>11844 >Best robot design I've come across so far. Agree, it's simple yet detailled, it still looks realistic and most of all, very expressive yet robotic, Imagine drones would have those terrible pseudo-humanfaces, or shaped bodies. Only really human thing WDs got are zhe collarbones, and it looks NICE
>>11846 >Lizzy makes fun of Uzi and tells Doll to join in >Uzi responds back >Thad asks everyone to calm down >9 hours and 53 minutes of the most awkward silence
>Be on a date with this really hot female drone >Really like her >We have a great time >We talk about one last topic before going out separate ways for the day >We talk about his cousin that thanks to him we know each other >They have very similar names >Decide to leave with a bang >"I love you (Name of the cousin)" >Spaghettis.gif >She looks at me very surprised >Flight or fight response kicks in >Choose flight and run the fuck out of there >Arrive home >Write this How fucked am I?
>>11838 Nta, but the zombiedrones in CFL are interesting, I wonder where they got them from. Were they collected from 'accidents' all over Copper-9 as soon as a need for them arose, or do you think they killed fresh WDs to farm ZDs? I can see reasons for both, the collection method would explain their (Nori/Yeva/Alice at least) 'culturally' very different orientation, for example Yeva speaking Russian and Alice having a Southern accent, it would also provide drones which already have somewhat of a personality (they would still have been fresh ZDs at that point, but I guess at least the three mentioned ones were already somewhat developed before 'dying', I can't see Southern or Russian appearing out of thin air). Mass killing on the other hand would seem wastefull at first, but WDs were available in mass and subjects were needed fast, it would have given them more right when they were needed the collection method would have required more resources (time and effort mostly) and people caring enough to look for ZDs (they don't come back online immediately after 'death' as we saw with Cyn). to me the collection method seems more likely, I wanted to display the arguments as fair as possible but it explains more to me. Also remember CFL was established in 3002, the collapse would have been around 3050+ a few years, in any likelyhood the method and need for zombiedrones weren't figured out/adopted until way closer to 3050. Maybe 3040-45? As soon as they got hosts things happened in less than a year I feel, but that is all farfetched speculation only looseks based on canon evidence
I think I'm genuinely getting obsessed with this threads, I was just one hour without seeing these threads and I felt pressure in my chest, and as soon as I checked the thread the pressure was gone, this has happened before, every time I do not look at the thread during a long time
>>11872 I'd honestly prefer if MD never got continued like his other projects, than to have a shitty final episode. The thought of a regular 20 min episode where they just get the patch 2.0, makes me shudder in fear.
>>11872 Well, totally real Liam, I think if Season 2 was in the works, they wouldn't be moving to release another show. 3 at once is probably a bit too much for the animators, I know they run themselves ragged already.
>>11894 Holy fucking based >N smooching Uzi's bare chassis >N whispering sweet, detailed praise over how much he loves Uzi >N blowing raspberries on Uzi's ticklish tummy Even without any Anatomy Adapters you just know these two are making sweet & sensual love the first chance they get
No.11898 I have nothing left to talk about. Glitch please gives us some love
>>11904 You mean the scene that teases a Nuzi kid and quickly cuts to another planet with an unknown amount of time passing? That scene? The one that ends with the reveal that the Star People are coming?
>>11905 That Nuzi kid reveal was pointless, it was revealed on Glitch twitter that the new show won't have anything to do with it. N & Uzi's story is over but the consequences of their actions have impacted everything
>You walk down through the halls of JCJ corporate >You’re in the drone living quarters section. Rows and rows of lockers run up and down the sides of the halls >Space is limited. And with so many drones working here they needed someplace to keep them >And so small lockers were deemed to be the perfect choice to house them. Drones don’t need much space anyway so they didn’t complain >Or at least all the ones that did got disposed of >Your eyes are drawn to the number plates on the front of each locker. Drone ID’s >You pass by thousands, until you find one that catches your eye >S2311 >You knock your stun baton against the door a few times before stepping back and waiting >After a small delay, the locker door slowly opens >Big blue glowing eyes stare up at you >Perfect
>”Y-Y-Yes…?” the worker drone asks cautiously
>It’s clear that she is intimidated by your presence. Good. That’ll make things easier >Without responding, you grab her arm, and start pulling her down the hallway >She looks like she’s about to protest, but the sight of you raising the baton in your other hand seems to cow her, and she lets you pull her along with minimal resistance >After a short walk, you both arrive at your destination >A room marked “Disposal” >The drone’s eyes got wide at the sign, and she starts to struggle in your grip
>”N-N-No! P-Please!” She cries
>But her protests are immediately silenced as you activate the stun baton and point it towards her >Opening the door, you drag the whimpering drone inside and toss her onto the hatch in the middle of the room >She collapses onto the ground, shaking with fear >The room reeks of oil and burnt electronics. And there are several dead drones littered around the room that someone has yet to clean up >Sitting directly in the middle of the room, underneath the trembling worker, is the disposal chute, its hatch currently closed >No one knows where it leads, but it’s where all dead drones go, and soon enough, S2311 as well >Looking into the drone’s terrified eyes, you could see that she knew what her fate was >As you walk towards her, she tries to escape, but her legs fail her and she remains on the ground, helpless before you
>”P-P-Please d-don’t kill m-me!” >”I-I’m sorry for whatever I-I did! I-I-I’ll work harder from now on, p-please!”
>The poor drone struggles to speak as she begs for her life >You raise your stun baton high in the air above the cowering drone’s head >Pressing the button on the handle, the baton lights up with crackling electricity which immediately drowns out her pathetic whimpering >She raises her hands over her head defensively in a futile attempt to protect herself. Her eyes clenched shut >You bring your arm down in a mighty swing, ready to crack her synthetic skull open >But you slow down half way, turning the baton off, and lightly bonking her on the head with it
>”Hah! Got ya!” >”It’s just a prank!”
>Your friend emerges from behind the door, phone in hand, recording the entire thing >You turn around and jump in front of the camera, shouting
>”Chat press 1 if we really got her with that! But only if you really think we fooled her with that chat press 1!”
>The drone slowly opens her eyes, looking around in pure shock
>”W-Wh-What..?” she stutters
>You turn from the camera and walk back over to her >She flinches away at your approach but you grab her and pull her up to her feet >Her shaking legs don’t seem to have any strength for her to stand, so you hold her up and face her towards the camera
>”Alright chat press 1 for, uh, what’s your name?” You ask
>The shivering drone doesn’t respond immediately. She doesn’t even seem like she’s present >You give her a bit of a shake, which seems to bring her back to reality
>”U-Uh… I-I-I’m E-E-Elf…” She struggles to say
>”Alright then chat, press 1 for Elf! Chat press 1!” You shout back into the camera
>Releasing Elf from your grip, she immediately drops back onto the ground >She stays there, holding herself as you walk away with your friend and continue to shout into the camera
>Elf stays there on the ground for quite a while, trying to calm down >She’s had dangerous encounters with humans before, but this was the closest she had ever come to death >She’s not even upset at the humans, she’s just relieved that she’s still alive >Finally managing to get her core temp to more normal levels, she slowly rises off the ground >She doesn’t want to spend another minute in this room >She doesn’t want to think about all the other drones that have died right where she was standing >She doesn’t want to imagine what the future might hold for her >Elf makes her way out and back down the hallway leading to her locker >Hopefully she can manage to get some sleep and forget all about this
>>11952 It’s sad really, most never study life and never study themselves and their weaknesses, that’s why it’s so easy to control them, they’re like machines, and I, I’m not a machines, I never was, because I never liked to be controlled
>>11960 Maybe, since book Simon it's a more of a projection of its a ability to do something, or its inability depending on how you play it, maybe, the game it's a little weird
Hey PSA y'all, next time you are with a drone fucking them STOP CUMMING ON THE CORE you don't know how many times a crying bitch or a worried bitch comes to my shop talking about how its drone it's having some problems, just to open the hatch and ITS JUST DRIED CUM ON TOP OF THE CORE CREATING PROBLEMS, STOP, sometimes it's just the drone that doesn't want it's "master to feel sad" you dumbfucks, STOP DOING IT, I'M TIRED OF CLEANING DRIED SEMEN
>>11965 If everything is perfect, then perfection would become meaningless. If everyone was happy all the time, then happiness would lose all meaning, without suffering, you wouldn't know how to appreciate happiness
>>11974 I ALREDY DO THAT somehow they still don't understand, I swear to god I'm gonna charge triple next time, so they learn, is not that hard, just maintain the hatch closed, nothing else, it's not "kinky" is problematic and disgusting.
Instead of possessing a discarded drone, the Solver makes a devil deal with Tessa, giving it her powers but secretly also influencing her. How does this change MD?
>>11987 >ywn be a lonely, impressionable young human who gets groomed by an eldritch goddess who loves you and uses you to destroy the world it’s not fair
>>11809 >will we ever get [anything] like that TADC is an order of magnitude more popular, and it's not like Glitch is drowning in money. It's also not a competition, or zero sum.
>>11852 > I can't see Southern or Russian appearing out of thin air). Depending on how literally you take the "Cooling it with the //Char Trait Lovable Idiot// Trope" line from the pilot, there could be a baseline set of pseudopersonality patterns that in certain zombie drones would convert into full expression of consciousness. >Mass killing on the other hand would seem wastefull at first Just disguise/excuse it as upgrading models, especially if they were implementing more Solver-resistent features in newer versions of drones.
>>12013 It has backups. Maybe it even does a super-AM thing where it's constantly driving them to death and collapse, then restoring them and repeating. And even if it didn't, mental damage should be far easier to fix in a drone than a human.
I can't stop drinking oil! I can't stop drinking oil! I just can't stop! I can't stop drinking, CRUDE oil! Y'know the black stuff, that comes in barrels? I can't stop drinking it! I just can't! It's tantalizing! It's addicting! It is, a delicacy! I love it! I can't stop drinking oil! Crude oil! I can't stop guzzling it, gulping it down..! I can't stop drinking crude oil...
>>12028 If the human was digitally uploaded, restore to save point. If that's not possible, start some aggressive neural pruning. I personally think that Tessa's consciousness is floating in SolverCloud somewhere. Maybe it's chilling with the actual Cyn.
>>12012 >>12018 >>12020 I must do better. You can see her polygons on the thigh and face. I think it's because I haven't learned how to make normal and specular maps yet. Some glow on her yellow lights wouldn't hurt either. I'm currently trying to get a grasp on weight painting so I can add outfits and characters. I kinda also want to do TADC stuff despite my opinion on the show.
>>12021 Y and Mini Y are fun characters with some potential. You're doing fuckall with them.
>>12069 It happened once on Valentines day when she received no cards. Her boss gave her one and a reluctant kiss on the cheek to cheer her up. Suffice it to say she was in a super good mood that day. After she cracked his spine in a bone-dusting bear hug. >And draining his balls
>>12071 With the miracle of modern science the JCJ(IS) employee healthcare package, his old spine was replaced with a flexible duranium implant. That thing can support lead weights if need be.
>>12087 It looks so cute, Friend! I think you did a good job. Maybe the perspective on the legs is a bit weird? I don't have my glasses on right now, so I can't tell.
>>12098 the point of jackass is to get yourself hurt, not others also the scene where she namedrops her full title has a sound effect from metroid prime
Do you think that Nori was the victim of a rewrite? I feel like they were setting up Nori to genuinely be a Villain and that Uzi was going to have to confront all the fucked up shit she did
>>12109 Yes. I really wanted to see her going on a human killing spree, blow up the core, and create some horrific flesh monstrosity all on her own. Then only realize after that The Solver was just using her and didn't care about Drones at all which would've lead her to fighting against it, warning Khan, and then dying to someone who will most likely be rewritten to not be N
I really wish they'd release an official artbook. Besides everything else, it would certainly include a lot of 2D art in varying styles, which would make for a great reference when drawing. And while we're wishing, more stuff with the manor setting (and actually using that Uzi scene in that trailer).
>>12109 I feel that the entire existence of the patch macguffin means that he had originally planned something else entirely with her. But he realized that it wouldn't fit later with the new lore later down the line.
>>12113 >N pops a boner and doesn't know how to take 'care' of it >Uzi know just the right way to help thanks to all that pirated "anime" Incredibly based work drawfren!
>>12111 NTA but that's what I had been predicting since the first time I watched episode 6, and while it would have been's also been done to death. We've seen the "Oh no, my powers are....le bad?", "the thing that gave me my powers is just..... le using me?" a million times. It was kind of refreshing to see some characters in a horror story who don't just leap headfirst into tropes and actually use some good judgement and bigger-picture thinking.
>>12120 >We've seen the "Oh no, my powers are....le bad?", "the thing that gave me my powers is just..... le using me?" a million times. Isn't that what's happening though? Those who are "blessed" with the Solver don't seem to be happy with the side effects
>>12121 Yeah in the broad strokes, but once the characters realize shit's fucked they start trying to do something about it. Specifically, we didn't have to watch -that- scene. You know the one, the one where Nori is in knee deep in gore and the Solver is fully in control and she's about to liquefy the one person who was ever nice to her and eat a baby or some crap and then Yeva shows up and makes some sappy "this isn't the real you, Nori" speech that knocks her out of it. They had both decided, beforehand, after learning what was up, that they had bigger fish to fry and they were going to cooperate with the researchers and try to defeat the AS.
>>12121 >Isn't that what's happening though NTA. No. The broken mirror thing is portrayed as bad. Everything Doll-related is portrayed as bad. Uzi seems in control of it for five minutes in Episode 4, before completely losing it. In 5/6, she starts off using it without incident, but that leads to direct possession. Even in the pilot, the activation message was preceded by the failsafe failing. And the entire point of CFL was to investigate that; they had vague knowledge of it already. Sure one could argue that what was bad for the humans was not necessarily bad for drones, but when they're stabbing themselves and etching sigils into the walls with oil, there's not going to be any point where they thank of it as a blessing, let alone a " this was a curse all along" arc.
Hello, I made my little map for my AU, it took a long time, but I think it came out alright, I made it 8K, but it is surprisingly light. I also made a little newspaper page to give a little more life to it, and in the future I will finally start to write greens for it.
>>12132 Something something life and death are a part of the same whole something something we must become whole within the Tao... >>12135 Those must be some real diehard drone fans if they're still using/defending them after the drones wiped out 90% of humanity.
>>12141 Humanity's probably become completely dependent on drone labor by the time of the gala. It would explain why culture and tech have almost totally stagnated for centuries.
>>12141 My idea is that with time there are mainly two groups of people, the ones that started to forgive, and the ones who never did, some making the debate about how drones are not the responsibles but it's an outside force, and others trying to debate that doesn't matter since they are still the medium which the Solver uses to expand and they are lucky that we still have some uses for them and these ways of control are necessary. >>12142 Oh, thank you! I appreciate your words, I tried my best to give at least some little peak into the AU for now that I haven't written a green yet. >>12143 An AU I'm doing of MD, that with some time I want to expand with greens with some stories about its inhabitants and the storms that live there.
Image:172135628159.png(301kB, 1031x1400)Lousia and cyn hanging out ;).png
>>12150 >>12151 >>12152 >>12153 >Louisa was madly attracted/in love with WD!N >She still had him tied up to a tree & eaten by birds I'm glad that Cyn/Solver put that rich bitch in her proper place
Mind half a drawing of V there will be more on the weekend but I'm totally done now, pic rel was meant as practice of her hair only but it looked better than expected
>>12192 >Y is detached from her emotions as a trauma coping mechanism >Her body still shows signs of her repressed state >Her eyes appear to be randomly leaking >She says it's allergies I don't like Kirie or Ayaname Rei.
>Human Y is wearing yellow contacts >Her real eye colour is the same as her original WD lights colour >She smells like cigarettes and vanilla air freshner (the usual game store smell)
I've been thinking about making this thread for a good while, it's not a containment thread. It's just a place to mainly talk about other Liam Vickers works >>12195
>Human Major Y >Her boots are killing her feet >She orders you to rub them >You do a good job >She keeps giving you this chore because of how good you are >You give her advice on boot size and how to pad the inside so her feet won't hurt >You teach her how to keep her feet from smelling by cleaning them properly and getting footwear that "breathes" >One day she pats you on the shoulder as you're giving her a foot rub >"Ze others may call you Quasimodo but I knew even freaks have zer uses."
>>12200 "Tits" is the answer I think. "You. I think you're pretty" is the answer I'd like to vocalize. My actual answer would be "Contacts are making me dizzy" but mumbled and at low volume.
>>12205 I used to like Evangelion. Primarily for it's mecha designs. I was tired of boxes-stacked-on-boxes mecha designs. The implications that passed for a plot were intriguing, and the emotional depth was nice. But at some point you mature and realize that Shinji was a selfish piece of shit who, upon being shown kindness, gets the idea that people will pay attention to him if he acts pathetic. And so he mopes, "runs away" so people will look for him, and eventually gets people killed when he acts catatonic for sympathy. Shinji is a worm, Asuka is histrionic, Rei is a wet towel, Misato manipulates to get what she wants, Ryuko is an educated fool and kind of a snake herself. Mari is wearing glasses. She is my favourite because of it.
>>12209 I don't like "apathy lol" characters. Idk if it is because of Daria or if I noticed it there first. Being unimpressed isn't a personality. Daria/Kirie/Rei/Jo aren't The Quiet One. They are husks. Also it bugged me how Liam framed Kirie's malfunctional mindset as a kid as something unique and quirky.
>>12209 >Frantic, sweaty, shameful sex with Kirie >Pinning you down with overwhelming strength >Biting and scratching you in a way that makes you fear for your life >Groping and tickling and licking at your most sensitive and humiliating weak spots >Thrusting and grinding and clenching with inhuman speed >"Moaning" and "gasping" in emotionless deadpan >Narrating the entire event with stage directions and onomatopoeia commentary >Stopping mid thrust multiple times to confirm if you are or are not adequately aroused and sitting dead still until you are able to formulate a coherent response
I really liked that recent series of U-U greens. Hopefully the brainworms can offer up a worthy tribute/continuation
>It is shortly after Anon's confetti-laden failed suicide attempt >He has spent the past half hour cleaning up all the rainbow colored aftermath from his floor >Although his mind still swims with a torrent of conflicting emotion Anon has at last calmed down enough to start processing U-U's little 'prank' >Between his accumulated anger over their incessant antics & the sudden bewilderment of their oddly apologetic recent reaction, Anon is positively stumped about what to do with them >Suddenly the sounds of a rapidly intensifying argument in the other room breaks Anon out of his headspace >While it's far from unusual for the U's to be going at it (they tend to torment one another nearly as frequently as they torment him after all), Anon can't help but try to eavesdrop with an ear against the door >He is almost immediately taken aback by the atypical amount of venomous vitriol oozing from U-U
>At this point U-U sound like they've engaged in a no-holds-barred brawl >Anon can't help but feel a hint of catharsis over how fast & fiercely U-U's chaotic squabbling has deteriorated, with him even trying to crack the door to try and get a peek at the show >His curiosity however is stopped dead in it's tracks when the crack of gunshots cause him to immediately scramble away from the door & hit the deck >Mere moments later a haphazard spray of bullets is seen pockmarking both the adjacent wall and door, with the impact marks against the wood just barely shy of penetrating into splintering holes >The entire house shakes from the sheer force of the drones slamming, bashing & shooting one another, filling the air with the sharp cacophony of metal meeting metal >Soon the sounds of wet splattering become audible within the frenzied melee, leaving Anon no illusion that literal oil was indeed being shed in this ultra-violent quarrel >U-U's profanity-laden shouts eventually become unintelligible screams amidst the carnage of the twin DD's caught in combat >Anon can only cover his ears and hope that U-U doesn't end up bringing the entire house down on top of them
>After what feels like forever Anon realizes that the house has at last grown quiet >Tentatively opening the damaged door, Anon feels his heart sink into his stomach at the sight before him >Claw marks. bullet holes & oil stains seem to run haphazardly across nearly every square inch of his house >The windows have all been smashed, whereas the furniture has been upturned or otherwise completely ruined >Yet worst of all is the state of U-U >Various limbs, no doubt from either (or both) of them regenerating, are strewn about in various states of damage & recognizably >One of the U's lays smouldering against the far corner of the kitchen, their upper body seeming to have been obliterated by an explosion >Her exposed core appears to still be (thankfully?) intact, although it appears to have taken serious damage judging from the lack of regeneration >The other U is missing an arm & everything below the 'ribs', grunting in pain & barely able to hold in her own damaged robo-guts with the one remaining missile-launcher tipped arm >Anon, still stunned into complete silence, manages to will himself over to kneel down with the last U still (technically) standing >He isn't sure if it's his presence or the programmed adrenaline starting to wane from her system, but when Anon reaches U's side her pained whines into full-blown wailing >Whether an attempt to soothe her or simply stop the crying Anon cradles what's left of the damaged U in his arms, completely disregarding the oil & mechanical viscera staining now staining his clothes >Even though most of her optical bulbs are inoperable, U still tries her best to look up at Anon >U's voice is like a shrill whisper, popping & crackling with glitched audio artifacts >"I̷'̴m̵.̸.̴.̸ ̴W̷-̷W̸e̷.̸.̸.̸ ̶S̸s̸s̵s̵s̶-̵S̷o̴-̶S̸o̶-̶R̶r̸r̶-̷" >"..." >Brushing the bangs covering her visor aside, Anon sees the red glaring text of a [FATAL ERROR]
>Anon doesn't know when he'd started crying again, but he doesn't bother stopping them now
>>12216 It's nice to see my little story leading to more good stories being written. Or perhaps it's U-U, those annoying little shits have their charm. >>12219 They'll come back fine physically, but things will be different. I'd imagine this isn't the first time Anon's had to break out the emergency equipment and help the pair through a full regeneration, but now they've seen sides to each other they didn't know existed. That'll definitely change things.
>>12216 Fucked idea >Because their bodies are so blown apart and regenerating their limbs are growing back onto the others limbs to make one whole being, indistinguishable to either because they are the same but still a mis match of parts from each other >Fucking ship of Theseus but Twins, a right arm from U- growing into the torso of -U. No way for them to tell. Remade so many times they cant tell if theyre completely the same U- or not and they both wonder it causing a feed back loop of uncertainty and doubt which fuels their rage feedback loop
>>12216 >>"I̷'̴m̵.̸.̴.̸ ̴W̷-̷W̸e̷.̸.̸.̸ ̶S̸s̸s̵s̵s̶-̵S̷o̴-̶S̸o̶-̶R̶r̸r̶-̷" I imagine shes trying to say >Im, We are so retarded which means for one blissful second U was disconnected from her twin and felt true individuality until being forcefully reconnected back into the shared hivemind Im not sure why the Solver would make something like U-U its pain. By the way what would U-U look like if they were just cores? I remember back in the day they used to both share one half of a core, or would they have separate cores
>>12224 Think they were saying "we're sorry". The "we" being the most important part here, since it's the opposite of individuality and an understanding of what they are. Maybe U-U realized she hates herself just like Anon, and just tried to kill herself like him.
Sorry it took me almost a whole day, I was playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst right after I made the requests thingy plus I was waiting what kind of requests I would get.
Image:172140214523.png(309kB, 2172x1577)Switch and the clown.png
Fucking finally we're so back. >>11945 Here you go. Also first time I've tried to draw humans seriously and it shows. Probably would have been easier for me if I had a tablet that had a display on it.
I couldn't do the final third request since I don't know fully who that is but thanks to trash now I know and I might give entropy zero a go.
>>12052 >Be suitor >Be in love with Tessa >Be visiting during the fateful gala >Tessa takes you to a closet for 7 Minutes in Heaven >"You go in first, man. I'm afraid of being alone in the dark." >You go in and Tessa locks the door behind you because she doesn't actually like you >The canon events take place >You can only hear all the meat-grinding taking place >Cyn misses you >You come out of the closet three days later, after a hazmat guy checks it >The only-crimson gore has gone dark and stale >Everything reeks of decay >Somewhere in this expired human puree are the remains of your love and your family >Your knees are too weak to hold you >You drop down and dry-heave repeatedly from the stress and disgust >Part of you also died in that manor. Part of your sanity >You become violent. Only anger galvanizes you while in the embrace of crippling depression >You arm yourself >You learn how to fight >You become stronger even as the times grow more uncertain >The robots revolt >Bipedal meat grinders on wings take the fight to the squishy humanity >The streets become the corridors of Elliott Manor >You grit your teeth. Your fists clench >The perpetrator is out there >You rush into the hell everyone is fleeing from >And there, you find her >"Tessa?! TESSA!" >Tessa is kneeling over a dead body >She stands up >She turns her head to look at you >180° >You are perplexed. Your eyes know what they are seeing but the brain isn't following >Tessa...but different? Wounded? >Tessa regards you with a mix of faint emotions >Faint curiosity and faint amusement >She sticks out her grey, odd-sized tongue and licks the red off of her general mouth area and chin >Then your brain processes why she looks different, what is amiss, and you gag >"Oh Jesus!" you exclaim as you bring your hand to your mouth to contain your vomit, even though you are wearing an enclosed helmet
>>12246 >"Futile" the abomination states in a monotonous voice, though it is unclear if it is refering to your gesture or your invocation >"Tessa" squats and launches herself into the air >She flees taking inhuman leaps >A Murder Drone with a bright yellow X above a pair of razor-sharp chompers comes at you >You fight it off and escape into the sewers where you destroy it >You return home and sit there, disgusted and despairing until your rage boils over >You go out again and fight the Murder Drones >You become better and better in skill and armaments. You launch a global hunt for the drone that killed Tessa >You fight hard, which can be said for all survivors in this calamitous time >Even so, even though humanity stood, the planet fractured and parted from under it's feet >Earth is lost >The drone, which you have come to know is called "Cyn", leaves the planet >And so do you >You hound Cyn wherever she goes >Her army dwindles >Finally, you corner her in a backwater known as Copper-9 >Her Murder Drones are almost all destroyed and her fleet is down to one measly pod >You destroy >By now you are equipped with technology that didn't exist at the beginning of the Solver War >Like sensors that detect the integrity of the fabric of reality >Whenever the Absolute Solver breaks through, it takes time for reality to fully reaffirm itself >The Solver literally leaves wounds in reality. And your visor can see them >You land your craft at the Cabin Fever Labs where the wounds are the freshest >There are Murder Drone corpses all over the lobby. An appreciable sight >The Sentinels, an early and most effective Solver counter, are active and roaming >There are strong readings of Solver further below. Something got past them >Which means so must you >Normally Sentinels are not murderously hostile to humans but these seem to be malfunctioning >You could reboot them in Safe Mode if y-There is no time! >Your fists crackle >You charge
>>12247 >Any Sentinel in front of you gets a punch. Any Sentinel behind you is a good reason to run faster >You jump into the elevator shaft and slide down it >Some of the Sentinels can't stop fast enough and fall, almost taking you with them >Once you reach the bottom you discover that the robots weren't the only thing that fell >The elevator also did. The occupants' remains are nowhere to be found, but no human could had survived that >"Drones." you say to yourself and grit your teeth >There are rocks blocking the shaft's exit, but you didn't come all this way through the years to go back to a home that doesn't exist anymore >You punch them into smalled chunks and move them out of the way >The tunnels are dark. You feel safe in the dark >You follow the wounds until you emerge into a vast, underground cavern >At it's center stands a church >The readings coming from there are super high. That means "she" is in there >Your feet pound on the path and within seconds you are kicking the large doors open and into splinters at the center >"CYN!" thunders the voice of a man who is not afraid of the monster >You arrive almost at Cyn's hour of triumph >She has cast off her suit and has incapacitated some other drone that somehow took out her last remaining Murder Drone >The readings correct you >This isn't some random drone. And there isn't only one Solver host in the building either >Cyn, clothed in the skin and flesh bits of your beloved, is as repulsive and sanity-eroding as ever >She turns her attention to you >Despite her ocular receptors and your cataphract suit, she can see right through you >She can see through anyone with her eldritch senses that detect people's real moods and secrets >This is what makes her so good at manipulating and provoking >"Mhm. The suitor-Suited up-In a church. Let's get-married." she says in her monotonous voice and odd speech pattern >She puts her hands against her cheek and flutters her Xs at you
>>12248 >"WAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" you scream at the top of your lungs as you explode forwards as if to catch your own scream >Cyn sees nothing but white-hot anger in you. No fear, but also no plan >Just like she wanted >Your fists punch the air and your feet stomp craters into where she used to stand a second ago >She is too fast to fight without a plan >The abomination holds still for a moment and gives you a clear shot >"Tessa is all around-me. You wouldn't hurt-her." >To Cyn's surprise, you punch her >Right in her smug mouth >She flies back and rolls on the floor before coming to a stop >"She's not all around you" you say with a mean smile at the edge of your mouth >Cyn's X eyes flare with anger >Even among reality-defying eldritch entities, there is a law of existince that even they abide by >There are the bullies and the bullied. The bullies laugh and the bullied get laughed at >You, speck of dust, just violated this law as if you are above her! >Cyn grows appendages that exist only partially in our reality and as such cast shadows but aren't visible >It isn't that they block the light. It blackens while passing through them and falls to objects as dark light >Cyn launches herself into the air and falls towards you, intent on stabbing you with all her invisible limbs at once >"We can have-another ceremony at a church. We can have-a funeral." >You roll out of the way >At first you don't realize what is going on. Everything is happening too fast >Cyn jumped and Cyn landed and made a mess of the floor >You only realize that something is going on when you turn to face her and see the ground splitting in places under her while she is floating closer
>>12249 >You bring up your reality wound vision but it is no use. Cyn looks like a giant ball of fire in it >You deactivate it >Cyn swipes at you and all you can do is bring your gauntlets up to guard yourself while walking backwards to put distance between you and her >This makes Cyn not-pissed off again. The relationship between the bully and the bullied has been restored >Now for her revenge >"Don't like what you see. I have something else-to show you." >Your helmet shields you partially from her mind attacks so instead of projecting things into your mind, she makes life-like projections in front of your eyes >"You have wondered what life would be like-if Tessa had joined you in the closet. If she had survived." >For a moment you get to see Tessa all grown up and smiling. Then you see her naked as the centerpiece of a cum fountain >All around you your beloved Tessa is being degraded by men of all races and ethnicities, even the ones you hate. All of them are enjoying themselves and so does she, but you are nowhere to be found >She is a willing participant, if not an enthusiastic one >"No! NO!" >You feel hurt and disgusted. This pain invokes no anger but only despair and a feeling of worthlessness >Mortal armor is no defense against attacks on the spirit >Tessa didn't love you. She was a cockslut. She was thirsty. Just not thirsty for you. You are inferior to every man you see here. This is no fabrication. These are visions of an alternate reality." >Cyn presses on her attack. It is a rare treat to drive a man to turn his weapons on himself >"NOOOOO!" >"...Yes. Giggle." >*Boom!*
>>12250 >An explosion makes everything stop >Cyn wasted enough time playing with you that N and Uzi were able to recover and regenerate >N fired a rocket at Cyn's back >You drop to your knees and hold your casqued head >Cyn turns towards the traitor and gets Uzi's boot on the side of her face >Uzi flips back and lands on her feet >N gives her a quick "Nice" look, which Nori notices and doesn't like >The trio attacks Cyn and drives her away from you >Their Solver affinity allows them to glimpse her otherworldly limbs >You try to snap out of it and push the thoughts to the side now that the images are gone >You look up at the fight >The little thing goes zoom-zoom, the Worker Drone goes "hya-hya", the Murder Drone goes pew-pew, and Cyn goes non euclidean slurs-non euclidean slurs >You don't know what is going on, but you know that Cyn is being driven back and that is an opportunity >Still bothered by the earlier imagery, you charge and join the fight before Cyn can adapt >Punch, kick, evade, punch, punch, defense, kick! >Cyn is beginning to lose control >Finally an opening! >You punch Cyn right on the Worker Drone so hard, your fist breaches her torso >Cyn directs all her attention and hatred at you for a moment >"Uh-oh." >Her invisible limbs descend upon your body now that you are immobile and break as they deal mortal wounds to your body >Everything happens in the brief moment it takes for your gauntlet to discharge a fearsome bolt of energy that explodes Cyn's back and then her whole torso >With your hand free, you fall down and land on your back >Cyn's body sways for a moment, then it crashes down to the side >You made it! Cyn is dead! The bitch is dead! >You feel so much lighter and happy now >You can't remember the last time you were happy >But now you are. You are so happy that even coughing blood can't ruin your mood >The drones come to your side and kneel down to inspect your condition or to keep you company in your final hour
>>12251 >Oh yeah. The Murder Drone >"One Murder Drone left" you say to yourself as you put your hand next to N's neck and start squeezing >The metal begins to groan and warp under your touch >Your suit amplifies your strength greatly but there isn't much strength left >The metal cracks and breaks >"N!" says Uzi with concern >"It's okay, Uzi." >As you harm the Murder Drone, it looks at you with understanding and pity >The squeezing stops and so does your story >N pulls your stiff hand off of him and his anatomy regenerates all damage >"It's over." he says >Uzi hugs him passionately and he responds in kind >Nori tries to break them up when someone whistles >The trio looks at the hole >Cyn's core crawled out of her blown up body like how J's core left her wreck in Episode 2 >It waves goodbye at them and jumps into the hole >A bright pillar of yellow light launches her core into space >Then tentacles come out of the pit and pull the drones into it >Uzi sacrifices herself to save N >Nori's core jumps after her daughter >"Uzi! Uziiiii!" yells N >To be concluded in Murder Drones Episode 8
I find it funny the amount of homosexuality that these threads have >You are gay >I may have kissed a man, fucked him, he fucked me, and we fucked each other, but I said no homo so I ain't gay
>>12276 If I had a nickel for everytime an Anon tried to make Uzi and a unnamed human child interact, I'd have two nickels. Not alot but it's weird that it happened twice
>>12283 You know I reverse searched that other Anons picture and couldn't find anything. Meaning, that they might've actually drawn it for the threads and might've created the first child OC.
>>12285 (me) I will confess, if they had drawn it, and I'm sorry to say this. I'm glad it did not take off. I do not trust SOME of the Anons here to not make it creepy
>>12293 >Gay shit is more fun to write It is? My idea of fun writing is doing a good job (writing the characters on character and bringing the pieces together successfully) or writing vile shit that garners amusing reactions.
Does anyone else hate the love triangle going on? J is obviously the correct choice for Uzi instead of that pussy N. I just wish Liam-Sama would get this over with, it's been 10 episodes and we're only learning a small bit about The Solver
A reminder to all human personnel - do not kiss any drones under any circumstances. Their saliva contains a psychoactive compound that disrupts the normal functions of the human brain and makes you more easily influenced.
>>12323 >>12324 Nope. Not what I was talking about. There was another one, I only remember it because an Anon kept joking about tearing it's nose off. It was drawn in an "anime" style and I believe it was posted in one of these threads and never again