Does anyone find it a little strange that Nori of all characters had the subject number of 02? By my estimate Doll is the character in MD who most resembles 02/Lauren from Design. >Both had powers seemingly much greater than the protagonist's >Both were aloof/hostile toward the main characters goals >Both died alone and pretty terribly in spite of their superior powers Or am I retarded here?
>>12582 Anon. Even before this board existed it was always somewhat agreed upon that the discussion or posting of other Liam Vickers shows was okay. If this was a something like a Hazbin general then you'd have a right to complain since it would massively be off-topic
I've already seen MD, Cliffside and Internecion Cube, I really want to get into more of Liam's creepypasta works, which stories would /md/ recommend to binge first?
With Murder Drones ending soon, what do you think/hope Liam will do next? Revisit an old project? Or maybe start something new entirely? I think it will be interesting either way, since he'll now have completed his own animated show, he should have an easier time with whatever he does next.
>>15348 >>15501 Seconding Black Dogs. The reason it got a decisive conclusion is because it's the most refined of his early longform stuff and because the fetish crowd didn't get overly weird about anything and scare him away. He knew what he wanted from the start and he executed it
>>17847 >Yellow Halogen got canned for future seasons in part because the incest fetish people glued themselves to it. I don't think this is the case. While there were some unhinged people in the comment section of Part 9, he still intended to go through with Yellow Halogen S2 well into writing Design Season 3. It was just never fully realized.
Stargazing With Murderous Intent [lofi/chill beats] Feeling sick today and listening to this while I rest. The SSTWL medley feels really nice. It's also amazing (to me) that he's able to adjust his music into a different genre and make it look easy. With Di being in the picture, I just hope he has the time to complete the concept of Let's Split Up someday.
Siren I like that it doesn't seem to be native to the arid setting at all. Stuff like tentacle limbs with suckers, fish hooks, seaweed on its back, the weird getup. Like who wears a raincoat in the middle of a desert? It feels like there might be an interesting story route for it to end up in the town of Cliffside, maybe via trains that transport goods from port towns.
>>54471 You could almost do like a carpetbagger kind of angle with the sirens coming in from wealthy shipping hubs. Iirc aren't the sirens in the original Yellow Halogen sort of like secret royalty anyway?
Image:172886611439.png(180kB, 615x783)IC-0N's search history has suspcious gaps.png
>Has the general understanding of what a sexual fetish is >Doesn't understand a toilet I really wish Vickers had put a bit of his 'tism into this to get more episodes out, because I really want to know what the hell she was learning
>>69033 >>69096 >>69113 >>69193 thanks. i like that it has the X eyes design that carried over to Cynwalker. since they're written as 'pissed off entities', i imagine the hypothetical episode they'd be in would push the horror factor a bit more since they're capable of illusion, telekinesis and some degree of reality manipulation (just based on the stuff Liam left on his tumblr on them)
The further into Liam's other works I dive, the more random shit in Murder Drones suddenly makes sense. I'm listening to puppet game and now all the "robots have bio mechanical parts suddenly due to coding" shit has context.
>>90146 The explaination Sarah gives for Ponder's origin, without giving spoilers for Pupoet Game, is basically "shitty coding leads to flesh horrors", which, considering that is also a story where multiple other stories are connected, explains the whole "Solver-infected robots bleed" thing.
>>97405 >Shows the majority of this board's population came from Murder Drones with no/little knowledge of his previous stuff. Well, yes. Cliffside has 16 million views. The entirety of Internecion Cube has 6 million. Even within the target demographic of Murder Drones, that's not an "you've at least heard of this" level of popularity.
>>97367 >>97456 >NTA Makes me a bit sad honestly, really the only place for Liam Vickers fans here...sorta wish there was more people, but I don't wanna turn into /utg/
I've been meaning to try and connect all of Liam's stories into a single uni/multi verse, but I've yet to watch the rest of SSTWL outside of the first two seasons of Design.
>>97937 Without spoiling things, Liam kind of does that for you eventually. At least for the stuff on SSTWL. Not sure how you'd connect Internecion Cube, Cliffside, and Murder Drones, but there's at least one possible connection between puppet game and murder drones.
Would it be appropriate to post Vickers-Like characters that we come up with on our own, or those of other artists clearly referencing Liam? I ask only because I've been working on some drawings I've been enjoying but haven't been posting anything in the Drone thread because it's totally non-drone related. The character is however heavily Vickers-inspired, so what say you fellow Anons?
New character, inspiration drawn from allover my interests, but my overall inspiration is very much from Liam, especially Design and Internecion Cube.
A brief synopsis of the lore I have for her so far: At the age of 16, she developed a fictional immune disease I'm naming Metchnikoff Syndrome. At the time of her setting (sometime in the 2030s-40s) it's incurable and invariably fatal, usually within a short time. It completely eats up the immune system and demolishes the blood's ability to clot. She fights the disease for two whole years, but by her eighteenth birthday shes in hospice care with a prognosis of less than a month. Her family is approached by the Blue Mesa Dam research facility with a highly experimental untested medical procedure. The PREY initiative involves using nanotechnology to destroy diseases, cancers, or replace damaged cells including immune cells. She would undergo a risky procedure with very low survival chances, but of course the family accepted the thin odds. During the procedure her heart stops for six minutes, she is ruled medically dead. Unknown to her family PREY's primary goal was developing nanobiological weapons for DARPA, and when she revived she finds herself property of the US Government. Magnolia is the only current survivor of the procedure, thirteen previous subjects failed, ten had to be destroyed and 012 and 013 are currently trapped in vegetative states. She's been living in her current state for over a year, and is 19 and some months old, her memory however contains large gaps following her revival.
>>144924 Maybe in the same sense that the YF-23 was a real fighter jet. There's only one of her (at the moment) and her health is delicate and costly to maintain, her full capabilities are unknown and still developing. Her strength and powerset are completely dependent on the level of nanites available in her blood, they wear out when used and her body can only regenerate them very slowly, she relies on booster injections to keep the levels high. Without them she's a paraplegic too weak to stand on her own power and unable to maintain a stable body temperature, with just enough nanites to keep her from dying. Fully "charged" with a superdose of nanites she can do thinks like create near-impenetrable shields, molecule thickness whip-like blades that can shear effortlessly through metal, bench press a truck, levitate, and express a Wolverine-level healing factor. These abilities only last as long as the nanite overcharge, and rapidly diminish as the extra nanites are consumed.
>>144996 She would actually be quite shy, she’s a virgin. Two years of terminal illness immediately followed by a traumatic medical procedure, six months of physical therapy and a year of confinement away from any outside human interaction has left her totally isolated.
Im gonna start posting my human Y's here because technically they are not drones. but she is a character in my Liam Vicker AUs so why not. I AM VERY ANNOYED THOUGH as my art quality went from >>144943 to THIS today but whatever.
>>146741 I think somewhat the same way Liam does, I hold onto character concepts for years at a time, rolling them through multiple permutations, adding or pruning things from them, but keeping some kind of underlying theme. Over the past few weeks I’ve been brainstorming characters with another well known artist from the threads, one whom I look up to and whose input I value greatly. Those idea swapping sessions got me out of a creativity rut and spun off several characters and a setting similar in concept to Design or Internecion Cube. I’ve already got enough ideas for it that it could be its own entire thing, I had been fantasizing about a webcomic even, however considering my time constraints it isn’t realistic. Unlike Liam who made his first animations for college and then got Murder Drones as a professional job, my irl employment is totally unrelated to my art hobby and it’s a full time gig. To get the more fleshed out artistic training to take on something as ambitious as a webcomic I’d need to basically put my entire life on hold, which simply isn’t possible anymore.
Bugdrones when someone makes a cool request that interests me.
>>146757 NTA, but remember that a decent number of successful cartoonists managed to get toeholds despite less than stellar interplay between their employment and aspirations (Bill Watterson comes to mind) The bigger trick then trying to carve out snippets of time here and there to formulate a comic would probably end up being marketing it, your art's further along than a lot of people and you'd probably only need to hammer out a truly finished product for a pitch to get funding, with less fleshed out ideas of where to go from there
>>144899 I've got a few WIPs hanging around right now that I'll post too, I'm a bit behind because I've been suffering an awful week at work full of sleep disruptions and difficult, touchy jobs. Here's Elizabeth, Subject 011. By far the least-stable and most powerful of the current five named characters.
>>148991 015 Yvonne, lent to me courtesy of YAnon, his beloved failgirl now has another setting to job in. Second successfully revived subject, notably more stable than her predecessors. Her abilities work much more consistently but are inflexible and her inexperience leaves her more prone to errors in judgement.
>>148993 Final WIP that I've gotten bashed out and even less complete compared to the previous two. Much-loved fan favorite for anyone who knows the PhoenixAnon lore, transplanted to my newest project, it's Marcy! Somewhat the group baby, her nanoswarm symbiote is almost entirely dormant for unknown reasons, she has almost no ability to project or direct it outside of herself, but can use it to massively enhance her physical capabilities. One more to go before I move on to other characters!
>>149751 Glad you like what I've been cooking Anon, I need to make some refinements and all of these are super WIPs that are going to be redrawn over the weekend, but I do feel like I've settled on a set of themes that I like and can draw regularly. More to come soon.
>>150901 Ah, fuck it. Drawing the combat vest is impossible for me to look right and I gave up. Here's where I got to. >>151113 It was supposed to be a battle dress.
Working on a piece starring Kali (Design) and my own character Magnolia (PREDATOR/PREY), since I've decided to refocus my drawing projects down to fewer subjects with more focus on non-drone characters what little drawing I do will mostly be here for the forseeable future.
For clarity, my own setting is totally unrelated to Design and only takes inspiration from it, these characters could not plausibly meet without some kind of dimensional shenanigans, I just wanted to draw them together.
>>186288 Huh, I hadn't thought of it like that but now that I look I can sorta see it, with the two-tone military greens and desaturated orange highlights. It is meant to evoke a military theme, with the various labels and markings implying a sort of prototype state, as well as emphasize her physical frailty with the medical equipment hanging off her like at any moment she might need to be administered drugs with the clasps and buckles and obvious zippers and seams and lack of bulky armor implying that the whole thing could be stripped off of her quickly by nurses or scientists. You can note that each arm and each leg piece has a sort of clasp where the green transitions to black, each of those clasps holds that whole part of the suit on and so any one or all of them could simply be unclipped and tugged right off the limb beneath if necessary.