>>422128 Because sometimes in nature you will find lifeforms that will sacrifice EVERYTHING to ensure they survive and have progeny, even if it means having the lowest standards of living or being fugly as shit. You wanted a joke answer, didn't you?
This is amusing but also kinda saddening, since they don't know its all done to help them from the dog's perspective its just unpleasant things happening whenever they go to a certain place.
>>422840 People should stop buying breeds and just buy mutts, goes for cats as well. The whole thing is fucked up like you say, breeding in serious health issues to animals for coin.
>>422914 is there something about baby roos where they like getting in pouches because they are a species where the mothers have pouches to carry their children in?
>>422916 That seems the most logical reasoning, yes. If anything given the small size they might be an orphan who would still be jumping into their mother's pouch
>>422920 Isn't this from a documentary where they comment on drunk bees? And the guard bees at the entrance respond to drunk bees trying to enter by biting their legs off?
>>422944 The stink bugs we have here make that sound too. Whenever one flies in the room it sounds like an attack helicopter. but holy shit look at the horns on that giant beetle, it looks like it could snap off the guys fingers with no effort.
>>422971 Octopuses can survive on land for a bit, its actually pretty common in aquariums where tanks are improperly secured to find them climbing out looking for new locales.
It appears to be fleeing from the man with the camera so not sure why it isn't making for the ocean. Could always just be so panicked its running directly away from the threat and not making any sort of complicated judgement on land or water being a better chance.
>>423080 Can a turtle even survive for so long in a package like that? I assume if you put in air holes and some stuff for it to eat, it might be able to - assuming he can find the food in the dark.
>>423083 Yes but I would guess that they also rely on sight instead of biting into the first thing that smells right. Otherwise they'd try chewing through whatever gets in the way of what they are smelling.
>>423805 I've learned something pretty terrible about elephants via webm threads not long ago. Seems they don't digest the plant matter they eat all that efficiently causing them to get blocked up. So another elephant will stick its trunk up their arse and root around to help them out, pulling out a big chunk of crap. The other elephant will then eat the hunk of shitty half-digested plant matter to get all the nutrients out of it
>>423901 I mean its not that hard to setup as a photo opportunity in real life if you know your cat has a habit of walking around your monitor and sticking their head out the side.
There's this big old black labrador that lives near me, when you reach out to pet him through the fence he just rests his entire head on the palm of your outstretched hand. It's so sweet.
>>424073 Are you at least getting professional help for it? Posting about your depression online isn't enough and I say this as another depressed anon.
>>424090 Quite an ironic thing to say to a man with a single broken chakra (for real). Also crystals seem to live in your head rent-free. I suggest evicting them.
>>424293 Did you hear about these things taking over some rich peoples gated community that was built on reclaimed marshlands? And because of laws preventing these creatures being harmed the rich people can't do anything to them.
There's a pair of young cats who have begun to regularly show up on the little path next to the local supermarket.
They don't quite let you pet them usually but one time when one was on its own it came over and curled up in my lap, then it began to knead and suck on my tshirt for comfort. It was so adorable, makes me miss living in a house with multiple pet cats.
>>424589 Eh, this one isn't as good as the other image because its so crudely photoshopped. Compared to the dog managing to look so damn creepy just by rearing up on its hind legs >>424586