/tnt/ - Tournaments & Events

This board is for hosting tournaments and other organized competitions, be it either events, contests, or anything where a winner must be determined through votes or otherwise. Just for this board, image duplicates are enabled and the bump limits are set extra high. Roleplaying is encouraged, unless event hosts ask otherwise.

Thread stats: 27 posts, 6 files (6 image(s))

Replying to /tnt/76374
Your introduction into these tournamentsAnonymous
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Because (You) are currently on a board dedicated on tournament autism, I wanna hear the stories on how you all somehow stumbled upon these tournaments
>Which Year?
>Which Board?

I was aware of the tournaments being held ever since the first ms. /co/ but never paid much attention. Though when Spinel won Ms. /co/ 2019 it really made these tournaments gain my interest. That year I simply lurked Mr. and King/Queen /v/.
I only became active on 2020 on the /co/ tournaments and still just lurked the /v/ ones.
2021 is the year where I became proper tournament "obsessed" as you may call it.
I was there when the first /co/ tournament crept it's way onto the board. I thought it would be fun so I nominated Pidge. Seeing Jenny Win was hype as hell. Nominated Jack when the first male tourney came around as well.
I first saw the /v/ threads in 2019, but never actually went inside until the King /v/ 2021 Finals, and seeing it made me say to myself: "Huh, maybe I should actually be there next year."
And now we're here.
I completely missed 2019 /v/ tournaments
Lost interest in 2020 after all my picks either failed to qualify or lost round 1
2021 got me hooked for good and it remains the most enjoyable tourney for me, followed by 2022. Mostly because I only did a couple of edits and screencaps and could just sit back and relax while this year I was constantly busy doing OCs. Grimm is my favourite winner though.
I've always been here, since this board was born.
Competition fuels me.
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first saw them on /co/, don't remember if it was 2018 or 2019 and if I voted
then I remember Bracket Anon making a thread on /v/ for the first queen and king and I remember voting and posting there, I think I nominated JC Denton and a couple of others but I don't remember which
I've been into the /v/ tourneys ever since but I don't really lurk the /co/ ones
I found ms /co/ threads in 2018 I think a in the early rounds and thought it was fun. I’ve been in every main /co/ tourney since. I first went to the /v/ tourneys in 2022 after all the hubbub about KoV. This year’s Mr. and King are possibly the best tourneys i’ve participated in.
This post made me wonder, has Hellboy ever been qualified for a Mr. /co/ tourney?
Made top 16 in 2018 and has failed to qualify ever since then except for 2020, where he lost in the first round.
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>Last time he qualified was 3 years ago
Really weird considering that Hellboy has near endless potential for campaigning and OC. He's unironically a great comic rep to make it to Elite Eight and even taking the crown.
Summer 2020 on /co/. Either the tournaments were mentioned in a thread or I stumbled upon them in the archive. Reading about them fascinated me and I was active in Ms, Mr, Queen, and King of that year. After, I took a hiatus until King 2022 and mostly lurk now, but they're still fun.
First heard about the tournament’s on June of 2019 through a house of mouse funpost thread that had the three caballeros advertising the /co/lympics for September and October. Hearing that it occurred the previous year I was very intrigued and decided to see what it was all about. My first experience was ms /co/ 2019 and thought it was hilarious but mr /co/ 2019 was genuinely amazing and I stuck around since then.
I stumbled upon this during king of /v/ when batter won
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Bump because I don't think /tnt/ has ever been more active than now.
I only came to know of the tournaments during the King of v 2021's afterparty, I finally partook in them proper during the shitshow of 2022. Only v since I think I'm more knowledgeable on vidya than comics and cartoons.
Definitely the most dimes board on plus4chan.
Psyanon !umpn/.DAgw
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Year - 2020
Board - /co/
How? - Since I had to start thinking about a new career after my last one was cut short the year prior, I used Vocaroo threads as a distraction which grew into a hobby. I participated in Ms. /co/ that year, but only as an everyday anon. Eventually, by the time King that year came up, I'd figured out how to syncretize the two.

Four years later, and I can safely say that these tournaments have helped me hone my abilities as a voice actor to the point where I can actually start making some supplementary income. And to commemorate one of my first paying gigs a few weeks ago...
I was aware of the tournaments after I missed the first Ms. /co/ and saw the results, and I only caught the tail end of Mr. /co/ that year. It was much less organized then so I don't remember if we had actual set dates for future tournaments, but I would only know one was coming up when people started talking about it. I happened to catch Ms. /co/ 2019 during the first round and became a Tyr'ahnee main just as the Martians were picking up momentum, just before she lost to Frankie or somebody, and I was there to witness Spinel, but I still missed most of Mr. that year. I made sure to actually mark the dates from then on. I catch all the main /co/ tourneys and most of the /v/ ones. It's getting harder to keep up in my advanced age.
Spideranon !!hAaBXjbZBz7
>Which Year?
>Which Board?
I lurked the board and occasionally made stuff to kill time. At some point, the tourney threads caught my sight and I found them fun to lurk at and draw stuff for(drawthreads were/are absolute shitholes almost never worth looking at). I did vote now and then but never particularly cared about which character won, tourney threads were just insane but fun to lurk in, funpost in and draw shit for.

Then at some point in 2022's tourney I got disappointed when the host put a character wrongly one too many times in the nomination sheet and decided to actually try making something useful out of the programming skills I learned about off and on. Years later and the coding skills developed in trying to help the tourney's run more efficiently led me to change to a better career.
Hold up, you're a drawfag?

Miss /co/

Idk I didn't realize I miss the nominations. I do remember voting foe Betty Boop.
Spideranon !!hAaBXjbZBz7
Well, yeah, never been secretive about it. After becoming a tripfag I even kept it on a few times when drawing tourney shit.
Tho not always since I'm forgetful about it and remembering to turn that shit off/on depending on whether posting in tourney threads or not is annoying.
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was around 2019ish with the butt end of mr/co/ and just lurked until 2020. I had always liked a few personal favorite picks and didn't think much on campaigning for obvious favs. 2022-23 had been most active years on both boards and outside tournaments in terms of drawfagging and writing but I feel like regressing back to doing nothing for a year now since it feels exhausting to carry on unless /a/ or /m/ tournament takes off. too tired to play vidya and not that interested in toons/comics anymore than I used to several years ago.
I'm reposting this comment I saw in the Host discussion thread when someone asked about the NSA drama because it's really funny
>Well you see there are these tournaments on 4chan where we all get together to vote and argue which children's cartoons and video games characters should win. Sometimes we roleplay as these characters and make art with them to get more people to vote for them. Like that one time some guy drew Samurai Jack getting married to Simon from Infinity Train, that was, dare I say, kino. Or that one time Jack Frost from Persona was against Mario and someone drew a picture of Mario and took a shit on it and that got Jack Frost to the finals, that was hilarious. Anyway, NSA drew a dog that's actually a goddess in a muzzle and we didn't like that. She was also pushing and potentially rigging for sme characters and making a lot of art of them, which we decided is dishonest. And we also drew a lot of art of her OC, who we all thought was male, getting raped by various characters, and she got off to it. As you can see, tournaments are very serious business
I find it funny how whoever wrote this down completely forgot to mention that NSA was the host.